The Silver of The Alchemists

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The Silver Of The Alchemists

Dilip Rajeev


Copyright © 2018 Dilip Rajeev All rights reserved. ISBN: 1984022512 ISBN-13: 978-1984022516


The silver sparkles are to be taken from the primordial depths. These sparkles, the primordial seeds, aren’t affected by the elements. The body is dissolved in perception of the primordial elemental, and the silver evolves the new body. The silver appears in the sacral space. As the body is an inverted tree, the root of the tree is where the silver appears. These sparkles are to be used to destroy the world-tree, and transform the dissolutioned into the forming new body. This body, the body of the primordial One is formed within its own space, by its own seed. The sexual act in alignment with Dharma, the Way of the Universe, enables engendering the perception of the One. The rising vital fluid dissolves the psyche and its obstructing layers. The vital is to be thus preserved in the body. The act is to be done such that there is the upward transmutando, and the vital isn’t squandered. The neuroanatomical disruption that results in the loss of the vital is never to be approached. The act ought be ended before that. The lack of perception of the One is the tendency toward the disruption.


The triadic matter has a tendency to obscure itself. Matter within the universe is animated by three natures, an inertial kind, an activating kind, and a pure white kind. The Black, Red, White. All perception of matter in the universe is of the three movements. Knowing these, dissolve the movements by the silver, into the state free of the triadic. The consciousness takes on the quality of the silver dissolving the triadic.


The Vital, is the drink within. The body is nourished by its own milk, the seed. And the white streams form the bed in which the silver is streamed, while the body transforms. The distilled, the purplized, the dissolved is to be thus fed, impregnated with the silver seeds, and the white milk of its own body. Thus the transforming body and the transformed spirit body unite, by virtue of the silver.


Union the White Streams with the Purple. In the Perception of the One, all disruptive factors disappear. Let the Attention be on the One Silver, and the One Purple.


The Vital, is also present in the absolute, the space that transcends the universe, the all pervading, the Brahman.

For this reason the Brahman were labeled the milk giving cow in the ancient Sanskrit writings. The Vital in the Brahman is of a Higher nature. Is Infinite in amounts, and as that is gained access to , it is to be used to nourish the body.


Within the Brahman is all that is needed to form the Body. Everything needed is in infinite in the Brahman. Whatever is taken up from the Infinite, Infinite It stays.

The infinite thus forms in the body as well.


The Silver Sparkles is what the flow from the Absolute appears as.


The Perception evolves the Silver. In perception evolves the perceived. Perception guides the silver. Allow the perception to be on the silver that appears in the sacral. Let the silver sparkles evolve into the bodily streams. The Vital of the body is flow that merges with and guides the Silver. Let the Vital be bonded to the Absolute. It forms the guiding Stream.


The Fire, the aspect of the One is that which dispels the falsities, unites the layers of the physical body, dissolving them - as One. The Fire is an aspect of the One. The fire is not of the nature of the elemental fire.


In the body is that Fire established. The body is dissolved into that fire, and the silver forms it again.


The King of Gods is That which forms on the axial aspect of the body. The thundering forth, dissolving the surface body, and the emerging of the New body.


The King of Gods is as an aspect of

the One.

The King of Gods drinks the Vital, forming Himself. The thundering forth is the breaking down of the resistance of the surface body to the streams.


During the transformation, the body’s food, is to be thus given to the Gods first, and what is left, the nectar absorbed by the surface body. The Enlivened, the Brightened inner aspects are as the Gods. The word Deva, Gods, of Sanskrit derives from the word day, light, divine. The transforming inner body absorbs the vital. The transforming inner body projects the evolving energy on to the body, forming its nourishment. In a deeper sense, the Offering of all Joys internally is to the Self, to the One.


From the Absolute, the Whole is to be taken, and infused into the body, forming the Whole.


The new body is of the nature of the Absolute.


The act is to be understood thus – as the Transformation of the triadic by the silver, the knowing the triadic, while withdrawing to the beyond triadic. The establishment of the thundering body, surrounded by the forming streams of itself.


Union the Distilled, and the Earthen. Let the Earthen be distilled, and the distilled be provided the silver sparkles, through the body’s own streams merging with it. Have the body drink the Milk of the Brahman, The distilled is as an eagle, a rising spirit, of heavenly forms, and so forth. Union it with the earth of own body.


The Purple, The White Milk, The Earth-Body, And the Silver Union All as One.


The space of the work is strictly own physical body.


Strong walls – without that one is just giving away energy. Form own body. Shoot down the worlds with the one silver arrows. Protect the forming, Own body is the space of the work, Guard the work.


The perception when it falls on the transforming earth, is easily stormed away by it. Let it be on the Silver and the One.


Strength, Intelligence, Heroism, Vigour, Will, all these evolve the Silver Streams. Peacefulness, Steadiness, Reason, Immovability, all these are necessary. So is the Warrior Attitude. The world is an eternally repeating pattern, and only the eternal takes form, so the thoughts ought never travel outwardly to where it plays no role.


The Vital Ought Never Be Lost. Disruption and loss of vital re-forms the obscuring layers. Never approach the state of disruption.


Joy, aesthetics, beauteous forms, the indriyas evolve forth in them. The indriyas are the sense and action aspects of the system driven by the inner Divine. The Inner Divine is the doer and the Enjoyer. The New body evolve forth through the indriya generated streams. Nourish the body and the Indriyas. Engage the world with the Indriyas, Not perceiving the transforming streams on the surface, but the perception abiding on the Silver. The forms infused with beauteous patterns are absorbed faster. Joyous and virtuous forms evolve the stream. Strong inward directed Joy, and abiding in perception of the silver and the One, keeps the external from disrupting the process. Along with the nourishing Joy, let the perception be on the Absolute.


Engage in work of own nature, and be undeviated in it. The self is situated in the Brahman, in its own pattern of action, thus action without being affected by the world, is Yoga, the union to the Origin. . The One is found Inwardly, and outwardly. The One is the One. The One is the All Pervading Absolute. In the earthen body of the One, the One is the inner forming body beyond elements of an absolute nature. The One is beyond the vibration OM, that set the world in movement in the beginning. What doesn’t dissolve in OM is the One.


Offer the World Experience to the One.


As the One transforms own body, the One in the earthen body , is felt by the One, as the inner forming body.


While M is associated with the cooling white Moon elixir, O is to be associated with the distilling Purple Sun elixir of the All Pervading. OM the vibration that dissolves everything and Unions it as the elixir into One’s own body, is to be visualized prolonging each syllable OOOOOO…MMMMM… A similar esoteric sound associated with the One is Klim, pronounced KLIIIIIIIIIMMMMMM….. Kli as the distilling purple elixir-infusing, and M as the cooling white-elixir infusing. This is also pronounced Kling. KLIIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGG…..


In Self’s work, be steady. Never moved. It’s own work that traces the way to the One. Beings are established in own activity by the All pervading. The path is traced back thus, in activity, returning the streams to the One. The external reflects in the internal. Expanding forth of energies in the world, in business, studies, whatever be one’s own Dharma, evolves forth the vital internally.


Dissolve the world in perception of The One, project the Silver and the dissolved forms own body.


AS the work involves dissolution of the world, Its often good to hide it from the world, The outward world plays no role, Avoid putting effort to strengthen anything outwardly in the world,


The Fire is Perception of the One. The Fire reduces the world to Water. The Silver takes that water-information, and forms own body, of nature beyond the elemental nature.


The Seed of the One, entering the All Pervading, generates movements that become the patterns of the Universe.


Similarly, Observation of the One is established, And the Seeds risen up from the Absolute, In forming anew the New Body,


The One guides the Silver.


A Deep and Profound Worshipfulness of the One. The work is never done, otherwise.


Have the One Pervade own Body.


The One is the being that transcends all universes. The One is the All pervading, in an aspect of His. Nature is His. The One is Perception, Consciousness, the Self is an aspect, of the One. The All Pervading Eternal aspect emits forth eternal patterns, and that is the Universe. Individual selves are observers in the process. Nature proceeds in her own ways. Nature does. The self observes the journey. It is Nature that offers a path of action. It is the self that enjoins itself into it by being aware of it.


The Atma, The Self is defined as the individual self, the body, and the Universal Self. By the Self, lift up the self. The Universal Self is all the All-Pervading which transcends the appeared Universe. The individual self is to be Absorbed in the Universal Self. That Supreme Self forms the object of meditation, of worship in all action, and in streams of one’s own body Unioning with It.


The Universal Self is from the One. An infinitesimal position of the same essence of the One, enveloped in a form of identity generating factors, is the individual self observing its own patterns. The universe it enters is as a water-space. The five elemental movements that surround it are its own conscious movement’s patterns. It, seeking to express and observe itself, forms the body that does so, starting with the elemental movements. The elemental imbalance in the outward focus, keeps the body emerging again and again in the manifest world. And that body in its cyclic patterns die. Infused with the One Silver, that elemental tree is destroyed, That path to the Beyond Universe ought be sought out in Profound Worshipfulness of the One. The Individual Self is also thought to be eternal. As the fundamental structures of it transcend the Universe-water body, and the elemental universe that takes form.


The body-tree is filled with the Imperishable Purple Unioned with the Imperishable Silver. That body is imperishable. Eventually, the Silver-Purple absorbs the elements-formed body, taking its place.


Repeat any One verse from the Gita, Do so with a profound sense, with the deep sense perceived of each syllable. Do the meditation while walking, white resting, etc. This transforms the body, evolves forth all what is needed from the Brahman, including the One Silver.


The Silver as it emerges from the absolute and yokes the body to It, often takes the form of the Silver Thunder.


Silver arrows destroy all that disrupts, the dissolutions, it destroys, and forms Itself.


The Silver Thunder emerging from the Absolute, Perceived Inside, finds its way through the layers of the body to be transformed, destroying the factors that stand in Its path.


The evolving silver wins wealth. It wins knowledge, wisdom – different forms of wealth. The evolving Silver wins the world. Align with the work of the Silver.


The left nostril is associated with the cooling channel that runs around the spinal. And the right with the warming. Visualize a cooling white moon, the white light is absorbed in the breath in the left side of the head, and a distilling purple sun on the right side of the head, whose energy is absorbed along the breath in the right side of the head. . These two energies union, forming the ideal. The elixir of the Philosophers. Visualization is projecting aspects of the Brahman. The White Moon essence and the Purple distilling essence both exist in the Brahman, is thus taken into the body, and unioned inside.


The visualization may be done anytime. While walking, engaging in any activity, while relaxing, and so forth. Whatever form is perceived by the mind, is projection from the Brahman.


Hill-intervals of activity, involving a strong amount of activity and deep rest enable transformation of the body faster. If any one form of meditation is chosen let it be a walking meditation, as activity is needed for body formation, the bodily formative systems to be activated. Never, for an instant, give in to inactivity. Even deep rest is reasoned activity.


The Pranayama of the Purple Sun and Cooling White moon may be done thus. The Cooling White Moon and the Purple Sun is to be visualized on either side of the head. The Left side having the Moon, and the Right side having the Sun. The Purple is distilling and dissolving in nature. The White Moon is cooling and coagulating in nature. Shut the right nostril with the fore-finger of the left hand, and breath in the cooling white moon light while breathing through the left nostril. Now shut both nostrils with the thumb and the forefinger. The breath with the cooling white that is held inside will enter the central spinal path from the top of the head. Hold the breath for a while. Breathe out through the right nostril. Now the cooling white flows into the right side, the warming channel, Mixing with the purple distilling there.


Now Breathe in the essence of the Purple Sun through the right nostril, keeping the left nostril shut. Hold the breath for a while. The purple essence enters the central channel as the breath is held. Breathe out through the left nostril. Now the distilling purple flows into the left side, the cooling channel, Mixing with the cooling white there.


The exercises of Tai Ji is to be done visualizing , the cooling white moon disc on the left side , the distilling purple Sun on the right side of the body, and movements coagulating the two, moving them to either side, Unioning. The Tai Ji is White and Purple, thus. The White and Purple are projected from the All Pervading Absolute, the unmanifest, the Brahman, by visualizing the cooling white moon and the distilling purple Sun


The Five Tibetan Rites, written on by Peter Kelder enable the inward integration of energies. The yoking of the body to the Absolute and the evolutioning of the One Silver are all hastened by the exercises. Do the five exercises regularly. If a day is perchance skipped do at least the spinning exercise. The spinning exercise involves turning twelve times from left to right, while the arms are extended to either side, palms facing down. The arms are at the shoulder level extended to either side of the body. The spinning exercise described above makes the flow of energies inward and upward. Start by doing 12 times, once a day. Eventually do around 25 such turns, once a day.


The tip of the nasika is where another kind of Silver draught appears. Nasika in a sense is the breathing apparats. In another sense it is the spine, which breathes the Vital. The Vital is breathed forth from the Brahman. And the root of the spine, the sacral tip is rooted in the Brahman. Brahman as that which transcends the manifest universe. Nyas is draught from the Brahman. Keep the attention on the nasika-tip, without the attention being drawn outwardly to any direction


The Spinal is where the rising vital is established.

The Vital rises though the seven centers in the spinal, and touches the Crown where it Unions the perception with the One.


There are seven neural centers in the spine, which stream forth to the entire body. These are named the chakras. These charkas may be bonded to the silver streams from the Brahman, that yoke to the Body to the Absolute. Keep the attention on these centers, and silver that appears there. It’s the Perception that guides the Silver. Let the Perception be on the axis. What is perceived Evolved in perception,


These seven sounds activate the seven spinal spaces. LAM, VAM, RAM, YAM ,HAM , OM, A Which are situated in the Coccygeal, Sacral, Naval, Heart, Throat, Pineal, and the Crown of the Head, spaces respectively

The sounds are repeated in a prolonged manner, as LUMMMMM… .. In AAAAAAA THE SOUND A is as in the English “Ah!”, As in the Sanskrit letter अ, A Symbol of the One, Which, Krishna says in the Gita, represents Him.

The seven sounds can be listened to or silently 57

repeated. And the exercise may be done in any position with the spine and head relatively straight. It may be done standing naturally, with the legs comfortably bent at the knees, the arms held around 12-18 inches in front of the body, at each of the chakra spaces, the fingers pointing toward each other, imitating the spinal nerves entering the spine, and forming an energy circuit. The arms somewhat circular. Adjust the position and the distances based on perception of what evolves the Silver ideally. Coursing the palms up the spine and while in the above described standing position, and having it float down, also establishes the evolution in the central axis. The axis is what endows structure to the entire system.


In sitting cross-legged, as in the ancient Indian Padmasana, have the left leg be above. That is the right on left, and then the left on top of right. Similarly the palms may be rested either on the legs, facing upward, or at the lower abdomen, the fingers on top of each other, the thumb tips touching each other, and the thumbs forming an oval with the fingers. The left palm above the right. The elbows go neither back nor forward in forming a stable circuit. Observe what position intensifies the flow, the unioning of the White and Purple Elixirs. Depending on the perception, the postures may be adjusted. Visualizing the cooling white Moon disc on the left and the purple distilling Sun disc on the right during the sitting posture also enables the formation of the White-Purple Unioned Elixir.


The positions of the body generate meaning by virtue of form. The upward facing palms evolve energy upward, downward facing, downward facing establish-yoke the energy evolving from above-down, etc. The body-aspects have meaning as well. So do positions, the bent knees tend to push the energy upward, as they generate take kind of tension. In deep perception, these ideas are understood by oneself. Perception deepens as effort is made toward progress in the work. The body is also understood as an upside down tree, in the idea that the Brahman is the Absolute, the Highest, and BrahmaYoni- where the Unioning of the Spine to the Brahman is at the sacral space, the lower tip of the spine.


The process may appear as rising Eagles. Purple and White bodies of own form. These bodies are to be unioned with own earth-body. This is done by will. By Unioning the Spinal Vibrations of the subtlized bodies with own earth body’s, as well, this is done. The word OM may the used for the purpose. The Vibrations all aligning to the absolute initial vibration, the initial. And that which forms is the One’s body, beyond the vibration-generated universe.

OM is understood as that initial sound that set the 61

universe into movement. Just as consciousness exists beyond movements of the mind, is beyond attributes of the universe, is just pure consciousness Itself, and is unaffected by the appeared mind, so the Absolute is beyond the appeared universe. The Appeared universes initial movement is from the Absolute, and that is labelled OM. OM is thus a guide to finding the Absolute, which is that which doesn’t dissolve in OM. Evolve the new body forth, by dissolving the earth body in OM, unioning it in that Vibration, to the One. In the earthen body of the One, the One, is new forming body Inside. The Vital, axial flowing is what generates the body, and also generates the perception of the deeper.

In the Vital established, the OM is to be profoundly pondered. The OM aligns the vital with that primordial consciousness. The OM in the Vital and the Absolute being established as One. And the body-mind which all forms from the Vital takes on a diamond-like nature. The Vital itself is then the Vital from the Absolute. Abide for a significant amount of time in the process, everyday. The evolving Silver in the charkas is also established thus. 62



Ham-Sah syllables may be repeated silently in the breath,

Haaaaam, While absorbing the cooling light of the moon, Saaaaah, While settling it into the body,


Usually the Purple Sun’s light is strong once the Absolute is touched and the body dissolutions. The cooling moon elixir is often what needs to added for forming the Elixir. In other stages of the work, the White Moon discPurple-Sun-Disc unioned overlap may be visualized, etc. Or, the Purple Sun, Itself. The visualization is projecting forth what is from the Brahman, and aligning to it – so the size of the disc, etc., whether if it ought encompasses the head, or the head and torso, or is larger, is all to be understood as aligning to the Ideal evolutioning of the elixir from the Brahman.


Ham Sah breathing may as well be done while visualizing the Moon on the left side of the head, the Purple Sun on the right, and Unioned Essences being absorbed in the Ham Sah breathing. The Unioned essence pours axially into the body. In Ham it is take up, and in Sah it is settled into the physical body. The physical body and the elixir are to coagulated.


Natural deep breathing while visualizing the elixir of the Moon filling up the body is equally effective. Visualize the cooling white Moon around the head, breathe deeply, naturally, slowly, engage in whatever activity or rest that is engaged in then.


The Sun, the Moon, And the Silver rising from the axial depths, These form what’s necessary for the work. The nourishing of the Body, the Milk, is found in the Brahman, within the formless All-Pervading the Absolute, itself. The One Seed also manifests as a form of Silver. The Thundering energies, also emerge from the Absolute. The thundering energies breath through the transforming body, and Yoke it to the Absolute. The Yoking is affected at the spinal base, as the body is an inverted tree, the done of the firmament yokes to the spinal tip. The thundering electricity from the Absolute also emerges directly through the chakra spaces.




The Self of all beeings is the One. The Supreme self is likened to the Consciousness-Sky in which universes and beings float about as specs of dust. The Supreme Self abides in the Heart of All Beings. By Intelligence, arrive at the perception of the Self. And established in the Self, transcend the Universe. By the Self alone is the Self lifted up. Beyond ideas of ego, the self identifies itself as that Supreme Self. And every technique including transforming the Body is to generate a deeper perception of that Self, the One. The Self is beyond the appeared Universe, yet abides in the heart of All beings. All beings Exist in that Self, yet that All pervading is not found in anything.


As the Gita says, The Self Alone is the Self’s Friend The Self alone is the Self’s Enemy. The Atma Upanishad says, The Self, the Atma has three aspects,

The Universal Self, The Individual Self, and own physical body.

Integrate the Self as One, Love for the Self is thus Essential.


Unioning. in action that brings joy to the Self, to the Universal Self, is the Royal Path. Protect and evolve own Kingdom. The King focuses on and strengthens himself, and not on the subjects if he is to nourish the Kingdom, the tree is to be watered at the root. Ensure proper nourishment and joys for the body. The Streams of nourishment union the body to the deeper. Beef, Wine, Butter, dark chocolates, less artificial sugars, Natural nourishments, Proteins, including isolates that cover the spectrum of all amino acids, all these aid the evolution of the inner body. Even if a nourishing substance is sampled, its information is activated by the forming new body to further its formation. And while ensuring good nutrition pay great attention to that nothing is taken beyond what amount of it is good. Excess is harm. Pay attention to the bodyresponses as well. Good perfumes, a good environment, good music, all these enable evolutioning of the body.


What is eaten, what’s drunk, is offered outwardly and inwardly to the Self, in Loving Worshipfulness, to the One The ancient form of raising the wine-glass derives from the idea. The senses are to be nourished, the One engaged in world-enjoyment in activity pleasing to Him. The action done, do so as an offering to the One. World-enjoyment, let it be as an offering to the One.


The Verse from the Gita, ु क्लै ब्यं मा स्म गमः पार् थ न ैतत्त्वय्यपपद्यते । क्षद्रु ं हृदयदौर्थल्य ं त्यक्त्वोत्तिष्ठ परन्तप klaibyam ma sma gamah partha naitat tvayy upapadyate ksudram hrdaya-daurbalyam tyaktvottistha parantapa

In the Gita, The first actionable instruction given to Arjuna by the One, Krishna, Has in its sense all that’s needed to be understood. “Do not move in patterns of weakness, O Arjuna, It doesn’t befit thee, The baseness, weakness of heart, Abandon, Rise, O Scorcher of Foes” Klaibhyam may as well be understood as identification with the appeared universe. And there are deep ideas hat reveal themselves in the sounds of the syllables. The word Arjuna, as does the Latin Argentum, derives from the word for silver. Paramtapa is also that which burns the external, is distilled in the absolute, etc. The verse enables keeping the focus from travelling outward, the streams of energy not travelling outward, but inwardly Unioning with the One Self. 73

The Universe emerges as the One fashions a seed and evolves it in a water-space. The One observes the seed. The Observation becomes the All Pervading. The Sanskrit word for Dharma and Drishti have the sound Dhr in them. Drh suggest firmness. What is brings pleasure to the senses of the One, the All Pervading Vision, is the Ideal. Individual beings are infinitesimal portions of the One. The Same One Vision thus enters in the cells, the individual units that forms as the seed evolves. The tendency for the Observation to Observe itself, generates the perceiving body with its senses. The initial movements in the water space as the self projects its own nature, is the elements. The Elements evolves as the self perceives itself, into the perceivingacting body in Nature. The One is the Unborn, Eternal, All that Is, Is Not, and What Is Beyond. As the seed transcends the appeared Universe. The Individual Selves are also thought eternal in the Universe.


The One Appears Again and Again in this world. Taking the Good along. Distilling the Universe, forming Own body. The One ought identify while enveloped in the earthen body factors, oneself as The One. This identification and a denial of the focus going into the world is essential.


Ask the One for guidance and help during the path, Even if it be for the fulfilment of desires, Ask the One.


The One Line,

as a depiction of the One, can be visualized to generate the perception of the One, and to project the One Silver. Visualize the One Line in the Sexual Pelvic space. Abide for a significant while in the Perception of the One. The One Silver Emerges. The One Silver Evolves to the Whole Body.


As the Visualized form is projected from the Brahman, the Absolute, the form of the Line may be adjusted as what intensifies the process the best. Ideally, the form ought be large enough to be significantly bigger than the physical body space, and strong enough to intensify the perception of the One and the One Silver, along with the transmutando of the One Silver.


The One Line In Visualization can be lifted along the spinal, slowly, gradually, spending significant time in each spinal space, as an exercise, Establishing One Silver, and the Perception of the One, in the body.

The form of the One Line is not one dimensional - is that of A Thick Stroke, as if drawn by a brush. Horizontal, largely – though not as if drawn by a scale.


The circle with a dot inside, is a depiction of the One. The symbol may be visualized to project the One Silver. The circle has a thick wall, with a dot in the center. The embryo has a thick wall. Visualize the form in any space where the Silver is to be powerfully projected. Study where when the form is held, the transformation intensifies the projection of Silver, the strongest. The Pineal space , the Heart space, the Sexual, are all places where form may be visualized. Any place of own body where the transformati9on needs to guided to, the form may be visualized. The size of the form may be adjusted, so as to have the Transformation and Silver Projection be strongest. 80

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