Radiance Sep-Oct-2020 Issue: Intuition is Your Superpower

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SEP-OCT 2020

Algunas páginas en Español

Is Intuition Our Greatest Gift? Neale Donald Walsch The Choice We Face ¿Qué se necesita para encontrarse con extraterrestres benevolentes? Autodominio Portable Infrared Sauna 30-Min Healing in Your Home The Magic of Sedona

Using the



Greater Planetary Awakening & Profound Change

Karen McGregor

Paul McCartney’s Spiritual Side

Photo Credit: Cynthia Smith



Sedona’s FULL Inspirational Benefits WHEREVER You Are An M.I.T.-Trained Scientist shares how to BE a Vortex


By Pete A. Sanders Jr., author of You ARE Psychic! s a 50-year Spiritual Teacher, I love helping Seekers learn

rapid methods for SUSTAINABLE Mind/ Body/Spirit Wellness and Brain Sci-

ence techniques for enhancing their

success, health, and happiness. As a

40-year Sedona resident, I have shared with visitors Scientific Vortex Information for how to practically understand

and FULLY tap Sedona’s famous Vortex Meditation sites.

My new DVD, The Sedona Vision

Quest System, gives YOU those same benefits, even when you can’t be in

Sedona. Its techniques and methods allow you to BE a Vortex - ANYWHERE:

• Clear the harmful mental and physical effects of

from growing up in New York City and

Southern California, to exploring at M.I.T.

how science and spirituality can combine for breakthroughts, to traveling the world

as a Voluntary Service Top Secret Cleared

Naval Officer, to settling in Sedona in 1980

and founding Free Soul, my 501 (c)(3) Public Education Organization.

The 70-min. Sedona Vision Quest Sys-

tem is like having a personal private ses-

sion tailored to your needs that gives you

ALL the insights, techniques, and methods I have gathered and taught for over half a

century. Even more importantly, it teaches

you The Free Soul Method for becoming YOUR OWN Best Teacher and Creating YOUR OWN Enlightenment.

Imagine never feeling helpless again. Imagine know-

stress and anxiety

ing how to get Life Purpose Insight and Direction when-

dimensions of the Soul

the Sedona Vision Quest System. Until we meet, either

• Understand Superstrings Physics for tapping the extra • Have a rapid system for getting answers whenever you feel stuck and/or need inspiration

• Travel back in time for healing bruises in your Inner Soul Crystal that are preventing progress

• Open Portals to the Spark of the Divine and enhance the flow of Infinite Love thru your body and spirit

Sedona has been known for decades for its power

ever you need it. That is what awaits you, once you know in Sedona, or on the Sedona Vision Quest System DVD,

know you are a beautiful, one of a kind, free Soul, and that you ARE loved.

Be kind to yourself. Be adventurous. Cherish the excit-

ing journey that awaits you. BE a FREE SOUL.

to heal, recharge, and re-inspire visitors. Whether you

Pete Sanders is the President and

and effective system for getting the Wellness Boost and

in Sedona, Arizona in 1980). He

can come to Sedona or not, you deserve to have a quick Spiritual Insight you need for “Living Life AS a Soul” with the Unlimited Potentials” that are your birthright.

The Sedona Vision Quest System, The Free Soul

Method, is available at www.FreeSoul.net, either as a

Digital Download for your computer or smart phone, or as a 70 min. DVD or both.

After I graduated with Honors from Massachusetts

Institute of Technology with principle studies in BioMedical Chemistry and Brain Science, I was accepted to Harvard

Medical School. I chose instead to devote my life to NonProfit Public Education that helps seekers learn how to

be “Their Own” Best Teachers. The Sedona Vision Quest

System contains a compilation of my 60+ years as a seeker;

Founder of Free Soul (established has taught his Brain Science

discoveries, Psychic Sensitivity

and Soul Awareness techniques worldwide, as well as at his alma

mater Massachusetts Institute of

Technology and inside the Pentagon

to the Pentagon Meditation Club. He is the author of You Are

Psychic! (available in all bookstores or as an E-book or Audible Book), and thru www.FreeSoul.net The Dynamics of Being a Free Soul (10-Lesson Course), Scientific Vortex Information,

and Access Your Brain’s Joy Center (Brain Science discoveries for NATURAL Mood Elevation: Feeling Better FAST, without alcohol, nicotine, drugs, or overeating.

SOULSPEAKS 5D Daily Conscious Conversations Millions of Views – If you’re looking

for the latest high-vibe real-time intel, tune into Todd Medina’s show SOULSPEAKS 5D through

SoulogyOneStudios, a creative,

intuitive, spiritual, socially conscious

center of expression for artists and the higher vibrations and frequencies of

the Universe. This is as real as it gets.

Daily on Facebook, Youtube and Zoom. Todd Medina

Soulogy Group (live & replays)

SoulogyOneStudios (live & replays)

Soulogy One Studios (live)




SEP-OCT 2020







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Multidimensional Media & Magazine

2 12


Sedona’s Vortexes Wherever

Breathe into Your Life

You Are By Pete Sanders


Of What Are We Made? By Dr. Moira Foxe


When the Soul Speaks,

14 15 18

Who is Listening?


Cultivating Inner-Knowing By Dina Saalisi

This is What We’re Here to Do By Eric Rankin



Your Inner Wisdom

By Charlene Maguire


50 44 10

Note from the Publisher Quotable in Quarantine II A Good Trip Always Changes You


for the Better

Book Review by Scott Ware

The Wisdom of Matt Kahn: The Universe Always

46 6

Has a Plan

Book Review by Torin Lee

SEP-OCT 2020

Karen McGregor

Aligning Your Inner Mystic with Your Outer Activist for Lasting Change


Toni Petrinovich

Rediscover the Joy in Life! By Doris Garrett

Benevolent Extraterrestrials?

Self-Mastery with Michelle Anderson and James Gilliland

Neale Donald Walsch

The Radiance Interview

Spiritual Carpool Karaoke

with Paul McCartney and James Corden

the Messages from the Infinite By Lisa Barnett

Sedona’s Magic Comes Home with You By Crista Marie Miller

We Need More than Clichés to


What Does it Take to Meet



By Reverend Doctor

It’s Time to Open Up to

By Zulmara Maria

Oracle Cards that Coax



Navigate Wellness By Michel Pascal

The Spirtual Mobius Strip

38 40 48

Enlightens on Imact By Scott Ware

Are You Using Your I AM Super Power? By Gina Kegel Your Greatest Gift By Gosia Lorenz



Esto es lo Que Estamos Aqui


con extraterrestres benevolentes?


37 41

Para Hacer

¿Qué se necesita para encontrarse


18 ART

Llega la Magia de Sedona a Casa Contigo

Necesitamos Mas Que Clichés para Navegar por el Bienestar

¿Estas Usando to Superpoder I AM?


Art by Elizabeth Zaikowski


Poetry from Aaron Pyne


Art by Paul Bond




The New Normal: Following Your Intuition Dearest Reader,

I really enjoy hearing people channeling The Universe/God.

It’s one way intuition expresses itself, and you know it when you experience it: it’s absent

any controlling vibrations of ego, which can twist passion into neediness. It’s like you’re sitting in a hot stuffy room

and cool oxygen starts blowing on you. The words and energies are full of ease and love, and you actually feel relaxed in the presence of this Unity Consciousness and call it Home.

In the new documentary “The Last Dance,” there was one game in particular where Michael Jordan played so well

that someone remarked, “Michael was no longer there – it was God playing that day, through him.”

Maybe we don’t all dunk, but we’ve experienced moments in the cosmic flow as our mind purrs itself to sleep and our

heart opens, allowing our soul to connect to Everything. Time stops in The Zone; One with God, the Universe, the All.

Some call it 5D (Love) vs 3D (survival/fear). In 5D there’s no separation, no competition, no lack. There’s plenty for

everyone, and we recognize ourselves in each other.

Radio Host Eric Rankin allowed Spirit to move through him when he discussed The Harmonic Convergence on his

show Awakening Code Radio with Michelle Anderson (Pg. 18); Michel Pascal (Pg. 36) did it when he shared about his special meditation practice that alleviated stress from prisoners to the degree that they don’t become repeat offenders after taking his classes; Charlene Maguire (Pg. 22) was so taken by the Spirit that she was directed to create an

entire Oracle deck intuitively that helps others reveal their own intuitive language; and some many more in this issue. And you will surely not want to miss Karen McGregor’s (Pg. 26) modern interpretation of the Tao to bring about

greater planetary awakening. Let your intuition guide you – as Karen would also recommend – and you’ll get exactly what you need. Happy heartfelt reading!

Namaste, Scott Ware, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief – Scott@RadianceMM.com

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief - Scott Ware Associate Editors - Torin Lee, Crista Marie Miller, Gina Kegel Design Editor and IT – Yan Hughes | Subscription Manager - Tonya Fitzpatrick 11432 South St. Cerritos, CA 90703 info@radiancemm.com | 714-501-5050 | RadianceMM.com Published bi-monthly in print and online at RadianceMM.com. All rights reserved. Radiance Multidimensional Media, Radiance

Magazine and The Radiance Channel on Xpnsion Network supports the expansion of individual and collective consciousness

into the new world we are co-creating. We feature holistic and spiritual practitioners who provide foundational non-denominational spiritual teachings and tools to help us navigate life at the highest levels. We also offer transformational technology and cutting-edge wellness products and services that enhance our mind-body-spirit connection. Radiance Magazine can be found in Wellness Cen-

ters, Health Food Stores, Yoga and Meditation Studios, Doctors’ Offices, Health Fairs, Coffeehouses, Metaphysical Stores, Spiritual Centers and online at RadianceMM.com. Radiance and its owners do not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions

and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and advertisers and are not necessarily endorsed or verified by us. We invite you to enjoy the experience of your self-exploration and spiritual expansion, and know you’re not alone; you’re One all of Us. Namaste. 8 with SEP-OCT 2020




Quotable in Quarantine II / Citables en cuarentena II Mooji

La vida te dará cualquier experiencia que sea más útil para la evolución de tu conciencia. ¿Cómo sabes que esta es la experiencia que necesitas? Porque esta es la experiencia que estás teniendo en este momento.

Eckhart Tolle Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment. Eckharttolle.com

It could be said that the real spiritual journey is from the head to the Heart.

Se podría decir que el verdadero viaje espiritual es de la cabeza al corazón.

However, the Heart does not know any

Sin embargo, el Corazón no conoce

distance or journeys.

distancia o viajes.

It is only the head that imagines such things as journeys, trips, tricks and traps.

Es solo la cabeza la que imagina tales cosas como viajes, viajes, trucos y trampas.

And I am so happy when one sees that one’s true Self

Y soy tan feliz cuando uno ve que su verdadero Yo

has always been perfectly happy, peaceful and com-

siempre ha sido perfectamente feliz, pacífico y com-



It is the greatest mystery in the world,

Es el mayor misterio del mundo,

but I wonder ... for whom?

pero me pregunto ... ¿para quién? Mooji.org


SEP-OCT 2020

Nos percibimos a nosotros mismos como inseguros por los demás, no como quienes los hacen inseguros a los demás. Estamos en modo de defensa, pero olvidamos que el modo de defensa es percibido como ofensivo por otros. Y así muy rápidamente se convierte en un círculo vicioso.

We perceive ourselves as being made unsafe by others, not as being the one making others unsafe. We are in defense mode, but we forget that defense mode is perceived as offense by others. And so it very quickly becomes a vicious cycle.


Teal Swan

You cannot look at that which you do not want and not join and perpetuate that vibration. Take your attention from that which is not in harmony with who you are, and in taking your attention from it, your “now vibration” will adjust to who you really are, and then you can uplift others.

Abraham-Hicks.com No puedes mirar lo que no quieres y no unirte y perpetuar esa vibración. Aparta tu atención de aquello que no está en armonía con lo que eres y, al apartar tu atención de eso, tu “vibración del ahora” se ajustará a lo que realmente eres, y entonces podrás elevar a los demás.




See All Life as GOD-INFUSED Dr. Moria Foxe is the Sr. Minister/Director of the Redondo Beach Center for Spiritual Living. “We invite all religions, and have a positive nondenominational approach to God, no dogma and no condemnation. Our promise is to Nurture your spirit and Enrich your Life.” You can find more on Facebook or at redondocsl.org. Wonderful and Dear Hearts, Summer has appeared, ready or not! It promises to be one with a difference. We continue our lives, adjusting to ever-changing circumstance it seems. We are still in a state of great uncertainty, an uncertainty that has many of us confused and anxious, understandably. Yet, hope and faith in a better tomorrow shines through all the dark

cloudiness and we are encourage and strengthened when we are open enough and trusting

enough to rely on something greater than our-

selves, that will carry us through our tribulations and fear into a time more caring, more harmonious, more love-filled and unified. This faith in a better world emerging keeps me centered and

able to live in the moment, one precious gift of a

day at a time. How are you doing? I often wonder. Always know you are in our prayerful thoughts and close in heart and mind.

If ever kindness and care for each other

were essential, this is the time. How easy it is

to judge and condemn each other for what we

perceive or think we perceive in each other that

is not to our liking. We can do this quickly without

even being interested in the story behind whatever disturbs us. I share this because I see and hear

ourselves do this all too often. When you make up your mind and create stories about me, or if I do it about you, is there real research, sound information behind my conclusions or yours? In our spiritual philosophy we are cautioned over and over again to avoid erroneous thinking – hasty judgments and writing each other off in such

unkind ways. All of us need to do better in this

regard if we are to heal ourselves and our world.

“Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me all the days of my life and in God’s own house shall I dwell always.” These words of scripture from Psalm 23 are my constant companions these

days. “God’s own house” meaning higher consciousness, a loving, blessing mind state.

Think about it, Dear Ones. The best way we

can heal ourselves and each other is to simply

love one another! Be kind to each other. See all

life as God-infused. Care for Mother Nature, our

earth. Think only on what is of good report, what is pure and true. The list of these simple, healing things goes on in language easily understood.

Is this not the message of our beautiful Jesus, the Christed One? The message of every true

religion? Every true mind and heart? Doesn’t this 12

SEP-OCT 2020

reminder warm your heart and stir your mind? Why is it that the natural way of love seems to many of us so hard? What stops us from stepping away from our boxed-in little selves and breaking out into the great and true and real self of ourselves? Why are we afraid to come out of our boxes? What makes us so afraid to live bigger, stronger, wholesome and fearless lives? These and many other questions I often ponder. Why do we play so small when we are all so amazingly great and strong, full of the Presence of the Divine? To every dear, unique one of you who is reading this sharing, may I sing a little of your birth song? When you came into being all creation sang for joy. The light energy of angelic, heavenly hosts surrounded you and sang in love and praise as

host has never ceased to sing into your Birth Song. It is the sanctuary you can return to and draw strength, courage, sacred energy and healing from, and so much more. In higher consciousness realms you are perceived as whole, complete, a rich and rare blessing on this plane. You are seen as a shining beam of love light to shelter and guide those of us who go astray in the fogs of forgetful and spiritual amnesia. This is not a fairy tale. It is a true story. Your true story. Those of us who recognize it are honored and blessed indeed. My prayer for you is that you in one moment of time come to see yourself as your Divine Creator sees you, as whole, perfect and complete – the breath in It’s Breath; the beat in It’s Heart; the pulse in It’s Being. Inseparable from your Divine Source. So of course, I honor

Of what am I made? Of the very essence of divinity, I am molded and fashioned in the image of my Creator. Formed in Its power and grace. In me is the brightness of the most radiant star. In me is the depth of the greatest ocean. In me is the depth of inner and outer space. The powerful elements of all life run through me. My name is wonderful, mighty, Prince of Peace. I live everlastingly. There is no end to all that I am. How should I then know myself? I AM ONE.

you emanated the glory of your essential essence, your God-Light. All of life rejoiced at your coming into being and gave glad thanksgiving for your very splendid light, and unique love creative ener-

gy now added to life in our universe, and so much more. That heavenly song of your presence entered your heart and whole being in that everlasting new moment of your arrival. It is your corner stone, the reminder of who and what you are. That heavenly

Spirit’s Presence within you as I acknowledge your divine light, or as the eastern members of our Family say: Namaste: “The light within me greets the light within you.” Great blessings to you and through you. With great appreciation and love, Dr. Moira RADIANCE MAGAZINE


When the Soul Speaks, Who Is Listening? A Moment In Time Listening To Our Ancestors “Use the lens of the soul to peer into the heart’s desires. Use the heart’s desires to peer into the soul’s purpose.” Un ABRAZO | Your Divine Self By Zulmara Maria


any of us on this journey have

Align the desires of your heart, with

come to realize the only

the playfulness of your spirit, with the

reason we are here is to serve our

purpose of your soul… to see a quan-

soul’s purpose, to fulfill our heart’s

tum leap in your own self-proclaimed

desires, to honor the levity of the


spirit. We are truly trying to under-

stand our divinity, to shine our spiritu-

There are many benefits to honing

al light, and experience the embodiment of the soul in human form.

In a sense, it is all an illusion. An illusion of

the mind, an illusion of the soul, an illusion of the heart.

The reality you live… is the reality you create a moment at a time, day by day, minute by minute. Following your

in on and developing your intuition. If

you are interested in learning more, contact

Zulmara Maria at zulmaramaria@gmail.com for

a 30-minute session and she will gift you a free Gratitude Guidebook.

gut, intuition, guides, desires is how you enjoy and navigate the journey.

However, following our soul’s purpose or our heart’s

desire is not always easy. How do we know which path to take? How do we know what the soul wants? How do we

Change Your Money Story

know if we are fulfilling our heart’s desire?

It is important to develop strategies that work to help

you connect with your soul, heart, and spirit. It is equally

important to understand that everyone’s journey is won-

derfully unique, so keep searching until you find your connection to your inner world, your intuition, your ancestors. Focused introspection helps us tap into our intuition

and the wisdom of our ancestors stored in our DNA. We

can hear the voices of our ancestors when we meditate, quiet the chatter of our minds, journal, pray, visualize,

dream, sing, dance, run, play, and just have fun. When we

are having fun, when we let our guard down, when we are in the flow, that is when we can hear our ancestors the loudest. That is when our intuition kicks in.

Each one of these activities allows us to tap into our

inner wisdom, our intuition and cultivating a number of

them will help you truly live the life of your dreams with wisdom and discernment. 14

SEP-OCT 2020

Special offer: $99 for Radiance Readers.



Email zulmaramaria@gmail.com. Please use Radiance Article in your subject line.

Cultivating Inner-Knowing that Creates Ease & Flow By Dina Saalisi


ften when we hear the word “intuition,” we think of a 6th sense or an occultist phenomenon that

is available only to special people who are psychic or

gifted. In reality, we are all born with the ability to attune to our deepest sense of inner-knowing. Cultivating our

intuition is the necessary elixir for our habit of looking for answers outside of ourselves.

There are several flower and gem essences that

help guide us towards empowerment of our divine inner-knowing. I’d like to share a few:

When we are constantly putting our faith in others to

answer our questions and turning away from our interior landscape, Cerato offers an opening to the channels of

Wellness Coach, Master Flower Essence Practitioner,

tion with the higher self. An imbalanced quest for knowledge

An energeticist, with an extraordinary gift for connecting

dynamic intellect, grounded in the truth of pure knowing.

healing is grounded in reverence for nature and the nour-

inner-knowing. The essence provides a pathway for connec-

Certified Hypnotherapist, educator, author and empath.

becomes a harmonious trust in instinct, leading to more

with the many facets of life force energy, her system of

Over-thinking is another habit that prevents us from

connecting with our sense of deeper knowing. Getting

ishment provided from this universal source.


stuck in our heads, unable to turn off the incessant chatter, points to White Chestnut essence. The challenges might show up as anxiety, worry or insomnia, as the

outside influences.

mind is constantly in motion. This flower guides us away

• Begin by making yourself comfortable and centering

peaceful space of a still mind, providing the opportunity

• Set a timer for 10-minutes and engage in “stream of

The gem Moonstone has long been revered as a

and sensations to flow freely onto the page. Write

from excessive mental energy, allowing us to rest in the to listen to the quiet voice inside.

powerful ally for connecting with psychic realms. The

essence is used when we find our sensitive awareness

blocked by a hard exterior. The transformation reflects the energy of the moon and aids us in becoming more

open and aware of our ability to receive information from the source of the sacred feminine.

Practice: Listening to My Inner Voice

Journaling is one of the best ways to connect with

our unconscious, all-knowing voice. The practice can be done in as little as 10-minutes a day and is deeply insightful and rewarding.

• Choose a time of day when you are alone, without dis-

turbances. First thing in the morning is a magical time,

when the unconscious mind is open and unaffected by

with several deep breaths.

consciousness” writing. Allow your thoughts, feelings about whatever feels most compelling. If you can’t

think of anything, write: “I can’t think of anything,” until words emerge. Don’t worry about getting it right or editing yourself.

• Record your dreams from the previous night, in as

much detail as possible. Our dreams are gateways

to the soul and provide a wealth of information from

the unconscious mind that can’t be accessed by the logical brain.

• On the new and full moon of each month, go back and

re-read your journal. Observe patterns and insights that are illuminated. Bring your newfound awareness into the light and embrace your truths as pure knowing.

Dina Saalisi is a Healer with skills as a Board-Certified Health &




SEP-OCT 2020



“This is What We’re Here to Do” By Eric Rankin


ric Rankin of the popular Awakening Code Radio show with Michelle Anderson (“Always about raising the vibration”) spoke eloquently about our collective mission while sharing about the recent event that Mark Sims founded and produced. ERIC RANKIN: We’ve all heard the song ‘Age of Aquar-

ing. It’s not comfortable. In the moment, it feels like it’s

this straight line on one side of the moon (in July 2020).

moment in history that seemed like all of those things

ius.’ Jupiter aligns with Mars, but it’s all the planets in It’s a unique conjunction that won’t happen for a long

time. (Mark) was paying homage to the original Harmonic Convergence back in 1987 that’s still rippling through people’s consciousness today…

I think it was only a weekend long back in the original

Harmonic Convergence of just getting a global group

meditation together. I think was probably the first time

feeding separation. But you can also look back at any

that were challenging, you know? Dangerous - how does it work out from here? And yet those were the moments that steered the human experience. And I think that’s

what we are looking at. And we have to give it the time, the breath, the room, the distance to observe what is going on here.

And our mission statement, I feel like I believe 100%...

that somebody suggested something like that. And to

All the details - I don’t know - but we are supposed to be

We could not be living at a better time than right now: as

on ourselves, and being part of the solution and not part

focus on peace; to focus our attention on consciousness. so many of the wheels feel like they’re falling off all at the same time in our world, to redirect our attention back on this mission statement of what we call awakening…

And this is not a trend. It’s not a quickie little thing

to do and look back on your life and say “Oh, remember when we were talking about awakening?” like it was a hippie movement.

We’re talking about something so big; this process

that we call awakening. We’re expanding

turning our cameras, our recorders, our mirrors inward, of the separation problem… the separation of con-

sciousness, or thinking that we are somehow controlling

anything outside of ourselves. We are not. We are holding a vision, and if that collective vision is one of peace and

service, to the greater good of all life in all dimensions… To listen to the rest, go to your podcast app or kxfm-

radio.org/shows/awakening-code-radio for the recent James Gilliland episode.

our consciousness. We don’t want to get tripped up in little terms and things that make it seem like it’s a fad because this is not a fad. This is what we’re here to


do. The human species I believe, was

actually engineered and placed here to have a great awakening collectively to

learn important information and end up

somehow serving an important purpose of our experience; the trials and tribulations of what it means to be in an earth

suit; balancing consciousness; remem-

bering who we are and the stories of our creation; and then sending that back into the collective field.

And right now, we are in a major course

correction, I have to believe. It’s challeng-


SEP-OCT 2020


“Esto es lo Que Estamos Aqui Para Hacer” Por Eric Rankin Eric Rankin, del popular programa Awakening Code Radio con Michelle Andersen (“Siempre sobre elevar la vibración”) habló elocuentemente sobre nuestra misión colectiva mientras compartía sobre el reciente evento Harmonic Convergence que produjo el fundador Mark Sims. ERIC RANKIN: Todos hemos escuchado la canción “Age

tar?” como si fuera un movimiento hippie.

los planetas en esta línea recta en un lado de la luna (en

que llamamos despertar. Estamos expandiendo su con-

en mucho tiempo. (Mark) estaba rindiendo homenaje

cosas que hacen que parezca una moda pasajera porque

of Aquarius”. Júpiter se alinea con Marte, pero son todos julio de 2020). Es una conjunción única que no sucederá a la Convergencia Armónica original allá por 1987 que

todavía hoy en día sigue ondeando en la conciencia de las personas ...

Creo que fue solo un fin de semana en la Convergen-

cia Armónica original de simplemente tener una med-

itación grupal global juntos. Creo que probablemente fue la primera vez que alguien sugirió algo así. Y centrarse

en la paz; para enfocar nuestra atención en la concien-

cia. No podríamos estar viviendo en un mejor momento que ahora: ya que muchas de las ruedas sienten que se

están cayendo todas al mismo tiempo en nuestro mundo, para redirigir nuestra atención hacia esta declaración de misión de lo que llamamos despertar ...

Y esto no es una tendencia. No es una pequeña cosa

rápida para hacer y mirar hacia atrás en tu vida y decir

“Oh, ¿recuerdas cuando estábamos hablando de desper-

Estamos hablando de algo tan grande; este proceso

ciencia. No queremos tropezar con pequeños términos y esto no es una moda pasajera. Esto es lo que estamos aquí para hacer. Creo que la especie humana fue en

realidad diseñada y colocada aquí para tener un gran

despertar colectivamente para aprender información

importante y terminar de alguna manera sirviendo a un propósito importante de nuestra experiencia; las pruebas y tribulaciones de lo que significa estar en un traje

de tierra; equilibrar la conciencia; recordar quiénes somos y las historias de nuestra creación; y luego enviar eso de vuelta al campo colectivo.

Y ahora mismo estamos en una importante correc-

ción de rumbo, tengo que creer. Es desafiante. No es cómodo. En el momento, se siente como si estuviera

alimentando la separación. Pero también puedes mirar

hacia atrás en cualquier momento de la historia que pareciera que todas esas cosas fueron un desafío, ¿sabes?

Peligroso, ¿cómo funciona desde aquí? Y, sin embargo, esos fueron los momentos que guiaron la experiencia humana. Y creo que eso es lo que estamos viendo. Y

tenemos que darle el tiempo, la respiración, la habitación, la distancia para observar lo que está pasando aquí.

Y nuestra declaración de misión, siento que creo al

100% ... Todos los detalles, no lo sé, pero se supone que debemos girar nuestras cámaras, nuestras grabadoras,

nuestros espejos hacia adentro, hacia nosotros mismos y ser parte del solución y no parte del problema de la

separación ... la separación de la conciencia, o pensar

que de alguna manera estamos controlando algo fuera

de nosotros mismos. No somos. Tenemos una visión, y

si esa visión colectiva es de paz y servicio, para el bien mayor de toda la vida en todas las dimensiones ... Para escuchar el resto, vaya a su aplicación de podcast o

kxfmradio.org/shows/awakening-code -radio para el reciente episodio de James Gilliland.



What Does it Take to Meet Benevolent Extraterrestrials?

Self-Mastery By Michelle Anderson


ay Four of the Harmonic Convergence 2020 as Michelle Anderson of Awakening Code Radio interviews James Gilliland (ECETI.org) at his ranch in Washington where “ships” regularly come and go.

MICHELLE ANDERSON: Can you tell us a little bit about

We live in a multidimensional universe as multidimen-

nications with them are? What do they communicate

a body and your personality, then that’s what you are.

what goes on with these ships and what your commu-

with you? JAMES GILLILAND: All my life I’ve had contact and I didn’t fully understand it, I had to kind of grow into it. But here at the ranch, it’s just ongoing.

Some slow nights will be like 20 or 30 ships on a

sional beings, and if you run around thinking you’re just That’s all you have access to. But when you explore your

multidimensional self, you can contact these beings with the enlightenment from that journey.

scan. We’ve filmed well over 200 before. There’s a light

You seem to have more contact than most - what are

out. There’s a big flash of really bright light that is on the

benevolent beings? Well, there is training to heal unseen

door that opens on the mountain and ships go in and

mountain and the candle powers off the scale. We had Rob Freeman come up here and with his “weapons of

mass detection,”, about $150,000 worth of gear. Thermal everything, night vision, military grade high level stuff.

And he when he left, he said, “I have more questions than answers because these lights are cold light, they’re not

hot, they’re not warm.” And he said that there’s no body attached to it, they move all over the mountain, they

move over just extremely rugged terrain, and then they take off and go into space.

He doesn’t have any explanation for this, but we do.

They’re actually the beings themselves, creating their

own ship, you might say. We’ve had remote viewers come

you doing to call them forward? Are you always getting negative influences to make sure you are working with

benevolent beings. We have an old saying: Just because you’re dead doesn’t mean you’re enlightened. And just

because you’re an ET doesn’t mean you’re benevolent. They’re very self-serving, and people don’t even know they’re doing their bidding. Unfortunately, you know,

there’s some of the top people in the UFO community are doing that and don’t even know, but when you’re awake, if you’re clairvoyant, you can see them standing right

next to them and you go, “Well that’s a reptilian or that’s a hybrid.” You have to use discernment and there’s training involved. And by their fruits, you’ll know them.

out and totally validate our information.

Is there a universal law that people can invoke in

there. It’s replete with visitations from off world beings.

definitely. What we do is a clearing method that’s very an-

The more you look into our ancient history, it’s all


SEP-OCT 2020

terms of just calling forward benevolent beings? Yeah,

cient. It’s gone through Ernest Holmes and we just walk

mismos, que crean su propia nave, podría decirse. He-

forgiven, lifted, enlightened and filled and surrounding

nuestra información.

them in love and light and tell them they’re healed and

the Christ light in Christ’s love. And then when you take

them to their perfect place, and you can invoke Jesus or Buddha or Kuan Yin or whoever…

Does each species have their own vibrational sig-

nature? Yes, they all do. The Pleiadeans energies are

very giddy. A cool graceful energy when they come in. If

you’re dealing with the Orion Council of Light, they went

through the wars, you know, they’re planetary liberators.

mos tenido visores remotos que han validado totalmente Cuanto más miras nuestra historia antigua, todo está

ahí. Está repleto de visitas de seres de fuera del mundo. Vivimos en un universo multidimensional como seres

multidimensionales, y si corres pensando que eres solo un cuerpo y tu personalidad, entonces eso es lo que

eres. Eso es todo a lo que tienes acceso. Pero cuando exploras tu yo multidimensional, puedes contactar a estos seres con la iluminación de ese viaje.

They’re here to help liberate the Earth right now. They’re

Parece tener más contacto que la mayoría, ¿qué está

interview, click the QR code with your phone… or go to

seres benevolentes? Bueno, hay entrenamiento para

more down to Earth and more street savvy… For the full kxfmradio.org/shows/awakening-code-radio.

¿Qué se necesita para encontrarse con extraterrestres benevolentes? Autodominio


l cuarto día de la Convergencia Armónica 2020 como

Michelle Anderson de Awakening Code Radio entrev-

ista a James Gilliland (ECETI.org) en su rancho en Washington, donde los “barcos” van y vienen regularmente.

MICHELLE ANDERSON: ¿Puede contarnos un poco

haciendo para llamarlos? ¿Siempre estás recibiendo

curar influencias negativas invisibles para asegurarse de que está trabajando con seres benévolos. Tenemos un viejo dicho: El hecho de que estés muerto no significa

que estés iluminado. Y solo porque eres un extraterres-

tre no significa que seas benevolente. Son muy egoístas y la gente ni siquiera sabe que están cumpliendo sus

órdenes. Desafortunadamente, ya sabes, hay algunas de las mejores personas en la comunidad OVNI que están

haciendo eso y ni siquiera lo saben, pero cuando estás despierto, si eres clarividente, puedes verlos parados junto a ellos y vas , “Bueno, eso es un reptil o es un

híbrido”. Tienes que usar el discernimiento y hay entrenamiento involucrado. Y por sus frutos, los conocerás.

sobre lo que sucede con estos barcos y cuáles son sus

¿Existe una ley universal que la gente pueda invocar en

GILLILAND: Toda mi vida he tenido contacto y no lo en-

Sí, definitivamente. Lo que hacemos es un método de

comunicaciones con ellos? ¿Qué te comunican? JAMES tendí completamente, tuve que crecer en él. Pero aquí en el rancho, está en curso.

Algunas noches lentas serán como 20 o 30 barcos en

un escaneo. Hemos filmado más de 200 antes. Hay una puerta luminosa que se abre a la montaña y los barcos entran y salen. Hay un gran destello de luz realmente

brillante en la montaña y la vela se apaga. Hicimos que

términos de simplemente llamar a seres benevolentes? compensación que es muy antiguo. Ha pasado por Ernest Holmes y simplemente los caminamos en amor y luz y

les decimos que están sanados y perdonados, elevados,

iluminados y llenos y rodeando la luz de Cristo en el amor

de Cristo. Y luego, cuando los lleves a su lugar perfecto, y puedas invocar a Jesús o Buda o Kuan Yin o quien sea ...

Rob Freeman viniera aquí y con sus “armas de detección

¿Cada especie tiene su propia firma vibratoria? Sí,

visión nocturna, material de alto nivel de grado militar. Y

vertiginosas. Una energía fresca y elegante cuando en-

masiva”, alrededor de $ 150,000 en equipo. Todo térmico, cuando se fue, dijo: “Tengo más preguntas que respuestas porque estas luces son luz fría, no están calientes, no están calientes”. Y dijo que no hay ningún cuerpo

adherido a él, se mueven por toda la montaña, se mueven sobre un terreno extremadamente accidentado, y luego

despegan y van al espacio. No tiene ninguna explicación para esto, pero nosotros sí. En realidad, son los seres

todos lo hacen. Las energías de las Pléyades están muy tran. Si estás tratando con el Consejo de la Luz de Orión, pasaron por las guerras, ya sabes, son liberadores planetarios. Están aquí para ayudar a liberar la Tierra ahora

mismo. Son más sencillos y más conocedores de la calle ... Para la entrevista completa, haga clic en el código

QR con su teléfono ... o vaya a kxfmradio.org/shows/ awakening-code-radio.



Oracle Cards that Coax Your By Brad Wallis

By Charlene Maguire


’d always wanted to create a deck

What is your intention when you go

of oracle cards, but it wasn’t until

to either one? To communicate.

I was struggling with one of those

The phone, an intuitive reader,

big life challenges that I finally al-

or a deck of oracle cards don’t so

lowed Source to come through.

much tell you “your fortune” as they

Loud and clear, I should add.

facilitate a fascinating dialogue.

I was “directed” to use my artistic

Your treasure comes from the jour-

and writing skills to create an oracle

ney of disseminating the wisdom.

deck called The Language of Heart

I like to show people that Oracle


What I didn’t know was that not

cards are a system of communi-

only was it going to allow me to give

Charlene Maguire is a modern day

deck helps people realize their own

through playfulness, paint, singing,

deep profound readings, but this

shapeshifter. She moves energy

intuitive language.

digital design, yogic breath and

the first person to learn my own lan-

healing modalities such as Reiki,

process of creating the paintings,

with her through her website: www.

Let me back up: I was obviously

movement, astrology, energetic

guage from the deck. Through the

and her creative intuition. Connect

the card and box design, and writing


the descriptions, I listened to what

the paint wanted to say; how the col-

cation. When you work with any

intuitive card reader, you’ll learn to

trust your own system of language

as it comes through — the symbols, metaphors, and nudges that show up to help guide you and highlight

the treasure. You’ll be able to better

navigate through and translate your dominant energy in the moment,

and then an alchemy of personal mastery starts to develop.

Are you finding there’s a need

ors and shapes want to be used; what words want to be

to transform how you think regarding your choices in life

be made into oracle cards that can change people’s lives.

ering a navigation system you already have inside you.

spoken; and how all this wants to speak through me and

How does it work? The Language of Heart Alchemy

deck functions as a translator for other people’s intu-

ition. When I do an individual reading, I tune into them and allow the energies to reveal themselves to me; symbols, metaphors, images, sounds, words, frequencies, and

feelings come through, allowing us – you and I, perhaps – to play with the wisdom the cards are indicating.

It’s quite a delicious experience, and it’s something

you’ll have fun learning.

If you’re an empath, you’re already halfway there, and

you may already be a bit of an oracle yourself. “Oracles” exist as a means to receive and facilitate wisdom and

guidance from Source, almost like getting a phone call. 22

SEP-OCT 2020

right now? Drop me a note and we can talk about uncovInstruments of energetic dialogue like oracle cards can

help track the energy of your intentions, so you can take the next right action in your life. When the big picture

seems overwhelming, there is a quiet power in taking the time to become deeply present, tune in, pull a card, and ask what is in motion for you right now. When you learn

your own intuitive language, you co-create with the conscious universe around you.

The first five people to respond to kissthesuncreative@gmail.com and mention “Radiance” in their email

will receive 20% off a reading with me and will be entered into a drawing to win a Language of Heart Alchemy Oracle Card deck (winner will be chosen October 1, 2020).


our consciousness is not your mind, feelings or emotions. It encompasses every aspect of you physically and non-physically. The foundation of your apparent conscious awareness is the consciousness in each

cell – indeed, every atom of your biology. Through your consciousness you make choices within each breath. This is your reality. Now, shift from consciousness into awareness.

In the moment of the inbreath and the outbreath, in the space between, you will find a silent space wherein you

realize the truth of your awareness. Not only have you yielded to that awareness, your life is your awareness as I AM.

Relax into your breath. Breathe in and breathe out. This alignment with your awareness shifts your perception and consciousness. With each breath, you

breathe light into the environment of your life, your reality. Remember that what you believe is real for you is only a subjective perception of what you have been taught to believe. Your beliefs are not real.

Breathe into Your Life By Reverend Doctor Toni Petrinovich The original blueprint of your con-

sciousness from your first breath to

this moment sends what you believe

Your divinity speaks

you are, out into the world. In that

through the divine

difference between the light as you

space of your heart

first breath, perception was born, the knew it in your environment and your light as you truly are.

Your divinity speaks through the

divine space of your heart. Immersing

yourself within your heart allows you to feel the emergence of the Presence of Your Essence.

You are infinitely a divine expression of I AM, that

and only that. There is no other thing to be. There is

nothing to practice. There is nothing to attain. You are fully and completely God, Source, the Ineffable, the Absolute, I AM in human form experiencing the essence of breath in this body.

As you breathe out your breath, all are blessed by

your Presence. As you breathe in, you strengthen the ever-present divine nature that exists all around you.

Breathe. And then breathe, again. This is the One and Only I AM expressing as you.

For a meditation focusing on your breath as Spirit,

visit https://sacredspaceswa.com/mygiftstoyou.htm

Reverend Doctor Toni Petrinovich is a Master Teacher, with

a ministerial doctorate in metaphysics. She is the owner of

Sacred Spaces in the beautiful San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington State. Toni is the author of Divining Truth, Straight Talk from Source; Designing Truth, The Audacity of Intention,

If It Works, Use It and The Call – Awakening the Angelic Human and its accompanying DNA Re-Awakening audio. Reverend

Doctor Toni is clairvoyant, clairaudient and is kinesthetically

aware of the invisible world from birth. As a Master Teacher, she

is absolutely committed to assisting all spiritual seekers around the world remember they are I AM. Access all of her websites through www.youaresacred.com.





Rediscover the Joy in Life!

s a Life Coach, I support you and empower you so you can achieve your dreams and goals in life.

Why Separation Recovery?

When I was 8 months pregnant with my second child,

I was preparing divorce papers. Thousands of emotions

surrounded my broken heart. The situation was giving to me, not against me. As I helped myself, I started to get inspired to help others.

Years later I proudly attained my Life Coach and

Master Life Coach Certification and started my company,

By Doris Garrett

I am here to support you through your journey. My work

with you is highly confidential. You can speak freely about private matters to me. Our focus will be on solutions.

We collaborate to discover which tools work best for

you so that we can start releasing the negative energy from the emotion that has kept you stuck.

The purpose of this is to unlock the molecules of

emotion in your personal sphere that have locked the pattern of behavior in place.

It is my intention to be your partner in moving to-

Ocean Soul Life Coaching.

wards the life you most honestly want, personally and

around the world because there is no fence or wall. And

courage to live your life to its fullest potential.

Why the Ocean? The wind takes my laughter away and

when I go through a rough time, the ocean surrounds my

professionally. You will feel worthy and ready to have the I can coach you to: look forward, act focused, and

tears which run down my face. My tears and worries seem

enjoy life.

smile on my face!

the sessions are also available in German. I look forward

to be so small when they hit the ocean. It always puts a My personal growth included seminars. There I

engaged with other professionals to acquire a diverse set

Since I am from Austria and a native German speaker,

to meeting you.

of tools to more effectively assist my clients in dealing

Warmly, Doris

for example, are very strong emotions that can keep you

Founder of Ocean Soul Life Coaching

with emotions. Separation, anger, guilt and frustration, from attaining the life you wish to have.

Doris Garrett M.C.L.C | Master Life Coach Specialty – Separation Recovery www.oceansoulcoaching.com

Check out these books written by Doris

I have a meditation where I walk into the ocean. My friends, the Dolphins, are greeting me and swimming with me to a safe place where I can dive deep, deep down into the ocean. Soon I am guided by my whale. He makes sure I arrive safe deep, deep down in the sea where I meet my inner child and my higher self. Deep down in the ocean where I lose my mind and find my soul… 24

SEP-OCT 2020



Aligning Your Inner Mystic with Your Outer Activist for

Lasting Changes Karen McGregor

Interview with

K 26

SEP-OCT 2020

Karen McGregor is an inspirational speaker motivating leaders to be powerful influencers

through the integration of ancient wisdom teachings. A chaos-to-calm expert and a strategist in combining the inner mystic with the outer activist, Karen supports individuals and teams to produce lasting change from the inside out.

Karen is also the bestselling author of several books, her latest being “The Tao of Influence: Creating Lasting Change for a Better World.� - Radiance

What is so important leadership in today’s interesting times that we can glean from the Tao?

famous TedX talk that had… how many views?

clients, and redefining that is really important. In the past

more influence,” and it’s important to note the different

I’ve been in leadership roles of all sorts, as have my

we’ve seen it as leaders and followers, but even with what Radiance Magazine is seeking to accomplish is having

everyone work together. To not see differences, and levels, and status, but to actually come from a place of “How can

we support others?” How can we inspire others to produce positive change? That’s the essence of what I’m all about, and the “Tao of Influence” coming out adds in the mystic, adds the spiritual and personal development. Someone

who merges those worlds together within is what I consider a true leader so that we can make changes.

You say in your book that combining the inner mystic and the inner activist is crucial. How so?

Over a million now. And I just wanted to tweak what you

said around influence. People say to me, “How can I have stages of influence: This is the first stage, asking how to

have more. The second stage is how we can work together to create more influence. The third stage is knowing

you are that influence; there’s nothing you have to do or

be, it’s just that you’ve arrived at such a highly conscious place, that now your very conscious presence around others supports their own desire to change.

I always say that if you want have influence, that’s

not a Taoist approach. But if you want to be in that state

where you inspire others, and you’re not pushing or trying to get something, that is a more Taoist approach to life.

power based in love and shadow or distorted power.

I imagine people will be drawn to your book who have had life break them down, where the ego’s expectations and attachments to certain outcomes didn’t happen like they hoped it would.

The Tao helps bring us into balance and flow so we can

ourselves. Therapy and workshops are great, but if we

True influence is about the proper use of our power, and

not the shadow aspect, either. There are only two types: We have to be vigilant of moving from one to another.

use our personal power for love instead of abdicating it through force.

You share about having more influence in your

Yes, it’s about the constant vigilance and checking in with don’t understand that our mind is still going to do crazy

things and think crazy thoughts, we’ll be unprepared for

difficult times. It’s not that we won’t ever be triggered, but those episodes can be shorter each time.



It’s important to develop that foundational peace

around your personal power. Doing it as a practice, observing your thoughts, checking in, really treating your mind as a computer…

And just reprogramming it the way you want to consciously? Exactly, that’s right. When I help people

possibilities, now he’s a thriving entrepreneur of not just one but two companies. My other son is all about heart and wants to help people and he wanted to take a year

off school. That concerned me at first! As parents we all have a choice to stand in our light and let them stand in theirs.

storytellers who are hesitant about sharing their mes-

What do you say to speakers and practitioners who want to make sure their message is strong and connecting and engaging? I think that now

too: so many of us have a yearning to make a difference,

classes and webinars. SpeakerSuccessFormula.com is

with their messaging for the stage, which I’ve done for

years, I see over and over again incredible speakers and sage globally, like TedX Talks. That’s why I wrote the book so that’s the more reason we need to monitor our mind when it goes into procrastination, or being stopped

because we think other people are better than us, or that we’re not enough: “Why should I get my message out to the world?” When I experienced this with my clients, I

became inspired to help them on this different level, and that’s where the book came from.

with Covid, almost all my clients have pivoted to online

my website for those interested in honing their message. There’s a free small starter package on there that gives you the basics about doing a webinar or an offer or a

TEDx Talk. There’s lots of options and free videos. And

on KarenMcGregor.com you can learn more about what we’ve been talking about merging your mystic with your activist to create more positive influence in the world.

There’s a special offer on there, a one-day event for

You talk about the importance of mothers and fathers in leadership roles. What do you say to them? I have a 22 year old and an 18 year old, and I can

authors where I teach how to write a book, sell a book,

up with all the inauthenticity, and the lies and the institu-

This is an unadvertised bonus for all Radiance readers

tell you the kids that are coming out now are not putting tionalization of so many things that we know are unsustainable and unhealthy.

Yes, these kids are not having it. Experience is more important than higher wages. Yes, and I think Truth and Love. Yes, they screw

up – they’re human. But I really feel as

parents today, we really need to put the Taoist philosophy at the front of our

leadership as parents with questions

like, “What is the deeper truth?” “What is your soul’s calling?” “Where do you

really feel in your body – not just in your mind – what are you being told here?”

So, intuition, guidance, truth-telling, and looking at reality are crucial.

You have to ask if you are trying to

force your child to do something. When my son didn’t want to go to Universi-

ty, I had to deal with my attachments to that. After we spoke about all the


SEP-OCT 2020

market a book, get a publisher, get an agent, self-publishing or going through a traditional publisher. If you pur-

chase the book you get this free of charge, a $500 value. and viewers (Inner Views on Xpnsion Network).


Seven Tips for Living Your Best Life in Chaotic Times he pandemic has thrown the world (and its

consciously release it. Watch it drift away and dis-

inhabitants) into chaos and uncertainty. If

solve. Take a moment several times a day to ask

you are one of the many people struggling with

yourself, “What I am holding on to right now that

depression and anxiety right now, it might seem

could be released?”

natural to blame COVID-19 for your suffering.

Get your body moving (it helps to “re-set”

While outside factors certainly play a part, they

your mind). We tend to fixate on certain

are not the real reason that you are living a lessthan-amazing life. The true culprit is your mind.

If you can train it to be happier, you can unleash a

thoughts because we lack the discipline to

Karen McGregor

source of power that helps you ride out the very hardest

break away from them. But physically moving our

bodies makes distancing ourselves from negative

thoughts much easier. Then next time you have a thought

times and begin living your best life—even amid chaos.

that does not serve your greatest good, shift your body into

and obsessing over problems is what it does best. It focuses

for a few moments. When you do this regularly, your mind

Let’s take a look at the nature of the egoic mind. Noticing

on the negative in order to protect us, but sometimes it

works too well. This is why we “hand wring” over how out of control everything feels and spin fearful stories about the

future. In this way, letting the mind run the show drives our

unhappiness and keeps us out of the present moment. And therefore, it stops us from noticing the amazing things we

do have, like loving families, good food to eat, the beauty of nature, good friends, etcetera.

The good news is, when you learn to accept the nature

of the mind, you can separate yourself from its incessant

thoughts and judgements and discover the calm, joy, and

peace you have been missing. From there you can work on building your best life instead of letting the chaos of the world drag you down. Here are some steps to take.

First, understand the seven aspects of the mind that keep you stuck in unhappiness. Understanding how the mind works is the first step in distancing yourself from these

tendencies. See if you recognize any of your behavior in the following list. 1.

It constantly looks for problems, influencing the way


It prompts you to judge everything and everybody, con-

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

you view the world.

suming you with issues that are none of your business. It is a compelling storyteller, weaving narratives that waste your time and energy.

It is reactionary, upsetting you over things that shouldn’t be such a big deal.

It needs to defend itself, making you resistant to feedback you need to hear.

It gets distracted easily, stealing your focus from what really matters

It fixates on initial impressions and disturbances, com-

a different position or stand up and move somewhere else will learn to follow your body.

Adopt a morning routine. Start the day off right with a relaxing ritual. Walk up a half hour early and spend it doing something that will help you stay calm and centered throughout

your day. Sip tea, pray, stretch, journal or meditate, and set a positive intention for the new day.

Clean up your home. A messy chaotic home creates disorganization in your mind. Tidy up and de-junk your living so

that it is a haven of peace and serenity. And remember, your

thoughts are also taking up space in your home. Perhaps it is

also time to toss out distractions that drag you down and take

up space in your mind. You may realize it’s time to get off social media for a while, or to stop reading the headlines each day.

Connect with your inner child daily. The inner child is often the keeper of old wounds that add to your stress and suf-

fering, and prevent you from living your best life. They could be the source of thoughts created in your formative years

(usually around ages 5-7) aimed at keeping you safe. Each

day try talking to your inner child. Ask them what they want

and need. Perhaps you are not standing up for yourself, and

so they feel betrayed. Or they are upset because you are be-

ing untrue to yourself. Assure your inner child that you—your adult self—will do what is necessary to honor self, and then do what needs to be done.

Commit to eating more plant-based foods. Plant-based

foods contain energy that supports a joyful and calm being. Meanwhile, eating highly processed foods and/or too many

animal products contributes to feelings of irritation and sadness. Strive to consume 80 percent fruits and vegetables

and treat animal products and unhealthy treats as “sometimes” foods, instead of “everyday” foods.

There’s no denying that these are trying times for all of

pelling you to cling to your initial responses. If someone

us. But fixating on everything that is wrong only hurts you.

interest in them; if an email from a work colleague rubs

thoughts and feelings that drag you down. Without their

pays you a compliment, you may develop romantic

you the wrong way, you may grow to dislike that person.

Notice your fear-based thoughts. Then let them go. When (not if) a negative or fearful thought crosses your mind,

Recognize the mind’s role in your suffering and release

interference, you will see a path to not only feeling more

peace and joy yourself, but you will also put more peace and joy out into world at a time when they are greatly needed.

What a glorious day to be alive! To smile and breathe in the air and the sun! To hear birds sing their sweet song while my trillions of cells hum along supporting my experience of life. Opening my eyes, I see an ocean of beauty spread out before me, reflecting light within me. The Earth, Sun, Moon, stars, and planets dance around me in their cosmic play. Billions of beautiful humans play within their forms and roles all for this grand adventure of life. Countless plants and organisms of endless complexity bring life and endless possibilities. I have the blessed opportunity to be here, right now, in this human biosuit, participating in this glorious experience. I get to see, taste, touch, hear and smell the expressions of countless forms. How blessed we are that even when we forget all of this, it never forgets us. Always right there, holding us, loving us, and allowing us to be... And now I can share this message, this experience, this glory, with friends and family around the world by pressing a few buttons with my fingers! Wow! Incredible! Then! Then! After that, I have hours and hours to move my biosuit, create, play, love, share, enjoy, and witness all of this! The journey keeps getting better and better! Then to help complete the package, we have no idea when we move out of this experience! That really helps inspire me to enjoy and make the most of every precious moment. Such a brilliant setup to make sure I receive as much of the blessing as possible during the journey! Wow! Glad I came to visit this world!

Aaron Pyne is a mystic, healer,

teacher, TEDx speaker, artist, designer, and

multidimensional guide prepared to assist

your master. For more

extensive support and

further magical training, I am available to be your

guide. You can reach out to me and learn more at www.aaronpyne.com.


SEP-OCT 2020



It’s Time to Open Up to the Messages from the Infinite The power of intuitive understanding will protect you from harm until the end of your days. ~Lao Tzu


By Lisa Barnett

You can ask Your Personal

Akashic Masters: what do I need

to know, clear and release so I can

receive more guidance, love, money, fun, just to name a few things.

The biggest reason many of us

e can’t always control

are stuck is because we are cut off

outside circumstances, but

from over 50% of the multi-dimen-

when we’re blocked by stress, irrita-

sional information and intuitive guid-

tion, frustration or disappointment,

ance that is there for us. If you don’t

we may feel disconnected from the

know how to get at that divine infor-

good the Universe has to offer us.

Is it possible to do an about face in those moments or are we destined to get in our own way?

I would like to suggest that your

intuition and even deeper soul

guidance can be the “about face” or “change of view” that can help you transform your life. I know you all

have some level of intuition, knowing or guidance. You may feel it as a chill

or goose bumps when someone says

mation, your soul may wither as you Lisa Barnett is the Int’l Bestselling

struggle to fine your soul purpose.

What we all need is to learn how

Author of two books about the Akashic

to get clear guidance and intuitive

of Akashic counseling and energetic

support that resonates with your

Records. She brings twemty years

healing to her clients & students. She is

the Founder of Akashic Knowing School where she teaches students worldwide to access their personal soul guidance and wisdom.

stop for you, or it’s butterflies in your stomach. That excitement may be a “go ahead” for you. But it’s not the same for everyone. You get your intuitive signs based on your Soul type, mixed with your childhood and what your family al-

soul’s path and wisdom. To help you right now please download my Free Meditation: “Connect Your Mind,

Spirit, and Body To Deepen Your Intuition.” I look forward to seeing you in an Akashic Record Workshop soon.

something that resonates with you. You may feel your guidance in your gut. Maybe it’s a heavy feeling, which means

wisdom every day, so you have inner

Connect Your Mind, Spirit, and Body to Deepen Your Intuition Did you know you have three brains?

In this meditation we will connect all of your brains

lowed you to experience. Then add to that many hundreds

to help you align these various

remember. It just starts to remind you how Unique you are.

bring it into consciousness.

of other lifetimes filled with experiences you don’t even One of the things I know about our society is they

don’t validate your intuition. Many of you shut down or

even turned off your gifts when you were kids because

you were ridiculed for talking to fairies or angels or it just made you feel weird. Maybe you’re still keeping all your intuitive gifts shut down.

Now is the time to truly receive your soul guidance so

you can you get clear answers on important decisions.

We’re on the verge of creating the New Earth! The Akashic Record Keepers have told me that learning to access the

expansive wisdom of your Akashic Record is your Birthright. In my Akashic Record course, I teach you to work

with the high vibrational energy of the Akashic Record

and you learn how to ask questions so you can get direct answers to Your Questions, not just vague intuitive hits. 32

SEP-OCT 2020

levels of intuitive knowing and This meditation will help

Free Meditation

if you:

• Activate and connect your

pineal and pituitary glands

• Connect your mental

knowledge with your spirit/ heart wisdom

• Connect your spirit/heart

wisdom with your gut brain which holds the information of your body and your clairsentience.


BREATHE stand in your power and

JUST BE This space held for you by the Radiance staff



Sedo na’s Magic

Comes Home with You By Crista Marie Miller


iven the mystical gifts I’ve

at the screen behind the stage.

possessed since childhood, I

There it was: a logo I had been

can understand why so many people

long searching for that captured

have encouraged me to visit Sedona. Or rather, experience Sedona.

I never really had the urge to visit. That

is, until the Universe stepped in with signs that would be foolish for me to ignore.

So… amidst the breathtaking red rock… the pulsing

energy you feel on approach… and the lovely abundance

of healing and wellness centers, I did what every student of metaphysics does: I got a reading.

My intuition led me to Amanda Romania, who gave me

the kind of reading that shifts something in the ethereal

so you feel it in the physical. You can call it magic; I call it my new life.

It takes a lot to impress me; I’ve channeled Mary Mag-

dalene since I was seven. Mary’s always been my confi-

dant, my cheerleader, and my main source of information about the Cosmos. She shows me how to expand, uplift, and set your soul’s mission on fire.

Amanda illuminated something new: I was meant to

travel this journey alone. Not lonely, but also not with

someone I’d lean for power when I have all the power!

Co-contributors are fine, but I needed to move forward without fear or lack for anything…

Then Amanda let her intuition choose two special

cards, but she placed them face down for later…

Then she took me on a guided meditation through exot-

ic locales and ended at “my happy place” which – strange as it sounds – is actually on stage in an amphitheater. A

crowd was being led in, and Amanda instructed me to look

me, my gifts, and my purpose. Tears

formed and dropped from my eyes, be-

cause the logo expressed it all: that Mag-

dalene is a part of me; Christ Consciousness

flows and expresses through me; I am also Hathor and all the good things that come with that.

Amanda very gently brought me back, then turned

over the two cards. They were none other than Isis and

Magdalene. At that point I lost it and started to fully cry.

Amanda smiled and said “Did you not notice the necklace I was wearing today?” It was an Isis necklace. “Welcome

home, Priestess,” she said. Then I saw the photo behind her of a temple in Egypt where initiations to Isis were

held. I started remembering more: that I had been there as an Oracle for so many lifetimes. It was a knowing of

“home” that I would bring back to my home in this realm. And then I remembered even more... (Part Two of

“Sedona’s Magic Comes Home with You” continues in the next issue.)

Crista is an Intuitive Medium, Voice Channeler, Certified Aura

Color Coach and Reiki Master. Crista began channeling Spirit at

the age of 7. Her focus is empowering you with sacred wisdom from Divine Feminine Christ-Consciousness and the

Goddesses that embody this lineage. She channels multiple teachers from this lineage including Mary Magdalene, Ana, Mother Mary, Kuan-Yin and so many more! Contact her at www.cristamariemiller.com

or by email at cristamariemiller@gmail.com.

Llega la Magia de

S e do na

Por Crista Marie Miller

a Casa Contigo


ados los dones místicos que he poseído desde la

infancia, puedo entender por qué tanta gente me ha

animado a visitar Sedona. O más bien, experimente Sedona. Realmente nunca tuve ganas de visitar. Es decir, hasta

que el Universo intervino con señales que sería una tontería ignorar.

Así que ... en medio de la impresionante roca roja ... la

energía pulsante que sientes al acercarte ... y la hermosa

abundancia de centros de sanación y bienestar, hice lo que todo estudiante de metafísica hace: conseguí una lectura.

Mi intuición me llevó a Amanda Romania, quien me dio

el tipo de lectura que cambia algo en lo etéreo para que

lo sientas en lo físico. Puedes llamarlo magia; Yo lo llamo mi nueva vida.

Se necesita mucho para impresionarme; He canalizado

a María Magdalena desde que tenía siete años. Mary siem-

pre ha sido mi confidente, mi animadora y mi principal fuente de información sobre el Cosmos. Ella me muestra cómo expandir, elevar y prender fuego a la misión de tu alma.

Amanda iluminó algo nuevo: estaba destinado a viajar

este viaje solo. ¡No solo, pero tampoco con alguien a

quien me inclinaría por el poder cuando tengo todo el

poder! Los co-contribuyentes están bien, pero necesitaba seguir adelante sin miedo o falta de nada ...

Entonces Amanda dejó que su intuición eligiera dos car-

tas especiales, pero las colocó boca abajo para después ... Luego me llevó a una meditación guiada a través de

lugares exóticos y terminó en “mi lugar feliz” que, por ex-

traño que parezca, está en realidad en el escenario de un

anfiteatro. Una multitud estaba siendo conducida y Amanda me indicó que mirara la pantalla detrás del escenario.

Ahí estaba: un logo que había estado buscando

durante mucho tiempo y que me capturó, mis dones y

mi propósito. Las lágrimas se formaron y cayeron de mis ojos, porque el logo lo expresaba todo: que Magdalena

es parte de mí; La Conciencia de Cristo fluye y se expresa a través de mí; También soy Hathor y todas las cosas buenas que vienen con eso.

Amanda me devolvió con mucha suavidad y luego

dio la vuelta a las dos cartas. No eran otros que Isis y

Magdalena. En ese momento lo perdí y comencé a llorar completamente. Amanda sonrió y dijo: “¿No te diste

cuenta del collar que llevaba hoy?” Era un collar de Isis. “Bienvenida a casa, sacerdotisa”, dijo. Luego vi la foto

detrás de ella de un templo en Egipto donde se llevaban a cabo las iniciaciones a Isis. Empecé a recordar más: que había estado allí como un Oráculo durante tantas vidas.

Era un conocimiento del “hogar” que traería de regreso a mi hogar en este reino.

Y luego recordé aún más ... (La segunda parte de

“Sedona’s Magic Comes Home with You” continúa en el próximo número).

Crista es un medio intuitivo, canalizador de voz, entrenador de color certificado de Aura y maestro de Reiki. Crista comenzó a canalizar el Espíritu a la edad de 7 años. Su enfoque es em-

poderarte con la sabiduría sagrada de la Conciencia Crística

Femenina Divina y las Diosas que encarnan este linaje. ¡Ella

canaliza a múltiples maestros de este linaje, incluidos María

Magdalena, Ana, Madre María, Kuan-Yin y muchos más! Con-

táctela en www.cristamariemiller.com o por correo electrónico a cristamariemiller@gmail.com.



By Michel Pascal


hen over 50 Million people lose their jobs, are

unable to pay rent and credit cards, how can we

say, ‘’My friend, you need to take a deep breath every day

We Need More than Clichés to Navigate WELLNESS when we are under a huge daily pressure, how can we make more effort?

All together, we must develop a new spiritual way. We

for a few minutes...to wake up your enlightenment?’’

cannot copy & paste an old map in our new world, so dif-

occupied, tired, unable to concentrate: how is it possible

masters, but totally readapted to our world.

Because when we lose our job, and we are so pre-

to make extra effort? When the consequence of this virus

ficult. We need to keep the precious nectar of our ancient This is what we have developed over the last 5

is that we can be homeless soon, how can we say, ‘’You

years for the prisoners of Los Angeles at Amity Founda-

develop gratitude, resilience, you must be present, etc...’’

extreme situations call for building stronger inner monas-

have the power of God within you, you are loved, you must The time to give wellness tips, advice, exercises is

totally over. What can we do now? How can we calm our

tion, with 100% positive response. We have found that teries, or Refuge, as we say in Buddhism.

We now have severe recession and depression, and

mind? How can we feel better immediately, with no effort?

suicide hotline calls have increased 300%. More than

wellness, storytelling, spiritual blah blah. We don’t need

spiritual space, divine happiness, invincible happiness.

We don’t need more gurus, more tips, more experts in

more syndrome of Jesus, of Buddha, etc... We don’t need more. We need less.

We need silence.

ever we need the tools to develop our interior life, inner When we build our own monastery, our own inner garden,

we open our heart and our very cells to the divine energy, to a quality of peace that is not just human but divine.

When we feel this junction between Divine and Hu-

We need calmness.

man, we enter in an invincible peace, calmness, because

We need to go to our inner desert, especially in our

sion, depression.

We need to become the guru of our own life. chaotic world.

Spirituality must be recreated efficiently, with no

effort, no concentration, no breath exercises. Especially

we see beyond the waves, beyond the tsunami of recesIt’s a spirituality that is concrete.

It prepares us for when things get worse.

It is far from the wellness clichés. It is real and it is now.

We need to keep the precious nectar of our ancient masters, but totally readapted to our 36 SEP-OCT 2020 world. This is what we have developed over the last 5 years

Join our online class this Friday, join our exceptional spiritual community. It will support you and immediately you

will feel an amazing joy, calming energy.

Friday 11am PDT, 2pm EST with our proven new approach of meditation in daily stress. Free-Will donation: Register at meditationteachertraining@gmail.com

You may also be trained as a teacher in our program, 20 private online sessions. Information on michelpascal.tv

Necesitamos Mas Que Clichés para Navegar por el Bienestar


Por Michel Pascal

uando más de 50 millones de personas pierden sus trabajos, no pueden pagar el alquiler ni las

tarjetas de crédito, ¿cómo podemos decir: “Amigo mío,

necesitas respirar profundamente todos los días durante unos minutos ... para despertar tu iluminación?” ‘’

Porque cuando perdemos nuestro trabajo, y estamos

tan preocupados, cansados, incapaces de concentrar-

nos: ¿cómo es posible hacer un esfuerzo extra? Cuando la consecuencia de este virus es que podemos quedarnos sin hogar pronto, ¿cómo podemos decir: ‘Tienes el

poder de Dios dentro de ti, eres amado, debes desarrollar gratitud, resiliencia, debes estar presente, etc ... ‘’

Se acabó el tiempo de dar consejos de bienestar,

consejos, ejercicios. ¿Qué podemos hacer ahora? ¿Cómo podemos calmar nuestra mente? ¿Cómo podemos sentirnos mejor de inmediato, sin esfuerzo?

No necesitamos más gurús, más consejos, más ex-

pertos en bienestar, narración de historias, bla bla espiritual. No necesitamos más síndrome de Jesús, de Buda, etc ...

No necesitamos más. Necesitamos menos.

Necesitamos silencio. Necesitamos calma.

Necesitamos convertirnos en el

Foundation, con una respuesta 100% positiva. Hemos descubierto que las situaciones extremas exigen la

construcción de monasterios interiores más fuertes, o Refugio, como decimos en el budismo.

Ahora tenemos una recesión y depresión severas, y

las llamadas a las líneas directas de suicidio han aumentado un 300%. Más que nunca necesitamos las herra-

mientas para desarrollar nuestra vida interior, espacio espiritual interior, felicidad divina, felicidad invencible.

Cuando construimos nuestro propio monasterio, nuestro

propio jardín interior, abrimos nuestro corazón y nuestras mismas células a la energía divina, a una cualidad de paz que no es solo humana sino divina.

Cuando sentimos esta unión entre lo Divino y lo Hu-

mano, entramos en una paz invencible, una calma, porque vemos más allá de las olas, más allá del tsunami de la recesión, la depresión.

Es una espiritualidad que es concreta.

Necesitamos conservar el precioso néctar de nuestros antiguos maestros, pero totalmente readaptado a nuestro mundo. Esto es lo que hemos desarrollado durante los últimos 5 años

gurú de nuestra propia vida.

Necesitamos ir a nuestro desierto interior, especial-

Nos prepara para cuando las cosas empeoren.

La espiritualidad debe recrearse de manera eficiente,

Únase a nuestra clase en línea este viernes, únase a

mente en nuestro mundo caótico.

Está lejos de los clichés del bienestar. Es real y lo es ahora.

sin esfuerzo, sin concentración, sin ejercicios de respi-

nuestra comunidad espiritual excepcional. Te apoyará

presión diaria, ¿cómo podemos esforzarnos más?

energía calmante.

ración. Especialmente cuando estamos bajo una gran

Todos juntos, debemos desarrollar una nueva forma

espiritual. No podemos copiar y pegar un mapa antiguo en nuestro nuevo mundo, tan difícil. Necesitamos con-

servar el precioso néctar de nuestros antiguos maestros, pero totalmente readaptado a nuestro mundo.

Esto es lo que hemos desarrollado durante los

últimos 5 años para los presos de Los Ángeles en Amity

e inmediatamente sentirás una alegría increíble, una

Viernes 11 a. M. PDT, 2 p. M. EST con nuestro nuevo

enfoque probado de meditación en el estrés diario. Donación voluntaria

Regístrese en meditaciónteachertraining@gmail.com También puede formarse como profesor en nuestro

programa, 20 sesiones privadas online. michelpascal.tv RADIANCE MAGAZINE


The Spiritual Mobius Strip Enlightens on Impact

I think the best spiritual teachings and teachers are mobius strips come to life. Do you remember the mobius strip? You form a loop with a piece of paper; cut it and twist it once (that’s the secret sauce right there); tape it back together until it’s no longer a simple closed loop but an infinite, mathematically daring one that boggles the imagination.

iting anything. But the paradox dissolves when you elevate to 5D, or simply open your heart. Here’s the Buddha: The mind is everything. What you think you become. You mean the problems of life I’ve blamed on others are my own fault? That I actually create my own reality? Someone having this realization from reading these words are having a Mobius experience.

And when your mind gets blown by a new spiritual concept? That’s a metaphorical mobius strip. It’s when you experience a shift that gives your entire life a new perceptive.

This is different than survival wisdom, which is very 3D and vital to our species. The deeper truths of life deals not with the survival of the body but the thriving of the soul.

In other words, it wakes you up!

“Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.

Here’s an example from spiritual thought leader Matt Kahn: “True wisdom is sensing the next big step your ego isn’t ready for and doing it anyway in the name of your highest evolution. Your ego will never be ready. You have to be wiser than the patterns within you.” You thought this quote was going in one direction, and then it transports you past the 3D version of life to an elevated 5D of pure potentiality and love. The journey from the first syllable to the last leaves you a different person than when you began reading it. For people seeking expansion of consciousness, that’s a gift. Sample a few lines from the Sermon on the Mount: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth Superficially, it’s quite paradoxical to imagine the meek, and not the ferocious, inher-

After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.” Zen Kōan

A Zen kōan is “a story, dialogue, question, or statement which is used in Zen practice to provoke the ‘great doubt’ and to practice or test a student’s progress in Zen.” The “great doubt” that is unearthed and challenged here is “Will anything truly change when I become enlightened?” The answer depends on who is seeking. Is it the ego, always in 3D seeking survival measures? Or is it our Higher Self we’re bringing forward, who knows that change on the inside is all that counts, regardless of what others may judge on the outside. Because it’s not what you’re doing, it’s what are you choosing to experience while you’re doing it? In other words, who are you being? And when you can move past the seeming paradox to experience it in an enlightened state, even for just a few moments, you can appreciate the deliciousness of the moment and revel in your connection with the Infinite. It was designed to loop you back into yourself, or back inside to bring out your authentic Self, you Soul. Which can look like someone speaking in “Mobius Strip.” – Scott Ware

www.paulbondart.com RADIANCE MAGAZINE


Are You Using Your Super Power?


By Gina Kelgel

he single most powerful statement you can make to transform your experience - for better or for worse

- is “I Am.”

This simple phrase – and whatever you put after it,

like “worthy,” “unworthy,” “powerful,” “helpless,” “loved,” “unlovable” – defines who you are to the world.

Are you using it to your best and highest good?

“I Am” is a definition no one can put on you; you put it

on yourself. It is a superpower. Whether you believe in the metaphysical understanding of energy, or you prefer the activities of the subconscious mind, the magnitude of I AM can be expanded by any of us.

Jesus called himself the I AM for a reason.

It helps to know we have an “I Am Center” in our body,

the solar plexus chakra, which is the center of self-knowledge and personal power. Your subconscious mind, your energy body, and the Universe are always listening to

what you say and what you think. When you make definitive statements, consciously and unconsciously, especially if they begin with the words, “I am,” they accept them as true.

How Do You Use Your Superpower? We go around using I AM willy-nilly, tossing this powerful phrase out and convincing ourselves subconsciously of the veracity of the statement without consciousness.

Make a list of your I AMs, the phrases you use without thought.

Here are a few of my own I AMs:

I am never on time. I am bad at math. I am too busy to exercise. I am not as progressed as I should be.

can take your power back. Try this: Once you have made

your list of statements, make a second list reframing those disempowering statements with ones that empower:

I am never on time - I AM working on improving my time management skills. I AM valuing the time of myself and others. I AM in the flow and on time for everything.

I am bad at math - I AM gifted and skilled in a variety of

ways, which I love. I AM comfortable with not excelling in everything. I AM open to receiving math gifts I may have been closed off to before. I AM open to releasing any blocks that have not served me.

I am too busy to exercise - I AM in control of my schedule and experience. I AM claiming time to support my health

through exercise. I AM mind-body-spirit. I AM health, the truest wealth. I AM love for my body and all things. I AM open to doing exercises I find fun!

I am not as progressed as I should be - I am moving

consistently forward into my fullness at the speed that

is in alignment with my highest good. I AM perfect. I AM

wonderful. I AM open to receiving what the Universe knows is the right time for me to receive it.

Make your new I AM statements your daily affirmations.

Write them out by hand, say them out loud - - and watch

your world shift. Hold open the awareness for other I AM statements and reframe them as they come up.

Now that you have the awareness and the tools - will

you use them? I AM!

Gina Kegel jumpstarts and supercharges healing through Energy

Healing Transformation Coaching sessions, which include

current, past life and ancestral trauma, and self-love assignments to fuel profound change for lifelong evolution.

She identifies and releases specific trapped emotions that

Take Your Power Back

adversely affect physical, emotional, and energetic wellbeing.

The good news is, now that you have the awareness, you

on Facebook.com/releasethatshit, and on Instagram @ginakegel

Find Gina at releasethatshit.com,


a declaración más poderosa que puede hacer para

transformar su experiencia, para bien o para mal, es

con otras que empoderen:

Nunca llego a tiempo; estoy trabajando para mejorar

“Yo soy”.

mis habilidades de gestión del tiempo. Estoy valorando el

después, como “digno”, “indigno”, “poderoso”, “indefen-

tiempo para todo.

Esta simple frase, y lo que sea que le pongas

so”, “amado”, “indigno de amor”, define quién eres para el mundo.

¿Lo está utilizando para su mejor y mayor bien?

“Yo soy” es una definición que nadie puede ponerte;

te lo pones tú mismo. Es una superpotencia. Ya sea que

crea en la comprensión metafísica de la energía o prefiera las actividades de la mente subconsciente, cualqui-

era de nosotros puede expandir la magnitud del YO SOY. Jesús se llamó a sí mismo el YO SOY por una razón. Es útil saber que tenemos un “Centro Yo Soy” en

nuestro cuerpo, el chakra del plexo solar, que es el

centro del autoconocimiento y el poder personal. Tu

mente subconsciente, tu cuerpo energético y el Universo siempre están escuchando lo que

tiempo de mí mismo y de los demás. Estoy en el flujo y a Soy malo en matemáticas: SOY dotado y hábil en

una variedad de formas, lo cual me encanta. Me siento

cómodo sin sobresalir en todo. Estoy abierto a recibir re-

galos de matemáticas a los que tal vez me hayan cerrado antes. Estoy abierto a liberar cualquier bloqueo que no me haya servido.

Estoy demasiado ocupado para hacer ejercicio, tengo

el control de mi horario y mi experiencia. Estoy reclamando tiempo para mantener mi salud a través del ejercicio. YO SOY mente-cuerpo-espíritu. YO SOY salud, la ver-

dadera riqueza. YO SOY amor por mi cuerpo y todas las

cosas. ¡Estoy abierto a hacer ejercicios que me divierten! No he progresado tanto como debería, estoy avan-

zando constantemente hacia mi plenitud

dices y piensas. Cuando haces declaraciones definitivas, consciente e inconscientemente, especialmente si comienzan

con las palabras “yo soy”, las aceptan

como verdaderas.

¿Cómo usas tu superpoder?

a la velocidad que está alinea-

da con mi mayor bien. Soy

¿Estas Usando to Superpoder I AM?

perfecto. Soy maravilloso.

Estoy abierto a recibir lo que el Universo sabe que es el momento

adecuado para reci-


Haga de sus

nuevas declaraciones YO

SOY sus afirmaciones dia-

Por Gina Kelgel

Vamos por ahí usando YO SOY

queramos o no, lanzando esta poderosa

frase y convenciéndonos inconscientemente de la ve-

racidad de la declaración sin conciencia. Haga una lista de sus YO SOY, las frases que usa sin pensar. Aquí hay algunos de mis propios YO SOY: Nunca llego a tiempo.

Soy malo en matematicas. Estoy demasiado ocupado para hacer ejercicio. No he progresado tanto como debería.

Recupera tu poder

La buena noticia es que ahora que tienes la conciencia, puedes recuperar tu poder. Intente esto: una vez que

haya hecho su lista de declaraciones, haga una segunda

rias. Escríbalos a mano, dígalos

en voz alta y observe cómo cambia

el mundo. Mantenga abierta la conciencia

para otras declaraciones del YO SOY y replanteelas a medida que surjan.

Ahora que tiene la conciencia y las herramientas,

¿las utilizará? ¡ESTOY!

Gina Kegel impulsa y potencia la curación a través de sesiones

de Coaching de Transformación de Sanación Energética, que incluyen traumas ancestrales, de vidas pasadas y actuales, y asignaciones de amor propio para impulsar un cambio pro-

fundo para la evolución de toda la vida. Ella identifica y libera

emociones atrapadas específicas que afectan negativamente el bienestar físico, emocional y energético. Encuentra a Gina

en releasethatshit.com, en Facebook.com/releasethatshit y en

Instagram @ginakegel

lista reformulando esas declaraciones desalentadoras



A Good Trip Always Changes You for the Better It was always going to get personal. How can a respected author like Michael Pollan

ety around the approaching crossing over experience. One of the greatest effects of mushrooms is that it

write a book called How to Change Your Mind; What

makes the person taking them feel a oneness with all of

the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About

creation that is otherwise hard to get to—take a look at

Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and

the disconnectedness in the world for an example of this.

Transcendence and not sample psychedelics himself? He had to, so he did, and in case the title and subtitle don’t clue you in, his psychedelic experiences changed his life on many levels. Michael Pollan has joined the ranks of psychedelics

Now, it’s wonderful that certain plants are here to do that for us, but Pollan found a biological reason behind it. Paul Stamets of Fabulous Fungi fame, revealed: “Mushrooms have taught me the interconnectedness of all life-forms and the molecular matrix that we share.

enthusiasts for alleviating depression and anxiety. And

(They) have intelligence, and they want us to take care

also in self-discovery, which affects every part of

of the environment, and so they communicate that to

your life.

us in a way we can understand.” Why us? “Humans are

He does not, however, advocate for their recreational use without a ceremonial facilitator because the mindset of the participant and the environment you’re in are crucial to having a productive experience. So-called “bad trips” are usually a result of the “set and setting” being off, so it’s best to make sure you trust the people you’re working with. But even here, humans seem to be protected from grave harm. The extremely low incidence of injuries or deaths on marijuana is well-known, Pollan states that it’s nearly impossible to overdose on mushrooms and LSD. Hold the plant medicine as sacred as

the most populous bipedal organisms walking around, so some plants and fungi are especially interested in enlisting our support. I think they have a consciousness and are constantly trying to direct our evolution by speaking out to us biochemically. We just need to be better listeners.” It was a lot a fun reading his actual psychedelic experience, but his summation of it was particularly gratifying: “…you can put the experience in that handy box and throw it away, never to dwell on it again… yet though it is true that a chemical launched me on this journey, it is also true that everything I experienced I experienced: these are events that took place in my

shamans and many of our ancestors; and it

mind, psychological

will give you a mind and heart-expanding

facts that were neither

experience and show you more of life.

weightless nor eva-

Pollan documents how many people on their deathbeds who engage with psychedelic mushrooms find relief from their anxi-

nescent. Unlike most dreams, the traces these experiences inscribed remain indelible and accessible.”

One of the greatest effects of mushrooms is that it makes the person taking them feel a oneness with all of creation that is otherwise hard to get to—take a look at the disconnectedness in the world for an example of this 42

SEP-OCT 2020

Review by Scott Ware. Michael Pollan is the

bestselling author of “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” and “Food Rules.”

What do your pets want you to know?

Frances W. Greenspan Animal Communicator Author & Teacher T

Frances W. Greenspan

Animal Communicator & Intuitive Speaks telepathically with animals. To those present‌ and those who have passed on.

Phone: 949-412-9554 Email: franceswgreenspan@gmail.com


http://whatdoyourpetswantyoutoknow.blogspot.com/ RADIANCE MAGAZINE


The Choice We Face Interview with NEALE DONALD WALSCH N

eale Donald Walsch famously channeled the Conversations with God books and has just released “The Essential Path” which passionately illuminates how we can get out of our own way as a species to create Heaven on Earth. For more, go to NealeDonaldWalsch.com

SCOTT WARE: I’m on chapter 12 of The Essential Path called “The Misunderstanding.” I can already see this is a key part of the book. What is the misunderstanding we have about life?

Does it seem to you that the world that you’re looking at

question that exists on many levels. I don’t think that

Imagine what else we could do.

NEALE DONALD WALSCH: Well, you know, it’s a huge

most people understand even who they are, why they’re here: “What is the purpose of all of life?”

There are four fundamental questions that I wound

up confronting in a very powerful way in my Conversations with God experience: Who am I? Where am I, in the overall universe? Why am I where I am? And what do I intend to do with that?

And there’s no wrong an-

swer to those questions, and they may change from year

to year, or from hour to hour…

from day to day. But the ques-

tions are incisive. I try to ask my-

self those questions each morning

when I look at myself in the mirror for

ed by a whole large number of individuals acting together as if they were one and producing singular outcomes?

I have a question from someone on Facebook. They want to know how God’s doing? They should ask. They just call it something else: wom-

What hurts you so much right now that you feel you have to hurt me in order to heal it?

ing a couple of pills that I need to take in

the morning… I look at myself in the mirror and

ask myself those questions: Who am I? Where am I? Why am I where I am? And what do I intend to do about that?

The second largest misunderstanding is that we tend

to deny who we really are: an individuation of God itself. The idea that we’re separate.

What do you tell someone who says, “I can clearly see we’re separate?” What proof do you offer of oneness in that situation? I say look at the world. SEP-OCT 2020

you that the world that you’re looking at has been creat-

en’s intuition; stroke of genius; an epiph-

the first time. Maybe I’m shaving or tak-


has been created by a single individual? Or does it feel to

any; a sudden insight. They’re giving it

all sorts of other names. But everyone not only can talk to God, the way I

speak with God, but everyone is

doing it all the time, and they’re

just calling it something else because we live in a culture where

it’s not okay to say I’m talking

directly to God.

And I’m not talking about speak-

ing to an entity outside of myself, up

there in the clouds somewhere; we’re

talking about getting in touch with an

aspect of ourselves. That is that and simply

calling it forth, calling forth the wisdom and the

clarity and the understanding and the compassion, the patience to kindness, and if you please the love that exists within us, that is, in fact, who we really are.

One of my favorite parts of your CWG books is where God outlined an amazing school curriculum. In all the time I was in school, I couldn’t find a single class on fairness. Or compassion, patience, or under-

standing or unity, or divinity, or peace. Why we are not

teaching our offspring these fundamental values is be-

and killed people for various reasons. I would say, “What

these are the first things we teach our children. We have

way because every act is an act of love. Even hatred, even

yond me. Because I think that in highly evolved societies, to take an advanced college course in ethics in order to find even the beginnings of what I’m talking about here.

Exactly. And there is no course that teaches children how to be who they truly are.

Do you forget often who you really are? Oh, all the time. I fall into my idea of myself on a regular basis, es-

pecially if I’m challenged. Or fearful. But less these days than when I was a younger person.

Later in our talk, Neale said this:

You know how to end an argument with somebody you love in a minute? You just look at them and say, “ What hurts you so much right now that you feel you have to hurt me in order to heal it?” Let’s talk at that level. Talking at that level is wonderful, absolutely. If

you were president of the world, you know, the highest

authority on the planet, what would you say to the terror-

ists? The terrorists who, cuz he had rules and hurt people

do you love so much that you felt that you had to act that anger, even terrorism. Their love of power, yeah, or their

love of influence or money or their love of a principal, or their love of a teaching or their love of another person.

And what God said to me in Conversations with God is not that human beings don’t love; The problem is they haven’t learned how to love without hurting each other.

You blew my mind with that one because the poles of love and fear were the two things I learned from Conversations with God, but this goes even a little further. Yes, it’s in one of the later

books where it said love and fear are the same thing. Fear is just an announcement of love. If you love nothing, you fear nothing. If you didn’t love your body, you wouldn’t

fear of breaking your leg or going skiing. If you didn’t love your country, you wouldn’t fear it being taken over by

somebody else. If you didn’t love your wife, you wouldn’t fear her finding a boyfriend. If you didn’t love this food,

you wouldn’t fear not having it. In fact, if you didn’t love anything, you would fear nothing. Therefore, fear is demonstrably and clearly a demonstration of love.

If we all saw everything like that, the world situation would bring up very different conversations.

Boy, would it ever. That’s the God Solution.



The Wisdom of Matt Khan: The Universe Always Has a Plan Matt Kahn’s book: The Universe Always Has a Plan

Every chapter is filled with profound observations,

– The 10 Golden Rules of Letting Go is a just-in-time,

universal truths and exercises to help the reader grow

self-help book with easy to follow tools for personal

and expand their consciousness. He helps you over-

development. Mr. Kahn is a gifted spiritual teacher and

come self-sabotage, release anger and move towards

intuitive whose book provides a clear and easy-to-fol-

a heart-centered place of being. And by doing so, you

low path to emotional freedom.

can let go of that which no longer serves you to mani-

He has a particular talent for taking complicated psychological and spiritual issues and making them

fest true contentment and joy. If you are interested in raising your consciousness,

accessible. For instance, in the chapter Golden Rule #2:

jumpstarting your spiritual growth and managing life’s

Anyone Who Blames You Isn’t Happy, he lays out a very

challenges effectively – it’s a must-read.

simple way to discern the Ego from the Soul’s perspective on our state of happiness. According to Kahn, your Ego says “I am happy or unhappy because…” while the Soul’s perspective is “You are only attached to outcomes being a certain way because of how unhappy you are.” During these times when many people are declaring their unhappiness with their lives, I recommend reading this one chapter if nothing else. It can help you get through a day, week or month. He doesn’t simply leave us with explanations, but gives us tools for letting go. One such tool in the above-mentioned chapter is a mantra to allow one to let go – to take ownership of one’s unhappiness – and manifest happiness. Happiness is simply the blame-free zone of heart centered consciousness.


SEP-OCT 2020

Buy the Book: mattkahn.org/the-universe-always-has-a-plan/ Learn more about Matt Kahn: www.MattKahn.org Review by Torin Lee.



Your Greatest Gift By Gosia Lorenz


e live in a world where knowledge is power. We put emphasis on facts and proven, touchable

reality. We want to control and know for sure. We analyze data to make the right decisions. We live trying to do the right and avoid the wrong.

Does this sound like you? OR

You tend to trust your intuition, follow your awareness,

look for the signs, consult with the guides, angels, cards, and psychics? OR

You are somewhere in-between, having mastered the

navigation of energies, whispers, and common sense?

Wherever you are, I would like to share my perspec-

tive on innate wisdom, intuition, knowing, and awareness. I lived the first 30+ years of my life questioning my-

self, asking for advice, not knowing what to do, or what to choose. When I started studying various healing modalities, what I really needed to work on was trusting myself, my intuition, and higher wisdom.

I religiously practiced using pendulums, muscle test-

ing techniques, perceiving and feeling the subtle energies in my body, lightness and heaviness of my being. I slowly started trusting my intuition. When teaching,

facilitating, or working with clients, even when the crazi-

Speaker, published author, and divorce mediator. Clients hire her to eliminate energetic blocks, clear entities, overcome limitations, release painful past, and raise their vibrations. For more information, visit: www.GosiaLorenz.com or call 949-315-9260. YouTube Channel: Gosia Lorenz. For divorce mediation, visit: reynoldsdivorcemediation.com.

How to strengthen your intuition:

• Clear or release the doubt.

• Listen to the whispers and subtle signs of your intu-

ition. The more you acknowledge it, the stronger it will get.

• Make sure you always are the only one in your body, that no other beings are present that could distort

your awareness. You can use muscle testing or pendulum.

• Disconnect and disentangle from matrixes, places, and people that can influence you.

• Listen to what people say and perceive if the energy

of the words is light and you open up energetically or you feel the opposite?

est information showed up, I shared it, usually to have it

• Ask, for example: If I accept this job/go on a date with

Today I look at the energy of everything and trust

I enjoy it/will it make me money? Notice if the ener-

confirmed by them.

what I get. From: does my body want or require this food or supplement to, is this person an Arcturian or Pleiadian? I receive and accept information I don’t understand

or that doesn’t make much sense. I choose what feels the lightest, not worrying about the outcome. I detach from the “why” and “how?” Me trusting myself has liberated

me beyond the limitations of my mind, past, or cultural programming.

I believe that we all have access to an unlimited

source of information. We can tap into the library of

knowledge, mystical wisdom, and use it. We can also

recall what we knew in all other lifetimes, here and on

other planets. EVERYTHING is available to us, right here and right now.

The energy never lies. When you learn how to read it,

you’ll always know what’s true for you. 48

SEP-OCT 2020

him/her/buy this property, what will my life be like/will gy is light and flowing, or stuck and heavy? This is

your powerful intuition letting you know the outcome. Don’t worry about the details. If you are vested in the outcome, you might block the best available results

for you. Trust that everything you require, desire, and need will be delivered to you.

• Don’t rely more on your guides or angels than on

you. They are here to assist you, not live your life for you.

• Become the leader of your life. If you are in the flow

and congruence with the true, most authentic you, you will receive support from EVERYTHING around you.

Your intuition is your greatest wisdom, gift, and com-

pass that will lead you to a conscious life filled with joy, love, and abundance.

Gosia Lorenz is a transformational coach, healer, public



Spiritual Carpool Karaoke with

Paul McCartney and James Corden


ames Corden of The Late Late Show with James Corden spent a day with Paul McCartney visiting his childhood

home where he wrote music with John Lennon. They also sang some Beatles songs together, including “Let it Be.”

JAMES: Your music is so full of positivity and joy and a message of love and togetherness. I feel like it’s more relevant today than it’s ever been.

PAUL: That’s one of the strange things – we expected to last

ten years, but it just keeps going on and on and on. And it keeps being relevant. JAMES: Yeah!

PAUL: I had a dream in the 60’s where my mom, who died, came

to me in the dream and was reassuring me, saying: “It’s going to be okay. Just let it be.” And I went… (sighs heavily) I felt so sort of great, like, “Boy, it’s going to be great, you know?” She gave me the positive word. So, I woke up and said, “What was that?

She sang ‘Let it be.’” I’d never heard that; it was kind of good. So, I wrote the song “Let it Be” with positivity.

JAMES: That’s the most beautiful story I’ve ever heard. (They

both take a minute, undeniable emotion filling the space. Then

“Let it Be” comes on the speakers, and they sing it together with a lot of feeling. At the end, James wipes a tear from his eye.) Oh man. It got me emotional there. PAUL: It did, it did.

JAMES: I didn’t feel it coming. It’s too much for me. I didn’t see it coming ‘round the corner (laughs and wipes more tears)

PAUL: That’s great man, the power of music. It’s weird, isn’t it, how it can do that to you?

JAMES: Well, I can remember my grandad - who’s a musician -

and my dad sitting me down, saying, “We’re going to play you the best song you’ve ever heard. And I remember them playing me that…

PAUL: Really?

JAMES: If my grandad was here right now, he’d get an absolute kick out of this.

PAUL: (looking straight ahead):

“He is.”

When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom Let it be And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom Let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be Whisper words of wisdom Let it be And when the broken-hearted people Living in the world agree There will be an answer Let it be For though they may be parted there is Still a chance that they will see There will be an answer Let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be Yeah, there will be an answer Let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be Whisper words of wisdom Let it be And when the night is cloudy There is still a light that shines on me Shine until tomorrow Let it be I wake up to the sound of music Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom Let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be There will be an answer Let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be Whisper words of wisdom Let it be




SEP-OCT 2020

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