affordable health insurance washington dc

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affordable health insurance washington dc affordable health insurance washington dc Related

A question about gender and insurance? I know guys pay more for car insurance, but on average how much more a year? and according to this... women pay more for health insurance?...but does anyone know why or how much more?" What is car insurance quotes online policy ? what is car insurance quotes online policy ? Car insurance opting out? I renewed my car insurance for the year, but then my car broke down and i do not wish to spend the money to fix it. its been 4 months into the insurance plan, can i cancel it and get some money back?" Car insurance- how do I do it.....? I am looking for a car to buy but I want to know how much it will cost beore I decide on a car. Is there a way of finding this out without actually having the car yet? I have tried guessing but the search cant find the model or registration year and then it asks for the name that the vehicle is registered to. I am looking at a Nissan Figaro 1.0 automatic, Smart car automatic, peugeot 206 automatic or Mazda 2 (automatic) can anyone help me?" Car Rental Insurance? I will be going to the US soon. I am a US citizen but do not live in the US. I will be going to visit family for a month and will be renting a car. My question is this, do I need to get the insurance from the vendor or is there a 3rd party insurance I can puchase? Most of the car rental places have LDW / CDW insurance for purchase but this almost doubles the cost of rental. My credit cards and car insurance here in my country of residence do not cover car rentals so I will have to get something. Does anybody know of a different route to take other than purchasing at the vendor?" Can I drive my friends car without insurance? I don't own a car. I don't have auto insurance in canada. If I borrow a friends or familyies car, am I covered under his insurance?"

Why Is my Car insurance claim taking soooo long? Hi all My car was stolen on 9th December and I still am waiting for a decision. My car has not been found and my insurers are requesting for a police report which will take up to 40 working days. Does car insurance claims usually take this long??? Thanks I often drive a friend's car. What companies offer Non-car owner auto insurance? Everywhere i look online just offer get a quote then you have to enter a type of car. I don't own a car but I need insurance to take my driver's test in North Carolina. I couldn't find this type of insurance offered on any websites. Should I change car insurance? So here how it goes. I want to get a new insurance for my Mom's car. She is 52 years old women who drives a Honda civic 2002 Sendan that was totaled and repair before. She is paying 1,600 a year and I think that's a lot for liability . She used to have a car before that was in an accident(my brother hit somebody else car) and we had to drop that insurance(progressive). Two years after my brother broke another car that my mother bought but this time the insurance company(state farm) did not find out. Right now we are back to progressive and a car hit me while driving and I did call the insurance. It was not my fault and I don't think anything changed because we are still paying 1,600 but I still think its a lot. It is the best I can explain the situation , so should I go out and try to find a better deal? Any advice is appreciated" What are some cheap diesel cars to insure? This is for my first car. I would prefer a diesel but the engine sizes are usually larger so what are some diesel cars with a small engine? Don't really care about the engine as long as its cheap to insure. Should I keep my car insurance? ok I will be attending college away from home in august which is when my current policy expires, When I go I will NOT be able to take my car with me at all, therefore would it be worth my while to maintain my current car insurance which is costing $167 a month, when I will have very little money to my name(I will have a job just have a lot of things i have to pay for myself), I know that when i start it again ill have to pay a slightly higher price than i would if i had kept it but will it be more than what i am saving? sorry if this is confusing im not very good with asking questions." How could I get my mom on my health insurance? She is suffering from cancer and is thinking about filing for disability. When she leaves her job she will be dropped from her insurance. Also, she has blue cross and so do I. Please help." What is a cheap auto insurance company? Please be specific.

Insurance without a tag? In the state of GA, is it possible to drive a car with insurance but without a tag? Do you have to get both at the same time?" How much should my car insurance cost? I am a 17 year old male and my dad bought me a 2007 Nissan Altima. He wants me to pay the insurance and I figured that it might be I need estimates. Car insurance (Nissan)? am 17 and getting a 2004 Nissan Altima Soon? About how much will the insurance be? oh and its my [first] car. Classic car insurance in ireland? iv a sports car that will be 20yrs old next yr,its not my main car so mileage kept low,insurance and tax is high , so i was looking into classic insurance,part of qualifying for classic insurance is i have to be registered with a classic car club,does any1 know of one that would suit that's not limited to a particular make of car or air-cooled in ireland thanks" "Auto rate quotes, lower credit score?" So does anyone know if obtaining a rate quote for your auto insurance or obtaining a rate quote on auto loans will lower your credit score? Im in the market for buying a new car and i was hoping to obtain as many quotes as possible to see my options. Do they actually run your credit or do they just take the information you give them and provide an estimate? Any assistance would be helpful, thanks!" Car insurance question? So i just cancelled my policy with a company i was having trouble with (it cost 492) so i am broke now, and i cant really afford another policy as im returning to college next week. However, i can afford a policy under my mums name, but is it possible to go under my mums name when the car is registered to me? Also, does anybody know any good/cheap insurance companies?" Who has the cheapest auto insurance in california? I need full coverage. Low downpayment.whatever it takes to get my licence and tags. I don't care if its barneys insurance and feed store. I just need my tags and licence Cheapest second hand cars to insure for over 25 year olds uk? ok so i'm 27 just passed my driving licence money is an issue I need to buy a cheap second hand car any know a website or know which is the cheapest type of cars I can get for cheapest insurance quotes please?

"Car insurance, Drive any car?" My insurance certificate says that I am allowed to drive any privately owned vehicle as long as I have the owners permission to drive it and it is roadworthy and I still own the car I have insured. So even though I own a small and slow car, my insurer will quite happily allow me to drive a 250,000 ferrari as long as I have the owners permission to do so? How does that work out?" Where can I get the cheapest car insurance in Ontario? I'm looking to purchase a used car, probably 6-7 years old, and I am a 29 year old male living in Toronto. I want the most basic insurance available required by law, as the vehicle will be less than $4k, so I will take the hit if something happens to the car. I've seen really good quotes from Johnson insurance, but can anyone recommend any other insurance companies which offer cheap insurance for basic coverage? Thanks in advance, Joe" Car insurance for cars off the road...? is there a type of insurancee I am able to get just to cover my car while it is not in use? I have purchased a car and I am currently waiting to take my driving test. So I was just wondering is there a type of insurance that will cover my car just while it is sitting on the path justin casee it is damaged or stolen? Where can i get visitor health insurance at affordable rate? is there any good co where i can get affordable visitor health insurance thanx for suggestions affordable health insurance washington dc affordable health insurance washington dc Should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18? hello, should my insurance really be 1950 on a 1.1 peagout 106 at the age of 18 for third pary, fire and and theft, this really seems steap for a 1.1 litre, its not modified or been changed in any way or form, please help me get it cheaper lol" Insurance high for red cars? Is it true that Car insurance is higher for red cars? if so, how much more expensive is it?" How much will my car insurance be? Where should I go? Hello! I got into a car accident that left my car totaled and my parents kicking me off their insurance plan. I bought myself a car and now I want to get insurance but I want to see a guess of what I'll be paying a month. The accident is listed as my fault with the insurance records. Please don't judge or be mean to me I just honestly need help

with this question before I go shop around I want to get a guess of what people will tell me. I'm a 17 year old female, Caucasian. I have one major accident on my record. I live in El Paso, TX I am driving a 91 BMW E30 318i that is in good condition. How much would you guess I'd pay a month for the CHEAPEST insurance? I have a friend with no major wrecks paying on her own with good student discount $50 a month. What's the lowest I may be able to pay and what's the highest I may be able to pay? Thank you so much for your help! Have a nice day :)" Insurance for full time student in Texas.? I will be attending college full time starting in the spring at Lone Star College in Kingwood, Texas. It is just a 2 year college. I will need insurance from my medicine that I take daily, and seeing the Doctor, if needed. I am in Texas, and will be on a tight budget, as I don't know if my job will let me work part-time or not. I am also a single mother, but won't have to carry him because his father has him covered on his policy. Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated:o)" How does low income families apply for health insurence? My family of 4 has about $32000 annual income. How do I apply for health insurance? How can i Switch to another health insurance? my son has keystone mercy for his health insurance but i totally forgot that the hospital he was born in doesn't accept that insurance they accept americhoice and i want to switch but im worried because i don't if americhoce would pay the bills from when he was born!!!! help!! Is it a bad idea to get your own car insurance at 18? I wanna get my own car insurance! I wanted to know if it would be a bad idea or a good life lesson! Is it true that car insurance cost more with new cars? Because I want to get a 05 Suzuki Forenza! It's a used car it's only 2,000! Any parents out there please help! I need all the advice I can get before I turn 18!! Thanks!!" Will my car insurance go up because my friend got a speeding ticket while driveing my car?? I let my friend drive my car and he got a speeding ticket for going 5 over. will my insurance go up because he got the ticket while driving my car or just his insurance. Car Insurance Question? A couple of months ago, I checked out Insurance on Money Supermarket and got a cheap quote of 1,115.44 for a 5 door 1.1 Citroen Saxo, but I've been recently checking again and now all the quotes from the same company are over 4K??? Are they allowed to do this anyhow? And if I phone up the company and tell them about the cheap quote, will they give it to me?" An affordable dentist in Houston?

I need an appt. for an exam and maybe a couple of cavities that can be done before December. anyone know any affordable dentists that can do that in the month of November without insurance? Car Insurance Calculator? Im looking for a car insurance calculator so i can see how much this car would cost to insure should i end up getting it. Im only 17 so calling a car insurance company i would rather stay away from and idk what company my parents are even with But is there a calculator that doesnt require a ton of steps and just lets me put in what car i have and some basic questions about stuff that affects a 17 year old. Calculators i have been looking at ask for like house payments and monthly income ect and im 17. I dont have any of that. So any good and easy calculators to see if this car is too expensive to buy? Please help... car insurance. 10 points for best answer.? Hey i just bought a 1992 3 litre twin turbo<--- they don't know that bit Toyota supra 2 door 2 seats black. I am 19 and the cheapest insurance policy i can find for it is 7 grand i have a years no claims and pass plus, so that seems a bit stupid to me, Anyone have any name and or numbers of insurance companies in the uk that are likely to do me a good deal 3rd party, Thanks guys." How much does Auto insurance cost in Mass? I am moving to Mass, and am curious if someone can give me an idea about how much it would cost to insure a 97 Acura CL 4 cylinder car. I am having a hard time finding quotes online. Round about numbers would help." What happens if I cancel my car insurance policy? I can't pay my monthly car insurance note. What will happen if I just cancel the policy before the payment is due? Will they still flag my license if I just cancel the policy? Does anyone know of some reallly cheap motorcycle insurance companies that you use? ? How much is car insurance? I have a 2007 GMC Envoy and I am about to get my licence. The car used to belong to my parents but was given to me as a gift. I'm wondering how much insurance will cost me if I go through AMA? I've taken the drivers class and have the certificate, so there's a discount there." "What does SB Insurance mean, 9.95 a month on a credit card paper statement? Chase bank?"

What does SB Insurance mean, 9.95 a month on a credit card paper statement? Chase bank?" How much would my insurance be if...? I am a 20 year old female and I've been having car troubles with my 2010 Toyota Corolla. The cost of repairs is becoming more and more expensive even though I take very very good care of my vehicle. So therefore, I am purchasing either a new 2013 Chevy Camaro or a used 2014 Ford Mustang with 4000 miles for a steal of a price. Right timing I guess. Anyway I am looking for full coverage less than $300. I know that these cars are not considered sports cars in the insurance world I was told many times because they both posses V6 engines. If anyone has insurance or knowledge about the criteria I have provided please inform me of the best/cheapest insurance I can get. No mommy or daddy jokes, because i am paying for my vehicle and insurance, thank you very much! Please be respectful!" "If you had to guess, do you think my insurance will be high? i am an 18 years old male. i have been driving for close to two years and i had one speeding ticket that i took to court and they let me off. i got no points. i drive a 2000 mercury cougar and with liability coverage it costs $90 a month. im on my moms policy. im want to get a 2005 chevy monte carlo lt that im gonna have to get full coverage on because im financing. i am also gonna be on my moms insurance. do you think my premium is gonna increase by alot? thank you. and please just give me estimates and dont tell me to call the insurance company. i just want ballpark estimates and answers. thank you :) What is some good dental insurance? What is a good and affordable dental insurance? How much will my car insurance be? 17 year old male? I have been waiting forever to hear back from the insurance company with my quote and it got me curious on how much the average is for a 17 year old male who does not have the best grades but has a clean record and never been in any sort of trouble. I understand you cant know this from just guessing but I was just looking for some estimates so I had an idea on how much to safe for. Thank you to who ever answers! Help with car insurance please :)? Around how much would car insurance for a 'W REG VW BEETLE 3 DOOR HATCH BACK 2.0L PETROL' be? I am a young driver too. Thank you :) I'm nineteen and looking for good somewhat affordable health insurence? looking for people who are happy with their health isurence to share their experiences. thanks Why do wives have to be on husbands car insurance?

I have been under my parents car insurance for my whole driving life and now I am married. My husband is a new driver in the USA, and because we just bought a new car, we have to be more" Do you need car insurance to rent a car in Massachusetts? I have insurance for my own car but will Hertz rental make me pay for their auto insurance? Can i just say I already have insurance even though I don't know if mine will cover me in case something happens? I have the least amount of coverage you can get in Mass and I use Commerce Insurance. affordable health insurance washington dc affordable health insurance washington dc I was in a car accident and didnt have car insurance..? the other car is totaled... what do i do ?? can i get insuranse somewhere now who will cover a past wreck??? Do I need to mention car insurance claims when going for motorbike insurance? Title says it all really! I have a car insurance claim against me which I want to know if I have to declare when applying for motorbike insurance. Hopefully not, because motorcycling is quite different to car driving..?! Thanks!" State auto insurance vs. state of registration? I am currently working a temporary job away from home in another state not my permanent residence (I am living there for the term of the employment). While there I bought another vehicle and registered it in that state and when insuring it moved my other car to the policy not realizing this could cause a problem. Now on my first vehicle, which was registered in my home state, the home state has refused to renew the registration because it carries out of state insurance. However, I also don't own the first vehicle, it is owned by my parents who are a resident of my home state, I just use it and pay the insurance. So unless I am missing anything, It looks like I am basically going to be forced to register that vehicle in a state where I do not have residence or cancel my insurance policy and get insurance for only that vehicle through a provider in my home state. Is this it or are there other options? I'm confused because they let me renew last year even though I had the out of state insurance, but I had switched during that year so maybe they considered me part-time or something. I would like to avoid changing any state registrations for the time being, because this process is expensive and complicated between the two states in question. Someone told me the cheapest option might be to get a minimum liability policy on the car in my home state so they will give me registration, but I have never heard of that and I'm not sure if that is ok (having two insurance policies on the same vehicle)? I am not trying to play tricks or loophole anything here, I just want to figure out my options and get this done without costing me a lot of money or time." Does anyone know of Grange Insurance Company?

My insurance agent recommends that I switch to Grange because they will give me a much lower rate than what I currently have, with the exact same auto insurance coverage. But, I have never heard of this company." Buying auto insurance? Can two brother's buy auto insurance regardless of if they live together or not? Collecting on insurance policy? Ok, so here it is. A guy hit me, police report said his fault. Totaled my truck and I got a huge amount of med bills. Now I know his insurance co. is payin for my truck and my med bills, but can I also claim on my insurance for pain and suffering, etc?" Insurance for a newly licensed driver? I'm an underage driver; do I need insurance if my parents are in the car with me? Or does their insurance cover me? I'm in TX btw What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance? What kind of license do you need to sell auto insurance? How can I put my girlfriend (8 1/2 years and still going strong) on my health/dental insurance? Hi guys, so I have asked my job and it seems the only way I can add her to my health/dental insurance is if 1) we are married or 2) if i provide proof of living with her for a certain amount of years. There has to be some loophole because I really think it is ridiculous that we have been to together since we were 16 and I cant add her or help her in such a way. There is no possible way, in timeline, for us to qualify for such rules. 16-18 years old (in high school and lived with parents), 18-23 years old (Attended separate universities and lived in different cities), 23- 24 1/2 years old, (both living with parents back home, we alternate and stay at each others place, so have no set home or bills in our name, such as direct tv, electricity, internet, you name it. we are blessed with awesome parents) and yes we have though about just getting married, but no way... we are waiting until we are established and can fend for ourselves to make a decision like that, but yes we do want to get married some day, but not over screwing the government or other reasons. Also we live in california if that helps, since i know every state varies, thank s guys!! ^_^" How much cheaper is a hospital visit wit health insurance? i'm trying to decide if i should get health insurance, my job does not offer this, is it worth getting insurance?" Do i need condo Insurance? I have a condo in a six unit building in south florida that is being rented out. The building is insurance by the HOA master policies (windstorm and liability). My question

is do I still need to insure my unit? Thanks. Divorced and my minors car insurance? So my husband has 2 kids from 1st wife, daughter is 16 and just got license, ex states he is REQUIRED to pay the difference in her car insurance to add the minor, just curious if anyone knows if this is true. Her policy for 6 months went up $350 to add the minor and I don't think that is our responsibility she doesn't drive our cars ever. She is asking for 1/2 of this $350, the girl has a job shouldn't we be teaching her the responsibility of paying her 1/2 of the car insurance?" How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)? How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)? Question about car insurance and ticket? Today my girlfriend asked me to drive her home from college as she was sick. I used her moms car. When coming home on the arterial we were at a red light and I was getting ready to get in the right lane when the light turned green the SUV in front of me began to go then stopped suddenly, (still don't know why) As I was still crossing into the other lane the corner of my front bumper bumped her fender corner. I noticed she stopped and was on her phone so I backed up and parked behind her assuming she just wanted to make sure it was ok. Her tail lights were fine, she drove Subaru SUV so she had a pretty solid buffer there really wasn't even a scuff but a small red reflector on the bottom of the bumper that received a small crack (got a pic close up but can't see it more than a couple inches away. My headlight just has small scuff we werent worried, in NYS you don't generally call unless the damage is over 1000 but she insisted on calling the police. I kept asking if she'd like to just exchange insurance info but she said no (stubborn middle aged probably for insurance) The cops kept telling her we could just exchange info but she wanted report. Anyways, we sat there for about an hour and eventually just got the accident report and I got a following too closely ticket. Do you know how much something like this would cost in NYS roughly and if it would add points on my license. (Cant have pts for work ) Also how will insurance be affected?" What is a cheap car insurance for me...i am 16 years old? need the cheapest one Auto insurance question? I'm going to be working for a delivering company and I need proof of insurance. I have it, but the car I'm driving is my mom's so the name on the card obviously isn't mine. The company I'm going to be working for needs proof that I have insurance and I don't know what kind of paperwork would work. Any ideas?" Does searching for Car Insurance drive you crazy?

Does searching for Car Insurance drive you crazy? I don't have insurance ? I don't have any insurance. Any cheap one? Please any suggestion ? Health Care Insurance Costs are soo high!? My wife is 28 years old, I'm 29 and non of our employers offer health insurance benefits. We're forced to pay for our own at $300 a month! That's $3,600 a year... it's too much for us considering we only visit the doctor once a year. I'm tempted to discontinue it but then again its tough not to have any health insurance at all. Any suggestions???" Health insurance question? Can someone tell me what in network and out of network means? I applied for my health benefits today and the lady had me soooo confused. I understand that an in network doctor will save me money. Does an in network doctor mean they accept my insurance and out of network they don't accept it? LOL this is my first time having private insurance so i'm not quite sure what all of this means! "What is the best Health insurance, with good maternity coverage?" I would like to get insurance before I get pregnant because I know they won't give it to you when you're pregnant. So I would like to know who has the best coverage, hospital, pre-natal....etc! Would really like to hear from mothers, and there experience with the providers!!!! Thanks in advance" Is this coverd by allstate car insurance? I am wondering if this is covered by all state car insurance? My boyfriend has been letting our friend without a license drive a car that is owned by my boyfriend, and is insured by my boyfriend, and my boyfriend has said that allstate covers all drivers that drive our cars. But his friend doesn't have a license! I was wondering if this is true, or if we're setting ourselves up for big financial problems if this friend get's in a car accident?" Car insurance?? please help. I am 17 and have been told that I cannot pay car insurance monthly!! ?? I am really worried now as I simply cannot afford the lowest quote of 1600 all in one go. My car is a citroen ax 1.0 if that helps? Are there any other 17 year olds out there who do pay car insurance monthly if so how?? What is average for car insurance? I was just curious, as I am shopping for car insurance for the first time. I am a 23 year old male, so it will probably be higher than a lot of others, but I was wondering what you think is a fair rice as I shop around? Recommend a certain insurance company?

All answers will be appreciated! -Dan" What to do when a car insurance company refuses to pay? My vehicle got slammed into while parked at my house. Two older ladies were driving and they took out 3 mailboxes, my neighbor's old truck, his tractor, and then my car. The older more" affordable health insurance washington dc affordable health insurance washington dc My parents wont put me in car insurance? My dad keeps giving me excuses to why I'm not on his insurance yet. His excuse now is that he wants to switch car insurances first, but that he can't until he fixes his car. Like why can't he fix his car under the new insurance? it makes no sense. I've had my license for about 3 weeks now. All my friends have been put under insurance as soon as they got their license. I'm trying to get a job, but I cant because I'm not on the insurance. and no one can drive me to work since they work themselves. My parents think my older brother is my personal driver, its annoying. I don't know what to do. Any advice?" UK QUESTION classic bike insurance online? What would you say is the best,in other words cheapest bike insurance places online for me in the uk. ebike just quoted me 74 quid was hoping for insurance for about 50 to be honest" Pregnancy insurance? I have insurance right now, I am probably 3-5 weeks pregnant. I haven't gone to the doctor yet because my husband should have a new job on monday. I have medicaid as a 2nd insurance but if i go and ask for pregnancy services, and show them that im pregnant with a note from doctor, can i use medicaid until the new insurance kicks in and then use medicaid as a 2nd insurance? Plus what if the new insurance doesn't allow me to use it for pregnancy, will medicaid still pay?" "Sad Love Story, Car Insurance question for a 19 year old. Please Help. Will reward 10 points?" I have been seeing this boy for a while now and I have completely fallen for him. My entire life fell apart in high school last year and he's the only thing that has gone right. He is the one person who makes my heart race all fast and stomach do flips with those butterflies. I'm absolutely crazy about him. I have my license but I'm just not ensured. My grandfather found a receipt I left by accident in the car and looked at the miles and I got the car taken away. I can't stop crying, if any of you are in love you know how I must feel. I can't stop crying. I know exactly how Juliet must have felt :'( Now on the the insurance question. My 70 year old grandfather won't let me drive anymore until I'm insured. He has esurance and I am 19 and want to get added onto it. Does anyone have any idea of the cost? It would help me out so much so I know how much I need to save. I guess till then I will have to take the bus to see him :( thank you! I will reward best answer."

Is Progressive a good insurance company? Is Progressive a good insurance company? What kind of insurance would I need for this? There is a private residence that I would like rent out for my daughter's wedding. I am going pay him a certain amount for use of the house but then I'd like to take our a short term insurance policy in case the house is damaged or someone is injured. I'm looking for affordable auto insurance...? I am looking for an affordable auto insurance in New Jersey. Does anyone have any ideas. And is it true that a Broker is a good option? What would be a reasonable rate for just a PIP and a older car? I have no accidents or tickets. Car insurance help please!!? Basically i passed my test in may and it is my 19th in 2 weeks, my mum just bought a car for my birthday which is in perfect running order and good condition as it was owned my an old bloke. It is a ford fiesta lx 1.2 s plate (98), Ive been searching around and have come to the conclusion that haggling on the phone will get the cheapest quotes. Just wanted to ask if anyone has the same car and how they got on insuring it, and if anyone has any suggestions for the cheapest way of insuring the car and the cheapest providers for all types of cover. All suggestions are welcome apart from the ones about tracking devices as i have seen people being billed incorrectly and in some cases that i have seen, increased the insurance to well over other quotes! Cheers for the help!! :) Mike" How does uninsured motorist effect me and the insurance company? if i get in a car accident with someone that dosnt have car insurance how does this effect me and the insurance company All car dealerships require full coverage on insurance? ? Full coverage insurance cost me around 400-600 a month because im 18 and want a sports car do all dealer ships require full coverage to make monthly payments? Health insurance in the United States? Hi! Im not certain how things exactly work in the USA with insurance. 1) Is it compulsory? 2) Secondly, if I have insurance and suppose I want a procedure that insurance will not cover such as laser eye surgery (elective ) or say an elective cesarean. If I am willing to pay for the procedure myself can the doctor refuse to treat me and deny the procedure just because Im insurance isnt paying? Am I allowed to pay out of pocket if Im willing or is insurance legally required? Category"

Is it hard to learn how to file insurance as an admissions person? Is it hard to learn how to file insurance as an admissions person? Insurance? About how much more expensive is a life insurance policy for a smoker in realtion to a nonsmoker.( I need a figure) Car insurance for a 16 YR old girl with an 08' Mustang? How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old girl with an 08 Mustang with Famers insurance. I have all A&B;'s in school. Have taken drivers ed. Have no wrecks on my record. Please give me a real price range not too much or A lot. Does anyone know the best car insurance to buy from with just the minimum required? i am so sick of car insurance companies taking advantage of people with these super high prices just because the dumb law says you have to have insurance. "I live in California, How do I obtain a state license to sell auto insurance? Pls. show a website were I can see what are the requirements to obtain a license and explain well what it is and what to do.... Thanx. How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old on a volkswagen golf 1.9 GTI? like the min price? "My motorcycle was stolen and at time I didnt have insurance, it has a lien on it. So what can I do?" I owe almost $5,000 on it to the bank. Is there anything I can do besides taking this big loss? Please help I need suggestions!" Car Insurance for a 17 year old ? Rough price needed.? Hi, My son is 17 in a couple of months, need a rough guess on how much insurance will be on a low groupage car (peugeot 106 1.0 etc). He'll be provisional but will have his mother on the insurance also. We're in Teesside so not out in the sticks but not a city postcode. Any rough ideas will be great. Thanks." If I have secondary driver Insurance on my Dads car. Am I still covered on our other car aswell? My Dad put secondary insurance on his car (that I pay) so that I can use it. But he never lets me use it because he takes it to work everyday. But my Step Mom has her car here, and my dad tells me I can't use it because my insurance only covers his car.

Is he just being a douche?" Can my brother drive my car without insurance? My insurance company is with Statefarm. I'm the primary driver with full insurance coverage for the car. My brother just received his license but does not have any car insurance YET. Would it be legal for him to drive my car and if so, would my car be covered by the insurance company if he gets into an accident. I am from Canada, Ontario." My car was involved in a hit and run and am not covered by insurance? I just got a message from my friend saying that the car that I now own was involved in an accident. Specifically a hit and run. I know for a fact it wasn't me who hit the car and ran. It had to have been my other friend who borrowed my car. The car is not insured. I'm guessing my friend took off at the scene of the crime and came back not telling me about it. I really didn't notice anything wrong with the car until today putting 2 and 2 together with the newish scratch I had on the nose of my 1997 v6 camaro. It looks like he rear ended the other car from the outline of the marks on my car. Thing is he is not in California anymore and moved back to the east coast. I met the guy and became friends for about a month and a half. He knew alot about cars and he said that he would take it down to this one guy he knew how to flush out the radiator. He did that on the 24th of nov. and the claim of the other driver was said to be on the 24th. What do I do? I can't make any contact with my friend who drove the car because I can't locate him. Am I charged with a hit and run or is he? I forgot his last name so I really can't hold him responsible or report him liable The previous owner got the memo about the claim report because it is still in his name kinda. I told him to say he does not own the car any more and give the insurance company my info and I'll see what i can do. Well what should I do? I need some legit legal consulting. What Insurance company automatically covers anyone who drives your car? What is a cheap insurance company? I'm tryin 2 get insurance for the 04 stratus that i'm buying, but my rates are high because i'm 18. I heard about an insurance who covers anyone who drives your car, like that i coul mak my dad take it then i'd be able 2 drive it. If you know a cheap company for people my age i'd appreciate it. The company dosnt have to be popular." No proof of insurance ticket in CA? I got pulled over for speeding, but also cited for no proof of insurance. I was in the process of getting it since I had just bought the car a couple weeks ago. I got insurance a couple days after the ticket. My question is, if I decide to plead not guilty, can I change the date of the insurance and show it to the judge? Would they call the insurance? The insurance sent me the proof through an e-mail so I can try to change the date on it if I wanted to. I dont want to pay the $480 fine for getting insurance after the citation...let me know, thanks" Where can I find affordable family health insurance? Looking to find several health company quotes.

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