March april radiance final

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March/April 2017 Volume 7 Issue 2

a publication for the Socially and Spiritually Conscious Community

The Story Untold Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Pets Say the Darndest Things Kara Udziela Healing is Multidimensional Carol “Leilani” Jenny Sugar is Everywhere! Benjamin Horning, DC The Difference Between Self-Care and Self-Love Donna Bond, M.A. How to be a Good Steward with What you Have Niina Bagdasar Twin Flames – A Channeling from Archangel Metatron Michele Amburgey Four Secrets to Creating Everything You Desire Gosia Lorenz We are blesssed in Southern California Kayla Sashean Scott Practicing Gratitude Kathy Peloso The John of God Crystal Healing Bed Molly Nouri Animal Kinship Ministry Comes to the Temple of Light Rose Tingle Dream Lofty Dreams Rev. Annette Drake The Ego Choury DeVelle Crystals: Atlantian, Lemurian, Rutilated Amaya Victoria How can I cope when chaos is all around me? David Wells, Ph.D What is Following Your I AM’s? Rev. Janette Freeman Let’s Talk Rick Lewis Moving Forward! Rev. Arlene Meyer

Freed by the Light Margo Mateas



March/April 2017

Table of Contents Publisher’s Editorial: The Story Untold 4 by Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt Founder and Spiritual Director of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, Publisher of Radiance Magazine, Mentor to Spiritual Leaders, Teachers, Practitioners and Seekers

ON THE COVER Freed by the Light 22 Margo Mateas We are blesssed in Southern California 25 Kayla Sashean Scott Practicing Gratitude 27 Kathy Peloso The John of God Crystal Healing Bed 29 Molly Nouri

Pets Say the Darndest Things 9 Kara Udziela Healing is Multidimensional 11 Carol “Leilani” Jenny Sugar is Everywhere! 13 Benjamin Horning, DC The Difference Between Self-Care and Self-Love 15 Donna Bond, M.A. How to be a Good Steward with What you Have 17 Niina Bagdasar Twin Flames – A Channeling from Archangel Metatron 19 Michele Amburgey Four Secrets to Creating Everything You Desire 21 Gosia Lorenz

Animal Kinship Ministry Comes to the Temple of Light 31 Rose Tingle Dream Lofty Dreams 33 Rev. Annette Drake The Ego 34

Choury DeVelle

Crystals: Atlantian, Lemurian, Rutilated 36 Amaya Victoria How can I cope when chaos is all around me? 37 David Wells, Ph.D What is Following Your I AM’s? 39 Rev. Janette Freeman Let’s Talk 41 Rick Lewis Moving Forward! 42 Rev. Arlene Meyer

Published by Rev. Danielle Marie, Spiritual Director of Temple of Light Spiritual Community Radiance is published by The Temple of Light Spiritual Community, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618. Publisher’s Liability: Radiance does not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine, nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the magazine, publishers, or editors. Radiance is a free publication that is available at various metaphysical stores, health food locations, vegetarian restaurants, yoga studios, spiritual centers, coffee stands, and libraries throughout Orange County. If you would like copies at your location or recommend a site, please email or contact our office at (949) 333-1641. Office hours are from Monday to Friday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Go to to view current and past issues of Radiance and share your thoughts! Annual subscriptions are available for $25. To submit an article, please email Rev. Danielle at revdanielle@



The Story Untold

A story is an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment, or, an account of past events in someone’s life or in the evolution of something. In 1995, there was a movie called “Forget Paris” with Debra Winger (Ellen) and Billy Crystal (Mickey). In the movie, a group of friends gather in a restaurant waiting for their friends Ellen and Mickey. One of the friends has brought his fiancé who is new to everyone and while they are waiting for Ellen and Mickey to arrive each of the friends takes a turn telling the new girl the love story of how Ellen and Mickey met, married, separated, and reunited. As the friends contribute their account the facts get jumbled because they each access their own individual memories and perspectives. As they argue over the facts the scenarios in the movie are replayed attempting to come to the one true account. When the friends gain a collaboration, the story continues. By the time Ellen and Mickey finally arrive the new girl jumps up, hugs them, and feels she knows them personally and expresses her joy at their reunited status. They look at her with surprise wondering how she has come to be so knowledgeable and concerned about them when they have only just met her. She had of course formed an emotional attachment to them through the telling of their story. 4

by Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

What, pray tell, is your story? What is your age, sex, relationship status, sexual orientation, education, career, health, and happiness or sadness barometer? Is your story filled with tragic moments or perhaps long term abuse from a family member? Is your personal account of your life and your own evolutionary process one of struggle and uphill battle? And, more importantly, how attached are you to your story? Have you allowed your history or herstory to define who you are? When you answer these questions they likely begin with an “I was…….” sentence. Most of us would begin this way and the reason is we all have a story for ourselves. We even have our version of everyone else’s story. And of course, those around us have their version of our story. The accounts may differ especially if it is our parents, siblings or children as compared to how we see it. And strangely, the people who ostensibly know us the most intimately can often be the ones whose account of us may differ the most from our version. When we get caught up in our own story and assign the history of it to ourselves, we not only create a selffulling prophecy (I’ll never find love, I don’t have the skills to do the job I would love, etc.) but, and perhaps worse, we create villains in our story (my wife doesn’t

March/April 2017

understand me, my boss has it in for me, etc.) The villains are a necessary part of the story for without them we have no basis to hold on to our suffering. You see, we suffer in our life because we feel separate from God (Divine, Source, Energy of all that is, Universe) and in that feeling of separation, we find ourselves alone. We are of course never separate from God, because God is within us and part of us and we are a part of “all that is”. But, in the great experiment here on earth, where God exists simultaneously in a 3rd dimensional world (everywhere else is 5th dimensional) it is possible for us to forget this profound truth. In fact, it is likely 99.99% of us have forgotten this great truth. And in this forgetting, we suffer the loss of the feeling and wisdom of our own Divinity. Because we do not remember the truth, we suffer. Because we do not remember the truth, we don’t know why we suffer. Because we do not remember the truth we don’t know how to stop suffering. And so, our stories, complete with villains, are born in a desperate attempt to account for our suffering. For there must be a reason, mustn’t there? It cannot be so that we are just destined to suffer. I recently experienced a greater awakening of getting caught up in my own story. In mid-February 2017, I and two of my friends attended the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles. Normally, when I attend this event I go for one afternoon, take stacks of Radiance magazines with me and spend the time trolling up and down the aisles meeting and greeting the exhibitors. My purpose is to network and do a bit of shopping. Occasionally, I might attend one of the free speaking events if I have done all my leg work. This time, my friends and I planned to attend both days and we scanned the program and selected several workshops and lectures to listen to. This was new for me, but it felt right as I decided I would like to enjoy sitting in chairs for the weekend receiving some education and enlightenment. I think on some level I knew I was getting a little caught up in my own story of late (complete with villains) because I found myself attending lectures and talks which all seem particularly honed in on this topic. Do your guides do this stuff to you to? I remember the day I gave them carte blanche to show me what I needed to know or do regardless of me asking for it. I decided to pass out the magazines first so I could relax the remainder of the time. As I walked the aisles I came upon a booth exhibitor, Mas Sajady ( Mas had held an event at the Temple

Mas Sajady

of Light recently and so I greeted his staff with hugs and inquired as to the success of the expo for them thus far. Mas was busy doing a healing circle and it looked intriguing. I found myself signing up for the next one. He has an interesting technique of creating a circle of 6 to 10 people who stand while he leads a meditation during the open expo and for an hour he goes around the circle doing healing work on them personally. While he is working on one person, an etheric version of himself continues to work on the others. He came around to me personally, physically, six times during the session. On the third time around he whispered in my ear for me to “begin seeing spirituality differently” from now on. He said to consider seeing spirituality more as play than as work. He could not have been more right. For me, being the director of the Temple, the spiritual community was my work, and it’s quite a lot of work administratively and I tend to allow myself to get overwhelmed and overworked. He was the first one in the weekend to tell me to start looking at things in life differently. I walked away still in a bit of a daze as my mind began to wonder what it would be like to exercise my spiritual beliefs in a more personal way and not so much as a day job. The remainder of the passes of his energy were about restoring energy, eating habits, self-care, etc. This was so relevant because in the last year I have been expressing how tired physically I am and my “story” was there was nothing I could do about it. In the evening of the first day, our choice was to attend a workshop by Zarathustra (https://5thdimensionalhealing. com). I had seen Zarathustra around the event for years, but this was the first time to sit in with him. He was hilarious and warm and funny. I loved how lighted hearted he delivered his talk and spoke of how serious we

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spiritualists sometimes take ourselves. He told us he was going to do a healing on everyone in the room (and the room was packed) so it was going to take a while and was everyone okay with staying. How generous. Not all the workshop leaders do this, especially in a free one. As he continued talking he used the word “story”. He simply said, “get out of your story and you’ll be happy”. He provided some funny anecdotes about himself and others regarding getting caught up in a story. He said we have the power to simplify our day to day life and that we could eat, drink, meditate, make love, and do all the things that make us happy if we would only give ourselves permission to do so. He then proceeded by doing an individual healing on everyone, clearing their energy fields and opening their third eye. I loved his energy and message!

important because we were to host a workshop for Stewart at the Temple the following weekend and we wanted to announce to his workshop attendees an opportunity to see him again. Stewart has a wonderful and engaging personality. He manages to speak with one of the most eloquent of British accents, that we could all use as a role model, without coming off the least bit pretentious. He was loving, down to earth and very caring. My greatest take away from his lecture was how he helped us in meditation, and through a series of chanting, find the one note in which our own hearts sings. He encouraged us to find our own personal note in which our heart sings so we may speak to ourselves and one another from this place rather than from our heads. Although he did not mention the word “story” I began to put some pieces together. You see it’s from our heads come the stories, not from the heart. If we can practice and remember to find that note and always speak from the heart, we are in fact, never speaking from our story. He suggested imagining our mouth right in front of our heart as a cute way of remembering from where to speak with intention. I remembered this in the days that followed. Even in emails and as I write this article I am imaging speaking from my heart.

Christopher Macklin

Stewart Pearce

The second day our first stop was to see Stewart Pearce ( This was especially


I had not previously heard of Christopher Macklin ( but my friends had and recommended his lecture. I was certainly not surprised when he began speaking of illnesses, diseases, and disorders as something not at all random, hereditary, or viral. This much I knew being a trained medical intuitive. When we are in a bad place emotionally, and the condition is chronic, the result can become physical as well. Chronic low vibrational energies can, and

March/April 2017

eventually will, affect the body. But, surprisingly, he also spoke of our vulnerability to off world invasive beings (Draconians, Reptilians and other parasitic energies) that can access us, drain our life force and cause illness in our bodies if we are not diligent in being aware of our own low vibrations (which give them access). I admit to being a little stunned. When someone asked him how this could be, he calmly said (words to the effect) “getting caught up in your own misery and story”. I already knew our story could make us unhappy and even ill, but now I am learning we could be vulnerable to psychic attack from earth bound spirits, poltergeists, dark forces, and off world beings. Of course, it makes sense. Another level of awareness. If you would like to see his protection prayer to use while you are in the process of getting out of your story it’s on his website!

his wife of 10 years and the struggles he overcame to gain the courage to leave his unhappy life. He shared of his time when he was so lost he was in a gang, excessively drank and used drugs. He spoke of his love for his father and how Don Miguel never gave up on him and would ask him if was ready for another teaching in his life. The room was still as everyone hung on his every word. So poignant. So real. And then he started talking about “our story”. There it was. I was beginning to really get the gist of my little weekend away. He was bringing it all home from the previous lecturers and wrapping it up in a tidy package. And he said the words that I believe I was being prepared to hear all weekend. He called upon us not to force people in our life to show up in our story as villains. He said “If you don’t have a story, then there aren’t any villains”. In that moment, I saw a movie of my life flash before my eyes and everyone I had set up to be a villain in my misguided truth whom I forced to confirm my own misery and suffering showed up instead as ordinary people living their own life, their own story and nothing more. I heard myself saying internally, “If I don’t have a story, I don’t have any villains”. And again, “if I don’t have a story, I don’t have any villains”. It’s my new mantra. My story is now untold.

Don Jose Ruiz with his father, Don Miguel Ruiz,

Our final event for the weekend was Don Jose Ruiz. Many of you may be more familiar with his father, Don Miguel Ruiz, author of the Four Agreements (http://www. We almost didn’t come to this one as it was Sunday evening and my friends needed to go to work the next day and we thought to leave earlier. But, Spirit was determined for us to be in his lecture and so a turn of events occurred to make it so. I sat in the front row very excited to see him as I had studied his father’s work, who is now semi-retired and doing very few public appearances. He entered the room and I want to share I cannot remember seeing someone smile the way he did. He glowed with warmth, love, and a quiet confidence of knowing who he was. Without anything prepared or a topic selected, he began to speak from heart. He did this for 90 minutes straight talking about his life, his grandmother, his father, coming from Mexico and acclimating here in the US. He spoke of his divorce from


of Light

Rev. Danielle is a Master ThetaHealer® who practices a healing art primarily in ThetaHealing®, but with several personal additions and modifications. Her sessions are life-changing, creating shifts in her clients’ perceptions resulting in the most positive changes imaginable. Rev. Danielle has been a student of metaphysics since 2002 and studied under several mentors, including Vianna Stibal and Dr. Doreen Virtue. As a metaphysical minister, she believes in the innate intuitive ability gifted to each of us. Teaching this and witnessing healings has become her life’s work and passion. She believes we can live free from pain and suffering and be in a state of peace and joy. Contact Rev. Danielle by email at revdanielle@ or 949-244-1960 to begin creating a new journey for yourself.




March/April 2017

Pets Say the Darndest Things


ometimes, people tell me they are afraid to go to an animal communicator because they think their pets will “tell” on them. I find this amusing! Although that does seem like a possibility, there are two things you should know about how pets communicate regarding their owners and the people close to them. First, they will very rarely call you out, and almost never on anything private or very serious, even when maybe they should. They are typically pretty protective of their owners, even when that owner may have been somewhat abusive. If they do say anything, it is only meant to help, such as, “Try to stress less,” or “Don’t argue on elevators.” They don’t just want to protect you, they don’t like to confess even their own issues, much, either! They are usually reluctant to immediately dive into telepathic images or volunteer descriptions of their own bad behavior right away, like excessive barking and food aggression. I mean, we all want be liked and admired, don’t we? So, just as I wouldn’t walk up to you and say, “Hi, I am Kara, and I get very irritated and snappish when I’m hungry!,” your cat isn’t going to start off with, “I pee outside the litter box, scratch the couch, and bite like crazy.” We have to coax it out. So, what do animals like to talk about most? Themselves, you, the things they love to do, or happy memories if they have passed on. They love to reassure you that no matter the way they passed, that it is okay now. Here are a few of the funniest and coolest things I have heard or seen from pets: “Whoa. This is weird. Human don’t do this. What do you want?”—From a prissy and self-important Scottish fold cat who was shocked to be asked to connect, and promptly decided to explain that she had a deep passion for the warm laundry pile and felt that even her sister cat’s blankets should be hers. “She IS beautiful, stop saying she isn’t.” —From two doggies about their other doggie roommate, who her owner described as “so ugly she was cute.” “I should be on TV, don’t you think?” —From an English Bulldog who also proudly showed me mental pictures of many “outfits” he owned. “If I bark at those people, no one will take me away again.” —From a rescued dog who loved her new owner, but was suspicious of anyone reaching for her, lest she be taken to foster once again. A picture of a broken heart, mended—From a big old shepherd mix who had died at 12, after three loving years with his third owner. He proceeded to show us that he had taken the

by Kara Udziela

job of greeting old dogs who crossed over after a life of abuse, to show them that there are different humans, who will help them be loved. A picture of McDonald’s drive-thru and a request for a burger—From a dying black dog who wasn’t eating much. Through her tears, the owner happily recalled many times when as a young dog, she would shuttle her soccer-playing kids through a drive-thru between games, with Coop in tow, and give him burger, too. Coop lived another few weeks and went to the drive-thru happily and ate his burgers! I hear, see or feel things from animals in a wide range of subjects. These are just a few. If you’d like to learn more, attend one of our Third Thursday Animystic Adventures classes here at Temple of Light. Kara from Pet’s Eye View is an Animal Communicator and Teacher certified by CWALU, a 20-year initiate in British Earth Wisdom traditions and a certified Fairyologist with Doreen Virtue. Her mission is to help pets and their people form stronger bonds through telepathy and energy work.




March/April 2017

Healing is MultiDimensional T

o solve problems and help someone heal, you must travel the dimensions. By this, I mean many things. You must be able to tune into the person’s higher self, and/or the Akashic records of the soul, to heal, past lives, karma and pain. Or, sometimes to heal them, you need to be able to SPLICE different dimensional lifetimes for them. Sometimes they hold the beingness of a TREE. I’m not kidding. I met someone who kept showing up to me as a TREE. Her prescription to REMEMBER her divine essence was to drink organic maple syrup with warm water every morning. It was her divine essence, or, one of them. It put her into this divine energetic flow and her back pain and her marriage began to heal exponentially. The point is the healer must be stable in their divine self, be attuned to another’s divine self, and, to know how to ALIGN that person. The healer must find the glitches which are out of alignment causing what could be called “spiritual dissonance”, or being out of congruency. I have been called by some as the “Soul Mechanic” because I get under the “hood” and reconfigure the engine! Alignment tends to cause healing on many levels, including an awakening and more enlightenment and connection within your divine self, which is very, very delicious. It is very much like what Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”. In other words, you must go a higher dimension to solve the problem which exists in the lower dimension. A great healer can do this, and it’s not a common skill. Healing is not just a learned technique. You cannot solve a 3rd dimensional problem from the 3rd dimension. In fact, you can’t even see it because you are in it. Being a multi-dimensional healer and being able to access and flow different higher dimensional frequencies is important. I have served in this manner for years, and have interned in a shamanic healing community. Being in this community, as the designated healer in an altered state, was an extraordinary training experience. One time, a woman was lying on the floor with her arms up at right angles frozen. She was like a concrete corpse. I was lead to go over to her. I knew straight away it was a past life problem. I knew she had extreme hyperthyroidism in this lifetime, and why. She was a “Maldekian” and her planet had blown up. She did not have the chance to heal from the terror and pain out of that experience. It was trapped in her throat. The shaman had music playing and “Om” came up on the cue. I had

by Carol “Leilani” Jenny

this woman OM and consciously put that vibration INTO her throat. Interestingly enough, she is a talent developer for singers and works with superstars. I touched her throat and in front of me, I SAW a Maldekian. I helped her heal that unexpressed terror, and spliced that life with this one. Healing was complete. Sometimes the healing is in this lifetime, like from a childhood issue. Sometimes it is ‘past” lives. Weaving in and out of wherever the healing needs to take place, is what a multidimensional healer does. I hope that helps. Atma Namaste, Leilani Contact info: Please TEXT to ask for a free consultation at (480) 586-5804, and we’ll set a time dedicated to you. If you are ready to heal and let go, I may be your healer. You can also e-mail me at Please friend me on my Facebook pages. Carol Jenny and Carol Jenny Healing (dedicated ONLY to spirituality and healing, with guest presenters coming up).




March/April 2017

Sugar is Everywhere! T his is a topic that is not very popular but should be addressed as it can negatively affect the body in many ways. The main problem people have with sugar is avoiding it or craving it. This is mainly because sugar can be found in many foods and can even be hidden in foods. Also, most people have had sugar in one way or another since an infant. Now when I talk about sugar I am referring to artificial sugar as a sweetener or an additive. There is sugar in many natural foods such as fruits. Even though this is much better then artificial sugar it still needs to be limited. Fruits are great but when you eat too many fruits you can get the negative effects of sugar.

Sugar gives a person energy but it also can cause many problems. Diabetes, weight gain, inflammation, headaches and much more can be attributed to excess sugar. I believe people know sugar is bad for them but knowing something is bad for you and doing something about it are two different things. The truth of the matter is sugar is addicting. Withdrawal from sugar affects the brain similar to withdrawing from drugs. It can be rough. Not to mention most comfort foods have sugar in them. So, it’s two-fold, the biochemical cravings for sugar and the emotional connection that sugary foods may bring.

by Benjamin Horning, DC

your will power to overcome those cravings. Keep at it and you will overcome being bombarded with excess artificial sugar. Good luck.

Foods and Drink that are Surprisingly High in Sugar: Low Fat Yogurt BBQ Sauce Ketchup Fruit Juice Spaghetti Sauce Sports Drinks

Chocolate Milk Granola Flavored Coffees Iced Tea Protein Bars Vitamin Water

Cereal Bars Canned Baked Beans Canned Fruit

Dr. Ben Horning grew up in a holistic home. He studied at the university of Maryland and received the unique degree of Agriculture and Resource Economics. He received his Chiropractic Doctorate at Southern California University of Health Sciences. An eternal optimist, Dr. Horning cares about restoring health and allowing his patients to flourish in whatever goals they have.

Your health depends on ridding yourself of most artificial sugars, but how? The first thing to handle any problem is to confront it. Look at labels. See what you are dealing with. Did you know a leading energy drink has 27 grams of sugar per serving? Even more shocking is that the can is actually two servings, not one! So, per can you are really drinking 54 grams of sugar. Look at labels! The second thing to do is plan a transition out of sweets. A good buffer is to start juicing even if fruits do contain sugar it’s going to be better than a sugary soft drink. Work your way to less sugary fruits and add more veggies and herbs and your palate will start to change. Another thing to do is try new healthy foods. You will be surprised how many things actually taste good if you try them. People have been trying to figure this out for some time and there are some delicious and health comfort foods now you just have to look for them. Lastly, keep it up and do not give into temptations to go back to the candy and the sodas. Typically, it takes about 5 weeks to develop a habit and there will be moments where you will need to use 13



March/April 2017

The Difference Between Self-Care and Self-Love


or many years, I was quite indulgent in my cyclical self-care practices, believing that was the best way to replenish myself. Back then I was working an average of sixty hours a week. I would wake up thinking about work, plan my day in the shower, throw back a cup of coffee and race into the office by 7:30AM for my 12 hour day. This was the loop of my life. To make up for the self-depletion I imbued on myself, I would spend most of my time deploying self-care strategies attempting to make up for draining my energy resources and life force. My weekends consisted of massage appointments, hair-cuts and colorings, pedicures, manicures, waxing, facials, the occasional intuitive reading. Only on the weekends would I take time to eat right and get a little exercise. Further, I never considered doing any of these things during the busy work week. I consider all of this under the category of self-care. After all, these were the things I needed to do to simply restore and revive myself, boost my ego, temporarily feel good and make sure I looked fabulous come Monday morning. And for about twenty-five years, I honestly believed this was all I needed. Self-Love wasn’t even something that registered in my awareness. Discovering I had breast cancer was the beginning of my journey of loving myself. To me, an obvious correlation to breast cancer is selfnurturing. This experience caused me to reflect on the idea of selfnurturing and explore what this meant for me. I had never considered myself the nurturing type. I opted out on the kid thing and didn’t have a lot of patience for children in general. While this was unfolding in my consciousness, I was also aware that I was hard on myself. I mean REALLY hard on myself. I was my own worst critic. Nothing was ever good enough and I was the first one to point out my flaws. This often came across in the form of sarcasm, putting myself down, calling out the fact that I was wrong. I was never acknowledging myself TO MYSELF for my gifts, talents and accomplishments. It was easy to point out the talents of others since I was frequently seeking outside approval from them, but that’s another column. When I really began examining what it meant to be nurturing I asked myself “what’s missing here?” The answer was love. Self-love. Self-love is about paying attention to your intuition and trusting yourself enough to act on it. Self-love is letting “where you are now” be okay. It’s knowing that all the answers we seek are within us. Selflove is taking some time, every single day, to be quietly with yourself, to acknowledge the infinite part of ourselves that is connected to All That Is. Self-love is gentle discipline, slowing down and connecting deeply to yourself and to others. Self-love is listening to your body’s

by Donna Bond, M.A.

needs. Self-love is finding your voice and using it. Self-love is the revelation of your authentic self as a Divine Spiritual Being and having the awareness that you are here for a reason. Self-love is following your joy. It is about knowing you are guided and protected and that all of life is for learning. Self-love is believing in yourself. Self-love is standing in your truth when everyone else may be telling you that you’re crazy. Self-love is listening to your feelings with an attitude of caring acceptance and compassion for yourself. The path to self-love is found in shifting your mind set and belief systems as you expand along the journey of life. This can only happen through the uncovering and discovering of self. For your consideration, I invite you to begin self-love today. Go to a mirror. Take a long deep look in your own eyes. Say out loud, “I love you” and know that everything is going to be okay. Donna Bond, M.A. is a graduate of the University of Santa Monica where she earned her master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing. Her work as a professional life coach, transformation consultant and inspirational speaker centers on serving individual transformation of consciousness. © All Rights Reserved




March/April 2017


How to Be a Good Steward With What You Have by Niina Bagdasar, CFP, M.A.


lastic shopping bags filling the ocean and there is poor air quality in almost all urban areas. Poverty, hunger, and inequality, etc. are everywhere. Now it is more important than ever to vote with every dollar we spend and base our shopping decisions on how the product nurtures us and our planet. It can be a daunting task to scrutinize our every single consumer decision, research every product and every company, and to come up with a plan that makes us feel that we a voting for a cleaner air and water, contribute to fair treatment of farmers and factory workers in developing countries, eat as healthy produce as possible and wear clothes that have not been sewn by child labor and that last more than a season. Here are a few ideas for you! Buy from ESG best rated companies: ESG stands for environment, social and governance. You can google “best and worst ESG companies” to find out if you should replace some brands in your shopping list. Businesses with high ESG scores are mindful of their environmental impact; treat employees, customers and suppliers well; and have policies that align the interests of management and shareholders. Since it has become fashionable to be a socially conscious business, we consumers have to look a bit deeper into the corporate culture to know if they are really walking their talk. For example, most big publicly held corporations now use PR companies to gauge the consumers’ perceptions of their ESG level, and sometimes they run big campaigns to toot their own horn about their charitable giving. - This could be a cover up like in Wells Fargo’s case! – They have bought billboards in major cities claiming that “In this neighborhood Wells Fargo is supporting x number of charities”. – In the meantime they are in trouble for opening fake accounts and financing oil pipelines. Buy from a B corporation: Recently a foundation called “BtheChange” started to grant businesses a B corporation designation. BtheChange celebrates critical thinkers, innovative companies and ground-breaking products with a positive social and environmental impact on our world. The companies that want this honor have to go through rigorous examination to determine that they truly are a force for good. has a list of businesses for you to peruse. Become an impact investor and invest in Purpose

driven start up companies: Since President Obama signed the Title III of the JOBS Act into law, now a “regular” person can help a start-up get on its feet (before the law restricted only those with a high net worth invest in startups). This regulatory change, and the resulting companies that are aiding startups in raising equity through it, is revolutionary. It is democratizing investing as it enables wealth-building for regular citizens. It is helping build socially conscious companies and strengthening the economy. Wefunder is a platform for mostly social enterprises. IF you are interested in this kind of involvement, please check WeFunder website. Please keep in mind that 90% of start-ups fail; it is not a good idea to invest your entire nest egg with them. My goal is to help my clients make their financial decisions from a well-informed, heart-centered place, I prefer long term relationships and clients who view money as a resource to do good: for the good of all humanity, utilizing investments and businesses that either produce renewable energy, care for their employees or at the minimum try to leave the earth in a better shape than what we found it in. Please know that I’m not recommending any one fund or security in this article. Niina Bagdasar is a Certified Financial Planner, MBA and Wealth Manager, Money Coach. She has worked in investments and finance since 1988. Her client relationships are long-term and entail the entire financial spectrum of their lives. She loves people more than numbers but has a good handle on all things finance. Her goal is to help her clients make their financial decisions from a well-informed, heartcentered place, for the good of all humanity, utilizing investments and businesses that either produce renewable energy, care for their employees or at the minimum try to leave the earth in a better shape than what we found it in.




March/April 2017

Twin Flames –

By Michele Amburgey MsP, CCH, HHP, CBT, RMT

A Channeling from Archangel Metatron


he idea of Twin Flames and Soul Mates has fluttered the hearts of many a human for time untold. The thought of finding that perfect “other’ who will fit in every nook and cranny, live up to our every dream and expectation and love us like no one else is something almost all of us aspire to. Or, at least those who are the romantics among us. But what does it really mean? We bandy those words and ideas about as if they are common and mundane. When I knew I would be writing this article for this magazine, Archangel Metatron came in almost immediately and said that he would be assisting me on this one. He said that there are many misconceptions that must be cleared up, and the time is now. He explained some things to me in concepts and visuals that I have no words for. I became overwhelmed with the magnitude and vastness of what Twin Flames really are. And so, like a good Virgo, I procrastinated to the last moment. Now, as I finally sit to write, Metatron gently moves into my consciousness and a soft warm energy fills my heart as he speaks, “Beloved of mine, sweet it is to be with you. And I am overjoyed to be sharing with you the energy of the Twin Flame. I would first like to explain what a Twin Flame is. So, a history lesson is in order. Long before the civilizations of Atlantis and its many resurrections, there was an etheric civilization that lived energetically in and on Mother Earth. This civilization was called Lumeria, and many of you have heard of it. Lumeria was a multi-dimensional and multi universal civilization that was made up of the most beautiful sacred temples and natural spaces like nothing that exists today. It was pure and innocent, clear like a crystal and gentle like a breeze. It was a way station and a “vacation spot” for many beings throughout the multiverses. Because of its purity and beauty, it was a healing place as well, and beings came from many systems of consciousness to experience Mother Earth’s healing presence. It was here, in Lumeria that Twin Flames often spent lives together. But the science of splitting the soul was not done in Lumeria. It was implemented in an even earlier culture known as Tuleya. It was in Tuleya that the experiment of separation was created. The technology at that time was far more advanced than any that has ever existed. It required huge amounts of energy to split the atoms of creation, the atoms, or flame, of the soul. It was similar to atomic weaponry you have today, where the energy of atoms are released and massive expansion and contractions occur. You can imagine what the souls went through with that kind

of energy release. But it was required for the experiment and huge crystal “hospitals” were set up in advance to nurture the souls for recovery after the procedure. It took many souls hundreds of years to recover. The experiment of separation was successful and souls were now free to go about creation as separate male-female expressions of God. Also be aware that not all souls were separated as only a male-female creation, many of the separated souls still contained male-female expressions in each half, and these became a third expression of God. All were considered sacred. Coming back to present time, and the topic at hand, I ask you to imagine that if it took such atomic power to separate the flame of the souls, what it would be like to meet your Twin Flame. Can you imagine the shock wave of the coming together of these two pieces of creation into one space and time? It would alter all that we know. There are many people who feel they have met their Twin Flame, and there are a few who actually have. One of the many guidelines set forth at the beginning of this experiment is that Twin Flames would find each other again only when they both had ascended into their Highest Self Consciousness possible in this plane of existence and are ready for ascension, at which time they would be reunited into the one soul again. Most people confuse a Soul Mate with a Twin Flame. Soul mates come into your life for many, many reasons. Twin Flames come in for one reason only. When it is time for the Ascension and reunification of the Soul. If you wish to reunite with your Twin Flame, keep doing your spiritual work. Continue to look to the celestial ways, the ancient teachings and the spiritual guidance that holds you in all that is Divine Light and Love. You will meet your Twin Flame when you are both ready. And it will be talked about in the heavens for eternity. I AM forever yours, Archangel Metatron.

Rev. Michele Amburgey




March/April 2017

Four Secrets to Creating Everything You Desire


s I sit on a plane to Brazil to facilitate classes about consciousness, awareness, entities and abundance, I reflect on all the magic that I created in my life. So far most of the things I asked for, have showed up in my life. The others, I perceive, are on the way.

How did you create it, you may ask. What I learned is, if you are open and desire more in life, you can create anything, and as I say: “Sky is no limit”. There are many formulas, techniques, secrets, rituals and ways and ways of creating. Some of them might work better than faster than others. I know what has been most effective for me and would love to share those secrets with you. For nearly 7 years I have been using the tools of Access Consciousness. There are hundreds of those tools that can change anything that is not working in someone’s life. I am particularly fascinated with the tools to create; create life, business, harmonious relationships, abundance, health, joy, happiness, business, travels, more fun in life and a whole different future. It’s quite a simple formula that can be used for every creation. There are four keys to creating your life, and they are: question, choice, possibility and contribution. When you ask for anything, it will show up at some point in one way or another. You all probably have heard, “Ask and you shall receive” and how often do you actually truly ask a question? Question that is not a conclusion, like: “What is wrong with me?”, “Why can’t I get it right?”, “Why do I still have no money?” “Why is my life so miserable?”. When you ask those kind of questions, this is all you are gonna get more of in life… What you focus on, expands. A true question will open the doors to a different possibility. Questions like: “What else is possible here?” “How does it get any better than this? “What are the infinite possibilities for … (getting an amazing job, more money showing up, a kind and caring partner to come into my life, etc.)?”. When you ask a question without a point of view of how and when things should come into your life, possibilities will start opening up. You then can choose from those possibilities and ask more questions so the flow of creation

by Gosia Lorenz

never stops. When you are willing to ask questions and choose from the possibilities and allowing to have what you are asking for, the Universe and everything around will always contribute to you. When you receive contribution, you become a contribution as well, it is a simultaneity of gifting and receiving. Have you ever noticed that when you gift someone something and they receive it with gratitude, it makes you happy? It is such a simple process that can truly create a life you desire. There are no limits to what you can create and receive. Even when you notice the smallest change, ask: “How does it get even better than this?” “What else is possible that I haven’t yet considered?” and be open to receiving more. What if you could include everything and everyone in the creation of your life? Every molecule of the Earth, the plants, animals, people. Another important element is not to be vested in the outcome and judge what will show up. Nothing ever shows up the way we think it will, so enjoy the ride! When you are not sure what is happening, ask: “What’s right about it?” or “Is this the change I’ve been asking for?” (rather than making it wrong). Use the tool light (it’s right) and heavy (is a lie). What would your life be like if you gave up control and trusted that you are a Magnificent Creator and the Universe will always deliver to you in the most miraculous ways?



Freed By The Light

By Margo Mateas

True Stories Of How The Supernatural Affects Our Lives

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Regina said helplessly as she stood by my table at the Temple of Light holistic fair. “I’ve tried everything, but nothing works. I’m so miserable, and I don’t know why.” Regina had the look and feel of a caged animal. I saw thick silver chains wrapped all around her. Heavy manacles hung from her wrists and ankles. “You are in chains,” I whispered in her ear. “I know I am!” she cried. “But why?” She looked utterly tormented. I didn’t know why she was in bondage. I only knew that I had to pray for her. She wept as healing energy surged from my hand into the top of her head. “You are sanctified by the Light. You are purified by the Light,” poured over and over from my lips. Regina later came to me for an angelic soul clearing. I discovered that her soul had been stolen by the Dark more than 600 years ago. She burst into tears the instant the angels saved her. She was finally free. All those years of torment just vanished. In fact, Regina became so radiantly happy and changed so much that I did not even recognize her when I saw her a month later. Regina’s life improved immediately. She got the job of her dreams within a week, and her unhappy marriage began to transform, too. 22

Supernatural Causes / Supernatural Solutions Regina was the start of a mind-blowing journey that forever changed how I view God, human beings and the Universe itself. Her session took both of us on a wild ride involving past lives, soul theft and the Dark. It was like an “Indiana Jones” movie. Despite my protests, I had to admit that the world was not what I thought it was. It is so much more. Since then, I’ve helped thousands of other people all over the world uncover the secret, supernatural cause of their afflictions. Their journeys from darkness to light led me to realize that energetic marauders are all around us, feeding on our life force. Some of these take the form of energetic dragons that can invade the body and cause auto-immune problems. I discovered that people can catch “STDs” – “spiritually-transmitted dis-ease” -- from supernatural parasites that hang out in crowds. I now understand much more about the link between galactic invaders and GMOs, nanobots and vaccines, too. I wasn’t sure what to do with all this information, until people starting sending me before-and-after photos of their clearings. The differences are so startling that I decided to put them in a book so you can see for yourself. These reallife stories and photographs provide stunning proof that

March/April 2017

the supernatural is real and profoundly affects our lives in ways we cannot imagine.

Millions of people around the world suffer from

Freed By The Light is the first book to reveal eyewitness accounts, medical histories and incredible before-and-after photos of people who were aided by supernatural intervention, including:

physical, mental and emotional conditions

• A mother who saved her baby’s life by renewing him from the inside out

shows you how these supernatural forces may

• A woman whose cerebral spinal fluid leak was spontaneously healed by angels

that are actually caused by supernatural forces. Freed By The Light pulls back the veil and be affecting you and what you can do about it. You deserve to know how to break free from

• A man who was instantly delivered from heroin addiction

the shackles of darkness, protect yourself from

• A young boy whose sinister behavior was traced to nanobots

everlasting power of the Light.

• A woman who got the job of her dreams after severing ties from a past life • A legal secretary who had to be rescued from alien interference Get the full book:

supernatural invaders, and fully align with the

Margo Mateas is an investigative journalist and scientifically verified healer featured on Coast to Coast AM, Sirius XM, Fade to Black, etc. She is a former newspaper editor and respected corporate trainer. Margo has been psychic all her life and had her first premonition at just eight years old.

About the author:




March/April 2017

We are so blessed in Southern California “We are so blessed in Southern California, even in the winter we have sunshine & flowers; where other parts of the world spend their winters hip deep in snow & ice. As the frigid wind blows the earth sleeps, slowly regaining the energy to change. Life like the seasons are ever changing, offering us the opportunities to transform into whom we wish to be; which is not always an easy task. As we leave winter, a time of cold contemplation and reflection; we welcome spring as a time to bloom. But how and in what direction? Transformations is a spiritual center and boutique with the classes to assist in your growth. Every month we offer a set schedule of classes and events to explore: The first Sunday we host crystal healer Debi McKee to teach how to incorporate crystals into your daily life, as tools

by Kayla Sashean Scott

for healing and growth. The first Friday we have medium Stephanie Harris who leads an intimate spirit circle, for those who have questions for the other side. The third Thursday join psychic MayLynne as she explores the paths of intuitive development. Free guided meditation every full & new moon. We will also soon add regularly scheduled soundbaths. Join us quarterly to celebrate the changes of the season. We kick off spring with a Transformations Psychic Healing Faire Saturday March 18th from 11am through 6pm. If you need a guide or have a question we have a psychic for you. Enjoy family fun with an Ostara egg hunt & egg carton gardening. We will also have a great local jewelry artist to introduce.�




March/April 2017

Practicing Gratitude


o what does it mean to . . . “Practice Gratitude”? . As we go through our day to day lives with our jobs, our families and friends . . . through all these things we experience a multitude of emotions. Some experiences feel good while others tend to have a more negative energy. Sometimes we feel more stress and anxiety rather than embracing joy and happiness. Are we driving this experience or is this experience driving us?

What would happen if you had the power to change and fill your space with love and appreciation? We all possess the ability to shift how we think and feel about anything by learning and “practicing gratitude”. What I mean by this is simple, we get to realign our thoughts and feelings with a more positive state. Instead of dwelling on the negative we must learn to look for the positive in every situation and truly be grateful. What if we could change our outcome to one that feels more peaceful and calm, more pleasure and less pain? Does the possibility exist that we could look at each situation in a different way? We can find a new meaning, certainly a meaning that would bring joy and good feelings throughout our day. What’s the difference . . . that makes the difference? The key that opens this door is simple and true . . . it is appreciation for what is . . . rather than looking for what is not. To drive our lives by choice not chance. I believe we can all learn to live in a space of gratitude, love and joy . . . and that this is the pathway to a more fulfilling life. There are 3 easy to follow steps to help each of us learn to appreciate all that comes our way. To begin to practice

gratitude we must first become aware of the moment. Then shift our thoughts and feelings to find a new meaning. I find it much easier to shift my thoughts and feelings by listening to Sound Therapy. For many, meditation works or just taking a moment and breaking the cycle of the negative thought. Lastly, seek only that which guides you to feel appreciation to any given experience.

The saying goes “practice makes perfect” so be patient with yourself. Just like a musician practices with their instrument. We must choose to practice with our instrument of appreciation to revel in our own symphony of gratitude.

by Kathy Peloso

The greatest benefit for me is . . . when I’m grateful for what was presented to me each day, the Universe reciprocates with pure connection of Divine Love . . . and isn’t that what we really want? Paul Peloso is a Certified Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. Together with his wife Kathy, they have created the Meditation for Menopause Sound Therapy program. This program is designed to promote better Sleep, Focus and Relaxation. For more information visit us at

3 Easy steps to practice gratitude 1. Take a step back – remove yourself emotionally form the situation 2. Spin it /Flip it – Look for a new meaning a new possibility 3. Seek to Appreciate – There is joy in all things (Find it-Embrace itLove it) During this wonderful time dubbed as “The Change” we women also carry another burden. The physical, emotional and dare I say psychological effects of our body and mind running amuck. The moment to moment ignition of hot flashes and mood swings is not something I find easy to appreciate. Do we really have to allow ourselves to become stuck in a puddle of negative thoughts and overwhelmed by waves of unwanted feelings? When I recognize and become aware of what is happening, when it’s happening I know this is the first step to a better state of mind and much more desirable experience. 27



Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Hideko Curcio

Founder and Spiritual Director

Director of Events and Facilities

Rev. Allison Nevarez

Deborah Shea

Rev. Zia Sadaf

Rita Robinson

Colin Sadowski

Rev. Janette Freeman

Facilities Cartaker

Oneness Center of Orange County

Shannon Quamme

Programs Director

Programs Director

Choury DeVelle

Marcie Howard

Rev. Amaya Victoria

Center for Spiritual Living Saddleback Vly.

On-site Practitioner and Instructor

On-site Practitioner and Instructor

On-site Practitioner and Instructor

On-site Practitioner and Instructor

Rev. Michele Amburgey

Cynthia Rittenhouse

Shauna Kossof

Elizabeth Hendershot

Debra Hookey

Adil Panton

On-site Practitioner





Harmony Roundy

Ryan Lee

Susan Lape

Seth Pincus

Alejandro Tovares

Anna Sophia







On-site Practitioner


Kara Udziela

David Wells, Ph.D.




of Light

On-site Practitioner

March/April 2017

The John of God Crystal Bed

by Molly (Maliheh) Nouri


n 2002 I was privileged to be healed by energy going through a healing arts practitioner named Abdy Electericiteh for my thyroid problem. This was the first time in my life I had experienced such a thing. He was my first healer and he also became a great spiritual teacher. Since then a new path opened in my life and I have learned more about spiritual wisdom every day since. I also became aware I could heal others too with my own hands Two years ago, because of having a problem with my colon, I traveled to the Casa de Dom Ignacio in Brazil and was humbled to witness the loving energy and healing power of the Entities through John of God. I witnessed firsthand his magical healing for cases of illnesses far worse than mine in many different people who were coming to him from all over the World. They were healed without surgery. Last year my colon problem showed up again and I was scheduled to have surgery. But before having surgery I decided to go to Brazil again to visit John of God to seek a healing and attempt to gain and understand why it had not worked the first time. I bought my non-refundable ticket online to go to Brazil. But, two weeks before I was to travel to Brazil I took the advice of a friend of mine who suggested I meet a very kind lady who was a practitioner of John of God Crystal Healing Bed. I started having treatments with crystal bed even though I had some doubts as to the success I would have. She recommended me to have the Crystal Bed treatment four times and see if it gave me the results for which I was looking. After just two times my colon ailment went away without having to have surgery! I could hardly believe it. I was so thankful to God to be introduced to this magical treatment just before visiting Casa de Dom Ignacio. Even though I felt completely healed, since my ticket was already purchased and my plans were set, I decided to go to Brazil anyway thinking it would be a peaceful time for my mind, body, and spirit. However, God and the Universe had another plan for me. While I was there in the room with John of God and with all the sick people I was fortunate enough to be advised by the Entities who work with John of God to be practitioner of John of God Crystal bed myself and bring the energy healing of the Crystal Bed to people who also may receive a healing from it like I did. I now understand the Divine plan for me to experience the healing for myself and to provide it to others without them having to go all the way to Brazil to receive it. Crystal Beds are an extension of the healing work of the Spirit Doctors and thousands of assistant Healing Spirits to all those who cannot travel to John of God and Casa Dom Ignacio in Brazil for treatment.

I am so honored to offer the unique experience of the healing Energies of the first pair of Twin Crystal Beds Blessed and commissioned at the Casa by St. Dom Ignacio incorporated through John of God. “It is not only the body that is prone to illness, so the spirit must also receive treatment.” John of God. The Crystal Healing Bed brings beautiful and powerful healing to assist deep cleansing and rebalancing of our energy systems and the healing begins with self-knowledge.

Molly (Maliheh) Nouri, John of God Crystal Bed Practitioner, Healer, Creation of New Thoughts and meditation Instructor, Life Coach (based on 12th century most famous Spiritual Poet “Rumi”)




March/April 2017

Animal Kinship Ministry Comes toThe Temple of Light Spiritual Community


e of the Center of Spiritual Living, Saddleback Valley were delighted to join in January 2017, this community which celebrates Oneness, and with us we bring our Animal Kinship Ministry. The ministry’s vision is to expand our awareness of our Oneness with all Life and to support the unique humananimal bond in our spiritual community through prayer, education and service.

We remember the web of life means all of life, not just human kind. We see all life honored as expressions of the Divine. Who could argue the unconditional love of dogs and the spiritual lessons we learn from cats if we are open to it. Justice, the “cover cow” who graces the jacket of the book Ninety-Five, escaped from a truck on his way to a slaughterhouse. He was rescued and now resides at Peaceful Prairie Sanctuary returning the act of kindness by easing the fears of all the scared newcomers. Ninety five is the often cited figure for the number of animals saved yearly by one person’s vegan diet.

Chickens are inquisitive, interesting animals who are thought to be as intelligent, as dogs, cats or even some primates. Mother hens care deeply for their babies. Jesus even refers to the loving protectiveness of a hen to her chicks in the gospels which were written 2000 years ago. Elephants manifest a wide variety of behaviors, including those associated with grief, learning, mimicry, play, altruism, use of tools, compassion, cooperation, self-awareness, memory, and communication. In 2012, the much respected physicist, Stephen Hawking, and his colleagues announced they had scientifically proven human consciousness and animal consciousness to be so close that society should think seriously how animals are treated. In the scientific world, it is known as the Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness. The Humane Society of the U.S. created a Faith Outreach Program. The HSUS Faith Advisory Council includes leading scholars and representatives from a range of religious denominations, faiths and backgrounds. The HSUS collaboration between faith communities and animal advocates resulted in the publishing of their book

By Rose Tingle

“Every Living Thing” which informs readers “how Pope Francis, evangelicals and other Christian leaders are inspiring all of us to care for animals.” HSUS Dharmic Council is an affiliate of their national Faith Advisory Council. With more than a billion adherents, the Dharmic religions have long histories of ethical treatment of animals. Ahimsa, or nonviolence toward all living beings, is a central pillar in these religions. Many of us have forgotten the sacredness of our brothers and sisters of other species, but we are slowly remembering. Please join with me in saying this beautiful and powerful affirmation. “Today, I remember that all of life is sacred, regardless of how many legs, wings or fins it has. I am One with it all and we are One in God. It is all Good.”

Rose Tingle established the Animal Kinship Ministries at the Centers for Spiritual Living, Capistrano Valley and Saddleback Valley. She has been involved in animal welfare 19 years. Her work includes hands-on experience with animals. She writes as an animal advocate for the investigative news agency, Voice of OC. She is also a volunteer leader for the Faith Outreach Program of the Humane Society of the U.S.




March/April 2017


Dream Lofty Dreams “Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.” Allen, James. The longer I live the more I realize how important it is that I always have a big dream in my life. Dreams are what cause us to bound out of bed in the morning instead of waking with anxiety or, even worse, apathy for the day ahead. When I don’t have a dream in front of me it’s easy to find fault with everything and self-pity comes easily. There’s an easy explanation for why we’re not at our best when we don’t have a dream – we were created to dream. The Proverbs writer tells us that “without a vision the people perish.” “Anything you can dream of is not too great for you to undertake, if it hurts no man and brings happiness and good into your life.” Science of Mind Text p. 288.2 A Dream is the Divine Urge. “It is impossible to plumb the depths of the individual mind, because the individual mind is really not individual but is individualized. Behind the individual is the Universal, which has no limits.” Science of Mind Text p. 30.2 I’ve always liked a quote that I’ve heard attributed to both Oscar Hammerstein and Walt Disney, “If you don’t have a dream, how are you going to make a dream come true?” So why is it so hard for some of us to dream? Or so tough to believe that our dream can come true? Perhaps for some of us it’s because we were programmed to “don’t get your hopes up.” While this was told to “protect” us, it had the opposite effect. For many years I wanted to believe in a dream (because I was created that way) but I was afraid of how I’d feel if I didn’t get my dream. I was afraid to “get my hopes up.” So how do we start dreaming? Or how do we dream bigger? By changing our thoughts of course. Mark Victor Hansen, writes in his book Dare To Win, “If you know exactly what you want, you can have it…Look around you. The world is filled with abundance.” Here is how to think about and bring about our dreams, taken from the Science of Mind Text p 399.3 “We should think clearly and allow the image of our thoughts to sink into a subjective state. We do not crowd them down, we let them sink into this inner receptivity with power and with conviction. Our individual subjective mind is our place in the Universal Creative Law and immediately connects us with limitless power and energy.”

by Rev. Annette Drake

As we dream lofty dreams and let them sink into or subjective state, they become a Spiritual Prototype or mental equivalent of what we desire. This is the way to have them become fully embodied within us. We can see them, smell them, feel them, hear them, touch them. We step into them, so to speak. They become so real that they change our vibrational field, which sets off the Law of Attraction. Try this, you will be amazed at the immediate results you get. Your dreams are sent to you to guide you to use your natural talents. Listen and follow the still small voice. It knows! James Allen tells us that “your circumstances may be uncongenial, but they shall not long remain so, if you but perceive an Ideal (a dream) and strive to reach it. You cannot travel within and stand still without.” Namaste, Rev. Annette Drake, MSU. Rev. Annette has served as Senior Minister for the First Church of Religious Science (now the Center for Spiritual Living, Fullerton) for the past 20 years. In her years of service, she has taught classes, held seminars, counseled many clients and performed weddings and memorial services. “My years of service have been the most rewarding time of my life. I love inspiring people and lifting the spirits of those around me.” Her new slogan “New Day – New Way” says it all. Every day is a chance to build a new inspired life, filled with love, harmony, peace, health, prosperity and all that you desire.



The Ego’s Conversation with the Universe Ego: What is the greatest secret of the ages? Universe: The power to manifest dreams is already within the grasp of everyone. Ego: If that’s true then why am I not using it? Universe: You are using it. Ego: How can I be using it if I’m not getting what I want? Universe: I didn’t say you were using it correctly, I just said you’re using it. Ego: How can I be using it incorrectly, I am the Ego, I run the show around here. Answer: Let me ask you a question: who do you think you are? Ego: I am the accumulation of all my host’s experiences, thoughts, dreams, pain, suffering, and joy. I represent him to the world. Universe: Well, you got part of that right. For the most part you do represent your host’s perception of himself to the world. But you are not a true representation of him. Ego: If I’m not a true representation of him, then what am I? Universe: You are the conscious mind’s effort to make sense out of this world. But your perception is limited to what your host can see, touch, taste, smell and hear. You think that the physical world is all there is. Ego: Are you trying to tell me that there is more? Universe: Much more, but it is not confined to what you can experience with the five senses. Ego: I am not interested in these lofty thoughts of yours. My business is to make things happen and I can’t do that if my host is dribbling on and on about spiritual hogwash. I am about getting things done not sitting around with my legs, arms and eyes crossed while contemplating nirvana. Universe: Is that why you make your host feel stressed out? Ego: That’s not true I always have his highest interest at heart. Besides, I have nothing to do with how he feels. Universe: No, you have ‘your’ highest interest at heart. And the truth is, you don’t care how much you hurt your host emotionally. Ego: I can’t help how he feels. I’m just protecting him. I need to make sure that he learns from his life experiences. If he fails, there are consequences: I simply get him to 34

by Choury DeVelle

see that he should disapprove of himself when he makes mistakes. That way he won’t continue letting people take advantage of him. He must learn that you can’t trust everyone. Most people are out to get him so, he must get them first. My job is to make sure that no one takes advantage of him. So, I kick his butt every now and then what’s the big deal? Haven’t you ever heard this statement: ‘Pain is the prod to change.’ If someone hurts him, I make sure he hurts them back, that way they don’t hurt him again. Universe: Hmmm so it’s an eye for an eye, Huh? Ego: That’s right: an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth. Look don’t blame me, that’s just the way the world works. If a person, place or thing hurts him, I make sure he doesn’t trust them again. It’s called good judgement. Universe: If a person doesn’t trust, doesn’t that meant that they live in fear of people taking advantage of them? Ego: Fear is a good thing. Just like stress, anger and worry. They’re all good. Universe: Why? Ego: Because they create good judgement. Universe: How does that happen? Ego: Once a person feels the pain of anger, fear and frustration, he learns how to weed out bad people and things! Universe: Really? Ego: Sure, look, if someone treats him wrong, he learns through anger, fear, and frustration to never trust them or anyone like them again. Universe: That’s a pretty general observation isn’t it? Ego: It always works for me! Universe: What if the person who hurt him was a girl? Ego: I wouldn’t trust her or any other female ever again. Universe: What if it was a boy? Ego: Same thing. Universe: What if the person was short? Ego: Same thing, I wouldn’t trust any of them. Universe: What if the person was his father, mother, cousin, sister, brother or a close friend? Ego: Same thing!!!! They can’t be trusted!!! Universe: Okay, let’s assume your reasoning is true. What if something bad happened on a rainy day?

March/April 2017

Ego: I’ve never trusted rainy days. Universe: What if something bad happened on a warm summer day. Ego: Warm summer days would be scary. Universe: How about if it happened on a beautiful Spring day? Ego: It wouldn’t be so beautiful anymore would it? Universe: Okay, what if something bad happened while your favorite song was playing on the radio? Ego: I wouldn’t want to hear that song again! Universe: So, let me see if I’m getting this right. According to you, if anything bad happens, then everything and anything associated with that occurrence would also be something not to be trusted. Is that correct? Ego: You got it. Universe: And you would make sure your host stays aware of this is by creating feelings of anger, fear, frustration, pride etc.? Ego: Well, as I said earlier, I’m not really in charge of feelings and emotions. To tell you the truth I don’t understand them at all. The subconscious mind takes care of that part of his personality. My specialty is making my host either take credit for everything good that happens or

beating up other people and/or himself when things don’t go well. I can’t help it if he gets emotional about it. What’s the big deal if he gets angry, fearful, frustrated or stressed out? The important thing is that he’s learning from his experiences. It’s the price you have to pay to get ahead in this world. Universe: Thank you. Ego: For what. Universe: You just made the best case ever for why a person should strive to find a way to exist without you!

Is something holding you back from realizing your true potential? Fears can manifest into sickness, self-sabotage, and violence if you feel threatened. What most people don’t understand is these roadblocks to success are old beliefs based on lack and limitation buried deep within the subconscious mind. Most of the time, the victim doesn’t know how or why those beliefs got started .Choury believes the quickest, most effective way is through hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and change the programming from fear, sickness, lack, and limitation to courage, health, abundance, and wealth which is quicker than standard psychotherapy. Telephone:714.624.1956, email:; www. orangecounty/



Crystals: Atlantian, Lemurian, Rutilated


n so many realities, including our own, crystals have been used as healing tools, generators, holders of teaching, and grounding mechanisms. Recently I have become very aware of the upsurge of crystals once again in our reality. For a bit of time, preceding the first harmonic convergence, crystals were very active in our personal daily lives. Over the last 10 years crystals went quiet, the job of those first several pushes of energy done for that time being. It appears to me now though, in the last three years crystals of all types have made a resurgence; a re-appearance on the landscape. They have once again become more active, particularly those crystals related to the galaxies, and from deep in the earth. Selenite, has appeared now in great force, for she is the activation crystal for all levels of our being. Yet, for your perusal, I would like to speak today about clear and rutilated quartz. Clear quartz is our base crystal, an origin mineral having been created at the same time our planet came together. Clear quartz is a powerful crystal, and within our physical bodies we have molecular sized chips of quartz. All our advanced technology uses clear quartz in its mother boards and programming systems, including our lasers. I myself have two wands in which each has on one point of clear quartz. For our own use, clear quartz is to be used to balance, harmonize, and activate dormant parts of our physiological, mental, and central nervous systems. Included in this is our subconscious, and the bio-chemical balancing of the brain and brain stem. I tend to use large quartz pods under my healing table, particularly under the head, neck and shoulder area of the


client. Clear quartz is the crystal that will magnify the properties of all other crystals through it. Atlantian quartz is to be used for the healing of the bio-chemical system of the mind, and all related aliments of the bones. Lemurian quartz is used to activate the third eye, the full meridian grid, purging and then balancing the

emotional body. Using the Atlantian and Lemurian quartz in this time in our history will then allow for the balancing of the mental, physical and emotional bodies. Both crystals were programmed many eons ago to naturally “turn on” five years ago. They will stay turned on for the next two years, to help bring acceptance of the soul being encased in human form. These two crystals cooperate to lay open the internal grid system of one’s being, for the downloading of higher law, and the ability to become an active “member” of the galactic council. And on a simpler note, to bring happiness to one’s life. When these two crystals are intertwined energetically, you can then use any other crystals of your choosing for specified intent. Having opened the internal system, including the conscious, sub-conscious, and super-conscious, rutilated quartz then becomes very helpful. Rutilated quartz, which is a

by Amaya Victoria

quartz with gold filaments, used during or after the use of the Atlantian and Lemurian quartz, spreads into the system healing self-worth, spontaneous joy, power in one’s teaching, and freedom from worry and fear. All crystals for us right now are powerful allies, as we move out of the dark totally. Yet, as you can see, these three crystals, at this time. will be our guardians, guides and healers. For when we are no longer insecure, we do not exude jealousy, envy and greed. My call to each of you is to use these crystals, as many as you need, at least once a day. Place them on your bodies, under your chairs, etc. I hear these crystals calling to us, saying, “Great masters, kind children of God, fear not death, for life is eternal. Great sentinel beings, the time is now, stop your crying. Find your laughter. Come home; home is where your body, and your heart is.” I thank all the crystals for coming to us. And today I honor these three master crystals, Atlantian, Lemurian, and Rutilated Quartz.

March/April 2017

How can I cope when chaos is all around me?


he earth is receiving an influx of intense energy unlike anything we have encountered before. This energy is acting as a spark for many of us to make changes in our beliefs and in how we see and treat others and view the world. It seems as if the disorder known as chaos has never been more visible. How do we cope with the chaos that may be going on within us and around us? I would like to make some suggestions on how you can calm yourself and restore the feeling of control and inner peace. What is going on around us? Among our relationships in work and with family and friends, we are seeing shifts and changes happening in people’s lives. We may see that some relationships are being severed, which is more common right now. We may see changes in lifestyle, in attitudes, in decisions of how someone spends money, in postponing or accelerating retirement, and in job changes. Within our nation, our political system is pushing buttons and testing the limits in so many areas, such as bigotry, racism, women’s rights, gender equality, immigration, alliances, and trade between borders. Within the world, a greater sense of community is emerging and people are standing together in unison to maintain their freedom and rights. What is going on within us? We are each being asked to look deep within ourselves and to answer the question, “What do I leave behind on the dock as my new self emerges?” As we move forward into the new reality that is forming, we cannot remain the same person we used to be. We are continually letting go of things that do not work for us anymore, including lifestyles, beliefs, friends and jobs. We are facing self-limiting beliefs and making the choice to leave them behind. Also, since we are truly all connected, we sense the undercurrent of fear present in the country, which increases the general state of anxiety within us. How can you restore control back into your life? First, recognize that the actions of others do not define your own personal reality. Own the responsibility for how you feel by going within and connecting to your Higher Self. Meditation is one of the most important practices you can add or continue in your life right now, as it helps to center yourself to source energy, to divine energy, to God. Meditation allows you to disconnect and leave limiting beliefs on the dock as you move forward. As you meditate, ask for Divine Love to enter your being, to support you. Know that only love is real. As you look around you, recognize that it is all love showing up in the world - everything conspires to bring us closer to love. Ask the

By David Wells, Ph.D

Universe to transmute the feelings of anger, confusion and fear into love. Repeat the phrase, “I am love. I am God. God is love.” Allow yourself to experience more freedom, love and joy in your life. As you go about your day, know that you are never alone – you are always supported by Spirit. Understand that everything that is going on in the world is for the greater good of our planet; there is a Master Plan. We are moving toward unity consciousness and forming community with others. Radiate love into the world; feel your heart chakra sending out waves of loving energy all around you. Be an Agent of Love. Exercise, walk, move in some way to keep energy flowing within and through you. Receive energy healing to keep the energetic centers of your body aligned and open. During this seeming chaos that you see and feel, know that you absolutely have the power to center and calm yourself.




March/April 2017

What is Following Your I AM’s?


was eighteen years old when my mother handed me this very small, green hardcover book. It was called, “The I AM Discourses.” I had no idea what I held in my hand. How I managed through ALL the changes and moves in my life (I’m over 50,) to still have this book in my possession is nothing less than a miracle. It somehow stuck to me. I have picked it up many times. I read from it a lot over the years because no matter when or where I opened it, there seemed to be just the right, perfect nugget of truth for me to chew on. It held great teachings for creating a greater life by watching our thoughts, our words and aligning with the great Power of all it, our own part of the Divine, our own I AM Presence. Is it possible that the Divine Creator would plant Itself in us and not provide a way for our greater freedom, expansion, joy, and love? Is it possible that It has been under our nose all along, just like the water that the fish swims in? I AM. This Word is a powerful KEY to your personal freedom. “When you say and feel I AM you release the spring of Eternal, Everlasting Life, to flow on Its way unmolested. In other words, you open wide the door to Its natural flow. When you say I AM not you shut the door in the face of this Mighty Energy. I AM is God in Action. It is the Full Activity of God. -I AM Discourses, Vol. 3 Page 2 Everyone is constantly thinking or saying some form of “I am,” to

describe who or what they are. I am a teacher, I am a sister, I am a mother, or describing states, such as “I am sick, I am tired, I am happy, I am busy, I am broke, or I am prosperous,” etc. For example, when we say, “I am sick,” we are actually identifying ourselves as ‘a sick’ person. Why not say “My body is feeling sick?” Or, “My body is undergoing a healing.” Describing a passing experience is very different than claiming all the power of God to create our identity as a sick person. Even one with a disease, such as cancer; rather than claiming “I have cancer;” why not say, “My body is experiencing cancer and I Am experiencing a healing each and every day?” Another example, if experiencing a lack of money; rather than “I am broke,” or “I am without enough,” why not say, “There’s a little cash flow issue right this minute but the money is on its way!” We want to train ourselves with an identity that is more abundant and richly supplied. Our words of “I Am” are actually describing something that we are identifying ourselves with and as. If we look at those two little words actually meaning, “God in Action,” we are closest to the truth. “Hey! The whole power of God is acting on these words!” I’m ready to declare, “I Am healthy! I Am prosperous and abundant!” Isn’t it time to stop living as powerless victims and wake up and use this KEY to unlocking and unleashing a greater power; a power for good, a power for growth, a power

by Dr. Janette Freeman

for abundance, health and love? “When you say “I AM” you set God into action; but there is a lot more to it which you will come to realize- when you feel and know the enormity of the use of this expression. Realize the Enormous Power of the “I AM” to act in things of this kind. When you say and feel this then you liberate and loose the Full Activity of God.” -I AM Discourses, Vol. 3 Page 111 I AM happy to know this! Dr. Janette Freeman is the Founder and Spiritual Director at The Oneness Center OC, author of “The Second Envelope,“ and “Why Did This Happen to Me, Again?” She teaches regular classes in spiritual development locally and online. Get your Free Visualization Meditation by signing up on her website:



Rev. Michele Amburgey


March/April 2017

Let’s Talk T

hat it is in our hearts to help the humanity, without fuThat really makes me mad! Does it? Does “this” or “that” play such an overwhelming role in our day to day suffering? I used to think so. Until I realized that it’s not the things or situations, but the thinking itself making me mad (insane). Things were not as they seemed. I was always looking outside myself for answers or reasons I felt a certain way. Once I was capable of earnestly inquiring into the origin and essence of ‘my’ thoughts (Needy Little Me), I found some interesting patterns obscuring the guidance and peace that is “The Now”. I used to be walking hostility. I could keep it together in group settings or during most business endeavors (most), but it was always just bubbling under the surface. Fortunately for them, I saved most of the insanity for loved ones or friends. I heard things from them like “You are the grouchiest person I know” or “I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE!!!” My mantra was “This pisses me off!” and it did! As soon as a situation arose I would make an unconscious judgment labeling it as good or bad (mostly bad, see mantra above) based on past experiences. Mentally demanding that this moment be different than it was. I would attempt to fix it with the same old tired habits of trying to be somewhere I wasn’t. The implied permanence of the negative situation was based on past knowledge. Around I would go reliving current experiences with eyes of the past. I felt like a dog chasing its tail. Maybe the next book or teacher or class would crack the code that is “me”. I don’t claim to be enlightened. I am a normal person who had a sudden change (shift) in the way I viewed the world. The main difference is that when I’m ‘in the moment’, I take full responsibility for the mental resistance I add to situations. No longer searching outside for other people or things and the way “they” make “me” feel. I now am guided by the peace and wisdom that created the universe. There is a place of stillness inside everyone. It is the nonconceptual observer: who we really are. If I surrender to each moment, then I can view from that stillness and see with clarity that all the things I once perceived as aggravating are just concepts added to benign situations. Surrender is in the mind. It does not mean that we roll over and give the world our underbelly. It simply means that we are not trying to mentally argue with or deny what is. You will see with clarity how much of our precious energy is depleted by self-created resistance. When we accept the situation ‘as it is’ and move immediately into action you are aligning your energy with “the now”. If you have yourself convinced of something like ‘traffic makes me miserable’ or ‘the sound of his/her chewing drives

by Rick Lewis

me crazy’, remember: it’s not the traffic or the chewing that is bothering you, it is the voice in your head insisting that “little me” is bothered. Remain still observing the movement of the thinker and not the actual thought (what it’s telling/ showing you), you may even notice other things like implied permanence of the situation (‘this is never going to end’) or creating a negative future based on past knowledge (‘I’m going to be exhausted when I get home’). Neither of those things are happening now. You have been caught in the past/future trap of analyzing what appears to be “the whole picture” and it is driving you mad. Give your fullest attention to the things going on now. Surrender to the moment, be in alignment with the universe and you will be amazed at the action and beauty that comes out the stillness. I am. Feeling spiritually stuck? Let’s Talk Presence with Rick Lewis. Together you will harness the awareness found only in the present moment. Liberated from the compulsive need to resist current situations, Rick will help you move forward by taking action; not based on reactive emotions, but the peaceful insight of “the now”.



Unity of Orange County is moving in April! As of April 2nd, we will be located at Moulton Park Place, 23181 Verdugo Drive, Suite 103B, Laguna Hills. There comes a time in a person’s life (or an organization’s) when it has to decide whether to move forward – no matter how scary that can be – or stay where one is because it is a safe place to be. Our community is grateful for our time at the Temple of Light. The two plus years we have been here have given us a chance to regroup, recharge, heal and to prepare for this move. We could not do what we are doing without the love and support we have had during these years from everyone at the Temple. This was a time of healing and the staff here has been very supportive. Any transition is a process, and when we use this process as a time for growth and learning, we can then use that knowledge for the next leap of faith. All transition has three parts to it – an ending, a time in the void, and a beginning. It is similar to rites of passage that many cultures have as part of the process for young men or women to grow into adulthood. It is the Hero’s Journey that we see in so many films and books. When we go through a transition we become potential heroes for we are leaving our old familiar world to venture into unmapped territory, not knowing what fate holds for us. Like mythological heroes, we will encounter “dragons” of fear and self doubt and we will engage in fierce battles (within our soul). However, if we persist, we will discover the Holy Grail (the treasure) which is the gift of freedom and power that the transition promises us if we have the courage to take the journey. Endings can be difficult – whether we are looking forward to the next step in our journey or not. We are leaving what is comfortable and known. Because of this, we often try to avoid endings or we dread them. Instead, we should be honoring them because without an ending there can be no beginning. If we do not honor and acknowledge the ending, we can not really find the wonder of a beginning. We have to acknowledge that endings bring a certain sense of emptiness and meaninglessness. But we must remember that this feeling is not permanent but a passage to a new life. This hesitation from accepting endings is caused by the anticipation of the void that often follows the ending before we get to the new beginning. It is the void, or the in between time, that often provides us with the greatest opportunity for growth and spiritual development. I know for myself, it is during 42

by Rev. Arlene Meyer

this time that I usually increase my prayer and meditation time, staying as close to my Higher Power in order to have the strength and courage to walk through this void. When we take the shortest way out of the void – which is going directly through it – we can then reach the new beginning that we seek. A new beginning no matter how much it may appear to be an outer experience is really more an inner experience whether we recognize it or not. Until we are spiritually, emotionally, and mentally ready for the new beginning, we cannot truly appreciate it. As much as we may have thought we wanted this new beginning, often when we get there we find new fears – everything is different than it was, and often the reality of this new physical world is not as it was in our minds. But having gone through the process of transition we are well equipped to handle the challenges of the new beginning. The wisdom and strength we received by going through the ending and the void changes us – sometimes in big ways and sometimes in such small ways we do not even realize it. Hopefully the process of ending to beginning has established within us the knowledge that we are co-creators in our lives…co-creators with our Higher Power and fellow travelers. By being a co-creator means that we can take this leap of faith, leaving behind the safety of where we were, by moving forward into the unknown while being aware that as a result of the experience we are becoming spiritually mature. A ship at dock is safe but it is not fulfilling its purpose. Its purpose is to sail across the sea, to face the winds and the waves, the calm seas and the turbulent ones, the sun and the rain, and even if it loses its course, it is doing what it was destined to do. When Christopher Columbus left Spain he did not intend to wind up in a new place. He may have missed his desired destination but he fulfilled what his true destiny was – to discover a new world. Here’s to change, transition, leaving the shore and sailing to a new horizon and all the possibilities that come with it.

March/April 2017


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