Radiance May-Jun 2021 Issue: "Follow Your Bliss" Updated

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May- J u n 2 0 2 1


Algunas Paginas en Espanol

What’s Healing about Ormus? Emelia’s Healing Adventures

The Alchemist & The Healer

Swaha Ron and Tison

How to Stay Centered when Loved Ones Challenge Us Comienzos Fescos How Can I Connect with My Guides Right Now? The Promise of a Shaman Book Review: “Making Contact” by Alan Steinfeld



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Clients are provided with guidance for how to maintain a healthy Aura and not recreate energetic blockages. Julieta is one of 3 humans in the world who have downloaded this exciting knowledge. She was guided to write an instructional book, Anatomy and Physiology of the Aura, which serves as the foundation for this expansive knowledge, and she has been teaching Auric Medicine in Mexico, Europe and the USA for 6 years.

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Now I CHOOSE to expand. Now that I am getting a glimpse of it,

I want to access it. I CHOOSE to access

more of the vastness of creation -

this beautiful field I have access to. Fr a n co D eN ico la





Multidimensional Media Inc.

How Can I Connect With




my Guides?

By Deirdre Selby-Gius







The Tortie Who Shocked

14 34 36

the Animal Communicator By Kara

The Promise of a Shaman

Self-Healing? By Dina Saalisi

Places? Book Review of

“Making Contact” by Alan Steinfeld

15 ART

15 26



How Can We Stay Centered with


Fresh Starts – Transformation in


Emelia’s Healing Adventures


What is Your Original Wisdom?


Is the Sovereign Divine Feminine




Art by Alfredo Davalos

What’s Healing About Ormus? The Alchemist and The Healer


“In the Library of Conifers,” Art by Paul Bond

Swaha Ron & Tison

Loved Ones? (Radiance Experience)

Action By Camille Leon


By Emelia Cuevas


Book excerpt by Donna Bond

Rising Again? By Monika Carless

What is Sacred Union and the Ancient Dance of Hieros Gamos By Morgan Lee

Are Humans Being Redesigned? By Franco DeNicola

Comienzos Fescos, Transfor-


MAY-JUN 2021

mación en Acción, Por Camille Leon

Es el Soberano Divino Fe-


menino Subiendo de Nuevo? Por Monika Carless

Unión Sagrada y lo Antiguo

39 41



What is Empowered

Are Aliens Friends in High



Danza de Hieros Gamos Por Morgan Lee

¿Estamos siendo rediseñados? Por Franco DeNicola



The Spirit ual Renaissance is Here .

Are You In?

The July-August Issue of Radiance Magazine is

The Healing Benefits of Plant Medicine Emelia Cuevas, Carol Francis, Matias De Stefano en Español & English Horses Trained to Heal Us

The Holistic Practitioners Guide

Patricia Garza-Pinto

A Sacred Space Has Been Prepared for You 1 RADIANCE MAGAZINE

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“ Follow

Your Bliss ” Updated

remember absorbing the “follow your bliss” affirmations from Joseph Campbell and Wayne Dyer on PBS shows in the ’80s. It was rare and golden information that made my spirit soar.

But with the Old World, and all the programming that went with it, fading away, and

fresh wisdom based on new energy coming in, we are witnessing the creation of The New(est Age). Now, everything gets an update: the old energy of “follow your bliss”

could be summarized as, “Maybe go ahead and quit your job, take the leap, to follow

a dream you’ve had since childhood... or ANY dream, even a new one; do for YOU, and the rest will come.”

The New Energy of Following Your Bliss expands to the following: “Allow your

most authentic Self to emerge NOW – why struggle so much now that you know

you’re Source? PROACTIVELY explore and discard emotional layers and belief sys-

tems that no longer serve (do the shadow and inner child work); know that following your bliss is not dictated by outer stimulus but by the inner voice of your Soul.”

There is a spiritual logic to an intelligent Universe allowing itself to experience life

through so many humans: why WOULDN’T you?? Source/God splits off into many in-

dividuated fractals (divine sparks!) and then FORGETS s/he is God, which is okay, because even if s/he fails to remember her Source-ness before the body/biosuit dies,

the soul is absorbed back into the Whole for… another go? A rest? A new job as an architect of another universe? Angel? Spirit Guide? You choose based on what you want to experience.

Follow your bliss not because of where your intuition will take you next, but for where it will take you after that,

and after that, and after that. Give up needing for things to “make sense” in a linear logic kind of way, and have fun following your own soul messages. Do You, and the conditions of the world will expand in joy in unison with you.

Blessings and Light, Scott Ware


Publisher and Editor-in-Chief - Scott Ware

Executive Editors - Gina Kegel | Associate Editors - Torin Lee, Crista Marie Miller Design Editor and IT – Yan Hughes | Subscription Manager - Tonya Fitzpatrick 11432 South St. Cerritos, CA 90703

info@radiancemm.com | 714-501-5050 | RadianceMM.com

Published bi-monthly in print and online at RadianceMM.com. All rights reserved. Radiance Multidimensional Media, Radiance Magazine and Inner Views on Xpnsion Network amplify holistic practitioners who provide non-denominational wellness teachings and tools to help us navigate life at the highest levels. We also present transformational technology and cutting-edge wellness

products and services that enhance the mind-body-spirit connection. Radiance Magazine can be found in Wellness Centers,

Health Food Stores, Yoga and Meditation Studios, Doctors’ Offices, Health Fairs, Coffeehouses, Metaphysical Stores, Spiritual Centers and sometimes car washes. Do you know any new locations opening where Radiance can be featured? Please let us know

at info@radiancemm.com. Radiance and its owners do not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual

statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and advertisers and are not necessarily endorsed or verified by us. Enjoy the self-exploration and expansion.






MAY-JUN 2021




Can You Stay CENTERED with Loved Ones When the Conversation Gets Challenging? Let’s say you’re at an outdoor cafe with a family member sipping your favorite drink, and they say something that rubs you the wrong way. A lot. Perhaps they gossiped about another family member, or talked up a conspiracy theory that doesn’t align with you... what do you do? Obviously, you don’t want to stop LOVING them... they are someone who you love spending time with... Can you strip out that *ribbon of discord* while holding your vibe high and stay true to yourself? If so, what’s your secret? For me, remembering Who I Am and Who They (truly) Are helps a lot What do you do? #doingthework We asked our readers in the Facebook group The Radiance Experience:

Frances Pullin I, personally, breathe a little deeper and allow their comments. We are all unique unto ourselves. Keeping in mind their goodness shines at other times and knowing there is a reason for our conversation. Later, I work on the why. Love shines this way.


Catherine Ibarra I remind myself

that other humans, even loved ones and close friends, are under absolutely no obligation to meet my expectations. Each of us has a different journey and has as such is entitled to different opinions, needs and desires, resulting in different behavior. They do not require my blessing or approval.


MAY-JUN 2021

Zulmara Maria I try to give them space to be who they are and to live the story they need to live and experience the journey they need to experience. I am a recovering “fixer” in my family, so I smile, listen respectively, do not argue and sometimes offer my perspective and sometimes not… reminding myself: THIS is their journey and it does not have to be lived, understood or experienced my way. With that said, for the white supremacists, haters, and Trump supporters in my family, I don’t sit down and have a lot of cups of coffee with them...I just send them love from afar.

John Holland “Ribbon of discord.” Love that. All people are in different places mentally emo-

tionally and physically. Let them grow at their pace and you worry about growing at your own pace. We need to be reminded of this truth from time to time that we may be more tolerant and understanding. When I’m triggered, my fathers words come into my mind “think twice before you speak and three times before you act.”

“I would prefer to listen to something new about you. About your goals, dreams, books, vacations. Something positive. I am really working on depositing into my spiritual bank” Lisa Stuhley BREATHE… It took me a while to let it go and not try to fix their head space… Either my choice, or by nature, the process of like attracts like.

Daniel Olexa CIht-Pcc I let them be them and I happily cut ties if their vibe is dragging mine down. Self-care and protection comes first. They can live their life without me in it, and I can live my life without them,

Emelia Cuevas I have been saying lately, “That might be true for you but it isn’t for me.” They will then start to argue their belief and I follow with, “I love you and respect your belief (your choice) but that does not resonate with my truth.” So far it has work. It ends there and we continue to enjoy our drink and company.

When they talk bad about someone, I say, “It is not necessary for me to know....“ They will insist on their story and I will say, “I would prefer to listen to something new about you. About your goals, dreams, books, vacations. Something positive. I am really working on depositing into my spiritual bank.” All with a smile while I am sending love; shifting the vibration in our space together.

Amaya Victoria I stay silent and allow them to be. If it is a personal offense that needs addressing, I will do so. Otherwise, I keep my focus on their goodness. Even if distance occurs. Either my choice, or by nature, the process of like attracts like.



How Can I Connect With My


By Deirdre Selby-Gius


itting quietly, I prepare to do a reading for a client. I know that it is not I who will know what to tell

them; I need to tap into otherworldly energies, My Higher Self, Angels, Spirit Guides… and even more impor-

tantly, those that will be brought in by the person I am to

work with. Connecting with their essence is essential to bringing in a true and honest reading that will resonate.

How do you find your angels, your guides? The spir-

its that are here to help you on your journey? Some-

times, when we are looking, these beings can seem so

elusive and hard to catch, even for those of us who know that they are real. It is easy to bandy about words like

meditate and feel into___… but it’s harder to do it. For me, it has really come down to trust. The hardest part

of working with the invisible is trusting that it is actually there. And I do that well.

la ir se a M

terms refers to something that gives us information that will usually come through as simply a knowing without

explanation. And believing in its validity, knowing that we are not daydreaming, imagining, or suffering delusions is crucial.

So, sit down quietly… Allow yourself to daydream and

ask that your Spirit Guides come in. It is best if you have a question that you wish to ask them, preferably some-

thing not too complicated or impactful at first… but not too superficial either. A good choice of question might

be to ask them individually about their job, why they are

with you, and what area of life they help you to navigate.

Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and our guides are no different. Understanding their “mission” would be important information for you to have, so this is a valid inquiry.

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When an answer comes to you, don’t sec-

ond guess yourself and think you are making it up, but trust your inner voice and understand

that a Guide has shown up and is sharing information with you. Know that you have started

down the path of opening communication, and with further attempts further progress can be made, they want to be in contact. When you, and your Angels and Guides form a strong

ve Lo ssa Ali

working relationship, you are on your path

towards living and working your blueprint, the primary reason you are here.

Deirdre Selby, Career Educator and Owner of

Crystal Enhancements, has been working with her

spiritual gifts for her entire life. A Reiki Master, Chi

Ra fae lG on zal o

"Thank you so much for my Crystal Crown! I love it so much! I feel so powerful and

Gun Practitioner, and Crystal Healer, Deirdre is high-

ly intuitive to otherworldly energies. Whether in an

intuitive reading, energy healing session, or crystal enhancement, she always comes from love.

Learn more at crystalenhancements.com. Join

the conversation on Facebook on the Crystal En-

hancements page or dive deeper in the Opening



and Enhancing Your Spiritual Gifts group.

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The Tortie Who Shocked The Animal Communicator

By Kara of Pet’s Eye View


any people come to me for help communicat-

“Uh, oh,” I thought. “What if they don’t believe in rein-

ing with an animal who has crossed over. I don’t

carnation?” So I asked Laila, “What if they cannot or do

carnation, but there are times where I have zero choice.

me a look and said, “Well, then, I’ll have another life, but

know people’s spiritual beliefs, so I rarely bring up rein-

not want a cat right now?” Ever the diva, Laila just gave I’d RATHER they just find me.”

I communicated this to her peo-

ple. I explained that this is rare, that I have talked to thousands of pets, and, as I have detailed in Radiance

before, only perhaps 20 percent can say they will reincarnate, and it will be many years down the road.

“How will we know?” Lauren

asked. Her fear of choosing the

wrong cat to bring home made sense.

I went back into meditation. I

saw a low-slung building with aw-

nings on the outside. Laila helpful-

ly came in and showed me that she

has returned as a dilute tortie -- NOT black and orange, as she had been before, but gray, orange and white.

This is an unusual look. I also felt that I was called to read a dog,

Callie, and her friend Laila, a

proud black and orange Tortie

who had passed some nine weeks before. Before I even turned on my Zoom, the dog was yammering that she needed a new cat. Then, I met the guardians, Lauren and Toby. I informed them that Callie missed her cat

friend very much, but wanted a new one to take care of - RIGHT NOW.

This reaction is uncommon in a dog who has recent-

ly lost an animal friend, but Callie was insistent. Next,

the deceased Laila popped in, telling me how much she

missed Lauren and Toby, and her dog’s tail. However, she

was already HERE, ready to come back and live with them again, so could they please HURRY and go get her?


MAY-JUN 2021

Lauren would not find the image on a

website. She would need to go in person to find her. A few days later, Lauren messaged me. She had

called a local shelter with no images on its website. The building is low and has awnings on the windows. They

had a set of 8-week-old kittens which included a single, female dilute Tortie. Lauren and Toby visited with no

expectations, but when the kitten crawled into her lap, they knew Laila had been telling the truth.

And that is how a dead cat shocked an animal com-


If you ever want to know what your pet is thinking or feel-

ing, what is behind a behavior problem, or have a chronical-

ly ill or deceased pet, please visit me at www.petseyeview. com. Consider learning energy work and bodywork your-

self to enhance your pet’s health and behavior.

The oldest Sequoia Tree is over 3,200 years old. The oldest tree on earth is a Spruce growing in Sweden. Its age? 9,550 years old. Twice that of the Egyptian pyramids of Giza. Trees communicate with each other via their root systems, and send nutrients to other trees within their group who are in need. They are living, sentient beings with stories to tell and wisdom to share. We cut them down to create the paper to make the books to share our knowledge. Here, in the Library of Conifers, is a boy who goes straight to the source. www.paulbondart.com



FRESH STARTS Transformation in Action


By Camille Leon, Founder of the Holistic Chamber of Commerce hen I finally woke up, I realized I wasn’t alone. Other people—perhaps you—have had

painful childhoods or broken relationships, have suffered from unexpected situations that caused stress

or even posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that can affect and even obstruct our life in the present.

There are healers in this world who move us from

judgment of ourselves and others, through forgiveness,

to love, even to fun and joy, because once we are healed from our past, where do we go from there? Fill your life

with light so there is less room for darkness. Shadows will come and go, and you will always find your way back to the light.

A lot more people need access to that healing, the

healing that goes deep enough to pull out old roots and plant new seeds.

Remember that you are you. You are not

your parents, siblings, or children. You may share traits in common with

family members but that doesn’t mean that everything is the

same. Explore and discover what works best for you. For me, I first had to

learn to say no to all the things (and people) that

weren’t good for me. It took

many years and a ton of prac-

tice. The more you practice no, the easier it gets.

It was like acknowledging that

driving through the back alley was

bad for my car. It was full of potholes,

and it stressed the shocks and punctured my tires.

After I decided to start avoiding the alley and take the

paved and well-maintained streets instead, I still turned into the alley at least once a day for the next five days. It was a habit, learned from repetition. It had become

my routine to turn there, and it took five days before I

consistently avoided the potholes altogether by taking the second turn instead of the first. 16

MAY-JUN 2021

The same was true for my life. It took time, once

I was even aware of how my choices had placed me

where I was, to make new choices and receive the rich results and rewards that flowed from them.

Unfortunately, most lifestyle habits have been habits

for too long and will take more than five days to change.

The Downward Spiral One trigger Can remind me That I’m not Where I want to be, And into the Rabbit hole I go. What’s the key to significant long-term

change and transformation? Stay sup-

ported! Surround yourself with peo-

ple on a similar journey. After a few months of working as a coach, I felt alone and overwhelmed. How do I juggle my time and prioritize my commitments?

How do I manage my money?

Starting the Holistic Chamber

of Commerce connected me

with fellow professionals who

faced similar challenges. For

some, joining a Sunday morning

fellowship group is a better idea.

Find the group that is best for you so

you can share your experiences, insights, and

ideas with others, and listen as they share too.

Camille Leon is the founder of the Holistic Chamber of

Commerce which serves to connect consumers with holis-

tic and integrated options for health, wellbeing, lifestyle, and business through their gatherings and their free-to-search online directory at holisticchamberofcommerce.com.


uando finalmente des-

los siguientes cinco días. Era un hábito,

perté, me di cuenta de

aprendido de la repetición. Se había

que no estaba solo.

convertido en mi rutina dar la vuelta allí,

Otras personas, tal vez

y pasaron cinco días antes de que evi-

usted, han tenido infancias

tara los baches por completo tomando

dolorosas o relaciones rotas,

el segundo turno en lugar del primero.

han sufrido situaciones

Lo mismo sucedió con mi vida. Me

inesperadas que causaron

tomó tiempo, una vez que me di cuen-

estrés postraumático (TEPT)

colocado donde estaba, tomar nuevas

estrés o incluso trastorno de

ta de cómo mis elecciones me habían

que pueden afectar e incluso

decisiones y recibir los ricos resultados

obstruir nuestra vida en el

y recompensas que fluían de ellas.


Desafortunadamente, la mayoría de

Hay sanadores en este

los hábitos de estilo de vida han sido

mundo que nos mueven de

hábitos durante demasiado tiempo y

juzgarnos a nosotros mismos y a los demás, a través del

perdón, al amor, incluso a la

diversión y la alegría, porque

una vez que somos sanados de

nuestro pasado, ¿a dónde vamos

desde allí? Llena tu vida de luz para que haya menos espacio para la

oscuridad. Las sombras vendrán

y se irán, y siempre encontrarás el camino de regreso a la luz.

Mucha más gente necesita ac-

ceder a esa curación, la curación que es lo suficientemente pro-

funda como para arrancar raíces

tardarán más de cinco días en cambiar.

Extracto del libro Comienzos frescos Transformación en acción Por Camille Leon Fundador de la Cámara de Comercio Holística

viejas y plantar semillas nuevas.

Recuerda que eres tú. No son

La espiral descendente

Un disparador Me puede recordar Que No soy Donde quiero estar, Y en el Agujero de conejo voy. ¿Cuál es la clave para un cambio y una

transformación significativos a largo plazo? ¡Manténgase apoyado! Rodéate de gente

en un viaje similar. Después de unos meses de trabajar como entrenador, me sentí solo

sus padres, hermanos o hijos. Puede compartir rasgos

y abrumado. ¿Cómo hago malabarismos con mi tiempo y

significa que todo sea igual. Explore y descubra qué fun-

Comenzar la Cámara de Comercio Holística me conectó

en común con los miembros de la familia, pero eso no

priorizo mis ​​ compromisos? ¿Cómo administro mi dinero?

ciona mejor para usted.

con compañeros profesionales que enfrentaron desafíos

las cosas (y personas) que no eran buenas para mí. Tomó

dad el domingo por la mañana es una mejor idea.

no, más fácil se vuelve.

pueda compartir sus experiencias, conocimientos e ideas

Para mí, primero tuve que aprender a decir no a todas

muchos años y mucha práctica. Cuanto más practicas, Fue como reconocer que conducir por el callejón

trasero era malo para mi auto. Estaba lleno de baches,

acentuó los golpes y pinchó mis neumáticos. Después de que decidí comenzar a evitar el callejón y tomar las

calles pavimentadas y bien mantenidas en su lugar, seguí girando hacia el callejón al menos una vez al día durante

similares. Para algunos, unirse a un grupo de confraterniEncuentre el grupo que sea mejor para usted para que

con otros, y escuche mientras ellos también comparten.

Camille Leon es la fundadora de la Cámara de Comercio

Holística, que sirve para conectar a los consumidores con

opciones holísticas e integradas para la salud, el bienestar,

el estilo de vida y los negocios a través de sus reuniones y su directorio en línea gratuito en

holisticchamberofcommerce.com. RADIANCE MAGAZINE



Emelia’s Healing Adventures I heard

hat always strikes me when I think of my holistic healing sessions or hear

someone else’s is how extraordinary it is

when two or more gather to co-create mira-

cles for both the client and the healer. Emelia Cuevas leads with her heart and shares

highlights of her recent healing adventures. Note: All healers mentioned offer online

services also. Go to emereiki.com for more about Emelia’s healing offerings.- SW

Jade Elizabeth speak at a Holistic Faire and right away I knew I wanted to take her classes. I learned

Reiki, Aura Healing, IEH Intuitive Energy Healing, plus a meditation class three times(!): once for my own benefit, and twice more because I took family and Orange County Probation staff

who were hungry for a shift in their work lives. Little did they know how much this training would support them at work and their personal lives. ( jadeelizabeth.com)

Jade is so caring, professional and accurate; she helps you see what your soul

already knows but needs support to face in the moment. Plus, her knowledge of various

healing modalities provides you with a full spiritual spa package. I highly recommend her as a teacher or healer.

When I would go to a faire, I would set the intention to

find the right people to support my energy and my journey

upon arriving there. Immediately I felt her embracing energy of

Chelle Goodfriend and asked about her flower essence products. I recall that I

chose Prosperity drops and suddenly I had 30 people lined up to take one of my first teaching classes. When business slows down, I go back to my drops and in no time

I am fully booked. I genuinely believe in the magical healing support of her products

and have shipped them all over the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia and

even South Africa. Chelle also delivers messages from various Goddesses – Mother Mary,

The Virgin of Guadalupe, Quan Yin… love how Chelle represents Gaia and its beauty. (https:// www.artfire.com/ext/shop/home/gaiasgardenbathandbotanica)

One day when I was meditating, I heard, “Look for the Quantum Healer.” And I asked,

“Who?” The whisper came again, “Look for the Quantum Healer.” After my medita-

tion, I sat with my cup of tea, wondering where to look for the Quantum Healer. As I was going through my emails, I saw that the Holistic Faire was scheduled for that morning at The School of Multidimensional Healing Arts (HeartSpace) in Irvine. When I arrived, I saw Julie

Anne Crowther of Quantum Healing Source listed

on the board and paid for a ½ hour session. When she asked what I wanted to work

on, I smiled and said, “I have no idea. Source sent me to you.” She smiled and got

right to work. Her session embraced my soul in a safety net while she took me on a

rollercoaster ride through the stars. Holy cow! Julie taught me how to communicate 18

MAY-JUN 2021

with all beings, not just archangels or my spirit guides. I was able to release fear of what I could feel but not clearly understand. Julie is a one-of-a-kind healer and an awesome mentor. (https://www.quantumhealingsource.com/) Through Julie, I met

Lilly Christiansen at a holiday meditation potluck at the Holistic House of Orange. I

could feel the beautiful energy just approaching this healing center. Right away I felt comfortable in the middle of

strangers; Lilly’s welcoming embraced my soul. We started attending events together and sharing

healing techniques. Lilly has incredible knowledge of Ancient Healing modalities and practices combined with the knowledge of plant medicine all under an umbrella of quantum healing. I

have attended three Temezcal (sweat lodge) ceremonies and cacao ceremonies there that have been very powerful and helpful. In 2020, Lilly supported me through a couple emer-

gencies, and I am forever grateful for her setting the sacred space for me to communicate

with the Divine, transform and grow. The last healing session I had with Lilly, I saw myself in

the cosmos looking down at myself and what were my next steps in my spiritual journey. It

was incredible out of body experience. A must do! (holistichealinghouse.org)

Stacy Pendleton is fabulous! I met her at a group healing sound

meditation and when I heard her play her bowls, I immediately traveled to another world. When I heard her chant her first note, then I understood at that moment what quantum

healing was. The whole time as I laid on the yoga mat in a room with 15 people; I suddenly connected the dots (stars) in the Universe. Today I understand I was healing at

different frequencies (dimensions), different lives. A couple months later, I scheduled a session at her lovely cottage in Laguna Beach and had an amazing healing session.

I received guidance on how to handle the challenges I was facing in that moment. I left

empowered and knowing exactly the work I needed to do. How can I describe a session with Stacy? PURE BLISS! (stacypendleton.com) I saw Gina

Kegel on a Facebook Live raffling a session and was blown away with her Emotion

Code/Reiki practice: she read my energy through my timeline without even knowing me. I signed up for another session and started talking about Gina’s work in my class. All the students in

the class were interested in her but they did not speak English. I mentioned this to Gina, she said she knew a little bit of Spanish and they could have someone to translate. I referred

over ten people to her and I see the benefit of all our healings. As we each healed; we all

each help each other in our journey. I could feel the healing deep in my cells, organs and

DNA. As I released false beliefs and emotions, I grew as a healer myself. After every ses-

sion I walked out with the correct tools to support myself. Gina is a bubble of joy, kindness,

and wisdom. She holds a beautiful sacred space for her clients though Zoom and that is not

easy to do. I applaud her and her services. (releasethatshit.com)

Crista Marie Miller, where do I start? She is a giant swirl of energy,

wisdom, and “let’s get to business, no nonsense right now.” She pushes you to grow, learn

and submerge yourself in deep wisdom; to move forward in life but also to be the best ver-

sion of yourself to assist others. After our second session she challenged me to teach two

to five people to empower myself. I told two friends I would like to teach them about archangels; 48 hours later I had 20 students enrolled in my archangel class. It was one of my best

gifts in 2020 and I was able to release fears of teaching. The lessons that Crista provides at

each session opened me up to have a wider a greater channeling connection. She introduce

mediumship and it has been a blessing during this pandemic. I get some exceptional messages

from loved ones on the other side of the curtain and that has supported me my clients in healing at an ancestral level. cristamariemiller.com



Many of us are seeking a greater sense of peace, prosperity, love, joy and comfort in our lives. As an Intuitive Medium it is my pleasure to connect clients with their own personal spirit guides, deceased loved ones, and often with ascended masters who wish to offer healing messages from beyond. I find that my clients’ spirit guides are thrilled to offer their encouragement and guidance for your highest good, and I am pleased to be able to bring the answers you seek from your team in the spirit world!



MAY-JUN 2021




The Alchemist &

An Interview with

The Healer

Swaha Ron & Tison


will admit, I was nervous. Major shifts were occurring within me, and once again, I was not comfortable in my own skin: I was changing again, my channeling abilities were shifting, and I felt myself on unfamiliar ground. When Radiance Publisher Scott Ware gave me the assignment to travel to Mount Shasta to interview Swaha Ron and Tison in person, I knew that the timing was impeccable. My boyfriend Callum and I decided to go up early to enjoy the mountain for ourselves before it was time to “work” and do the interview. The mountain did not disappoint. It held me, supported my growth, and showed me new paths that I was indeed ready to follow. When it came time to do the interview, I knew I was ready to show up as the whole of myself. What transpired shifted my reality again, through products I did not even know I needed in my life! Now, I am so grateful that they are here. Their company is called Anu Alchemy, and it is quite unique. I have tried other Ormus oils, and what Alu Alchemy offers is par none, above the rest. I am extremely sensitive to these energies, so I am very particular about what I bring into my space. I was a little hesitant, but I had a beautiful experience with it. ~ Radiance Associate Editor Crista Marie Miller


MAY-JUN 2021

So, to begin with, I would love to dive right in with an early experience that you had in 1995. I know that it was formative. Let’s just get this ball rolling!

kindergarten, during recess, I had my first out-of-body

first time, I was driving in North Hollywood, and I saw

think when I was young I had quite a bit of experience

SWAHA RON: So I was preparing to go to India for the a street lady come walking across the sidewalk - filthy

clothes, matted hair - and my heart just said, “Give her some money.”

So I followed her into a little strip mall and pulled

experience. I found myself all the way up on the roof of the school, looking down at all these kids playing, and

my inner voice was saying, “This is not my playground.” I remember vividly that’s what happened. And then I

with sleep paralysis. I saw spirits come to me when I

was, like, kind of in the state of sleeping and not sleep-

ing. Because of my cultural background, coming from a

very traditional Chinese family, I didn’t talk to anybody. I totally just kept everything to myself.

about 20 feet

Swaha Ron can we jump to 2008… can you share that incredible experience that led to you creating this beautiful product that you have?

away and I said,

and we all laugh)

out a ten-dollar bill. She was

from me walking “Excuse me, may

SWAHA RON: You want me to jump? (He jumps in his chair, We have to have humor and levity in the midst of the

I give you some

intensity of life, so I like to bring in a little humor. In 2008

turned around

master in India, and he said “You’re done, go away.” I was

money?” She

and out of her eyes came a laser beam

I had been two years studying with an intense Kundalini

like, “Wait a minute. I don’t want to go.” He said, “Well if I kept you, it would mean I didn’t trust God.”

So obviously, God told him to send me away for

of light that

whatever it was I was going to experience. That started

bill in my hand.

Buddhism for a couple of years. That really opened my

dissolved the

I was shocked. I started ex-

periencing the

most profound joy and ecsta-

sy. All I could do is say, “God bless you. God bless you.

God bless you.” She dissolved completely into light and everything dissolved into light.

Wow! What do you feel she was?

me in participating in life and in my studies. I studied

heart to others, and eventually, I found masters in South India that were immortals. Meaning that they were be-

yond the traditional way of doing life. They didn’t eat or

sleep or drink any liquids. I started gaining these ancient learnings from them, and the first one that came was of Navapashanam, which is nine poisons, and also where

the stories of the fountain of youth came from. I would eventually add this into the Ormus oil.

mother. And she came to give me a blessing. Probably

When this information first came to you, did you automatically know what you were going to do with it or how was it delivered to you?

me protection, which I would later need in India.


SWAHA RON: I think she was an embodiment of the divine some past life karma that came to be in this life to provide

Tison, would you mind describing an early experience you had? TISON: It started when I was five. On the first day of

SWAHA RON: Well, it was delivered to me when I wasn’t

It sort of just arrived, and I knew it was true. And yet,

I really couldn’t think about it because there were no

places in my mind or memory for this sort of thing to

fit in. And somehow I guess with the street lady experiRADIANCE MAGAZINE


ence, I knew that this was significant. And so I just held it [until the right time].

I am extremely sensitive to energies and I have to say, I was a little hesitant to try your Ormus Oil, but I am so glad I did. Can you go into a little bit into about how your Ormus Oil is different than everybody else’s?

alchemy, right? Alchemy works on individuals differently. So let’s say last night you took some Ormus, and then

today when you take it, you’re already in different levels, so it will affect you differently. It’s really fun. Even for us,

we keep taking it every day, and we just keep raising our consciousness. It’s really a beautiful journey.

gredient came through a download in India. Usually, peo-

Along with Ormus, your product line consists of Siddha Medicine, Essences, and Plasmas. Can you describe a little bit of what the differences between those three are?

Lingams also, which symbolize feminine and masculine

specific energy of the Immortal Yogis from India. Basi-

SWAHA RON: I think one of the main ingredients that we

use in our Ormus is Navapashanam, a holy water. This inple will use distilled water in their Ormus. We use Shiva

SWAHA RON: Siddha Medicine. Each bottle carries the

cally we collect a lot of information from the Immortal Yogis in different locations and Samadhi sites. Then we put the

energy into a little bottle. We were told

to make these this way and give it to our friends because many of them can’t go to India. So one drop is enough for 12 people.

What a blessing that you are able to bring this to us here in the States. How about the Essences? I heard these essences carry the energy of Dragon?

TISON: So we have different categories on the essences, like Animal, Ocean,

Insects, Plant, Trees, Flowers, and also Magical Creatures. Yes, you know, be-

cause of the spiritual community that we energy. to charge the water. So when this is dipped into the water it changes the frequency of the water.

What I really appreciate about everything you create is that the effects keep going. I’m still even feeling it from last night when I took a sample. It is just like layer upon layer… oh just by talking about it, I’m experiencing it right now! And it’s just this long-lasting continuous effect of exploration. I’ll say it really is exploration, opening up to your own gifts, and personal activations. It’s just phenomenal! SWAHA RON: So, yeah, that’s the cool thing about 24

MAY-JUN 2021

hang out in quite often. So the Magical

Creatures categories are very popular, especially here in Shasta. We have Unicorn, Phoenix… So, the Dragon

essence is very powerful and very activating and has a lot of wisdom and strength to awaken.

So we currently have thirty different plasmas. One of

the first ones that came to us was Green Plasma which awakens more money-making within you. And we’ve seen many examples of how people’s whole money

karma just shifted with this, when they stepped into an openness and a willingness to receive and move past

any beliefs or conditions about it. Money is really spiritu-

al, and anybody that doesn’t think money is spiritual, you can send your money my way! (We all agree and laugh)

SWAHA RON: I really feel good about being the adminis-

medicines. It is an intelligence that interacts with each

ity. It’s also light work. So, this plasma, you get it on the

energy needs.

trator of great wealth. And while it’s a heavy responsibilpalms of your hands. You rub it together and say, “May

person according to their particular circumstances and

great amounts of cash and wealth cross the palms of my

SWAHA RON: So, you know, the common ingredient of

Repeat this three times and rub your hands together,

expressed in different frequencies. So like you were say-

hands for my highest good and the highest good to all.” and imagine, earning lots of money, winning the lottery,

getting a contract for being on TV, whatever it is - movies, businesses - and then go, “Yes, and thank you.”

the Ormus and of all of our energetic medicines is love

ing Crista, it layers up. It is the layers that are opening up in you. That’s because your process was ready for that.

So that’s the initiation. And if you get a bottle

of this, you just do that for yourself. And yes, and it brings wealth into 3D reality for you.

Tison: So the green plasma definitely carries the energy of money.

I’m definitely going to buy a lottery ticket on the way home now! Can you give examples of how these have oils have healed, especially in children? TISON: This has been helping many children, and in a few cases that were reported to us, this has

been helping autistic children. They become calmer. They’re able to focus better at school. So, one

of the kids, he was only three years old. He was like screaming [for no apparent reason], and screaming

like crazy. But then, his mom started to give him the Ormus, two or three drops, for one day. The next

morning she said, “Oh my God, there was no screaming yesterday!” So she started to give it to him every day. Then, the day she forgot, guess what hap-

The Ormus would have given you time to process, absorb, and integrate. And then something else would open up in a few days. So it’s intelligent, and that love is for guidance, and love always has the best in your free will and wants the best for you.

pened? The kid would point right at the bottle, sitting on the top shelf and remind his mom. Like he was

saying “Hey give me the Ormus!” Oh my goodness, it was pretty incredible.

If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t have opened up. The Ormus would

the frequency of love, and it is very diverse. Just think

And then something else would open up in a few days.

ways. Some people don’t like trees. Some people like

always has the best in your free will and wants the best

are attracted to different people, rather than all the

say the energy of the medicine is questionable. When-

In our Ormus, there is an infusion of love. This is

have given you time to process, absorb, and integrate.

about it, you know, many people love trees in different

So it’s intelligent, and that love is for guidance, and love

rocks more than people. And thank God. Most people

for you. You know if it’s rough or difficult then I would

same person. So, the frequency of love is like very, very

ever the medicine is synergistic, it is powerful.

ably beyond most people’s understanding. From past

Beautifully described, thank you so much!

personal and very specific for reasons that are prob-

lives, from culture, from who knows what. So, that’s what (Spirit) explained to me about these medicines. It is all about the frequency of love expressed through all the

Explore information, reviews, and the wide range of Anu Alchemy products at www.anualchemy.com. RADIANCE MAGAZINE





MAY-JUN 2021

www.alfredoaya.net or solar13@verizon.net




What is Your Original Wisdom?


By Donna Bond

veryone always talks about getting rid of limiting beliefs. We all nod

and agree: “Yes, of course I would never allow beliefs to limit my soul


But have we really hunted down and freed all of our unconscious pro-

gramming? In Donna Bond’s new book “Original Wisdom,” she gives us a

helpful list to work with and immense support to move through these spaces to freedom, and therefore power. Shall we do “the work” together? - SW

“Before you can invite yourself to consider a new di-

rection, you must first come to terms with where you are now. This is where you can become really clear about some of the limiting beliefs that are operating in your

consciousness. Once you are willing to be where you are in the present, you can start moving in the direction you want to go.

Do any of these resonate? •

The more money I have, the more people will like me.

I must prove myself to earn respect from others.

• • • • • • • • • • • • •


I can’t be true to myself, or I will be judged.

If they really loved me, they would _____.

• • • • • •

The more money I have, the happier I will be.

I must prove myself to show my value and worth to

the world.

The more material success I have, the happier I will be. If everyone likes me, I will have a better life.

• • •

What I do or achieve in life dictates my value and

What other people think of me defines who I am.


I need others’ approval to feel I’m making the right choice.

I rely more on logic and empirical data than on my own gut feelings.

It’s not okay to be vulnerable.

It’s not okay to allow my real emotions to surface. Being positive all the time is the only recipe for success.

Others know better than me.

Connecting heart to heart with other people is way too scary and vulnerable. MAY-JUN 2021

• •

• • • • • • • •

I will only be happy when ______.

If I find love, it will only lead to a broken heart. I’m a bad/unlovable person.

I can’t pursue my dreams because they aren’t important.

I can’t pursue my dreams because there’s no time or money in them.

No matter what I’m doing, I think I should be doing something else.

I should be further along than I am. I should be there by now.

Things never work out for me.

I’ll always have to struggle, while others have it easier. Physical problems always keep me from happiness and success.

If people get to know me, they won’t like me. If I love myself, people will think I’m selfish. I must be perfect, or why bother? Everything is up to me.

I need to go along with everyone else so I will be liked. If I dance to my own drum, I’ll lose the people I love. If I want a happy life, I need to control everything. I must keep up with the Joneses.

I can only move forward if I have all the facts and know how it’s going to turn out. I’m too old.

If I am too happy and am not suffering, people won’t love me.

I have to earn love by doing things for others.

As an even deeper exercise, go back over the list to

review and reframe, like:

1. If I call upon the wisdom and guidance of my Soul, will I still find that belief to be true?

2. Am I willing to release and update this belief?

3. How can I transform this belief into a new belief

that will support me in moving my life forward in a direction I want to go?

4. What other beliefs hold this belief in place inside

I am aware that my life is not a place to arrive to. I am aware that there are many perceived destinations that act only as pivot points along my life’s journey. I am aware that my life is a miraculous unfolding. I am a miraculous unfolding. My life provides the path on which I can discover and uncover my true, essential nature, which is the energy of Divine Love, and only on this path can I blossom…

of me?

For more Opportunities for Transformation,

5. Which of my actions and beliefs perpetuate this

Sacred Truth Activations and access to


6. If I could wave a magic wand and make a new and improved belief to replace this one, what would it be?

purchase “Original Wisdom,” go to


donnabond.com. You may also reserve

your own session with Donna.

Did you happen to notice the apple in Donna’s hand on the cover? This is not by accident. The apple became the way the universe was acknowledging that Donna was on the path. It wasn’t breadcrumbs for Donna, it was the apple. To read about her inspirational and uplifting true life stories, get your copy today of Original Wisdom; Harness the Power of the Authentic You.



The Sovereign

Monika Carless is an internationally published author, Certified Holistic

Divine Feminine

Nutritionist, Reiki and Luminous

Energy Field Practitioner, mentoring


clients worldwide. She is a practicing witch, an EarthKeeper/WombKeeper - channeling the Pleiadian Being,

Aiden. Monika facilitates transformation in private and group sessions, specializing in soul wounds, the

mindful life and fearless authenticity. Connect with her via monikacarless.

By Monika Carless

Let us imagine something more

com, FB or Instagram.

can easily see that everything in na-

empowering for the Divine Feminine

ture operates through seasons. Noth-

turies by patriarchal forces.

life, death and re-birth mysteries. I

than having been banished for cenShe, the archetype and the wild, holy energy, has been activating in our

Western consciousness since the

heady days of the 1960’s. While we’ve been awakening to her call and recog-

nizing her signature within our DNA, the general assumption has been that the

Divine Feminine had been sent into the wilderness by the immature masculine

in the form of patriarchy - much like the demoness Lilith.

But what if she had receded to a time

of solitude and restoration of her own will? What if there was purpose and intention to her absence?

This is exactly the hypothesis of

Demetra George, as explained in her book “Mysteries of the Dark Moon.”

It all has to do with the cycles of the Maiden, Mother and Crone Moon.

If we observe the Great Mother, we

forward. Their dance is eternal.

Demetra and other students of the

ing and no one can escape the birth,

Dark Goddess surmise that the Divine

look to the moon each month to learn

new soil for us to grow in, while she

of my own psyche, womanhood and

against her will but has simply kept to

about myself, to recognize the phases sexuality. I follow the rise and fall of light and dark. We are creatures of cosmic illumination and shadow.

In its dark phase, Luna urges us to

Feminine has simply been building slept. She hasn’t been banished her sacred cycles.

Everything is written in the stars: the rise and fall of civilizations, thought paradigms, the lessons we are to

contemplation, to surrender… to

learn. Not only does each month have

sacred pause, the Crone beckons us

year (between Autumn Equinox and

us that to be in constant motion,

Divine Feminine.

decompose. While the moon is in its to lie down and rest. She reminds

achievement and aspiration is to be against our very nature. And so, she pulls the dark veil over her head and

disappears into the nether regions of the cosmos.

She is absent. She is the dark sky. She makes room for the mature

masculine to carry the Consciousness

its dark moon phase, so does each Winter Solstice), and so does the

That patriarchy has flourished in Her surrender to her own process has been painful and yet revelatory. It

would seem that She was destroyed, wounded beyond healing. But She

rises, as she always has, sometimes the maiden, sometimes the mother,

sometimes the crone. She teaches us to be sovereign, intentional and wild.

I look to the moon each month to learn about myself, to recognize the phases of my own psyche, womanhood and sexuality 30

MAY-JUN 2021


Imaginemos algo más empoderador para el Divino

Femenino que haber sido desterrado durante siglos por las fuerzas patriarcales.

Ella, el arquetipo y la energía salvaje y sagrada, se

inferiores del cosmos. Ella está ausente.

Ella es el cielo oscuro.

Ella deja espacio para que el masculino maduro

ha estado activando en nuestra conciencia occidental

lleve la Conciencia hacia adelante. Su danza es eterna.

Mientras nos hemos estado despertando a su llama-

suponen que la Divina Femenina simplemente ha esta-

la suposición general ha sido que el Divino Femenino

mientras ella dormía. No ha sido desterrada contra su

desde los embriagadores días de la década de 1960. da y reconociendo su firma dentro de nuestro ADN,

había sido enviado al desierto por el masculino inmaduro en forma de patriarcado, al igual que la demoníaca Lilith.

Pero, ¿y si hubiera retrocedido

a un tiempo de soledad y restauración de su propia voluntad?

¿Y si hubiera un propósito y una intención en su ausencia?

Esta es exactamente la

hipótesis de Demetra George,

como se explica en su libro “Mis-

terios de la luna oscura”. Todo tiene

que ver con los ciclos de la Doncella,

Demetra y otros estudiantes de la Diosa Oscura

do construyendo un nuevo suelo para que crezcamos, voluntad, sino que simplemente ha man-

Miro a la luna cada mes para aprender sobre mí, para reconocer las fases de mi propia psique, feminidad y sexualidad.

la Madre y la Bruja Luna.

Si observamos a la Gran Madre, podem-

os ver fácilmente que todo en la naturaleza opera a

tenido sus ciclos sagrados.

Todo está escrito en las estrel-

las: el ascenso y la caída de las civilizaciones, los paradigmas

del pensamiento, las lecciones

que debemos aprender. No solo cada mes tiene su fase de luna oscura, también la tiene cada año (entre el Equinoccio de

Otoño y el Solsticio de Invierno), y también la Divina Femenina.

Ese patriarcado que ha floreci-

do en Su entrega a su propio proceso

ha sido doloroso y, sin embargo, revela-

dor. Parecería que Ella fue destruida, herida más

través de las estaciones. Nada ni nadie puede escapar

allá de la curación. Pero Ella se levanta, como siempre, a

renacimiento. Miro a la luna cada mes para aprender

nos enseña a ser soberanos, intencionales y salvajes.

de los misterios del nacimiento, la vida, la muerte y el

sobre mí, para reconocer las fases de mi propia psique, feminidad y sexualidad. Sigo el ascenso y la caída de

la luz y la oscuridad. Somos criaturas de iluminación y sombra cósmicas.

En su fase oscura, Luna nos urge a la contem-

veces la doncella, a veces la madre, a veces la vieja. Ella

Monika Carless es una autora publicada internacional-

mente, nutricionista holística certificada, practicante de campo de energía luminosa y reiki, que asesora a clien-

tes en todo el mundo. Ella es una bruja practicante, una

plación, a rendirnos… a descomponernos. Mientras

EarthKeeper / WombKeeper - canalizando al Ser Pleyadi-

acostarnos y descansar. Ella nos recuerda que estar en

privadas y grupales, especializándose en las heridas del

la luna está en su pausa sagrada, la Bruja nos invita a

constante movimiento, logro y aspiración es ir en contra de nuestra propia naturaleza. Y así, se echa el velo

oscuro sobre su cabeza y desaparece en las regiones

ano, Aiden. Monika facilita la transformación en sesiones

alma, la vida consciente y la autenticidad intrépida. Conéc-

tese con ella a través de monikacarless.com, FB o Instagram.




Who is Dr. Karma? stablished in 1988, the Kar-

ma Holistic Center has been

providing Acupuncture service, herbal medicines and herbal beauty prod-

ucts to its customers. Dr. Karma has dedicated his life to improving his

patients’ health and also help them

maintain a healthier life. For the past 27 years KHC has been providing

natural medical solution to different health problems.

Born in Nepal, Dr. Karma has had

many life experiences in the Himalayas

with his father who was a Master Herbalist successfully treating people with

his ancient formulas. From his father, he learned the art of Herbal Medicine and added his own formulas. Dr. Karma recommends individualized herbal formulas when needed to aid the body in healing.

Dr. Karma has unique abilities including the ability to feel and perceptually see energy blockages in your

body. This allows him to individualize your acupuncture treatment with painless needle insertion. Treatments last 45 minutes to an hour and include infrared light and hands-on whole body energy balancing.

Have a health issue – mental or physical – that you haven’t been able to resolve or need a second opinion on a diagnosis? You have come to the right place.

Dr. Mukunda Karmacharya (Dr. Karma) has been

consistently and accurately diagnosing patients

where other doctors have been unable to for over 20 years.

His mission is to heal the world, one patient at a

time. Now he is determined to apply his special talents to patients who are too far away to see him in person. If you have a health issue that you haven’t

been able to resolve or need a second opinion on a diagnosis then follow these 3 simple steps to long term healing.


MAY-JUN 2021

“Dr. Karma is a Rare Find” I believe Dr. Karmacharya is a rare healer, not just a practitioner. I’ve been to about five different acupuncturists in LA over the years. Some good, some not so, but I didn’t want to go to Santa Monica or Redondo Beach anymore with the election traffic, and I needed someone local. His background intrigued me - he’s a Nepalese whose father was a herbalist. I learned that he actually has a Ph.D. in engineering from a prestigious Japanese national university, so he can also speak Japanese fluently. He’s also a cancer survivor. I went in for muscular oriented pain, mostly in my shoulder and wrist. He took the time to discuss my situation and examined my body, then worked on my pain as well as the realignment of my energy. After the session, there was an immediate reduction in pain and overall sense of relaxation of the body. We discussed a bigger direction to my better overall health (I should add that I workout every day, do yoga, swim, etc.) and suggested that I have my blood test with a doctor so he can also check (which I’m arranging it now - but UCLA Med takes two weeks to make an appointment!). I’ve had a high cholesterol level before, so it was a good reminder (but how did he know? I work out regularly and overall in physically good fit). Dr. Karma’s location is residential so don’t be alarmed. He doesn’t seem very organized at first, but he’ll focus on you completely. And if you’ve experienced Chi or Reiki, you’ll feel his energy as he works on you. I think some of the Yelpers who wrote is right -- Dr. Karma is a rare find. I will be bringing my family here.


I. Los Angeles, CA



The If you come to me as a victim I will not support you. But, I will have the courage to walk with you through the pain that you are suffering. I will put you in the fire, I will undress you, and I will sit you on the earth. I will bathe you with herbs, I will purge you, and you will vomit the rage and the darkness inside you. I’ll bang your body with good herbs, and I’ll put you to lay in the grass, face up to the sky. Then, I will blow your crown with sacred ceremonial tobacco to clean the old memories that make you repeat the same behavior. I will blow your forehead to scare away the thoughts that cloud your vision. I will blow your throat to release the knot that won’t let you talk. I will blow your heart to scare away fear, so that it goes far away where it cannot find you. I will blow your solar plexus to extinguish the fire of the hell you carry inside, and you will know peace. I will blow with fire your belly to burn the attachments, and the love that was not. I will blow away the lovers that left you, the children that never came.

of a Shaman I will blow your heart to make you warm, to rekindle your desire to feel, create and start again. I will blow with force over your vagina or your penis, to clean the sexual door to your soul. I will blow away the garbage that you collected trying to love what did not want to be loved. I will use the broom, and the sponge, and the rag, and safely clean all the bitterness inside you. I will blow your hands to destroy the ties that prevent you from creating. I will blow your feet to dust and erase the footprints memories, so you can never return to that bad place. I will turn your body, so your face will kiss the earth. I will blow your spine from the root to the neck to increase your strength and help you walk upright. And...I will let you rest. After this... you will cry, and after crying you will sleep and you will dream beautiful and meaningful dreams, and when you wake up, I’ll be waiting for you. I will smile at you, and you will smile back. I will offer you wholesome food that you will eat with pleasure, tasting life, and I will thank you. Because...what I’m offering today,

was offered to me before...when darkness lived within me. And, after I was healed, I felt the darkness leaving, and I cried. Then we will walk together, and I will show you my garden, and my plants, and I will take you to the fire again. And will talk together in a single voice with the blessing of the earth. And we will shout to the forest the desires of your heart. And the fire will listen and whisper the echo, and we will create hope together. And the mountains will listen and whisper the echo, and we will create hope together. And the rivers will listen and whisper the echo, and we will create hope together. And the wind will listen and whisper the echo, and we will create hope together. And then we will bow before the fire, and we will call upon all the visible and invisible guardians. And you will say thank you to all of them. And you will say thank you to yourself. Attributed to Yogesh Kumar




ou are your own best healer. You innately know how to care for your body, mind, and soul. This

inner-knowing is always there, yet at times it may feel challenging to tap into this deeper awareness.

In my work as a holistic health coach, my priority is

to help others make informed choices about the methods they use to achieve wellness, through a greater confidence in their abilities to self-heal.

An empowered healing process is supported with

these steps:

• Keep a dedicated journal of your wellness challenges

and goals. Each day, take some time to reflect on how the challenges affect your day-to-day life, what you

would like to see happen, and what you notice transforming. Update notes about each herb or remedy used and the effects noticed.

• Seek practitioners who support your vision of health. There are many wonderful holistic healers and you

should only work with those who listen and value your insights and wisdom, without judgment. Working with

What is Empowered Self Healing? By Dina Saalisi • Trust your intuition. This is your foundation for under-

a team of practitioners leads to the greatest success.

method I like to use with clients is that of “Self-in-

doctors work in concert to provide you with what you

standing your body and its individualized needs. One quiry.” Before researching or reaching out to others

Healers, herbalists, acupuncturists, therapists, and need to best address your unique being.

about your emotional and physical challenges, take

• Share your discoveries and questions with others. Em-

ask yourself, what do I need in order to heal? Listen

As you compare experiences and wisdom, you become

some time to sit quietly and reflect inwardly. You can for the first answers that subconsciously arise. Trust your answers as your truth. Your process towards

optimal health should begin and end with your own inner-knowing.

powered healing is best catalyzed within a community. better able to create a foundation for your personal

health and wellness that is strengthened and carries you through the most challenging times.

• Research herbs, flower essences, nutrition, supple-

Dina Saalisi is a Healer with skills as a

ments, homeopathic remedies, drugs, and medical

Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach,

procedures that intuitively support your healing process. Holistic methods are incredibly effective and can be explored slowly. Start with small doses and


Certified Hypnotherapist, educator,

author, and empath. By combining these

a single herb or remedy at a time. If you opt to use

powerful healing skills, Dina guides others in creating per-

provide wonderful support alongside more conven-

challenges at the core, so they can live truly magical lives.

pharmaceutical drugs, herbs, and energy medicines tional methods. 36

Master Flower Essence Practitioner,

MAY-JUN 2021

sonal empowerment to overcome physical and emotional http://dinasaalisi.com

Tahira Mitchell, MFT and Life Healing Coach, works with women to heal childhood wounds and dysfunctional patterns inflicted by emotionally unavailable parent(s) so they can finally break free from dysfunction and live life with freedom! Drawing from extensive experience as a Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT ) and Intuitive Guide, Tahira focuses primarily on the unhealthy parent relationships and traumas that have shaped her client’s past. Her unique approach supports and guides clients as they evolve clarity in their life purpose, gain greater freedom, and experience the deeply-rooted, sustained healing that will shape their future.

Contact Tahira today for your free exploration session - take your first steps towards healing your past to shape your future! Tahira_Mitchell@me.com

What do your pets want you to know?

Frances W. Greenspan Animal Communicator Author & Teacher T


Frances W. Greenspan

Animal Communicator & Intuitive Speaks telepathically with animals. To those present… and those who have passed on.

Phone: 949-412-9554 Email: franceswgreenspan@gmail.com



What is Sacred Union and the Ancient Dance of Hieros Gamos?


acred Union and the Ancient Dance of Hieros

Gamos is the Sacred Energetic Union between a

man and a woman.

It is the merging of the two forces, the two energies

of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.

As the walls, the fears, are dropped and the hearts of

the two are opened, the conscious merging to Oneness can begin. The gifts of relationship have been largely

forgotten, so let us now allow the pure and divine magic that occurs when the sacredness is returned.

Morgan Lee is Creator and Facilitator of Zero

Pointing, a path to self embodied sovereignty that offers you the assistance of consciously and safely re-programming your entire being to fully resonate in the energy of your truest alignment. More at zeropointing.com.

In this merging, the two beings become an energetic

“One,” where each can consciously feel the physical

sensations, the feelings, the emotions, and the truth

of the other. Where he can feel her skin, her heart, her

thoughts, her mind, her emotions, the fullness of all her

energy and life force, her power, her love, her grace, her

mic Orgasm for the two individuals. And he will know her pleasure and she will know his.

The human beings will likely want to stay in the sex-

compassion, just as easily as he can feel his own.

ual chakras, but there is opportunity for further expan-

merging to occur, each can allow the conscious merging

the glorious human orgasm is to allow for expanded

With the intention of allowing this Sacred and Divine

of the Higher Self/Soul Self energies to become One.

What happens in this? Well, first the two will energet-

ically dance together, like dipping a toe in the water to

check the temperature. And when each has adjusted to the other and aligned, the merging will begin.

The lower chakras are the first to become One, and

both will feel that magical charge of sexual energy, not

sion though all the other chakras. To choose to forsake experience of so much more. To breathe and wait for the sexual energy to expand to a new energy is to allow and

intend for movement through to the greater experiences that Sacred Union has to offer. And in this conscious

merging of Oneness, each will balance any conflict, confusion, disturbance, duality within the relationship.

We have forgotten who we are, what we are capable

as the single experience that has been so far known

of; the love, the power that we can give to the other

Divine Feminine working together with each person con-

as we decide that the childhood wounds will no longer

to the self, but the energy of the Divine Masculine and scious of their own experience as well as the other.

And Her beingness becomes his to experience, just

as he can experience his own.

His base chakras are now melded with hers – and

hers with his – to create an energy that allows for Cos-

also becomes the love we give to the self, especially be in charge of how the relationship plays out. The

Power is in Reverence for Him and Reverence for Her; in the togetherness, in honor and value, the cherishing of each other and the self, we can find the gifts of Divine and Sacred Union.

Childhood wounds will no longer be in charge of how the relationship plays out


MAY-JUN 2021

Unión Sagrada y lo Antiguo Danza de Hieros Gamos Por Morgan Lee


nión Sagrada y Danza Antigua de Hieros Gamos

es la Unión Energética Sagrada entre un hombre y

una mujer.

Es la fusión de las dos fuerzas, las dos energías divi-

nas del Divino Femenino y el Divino Masculino.

A medida que los muros, los miedos, se eliminan y

los corazones de los dos se abren, puede comenzar la


ahora ha sido conocida por el yo, sino como la energía del Divino Masculino y el Divino Femenino trabajando

juntos con cada uno. persona consciente de su propia experiencia así como de la otra.

Y Su eseidad se vuelve suya para que la experi-

mente, así como él puede experimentar la suya propia. Sus chakras básicos ahora se fusionan con los de

fusión consciente con la Unidad. Los dones de la rel-

ella, y los de ella con los de él, para crear una energía

permitamos la magia pura y divina que ocurre cuando se

os. Y él conocerá su placer y ella conocerá el suyo.

ación se han olvidado en gran medida, por lo que ahora devuelve lo sagrado.

Las heridas de la infancia ya no estarán a cargo de cómo se desarrolle la relación En esta fusión, los dos seres se convierten en un

“Uno” energético, donde cada uno puede sentir consci-

entemente las sensaciones físicas, los sentimientos, las emociones y la verdad del otro. Donde pueda sentir su

piel, su corazón, sus pensamientos, su mente, sus emo-

que permite el orgasmo cósmico para los dos individuEs probable que los seres humanos quieran per-

manecer en los chakras sexuales, pero existe la opor-

tunidad de una mayor expansión a través de todos los demás chakras. Decidir abandonar el glorioso orgas-

mo humano es permitir una experiencia expandida de

mucho más. Respirar y esperar a que la energía sexual

se expanda a una nueva energía es permitir y tener la intención de avanzar hacia las mayores experiencias que la Unión Sagrada tiene para ofrecer. Y en esta fusión

consciente de la Unidad, cada uno equilibrará cualquier

conflicto, confusión, perturbación, dualidad dentro de la relación.

Hemos olvidado quiénes somos, de qué somos

ciones, la plenitud de toda su energía y fuerza vital, su

capaces; el amor, el poder que podemos darle al otro

como él puede sentir la suya propia. .

sotros mismos, especialmente cuando decidimos que

poder, su amor, su gracia, su compasión, tan fácilmente Con la intención de permitir que ocurra esta fusión

Sagrada y Divina, cada uno puede permitir que la fusión consciente de las energías del Ser Superior / Ser del Alma se convierta en Uno.

¿Qué pasa en esto? Bueno, primero los dos bailarán

juntos enérgicamente, como sumergir un dedo del pie en el agua para comprobar la temperatura. Y cuando

cada uno se haya ajustado al otro y alineado, comenzará la fusión.

Los chakras inferiores son los primeros en conver-

tirse en Uno, y ambos sentirán esa carga mágica de

energía sexual, no como la experiencia única que hasta

también se convierte en el amor que nos damos a no-

las heridas de la niñez ya no estarán a cargo de cómo se desarrolle la relación. El Poder está en Reverencia por Él

y Reverencia por Ella; en la unión, en el honor y en el valor, en el cariño de unos a otros y de uno mismo, podemos encontrar los dones de la Unión Divina y Sagrada.

Morgan Lee es el Creador y Facilitador de Zero Pointing, un camino hacia la soberanía auto-encarnada que le ofrece la ayuda de reprogramar consciente y seguramente todo su

ser para resonar plenamente en la energía de su alineación más verdadera. Más en zeropointing.com.



Are Humans Being By Franco DeNicola


Franco DeNicola is a master teacher and transformation facilitator for 30 years.

He has shared his unique insights on the complexities of the human experience to

individuals and audiences around the world. Franco’s down-to-earth and genuine ap-

proach reaches people at a deeper level, triggering and igniting a recognition of one’s own divinity and opening one’s soul to a higher level of consciousness and personal

freedom. Find more by following his lectures on Facebook or at francodenicola.com.


f you’re getting wrapped up in the Old World, if you’ve got fear coming up – acknowledge it, thank it, love it,

find out why you’re afraid – “What’s my story?” “Who am I?” “Am I not the divine creator here?” “Am I not the one who’s shaping this?”

By shifting that alone, you shift away from the Old

World/inverted 3D & 5D energy to your higher state and your world starts to change.

I would suggest minimizing the old input as much as

possible. If there is information you need to know, you will get it. Because if we put focus on the media – the

We have friends

and loved ones deeply in the inverted matrix, and we’ll feel some-

times like we should save them. Ironically, the best way to do that is to be YOU and live your life according to

your own terms, to that higher enlightened state of you. If you apply no conditions or expectations, you can

share. Don’t get wrapped up in changing their lives or

you will get yourself caught up in the Old World energy and dynamics. That ride can get colorful and sticky. Even if it’s your own

The best thing you can do is to start living as an example

dear children, okay? Use

true compassion. Your true

compassion realizes they are master creators, having their own experience. They may

not be conscious of it, they may not understand what’s

going on to the same degree

changes that are happening, who’s coming in, what’s the

that you may, but the best thing you can do is to start

keeping it alive. We can decide not to live in reaction to

gree that they’re open without expectations. Do not or

next mandate – we’re giving power to that apparatus and what that “screen” is saying.

Some of you are feeling like you are falling apart. I

will say you’re going through a reconstruction. You are redesigning. All your innateness is coming into align-

living as an example. Share with them only to the de-

try to pull them out, because if you do, you get stuck, it

delays you and then you will have more internal conflict. Share your clarity, but let them do it themself.

The ride will seem chaotic at times, and that depends

ment more and more. You’re going to be purging. Some

on where your focus is – if you’re in the Old inverted

ly-based, or a mix. We look around and it appears many

in the organic 3D or 5D, you will see the “crumbling” as

of us will be more emotional-based, some physical-

are clueless because they’re not on that fast track. That does not mean they aren’t going to experience change, however.


MAY-JUN 2021

world, it will seem like things are falling apart; if you’re

creating more wonderful openings and possibilities. You will never feel lost in it because you know deep inside of you that you can change any discord by bringing it into alignment with you.

¿Estamos siendo rediseñados? Por Franco DeNicola Franco DeNicola es un maestro maestro y facilitador de transformación durante 30 años. Ha compartido sus ideas únicas sobre las complejidades de la experiencia humana a personas y audiencias de todo el mundo. El

enfoque realista y genuino de Franco llega a las personas en un nivel más profundo, desencadenando y encendiendo el reconocimiento de la propia divinidad y abriendo el alma a un nivel superior de conciencia y libertad

SCAN ME! personal. Encuentre más siguiendo sus conferencias en Facebook o en francodenicola.com.


i estás envuelto en el Viejo Mundo, si tienes mie-

do, reconócelo, agradécelo, ámalo, descubre por

qué tienes miedo, “¿Cuál es mi historia?” “¿Quién soy?” “¿No soy yo el creador divino aquí?” “¿No soy yo quien está dando forma a esto?”

Al cambiar eso solo, te alejas de la energía del Viejo

Mundo / 3D y 5D invertidos a tu estado superior y tu mundo comienza a cambiar.

Sugeriría minimizar la entrada

anterior tanto como sea posible. Si hay información que necesita

saber, la obtendrá. Porque si nos enfocamos en los medios - los

cambios que están ocurriendo,

quién va a entrar, cuál es el próximo mandato - le daremos poder

no aplica condiciones ni expectativas, puede compartir. No se deje envolver por cambiar sus vidas o quedará

atrapado en la energía y la dinámica del Viejo Mundo. Ese paseo puede volverse colorido y pegajoso.

Incluso si son tus propios queridos hijos, ¿de acuer-

do? Usa la verdadera compasión. Tu verdadera compasión se da cuenta de que son creadores maestros, es-

tán teniendo su propia experiencia, puede que no sean

lo mejor que puedes hacer es empezar a vivir como ejemplo

a ese aparato y lo mantendremos vivo. Podemos decidir no vivir en reacción a lo que dice esa “pantalla”.

conscientes de ello, puede que no entiendan lo que está

ronando. Diré que está pasando por una reconstruc-

a vivir como un ejemplo. Comparte con ellos solo en la

Algunos de ustedes sienten que se están desmo-

ción. Estás rediseñando. Todo su carácter innato se

alinea cada vez más. Vas a estar purgando. Algunos de

nosotros tendremos una base más emocional, algunos físicos o una mezcla. Miramos a nuestro alrededor y

parece que muchos no tienen ni idea porque no van por

pasando en la misma medida que tú, pero comienzas

medida en que estén abiertos y no tengan expectativas o trates de sacarlos, porque si lo haces, te atascas, te

retrasa y luego tendrás más conflicto interno. Comparta su claridad, pero deje que lo hagan ellos mismos.

El viaje parecerá caótico a veces, y eso depende de

la vía rápida. Sin embargo, eso no significa que no vayan

dónde esté tu enfoque: si estás en el viejo mundo inver-

Tenemos amigos y seres queridos profundamente

si estás en el 3D orgánico o 5D, verás que el “desmoro-

a experimentar cambios.

en la matriz invertida, y a veces sentiremos que deberíamos salvarlos. Irónicamente, la mejor manera de hacerlo es ser TÚ y vivir tu vida de acuerdo con tus propios

términos, en ese estado de iluminación superior en ti. Si

tido, parecerá que las cosas se están desmoronando;

namiento” crea más aperturas y posibilidades maravillosas. Nunca te sentirás perdido en él porque sabes muy dentro de ti que puedes cambiar cualquier discordia al alinearla contigo.



Are Aliens Friends

in High Places?

In the Foreword to “Making Contact” by Alan Steinfeld, no less than legendary George Noory of “Coast to Coast” writes: “If aliens exist (and they seem to, based on what multitudes of callers have reported), they are not here to invade. They might be here to uplift us… How can thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of my guests, callers, military personnel, pilots, and the general public be wrong about what they have witnessed?” Witnessed, or experienced, especially when we’re talking about abductions. In this captivating collection of new essays, Alan Steinfeld has curated a group of experts who can speak to all parts of this issue: 1. Are we being visited by interdimensional beings? 2. Do they want to help us or hurt us? 3. If they are already communicating with us, who can receive the messages? How? 4. What are the messages? Do they empower or disempower us? 5. Are we also interdimensional beings? What does that mean for us? One thing’s for sure: it’s getting harder to be a skeptic, with governments releasing UFO videos and documents every month it seems; shows like “Ancient Aliens” lighting up our imaginations; elegantly complex crop circles no human has been able to duplicate, etc. It seems obvious we have passed a tipping point, but what does it mean for all of us? Should we be scared, or excited? Should we constantly worry we will be “conquered,” or should we experience what thousands already have; an elevating 42

MAY-JUN 2021

Book Review Making Contact By Scott Ware

and expanding encounter with a brother or sister from another galaxy? One clue lies in the peaceful messages being delivered by the “channels” of such beings: one of the most famous is Contributor Darryl Anka, who channels the non-physical interdimensional being Bashar. He, or they, have delighted audiences for decades with wise and lively Q&A sessions that have left their audience’s heads spinning with some of the most expansive and actionable information they’ve ever received about the power and technology to create the lives they want. I suppose it is no coincidence that those same keys to manifesting a great life are also the ingredients that allow us greater “communion” with them. That is some beautiful symmetry, right? Then, if you’re one of the lucky ones to discover you’ve had an assigned galactic team that’s been helping you along your spiritual journey the whole time, now you can expand further and recognize them not only as equal to you, but as other versions of you. Steinfeld himself was abducted and vividly portrays his experiences with the energy of an earnest seeker – albeit with a wry sense of humor – who tries not to lock in strict definitions of his encounters, lest he inadvertently shoos away of the magic and mystery of it all. Many of us are deciding not to wait for traditional science to tell us our subjective experiences are right or wrong. We know there’s life out there; now let’s allow the Truth IN HERE <tapping my abdomen/heartspace> declutter enough so we can tune our receivers for our own messages. Coming from a place of Oneness. “Making Contact” is actually about contacting more of ourselves... for more revelations, divinations, and whatever else you’ve got. And that’s as empowering as it gets. - SW



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Join us for a 3-day Soulogy Fest experience in Sedona, AZ • May 28 - 30!

Todd Medina & Morgan Lee

Jason Estes

Eric Rankin

Michael Mejia

Franco DeNicola

Shekina Rose

Gabriella Young

Jade Lyons

Live Music, Activations & Conscious Community! X And many more presenters to be announced!

Feed Your Soul! 44

MAY-JUN 2021


Limited space available! Reserve your spot now!


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