Thrive sumfall2014(1)

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Glenn M. Davis, M.D., F.A.C.S. Jeremy W. Pyle, M.D., F.A.C.S. Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons

2304 Wesvill Court :: Suite 360 Raleigh, NC 27607 :: 919.785.1220

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7/7/14 1:57 PM

in this issue

thrive • table of contents



our thriving 6 community maxine ledger ted powell paula macloud

Aging from the inside out

joe vohwinkle

Nutrition through IV therapy

bill lahtinen

refine 19 & renew Options for tightening the skin Are implants right for you?


Identifying a broken bone Eating to avoid type II diabetes

ashley mclean


31 healthy & happy

Loving the skin you’re in How to turn back the clock Men and varicose veins

healthcare & 58 service animals special section: 43 weight & health How hormones are associated with weight gain

healthy 90 community Dangerous insects that can cause disease Local restaurants that embrace the local foods movement

health-related events in the 94 triangle

Busting myths about obesity How weight can affect your emotions Is your job making you fat? The real truth behind weight loss drugs

thrive magazine

Weight loss surgery: options & misconceptions

The causes and treatments of heavy mentral bleeding

delicious 78 recipes


thrive • our staff & credits

are you ready to

PUBLISHER/OWNERS Maureen Powell & Robyn Mangrum CREATIVE DIRECTOR Stephanie DuBois ACCOUNT MANAGER Scott Kaiser Graphic design Katie Hatfield SENIOR WRITER Heather Green CONTRIBUTING WRITER Maria Magher Tricia Cotton copy editor Jessica Siciliano For advertising information visit or call: 919-552-7655 Reproduction of copy or artwork is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved. APPLESEED PUBLICATIONS COVER CREDITS Photography: Shot on Location at The Grand Ballroom, Raleigh Hair & Makeup: Jewelry: Lulu Avenue, Fine Moissanite & Fashion Jewelry, Ann Machost, Independent Style Advisor. Robyn’s dress: Diane Von Furstenberg Maureen’s top: Anthropologie.

As the expression goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention,” and this time-honored saying couldn’t be more apropos concerning the Triangle’s premier magazine, Thrive. It’s All Here

With a burgeoning influx of people, the arts, big business, higher education, sporting, medicine, fine dining and shopping, the Triangle area has been rife with residents who make their homes here seeking the best of all that gracious living has to offer. In living up to its notoriety as a leading destination for the best of the best, we see the Triangle becoming a trend catalyst, or facilitator, rather than in earlier days as a trend partaker. Supply and Demand

What does this mean for our area and how does it play out? According to two savvy entrepreneurs/wives/mothers who call this growing area home, it meant that the time was NOW to introduce a publication focusing on how our area residents can achieve the most healthful lifestyles possible. Thrive magazine brings together all of the area’s leading, local specialists, tools and resources while sharing an informed eye on the global perspective. Fresh, Informative Content

Robyn Mangrum and Maureen Powell have utilized every phase of their lives and what they have learned by sharing their findings through publishing, in order to support others who find themselves in the same circumstances. Their success has most likely stemmed from the fact that the periodicals they produce are always focused

thrive magazine

on what they know best. Their editorial aim, whatever the subject


Ad content is not the responsibility of Appleseed Publications. Appleseed Publications prints articles and features for entertainment purposes only and does not seek to advise readers on medical problems or decisions. Under no circumstances will Appleseed Publicationsbe liable for any damages that result from reliance on or use of the information provided herein.

matter, is found in not striving to fill magazine pages with fluff, but rather by bringing new, fresh perspectives and the most current information that will enlighten and encourage a broad demographic of readers.

thrive • from the publishers

thrive? A Lunchtime Conversation

Connecting the Local Community

Thrive’s Format

And so Maureen, with a post-collegiate

A magazine like Thrive accomplishes

While enjoying a healthful lunch at

career working for House Beautiful

more than just providing readers with

Panera in Apex, Robyn and Maureen’s

and Health magazine in NYC, met for

pertinent information. It actually

creative visions collided and Thrive was

lunch with her friend and cohort Robyn,

becomes a bridge, connecting readers to

born – a magazine built on distinguish-

whose endeavors in the years between

local businesses. In turn, this creates

ing itself from the boring, difficult to

UNCW and parenthood included the

great relationships for the community

read medical journals, with visually

1995 birth of her own Wedding Maga-

and strengthens the area’s economy.

stunning appeal and candid reports,

zine, and later, Premier Baby and Child

Local business owners featured in Thrive

conversations and information for area

magazine in 2002. They discussed their

magazine are confident that they are

residents. In it, readers will find stories

mutual interest in bringing a new maga-

reaching their target audience. Because

featuring people in our community,

zine to the Triangle that would support

of the type of information relayed every

things to do and places to shop. Look for

healthful living by connecting readers

month by the magazine, readers tend

expertise and insights provided by popu-

with all the wonderful resources, goods

to return to the magazine to examine,

lar local businesses, focused on improv-

and services available to them, right in

reread and compare. Even after poring

ing the health of our families, friends

the immediate area.

over it from cover to cover, it is not a

and neighbors.

magazine you simply discard. A Vital Resource for the Triangle

focused their editorial efforts on the

As the Triangle area continues to grow,

subjects which most held their time

so does Triangle pride. Much of that

and interests. Now, with life experience

pride stems from this area’s newly ac-

under their belts, their idea was to bring

quired status as a hub of great concepts

to readers the latest information about

and venues. Thrive magazine serves as a

improving the healthy lifestyles that

“one-stop” resource, providing both new

are obviously paramount to Triangle

and long-time residents with all the right

residents. After covering topics of wed-

information about goods and services

dings, and then parenting, it seemed

for uninterrupted healthy living. Local

only natural that the next frontier would

business owners, via Thrive, are given a

be focused on living life the best way

voice to connect with readers, along with

possible: by becoming the most informed

a forum for sharing the most recent and

and healthy people that they could.

effective information and technology.

Robyn & Maureen

thrive magazine

These kindred spirits had previously

Timing is Everything


thrive • the big picture

the big picture

how to get your best professional headshot Your headshot is your calling card for professional work, whether you are a real estate agent, a doctor, an attorney or an insurance agent. The quality of your headshot can determine whether or not people view you as trustworthy and professional, and whether they want to hire you. Though you can’t do much about the quality of the photo after you’ve chosen your photographer, there are plenty of things you can do to make sure the photo gets you the attention you want. Here are a few tips for how to get the best professional headshot: Dressing for the Photo Headshots won’t show off much of what you’re wearing, but you should still choose your outfit with care. Choose neutral colors that enhance your natural features. Stay away from black and white, which can be too stark. You should also avoid bright colors, which can be distracting. Choose simple styles and keep your jewelry and accessories to a minimum. Leave your hair


down, and choose a natural-looking style for both hair and makeup. Your photo should make you appear professional but approachable. Choosing the Location You can choose to take your headshot in a

Get more


natural setting or a studio. Natural lighting can create a more realistic look, but studio lighting can create a more polished look that is better suited for commercial ventures. Most professionals will need the look that studio lighting can give. However, you may want to choose natural lighting for a headshot that will go with your “about” section to make you seem more personable. Getting Prints The quality of your print is of the utmost importance.

Like us on Facebook to receive daily health & wellness tips. tell your friends to view our online magazine at

Make sure that you get high-resolution images to produce the bestquality prints possible. Using high-res images will ensure that you achieve a professional look for all your print and online marketing. When you choose a photographer to take your headshots, make sure

thrive magazine

that you spend time doing the research to find the right person.


The right photographer can produce a truly exceptional shot – the wrong one can cost you business.




“Our thriving community� is a fantastic section of the magazine that focuses on local men and women who are thriving in the Triangle area and have overcome or are living with an issue that has in some way affected their health. This section focuses on the positive outcome for each individual as well as how they continue to live healthy active lives. Each story spotlights the coping skills each individual applied to their situation and what personally worked for them

Would you like to share your story? We would love to hear from you. Email us at and tell us about yourself or a friend or family member who you would like to see in our next issue. Please also submit a low resolution picture with the email. Applicants must be a resident of the Triangle area. If selected, applicants must be available to have their photo taken at a location shoot.

all photos:

in healing.

our thriving community • maxine ledger

accepting early menapause Maxine Ledger was not expecting to go through menopause at 35 years old. Most women don’t undergo this

Maxine says that she started to hate

they could look at it together for signs

taking her children to their extracur-

of a pattern.

ricular activities, and she became annoyed when speaking to other parents.

“Before I left, he assured me that I

She even hid from her neighbors,

wasn’t crazy and that maybe it was

which had become good friends. She

early symptoms of menopause,” Ledger

says she wanted to sleep all day and

explains. “I was a little shocked, but

just “felt unwell most of the time,”

felt confident in him. My mum went

including feeling nauseous and bloated

through early menopause and has

and suffering from digestive issues.

violent outbursts, so why not me? All I

change in life until they are in their

could think of was getting a diagnosis

late 40s or 50s. The Mayo Clinic says

Initially, she thought she had irritable

that the average age is 51. However,

bowel syndrome like her mother and

Ledger says that in retrospect, she

went to see a gastroenterologist. After

Her daily chart showed a cyclical pat-

started noticing the signs of premeno-

an endoscopy and several other tests,

tern each month, which confirmed

pause as early as 31.

she discovered that she had a spastic

for her doctor that Ledger was going

stomach, though that would not have

through menopause. She began taking

“Strange and confused – that’s how I

given her all of the symptoms she

birth control for hormone regulation,

felt a lot in the early stages of meno-

experienced. She also learned that she

as well as vitamins to help restore

pause, especially before I knew what

was sensitive to gluten, and after going

what was being depleted and started

it was,” Ledger says. “I was having

on a gluten-free diet, she was able to

exercising more.

a lot of depression and feelings of

relieve some of her digestive issues.

thrive magazine

instant anger, which was worrisome


and working hard to find myself again.”

Going through menopause also forced

as I have always been a very happy and

Finally, her doctor told her that her

Maxine accept that her family would

laid-back person. Hanging out with

symptoms were either psychological

not grow biologically. She came from

family became a chore – which was sad

or hormonal, so she saw a therapist

a family of nine children, and she had

because that was my whole world – and

and a gynecologist. The gynecologist

two children shortly after getting mar-

I found everything I did with them to

asked her to record her daily routine

ried at 23. She had her daughter, Kelsey,

be exhausting.”

and symptoms for three months so

when she was 25 and her son, Finley,

our thriving community • maxine ledger

when she was 27. Finley was born with hydrocephalus (water on the brain) and had to receive ongoing medical care for the first several years of his life. Ledger and her husband decided to put off having more children until Finley did not need as much care. Later, they became parents once again and adopted a pre-

“I was having a lot of depression and feelings of...anger...I have always been a very happy and

“I finally decided to let it take its course and not to think about it, as it was just another phase in a woman’s life, and nearly every woman experiences it,” she shares. “It was a rite of passage that Mother Nature felt I needed to take.”

laid-back person.”

cious 9-year-old boy, David.

Now 41, Ledger says she focuses on says. “I was now unable to have more

creating balance with a healthy diet

At some point, Maxine and her hus-

children or would have extreme dif-

and regular exercise.

band planned to have more biological

ficulty getting pregnant and it would

children. However, learning that she

probably be very expensive.”

was going through menopause put an end to those plans.

and it has become my mantra,” she With time and the care of her doctor,

says. “I am happy, healthy and able

Maxine has come to accept her

to enjoy my family more than I ever

early menopause.

thought possible.”

thrive magazine

“I felt a hole, a big gaping hole,” she

“I have learned the art of moderation,


our thriving community • ted powell

a new

thrive magazine



Ted Powell never had any major

He was so healthy that he even went

“After doing an EKG, my doctor im-

health problems until he was 63. He

25 years without so much as a physi-

mediately sent me to a cardiologist,”

was the type of guy who stayed busy

cal. It was only at his wife’s insistence

Powell said. “After several more tests,

working as an architect, a general

that he finally went in for a checkup in

he admitted me to the hospital for one

contractor and a real estate devel-

October 2010. If he had not gone in for

final test, which resulted in a five-

oper, focusing primarily on shopping

that checkup, he probably would not be

way bypass the next morning. They

centers and office buildings.

here today.

couldn’t believe that I was still alive.”

our thriving community • ted powell

Heart bypass surgery like the one

my mental attitude,” he said. “Having

past health issues to control my life,

that Powell received is performed in

come so close to death, I no longer fear

and although I may not treat my body

response to blocked arteries in the

it. Each night, I thank God for another

with the respect that I should, I do

heart. Arteries carry blood to the

day and ask that I wake up in the

with regard to my mind.”

heart, but they can become blocked by

morning, but accept that I may not. If

an accumulation of plaque. The buildup

not, I have had a wonderful life with

Powell will be 67 in July, and he says

of plaque can be caused by genetics or

much to be thankful for.”

that his surgery and his health scare

by lifestyle choices such as smoking,

have taught him to value each day that

eating a high-fat diet or remaining

The year after his surgery, Powell

he has and to do as much as he can.

sedentary. When the arteries become

retired from his real estate work. The

He says that the thing he has learned –

blocked, a potentially deadly heart at-

year after that, he decided to start

and the advice he would give to others

tack can result.

a new career and bought the Niche

– is to “Live each day as if it may be

Wine Lounge in Holly Springs. He

your last – one day it will be!”

Bypass surgery involves grafting a ves-

remains active as the owner and

sel from another part of the body onto

operator, and he uses the space to give

the heart and arteries to help blood

back when he can.

flow around the blocked artery into the heart. Because Powell needed five bypasses, it meant that multiple arteries and arterial branches were blocked. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that about 600,000 people die of heart disease every year in the United States, accounting for

“The Niche has given me the means to give back by hosting many charity events,” he explains. “We have raised thousands of dollars for various causes in hopes that we can help some who have not been as fortunate.”

about one out of every four deaths. The CDC estimates that 395,000 bypass

Powell also spends as much time as he

surgeries are performed each year in

can with his family, which includes his

the United States.

two daughters, Erin and Melissa; his brother, Bob; and his mother, who is

For Powell, the surgery was about more than a statistic.

92. He says he’s also learning how to

what do the different terms for bypass surgery mean? You may hear bypass surgery referred to by different names. Coronary artery bypass graft surgery, or CABG (pronounced “cabbage”), is one common term. This term accurately describes exactly what the surgery accomplishes: grafting (or sewing) a new blood vessel to a heart artery to re-route blood flow around a blockage. You will also hear CABG referred to simply as bypass surgery, and you have probably heard the term open-heart surgery. That is because the procedure is an open-chest operation, where the heart surgeon makes an incision in the chest, opens the sternum (or breastbone), and makes an incision in a membrane

make the most of the time he has.

around the heart to expose the heart for the

“Life is good! I have many new friends

procedure. You have also probably heard

“Not only did it change me physically,

and receive the gift of new ones almost

the terms double or triple bypass or even

but it also had a profound impact on

every day,” he said. “I do not allow my

that needed to be bypassed with grafts.

thrive magazine


quadruple or quintuple bypass. These terms refer to the number of heart arteries


our thriving community • paula macloud

the unexpected


Broken hips are typically thought

hospitalized, disabled or hampered by

Paula Macloud learned that lesson the

to be the purview of the elderly.

mobility issues as a result of breaking a

hard way. The 47-year-old mother of

Over a lifetime, bones may lose

hip each year.

two was training for her first 5K run

their density and become weaker, contributing to a greater risk of

However, broken hips aren’t just a

when she started suffering from hip

broken bones in general.

grievance for the aging. People of all

pain. She thought that she had pulled

ages can suffer a broken hip, and there

her left hip flexor and treated it with

A study published in the medical

are many reasons for a break besides

ice and ibuprofen. After a few days

journal American Family Physician

bone weakness.

with no improvement, she went to an

thrive magazine

reported that 300,000 people are


just before Thanksgiving last year

urgent care center.

our thriving community • paula macloud

“The doctor went through a series of

thigh, outer thigh and the groin. Any

weakened from the repeated stress of

range of motion moves and felt confi-

attempt to flex or rotate the hip will

running, and then she fell directly on

dent that I had pulled the hip flexor,”

result in significant pain.

her hip shortly after.

x-ray was necessary. He recommended

The morning after Macloud broke her

Macloud says that physical therapy

using crutches and continuing with

hip, she went to Triangle Orthopaedic

helped her, but that she still has some

the ice and ibuprofen.”

Urgent Care. It was there that an x-ray

pain due to the pin in her hip being

confirmed that the hip was broken.

placed too close to the skin. It hurts

she says. “He didn’t even think that an

Macloud said she used the crutches for

her so much that she often limps. Next

the next two weeks. Then one night,

Doctors referred Macloud to a

month, she will return to the specialty

one of the crutches became caught in

specialty hospital, where her broken

hospital to have the pin removed.

the leg of a chair, and she fell hard on

hip was pinned in place.

the tile floor in her kitchen. She landed right on her injured hip.

Recovery was long and involved. Macloud says she used a walker for

“I look forward to building that muscle back and returning to normal,” she said.

Though she was in pain, she just asked

two months, only putting down her

her husband to help her into bed so she

left leg for touch guidance. After that,

Macloud is also looking forward to

could rest. However, she says as she

she started physical therapy and used

beginning her graduate program in

was rotating from front to back while

a cane for two weeks. She went to

Interactive Media at Elon University

settling into bed, the hip broke.

physical therapy once a week for

in July. She enjoys spending time with

two months.

her two sons, who are 19 and 28, as

“After the initial pain, I just asked my husband for a muscle relaxer and to elevate my leg,” Macloud says. “At this point, he still thought the muscle was injured. I knew it was worse than that, but I just didn’t have the energy to say different.”

well as her 5-year-old granddaughter. A bone density scan showed that Macloud’s bones were normal for her

For others who may experience the

age. Her broken hip was caused by

symptoms of a broken hip, Macloud

a stress fracture from running. The

stresses one crucial piece of advice:

American Academy of Orthopaedic

“When in doubt, get the x-ray.”

Surgeons says that hip fractures most commonly occur as a result of a fall directly on the hip, but that stress in-

The American Academy of Orthopaedic

juries can weaken the bone and make

Surgeons says that the symptoms of a

a break more probable. In Macloud’s

broken hip include pain in the upper

case, her bones were most likely thrive magazine


healthy community • joe vohwinkle


the weight problem Like so many others, Joe Vohwinkle

thrive magazine

The problem with American’s growing waistline is no secret. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that at least two-thirds of Americans are considered either overweight or obese, with one-third considered obese. This weight gain isn’t just a cosmetic issue; it can also increase the risk for serious health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.


experienced his weight gain gradually and in phases. He says that he put on the “Freshmen 15” in college and never lost it. Then he got a desk job – and has continued to work a sedentary job in the high tech industry ever since. Then, he put on sympathy weight when his wife got pregnant – twice. Again, he never lost it. Then middle age hit.

healthy community • joe vohwinkle

“I had never been really athletic, but

What finally made the difference was

“Overall, I feel my current lifestyle

when the waistline on my pants was

going to see a naturopathic practitio-

is much more balanced than it was

measurably longer than the length,

ner, which Vohwinkle did at the in-

before. I have my yoga, cardio and

I finally decided to take real action,”

sistence of his wife. The naturopathic

strength-training routines, and I have

Vohwinkle said. “I did not like the way

practitioner didn’t focus on limiting

started adding in Pilates. On the diet

any of my clothes fit. If they were not

food intake, but on the quality of foods

side, just making the decision to avoid

too tight, they just looked sloppy.”

eaten. One suggestion that worked was

gluten forces you to re-assess your gen-

to eleminate gluten.

eral eating choices and move to more

Since he knew that he wasn’t a “carrots

healthy, fresh options.”

and celery person,” Vohwinkle didn’t try to go on a restrictive diet. Instead, he focused on getting to the gym more often and slowly getting healthy.

“ov er a ll , i feel m y c urren t life s t y le is muc h more ba l a nc ed

“It took me about two years of making myself go before I got to the point

Even some frozen foods have ingredients with gluten in them, so eating a gluten-free diet requires eating a lot of fresh vegetables and lean proteins. Vohwinkle says that he

t h a n i t wa s before .”

enjoys some gluten-free crackers and

where I looked forward to getting my

pastas, but he’ll have to cut them out

exercise in,” he said.

if he wants to break through his “I decided to give it a try one day and

current plateau.

Though he was feeling healthier, he

specifically avoided all foods with

wasn’t losing weight.

gluten,” Vohwinkle said. “The next

He added, “It may sound trite,

day (just 24 hours without eating any

but this is a lifestyle choice. When

“Exercise helped hold the line, but it

gluten), I woke up feeling better than

you’re doing it for someone else, it is

is a double-edged sword,” Vohwinkle

I could remember waking up in a long

nearly impossible. Once you make

explained. “The more I work out, the

time. This was enough to have to try it

it for yourself, it really is not difficult

more calories I burn, the hungrier I

for a longer period of time.”

to continue. Do I miss a good, greasy

am, the more food I eat. Exercising

pepperoni pizza on occasion? Yes;

more and harder felt good, but it didn’t

Between eating a gluten-free diet and

and when I really do, I splurge and

really help me lose the weight.”

trying a new migraine treatment, Vo-

have some, but this is now once

hwinkle started actively losing weight.

every few months and not weekly.

His problematic snoring even stopped.

I still am not quite where I want

Vohwinkle was also taking a medication for migraines that suppressed

to be, but I have made significant Now, at 51, Vohwinkle who is happily

take off the weight. In fact, even with

married with two beautiful, grown

cardio, strength training and yoga,

daughters, says that he feels better

Vohwinkle was slowly gaining weight.

than he ever has.


thrive magazine

his metabolism, making it harder to


our thriving community • ashley mcqueen

never let THEM see you sweat!

When you get hot, you may get unsightly sweat marks under your arms or on your back, causing you some embarrassment. You may go to great lengths to try to hide your sweat by either covering up with other clothes or avoiding situations where you will get too hot. Imagine if you had to deal with

stains on my shirts. I would sweat

prescription medications, but nothing

constantly, even when I was not ex-

worked. Ultimately, she had to do

ercising or nervous and even when it

what many others who suffer from

was cold outside.”

hyperhidrosis have to do: Undergo medical treatment.

The condition was especially problematic for McQueen, who held customer

Though surgical interventions are

service positions such as working as a

available to destroy the sweat glands

hairstylist and then working at Wake

or to remove them, McQueen chose

Med. “I was dealing with the public,

a non-invasive procedure known as

so it was embarrassing to have big

MiraDry, which was referred to her by

sweat stains on all my clothes.”

Dr. Hren at Cary Dermatology. “The treatment itself was not terrible

excessive sweat even if it wasn’t hot outside. Maybe just sitting in a board-

McQueen suffered from what is

at all,” McQueen says, describing it as

room, you get wet marks under your

known as hyperhidrosis, or exces-

painless and easy.

arms. Maybe you are on a first date

sive sweating. Hyperhidrosis can be a

and sweat starts to pour down your

general problem, or it can appear on

To start, McQueen said that a fake

back. No matter what you do, you

specific parts of the body, such as the

tattoo was placed on her armpits

can’t stop the sweat from appearing.

underarms or groin area. The condi-

to guide the procedure. She then

tion can be inherited, or it

received injections to numb the area,

can be brought on by other health

ensuring that the procedure was

conditions, such as thyroid disorders

pain-free. McQueen described

or diabetes.

getting the injections as “the only

That’s exactly what happened to Ashley McQueen.

uncomfortable part.”

thrive magazine

“I started having problems with


excessive sweating of my underarms

Those who suffer from hyperhidrosis

in middle school,” she says. “It was

aren’t able to treat it with deodorants

The procedure itself involves using

so embarrassing. I would wear big

or other over-the-counter remedies.

a small microwave “gun” that emits

sweatshirts and jackets even when it

McQueen says she tried everything

5800 MHz wavelength of energy to

was hot to hide the sweat marks and

from clinical strength deodorants to

the area to destroy the sweat glands

our thriving community • ashley mcqueen

permanently. No incisions are made.

the underarm region, which is about

McQueen, who is now 30, now works

“That’s it really. That easy,” McQueen

2 percent of the body’s total sweat

at Cary Dermatology and is part of

shares. “There was no down time. The

glands. The procedure can reduce

helping others who suffer from skin

next day, I was swollen and tender

sweat volume as much as 82 percent –

conditions. She also has fun spend-

under my arms, but not painful or

which is significant for a person who

ing time with her husband and her

bothersome in any way. After the

is experiencing excessive sweating.

3-year-old son – and she doesn’t have

swelling subsided, I had lumpiness

to worry about excessive sweat. “The results have been life changing

under my left arm. This took about

for me,” McQueen explains. “I am

“I would recommend this treat-

two months to go away, but it wasn’t

much more confident in nervous situ-

ment to everyone and anyone who

anything bothersome.”

ations and in everyday life. I can wear

is bothered by underarm sweating,”

clothes and outfits that I never would

McQueen says. “I would tell them to

McQueen says the procedure had the

have worn before the procedure. I still

stop wasting their money and time on

“added bonus of a decrease in under-

have very mild sweating, but I would

deodorants and medications that do

arm hair. So much less shaving!”

say that I sweat like a ‘normal person.’

not work.”

MiraDry is said to be able to destroy

I wear regular deodorant now, and I

as many as 30,000 sweat glands in

stay dry.”

thrive magazine

and some slight residual numbness


our thriving community • bill lahtinen

getting rid of

vein pain

Bill Lahtinen has spent a lot of time traveling, both for his job and for fun. With his work as a systems engineering manager, Bill has traveled around the country and the world. At one point, he was even to California and Washington state three to four times a year. Bill and his wife Elaine love to travel

Over time, the problem got worse.

In January 2008, Lahtinen had a

Lahtinen says that he would often ski

bypass operation, and that made him

near his house before going to work

more aware of and concerned about

and in the evenings, but after awhile,

his circulatory problems. He started

“my right leg would become uncom-

exercising five to six days a week at

fortable and tired very quickly, and

the gym in his neighborhood in the

was more prone to cramps. If I

Chapel Ridge development in Chatham

bumped the leg, it would really hurt.

County. A regular in the exercise room

Surprisingly, I had varicose veins only

noticed his varicose veins and told him

in my right leg.”

about new treatments. He made an appointment at the Carolina

together as well. They have been to 47 of the 50 states, as well as every conti-

Lahtinen says he tried managing the

nent except Antarctica.

problem by not sitting or standing still for long periods. If he was driving

“I had laser ablation to close the deep

When he first started having problems

long distances, he made a point to stop

vein, and ultrasound-guided foam

with varicose veins, Lahtinen, who is

every two hours or so. If he was flying,

sclerotherapy to treat the tributary

almost 70, assumed it was because of

he tried to get an aisle seat so that he

branches,” he explains. “Each treat-

all the traveling he was doing and the

could easily get up and walk during

ment took less than an hour. After

long periods of inactivity that accom-

the flight. He would also schedule

the laser ablation treatment, my only

panied extended flights.

connecting flights, if possible, so that

restriction was no heavy lifting. After

he could break the trip up and walk

the sclerotherapy, I needed to lie with

during layovers.

my leg elevated for 15 minutes. I also

“My first problem surfaced in 1989 after a week-long business trip to Australia,” Bill says. “I developed a

needed to wear a compression stocking

His efforts didn’t work.

thrive magazine

for three days after the laser ablation and for a day after the sclerotherapy.”

blood clot in my right leg. Either I


Vein Institute.

misunderstood, or they did not explain

“Finally, the veins became the ‘classic’

that it was due to a varicose vein deep

varicose veins. My right leg looked like

Overall, Lahtinen went in for five treat-

in my leg. I had no visible outward signs

winding mountain roads or swollen,

ments over the course of nine months.

of what I thought were varicose veins.”

twisted streams,” he says.

He shares that the treatment only

our thriving community • bill lahtinen

it out due to scheduling conflicts.

lasted so long because he had to draw

“I am very pleased with how the treatments turned out,” he says. “Now that the discomfort is gone, I realized how often I had discomfort. My right leg does not tire as it did before. A bonus, as another one of my exercise mates put it, is I now have ‘pretty legs.’” Now, 25 years after he first noticed problems with his legs, Lahtinen wishes that he had gotten treatment sooner. “My advice is get it done early,” he says. “I allowed my problem to go untreated for far too long. The procedure is almost pain-free. I have had more discomfort having my teeth cleaned.” Bill adds that Medicare and his insurance mostly covered the procedure. He only had to pay for his deductible. Now Lahtinen is enjoying his time traveling with his wife, visiting his four children and four grandchildren, and practicing his hobby of woodworking. His specialties include toy boxes, tables, rocking horses and picture frames for his wife, who is a thrive magazine

retired professional photographer.


your healthy body • sugary drinks

sugary poison: how soda and other sugary drinks may be undermining your health An ice-cold soda is a refreshing treat on

Immune System

A recent study from the University of

a hot, summer day. Yet many of us don’t

All the sugar contained in soda and

Minnesota showed a 78 percent in-

drink sodas as treats. Instead, they are

other sweet drinks can negatively af-

creased risk of breast cancer in women

a feature at every meal. Some people

fect the way your body handles insulin.

who drank a lot of sweet sodas. The

wake up with a can of soda instead of a

The sugar spike can make your body

risk was attributed to the way sugar

cup of coffee or a healthy breakfast.

produce too much insulin and can

influences insulin production, which

make many of the processes of your

can also influence hormones.

However, too many sodas can be bad

body resistant to the effects of insulin.

for your waistline and your health. But

Other health risks associated with

don’t think that you’re immune if you

One side effect of this process is that

the consumption of soda and

don’t drink soda: Sugary drinks like

your immune system is weakened.

sugar drinks include kidney dam-

juice and lemonade can have the same

With a weakened immune system, you

age, skin damage and cavities.

negative impact.

are not just at greater risk of minor ill-

Weight Gain and Obesity

nesses like the cold and flu, you are also

In most cases, if you drink a soda or

at risk of developing serious disease.

two a week, or you enjoy the

One of the most immediate impacts of

occasional glass of juice or

soda and sugary drinks is they cause

Many sodas and sugary drinks are also

punch, you have no need

weight gain and even increase the risk

sold in plastic containers that contain

to worry. However,

of obesity. There are about 44 grams

bisphenol A, which is known to disrupt

it can be easy to

of sugar in the average 20-ounce soda

the immune system.

drink more of

thrive magazine

and about 180 calories. Juices and


these sweet and

other sugary drinks have similar pro-

Other Health Risks

tasty drinks than we

files. At the same time, these drinks

Studies have shown that soda and

intend, and too much

are nutritionally empty. Unless you

other sugary drinks can have a number

can lead to potentially

squeeze the juice yourself, these drinks

of negative influences on your health.

devastating health con-

are made of sugar and flavorings. Fo-

The excess sugar consumption can lead

sequences. Just make

cus on getting your calories from foods

to an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes,

sure that you keep a close

that are rich in nutrients instead.

which can lead to an increased risk of

eye on how much you are

heart problems, as well. Studies have

drinking, and save sodas

If you are struggling with your weight,

shown that even in those who don’t

and other sugary drinks for

simply cutting out soda and other sug-

develop diabetes, drinking soda and

treats. If it’s too difficult to

ary drinks may be enough to help you

other sugary drinks alone can increase

keep track, just limit them to

drop a few pounds.

the risk of cardiovascular problems,

special occasions.

including heart attack and stroke.

{ refine & renew }

the latest in plastic surgery & aesthetics

refine & renew • skin after surgery


for tightening the skin on your


Our e x per t: Jer em y W. P y le MD b oa r d c er t if ied pl a s t ic sur geon of Dav i s pl a s t ic sur ger y

Losing weight isn’t your only focus when

who prefer a non-invasive option,

tummy tuck and a lipoabdomino-

trying to get the body of your dreams.

body contouring can be used around

plasty, with the main difference being

Sometimes, no matter how much you

the breasts, abdomen, arms and legs.

how much tissue is removed. Mini

diet or exercise, you still have loose skin

CoolSculpting is a popular non-inva-

tummy tucks target small bulges

hanging off your arms and tummy. Most

sive procedure because it offers the

caused by a separation of the

people experience this excessive loose

least amount of down time. However,

abdominal muscles, while standard

skin after pregnancy or after losing a

Pyle notes, the results are not as

and extended tummy tucks take out

significant amount of weight in a short

dramatic as surgical options.

more tissue and leave a larger scar.

period of time.

A lipoabdominoplasty includes “The most powerful tool we have to

removal of fat around the sides and

“In each case, it is an individual’s

treat extra skin or fat and muscle

the back at the same time as the

story that guides the decision-making

weakness is surgical excision,” Pyle

tummy tuck, providing a more

process,” says Dr. Jeremy Pyle of

says. “The tradeoff with these

comprehensive solution.

Davis Plastic Surgery. “Children are

operations is removal of skin and fat

wonderful, but they are hard on a

but the addition of a scar. Results can

“Adding liposuction can mean the

woman’s body. In the same way, car-

be stunning, however, when the

ability to correct the entire trunk,

rying extra weight around for years

right operation is matched to the

front and back, to get the thin, flat

causes irreversible changes. Regard-

right problem.”

and tight abdomen that people want,”

thrive magazine

less of the cause, a person’s unhappi-


Pyle says.

ness with a certain part of their body

For women who have had a child, a

provides me, the surgeon, with an

tummy tuck is a popular procedure.

Those who have lost a lot of weight in

opportunity to help.”

Pyle notes that there are actually

a short period of time may also expe-

many variations on the procedure,

rience loose skin around the arms. In

A variety of options are available for

including a mini tummy tuck, a

that case, a brachioplasty, or arm lift,

treating the excess skin. For those

standard tummy tuck, an extended

may be able to help.

refine & renew • skin after surgery

“This is one of those operations that can make things dramatically different in clothes and solves the problem of hanging arm skin better than anything else we have access to,” Pyle explains. “For folks in whom the hanging skin prevents them from enjoying the warmer weather, this can be life-changing.” Because these are invasive procedures, downtime can take a couple of weeks, depending on the extent of the operation. However, Pyle argues that the tradeoff is worth it.

“I sometimes have to talk people out of seeking only quick-recovery options,” he says. “These are life-changing operations. I don’t want to help just a little. I want to help a lot. The trade off is that the recovery isn’t two days and back at it for most people.” The cost for treatment varies according to the type of surgery chosen, and insurance typically does not cover the cost. In some cases, insurance may cover a procedure if the issue is shown to present health problems. “It’s my job as a guide to help match what a person wants with a surgical option that will get them there,” Pyle shares, including discussing financial dependent upon that ability to match expectations to a treatment plan.”

thrive magazine

options. “Outcomes are 100 percent


refine & renew

• are implants right for you?

are implants right for you?

what you need to know about popular procedures Would you like to have high cheekbones

ural breast. However, silicone implants

A chin implant is placed directly on

like Angelina Jolie? Or are you

are thought to pose more risks than

your jawbone. Many kinds of material

self-conscious about your weak chin and

saline implants, which are filled with

are available, including your own fat

wish that Mother Nature had dealt you a

a salt-water solution. In fact, silicone

or bone. Some materials carry a higher

different hand? Many of us have

implants were taken off the market for

risk of infection, like bone, and others

something about our appearance that we

14 years over safety concerns.

are more likely to be reabsorbed over

would like to change but may feel like

time, like fat or certain fillers. It is im-

there’s not anything we can do about it.

Breast implants can range from $5,000

portant to discuss all the options with

Fortunately, with advancements in

to $10,000, depending on the type of

your doctor to get the results you want.

cosmetic surgery, there are plenty of

implant, the size, the doctor, the loca-

things we can do about it.

tion and other extenuating factors.

Implants offer solutions for a range

Cheek Implants Cheek implants can

of cosmetic issues. Want those high

help you get high cheekbones to create

cheekbones? Implants can help you

a new appearance or to help you fight

Butt Implants A lot of people are

get them. Feeling self-conscious about

the signs of aging. Silicone is common-

trying to do everything they can to

that weak chin? An implant can help

ly used, but other materials are avail-

get a smaller butt, but some people

you get a more balanced profile.

able. Cheek implants can produce more

wish they had more in their posterior.

Average costs for a chin implant are around $4,000 to $5,000, depending

dramatic results than fillers alone, but

Butt implants can create a more firm

If you are thinking about getting

they also often have to be placed in

and round shape, which looks athletic

implants, here’s what you need to

conjunction with other surgeries, such

and healthy. The drawbacks of the pro-

know about some of the most popular

as a facelift.

cedure are the same for any implant,


which is that infection is possible, as is Average costs for cheek implants range

thrive magazine

excessive bleeding and scarring.

Breast Implants Breast implants

from $3,000 to $6,000 depending on

can be used to enhance your bust line,

location, doctor and the usual circum-

Costs for butt implants are a little

whether you just want bigger breasts


higher than other procedures: Around

or you are trying to restore shape after


on the usual factors.

$7,000 to $10,000.

a mastectomy. Breast implants can

Chin Implant A weak chin can be just

also be used to create balance.

as bothersome as a pronounced chin.

With any cosmetic procedure, there are

It may influence the look of your smile

risks. Make sure you explore the pros

There are two types of breast implants

and your whole jawline. Not only can it

and cons of each procedure with your

that you can get: Silicone or saline. Sili-

impact your confidence, but it can also

doctor to make sure you are making

cone implants are filled with a plastic

change the way people see you.

the right choice for you.

gel that many say feels more like a nat-

thrive magazine


refine & renew • loving your skin

loving the skin you’re in

Our e x per t: j. c h a r le s f inn, md, double BOARD CERTIFIED FACIAL PLASTIC SURGEON of f inn fac i a l pl a s t ic s

You may have struggled for years

“After weight loss, especially the heavy

restore the position and volume of the

to lose the excess weight that was

weight loss that can occur after sur-

drooping deeper tissues of the face,”

threatening your health and damaging

gery, it is very common to experience

Finn says. “By directly addressing the

your self-esteem.

sagging in the face, jowls and neck,”

drooping fat in the mid-face, jowl and

says Dr. J. Charles Finn of Finn Facial

neck, a deeper suspension may be

Maybe you followed a diet and exercise

Plastics. “Many believe that it’s just

performed. This creates a very natural

program for years and saw slow and

extra, stretched skin that is causing

appearance to the lifted face, avoiding

steady results until you met your

this look. While this is a contributing

a ‘stretched’ look. A successful facelift

goal weight. Maybe you qualified for

factor since skin elasticity has been

may dramatically improve the nasola-

weight-loss surgery like gastric bypass

heavily depleted from the large volume

bial fold, or groove between the nose

or you decided to have a cosmetic pro-

loss, there are other aspects that play a

and corner of the mouth, as well.”

cedure like liposuction.

role. The underlying muscles and ligaments may also have been stretched

Now you finally have the shape you

over time with age and extra weight

want – sort of. Your body may be

putting strain on them.”

slimmed down, but your skin sags, or you may even have large areas of skin

Many people consider a facelift to

hanging off your body. This is common

address these issues. The procedure

around the abdomen and the arms

can make them feel rejuvenated and

after significant weight loss. Many

refreshed; helping them to create the

“An important point to realize is that

people also suffer sagging skin around

total look they want to match their

there is no single standard facelift op-

the face and neck, which may bother

newfound health.

eration,” Finn explains. “Each patient presents a different anatomic picture

thrive magazine

them more, as it is an area that more


Finn says the procedure may also dramatically reduce the appearance of jowls, establish a more firm jaw line, tighten the muscles in the neck and remove or re-contour fat.

people see everyday – and what we see

“In order to create a natural appear-

and requires a different set of tools for

in the mirror.

ance to the lifted face, surgery must

an optimal, natural rejuvenation.”

refine & renew • loving your skin

A facelift is performed on an outpatient basis, so no hospital stay is required. IV sedation is administered, so patients must be healthy and have the go-ahead from their doctors before undergoing the procedure. There is some downtime for the procedure, but the exact amount depends on the patient and on the extent of the work performed. “Though recovery is generally not very painful, recovery does take some patience,” Finn says. “Bruising and swelling vary, but measures can be taken ahead of time to minimize this, such as avoiding blood thinners, the use of Arnica Montana and Vitamin K. Most patients are ‘grocery store ready’ in 10 days, but out to lunch with ‘nosey friends’ by three weeks.” Patients who are still in the process of losing weight should wait until they have reached their goal before they look into getting a facelift. Then they can set up a consultation to explore options. “For many who are planning to lose weight, this surgery can help thrive magazine

serve as motivation for them to achieve their goal,” Finn says.


refine & renew • turning back the clock

how to turn back the clock on the mistakes of youth When you’re young, aging seems like something you’ll never have to face. As a result, you feel much more emboldened to make decisions that can have permanent consequences. Knowing that you’ll have something forever doesn’t seem like that big of a deal when “forever” seems like an abstract concept. Getting a tattoo is no big deal. Taking risks with your health by tanning or smoking is no big deal. Yet when you start to age, the reality of “forever” starts to set in. The things you did that seemed adventurous when you were younger may seem foolish now. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to erase some of those early mistakes and restore your body to its somewhat youthful beauty. Tattoos

Tattoos can fade, but they’ll never disappear completely on their own. If you really want to get rid of them, you’ll have to have them removed by a thrive magazine



In some cases, dermabrasion can be used to remove a tattoo. In this proce-

refine & renew • turning back the clock

dure, a sanding tool is used to exfoliate

leave-in conditioner and use other

your skin to its deeper layers, which

moisturizing treatments.

can remove the tattoo over time. In most cases, a laser is used to lighten

Eyebrow Plucking

and ultimately remove the tattoo.

Trends in eyebrows come and go. If

Surgical excision can be used in

you indulged in the ultra-thin eyebrow

extreme cases.

trend, you may now have over plucked

listened to music too loud in your

brows that won’t grow back in. You can

headphones, you may not hear as

Ear Gauges

treat brows with serums that promote

well now. Usually, hearing loss is

Grunge introduced the fad of wearing

hair growth. While you wait for the

permanent. Corrective surgery may

gauges in the ears, which stretched out

hair to return, use eyebrow pencils to

be possible in some cases, but in all

the lobes and revealed a huge hole in

get a fuller look.

likelihood, you’ll probably have to wear hearing aids.

the center. The problem was that after the gauges were removed, the ears


were permanently stretched and hung

By now, we all know that tanning is

Unhealthy Habits

there like Playdoh.

terrible for you. But you may have in-

Smoking and drinking tea, coffee and

dulged when you were younger, think-

red wine can all cause yellowing and

Unfortunately, if you gave in to this

ing it would make you look hot. Now

staining of the teeth. You can usu-

fad, the only way to fix the ear lobes

you may have age spots and wrinkles

ally reverse these damages by getting

is to get surgery. You may have to pay

as a result. To reverse the damage,

professional teeth whitening from a

a couple thousand dollars to get your

you’ll have to get skin treatments in-

dentist. Teeth whitening can involve

ears back to the way they were.

cluding microdermabrasion, chemical

bleaching trays or light therapy. If you

peels and laser light treatment. These

don’t have success with teeth whiten-

Hair Dying

treatments can lighten the spots and

ing, you can opt for cosmetic devices

Bright colors are all the rage among

smooth out the skin.

like veneers or even dentures.

to cobalt blue. Yet to get these looks,

High Heels

Overindulging in Sports

it usually requires bleaching your

High heels may make your legs look

Exercise is good for your heart, but

hair first. Then you have to touch up

great, but they can cause bunions and

if you overdo it with sports, you can

a number of other problems with your

set yourself up for physical problems,

young people, from fire engine red

the color every couple of

feet. You can reverse these problems

such as knee and joint pain. In some

fresh. All this dying can

by seeing a podiatrist. Treatment may

cases, physical therapy may be enough

permanently damage

include wearing corrective footwear or

to help. For long-term damage, you

other devices on your toes, or you may

may need to take medication or even

need to get corrective surgery.

undergo corrective surgery.

weeks to keep it looking

your hair, making it dry and brittle. Reversing the damage is possible, but it will

Loud Music

take time. You’ll

Rock music may sound best at top decibels, but listening to too much

deep conditioning

loud music can cause hearing loss. If

treatments, wear

you went to one too many live shows or

thrive magazine

have to get repeated


refine & renew • men & varicose veins

men & vericose


Our e x per t: a shle y b aquero, m.d., f. a .c . s. of c a rolin a v ein in s t i t u t e

“Varicose veins can be painful and dangerous,” Baquero says. Along with the heaviness and skin ulcers, the veins can develop “deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which could produce a pulmonary embolism,” explains Baquero.

While women and the elderly

“For blood to return to the heart from

suffer from unsightly varicose

the feet and legs, it must flow upward.

veins more frequently than other

The muscles of the calf and thigh help

demographics, varicose veins can

pump the blood upward against grav-

also be a problem for men. Some

ity. Valves in the veins (small flaps

research suggests that as much as

that function as gates) open in one

56 percent of men experience vari-

direction to let the blood flow through

cose veins in their lifetime, with

and then close to hold it in place.

the odds increasing with age.

Sometimes, the valves become unable

Deep vein thrombosis is clotting deep

to close properly, allowing the blood to

in the leg. One of these clots could

The condition can affect anyone.

move in the wrong direction.”

become dislodged and travel to your

Dr. Ashley Baquero of the Carolina

When this happens, pressure builds

When a clot travels to the lungs, it is

Vein Institute explains more about

in the veins, which can create the

known as a pulmonary embolism.

what varicose veins are: “Blood

appearance of large, “ropey” veins.

circulates through our bodies via the

The pressure can also cause the legs

There are many different reasons

arteries and veins. The arteries carry

to swell, causing them to feel painful,

why people develop varicose veins.

oxygen-rich blood from the heart to

tired, heavy or full. This doesn’t just

Pregnancy can be a leading cause

the rest of the body. The job of the

cause an unsightly problem that many

for women. However, both men and

veins is to carry blood from the organs

find embarrassing. It also invites the

women may develop varicose veins as

and extremities back to the heart.

potential for issues with mobility.

a result of genetics, obesity or lifestyle

Then the cycle begins again.

Additionally, varicose veins can cause

factors such as sitting or standing for

skin ulcers and bleeding.

long periods of time. Baquero says that

thrive magazine

lungs, which can be life threatening.


genetics are the primary cause.

refine & renew • men & varicose veins

Treatment for varicose veins can vary, depending on the severity of the condition. Surgery is rarely necessary. These days, in most cases, the treatment consists of an endovenous ablation of the damaged vein


combined with ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy. These procedures are done in the office setting and

Board Certified Surgeon wtih ov e r 2 0 ye a r s o f ex p e r i e n c e

require minimal local anesthesia with no downtime.

Schedule your complimentar y consultation today!

In some cases, self-care can help to treat or reduce the appearance of varicose veins. Wearing compression stockings may help, as can getting the right amount and type of exercise. You can also help to reduce the risk of new varicose veins or prevent veins from get-


ting worse by avoiding standing or sitting in the same

• Aching/Pain in legs • Heaviness • Swelling • Throbbing

position for long periods of time. Make sure you move around often and elevate your feet periodically. Lowering your salt intake can also reduce water retention that increases pressure in the veins.

• Itching/Burning • Tiredness/ Fatigue • Leg Cramping/ Restlessness

Yo u don’ t have t o l i ve wi t h v a r i c o se o r spi der vei ns.


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Most insurance accepted

Talking to your doctor can help you determine the right treatment options for your varicose veins or to reduce the risk of new ones. before


thrive magazine


healthy & happy • weight loss surgery

weight loss surgery: options & misconceptions Sometimes, no matter how well you eat

of 40 or more, or those who have a BMI

changes to your digestive system, that

or how much you exercise, you can’t

of 35 to 40 in addition to a serious

you can eat anything you want after-

lose the weight you want. Even those

health condition such as heart disease

ward because your body will either

who only have 15 pounds to lose un-

or diabetes. Women comprise about

limit how much you eat or will process

derstand the struggle. However, those

80 percent of patients who get weight

it more efficiently. However, your

who are obese understand it even more

loss surgery, according to U.S. News

stomach can grow in size if you con-

keenly. They may battle for years with

& World report, but the surgery is

tinue to eat more than you should, and

their weight, working hard to adopt

equally beneficial for both men and

excess fatty or sugary foods will still

healthier habits, but only make mini-


tax your digestive system. Without

mal progress – or even none at all. Weight loss surgery is an option for

making permanent changes to your

Misconceptions About Weight Loss Surgery

obese individuals who are not making

Weight loss surgery is a ‘cop out.’ Some

progress with losing weight through

Weight loss surgery is a significant and

see weight loss surgery as the “easy”

their own efforts or who must lose a lot

potentially life-saving option for obese

way out to losing weight instead of do-

of weight fast to protect their health.

people. However, many misconcep-

ing the hard work of changing eating

Some options for weight loss surgery

tions exist about it.

habits and exercising more. However,


weight loss surgery is only available

Here are some of the common misconceptions:

to those who have a lot of weight to

• Sleeve gastrectomy • Gastric bypass surgery

Weight loss surgery is a cosmetic

with dieting and exercising in the past.

• Biliopancreatic diversion

procedure. Because weight loss surgery

These people may be experiencing

• Adjustable gastric banding

results in an improved appearance

medical issues or have genetic factors

through reduced weight, many people

that make weight loss more difficult.

restricting the size of the stomach,

mistakenly believe that it is a cosmetic

Weight loss surgery is their only op-

such as gastric banding and sleeve

procedure. However, weight loss sur-

tion, in many cases.

gastrectomy, or they change how you

gery is designed to address the poten-

digest food by using a combination of

tial health problems that excess weight

Weight loss surgery can be a powerful

restricting your stomach or removing

can cause, such as increasing the risk

tool for those suffering from obesity.

or bypassing parts of your digestive

of heart problems and diabetes.

If you think you may be a candidate for weight loss surgery, you should

You can eat anything you want after

talk to your doctor to find out what

weight loss surgery. Many people

procedures may be available for your

Most weight loss surgeries are reserved

think that because weight loss surgery

circumstances and to help you meet

for those who have a Body Mass Index

restricts your stomach size or makes

your goals.

and biliopancreatic diversion. thrive magazine

lose and who have not had any success

These surgeries work by either

system, such as gastric bypass surgery


lifestyle, you will regain the weight.

{ healthy & happy }

health &

well-being for men & women

healthy & happy • identifying a broken bone

identifying a broken bone

Our e xpert: bre t t rosenberg, md, BOARD CERTIFIED orthopaedic surgeon, Triangle Orthopaedic Associates, PA

Chances are that when you were a kid, you broke a bone at least once. Maybe you fell from a tree and broke your leg. Maybe you were jumping on a trampoline and landed the wrong way, breaking your arm. Maybe you had an accident on your bike, breaking an arm or a leg.

“Every person experiences pain

says. “But a broken bone is usually


associated with at least an ache but more frequently a sharp, severe pain.”

When you break a bone, the pain may be a sharp pain or a dull, aching pain.

If the break is severe enough, you

In some cases, you may simply feel

will be able to tell just by looking at

faint, dizzy or nauseous. If your body

the area.

is in shock from the injury, you may not feel any symptoms for a

“If the extremity looks crooked, that

few minutes.

is the first indication that something

Every year, about 6.8 million people

is wrong,” Dr. Rosenberg says. “But,”

break a bone in the United States.

There are few occasions in which you

he adds, “The only way to know for

Sometimes, they experience a com-

would break a bone and not expect to

certain is to get an x-ray.”

plete break, with the bone snapping

experience pain. If you have a minor

in two just like a twig. Sometimes,

fracture, such as a hairline fracture,

If you suspect a broken bone, it is

they experience a partial break or a

you may feel uncomfortable but may

important to get medical treat-

break that doesn’t displace (move out

not feel severe pain. Another reason

ment as quickly as possible. Go to an

of place). In most cases, if you break a

you may not feel pain is if you have an

emergency room or see a doctor that

bone, you’re going to know it.

underlying medical condition.

specializes in bone care, called an

thrive magazine

orthopaedic doctor. The doctor will


“Usually, if a bone is broken, there

“Usually, that is reserved for someone

physically inspect the area and will

is some pain, but there is no pain

with a type of neurological disorder,

take an x-ray.

specific to each bone,” explains Brett

such as a diabetic with neuropathy, or

Rosenberg, M.D. of Triangle

perhaps people with extremely high

Options for fixing the bone depend on

Orthopaedic Associates.

tolerances for pain,” Dr. Rosenberg

the severity of the fracture and where

healthy & happy • identifying a broken bone

it is located. However, some popular

that to heal on its own with casting or

adults need surgery to heal cor-

options include setting in a cast, us-

bracing,” Dr. Rosenberg shares. Other

rectly because they’re bones, unlike

ing braces, pinning, plate and screws

examples, such as if a toe fracture

children, are fully developed and will

or a rod.

shows up in the office can frequently

not remodel as a childrens does with

heal without any treatment by the

growth. Some elderly people will need

orthopedist, but we usually buddy

a joint replacement if they break a

tape to the adjacent toe and place it

bone at a joint level such as the hip.

“If the extremity looks crooked, that is the first indication that something is wrong,” Dr. Rosenberg says. “But,” he adds, “The only way to know for certain is to get an x-ray.”

in a post-op shoe. This would be done more for the comfort of the patient

The key to successful healing is to get

than the healing process.”

the right medical care as quickly as possible after the injury. This will pre-

Dr. Rosenberg says that most frac-

vent the risk of long-term injuries and

tures that children experience can be

will protect overall bone health.

treated without surgery, with some

minimally displaced, we often allow

exceptions of course. However, most

thrive magazine

“If a fracture is not displaced or


healthy & happy • from the b’s to the omegas

From the B Vitamins to the Omegas: While you know that you need to eat a well-rounded diet to get a

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B3

wide variety of nutrients, there are certain vitamins and nutri-

What is Does

What is Does

What is Does

ents that you need to pay more

Also known as pyridoxine,

Known chemically as

Niacin helps to maintain the

attention to than others. The

Vitamin B6 plays a big role in

cyanocobalamin, Vitamin

metabolism and to provide

B vitamins and omega fatty

hormone regulation, which

B12 also plays a key role in

an ongoing source of energy

acids are among the most

affects everything from fer-

hormone regulation, and it

for the body.

important items to get in your

tility to mental health.

keeps nerves and blood cells

daily diet because they influ-


ence everything from your

How Much You Need

mood to your brain health.

Adults need 1.3 mg per day.

How Much You Need

per day, and men need 16

At age 51, men start to need

Children need more Vitamin

mg. Pregnant women need

Here’s what you need to know

1.7 mg, and women need 1.5

B12 as they age, going up to

18 mg, and nursing women

about how much of these

mg. Pregnant women need

2.4 mg in the teen years and

need 17 mg.

important nutrients you need

1.9 mg, and nursing mothers

remaining there through

and why you need them:

need 2 mg. Those who need

adulthood. Pregnant and

Where to Get It

higher doses can take up to

nursing women need more.

Niacin is found in fortified

Adult women need 14 mg

grains, kidney, fish such as

50 mg per day. Taking more than 100 mg can increase the

Where to Get It

salmon and tuna, eggs, and

risk of overdose, which can

Vitamin B12 is found pri-

dairy products.

lead to dangerous conse-

marily in animal sources,

quences such as seizures and

such as meat and dairy. Most

nerve damage.

vegetarians and vegans need to take supplements.

Where to Get It

Vitamin B6 is found in sources like beans, lentils, and whole grains (especially

thrive magazine



How Much You Need

healthy & happy • from the b’s to the omegas

what you need and why Vitamin B2

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-9 fatty acids

Omega-6 fatty acids

What is Does

What is Does

What is Does

What is Does

Riboflavin is essential to

Omega-3 fatty acids promote

Omega-6 fatty acids promote

Omega-9 fatty acids, commonly

a healthy metabolism and

brain health, encourage

the health of skin and bones,

referred to as monounsatu-

to the creation of certain

growth, and reduce inflam-

regulate the metabolism and

rated fatty acids, are protective

enzymes in the body. It

mation, which protects the

strengthen the reproductive

against metabolic syndrome

also plays a role in reducing

body against disease.


and cardiovascular disease

headaches, strengthening the

risk factors. Because omega-9

immune system and encour-

How Much You Need

How Much You Need

fatty acids have been shown to

aging healthy blood cells.

500 mg per day. Those who

The American Heart Associa-

increase HDL (“good”) choles-

take more should not go over

tion recommends getting

terol and decrease LDL (“bad”)

How Much You Need

3 grams, as this amount can

5 to 10 percent of calories

cholesterol, they help eliminate

Adult women need 1.1 mg,

increase the risk for serious

from omega-6 fatty acids.

plaque buildup in the arteries,

and men need 1.3 mg. Preg-

health problems, such as

However, it is important to

which may cause heart attack or

nant women need 1.4 mg, and


eat them in the proper ratio


nursing mothers need 1.6 mg.

with omega-3 fatty acids. Where to Get It

Too many omega-6 fatty

How Much You Need

Where to Get It

Omega-3 fatty acids are

acids promotes inflamma-

500 mg per day. Those who

Riboflavin is most often

found in oily fish like salmon

tion in the body, which can

take more should not go over 3

found in dairy products such

and mackerel, flaxseed and

increase the risk for disease.

grams, as this amount can in-

as milk and cheese, but it can


also be found in some meats and dark leafy greens.

crease the risk for serious health Where to Get It

problems, such as stroke.

Omega-6 fatty acids are found in nuts and plants oils

Where to Get It

like corn and soybean oil.

Oils: canola, olive, peanut, safflower and sunflower; Fruits: avocados and olives Nuts: almonds, cashews, macadamias, and walnuts.

thrive magazine

peanuts, pecans, pistachios


healthy & happy • avoiding summer injuries

avoiding common summer injuries tips for

Our e x per t: melv in G. Lee , MD, Chief medic a l off ic er , nor th c a rolin a fa s tmed ur gent c a r e

Sunny days are here again, and that means most of us will be outside soaking up the rays and getting some healthy exercise while spending time with family and friends.

vin G. Lee, MD, Chief Medical Officer,

heat stroke. If you have any fatigue

North Carolina. “This list is designed

from sun exposure, seek immediate

to help individuals and families in the

medical attention at a FastMed clinic

communities we serve to be proactive

for heat illness, as continued exposure

when planning their summer excur-

could become life-threatening if not


addressed. In addition to its immediate impacts, long term sun exposure

FastMed Urgent Care, based in North

and damage to your skin can cause a

Carolina, is the sixth largest urgent

number of preventable skin

care in the United States. It has

cancers. Exercising prepared-

However, with the warmer weather

released its 2014 summer injuries and

ness when enjoying the hot

and all that increased activity, your

illnesses list along with tips for enjoy-

summer months will signi-

risk of injury is also higher. Under-

ing a healthy, injury free summer.

ficantly lower your immed-

thrive magazine

standing common summer injuries


iate and long-term skin

can help you take the needed steps to

Sunburn and Heat Injury

damage and possible

reduce your risk. This knowledge will

Sunburn is easily preventable by ap-

skin cancers.

also help you better identify these

plying a UV (ultraviolet protection)

injuries if they do happen, so that

sunscreen with a SPF of 45 or greater,


you can get the treatment you need as

which blocks 98% of harmful sun rays,

Up to 60% of a per-

quickly as possible.

as well as wearing a hat to protect the

son’s body weight is

head and face and loose clothing to

water and only a 1 to

“FastMed sees patients visit our

protect the arms, shoulders and legs,

2% drop in water

urgent cares for these common injuries

and finding shade when possible. Heat

weight can cause

and illnesses during the summer

injuries have three levels of severity:

dehydration. Three

months in North Carolina,” said Mel-

heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and

simple steps you can

healthy & happy • avoiding summer injuries

many summer activities can give you

Scrapes, Wounds and Bites

an injury that is commonly seen at

From concrete, splinters, thistles and

FastMed clinics. The most common

thorns, to fleas, mites, chiggers, ticks,

summer sports injuries occur around

parasites, snakes and many other in-

the joints, including the knee, ankle

sects and animals, your summer can be

and elbow. However, tendon tears

hazardous, but with FastMed Urgent

and joint inflammation can occur

Care right in your community, treating

with physical fatigue. Head injuries

these injuries is as simple as walking

should be immediately evaluated by a

right in to a FastMed, any day of the

FastMed provider to determine if the

week, 365 days a year!

patient has a concussion.

take to stay hydrated are: having a water bottle with you wherever you go, eating healthy fruits and vegetables which are made up of water, and recognizing signs of dehydration (lightheadedness, nausea, weakness and fatigue are the most common) followed by immediate action. Athletic and Sports Injuries

jogging, cycling, softball or basketball,

thrive magazine

Whether it’s hiking, swimming,


healthy & happy • handling hyperhidrosis


hyperhidrosis Our e x per t: Dr . C ather ine Hr en, MD of c a r y der m atology

Most of us sweat when pumping iron at the

may reduce discomfort for some,

gym or running on the trail with a friend -

others require more treatment.

It would be odd of we didn’t. Many people also sweat when spending time outside

Two other common treatment options

on a hot summer day, even when sitting.

for underarm sweating are Botox injec-

However, most of us don’t look as though

tions and the miraDry procedure.

we’ve been working out after hours of sitting in an air-conditioned room, or during

Botox can be injected into the armpits

an embarrassing situation.

to reduce the amount of sweat produced. The results can last for three

People with a condition called hyperhi-

to six months, but then the treatment

drosis aren’t so lucky. Those who suffer

must be repeated. Because Botox

from this condition sweat excessively

requires multiple, ongoing injections

without normal triggers such as heat

to treat hyperhidrosis, it can be an

or exercise. Hyperhidrosis causes both

expensive treatment option.

emotional and physical discomfort. People with hyperhidrosis may reapply

The miraDry treatment uses electro-

deodorant frequently and avoid situa-

magnetic energy to destroy sweat

tions where others will see their sweat

glands in the armpits and stop the

stains, thus limiting their social or

problem permanently.

professional activities.

thrive magazine

Dr. Catherine Hren of Cary Dermatol-


Hyperhidrosis most often affects the

ogy says that the miraDry procedure

hands, feet, and armpits. Although

takes about 90 to 120 minutes, and

prescription deodorants such as Drysol

require only two treatments.

healthy & happy • handling hyperhidrosis

After a lifetime of hiding your sweat, you’ll now have to hide your smile. Underarm sweat? Under control. A happier, drier life is finally here. And that’s because there’s miraDry®: The first and only FDA-cleared device for lasting

treatment of underarm sweat. Immediate, lasting results, a dramatic reduction of underarm sweat, a non-invasive procedure with little to no downtime, and ending your dependency on ineffective antiperspirants. Begin your happiness today, with miraDry.

101 SW CARY PARKWAY SUITE 210 CARY, NC 27511 919.467.8556

“Sweating stops immediately, but it

take over-the-counter pain relievers

Though the cost may seem high, it is

gradually returns over two to three

and use ice packs to reduce any dis-

less expensive than the cost of Botox

months, which is why two treatments

comfort that might be felt afterwards.

over time, as injections must be

are done three months apart,” she ex-

The miraDry procedure produces

repeated every three to six months to

plains. “During the treatment, the ax-

lasting results by destroying the sweat

maintain the effects. The miraDry pro-

illa is anesthetized with lidocaine and

glands. Clinical studies show that the

cedure produces permanent reduction

epinephrine. There is some discomfort

procedure can reduce sweating in

in sweating.

during that portion of the treatment,

patients who suffer from hyperhidrosis

but then the patient does not feel

by 82 percent.

much at all in the armpit. Some thin-

For many who suffer the embarrassment of hyperhidrosis, any procedure

The cost for two treatments is $3,000,

that offers lasting results may seem

the epinephrine, but we are careful

and Hren says that insurance does not

priceless. If you suffer from the condi-

with the amount we use – just enough

cover the procedure. However, at Cary

tion, talk to your doctor or a derma-

to anesthetize the area.”

Dermatology, financing is available for

tologist about the treatment options

The procedure is non-invasive and

patients who meet qualifications.

available and determine which one is

rarely requires downtime. Patients can

best for your personal circumstances.

thrive magazine

ner patients may get a bit jittery from


healthy & happy • post-op rehabilitation

rehabilitation for postoperative orthopaedic and cardiology patients

Our e x per t: wa nda how ell , dir ec tor of r eh a b ser v ic e s at john s ton he a lth

The skeleton may be the main support system for the rest of the body, but bones are not as strong as they seem. Bones can break fairly easily – you don’t have to be in a major car accident or have a serious hiking mishap to get a bad bone break. Even slipping on the ice on the way to your car can cause a serious injury.

rosis or low bone density by the year

rehab services at Johnston Health,

2020 in America.

says of postoperative rehabilitation for orthopedic and cardiac patients.

If you break a bone, you may simply

“Acute rehab typically involves

be able to get a cast and allow the

strengthening exercises, as well as

break to heal. However, if the injury

training on mobility, transfers and

is severe or if you are an older adult

ambulation. If the patient is using an

already suffering from osteoporosis

assistive device, such as a walker or

or low bone density, you may require

cane, we train him how to use it. We

ongoing rehabilitation to help you

may also work with patients on how

regain movement.

to get up and down steps and stairs.”

Bones can also wear down over time,

Many of the same rehabilitative

If the patient needs to go to a reha-

becoming weaker with age. They can

treatments that are used for patients

bilitation center, Howell says, the

become more brittle, and joints can

with bone injuries are also used to

therapy is more intense and focuses

deteriorate, causing pain with move-

help patients who have suffered from

on helping them perform the activi-

ment. Weakened bones can break

cardiac problems, such as a heart

ties of daily living.

even during normal activity. The Na-

attack. Though the two issues may

tional Osteoporosis Society says that

seem unconnected, cardiac problems

How long rehabilitation lasts

1 in 2 women and 1 in 4 men ages 50

can also lead to mobility issues and

depends on the patient and the

and older will break a bone as a result


extent of the injuries sustained.

thrive magazine

of osteoporosis, a condition marked


Howell says most patients stay at a

by weakened bones. The organization

“We try to get the patient up and

rehabilitation center for as little as

says that half of all people age 50 and

moving as soon as possible after

a week, or as long as a few months

older are expected to have osteopo-

surgery,” Wanda Howell, director of

after being discharged from the

healthy & happy • post-op rehabilitation

“I Thought A Completely Torn Achilles Tendon Had Ended My Days As A Triathlete - But, Thanks To Orthopedic Surgery And Rehab At Johnston Health, I Came Back To Win Silver At The Nationals In 2012!” Chad Culver Triathlete Smithfield, NC



hospital. Home-care services may

mendations may increase their risk of

also be required, especially for

suffering more health problems and

patients who are suffering from

setting back their recovery.

severe mobility issues.

“Patients who comply with their therapy treatments will do well after

ment depends on a variety of factors,

surgery and across the spectrum of

including how well the patient

rehab settings,” Howell says. Pa-

complies with the treatment plan.

tients are the key to their successful

Treatment may include more than

recovery and outcome. They may have

physical rehabilitation, especially in

the best surgeon and therapist, but

cases involving cardiac problems. For

if patients are not motivated and

example, patients may need to make

engaged in their rehab therapies, then

lifestyle changes such as improving

they could have negative outcomes

their diet or quitting smoking. Those

such as loss of strength, mobility and

who don’t follow their doctor’s recom-

overall function.”

thrive magazine

The success of rehabilitative treat-


healthy & happy • your poop and your health

what your poop says about

your health If you’re having digestive issues, it

Some changes can indicate serious

will show up in your poop. If your diet

underlying health conditions,

is deficient in some way, it will show

including cancer, diabetes, and

up in your poop. If you are experienc-

chronic digestive diseases.

ing serious health issues, it will show up in your poop. Make sure you take

Though “normal” stools are typically

a look behind you each time you go to

described as light to dark brown and

check in with what’s up with

a firmness like sponge, everyone can

your health.

experience different ranges of “nor-

thrive magazine

mal.” That’s why it is so important to


No one likes to think about what they do when they go Number Two. Most of us prefer to do our business and leave everything a mystery below a closed toilet lid. However, your poop actually says a lot about your health, and taking a peep before you flush can tell you a lot about what’s going on inside your body.

One thing should be clear about your

look under the lid consistently after

digestive issues: Though many prob-

each bowel movement to make sure

lems may be the temporary result of

you understand what is happening

something in your diet or some medi-

with your poop. You can’t get a

cine you are taking, any problems

good baseline without it, and you

that persist should be discussed with

won’t be able to say when something

your doctor. Any abnormalities that

is amiss.

are caused by your diet or medications will clear up in a couple of days.

Check behind you when you use

When problems continue, it is time to

the bathroom to stay on top of your

see a doctor. “Problems” can refer to


anything that is out of the ordinary, which can include a change in shape, size, color, smell or consistency.

healthy & happy • your poop and your health

color Black

possible causes what you can do Bleeding in the stomach or intestines

Watch it for a few days and call a doctor if the problem persists. If stool returns to a normal color, the blackness may have been caused by the dyes in something you ate.


Excess iron, certain medications, dark-colored

Monitor your iron intake. Wait to see if your

foods, such as blueberries

stool returns to a normal color after a few days of not taking the medication or eating the suspected food.


White or Grey

Colored foods, bleeding in the large intestine

Wait to see if it happens again. If it does, see

or rectum

your doctor.

Blockage in the liver

It’s another wait-and-see approach. If the issue does not resolve within a few days, talk with your doctor.

shape Narrow and thin

Blockage in the intestines, such as

Surgery will be required if any blockage is

a tumor

discovered. If the problem persists for more than a few days, see your doctor about getting tested.

other issues Soft stool

Excess oil or fat in the diet

Reduce fats and monitor for improvement.

Sinking stool

Less gas present in the stool

Nothing. This is a normal fluctuation.

Infection, food that is stuck in the colon,

Monitor it and talk with your doctor.

Smelly stool

certain medications Hard stool


Add more fiber to your diet and drink more water. Talk with your doctor if the problem persists.

Infection, poor diet, underlying health issues

Add more fiber to your diet. Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.

thrive magazine



healthy & happy • healthy meals

eating to avoid

type II diabetes Our e xpert: K athryn Shaw, MD, Member of American Socie ty of Bariatric Physicians of Medi WeightLoss Clinics

Much has been made about the obesity epidemic in our country over the last several years, but the issue is about much more than waistlines. Being overweight or obese can increase your risk for a number of health issues, such as heart disease and diabetes.

betes as a contributing cause of death).

Shaw says that approximately 79 mil-

The ADA says that diabetes was the

lion Americans who were 20 or older

seventh leading cause of death in the

had prediabetes in 2010, based on

United States in 2010.

their fasting glucose or A1C levels.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common

Lifestyle issues like eating a poor diet

form of diabetes. Those with type 2

and not getting enough exercise can

diabetes do not produce or regulate in-

contribute to the incidence of type 2

sulin properly. In the beginning stages,

diabetes. Likewise, making healthy

their pancreas makes extra insulin,

changes can help to manage the dis-

According to the American Diabetes

but later, their bodies aren’t able to

ease or prevent it from occurring.

Association, approximately 29.1 mil-

make enough insulin to keep up with

lion people, or 9.3 percent of the total

their needs.

thrive magazine

population, had diabetes in 2012. That


“Studies have shown that people with prediabetes who lose weight and

number was up from 25.8 million, or

Dr. Kathryn Shaw of Medi Weight

increase their physical activity can pre-

8.3 percent, in 2010. The numbers were

Loss, says that prediabetes disposes

vent or delay type 2 diabetes and, in

higher in adults. In 2012, approxi-

people to a higher risk of developing

some cases, return their blood glucose

mately 12.3 percent of adults older

type 2 diabetes, as well as suffering

levels to normal,” Shaw says.

than 20 had diabetes. The rate was

from heart attack or stroke. Shaw

25.9 percent in adults 65 and older.

says that prediabetes is classified by

The Centers for Disease Control and

having elevated blood glucose levels

Prevention recommends that adults

Every year, another 1.7 million new

or levels of A1C, which is a glycated

ages 18 to 64 years old get two hours

cases are diagnosed, and 69,071 people

hemoglobin. A1C levels are a good

and 30 minutes of moderate activity

died from it in 2010 (and another

indication of how well your body is

per week to maintain health. Moderate

234,051 death certificates listed dia-

regulating blood sugar.

activity is described as brisk walking.

healthy & happy • healthy meals

Choose Medi Weight Loss Clinics. It’s the one that works! NO HCG Custom Tailored to Work for You! Medically Supervised





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The CDC also recommends this age

conditions like prediabetes and type

group gets at least two days per week

2 diabetes. The U.S. Department of

of strength training.

Health and Human Services recommends creating meals that are at

The CDC makes the same physical ac-

least half fruits and vegetables, with

tivity recommendations for seniors age

the other quarter assigned to lean

65 and older. However, for children,

proteins and the remainder to whole

the recommendations are much higher.

grains like brown rice or sweet

The CDC recommends that child get at

potatoes. Eating a well-rounded diet

least one hour of physical activity per

with plenty of whole, natural foods

day to maintain health and well-being.

is a sure way to create health, no matter your age or your other health

Of course, eating a healthy diet healthy lifestyle to prevent health

Beans | A winning combination of high-quality carbohydrates, lean protein, and soluble fiber that helps stabilize your body’s blood-sugar levels and keeps hunger in check. Oatmeal | An excellent source of both is heart-healthy oatmeal: It’s packed with soluble fiber, which slows the absorption of glucose from food in the stomach — keeping blood-sugar levels under control. Salmon | Wild salmon is not only rich in omega 3s but also contain a healthy-fat-and-protein combination that slows the body’s absorption of carbohydrates, keeping blood sugars on an even keel. Almonds | Unsalted almonds provide a healthy, low-carb mix of monounsaturated fats plus magnesium, which is believed to be instrumental in carbohydrate metabolism.

thrive magazine

should also be a centerpiece of a


foods you should eat to avoid type II diabetes


healthy & happy • aging from the inside out

aaging new you: from the inside out Our e x per t: Nic ole M. Bent i v egn a , M SN, R N, W HNP-B C of A Ne w You Medic a l W ellne s s s olu t ion s

Hormonal imbalance is one of the leading causes of many under-diagnosed medical conditions men and women experience as they age.

anxiety and depression, as well as declining cognitive function and abdominal weight gain just to name a few. Declining estrogen dramatically increases a woman’s risk of heart disease, colon cancer and osteoporosis.

From thyroid imbalance and adrenal

While the practice of hormone

fatigue, to decreasing testosterone

replacement for women through

and diminishing estrogen, the body

menopause is widely acceptable and

deteriorates at a rapid pace. This

well known, for men it is a different

unhealthy hormonal shift results in

story. For many years, and even still

patient frustration due to a myriad of

today, there has not been too much

unpleasant symptoms.

public discussion about the decline in

thrive magazine

testosterone men experience as they


There are estrogen receptors in almost

age. Research tells us that testoster-

every cell throughout the body, and

one is decreasing approximately ten

research now shows there are over

years earlier than it did for the previ-

400 functions for estrogen in these

ous generation, much of which is due

cells. “As women age, estrogen and

to environmental toxins as well as

progesterone alike, gradually decrease

the level of stress and adrenal fatigue

as ovarian function declines. This

seen in many middle aged men. They

causes women to experience hot

are experiencing symptoms of ‘Low T’

flashes, night sweats, sleeplessness,

as early as their late thirties through

healthy & happy • aging from the inside out

Are you experiencing… • Decreased energy • Depression • Sleeplessness

• Decreased libido • Hot flashes • High Stress

At A NEW YOU Medical Wellness Solutions, our trained medical professionals will help you achieve optimal hormone balance through Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy (BHRT) and get your life back on track. Available for Men and Women.

Is it Safe? Yes. We use custom compounded medications that mimic the hormone naturally produced by your body and the slow and steady release of medications helps eliminate the spikes and valleys seen in conventional treatment.

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Call 919.977.3231 or visit our web site at

Cary Clinic

530 New Waverly Place • Suite 301 Cary, NC 27518

their retirement years. Fatigue,

hormones and optimizing treatment

decreasing the risk that is commonly

insomnia, mental fog, decreased mo-

and care for the prevention of future

associated with synthetic hormone

tivation at work and decline in muscle

age-related conditions.


from men who are looking for a solu-

The safety and efficacy of bioidentical

Hormonal balance is the key to

tion to debilitating symptoms.

hormones have been shown in expan-

longevity. Restoring and rejuvenating

sive research worldwide since as early

your body to the right balance using

Traditional medicine has dictated

as the 1940s. Bioidentical hormones

bio-identical hormone replacement

a reactive medical model aimed at

are compounded to match the exact

therapy, lifestyle modifications and

treating the symptoms of disease

chemical structure of the body’s own

nutraceutical supplements, the aging

after it ensures. Bioidentical hormone

endogenous hormone, allowing the

process can be put on hold while the

replacement therapy is individualized

cells to recognize it easily, not work as

living process flourishes.

to each patient with the goal of reliev-

hard to break it down in the body, and

ing current symptoms, balancing

allow it to function in the same way,

mass are common complaints heard

thrive magazine


healthy & happy • advances in mammography


in mammography

Our e x per t: dr . da nielle w ellm a n, r a diologi s t spec i a lizing in m a mmogr a phy, wa k e r a diology

The American Cancer Society reveals that one in eight women will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime. This year alone, another 232,670 new cases are expected. In addition, another 62,570 cases of noninvasive breast cancer (the earliest form) are expected.

Many of the symptoms of breast

cancer may want to begin getting

cancer don’t show up until the disease

mammograms earlier than 40 –

has progressed. These symptoms may

perhaps as much as seven to 10

include a lump in the breast or the

years earlier.

underarm, breast pain or tenderness, swelling or dimpling of the breast,

In addition to the traditional

nipple discharge or retraction of the

mammogram, 3D mammograms are

nipple. When breast cancer is in its

now available to provide more power-

earliest stages, no symptoms may be

ful screening.

felt, which is why regular self-exams and mammograms are recommended.

raphy represents one of the biggest

About 40,000 women are expected to die this year of breast cancer. “How

The American Cancer Society recom-

advancements in breast cancer screen-

can women best protect themselves

mends that all women start receiving

ing in the past 20 years,” Dr. Wellman

from breast cancer? By getting an an-

mammograms at age 40 and continue

says. “It provides more accurate

nual screening mammogram,” says Dr.

to get one every year. Mammograms

images that help us detect breast

Danielle Wellman, a radiologist who

can help detect breast cancer before

cancer earlier.”

specializes in breast imaging at Wake

symptoms emerge. With a 3D mammogram, 15 images

thrive magazine

Radiology and is co-director of breast


“The introduction of 3D mammog-

services. “Powerful new technologies

“The best advice is to be vigilant about

are taken of the breast from many

like 3D mammography are making it

checking for breast cancer because it

different angles, rather than the

easier than ever before to detect breast

is very treatable when detected early,”

single image taken by a traditional

cancer early, when it is most treatable.”

Dr. Wellman says. She adds that those


who have a family history of breast

healthy & happy • advances in mammography

“This allows us to view the breast

early, the survival rate for women with

tissue in thin slices – like flipping

breast cancer is over 90 percent.”

through the pages of a book,” Dr. Well-

Studies show routine breast cancer

man explains.

screen reduces mortality rates by 30 percent – saving the lives of 15,000

Dr. Wellman says that this technol-

to 20,000 women in the United States

ogy allows healthcare professionals to

each year who would have otherwise

see smaller and more invasive cancers

died from breast cancer.

more clearly, as well as to pinpoint the location, size and shape of abnormal

Making lifestyle choices can also help.

tissue more easily. “Living a healthy lifestyle can help “That’s why the use of 3D mammo-

reduce your risk of breast cancer,”

grams has been shown to improve

Dr. Wellman says. “That includes

breast cancer detection rates by up to

maintaining a healthy weight,

40 percent,” Dr. Wellman says.

exercising regularly, limiting alcohol consumption,

Getting a 3D mammogram is no differ-

and not smoking.”

ent than getting a traditional mammogram. The process is the same. The exam only makes moments and the entire appointment lasts about 30 minutes from the time you walk in the door. Not only can 3D mammograms help to detect breast cancer earlier, but in so doing, they can also save patients from having to undergo intensive and debilitating treatments. It can also reduce the rate of error and the need for follow-up exams, which can increase anxiety in patients. “Breast cancer is treatable and curDr. Wellman says. “When detected

thrive magazine

able, but the key is early detection,”


healthy & happy • get moving

get moving:

where to start when you are ready to get fit If you haven’t exercised in a while – or ever – you may feel intimidated by the prospect of getting into shape. You know that you need to exercise to have a healthy body and to feel good, but you may become easily discouraged because you get tired quickly and don’t have much strength.

you won’t be able to jump right in

may feel so excited about your new

to an intense exercise program. You

fitness goals that you want to work out

can’t expect to start by running five

every day for a while. However, this

miles. Instead, you may need to run

would be a mistake. If you don’t allow

just one mile – or maybe even half of a

enough recovery time each week you

mile. Over time, you can build up your

put yourself at risk of serious injury,

physical fitness and reach the goals

which will sideline you and throw your

you set for yourself.

progress off track.

You don’t need to overdo it in order

establish goals

to get healthy. Guidelines from the

Before you begin working out, it is

Making changes can be hard. How-

Centers for Disease Control and Pre-

important to establish goals. Do you

ever, changing your lifestyle habits

vention and the federal government

want to lose weight? Do you just want

to include regular, healthy exercise is

recommend 150 minutes of exercise

to exercise more regularly, or do you

important. Once you make the deci-

per week, which is 30 minutes, five

want to reach a specific fitness bench-

sion to get fit, here are a few tips to get

days a week. Meeting that goal can be

mark, such as having a lower resting

you started:

as simple as taking a walk after dinner

heart rate or being able to run a race?

each night.

The goals you have will determine

talk to your doctor

what kind of exercises you engage in

Before you start exercising, it is im-

try a variety of activities

and what pace you set. For example,

portant that you evaluate your current

You’ll get bored fast if you try to do

if you want to get in shape and lose

health level. Talk with your doctor to

the same exercises every day. Maybe

weight, you should participate in a

ensure that you don’t have any health

running is your thing at first, but after

combination of cardiovascular exercise

conditions that could be exacerbated

a few weeks or months of only run-

and strength training.

by exercise. Your doctor can assess

ning, you will probably find it harder

you and give you advice about where

and harder to get motivated to head

It’s never too late to get in shape. No

to start. Your doctor can also monitor

out and run. When you participate

matter what kind of fitness routine

your progress, helping you to tweak

in a variety of activities you can stay

you have had in the past and no matter

your program as you go.

motivated to work out, helping you to

what kind of shape you are in now, you

stick with your fitness plan.

can meet your new fitness goals.

thrive magazine

start slow


No matter what kind of physical fit-

allow time for recovery

ness you may have had in the past,

When you get back into exercise, you

Take Charge of Your Health Before Your Health Takes Charge of You! Bioidentical Hormones • 24/7 Healthcare Direct • Executive Level Wellness Exams Essential Health & Wellness is dedicated to improving your health through the prevention of diseases by guiding our patients to lead a long and truly healthy life. Through our programs, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, 24/7 Healthcare Direct, Executive Level Wellness Exams and a variety of ancillary services, we help our patients obtain optimal health and improve personal performance and longevity. Sharing our technical knowledge and skills helps us to assist our patients in the Anti-aging process to reach their goal to total wellness.

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healthy & happy • avoiding summer injuries

nutrition through IV therapy Our e x per t: ja me s s t e v en s, md, pr e sident of e s sent i a l He a lth & w ellne s s

Common conjectures about intra-

process of absorption and guarantee-

Though less common, IV therapy may

venous or IV treatment may include

ing direct access straight into the

also lead to:

thoughts of a very ill or severely

bloodstream. Considering this, they

injured person lying in a hospital

usually have a drug-like effect rather

• Increased sense of well-being

bed. However, while IV treatment

than the effect the nutrient would

• Relief of acute migraine symptoms

is often used to administer drugs

have if taken orally.”

• Reduction of acute asthma attacks

and life-saving fluids to a person

• Enhanced recovery after surgery

who is ill or injured, it can also

The benefits of IV therapy are wide-

• Reduction of chronic fatigue • Improvement of digestive disorders

be used to treat a variety of other

ranging. Stevens says that some of the

health conditions ranging from

most common benefits of IV therapy

mild to severe.


“Intravenous nutritional therapy is a


way to directly feed specific vitamins,


minerals and other natural supplements directly into the blood stream,”


Prevention of infection of illness

explains Dr. James R. Stevens, the


Enhanced athletic performance

“It is a safe, powerful and innovative

president of Essential Health & Well-


Improved immune system

therapy that supports the resolution of


numerous health problems,” Stevens

us have poor diets or digestive illness.


Detoxification from toxic metals

says. “Even if you’re healthy, IV admin-

These may lead to unhealthy guts and


Reversal of nutrient deficiencies

istration of a wide range of vitamins

result in inadequate absorption of our


Slowed progression of

and minerals is an extremely effective

Parkinson’s symptoms

way to boost your nutritional status,

daily nutrients. Moderate to highthrive magazine

Decreased cold, flu, allergy and sinus symptoms

ness. “Unfortunately, the majority of


Increased energy

The benefits [of IV therapy] can be immediate or longterm, depending on the health issue and the severity of the symptoms.

dose nutrients, when given through

accelerate your athletic performance

IV, bypass the gut, eliminating the

and prevent illness. It is especially im-

healthy & happy • avoiding summer injuries

portant when flu season is around, or


before and during stressful situations.”

while the nutrients are being infused.”

IV infusions are typically adminis-

Unfortunately, insurance typi-

tered once a week, though they can be

cally does not cover IV therapy, so

reduced to once a month depending

most patients have to pay for the

on the health issue and your goals for

procedure out of pocket. The costs

treatment. Each infusion can take any-

can range from $50 to $190 per

where from 10 minutes to two hours

treatment, but it depends on what

to administer, again depending on the

vitamins or minerals are being

severity of symptoms or the type of


treatment. In the meantime, the treatment

Though many people might be nervous about the infusions because they require inserting a needle into the vein, Stevens says that they are not painful. “IV therapy is very well tolerated since it is the same components you’d find in your multivitamin,” he says. “IV therapy involves inserting a small catheter into a vein in your arm in order for the vitamins to go directly into your bloodstream. The amount of pain felt is similar to going to the doctor to get your blood drawn for labs. Once the catheter is placed, there is no discom-

patients of all kinds. A short list of medical conditions that may benefit from IV therapy: n Asthma n Migraines n Hepatitis n Fibromyalgia n Muscle spasm n Chronic fatigue n Upper respiratory infection n Parkinson’s disease n Anti-aging n Allergic rhinitis n Chronic sinusitis n Herpes outbreaks n Acute strain or injury n Coronary artery disease (hypertension) n Depression n High cholesterol n High blood pressure

thrive magazine

fort and the patient is able to sit there

is growing in popularity for


healthy & happy • menstral bleeding

the causes and

treatments of

heavy menstral bleeding

Our e x per t: a ndr e a s. luk e s, md of the c a rolin a women’s r e se a rc h a nd w ellne s s c ent er

Many women experience a heavy

Andrea S. Lukes, MD of the Carolina

yet may be anemic,” Lukes says. “This

flow day when they get their

Women’s Research and Wellness

is something providers should ad-

monthly periods. However, some

Center says that as many as 25 percent

dress and ask about at annual visits.

women experience bleeding that

to 30 percent of women of reproduc-

There are now accepted terms used to

is even heavier, and it occurs

tive age experience heavy menstrual

describe menstrual bleeding and these

consistently from month to month.

bleeding. Smith says that as many as

terms are more interpretable to both

The issue doesn’t just cause an

70 percent to 80 percent of women

clinicians and patients.”

inconvenience – it can be extremely

experience uterine fibroids by the time

painful and impair a woman’s qual-

they turn 50, and uterine fibroids are

If it is determined that a woman has

ity of life, including creating an

a common cause of heavy menstrual

heavy menstrual bleeding, the treat-

iron deficiency and causing more


ment will depend on the cause. Some

serious health complications.

Heavy menstrual bleeding can be caused by a variety of factors. It can be induced by growths like fibroids or polyps in the uterus, or it can be caused by disease or blood disorders. Certain medications, such as anti-

women may be able to take medica-

Since “heavy” may be a subjective term for many people, it is important for women to talk with their doctors if they feel like they are experiencing heavy menstrual bleeding.

thrive magazine

coagulants, can contribute to heavy


tion, while others may have to undergo surgical treatment. Non-surgical treatments include Lysteda, a non-hormonal medication that is only taken during the days of heavy bleeding; NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents) taken dur-

menstrual bleeding, as can some birth

“Often, a woman considers her bleed-

ing the days of heavy bleeding; and a

control devices, such as the copper

ing to be heavy and will complain of

variety of hormonal medications,

IUD. Conditions like endometriosis

this to her healthcare providers. On

including contraceptives. For exam-

and sexually transmitted diseases can

the other hand, some women do not

ple, the Ortho Evra patch, Nuva Ring,

also contribute.

consider their menses to be heavy,

or Mirena intrauterine device may

healthy & happy • menstral bleeding

Women’s Wellness Clinic excellence in gynecology

We are dedicated to providing the best of care. Our all female staff combines experience, compassion, and state of the art technology in order to offer you personalized attention.

We consider it a privilege to care for you.

Providers: Andrea Lukes, MD, MSHc, FACOG Amy Stanfield, MD, FACOG Makayla Downs, FNP - BC

all be able to help regulate hormones

Treatments like hormonal medications

as it has a high rate of effectiveness

that contribute to heavy menstrual

can offer the added benefit of provid-

and lower number of side effects.


ing contraception. Conversely, surgical

249 E NC Highway 54 Suite 330 Durham, NC 27713 919.251.9223

Surgical options include removal of fibroids or other growths, endometrial ablation, or hysterectomy.

treatments like hysterectomy can

Ultimately, the treatment that

prevent further childbearing, so they

works for each woman depends on

should be reserved for older women or

what is causing her heavy menstrual

those who are assured of not wanting

bleeding, as well as her other health

to have more children.

conditions. If you think that you are experiencing heavy menstrual bleed-

Dr. Lukes notes that some hormonal

ing, talking to your doctor about all

a range of treatment options that are

treatments also carry increased risks,

the options can help you make the

appropriate for their particular cir-

such as clotting. She often recom-

best choice for your body.

cumstances so that they can make the

mends the use of the non-hormonal

choice that is best for them.

medication Lysteda to her patients who can’t take hormonal medications,

thrive magazine

Doctors should present women with


healthy & happy • hearing loss & your health

how hearing loss

is tied to health Our e x per t: s t eph a nie ga lloway, doc tor of audiology, A s sur ed audiology & he a r ing s olu t ion s

It is easy to consider hearing loss an affliction only suffered by the elderly. However, while the Hearing Loss Association of America says that one out of three people will experience loss in hearing by age 65, in actuality, two thirds of the people suffering with hearing loss are below the age of 65, making it a problem that knows no age limit. Understanding the signs, symptoms,

I don’t understand.’ They may also ac-

physical, emotional, and social well-

and possible causes of hearing loss can

cuse others of ‘mumbling’ all the time.”

being. Dr. Galloway states that many

help you recognize the need to seek

people may start to isolate themselves

and receive treatment early, if possible.

Some causes of hearing loss are genet-

and withdraw from activities they once

The earlier treatment begins, the great-

ic, either present at birth or gradually

enjoyed because they cannot hear what

er chance of long-term success.

declining over time. Some may be age

is going on. They find it is too taxing to

related or caused by prolonged noise

try to understand, it can be exhausting

“There are many signs of hearing loss,”

exposure or other trauma. What many

and cause physical tension as well as

Doctor of Audiology Stephanie L. Gal-

people do not realize is that some

tension between the hearing impaired

loway of Assured Audiology & Hearing

reasons people lose their hearing may

and their communication partner(s).

Solutions explains. “Some signs may

be caused by or linked to other health

Constantly asking for repetition or

be more obvious than others, such

conditions, such as heart disease,

constantly having to repeat what is

as turning up the volume of the TV

diabetes, and dementia. Often times,

said can be frustrating for all parties.

louder than usual, or louder than

hearing loss can occur concomitantly

other people prefer. An individual with

with these and other problems, such

Unfortunately, there is no cure for

hearing loss may also ask for repeti-

as depression, cognitive decline, and

many of hearing losses mentioned

tion many times during a conversation

increased incidence of falls.

above, but successful treatment is avail-

thrive magazine

or ‘lean in’ to the conversation to get


able with hearing aids. The success and

close to the person speaking. Hearing

The impacts of hearing loss can be far

satisfaction rates have increased dra-

impaired people often say, ‘I hear, but

reaching and may affect an individual’s

matically with the help of technological

healthy & happy • hearing loss & your health

Better Hearing is Better Living

DIAGNOSTIC HEARING TESTS • EVALUATIONS FOR HEARING AIDS • HEARING AID PURCHASES & FITTINGS HEARING AID REPAIRS & ADJUSTMENTS • ADVANCED AUDIOLOGY SERVICES Assured Audiology & Hearing Solutions is proud to provide hearing care, hearing aid services, and audiology services for residents of Fuquay-Varina, Holly Springs, Apex, and the surrounding communities. We are committed to educating our patients, so they are able to make well informed decisions about the treatment options and methods to pursue. As a part of this service, we are available to conduct educational programs for organizations throughout the community. Feel free to contact us for more information.

Patient satisfaction is our priority, even extending to lifetime coverage on every hearing aid we fit! 7629 PURFOY ROAD, STE 109 FUQUAY-VARINA, NC 27526 (919) 762-0358


“As with any other physician, make

When you receive your hearing aid(s),

These include directional microphones

sure you feel comfortable with your

Dr. Galloway recommends getting all

and systems to help manage feedback,

doctor of audiology,” Dr. Galloway

the information about them, including

or whistling, from the hearing aids, as

says. “This should be a long-term

a warranty, how repairs are handled,

well as noise management algorithms

relationship with ongoing care of

and the return policy. Get everything

to improve performance in the presence

your hearing health, as well as your

in writing and make sure all the poli-

of background noise. The comfort and

hearing aids…It should never be a case

cies are explained up front. “When you

size of the instruments has also signifi-

of getting hearing aids and then never

make an investment like this that per-

cantly improved. “Many times, I have

returning to the office. It is an ongoing

tains to your quality of life, you want

to really look to make sure my patients

process where I continually monitor

to get the most usage and return on

are actually wearing their hearing aids.”

my patients’ hearing and schedule

your investment,” Dr. Galloway says.

Galloway says.

regular maintenance on their hearing

“The only way that will happen is if

aids, as well. This goes on for the life of

you feel comfortable enough with your

the hearing aids.”

doctor to communicate openly and

Choosing the right doctor is essential to getting the correct treatment and successfully managing the condition.

honestly regarding your experiences.”

thrive magazine

advances in hearing aids in recent years.


healthy & happy • animals keeping us healthy

how service dogs & animals Dogs



maids, companions and guides.

health issue

health issue

health issue

Dogs are not alone. Animals of

Blindness, limited mobility,

Heart problems, mental

Blindness, limited mobility,

all kinds are able to be trained

physical disability, heart

health issues

mental health issues

to help people monitor health

problems, allergies, mental

issues, to get around if they are

health issues, diabetes

how the animal helps

how the animal helps

Dogs aren’t just man’s best friend, they can also be nurse

struggling with mobility, and

Often referred to as “Angel

Miniature horses are popular

how the animal helps

Cats,” service cats or therapy

as guide animals because

Dogs are the classic ser-

cats can alert owners to

they are large enough to lead,

Here are just a few of the

vice animal. They are best

the threat of an imminent

but are small enough not to

animals commonly able to be

known for serving as guides

seizure or heart attack, usu-

cause injury, unlike a regular

trained to serve as companions,

for those with blindness or

ally by pawing at the person

horse. Full-sized horses are

with information about the

limited sight. However, they

or sitting on them. Cats can

often used in mental health

health issues and conditions

can also be trained to sense

also serve as companions for

therapy for those suffering

they help to monitor or treat:

when a person is about to

those suffering from mental

from issues like depression,

experience a severe health is-

health issues, helping to re-

anxiety and cognitive disor-

sue, such as a heart attack, or

lieve anxiety and depression.

ders such as autism.

much more.

when someone needs to take medication, such as when an allergy attack is about to strike or when blood sugar drops too low in a diabetic. Dogs have long been used as therapy animals for those suffering from trauma or

thrive magazine

mental health issues.


healthy & happy • animals keeping us healthy

can help us and keep us Pigs



health issue

health issue

health issue

Blindness, limited mobility,

Physical disabilities

Diabetes, limited sight,

mental health issues


limited mobility, mental how the animal helps

health issues

how the animal helps

Those with spinal cord

Like the miniature horse,

injuries are the most com-

how the animal helps

many types of pigs are just

mon benefactors of service

Birds like parrots and

the right size to serve as

monkeys, but people with

macaws are able to service

guide animals for those who

many other types of physical

as both service and therapy

are blind or who have limited

disability or limited mobility

animals. Some birds are

mobility. Pigs can also be

can also benefit from these

able to send when blood

trained as therapy animals

helpful animals. Service

sugar is falling in diabetic

for those suffering from a

monkeys can retrieve objects,

patients, alerting them

variety of mental health

push buttons, hold food and

to the need to eat or take

conditions. Service pigs have

drinks and much more. They

medicine. Some birds can

made news in recent years

can even move an arm or a leg

help to retrieve objects for

as passengers have fought

in a wheelchair.

those with limited mobility,

airlines for the right to bring

or to help navigate people

them on board.

with limited sight. Other

A range of animals are available to provide service, guidance and companionship, including unexpected choices like snakes and iguanas. Talk with your doctor about resources for service animals in the Triangle and throughout the state.

birds have been trained to help people through mental health issues, such as calming a person who has anger issues or providing comfort to those with depression and anxiety.

thrive magazine


healthy & happy • diabetic retinopathy

diabetic retinopathy: combating

vision loss

Our e x per t: dr . milton ja me s, md of nor th c a rolin a e y e e a r nose & throat

When most people think of

ity,” Dr. James says that swelling of the

cases,” James shares. “In fact, you

diabetes, they think of how it

macula may cause vision loss.

may have advanced disease and not be

affects blood sugar and insulin

aware of it.”

levels. Many don’t think of vision

“Additionally, new and abnormal blood

problems being associated with

vessels may grow or proliferate onto

diabetes. The risk of developing

the surface of the retina,” he says.

diabetic retinopathy or the disease

“These blood vessels tend to be fragile

progressing increases over time.

and may bleed into the back segment

Over 80% of patients with diabetes

of the eye. This proliferative form of

will develop retinopathy.

DR can fill the eye with blood and cause significant loss of vision.”

“Diabetic retinopathy, or DR, is a

Diabetic retinopathy is typically discovered during an eye exam, when the eye doctor finds changes to the eye. In some cases, patients will present blurred vision believed to be due to a need for glasses, but in fact, they have decreased vision from DR.

condition that affects the retina, the

The problem is common. “Diabetes is

back layer of the eye and an important

the leading cause of new cases of legal

Dr. James also says that patients who

part of the visual pathway,” explains

blindness and decreased productivity

have severe swelling of the macula

Dr. Milton James of North Carolina

in adults between the ages of 20 and

may have blurry vision or loss of some

Eye Ear Nose & Throat. “In DR, the

74,” James reports.

central vision. Patients who have

retinal blood vessels may become

experienced proliferation of abnormal

‘leaky.’ As a result, the blood, fluid, and

Getting regular eye exams is an

blood vessels may notice floaters in

fatty deposits that normally live in the

important part of diagnosing diabetic

their vision.

blood vessels leak out into the center

retinopathy, as there may be no

of the retina.”

visible symptoms.

“All people with diabetes – Type I

thrive magazine

and Type II – are at risk for diabetic


Since the center of the retina, or

“An important point to stress is that

retinopathy and should have a com-

macula, “provides the best central acu-

DR does not cause eye pain in most

prehensive eye exam performed at

healthy & happy • diabetic retinopathy


North Carolina Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat has a 100 year tradition of providing advanced, friendly, caring treatment to every patient. Our staff and physicians deliver comprehensive, state-of-the-art care in a personal community-based setting. We do not charge a facility fee at any of our offices.


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911 Ridge Road #A, Roxboro 27573 336-597-2829


least annually,” James says. “Patients

Patients can reduce their risk of devel-

manage any issues early before vision

may need more frequent eye exams,

oping diabetic retinopathy by carefully

loss occurs.

especially when their diabetes is not

managing their diabetes. Dr. James

well controlled, it is a chronic condi-

says that patients should work with

Of course, proper self-care through

tion, or retinopathy has been detected

their physicians to carefully control

eating a healthy diet and getting regu-

in the past.”

blood-sugar levels and to manage as-

lar exercise is also essential to manag-

sociated medical conditions with their

ing diabetes and reducing the risk of

diabetes, such as hypertension and

developing diabetic retinopathy.

high cholesterol. Dr. James urges that, “A commitDr. James explains that an ophthal-

ment to wellness by the patient and a

mologist should be a part of every

coordinated medical effort is impor-

patient’s healthcare team, and the

tant when managing diabetes and the

ophthalmologist and physician should

associated ocular complications.”

communicate closely to detect and

thrive magazine

Treatments for diabetic retinopathy depend on the severity of the condition and how it manifests in the eye. Laser therapy, intraocular injections, and retinal surgery are all potential options.


healthy community • superfoods & antioxidants


the powerful meat-free protein

Beans, beans, they’re good for your heart.

As you can see from the chart below,

You can mash beans and turn them into

The more you eat, the more you … well,

most beans are high in fiber, calcium,

dips or patties that you can fry up as

never mind that last part. Beans may be

iron, folate and manganese, which are

burgers. You can even use beans as a base

known as the musical fruit, but they are

all essential nutrients. Beans are an

for breads and desserts.

also a very powerful plant-based protein.

especially good choice for pregnant

Vegetarians or those simply looking to

women who need folate. They are also

If you aren’t sure how to cook beans, get

eat less meat in their diet can substitute

a good choice for anyone trying to eat a

a good cookbook or go online to browse

beans in a lot of dishes to get the protein

healthier, more plant-based diet. The high

recipes. Try adding one meatless day to

they need. Love tacos? Just double up on

fiber content will make you feel full more

your week and focus on plant-based pro-

beans and skip the beef. Want stir fry?

quickly, which will reduce your cravings

teins like beans for your meals instead of

Try mixing in some beans with veggies

and help you stick to your healthy diet.

meat. You’ll add a variety of protein and

instead of steak or chicken.

other essential nutrients to your diet. Beans don’t have to be just a side item on

You have dozens of options for beans.

your plate. You can make main courses

Give beans a try. You may be surprised at

Here’s what you need to know about some

that are built up around beans. You can

what they can do for your health.

of the most popular types of beans and

boil beans and add them with other

how much protein they contain.

ingredients, such as rice or pasta.

soy beans | Soybeans have the highest protein of any beans. Therefore, they are frequently used in meat substitutes, such as commercially made “burgers.” They are also the basis for tofu and tempeh. Recommended Amounts: 1 cup per day Protein: 28.62 grams Other Important Nutrients: Isoflavones and phyteoestrogens, which are thought to fight breast cancer and reproductive cancers. white beans | White beans are excellent in chili, soups and salads. They can be eaten warm or chilled. Recommended Amounts: 1 cup per day Protein: 17.4 grams Other Important Nutrients: High in fiber, calcium and iron. black beans | Black beans are excellent savory beans that pair well with many Spanish and Latin dishes. They can be mixed with rice, served in soups, added to chili and so on. Recommended Amounts: 1 cup per day Protein: 15.2 grams Other Important Nutrients: High in fiber, iron, folate and thiamin.

thrive magazine

kidney beans | Kidney beans are most often found in chili, soups and salad. They are large, red beans that are shaped like kidneys, giving them their name. They have a strong flavor. Recommended Amounts: 1 cup per day Protein: 15.3 grams Other Important Nutrients: High in fiber, folate and manganese.


garbanzo beans | Garbanzo beans are also known as chickpeas. They are ground up and turned into hummus, a popular and healthy dip or spread. They can also be eaten whole in salads and pastas. Recommended Amounts: 1 cup per day Protein: 14.5 grams Other Important Nutrients: High in fiber, folate, manganese, iron, copper and magnesium.

weighing in

a thrive special section devoted to

your weight & your HEALTH

THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight & your health

spotlight: how hormone fluctuations are associated with weight gain

Our e x per t: s c ott g. a nder s on, md fac og, of blue r idge ob / gyn

As a woman, you may already under-

and found an average weight gain of about

effects of progesterone is fluid retention, so

stand some of the ways that hormones

2 pounds every four years. Eating processed

women will weigh more premenstrually.”

can affect your weight. As your men-

foods and sugary drinks contributed to

strual cycle approaches, you may see

higher weight gain, and eating a plant-

This weight gain averages around 3 to 4

a slight rise in your weight thanks to

heavy diet while also exercising slowed

pounds, but it can be as high as 10 pounds.

hormone changes that influence

weight gain. Getting between six and eight

your metabolism and cause you to

hours of sleep also had a positive effect on

Eating a diet high in complex carbohydrates

retain water.

keeping off the pounds.

during these time may help you to reduce

Yet there are many more ways that hormones can influence your weight, whether you are a man or a woman. Your thyroid plays a significant role in your

Hormonal changes can be significant leading up to and through menopause, and these can have a big influence on weight.

food cravings and minimize weight gain. Staying away from salt, fat, sugar and caffeine can help you to reduce water retention and weight gain. Taking a calcium supplement may help with the mood shifts caused by hormonal fluctuations, and taking

hormonal regulation, and changes in your

a magnesium supplement may help with

thyroid can influence your weight.

reducing bloat. The National Institutes of Health also

“A low (or underactive) thyroid, called hypo-

noted that aging could lead to weight gain

Hormonal changes can be significant

thyroidism, will cause weight gain, as well

because of the loss of muscle tissue, which

leading up to and through menopause, and

as hair loss, constipation, cold intolerance,

also plays a role in regulating metabolism

these can have a big influence on weight.

and fatigue,” says Scott G. Anderson, MD

and hormones. “Menopause generally does two things,”

FACOG of Blue Ridge Obstetrics. Alternatively, hyperthyroidism will cause weight

For women, the reproductive cycle has a

Anderson says. “One: It redistributes fat

loss. Thyroid medicine is sometimes abused

strong influence on hormones and weight

tissue. It won’t cause weight gain directly,

for weight loss, but hyperthyroidism can

throughout life.

but with the loss of estrogen and gain in testosterone type hormones, a more male

thrive magazine

also cause heart problems.”


“As far as monthly fluctuations, a woman’s

distribution of weigh occurs. It moves

Hormones can also change as you age,

weight will definitely change over the

away from the hips and buttocks and

causing your metabolism to slow. The Mayo

month, mostly related to fluid shifts,” An-

towards the abdomen/middle. Two: Meno-

Clinic cited a study that followed over

derson explains. “Progesterone levels tend

pause may slow metabolism. The slowing

100,000 men and women in good health

to be high premenstrually, and one of the

of the metabolism can cause weight gain.

THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight & your health


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This can be fought with regular exercise and a good diet.”

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Whether you are a male or female, hormonal fluctuations will occur in relation to your stress levels, your diet, how much sleep you are getting, and processes that are happening in your body as you age. Though you may not be able to do anything


The same metabolic set point holds true for your post-menopausal body as it did before “the change.” To restore balance, figure out what is going on at the core of your physiology and emotions. One of the blessings of menopause is the stripping away of the masking effects of estrogen. While this process may produce symptoms, it becomes much easier to get a handle on underlying individual susceptibilities and what’s not functioning well for you. Many women have conditions such as insulin resistance or adrenal fatigue that have been developing for a long time, but it’s only after estrogen levels dip that the symptoms become noticeable. Once apparent, it becomes easier to know what to do about it.

about some of these changes, you can minimize weight gain by following a healthy lifestyle that includes a diet with plenty of exercise and sleep.

thrive magazine

complex carbohydrates and getting enough

Why does weight gain occur so easily for women as they age? Worldwide, the prevalence of obesity has doubled since 1980. Because this is most notable in developed countries, much of this trend can be traced to a sedentary lifestyle and consumption of highly-processed foods. Also, your fat cells and your hormones are part of a system-wide biofeedback network that orchestrates your appetite, metabolism, heat regulation, digestion, and detoxification. – from


THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight & your health

spotlight: busting myths about obesity The rates of obesity are expanding

medical conditions can also predispose the

Diet is not the problem. It’s exercise.

about as quickly as our waistlines are.

body to weight gain.

Many health experts have said that Americans don’t get enough exercise, which can

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that 35.7 percent of

Many studies have also shown how stress

have devastating consequences for both

adults in the United States are obese,

and other factors can influence what we

our weight and our health. Even Michelle

as are 17 percent of children ages 2 to

eat without our knowledge. One study

Obama has gotten in on the issue, promot-

19. The numbers are only expected to

by the Journal of Personality and Social

ing more physical activity through her “Let’s

rise in the coming years.

Psychology showed that stress and being

Move” campaign. Although regular exercise

overwhelmed with having too many choices

is important to maintaining a healthy

Obesity has been called an “epidemic,” and

predisposes people to choosing higher

weight and body, a lack of exercise can’t

everybody from your grandma to the talking

calorie foods with less nutritional value.

be blamed on the obesity epidemic. The

heads on television have something to say

Another study by The Journal of Consumer

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

about it. Unfortunately, that means that

Research showed that people are more

reported that there was no major decline

many myths have been spread, making it

likely to make poor food choices after

in exercise levels between 1980 and 2000,

harder to educate about the issue and cre-

completing demanding tasks. These food

when obesity rates in the country doubled.

ate real change.

choices were not conscious. Therefore,

The agency reports that exercise outside

eating habits are not always controlled by

of work has actually increased (even if jobs

simple will power.

have become more sedentary).

Obesity is caused by genetic factors.

The truth about obesity is that it’s a

People who are obese eat a lot of food

While genetics does play a role in a

complex issue. There is no one reason why

and can’t control themselves.

person’s propensity to become obese, it is

people become obese, and there is no one

You don’t become obese simply because

not the only factor. People whose genetics

solution that will reverse the problem.

you eat too many donuts, and you don’t

or medical conditions contribute to weight

The first step in solving obesity is creating

eat too many donuts simply because you

gain can still reduce their weight through

education and awareness, and then working

don’t know how to say “no.” Many complex

a combination of a healthy diet, regular

to make resources available so that people

factors contribute to a person’s weight.

exercise, or even surgery. A study by Human

can get the treatment they need.

Some medical issues such as hormonal

Molecular Genetics found that the overall

imbalances, thyroid disorders and metabolic

rates of obesity have doubled between

syndrome can make it extremely difficult for

1980 and 2000, which is faster than could

people to lose weight, even if they are eat-

be accounted for by genetics alone.

Here are just a few of the many myths that




ing a low-calorie diet and exercising. These



thrive magazine

have been spread about obesity:

1 2 Shiv%281999%29FruitOrCake.pdf 3

THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight & your health

spotlight: how weight can affect your emotions You already know how your emotions

can serve as a constant reminder of this,

in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 1 found

can affect your weight. Consider how

leading to feelings of extreme frustration

that the consequences of weight gain could

we feel right after a long and stress-

and failure.

include impaired physical ability and mental

ful day at work – Our first instinct is to

health problems such as depression. These

reach for a slice of pizza followed by

Depression and Other Mental Disorders

issues can also exacerbate mental health

a big piece of chocolate cake, not a

Excess weight can cause serious psycho-

disorders that the person may already have,

salad or fruit. If those poor eating habits

logical issues such as depression, anxiety,

such as schizophrenia.

caused by stress and depression last for

and mental disorders. The reasons for this

a continued period, it is easy to pack on

are as complex as the reasons that we gain

Mental and Physical Health

the pounds.

weight in the first place.

We all know that it’s not healthy to carry extra weight or to be obese, but many of

What you might not know is that your

Some may develop low self-esteem and de-

us are still learning just how far the con-

weight can also adversely affect your

pression because of the constant negative

sequences of carrying excess weight go.

emotions. Its influence goes beyond making

feedback they get from family and friends.

Through public education, it is possible

you feel bad because you have a muffin top.

While comments may be rooted in concern

to create changes that can help

Excess weight can significantly impair your

for their loved one’s well being, some family

overweight and obese people get

self-esteem, bring down your overall mood,

and friends may end up lecturing over-

the help they need

and even cause depression.

weight and obese people about their need

to get healthy. By changing

to get healthy by asking them constantly

the way we talk about

Feelings of Frustration and Failure

about what they are eating or how much

the issue, we can

People who are overweight or obese know

they are exercising, or reminding them

also minimize

that they need to lose weight. Many prob-

regularly about their excess weight.

the effects that weight gain

ably try to lose weight by starting a diet or adding some exercise to their day. However,

Of course, society itself does a good

has on

losing and gaining weight is more complex

enough job of reminding people that they


than what a person eats or how much he

are overweight or obese. Images of rail-thin


exercises. Psychological issues, health con-

models and photo-shopped celebrities tell

ditions and genetics can all influence how

us all how we should look, while few of us

much weight a person gains or how quickly

actually do.

he loses weight. In addition, excess weight can cause a person’s hormones to shift out of balance,

may not get results. The excess weight

which can lead to mood disorders. A study

1 thrive magazine

For many, simply dieting and exercising



THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight & your health

spotlight: is your job making you fat? They say you should never trust a

69 percent said they gained weight. Other

those saying that they gained more than 20

skinny chef. While most of us aren’t

positions that reported significant weight

pounds, and 59 percent saying they gained

surrounded by food all day, our jobs

gain on the job included:

more than 10 pounds.

could still be making us fat – we just don’t earn any bonus credibility points



Reasons for Weight Gain on the Job

for it.


Primary school teacher

Not surprisingly, the biggest reason that


Nurse practitioner or physician’s

employees report gaining weight on the job


is that they are sitting down all day. Office

Your profession doesn’t have to involve cooking delicious foods to make you gain


IT manager

workers like administrative assistants do

weight. In fact, many typical 9-to-5 posi-


Legal professionals, including

the bulk of their work in front of a computer

attorneys and judges

screen. Their only opportunity to get up


Production workers

and move typically involves walking to the



restroom or going to get a snack. Unfortu-

tions lead to a number of factors that can cause you to pack on the pounds.

nately, most professional positions involve

Career Builder surveyed workers in 2013 about weight gain on the job, and found that

Overall, 41 percent of workers said they

sedentary work. Meanwhile, you’re unlikely

administrative assistants were the

gained weight on the job, with 30 percent of

to find many brick layers or landscapers

most at risk of putting

who say they’ve gained weight because of

on pounds,

their careers. Stress was the second biggest factor that many people cited for gaining weight on the job, and the problem encompasses many smaller issues. First, those who have

thrive magazine

a stressful work environment with a very


THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight & your health

busy schedule often have to skip meals or

to feel hungry more often, that you’ll be

around as much as possible. Go

eat in a hurry. If they skip meals, they are

craving foods that are high in fat and sugar,

for walks on your lunch break or

throwing their metabolic process out of

and that your body will be predisposed to

install a sit/stand desk to give

balance, encouraging fluctuations in blood

store fat.

you opportunities to get on your

sugar levels that could encourage binge eat-

feet while you’re working.

ing later in the day, which can promote fat

Many office environments also feature

storage. If they are eating in a hurry, they

bountiful unhealthy snacking opportunities.

Plan ahead and pack a healthy

are likely to eat out of the vending machine

There always seems to be a birthday cake,

lunch and snacks. You’ll

or grab fast food, which means they are

a potluck celebration for someone’s retire-

ensure you always have some-

presumably eating foods that are high in fat

ment, or a dozen donuts in the break room

thing healthy to reach

and calories but low in nutrition.

that someone brought in just to be nice. It

for when you’re in a hurry,

is difficult to resist these temptations, and

and you’ll feel satisfied

Stress also contributes to hormonal imbal-

you may feel bad not participating in these

and less likely to indulge in

ances, which have a significant impact on

social events. However, you’ll also end

unhealthy treats.

weight. Increased adrenaline, cortisol and

up eating more unhealthy foods than you

insulin production mean that you are likely

should. Fighting the Bulge You don’t have to be a victim to your working circumstances. If you work in a sedentary job, get up and move

thrive magazine


THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight & your health

spotlight: the psychological connection between obesity and your past

They say to let the past stay in the past,

relationship with food or can have a very

but for some people, it isn’t that simple.

Childhood events can cause depression

low self-esteem, both of which contribute

Things that happen in the past can stay

later in life. Child abuse and neglect can set

to poor lifestyle choices that can lead to

with you for years and years maybe

people up for chronic depression and anxi-

unhealthy weight.

even your whole life. They can have an

ety throughout their adulthood, which can

impact on the way you think, the way

increase their probability of obesity. The

Treating Obesity

you feel and the way you behave. They

American Psychological Association says

Before some people can be treated for

can even have an impact on the way

that people who suffer emotionally strain-

obesity, they must receive the psychologi-

you eat.

ing incidents as adults, such as major illness

cal treatment that they need. Childhood

or job loss, can also have a higher risk of

scars linger long into adulthood, and if they

As doctors and scientists are continuing to

obesity. Treating obesity must also address

are not addressed, they can continue to

learn more about the complex factors that

the psychological problems that contribute

threaten the mental and physical health of

contribute to obesity, they are beginning

to it, including identifying and addressing

those who suffer from them. Some things

to understand the psychological link. For

problems rooted in childhood.

you can’t just “get over” with time.

other psychological conditions. For others,

Sexual Abuse and Obesity

Treatment for obesity must take a

psychological problems can contribute to

Childhood trauma can have the strongest

multi-faceted approach that recognizes


influence on depression later in life. Sexual

its multiple influences. In addition to the

abuse is linked to obesity in both children

ongoing psychological care that some

Depression and Obesity

and adults, according to Obesity in Action.

patients need, they must also be examined

Depression can cause changes in a person’s

Though this may seem like a problem for

for medical conditions and perhaps even

hormonal balance and immune system,

only a minority of people, the Centers for

receive medication. Counseling on how to

which may change the way their body

Disease Control and Prevention reports

create a healthy diet or exercise plan is

processes food and cause them to crave

that 1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls are sexually

important, but it is only one small piece in

more fatty and sugary foods. A 2008

abused before they turn 18.

the puzzle.

some, obesity can cause depression and

thrive magazine

study in Clinical Psychology1 reported that


depression could contribute to a higher risk

Sexual abuse can predestine these children

of obesity because of these physical varia-

for chronic depression, anxiety and other

tions, as well as an impairment of self-care,

mental disorders, which can, in turn, in-

which causes people to eat poorly and to

crease their risk for obesity. These children

exercise less often.

(and later adults) can form an unhealthy

sources 1

THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight & your health

spotlight: the REAL truth behind weight loss drugs

It would be so easy to lose weight if

You Still Have to Diet and Exercise

loss drugs that were contaminated with

all we had to do was pop a pill. Forget

All weight loss pills come with the warning

laxatives, prescription drugs and other in-

about months and months of exercising

that they are not effective when taken

gredients that were not listed on the label.

and watching what you eat. A pill that

alone. You still have to eat well and exer-

promises to curb your appetite or to

cise regularly if you expect to lose weight.

Not All Natural Supplements are Safe

block the fat that you eat could make it

No diet pill can counteract the effects of

Many people also mistakenly believe that

so much simpler to achieve your ideal

a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle, no

if something is billed as “natural,” then it

shape and to encourage health.

matter how effective it is. Some diet pills

is safe. After all, what could be dangerous

may be able to enhance your efforts and

about an herb or ingredient taken from na-

Fortunately, according to advertisements,

help you lose weight a little more quickly,

ture? In reality, many natural supplements

there is such a pill. In fact, there are thou-

but you have to make healthy changes to

can be just as dangerous as prescription

sands that promise to help you lose weight.

get things started.

supplements. Some herbs can act as stimulants, increasing your heart rate and

ABC News says that Americans spend $18 billion a year on these magic pills. Unfor-

Not All Supplements are Safe

putting you at risk for a number of health

tunately, in reality these pills and supple-

Many people believe that if they are

issues. Natural supplements can also be

ments are ineffective at best, and damaging

buying something from the store or a

mixed with prescription ingredients yet still

to your health at worst. Here’s what you

pharmacy shelf, that it is safe. Most

be labeled as “natural.”

need to know about weight loss drugs:

consumers mistakenly believe that the Food and Drug Administration approves weight

If you want to lose weight, the best way to

They Don’t Work

loss supplements, but the agency does not

do it is always going to be to eat a healthy

Some weight loss drugs, particularly those

consider these pills to be drugs. Weight

diet and to get plenty of exercise. Magic

given by prescription, can be effective for

loss pills do not have to undergo any safety

pills are just that: “Magic,” and we all know

some people. However, the results are not

review before they go on sale. The only

that magic doesn’t exist.

as dramatic as those portrayed in weight

time the FDA intervenes is if there are a

loss ads, and results can take a long time

high number of complaints about a

to achieve. For most people, most weight

particular supplement.

loss drugs do not have any impact at all. The FDA often issues warnings about

some people might lose weight because of

weight loss drugs if it receives enough

lifestyle changes they make in conjunction

reports about dangerous side effects. Last

with taking the pills.

year, the FDA released a list of 69 weight

thrive magazine

Results may be similar to a placebo, and


THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight & your health

obesity & sleep: what are the risks? Obesity is epidemic in the United

tive sleep apnea are obese. Conversely,

risk for other major health problems, like

States, with almost two-thirds of the

about 40 percent of people who are obese

heart disease. Obesity itself also increases

country now considered overweight

have obstructive sleep apnea. These

the dangers associated with heart health.

or obese according to the Centers for

statistics indicate a glaring correlation

Obesity creates an unhealthy cycle.

Disease Control and Prevention. A lot

between the two.

Excess weight escalates the risk of

of the education about obesity focuses

sleep problems, including sleep apnea or

on its potential health risks, such as


depression that causes sleep loss, which

type 2 diabetes. However, obesity

Obesity also has a strong link to depres-

in turn increases the risk of heart disease.

can affect you in ways that you might

sion, anxiety and other mental health

A study from the Michigan Metabolomics

not have thought of, such as limiting

issues. Not only do many obese people

and Obesity Center found that teens who

your sleep.

suffer from low self-esteem, but the

are obese and who are not getting enough

hormonal and other physical changes that

sleep have a higher risk of heart related

Obesity can have a big impact on the quan-

they experience can also alter their mood,

issues. While most people should sleep

tity and quality of sleep you get, which

and even their brain chemistry, causing

between eight and nine hours per night,

can, in turn, increase your risk for serious

them to develop depression and other

the teens in the study were averaging

health problems.

mental health disorders. Psych Central

seven hours each night.

reports that at least 66 percent of patients Sleep Apnea

seeking weight loss surgery for obesity

Obesity and Sleep

The most common sleep problem associat-

have a history of mental health problems.

Obesity is a complex problem with a multitude of health risks. Sleep is vital

ed with obesity is sleep apnea. Those who suffer from sleep apnea experience short

A prevalent symptom of depression is lack

to good health, and obesity can

periods of shallow or stopped breathing,

of sleep. Though some may sleep more

threaten sleep quality and quantity,

which can disrupt sleep or impair the qual-

when they are depressed, many suffer

creating even more health risks

ity of sleep. Sleep apnea can also cause

from insomnia. By increasing the risk for

than obesity alone. One step

heavy snoring, which can further impair

depression, obesity also increases the risk

towards getting better sleep

the quality of sleep that sufferers get.

for insomnia and other sleep disorders.

could be to lose some weight.

thrive magazine

Even nominal weight loss


Obesity can cause sleep apnea because

Heart Disease

can help you to sleep more

the excess body weight puts pressure on

Not getting enough sleep has more seri-

or to get higher quality sleep,

the chest and lungs, making it harder to

ous consequences than being sleepy the

which can increase energy and

breathe. Stanford University reports that

following day. Research has shown that

make it easier to live a healthy

about 70 percent of people with obstruc-

ongoing sleep deprivation can increase the


THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight and your health

thrive magazine


THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight & your health

stress & weight: how your busy schedule

may be contributing to your expanding waistline Our stress response was designed to

Unfortunately, in our modern day environ-

Managing Stress for Weight Loss

protect us from immediate dangers

ment, we don’t respond to stress in the

Not all people respond to stress in the same

like a wooly mammoth stampeding in

same way we would have in our hunter-

way. However, chronic stress can have

our direction or a lion hunting us for

gatherer days. Instead of having that burst

unhealthy consequences for everyone.

lunch. Hormones such as adrenaline

of energy, you likely sit and worry. After

Of course, the best way to mitigate these

and cortisol are released during these

initially suppressing your appetite, stress

consequences is to reduce the incidence of

types of situations to help us either

hormones then increase it. Long-term stress

stress. For some people, this means partici-

fight these dangers or to run fast

can have you reaching for high-fat and

pating in activities like meditation or finding

enough to escape them.

high-sugar foods even if you are not hungry,

more time to relax. Some simply focus on

and it can make you feel hungry more often.

finding ways to change their perception of

Both can contribute to steady weight gain.

activities and events so that they do not

Fortunately, we don’t typically have to

cause them to feel stressed.

worry about being eaten by a lion in this day and age, but our stress response doesn’t

Fat Storage

know the difference between the threat

Your stress response also encourages

One of the most popular ways to manage

of a lion and the threat of a past due credit

your body to increase insulin levels, which

stress is to exercise. Physical activity of

card bill. That means that your body pumps

is used to move sugar from the blood to

any kind can control your insulin levels and

out all those stress hormones but doesn’t

the muscles. In a lion attack, you’ll need

counteract the effects of adrenaline and

use them the way nature intended. You sit

that sugar to give you as much energy as

cortisol. Physical activity is, after all, what

around stewing in adrenaline and cortisol,

possible to run as fast as you can. When

your stress response is designed to support.

which can have dire consequences for your

you’re dealing with a crappy boss day in and

Everyone must determine their own strate-

health and your waistline.

day out, that surge in insulin isn’t used up.

gies for combating stress. What some may

Instead, your insulin levels remain elevated,

find enjoyable, others may find stressful. If

which encourages your body to store fat.

you are battling the bulge, it might be time

Adrenaline and Cortisol

to look at your stress levels and figure out

thrive magazine

To understand how stress can cause you to


gain weight, it is first important to under-

Stress also encourages your body to store

stand the function of adrenaline and corti-

visceral fat in your belly. This is the fat that

sol. Adrenaline is designed to help you move

lies deep within your abdominal tissue and

quickly and strongly. Cortisol is intended to

muscle, making it much harder to get rid

help your body replenish its nutrient stores

of. Visceral fat also increases your risk of

after its burst of activity.

potentially deadly diseases, including heart disease and diabetes.

how you can bring them down.

sources 1

THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight & your health

spotlight: what foods are making you fat? Diet advice is always changing. First,

healthy alternative to chips. However, dried

fat was the enemy, but you could eat all

fruit has five to eight times more calories

the carbs and sugar you wanted as long

than its fresh counterpart, as well as more

as they were low in calories. Now, fat

sugar. Commercially made dried fruit also

is your friend and you should eat plenty

usually contains added sugar, which adds to

of “good” fat if you want to lose weight,

its waist-busting properties.

but sugar and carbs will make you pack on the pounds.

Skip dried fruits and stick to fresh choices. You’ll take in fewer calories and you’ll feel

Trying to stay on top of the latest nutritional

more satisfied because of the fiber and

can send up the calorie count on these

data can give you whiplash from all the

water content, which makes you full.

foods and drinks. The addition of artificial sugars can cause hormonal disruptions that

back and forth. What information can you trust? Are fats good or bad? Will eating


can inhibit the way your body processes fat

carbohydrates give you the energy to work

Granola has long enjoyed a reputation as

and sugar, causing you to store more fat.

out, or will they make you retain weight?

a “health food,” so consumers have been

Understanding your nutritional options is

given a sense of false confidence and have

about much more than just looking nice in

Some things remain the same no matter

overindulged in the treat. Granola actually

what else changes – like that fresh fruits

has a lot of nuts and grains that are high in

and vegetables will always be healthy op-

calories. Depending on the mix, other fats

tions, and that some foods will always make

and sugars may be added, as well as dried

you fat. Here are a few foods you might not

fruits or even chocolate. It is a high-calorie,

know could be making you fat:

high-fat and high-sugar food that should only be consumed in small quantities.

Dried Fruit

It’s best to avoid any “diet” or “light” foods and just choose the real thing. If it is a food that is high in fat or sugar, indulge in moderation.

Fresh fruit is an excellent choice for snacks

“Diet” Foods

a bikini. The Centers for Disease Control

or meals as they are inherently low in

Diet soda and foods that are billed as

and Prevention estimates that one third

calories and fat, and have natural sugars

“light” foods because they are low in fat

of people over the age of 20 in the United

that are easily broken down by the body.

could actually be making you gain weight.

States are obese, and that number is

Dried fruit might seem like a good choice

Most of these food and drinks are packed

expected to increase. One of the best ways

when you want to have something quick

with sodium or sugars. (They have to

to prevent the spread of this problem is to

and easy to nosh on, or when

The addition of real sugar

choose healthy foods for each and every meal and snack.

thrive magazine

you want a crunchy but

make up the taste somehow.)


THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight & your health

spotlight: what health problems are linked to obesity?

Excess weight isn’t just a cosmetic

of suffering from a stroke. Their findings

stops. Obesity can cause sleep apnea be-

issue. Obesity is about more than an

were based on a meta-analysis of studies.

cause excess body weight can put pressure

unsightly muffin top and not being

on the chest and lungs, making it harder to

comfortable wearing a bikini at the

Type 2 Diabetes

beach. Obesity is defined as having

Excess body weight is one of the biggest

greater than 20 percent more weight

risk factors for developing Type 2 Diabetes.


than is defined as normal and healthy

The condition is closely linked to insulin

A delicate balance of hormones governs the

for your weight, and all of that extra

levels in the blood, which increase as fat

reproductive cycle. When women carry ex-

weight can lead to a host of health

in the body increases. The Harvard School

cess weight their hormones can be thrown


of Public Health says that the risk of Type 2

out of balance, which can cause problems

Diabetes increases seven-fold for men who

with ovulation and irregular menstrual

Obesity rates doubled between 1980 and

have a BMI of 30 or more, and 12-fold for

cycles. Both can lead to infertility. The Har-

2000, according to the Centers for Disease

women with the same BMI.

vard School of Public Health reports that as much as 25 percent of infertility related to

Control and Prevention, and the Stanford Hospital and Clinics reports that healthcare


related to obesity costs over $150 billion ev-

Carrying extra weight can put a big burden

ery year and about 300,000 people die each

on your bones and joints. Osteoarthritis

Many more health problems are associ-

year from obesity-related health problems.

and other joint problems are common in

ated with obesity, including some types of

Just a few of the health problems that have

obese individuals. The knees and hips are

cancer, metabolic syndrome, incontinence,

been linked to obesity include:

the most common problem areas, but other

digestive issues, as well as depression and

joints throughout the body can be affected.

other mental health disorders. Even just

Heart Disease and Stroke

Replacement surgery may be required in

being overweight can increase your risk

An increase in body fat can lead to raised

some cases, but losing weight can help to

for these health conditions. It is important

blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar

relieve pressure on the joints.

to work with your doctor to monitor these

thrive magazine

ovulatory problems can be linked to obesity.

issues while also developing a plan to lose

and inflammation, all of which can increase



your risk for heart disease and stroke. The

Sleep Apnea

weight incrementally, and to make healthier

Harvard School of Public Health reported

Sleep apnea is a condition in which people

lifestyle choices that will lead to long-term

that those who are obese have an 81

stop breathing for short periods during


percent higher risk of developing coronary

sleep. It primarily causes people to get

heart disease than those who are of normal

poor sleep because they wake frequently

weight, as well as a 64 percent higher risk

throughout the night when their breathing

THRIVE SPECIAL SECTION: your weight & your health

spotlight: is there a connection between genetics and obesity?

When you overindulge on vacation, you

also found it in humans. The gene does not

Science has only identified some of the

come back a few pounds heavier. When

encourage obesity, specifically, but it does

genes that are linked to obesity. The so-

you enjoy one too many treats over the

create conditions that make it easy to put

called “common” obesity may be linked to

holidays, you start to develop a belly

on or retain weight.

hundreds of genes.

simple: If you eat more calories than

Another study in the Journal of Clinical

Genetics and the Future

your body expends, you gain weight. If

Investigation found a gene that created

Though it has become clear that genetics

you eat the right amount of calories for

increased cravings for high-fat foods. The

can play a strong role in whether or not a

your body and level of activity, you don’t.

presence of the gene could override the

person becomes obese, genetics alone can-

willpower that many people believe is

not be blamed for this growing problem. The

needed to curb weight gain.

CDC has noted that although obesity rates

as jolly as Santa’s. The equation seems

Many believe that this is how people be-

have risen dramatically in the last couple of

come obese, as well. If you continually eat to excess, you gain a lot of weight. Though

A UCLA study found that genes control how

decades, our genetics cannot have changed

the idea makes sense with what we know

our bodies respond to a high-fat, high-sugar

significantly in that time, so it is not pos-

to be true, it is only partially accurate. Life-

diet. With the “wrong” genetics, you could

sible to link the issue to genetics by itself.

style choices such as diet and exercise are

be predisposed to put on more weight when

just two factors responsible for the rising

consuming these items.

Genetics may be among dozens of reasons for obesity in a particular individual. Other

rates of obesity. Many studies have shown The Centers for Disease Control and Pre-

factors include stress, medical conditions

vention says that even genetics that we all

the person may have and, of course, life-

Different Genetic Roles

share can play a role in our risk of obesity.

style choices. Some people who carry the

Several genes have been identified that

The so-called “thrifty gene” is intended to

genes that can predispose them to obesity

can be a factor in obesity. The Journal of

help us survive in times of famine or food

may never become obese.

Human Molecular Genetics says that some

scarcity. Our society has evolved to the

are linked to both rare and common types

point of having a steady abundance of food,

It is important to know what role genetics

of obesity.

but our genes haven’t evolved to compen-

can play in your weight so that you can be

sate. Therefore, we are still subconsciously

aware of particular challenges you might

A study in the journal Science found a rare

conserving food energy while faced with

face with your weight and protecting your

genetic mutation that prevents the body

excess. Instead, our bodies create an

health. However, relying on genetics as an

from burning fat. The original study found

abundance of fat.

“excuse” for your obesity can put you at a

that genetics also plays a role in obesity.


thrive magazine

the mutation in rats, but later research


thrive magazine

healthy community • recipes


healthy community • recipes

Almond-stuffed Pork Chops cooking time: 15 minutes prep / 50 minutes cook Serves 4

nutrition per serving ingredients n 4 New York (top loin) pork chops, 1 1/4-inch thick n 1 tablespoon butter n 1/4 cup almonds, chopped n 1/4 cup celery, chopped n 1/4 cup onion, chopped n 2 tablespoons water n 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon granules n 1/2 teaspoon dried parsley flakes n 1/8-1/4 teaspoon almond extract n 2 slices white bread , cut into 1/2-inch cubes n 1 tablespoon browning and seasoning

chops on roasting rack in shallow roasting pan. Bake, uncovered, until internal temperature is 145 degrees F. (check temperature in thickest part of meat), 35-45 minutes. Combine browning and seasoning sauce and 1 tablespoon water in small bowl, if desired; brush over chops. Bake for 2 minutes more. Remove toothpicks from chops.

serving suggestions

Calories: 433 calories Protein: 39 grams Fat: 26 grams Sodium: 284 milligrams Cholesterol: 117 milligrams Saturated Fat: 9 grams Carbohydrates: 10 grams Fiber: 1 grams recipe from

Basic stuffed chops with almond crunch. Serve with a mixed green salad and sautĂŠed green beans.

sauce, optional n 1 tablespoon water

cooking instructions For stuffing, melt butter in medium saucepan over medium heat. Cook almonds, celery and onion in hot butter until vegetables are tender. Stir in the 2 tablespoons water, bouillon granules, parsley flakes and almond flavor. Add bread cubes; toss to moisten bread cubes. Cut opening in each chop from the outer side; widen opening into pocket, being careful not to cut through the other side of the chop. Fill pockets in chops with equal amounts of stuffing.

Heat oven to 375 degrees F. Place stuffed

thrive magazine

Secure with toothpicks.


healthy community • recipes

Lemon Artichoke Chicken Serves 4

ingredients n 4 chicken breast halves, boneless & skinless n 6 tbsp flour, divided

cooking instructions In shallow dish, combine 4 tablespoons

a boil and cook until reduced by half , about

f lour and black pepper. Dredge chicken

6 minutes.

breast halves in mixture.

n 1 tsp black pepper n 1/2 cup butter, divided

In large skillet over high heat, melt ¼ cup

n 1/2 cup chopped green onions

butter (1/2 stick). Add green onions; sauté

n 2 cups chicken stock or broth

over medium heat until softened, about 2

n 1/4 cup dry white wine

minutes. Add chicken to pan; cook, turning

n 1/4 cup f reshly squeezed lemon juice

once, until lightly golden brown on both

n 1 can artichoke hearts, quartered

sides, about 3 to 4 minutes per side. Remove

n 1 tsp salt

chicken from pan and keep warm.

n 1/4 cup capers n 1/4 cup chopped parsley

Add chicken stock and wine to pan, stirring to scrape bits of f bottom. Bring mixture to

In small bowl, knead together remaining 2 tablespoons of f lour and ¼ cup butter. Whisk into sauce and stir until thickened. Stir in lemon juice and artichoke hearts. Stir in salt. Add chicken and cook, covered, until heated through, about 7 minutes. Just before serving, add capers and chopped parsley to chicken.

nutrition per serving Calories: 380 calories Fat: 25 grams Saturated Fat: 15 grams Carbohydrates: 19 grams from the culinary center

thrive magazine

of kansas city


healthy community • recipes

thrive magazine


thrive magazine

healthy community • recipes


healthy community • recipes

Asparagus Pesto with Gnocchi & Ham cooking time: 15 minutes prep / 20 minutes cook Serves 4

ingredients n 2 cups ham, cubed n 12 ounces asparagus, * n 3/4 cup basil leaves n 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated n 1/3 cup walnut pieces

Meanwhile, coat a skillet with nonstick cooking spray. Cook ham cubes in skillet until heated through. Stir remaining portion of the pesto into ham cubes; heat through. Drain gnocchi and toss with pesto-ham mixture.

n 1 tablespoons garlic, minced (6 cloves) n 1/8 teaspoon black pepper n 1 16-oz package potato gnocchi, OR 8 ounces rotini (about 4 cups)

serving suggestions If desired, substitute 12 ounces coarsely chopped broccoli for the asparagus. Cook broccoli in a small amount of boiling water about 5 minutes or until tender. Drain and cool.

cooking instructions

Calories: 355 calories Protein: 23 grams Fat: 19 grams

n 1/4 cup olive oil, OR cooking oil n 3 tablespoons water

nutrition per serving

Sodium: 1070 milligrams Cholesterol: 63 milligrams Saturated Fat: 8 grams Carbohydrates: 22 grams Fiber: 2 grams recipe from

Snap off and discard woody portions of asparagus. Cut into 1-inch pieces. Cook asparagus in a small amount of boiling water about 5 minutes or until tender. Drain and cool. For pesto, in a food processor or blender, combine asparagus, basil, cheese, walnuts, olive oil, water, garlic and pepper. Cover and process or blend until nearly smooth, scraping sides occasionally. Divide pesto into thirds. Transfer 2 portions to freezer containers. Freeze for up to 3 months. Set aside remaining portion.

age directions.

thrive magazine

Prepare gnocchi or rotini according to pack-


healthy community • recipes

Grilled Tequila Steak Pizza cooking time: 30 to 40 minutes marinade time: 15 minutes to 2 hours Serves 4

ingredients n 2 beef Flat Iron Steaks (about 8 ounces each) n 1 cup cooked fresh or frozen corn

cooking instructions Combine marinade ingredients in small bowl. Reserve 2 tablespoons for topping. Place beef steaks and remaining marinade in food-safe plastic bag; turn steaks to coat. Close bag securely and marinate in refrigerator 15 minutes or up to 2 hours, turning occasionally.

kernels n 1 cup chopped tomato

Meanwhile, combine corn, tomato, 2 tablespoons cilantro, salt and reserved 2 tablespoons

n 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

marinade in medium bowl. Cover and refrigerate.

n 1/4 teaspoon salt n 4 medium whole wheat or flour tortillas

Remove steaks from marinade; discard marinade. Place steaks on grid over medium, ash-

n (about 8-inch diameter)

covered coals. Grill, covered, 10 to 14 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, 12 to

n 1 cup shredded Chihuahua cheese or

16 minutes) for medium rare (145°F) to medium (160°F) doneness, turning occasionally.

Mexican cheese blend n Chopped fresh cilantro (optional)

Remove steaks; keep warm. Place tortillas on grid. Grill, covered, 1 to 2 minutes or until


cheese starts to melt.

toasted. Turn tortillas over; sprinkle evenly with cheese. Grill 1 to 2 minutes or until toasted and

n 1/4 cup fresh lime juice n 1/4 cup tequila

Carve steak into thin slices. Season with salt, as desired. Top tortillas with equal amounts of

n 1 tablespoon minced chipotle pepper in

beef and corn mixture. Garnish with cilantro, if desired.

adobo sauce

cook’s tip To cook fresh corn on grill, pull back husks from corn, leaving husks attached. Remove and discard corn silk. Bring husks back up around corn; tie in place with kitchen string or strips of corn husk. Soak corn in cold water 30 minutes or up to several hours. Remove corn from water. Place on grid over medium, ash-covered coals; grill, covered, 20 to 30 minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, 15 to 25 minutes) or until tender, turning occasionally. To cook frozen corn on stovetop, heat nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add corn; Cook over medium heat 4 to 6 minutes or until thoroughly heated, stirring occasionally.

nutrition per serving 485 calories; 23 g fat (11 g saturated fat; 7 g monounsaturated fat); 100 mg cholesterol; 726 mg sodium; 33 g carbohydrate; 4.4 g fiber; 33 g

thrive magazine

protein; 7.8 mg niacin; 0.4 mg vitamin B6; 5.3 mcg vitamin B12; 2.9 mg iron; 36.5 mcg selenium; 8.9 mg zinc; 106.9 mg choline.


healthy community • recipes

thrive magazine

This recipe is an excellent source of protein, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, selenium, zinc and choline; and a good source of fiber and iron.


thrive magazine

healthy community • recipes


healthy community • recipes

tiffany goodall’s Beetroot, British

Asparagus & Smoked Salmon Salad with Yogurt & Pepper Dressing prep time: 5-10 minutes cooking time: 5 minutes

Serves 2


cooking instructions

for the salad:

Place the asparagus tips into a pan of boiling water and cook for 3-4

n 1 pack (approx. 125g) asparagus tips


n 135g watercress and salad leaves n 100g smoked salmon

Meanwhile assemble the salad leaves and watercress onto 2 small

n 2 cooked beetroot dipped in vinegar (not pickled), cut into

plates and lay on the smoked salmon.

eighths n Black pepper to season

Add the beetroot. Then drain the asparagus tips and lay on top of

n 1 lemon, juiced

the salad.

for the dressing:

Finally mix the dressing ingredients together and drizzle over the

n 3 tbsp horseradish cream

salad with lots of black pepper over the top. Finish with the lemon

n 2 tbsp Rachel’s Organic Natural Yogurt


n 1 tsp white wine vinegar

“This salad is a gorgeous starter for late summer, and the horseradish gives it a perfect kick against the soft silky asparagus and subtly flavoured beetroot. It’s a fab combination.”

thrive magazine


healthy community • recipes

Strawberry Almond Ice Cream Sandwich Serves 4

ingredients Chocolate Striped Almond Sponge Cake: n 1 3/4 oz. blanched almonds, finely ground n 1/4 oz. bread flour, sifted n 1 large egg white n 1 large whole egg n 1 large egg yolk n 1 3/4 oz. granulated sugar n 1/4 oz. unsalted butter, melted n 2 - 3 tsp. cocoa powder; sifted Almond Sails: n 1 1/2 oz. unsalted butter n 1 1/4 oz. granulated sugar n 1/2 oz. glucose or corn syrup n 1/2 oz. heavy cream n 1 1/2 oz. blanched sliced almonds, lightly crushed n 1/4 oz. rolled oats California Strawberry Compote: n 1/2 c. California strawberries, cut in segments n 1 tbsp. granulated sugar n 1/4 tsp. Meyer lemon juice n 1/4 tsp. Tahitian Vanilla Dark Chocolate Sauce: n 1/8 tbsp. Dutch cocoa powder n 1/4 c. granulated sugar n 1/4 c. Water n 1 oz. Dark Chocolate n 1 oz. Unsalted butter

thrive magazine

Creme Anglaise:


n 4 large egg yolks n 2 oz. granulated sugar n 1 c. heavy cream n 1/2 Tahitian vanilla bean, split

healthy community • recipes

preparation Chocolate Striped Almond Sponge Cake:

Almond Sails:

Heat oven to 325 degrees F. Line a 1/2 sheet pan or large cookie

Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Line sheet pan with parchment paper.

sheet, with parchment paper, reserve. Set electric mixer with whip

Combine butter, granulated sugar, glucose (or corn syrup) and cream

attachment. Thoroughly combine the ground almonds and flour in a

in a saucepan; set over medium heat; bring to a boil. Stir in almonds

bowl, reserve. Place egg white in a mixing bowl; reserve. Place the

and oats; cook for 2 to 3 minutes; immediately remove from stovetop.

egg, egg yolk and half of the sugar in a separate mixing bowl.

To test consistency - spoon a little batter onto a cookie sheet; place in over and bake for a few minutes -If (A)Batter spreads too thin - return

Set the second bowl over barely simmering water, bring egg to 120

pan to stove and reduce a little long to thicken; (B) Batter does not

degrees, stirring constantly. Remove bowl from water, transfer to

spread thin enough - thin with a little cream and test again.

mixer, whip at high speed for 1 minute, reserve. Exchange mixer whip attachment for a clean one. Place egg white bowl under mixer. Add

Spread batter onto sheet pan. Place sheet pan in oven and bake until

remaining sugar to egg white; beat a medium speed until thick and

batter turns golden brown. Immediately remove sheet pan from oven

foamy but not to peaks.

and cut almond into triangular sails - use a sharp French knife. Cool sails; store in airtight container until needed.

Fold the almond mixture into the reserved whole egg mix. California Compote: Stir the melted butter into the egg mix. Fold egg whites into egg mix.

Place 2 Tablespoons of strawberries in a medium bowl. Add the

Place 1/4 cup of batter in separate bow; fold in enough cocoa powder

sugar and mash the mixture is smooth. Add remaining strawberries,

to color; transfer to a squeeze bottle set with a medium tip; reserve.

lemon juice and vanilla; stir to combine. Cover and let them macerate

Pour the batter onto the reserved paper lined hotel pan and gently

for several hours to marry flavors before using.

spread with flat blade spatula until even. Squirt diagonal stripes of the reserved cocoa batter over the pan. Place pan in oven and bake

Dark Chocolate Sauce:

at 325 degrees for 12 - 15 minutes until golden. Remove hotel pan in

Combine cocoa powder, sugar and water in small saucepan, bring to

oven and cool at room temperature.

a boil and continue to cook for 1 minute. Stir in chocolate; cook until melted. Remove saucepan from heat; stir in butter. Reserve.

Use a 3” round cutter to cut 9 pieces of sponge cake from reserved Creme Anglaise:

ABS pipe on a sheet pan lined with parchment paper. Place a cake

Set mixer with whip attachment. Place eggs and sugar in a mixing

circle in the bottom of each mold. Place a circle piece of cake on top

bowl and set under mixer; beat at medium speed until light and fluffy.

of each and press down to make a compact sandwich. Cover with

Place cream and vanilla bean in saucepan over medium heat; bring to

plastic wrap and freeze for 1 hour. To serve: place sandwich in center

scalding point. With mixer set on low, slowly pour the cream into the

of chilled plate; spoon some chocolate sauce next to sandwich;

yolk mixture. Place the mixing bowl over simmering water; heat the

lay strawberry compote over one edge of sandwich; dot plate with

Creme Anglaise slowly, stirring constantly - do not over heat or sauce

Creme Anglaise and dust with cocoa powder, top sandwich with some

will break. When Creme Anglaise is thick enough to coat the back of

whipped cream and garnish with Almond Sail and mint sprig, serve

a spoon remove from heat and return to mixer. With mixer set on low,


gently beat Creme Anglaise until cool. Transfer Creme Anglaise to

Ice cream sandwiches never looked more elegant. Almonds, strawberry compote, creamy custard and dark chocolate are just a few of the stars in this gorgeous dessert.

a clean container; cover surface with plastic wrap; refrigerate until needed. Creme Aglasise can be thinned to desired consistency with the addition of a little heavy cream.

thrive magazine

cake. Set 4 - 3” bottomless ring molds of 4 identical sections of 3”


healthy community • dangerous insects

more than itchy bites: The weather is finally warming up across North Carolina. That means

Most insects are just an annoyance, leaving behind itchy bites and

that the flowers are blooming, the trees are sprouting, and the bugs

welts. However, some bugs can carry potentially dangerous diseases

are starting to pop up everywhere. You may have already noticed a tick

that they can pass on to you. Here’s what you need to know about the

or two on your body after you spent a morning working in your garden.

potential dangers of the insects you might find in your yard:

Female Insect | Flea

Insect | Lonestar Tick

Where It’s Found | Fleas live in cool, shaded areas near ani-

Where It’s Found | Dense woods and brushy areas;

mals. They cannot survive in extreme heat or humidity, and

common in the Southeast.

they cannot survive without an animal host for most than a couple of days. Inside, they can live in carpet or pet bedding. Diseases It Can Carry | Fleas carry two primary types of

disease: Cat scratch disease and plague. Cat scratch disease can cause serious illness, and it is transmitted through a

Diseases It Can Carry | Human monocytic ehrlichiosis,

tularemia, possible Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Symptoms | Fatigue, headache, fever, muscle pain, joint

pain, circular rash around bite.

scratch, bite or lick from an infected cat (who will show no

Prevention and Cure | As with other types of ticks, the

symptoms). Plague is spread by a flea biting an infected

best prevention is to wear long layers of clothing and to put

animal and then biting a human, and it can cause large sores

on an insect repellent. Clear your yard of dense bushes or

and abscesses, infection and even death.

clusters of trees, and keep the yard free of leaves.

Symptoms | Symptoms of cat scratch disease include fever,

fatigue, headache and swollen lymph nodes. Symptoms of plague include large sores and boils, swollen glands, fever, chills, headache and fatigue. Prevention and Cure | Treating your pets and home for thrive magazine

fleas is the best way to prevent transmission. Treatment is


possible for these diseases, but it must be given early before infection and other serious complications set in.


healthy community • dangerous insects

dangerous insects that can cause disease

Insect | Mosquito Insect | Tick

Where It’s Found | Mosquitoes lay their eggs on or near

water. However, when they mature, they can live in areas of

Where It’s Found | High grass, leaf piles, wood piles, brush,

tall grass and brush. They also tend to congregate near areas

forested areas

of standing water, such as in bird baths, puddles or even

Diseases It Can Carry | There are several varieties of ticks,

inside old cans or tires.

and each can carry different diseases. Possible diseases in-

Diseases It Can Carry | Like ticks, mosquitoes can carry a

clude: Anaplasmosis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, lyme disease,

wide variety of diseases. Some examples include encepha-

powassan, rickettsiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever,

litis (at least six different kinds), West Nile Virus, Dengue

Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness, Tickborne Relapsing

Fever, malaria, Rift Valley Fever, and Yellow Fever. Health-

Fever, tularemia and 364D rickettsiosis.

line says that diseases spread by mosquitoes have caused

Symptoms | Because there are such a wide range of diseases

that ticks can carry, symptoms can also vary widely. How-

more deaths than all the wars in history. Mosquitoes can also cause heartworms in dogs.

ever, some common symptoms of tickborne diseases include

Symptoms | Symptoms vary according to the disease, but

fever, chills, aches and pains and rash. In many cases, the

common issues include high fever, headache, neck stiffness,

rash takes on a bull’s eye shape at the site of the bite.

joint stiffness, chills, nausea, tremors, seizures, swelling of

Prevention and Cure | It is important to keep your yard

the brain, and inflammation. Prevention and Cure | It is important to keep stagnant

in order to make it less attractive to ticks. When you are

water away from your home and to wear long layers while

outside, wear long sleeves and pants, long socks and a head

you are outside. A bug repellent can also keep mosquitoes

covering. Wear bug repellent on yourself, and put tick

at bay. Vaccines are available for some diseases, such as

drops on your pets. If you contract a disease from a tick,

malaria, and treatment is available for many of the dis-

treatment may be available. However, some diseases, such

eases spread by mosquitoes. However, early intervention

as Lyme disease, are chronic.

is critical.

thrive magazine

manicured and clear of debris like leaf piles and wood


healthy community • local restaurants

local restaurants that embrace the local foods movement The local foods movement has been growing in the Triangle in recent years. Many restaurants have opened or begun offering foods made with ingredients sourced from farms right here in the Triangle. Some focus exclusively on a farm to table menu, while others supplement their offerings with these locally grown foods. Some focus on simply offering foods that are closer to their natural state, including dishes made with whole and organic ingredients. When you go to these restaurants, you can feel good about eating out since your meal will be more like what you make at home. Here are a few local restaurants for you to try that are embracing the local and whole foods movement:

ing customers coming back for more.

Irregardless Cafe and Catering |

From mouth-watering artisan cheeses to unique and creative dips and sauces, this is a must-visit eatery. Irregardless Cafe has been offering fresh Information | 919-363-0000

and locally sourced food since 1975 – long

5160 Sunset Lake Road, Apex

before it was a trendy choice. When the

restaurant started, all menu items were vegetarian. Now there are more choices

The Humble Pig | This

on the menu, but they all feature farm-

barbecue business in

fresh ingredients. Vegetarian, vegan

Cary started as a labor

and gluten-free meals are still featured

of love for a husband

prominently. The Vegan Eggplant Mous-

and wife team but became a full-time

saka is exceptional, and meat eaters will

business for them after they experienced

love the Pesto Penne Chicken. You can

layoffs. Not technically a restaurant, The

also enjoy live music every night at the

Humble Pig serves up locally sourced bar-

cafe. Catering is also available.

becue in a traveling food truck or through catering. All pork, chicken and beef are

Information | (919) 833-8898

purchased from local suppliers, and

901 W. Morgan St., Raleigh

produce, sides and desserts are purchased

from local farmer’s markets. Their pulled Little Hen | Little

pork plate is their specialty, but their

Watts Grocery | Chef Amy Tornquist

Hen has created quite a

banana pudding can’t be missed.

takes the

thrive magazine

stir in the community


helm at

when it comes to getting

Information | (919) 616-1852

Watts Grocery in Durham. Tornquist

the word about local foods out! Devel-

has created a menu that is built around

oped by a husband and wife team, The

local and seasonal ingredients, and the

Stachlers, this dynamic duo strongly

restaurant is committed to sustainable

believe in meeting the demands of diners

agriculture. Almost all the ingredients

for accountable and sustainable farm-

are “caught, smoked, picked or cured”

to-table cuisine. With an ever-changing

from suppliers within two hours of the

menu, Little Hen takes prides in keep-

restaurant. Watts is open for lunch,

healthy community • local restaurants

dinner and brunch. A late night menu is

Tribeca Tavern | Locally brewed beers

Information | (919) 680-2333

also available with wine and desserts. The

and dishes

107 E. Parrish St., Durham

low-country seafood gumbo cannot be

made from


some locally sourced

Lilly’s Pizza | Who

Information | (919) 416-5040

ingredients are served up at this Raleigh

says pizza has to be bad

1116 Broad St., Durham

restaurant. The menu features standard

for you? All pizzas at

pub fare, such as pizzas, wings, burgers

Lilly’s are made from

and sandwiches. The bison burger is ex-

scratch from locally sourced and or-

Burger Fi | Burger

ceptional, and the beer battered fish and

ganic ingredients. Vegetarian, vegan and

Fi in Raleigh aims to

chips are a delicious classic.

gluten-free pizzas are available. All pizzas

produce a distinctly fla-

are piled high with toppings, and all are

vorful burger by using

Information | (919) 465-3055

so delicious you won’t believe they’re

all-natural Angus beef

500 Ledgestone Way, Cary

made from wholesome ingredients. The

raised ethically and without the use of

Five Point pizza is amazing, but you can’t

hormones. All burgers are cooked fresh,

go wrong with any of the choices.

and no frozen patties are used. Local and

Bull City Burger & Brewery | The

seasonal ingredients are used wherever

local foods movement

Information | (919) 797-2554

possible. Come for the burgers, but make

has been growing in

810 W. Peabody St., Durham

sure to come back and try the dogs,

Durham, and Bull City

including the Chicago-style or New York-

Burger was one of the

style dog. In addition to the menu, the

early leaders. The menu is

Scratch Baking | Just

restaurant itself is stocked with environ-

simple: Burgers and hot dogs. Yet the con-

like its name suggests,

mentally sustainable furniture, such as

cept is much more elevated. Everything

Scratch Baking makes

tables and chair made from recycled Coke

in the restaurant is made of locally raised

all its pies from scratch

bottles and recycled wood. All the restau-

and produced meats and vegetables. All

and from wholesome, locally sourced

rant’s business practices are focused on

meats are grass fed and raised without

ingredients. The bakery has relationships

reducing its carbon footprint, right down

the use of hormones or antibiotics. All

with local farmers to supply all its ingre-

to how much electricity is used to cool

produce is local and organic. If it’s not in

dients. The menu changes seasonally to

the space.

season, it’s not served. (Sorry, no toma-

match the supply. This isn’t just a dessert

toes for your burger in the winter.) Even

shop. Sure, you can get a great apple pie

Information | (919) 659-8700

the sodas on tap are organic. Of course,

here, but you can also enjoy savory fare

2052 Renaissance Park Place, Cary

beers are locally crafted, as well, at this

like pickled egg salad or heirloom cheese

brewery. Come in March for “Exotic Meat


(919) 999-3700

Month” and try out an ostrich burger or

3004 Wake Forest Rd, Suite 100, Raleigh

alligator burger.

Information: 111 W. Orange St., Durham

thrive magazine


healthy community • local health events

health-related events The Triangle is home to a number of things to do to encourage good health and fitness. We have the Duke Forest, Eno River, Umstead Trail, Jordan Lake and many

september august I’m Too Sexy 5K August 5 | Downtown Durham

actually flat throughout. It begins and ends

Learn to embrace what makes you sexy

at the Cedar Fork Community Center in

inside and out at this co-ed and stroller-

Morrisville. Check out for

friendly race in Durham. Declare that you

more details.

are too sexy for diabetes, heart disease or whatever other ailment you are trying to defeat. See for more

Get Heeled 5K Run & Family Walk Sept 14 | Chapel Hill

you can hike, bike, run or


You don’t have to be a Tarheels fan to par-

top fitness facilities and medical centers. We have excellent farmer’s markets and natural grocers.

ticipate in this race to raise money for the Pound the Path for our Troops August 9 | Raleigh

UNC Lineberger’s Pediatric Oncology and

This 5K run/walk in Raleigh will raise

whole family to have fun and raise money

money to support the USO of North Caro-

for a good cause. See www.getheeled5k.

lina. The event is hosted by the Wil-Mar

com/ for more information.

In addition to all these

for more information.

The 5K and 1 mile fun run will be held at

excellent resources, the

the cross country course at WakeMed Soc-

Triangle also hosts a number

event designed to promote overall health.

of healthy living events each year. Here are some of our top picks for now through next January:

Hematology Clinic. Race or walk with the

Golf Club. Visit

Run for Life August 23 | Wake Med Soccer Park

thrive magazine

Despite its name, the course for this 5K is

other natural areas where even swim. We have some


Jack & Jill Ran Up the Hill 5K Sept 13 | Morrisville

cer Park in Cary. The event is a fun family See for more information.

Triangle Global Health Consortium First Annual Health Conference Sept 14-15 | Umstead Park | $65 This inaugural conference will be held at the UNC Friday Center. See for more information.

october Great American Cross Country Festival October 4 | Wake Med Soccer Park This family friendly festival includes 8K, 6K, 5K and 3K trail runs. Enjoy running in the scenic WakeMed Soccer Park while spending time with family and being a part of the community. For details, see www.

healthy community • local health events

in the triangle november Health 2.0 NC Triangle - Will You Engage? October 10 | Downtown Raleigh This conference at 711 Hillsborough Street in Raleigh will feature speakers and presentations on emerging topics in healthcare innovation and digital healthcare. See health-20-nc-triangle-will-you-engagetickets-8407409789?aff=eorg for more information. What’s New and What’s True in Alzheimer’s Disease October 16 | Duke University This talk will be presented by Dr. James Burke, the director of the neurology clinical research unit at Duke University Medical Center. For information, visit Senior Health Support of the Triangle at www. Bull City Race Fest October 19 | Downtown Durham Come out for a half marathon, 5-mile run and 1-mile fun run, as well as a food truck rodeo. There will be a half dozen live bands playing along the course, and cash prizes will be given for the best costumes. Bring the whole family, and visit for more information.

City of Oaks Marathon / Half Marathon November 2 | Downtown Raleigh This is one of Raleigh’s premiere races. Thousands come out for the full and half marathon that wind through downtown. A pre-race health expo is also presented. for more information. Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes November 8 | Dorothea Dix Campus This walk at the Dorothea Dix campus is sponsored by the American Diabetes Foundation to help raise money and awareness for diabetes research and prevention. See for more information.

december Raleigh Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis December 6 | Raleigh Get in the holiday spirit and raise some money for arthritis research while you sweat off holiday indulgence in this fun holiday walk and run in Raleigh. See for details. Run at the Rock Trail Race December 6 | Burlington If you prefer a longer race, check out this 7-mile and 14-mile trail race in Cedar Rock for more information.

Healthcare professionals are invited to attend this course teaching resuscitation methods for newborns at the time of delivery. The course is offered in conjunction with the American Heart Association at Wake Med. See raleigh_nc/events/ for more information.

january Commitment Day 5K January 1 | Raleigh/Cary What better time to dedicate yourself to a new, healthy lifestyle than on the first day of the New Year? This Commitment Day race is held to encourage that new healthy lifestyle. The race is held around the country, and the Raleigh race actually starts in Cary then finishes at the Koka Booth Ampitheatre. See www.commitmentday. com/raleigh/ for more details. Souper Bowl 5K January 31 | Coats This 5K run and walk raises money and awareness for the His Daily Bread Community Soup Kitchen in Coats. Every participant gets a bowl of soup at the finish line. See events/1401317550104710/ for details. thrive magazine

Park in Burlington. See

Neonatal Resuscitation Program December 9 | Wake Med


thrive • directory of advertisers

directory of advertisers / summer-fall 2014 HEALTH SERVICES



Carolina Vein Institute . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Carolina Vein Institute . . . . . . . . . . . 63

NCEENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Essential Health & Wellness . . . . . . . 51

Wake Radiology . . . . . . . . .ins back cvr


FastMed Urgent Care . . . . . . . . back cvr DERMATOLOGY

Johnston Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Cary Dermatology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

NCEENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY Vesic Photography . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

hearing services


Assured Audiology and Hearing

FastMed Urgent Care . . . . . . . . back cvr

Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Triangle Orthopedic Associates, P.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

NUTRITION & WEIGHT LOSS Medi Weight Loss Clinics . . . . . . . . . 45


thrive magazine

A New You-Cary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47



Blue Ridge OBGYN . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Davis Plastic Surgery . . . . . .ins front cvr

Essential Health & Wellness . . . . . . . 51

Finn Facial Plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Wake Radiology . . . . . . . . .ins back cvr Womens Wellness Clinic . . . . . . . . . 55


3D MAMMOGRAPHY • GREATER ACCURACY • REDUCED ANXIETY • NOW AT WAKE RADIOLOGY Let’s have a frank discussion. You can’t treat what you can’t detect. And 3D mammography, along with your regular 2D exam, is revolutionizing breast cancer detection. How? By significantly improving clarity for earlier detection and fewer false positives. Which, of course, reduces recall rates and the anxiety that comes with additional tests. To learn more about 3D mammography or to schedule an appointment, visit Like we said, you can’t treat what you can’t see. And now we’re seeing better than ever. Wake Radiology | North Hills Breast Center | 919-232-4700 | Daily, evening and Saturday appointments | 20 minutes from check-in to exam completion

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