May June 2017 Radiance Magazine

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May/June 2017 Volume 7 Issue 3

a publication for the Socially and Spiritually Conscious Community

Life: It Isn’t What, But How Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt The Chi of Kong – Qigong Adil Panton Of All the Nerves — Sciatica Benjamin Horning, DC Fast-Track to En-LIGHTenment — Heal Thyself Carol “Leilani” Jenny Adventures in Hypnosis Choury DeVelle Your Values Define Your Life Donna Bond, M.A. Spirits, Ghosts and Entities: Do You Believe or Are You Spooked? Gosia Lorenz Is Life Good or What? Rev. Janette Freeman Pet Owner, Heal Thyself Kara Udziela Summer — A Time for Spiritual Fun and Repose Kayla Sashean Scott Dolphins and DNA Laurie Reyon Anderson Are You Living The Four Agreements? Marilyn Robbins The Power of Reciprocity Michele Amburgey You Have Arrived Rick Lewis

Zarathustra – The Rock Star of Quantum Healing Zarathustra



May/June 2017

Table of Contents Publisher’s Editorial: Life: It’s Not What, But How 4 by Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt Founder and Spiritual Director of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, Publisher of Radiance Magazine, Mentor to Spiritual Leaders, Teachers, Practitioners and Seekers

Adventures in Past-Life Regression 9 by Choury DeVelle So Above, So Below. So Alive, So Dead 11 Spirits and Ghosts: Do You Believe or Are You Spooked? by Gosia Lorenz The Chi of Kong – Qigong 13 by Adil Panton Your Values Define Your Life 15 by Donna Bond Pet Owner, Heal Thyself 17 Being the leader isn’t mean, it’snecessary by Kara Udziela

ON THE COVER Zarathustra, the Rock Star of Quantum Healing: Get Thyself into the 5th Dimension 22 by Radiance Magazine Summer — A Time for Spiritual Fun and Repose 25 by Kayla Sashean Scott The Power of Reciprocity 27 by Michele Amburgey You Have Arrived 29 by Rick Lewis Is Life Good or What? 31 by Dr. Janette Freeman Of All the Nerves — Sciatica 33 by Benjamin Horning, DC Fast-Track to En-LIGHTenment 35 by Carol Leilani Jenny Dolphins and DNA 39 The mystical marine mammals know more than you know! by Laurie Reyon Anderson Are You Living The Four Agreements? 41 by Marilyn Robbins, RScP

Published by Rev. Danielle Marie, Spiritual Director of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community Advertising Sales: Pardise Amirshahi 949-733-1855 (w) 949-293-9545(m) Senior Editor Rita Robinson 949-333-1641 Billing and Accounting: Hideko Curcio 949-333-1641 Radiance is published by the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618. Publisher’s Liability: Radiance does not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the magazine, publishers or editors. Radiance is a free publication available at various metaphysical stores, health food locations, vegetarian restaurants, yoga studios, spiritual centers, coffee stands and libraries throughout Orange County. If you would like copies at your location to recommend a site, please email or contact our office at (949) 333-1641. Office hours are from Monday to Friday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Go to to view current and past issues of Radiance and share your thoughts! To have the magazine mailed to your door for $25 per year, contact Rita Robinson at To submit an article, contact Rita Robinson at



Life: It’s Not What, But How “Life sucks, then you die.” Have you ever heard this? Have you felt this? Being transparent is an important choice in my life, especially in my leadership role at the Temple of Light. In that spirit, I must admit to feeling this sentiment from time to time when life feels a little too overwhelming. Sometimes, I honestly feel so tired of dealing with life that I daydream I could just cross over to the other side where I’m sure things would be easier. I’d float around, being an energetic life-force continuing to be of service while not having to worry about money, relationships or health. I’d only have to concentrate on being of service in the etheric form. Sounds so nice and simple doesn’t it? I recognize when I feel this way it’s time to do some quick inner reflection. I sit in thoughtful, conscious meditation and snap out of it, reminding myself that it’s an amazing gift and privilege to be here on Gaia conducting a human life. I suddenly remember all the things I came here to learn and accomplish. I realize I’m nowhere near being done with everything I want to do and experience. I shake it off and reset my “enthusiasm

by Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

In my post-meditation state of mind, after I’ve come to my senses, I often reflect on how I arrived in such an emotional place that appeared to be so bleak, daunting and unnavigable. In my renewed mindset, where everything about life now seems wonderful, perfect and full of sheer joy, I cannot help but question why things go so dark and broody for me? Because I like to fast track things once I’m onto to something, I wondered that perhaps I was jumping into the next emotional issue to resolve without giving myself time in between to rest, enjoy and smell the roses. Am I working too hard at trying to resolve issues? I do tend to tackle things with all fours (hands for tactical maneuvers and feet for running at full speed ahead). Maybe my tenacious manner means once I’ve finished working through something, I’m on to the next challenge without spending time being happy? In a previous article, I wrote about getting out of our stories and just living our lives. Perhaps when I get through dismantling one story, I just can’t wait to do it again? Why waste time? Can I just be there already? Or perhaps the important question for me is: Why rush? Whether you’re a hare or a tortoise, when it comes to navigating the storms of life, which will always occur, how you navigate them is key to your well-being, success and joy along the way.. Dismantling our life stories presents a series of challenges. More often than not there are one (or more) of three thought-processes that occur that temporarily keep me, and likely you, too, from being in a consistent state of joy. See if any of the following roadblocks happen to you on your journey: Is it really bad or is that just how it looks?

for human life” button. I remember who I am and what I am, which is a divine spark of the universal force of life. 4

When something happens, it may be that we are misunderstanding it to be something really bad. Maybe it actually isn’t.

May/June 2017

It’s possible we’re seeing it as bad through our emotional filter. In this case, we need to remember to ask to see the truth of what’s really happening and not hide from what we believe or fear it is. If we could shift our perspective and see it the way Divine Spirit sees it, some great gift or incredibly positive change might actually be in the making. We may lose a job that we dislike or one that’s hard on our health. We may experience a relationship ending or get a health “wake up” call. In cases like these, it’s so tempting to only see the negative side. If we ignore that there’s a reason for the changes and decide we’re a victim, we might lose the opportunity to understand the bigger picture. The concept of deciding nothing bad ever really happens but, rather, that there is always a reason, something positive can be gained from every experience. All we need is the courage to look it in the eye and know its purpose. “You cannot find peace by avoiding life.” –Virginia Woolf Is it really too difficult to solve, or am I avoiding looking because at it because it only seems that way? A second concept may arise in conjunction with or separate from the first: Immediately or shortly after a “bad” situation, we may know that what happened

wasn’t so bad, but for some reason, we’re unable to find a solution or course of action. It all seems far too difficult to navigate. We may fully understand the benefit to be gained once we get through or past the shock and surprise of what happened, but we’ve gotten caught up in our ego, which wants to do all the thinking and problem-solving on its’ own — without much luck. Here, we need to remember to ask how to go about exacting the change that needs to occur and to be shown the way with ease and grace. If we lose the job, suffer a relationship breakup or experience a health issue, we need to do some deep reflection on the course of action to take. What energies were at force to cause those situations to occur and how do we get back into alignment? Maybe the job loss allows us to spend some time with family or change careers? The old relationship was toxic and this is a new opportunity to discover why we stayed in it. The health issue is a way for us to get back in tune with our body. Pray for the course-correction to reveal itself now that you know it was for a reason and you’ll be amazed at the inspiration that comes to you. Decide a miracle is in store for you! “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.

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The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein If there is great pain and suffering, is it something that makes us weak or something that can make us stronger? Perhaps thirdly, even though we see the reason isn’t bad and we’ve ascertained a great course correction, we may not feel up to doing it. It may seem overwhelming, too costly, too late, too much energy. We may fear we don’t have it in us to do what needs to be done. This can be daunting. If we don’t feel up for the challenge, the first two epiphanies may seem all for naught. We may know it’s good, we might even be able to see how to get there, but we just don’t have the gumption to tackle it because we’re tired or don’t want to do what needs to be done. Here, we need to remember to ask for the strength and wherewithal to do what needs to be done and know we’re capable. Changes can happen in a single day or even in one moment. Other changes may take a long time and can be a long, draw-out process. Here we need to take the changes we’re guided to make one day at a time and know each day will bring about wisdom, knowledge and the very best tools to do what we need to do. Rome wasn’t built in a day. “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” –Anne Frank, Anne Frank’s Tales from the Secret Annex Things will always happen. Attempting to avoid

them isn’t how to live. Learning tools to navigate life’s ups and downs with a healthy perspective is the way. The absence of tools can make you feel “hit.” Instead, using good tools feels more like a “wave” that passes through you soon enough. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said: “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” These concepts are something I’ve personally been giving a great deal of thought to since early last month when something “bad” happened. Once I went through the process of deciding it was good, I embraced the things that could happen as a result as positive. I’m now waiting for Divine Spirit to show me how it will resolve itself with ease and grace and the course of action to be revealed. In the first week of April, I received notice from our landlord here at our beautiful building at 11 Goddard that our lease would end on August 30, 2017. They felt a new tenant would be better-equipped financially to cover a 35% rent increase. I was shocked, hurt, scared and speechless for a week. I was sure this was baaaaaaad. I cried. I only told my husband and my best friend. I feared the Temple would be forced to close its doors because there was nothing out there that was affordable and could suit our needs. Apparently, the rental market


May/June 2017

is experiencing a robust increase. With great pain and sorrow, I said to my friend Elizabeth, “Where will they all go if we have to close?” I sat on it for a few days, absorbing the information. When my emotional storm settled, I prayed. Divine Source, what does this mean? What will come to pass? I was given several visions of possibilities that could be created. I was given guidance that “all would be well, it shall be revealed.” I stayed calm, trusting my guidance. My head buzzed with questions but my heart was still with trust. I began to share the news of the potential move, change of venue and change of circumstance with staff, on-site practitioners and teachers. I was optimistic, saying it was going to be good and positive no matter the outcome. They were nervous and concerned but took their cues from me to trust that the future of the Temple was in the hands of the Divine.

As soon as I shared the news and demonstrated my positive attitude, things started happening and options began to appear. Affordable properties showed up on internet searches, partnerships with other organizations became potential opportunities and people came forward offering to help pro bono. I can now see the beginnings of what will come but, as of yet, do not see how it will be done. It’s not what, but how. I trust how it will be created and can feel the changes and course of action energetically formulating. I patiently await my instructions on how to proceed. Follow our progress on our website, www., for news of the changes coming our way.

Rev. Danielle is a Master ThetaHealer® who practices a healing art based primarily on ThetaHealing® with several personal additions and modifications. Her sessions are life-changing, creating shifts in her clients’ perceptions of life, resulting in positive changes. Rev. Danielle has been studying metaphysics since 2000 under several mentors, including Vianna Stibal and Dr. Doreen Virtue. As a metaphysical minister, she believes in the intuitive ability gifted to each of us. Teaching this and witnessing healings has become her life’s work and passion. She believes we can live free from pain and suffering and in a constant state of peace and joy. Contact Rev. Danielle by email at or 949-244-1960 to begin creating a new journey for yourself.


of Light

Namaste, Rev. Danielle Marie 7



May/June 2017

Adventures In Hypnosis

A Catalyst Comes A-knocking for Past-Life Regression “I would like to have you perform a past-life regression on me.” The young, dark-haired woman asked with a heavy Russian accent. I was living in the Richmond District of San Francisco at the time and only doing a minimal number of hypnosis sessions a week. I was running two businesses and had very little time., plus I hadn’t done a past-life regression in years. I got requests for them but I simply didn’t see the usefulness. “How could some event or person from a past life have any effect on a person’s current life?” I wondered. “I really don’t do much along those lines,” I told her. “Perhaps you should seek out a medium or a psychic.” My response was, in hindsight, condescending. I was really thinking of the obstacles I’d have to overcome with her questionable understanding of English and my lack of recent experience in regressions. “Please, please!” she insisted, tears welling in her eyes. “I feel like someone from my past wants to talk to me. I see her in my dreams. Her face is familiar but it doesn’t belong to anyone I know. There is something I need to understand about her. If you can’t help me, I don’t know what I’ll do!” Talk about pressure. Tears were streaming down her cheeks now. Clearly, she was experiencing a great deal of emotional pain I just could not ignore. “Alright, okay, I’ll do it,” I said, with a sigh. “Come to my office at noon tomorrow.” “Thank you, thank you.” She took my hand, the relief on her face was undeniable. I felt relief, too. She proved to be an easy subject and, as it turned out, a catalyst for returning to past-life regressions. She went under hypnosis very quickly. Surprisingly, once she crossed the veil between the conscious and the subconscious mind, she immediately began to speak French. I only understood a few words so I asked her to speak English. She did so immediately but now, interestingly, she spoke English without her pronounced Russian accent; the accent now was distinctly French. The person speaking through her was a 15th Century French woman of means. I’ll call her Symonne. Another surprise, she had a much better command of the English language than her Russian host. This aristocratic woman spoke of her life as if it were happening now. After describing her life and time, I asked Symonne if she had advice to give to the young Russian woman now occupying her body (or vice versa). She paused briefly, then said to her, “You will not be staying in America much longer. Your destiny will be fulfilled in your homeland of Russia.” After our session, in spite of the young Russian girl’s desire to stay in America, she became increasingly discontented with life in San Francisco. She was considering moving to another state, but an emergency with her father’s health took her immediately to Russia. Years later, I found out she had become quite successful as a model in Russia.

by Choury DeVelle

There were many other revelations the Symonne provided with astonishing accuracy, not only to the Russian girl but also regarding my life. She predicted that my girlfriend and I would break up and I would move back to Southern California. That was the farthest thing from my mind. I had a seemingly flawless relationship. But the truth came with heartbreaking results. I found out my girlfriend of three years was having an affair with a good friend of mine. Soured by betrayal and a failing business, I eventually moved back to Southern California to start again. I’ve learned, perhaps painfully, that past-life regressions can be enormously helpful in allowing us to let go of stress, pain, fears and phobias. If you’ve ever wondered why you sometimes feel like you lived in another time in history or you simply relate to another era more than you do to this one, chances are a past-life regression could be right on time for you. Choury DeVelle believes the most effective way to release beliefs of lack and limitation and realize true potential is hypnosis. Hypnosis accesses the subconscious and changes programming from fear, sickness, lack and limitation to courage, health, abundance and wealth quicker than standard therapy. Contact DeVelle at: (714) 624-1956; chouryd@yahoo. com; www.orangecounty/




May/June 2017

So Above, So Below So Alive, So Dead

by Gosia Lorenz CFMW

Spirits, Ghosts and Entities: Do You Believe or Are You Spooked? How do you feel about spirits, ghosts and entities? • Are you scared of them? • Do you doubt they exist? • Do you know they exist without a doubt? • Do you talk to them regularly? • Do you see them but don’t know what to do about it? • Are you aware of them but scared to go any further? I’d like to invite you to consider a slightly different perspective. Nobody knows for sure what happens after we leave our bodies. But let’s consider this: Look around. How many different types of people do you see? Nice people, not-so-nice people, conscious, unconscious, funny, angry, depressed, brilliant, happy, unhappy.... What if after we die not much changes except for the fact the body is no longer alive? Kind people become kind entities, happy people become happy entities, angry people become angry entities? Nobody becomes enlightened or changes much. I’ve seen plenty of regret and guilt coming from entities but I wouldn’t call it a big change. Entities are defined energies. They have a name, role, color, origin, age, background and abilities. So, by definition, entities are not only ghosts or spirits, you are also an entity as is your house, car or business. For the sake of this article, let’s focus on the disembodied beings. We’re all aware of entities in one way or another. Their presence might be experienced by sudden tiredness, head or chest pressure, ringing in the ears, coughing, anger, sadness or depression. Extreme forms of unrecognized entities-awareness can result in bipolarism, schizophrenia or multiple personality disorders. The body is a sensory organ that provides constant information about other bodies, entities, even the earth. When something is going on with the body, it’s usually a “Who does this belong to?” situation. It’s usually not ours. Anger, sadness and depression might come from other people, the rest of the sensations are usually an entity presence. There’s not much education about entities that isn’t based on superstition, judgment, fear and inaccuracy. I come from the space where no entity is greater or more powerful than I am and I can handle them with ease if I stay present, conscious and aware. Think of yourself as an entity. Would you like people to fear you when you visit them after you die? Would you like them to ignore you when you say you love them or are sorry? So why would you do it to others who currently don’t have a body? There are only three things to do with entities: clearing, communicating and receiving. Clearing is fairly easy, you just tell

them they have a choice, they don’t need to be stuck where they are. To clear entities, say: • “Who are you? • “Who were you before that?” (Repeat until the energy shifts.) • “Who will you be in the future?” This way, they become aware that who they were when they died is not necessarily who they are as an infinite being. They can choose something different and they can leave. If they’re not leaving, they’d like to communicate with you. Communicating with entities is like talking to a person but the words appear like a thought (for most people). The entities want to tell you something, hear something from you or leave a message for someone else. Receiving from entities is more advanced. In most cases, you’ll want to receive from beings of light who are currently more conscious than you are. In classes as a certified Talk to the Entities™ facilitator, I witnessed huge changes, shifts and transformations as a result of opening up to the world of entities and being willing to include them in the creation of life and future. Gosia Lorenz will facilitate a Talk to the Entities™ class on Saturday and Sunday, May 6 and 7, in San Clemente, her only one in California this year. For more info, go to Gosia Lorenz became interested in holistic health, spirituality and metaphysics early in life, completing courses in ESP, Reiki, Theta healing and EFT. She later became a facilitator in Access Consciousness Certified™, Body Process and Talk to The Entities™, teaching classes worldwide. A gifted healer, engaging speaker, author and dynamic change-agent.




May/June 2017

The Chi of Kong—Qigong A Gentle Giant of A Power Source Qigong (Chi-Kong), a powerful ancient Chinese healing art, offers a direct line to increasing life force, revitalizing the body and greatly calming the mind. Every one of us can happily practice this gentle yet mighty exercise on a regular basis, pretty much anywhere. In China, qigong is even prescribed as an adjunct to chemotherapy and radiation because it’s known to lessen the side effects. This natural flow of movement is a holistic system of selfhealing exercises that does what no other form of exercises can do: through defined movement, respiratory technique and meditation, every one of us is able to activate our own body’s healing powers. Many participants, from college students to senior adults, comment that they feel refreshed and revitalized after one session. Qigong translates to life force or vital energy of the body (qi or chi) and refinement of skills (gong or kong). So, qigong means working with our life energy, becoming aware of and directing the flow of qi (energy) in our bodies to benefit our health, wealth and happiness. And, yes, we can do that with grace, ease and unrestrained lightheartedness. Qigong’s gentle movement enables the practitioner to remain calmly focused in a relaxed, meditative state while the body moves through a series of exercises. Qigong Lowers Cortisol — the Aging Hormone In today’s world of accelerated information and the attending heightened stress, the practice of qigong offers a natural, longlasting, beneficially accumulative antidote. Qigong significantly boosts muscle strength while lowering cortisol (cortisol, known as the stress hormone, speeds up aging). Cortisol elevates In traditional exercise routines such as weightlifting and jogging. Cortisol actually causes aging and breaks down muscle tissue, where the skin drops away from the bone, and creates inflammation in the body, the culprit of illness. In qigong, life-force, vitality and youthfulness increase as you exercise rather than decline. Research studies show that qigong also: • Lowers blood pressure • Strengthens the heart muscle • Increases the volume of blood flowing to the brain, hands and feet Qigong also increases blood-flow to the small capillaries throughout the body. The state of relaxation achieved during qigong practice causes the blood vessels to gently dilate, hence improving your entire circulatory system. The practice of qigong offers even more benefits: • Improves digestion

by Adil Panton

• Increases vitality • Significantly lowers stress • Strengthens the immune system The self-healing art of qigong knows no limitations or prejudice. There are no age restrictions, gender or size requirements or mobility standards. By practicing qigong, you can learn to improve your own health, significantly increase your vitality and create balance and harmony within and throughout all aspects of your life. To begin your personal Qigong practice, I offer a weekly Qigong class from 6:30 to 730 p.m. at the Temple of Light, 11 Goddard, Irvine, 92618. For more information, please contact me at Adil Panton, 949-842-7187 or healingartstouch@ or visit the Temple of Light’s calendar of events at Adil Panton has studied and taught Qigong for 25 years. He received his teaching certification in 2007 from the Supreme Science Qigong Center. Starting his training with Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming, he continues with Sifu Richard Tsim. Panton offers Qigong at the Temple of Light from 6:30-7:30 p.m. every Tuesday and provides individualized therapeutic massage and health coaching at




May/June 2017

Your Values Define Your Life

by Donna Bond, MA

What are the values guiding your life?

• What do you want to create more of?

By having a clear understanding of our values, we gain great clarity on the decisions we make. Making decisions is how we choose to power our life forward, or not. To make decisions with confidence and sustain the self-assurance necessary to hold true to those decisions, it’s extremely beneficial to understand the values behind them.

• What is true for you?

Several years ago, I dated a lovely man who would do anything for me. He “looked good on paper” but, deep down, I knew something didn’t align with my heart, my head and my soul. At that time in my life, I didn’t realize the importance of alignment between these three key parts, yet I knew something didn’t feel right. I got the idea to do a “value comparison” with him. I presented a list of 100 values and asked him to pick his top 20. I did the same. Then we compared notes. Out of the top 20, we only had one in common: Love. While I agree love is certainly one of the most important values in one’s life, I believe almost everyone would put that on their lists. The other 19 on his list didn’t match any of the values on mine. My innerknowing discovered that shared values provide a firm foundation in relationships, and we only shared one.

• What feels right in your heart? After you’ve made your highlights, select the ones that carry the most energy for you, that ring most true to who you are. Transfer these top 10 or 20 words to a personal journal. Own them. Let them resonate with you as part of who you are. Let them guide your decision-making going forward. Have fun with this. This exercise allows you to become more intimate with the values that reflect the real you. The values of your life guide the decisions you make so it’s important to get clear on what means the most to you. Donna Bond, M.A., © All Rights Reserved, Donna Bond, MA, is a graduate of the University of Santa Monica where she earned her master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in consciousness, health and healing. Her work as a professional life coach, transformation consultant and inspirational speaker centers on serving individual transformation of consciousness. Contact Donna at: 949-573-7708

It was now clear why this was not the guy for me. I decided to end the relationship, knowing it was for the highest good. This value-matching exercise helped me know myself better and my true motivations in life. It also helped me better understand what I want in a partner and in my own life. Although breaking off the relationship was uncomfortable, when I was true to myself, the universe gave me a gift: I met my husband-tobe just 90 days later. We shared 16 out of 20 values. So, here’s how you can get started: download “List of 400 Values” to stimulate your mind by visiting Go to the bottom of the article and print out the pages. Do a little centering first: Close your eyes, take some deep breaths, focus your energy on your heart and relax. Then grab your favorite highlighter and start marking. Go through the list, marking anything that strongly (no doubt, without thinking) resonates with you. I recommend quickly going through the list, not judging which words jump up as a yes. Let your intuition guide you. Before doing the exercise, here’s a few questions that might help: • What values do you live by? • Who are you? • What motivates you? • What values do you desire in your life? 15



May/June 2017

Pet Owner, Heal Thyself

by Kara Udziela

Being the Leader with Your Pet Isn’t Mean, It’s Necessary “My kitten won’t let me sit on the couch.” “My dog barks incessantly at the window.” “My dog has fear aggression and he’s starting to bite. Can you make him stop?” This month’s article is meant to help you look inside and, instead of talking woo-woo mystical things related to animal communication, I’m going to break down a few simple things for you to try before calling a communicator in despair. In 90 percent of the cases of poor animal behavior, there’s a lack of energy leadership at the head of the household. We share morphic energy fields with our pets and they pick up on how in charge of our life we feel. They will follow your lead. And, trust me, if you’re not leading with the boldest personality, they will decide to lead you. Here are some easy things I’d like you to consider about you and your pet. Who are you? What stories do you like to tell about yourself and your pets? People call me all the time with anxious dogs. They very often attribute this to Fido being a “rescue” dog. I can certainly help alleviate anxiety in a newly adopted dog after the scary shelter. But it’s also true that there are owners who are inherently anxious, worried people. Is it any wonder we would draw into our lives an animal who mirrors our insecurities? Work on yourself, meditate with your dog and start picturing the best thing that could happen for both of you, and watch a shift occur. Imagine Lady not skulking on her walk, send her mental pictures of that instead of picturing the opposite. Stand a little straighter, use a calm but firm voice with your dog and with others, and watch your lives improve. Also, many of us pet lovers endured physical or emotional trauma as children or young people, which is truly terrible. However, too many of us either bury that sadness, never processing it, and it comes out in other ways or we keep telling that story, which keeps us permanently stuck in a “woe is me” rut. Same goes for your pet. So, please stop calling your pet a “rescue.” Why keep reminding him? And stop whining to everyone about his bad behavior. What you focus on increases. Create opportunities for her to succeed and your cat will. Excessive praise of even two minutes for not hiding under the couch is imperative. Is there anything about this current struggle with a pet that reminds you of patterns in your life with real people? Oftentimes, a very pushy cat, dog or bird enters our lives and all of a sudden we feel like we’re tiptoeing around this huge personality. Ask yourself if your dad or mom was a little loud or scary or always got his or her way. It can feel subconsciously comforting in a familiarity-type of way to find a pet that replays challenging relationships in your life. Break the pattern. Your dog or cat is not the leader of your home. If you need help with this, I can certainly assist you.

Do rules feel constricting to you? A majority of dogs are dumped at shelters simply because their owners thought they were “bad” dogs but they never tried to establish training or give rules to that dog. I love to go with the flow and, honestly, I hate rules. My parents were very easygoing. But my animals deserve better than to live in chaos. So, I train them, I expect more of them and they see the images in my brain projecting to them that I expect calm in my house. All of this personal self-work and animal training can take a lot of effort, I know, but it shows them you are in control, which ultimately leads to a harmonious home. And a harmonious home is what they and we all want. To learn more, please attend one of my third Thursday classes at The Temple of Light. See the calendar at When Kara Udziela adopted stray cat Patches, who followed her to the school bus stop and met her there after school everyday, she discovered something deeper in the humananimal connection. Raised in a left-brained environment, she never thought she’d be a psychic, much less for pets. Kara Udziela: (949) 282-3506;




May/June 2017




Coming to Orange County July 1 and 2, 2017 The Phenomenon and The Gift is a two-day course live-streamed simultaneously to seven locations. Taught directly from the Oneness University in India, spiritually advanced Oneness teachers guide participants through processing ancient science and the technology of consciousness. In these times of escalating chaos and change, we need to discover the stillness within that can anchor us while the storm outside rages. This course is perfect for anyone, regardless of experience, belief system or philosophy. It is practical and beneficial for the business person, the homemaker, the professional, the visionary, the entrepreneur and all like-minded people who want to live more consciously.

THE GIFTS THAT YOU RECEIVE ARE BOTH PRACTICAL AND PRICELESS: PRICELESS GIFTS • Deeply bond with the stillness in your heart. • Learn a daily meditation practice called the Golden Orb Meditation.

PRACTICAL GIFTS • Undergo transformative teachings, contemplations and processes that will shift you into higher states of being.

• Awaken abundance and prosperity consciousness.

• Learn to shift fear, loneliness and anger to peace, stillness and joy.

• Meditate in the presence of Sri Bhagavan, founder of Oneness University.

• Use a 9-step process to manifest what you really want! (It works).




May/June 2017




Don’t Just Fall, Take a Quantum Leap and…

Get Thyself into the 5th Dimension


arathustra (his given spiritual name since 1990) could not get up off his bed for three weeks. It wasn’t like he was comfortable. He was stuck there. He was lying in his loft in Venice Beach, Calif. “It wasn’t like it was something fun,” he said in an interview with Radiance. “People say, ‘Oh wow, that’s cool.’ But this was not fun. I have no idea how I went to the bathroom or how I ate. I was not asleep, I was not awake. This was not comfortable.” And it was exhausting. “I was being worked,” he said. Then, just as suddenly, he could move again. For the next three weeks, life returned to normal, and he didn’t give it another thought. Three weeks later, think again, down he went for another three weeks, and it wouldn’t be his last.

“It wasn’t like it was something fun.” That was exactly eight years ago. What took over was what he now calls his 5th dimensional guides. “Information was being downloaded,” he said. At the end, he said his right hand turned into a “high-frequency transmitter” and his healing abilities were activated and ignited. In the blink of a third-eye, 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing & Awareness was born, which Zarathustra has since taken as a healing practice across the globe. Before any of this happened, Zarathustra was more or less a regular guy. “I wasn’t working as a healer or teacher. I had some stock investments and prior to that I had an insurance agency and was doing group health insurance,” he said. With his earnings, he traveled the world, studying with different spiritual teachers, looking for enlightenment. He, like many others, was a seeker. Little did he know that awakening would come to him. After the downloads from his 5th dimensional guides, when Zarathustra put his hand on someone, his hand felt like it was on fire. “It started vibrating very strongly,” he said. The recipient would go into a trance-like state. He realized that when he touched someone’s forehead, they were receiving a third-eye activation. They then 22

by Rita Robinson Radiance Writer

experienced enhanced psychic and healing abilities as well as a dramatic spiritual awakening. The third eye, located in the middle of the forehead, refers to the body’s pineal gland. The pineal produces dimethyltryptamine, a naturally occurring psychoactive tryptamine. According to Rick Strassman, MD, “DMT may be a spirit molecule, naturally produced and capable of transporting us to different states of mind and unimaginable realms of experience.” (see: https://www.rickstrassman. com/books/the-spirit-molecule/chapter-summaries/) Although he was now practicing as a healer, Zarathustra’s 5th dimensional guides were not finished with him yet. In September, 2011, in yet another three-week period, Zarathustra experienced a profound shift in consciousness. He realized “that which he was seeking” all these years was already within him. His mind gradually began to turn inward and became fixed on what he calls “the one-pointedness within.” He awakened to the presence of the I AM, the Atman, “that which never changes.” Since his awakening, Zarathustra has activated thousands of people to the 5th dimensional realm. Looking more like a rock star than a meditative monk, Zarathustra emits a calm and calming energy. An American-Persian Sufi born in France, he was given his spiritual name by one of his first teachers, Osho. The name harkens back to the ancient Persian prophet Zoroaster. “Most people make this mistake: they’re looking for a state, they’re looking for a high. Awakening is not a state of feeling really high or feeling really blissed out,” he said. “You’re childlike, you’re back in your original state. Awakening is not something to be induced. You can’t get there through external means.” The 5th dimensional field of oneness does not operate from the thinking mind, Zarathustra explained. It operates from no mind as well as heart-centeredness in each given moment. “The more one is quiet the more one is established in this place of pure stillness,” he said. The stillness transcends

May/June 2017

the thinking mind and helps the person raise their vibration to a higher frequency. This high-frequency field of intelligence then becomes tangible and accessible, he continued. “It’s a journey from the head to the heart. You’re falling into your own being rather than being in a world of thoughts.” The chaotic outer world begins to disappear and becomes irrelevant, he said, while a sense of self-love and acceptance emerges and the true nature of the self reappears.

“It’s a journey from the head to the heart.” Life is for participating If you’re open to the experience, Zarathustra, who admits he loves the stage, helps you get to this elevated place through his touch, sounds and meditations as well as the mystical ambience of indigenous musical instruments. “I’m just opening the gateway to the 5th dimensional realm,” he said. “Because I’m vibrating at this higher frequency, those who are open to this energy begin to vibrate at the same higher frequency as well.” As we change our vibration, healing naturally occurs. “Bodies could heal, emotional issues could disappear and spiritual awakening and understanding takes place,” he said. The higher frequency dissolves the weighty mental debris of negativity, competitiveness, hatred, judgment, division and duality, he said, and original information from the 5th dimensional realm of oneness, love, silence, peace and unity comes to light again. Zarathustra humbly claims that he has no healing powers of his own. “This is all universal love,” he said..”There is only one healer on this planet and that one is in everyone and everything. I am not the one who heals anybody. I am merely a conduit of divine love and light and a channel to the 5th dimensional realm.” Healing and awakening are natural phenomena that occur every day on this planet, he said. “The human body has tremendous capability to heal itself given the right environment. Every human being has the potential to learn how to heal themselves as well as others and to awaken to their own true nature. My job is to create the right space and demonstrate to others that love is the true healer.”

Zarathustra will be offering two upcoming events at the Temple of Light: Wednesday, May 24, from 7 to 9:45 p.m.: 5th Dimensional Quantum Group Healing Event. Everyone will receive a hands-on healing. Cost: $20 advance, $25 at the door. Saturday, June 17, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.: Third Eye Activation and How to Touch, Cleanse and Restore the Auric Field. Everyone will receive a third-eye activation. By the end of the workshop, all participants are guaranteed to develop the ability to touch, cleanse and restore the auric field. Cost: $95 in advance, $125 at the event. Both events will take place at the Temple of Light 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618. For more information, please visit www.Zarathustra.TV , call 323-647-1447 or email Zarathustra also provides a free live and interactive weekly webinar called the 5th Dimensional Academy of Higher Consciousness every Monday from 10-11:30 a.m. PST. Sign up at Zarathustra.TV

Internationally known founder of 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing & Awareness, Zarathustra is a spiritual teacher and master healer who has dedicated his life to elevating human consciousness. Zarathustra travels worldwide offering 5th Dimensional Quantum Healing & Awareness Practitioner Training Programs as well as workshops, third-eye activations and shamanic healing.




May/June 2017

Summer — A Time for Spiritual Fun and Repose Transformations is a spiritual center and boutique dedicated to bringing beauty and light into your world. This is a spiritual respite, a safe haven for all to blow off the tensions of life’s daily struggles. We are a place where friends are made and stories are told; a place to experience community and grow in your relationship with Spirit. Four times a year, we host a Psychic Healing Faire to celebrate the changing of the seasons as well as to realign our purpose with nature and join with the community. The June solstice brings us the beginning of Summer. Long days of warm sunshine with the Earth growing. Time spent outside with family, visiting the beach, barbecuing and picnics.

by Kayla Sashean Scott

As you enjoy the peace of summer, please join us in celebrating its special essence. From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, June 24, we will celebrate with Transformation’s Summer Psychic Healing Faire. Feel welcome as we gather a wonderful and talented group of healers and psychics with special faire prices of $25 for 15 minutes. Special vendors and artisans will also offer their wares as well as treats and family summer faire games. As we plan our lives, we often need to stop and check to see if we’re on the right path. The changing season is a perfect time to do so. Spring was for planning and implementing Now, with summer, will your plans manifest? Come celebrate summer and give us the opportunity to help transform your world.




May/June 2017

The Power of Reciprocity “The universe abhors a vacuum.” The first time I heard this quote was while watching that wonderful breakthrough movie, The Secret. I thought I had died and gone to heaven when that movie came out. As an indigo and an empath, and as someone who is close to the angelic realms, I knew in my soul that so many of the teachings in The Secret were correct. When I heard the statement “The universe abhors a vacuum,” the truth of it rang in the air around me. I felt it in my body. I felt it in my soul. I knew I’d better learn this maxim on a deep level. In the universe, when things go in and nothing comes out, a sucking or vacuum is created. In order to maintain balance, giving and receiving, or reciprocity, must occur. This maintains balance and prevents a vacuum or an energetic black hole. I asked my guardian angel Galadriel (yes, that’s her name; I knew it before the Lord of the Rings movie came out) if she could help me more fully understand the importance of universal balance and reciprocity. Galadriel came to me in a whoosh of gold and blue light and said, “The universe requires balance because all that exists is balanced on an ever-rotating sphere within a sphere within a sphere. Without balance, it would all implode and cease to exist.“ My first thought was how delicate and fragile it all is. Galadriel responded, “Yes, it is fragile, and beautiful, and it is also designed as a tool for learning. “You brave souls who come into the third dimension to don a human form and to experience through the human senses must learn the power of reciprocity. To achieve balance is one of the most important lessons you must learn. “Everything you take from Mother Earth must be replaced to keep her alive.” “Every breath you breathe in, you must breathe one out to stay alive. Everything you put in your mouth must be processed and excreted to stay alive. Everything you take from Mother Earth must be replaced to keep her alive. Every smile you receive from a stranger must be shared to keep goodness alive. Every good deed one does for you must be returned to keep kindness alive. Everything you learn must be shared to keep wisdom alive.

by Michele Amburgey MsP, CCH, HHP, CBT, RMT

“Look at the places on your Earth where selfishness, separateness and greed are in action. Those places are dying. The flora and fauna are dying. The air is thick and heavy. Water stands putrid in puddles. The human life form is sick and lethargic. “Life cannot happen in a vacuum.“ I asked Galadriel if there was something I could do to be more aware of reciprocity. She laughed her precious angel laugh and said, “Yes, keep shining your light, even in the dark places. Don’t judge another, see each being as a part of God and Goddess creation. Love yourself. And love others. You might not like them, but when you see them as part of the whole, it is easier to love them, because they are God or Goddess in their created form. Maybe they are holding a part of the universal balance and you just can’t see what it is at that moment. “You live in a world of duality and this requires balance to continue. Or not. You are always shifting and changing and flowing up or down the creative spiral. Remember, heaven is created in your heart and in your inner vision. “Spiritually centered people continue to flow upward in the spiral. It is not better or worse than another, it is simply your souls’ calling. Someday you will leave this spiral for another experience in another universe and there you will learn more amazing things. Be well, sweet souls, your journey is a sacred gift to us all. Blessed are we that see the flow of the All.” An ordained minister and certified metaphysical practitioner, Michele Amburgey is a certified clinical hypnotherapist, and Reiki and Shamballa multi-dimensional master teacher. Through energy activations, she realigns the Kabbalistic gematrian body to the divine blueprint. A natural and trained medium, intuitive and clairvoyant, she offers classes/ private sessions. Contact Michele: 949-202-7493; www.

Rev. Michele Amburgey




June 9-11, 2017

What are you focusing on?

Creating more money & loving relationships or losing them?

Discover your innate magnificence and how to live a balanced & easy life! The Essence of Being is a three day experiential workshop which will help you uncover any unconscious blocks that may be holding you back from living your best life ~ and then release them!

It's about breaking old habits and changing methods that no longer work for you. Through a series of simulations, role-playing, and experiential games, you will have the opportunity to see the patterns you've developed in your life . You will learn how to create a new approach to life and go to the next level.

What would life be if you could accept yourself exactly as you are? Are you ready to: • • • • •

Learn how to trust more Enhance your self-esteem Discover how to create more money Learn how to have healthy relationships Have more joy and passion in your life The investment for the workshop is $1,197 and includes

two 1-on-1 coaching sessions. Pay your $200 deposit by May 26, 2017,

and your investment is only $997 if paid in full before the start of the workshop. ($200 savings!) DATE: June 9-11 2017 TIME : Friday 9th: Registration 9:00 am - 10:00 am Workshop 10:00 am -11:00 pm Saturday 10th 9:00 am until late Sunday 11th 10:00 am -7:00 pm

LOCATION: Temple of Light

11 Goddard ~ Irvine, CA 92618 (949) 333-1641

Please contact our office at (888) 400-5566 or Register online at 28

May/June 2017

You Have Arrived Please read this with your heart. Take this brief opportunity to let your mind rest. Glimpse that something that’s always in the background but never gets noticed: the divine. This is who you are, you only need to realize it. Your magnificent true nature is obscured by who you think you are. Slow down for the next few minutes. There is nowhere to be except here and, if there is, come back to this when you have time. There are pointers here that require your fullest attention to be noticed. Earnestly ask your heart all the questions and prompts I present. Take your time. Put yourself in the place of really wanting an answer. Notice your mind’s need to arrive at an answer only for the purpose of moving on. Now bring awareness into your spiritual heart. Do you feel a desire to race to the end of this article? Pay special attention to that. It is a craving for the end. Oftentimes, the mind likes to create competition where there is none. It lusts after the finish line. Reading text is not a means to an end. Just like life, the journey IS the end. Watch your mind for any distractions and gently set them aside. If an unrelated thought arises, let it float off as you read. Be especially mindful of how invasive and unrelated the thoughts are, bouncing from this to that, attempting to mesmerize you with their shininess. Did you power through the article that came before this one? Was it fully digested and recognized as a value to your life or was it subtly made into an achievement by the mind while simultaneously discarded to “move on?” Ponder that last thought in your heart and notice if the pattern applies to other areas of your life. The mind indulges itself by the relentless pursuit of “more.” If we pause and focus our awareness on the stillness of our heart, we realize that “more” cannot be defined. It’s as if we always have somewhere to be but we never arrive. The mind tells us we are a black hole of lack that cannot be filled.. These constant demands pull us out of the Now. Our minds feverishly cling to what they “know” about our personal past to fabricate a future that does not exist. Immediately, we unconsciously resume the pursuit. We can’t get enough. Ask from your heart: What is the definition of enough? What am I pursuing? Did you ask those two questions earnestly in your heart or did your mind notice “more” questions and race ahead? This is a simple article. Did the mind comment while you were reading it? Is it commenting now? These constant distractions must be looked at from the perspective of your heart. Please follow two breaths in and out, returning to a place of attention and stillness. This peaceful, loving, insightful place inside of you is always there. It is a glimpse into your universal, divine nature.

by Rick Lewis

Reside in this stillness throughout the day and become interested specifically in the movement of your thoughts. Give them your utmost attention. It is this very pattern that sucks you in with cravings and stories about “your” life. Coming from the heart, you will see that “your” life is only a story you believe in. The truth is you are life. What you truly are has no beginning or end. You need not worry or toil because you are the universal. Only identification with the mind and its mischief obscures what you are at your core. Discover what you are not and you will surrender to what you are. Now ponder from your heart: What is it that recognizes the shenanigans of the mind? If I were to peel back all my layers, what is left, what is at zero? Am I here, have I arrived? Who am I? Much love to you! Feeling spiritually stuck? Let’s Talk Presence with Rick Lewis. Together, you’ll harness the awareness found only in the present moment. Liberated from the compulsive need to resist current situations, Rick helps you move forward by taking action not based on reactive emotions but on the peaceful insight of “the now.”




May/June 2017

Is Life Good or What? Yesterday, as I picked my sevenyear-old granddaughter up from school, I asked her my habitual question, “How was your day?” She rolls her eyes. “Not again!” I argue. “But I LOVE to hear about anything from your day!” “It’s the same thing as before. It was GOOD!” she replies. “It’s good every day!” I want to be her. It doesn’t matter what happened, who ate lunch with her or didn’t, the teasing boy or what was going on in class (I know there are those days), it’s the same answer, “It’s good every day!” She teaches me. How about just remembering that the day is “good,” even if things “go bump in the night?” Part of this spiritual journey really is about learning to be a conscious participant in life and that our responses, reactions and experience of anything is ultimately our choice Be Present to What Is One of the practices that serves me and others I work with well is the practice of being present to what is. What does that mean? Ultimately, knowing that our state of mind is of utmost importance, it becomes more joyful to flow with rather than fight life. If I can accept this moment as it is without needing it to change for me to be happy and at peace, then I have found the secret elixir. This practice

can reveal a life of happiness, no matter what happens. For example, recently I had a day where one thing after another piled up on me that normally could have been cause for upset and turmoil. First, a ridiculous hour delay, waiting in a line that should’ve taken five minutes. Then, a cutting and hurtful letter from a loved one, a financial downturn and “bad” news on a project. All in one day. When the first delay appeared, I breathed into it and thought, “There is nothing I can do about this but wait. I might as well notice the things around me and enjoy “what is.“ Peace ensued. After slowly reading the painful and cutting remarks of a dear loved one, I felt my heart cringe and my gut kicked. I remembered the line from Matt Kahn, “More love, not less.” I allowed the letter to be there. I recalled that it wasn’t my job to change her or the situation but it was a call for more love, not less, toward myself and my precious one. This is what is happening now. I don’t need it to change. Peace ensued.

by Dr. Janette Freeman

“bump in the night,” and I know, all too well, it can be scary. Irritations arise but they are all passing states and experiences and, like the rough waters on the top of a lake on the windy day, the depth of the lake remains undisturbed. Our ability to accept what is happening is our ability to go into the depths of the lake, the still part, no matter what storms may toss the surface. All is well, no matter what. Founder and spiritual director at Oneness Center OC, Dr. Janette Freeman wrote The Second Envelope and Why Did This Happen to Me, Again? Adding humor to her profound teachings, she offers classes in spiritual development locally and online. Sign up at her website and receive your free Visualization Meditation:

As the financial hit surprised me and I went into fear immediately without choice, I soon remembered that this is what’s happening for now. I breathed. I remembered, “This is just a passing condition.” I want peace more than fear. I choose to accept what is happening in order to have peace, and from that peace, new and better solutions can arise. Peace ensued. Things happen. Life does go 31




May/June 2017

Of All the Nerves — Sciatica

As a chiropractor, I treat sciatica all the time. Today I want to talk about what sciatica is, what to look for, where it comes from and treatment options. Sciatica comes from the low back or from your buttocks and the pain typically goes down the back of the leg. Typically, it is presented as a sharp pain, especially with certain body positions or movements. It can be debilitating. In some cases, it’s just a dull pain or a tingling or numbness. Different people may present differently. But if the pain is going down the front of the leg or traveling up your back, you may be looking at another condition. The sciatic nerve is a nerve made up from the L4 -S3 nerves which are in the low back. These nerves combine and form the sciatic nerve. This nerve then goes either underneath or through a muscle located in the buttocks called the piriformis muscle. From there it goes down the back of the leg. Sciatica is a condition where the sciatic nerve is being compressed. Now the trick with sciatica is figuring out where and what is compressing it. It can come from the lumbar region and occur due to a disc bulge, herniation or subluxation. It can come from an inflamed piriformis muscle. It can come from a sacral-iliac joint fixation pulling the piriformis. It can even present as a combination of these. So, identifying where it comes from is the first step in fixing it. There are many ways to diagnose the problem. MRI and orthopedic tests are typically the most common. Since x-rays only show bone, it would not be my first choice in imaging because we want to look at discs, muscles and nerves. Orthopedic tests and history are just as important as imaging. Sometimes a disc bulge may show up on an MRI but may not necessarily mean it is the cause of sciatica. For example, someone may have a bulge but, after putting a heating pad on their buttocks, the sciatica decreases. This indicates that, although there is a bulge, the real issue may be coming from an inflamed piriformis muscle. This is not always the case, but I mention this because it is recommended that you look at everything first before just jumping ship on the imaging. If it’s a herniation causing the sciatica, there are things you can do to get relief.

by Benjamin Horning, DC

Chiropractic care is great for most sciatic cases. Physical therapy and stretching can also be a source of relief. If it’s coming from the piriformis, stretching, getting adjusted, taping and applying heat can help. If it’s coming from the spine, chiropractic adjustments, decompression and distraction can help. Surgery is recommended only in the most severe cases, such as broken off disc material in the spinal canal or a very large herniation. Conservative care is recommended for the typical sciatica patient. Benjamin Horning, DC, grew up holistically. He studied at the University of Maryland, receiving a degree in Agriculture and Resource Economics. He earned his chiropractic doctorate at Southern California University of Health Sciences in Whittier. Dr. Horning cares about restoring his patients’ health so they can flourish in all endeavors.




Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Hideko Curcio

Founder and Spiritual Director

Director of Events and Facilities

Rev. Allison Nevarez

Deborah Shea

Rev. Zia Sadaf

Facilities Cartaker

Oneness Center of Orange County

Shannon Quamme

Choury DeVelle

Marcie Howard

Rev. Amaya Victoria

On-site Practitioner and Instructor

On-site Practitioner and Instructor

On-site Practitioner and Instructor

Rev. Michele Amburgey

Cynthia Rittenhouse

Maliheh “Molly” Nouri On-site Practitioner

Julie Stone

On-site Practitioner

On-site Practitioner

Debra Hookey

Adil Panton



Harmony Roundy

Ryan Lee

Susan Lape

Seth Pincus

Alejandro Tovares

Anna Sophia







Kara Udziela Instructor


Rev. Janette Freeman

Programs Director

On-site Practitioner and Instructor

On-site Practitioner

Colin Sadowski

Programs Director

Center for Spiritual Living Saddleback Vly.

On-site Practitioner

Rita Robinson

David Wells, Ph.D. Instructor

Shauna Kossof Instructor

Elizabeth Hendershot Instructor

Temple of Light

May/June 2017

Fast-Track to En-LIGHTenment Enlightenment is a process. There is no magic wand or fairy dust to suddenly make you enlightened. Leave that for Disney fantasy movies. The greatest path to enlightenment, the fastest “pedal to the metal” route, is having the courage to do your own shadow work, looking directly at what makes you uncomfortable to look at. Get it out in the light. Most of us carefully and reflexively avoid our shadow (the not-so-pretty aspects of the negative mind,, negative past lives, dysfunctional actions resulting from the negative thoughts that hammer us constantly). Don’t. But avoiding it only gives it license to pervade our lives even more. Instead, jump on that shadow full force by bringing it out into the open with someone who can actually guide, support and help you heal. This is the fastest way to go into “spiritual displacement,” which is when you let go of past hurt, the pain, the shadow, the “soul dirt” or negative karma. Once you release the shadow’s clutter laying around that’s just taking up space, you’ve made room for more light. You’ve lightened up. You now hold the light within you and it, rather than the murky shadow, becomes your new format of beingness. It works like this: Most people function or, rather, malfunction from the ego, where it’s too much in control. Acting from the ego (status, importance, being right, better, etc.) gives us a false sense of self-esteem, a pseudo selfconfidence, an inauthentic false front we think we need to navigate the world. Real, genuine self-esteem comes into service as a state of humility and balance. As you surrender to healing inner child issues, past-life issues, past traumas and the like, the spiritual displacement that is occurring provides more balance and stability, and you become one who wants to serve the greater good. It is a process. This is the path to authenticity. It is not just a tool, an exercise, a tagline, chapter heading or belief. It is a real process. In this process, you become your authentic self. You become a beautiful, divine servant. You become awe-inspired. The only way to come into your divine service, your divine self, is to do the self-healing process of repairing the damage, letting go of the baggage and burdens, letting ego take its supporting role (not in charge) and to come into the DIVINE HEART.

by Carol Leilani Jenny

This cannot be done in the world of the mind or mental chatter, by figuring it out or through beliefs. You can only do this from the divine heart, where you then can begin to serve. In this space, we can begin to heal an entire planet and an entire paradigm. The healing power of the sacred divine heart space is within us all. This is how important self-healing is. Do you see? Can you imagine collectively healing ourselves by collectively being in the sacred heart where everything can heal? In that gentleness and humility of spirit and service is great power. It’s time to jump in. If you’re ready to heal and let go, I may be your healer. For free consultation, please text (480) 586-5804. We’ll set a time dedicated to you. You can also email me at caroljenny. Please friend me on Facebook. Carol Jenny and Carl Jenny Healing. Dedicated to spirituality and healing.




May/June 2017

Rev. Michele Amburgey




May/June 2017

Dolphins and DNA The dolphins have shared with me that they are the designated keepers of the human DNA template system. They receive infusions of DNA activations through the earth’s ocean systems from Creator. It is their given task to process this information internally and calibrate the actual DNA that is perfect and right for each person. They also hold the energy of love and joy for actual locations on the planet that are experiencing war and chaos. They work to create frequencies that are infused into these areas on the planet with templates of peace, harmony and healing. The dolphin matrix supports DNA re-encodements for people and places through the energy code systems they use. The dolphin family of light has created a template for human DNA and uses it to monitor the overall template for the pure holographic possibility equation for humanity and Earth. If you choose to connect with the planetary dolphin family, you can receive these attunements directly from the dolphin group consciousness. They are the masters of DNA recalibration and are able to shift old energies very quickly with their healing frequencies. They work in a frequency of joy and playfulness perfectly suited to the energy of ascension and the “new Earth.” Beloved humans, please listen to your hearts as the energies continue to accelerate. Call upon the dolphin energies as they are the chosen emissaries of light. Their communications will be valuable assistance in helping you align with the crystalline grid system, your personal DNA upgrades and the dolphin matrix systems that are assisting in creating the “center” for the new Earth. Know that the dolphin matrix of energy is assisting with cleansing and balancing the Earth’s oceans. Currently, many scientific experts are saying that DNA plays a powerful role in newly discovered communications between dolphins and humans. Ongoing study at the Sirius Institute in Hawaii reveals that dolphins and whales receive and transmit sound signals capable of affecting the genetic double helix. Using natural biotechnology, dolphins can actually heal humans swimming near them “sonogenetically” with sound waves, as many people have attested. For the last 14 years, multidisciplinary study at the Sirius Institute has indicated that the expression of DNA traditionally considered the blueprint of life can be changed by the sound and electromagnetic fields generated by dolphins. New research shows that our DNA is activated by waves and particles of energized sound and light that literally switch genes on or off. Likewise, genetic inheritance is energetically transmitted bioacoustically and electromagnetically through special water molecules that form the electro-genetic matrix of DNA. These hydroelectric structures are shaped like pyramids, hexagons and pentagons and they direct healing processes. This amazing phenomenon explains how remarkable healings have been reported by people in whale- and dolphin-watching

by Laurie Reyon Anderson

boats when dolphins are swimming next to them and by swimmers following contact with dolphins. The cetaceans have had complex languages for millions of years. They have the largest brains on the planet. Visitations by dolphins and whales have demonstrated a history of friendship and cooperation and even partnership with humans. The dolphins and whales have shown us that they are the ancient and wise super-sentient beings on this planet. They are living examples for us,, showing us how to live in peace and in harmony with our planet. We encourage you to connect with dolphins and whales each and every day, energetically, telepathically and in the physical oceans whenever you can. They are the living ultimate expression of how we can begin to live in our hearts within the “pod mind,” which is demonstrated by living for the good of the many, not the one. Laurie Reyon Anderson is a certified Akashic records consultant, life-path intuitive and telepathic teacher. She offers individualized spiritual coaching-into-consciousness programs, whale healing and clearing sessions as well as boat trips and spiritual cetacean retreats. She works in sacred partnership with Master Cat Puddah, an aspect of the south of “Seth.”




May/June 2017

Are You Living The Four Agreements? by Marilyn Robbins, RScP

The Center for Spiritual Living Saddleback Valley has chosen The Four Agreements as the book study guide for our “Adventures in Faith.” The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is an easy read with clear and easily identifiable examples of what takes place as we undergo the socialization process we all endure. Ruiz discusses specific ideas that men and women can use that erase the old ways and implement effective options that allow peace of mind, confidence and a willingness to conduct their affairs with straightforwardness and honesty. These four agreements with yourself are:





Be Impeccable with Your Word

Always Do Your Best

Don’t Take Anything Personally

Don’t Make Assumptions

This reminds us that when we take feedback or comments from others personally we are coming from our ego. In this teaching, we say that’s Edging God Out. It’s also a reminder to release self-judgment.

Part of coming from integrity is to ask for what you want. The world is not made up of mind-readers. Being impeccable with our word means to speak up and be clear with our intentions.

Your word is the power you have to create. It’s a gift that comes directly from God.

Each day we’re given a new set of circumstances. Always do your best with the circumstances that are presented to you and know that your best changes all the time.

This doesn’t solve all your issues in one quick fix. It does, however, provide four concise ways that, when used consistently, become part of one’s life without thinking. If you haven’t yet explored this book, we recommend it. You’ll be amazed at the shift you’ll have in your life and the ease in which you’ll begin to navigate your world. This “Adventure in Faith” is the first of many opportunities we offer to grow in a spiritual community while becoming the best YOU you can be. The Center for Spiritual Living Saddleback Valley has additional classes, small group activities and workshops as well as community events. Check our calendar at for upcoming opportunities starting in May. We meet at the Temple of Light at 11:00 a.m. on Sundays with our “Really Amazing Neat Guys” band playing jazz 15 minutes prior to the service. They start the ball rolling with classic music and the expertise of professionalism earned over years in the music world. Then stay and listen to our talented and personable Rev. Allison as she shares her home-run message giving each of us an opportunity to grow spiritually. Our featured vocalist of the week will tie it all together beautifully. Followed by coffee and community. We look forward to seeing you soon. 41



May/June 2017


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