Turning The Tide, Vol. 4, No. 1, January - February 1991

Page 1


Fifty cents■ (SOCf

yoliieviy-iil Tom Metzger and WAR:

Soulh Ai/Ucan Con^iUatCf San FeAttando Vaiiey:

Anti-Racists March in King Day Rallies

Down but not Out NBc-nazi Tgiti netzger.

his son John,

and thair

Two major antl-racist demonstrations are scheduled

organization WAR -- White Aryan Raaiatance — uiera

for January 21, the Hartln Luther King Day holiday in

socKBcl uith a muiti-mi 11 ion dollar


judQfflBnc by a civil

PART Is participating in both.

Jury in Portland OR which found them liable for In citing the death of Ethiopian rafugea nuLugeta Seraui at the hands of



their nazi

The King Day Coalition Against Hate Crimes has scheduled a candle-light rally and march at North

bonehead followers.

Hollywood Park, Tujunga and nagnolia, beginning at 5:00

But in southern California, natzgar is still a racist menace not to be ignored. His followers staged


a fund-raising rally in an Orange County park in November . About 30 neo-nazis were mat by counterdemonstrators. even after changing the site of their

march, who demands this year also include an end to racism and hate crimes at home, and for peace and

get-together at the last minute.

Juscica in the niddle East and Central America.

Earlier the seme day,

the L.A. Student Coalition

is holding Its fifth annual King Day anti-apartheid

Wyatt Kaldenberg, an


march will gather at Pan Pacific Park in the Fairfax

ex-leftist follower of netzger s, is also raising funds for the white supremacist's appeal of the Portland verdict. Paul Smith, a "former" nazi-skin, has put "Race and Reeson," netzger's calk show, on the air on

area at

10:00 and sot off


the South African con

sulate in Beverly Hills at 11:00. Cion elsewhere

in this

CSae more informa-


a cable-TW system in Torrance. and plans to run all 80 segments. neanuhile.

San niegn,

rnrl Straight,

Mere Racist Vandalisffl:

a frequnnt

guest on Race and Reason and one of netzger's hard-core followers for years,

has been subpoenaed by a federal

Racists vandalized the Laguna Hills home of ■ Black family in November. Delano Da Sllva. whose home

grand jury investigating the pipe-bombing of Che S.D. federal Building in October. The White fighting nachine which cook credit for the bombing,

suffered thousands of dollars in damage and was -sprag-


that netzger's Portland trial be stopped, hate crimes

painced inside with racial slurs, most of them mia-

laws be dropped, end Che border be sealed. The fBI arrested one men. a racist named Soames. for sending


threatening letters to norris Oees,

be intimidated out of his home.

charging netzger

Da Sllva, who had previously been thinking of

moving with his family to Atlanta, vowed ho would not

the attorney

in the case.

netzger is trying to extract political mileage

In uan Nuys, Grant High was the target of racist

from his Portland defeat, proclaiming himself a martyr of free speech. He appeared on "Harvey in the Lion's Oen" on Channel S spouting this Una with a couple of

vandals, who spray-painted swastikas and noo-nazi

slGgans on the school.

principal, a white man married to a Black women, racBivad threatening racist letters.

racial altercation in the San femando ualley several

several co-defendants are facing trial

Police have ar

rested Bob Snydar, an 18 year old senior for sending the letters, and suspect him of having vandalized the

months ago.

netzger's legal problems ars far from over. Richard Butler of the Aryan Nations in Idaho, and

At least one Black student, a

Black teacher, the Black assistant principal and the

dozen nazl-bonahead followers, including Geraml Rineman, who was shot and partially paralyzed in a


teacher's home this past Juno.

Bail was set at


In Los Angeles

on charges arising from a triple cross-burning carried out by WAR,

the KKK,

the Nazis and Aryan Nations more

"Mock" Klan robes, cross-burning in Fire Department, Sheriffs Department

Chan 7 yeers ago. The case was kicked out of court twice by judges impressed by netzger's free speech claims, but that decision has bean overturned on appeal -- too late to save the lives of the people killed by

several of the co-defendants ( including Jewsih talk

show host Alan Berg and a niasouri state trooper) after

Racisi IS oarticuiarly threatening insiae the rants of

they became federal fugitives. netzger is scheduled for a hearing in the L.A. Superior Court, Oept. lOS, on January 11. at which time

tne untforieii services, vnen tne force of governient is in the nands of ahite suoreiacists. Tmo recent cases in L.A. snoN this oroblei is not restricted to the deep South. In the L.A. County fire Oepartient, the Black Esoloyees

e new date will probably set far trial on the cross

burning, which Cook place m Sunland in Dec. 1303,

Association is calling for tne oisatssal of a firs captain, ■ho donned a enite paper bag cut out to loot like a KKK hood td intiBidate a Black Moian Morking at the dispatch center.


In the Sheriff's Oeoartient, Sheriff Sherian Bloct has

Quietly reinstated t«o deputies, guards at a local jail, who


•aoe I paper cross and set fire to it Nith an aerosol can used as a blOHtorch to intiiidate Black onsoners.


is looking into the case.



People have been asking PART to make clear what it

stands for, apart from being

against racist violence. WMe

3) All forms of racism

and domination most be opposed and ended.

There are links among racist right and neo-nazi forces

we do not have a hard and fast

in various social spheres, such

ideology, and aren't affiiiated with any party or other politi cal group, here's an outline of

as the and-busing, and-abordon, and and-immigradon

some of the principles we

unite with other progressive forces in the U.S. and around

think should guide anti-racist

movements. And-radsts must


the world. To win the battle,

1) White people need to oppose racism inside

not just knock heads with a

our communities.

we need to change the world, few bald or hooded racists.

In LA,the cops and

has been using one such lys-

Metzger, Aryan Nations head

tern., Anmerican Voice

Richard Butler, and a half a

Retrieval, to project his hatemongering into several dozen

dozen other racists get away with burning three crosses

here in 1983. Participants

does. Boycotting AVR if it's in your town, and giving the

went on to form the racist un

nazi hate-lines a dose of the

derground Order, robbing

harassment chey dish out, may

banks and killing a Jewish talk

be called for.

show host.

5) Racist propaganda and mobilizing are not free speech issues.

Apartheid, colonialism, system that breeds racism. We need to fight for women's

Find out if there's an estab

lished civil rights group in

The KKK/nazis have no

Zionism, sexism are pan of a The U.S. is one of the

Tom MetzgeYs WAR

prosecuton similarly let

right to cany out organizing

your area. Also, there arc

peace movement and religious groups around the country who are concerned about racism. The YWCA has a com mitment against racism. Some

of these groups are not always

most race conscious countries in the world. 'Race* is a

rights, to opj>ose U.S. military

campaigns, spout their vile racism on TV or cable, or

category with no scientific

intervendon in other countries,

march and bum crosses.

basis, since Africans, Asiaru,

to support independence for

Palestine, Puerto Rico,

These actions are not speech, but simply the above-ground

to start.

Europeans, and indigenous peoples have always mixed

Namibia and other nations

activity of factions that have al

publicize your concern, cspedally if you're making people

together genetically in the

who are sdll colonized. We

ways been committed to secre

course of human history. But

must oppose the hatred of gay

tive violence and terror and

racism is a hard reality, and what it means is not only prejudice or hatred toward another 'racial' group, but the use of power and privileges to

men and lesbians that has

para-military operations.

motivated so much violence by nazi skins recently, and al lowed Reagan to sit idle while AIDS claimed thousands of lives. We need to defend un documented workers and lan

receptive to young people or new ideas, but ihe/re a place Once you begin to

aware of racist activity in your area, you'll probably quickly

Groups like the ACLU that go

come into contact with at least

to court to win parade permits

a few other people who will

for che Klan when com

want to work with you. With some support, you can begin

munities cry to stop their mar ches axe misguided. Their

to do things like leaflet music

racism is not a matter of 'ex

shows and other more public

guage minority groups. We can't depend on the cops or

pression'; it's pan of a strategy to legitimize and inteiuify

word even further.

lem. During the civ^ rights

the goveiivraent to fight

racist terror.

era, concerned white people were eventually told to stop trying to be missionaries tc op pressed groups, and start clean ing up our act with our own people. As a whole new


enforce that hatred and main

tain 'superiority'. As such, in America,

racism is white people's prob

generation of hard-core racists

is growing up, this imperative is more true today than ever. 2) Oppressed people have the right to selfdetermination. The solution to the

4)Asrd-racisU ean^ rely

individuals out there con cerned about racist terror and


courage everyone to start

"Blue by day, white by night* is a slogan that expres

anti-racist work and organiz ing. Even one person can es

support and encouragement is

ses a real connection between

tablish an anti-racist focus and

really important. Excuse us if

the police and organized

attract othen with the same

we don't always write back per

feelings and concerns.

sonally or at length.

where they're at to develop

over their own communities,

P.O., the San Bernardino

their land and labor. This is a

"Aryan Officers Assodarion",

T^ to your friends, classmates, teachers or people you work with. Maybe even

people in your family, or neigh

kind of de-cencralization,

and possible KKK memben in

bors, will share your ideas.

democracy in action. The prob lem of gangs, for example, can be seen as a result of power-

the LA Sheriffs. In Portland,

You can start to put out a 'zine

hatred. Black gangs generally anack Black people. In other words, they are not an ex ample of'Black racism' against

whiles, but an example of the way the Black conununity has

and-radst skins have had to

without much effort. There's

face a campai^ of harassment

lots of material you can use in

and iniimidadon by the police even while under attack by

newsletters, other 'zines, na

nazi-skins. Nationally, there have been klansmen exposed in che cops, prison guards and the military in dozens of ddes.

tional and-klan resources like those listed in this issue. You

can get stickers and flyers from

these groups chat you post, or

and the English-Only move

reprint with a locri address, preferably a p.o. box. If you've got a few bucks

ment are examples of a cam

to spare, most cities have

The anti-immigrant hysteria

been forced to internalize white racism.

paign in which proto-fasdsts

answering services which can

The difference between 'Black Power' and "White

have achieved respectability and widespread support with

take your messages for $10 or $15 a month. We recommend

government backing. The cur

that you not use the "voice bul

calling for power over themsel

rent wave of nazi-kJ^

letin boards" where you can

ves, for the first time in this

violence was unleashed when

get an answering service based

country, while "white power* is

federal agents allowed the

on a computer that allows you

a demand to maintain the

radsts to kill 5 anti-klan or

power of the white society over other people it has always

ganizers in North Carolina in 1979, and then the courts let

dominated and exploited.

them get away with murder.

to record your own message and then record incoming call^. They are too easily jammed up by harassing phone

Power* is that Black people are


and stolen land are over

radsm. Locally, there have been exposures of coitsolidated racist groups in the Glendale

society directed into self-

putting out this newsletter and cany out other anti-racist

orgaruzing in their area and wondering what to do. We en

problems of poverty, racism and exploitation in this country is for the people who are exploited to have power

lessness, of the racism of

P.VIT needs all the uc.'p

and support it can get to keep We get a lot of leners from

Racism won't end until the



on the state.

results of slavery, genodde

activity which will spread the


We're asking our readers to

help us out in a few ways: 1) Keep writing your letters in to us, and calL Your moral

2] Send us news clippings

and your own reports a^ut racist and anti-radst develop ments in your area. Even here in southern California, there's

a lot going on that never makes the papers or che cube,

outside of many one locality newspaper. This is an impor tant way to build an anti-racist networlc

3] List us in your "zines and organizational newslet

ters. That's the main way

word of Turning the Tide gets around.

41 Send us some cash.

Lots of folks still get the

newsletter free or maybe sent in a couple of stamps a couple of issues ago. We increased

both the size and the press run of TTT substantially with this

issue. If it's helpful to you, please send a few bucks our way.



Black family's home gutted by racist vandals.


White supremacist shoots up inter-racial party.

\jan Nuut:

High school splattered with nazi graffiti, principal and assistant principal receive racist threats. No^OvMlat: Inter-raciai couple target of repeated anti-Jewish, anti-Asian harassment and violence.


Racist, homophobic graffiti regularly defaces library.


Nazis. KKK. Aryan Nations and WAR burn three crosses: case still dragging through courts for seven years. Stmt VaUui: North Hollywood Adult School teacher's home vandalized by nazi-skinheads.


Anti-arab t-shirts sold by novelty store spark protests.

LA. Countu:

2500 hate crimes and bias incidents reported in the schools last year.

Throughout the San Fernando Valley and southern California, hate crimes — violence and harassment motivated by bigotry against Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, Arabs. Jews, women, and lesbians and gays -- are Increasing at an alarming rate.


This reicm of racist, sexist, anti-semitic terror must be stopped! In ou\ 6chooii. communities, places oi u)0\ship, these is an usgent need (oi united g^a^-^oo^S action, education and coaiition-iuiiding to ^ht this menace, and to

pxevent organized neo-nazi ioxces luUding a lacist lose among young people. Join tn a xallg, candle-light match and motoxcade against hate csimes on King Day.



People Against Racist Terror, Green Party/SFV, Skinheads Against Racial Preju dice, Democratic Party of SFV, LA Student Coalition, Valley NAACP, Valley DSA, Women's Intl. League for Peace & Freedom, Emma Lazarus Jewish Women's Committee and other concerned organizations and individuals. Info, call VIC 810-718-6460.

KememUh the LA Student Coalition King Day Manch Againti Apahtheid, 11 am Pan Pacific Pank, LA



Heard it


A+*eje symbols

yoii rec.

through The Swastika was used in Nazi


Germany by


Hitler and his

K critical situation saaoa to b« davaloping in Colorado. I would UKe to stress that the following infonaation is only hearsay. we have no docmaentation or anything of the sort. What we do have is the word on the street. We've been hearing


the sasie story from too aany different people to discredit what we've heard. As soae of you may hnow, a skin named Horm HiUier was recently stoned to death by Nati Boneheads in Boulder.

SS: Hitler's elite, like the Marines

Anti-racist skins in this area have informed us that Sorm was formerly involved with a racist youth group in Michigan. We've heard he was with HanmMrakins, Church of the Creator, and Aryan nations.(Does anybody out there know for sure?) Re soved to

of the Nazi's.

WAR: Whi-fe Aryan

Colo, to escape all the Nazi shit, and became anti-racist. Word

on the street is. he was killed by his former Nazi associates or another group acting on their behalf. (Confederate Katmserskins were passing through at the time.) The police say he was a Nazi (based on tattoos] and that he was killed by his Nazi 'friends* over money. We are asking anybody who knew Horm or anyone who about thia incident to write to ut with what they


Celtic Cross. A

symbol stolen

have a better handle the situation, and see that

from old Irish

the truth cooes to light.

culture by Vikings. Many white supremists

How for the issue I spoke of earlier. We've been hearing from many sources that major Nazi activity is about to occur in tolo. tooeticne during tha Pall of this year. As we understand it, the Aryan Nations has many anemias isgtriaoned in the Colo,

penal system. Metzger is supposedly sending a » of skint (People arc saying anywhere from 5-508) to« One. get into jail anyway they can for the purpose of killing their enemies. -Pwo.

claim It as their

to recruit and organize Hazis in Boulder and Denver. Three, to

establish an


Aryan Nations outpost in Grtelay. Pinaily, to

cause general hell and make sure the border to Wyotting(the supposed new 'Aryan Stata*) is clear of non-whites. A Nazi in

Craeley, formerly with a group known as the A.U.A.(has anybody heard of it?) in Idaho, is helping with the set-up of the future outlet.

I find


it hard to believe that Matzger could send 58

/•'! " in PortlandT"-*" and withw"?his upcosvlng trial. But if th.re90ing is notonany

tr^h to what we have been hearing, somebody has managed to pull orchestrated lie. We've heard this information

AF: American

Front symbol. RMK: Kt \CWn

in four different tovna. from people cospletely unassocisted.


If anybody knows anything at all let us know as soon as possiblal We are the only organized anti-racist force in Colo,


that I am aware of. Even if Metzger is only sending 5 skins, it

wouldn t be hard for 5 asaholes who knew what they were doing to turn the dleorganited Nazis in Colo, into an effactive fores. We muet be ready and aware, or our senall else and lack of

infection will destroy our group. Again, please respond as quickly as possible with any information you have. finally, we are asking anybody who knows of anti-racists or anti-racist groups in Colo, to send us their address or to send them oure. We don't have the money or the reeources to reach

all the people we'd like to. and as a result many people may not know of our axittance. We need to get aosM unity in our scene, and it naede to happen nowl

Thanks for your time.

Chippewas are facing the new ooze of racism that is cropping up. It shows up on signs reading Too bad Custer ran out of bullets' pnd

7 Am Revolting Against Certain Indian Special

Treatment* (spelling out RACIST^^^ Contact:

Midwest Treaty Network 731 State St. Madison



A11i ance


Native Americans




L.A. CA 90030


Anrp;rj.^ llJ-IAfJ IMWiiS(3NCD Fop


Dear friend:

For three years now. Turning the Tide has been reporting on the struggle against racist terror and for human rights. It has exposed and opposed the hate-mongers like Tom Metzger of WAR, David Duke, klansman-turned-politician, and local nazi-boneheads. Turning the Tide, newsletter of People Again/it RaoiM TeAAxyi, has helped build a network of anti-racist activists around L.A., and around the country. It has exposed the links between the neonazis and the anti-abortion movement; defended women and lesbians and gay men against the fundamentalists and the bashers; marched against racists in Doc Martin boots and those in business suits.

But we can't continue without your help.

Every week, we get

letters and calls from people who have heard of T.T.T. or PART and

want to get on our mailing list.

But if Turning the Tide is going

to continue, we need your paid subscriptions and donations. This is a critical time to strengthen the anti-racist move ment. Racist violence, gay-bashing and attacks on women are on

the rise. In the face of the doubts and opposition of most people George Bush is pushing towards war. The economy is shrinking, so conditions are getting worse for Black, Mexicano, and other op pressed communities.

Meanwhile, neo-nazis and fascists are or

ganizing and recruiting students and young people in a backlash against immigrants, affirmative action and women's rights. IF YOU VALUE THE ROLE TURNING THE TIDE IS PLAYING TO HELP BUILD AN ANTI-RACIST MOVEMENT, THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE IS NOWi

TURNING THE TIDE will not continue without your support! PieaAe 6end in youn ^ui^c^iption ox donation on the coupon letom — do It TODAVl

[] []

Enclosed is $5.00.

Please enter my six-issue subscription.

Enclosed is $10.00

Send me PART'S research papers (on KLAN-

TV, KKK History, English Only, and Neo-Nazis and Abortion Rights). Enter my one-year sub, and send me future reports


Enclosed is my donation of $.

Keep up the good work!







□rpanizatian for a Nsm Eauaiitg

National Institute Against

165 Columbus Ave. Boston rtA OSllS

Prejudice ft Uioience

No. Indiana P. O. Box

31 S. Greene St.




fl altimcre HD 21201 Rock Against Sexism 161 Harrison Ave.

Boston PA OSlia

Liberation News Service P.O. Box 11, niT Cambridge pa 06139



Organization to Stop

3 e.


Sexism ft Racism P.O. Box 471012 Charlotte NC 58247

Ann Arbor MI


Political Research Assoc.


Atlanta 6A 30302


Box 904

Whole Damn Pie Shop 18109



P.O. S.D.


15941 S. Harlem tt SlO Tinleg Park IL 60477

Box 14712

Geinesville FL 35E04


Box 11511


IL 60611

A.R.A./Eric R.

2134 Patton St. Birmingham AL 35228

P.O. Box eCSB NY NY 10009


John Brown Antl-Klan Comm.

P.O. Box 360999


Birmingham AL 35536


Chicago IL 60613

33 w.

17th St.




Box 570065


P.O. Box 1571 Moraga, CA 91575

P.O. K.C.

Box 413767 MO 64141

North Bag A.R.A. P.O. Box 2935



Coalition Against 006 Pardldo St. *505 New Orleans Lfi 7011?

New York NY 10025

Mobilization to Stop

National Alliance Against

David Ouka P.O. Box 53113 N.O. LA 70153

Racism ft Pol. Reoresaicn 11 John Street •7oa 10030

Educators Against

P.O. N.O.

16104 Goethals Ave. ReaaP»*a

Danny Welch/Klenwatch

Philadelphia PA 19144


ShBwnee on Del, PA 10356 Group Research Report 733 15th St. NW #557 Washington DC SCOOS

Box 13651 LA 70185

U.S. Student Assoc.

5010 Rainier Ave S. Seattle WA 96X10

P.O. Box 59354 Dallas TX 75559


Box 540

Dallas/Ft Worth Info

AYF nid-South P.O. Box 541535 Memphis TN 30154

Arlington TX 76094 A.R.A.

Freedom Info. Service

P.O. Box 09101 Houston TX 77209

1015 11th St. NU #502 Washington DC 50005

National Gag ft Lesbian Task Force 1517 "U" St. NU

Washington DC 50009 Refuse ft Resist P.O. Box 53089 Washington DC 20009

Jackson MS 39507

Rcmani Union c/o Ian Hancock nanchaea

P.O. Box 05106 Columbus OH 43502





TX 79655

Box 405145 TX


P. 0. Box 0S46 Toledo OH 43653 National



Aga inst English Onlg

P.O. Bo: 10305 Cincinnati OH 45519


96 Wadsworth Avia.


CO 80556

Anti-Racism League

Student Coalition Against Apartheid ft Racism

P.O. Box 19291 Washington DC 20036

Paople For the American Way 2000 "n* St.


Washington DC 20036

P.O. Box 50092 Cincinnati OH 45220

Front Range A.R.A. P.




Greeley CO B0E35 A.R.A.



Box BO"'40

Indianapolis in 46550

P.U.S.H. c/e Sean P.O. Box 894 Gilbert A2 05534



Box 685

Chesterton IN 46304

inuu 4075 E.

25 St.


A2 05711

P.O. Box 00353 Seattle WA 98136

guilty op

Box 3560


OR 975io

Utd Front Against Fascism

nontgomerg AL 36195


PC Box 40344

Coke Boycott/Lew Church

P.O Box 13642

Upper Hand

Citrus Hts. CA 95511

Coalition for Human Olgnitu

P.O. Box 10621 Portland OR 97240


SHARP Sox 70

P.O. Box 661


Liberation League

Racism ft Aoartheid

CA 94952


Racism ft Nazism

Skins ft Punx Against Racism Co AS PQ Bo* 1595 Cath Sta

P.O. Box 11211

Bag Area A.R.A. P.O. Box 3501 Oakland CA 94603

Center for Demo. Renewal

S647 Broaduag «su

Jamaica NY 1143g


Justice for Beronimo Cmpgn

P.O. Box 1335 St. Paters MO 63376

Rock Against Racism




469 LaGuardla PI »387


Alt. Ycxjth Brigade P.O. Box 90S37

San Francisco CA 91103

Chicago IL 60657



Box 119005 *555

514 Duboce Ave.

The Sgndlcate P.O.


San Francisco CA 94103

Chicago IL 60646


ft Punks

550 9th St. §143

Nerthside Craw P.O. Box 4E34S

P.O. BOX 106 NY MY 10009


Against Racism

Santa Barbara CA 93190


1340 W Irving Park Rd #55

3355 Loma Rd. tg

Box 90315 CA 95109 '

San Oiego CA 95111


Oakhurst NJ 07755 Comm. Against Antl-Asian

CA 35107



Detroit Ml

Box 5C469


PQ Box 7904

San Diego

Coemunitg Against Hate Crime P.O.


Baker nandela Ctr


676 Passachusetts Cambridge nA 0S139




Center for Democratic


P.O. Box 56956 Sherman Oaks CA 91413

IN 16391



and readers:

This IS the second letter I've written to your publication concerning the false

Bllegations branded on the L.A. chanter of Dear TIT.


1'm Just uritlno to aau chat after getting gour publication for six months, I've kind of taken it for granted that you put out

was a victim of fag-bashing from some of our


this truly fantastic newsletter.

isn t now and hasn't ever been a member that

I 'd love to

One of your readers once wrote that he This is a straight-out lie.


contribute some money to you, since I"!!! sure

believes a person has more or less rights

you need It, but I 'm unemployed right now. Uhen I get enough SS, I'll definitely send

someone on this basis would be the same as


Judging them on religion.

because of their sexual preference. To judge I'd be the first to admit that skinheads

I like TTT because it's not a liberal

anti-racist paper. Uhat I mean by Chat la that you don't have white guilt and think that all minorities are saints, you're also not afraid to tell people to fight back at racism, and most of all you don't apologize. You're also not some slick glossy high

are aggressive, but we're not out to take

over the world,

uie just want to live out our

life without anybody getting m our way; after all. we don't get in anybody else's way.

I'll bet most of the people that make

priced magazine that you can buy for SS.95 at

these accusations don't know uhat they're

Uons or Ralphs supermarket, and you don't

talking about. They just hoard it from somebody else. How many of you people have written ShARP to ask what we're about' Let's not be prejudiced against each other. Let's

have big corporate ads.

You also criticize

the system, whether it's dealing with capitalism, police brutality, or the U.S. forcing "democracy" on other countries. Please keep up the great uorki

get together and fight the cancer chat affects us all.

Peace through punk,


Unity, Jonathon, L.A. ShARP

S.h, Steppenwolf

P.O. Box 5E956

C/O Food Not Bombs P.O. Box 1472

Long Beach OA S0804


Sherman Daks, CA 91413. PART RESPONDS:

We can only speak from our experience. In severel different coalitions and activities we have worked on with L.A. SHARP

over the last couple of years, they have been willing to participate with gays and

lesbians, to support lesbian and gay rights, and oppose gey-bashing and hate crimes against gays and lesbians.

This is a batter

record of action than many people and groups who claim to have an enlightened position on gey liberation.

In regards Portland, I have seen SHARP skins doing security for gay events and an AIDS benefit, and at the recant ARA national

^IGHT , ' 1 siroF " /bigotrY! » hate;

conference in Portland, the local SHARP

chapter participated actively and honestly, including in discussions about sexism and

homophobia and how to overcome them. Several SHARP members showed more wlllingnees and openness to hoar criticism and examine

themselves than some members of ara, which specifically defines itself as anti-sexist.


Christian here from Front Range fl.R.A. m Colorado ... In a recant copy of TTT. a guy wrote in with a lettar out of Homocore Ca fabulous zine for homos/bl's and yes even us heterosj talking about a group of SHARPS as fag-bashing. As much as I'd like to write this off as bullshit sensationalism, I'm afraid it's quite true.

We need to uproot homopncbla and

®f"*^iCato gay bashing. We also need to be very careful of blanket condomnacicns and of spreading unaubstantiatad rumors. In the

"SO's and 70's. progressive end anti-racist

groups did themselves fatal damage through sexism. In that same time period, the government was working over-time, with great success, to heighten disunity, spread rumors

A friend of mine was living with a oarent in L.A. last summer, and he was

and discredit groups, wa don't want to fall Into either of those traps again.

assaulted by a group of SHARPs for the crime of having Che majority of his head shaved but not being a skinhead. I 've bean told by a fellow aRa member from Portland <a black

skinhead himself) that many SHARPs in Oregon, and other states, do indeed go fag-bashing. I have corresponded with narcus Sharp and I 've written to and spoken with many

other SHARPs and I thought they were above this hypocrisy and hats. If SHARP is indeed


anti-racist, antl-sexist, yet remaining

homophobic, it has destroyed its credibility with a lot of us.

I'd like to hear from

SHARP members in the U.S. or UK as to the

excuse or a lame excuse. — keep the faith!

Thanx for your time P.O. Box 102 Sreelay CD 80632

>icmM6 UMB A um tmMricm.cyKis-bPstKop

I have been receiving vour newsletter for quite a while now and I must sa" I'm greatlv impressed Vou seem to be creating quite a networh

I alto enjov the fact that vou deal with issues

that do not ne-tetsarilv directl" revolve around racism This shows

a level of political sophittication that tadlv i: lacking in a let of it'ue-onente-i political groups


After returning from rhe '.'S-oP for the second time a few

da"i ago I've begun to think that the struggle for Social Justice i'la; s'jt to be internationalized The Toviet Union's reform; like anvthing are a double edged sword New or»anizations and mo'/ementt are only nov' oeginning to spark and catch fire



Save ffljfllia Abu-Jamal/StopTeganynchiiygl

interesting Anarcho-C,em.x:ratic partv are growing stronger bv the dav But there have been some horrifying new trends

Ca(SgO)SJ2-oni cav. ROBERT CASEY-Anhimio

Groups like the Soviet 'areens and the dubious but never the less

unearthed bv -alasnost's wave of change The most frightful of which IS -pamvat' (Memorv*)

Pamvat. which started as a preservation group, tupposedl" lobbying to restore Piustian church is now the equivalent Europe's National Front or Metager's WAP. Pamvat is a testament to the complesjiv and strangeness of the current situation in the USSR One would think that m a country that lost over 20 rmliion people to Nazi terror, a bunch of Swastika

-brandishing boneheads would have no chance of becoming much more than a backyard club On the contrary, Pamyat continues

to gather support especially among the youth of Lerungrad and Moscow

If Pamyat and similar groups throughout Eastern Europe were to link up with other organizations in the world who share

thier racist ideology, we could be looking at a MAJOR problem Already, Le Pen is the third largest Political entity in France and

here in America Ciavid Duke could be setting a horrible trend (n your last issue of TTT, you talked about a British chapter of the kKK I hate to sound like a McCarthvesque witch-hunter, but there guvs seem to be popping up ever'/where

Mv organization, the Alternative Youth Brigade, a fellowship •M activist minded kids from across the political spectrum, is dedicated to building a network to combat Facsism and other

threats to human rights There are a few international political action groups. (Amnesty etc ) but none that are entirely youth

An altered billboard in Fennsylvannia flumia «bu-ramal is ■ Hlack journaHst. a Panther and a supporter of nooE

who is an death row in Pennsylvania on a political frame-up. For more information on his case and that of other political

Pfl^®0"«rs and prisoners of war in the U 5 S3 East van Buran" "

•1^00, Chicayo IL S060S. 312-663-4399.


RACISM AT THE BORDER, The vigilante "Light Up the Bordercampaign marked its first anniversary ^h

^ictiier mobilization of RV's and pick-up "

dI?' I in apprehending border andundocumented assist the Border Patrol workers. However, in the wake of counter-mobiliza tions by the immigrants' rights movement, the num^r of participants was down.

exchange wing-the John Reed Foundation, we want to send people ail over the world to work with different groups The object is to

trucks to shine their headlights along the U.S

controlled and influenced-as the AYS is Through our youth then host activists from these foreign countries in the states We have contacts in Finland. Sweden. Poland, Israel and an AYB

chapter in the 'Jkrame The AVE u not a huge group, and we've jutt begun building ourielves, but those of us that are working on our many projects are ver*.- optimistic

It there is anvone reading this letter who u interested m our work

The border was blocked from the Mexican

side by demonstrators protesting the shoot ing or a teenager by the Patrol.

please contact us

Racism provokes student sit-in

Daraka Lanmore-Hall "

At Occxd&ntai College:

Power to the People'

AVBSE FO Bo* 90537

Santa Barbara, OA 93190-0537

Mon Iku M Oadeots have bcc* dtttBg-a ai the OcddenaJ Cotlege ahninianboQ building in Los Angeles since No*. 15. foUowing a decisioa by Dean of Students Bhgida Knauer to cancel a scbedyU rap concert and grafTiti an eahiMiion. The smdenis charge the


school with racism and hypocnsy. and the [xwcst has broadened to include demands foe an effective student voice in campus decsioa-niaking.

The administrauon's initial lesponse was lo allow the building to be locked up and ventilatian shut off with the demonsiraiors sbll inside. OfTicials have since agreed to negotiate 00 student demands. One of the supporters wbo camped overnight outside Cootu Hall in solidarity with those inside said,"This actioa is the first real multiculturai event at this

school It has brought all the different racial and ethnic groups together."

In Brief Geacrel Motors lamed a forvnl apoiegy wiiea the San Francisco Board of Supervisors protested about abusive language in a compeny training and promcdooai film for employ ees. The filin referred to a Japanese truck as a "liltie faggot vehicte."



of the solution!

Subscribe now!

ITie Lios Angeles Student Coalition presents

The 5th aTumal Martin Luther King Day


March Against Apartheid Monday,January 21, 1991. MLK National Holiday! Assemble at 10:00am at Pan Pacific Park

3rd and Gardner, march begins at 11:00 March to the South African Consulate

at La Cienega and Wilshire End Apartheid in South Africa

Peace and Justice in the Middle East and Central America End Hate Crimes and Racism in the U.S.

Keep the Dream Alive! The march is in the planning stages.

If your group wishes to be a sponsor, please attend the Sunday meetings at noon at 7213 Beverly Bl,just west of La Brea.

For questions call 213 467-6888 nights or 213 250-5500 days

--VT" ••

B>peom"\\agDn 16.7^®^ looi'

P.A.R.T. P.O. BOX 1990 BURBANK, CA 91507 (818) 509-3^135

Signs o-f Life Canal St Sta. NY NY 10013

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