The Sankhya Yoga Of The Gita

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Copyright © 2017 Dilip Rajeev All rights reserved. ISBN: 1979056382 ISBN-13: 978-1979056380

sanjaya uvaca tam tatha krpayavistam asru-purnakuleksanam visidantam idam vakyam uvaca madhusudanah To Arjuna, who were drenched in tears, with downcast sorrowful eyes, Krishna spoke these words.


The drops symbolize the vital, which resemble mercury. The mercury of this work is at the profoundest depths of the firmament. Unlike ordinary mercury, it is beyond the elements, and is unaffected by fire. Infuse the body with this mercury by lifting it up in will, and have it axially fill the body. As the body is formed from the primordial seed, the mercury, the primordial seed, evolves into the new body. Do the 12 spins as described in the Tibetan Rites. Spread the arms out at the shoulder level to each side, palms facing down, and turn the body from left to right, visualizing yourself in that mercury ocean. Lift up the mercury in will and fill the body with it, as you turn. Do this a few times daily . After doing the 12 turns, have the surface body embrace the mercury-formed body, and become one with it.


Afterwards, breathe-out slowly, bending the body forward at the waist. Breathe out entirely, and then bring the body upright again. Wait a few moments before breathing in, and then take in a deep breath. Relax, and take a few deep breaths. This exercise creates a vacuum and upward drawing of the mercury, and is to be done once. Physical activity enables evolutioning of the mercury streams on to the surface body. Ensure a good amount of physical activity every day. Ensure an hour’s walk. Keep updrawing in will the mercury, as you walk. Keep the attention on the mercury-formed body, often. Ensure good nutrition. Good nutrition forms a bind between the surface body, and mercury formed body. Virtuous activation of the indriyas, the senses, and the action organs, hasten the evolutioning of the mercury-formed body. Stillness, meditation enables evolutioning of the mercury. Spend a few minutes in still meditation.


In Will and Mercury, the surface body is dissolved. Union the dissolved with the mercury-formed body. The mercury-formed body absorbs the dissolved. The mercury-body forms inside as the system is filled with the mercury updrawn from the profoundest, beyond the firmament. Not the ordinary mercury, but the mercury unaffected by fire. The Will animates the Mercury. The Mercury Ocean exists beyond the firmament, in the profoundest depths. Dissolving away from perception all that can be dissolved away, the imperishable mercury ocean is found. The Mercury is Updrawn in The Will.


The Will and The Mercury form One. The Will is freed from the perishable matter, as the perishable surface body matter is dissolutioned. The dissolutioned is Unioned with the Imperishable Mercury Formed Body. The Will is Unioned with the Imperishable Mercury Body. A process of dissolutioning the forming perishable into the Imperishable Mercury Body is established eternally.


The formed mind, the perishable mind, the psyche, is dissolutioned. The dissolutioned is absorbed into the Mercury body. Perceive the sensations, and the world, with the Mercury formed body. Have The Will abide in the Mercury formed body, as One.


sri-bhagavan uvaca kutas tva kasmalam idam visame samupasthitam anarya-justam asvargyam akirti-karam arjuna From where did this dirt arise, the sorrow arising together with it, non-aryan, non-heavenly, not glorious, is this, O Arjuna. Dissolve out the identification with the world. The identification with the world is the origin of the dirt. By the weapon of non-identification, dispel it.


If the mercury used is beyond the elements, of the profoundest, beyond nature, it is unaffected by the elements, and the dirt doesn’t touch it. Work with that mercury. Let the attention be on the mercury formed body, the surface body observes the deeper mercury formed body, is absorbed into and Unioned with it as One. It embraces the new body, as Adam embraces Eve, and it forms One. The work is also done in the Union. Adam embraces his own wife. Abiding in the love, the vital, and the mercury rises. Have the mercury beyond the firmament rise in will, into the body, and infuse it. Abide in that mercury-ocean beyond the firmament. The act is to be ended without loss of the vital, the neuroanatomical disruptioning that results in the seperationing of the body and the vital. Neither approaches the state of disruption, as the state of one partner reflects in the other. The state Adam needs inside, he engenders in his wife. And the inner state he naturally projects on his wife.


The fire is thus eternally kindled, and the act of love intensifies every time, the mercury kept evolving, the outer process reflects inside. The adept ought never spill the mercurial, nor end up having his surface body and the vital mercurial separated. The surface layers of the mind is dissolved, and the perception of what is, emerges. The obscuring layers re-form when the mercurial principle is separated from the body, and it ought never be allowed. Abide with great seriousness and diligence in this work, one’s whole lifetime. Never being deviated by the world, ideas of the world, or the world drawing away attention.


klaibyam ma sma gamah partha naitat tvayy upapadyate ksudram hrdaya-daurbalyam tyaktvottistha parantapa

Don’t move in weak identification with the world. Abandon the base weakness of heart, identification with the base matter, and rise O Scorcher of all that’s external.


arjuna uvaca katham bhismam aham sankhye dronam ca madhusudana isubhih pratiyotsyami pujarhav ari-sudana

Arjuna Says: How do I dissolution the manifest breath – Bhishma, and the perception of the Universe, Drona, the sound, the drone. Drona’s son is Aswatta-ma, the tree, the world tree, the activated in world-perception, which is to be discarded by the weapon of non-identification. Be beyond identification with the world, be identified with The One.


gurun ahatva hi mahanubhavan sreyo bhoktum bhaiksyam apiha loke hatvartha-kamams tu gurun ihaiva bhunjiya bhogan rudhira-pradigdhan

These principles if I destroy, in desire, then the blood smeared world I’d have to enjoy. The world-process is to be destroyed.


na caitad vidmah kataran no gariyo yad va jayema yadi va no jayeyuh yan eva hatva na jijivisamas te 'vasthitah pramukhe dhartarastrah I don’t see what’s profounder, Winning or being won, Having killed whom I wouldn’t desire life, They stand here.


karpanya-dosopahata-svabhavah prcchami tvam dharma-sammudha-cetah yac chreyah syan niscitam bruhi tan me sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam tvam prapannam By tiny thoughts, the self-nature obscured, I ask Thee for the truth.


na hi prapasyami mamapanudyad yac chokam ucchosanam indriyanam avapya bhumav asapatnam rddham rajyam suranam api cadhipatyam

And what would enliven my senses again?


sanjaya uvaca evam uktva hrsikesam gudakesah parantapah na yotsya iti govindam uktva tusnim babhuva ha

Having said unto Krishna that he won’t fight, Arjuna fell silent.


tam uvaca hrsikesah prahasann iva bharata senayor ubhayor madhye visidantam idam vacah

Pleasantly smiling, Krishna spoke these words.


sri-bhagavan uvaca asocyan anvasocas tvam prajna-vadams ca bhasase gatasun agatasums ca nanusocanti panditah

The moving or the non-moving the wise doesn’t think and worry over. The thoughts do not align with any of that.


na tv evaham jatu nasam na tvam neme janadhipah na caiva na bhavisyamah sarve vayam atah param

These aspects of the universe eternally exist.


dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara tatha dehantara-praptir dhiras tatra na muhyati

The transformation of the body is obtained within. Just as the embodied one in the body abides from childhood to death, and takes on another body, the process is established inside.


matra-sparsas tu kaunteya sitosna-sukha-duhkha-dah agamapayino 'nityas tams titiksasva bharata

Touch the perceptions fundamental.


yam hi na vyathayanty ete purusam purusarsabha sama-duhkha-sukham dhiram so 'mrtatvaya kalpate

In the feeling, be undeviated.


nasato vidyate bhavo nabhavo vidyate satah ubhayor api drsto 'ntas tv anayos tattva-darsibhih

The eternal takes form, and what is eternal never ceases to be.


avinasi tu tad viddhi yena sarvam idam tatam vinasam avyayasyasya na kascit kartum arhati

The imperishable pervades all these. The imperishable is to be identified as that which isn’t destroyed by anything. Destroying the destroyable, find the imperishable.


antavanta ime deha nityasyoktah saririnah anasino 'prameyasya tasmad yudhyasva bharata

Yoke the body perishable to the eternal from which it is, the imperishable, the boundless, and thus, from that, fight.


ya enam vetti hantaram yas cainam manyate hatam ubhau tau na vijanito nayam hanti na hanyate

It doesn’t kill, nor is it ever killed.


na jayate mriyate va kadacin nayam bhutva bhavita va na bhuyah ajo nityah sasvato 'yam purano na hanyate hanyamane sarire

Never born, never dead, unborn, eternal, ancient.


vedavinasinam nityam ya enam ajam avyayam katham sa purusah partha kam ghatayati hanti kam

Know what aspect does it destroy, and the way it does.


vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya navani grhnati naro 'parani tatha sarirani vihaya jirnany anyani samyati navani dehi

It destroys the old clothing, the old body, the old bodies discarding, evolves the new.


nainam chindanti sastrani nainam dahati pavakah na cainam kledayanty apo na sosayati marutah

The new body is unaffected by weapons.


acchedyo 'yam adahyo 'yam akledyo 'sosya eva ca nityah sarva-gatah sthanur acalo 'yam sanatanah

Able to be anywhere, unaffected.


avyakto 'yam acintyo 'yam avikaryo 'yam ucyate tasmad evam viditvainam nanusocitum arhasi

Know it to be thus, be freed of worry.


atha cainam nitya-jatam nityam va manyase mrtam tathapi tvam maha-baho nainam socitum arhasi

If you think it is eternally born and it eternally dissolves, then as well there is no reason for worry.


jatasya hi dhruvo mrtyur dhruvam janma mrtasya ca tasmad apariharye 'rthe na tvam socitum arhasi

The born is firmly dissolutioned, into the unborn, and indeed from the unborn, there is birthing again.


avyaktadini bhutani vyakta-madhyani bharata avyakta-nidhanany eva tatra ka paridevana

From the unmanifest all beings appear, manifest, and then unto the unmanifest they die. There is nothing to worry about in this.


ascarya-vat pasyati kascid enam ascarya-vad vadati tathaiva canyah ascarya-vac cainam anyah srnoti srutvapy enam veda na caiva kascit

They see this in wonder, and they hear of this in wonder, and having heard none understands anything.


dehi nityam avadhyo 'yam dehe sarvasya bharata tasmat sarvani bhutani na tvam socitum arhasi

The embodied is inviolable, And for no being you need worry. The thoughts ought not travel outwardly, worrying where there is no cause for worry.


sva-dharmam api caveksya na vikampitum arhasi dharmyad dhi yuddhac chreyo 'nyat ksatriyasya na vidyate

Engage in own dharma, own work, and be undeviated. Greater than a war as this, for the warrior nothing is.


yadrcchaya copapannam svarga-dvaram apavrtam sukhinah ksatriyah partha labhante yuddham idrsam

The heaven’s doors wide open, joyous is the warrior, having obtained this.


atha cet tvam imam dharmyam sangramam na karisyasi tatah sva-dharmam kirtim ca hitva papam avapsyasi

If you do not undertake this, and do this well, then you will fall into the grave error of ignoring own dharma. Own work and studies, abiding in the profounder nature of own self, evolves the mercurial powerfully. Work thus for own kingdom, and never be deviated from the work. Engage in action emerging from one’s own inner self.


akirtim capi bhutani kathayisyanti te 'vyayam sambhavitasya cakirtir maranad atiricyate

And for a warrior that kind of non-glory is worse than death.


bhayad ranad uparatam mamsyante tvam maha-rathah yesam ca tvam bahu-mato bhutva yasyasi laghavam

The great warriors will all say you abandoned the field in fear, and even those who thought great of you, will think light.


avacya-vadams ca bahun vadisyanti tavahitah nindantas tava samarthyam tato duhkhataram nu kim

And they will with untowardly words say things of you that insult, what’s worse than that?


hato va prapsyasi svargam jitva va bhoksyase mahim tasmad uttistha kaunteya yuddhaya krta-niscayah

The dying aspects rise to heaven, the earth who conquered enjoy. Stand therefore, resolved to engage in war.


sukha-duhkhe same krtva labhalabhau jayajayau tato yuddhaya yujyasva naivam papam avapsyasi

Let pleasure and pain be the same, thus be yoked in war, and no sin will touch you.


esa te 'bhihita sankhye buddhir yoge tv imam srnu buddhya yukto yaya partha karma-bandham prahasyasi

What’s been described in Sankhya here, understand with yoked intelligence.


nehabhikrama-naso 'sti pratyavayo na vidyate sv-alpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat

There is no backward movement, nor loss of effort in this Dharma. A little of this will take you across great danger.


vyavasayatmika buddhir ekeha kuru-nandana bahu-sakha hy anantas ca buddhayo 'vyavasayinam

The resolutely endeavoring are One minded. Infinitely spread out are the thoughts of irresolute.


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