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November/December 2017

Highlighting SoCal’s Spiritual Practitioners, Holistic Healers and Life Coaches


Take One

How To Rock Your Holistic Business PAGE 13

How To Find & Date A Conscious Man

Why I Don’t Mind Being Triggered Page 10


Mystic, Founder of The Radiance Healing Journey, and Physicist/Creator of the movie

Deirdre Hade and William Arntz On The Tao of Surprise—Your Undiscovered Key to Awakening PAGE 26


A Louise Hay Tribute Spiritual Crossword Holistic Fair Calendar Psychic Advice Column


From the Creator of

comes a book that picks up where BLEEP left off.

S U R P R I S E ! Not really. Rather it’s a 90 degree turn into the doorways of the Mystical. It’s not a Proof of these unseen Worlds – it’s an Experience. “The (not so) Little Book of Surprises is a road map of insight, poetry, breathtaking photographs and humor in a thoroughly enjoyable combination.” – Jack Canfield

Coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul®

“A treat for the eyes and spirit, a whimsical and mystical map for one’s awakening.” – John Gray

Author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

Not since The Illuminated Rumi has a book come forward that combines deep mystical revelations with mind-stretching visuals. Add to that a 21st century humor and we truly have a new book for the new millennium. Available on Amazon and where fine books are sold.


DEIRDRE HADE Words & Wisdom


WILLIAM ARNTZ Concept & Creation

ENDRE BALOGH Photos & Images

September/October 2017

Table of Contents The Light Room



A Functional Nutritionist Interview with Maritza Worthington


The Mystic and the Physicist Welcome to the Age of Surprise With Deirdre Hade and Will Arntz


Potential Pitfalls of “Waking Up” Interview with Rev. Danielle Hewitt


My Appointment with Louise Hay Interview with Roz Esposito


The Sacred Female Cycle Interview with Suzanne McQueen


Push My Buttons! Triggers as Teachers By Donna Bond 10 The New 21st Century Woman is Free By Patricia Garza-Pinto 14 How to Rock Your Holistic Business By Wendy Yost


Brewing Water with Spiritual Integrity Interview with Einar & Wennifer Haver 16

Astral Travel – Experience the Oneness Interview with Shaunna Kossoff 46

Heal Thyself – A Special Protocol By Leilani


Angels of Mother Earth – A Calling Michele Amburgey

By 48

Why Astrology Works By TeriLynn Cansee


What’s In a Pet’s Name? By Kara of Pet’s Eye View


Dating a Conscious Man By Anasia Klang 20

True and False Guides By Beth Lopez 52

The Toxins in Our Body Needs to Go Interview with Babry Oren

Ask Shelly — Psychic Advice Column 54


Free at Last – Hypnotherapy Liberates Interview with Janna Colaco 26 You’ll Love the Sound of This Interview with Rosi Dotson 27 Wellness Care – Before It’s Too Late By Dr. Ben Horning


Fierce Health Detectives for Women By Dr. Susan Sklar


Spiritual Crossword


Where’s the Faire?


Deepak Chopra, Radiance reader!

Editorial Testimonial I loved being interviewed by Scott and being guided on how best to work out my advertising in Radiance. He truly engaged in the process to understand the work that I do and was easily open to my ideas. I think his magic lies in the way he naturally pulls together a variety of positive energetic components into a well-rounded focus that works wonders. — Suzanne Mathis McQueen, Author, 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks

Comatose Not by Choice By Rita Robinson 58

Editor: Scott Ware (714) 501-5050 radiancemageditor@gmail.com Published by: Temple of Light / Rev. Danielle Hewitt PO Box 4502, Laguna Beach, CA 92652 Associate Editor: Rita Robinson (949) 295-2392 rita.radiancemagazine@gmail.com Advertising Sales, Billing, Accounting: (714) 501-5050 radiancemageditor@gmail.com

For past issues of Radiance, go to radiancemagazine.org. Subscriptions may be obtained for $25 per year.

Past Issues: Visit radiancemagazine.org Graphic Design: Western Lithographics (714) 557-4597 Publisher’s Liability: Radiance does not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factually statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the magazine, publisher or editors. Radiance is a free publication available at various metaphysical stores, health food locations, vegetarian restaurants, yoga studios, spiritual centers and coffee stands.




Louise Hay, Secrets of the Holistic Fairs and Love of the Holidays

Scott Ware is the Editor of Radiance Magazine.

Louise Hay is like a bright star who may no longer physically be here, but will continue to shine in our lives for many years to come

If you didn’t hear that Louise Hay passed away on August 30 (or transitioned, as some say), it may be because the mainstream press didn’t report it widely. Chances are you were influenced by the books she wrote (such as “Heal Your Body” and “You Can Heal Your Life”), or the spiritual leaders she published through Hay House (Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Doreen Virtue, James Van Praagh, among others). Louise Hay is like a bright star who may no longer physically be here, but will continue to shine in our lives for many years to come. Radiance pays tribute to her on pages 38-39. I am frequently humbled when I’m with a talented holistic/spiritual practitioner who is transparent and vulnerable enough to admit the challenges they have dealt with (or are currently dealing with) because it’s that learned/earned wisdom and strength that imbues their work, and the reason people keep coming back for their healing, insightful life coaching or intuitive readings (many times all three at once!). You can encounter these enlivened souls at any of the wonderful holistic fairs around town (“Where’s the Faire?” page 57). One secret of these Spirit Faires/Soul Fests are the free lectures. You could sit all day in the lecture room and experience one expert after another inspiring you with their specialty, demonstrate their modality (perhaps by doing a “room reading”) illuminating and moving you in ways you couldn’t anticipate. So on the next Saturday or Sunday you’re feeling a little adventurous, skip the latest Hollywood movie and get a real experience where you’re the star. You won’t soon forget it. We love that the holidays are here, but why exactly? Because they present a real opportunity to open our hearts and feel the hearts of everyone around us, which feels amazing, plain and simple. Society even encourages it at this time of year. The spiritual community stands ready, having been holding that heart-space for us the entire year— and will continue to do so—so we can experience that warm, brotherly/sisterly/universal love all 365 days, treating every day like a holiday. “Love, actually, is all around,” all the time. All we need to do is let it in.




September/October 2017

“Sunshine Rose� by Leti C Stiles. Hand-Painted Silk - fine art & silk scarves at leticstiles.net 5



The Light Room

What the world needs now…


Deirdre Hade

William Arntz

Poet·Mystic·Guide·Author·Founder of The Radiance Healing Journey

Physicist·Author·Filmmaker·Creator of the movie “What the BLEEP do We Know!?”

“…is to embrace the reality that we are all mystical beings of wonder and awe. When we awaken to the deep coherence of our inner harmony and stability, we become empowered; we make the shift into being a consciousness of radiance, an emissary of our true soul’s purpose. This frequency of heightened intuition and insight into the greater realities expands our intelligence into a quantum field of creation.”

“…is a switch from more money, more emails, more “likes”, to less stress, less intolerance and less desire for the mores. Our brain’s operating system has reached the breaking point. It is time to stop, be still, and reassess the directive of a world the heart cannot contain. It is time to redirect ourselves into the living awareness of mystery and soul relevance.”

Patricia Garza Pinto

Sandy Chasteen

Holistic Health Practitioner·Divine Power Healer.

Holistic Health Coach·doTERRA Purveyor·Wellness Advocate

“…is for humans to open their heart space for love. As long as we remain stuck in the spiritual disconnection of money as our God, materialism, and superficial beauty, we can never open up our heart space to Spirit, love and healing. Also, one must heal the body, mind and spirit through a wholistic lifestyle to heal collectively.”

“…is to remember our self-worth as spiritual beings in physical bodies. We must acknowledge our significance, awakening to how we reflect into the broader, unified ONE. It’s time to step in to our power as unlimited beings of light. We have forgotten how or why we are here. We must speak our truth, releasing fear, fully embracing our ultimate responsibility to get over these fears and consciously move toward love.”

September/October 2017

“Serafina’s Gold” by Outi Harma outiart.com



A Functional Nutritionist: Scientific and Holistic The Best of Both Healing Worlds Maritza Worthington, FNS, CHNC, CNPM, founded Organic MediZen, a well-regarded wellness studio in downtown Fullerton to help clients with everything from reducing their stress to overcoming life-long diseases. –Editor Why do people come to see you? Anxiety is common. Stress. Digestive issues, bloating, hormonal imbalance, brain fog, sleeplessness and fatigue are the big ones. I mostly specialize in digestive issues and hormonal imbalance, but, really, a majority of people come to me because they’re interested in unlocking their code. What do you mean by “unlocking their code?” Everyone is unique, so their nutritional blueprint is unique as well. If they could be armed with the information to naturally heal themselves with foods their body responds to best, they would live much more satisfying, energetic lives. No more brain fog, fatigue or physiological distress, and much more energy, zest and overall well-being! What should people know about your role as a Functional Nutritionist? I’ve fused holistic nutrition and functional medicine principles within my practice at Organic MediZen, which allows me to create a superior integrative experience for my clients. Another big drawing card for people is that I scientifically evaluate each of my clients through assessments and lab work. But by also taking a holistic viewpoint, I consider the unseen or the abstract, like energy and stress levels. During client sessions, I’ll discuss mindset and stress and how that ties in with their health issues. A lot of healers credit a particular experience that set them on the healing path. Did you? I had a near-death experience in my early 20s. It all started with what I initially thought and hoped was just a urinary tract infection. The doctor seemed to believe it was also a UTI and was about to send me off with a prescription for antibiotics, despite the rising suspicion that it could be something graver. Hesitantly, the doctor mentioned that she could always order an X-ray, just in case. Something in that moment told me what my choice needed to be, so I said let’s do it now. What did they find? Apparently, my kidneys were swelling and on the verge of rupture. I have doubt that 8

by Maritza Worthington

all the junk food, alcohol and coffee I was consuming had contributed to it. Add onto that all the emotional stress and trauma I hadn’t emotionally processed, and something was bound to go wrong. I immediately had emergency surgery. How long was your recovery? Six months. It gave me a lot of time to reflect and process how I had been living my life up until that point, which was quite unconsciously. During my recovery, I took up meditation as a serious practice and absorbed all I could about nutrition and healing so that I could someday help other people—other souls—heal themselves before it’s too late. This has now become my life’s work and purpose. Maritza Worthington can be contacted at Organic MediZen for an appointment at (562) 237-4892, organicmedizen@ gmail.com or www.organicmedizen.com

September/October 2017



Push My Buttons!

by Donna Bond M.A. ©

Triggers Show Our Outer Experience Mirrors Our Inner Reality In Spiritual Psychology, we operate with the premise that ALL of life is for our growth, learning and upliftment and we are constantly being given opportunities for our own inner expansion and growth. One of my favorite principles of Spiritual Psychology is that “outer experience is a reflection of inner reality.” In other words, all of life is mirroring back to us material within our own consciousness. The healing opportunity in this is that when we find our buttons being pushed, it’s a clear sign that the opportunity for healing is present. Most people find this unpleasant, of course. Actually, it’s our ego that doesn’t like it (our soul knows this as truth). Actually, some of you are likely triggered simply by reading this sentence. The main reason our ego doesn’t like this idea is our ego likes to be right, and this idea forces us to take 100% responsibility for our It’s an opportunity to become more aware of how you treat yourself. How are you “with” yourself?

life and everything that’s happening in it. The ego is really good at playing the blame game and not wanting to take 100% responsibility, so this is one of the more challenging growth concepts to work with. The best way to understand this idea is to look at it in the positive. Our ego can “try this on” in an easier way. When you see someone you are inspired by, you feel uplifted and enthusiastic, right? You may even feel touched emotionally and have feelings of love and admiration toward the person. It’s easy for you to quickly recognize all the amazing qualities and attributes this person is reflecting to you. The reason? You have within you the same qualities and traits you’re inspired by in the other person. If you didn’t have them, you wouldn’t even be able to recognize them. 10

On the flip side (and this is where the opportunity for healing exists), is when someone pushes your buttons giving you a negative emotional response to their actions or behaviors, it’s likely you’re demonstrating this same type of action or behavior WITH YOURSELF. A key here is that it’s an opportunity to become more aware of how you treat yourself. How are you “with” yourself? When you are triggered, the other person is simply acting as a mirror in your movie. This “upset” is a key to uncovering how you are being with yourself, and a clue to healing that part of yourself. For instance: • If you’re emotionally charged by those who refuse to cooperate, what you may actually be dealing with is your own reluctance to cooperate with some aspect of yourself! • Do you get particularly fired up by betrayal? It could be good to ask yourself if you have a tendency of abandoning yourself

September/October 2017

• If you’re judgmental about how hard the boss is driving the team, turn the mirror toward yourself and inquire within as to how hard you are on yourself Let’s look deeper at a popular example; criticism from a parent. When your parents are critical of you, you might have a strong negative response. My own mother sometimes will try to be helpful in what seems like a clumsy way when she comments that about how she liked my hair better longer and whether I’ve put on a few pounds. Now if I allow the trigger to “fire” up my psyche, I’ll get a rush of “my mother doesn’t approve of the way I look” and therefore “she doesn’t approve of me.” A completely disempowering train of thought! The good news is that this kind of automatic judgement – or automatic programming – is not our natural state. It was inherited. Can it be reprogrammed? A resounding yes! Where do we start? With the judgments we have of others, because they are really judgements we have of ourselves! We needn’t even feel bad about having them, because they are the key, or the roadmap, to freeing ourselves of these judgements that are blocking the abundance the universe has to offer. If I let my mother’s good intentions (and maybe even some programming she inherited) to ruin my day with a deep feeling of “I’m not good enough,” this can expand into other areas of not accepting myself. The path to healing this is to move into that loving place in our hearts and bring that love to the places inside that are in pain, something I help facilitate with many of my clients. To be able to move into that space of compassion and gentleness for ourselves is a courageous and heart-centered way of being. Is this difficult to do? It depends on your level of commitment to living a life with this kind of freedom. Some people find it challenging to be “in the blender” (work, home life, children, etc.), where they tend to Where do we start? With the judgments we have of others, because they are really judgements we have of ourselves!

get caught up in the drama that’s fueled by emotion. This produces a tendency to react, rather than taking a moment to elegantly craft a response to a given situation. This is all perfect, of course, because it’s a sure sign that “school is in session” and a healing opportunity is being presented. When you can take the seat of the observer and step back from the blender to see the upset apart from yourself instead of being “in it,” you can use the tools of Spiritual Psychology to generate a meaningful inner inquiry. One of my clients recently found herself falling down and hurting herself repeatedly. Her home assignment was to reflect on the inquiry, “How am I constantly beating myself up?” which yielded valuable results in her healing. From the soul’s perspective, everyone is on their own path. We are all given perfectly designed experiences that present us with the opportunities to learn the lessons we took embodiment to learn. Remember, the soul does not make judgements about what is right or wrong, good or bad. Only our ego does because it lives in a world of duality. The soul is here, embodied on planet Earth, for the experience only. We sometimes forget we are divine Spiritual Beings having a human experience. The higher we raise our consciousness the more we naturally reside in the loving that we are. Our soul essence is pure divine love. The unresolved issues you carry with you are what blocks you from knowing the love that you are. Your judgements are the keys to unlocking and dissolving these issues within you. The more you can free yourself from your unresolved issues and move out of judgement into acceptance, the 11


In summary, I must come back to All of Life is for Learning. You are given the chance for healing each time you find yourself in upset. When someone pushes your buttons it’s the perfect opportunity for healing and self-reflection. Your life is an out-picturing of what you have going on inside of you. The quality of your relationships with others is a direct mirror to the relationship you have with yourself. Bringing your conscious awareness to the idea that “outer experience is a reflection of inner reality” has several benefits. The first is to recognize when you find yourself in upset and emotional reactivity, this is an opportunity for your healing. It allows you to use your life as a feedback mechanism for your emotional healing by releasing conditioned patterns within your psyche. It gives you the opportunity to move into higher quality emotions such as empathy and acceptance for yourself and others. Your life then becomes a platform by which you can empower yourself by accepting 100% responsibility for everything that is happening. By taking dominion over your own consciousness in this way you heal yourself and in turn, heal the world. © Donna Bond more you will naturally rise upward on what Dr. David Hawkins calls “The Scale of Consciousness.” This scale measured the vibratory frequency of all emotions and proved (through kinesiology) that emotions of love, joy and peace vibrate at a much higher level than emotions of shame, guilt or hate. When we are walking around in the world being triggered the natural byproduct of that is that we feel bad. This occurs on all levels: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. When we reside in the love that we are, we feel great.

This is the incentive to do the work to heal our unresolved issues.

As a professional life and business coach, spiritual

Through your willingness to accept that these emotions are how you are treating yourself, gives us the opportunity

of consciousness. Assisting individuals and

advisor and inspirational speaker, Donna Bond’s work centers on serving individual transformation businesses to live into the full potential of their lives, from the inside out. Donna offers inspiring

When someone pushes your buttons it’s the perfect opportunity for healing and self-reflection

workshops and transformative in-depth coaching programs to assist clients across the globe achieve new heights of meaningful success, personal fulfillment and Spiritual aliveness. Contact Donna at: 949-573-7708 donna@

to move into compassion and forgive yourself for making the judgement in the first place. It’s a truly beautiful thing.


donnabond.com and www.donnabond.com

September/October 2017



The New 21st Century Free to Choose, Woman is Free Free to Be When I set out to free women from the constraints society puts on them and divine their own power, I knew I had to show how much they were responsible for holding onto these constrictive and even enslaving societal ideals. It’s not our fault we fell under this spell, like when we were learning how to dress to earn their approval— particularly of the men, some of whom thought we weren’t smiling enough!?—we simply weren’t awake when we were coming up in the tribe. In that patriarchal system, we had to be careful not to overstep our bounds. They didn’t yet understand the value a woman could bring to the conference room or to leadership roles. They couldn’t make allowances for women needing to leave early to pick up their children, or to take a pregnancy leave to give birth to them in the first place. And when she spoke up, she was unfairly chastised for being shrill, whereas her male counterparts were deemed aggressive at worst, ambitious at best.

When someone pushes your buttons it’s the perfect opportunity

by Patricia Garza Pinto

of us will stay quiet when someone else is being abused. When we wake up to our power—our divine power—we’re no longer in people-pleasing survival mode. We know we’re connected to something bigger than any society tribe—we’re connected to the All, and we draw power from that and shine a light for others. Now when we smile, it’s for us. Patricia Garza Pinto is Founder of the Divine Your Power – Health and Wellness for the 21st Century training and coaching program. Divine Your Power is designed to empower women by raising their life force energy through a combination of daily rituals which integrate breath work, energy balancing, health, diet and fitness activities. She can be reached at 949-422-1168 or divineyourpower.com.

Deep Movement / Enhanced Energy / Conscious Eating

for healing and self-reflection

But there’s been a shift in the cosmos. As we fully move from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age, a surge of the Sacred Feminine to balance the Sacred Masculine is (finally!) taking place. More women are running countries. More women are running large companies and starting small businesses. More women are graduating college than men in the U.S., and women can now legally drive in Saudi Arabia. And then there’s the Harvey syndrome. I’m writing this directly in the wake of a phenomena where a man’s name has become a symbol for sexual harassment, sexual abuse and more. A man in power abused his position by threatening the livelihoods of scores of women while traumatizing them mentally and emotionally. A few ripples caused a tsunami of support from women all over the world who used social media to declare that they too were affected by sexual harassment or worse. The sheer number of “Me too” responses showed incredible solidarity and signaled an important change in whether any 14

patriciawholistic@gmail.com www.divineyourpower.com 949.422.1168

September/October 2017

How to Rock Your Holistic Business The Single Key to Attracting Clients As a university professor who teaches classes in Leadership, Marketing, Entrepreneurialism, Event Planning and Customer Service, I am exposed to many holistic practitioners and in awe of the power and passion with which they want to make a difference in the world. I also see the biggest reason many are not succeeding: it’s in the way they talk about what they do. The practitioner will frequently lean on their certifications and acronyms, unintentionally overwhelming the person with the details of their practice the names of their teachers they trained under. Not only is this not motivating, but it ends up undervaluing their offerings.

by Wendy L. Yost

All during a conversation that feels—and is—completely authentic and natural. I encourage you to experiment with this approach with a trusted friend. You might open with something like, “I am trying to come up with a good way to explain what I do to others who might not be familiar with my products/services. Can I share what I am thinking of and have you tell me what you liked and what you’re left wanting more of?” Don’t worry about saying it perfectly—just share the experience and see what they offer in response–then repeat the process with others, folding in useful feedback as you go. Eventually, greater ease will accompany sharing your products/services with others. And, people are far more likely to pass along your passion for helping people and your stories than they are your credentials.

People are far more likely to pass along your passion for helping people and your stories than they are your credentials

Fortunately, it’s entirely reversible. Over the last decade, I’ve coached many clients through this very issue while they made the big move from side hobby to a revenue-generating business. I invite you grab a piece of paper and make two lists: • Ten Magical Memories from Being Engaged in the Work I Do • Ten Great Things About Getting to Do the Work I Do You’ll already feel something shift by completing the lists. Next, take a few moments and imagine sharing the value you provide through the stories you recount. See it play in your mind. They can feel the joy for themselves through the other person’s perspective and in the way you’re expressing it!

Wendy L. Yost combines spiritual and practical principles to help people generate desired results. For excerpts from two related workshops, A Different Take on Marketing Your Holistic Practice and Courageous Conversations Around Money for Small Business Owners, visit: www.moreisavailable. com/nov2017radiance and for details about Intuitive Coaching or upcoming events in Los Angeles, including her monthly Co-Ed Moon Circle Gatherings, visit or call www.moreisavailable.com or (818) 660-MORE.



Brewing Water with the Highest Spiritual Integrity Infused to give you the highest energy on the planet Einar Haver and Wennifer Lin-Haver are the wifeand-husband co-founders of The Water Brewery, with two locations in Costa Mesa where they offer water with the highest integrity and a biodynamic kitchen with a tantalizing and healthy menu. – Editor Judging from your logo, there seems to be a sacred feminine aspect to The Water Brewery. Wennifer: Traditionally in ancient European, Asian and Middle Eastern cultures, women were the brewers. They were the ones who would transform the waters that may have been polluted into something that’s drinkable and nourishing. All of my studies and my graduate work centered around eco-feminism, eco-mothering, a strong sense of the sacred feminine. It’s not so much a gender thing as it is an embracing of the nurturing qualities and finding balance. You bring that to the cleansing of the water? Wennifer: For me, it’s like the lotus that grows from the mud to become a beautiful, radiant, white flower that’s so mystical and

amazing. This is what we’re doing to the polluted waters of Orange County and L.A. What’s coming out of the tap is really not drinkable. Einar: I come from Norway where there is an abundance of fresh water everywhere. You could always find it. Lead, cadmium, and fluoride are commonly found in our local drinking water now. For me, it’s like the lotus that grows from the mud to become a beautiful, radiant, white flower that’s so mystical and amazing. This is what we’re doing to the polluted waters of Orange County and L.A.

Prescription medicines are also coming through. Einar: Yes, and, maybe more importantly, the emotions that result from those pills transfer to the water as well, the vibrational aspect. That’s where we come in. First, we clean the water physical, getting rid of the toxins. Then we clean it vibrationally. That’s quite unique. How do you clean the water vibrationally? Einar: Yes, it is not common. After our A.M.O.R.E. process, we have a totally new inner structure in the water. That has to be held by something. Just like in a house, you need beams in the ceiling to hold the structure of the house. If not, it will collapse. And so it is with water: it needs minerals to hold the new structure. Minerals support it? Einar: Yes, minerals are like the corner beams that support the house. And if you drink water without the minerals? Einar: Then it’s empty water, which will actually take from the body instead of nourishing it. So we add a dosage that will nourish the body, but not enough for a therapeutic dosage that doesn’t taste as good. Why is that? Wennifer: There’s a daily water and there’s a therapeutic water for someone actively healing from illness.


September/October 2017

That’s a different level, which requires a separate dosage that may be a lot more intense-tasting. The minerals we put in are broad spectrum: over 70 ocean trace-electrolyte minerals that are naturally occurring and our bodies thrive on, when we get them! Most waters that say they’re mineralized only have four minerals. It’s a huge difference. Broad spectrum, for us, is very important for keeping the integrity of the water, keeping it as nature intended it. Einar: Depending on your needs, we have Aquae A.M.O.R.E. water, Aquae Mineral, Aquae Alkaline, Aquae Basic—all of these are everyday waters for all uses. We also have therapeutic water that is charged “through the roof” and beyond, energetically speaking. For instance, A.M.O.R.E. stands for alkalinized, mineralized, oxygenated, restructured and energized water. There are 300 checkpoints for this water. It’s infused with the sun, moon and earth frequencies through a proprietary process. There is a divine masculine and divine feminine vortex. Then it’s exposed to the violet flame, one of the most healing energies on the planet, which is inspired by St. Germain. Before it comes out of the machine, it goes through an egg-shaped structure. Why egg-shaped? Einar: The egg shape is a perfect vessel for storage of liquids because it creates movement even when it’s standing still. That’s why we have a 177-gallon egg-shaped tank here.

Sounds like A.M.O.R.E. is a rigorous system for cleansing water. Does the acronym imply love is part of the equation? Einar: Yes, we bring love back to the water with sounds, with words, even writing love on a piece of paper and attaching it to the tank. People who understand energy know that provides loving vibrations. We also use proprietary devices that harness the etheric energy field of the earth, which increases the amplitude of the wavelength of the water. The more you implode or charge the water, the closer it comes to the spirit realms. When you encapsulate that kind of energy with such a high vibration inside of a vessel, then it works like a cosmic antenna from the earth ether, which is connected to the earth’s emotional plane, mental plane and spiritual plane. The higher up you come and the more you tap into the finer subtleties of nature, the more we can erase any negative memory pattern in the water and in ourselves. You bring incredible integrity and passion to every part of the process. Wennifer: We also let our crew know to clear themselves before they even step in the door. We let them know that what they’re doing is a service and it’s also an act of sacredness because we treat our water in a very sacred manner. So we tend to be very protective of it and manage the energy around it because water has the ability to absorb and imprint itself according to what’s around it. We’re very careful about who we choose to tend to the water. They need to have that positive resonance to the level of integrity we’re creating for our community through water.

We, at The Water Brewery, believe that it is our birthright to collectively have access to uncensored knowledge, nourishing foods, and potent waters, regardless of manmade boundaries, prohibitions, and dogmas. Come visit us at The Water Brewery #1 | Urban Well & Superfood Supplements 545 W. 18th St. (Suite C) Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 6504505 or at The Water Brewery #2 | Urban Well & Superfood Supplements + Organic Kitchen & Elixir Bar 1125 Victoria S (Suite A) Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (714) 499-9977.


Alkalize Mineralize Oxygenate Restructure Energize Offering high potency, love-infused Aquae A.M.O.R.E™ water, plus a focused array of superfood supplements, raw gourmet treats and eco-living goods.




Heal Thyself Try This Purification Protocol In my daily encounters with people, especially when I start to describe what I do as a transformational specialist...well, let’s say, sometimes it gets interesting. I am often somewhat baffled that so many people cannot comprehend that self-healing exists and that energy science is real. We seem to be so conditioned to just take a pill for our problems and are resigned to accepting the side effects we know about and the ones we don’t. I tell them, “You do not have to suffer like this,” but it often doesn’t register. Sometimes they talk about their discomfort, their diseases, their conditions and problems and seem very attached to their suffering, like it defines them as part of their identity. It’s true we’re creatures of habit—and I often prescribe this [protocol] for my clients so they can continue their healing process while staying in the high vibration I have them in after our sessions

disease and dysfunction are simply habits. We get into the habit of feeling bad and used to the pay-offs it brings us. Habits can be deprogrammed and new habits can be built in their place. It seems we’ve been carefully programmed with the current matrix and anything outside of the matrix just doesn’t seem to compute for us. We really need to get beyond this system of programming we’re suffering under so we can take advantage of the “out of the box” systems that really work to get beyond the matrix. I’d like to give you a protocol right now a wellknown minister of a large new age church insisted I put in my next article. I often prescribe this for my clients so they can continue their healing process while staying in the high vibration I have them in after our sessions. This is a purification protocol: Take a bucket or bowl (one that you will not use for anything else), fill it with 3-4 inches of hot water and about 1/2 cup of salt so it will mimic sea water. Keep it nearby. 18

by Leilani

Sitting up with a straight spine, make a fist with your left hand and push it into the palm of your right hand and vice versa. This will open your hand chakras. Then, still sitting up, relax into a meditative state. Imagine the dirty energy, negative thoughts, emotions and programming leaving you through your hand chakras into the salt water. Do this daily and, after a week, flush the salt water down the toilet and say “Om” three times while waving your right hand over the toilet to cleanse it. You can make a new batch of salt water the next week and cleanse even more negative energy, patterns and programming. Just flush it away. Why don’t you give it a try for a few days and see how you feel. It’s worked wonders with my clients. I’d love to hear about your results Call: (480) 586-5804. Leilani, Transformation Specialist

September/October 2017

Why Astrology Works “Know Thyself” and Laugh at the Rest Let me start by saying I don’t know if all intuitive astrologists work like this but I do, and it works out very nicely for those clients who call me or come to see me for a reading. I read for people and I also teach. I show people how to use the information that comes through me so they can be empowered moving forward. It’s much more than a reading. After all, we’re in an age of awakening, the quickening, the intuitive understanding, insight, light of knowledge. People feel it and are responding to it. They want to know themselves better so they can navigate their path with more clarity and, yes, joy. While it’s true that the lines in your hands say a lot and the date of your birth says a lot, astrology is a complex subject. In the right hands, it provides answers to the Socrates/Plato/Pythagoras statement to “Know Thyself.”

by TeriLynn Cansee

appreciation, lack of confidence, etc. Then you can go back to that place mentally and emotionally to reset the “you” you are now building. I leave you with this: in this moment of wakefulness you’re undoubtedly experiencing, enjoy the refreshing freedom of knowing you can choose your thoughts. They can pop like popcorn kernels but that doesn’t mean you have to eat them. Be detached from them. Marvel at their desperation to be acknowledged; you may even become laughable now because you don’t take them seriously anymore. Now choose the ones to act on all the more wisely. Love and light. TeriLynn Cansee is an internationally known psychic who’s honed her paranormal talents to provide her clients with the most precise and profound readings possible. For a scintillating phone reading with Teri Lynn, call her at 1-800251-3754 or contact her online at www.terilynncanseeoftlc. com. You can also email her at: tlc.associates08@verizon.net

To truly get a sense of Thyself, you need to “tune in.” I can help you do that. It’s no different than when you learned to walk, talk, read and understand life; this is something we can learn to do. So when I read for someone, I not only give them information, I teach them about how to know themselves. For instance, some people come to me either selfabsorbed, self-satisfied, self-destructive or self-sabotaging. Do you see the pattern? “Self” is the starting point, and the manner in which you allow the self to be pampered or abused is through your thoughts, which result in feelings of anger or joy, etc. Everyone knows we inherited our hair color, eye color, body type and the rest of our DNA from our parents. Now, more and more people are learning we inherited our mental, emotional and spiritual natures, even our karma, unconsciously from our family and all of it is heavily influenced by friends, lifestyle and choices. Thoughts make the life, folks. What does this mean? That until you wake up, you’ll keep running with the same thoughts and life that were given to you without your knowledge. Time to change the conversation, agreed? A key, here, is to recognize how long you’ve been “feeding your thoughts” with lack of worth, lack of 19


Dating a Conscious Man First of All, Where Are They? I’m constantly asked, “Why aren’t you dating anyone?” Lovely question, right? First of all, I am so in love with myself and centered in my own self-worth, I don’t feel a driving need to go out looking for a partner. If I did, I would only find “needy” in return. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want one. The right relationship can provide support, growth and lots of love, both giving and receiving. Sign me up! Romance feeds our ego, but intimacy feeds our soul

But I think we can honestly say that it’s challenging to connect with a like-minded man. Do they even exist? Are we looking in the right places? Apps like “Tinder,” “Bumble” and “Coffee Meets Bagel” are all about the outer shell (and usually filtered at that). They can feed the ego or hurt it, and there’s no organic connection. Why would a conscious woman use a nonconscious method to find a match? Face-to-face is the only way for me; energy-to-energy. Which begs the question… where do I find a conscious face to get energetic with? People say we’ll find them while doing the things we enjoy. But what happens when we walk into yoga class? We see 99% women! Breath workshop, same thing. Meditation class, sound healing retreats, spirit fairs—not a single conscious dude to be found. But they’re everywhere else, so I invite you to embrace what I’m about to say: we’re going to change our thoughts and emotions to attract the kind of partner we want; the kind who is learning to balance the Sacred Feminine with the Sacred Masculine and who wouldn’t mind an assist from us to connect even deeper. How? What vibration should we cultivate to replace the fairy tale? One that encourages heart-to-heart/soulful intimacy over romance. Remember, romance feeds our ego but intimacy feeds our soul. There are a couple things we can do to let him know it’s safe to be intimate without 20

by Anasia Klang

being sexual. For instance: • Conscious eye-gazing; after a minute or so, openly share the thoughts that occurred for each of you • Hand and foot massage (non-erotic—you can do it!) • Baring and sharing emotions before anything else • Share your Why (why you do what you do, your passion; then see if there’s any intersection) • Encourage playfulness (dance in the rain, be silly in public together; this helps release fear of judgment) as it comes naturally for both; not something to be pushed to prove he’s not fun So, maybe it’s less about finding a conscious man and more about letting a man BE conscious and vulnerable and real, which can start with who we are attracting. We had the power all along.

Shamanic healing Sound healing Guided meditation Chakra balancing Intuitive massage My name is Anasia. I am a Full Mesa carrier Shaman in the Q'uero Shaman traditions of Peru. My intention is to connect to your highest self and create a safe space for healing, releasing, and embracing the infinite potential in all of us.

www.shamamamatherapy.com info.shamamama@gmail.com (714) 975-0119

September/October 2017

Are There Single, Conscious Men Available? More thoughts… I’m looking for love! I’m really excited. I’m using MeetMindful.com which has categories the other sites don’t have. I like that they’re being vetted.

Creating community where men feel comfortable is important. As the feminine rises, we need to lift our brothers, invite them in and nurture them. We can also ask of them: quit being dicks. Encourage them to turn to their hearts by meditation and connect with other spiritually-minded men. Men are finding their way, and it’s beautiful to see.

– Michele Amburgey

– Gaby Brown What’s essential is finding a partner who acknowledges they have healing to do and are pursuing it, whether through meditation, prayer, talk therapy or energy work.”

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” - Rumi

My sense is that women tend to experience spirituality more publicly, while men may use their Sunday golf game to commune with nature, experience camaraderie and reflect on their life.

I think there are plenty of conscious men, but a lot of us spiritual types can fall into the trap of being “more spiritual than thou,” or we take an attitude of “I’m enlightened, and you’re not” which puts out a vibration that is not enlightened. I know the feeling of wanting to be understood and honored for the way I view the world on this path—I get it. But we shouldn’t try to force someone into our belief system. If what you want is to be loved and supported on your spiritual journey, then it’s important to do the same for them, whatever journey they’re on.

In society we’re taught there’s strength in mind, and that’s masculine. The heart is “weak,” which is feminine. But really there’s masculine and feminine in the heart, and masculine and feminine in the mind. We share a whole lot more than society would have us believe.

– Janna Colaco

– Suzanne McQueen

– Stacy Pendleton




The Toxins in Our Body Need to Go Eliminate Heavy Metals, Free Radicals and Radiation for Better Health Babry Oren is the CEO of Folium pX, a natural supplement that detoxifies the body, and is passionate about ridding people’s bodies of the heavy metals and radiation that are more and more prevalent in today’s industrialized world. –Editor

and inadequate filtration. We’re also talking about free radicals and radiation. There are many toxins in the body that negatively affect us on a daily basis. You can’t escape a lot of it. You can’t stop progress. Global warming is having an adverse effect as well.

When would someone want to take Folium pX? Certainly when someone is getting sick at any level, but preventatively is important as well. The environment we live in on a global level is very polluted. The air is polluted, the water and the food. Pesticides and fertilizers are out of control. That’s what we all have in common. You can get organic food, but you can’t get organic air. You can’t get organic water or anything close to it without high quality procedures. Still, it’s not filtered water that the fruits and vegetables are absorbing as they grow. It’s mostly polluted water. We’re poisoned by the air and the water, and Folium pX can rid your body of the heavy-metal toxins that accumulate as well as the radiation.

So people first need to be aware. Yes, be aware and take care of yourself. We have created a product that’s 100% natural that rids the body of radiation, heavy metals and other toxins with no known side effects. It’s completely natural. So when you’re aware that these harmful toxins are in the food, in the water, in the air, you can use preventative measures and take it before you develop kidney disease, liver disease or any other major disease. You have the right to be healthy and, conversely, you have the right to be unhealthy. You have the right to understand how much of these toxins are in your food, and you have the right to stay ignorant of it, too.

You’re talking about the mercury in tuna, for instance. Heavy metals are also in our drinking water. They come from many sources, like prescription drugs

Other products claim to do the same thing as Folium pX. How is your product different? Our tests are documented and proven to work scientifically and clinically on humans. Any time the U.S. government wants to take a look at that type of proof, we show them. Pharmaceutical companies synthesize chemicals to try to help this condition, but then We have created a product that’s 100% natural that rids the body of radiation, heavy metals and other toxins with no known side effects

you can have side effects and no one wants that. Besides mercury, what other toxic heavy metals are inside of us? Every single toxic and heavy metal that the soil has, unfortunately. Among them are uranium, barium, lead, cadmium and mercury in alarming doses. Even in 22

September/October 2017

a plant-based diet. Before Folium pX, it was frustrating because, if you know they’re in your food, water and air, it’s difficult to control their intake into your body. They’ve got to come out. How many capsules should people take? You want to take one capsule three times a day 30 minutes before a meal. Can children take it? Absolutely. We have a very high success rate with children. What else does it do? It supports the immune system, which is obviously important. But it also reduces emotional Heavy metals are also in our drinking water. They come from many sources, like prescription drugs and inadequate filtration. We’re also talking about free radicals and radiation

and physical stress on the body. It has also helped people eliminate hemorrhoids and reduced high blood pressure. How long does it take to get results? After only 30 days, hair sample tests show that the level of toxic metals decreases significantly. People also noticed slight differences in their urine and feces that showed Folium pX was having the proper effect. From 41% to 100% reduction of excess metals is the norm. Also, the tests showed that below-normal levels of essential minerals, the type of metals we need for our optimal health, were brought up to normal levels. It also gives people more energy? Yes, more energy, clearer thinking and overall feeling better.

How else has it helped people? A disaster-response member of the American Red Cross came to us with a testimonial after being exposed to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. He said he was pretty sure the whole area was extremely contaminated from molds to a questionable water supply. The water situation was so bad they were advised to not take showers for at least a week after he arrived. There was a considerable amount of toxic materials around so he had a hair sample taken to see if he’d been exposed. What did it show? The first test showed high levels of uranium, radium and barium. His doctor recommended that he take Folium pX and to come back in a month for



another review of his system. In a month, the levels of toxins decreased to virtually nothing. He was surprised because he knew uranium was a particularly tough element for the body to eliminate. He was also pleased at the extra energy he felt and that many of his allergies went away. Wasn’t Folium pX used in the aftermath of Chernobyl? Yes, removing radioactive materials from their bodies had very favorable effects on those people. People who didn’t take it, by comparison, developed terrible health conditions. Today’s nuclear reactors are creating problems with leaks, and the wind is blowing the contaminated air around, causing more problems for us all. Many people get numb to the high potential of health risks, but you don’t have to. This simple capsule will combat the toxins. Today’s nuclear reactors are creating problems with leaks, and the wind is blowing the contaminated air around, causing more problems for us all

Other doctors have sung the praises of Folium pX. What are practitioners saying about it? One doctor points out that the problem with our environment loading up with so many chemicals and toxic elements lies with industry and the bad practices in food production. Toxic chemicals in pesticides get ingested by us. If they kill bugs, they may have a similar effect on us. Plus, it’s been said that all these toxins could be having a negative effect on the gene pool; it doesn’t just affect you and me, but our children and our children’s children as well. It’s being


passed on hereditarily, which means the human species is forever changed. What made you get into this business? I had health problems of my own, and Folium pX got rid of the heavy

metals and toxins in my body. When I met the manufacturers, I told them everyone should have this available to them and I immediately invested in the company. Where else is this being sold? In dozens of countries on all six continents. How is it purchased? By calling 855-foliumpx (855-3654867) or by going to foliumpx.com. What else would you like people to know about Folium pX? Get your own hair test done at a lab and find out what’s gotten into your body without your permission. If you understand that radiation, heavy metals and free radicals are bound to have negative health effects, you’ll want to do something about it now. Call us now and we’ll be happy to assist you with the test. Folium pX is safe, it has no known side effects and starts working right away. Then hair-test again in a month or two and see the difference for yourself. The only side effects are more energy and a stronger immune system. And there’s nothing adverse about that.

September/October 2017

DREAMING OF SPRING II, 18 x 11.5 inch acrylic on paper, by Katy Tackes www.SaatchiArt.com/KatyTackesArt Inspire.Us.8@gmail.com



Free at Last Hypnotherapy Clients Liberated from Anxiety and More

Experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist Janna Colaco shares her compassionate approach when working with clients in high anxiety and over-sensitivity. — Editor Why do people come to you? Wow, for anything from, “I want this headache to go away” to “Help me through this divorce.” Some want past-life regression or help with a fear of spiders. It could even be as nuts-and-bolts as “I can’t find the car keys” to quitting smoking or drinking, or losing weight. What is your approach? I work within their personal belief system so, if they aren’t spiritual, that’s fine; we’ll do what’s right for them. If they’re open to more, I can do more, like incorporating Reiki with the hypnosis. I’m claircognizant and I channel. This might sound crazy, but when I’m in a session, I have memories from other lives of being a healer and tap into that wisdom as well. Love is what opens the door for me to know what to say. And the hypnotherapy process is such a powerful tool in its own right. People have a lot of anxiety these days. Yes, people come in with worry or relationship break-ups or financial crisis or retirement or empty nest concerns or divorce or a health problem, and sensitive people seem to suffer the It’s always the nicest, sweetest, most openhearted ones who end up being thrown under the bus the hardest by life. Acutely sensitive people tend to accumulate more anxiety than the average bear, more fears

worst because their boundaries aren’t there. It’s always the nicest, sweetest, most openhearted ones who end 26

up being thrown under the bus the hardest by life. Acutely sensitive people tend to accumulate more anxiety than the average bear, more fears. They may get nervous driving, they’ll become uncomfortable in crowds because there’s just too much energy. How do you help them? I find out what triggers them. Being sensitive is good and bad. We want to keep them open to their intuitive abilities to empathically love and connect with people, but we don’t want them vulnerable to negative energy, too. The hypnotherapy process is like open-heart surgery; there’s healing, but we want what goes in to be sterilized, no germs allowed! We block the emotional impact of negative people and we block the client’s own negative self-talk that says, “I can’t” or “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not lovable” or “I’m not worthy” so they can feel better. Positive focus, positive results. How does hypnosis work? It provides access to the subconscious mind where memories, emotions and underlying assumptions are stored. So, logically, a person comes in knowing they’re over-stressing. But subconsciously they feel otherwise and they’re frustrated they can’t stop worrying. In hypnosis, we talk to the upset part and reassure that part of them with confidence and comfort. So they won’t get triggered as much? Right. If someone flips them off on the freeway, there won’t be all that negative emotion. Sensitive or empathic people are very hurt by that and it might even bring a tear to their eye. The rudeness goes in. But when you block it, they’re not triggered and they can maintain their higher vibrational level so that they can then send love and compassion to that person because, clearly, that driver is having a bad day. It won’t bring their own energy down. Janna Colaco, C.Ht., is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator practicing in downtown Fullerton. Janna has coached motivational transformation since 1986. She is a Healing Minister, NLP practitioner, Reiki Practitioner and Yoga Teacher. You can reach Janna at (714) 269-6908, jannacolaco@mac.com, and mechanicsofgrace.com.

September/October 2017

You’ll Love the Sound of This

Crystal Bowl Vibrations Heal from the Inside

Rosi Dotson brings a Panamanian influence to Crystal Bowl Healing Therapy. She offers sound baths in her Huntington Beach studio and wherever she is needed. — Editor

with nature to clean your vibration. Meditation, yoga and the foods you eat help you vibrate higher as well. The crystal bowls can remove all the “dust.”

How do you approach sound healing? I was attracted to it because of how it made me feel and I wanted people to have that feeling as well. After I got certified, I knew I wanted to incorporate different spiritualities into it, yoga, kundalini, Pradnya, Reiki and angel therapy. Many modalities, whatever is needed.

The dust? The “dust,” I call it. The stagnation, the bad energy. The crystal starts tuning you and the vibrations increase and you shake off the bad energy. This is really noticeable in a one-on-one session. As long as the person is open with me and they allow me to use my other skills as a spiritual coach to determine what we want to work on today. I ask how you feel, what’s happening in your life. Once I know this, I can set my intentions for healing. I put on some music and we begin.

Why is each bowl a different size and a different color? Each one is tuned to a specific chakra and each bowl carries the same tone and color as the chakra. Seven chakras, seven bowls.

Rosi Dotson is a Therapy Yoga Instructor and Crystal Bowl Sound Therapist. For group sessions or one-on-one, call (310) 897-4012.

What does the client experience? You lie down, take your glasses off and completely relax. Start doing some deep breathing. I will bring in some essential oils and scents, and turn on some music. I’m going to then ask God, your spiritual guides, the archangels, who are all here with us right now, I’m going to ask them to bring us the light to guide us. We’ll open the session with three notes. Each note will elevate you and will strengthen your divine connection. Can people come to you for this experience or do you go to them? If you’re giving a party, a wedding or almost any activity where you want to give your guests a special experience they will remember forever, I bring my bowls. If you want to give a treat to your significant other or friends, I come to you. Sometimes people want me to clean the aura of an area because the energy of the crystal vibration removes all the negativity and causes your own vibration to vibrate higher. Everything starts to move in here (gestures to her heart). As you know, when you vibrate higher, all the good things happen in your life. Do people come to you with depression? Yes, depression is helped and so is anxiety or any low-vibrating emotion like jealousy, worry or stress. The vibration is very low. You can also help resolve this by communing 27


Wellness Care You Know Better Than to Wait The idea that if you’re not sick, then you are healthy is absurd. As with anything, there are gradients to health and wellbeing and, since there really are no absolutes, in this physical universe, you can then deduce the following axiom: You can always improve and get better, giving your body the tools it needs to reveal your underlying natural state of optimal health. Wellness care enhances your life and pushes you towards your unlimited potential. The only restrictions or obstacles in regards to this would be how far you go with it. There are more and more advances in biohacking (a positive, d-i-y term that means learning about things for positive purposes), where you can discover how to help yourself. So, therefore, if you do your homework, you can improve your current state of health Whether it be ketosis, intermittent fasting, coldshock proteins, neurocognitive games or chiropractic, the potential for balanced health is out there. Yes, you read the last sentence correctly, I said chiropractic. I might be biased to this because it’s my profession, but I can tell you firsthand that chiropractic enhances your life and is the gift that keeps on giving. This is where body-builders come in. They get treated and then often see improvements in their lifts. When you enhance someone’s nervous system, you enhance that person’s overall ability to function. Coupled with nutrition, exercise and a proper wellness plan, you can achieve new When you enhance someone’s nervous system, you enhance that person’s overall ability to function. Coupled with nutrition, exercise and a proper wellness plan, you can achieve new levels of health

levels of health. This is your obligation to yourself because it puts you in control of your own destiny. With new things coming on the horizon, it’s a great time to be alive. Living can be more enjoyable with that 28

by Benjamin Horning, DC

extra energy or mental clarity. You owe it to yourself to live clean and healthy. By taking proper care of yourself, you’ll more easily reach your personal goals and better achieve success.

Benjamin Horning, DC, grew up holistically. He studied at the University of Maryland, receiving a degree in Agriculture and Resource Economics. He earned his chiropractic doctorate at Southern California University of Health Sciences in Whittier. Dr. Horning cares about restoring his patients’ health so they can flourish in all endeavors.

September/October 2017

Fierce Health Detectives for Women Hormones and Beyond

Women come to me for solutions, but first they want to know why I’m successful when many other health professionals have failed. First of all, my team and I look at the whole person. We understand that people are not made up of separate systems (brain, gut, cardiovascular, circulatory, digestive, reproductive) as the conventional medical establishment views us. We are comprised of interconnected systems. By looking below the surface of symptoms, we’re able to find the root causes of health problems. We don’t say, “It’s in your head” or “You’ll just have to live with it.” We are fierce health detectives who search until we find answers. Some women are told they’re “too young” to be perimenopausal with hot flashes, insomnia and moodiness, so no treatment is offered. We recognize that the perimenopause transition actually starts in the mid-30s, and our restorative treatments prevent a tremendous amount of suffering, loss of joy and even marriage break-ups. Menopausal women who lack vitality and energy are given renewed life with the programs at our center. We help women get back to feeling like themselves, and more so. We also address problems of excess estrogen, such as uterine fibroids, heavy menstrual bleeding and endometriosis. We know there are underlying problems that cause excess estrogen, which include poor diet and environmental pollutants that can prevent the body from staying hormonally balanced. Women who go through early menopause lose brain power and incur an increased risk of dementia. Women on estrogen look years younger as well because estrogen supports our skin and underlying collagen structures

The bad press hormones used to get has persisted somewhat. It started back when the Women’s Health Initiative used synthetic and animal-derived hormonal products on women, which caused a variety of health problems, increased breast cancer and strokes for starters. However, with the use of bioidentical hormones that are chemically identical to the ones your body produces, there

by Dr. Susan Sklar

is no increased risk. We are able to give hormones safely and without risk, and you get all the benefits. Hormones are like fertilizer for the beautiful flowers in your garden. They nourish our brains, arteries, bones and skin. Women who go through early menopause lose brain power and incur an increased risk of dementia. Women on estrogen look years younger as well because estrogen supports our skin and underlying collagen structures. We also specialize in autoimmune disease, gastrointestinal issues, and memory and cognition problems. We look at root causes, such as heavy metal and mold toxicity, viral infections and food sensitivities. We use cutting edge laboratory testing to evaluate and treat these illnesses. We believe in treating root causes for a permanent solution rather than treating symptoms on a long-term, chronic basis. We offer a free consultation to find out about your top health problems and to see if we have a solution for you. Our team is comprised of Susan Sklar, M.D., Nicole Daddona, N.D. specializing in herbal medicine, and Jessica Craig, a functional nutritionist and health coach who helps you implement our recommendations. Dr. Susan Sklar is an integrative functional medicine physician who became disillusioned by the current “sick care” system. After a full career as a conventionally practicing Obstetrician/ Gynecologist, she has found a new calling in restorative medicine that combines the best of modern science with ancient wisdom. She helps restore her patients’ health and vitality when conventional doctors have not. Sklar Center for Restorative Medicine is located in Long Beach, California and we can be reached at (562) 596-5196 or www.sklarcenter.com.

Fatigue, Depression, PMS or menopause problems? We can help. Call for a FREE CONSULTATION at (562) 596-5196. Renew Your Energy & Vitality Restore Your Hormones, Health and Happiness Sklar Center for Restorative Medicine 5000 E Spring St #402 Long Beach, CA 90815 29


The Mystic and the Physicist Welcome to the Age of Surprise Will Arntz, best known for directing the documentary “What the Bleep Do We Know” has teamed up with modern day mystic, poet and visionary leader in the ancient arts of the wisdom traditions Deirdre Hade to write a book called “The (not so) Little Book of Surprises” which offers a way for us to thrive in the changing times in which we live. They are embarking on a media tour dubbed “The Mystic and the Physicist” to share The Tao of Surprise. (They also happen to be married.) You say we are entering The Age of Surprise, which is an intriguing phrase. What do you mean by that? Deirdre: Will first came up with the name “The (not so) Little Book of Surprises” after he heard the information I received from the greater reality, which includes archangels, different prophets who have passed over and poets, and also from my own path of mysticism. He said it was so completely surprising. We both realized that no one has really addressed surprise and transformation in the spiritual journey. So we spent the last year studying “surprise.” It has the potential to be the most quantum, electrified, vast time of consciousness ever to have existed or it can be an age where we falter if we don’t embrace it with these tools

Surprise, as in being surprised by life or things that happen in life? Deirdre: Both. What we discovered is that all awakening, all enlightenment, all transformation, all “ah-has,” all 30

shifts of perception always come as a surprise. No matter how well-equipped a person is, surprise is present because it’s a new experience. And so, what do these surprises do to us? From the mystical side, I realized that when the surprise of transformation happens, there is a doorway to the soul, a doorway to a greater consciousness that opens up immense possibilities. And what if when that happens you had tools to keep the door open longer? To experience an “a-ha” or an experience of oneness. Everyone’s had these experiences, but then they shut back down and we try to figure out how to get back to that place. We knew we had to name “The Age of Surprise” and come up with tools for people to optimize their experience of it, because it has the potential to be the most quantum, electrified, vast time of consciousness ever to have existed or it can be an age where we falter if we don’t embrace it with these tools. So we shouldn’t be surprised at surprise. Deirdre: Correct. We should greet it and welcome it. We should have tools to work with it, so that even a painful surprise becomes a gateway for transformation. What are some of these tools we can use to harness the power of surprise? Deirdre: The first tool is to begin to become conscious of the number of surprises that happen during the day and then observe the reactions you have to them. When a car pulls in front of you on the freeway and we’re initially afraid, do you go to anger? Clarity? Confusion? Distraction? The first step is really to know thyself. What is the scientific aspect to this? Will: When a surprise hits, what happens is the brain produces a ton of dopamine, which increases the neuroplasticity in the brain. This is the brain’s ability to rewire itself. Normally our neural nets are stuck in certain patterns and habits, but when you all of a sudden have this new neuroplasticity, it’s much easier to rewire the brain. A

September/October 2017

physiological doorway opens in that moment of surprise where you can rewire your brain very easily. That sounds opportunity.






Will: Think about it evolutionarily when surprise happens: it could be you hear a crash in the woods. “Is that a grizzly bear coming for me?” You need to be able to process information very quickly, so you go into an altered state. The reason we want to know how we respond to surprise is because the instinct in surprise is to go into the emotional response and that may not be the wisest choice

People talk about being in a car accident and time slows down and almost stops, where two seconds seems like a half a year and your perceptions become 360. With regards to the grizzly bear, you need to know what to do in a fraction of a second. What do you do, climb a tree? Jump in the water? Who knows? You’re thrown into this expanded state biologically where all those factors create a doorway to an expanded awareness. It sounds like we’re thrown out of our minds in order to access our higher knowledge. Will: Yes, and our mind shifts from the frontal cortex where the decision making is—where the ego lives—to the center part, the more emotional part of the brain. It’s shifting your awareness right then and there—that’s the change in consciousness, that just happens. In the “Age of Surprise,” we say, “how can we use this?” Deirdre: The reason we want to know how we respond to surprise is because the instinct in surprise is to go into the emotional response and that may not be the wisest choice. So we recently had these massive surprises in the form of hurricanes. “What do you mean we have another hurricane? We just had a hurricane.” Surprises with how world leaders are acting. We thought we’d grown past the possibility of a thermonuclear war. Because these surprises are coming so fast, we’re experiencing an onslaught of stress because we’re just going into the emotional brain: anxiety, stress.

happening and we are just on automatic response to them and, therefore, losing an opportunity for tremendous growth. With surprise, you can either go into your fear and your flight and live there or you can use a tool to stay conscious and become wise, to experience grace, to experience union with all things, to ignite actions that will be beneficial to you and keep you from being paralyzed. Will: We talk about hurricanes and world leaders acting differently, the upsetting part of surprise, but we have to remember that our body organism and our spirit actually love surprise. In fact, all humor is based on surprise. A punchline is funny because it “whacks” you—you don’t even see it coming. When it “hits” you, you just laugh because that’s the natural response. Laughter increases neuroplasticity, by the way. Look at the surprise birthday party, which is another enjoyable surprise. The body loves it; it gets flooded with dopamine, all the lights get brighter. “Yahoo, I just won the lottery!” That’s part of it, too. What should people do to be prepared to maximize the surprises they will experience in life? Deirdre: For the happy surprise, go with it. Really experience it. Then, while you’re experiencing this state of increased neuro-plasticity—when you’re laughing and enjoying it—repeat an inner affirmation. Repeat a sentence that will help you change a pattern in your life. Just say it to yourself because your brain can more easily absorb that new affirmation. This is the moment to capture. I can see how that would work. What about when a scary or painful surprise happens? Deirdre: You want to be prepared. In your meditation,

Are we resisting dealing with it? Deirdre: We are asleep in the fact that these surprises are 31


You’re going to tell yourself to go right up to your core value. When you do that, you automatically access wisdom and access to transformation

have a contemplation where you go deep and ask yourself, “What is my core value? This is who I am. This is what I believe in.” It’s a virtue. “This is me on my best day. How I see the world when I’m really awake.” For me, I came up with a core value of love. But what about on a bad day? “To love no matter what!” I was determined to commit to this and not just float around in my unconscious mind, far away. I wanted this thought to be front-and-center at all times. I could write it down, put it on the refrigerator, say it many times a day. Get it to where it’s running through you all the time.

horrible, and we’d been traveling. We were tired, and in that moment of all those surprises piling up, one after another, I watched myself begin to go into the old “me,” the way I would ordinarily react, to get angry. And I didn’t. I reminded myself of my core value and I just started repeating my mantra, “love, love, love.” My entire anxiety around this just evaporated. Will: Not only that, but everyone we interacted with were so nice! Deirdre: That’s the other thing—they noticed! Because of the neuro-plasticity from saying the mantra, my heart was just so open that every person we met felt like we were their best friend. They were like, “Oh my God, it’s so good to see you!” It was remarkable.

What happens then? Deirdre: Two things: your consciousness will shift. Two, when a surprise comes with your new preparedness, instead of going into those emotions and closing down, you’re going to tell yourself to go right up to your core value. When you do that, you automatically access wisdom and access to transformation. Automatically! That’s what we must have now in the “Age of Surprise.” When I access “to love no matter what,” that opens me up to the natural law of Virtue, which is God. That’s when miracles happen, that’s when grace happens, when you rise above the things you can do. That’s when your superpower stuff comes. You have access to it. Do you have an example of when this worked for you? Will: Yes, we were at the Seattle Airport recently and everything went wrong. Our TV interview got cancelled, we didn’t have a flight all of a sudden. Deirdre (laughs): It was a day where everything went wrong. Will: A day of surprises. Deirdre: On top of that I had gotten the flu, I felt so 32

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September/October 2017

“Uriel” by Rev. Danielle Marie templeoflightoc.org



Potential Pitfalls of “Waking Up”

Why They Kneeled on a Football Field

In our interview, Rev. Danielle Hewitt brings her many years of spiritual study and practice to bear on some of the bigger current events that are galvanizing our country. — Editor You said something remarkable, that the increase in people getting offended by peaceful protests like football players kneeling during a football game’s national anthem or speakers on college campuses with political views opposite that of some students is an indication that people are “waking up” because being more offended, and even hurt, comes from being more sensitive to others, as opposed to lacking empathy. Imagine a child running with scissors. The child has grown to the point where they now have the dexterity to reach up and grab the scissors, but yet doesn’t have the wisdom in place to wield them safely. People are “waking up,” their sensitivities are expanding and they don’t know how to handle what’s happening to them. They’re like an adolescent who’s been given something they just don’t know how to use yet, like the car keys. It’s a very empowering way to look at all the frustration going on. When you wake up and your sensitivities expand, we used to call it ESP, extra-sensory perception. Although that’s an old word, it’s still a very valid phrase. The sensory perception we already have now comes with an extra layer to it. And it’s brand new. Think about an 18-year-old ready to go to college. What do they do their first year? They party, they make bad decisions. They haven’t yet figured out how to manage all that freedom. So, when we wake up, we have a period of time where it feels a little strange and different and even painful when we’re learning how to manage all this extra information. 34

by Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

What do you think of this current crop of college students? The students who are protesting are awake Indigos and Crystal Children who are feeling with a higher level of intensity the hate and fear coming from white supremacists. Before, we might just have been dismissive of them. Now, as they pick up on all the tense emotions they’re feeling, we’re really affected by it. It’s like the door’s been open and we’re seeing a much fuller spectrum. What we’re seeing is a little scary. You can say it’s like information overload. Before you thought certain political leaders had this much hate and now you see so much more and wonder, “Holy cow, what do I do with all this hate and fear I’m getting from them?” It’s overwhelming for the recipient because they haven’t learned yet how to wield all of that information and not have it penetrate them. What should they do with all this information and emotion? They have to first accept that this is occurring and then be open to getting educated on it. They could get a self-help book, they could take a course and find a teacher who can help them. They need to understand what’s happening to them because all of a sudden they’re feeling all this intense emotion coming at them and out of It’s overwhelming for the recipient because they haven’t learned yet how to wield all of that information and not have it penetrate them

them. Now let’s talk about the kneeling football player… First of all, if we understand that we came here by choice and even chose our parents and the type of life we’re going to lead, we can also understand that it would be older souls who would choose to incarnate as an African American in this climate. You would have to be very evolved to risk your entire football career, all of that criticism and negative

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attention, to kneel down and say something to the effect of, “I want everyone who’s watching this game to know I’m making a statement about Black Lives Matter, that there is an inordinate amount of blacks being killed by police compared to whites being killed by police. That everyone is equal.” It’s not that white lives don’t matter, but we know that they’re saying that’s there’s an energy out there that says “black lives matter less.” Maybe it would be better if they said, “black lives matter as much as everybody else’s lives.” The same with feminism, which also means equality. But some people persist in declaring it means that women should get more rights. Right. And all anybody is saying, whether you’re talking about feminism, racism, ageism, all the things that put some groups at a disadvantage, is that we all matter equally. Whether you’re Hispanic, Asian, MiddleEastern, black or white, everyone wants and deserves equality. But they’re so angry and they’re so hurt that they come at it with a very strong Affirmative-Action type of energy attempting to right things. When you have these football players who kneel down, they’re asking the world to acknowledge that things have not been okay before. And that that’s important now for everyone to accept so we can move forward. People are looking at him kneeling down and getting really triggered because they know, at a really deep level, he’s speaking the truth. He’s doing it peaceably and still people say isn’t the time or place. What is the time and place? No one will see him kneeling in his living room. People’s argument is, “You’re a paid employee of the NFL. This is not the place to be speaking about your personal agenda.” But don’t some actors and actresses stand on the stage at the Academy Awards and use that moment when they’ve got their Oscar in their hand to speak their truth? Of course they do. When someone can’t rebut the message, they attack the messenger, which can distract and distort the original message. Like how some people say that after gun violence occurs, that is not the time to talk about gun violence. Right, well when is the time? You have an audience, you have a moment. That is the perfect time. But people

don’t want to hear it so they will throw anything at it. It took a lot of courage for Colin Kaepernick to kneel down. I’d like to talk about a very difficult subject: how this all relates to what happened in Las Vegas. The President came out and said when you look at the shooter’s background, he had no prior record, he wasn’t a drug user, he had none of the typical profiles that would have led people to understand his motivations. It’s not that white lives don’t matter, but we know that they’re saying that’s there’s an energy out there that says “black lives matter less

I heard a frustrated pundit say, “We don’t know why we should hate him.” He wasn’t a typical terrorist, he wasn’t a PTSD veteran, he wasn’t a drug addict. No one can explain what made him snap unless you understand what happens as people are opening up to their sensitivities. What if he had woken up, had all this access to negative stuff, evil things were spoken to him, but he didn’t have the tools of awareness to know that it wasn’t his stuff? Strange things happen with people who are sensitive to energies. For instance, I will say something, it will come out of my mouth, and I’ll stop and pause and ask myself, “Who said that? That wasn’t coming from me.” Even someone who practices every day to prevent other people’s stuff from 35


getting in my field of reference, one or two will sneak in the backdoor if I’m tired or distracted. It’s about awareness. It makes me wonder about how many acts of violence or abuse or criminal activity really occur in a way where we would say the person is an evildoer or are they being subjected to evil thoughts that are around them, that have penetrated them that they don’t understand or even know are there? They don’t realize they’re being manipulated by a voice in their heads that isn’t theirs and don’t know how to stop it. We live in a stressful world. Housing prices are going up, unemployment is increasing to some degree, upsetting things are going on politically; the corruption. As a people, we need to pay more attention to those around us and not miss those small warning signs, not be so dismissive. This is a wake-up call to be aware of our stress levels, ours and others, and to not dismiss them. It’s a wake-up call to meditate, do yoga, He wasn’t a typical terrorist, he wasn’t a PTSD veteran, he wasn’t a drug addict. No one can explain what made him snap

set intentions, give ourselves the time we need for selfcare. In other words, to create better practices so we’re in balance and stay in balance. It takes maintenance. And to check in with our neighbors to see if they’re in balance. To restore personal awareness and community so no one ever feels alone.

Rev. Danielle’s life path and passion is to see holistic healers and seekers find their personal power, step into their life path and see for themselves the enlightened being that they truly are. Moving them through their human experience into one of empowerment and watching the ripple effect in our world is her greatest joy. She is an ordained minister, ThetaHealing™Master, Angel Therapy Practitioner®, Reiki practitioner, aromatherapy and crystal consultant, medium, animal communicator and channel of angels and the ascended masters. For a consultation, call (949) 244-1960 or revdanielle@templeoflightoc.org or visit www. templeoflightoc.org.


September/October 2017

Owl Magick: Aglow from the inside, with Moon shining bright, her Spirit Animal, the Owl guides by night. KathyCrabbe.com



My Appointment with Louise Hay She Changed My Life Forever Roz Esposito is a New Thought Minister, clairaudient life coach, and an NLP Practitioner, and was profoundly affected by her early interactions with pre-famous Louise Hay in the 1980s. –Editor So you met Louise Hay before she was Louise Hay. Yes, it was back in New York. Friends of mine were goo-goo eyed about this lady who came from California to do private sessions in a friend’s studio apartment, so I went to see her. What did you go to her for? Not for a medical problem, I just wanted to be making more money in my singing career. You said she already had this glow. Yes. There was something very special about her. After I told her why I was there, she asked me “How would your life be if you didn’t criticize yourself or others?” Back then I couldn’t even compute that. No one was talking about this stuff. And then she said, “I want you to say this mantra 300-400 times a day: I approve of myself.” I said, “When am I going to have time for that?! I said, “When am I going to have time for that?!” And she said, “You know, when you’re walking to the subway obsessing about something. We need to interrupt your negative mental patterns.” And then she took me over to the mirror to do mirror work, and I just started crying immediately. If you can picture Louise Hay with her hands on your shoulders saying, “Just say ‘I love you, Roz’” and l did just that through tears. What happened next? She said “Lay down, I’m going to do treatment.” I didn’t know what that meant at the time. She spoke softly to me, and brought me into a meditation with affirmations, and suggestions to release old patterns. The whole experience was so amazing I thought she was from another planet.


Did it work? Miraculously! Two weeks later I booked a national commercial, with the jingle producer who wrote I Love New York and remained gainfully employed with him for the next eight years until he retired. I called Louise and told her all this, and she said, “That’s great, keep me posted.” But then one day when I received a particularly large sum of money from some solo projects I did, and I got nauseous because it was more that my mom got for my dad’s entire life insurance. I called Louise about it and she said, “You’re not digesting your experiences. You are allowed to If you can picture Louise Hay with her hands on your shoulders saying, “Just say ‘I love you…”

have success. You are not your mother.” Soon after, the pain went away. How else did Louise Hay impact you after that? I was a part of something called The Healing Circle in New York that was modeled after “The Hay Ride” in California where AIDS patients would have this joyous and even magical gettogether that was very supportive. I performed music there that was funny and uplifting, and Louise would show up once in a while. She was always supportive and her presence always made a difference. Louise made THE difference in my life. Through every challenge, I’d pick up her book and find healing. I strive to live and teach self-love. I just completed a play about forgiveness that is on its way to Broadway. All is well in my life! Roz can be reached at 323-839-7903.

September/October 2017

“Louise is with me every day in my work as a professional life coach. “Heal your body” is literally a staple in my tool box. Helping my clients understand how to reframe the mental and emotional imbalance that has manifested as a sprained ankle, a misaligned vertebrae or insomnia is magically revealed in her work. When my clients complain about anything physical, I immediately reach for Louise Hay.”

“She was a huge influence in my life from the time she released ‘You Can Heal Your Life.’ She has been a steadying force amid all the metaphysical ‘voices’ and I still use her work personally and professionally with my clients because she understood that every issue we suffer from comes down to not loving ourselves. Spot on. Love Louise with all my heart.”

- Shelly J Miller

- Donna Bond, M.A.


Louise Hay 1926 - 2017

“She’s such a muse. She created some beautiful shifts in this planet by being the center of the ripple in a global, galactic way. She went straight to the heart to bypass people’s “protective” ego-minds so that even if they didn’t know that they needed these changes, it would just get in there and heal them.” “Who she - Suzanne McQueen

“In 1991, Louise Hay was the first to person to truly help me awaken my consciousness with the belief that I could heal my life. Her positive affirmations and self-awareness techniques helped me shift my old patterns. I began trusting myself and allowed my inner light to grow. I am truly grateful to this magical being.” – Isabella Stoloff

chose to publish, like Abraham and Esther Hicks, changed so many lives and really helped to set me on my path. Hay House takes spiritual and metaphysical topics and makes them understandable.” – Janna Colaco
















September/October 2017

22 K

Gold and Diamond Jewelry



The Sacred Female Cycle The Four Seasons of Women’s Wisdom

Suzanne Mathis McQueen is an American author, workshop facilitator, feminist, inspirational leader and carrier of a water medicine bowl gifted to her in the Lakota Way. She is best known for her work with the symbolism and primal wisdom of the lunar rhythmic female hormones. She wrote “4 Seasons in 4 Weeks,” a symbolic journey through the 28 days of the female hormonal experience. — Editor What do people come to you for, Suzanne? When it really comes down to it, I would say that people come to me with their secrets and vulnerabilities. I feel really honored, actually, that they trust me to hold space for them and have an honest and helpful conversation about whatever’s going on. I also help women who believe in their inherent power yet feel overwhelmed find balance and clarity each day. I teach them how to tap into the energetic flow of their monthly hormonal rhythm, a navigational system within that follows a monthly body clock. Do you work with mostly women? Yes, and men as well. What type of vulnerabilities? Men come to me to more deeply understand how to align with their partners because I teach about the monthly hormonal cycle, the lunar cycle, and also the rhythmic sex drive of women. I give workshops on this. The men come away with a more well-rounded wisdom in these areas, and have given some of my most heartfelt testimonials. Naturally, this topic ripples out into the realm of relationships. Men feel very safe to ask all kinds of questions because I’ll talk about anything as long as it’s respectful. I haven’t met anyone who doesn’t feel vulnerable in the area of sex and relationships no matter how empowered they are normally. Sometimes they’ll say something like, “I 42

don’t want to talk to my partner about these things—just tell me the secrets to approaching her and I’ll try it.” I give them information that will help them align better with cocreating the relationship they really want. Are these conversations around intimacy “secret” because society doesn’t encourage them? There’s a lot of shame put on these topics, sexuality and also what I call a woman’s monthly rhythm. It’s under the surface but it’s I believe women yearn to be in circle with each other, they yearn to be in sisterhood

there. We all get a lot of mixed messages, particularly about what we can and can’t do. We’re supposed to be empowered, we’re supposed to be who we really are but society is really not supportive or kind to us in these areas. We don’t get good information. Plus, most of us feel that everyone else knows more than we do. Feeling somewhat embarrassed, it’s hard to reach out for more information because we don’t want to be identified as someone who knows so little. We feel it’s a problem others don’t have, which keeps us from getting the information we need. Don’t we all have concerns about the same things? We all want to fit in. We want to know more. We want to have more confidence. Is this why it’s important to get together in groups for support? I do this with women, which is very helpful. I believe women yearn to be in circle with each other, they yearn to be in sisterhood. When women get together, they discover how lonely they actually are. They don’t realize it because they’re so busy day in and day out. Morning, noon and night, they’re holding it together in all areas of

September/October 2017

their lives, whether they have children or not. They have a hard time sitting down, they have a hard time resting, they’re always doing-doing-doing. When they get together at a retreat, we have an annual retreat in June, all of a sudden they begin to pleasurably sink in. When it’s time to leave, they don’t want to. Not because they don’t want to see their families but because they don’t want to leave the bond they’ve created with each other. There’s a lot of crying that goes on, mostly about some grief for something they’ve missed out on in the past or something they haven’t incorporated into their lives. You mentioned that society gives women a lot of mixed messages. Yes, politically, culturally. Nobody wants us to be very powerful, actually, even though they say they do. It’s in the mental realm but not yet desired and embedded in the heart and soul of society. It’s an underlying stress we women just learn to roll with; we try to figure out how to walk that path. It’s challenging and lives in the deepest corners of our personal essences. My intention now is about building the new model [of woman] or, more accurately, rebuilding the ancient model

Those aren’t empowering signals society is delivering. And yet you don’t sound bitter; you sound upbeat. Well, true, because I like to move forward. I’m a real Mama Bear and I will stand up and say something when I need to. My intention now is about building the new model or, more accurately, rebuilding the ancient model. I’ve been an advocate for women my entire life. I don’t want to bicker with anyone anymore about the politics of what women should

or shouldn’t be allowed to do. The idea that women still need to persuade the world they are deserving, capable and trustworthy makes me feel ill. It’s upsetting when others continue to feel they have the right to control us. It feels like an assault on the divine design and the divine responsibilities of women to protect themselves. Instead, I, along with so many others, am building a big, beautiful temple over here, per se, a different model, where women and men can go and feel comfortable and empowered. Where they can feel joy within themselves and have their “medicine” for the planet supported. This new model I speak of is an entirely different way to view women. When we can honestly honor the feminine and masculine balance, we can then align with who we really are as well as the things in the world we think of as being feminine, such as the environment and homelessness/ hunger, home and hearth issues. What is your approach when people come to you with ailments? The Mayan shamans believed if someone is physically sick, they are first sick in spirit. That’s what I think needs to be addressed or listened to by allowing the person to just speak and be heard and ask questions if they like. I look for their true gifts and like to follow that road. With women, I can help them tap into that by following the wisdom of their hormonal sequence. Western medicine doesn’t typically take this holistic perspective. Other types of philosophies look at the whole person but Western medicine has not typically looked at the bigger picture of who this person really is much less witness and acknowledge who this person really is. Sometimes I think that is all someone needs. We, as individuals, are not acknowledged enough for our gifts. People have so many secret gifts because society 43


or families tell us we need to be something else, so we hide them. You wrote a book called “4 Seasons in 4 Weeks.” What does that mean? It’s a non-technical humanistic look at a woman’s monthly cycle. Society tells us we’re crazy, that we have mood swings, but this is just not the Every human is lucky enough to be baptized straight through the female, so everyone benefits from this sacred alignment

case. Women are actually lunar-rhythmic. All of us, men and women alike, are rhythmic thinkers. We all have a circadian rhythm, a 24-hour body clock, which was proven in the 1950s. Every rhythm in the universe has a resting phase (sleep), a building phase (morning), an expressing phase (midday), and a deconstructing phase (evening) and back to rest. Nobody thinks it’s crazy to have different energies at different times of the day or throughout the different seasons. Yet, we’ve not been taught to view a woman’s monthly cycle as a natural, predictable rhythm. I’ve also found that this rhythm stays with us beyond menopause—it’s just subtle. As females, our bodies have been designed to support this lunar rhythm, no matter where it falls within our monthly cycle. Every woman has their own new moon phase, starting when their period or cycle begins. The resting phase speaks for itself. What’s the building phase about? Let me first say that the resting phase is important because not only is it the most important phase for healing body, mind and emotions but when done well, will bring our most potent visions. Each phase, which occurs daily and monthly, has many layers to it. The building phase is about taking action due to the fact that the hormones are building, taking action to build the uterine lining. Women need to understand the awesome power of this and also the self-sabotaging aspect of it. This second phase, which also occurs during the second week of a woman’s lunar cycle, is, generally, the time a woman is openhearted and loves everyone. Her primal body is trying to attract a mate and, sexually, she is intoxicated. So, it’s a “yes” week. She is more likely to say yes to a potential partner or yes to volunteering when “no” would be a better idea. You’ve called this the party-girl phase. This is a “yes” phase. I’m not joking when I tell clients, “Take a friend 44

to a party to make sure you don’t walk out the door with someone who probably isn’t a good idea!” It’s important to be mindful about the purpose of this week hormonally because it’s an intoxication. It’s an extreme phase. It’s not a balanced phase. However, on a metaphysical and spiritual level, we’re becoming the light. We are filling with light, exponentially, and we all know what that feels like, to be filling with joy and excitement, and everything is connecting. It’s so thrilling. It’s beautiful. What goes up must come down? Yes. The third phase is the balance. Ovulation or creation happens, which is the most amazing thing in the universe because it’s a perfect Earth-Spirit alignment. The idea of a sperm and egg coming together—it doesn’t get much more primordial than that. This is as Earth-ancient as anything can possibly get. And there is nothing more spiritual than the idea of creation. I tell women, “Do you realize what that means? Do you realize what you’re carrying? You’re this sacred temple that has the possibility of having one hand on the Earth and one hand in the ethers, and bringing it all into one.” It’s not only about creating a human being; it’s the potential of anything, profound beyond words. It’s true goddess energy. Every woman needs to take that in and understand how amazing and powerful that is. Every single female on the planet is capable beyond measure. Every human is lucky enough to be baptized straight through the female, so everyone benefits from this sacred alignment. What are some things people have said after seeing you privately or in a workshop? The one thing I get over and over again from women, and I know this sounds cliché, is, “This changed my life.” They say this because this way of understanding themselves completely changes the way they look at their power and place in the world. One woman who’s a big leader for women’s empowerment groups called

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me and said, “I read your whole book last night and I was in my partner’s arms just sobbing. I realized I’m not crazy. You showed me this. This all makes so much sense. It’s a natural rhythm of the universe. This is so simple. Why haven’t we been teaching it in this way?” Another woman told me she makes all of her business appointments based on the four phases. That’s high praise. I find it humbling and heart-warming when I hear these things. We’re all lightworkers, and when our work resonates with others, we know we’ve found alignment with those in need and are fulfilling our purpose. In the book, you deconstruct the idea of PMS. I completely get rid of the idea of PMS altogether because it’s not a syndrome. This is such a ridiculous concept, and women are brutally criticized for this fourth week of the cycle, the deconstructing phase. We finally feel validated about what we’ve known all along: As women, we’re amazing, important, creative and brilliant

Because of a lack of understanding? Yes, even women are trying to get as far away from the week before their period, the week they’re “PMS-ing,” as much as possible because of all the verbal assaults and stereotypes attached to it. There’s nothing more disrespectful to us as humans than to look at women this way. I get rid of the idea that it’s a syndrome (unless you’re truly suffering and have the type that causes extreme challenges). I call it the firewalk because I see it as a ceremony, as a strong initiation. This is the deconstruction phase after all. The body’s figured out it’s not having a baby. The uterine lining has to come down, which means we lose our feel-good hormones. During this week, progesterone takes this deep dive, going down as fast as it went up. We’ve already started losing estrogen. It’s a firewalk because, during this time, we’re forced to face our fears. We’re in survival mode. We’re responding to any threat to our security, our children’s security, our circle’s security and survival. And this is also a real problem-solving phase. When we learn to recognize when we’re in it and acknowledge the benefits of it, we can learn to navigate this rite of passage to handle our challenges. Then we really understand the power of our well-rounded cycles, our womb wisdom. Facing our fears and challenges are things we humans don’t do very well and

we need for the women to take this monthly opportunity to practice how to walk through this. The firewalk isn’t easy to master but when it is mastered, it provides the biggest form of empowerment because it’s very different than what society has taught us about ourselves. It’s the number one thing that brings relief because we finally feel validated about what we’ve known all along: As women, we’re amazing, important, creative and brilliant.

Suzanne Mathis McQueen is a keeper of women’s mysteries. The author of 4 Seasons in 4 Weeks, she is renowned for defining natural rhythm principles that are critical to female balance, joy, and optimal experiences in health, business, and love. Go to 4s4w.com to receive updates on Suzanne’s annual retreat, workshop schedule, and upcoming DailyOM.com 8-week course. Join her free women’s FB group at bit. ly/4s4wSisterhood.



Astral Travel Experience the Oneness Shauna Kossoff is the President of the Irvine Holistic Chamber of Commerce as well as a spiritual guide and co-founder of Mysterium Center, an affiliate of The Modern Mystery School, which teaches ancient wisdom based on compassion that still applies in modern times. –Editor

You’re very experienced with astral travel, which you teach at The Modern Mystery School. What benefits do people get from this? Astral travel allows you to explore the world and the whole universe from the comfort of your own home. It allows you to experience God/Spirit on a level that’s far more real. It can be wonderful in helping you move through the fear of what happens after this life, what it means to be separated from your body. It’s not like you just shoot out of your body from the get-go. You learn techniques that help you get better and better at it. You can get to the point where you are physically touching other beings as you interact with them. I’ve even received a name. I’m receiving information about who the baby is going to be and the baby’s interests. How I can support the baby

What if people are unsure they can do it? It’s a method that has guaranteed and proven results. You will get the support you need to achieve these results when you go through the exercises and practice at home to help you refine your ability to focus. You will travel.

What’s happened while you’ve astral travelled? Whenever I astral travel, I feel that total sense of oneness. That sense of knowing that there’s more, that certainty. So I don’t have to just rely on faith. I’ve experienced what it’s like to be outside of the body, to be more than this physical being. It feels like truly touching and connecting on every level of my being, in every sense, to Spirit, to God. Any recent personal experiences? With regards to my current pregnancy, I’ve had some very profound experiences connecting with my baby, which has been my focus for the last couple of years, trying to get pregnant to bring the baby in. Before you even conceived the baby? Oh yes, definitely. I mean, talking to the baby. I’ve even received a name. I’m receiving information about who the baby is going to be and the baby’s interests. How I can support the baby. There’s talk about the baby having a warrior energy. It’s been a very profound experience. What other areas does The Modern Mystery School delve into? I personally have shamanic training through the Mystery School. I have Wiccan training, Priestess training, Ritual Master Training, Alchemy, Sacred Geometry, Astral Travel and Channeling. You might want to take a Dragon Magick class and Elven Faerie Magick. The Modern Mystery School really runs the gamut as far as what they teach. It’s about working with people who say, “My life is good, but I’ve always known there’s more. I’ve always known I’m here to live an extraordinary life, to have a major impact.”

Shauna Kossoffis a Certified Guide with The Modern Mystery School who, over the past 13 years, has supported people in coming to Know Thyself. Under its founder, Dr. Gudni Gudnason, it is in the lineage of King Solomon and the only open School of the Seven Great Lineages. Shauna can be reached at 951 440-6938. Join us for a FREE Max Meditation System TM Mondays at 7:00pm in Irvine! Contact me for details.


September/October 2017

“Receiving Wings” by Outi Harma outiart.com



Angels of Mother Earth An Intense Calling The slant of the sun reminds me that the year is winding down. When the evenings are cooler, I tend to reconnect to the spirit of Mother Earth. She shares her beautiful, shifting light and colors in a dramatic way and I find myself going within. The deepening is a comfort to my soul. I relax into it with a sigh and a smile. I begin to slide into a meditative state and feel a sweet but powerful presence come in. In my mind’s eye, I see deep golden-brown eyes and a sparkling golden light. Archangel Sandalphon has come to share his wisdom. “Your Mother calls to you, sweet one. She is in need of the light of the Ancient Ones.” Those of you who lived through Lemuria and Atlantis are here to bring the light back into power. Start by connecting to your own power. Start by connecting to the Divine Mother Earth. Start by remembering who you are

A shock of energy shoots through my body. I open my eyes. I hear his gentle laugh. He says, “You are getting quite attuned and sensitive to the energies, this is good. Thank you. I wish to bring messages from Mother Earth to you today.” I am receptive to serve. “There are many who are being called to reconnect to the Mother. The rising feminine tide cannot be stopped and this is a blessing to all beings in your universal family. “I wish to speak to those who are feeling the call to the ancient wisdom of the Mother but are holding back. I am reaching out to those who are waiting for something more to propel them forward. I tell you, Beloveds, that the time is now. It is an all-hands-on-deck call to action. You’ve been called for a long time now. Please answer. “You are not required to take big action. You are not to do this on your own. And this isn’t always an action to be taken outside of your own beingness. Some of this is about going into your inner world, your sacred space, to know yourself again. “Mother calls from the deep places of the womb. And your response from your own sacred space within is where 48

by Rev. Michele Amburgey

the connection is made. Mother Earth calls out to the Ancient Ones who have chosen to come here at this time to evolve an entire Universe. And she is the center of this evolution this time. It has not always been this way; other planets have been the epicenter of evolution in the past. This is the Earth Mother’s turn to birth a new world. She cannot do it without those who are here to be a part of the grand Divine Plan.” I feel the immensity of Sandalphon’s words, and a little fear creeping in, not of what is happening, but of my inability to hold my space in this calling. Sandalphon becomes silent but deeply present. He allows me to feel this energy of fear and doubt. Then he says, “Yes, this is the feeling, the energy, that so many of you who are here to bring the light and wisdom are feeling. There is so much fear and doubt. But those of you who are hearing the call must know you are all strong enough to cast off this illusion of fear and doubt and move forward with courage. Gather the women, the grandmothers and the children. Teach them to remember who they are. Teach them to connect with Mother Earth. Teach them to connect to the light grids that surround the Earth and the crystal grids within the earth. Connect these matrixes of energy with the feminine power. “Mother is calling to each of you who know this technology. Those of you who lived through Lemuria and Atlantis are here to bring the light back into power. Start by connecting to your own power. Start by connecting to the Divine Mother Earth. Start by remembering who you are.” “And then shine, Beloved Ones. Your time has come.”

Rev. Michele Amburgey Intuitive Life Coach Master Energy Healer Angelic Channel Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist Author Inspirational Speaker Radio Show Host

www.MicheleAmburgey.com 949-202-7493

September/October 2017

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What’s In a Pet’s Name? Naming or Renaming to Shape Behavior I love Shakespeare, but the quote from Romeo and Juliet, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” does not apply to either people or pets. Naming is serious business. If you’re metaphysical at all, you realize that the names Jesus and Mary, Athena and Apollo, or even Shiva have taken on, over the centuries, a shared meaning or sense of character traits in the collective mind. We should therefore be careful what monikers we give our furry friends. According to Rover.com, 28% of pet owners give their dogs human names. Seven of the 20 most popular names for dogs are also among the top 100 most popular names for babies born in 2016. As an animal communicator, I am thrilled with this trend. Human names tend to have more pliability than words like, “Killer,” “Zeus,” and “Braveheart.” I advised my clients to avoid names like King and Queen, but I wanted my cat to lord it over three dogs

Never pick a name for your pet that will create a behavior problem. For peace under your roof, you will want to name your pet something that will match the best of their personality with their job in your home. Sometimes that means taking a naturally dominant animal and giving it a more noble name than it deserves. Alternatively, for a timid animal, a strong name imbues more powerful energy. I had a client with a Yorkshire Terrier named Cujo, named after the rabid dog in the Stephen King horror novel. When he was a tiny snarling puppy, it was humorous, but now Cujo was causing trouble. Not only did Cujo need a job change and obedience work, he needed a new name. The dog quickly learned “Joe,” and mellowed out considerably! Another example is personal to me. Our family recently adopted a two-year-old Russian Blue mix. She was joining a household with three dogs who all have defined roles. Our son wanted to name her “Mist.” With her shimmery coat, this fit her looks. However, I cautioned my son if she seemed to embody “Mist” as not just mystical fog, but one who also seemed to evaporate in the presence of dogs, we would rethink. 50

By Kara of Pet’s Eye View

I advised my clients to avoid names like King and Queen, but I wanted my cat to lord it over three dogs. At home, our new cat acted more scared of the dogs daily. We tried Selene, the Roman goddess of the moon. She is now best friends with one dog, and keeps the others in line. Mission accomplished. Need help with pet naming? I can help you narrow your choices and ask your pet what they like from your suggestions. I often help people choose animals by assessing temperament via picture. If you have a pet with a problem name, do not be afraid to change it. Keeping it similar sounding, but a changed meaning works very well. Do you want to know your pet better? Contact me, Kara @ Pet’s Eye View, for an appointment at (949) 282-3506 or kara@petseyeview.com. Want to learn the basics of animal communication? Attend my September and October courses at Awakenings in Laguna Hills

September/October 2017



True and False Guides What you need to know When you think of spirituality and meditation, what words come to mind? Perhaps empowerment, purpose, healing? Having a fulfilling relationship with your spirituality will help you live your life to its fullest potential. One way to do that is by having a true guide who is there to help you along your journey. That’s why it’s so important for you to be able to identify the true guides from the false ones. Here are the typical attributes of a false guide: • They put you in a defensive mode. • They place you in thoughts of self-denial. • They can lead you toward destructive behaviors, like emotional eating. • They make it appear that you are in control, but that self-control can cut loose in an instant. • They will ultimately keep you down and prevent you from a positive, uplifting experience. Not only will false guides prevent you from moving forward, they can undo all of the hard work you’ve committed to so far. Instead of retracting, however, push forward. That is your guide to lead you to something true and into real change. True guides, on the other hand, may first appear to be more difficult to work with. They will challenge you and tell you truths you may not be ready to hear. Here’s what a true guide will do for you: • They will offer you a different point of view. • They can’t and won’t force you to make any changes but will highly encourage it. • They will listen to you wholeheartedly, your strengths and your struggles. • They will honor your journey, no matter where you’re at with it. Here is my advice on determining who the true guide is in your spiritual journey: The best way you’re going to connect with your guide is through frequent, dedicated meditation. If you’re resisting 52

by Beth Lopez

a bonding connection, there are probably blockages and traumas causing that resistance. You must let them go. It may take time, but if you make meditation a practice, it will help you all the way through your spiritual journey. From personal experience, when I’ve lost control of my daily meditation practice, life got more challenging than it had to be and even started to spiral. It brought me the conviction to discuss this topic because it’s so near and dear to my heart. True and false guides are out there, so be mindful and take a moment to identify them before you welcome them into your mindset. True guides will help you greatly with your spirituality and maintaining positive vibes. True guides will only empower you. Have you found your true guide yet? If you’re not being helped to live your life to the fullest potential, call me for a consultation we can begin work together on the next part of your sacred journey.

September/October 2017



ask shelly


Who’s Parenting Whom? ASK SHELLY

DEAR SHELLY: My Dad hasn’t been around much since I was about 10 years old due to a divorce. Now, at 23, I want his emotional support to help my brother and I make good choices for the future. When I ask for his help, his answer to everything seems to be to write a check and blame us for our past mistakes. I need him to be a parent and I feel like I am doing his job with regard to helping my brother. I feel like I have to parent my parent and I don’t know what to do to get the help I need from him.

Signed, Who’s Parenting Whom?

Dear Who’s Parenting Whom, We all want unconditional love from our parents. This is a problem that isn’t always cured by growing older but by growing in spiritual awareness. We all suffer from the mistaken belief that we are separate from our Source, which loves us unconditionally. We look for love outside of ourselves to heal our pain. True healing happens when we learn to love ourselves and each other without condition the way God loves us. This is our true purpose in life. It’s hard to expect this from other people when they are having difficulty doing it for themselves.

“Imagine” by Janice Monaco. Facebook.com/mindofjmojdrm@att.net (714) 772-4331


Forgive your dad for his inability to connect emotionally. He shows his love for you through his financial support. His issue is abandonment, as is yours and your brother’s. Your dad’s parents did not know how to support him emotionally. Write a letter to your dad and genuinely thank him for the support he does give you. Without blame, tell him what you really need is his love and attention and his help to find positive solutions without blame. Share your ideas and ask for his. This is a huge opportunity to learn to parent yourself and your parent with love and forgiveness by remembering that we all suffer from the same illusion. I feel communication is going to quickly open up between you, and Dad is going to be more available to help you and your brother from now on. Shelly J. Miller is a professional Intuitive Counselor, Psychic Medium and Transformational Coach known for accessing detailed information to help you release limiting patterns to effect healing and lasting change. Send questions to shelly@ shellyjmiller.com. To book a private reading or coaching session, call (949) 237-2960 or go to shellyjmiller.com

September/October 2017

1 1 2 2 3 4 3 5 6

4 7

8 5 9 10





8 11 12 9 13 10 14



1. ___ is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better. 2. Remember to take care of yourself. You can’t pour from an _____ cup.


3. The belief that all problems, physical, emotional or mental, have their root cause in spiritual imbalance; healing.

ACROSS 1. My willingness to be _______ with my own deep feelings creates the space for intimacy with another.

4. A collection of mystical knowledge stored in the aether; i.e. on a non‐physical plane of existence (make sure your library card is updated)

2. The transcendent state attained as a result of being released from the cycle of rebirth

5. The way to your partner’s heart and soul

3. The wound is the place where the _____ enters you.

6. We’re all just walking each other ____ 7. The kind of people who read Radiance understand the importance of self‐___

4. Romance feeds the ego; ______ feeds the soul. 5. The reason people ____ is that they have finally stopped agreeing with things that insult their soul 6. It is often said that before you die your life passes before your ___. It is in fact true. It’s called living. 7. In a world where you can be ______, be kind.

8. Ego says, “Once everything falls into place, I’ll find peace.” Spirit says, “Find your ____, and then everything will fall into place. 9. The ____ for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned. 10. The only way to deal with ______ thoughts is to change them.

8. You have the power to ____ your life, and you need to know that. 9. Everything has a spirit ‐ honor ___.

11. Moment of breakthrough

10. The less you open your ____ to others, the more your heart suffers.

12. Without rain, nothing grows; ____ to embrace the storms of your life.

11. A sheep from Boston goes drinking at a ___

13. ___ not; do or do not.

12. The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who ___ the least.

14. People might get ____ off when someone is on the golf course a lot


1. 2. 3. 4.

intimate moksha light intimacy



5. 6. 7. 8.

awaken eyes anything heal

9. 10. 11. 12.

that heart baa needs

1. art 2. empty 3. Shamanism 4. Akashic Records DOWN

5. intimacy 6. home 7. care 8. peace

9. ache 10. negative 11. aha 12. learn

13. try 14. teed


Radiance Distributors Orange County | Long Beach Active A Hidden Gem Ahimsa Vegan Café Alkapi Water Alta Coffe Ambiance Skin Care Amodeo Rolfing Anaheim Senior Ctr Ansar Gallery Mkt Asana Fit Yoga Aspire Wellness Studio Au Lac Vegetarian Restaurant Aura’s World Awaken Float Lounge Awakenings Balanced Energy Studios Balanced Life Fitness & Wellness Ctr Beach Villa Organic Dry Cleaners Bee Well Holistic Wellness Centers Bellevie Better Living Yoga Beyond Hot Yoga Blazie Rocks Bodhi Tree Vegetarian Café Body & Brain Yoga Tai Chi Body Balance Chiro Spa BodyCentre Day Spa Bodycentre Wellness Spa Bodycentre Wellness Spa Branch and Stone Buffalo Exchange California Academy for Healing Arts Center for Integrative Healing Center for Spiritual Living Center for Spiritual Living Chakra Shack Cherry Moon Shoppe ChiroMed Healing Center


Christ Unity Church Church of Religious Science Common Ground Core Power Yoga Core Power Yoga Core Power Yoga-corp Costa Mesa Colonics Costa Mesa Psychic Crystal Cave Dana Point Senior Center Desa Prana Yoga Designs by Nature Dharma Center Bookstore Dorothy Visser Senior Ctr Dr. Betty Rigi Dr. Victoria Sciarra MFT Earth Stones International Earthwise Vitamins Earthwise Vitamins Enerji Barre Eye of Cat Fine Art & Jewelry Full Circle Yoga Goddess Temple Go Inward Yoga Great Earth Great Earth Vitamin Green Bliss Green Life Hand & Stone Massage Hansens Market Hanson’s Market Hay House Hay House 2 HB Family YMCA HB Reiki Center HB Yoga Collective Healing Hands School Holistic Health Healing Key Healing Light Family Acupuncture Herbie’s Natural Food Herbie’s Rock Pile

Highglow Jewelers Horning Chiropractic Hunter Wellness Iguana Ipso Facto Isso Temple It’s a Grind Jan’s Health Bar Jeanette Massage Health & Wellness Kava Yoga Kean Koffe Koffee Klatch La Costa Spa Laguna Coffee Laguna Surf & Sport Laguna Woods Village Lazy Acres Learning Light Foundation Leisure World Lemongrass Linden Public Living Temple Long Beach Comm Acupuncture Long Beach Senior Center Lord Windsor Coffee Ma Yoga Mattalou Show Boutique McClains Coffeehouse Mead’s Green Door Mind Body & Spirit Wellness Ctr Moonlight Fusion Spa Mystic Connections Mystic Water Naples Dermatology Assoc Naples Medical Group Naples Wellness Ctr & Spa Native Foods Native Visions Natural Elements Healing Naturway Natural Foods

OC Fitness Mama Oggi Domani Salon of Naples Oh Yoga Olive Yoga Omni La Costa Resort & Spa One Body Studios Orange County Healing Ctr Organic MediZen Oui Boutique Our Place Yoga Pacific Coast Hwy Chiro Patricia Garza Pinto Practical Magicka Pristine Hydro Psychic Chakra Spa Psychic Reader Brittany Miller Pure Barre Pure Grace Pilates Rainbow Juices Renew Acupuncture Clinic Ritual Yoga Sanatan Dharma Temple Sanctuary Spa Sanctuary Wellness & Yoga Studio School of Multidimensional Healing Scratch Baked Goods Seventh Chakra Yoga Seventh Chakra Yoga Shear Pleasure Sklar Center for Restorative Medicine SoCal Acupuncture South Baylo University Spiritual Origins Sprouts Farmers Stand Natural Foods Starbucks Coffee Starbucks Coffee Straight Chiropractic The Angel Store

The Bar Method The Chopra Center The Dragonfly Shop and Gardens The Float Lounge The Good Cookie The Grain Cafe The Greenery Natural Kitchen The Hidden Gem The Joint Chiropractic The Latest Thing Book & Gifts The Mermaid Cottage The Rubber Tree The Village Grind The Water Brewery The Yoga Mat TLC Whole Life Center Total Woman Gym + Spa Transformation & Healing Center Under the Sun Unfold Yoga Universal Health and Beauty MediSpa Vero’s Pilates Viento Y Agua Visions & Dreams We Love Yoga West Acupuncture Whole Foods Whole Foods Wide Eyes Open Palms Yoga 108 Yoga Bungalow Yoga Center of CA Yoga on 3rd Yoga Shakti Yoga Sol Yoga Squared Yoga Tree Yoga Tribe Yogaworks Yogaworks Costa Mesa Your Inner Health Z Fabrique

September/October 2017

FAIRE Where’s the Fair This Weekend? Monthly Every 1st Saturday

Psychic Expansion & Energetic Wholeness Faire 12-5pm at The Healing Key 2117 E 7th St, Long Beach

Holistic Faire 11-5pm at Spiritual Origins Psychic Readings and Crystal Shop 307 3rs St. Suite 101, Huntington Beach

Every 2nd Saturday

Every Last Saturday

Holistic Health & Spiritual Fair 10-4pm at Learning Light Foundation 1212 E Lincoln Ave, Anaheim

Monthly Holistic Faire 11-5pm at The School of Multidimensional Healing Arts & Sciences 18271 McDurmott W, Suite H, Irvine

Quarterly & Annual Sat. Nov. 11

Sat Feb. 17

Sun. Jan 14th

Fri-Mon Feb. 9-12

Quarterly OC Wellness Retreat 10-4pm at Carpe Diem Experience 115 S Harbor Blvd, Fullerton Quarterly Soul Fest 11-5pm at The Sanctuary Wellness Center & Yoga Studio 505 W 1st St, Tustin

Quarterly Museum of Woman Spirit Faire 11-5pm at The Goddess Temple 17905 Sky Park Circle Suite A, Irvine

Annual Conscious Life Expo at LAX Hilton 5711 W Century Blvd, Los Angeles



Comatose Not By Choice (Part 1)

by Rita Robinson

I was taking my 93-year-old mother out to dinner one Sunday to a vegan restaurant in Fountain Valley. We got behind a car with young people in it, cigarette smoke wafting out of the windows and into our car.

sitting in one of my mother’s comfy, low-back chairs, looking nonchalant. My mother was lying on her side in the hospital bed we had placed in the living room by the picture window.

“Mom, why do you think people still smoke when they know the end result is not pretty?” I was just talking without expecting an answer. But she had an answer.

As I walked in, the nurse calmly said, “We just gave your mother a suppository. She’ll be gone within 72 hours.”

“Well, Rita,” she said rather softly. I looked over at her. “I think they feel like they’re missing something.” “Like what?” I said. “Something inside.” She was searching. “Like unconditional love?” I offered. “I want to say…um, infinity.” Oh. Now we were getting somewhere. Infinity. “The feeling of being part of something bigger.” “Wow, Mom, that’s deep. You’re becoming a sage,” I said, sincerely. She turned to look up at me from her scrunchinginto-a-mushroom, Yoda-like posture and said, “I think I’m going to come back as a counselor.” My mother’s a Catholic, they don’t come back. I grinned. From a Midwestern beef-eating bank executive and wanna-be matriarch to a vegan and counselor. Not a bad re-entry. My mother died a few weeks later.

She called me on a Wednesday morning, sounding distraught but clear-headed enough. She asked me to come up. This wasn’t unusual for this time in her life, and I’d drive up whenever I got the call. She was working with an end-oflife psychologist to help alleviate her fears and remorse. It was a tough time for her so the call was oddly routine. When I got there, a hospice nurse from a large and highly reputed local hospital was 58

“What?” came blurting out of my mouth. “She sounded fine an hour ago. You mean I’ll never see my mother again?” I went straight to my mother’s face and opened up her eyelids so she could see me. “Mom, I’m here. I’m right here.” I stared back at her. Hospice never even asked my family if that was something we wanted, never mind asking my mother. They never even gave any of us a chance to say goodbye while she was still cognizant. “She was hitting her caregiver and getting violent,” said the nurse. One time? So? Who wouldn’t at that stage of the game? Her caregiver had been with her for 10 years, she could take it. My mother had lots of health issues, she was already on borrowed time, but give her a break. One foul and you’re out? I couldn’t speak. I later learned that type of behavior at the end of life is called terminal agitation. Hospice made it terminal, and fast. I stood at my mother’s bedside in shock. Her breathing was heavy, slow. Her little shadow, a miniature apricot poodle named Brandy, was lying between her legs, muzzle right on her crotch. A friend of mine, a psychic, came over later that night when my family was milling around. He sat in the dining room where it was dark. I noticed he was writing. (Part 2, Radiance January-February 2018). Rita Robinson would like to hear about your moment of spiritual awakening for possible publication. If you’d like to share it, send it to rita.radiancemagazine@gmail.com Rita Robinson is the Associate Editor of Radiance. She can be reached at rita.radiancemagazine@gmail.com.

September/October 2017


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