Indus Valley Yoga by Dilip Rajeev

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Indus Valley Yoga

Dilip Rajeev


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The ancient seal Described a yoga practiced in the Indus Valley



The rightmost symbol on the seal Is a symbol for the two halves of the human body.

The Solar and the Lunar



There exists a flow in the human body, along these two halves.

The symbol describes the flow.


In yogic effort, the Absolute, beyond the appeared Universe, the One, is taken as that to which Yoga (yoking, union) is established.

The Silver flow the yogi deals with emerges from there. The plane is beyond the plane of the appeared matter, the universe of gunas, and atomic worlds.



The fish is a symbol of the energetic channels Ida and Pingala going in an 8 shaped pattern around the spine.


Ida and Pingala along with the central energy channel running through the spine constitutes the symbolism of the trident.


Below is an early Chrisitan depiction.


The human central nervous system fishtails into two as it runs downward


In the early Christian depiction, it is Shown by the symbol below, And the circle is the foramen magnum, the opening into the skull.


Other ancient Christian symbols Depict

Two Fish

And a trident


The process of Yoga Involved,

Uniting the energies travelling along these two halves of the human body ,

This is depicted in ancient alchemical art



The union of the two energies, were the subject of ancient alchemy



The sparking of the two energies is symbolized by the next ideogram in the Indus seal



And their Union, which happens at the base of the spine, at the pelvic floor, is denoted by the X- shaped symbol.




escription of

the Yoga


Adopt a posture similar to the one shown on the seal. The soles of the two feet, especially the heels are kept against each other. This is done so as to Union the two energies of the body.

The Unioned energies enter the spine, forming the Spinal.

The heels are kept near the pelvic floor so that the Union is sparked at the Pelvic floor. 28

Another equally effective posture one may adopt is to lie on one’s back on the bed. The spine, natural and straight. Bring the soles of the feet together. And draw in the two soles comfortably a bit toward the pelvis. The ideal position where the feet ought be, is different from individual to individual, and is to be felt during practice.

The soles and the heels are energetically in one straight line with the pelvic floor, and thus spine.


Relax in this position on bed.

The hands may be kept behind the head with the palms crossing over each other in an X pattern, at the base of the head, where the head is comfortably supported. The palms face the head, and which palm is nearer the head, depends on what feels more natural for the individual.

A thin pillow may be used underneath the head, for ease. 30

The posture should be easy, comfortable, naturally evolving the energy.


One may imagine a Silver flow up and down the spine as one breathes. Breathing out it descends from the top of the head, to the pelvic floor, and breathing in it ascends to the top of the head from the pelvic floor. After breathing a few times thus, entirely fill the body with this bright Silver flow.

Alternate this with still meditation keeping the awareness in the body itself.


The awareness may naturally be drawn to the spine, the navel, or the heart, or the forehead space,

A Silver whirl or disc may be visualized in front of the chest or the forehead.

What visualization is needed is to be felt and understood, naturally, during the meditation.

If the attention is naturally drawn to a space, let it be there.


The body is formed of the flowing Silver.


Absorb the awareness into the Silver Flowing from the Absolute, within the Body Itself.


The awareness of everything else, including own body, disappears, and of the Silver alone abides.


Stay in this state of meditation, frequently and for significant periods.


A mantra such as the Gayatri( though not necessarily of the Indus Valley tradition), may be used to intensify he meditation. The Gayatri Mantra Evokes the Silver Sun.




In ancient Sumer were imagery of two serpentine flows being restrained to a central figure,

The symbolism of the trident is found in the imagery,


The wildly moving energies of Ida and Pingala being united axially is depicted in the Indus seal,


The formation of the trident, and rising energies up the spinal is spoken of in, Indus seals such as,

The upright triangle symbolized rising energies,


Ancient Christian writings, say, “Unless you make on the right hand as what is on the left and what is on the left hand as what is on the right and what is above as what is below and what is behind as what is before you will not have knowledge of the kingdom.'” – Acts of Peter, 2nd Century.


“When you make the two one..when you establish eyes in the place of an eye and a

hand in the place of a

hand and a foot in the place of a foot (and) an image in the place of an image—then shall you enter [the Sovereignty]” – Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas, dated to between 60 A.D and 140 A.D. Establishing the two eyes in the place of an eye, is often done by hatha yogis, by either focusing attention between the eyebrows, the place of the pineal eye, or by focusing the gaze at the nose-tip visualizing a bright spot of Silver there, and also by focusing the gaze between the eyebrows.

This may be done during the

yoga described in this book.

An image in the place of an image, is union of soul and body. Also, of the spiritual body, and the physical body. 44


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