Radiance Magazine Aug-Sep 2019 with Christine Alisa

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How to Transform Your Relationship Into a Sacred Union Do You Know About the Reiki Upgrade? Usui/Holy Fire III

Christine Alisa

Adopting Miracles

Now on GAIA: Caroline Myss, Revolutionizing Spirit SpiritualSingles.com Conscious Dating Verified

AUG-SEPT 2019 3



AUG-SEPT 2019 5

TABLE OF CONTENTS Holistic Spirit Fair Listings 10 Favorite Radiance SoCal Channelers 12

Why Do Inner Work on Yourself? 26 ON THE COVER Cristine Alisa – How this Alternative Therapist and Marriage & Family Therapist navigated the adoption process

Gaia ORIGINALS – MISSING LINKS WITH GREGG BRADEN 43 She Walked Away Without Her Canes 46 Shivananda Swamiji – Portal of Light 50 Angels, Ascended Masters & Social Media 51

The Reiki Upgrade – Usui/Holy Fire III 16

Turn Your Relationship into a Sacred Union 52

Connecting with Your Body 18

Pets Don’t Tattle on You 54 KPFK Celebrates 60! 55

30 How to Start an Online Dating Conversation 34

52 Good Vibes Gatherings 20 Healing the Child Within 22 Higher Powers & Energetic Depths 24 6



56 Gratitude & Perspective Go Hand in Hand 56

AUG-SEPT 2019 7

WHAT IS THE NEW EARTH EXPERIENCE? Is it possible to choose a different way to live on the very planet we’re already inhabiting, that’s more fulfilling and soulful? Is it living in a higher vibration due to a regular self-care regimen? (Self-love) Is it maintaining a sense of peace and balance when others engage in polarizing conversation? (Oneness)


All of these overlap, so yes to all. The New Earth Experience means these are all available as potentials, with no judgment attached, only choice. We will always highlight anything that enriches and expands the human race, especially now that I have taken over as sole owner of Radiance. Let me know what you’d like to see in these pages at radiancemageditor@gmail.com.

Is it taking note of the things that trigger us, following the emotional cord to its source for release and healing? (Doing inner child work/shadow work)


Does it mean noticing how different food and drink make us feel better or worse, raise our vibe or lower it, and adjusting so we’re feeling optimal more of the time? (listening to our body, feeding our bliss)

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief


Scott Ware

AUG-SEPT 2019 9


1st SATURDAY OF THE MONTH Healing Key | Long Beach | 12-5PM Psychic Expansion & Energetic Wholeness Faire 2117 E 7th Street * Intuitive readings and healings, vendors 2nd SATURDAY OF THE MONTH Learning Light Foundation | Anaheim | 10-4PM Holistic Health & Spiritual Fair 1212 E Lincoln Avenue *Psychic readings and healings, vendors Spiritual Origins Psychic Readings and Crystal Shop Holistic Faire 307 3rd Street | Huntington Beach | 11-5PM

Kindred Spirits | Claremont | 12-5PM Psychic Healing Faire 813 W Foothill Blvd. *Intuitive healings, readings, vendors LAST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH HeartSpace - School of Multidimensional Healing Arts & Sciences Holistic Faire| Irvine | 11-5PM 18271 W McDurmott *Intuitive readers & healers, vendors Special: SoulFest Oct. 13th (Sun) The Sanctuary Wellness & Yoga Studio 505 W First St. Tustin 12-5pm

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Scott Ware

Graphic Design Mark Phillips

Associate Editors Torin Lee Christa Marie Miller

Editorial Offices 2117 E 7th St. Long Beach, CA 90804

Subscription Manager Tony Fitzpatrick

714-501-5050 View online at radiancemagazine.org

Marketing Genevieve West


3rd SATURDAY OF THE MONTH BOTI Studios | Anaheim |11-5PM The “Where Woo-Woo Meets Wellness” Faire 607 South Harbor Blvd. *Intuitive readings, healing, vendors



Published bi-monthly in print and online. All rights reserved. Radiance Magazine highlights holistic and spiritual practitioners who assist people in the expansion of the wellbeing of their mind-body-spirit connection. Radiance Magazine can be found in Wellness Centers, Health Food Stores, Yoga and Meditation Studios, Doctors’ Offices, Health Fairs, Coffeehouses, Metaphysical Stores, Spiritual Centers, and Music and Food Festivals. Radiance Magazine and its owner do not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and advertisers and are not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine. Enjoy the experience of your self-exploration.

AUG-SEPT 2019 11


hank God there are people among us who not only hear the call of the infinite but allow it to come through them in the form of divine words of inspiration and wisdom. Sometimes it’s in the form of music from great musicians, sometimes the printed word of talented writers (many times right in the pages of Radiance), and sometimes it’s in the form of the spoken words of channelers. Whether they’re bringing forth angels, galactic beings, spirit guides or Spirit themself, talented channelers are conduits for this universal Truth and wisdom. We know it when we hear it—so much so, that we keep going back for more. Radiance readers shared their favorite channelers right here in SoCal. For appearances and private readings, you may contact them directly.

“By far, the channeling abilities of Lucinda Collis astonish me. She provides a message of awareness that allows the individual receiving it to be able to resonate with the message. Phenomenal.” Lucinda Collis can be found at BOTI (Beautiful On The Inside) Studios at (714) 220-8351 and botistudios.com.

“Danielle holds weekly meditations where she channels Archangel Michael, and his words through her are like he is speaking right to you. His words are filled with kindness, and yet they are direct. The effects are that you feel more like the beautiful being you suspect you are.” www.messengeroflight.org

“Dawn M. Lane & Crista Marie Miller are outstanding to work with. They both channel cosmic, spirit and etheric energies with ease and accuracy. Both shift energy in channeling to promote healing and serenity while providing no nonsense suggestions/advice. These would be my "go to's" for spiritual access, remedy and guidance.” Cristamariemiller.com or call (714) 476-2245 for Dawn M. Lane. 12


“Janet Whitener has been channeling a multi-consciousness entity called Aero for the last 25 years and during a Q&A she scanned my son-in-law and noticed a problem in the reproductive area. He knew he had testicular cancer at the time. Aero also noticed a problem in the chest cavity that was tied to a traumatic experience when he was 7 years old and had never told anyone about. He was blown away by Aero’s accuracy and scheduled a private session with Janet and Aero to work on releasing the stuck trauma and succeeded in one session.” Janet Whitener / Aero can be contacted at heartspaceoc.com or at janaero@cox.net.

Bashar: “It’s like he channels from a manual of how we can get out of our separation, our fear. All of his talks are about, ‘This is how you do it.’ If he sometimes doesn’t seem to engage your question directly, it’s because he’s addressing a higher truth. ‘Very impactful.’” bashar.org

SEEN ON FACEBOOK Let's talk about the so-called "New Earth." We don't create the New Earth, we only come back to this New Earth which was the New Earth so-called Return Home! Spiritual Awakening is a remembering. It is not becoming something that we are not. It is not about transforming ourselves. It is not about changing ourselves. It is a remembering of what we are, as if we'd known it long ago and had simply forgotten. At the moment of this remembering, if the remembering is authentic, it's not viewed as a personal thing. There is really no such thing as a "personal" awakening, because personal would imply separation. "Personal" would imply that it is the "me" or the ego that awakens or becomes enlightened. But in a true awakening, it is realized very clearly that the awakening itself is universal Spirit or universal consciousness that wakes up to itself. Rather than the "me" waking up, what we are wakes up from the "me." What we are wakes up from the seeking. - Mary Pieroszkiewicz

What do your pets want you to know?

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Frances W. Greenspan Speaks telepathically with animals. To those present‌ and those who have passed on.

Phone: 949-412-9554 Email: franceswgreenspan@gmail.com




AUG-SEPT 2019 15

The Reiki Upgrade - Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki “A Deeper Healing Experience” By Maria Lomeli Reiki is the most accepted energy healing modality by the mainstream, including major hospitals across the country who have started offering it to patients. So what could make it better? An expanded and deeper form of Reiki called Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki, from The International Center for Reiki Training founder and president William Lee Rand. (The name Holy Fire came about because clairvoyants literally see what looks like a flame.) It matches the advanced level of awareness on the Earth now and is a more powerful healing experience that anyone can learn. They started incorporating Holy Fire into Reiki I and II in 2015, changing attunements into placements because it no longer runs through a sensei, guru or master: it is already present and available in every person. It’s an ignition of what’s already there. Holy Fire expands the healer’s consciousness immediately because it’s no longer handed over by another person; you’re merely given the instructions on how to self-activate what’s already inside you. It’s actually a bigger force than could every come through you because of your filters. Also, one person is not holding a power that the other person is dependent on, which makes it easier for many to learn and activate. You just learn the concepts, turn on your own power and you’ve got it.

Holy Fire III has the power to go in and heal the parts that covered up the Authentic Self Previously someone might have said, “That’s ridiculous! It needs to come through the person that’s received the formal training and is at that level of expertise.” Not true: every single person has access to it who steps forward and claims it. No “permission slips” are necessary. It’s up to you. (It’s already a basic tenet of Reiki is that the healer uses their intuition to determine the necessary course of healing.) This upleveling will bring even more healing to the planet. 16


The other upgrades include differentiating the Culturally-Created Self and the Authentic Self. The Holy Fire energy addresses the fact that you have “spark,” the source of life within you, but that it’s covered up in layers, causing people to lose touch with themselves, which is why they’re running around trying to find themselves, frequently through unhealthy practices. It comes with an intelligence that knows how to get through those layers to get needed healing for the Authentic Self, at which point everything changes: you start to recognize others’ inauthentic self and are less affected by their ego trips, all as a result of your own healing. Holy Fire has the power to go in and heal the parts that have covered up the Authentic Self. This in turn releases dormant healing energy we have inside of us! People can then more accurately answer questions like, “What do I really love? What really makes me happy? What’s my favorite color? What kind of music to I really like?” As more people learn about these upgrades, they will be asking for Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki. To get training in SoCal, go to healingkey.net for the next classes or call 310-755-4130.

AUG-SEPT 2019 17

Connecting With Your Body: A Real Talk with Dr. CJ Benkert In the social media age, people care a lot about how they look. As a Doctor of Pastoral Science and Medicine, I’m more concerned about how people feel. If they want to feel pretty, I want to help them feel it from the inside out. That’s why for the past 25 years I’ve dedicated my life to Natural Medicine and honoring the power of the body to heal itself. When someone is not feeling their best self, most of the time it has to do with their energy level. In my practice, I’ve been teaching people how to eat according to what their body needs. What have I seen as a result? It’s just incredible! I’ve helped diabetics reverse their condition and no longer need medication. We’ve even had 85-year-olds get into their 20s metabolically! I’ve also helped people who were on thyroid medication for 25+ years, no longer need the medication, because now the body is healthy and the hormones are working correctly. One of my clients lost 50 pounds in just one round of our natural holistic weight loss program, and he’s now committed to losing another 30 pounds by the end of the year for his family trip to Cabo.



Each person is different and has a different motivation: enjoying time with their grandchildren; having the energy to practice their favorite sports; or just preventing diseases. I have the pleasure of working with all of them with success. Part of what I do is to guide people to disconnect from their phones and connect with their bodies. Making conscious decisions when eating and drinking is the key to living a better life. At PuraVida Wellness, we use Galvanic Skin Response & Quantum Reflex analysis - one of the most advanced technologies in the market, to understand what your body needs. No matter if you suffer from weight loss resistance, hormonal imbalances, thyroid conditions, diabetes, or even cancer, the most important thing is to address these problems at the cellular level. That’s why I combine advanced technology with ancient practices, such as fasting, meditation, and aromatherapy to help people to live their best life for a long, long time.

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Good Vibes Gatherings & Manifestations by Shaman Isabella Stoloff

Are you following your inner voice…that voice deep inside? Here is what recently happened when I not only listened but also trusted…. Since fully stepping onto my path as a Shaman, I have had a profound trust in Spirit. When I heard Spirit say, “Create Good Vibes Gatherings around the world,” I was excited but also overwhelmed. I felt it was a way to do what I love (create community, build tribes and assist people in releasing the negative mind) as well as touch more lives with my Good Vibes positive affirmation deck, but I had no idea where to begin. Sometimes we just need to trust and follow our hearts, along with Spirit’s guidance. The minute I started putting it out there, groups began to form. My heart is filled with joy for this new endeavor. Get clear, raise your vibe, visualize what you want, and it will happen. Trust the messages you are receiving and the signs Spirit sends. I follow energy and trust the messages I am getting. I like to say, “If it is positive and makes you feel good, it’s the truth. If it is negative and makes you feel bad, it’s a lie.” What I know for certain is that when I listen to spirit my life changes, so I am better able to assist myself, and others, in the shift.

Trust the message you are receiving Here’s an example of me listening….as many of you know I created the Good Vibes positive affirmation deck (available in English and Spanish), with my daughter Victoria Craven. I heard I had books and card decks inside of me but I didn’t know how to create them. I had been channeling messages for my clients and asked my daughter to make graphics for me to use on Instagram with the messages I had been given by Spirit. After the first one, I knew the decks were being created. I listened and trusted. You may ask…but how? How do I begin? Many of us are creating unconsciously. We think we are coming from a clear place, but the truth is we have so much subconscious preprograming and mind chatter running all the time, that it can be difficult to get centered and clear. We have no idea how to start trusting ourselves, let alone Spirit.



Once we learn to let go of the negative mind, love ourselves more and raise the vibe within, we will become clear. When we are clear our manifestations will come to life much quicker.

The Good Vibes Gatherings: Consciously Creating I know we are magnificent beings with the ability to create at any given moment. When we breathe in the beauty of who we are and breath out judgments, we can gain clarity. During these gatherings I will be teaching people how to come from the highest aspect of themselves so they can co-create consciously. The 3-steps to focused manifestation are… • Clear your energy body and mind • Clear the clutter • Clear intentions We must learn to love ourselves first and foremost. Once we do this, our minds will open so we can hear the guidance of our higher selves and the wisdom of Spirit. If you would like to connect with me in person, I offer one-on-one Shaman energy healings over the phone or in person. Take a look at my site for more info. www.orangecountyhealingcenter.com I look forward to meeting you soon~ Shaman Isabella Upcoming trips: Santa Fe, NM Sept 12-15th Egypt March 2020

You can receive this healing energy anywhere in the world. Heal and detoxify on all levels: physical, mental, and emotional. Â Receive healing by Michael Mohoric, who discovered he was blessed with a gift for distance healing after recovering from a serious spinal cord injury. He has over 1,000 endorsements on Linkedin, many from health care professionals. He was the former Secretary of the International Tibetan Qigong Assoc. The Facebook Qigong Distant Healing Page has 233,000 Likes with thousands of positive posts from people who were helped with this healing.

Our exclusive Monthly Healing Program is only $99! This program now includes an incredible bonus of Energetic Feng Shui of your living space. Pet Healing Also Available

AUG-SEPT 2019 21

Healing the Child Within An Old Book Sheds Light on a Family Mystery by Janna Colaco, C.Ht. I felt a little vulnerable as I sat down to lunch with my mother. Would she like my story and agree with my conclusions? Thankfully she did, and gave her blessing for me to share the following with all of you, in the hopes that her plight might help others. I love you, Mom! Yesterday, while reorganizing the linen cupboard, I noticed a strange pink baby book wedged beneath a tablecloth. Abandoning my project, I grabbed some cookies and sat down to read. The book was my mother’s. Grandma Raine (like the weather), had scrupulously documented Mom’s young life and milestones. January 16, 1945: Judy was sick on her birthday again,” Raine wrote in her whimsical style, with little circles dotting her i’s. “All the children and cousins came over for her party, and played pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and spin-the-bottle. Aunty made cake and brought ice cream, but Judy missed it all. She was sick in bed.”

Despite being brilliant, she feels she’s an outcast As I read on, it became apparent my mother had been an incredibly sickly child. Between birth and five years old, she'd had bronchitis multiple times, pneumonia, mumps, chicken pox, measles, virus X (whatever that was), ringworm, and multiple bouts of the flu. “Her temp ran as high as 105 degrees,” Raine continued, “and she was attended by Dr. McGregor.” The same thing happened the next birthday, and the next. December, 1942: Judy didn’t feel very well on Xmas. She got a lot of nice presents — 3 dresses, slack suit, slip, 2 sets of blocks, 2 dolls, several Holgate toys, and defense stamps.” I imagined any two-year-old’s crushing disappointment of getting sick and being left out (defense stamps notwithstanding). How disappointing! How unfair! Deep childhood emotions become subconscious blueprints for life. 22


My intuitive mind “saw” the parade of loving aunties and uncles chortling over my sick toddler-mother. “Oh, Judy, I’m so sorry you’re sick. Such a shame, honey…” Two-year-olds aren’t logical. My mother, to this day, craves sympathy— her connection to love and attention. She never felt included. She still doesn’t. She’s quietly uncomfortable at parties, and assumes people don’t want to talk to her. Despite being brilliant, beautiful and accomplished, she feels she’s an outcast. Childhood fades, but the emotional patterns remain. The puzzle pieces fell into place reading her baby book. This was nobody’s fault. She had a loving family. No parent can protect a child from the emotional impact of chronic illness. I doubt Mom is even aware — she was clearly too little to remember how it all started. Nonetheless, deep healing is available. As a Certified Hypnotherapist, helping others heal at the level of cause is the most rewarding part of my job. Every one of us has our own emotional blueprint. Inner child work is a powerful healing tool. Even when cause is unknown, inner child healing transforms lives. If you, or anyone you know experiences uncomfortable emotional patterns, I’m here to help. Reach out, and we can turn things around together. Janna Colaco, C.Ht., is a Transformational Hypnotherapist and Master Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator in Downtown Fullerton. Call or text Janna at (714)269-6908, email jannacolaco@mac.com, or visit Janna’s website: mechanicsofgrace.com. First sessions include a free 30-minute consultation.

AUG-SEPT 2019 23

Higher Powers & Energetic DepthsFrom Recovery to Thriving Dr. Carol Francis Hidden inside many seekers and mystics are terrifying tales of abuse and trauma. We seek and find relief in higher powers or energetic depths. We embrace comfort in divine connections and purposeful moments. We long to understand why horrific cruelties or terrifying moments poisoned our lives and more importantly how we can convert those horrors into something meaningful, helpful, purposeful. We wish to overcome. Abused and traumatized, we fight on and insist on recovering. Thriving. Dynamically healing ourselves and others. Powerfully know that those of us who suffered abuse and trauma comprise 80% of those who create and run humane organizations and life changing organizations. We change the world. Let me help you and let me help those you touch with your powerful gifts. First, we must continue to heal deeper and more completely even while we help heal others. AbuseTraumaRecovery.com provides profound guidance for recovery, instructions for healing, tools for moving forward. Pass AbuseTraumaRecovery.com to all you know who need to recover as well. AbuseTraumaRecovery.com provides usable tools including Courses, Classes, Videos, Meditations, Interviews, Blogs, Social Connections, and Books.

Tools, paths, exercises, information, and practices that are carefully activated in our lives create the deeper changes that are needed My latest book, “Paths for Recovery After Abuse and Trauma� provides readers with 300 exercises and life-changing information that helps your healing and recovery after horrid experiences. For 40 years, I have had the privilege working with survivors of abuses and traumas of all types, all severities, all levels of cruelty. Caring is one thing. Having empathy is another. Beyond empathy, we must understand how to shift inside our minds, emotions, memories, bodies, psyches, and souls so we can rise above as victors no longer bound by our past. We must be deeply reworked, informed, altered while being set free to be



amazing people. Caring and empathy are powerful but fall short when emotional, psychological, and mental surgery is needed. Tools, paths, exercises, information, and practices that are carefully activated in our lives create the deeper changes needed. Of course, nothing actually replaces person to person, one-on-one, help. So if you wish to begin your journey or continue your recovery with a fellow spiritual and soulful journeyperson, feel free to call me at 310-543-1824. One way or another, You survived. Keep recovering. Until you are truly thriving, deeply and peacefully thrive. Dr. Carol Francis is a Clinical Psychologist, Marriage, Family and Child Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Shamanically-trained, Trance Channel, author of 18 books--(Spiritual and Psychological Self-Help), artist for humane causes, keynote speaker, and a human committed to all survivors rising into their thriving life potentials. 3655 Torrance Blvd, Suite 160 Torrance, CA 90503 310-543-1824

Red Superior Pine Needle Oil was formulated by the Koreans into an edible version for a longevity program. What they discovered is Red Bark Pine: cleans metabolic pathways in the body restores adrenal functionality balance hormones and thyroid for proper functionality cleanses the blood removes heavy metals raises energy and boosts the immune system. Naturally.

Discover and experience the healing power of pine today. livepine.com - 510.750.7055 AUG-SEPT 2019 25

Why Bother to Do Inner Work on Yourself? By Donna Bond

Have you wondered, “What’s all this inner work people say we should be doing?”

What if the whole of humanity was doing this same inner work?

You might say, “It sounds hard - why should I bother?”

I believe we are here on this planet at this time for a reason. I believe that reason is to discover my inherent nature which is love. And, it’s now my honor and privilege to help you discover yours.

My personal belief is that we are here on Earth—at this time—for a reason. And that reason is hidden in the special journey humanity is on together. Famed mythologist Joseph Campbell called it the “Hero’s Journey,” an individual life adventure where we face our fears and slay our dragons while garnering the learnings that could only have been gotten through those very struggles. We emerge victorious with the riches of Wisdom, Truth… and Love, which is the most important of all. Not only are we on this journey individually, but I believe the whole of humanity is on this same journey collectively. As each one of us individually slay our dragons, we help all of us move forward to love. But why love? The reason to bother with all of it is that You are the love that you seek. Nothing has been more rewarding than my own process of discovering the love that I am which has given my life a deep sense of meaning, I feel like I am making a positive contribution to the forward (upward) movement of humanity and in that contribution, I am on purpose.

You are the love that you seek Why bother? Bother because doing the inner work is a healing process and the natural result is a rising in my consciousness. I know that a higher consciousness is a shift toward the love that I am. I know that when I come from Love, see the world with Love, hold an intention to Love, emanate Love, BE Love… I make the world a better place. 26


Donna Bond, M.A. Transformation Consultant and Life Coach offers inspiring workshops and transformational coaching journeys helping you live a more meaningful life of purpose and fulfillment. A graduate of University of Santa Monica she holds an MA in Spiritual Psychology. Visit donnabond.com

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Adopting Miracles Recently interviewed on the world renown radio program “The Aware Show” with Lisa Garr, Marriage Family Therapist and Alternative Therapist Christine Alisa reveals herself to be a humble yet powerfully effective therapist and healer. In the words of client Kym K of Long Beach: “I scheduled an appointment with Christine to help relieve anxiety. After entering her office and seeing purposefully placed crystals, smelling aromatherapy and hearing calming music, I knew I was in the right place. The first session was a typical therapy session, going over my history and the issues I was having. At the end, Christine suggested a few things, one of which was past life regression. Although I am not skeptical, I am hesitant about tapping into the hidden parts of myself–who knows what you will find? However, she sold me on the fact that although the session could be difficult and/or painful, I am already in pain, so what is the difference? And she was so right! My next session with her, the past life regression, was absolutely amazing, I was finally able to make sense of what I couldn't understand before. I am so glad I went to Christine and look forward to spending more time with her in the future.” A Journey of Adoption and Healing: Part Two As both an adoptive parent and therapist, I have grown to learn the many varied aspects and experiences of adoption. There are so many unique facets in the stories of these children and their families, but I will touch on a few.



Children come to their adoptive parents in several ways. There is the adoption that starts at birth through an agency or open adoption. A growing trend is families who are now choosing fostering with an option to adopt. Then there are special situations where one of the child’s parents is deceased, or have lost parental rights and is subsequently adopted by the new spouse.

I believe adoptions are miracles, but they can also carry emotional baggage for the child Whatever the doorway families take, there are both common and different issues. One philosophy is regarding the relationship with the birth parent/s. One belief is that once the child is adopted it only confuses him/her to interact with “another parent.” Others believe

that maintaining a healthy relationship with the birth parent coupled with therapeutic intervention grounds the child. As an adoptive parent, I have embraced both of these philosophies depending on the developmental stage of my daughter. When my daughter was young, she did not interact with her birth mother and her birth father was out of the picture. My husband and I corresponded with them by phone and mail. I would tell my daughter the story of her adoption; she loved to hear it. As she got older, she wanted to meet her birth mother and we made arrangements to travel to Illinois and spend a few days. Emotionally it was an internal tug-of-war inside me; however, it was clear there was a bond and I went through the steps of acceptance.

Her two-year-old self was in pure joy. Then the ďŹ reworks started and her screaming began My daughter continued with phone conversations with her birth mom and I helped with teaching her about setting boundaries. Sometimes she would become overwhelmed or not know what to say. In time, they developed a rhythm. Later, we welcomed my daughter’s birth family to visit for her high school graduation, which was a meaningful day for all concerned. Unfortunately, vher birth mother died when my daughter was in college and she grieved the loss. The birth grandparents have stayed connected and are a support. I believe adoptions are miracles, but they can also carry emotional baggage for the child. There are feelings of abandonment that often go unresolved. A few years ago, a teenage client of mine whose parents sent her to a treatment facility in Utah came back to tell me that almost every girl there had been adopted. I really encourage adoptive parents to seek therapy early on to help them through the various stages in the process. I want to share some of the emotional challenges that my daughter experienced and the interventions that I pursued in my personal story of being an adoptive parent. It was a glorious day at Disneyland and my daughter laughed and giggled at the sights, characters, and rides. Her two-year-old self was in pure joy. Then the fireworks started and her screaming began. It was relentless. We ran to a store and I asked them to close the doors. We covered her ears, but nothing seemed to calm or satisfy her. She was in some kind of agony. This behavior puzzled me. I know some kids do not like loud noises, but her reaction was extreme. This experience laid the groundwork for my past life regression journeys with her throughout the subsequent years.

AUG-SEPT 2019 31

When my daughter was seven, we talked about fireworks and her continuous extreme reactions. I had her remember and sense the firework experience in her mind and take that fear where it was coming from somewhere in the past. She connected into a lifetime where there was cannon fire and men dying all around her. The noise was all consuming and he (she was a man in that life) could not get away. The cannons eventually brought about her death in the traumatic battlefield in the Civil War. After telling me the experience that had engulfed her unconscious, fireworks never bothered her again. Children and adults can be triggered by an event that lies so deeply unresolved in a past life.

I asked her if she would be willing to do soul retrieval with me. We found that a soul part of her had “left” in a past life as a Native American girl Later in high school when my daughter was fifteen years old, she was dealing with some depression. She had experienced bullying in middle school and was adapting to high school life. At the time I was studying Shamanism and I asked her to accompany me to a workshop where she found her power animals and learned to journey. I asked her if she would be willing to do soul retrieval with me. We found that a soul part of her had “left” in a past life as a Native American girl when she wandered away from her village. Another tribe found her, attacked and scalped her. Upon leaving her body she witnessed them killing many of her tribes-people. It is possible that we “leave” a part of our soul in other lifetimes due to the intensity of the trauma and grief. It made my heart glad that she was released from the depression. Christine Alisa, MS is a Marriage, Family Therapist, energy teacher, past life regression therapist, shamanic practitioner, and international speaker and trainer of therapists.



She leads a shamanic meet-up monthly and provides complimentary discovery sessions that can be booked on her website. Christine is the author of three books: Turning the Hourglass: Children’s Passage Through Traumas and Past Lives, Wondrous Places of the Heart: Alternative Therapy with Children and Your Amazing Itty Bitty Communicating with Your Teenager Book: 15 Essential Steps to Creating a Better Relationship with Your Teen. Her upcoming book, Your Amazing Itty Bitty The Ordinary Shaman: 15 Simple Steps to Bring Shamanism Into Your Life is due to be published this year. Christine can be contacted through her website: www.christinealisa.com, email: chris@christinealisa.com and phone: (562) 619-5883.

Our Soul’s Journey By Christine Alisa

The fruits of our labor are not only found in everyday life. They also exist in our deepest self, what may be called the soul or higher self. We evolve through our internal work: the processing of the levels. The structure of our soul self is in constant flux. It is shaped by our experiences and our reactions to those experiences. We call it evolution of the soul. Being in alignment with our soul’s journey is the spiritual path. We listen to our deepest yearnings and desires. The difference between our earthly desires and the soul’s are boundless. Making our humanly desires a priority over our soul’s creates a destruction pattern. We are in a state of confliction and often feel lost. The soul cries out to be heard. Listen to it calling you. The messages may appear in your dreams, in moments of discontent or in the ruffles of leaves blowing in the wind. It can be subtle or come crashing down as an illness, accident or fork in the road in your career. Your soul is reaching out to find a channel, a conversation with you. Listen for it. Acknowledge your soul. Greet it with warmth and love as you start your day. You are as one. Body mind and soul are your traveling companions together on this earthly plain where lessons are learned, minds are awakened and possibilities of evolution take place.

AUG-SEPT 2019 33

How to Start an Online Dating Conversation By Jill Crosby After browsing profiles, you found someone you can relate to and have a ton in common with, and you find them very attractive. You’re excited and want to make a good first impression. So what’s the best way to begin an email dialog that engages that potential partner? There’s a three-step process you might use called R.C.A.: Reference, Compliment, and Ask. Reference something they mention in their profile you relate to or have in common. Maybe you both have dogs, love reggae music or practice Ashtanga yoga. Compliment them. Be genuine and acknowledge something you admire about who they are, just not their looks. If you’re impressed by what they do for a living, you could say, “Wow, I love that you’re an environmental engineer! Sounds like you are really working on some wonderful, earth-saving projects.” Ask a question that requires an answer: “What do you like the best about your work?” Or “Who are your favorite reggae artists?” Don’t go too deep with your first question, but do get there within a few emails so you can really start getting to know each other. Also, don’t get in email purgatory. Make sure to talk on the phone and meet in person, or video chat if they don’t live nearby, as soon as you feel comfortable. Have fun and in-JOY the process! It does work! Bio: Jill Crosby is the founder and CEO of SpiritualSingles.com, the oldest, exclusively conscious/spiritual dating site online. Jill is known for her candor, honesty and humor as she helps singles thrive in the world of online dating and ultimately meet their life partners.



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Energetic Filter Points By Crista Marie Miller

Source ignites the idea (Crown chakra) and brings it down Like many psychic channels, I get information from Spirit as into interpretation through the intuitive senses (Third Eye chakra). “downloads” while in meditation. I’m very fortunate in that sometimes the information is profound and quite valuable to the The voice expresses it out loud (Throat). The love and faith are felt (Heart chakra). You feel fully capable of carrying anything out rest of us. to pursue this passion (Solar Plexus chakra). You take the actions needed to achieve with passion (Sacral chakra) and are Did you know there are pathways between the chakras that supported by others around you, along with yourself (Root are nearly as important as these powerful energy centers, and that if we keep them clear we can manifest things a lot quicker? chakra). Neither did I, until I got this download. While walking to the grocery store one day, I came upon a woman who was obviously in some distress who could barely speak to tell me what she needed. She finally said she had not eaten in a few days and was asking for assistance. Right then I saw a flashed image of her chakras. I was not shocked to see her root chakra mostly closed down, which then shut the others down. I immediately went into the grocery store and bought her some food and water. Her energy stayed with me for some time. I asked Spirit, “Why does one closed chakra affect the others?” Then Spirit came upon me, and I started channeling. This is what they said: “Seven chakra points. Most people are familiar with them. The chakras are: Root for security, Sacral for creativity, Solar Plexus for self-worth, Heart for love, Throat for speaking truth, Third Eye for intuitive senses, and Crown for connection to Source.

Right then I saw a flashed image of her chakras. I was not shocked to see her root chakra mostly closed down Now, of course these are very basic one- or two-word descriptions, and chakras go much deeper than that. We have come here to say, that though these chakra points are vital to your wellbeing, the important part that is often overlooked are areas we will call Energetic Filter Points or EFPs. These EFPs actually act like a strainer. They are located on the energetic line coming straight down from source in between each chakra point. They filter the energy through to the next chakra. It can either originate from Source (Crown chakra) or a basic necessity (Root chakra). We will use the example that a lot of people are struggling with right now: “I want to pursue my passion.”



If a person is feeling stuck in pursuing their passion, they might want to focus in on clearing out their Energetic Filter Points to assure that the energy is flowing properly to fully support your goal.” So, if you do not feel you are worthy of your goal, the filter point between your Solar Plexus chakra and Heart chakra is probably “clogged,” for lack of a better word. What to do? Seek out an Energy Healer you’re comfortable with who can clear the blocks. Crista Marie Miller is an Intuitive Medium, Voice Channeler, Reiki Master, and Certified Color Therapy Coach. She can be reached by phone or text at 909-689-4444. Or, visit her website at cristamariemiller.com

AUG-SEPT 2019 37

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AUG-SEPT 2019 39

SACRED POWER SERIES The time has come to discover the power of our mystical consciousness, the highest potential of our nature. Our wellness is crucial to connecting with our higher self, and Sacred Power provides tools we need to identify the issues affecting our health and to take action to relieve them. Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. She often says, “Our biography becomes our biology,� meaning that the circumstances of our life and especially the choices we make affect our wellness. One clear choice, no matter how insignificant, can redirect the course of your life.

Caroline Myss Revolutionizing Spirituality August 16 - 18 • Boulder, CO Discover the unique spiritual gifts that you possess and can contribute to the next wave of expanded consciousness. Caroline Myss, a medical intuitive, New York Times best-selling author, and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality, mysticism, and health comes to Gaia August 16–18 to share what she sees as the greatest personal and spiritual challenges we face in the world today. Workshop Description Face the greatest challenges of modern times with new perspectives and techniques to integrate your soul into every aspect of life. Join best-selling author Caroline Myss in a full weekend experience as we explore the following: Requirements for Health and Healing Today – Our inner needs — the deep frontier of consciousness that has led us to discoveries about who we are, what we want, what we need, what we believe, how we think, and what gives our lives meaning and purpose — influence the dynamics of our health and what we require to heal. Our interior self, our inner narratives, our personal beliefs are as integral to our health as our lifestyle habits. The new challenge? Integrating the soul. What Is God? – Spirituality has become a choice, even a hobby. Crises of faith, trust, and hope are in epidemic proportions in our lives, from loss of faith in other people to the inability to have faith in oneself. We confuse our issues with traditional religion with our intrinsic need for personal contact with the Divine. They’re connected to an inability – or a deliberate choice – to explore faith in something greater than yourself as a source of inner guidance. So, what is God for you, and does a connection with the Divine matter? Crisis of the Soul or Clinical Depression? – We are people of the psyche and soul. A spiritual crisis can present exactly like a psychological crisis. Both a psychological and spiritual crisis trigger depression and often great anxiety, activating deep states of despair. We actively pursue cosmic-sized questions, such as, “What is the purpose of my life?” but those are not questions. They are prayers, answered through journeys of inner transformation. Bio Ecological Spirituality – Traditional religions are reaching their end game as we prepare to enter a

galactic community. The time has come for a new spiritual template and language of God, one that reflects the power of the soul and the nature of the Divine as reflected in the natural order of the universe. Our spirituality must transition beyond an Earth-centric God to be inclusive of a sacred universe of life. Spiritual Direction for a Modern Person – You may not need a religion, but every person needs a way to examine the voice of the soul. The truth is, you have unfinished business with yourself. Resolution is only achieved by examination of conscience and sifting through inner debris to find the shards of wisdom that you earned through difficult experiences. Speaking a Holy Language – There comes a point in our lives when we are called to pray when we see that our rational minds cannot make sense of the mystery of life and we realize we need another way. Humility allows us to bypass the ego and connect directly to the Divine. Sacrificing the familiar and entering the unknown puts you on the path of grace so you can act from a place of love. Becoming a Holy Troublemaker – What does all this knowledge mean for you today? How much are you ready for your life to change? And are you willing to participate as an agent of change in the world today? The Divine is always drafting people into the role of holy troublemakers – an archetype that works in the service of transformation. www.gaia.com/revolution

Changing the way we live and changing the way we think will paradigm shift us into a new reality. Ancient mystery schools trained their initiates on how to do this and new revelations from quantum science reaffirm these techniques.

Theresa Bullard, Ph.D. in physics, deftly interweaves complex concepts from ancient mystery teachings and quantum physics to bring us real-world ways in which we can deepen our spiritual connections and manifest a fulfilled life. Doing so, she shows us the way to reunite with source and tap into our unlimited potential as conscious beings. www.gaia.com/mystery

Explore the deep truths of our origin, history, destiny and fate, with celebrated author and luminary Gregg Braden.

Season 1 - Full Season Now Available Connect science and spirituality to reveal a new understanding of humanity’s history, the origins of civilization and the power of our heart’s intelligence. Season 2 - Full Season Now Available Are we living in a virtual reality? Discover the societal and spiritual implications that arise when we recognize our world as an artificially constructed computer simulation. Season 3 - Full Season Now Available Discover the Divine Matrix, how it influences you, and how you can influence it. This could dramatically improve your life, your wellbeing and the lives of all of those around you.


@kaicundithart AUG-SEPT 2019 45

She Walked Away Without Her Canes Unseen frequencies that heal pain, trauma and dis-ease By Susan Macknin When you’re a registered nurse who’s also a holistic energy healer, you see it all. Recently I had a woman come in with severe pain in both hips. At age 47 she was facing double hip surgeries and just wanted to ease the pain until the day of the surgery. She got a lot more than pain relief. After hobbling in to my office on two canes, she ended her session by briskly walking to the door, completely forgetting her canes. I had to remind her. She ended up delaying her surgeries for over a year, continued her gardening business, and got through both surgeries easily and healed very quickly. That was after just two and a half hours on the very gentle Indigo Biofeedback device, which—to get technical—measures frequencies in the body to find where imbalances are stored, which we can correct and even reverse the symptoms we feel on the physical, mental and emotional levels. When we entrain the body back into its natural balanced state, the process of self-healing can happen naturally. (If you want to know more about how this works, read on. If you’d like to book a session with me now, call 561-445-4878 – I’m in Long Beach, “20 minutes from anywhere.”)

At any given moment we’re all potentially in contact with bacteria, viruses, negative thoughts or worry about loved ones. This makes it necessary to dig deeper for the meaning of the imbalances. There’s a measurable science to this and inaddition there’s also listening to guidance and putting puzzle pieces together. Here, I’m able to use my intuitive skills to build a deeper picture. Often before disease manifests in the physical body, there will be measurable changes in the energy field that can be re-balanced. If it’s already affecting the physical body, the Indigo Biofeedback device can neutralize the negative frequencies and retrain the body to deal with the stressors. I can then guide and coach the client to manage incoming stressors more effectively. Understanding how they internalize and respond to their stress physically and emotionally, clients can then learn how to control their physiological responses better. This can help to reduce symptoms of dis-ease, reduce pain, and improve their emotional and mental outlook. The biofeedback process is completely non-invasive, clients are relaxed, and the results are profound. Some clients respond quickly and steadily over several sessions, and some more gradually over time. Either way, It’s a very gentle and beneficial healing tool.

How does this work? What frequencies are measured? Everything is energy and all energy has a frequency. Each emotion has a different frequency. Each bacteria and virus, each organ and illness has its own frequency. With the Indigo Biofeedback device we’re essentially looking for the levels of all the frequencies in our energy field. Some frequencies are important and healthy to be carrying, and some are unhealthy stress reactions or dis-ease. Seeing imbalances can just mean we’ve been exposed to pathogens, which we can usually fight off naturally; negative thoughts; or even just worrying about someone close to us with those issues. Thoughts are energy also and are therefore measureable frequencies.



Susan Macknin is a Registered Nurse and Energy Medicine Practitioner. She helps clients in physical, emotional or spiritual turmoil by transforming their self-limiting beliefs, healing childhood and generational trauma, and reducing effects of stress. Susan looks forward to helping her clients heal and find inner peace. Contact: susanmacknin@gmail.com 561-445-4878 www.BalancedWellness.net

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SHIVANANDA SWAMJI – A SOUL WITH A MISSION: “During this great history of evolution, man has confused the truth, by pursuing the mind instead of the Heart.” During this extraordinary time - that he calls “The Joy of the Self” - Shivananda travelled through the different stages of consciousness, meeting with the Masters. They opened his divine channels and showed him his Dharma, his mission on Earth, and revealed to him a system of healing that utilizes Kundalini energy, the energy of Mother Earth.

Shivananda is a light in these times of great global change. His mission is to guide every person to find truth, peace and love within themselves. When I was 16 years old, a significant change happened to me on the soul level. After a serious accident, I was left in a coma for nine days. During this time my soul left my body and floated over my hospital bed. It saw beyond the veil of the material world. My soul saw how everyone in the room carried the same light in their heart and that we are all the same. On the last day of this coma, my soul entered through a portal of light and was surrounded by celestial music and heavenly fragrances. Filled with an immense and boundless joy, it yearned to dissolve into the Divine Light. I felt a strong and loving Presence guided one soul into the light and allowed a special soul to enter my body. After awaking from the coma, the memories of my life came back slowly. Years later, when my life fell apart and I lost everything,I remembered the things which had happened to me on the soul level and that my soul had come into the world with a special mission. To end my profound suffering, I began opening up to what was intended for me. Finally, I was ready to meet the Masters. Shivananda’s awakening and transformation happened in 2017 when he returned home from a journey to India, and spontaneously entered a state of Samadhi. For 9 days he remained in meditation, eating and drinking very little.



Swamiji uses this system of healing during his satsangs. In guided meditations he gently supports the awakening of this energy, clearing blockages and allowing more light to enter your chakras. Powerful mantras, breathing techniques and other exercises are a fundamental part of his teachings. Shivananda guides you to first and foremost love yourself. By loving yourself, finding inner peace and being in your truth, you become a powerful beacon of light that can shine on others, allowing them to radiate in return. Love can change cells genetically and alter DNA. The energy of Love contains a wonderful secret for healing on many existential levels. Plant the seeds of Love, hope and light. Feed and take care of them. Once these Love seeds sprout, they will function on higher levels in order to fulfil their purpose. They are the foundations of harmony, comfort and peace.” Meeting Shivananda during a Satsang is a powerful and heart-opening experience, one that initiates inner change through the unconditional Divine Love that flows through him and touches your heart. Shivananda will be in Los Angeles during his North American tour. Event Dates: Sept. 23, 24, 30 – Oct. 1,2,3, 6, 2010 For more info: www.shivananda.org

The Angels, Ascended Masters and Social Media by Phyllis Douglass The Angels speak of simplicity, and are fond of stating that, “Humans love to muddy up the waters, when it has been made so elegantly simple.” What the Angels are speaking of is the manner in which we allow, or restrict our accessibility to God by masking the opportunity presented to us in each and every moment. To live and breathe in communion with Source, and in union with all things… as the divine beings in physical form we truly are. In fact, they told me to detach from the past, focus only on what positively fuels me and sparks joy. To also do the work I came here to do, and amplify my use of multiple social media outlets. Wait...what?! The Angels stated that technological accoutrements available today used in spiritual ritual serve as a key gateway for spreading knowledge and teachings, and opens access to a broader base of community throughout the world then would otherwise be available. The Internet provides this kind of soulful enrichment in a world where borders are being imposed each and every day, a breadth of reach not available by other means, for both auditory and visual communication.

diminished in will and spirit for capital gain. They never told someone that something was missing that only they were capable of providing. They never made people feel that they were lacking anything. When in fact, all that is needed resides within. This is what was shared in their teachings. A true teacher awakens and nurtures the inner greatness within you, as you actively participate in your own self-discovery, self-initiation and self-realization.” As we are reminded by the angels, the Ascended offered keys of wisdom, tools, and practices to open the doorways to truth that already exist within all beings everywhere. This is the path that we are being asked to travel. The roles of the teacher, healer, and spiritual advisor or mentor, who leads by example with encouragement, by whatever means possible, in order to illuminate the paths of others so that all may see and acknowledge their own divinity, let go of the illusion...and be free.

What this means to you and I, is that we have the opportunity to share our gifts and be of service to people we would otherwise never cross paths with. We have the ability to create large scale communities focused on creating a better world from the state of unconditional love for the welfare of our fellow travelers.

However, to ensure our thoughts, words, and actions come from the heart versus the mind, the Angels ask that we breathe into the teachings of the Ascended Masters However, to ensure our thoughts, words, and actions come from the heart versus the mind, the Angels ask that we breathe into the teachings of the Ascended Masters, like the Buddha, Kuan Yin and Jesus. “The Ascended never preyed upon the peoples’ perceived weaknesses or limitations, or shortfalls, or made one feel

AUG-SEPT 2019 51

SACRED UNION By Greg Friedman and Devon Poer connected through similar social groups on social media, and because he frequently interviews shamans, healers and thought leaders in the Spiritual Movement, he invited me to be a guest on his show to delve into what I do as a professional Clairvoyant and Astrological Guide for entrepreneurs. After the show, the response we received from those close to us was overwhelmingly ecstatic—the chemistry between us was undeniable. To say we were enthralled with one another the first time we met was an understatement. It wasn’t just instant chemistry; it was a Spiritual Connection. And to share more intimately for myself, there were signs and synchronicities before we met in person. After speaking on the phone and looking at Greg’s photos, I knew he was someone special. As someone with Extra-Sensory abilities, the signs before we met were uncanny, and as an astrological guide, it was in my astrological forecasting and chart to meet my sacred partner. I later found out it was in his as well! Readings I received from other Professional Intuitives had delivered yummy goodies that affirmed my own intuition and to top it off, my dreams included vivid encounters with a Sacred Partner that felt like other past lives had taken place as well. For me the signs were stacking up! I was happy I had been doing so much healing work prior, because manifesting a Sacred Union wouldn’t have been possible. I was and still am committed to holding a space of Sacred Love for myself and my connection with the Divine, which has made all the difference.

More and more these days you hear people talking about Conscious Coupling or Twin Flames but what does that really mean? If we are going to use any term to model a healthy relationship between two partners, we prefer the term Sacred Union. However, before we explain what the term Sacred Union means for us, we’d like to share how we came to this understanding. And really how we met! We are Devon Poer and Greg Friedman, Guides and Spiritual Entrepreneurs with dynamic areas of expertise and wild stories from our experiences along our journey. At some point we were fortunate enough to cross paths but only after many years of avidly seeking our Sacred Union and experiencing many heartbreaks.

DEVON’S EXPERIENCE The moment Greg and I met, the energetics were undeniable. I have no doubt we were destined to meet. The first time we saw each other in person was on Greg’s radio show on KX93.5 fm in Laguna Beach, California called, “Inner Journey with Greg Friedman.” We had



GREG’S EXPERIENCE I have long relied on my intuition in my personal life and professional ventures, and I trust my gut regarding whom to seek out for guests. Sometimes I have been fortunate enough to have fascinating leaders in our industry like Marianne Williamson, Gregg Braden and Don Miguel Ruiz as guests, and at other times I have had equally fascinating guests who aren’t well known in the industry yet. I couldn’t even tell you why I not only responded to the Facebook friend request from Devon but then felt drawn to find out more about her and possibly have her as a guest on the program, but I did; intuition frequently defies rational explanation, but we’re always rewarded when we go with it. It certainly didn’t hurt that she has an undeniable beauty and magnetic quality however, Southern California is pretty much the epicenter of “pretty looking people,” so it wasn’t that. It was something more that made me curious about her. I looked at what she did professionally and when I found out that she was a Business Clairvoyant, I had no idea what that meant so I did what I usually do in those cases: I asked.

When we spoke on the phone I was intrigued and curious. In the wonderfully woo-woo world that I live in, it’s a kick to find someone who can walk in both the business and spiritual worlds, so I invited Devon to be a guest on the program. I could clearly see that she had a lot of wisdom to offer other heart-based entrepreneurs. She arrived at the radio station even more beautiful in person than in her photos and gave me a present, a bracelet she had made herself. Material things never meant that much to me, but a gift that is handmade with me in consideration means the world to me. However, I still had none of that love-at-first-sight stuff. The appointed time came, the “On Air” sign lit up and off we went, going on a deep and intimate dive into what her passion is and what inspired her to follow it with such fervor. All was “normal” until she made one small, yet sweeping gesture with her hand and in a flash, I saw multiple lifetimes that the two of us had spent together. I was still on air and fought to remain present in the moment and fortunately for me our next break wasn’t that far away during which Devon decided to ask me out for coffee. The show ended, we said goodbye in a professional manner and went our separate ways. Though admittedly, Devon was on my mind… A couple days later, I had received some very exciting news regarding my business, Inner Journey, and all I wanted to do was phone Devon and share my excitement. I had hardly known her but she was the only one I cared to share it with. When I did, we both recognized that even though we hardly knew one another, we shared something undeniably special. So, I asked her to upgrade our date to dinner!

The Universe is always holding a mirror and providing a reflection, whether it’s favorable or not. When we are ungrounded and reacting (i.e., triggered) to that reflection, it is an opportunity to recognize an unhealed aspect of ourselves and an opportunity to build a bridge to welcome our wounds and traumas so that they may be loved, forgiven and celebrated. When we are grounded and in the flow, we become more attuned to our environment. We say attuned because Energy is always available and the more we awaken the more we access happiness and abundance. It is a reality we create as magical beings, practicing the art of manifestation, transformation and alchemy within a sacred container. We are interwoven like a fine tapestry, both continually adding color and dimension to our creation. Even though it is tied together, it is not a prison sentence, it’s a choice. We don’t always agree and neither would that be appropriate to our personal truth and within our contrast we foster growth as individuals, as a couple and as Guides. P;.k Our journeys “converged” because we took an oath to dedicate ourselves to Conscious Awakening long before we joined in Sacred Union. Sacred Union was like graduating from high school and going to advanced studies at university. The work doesn’t stop—it just levels up, and now we get to do it together and share it by teaching others how to recognize and walk in their Sacred Path as individuals and as part of a Sacred Union.

TOGETHER: The ensuing whirlwind romance was a pleasant surprise in itself, and it was accompanied by a profoundly deep connection with each other that felt grounded, yet cosmic… of this world, yet multidimensional as well… as if a divine purpose was at work within us individually and for the greater good. We both knew we were here to make a difference in other people’s lives by helping them on their soul journey, but now we also experienced a revitalized sense of opportunity to join forces for an even greater impact! As a couple, we have come to understand the art and practice of being in a Sacred Union is one that’s much like yoga. It’s a beautiful practice that takes presence and a commitment to processing what we’ve integrated as individuals way before we ever met! A Sacred Union is a relationship itself, with its own Consciousness. It is as much a living, breathing being as we are human. It needs to be honored, respected, fed, nourished and nurtured. We believe a Sacred Union is a delicate dance with one foot in the heavens and the other firmly planted on the Earthly plane. It is easy to become ungrounded with your head in the clouds, and together we open our hearts to connect on a deeper level with the Divine here on Earth. However, it’s no walk in the park!

AUG-SEPT 2019 53

Pets Don’t Tattle on You By Kara of Pet’s Eye View

“Kara, some of my friends are nervous about you ‘reading’ their pets.” This surprising statement came from Mary, a longtime client who recently needed my help preparing her two dogs for a big move. “Why?” I asked. “They’re afraid their pets will tell you about fights they had with their spouse, or that they don’t do everything perfectly.” This was enlightening: I had no idea people had this fear. The main reason is that I spend so much time chatting with animals and hearing how they adore their guardians and even feel protective of them. Companion animals are far more concerned with making you feel joy than they are getting into gory detail about any of your human failings. You needn’t fear that your Labrador Frank is going to spill the beans on how messy you are, or that you and your spouse had a screaming match last night. Let’s say you call me because Moxie, your dog, has seemed very depressed lately and your cat, Bernie, is withdrawn. I meditate, connect with your pets, and introduce myself. Some become very chatty at that point, but all of them are happy to tell me a few things they love about their lives and what they enjoy doing, seeing, smelling or hearing. They’re very upbeat beings! They will usually tell me quite proudly that they think their jobs are in your home, and they show me loving interactions with you and others in the house. Now, once I ask about the depression or the withdrawal, several factors are usually presented. Perhaps a small child is not gentle enough with the cat. If so, Bernie will show me pictures of trying to escape the grasp of a little one, but with little judgement, just a quiet request to you to please give her “alone-time.” Perhaps Moxie the Lab is missing his dog friend who died, and also shows me that you are coming and going a lot, lately, “She’s very busy, very busy...I miss her.” This commentary might be followed with an image of a leash, 54


which is a direct emotional plea to spend more quality time. Trust me, there’s no harsh command like, “Walk me more, you miserable person!” Rather, they appreciate your desire to connect at a deeper level. You are the sun and the moon to your companion—even to the cats! Their first instinct is to protect you and speak about you kindly. Even if there is a lot of yelling in a home that gives them some anxiety, they are gentle in the way they express that you may be feeling tense. Think of them as your most compassionate friend who seems to understand that you have hard days and only wants to help you be whole. So, don’t worry—pick up the phone, let’s talk to your pet and see how you can live your best life together.

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Legendary Studio City based radio station has been programming shows featuring news, culture, political agendas with an eye to social consciousness. It is the largest radio station broadcasting West of the Mississippi with it rich history of programming. KPFK celebrates it's 60th Anniversary with a Gala Benefit on Sept. 7th and we welcome Radiance Magazinecoverage to cover a story focusing on how KPFK has impacted the SoCal community. Thanks for the consideration.

PROGRAM: Hosted by - Richard Montoya of Culture Clash Celebrity Auctioneer Jack Black, Actor, Musician & two-Time Golden Globe Nominee

Press Inquiries: Dawna Shuman, Lighthouse Public Relations PH: 818.789.1077; Cell: 818.632.3296 dslighthousepr@aol.com

Performances By: Legendary producer and musician Don Was will lead an all-star band including David Bowie's longtime pianist Mike Garson; drummer and founding members of The Doors, drummer John Densmore and guitarist Robby Krieger; virtuoso violinist Lili Haydn; bassist extraordinaire Stanley Clarke;The Haden Triplets, and many more surprise musical guests!


KPFK is a progressive media outlet challenging corporate media perspectives and providing a voice to voiceless communities. KPFK continues to be a strong and independent source of music, arts, news and vital information. The Pacifica Network is a vital cornerstone of our independent media landscape. Keynote Speaker - Amy Goodman of "Democracy Now!" Los Angeles, CA - July 123 2019 - KPFK is excited to announce they will host KPFK's 60th Anniversary Benefit Gala and Concert on Saturday, Sept. 7, 2019 to celebrate the legacy of 60 years on the air. Proceeds from the Gala will help ensure that KPFK can continue to provide thought-provoking, innovative and community-based programming and maintain their dedicated mission of being a voice for the voiceless. KPFK is a 110,000 watt listener-sponsored radio station based in the heart of Studio City, California and broadcast on five cities throughout Southern California and live streamed throughout the world. As part of the non-commercial Pacifica Foundation Network which was founded in the late 1940's out of the peace movement surrounding World War II, becoming the birthplace of a listener-sponsored radio. Over 600 guests are expected to attend this illustrious evening filled with music and inspirational speakers which includes a high-profile group of community leaders, musicians, business leaders, elected officials, and media representatives.The Gala will raise funds for KPFK to help aid one of LA's oldest public radio stations to thrive and ensure that this public media platform is available for generations to come. EVENT INFO: Saturday, September 7, 2019 Red Carpet Arrivals -5:00 pm VIP Reception - 6:00 pm Dinner/Program - 7:00 pm - 11:00pm Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles ,CA 90049 *To purchase tickets: KPFK.org/Gala

Keynote Speaker: Amy Goodman of "Democracy Now!"

Special Guests Include; Sonali Kolhatkar, host of "Rising Up"; Ian Masters, host of "Background Briefing"; Jimmy Dore, host of the "Jimmy Dore Show; Stephanie Miller, host of the "Stephanie Miller Show"; Freyo Rojo, host of "Nuestra Vox"; Pamela Anchange, founder of "The Immigrant Magazine" and Lisa Garr, host of The Aware Show". Honoring: Roy of Hollywood of "Something's Happening"; Uncle Ruthie of "Halfway Down the Stairs"; Lila Garrett of "Connect the Dots"; and posthumously honoring Antonio Gonzalez, former host of "Strategy Session"; Blase Bonpane, former host of "World Focus" and Doran Barons, former host of "Digital Village". About KPFK: KPFK is at its best when we foster discussions from as many perspectives as possible and exchange ideas. It's usually under those conditions change can take root, especially as we encourage participation from peoples of all backgrounds and political views. KPFK stands to best fulfill its mission by being inclusive rather than exclusive. The road ahead is a tough one however what lies beyond the horizon for KPFK is greatness. As KPFK's General Manager, donor, and listener I am excited at the prospects of what can be achieved by harnessing our talents within the KPFK family and by working more closely with the community at large. Anyel Z. Fields - General Manager, KPFK KPFK has been broadcasting since 1959 having the strongest signal west of the Mississippi. KPFK continues to produce the majority of programs in-house giving the flexibilty to provide a platform for stories, news,music and information to serve the cultural welfare of the communities in and around Southern California. KPFK believes forging social change is a fundamental part of how radio can make a positive impact on communities. KPFK is the second of five stations in the non-commercial Pacifica Foundation network.The Pacifica Foundation was founded in the late1940s out of the peace movement surrounding World War II,becoming the birth place of a listener-sponsored radio.It is the most powerful of the Pacifica stations and indeed is the most powerful public radio station in the Western United States. KPFK broadcasts in Southern California on: 90.7FM LA/OC 98.7 FM - Santa Barbara - 93.7 FM San Diego and 99.5 FM in Ridgecrest/China Lake plus livestream on www.kpfk.org KPFK plays an important role in alternative media. We are putting out information from an alternative, non-corporate angle that benefits the people. Ramirio Funez - KPFK Assistant Producer

AUG-SEPT 2019 55

Gratitude and Perspective Go Hand in Hand Breathe in gratitude, breath out appreciation, Breathe in appreciation, breathe out thankfulness, Breath in thankfulness, breathe out love, BREATHE!!! By Zulmara Maria Developing a gratitude practice is a matter of perspective. How you perceive the events, the moments, the activities that make up your life, determine how you experience your life. You will find that a simple “thank you,” at seeing a smiling face, rising in the morning, falling asleep, aging, feeling aches and pains, can change your vibe, change your attitude, and change your outlook. For example, if you say “Thank you for the bills that are piling up, for there are some who do not even have the wherewithal to accumulate bills,” the bills don’t seem so overwhelming. If you say, “thank you for the aches and pains that go with aging; some are not afforded the luxury of getting old” you realize those pains are a sign of being alive. It is all a matter of perspective, and when you find that you are feeling picked upon, that nothing works out for you, that you have it harder than some, or most, just look at some of the alternatives and give thanks for what you have. You will then find your mood changing, your attitude adjusting, your way of looking at life shifting. Once this shift happens, you vibe at a higher frequency and everything starts looking a little bit better. This cycle will repeat itself and soon you are vibing and seeing things at a different vibrational energy and life starts feeling better. And when it feels better, you vibe better, and when you vibe better you feel better, creating a cycle of interdependency that is life changing and life enhancing.

5. Master-Manifesters, Mini-Manifesters, Magic Manifesters all have one thing in common…they give thanks first, and then they do it again, and again, and again. It works like a magical charm every time. 6. Our endings are always signs of new beginnings…give thanks for what you are ending…and BELIEVE in the magic and beauty of what is to come!!! 7. All you have to do is be grateful for what you have and you will get more of what you want…DREAM BIG, DREAM NOW…and always, always, always give thanks for all of your blessings!!! Give loving thanks today and everyday!!! There are many benefits to deepening your gratitude practice. If you are interested in learning more, contact Zulmara Maria at zulmaramaria@gmail.com for a 30 minute session and a free Gratitude Journal. Zulmara Maria has a series of Gratitude Journals on her Amazon page - just search: Amazon Zulmara gratitude

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7 Tips for Enhancing Your Gratitude Practice 1. Take a moment each day to say thanks and I care. Just this one act of appreciation can help change your whole outlook on life. 2. Appreciate all you are given in the world. In every experience there is a blessing to be learned, shared, and cherished. 3. Abundance comes when you begin appreciating the abundance you have already been given. Give thanks for all you have and you will have all you desire. 4. A moment in life…is what it is all about. Give thanks and know that the build up of moments, are all there is to a life well lived. Enjoy the moment.

Special offer: $99 for Radiance Readers.



Email zulmaramaria@gmail.com. Please use Radiance Article in your subject line.



AUG-SEPT 2019 57

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