September october 2016 Final Version

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September/October 2016 Volume 6 Issue 5

a publication for the Socially and Spiritually Conscious Community

The Universe is Your Friend and Infinite Provider

Swords of Light Tom Ledder

Is Your Dentist Holistic?

A.G. Billig

The Unification of the Mind Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt


My New Drug: Nutrition Virginia Lorimor

Chakra Insights Nancy Kimes Animystic Adventures Kara Udziela Chiro Corner Dr. Ben Horning Omni-Dimensional Mystery School Laurie Reyon & Seth Proud to Be a Believer Choury DeVelle Embracing Change Rev. Arlene Meyer of Unity of Orange County Selenite; Stone of the Third Eye, Crown and Soul Star Chakra Amaya Victoria God is My Source, of Course! Rev. Annette Drake Foundations of Bhagwad Sanjay Aggarwal Whispers of the Light Merit


Temple of Light Goddard Business Center 11 Goddard Irvine, CA 92616

949.333.1641 2

September 3, October 1, November 5

September/October 2016

Table of Contents F E AT URE ARTI CLES


Publisher’s Editorial: The Unification of the Mind 4 by Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt Founder and Spiritual Director of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, Publisher of Radiance Magazine, Mentor to Spiritual Leaders, Teachers, Practitioners and Seekers

Whispers of Light 10 Merit

Is Your Dentist Holistic? 17

Selenite; Stone of the Third Eye, Crown and Soul Star Chakra 11 Amaya Victoria Chakra Insights 13 Nancy Kimes

Swords of Light 18 by Tom Ledder

Animystic Adventures 15 Kara Udziela

ON THE COVER My New Drug: Nutrition 24 by Virginia Lorimor

Proud to Be a Believer 22 Choury DeVelle

The Universe is Your Friend and Infinite Provider 30 by A.G. Billig T E M P LE OF L I G HT S P O N SORE D PAGES Special Events 20 Special Events 21 Leadership Page 27

God is My Source, of Course! 28 Rev. Annette Drake Foundations of Bhagwad 33 Sanjay Aggarwal Chiro Corner 36 Dr. Ben Horning Embracing Change 37 Rev. Arlene Meyer of Unity of Orange County Omni-Dimensional Mystery School 39 Laurie Reyon & Seth

Published by Rev. Danielle Marie, Spiritual Director of Temple of Light Spiritual Community Radiance is published by The Temple of Light Spiritual Community, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618. Publisher’s Liability: Radiance does not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine, nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the magazine, publishers, or editors. Radiance is a free publication that is available at various metaphysical stores, health food locations, vegetarian restaurants, yoga studios, spiritual centers, coffee stands, and libraries throughout Orange County. If you would like copies at your location or recommend a site, please email or contact our office at (949) 333-1641. Office hours are from Monday to Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Go to to view current and past issues of Radiance and share your thoughts! Annual subscriptions are available for $25. To submit an article, please email Rev. Danielle at revdanielle@



The Unification of the Mind

by Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt


hat is the unification of the mind and why on earth would we want to do it? Imagine you have gone to the store with the purpose of buying a bag of luscious green apples in order to make your grandmothers famous apple pie recipe. You have imagined how wonderful it will taste, you can see it in your mind and you know it comes from a long line of your ancestors handed down to each of the mothers and daughters. It is time tested and perfect. Now imagine as you are walking home you stumble along the way. The bag of apples opens and they scatter in different directions. They have ended up all over the place and now your task is to gather them up, one by one, and bring them back together so you can go home and achieve your goal. Have you have felt scattered like this? Like parts of your mind are all over the place and you don’t seem to be able to move forward without feeling like you are leaving some part unnoticed, unattended or unacknowledged? It can be distracting, frustrating, draining and even disheartening. It can create a feeling of being held back, not being able to move forward. You do not have all your apples in one bag. When we learn how to unify our mind, we become centered, balanced, focused (but in a soft way), present and able to navigate through our life’s daily occurrences with grace and ease. In this state of unification, navigation comes so much more effortlessly that we have time to just be and appreciate our life. We have time to simply be happy. 4

A unification of the many aspects of our mind is not to be confused with being “single minded,” which is the singular focus on one aspect of the mind thereby leaving the other parts neglected. Unification means coming together and working as if it is a whole. We do not make an apple pie with one apple, we make it with one bag of many apples together, working in a unified purpose. What makes up the scattered mind? There are so very many aspects and all surprisingly held in the pineal gland which is the size of a grain of rice. We are familiar with the phrase

“Mind, Body and Spirit” which infers them to be three separate things, but they are not. Within each of the three, the other two parts are connected. So, when we speak of the mind we also reference the other two (the body and spirit). Within the mind, therefore exists our spiritual component (the higher self), our mental component where all actions are governed by thoughts, and finally, also within the mind is the physical component where reactions are governed by emotions. Within these mental and physical components there can be conscious and unconscious levels. And within each of the conscious and unconscious levels there are four ways for thoughts and emotions to be created. The four ways are the core life experiences, the ancestral experiences, the alternative life experiences and the accumulated soul experiences. Sound confusing? It

September/October 2016

can be. What does this all mean? We have a job to do regarding how we stay in balance and manage our mind. Left unmanaged it can wreak havoc upon our peace of mind and happiness. For years I studied ThetaHealing at the ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge in Idaho Falls, ID where I learned how to access the subconscious mind in order to delve into these many levels and layers one excruciating area of pain after another. It worked, most definitely, but seemed to me a lengthy process. The process I use now is much faster and easier, but perhaps my years of doing it the slower way built up my muscles allowing me to arrive where I am now.

Why? Because what each part has to say is important. It might not be correct or right, but it is nonetheless, important that it be allowed to express itself. How? Through meditation and sitting in stillness. Spend the time in a sequestered place with plenty of time to sort through it setting the intention to hear all sides of it. This may sound arduous, and it might be at first. But

what happens is when a given aspect is heard, it relaxes and goes quiet. When it remains unheard, it will keep raising it’s hand to try and get your attention. Have you ever had 30 people talking to you all at once? Imagine being

pounced by paparazzi reporters all shoving a camera or microphone in your face with each one asking you a different question all at the same time. Sound familiar?

Think of it like a board of directors meeting has been called in order to address a major policy change or decision that effects the direction of the company. Imagine the members of the board of directors sitting around the table, gathered, ready to weigh in and with many of them having a relevant thought to contribute. Not all of the contributions will be taken into action, but giving them the time of day to be heard and acknowledged will give them the dignity they deserve. If the contribution doesn’t

continued on page 6 >

At any given moment our mind is an orchestra of billions of thoughts, feelings and emotions. When a pressing, exciting or scary thing is in front of us to navigate, confusion ensues when several, if not a great number of the many aspects of our mind have something to say about it and compete with one another to be heard. It’s like a shouting match going on in our mind where each part is attempting to be the acknowledged one over the rest. Rather than having the parts of your mind fight with each other to be heard, spend the time listening to all the parts that want to be recognized. 5


make sense or seems an inappropriate course of action, take the time to have the other aspects create a dialogue with the contributing thought and attempt to gain an understanding of where it is coming from. Just like you would ask a child WHY is it scared rather than telling it not to be. Take the time to understand the source of your thoughts. When it comes up, have another part of you ask, “why do you feel this way?” You may be very surprised upon being asked, rather than ignored, chastised or shut down, that it answers you. Resist the temptation to be dismissive of thoughts which do not seem to make sense, are comfortable or even scary. Take the time to get to know them and understand them. Only through being heard do you have an opportunity to create a shift of perspective in them and obtain a more unified position. Have you ever told yourself to “stop being silly!” or “don’t be ridiculous!” The part of you which created the thought you just shot down will at some point in time come back, louder and maybe even madder and with more gusto. If it gains enough angry energy at not being heard, it could even highjack you. Have you ever had anything come blurting out of your mouth and afterward you wondered why on earth you said it. If upon asking yourself where the thought or feeling is coming from and an immediate answer is not given, but


rather an “I don’t know, I just feel that way” there is a likely chance you are not consciously aware of the source. This is where a hypnotherapist, spiritual talk therapist or energy worker can assist you. In the subconscious mind you may be harboring beliefs that come through your culture, religion and ancestry that you have simply inherited. These would be group conscious thoughts or family history. These are easily remedied once discovered because you yourself did not create them. You can simply elect to adopt a different thought process. You may be experiencing thoughts and beliefs which come from an alternative life (some call it past lives). Alternative lives move through time

and space and can be past, present or future because your soul may have 100’s of incarnations throughout the Universe. Many times we “mirror” the experiences in those lives. Also easily remedied with a disconnection emotionally from that life because we ourselves did not experience it. Thoughts and beliefs that come from the accumulated soul experience are just that. All of the many 100’s of life times we have experienced are accumulated in our personal Akashic records. We have access to this and we can remedy any misguided beliefs with education and redirection. Finally, we have our core life experiences which have played a role in molding a part of our consciousness that we are not

September/October 2016

aware of. We may not be aware of it due to being pre-language, too young, we may have traumatically blocked the memory or it simply may have faded from recollection. In all four sources where beliefs are held two things are true. You can find them and you can change them. Once they are resolved, redirected and soothed they exist still but in a peaceful and quite manner. For they will always be a part of you and your history, we would not want to erase our history, we simply do not wish to be governed by it. When a peaceful co-existence begins to take shape, the thoughts, beliefs and feelings become closer in voice and in love because they are no longer competing with each other. They co-exist in harmony. The totality and accumulation of these quiet thoughts and beliefs now serve to provide us wisdom, for we have navigated through them and we can help others to do the same and we have compassion for others experiencing something similar because we can recall the pain of when we were not at peace with it. Like every good thing worth having, there is a process. Becoming intimately familiar with all of the moving parts of your mind likely will not happen in a brief period of time, but the good news is that with each

days passing, you can feel the progress and begin to understand you are now on your journey to a more peaceful life. Every day brings rewards and a slight release from the suffering of the scattered mind. So you see, it is not necessarily negative thoughts which cause us unhappiness, but rather

isolated unacknowledged thoughts. Isolation from ourselves is the worst kind of loneliness for we are each an aspect of God, Divine Creation and when we isolated ourselves by being scattered, we isolated ourselves from our Source. Unification is intimacy with our Divine Source.

Rev. Danielle is a Master ThetaHealer® who practices a healing art primarily in ThetaHealing®, but with several personal additions and modifications. Her sessions are lifechanging, creating shifts in her clients’ perceptions resulting in the most positive changes imaginable. Rev. Danielle has been a student of metaphysics since 2002 and studied under several mentors, including Vianna Stibal and Dr. Doreen Virtue. As a metaphysical minister, she believes in the innate intuitive ability gifted to each of us. Teaching this and witnessing healings has become her life’s work and passion. She believes we can live free from pain and suffering and be in a state of peace and joy. Contact Rev. Danielle by email at or 949-244-1960 to begin creating a new journey for yourself. 7



September/October 2016



Whispers of the Light I n the halls of my heart, whispers of the unknown reverberate. Landing from remote worlds, passing through a mysterious full moon, like us, eclipsed to be reborn, they nourish a new inspiration. Through the long night of our despair, hope is waiting to usher the dawn. Frequencies of liquid light infuse my heart with rich blue green and golden hues, deep and translucent, renewing every heartbeat with flashes of new visions. In the glow of colors of the coming light, magenta flowers touch a soothing turquoise blue sea from a balcony overlooking the vast existence. The whispers tell me that love unveils our destiny, even if it comes through the entrapments of fake encounters, loss and pain. Loneliness, lack, and all the thousand trials, carry the fire that perfects the unique diamond of the heart, as we face the shadows of our doubts. Soon the multi facets of the inner diamond will receive the flow, and reflect the visions of the nascent light, inspiring and uplifting. If we choose to hold the hidden sacred space, even as we face disturbance, our inner tranquility will overcome. It reveals the key to the inner temple from which we need to gather inspiration, strength, and protection as we renew our love minute by minute. We find refuge in that which is beyond. The greater challenges dissipate before the majesty of the inner freedom, even if they appear to prevail and intensify for a while longer. If we are always connected, how can we ever know loneliness? If our essence is love, how can we ever be deprived of love? If we come from life, how can we ever fear death? If we are always provided for by the Majestic Creator of a rich, expansive universe, how can we ever lack for anything that is needed for our journey and the evolution of our souls? If we are supported by the potent flow of life, how can we doubt that we can express who we are meant to be? Across the veil of a dream, we touch eternity and are awakened to yearn for that which is real. The illusion seems real. It entraps us in the ever more complex matrix. Yet what is real is what the heart sees when it glimpses the possibilities, when it touches freedom, when it knows 10

by Merit

nothing can keep it trapped. Maybe all the challenges were meant to teach us to ask further, so we can invite more of the light and experience more of the knowledge. The universe, the galaxies and the stars are talking to us, but their language is mystery. We can never decipher it all. The symbols are everywhere. Yet, they are always symbols. They invite us to be inspired, touched and transformed, but they only point to that which is beyond expression. Reality shifts with our gaze. Vision creates and recreates worlds. And we have to always choose to keep reaching beyond our fixations, so we don’t lose ourselves and our freedom, which is always beyond the concrete formulations. Yet we need the interplay between the flow and the fixations. Let time and eternity embrace within the depth of our human perception. Let ecstasy be born though the anguish of our existence as we release and forgive our attachments to things past, older visions and versions of self and others, and are renewed with every new moment. We find expressions in concrete words, yet the words direct us further and further and open us to the wonder of this mysterious flow of existence, so sacred, yet apparently mundane, so hidden, yet like the sunshine, it cannot be concealed. All we need is to surrender to the regal appeal of life as we express our true selves. As we eternally reside in love, light, truth and beauty, within and without, we are being guided through passages of dark and light, and are lead into new vistas and new worlds.

September/October 2016

Selenite; Stone of the Third Eye, Crown and Soul Star Chakra


am standing facing west inside of this divinely created teepee. The teepee stands about 20 to 25 feet high, its’ poles are a wonderful light red walnut color that connect at the smoke hole. The cloth pulled taut so that the poles can hold it steady are so white, it hurts my eyes. This is truly a holy and sacred structure. On the cloth of the teepee are woven and drawn symbols, siggles and signs of great importance. Embedded in the cloth are crystals; amethyst, clear quartz, rutilated quartz, rose quartz, black, green and rainbow tourmaline. The radius of this teepee is rather large, eyeballing the packed earth, where the poles and the bottom of the teepee touch I am looking at a circumference of 60 to 100 sq. feet. There are 45 to 50 individuals sitting in this teepee close together in three circular rows, most cross legged. They are praying, singing, chanting. Behind them are a mountain lion, bear, wolf, owl, eagle, rattle snake, and coyote. Behind the animals are elders, monks, grandmothers, grandfathers, saints and angels. I am standing just behind and between a young woman and a big cat. I am leading them in a ritual that will take them to the heavens. As I am praying and directing the group towards the stratospheric level beyond 30 thousand feet where true prayer lives, a phenomenon begins to happen. Under my feet the earth is beginning to rattle. I raise my head, for I had it down in prayer and open my eyes. I am watching, paying attention with every fiber of my being. The hairs on my arms begin to rise. There before me, in the center of this circle the earth is being pushed upward, powerfully, it is pushed aside as if it weighs not an ounce. My mouth falls open as the top of a huge crystal appears, this crystal is striated and flat, and like nothing I have been familiar with before even though I taught about crystals for many years early on in my ministry. This huge magnificent crystal pushes, rises. Its efforts causing a roaring. I want to cover my ears, I know though to stand still and be present for an obviously sacred event. Up and up it rises, it has a large center crystal, and two smaller crystals on each side, looking like a flat cactus. Finally, it ceases rising, its’ tip just outside the top of the smoke hole of the teepee. Silence ensues, then without warning the crystal begins to tone. It’s toning is like a gong. I am aware of the centrifugal circle of energy and light that is coming off of it every time it rings and how these rings of energy are moving through the people present in the teepee with me. Now this force of energy moves out into the atmosphere. For a good five minutes the crystal continues its birth. During this time, I have been describing to the people what was going

by Amaya Victoria

on. When the crystal is finished it’s sounding, it stands there in all its glory. It announces to me in my head this statement. “I am the crystal that represents the heart of the mother.” Slowly, after a bit of time the Selenite slides gracefully down back into the center of the earth. I quietly bring all the individuals back to where they are laying or sitting in their rooms or homes. For you see all of this happened in a sacred ceremony circle that I was facilitating online. Of the fifty or so people online with me on this night, a good half were healers. When they came back and spoke to me on the cue they all said the same thing. “My GOD I heard her coming, I heard her toning, I felt her pinging us, well before you spoke to us on what was happening.” And this is how my “Circling the Heavens Meditation” was born which two years later I presented it as the “Circling the Heavens Meditation” at the Los Angeles Expo. I asked the group if anyone knew what Selenite was to which half the audience pulled pieces of Selenite from their pockets and purses. Selenite has many fine healing qualities for further information on those qualities please follow this link: html. My friends, may I present to you Selenite, the crystal of peace and power. Selenite, the heart of the Great Mother Earth. Amaya Victoria has been teaching, healing and helping others for 35 years. She helps them become whole again, individually and in groups. She has a deep connection and love for the earth and it’s healing properties. She uses her abilities to open the portals of energy of the heavens and direct this energy to her students and clients’ freedom. Her work helps bring about great change. The Amaya Center Amaya Victoria, Spiritual Teacher, Visionary and Channel 310-963-0543 ·




September/October 2016

Chakra Insights: Let Your Light Shine


his little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine... let it shine, let it shine!” Do you remember this chorus? Perhaps you grew up humming or singing this tune. This is the main message in the song which brings me to the next message for this column, “Let Your Light Shine!” Interestingly enough, it is also a message from the HEART CHAKRA. Too many times we have allowed our Light to dim. The Light from on high never dims! When we move so far away from that light, it is like we have lost our way because the light is not recognized anymore. It is not that the light has gone, it is merely hidden from view. Let’s examine this for a moment... your light starts as a spark that ignites a flame. We all have that spark. The flame grows as you grow and as you find your way, a realization of who you are becoming is eminent. Is there a part of you who is afraid of exploring who you are, or your potential? Do you feel inadequate? What is holding you back? If you will, think about your desires, and how you see yourself. What do you want to accomplish in the next 6 months or 5 years! Think about the potential you are sitting on! If there ever was a time to let your ‘Light Shine’ it is now. Embrace Love and your light will touch the core of who you are! You will also touch everyone you meet. Each person has potential no matter what your dream is. Take that in for a moment. It is my belief that if you are attracted to something you want to do in life, even if it is to be in the Olympics, and you have a burning desire to succeed, you have been given a gift that will assist you in manifesting your dream. When something touches your life in a profound way it will transform your feelings/desires into something that becomes real. When you feel separated or detached reach out and extend your hand to others. It will help you reconnect and melt down any challenges within yourself. Even if others have not extended their hand you have extended yours! Conflicts, competitiveness, challenges, are a reflection of your perception. When you are not competitive there is no

by Nancy Kimes

contest. You therefore enact the best you can be and also embrace the success of others. Don’t make life a competition, make it an adventure! You will truly be in the light. You will feel it and others will see it! Also, remember that you are a light in a diverse world. This is what makes life alive and interesting. You can derive that there are many ways that can enrich your life and potential. There are many opportunities open and many views that come to a point of enlightenment. So lighten up! Don’t be so hard on yourself. We all begin on a road with curves, and paths... some are paved and some are not, but as a river has an inlet and outlet so do you. Never undermine your potential to create a better life, a better world or better relationships. It is within you because you are the light in the world. All you need to do is open up your heart and let the light shine bright! What more can I say? What more can you be? Nancy Kimes is a teacher, author and consultant of the Tibetan Black Hat Sect of Feng Shui. Her book, Feng Shui Journeys, will show you the dynamics, principles and psychology behind the practice of Feng Shui concerning the major areas of your life including relationships. Her book may be purchased on Amazon. For information or inquiries contact Nancy at




September/October 2016

Sadie Learns to Trust I

f you are reading this magazine, you probably believe in manifesting and visualizing what you want...and if you have a rescue animal you may be one of the people who loves to tell his or her back story. Please, STOP! Your dog or cat is not a “rescue”, he or she is your family member. Animals pick upon our words and feelings and the images we are sending, even when we are talking ABOUT them to others. Animals communicate telepathically with images. Each time you talk about it and conjure up the image in your mind, they “hear” you. Would you really want to keep sending Ralph images of his broken tail bone or the family that abandoned him? Of course you wouldn’t. Many people come to me with stories of abuse or neglect and describe a behavior they would love to alleviate in their recently adopted pets. My client, Iris, a woman in her seventies, is a perfect example. She had adopted a beautiful four-year-old sable Sheltie named Sadie several months before. Iris has owned several Shelties and understands the breed very well. Her daughter owns two Shelties and Sadie seemed to get along with them very well. Having had two Shelties in my family myself, when she called I thought she might want to talk to me about excessive barking, but this was not the case. Iris said she was worried about Sadie because, although she seemed to love Iris, anytime a friend of hers would approach Sadie she would hide or begin to growl. When I connected with Sadie she immediately showed me the home that she lived in where she had been given up because the family felt she was too much of a hassle. She also showed how she had been picked up and transported at least three times by nice women in their fifties through seventies, including Iris. Her original home was not a nice environment even though there was another Sheltie who live there which she liked and was quite attached to. She said very clearly that she loved Iris and liked her new home, but she also communicated very clearly in words and images that she was afraid one of these older ladies which were Iris’ friends. She backed away, growled and barked in an effort to avoid them getting to her and making her leave her new home which she loved. Iris was amazed to learn this. It had never occurred to her how her friends might appear to be a threat to Sadie by looking so similar

by Kara Udziela

to the people of her past who had transported her from home to home although in a very well-meaning way. I worked with Sadie using emotional freedom technique (EFT) tapping and helped to reassure her that this is her home forever and if anything, should happen to Iris, she would go and live with Iris’ daughter and her two Shelties whom she already loves. I recommended to Iris that she stop telling Sadie’s rescue story. From now on, Sadie was Sadie. Iris said, “you know when anyone comments on how pretty she is I always say ‘she is a rescue’. I am not going to say that anymore.” The next day Iris wrote to me saying that upon taking Sadie to the barn she went right up to the woman to whom she had growled at the most and this time sat to be petted as perfect as you please. Sadie now knew she was home to stay and there was nothing to fear. The same principle applies for many behavior and physical issues. Tell the story you WANT your dog or cat to hear, not the one which may frighten them.




September/October 2016

Is Your Dentist Holistic? A holistic dentist’s focus is to do everything to treat the mouth in ways that support the health and well-being of the body as a whole. They aim to minimize use of any potential dental toxins. So their practice will be mercury-free, fluoride-free, latex-free and so on. When mercury amalgam “silver” fillings must be removed, the dentist will follow strict safety protocols. Additionally, minimally invasive dentistry is the ideal: digital x-rays only when needed, inlays and onlays instead of full crowns, air abrasion instead of drilling when possible and roots canals being performed rarely and in extreme circumstances. Holistic dentists are rooted in the concept that when treating teeth, you must consider the entire body—diet, lifestyle, mental and emotional health. Here are some questions to ask when looking for a dentist:

1. Is your office mercury-free? 2. Do you use a rubber dam when removing mercury amalgam fillings? (This doesn’t stop mercury vapor but does prevent your swallowing pieces of amalgam as it is removed) 3. Do you use an ultra-high speed suction? (This is placed behind the rubber dam to capture mercury vapor and further reduce exposure.) 4. Are fillings quartered into large pieces to remove? (This is the accepted method, as it doesn’t generate all the mercury vapor that drilling out the whole filling does.) 5. Do you have options available for composite materials? Not everyone can tolerate the same materials. 6. Are you a latex-free office? (Many people have allergic reactions to latex gloves and cleaning cups. Alternatives are available.) 7. Do you offer digital, minimally invasive x-ray? 8. Is your office a fragrance-free office?. 9. Do you do or recommend root canal therapy as a last resort only? 10. Is your office metal-free? (Some dentists use crowns that are a metal alloy base with porcelain baked on top. Some partials and dentures may have a metal frame.) 11. Does the office use fluoride? (Most holistic dentists understand that fluoride is toxic and make an educated choice not to fluoridate their patients.)



Swords of Light:

Making Healing Crystal Clear Selenite Swords Enhance Healing and Divine Connection Healing with crystals is a centuries-old practice that continues with modern day healers around the world. The power of using crystals in conjunction with healing modalities can greatly enhance the effects, but the real power of crystal healing is in selecting of the right stone for the job.

One of the most powerful stones available to alternative health practitioners today is selenite. It’s a clear, translucent white stone that is not only energetically powerful, but one of the few stones that transmutes even the most negative of energies. Selenite can also completely enhance the effectiveness and intensity of other power crystals and alternative healing modalities when integrated into the healing practice. The Advanced Spiritual Powers of Selenite Crystal Selenite helps with psychic development and intuitive processes, and its high vibration speeds up spiritual growth. An 18

excellent tool for visualization, medication and working with the subconscious, selenite has a unique ability to balance the spiritual and physical bodies. It works like a tuner on a radio, locating and clearing any “static” in your energy field. In fact, selenite helps break through the illusion so you can clearly see your spiritual, divine self. Working with selenite is especially powerful with opening up the higher level chakras. including the 6th and 7th chakras ( 3rdeye and crown.) It enhances connection to the 8th chakra (soul star chakra). The soul start chakra is where spiritual energy and divine love actually enter the physical plane and filter down into the crown chakra for distribution throughout the body. This is why selenite is so powerful in helping users access the Divine Mind and the Angelic Realm. Selenite is also a powerful energy transformer. Due to its very high vibration, selenite can be used to cleanse negative energy from other crystals. It’s also able to “hold” information—meaning, it can be programmed to hold mantras and take on the power of other stones. It isn’t even necessary to cleanse the stones after use, as the stone does all the work. Its the ideal stone for healers of all modalities, as it helps clear healers—and magnifies the direction and intent of healing.

by Tom Ledder, “Swords of Light” Master

Benefits of Selenite in a Sword Shape When selenite is fashioned into the form of a sword, it directs energy into the body and energy system with an unmatched

precision, helping to remove targeted blocks. Selenite swords are considered “swords of awareness”, helping cut through assumptions and promote reconnection between the conscious self and the inner mystic. In addition, the crystal’s linear structure behaves like a natural fiber optic, and transmutes energy directly down the full length of the crystal. It’s what makes the sword shape so powerful. The “Swords of Light” Master, Tom Ledder Selenite swords have been a passion for Tom Ledder ever since he witnessed the healing affects of the crystal at a conference in 2005. After six months of research with different forms of selenite, Tom created three swords for his own healing practice. He then gifted two swords to his spiritual teacher, Her Holiness Sai Maa Lakshmi Devi, who quickly requested Tom make 100 more for her other students to implement into their practice! Soon Tom was traveling around the world with his “swords of light”, sharing his passion for their healing power and

September/October 2016

and balance chakras, clear energy bodies, stimulate meridians, magnify intentions and dynamically increase the power of any healing modality.” Why Ledder’s “Swords of Light” are so Powerful In addition to hand-working each sword into various styles and shapes for clients, Ledder fully takes advantage of

showing energy workers and healers how to use the swords to heal their way through the chakra system. “The key principal to working with the swords of light is to remember we are all beings of light with physical bodies. An unobstructed energy flow on the physical plane leads to enhanced joy and balance in our health, love and life actions. The selenite swords help users achieve that more quickly and powerfully, Ledder says. “They help the human body open up to the 5th dimensional light of the Divine.” Ledder adds, “I travel and teach people how to use the “swords of light” to pour high frequency light into physical bodies that energetically transmutes negative energy and health issues. If you can heal completely on an energetic level, problems on the physical plane can be healed. These swords open up

the crystal’s high vibration and ability to hold information. Each sword has an epoxy mixture of over 200 power crystal that brings in multi-dimensional light. The swords also have over 350 pictures of Archangels, Ascended Masters, Crop Circles, Keys of Enoch, sacred geometry and powerful symbols. He recently started adding powerful sacred waters in very small bottles from around the world—the

have the sacred plat medicines of Peru. In addition to larger selenite swords, Ledder also creates acupressure light swords of various sizes that stimulate meridians and energy centers of the body to create a concentrated narrow beam of healing. Currently the “swords of light” are being used throughout Europe, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Chile, and Brazil in South America, Australia, New Zealand, India and Japan. Ledder has taught several classes using the selenite swords in Japan over the last few years, with another trip planned for later this year. He also teaches classes in Northern Colorado throughout the year. If you are interested in taking a certification course to learn how to use the “Swords of Light” and have an opportunity to purchase you own, see workshop details at: www.seleniteswords. com at the Temple of Light on September 16th, 17th and 18th, 2016. Tom Ledder, Selenite Swordmaker LLC 1807 Hampshire Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 U.S.A. Tel. 970-484-2038 · Mobile: 970-227-1198

Ganges River in India, Lake Manasarovar at Mt.Kailash in Tibet, the spring at Lourdes in France, a sacred river in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains of Columbia, Lake Titicaca on the border of Peru and Bolivia, and spring water form Mt. Fuji in Japan. And now, the new swords

Tom Ledder is the founder of Selenite Sword Maker LLC and is dedicated to bring the knowledge of the Selenite Swords of Light out to the world. For the past six years Tom has been focused on the creation of energy tools; the Selenite Swords of Light, Ascension Rods and Ascension Staffs, which are used around the world by energy workers, acupuncturist and healers. Tom has created a training program titled and a Certification Program that he teaches in the USA and Japan. Tom has also developed a subtle energy practice using the Swords of Light for Matter Illumination in Ft Collins, Colorado. Tom has worked in Japan for the last two years providing lectures and the training and certification programs in the use of the Selenite Swords of Light with great success.




September/October 2016




Proud to Be a Believer E very day brings with it infinite possibilities of health, wealth, peace and love.” I recently said this to one of my clients as she opened her eyes and smiled after a wonderfully healing session. I smiled back. She rose from the chair and thanked me with a check and a hug before leaving. As she walked away down the hall and out the door, I smiled inwardly, as I thought back to the not-to-distant past when I would have laughed if anyone had made that statement to me. I was a different person in those days. To say that I was a cynical skeptic would have been a huge understatement. Even though I had many experiences with psychic phenomena and/or ‘other-worldly’ activities since childhood, my anger at life refused to give God a chance. That was before i met Yvette, the beautiful little French woman in Santa Monica. At that time, I had no reason to think that anything she could do could possibly help me with my problem. After all, she was just an herbalist. Only a week before meeting her, I was diagnosed with a tumor that was resting precariously at the base of my brain. I had a rash from head to foot, constant headaches, nervous trembling in my hands and feet and my thick hair was falling out in patches. To be honest, I looked like I was dying of cancer. Lydia, my girlfriend at the time, was sure I wasn’t going to live much longer, sadly, I couldn’t help but agree with her. But when Cheryl, one of Lydia’s friends, told me about Yvette, and the fact that after seeing Yvette just once, Cheryl’s breast cancer went into remission, I was willing to give her a chance. Like I said, Yvette was a beautiful young woman with a very soft voice and sky blue eyes that held a kind of serenity that I’d never seen before. When she said she could help, I was tearfully overwhelmed with appreciation. Then she handed me a bag of red, hard-as-wood mushrooms, and said “Take these home with you, grind them up and boil them. When the water becomes bright red, strain the pulp from the liquid and wait until it cools before drinking it.” “That’s it?” I said, reacting with my usual skepticism. “That’s it.” she said softly. “You should be feeling better by tomorrow.” I really wanted to argue with her but there was something about those eyes and her confident smile that made me trust her. I’m so glad I did. When I awoke the next day, my headaches and rash had disappeared. Within a few days my hair started growing back and every other symptom was gone, I knew I was healed. Spontaneous remission is the term used by doctors when they can’t logically explain why a patient recovers from an illness that normally doesn’t just go away, like cancers and tumors and the regeneration of supposedly dead tissue that isn’t supposed to grow back. But the fact of the matter is, every day, patients are 22

by Choury DeVelle

healed from cancers and tumors, like the one I had—they simply go away without the approval of medical science. I’ve heard it said that no one makes a better advocate for the business of spontaneous healing than one who experiences it. Thankfully, I now experience it in my practice and in my life every day. I suppose there will always be skeptics and perhaps there is truth in the old statement: “To the skeptic, no amount of proof is enough and to the believer, no amount of proof is necessary.” I’m so proud and happy to be a believer! Is something holding you back from realizing your true potential? Fears can manifest into sickness, self-sabotage, and violence if you feel threatened. What most people don’t understand is these roadblocks to success are old beliefs based on lack and limitation buried deep within the subconscious mind. Most of the time, the victim doesn’t know how or why those beliefs got started. Choury believes the quickest, most effective way is through hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and change the programming from fear, sickness, lack, and limitation to courage, health, abundance, and wealth which is quicker than standard psychotherapy. Telephone:714.624.1956 email: www.orangecounty/

September/October 2016



My New Drug: Nutrition


was 25 years young on the day I went to see the doctor. Don’t get me wrong, there was nothing unusual about that. My medical history was already extensive having been stricken at the age of 12 with multiple, and likely related, autoimmune system disorders including: Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA), Fibromyalgia, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a rare systemic blood form of Lupus, and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. Yet, on this particular day, I felt differently. I was told that I could never get pregnant from the complications of my multiple disorders, but somewhere deep inside, I knew differently. My doctor evaluated me and suggested that perhaps I had finally become an insulin dependent diabetic…after all, I was a size 28 at 6’ tall and I weighted 340 lbs. I asked the doctor to run a pregnancy test as he was taking blood anyway. Although he declared it a waste of time and money, the test was run and I was indeed 4 months pregnant. What did my child have to look forward to for a mother? I had no energy to play, chase, or run. I had no lust for life. I ate my feelings of misery. Did I want my child to experience those same feelings of misery that I had experienced as a child? I had to begin taking control of my physical condition. I had to find a different answer than the steroids, chemotherapy agents, and bags full of pills. But what? From the moment I knew of my pregnancy, I set the intention not to eat or drink anything that I


wouldn’t directly have fed my baby. I lost 20 lbs. while I was pregnant and my autoimmune conditions were in remission during the pregnancy. Unfortunately, as soon as I had my son, the remission ended but the fight for my life with my new medicine, nutrition, was just beginning. I thought as an educated woman, I knew how to solve the problem. I may have been eating my feelings and not exercising, but I knew the solution, right? Wrong. I cut out eating what I believed to be were all of the wrong foods and went about the perfect American diet. I succeeded in losing a total of 60 lbs. Then, the weight loss stopped and a bigger blow came in my early thirties when doctors ultimately diagnosed my rare genetic disorder known as Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis with Myotonia and I learned of the severe limitations affecting every aspect of my life that would, as doctors projected, continue to progressive diminish my ability to function and ultimately take me to an early grave. I was beside myself. I had tried everything I knew and had failed at losing any significant portion of the weight; worse than that, I didn’t even know what I was doing wrong. I was not healing myself and my illnesses and depression were truly out of control. Finally, two separate events occurred. First, in search of relief from chronic gastro intestinal issues, I was seeing a colonic therapist who lent me some great books to get educated about how and why a health body functions. Secondly, I began researching health topics in depth including healthy

by Virginia Lorimor

gut bacteria, hydration, effects of allergens on your gastro intestinal tract, nutritional deficiencies, safe and effective ways to lose weight and keep it off, and more. It was time for me to become my own advocate. Having become informed and now an advocate for myself, I have lost 175 lbs. and have kept if off for over 5 years. Although I have the excess skin as a reminder, I am now a healthy size 8 who no longer suffers with consistent autoimmune inflammation and manages flares with nutrition. I have learned to fill my body with nutrients that allow it to reduce inflammation, increase energy, promote a sense of well-being, and heal myself without expensive drugs and traveling all about to see specialists…who generally offered more drugs. A self-perpetuating cycle that started in childhood. I began my journey to sickness as a child. I was given round after round of antibiotics, destroying my gut bacteria, and taking oral and liquid steroids to fight chronic infections. That is the way that we fatten up meat for the market today—using antibiotics and steroids. My mother, with her limited knowledge of health did the best she could for me and my father, who suffered from heart disease and diabetes. Mom put us on low fat diets. Unfortunately, a low fat diet is high in carbohydrates and high in sugar (as fat is removed artificially from products, sugar is used to compensate). This led to a compounding obesity problem for me as I got older. My first trip to

continued on page 26 >

September/October 2016

Before & After 25


fat camp was at 12 years old. I lost 21 lbs. in 3 weeks more or less because the cold garbanzo beans and green liver were inedible in my young eyes. Realistically, the camp was focused on weight loss and not wellness. They didn’t teach us how to change why we ate, or how to eat successfully after returning home. I immediately gained the weight back. Many of us have been through lots of different diet plans and that is not my focus. My focus is on wellness plans through elimination of toxins and implementation of nutrition. How do you feed your body to feel well? What does your body need from its two biggest organs, your skin and your intestines, to help you be the most successful you that you can be?


That is the billion-dollar question that big pharma doesn’t want us to know. When we eliminate toxins from going in to our bodies and ensure that our bodies are receiving complete nutrients, our bodies are open to healing, are able to regenerate naturally, and health is abundant. I am now in my 40s and both look and feel better than I ever have. Unfortunately, this lesson was learned too late for my dad who passed at the age of 49. That is why I am such a passionate advocate for natural health. Although I came from a background as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) as opposed to coming out of a more traditional path to health advocacy, the perspective it gives me is truly unique. I know that these changes

can be made economically. I know that they can be made despite what your work schedule and time permit. I know that there is no condition that cannot be overcome. I know that there are no excuses. At 340 lbs., I was in the excuse game. Now, I am passionate for results. Results come from the choices we make every day, consistently, and with intention. I am here to support you if you are ready to choose your health, to choose self-reliance, to choose happiness, and to choose success. Contact Me at: Virginia Lorimor Facebook: BuyMyArbonne Twitter: Buy_My_Arbonne Instagram: Advoc8Health


September/October 2016

Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Hideko Curcio

Founder and Spiritual Director

Director of Events and Facilities

Abbas “Abby” Namazi

Rev. Zia Sadaf

Deborah Shea

Coury DeVelle

Isabella Leigh Stoloff

Programs Director

On-site Practitioner and Instructor

On-site Practitioner and Instructor

On-site Practitioner

Rev. Amaya Victoria

Marcie Howard

Shannon Quamme

Laura Lesneski

Debra Hookey

On-site Practitioner

On-site Practitioner and Instructor

On-site Practitioner and Instructor

On-site Practitioner

On-site Practitioner


Elizabeth Hendershot

Grace Avalon

Jayden Rodriguez

Margo Mateas

Kara Udziela

Adil Panton







Victor Edwards

Seth Pincus

Vox Angelus

Shauna Kossoff

Joshua Bower & Lemia Astarabadi

Anna Sophia







Harmony Roundy

Alejandro Tovares

David Wells, Ph.D.

Kathleen Abraham

Nancy Kimes








God Is My Source, Of Course!: Do You Have Your MSU?


ave you realized your Divine Purpose in life? We spend many hours, days, weeks, years and sometimes our entire life looking for our Divine Purpose which gives meaning to our lives. We look lo here and lo there but it seems to elude us. I ran across a cute internet story (I could not find an author) that seemed to help clarify how to find just what it is that we are looking for. Here is the story: First, it is important to remember that we create our own life through the thoughts we entertain in our mind. I have a friend who lives in Florida. On her business card she has her name followed by the initials MSU. I thought it was perhaps like and MBA. “Why Katie,” I said to her, “I didn’t know you had an MSU. I am so impressed.” Then I asked, “What is an MSU?” “Oh,” she said. “That stands for Makes Stuff Up.” Your life is what you say it means. Nothing more, nothing less. The fastest way for you to find your divine purpose is to make it up. Don’t wait for outside signs, we need to turn inward and bring it forth from inside our true selves. Don’t think it is some huge out of reach idea—if you think it up, it’s yours and the Universe will help you do it. The easiest way to make up a plan for yourself is to ask yourself, “What would be the most fun thing I could do with my life?” And that is your divine purpose! Don’t you love that? What is the most fun thing you can think of? Let yourself go and don’t worry about anything except answering that question right now. If you can, go ahead and write it down. Your divine purpose is really a way of life. Make your answer your way of life and celebrate life everyday of your life from now on. * Yes, We Make It Up As We Go Along! If we realize it or not, we all make stuff up, every moment of our lives, or as we go along. Sometimes it is good, sometimes it is not so good. But, no matter what, it is OUR stuff. This means that if you do not like what you are seeing in your life right now, you only need to change the stuff you are making up, and you will change your life immediately. We have a saying in our Center: “Change your thinking, change your life.” This means that you are responsible for what happens in your life and how you react to things that happen to you that you did not expect. If you want to earn your MSU begin right now to make stuff in your life that excites you to think about. Things that are 28

by Rev. Annette Drake

“fun” and light your fire. Your passion is your meaning in life, your purpose. You have that passion burning within you to let you know which road is the right one to follow for true meaning in your life. Namaste, Rev. Annette Drake, MSU Rev. Annette has served as Senior Minister for the First Church of Religious Science (now the Center for Spiritual Living, Fullerton) for the past 20 years. In her years of service, she has taught classes, held seminars, counseled many clients and performed weddings and memorial services. “My years of service have been the most rewarding time of my life. I love inspiring people and lifting the spirits of those around me.” Her new slogan “New Day – New Way” says it all. Every day is a chance to build a new inspired life, filled with love, harmony, peace, health, prosperity and all that you desire.

September/October 2016



The Universe Is Your Friend and Infinite Provider “The most important decision we have to make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile Universe.” —Albert Einstein Everything in our life, good or bad, begins with a thought. Think about that beautiful morning when a ray of sun tickled your nose and woke you up. “What a great day!” you thought and great it was, indeed. Perhaps the traffic was lighter than usual. Or you landed a new project. Or your significant other surprised you with a candle light dinner. Now remember that day when you got up on the wrong side of the bed. Everything in your life suddenly annoyed you. Your back hurt as if you carried the world on your shoulders. “YOUR THOUGHTS ON A SITUATION OFTEN CAUSE YOU MORE TROUBLE THAN THE SITUATION ITSELF.” “Wish I had one day to myself,” you thought as you slammed the door behind you and took the dog out for the morning walk. A short one because you had an important meeting in the office at 7:30. You rushed home only to find yourself locked out. You remembered the jingle of the keys falling off the little table in the entrance hall. Luckily, you had the cell phone with you. The power of habit! You called your mom and asked her to bring you the spare. You drove fast and put up your make-up in the car. But, by the time you got to the office, the meeting was over. Your boss, angry. And, that blonde colleague of yours who was after your good paying position, on cloud nine. Throughout the day, things got worse. When the night finally fell, you felt grateful to be able to crawl into bed and forget about everything. “Things went haywire!” you would 30

say, and you are right. But assuming this scenario was true, do you realize that the Universe supported you all along? What if that voice in your head didn’t tell you to put the cell phone in your pocket? What if your mom was out of town? You Are Blessed In November 2015, I traveled to Santa Ana, California, for the first time. Jennifer Mc Lean’s Success Signature Attunement made me pack bags and return to the US. The journey started on the wrong foot despite a good dose of enthusiasm. I left home late, forgot the luggage key and the flight got delayed because of fog. My mind surrendered to fear. What if I didn’t make it in time for the connecting flight in London? And if I did, how was I going to fulfill the US customs request to open the bag? What if they wouldn’t allow me to enter the country, or interrogate me for hours? “THE UNIVERSE IS BY YOUR SIDE.” Of course, none of it happened. I made it to the connecting flight in London. The passenger next to me, a lovely Latvian lady explained how to unzip the trolley with a ballpoint pen. She had learned it from Facebook. I followed her advice and it worked. The fact that you are reading this book points to the many blessings in your life. You are alive, and you have good eyes. There were three-hundred million visually impaired people in the world in 2014. According to the World Health Organization, almost forty million of them were blind. You have a roof over your head, access to electricity, and the Internet. You are doing financially well since you can afford to spend money on food for soul. You can

by A.G. Billig

read. You have an inquisitive mind and open spirit, which push you to grow into the best version of yourself. Your Thoughts Shape Your Reality The whole Universe is by your side. Really? Really! Ralph Waldo Emerson said it: “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Marcus Aurelius said it: “He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.” Eden Phillpotts said it: “The Universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.” Mahatma Gandhi said it: “There is a force in the universe which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results.” Wallace Wattles said it: The universe desires you to have everything you want to have.” Joseph Campbell said it: “Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.” Jonathan Lockwood Huie said it: “Miracles are the natural way of the Universe - our only job is to move our doubting minds out of the way.” “YOUR THOUGHTS CREATE YOUR REALITY.”

September/October 2016

There is a catch twenty-two to it, though. Albert Einstein wrote: “The most important decision we make is whether we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” You see, the Universe respects our free will. The Universe backs whatever we focus on. The Universe doesn’t know right and wrong, good or bad. When we focus on something, we send a signal that we want more of it. Our thoughts create our reality. The ancient religions, modern spirituality, and science agree on this. Thoughts are a selffulfilling prophecy at work. Many people believe they live in a hostile environment. Society nourishes this idea with concrete and abstract walls. Fences, locks, rules, interdictions, prisons, police force, violence, competition, massmedia stimulate fear. Urban myths such as ‘no pain, no gain’ and ‘everybody wants to stab you in the back’ entertain it. All these make us expect the worst at any given moment. Now, compare it to the belief that the Universe is friendly and supportive. Think of it as a safety net that will catch you no matter how high the fall. Your attitude is open; a heartfelt smile lights your face. You have the courage to follow your heart and try different things. People like you and want you to be part of their professional or personal life. The beautiful moments in your day keep multiplying. When we release the illusion of fear, we have the time of our life in a benevolent Universe. “AS SOON AS YOU RELEASE THE ILLUSION OF FEAR, THE UNIVERSE BECOMES BENEVOLENT.” You may argue that facts contradict the belief in a benevolent Universe. Terror attacks happen everyday, hundreds of millions of people starve. Planes crash, cars collide, earthquakes and tsunamis occur. Billions of people live on less than two dollars a day. We cannot change all this in one day. But we can, in time. As

the Law of Oneness dictates, everything in the Universe is interconnected. We are all together in a giant pot of soup. Our thoughts, emotions, words, and deeds affect the whole world. The more of us who choose love over fear, the better place the Earth will be. The Universe - this loving energy that many of us call God - respects and supports our free will. It cares about us so much that it allows us to cook the soup, as we like. Change Your Perspective Change Your Life Imagine your life as a three-floor house that faces all the cardinal points. There are several large, beautiful windows in the walls. From each of them, you see something different. One window shows a beautiful orchard, with apple trees in blossom. Another, a Japanese garden. A golden statue of Buddha watches over a soothing cascade. From a stained glass window on the first floor, you can see the majestic top of a mountain. Another window shows a young couple with a little boy and a little girl, having a barbecue in their backyard. The best view is in the attic. If you sit on your back, you can stare for hours at the starry sky. There are other windows as well. From there you see the back of the street, dark, and dirty. Or two men fighting in front of a CVS shop - the manager and the thief caught in the act. Each window gives a different perspective on life. Of course, ignoring the ugly ones will not make the events and people behind them disappear. Still, we have the right to choose the windows to look out on. We have the right to invite the light and happiness into our house. It doesn’t mean we are selfish! We are making a choice. The Universe needs us happy and healthy. It needs the best ingredients in the soup. It needs our good vibrations. When we’re happy and abundant, we contribute to the world’s well being. We can help those in need with our resources - prayers, time, money, and good energy.

Most of the people don’t see the reality as it is but distorted by the filter of their beliefs. Oftentimes, our thoughts on a situation give us more trouble than the situation itself. It happened to me as well. The cashier at the convenience store gave me an angry look, once. At first, I felt uncomfortable, unworthy. Then I realized that her attitude had nothing to do with me. Maybe she had a bad day. Maybe her son was in the hospital, or her husband left her. Maybe she didn’t even give me an angry look. Maybe the glass of my window, a little dirty, distorted the view. “THE UNIVERSE NEEDS YOU HAPPY AND HEALTHY.” Your thoughts and your deepest beliefs are like a beacon that point to a certain direction. Remember, the Universe doesn’t know right or wrong. But it recognizes focus. Whenever you concentrate on some lack, you will get more lack. Why complain about not having the money to buy a Mercedes or a new house or a piece of designer clothing on Rodeo Drive? Why not be grateful for all the blessings in your life? The Universe supports the thoughts you are giving most energy and power to because it loves you. Excerpt from the book “I Choose Love. Overcome Your Fears To Attract The Life You Want”.




September/October 2016

Foundations of Bhagwad Gita The Bhagawad Gita is an ancient dialogue which occurred between Lord Krishna and his friend and disciple Arjuna on a holy battlefield called Kurukshetra. This battle occurred between two opposing armies, the Kauravas and Pandavas thousands of years ago. It not only signifies a historic battle which was fought thousands of years ago, but also signifies an esoteric inner battle, a struggle that takes place daily within a human being between his good qualities and negative qualities, between his knowledge and ignorance, between his health and disease, between his temptation and self-control and between his selfishness and selflessness. The Bhagwad Gita is a timeless message. It is a science for realizing God and it is for all spiritual aspirants. Should one make a conscious effort in recognizing one’s weaknesses like anger, hypocrisy, insincerity, selfishness, revengefulness and replace them with compassion, love for all, sincerity, selflessness and most importantly, forgiveness then one can truly taste the quality of the all lovable Divine Spirit. In this very beautiful scripture, the Bhagwad Gita, the key figure is Lord Krishna. His timeless message to a sincere seeking spiritual aspirant (Arjuna), is to practice the science of Yoga meditation by which one can break free from one’s attachments and realize the unending joy of the Spirit. Arjuna represents a sincere spiritual aspirant who is trying to attain that eternal joy of God but in that spiritual journey is facing his individual karma and the temptations of the world that keeps pulling him outward and diverting him from the goal. What then ensues is a great tussle, a great struggle between him and his own karma, a struggle with his attachments and bad habits. The great Lord Krishna then gives him the esoteric science of Yoga meditation inspiring him to meditate daily, persevering, patiently for a long period of time which will enable the strong grip of bad habits of past lives to wear off and give him eternal calmness and joy. Arjuna represents a persevering and sincere yogi practicing the esoteric meditative techniques for God realization, but begins to harbor doubts as he finds it extremely difficult to calm this monkey mind. He then questions Krishna as to whether the yoga meditative practice can in reality take him to the perfect calm state. Krishna agrees with Arjuna that the mind is the most difficult thing to control in this world and compares it to ‘vayu’ or wind wandering here and there. Krishna then gives the secret art of mind control and says that the mind can be controlled by two things.

by Sanjay Aggarwal

1. Abhyas - Meditative Practice 2. Vairagya - Detachment Krishna emphasizes the need for regular daily meditative practice by using ancient scientific meditative techniques and at the same time emphasizes detachment by recognizing the transitoriness of the world that nothing is permanent. In this way the mind can be conquered, controlled and stilled. When the mind is made eternally calm it then reflects the light of God in totality, filling up one’s life with bliss, ever new joy, calmness and most importantly, freedom. One is then all the time immersed in the Divine glory discharging one’s duties and responsibilities as dictated by one’s karma without creating new karma. Calmness is indeed Godliness. If one can calm the mind even for a moment, then one can experience divine joy. This joy is indescribable; it is a divine feeling that permeates the entire being saturating it with God love. One who loves God cannot hurt anyone. One who loves God sees God in everyone and accepts everyone as their own. Meditate and experience divine joy in your life. Praying for all. OM Tat Sat. About the Bhrigu Meditation Center: Here the art of withdrawing the mind and settling in the depths of the inner soul is taught by meditative techniques called “Gita Divya Kriya Yoga”. Daily ‘satsang’ is given from the ancient Hindu scriptures like the ‘Shrimad Bhagwad’, ‘Shrimad Bhagwad Gita’, ‘Mahabharat’, ‘Ramacharitmanas’, ‘Yoga Darshan’ and more. All are invited to come and benefit from these esoteric ancient meditative techniques taught by the great Sages and Saints from time immemorial. All are also invited to listen to daily Satsang. Bhrigu Meditation Center 26242 Dimension Drive, Suite 250, Lake Forest, CA 92630 Phone: (949) 910-4633 Email:




September/October 2016



Chiro Corner: Emotional Junk Food Affecting Your Physical Health


ecently, I met up with friends that I haven’t seen in a while. One of them asked, almost skeptically, if emotions could affect health. I was a little taken aback by this. I thought it was common knowledge that yes, emotions can absolutely affect your health. It has become more and more apparent to me after seeing thousands of different patients, that patients who actively surround themselves with constructive things appeared to improve at a faster rate. They read books, go hiking, are spiritual, they are interested in all sorts of positive things and rarely talk about the negative aspects of life. Alternatively, the patients that focuses on negative influences has the experience that things are not going to get better. Ironically the rate of their healing typically mirrored this emotion. While there are some exceptions to this rule, this seemed to be the case generally. Think of one of two groups of individuals being surrounded by “Emotional Junk Food” – gossip magazines, internet click bait, passive aggressive friends and family, etc. As with edible junk food like cake, candy and cookies, this Emotional Junk Food while initially satisfying, has underlying negative effects. Emotional Junk Food contains gossip, pessimism, fear mongering, etc. which ultimately compromises the person’s health. Just like junk food, it can become addicting. Similar to a food diet or cleanse, removing the Emotional Junk Food will make a person feel better. My office focuses on combating negativity by publishing a weekly e-mail called Good News Friday that tells stories of good will. We send it out weekly every Friday. Many people who are not even patients of mine have requested to receive these emails and our office is glad to spread the cheer. If you would like to receive our weekly Good News Friday emails just shoot us a note to and we will send you them. (This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition.) Dr. Ben Horning grew up in a holistic home. He studied at the university of Maryland and received the unique degree of Agriculture and Resource Economics. He received his Chiropractic Doctorate at Southern California University of Health Sciences. An eternal optimist, Dr. Horning cares about restoring health and allowing his patients to flourish in whatever goals they have. 36

by Benjamin Horning, DC

September/October 2016

Embracing Change


all is just around the corner. Here in Southern California, it may not be as dramatic as other places but the weather does begin to change. The evenings get cooler and the days less humid. The change in the seasons is inevitable like the changes in our lives. Sometimes our life changes dramatically and sometimes it is subtle but, change does occur. We can fight it or accept it, maybe even embrace it. For me, I like change. Change keeps life interesting and keeps me on my toes. Some changes may be more welcome then others but if we look at change as a natural part of being alive, we might find it more our friend than our foe. People often fall into two categories regarding change—they like it or they don’t. Those that do not try to keep their lives as stable as possible—they do not move, change jobs, change partners, hobbies etc. They think that if they make no changes in their lives they will keep things as they are forever. But no matter what, change does happen. We cannot stop the aging process, we cannot stop our children from growing up and going out on their own, and we cannot stop people from dying. So since we cannot stop change, why not embrace it? Why not look for things in our life that need change and do it? Maybe the job we are holding onto is no longer right for us, or maybe it is time to move to another place, or find a new activity, or even some new friends. IF we are not changing we are not growing. They go hand in hand. When we look at nature we can see the hand of Spirit working in and through the changes. Leaves change color in northern climates, because if they do not die and fall off the tree, the tree cannot survive the ice and snow of winter. The time of what seems like death of the trees and plants is really a time of rest so there can be a time of renewal. Fall is a good time for us to make changes in our lives and letting go of anything we are holding onto that is no longer serving us. That can be old resentments, old stuff that keeps us chained to our homes, it can be people that are no longer being a positive influence in our lives, it can be places that no longer feed our souls. Or maybe we just need to begin to shed the junk we accumulate in our lives understanding that one person’s junk may be another’s treasure. Fall is a good time to make positive changes in the areas of our lives which are no longer beneficial to us. Maybe it is watching too much TV or eating too much sugar or meat. Maybe it is getting out more in nature as the weather gets a little more comfortable. What changes can you make in your life? Every so often, I challenge myself by making some changes to my life which will stretch me. I did such a challenge in August. It helped get me back on track in my life in many areas in which

by Rev. Arlene Meyer

I had become complacent. One suggestion: If you are looking to get more connected spiritually, why not join us at Unity of Orange County. We are a spiritual center (not religious) in which we have wonderful fellowship, uplifting music and a practical message that you can use to make your daily life flow more easily. We are a small center but like my mother always used to tell me, “Good things come in small packages.” We meet every Sunday at 10:00am in the Hall of Light in the Temple of Light. Our spiritual community might just be the thing you are looking for. So often we find ourselves searching for something but don’t know what. This is usually our soul looking for a spiritual home that will feed and nourish it. Let Unity of Orange County be the fellowship for you. Please go to our website and check out our activities, then join us some Sunday. Everyone is welcome. Rev. Arlene Meyer is a Minister, Motivational Speaker, Life Consultant, Author and Healthy Lifestyle Coach. She has inspired and empowered people for 20+ years. She uses her life experiences of overcoming addiction, illness and debt to one of prosperity, wholeness, peace and health to guide individuals, couples, families and groups into transforming their lives to live life the way they would like. She offers inspiring talks, workshops and transformation in-depth coaching programs that help others achieve new heights of health, success, meaning, and spiritual aliveness. Arlene is author of Seven Days to Becoming a Vegetarian, an easy-to-follow cookbook for people wanting to add healthy options to their diet. unityoforangecounty@gmail. com




September/October 2016

The Gift of Telepathy


am an Animal or Inter-Species Communicator. A great deal of my life is dedicated to working with people that really love their animal companions. Over the years of using and developing my gift to communicate with animals, I have learned many things from the animals. They tell me they want to help people wake up and remember who they really are, beyond the human form. They also want us to wake up and remember who the animals really are, and why they chose to incarnate into animal form. My partner in life and in business is a Master Cat Puddah. Puddah is an aspect of the ancient Soul Seth, and is here to be a Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Ascension Guide. This might sound strange to you, but it is our truth. We have deeply developed our relationship and communication abilities over time, and I rely on her advice and opinions in every aspect of my life. She is a Being of Service and demonstrates her great love of the planet and all life every day. We are telepathic in our daily communications and life together. Master Puddah teaches classes, works with many clients, speaks on our radio show and helped to write and produce our film “Ascension GuidanceLiving in Your Sacred Heart.” What I have to share is that I know the animals are the greater body of healers and teachers on this planet. I am immersed in telepathic communication to the point of absolutely knowing this is where the human species is headed. When humans return to their hearts, they can create their world outside of duality and judgement, and they can begin to heal themselves and move into true power. The word “Telepathy” has been derived from the words “tele” meaning “distance” and “pathy” meaning “feeling.” So Telepathy actually means getting feelings through a distance. To elaborate, Telepathy is the communication between two Beings, separated over a distance, without the use of the five known senses. You might ask yourself about your ability to be telepathic. I would ask you to remember that this form of pure communication is your birthright. Everyone has it. Physically it activates when you can move your consciousness into your heart. The next step is the activation of your 3rd Eye or Pineal gland. This is the actual physical organ that allows you to speak to animals, Angels, Guides or Spirit. I believe our Creator loved us so much that we were given the gift of this organ so that we would never feel alone. I am happy to tell you that assisting others in activating their telepathic abilities has become the main focus in my life. I find when someone demonstrates a deep love for life and is seeking more happiness and joy, they are ready to become telepathic. When one can acknowledge gratitude as a key to life and be in

with Laurie Reyon & Master Cat Puddah (Seth)

the wonderment of the all that is, they become conscious creators. They are then able to create the vibration that allows prana to flow from their heart to their 3rd eye. Master Cat Puddah says, “What I think and what I feel, I bring into form.” This is the law of attraction working in harmony with you! Animal Communication is but one path to activating your gift to be telepathic. But, it is a sure fire way to open your heart and communicate with the Angelic Beings in animal form. They exist outside of duality, always in a world of service to others. They do not have judgement or karma as the human does, but they do have purpose. I have never met an animal that does not want to connect with humans to assist them in every way they can. So we invite you to consider opening to your telepathic gift of life wave communication. Take time to open your heart and work with your 3rd Eye to increase your abilities. Think about a class or doing some Life Coaching, or bringing these practices into your quiet time. Imagine how your life can change when you move into conscious communication with your animal friends and your Guides and Angels! They only want to assist you and are waiting in a vibration that is similar to tuning from AM to FM on your radio. You just have to turn the dial that is within you and tune in to their vibration! Laurie Reyon is a certified Akashic Records Consultant, a Life Path Intuitive and Telepathic teacher. She offers an individualized Spiritual Coaching into Consciousness program and facilitates Whale Healing and Clearing Sessions. Reyon offers Boat Trips and Spiritual Cetacean Journey Retreats. Reyon works in sacred partnership with Master Cat Puddah, who is an aspect of the Soul of “Seth.”




September/October 2016




September/October 2016


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