You Are God in Form -- Radiance Magazine | Radiance Multidimensional Media

Page 1


Algunas páginas en Español

Janna Colaco Spiritual Hypnosis

that Transforms the Mind and the Body

The Best COVID-19 Immune Boosting Protocols Empower Yourself to Tranform Problems into Possibilities

The Larger Meaning of Coronavirus

You Are GOD

in Form Eres Dios en Forma













What Does it Mean to Be a Healer? By Dina Saalisi Empower Yourself to


Transform Problems into


Possibilities By Donna Bond with Your Pet Telepathically By Kara of Pet’s Eye View

Everything is Being Pulled

19 24

to the Zero Point by Todd Medina

Lessons Learned from



Building a 7-Figure Wellness Business By Andy Ramsay

18 20

50 8

10 40 62


What to Do? By Jill Crosby The Best Covid-19 Immune

Yes, You Can Communicate


Coronavirus and Dating –

Janna Colaco Create Your

Own Reality

Have You Checked Your Soul Contracts with Others?

Interview with Lisa Barnett

40 42 48 50

Boosting Protocols By Dr. Tara Rasta

Transcending Separation By Maria Lomeli

This is Where Brandon is Going By Leora Leon

Activating Your Magic within

This New World By Aaron Pyne

Here We Respect All Religions, Especially Their Spiritual Side

Interview with Gautum Baiji of Divine Art of Yoga Center Ashram


When the Shift Hits the Fan



Interview with Todd Medina

Traumas Released Through Interview with Sel Sarkin


Eres Dios en Forma

Canalizado por Julius

Traumas Liberados a

47 49

Traves de Psicodelicos Con Sel Sarkin

Aqui es Donde va Brandon Por Leora Leon

Note from the Publisher Event Listings You Are God in Form

Julius Channeled by Kasey Wallis

Arcturian Guidance

Channeled by Daniel Scranton



What do your pets want you to know?

Frances W. Greenspan Animal Communicator Author & Teacher T

Frances W. Greenspan

Animal Communicator & Intuitive Speaks telepathically with animals. To those present‌ and those who have passed on.

Phone: 949-412-9554 Email: RADIANCE MAGAZINE


Note from the Publisher


“Who Are We in the Face Of ?”

month before the coronavirus dominated the news, we told our contributors the theme for this issue: “You Are God in Form.” What did that mean? And should we keep it or toss it in favor of dealing with the fear and uncertainty of Covid 19? Or should we run with both? We’re no stranger to strong themes: the Feb-Mar issue’s The Spiritual Renaissance is Here – Are You In? was based on if you had an open heart and eyes to see, a spiritual renaissance is all around you, actually: holistic healers readily available to hold space; classes on expanding your intuitive abilities abound online and at spiritual centers; intuitive readers (astrology, akashic, tarot, etc.), are giving extremely accurate information about your life; and anyone who’s even a little awake to their soul journey can feel the energy of the huge numbers of people moving rapidly towards their own awakening… And then the virus became widely known, with all of its challenges, and we knew it would be empowering to remind people they are Source, especially: • If we create our own reality (we do) • If we meditate and get to Oneness • If we connect to nature or utilize plant medicine for a deeper connection to our essence • If we shadow-work through our traumas for greater freedom • If we know that the person reading this sentence is being observed by someone else within us, and there is an observer also watching them – all You, of course (keep going back with that one and you’ll reach Oneness in seconds…) • If we understand we chose this particular Earthly incarnation and even our own parents and siblings and partners (whom we tend to travel with in soul monads) • If we know that EVERYTHING that happens is for our highest and best good (that can be a tough one) • If we know we never die, even though our physical bodies do, but energy never does (science) • That we know we are co-creators in all of this • Because we are One (it all loops in a spiritual logic) • I am you and you are me - WE are the creators… • God So the theme turned out to be very relevant. Namaste, Scott Ware, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief



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Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Scott Ware

Let’s Go to the Faire! Lectures, Intuitive readings, Healing, and Vendors

Associate Editors


Christa Marie Miller

@ Learning Light Foundation

4th Saturday of the Month

from 10-4PM

Church Psychic Fair

Torin Lee

Gina Kegel

Creative Designer & IT

Holistic Health & Spiritual Fair 1212 E Lincoln Ave, Anaheim

Yan Z. Hughes


Subscription Manager

@ Kindred Spirits

Tonya Fitzpatrick

How to Reach Us

11432 South St. Cerritos, CA 90703 714-501-5050

View online at:


Psychic Healing Faire

Universal Mind Science

3212 East 8th Street, Long Beach from 9:30 to 2:00PM

813 W Foothill Blvd, Claremont



Multidimensional Healing Arts

& Art Walk (family friendly)

18271 W McDurmott, Irvine

from 12-5PM


Witch Community Marketplace Multiple Blocks in

Holistic Faire

@ HeartSpace-School of

Downtown Santa Ana

& Sciences

from 11-5PM

from 5-7PM

Published bi-monthly in print and online. All rights reserved. Radiance Multidimensional Media, Radiance Magazine and The Radiance Multidimensional Media Channel on Xpnsion Network highlights holistic and spiritual practitioners who as-

sist us in the expansion of our consciousness; transformational technology; cutting edge wellness products and services,

all to serve and enhance our mind-body-spirit connection. Radiance Magazine can be found in Wellness Centers, Health Food Stores, Yoga and Meditation Studios, Doctors’ Offices, Health Fairs, Coffeehouses, Metaphysical Stores, Spiritual Centers, and Music and Food Festivals. Radiance and its owners do not warranty any advertised services or products.

Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and advertisers and are not necessarily endorsed or verified by us. Enjoy the experience of your self-exploration and expansion.

10 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

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Every Third Saturday! 12:00 to 5:00 pm. All services 1.50 per min. Readings Healings Aura Imaging and more!

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are Joyfully

12pm to 5 pm.


Daily Readings - Healings Mon. - Sat.11am. to 6pm. Sun. 12-5pm.

Appointments are best Walk-ins are Welcome!

Leiah Ortiz Crystal Healer Chakra Balancing Energy Clearing

Nita Brake Tarot Reader Energy Healer Chakra Alignment

JoJo Terzano Tarot Reader Artist

Shana Mirambeau Kindred Spirits Manager Teacher / Healer Tarot Reader Writer

Jane Green Aura Imaging

Arcelia Reiki Healer Chakra Alignment

Nicole Santos Soul Connection Intuitive

Are you ready to take charge of your health and well-being? Are you ready to learn powerful skills for transforming challenging emotions? Are you ready to connect with a like-minded community for support in creating self-empowerment?

Dina Saalisi

If you answered yes, then the Healer’s Circle is for you! Join me in this monthly live-online meeting, where we explore guided meditations, practices and flower essences that support and strengthen our Inner-Healers. I’m offering the first meeting FREE to anyone interested in developing their innate powers of self-healing. Upcoming Circle dates Saturdays: April 18th, May 16th, June 13th at 10AM PT

Visit to claim your FREE spot today!


What Does it Mean to Be a Healer? Healer is someone who shows up and takes

responsibility for their own health and well-be-

ing and accepts that every challenge is fuel for transformation, providing opportunities to develop deeper skills for navigating life.

A Healer likes to be led by curiosity, embracing the

mysterious nature of life and is comfortable with that which cannot be scientifically proven.

A Healer understands that they have the power to

put their Healer Self first in order to give themselves

the loving acceptance they deserve. A Healer recognizes that this empowered way of being is inherently who they are at the core.

A Healer is kind to themselves when challenges arise by

releasing self-judgments and embracing self-acceptance. When you’re a healer there’s an inner-knowing that

A Healer trusts and allows inner-knowing to be the

unveils itself to you. There’s an acceptance that you

To be a Healer means taking time each day to

ness that becomes part of life, with grace and ease.

supreme guide.

engage practices that strengthen inner-resources, in

have all of the answers within. There’s a sense of wholeWhen you’re a Healer you have a desire to join

order to create health and wellness.

together with those who share the same values, to wit-

oping greater self-improvement and dynamic well-being.

during times of challenge.

To be a healer means having faith in the path of develYou know you’re a Healer when you trust that the

universe is operating correctly at all times.

12 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

ness one another’s strengths and support one another Here is a link to a video clip of the Healer’s Circle:


Transform Problems into POSSIBILITIES


By Donna Bond ight now, chances are you’re feeling at least a

little disenchanted, bored, confused, or frustrat-

ed. Maybe you’re stuck in a job that looks fabulous on

ultimate success. This is the place where your life feels GOOD on the inside — not just on the outside.

The real opportunity for transformation here is I

the outside but just doesn’t feed your Soul. Or perhaps

guide you through exercises where you can take action

but some how you’re just not happy. Or maybe you just

If you’re ready to REALLY dig in and create a life that

you’ve created the life that you thought you wanted…

know there’s MORE for you to BE and do but you can’t figure out how to get to it.

I totally get it. I was a corporate marketing execu-

tive, married to an amazing guy, making a lot of money, living in a beautiful house and at “the height of my

success,” I felt a soul-crushing lack of meaning and

purpose in my life and I was really unhappy. It happens

to a lot of us. I’ve also worked with so many clients who

and actually move yourself forward.

is totally aligned with your inner being — that is MEANINGFUL and makes you feel FULLY ALIVE, I’m here to

be your guide. I’ve been in your shoes. On the surface

it looked like I had it all and on the inside my Spirit was

dying! This showed itself in multiple health crisis’s until I was ready to make changes that brought my wholeness into alignment.

So many people have come to me because they also

have been in your shoes.

felt stuck in a life that doesn’t light them up. Many of

formation is truly possible. You can create a life, career

or anxiety. Many felt lost, disenchanted and confused.

So, I want you to know that deep, authentic trans-

and relationship that is totally ALIGNED with your inner being — one that makes you feel

my clients were experiencing health issues, depression Some weren’t sure what they even wanted. But they


knew their Soul was calling them to more. So, they took the leap.


And, in just 6 months of

I know this is so possible

working with me, they were able

because I’ve done it. So I created

to find their authentic voice, un-

a free mini course that will support

leash their inner creator, experi-

you in getting unstuck because it’s

ence more self-love AND create

packed with useful information.

a life that truly lights them up. So,

In the first video I reveal the

if you are ready, I’d be honored to

secret ingredient that gets you

be your guide —

unstuck. I give you a peak into

Think about it — what would

the process of transformation

your life look like a year from now

you understand why you’re

Really think about that. Do you

so it’s not so scary and I help

stuck and how to get out. In part two, we explore your apprehen-

sions. A.K.A. your Fears! We look

if things stay exactly the same? Transformation Consultant and Professional Life and Business Coach Donna

at how to dissolve any doubts

Bond, M.A. offers inspiring workshops and

the stuckness. In Day 3 we you

of the University of Santa Monica with a

and concerns that keep you in

commitment to yourself to own your innate power – which is

what you need to create what

you truly want. The last part of

the course is sharing about the

14 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

personal coaching programs. A graduate

MA in Spiritual Psychology, Donna’s work guides transformational journeys helping you live into your full potential from

the inside out. For more information visit

want to choose the same old

rerun pattern you’ve been on?

OR, will you choose to align

with your highest self and create a life that feeds your Soul - from the INSIDE out.

If you’re ready to move for-

ward to your full potential, I’m

here for you. Just visit my website and click on the button that says Get Your Free Mini Course.

Yes, You Can Communicate with Your Pet Telepathically. HERE’S HOW


By Kara of Pet’s Eye View re you looking for a fun activity for your kids or grandkids in the wake of more home time due to concerns over the Corona Virus or Spring Break?

Here’s a unique activity for you to do together - how about practicing animal communication skills with the

young people in your life? Oh, who are we kidding? You know you would like to try as well.

As my friend and mentor Joan Ranquet says, animal communication is a skill, not a gift. And as with any skill,

the more one practices, the better. So, today, I am going to teach you how to begin to trust your own intuition, trust your companion animals, and deepen that bond by listening, truly listening to them, with all of your senses.

Step 1: Get quiet—away from your companion animal, with a notebook in hand. Take a picture of him or her to an-

other room. The reason for separating is that you are not distracted by starting into your doggie’s eyes or worrying because your cat appears to be sleeping. You are attempting to connect deeply to the animal’s soul, therefore what they appear to be doing on the physical plane is of little relevance.

Step 2: Meditate for 5 minutes. If you do not know how to meditate, look up videos on YouTube. It doesn’t matter

what you do, as long as you calm and quiet the mind. At the end of your meditation, ask for your heart and intuition to be clear. If you believe in angels, ask them to surround you and your pet in divine light.

Step 3: Ask your animal who he really is, without judgement or expectation. Depending on how you receive

intuitive information, this can be a word, a picture, a sound or a

You are attempting to connect deeply to the animal’s soul, therefore what they appear to be doing on the physical plane is of little relevance

deep knowing. If you ask and you see the picture of a sun, your

dog or cat or bird thinks her essence is to be sunny and bright.

If you see a picture of a crown, you might have a queen on your hands. Trust what you are seeing, and write it down.

If you are doing this with a child or grandchild, compare

notes. You will be amazed at how similar your messages are!

Practice each day, for 10-15 minutes. In your next session ask your companion animal what it loves to do, or how she feels in

body. Record your sensations. I am made of sunshine, giggles andherfarts. Enjoy getting closer to the animals in your lives. With some I am an old soul in a dog body practice, you will begin to hear their thoughts and see mental

pictures from them when in the same room. They will start asking for you to fill their water bowls, send you pictures of hearts for love, and more. If you need help, reach me at

What people say about Kara and Pet’s Eye View: “Our dog Pinot passed away 3 weeks ago. He lived months longer than the vet told me he would. Kara told me back then that Pinot was clear he wasn’t dying then. He was not in pain and his death played out exactly how he told us it would thru Kara. We would never have had this time if we hadn’t called her.”


Yo u A r e G O D i n F o r m Channeled by Julius The biggest misconception or limited truth is that you “have” a soul or that you are “a part” of God. Those are extremely limited truths. You do not have a soul; you are a soul. You have a body.

You are not a part of God; you are God expanded into life and form. You are not a fragment; you are a fractal.

And these limited truths have divided you into the illusion that you are not God.

You incorrectly feel that to have a relationship with

God or access to some of that energy, you feel like

you feel or perceive a thought.

In order to get along, you guys have all agreed to

you’re not already there.

accept very small versions of thought that are just sim-

you are.

let go of judgment, your altered ego will retract itself

But you can never be disconnected from that which What people don’t understand is that all this is every

thing. And people will say they get that, but they don’t

ilar enough that you don’t kill each other off. Once you back to its original position.

When you decide to come out of victimhood, blame

because they only believe it to be true. And belief is not

and judgment, everything will change. But you are so

that they demonstrate is demonstrating they don’t know

miliar in it, that even that has become your fear… to pull

knowing. It is conjectural to know it because everything that they are one. That they simply believe they’re on their way working back to that memory of that truth.

And so this conversation is designed to inspire you to

go to that knowing. Move away from your belief into knowing; stop holding the space of conjecture and suspension in that truth and fully accept the knowing of oneself.

You are God expanded into physical, not descend-

ed down from or birthed from as if you are a less than

locked in it, you are so comfortable in it. You are so faaway and expand from it. But in authentic origin you

had no fear and you were so excited to know yourself. You expanded yourself without fear. And the question is, can you come back to that authentic signature of yourself? We know you can, because it is what you

want. The question is do you choose to continue to wait for or do you choose to repeat it for yourself?

Humans have asked for ways to remember, they

piece of the all, but an expansion of that.

have asked for help, they want to be powerful... We

You do not have to fully escape your mind to know

have come from your crying out for help, we have come

Going into meditation, you could expand your mind.

yourself as the All because science has no idea what

you will know when you fully activate your brain. When you fully activate the brain, you also aligned with your

knowing because the full activation of the brain dissipates the physicality of the brain and aligns you with the energy of that which you are.

Once you inserted yourself into physical form, you

ignited what we perceive to be an altered ego state

have come to remind you that you have the choice. We to show you patience and love, we have come to help restore your power to you.

You are God in Form, and choosing this truth will

cause the creation of compassion that you are desperately searching for.

Be God, masters, and know yourselves as the all.

That’s where Joy resides.

which bought into the physical illusion that it was real.

Julius gives personal readings. If you would like a reading

existence of you. And what is ultimately real is the way

through Kasey Wallis, make an appointment now at

It thrust you into amnesia, over knowing the ultimate

16 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

from this collective of ascended masters as channeled

Eres Dios en forma Canalizado por Julius El error más grande o la verdad limitada es que “tienes” un alma o que eres “una parte” de Dios. Esas son verdades extremadamente limitadas. No tienes alma; eres un alma Tienes un cuerpo No eres parte de Dios; eres Dios expandido en vida y forma. No eres un fragmento; Eres un fractal. Y estas verdades limitadas te han dividido en la ilusión de que no eres Dios.

Usted siente incorrectamente que para tener una

relación con Dios o acceder a algo de esa energía, siente que aún no está allí.

Pero nunca puedes desconectarte de lo que eres. Lo que la gente no entiende es que todo esto es

todo. Y las personas dirán que lo entienden, pero no

lo hacen porque solo creen que es verdad. Y creer no

sientes o percibes un pensamiento.

Para llevarse bien, todos ustedes acordaron aceptar

versiones muy pequeñas de pensamiento que son lo

suficientemente similares como para que no se maten entre sí. Una vez que sueltas el juicio, tu ego alterado se retraerá a su posición original.

Cuando decides salir de la víctima, la culpa y el

es saber. Es conjetural saberlo porque todo lo que

juicio, todo cambiará. Pero estás tan encerrado en él,

Que simplemente creen que están regresando a ese

en eso, que incluso eso se ha convertido en tu miedo

demuestran es demostrar que no saben que son uno. recuerdo de esa verdad.

Y, por lo tanto, esta conversación está diseñada

para inspirarte a ir a ese conocimiento. Aléjese de su

creencia hacia el conocimiento; dejar de mantener el

espacio de conjeturas y suspensiones en esa verdad y aceptar plenamente el conocimiento de uno mismo.

Usted es Dios expandido a lo físico, no descendió ni

nació como si fuera menos que una parte de todo, sino

te sientes tan cómodo en él. Estás tan familiarizado

... a alejarte y expandirte. Pero en el origen auténtico

no tenías miedo y estabas tan emocionado de conoc-

erte a ti mismo. Te expandiste sin miedo. Y la pregunta es, ¿puedes volver a esa firma auténtica de ti mismo? Sabemos que puedes, porque es lo que quieres. La pregunta es si eliges continuar esperando o eliges repetirlo por ti mismo.

Los humanos han pedido formas de recordar, han

una expansión de eso.

pedido ayuda, quieren ser poderosos ... Hemos venido

No tiene que escapar completamente de su mente para

de tu pedido de ayuda, hemos venido para mostrarte

Entrando en meditación, podrías expandir tu mente.

conocerse a sí mismo como el Todo porque la ciencia

no tiene idea de lo que sabrá cuando active completamente su cerebro. Cuando activas completamente el

cerebro, también te alineas con tu conocimiento porque la activación completa del cerebro disipa la fisicalidad del cerebro y te alinea con la energía de lo que eres.

Una vez que te insertaste en la forma física, encen-

diste lo que percibimos como un estado alterado del

ego que se convirtió en la ilusión física de que era real. Te empujó a la amnesia, al conocer la existencia última de ti. Y lo que finalmente es real es la forma en que

para recordarles que tienen la opción. Hemos venido paciencia y amor, hemos venido para ayudarte a restaurar tu poder.

Eres Dios en forma, y elegir ​​ esta verdad causará la

creación de compasión que estás buscando desesperadamente.

Sean Dios, maestros, y conózcanse como el todo.

Ahí es donde reside Joy.

Julius da lecturas personales. Si desea una lectura de

este colectivo de maestros ascendidos canalizados a través de Kasey Wallis, haga una cita ahora en


Have You Checked Your Soul Contracts with Others?


n Part 2 of our interview with Lisa Barnett, she shares about what the Akashic records can tell you about who you’re supposed to be within your life. - Radiance RADIANCE: The Akashic records keep all the knowledge of our lives. How do you help people connect with their own records? LISA BARNETT: I have been given by the Akashic Record keepers a five-step wisdom prayer system to connect; five simple,

concise steps, which are really easy. They’ve given me what we call a

vibrational key to open the door, which is a sacred prayer. So, it’s liter-

ally about saying a sacred prayer to shift the energy to move into your own Akashic Record and connect to the Beings of Light that keep

your records. And I teach you how to have a conversation with them

Lisa Barnett is the Int’l Bestselling Author of two books about the Akashic Records. She is the Founder of Akashic Knowing School where she specializes in teaching you to access your Soul’s Plan and guidance to transform your life. Learn more at

so you can ask specific questions and get specific answers.

We could actually get certified to do this for others and offer that healing? Oh, absolutely. I’m finding so many people are waking up and wanting to create a spiritual kind of business.

How do the Akashic records help us with our closest relationships? I find that even with our parents, or our children, soul contracts are not always a given. Sometimes the child will come into a family, and they’ve really come to be with a grandmother or an aunt or a sibling,

instead of with the parents. Or with one of the parents, but not as much with the other. It just validates all those

feelings we’ve had, and it helps us to stop feeling like we’re a bad person that we have no connection to our mother, or that there’s something wrong with us because we don’t feel like our father really loves us. And sometimes the

learning is really about self-sufficiency, deepening into self-love, and, and, and stepping more into our own power.

How would you would you encourage people in their own personal expansion and yet maintain their primary relationship? I have a lot of people come to me and ask, “Do I still have a soul contract with my

spouse?” Often, the person who comes to me for the reading is saying “I’m on this big spiritual path. I just started

waking up last year and my spouse has not, and is the contract still viable? Do I have to stay with them? So, sometimes we marry someone and we don’t even have a soul contract with them - that was free will. And so, there’s no

contract to void. And so, if you grow apart often it’s because well, there really wasn’t that same kind of contract to keep you together in the first place.

We write a whole soul plan and then we come Earth and you know; we fall asleep we have no memory of it at

all. There we fumble along. And so, it’s not uncommon for one person to kind of be working the contract, being

the support, being the light being the love, you know, kind of doing what they came, and the other person not as much. They’re not as conscious of any of it.

For more of this interview go to and to access your Akashic records go to 18 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

Everything is Being Pulled to the Zero Point Spoken word poetry by Todd Medina Can you feel the excitement? Can you feel this New Earth? I can feel it. And I’m starting to realize the more fears that we chase, the more shadows we chase (in fact they’re being presented to us, so we don’t have to chase anything) The more that’s put into the field that makes us fearful That makes us uncomfortable because it’s a shadow we don’t want to look at All we have to do is make a conscious effort to see what we are showing ourselves with the experience that we’re having This is how we expand the New Earth We expand the New Earth by doing the inner work And this has been talked about for thousands and thousands of years But what does it really mean right now? How does that really feel as a human hybrid soul living right now in 2020? What it means is fears are going to be presented to us Shadows are going to be presented to us We arranged this Set this up from a higher perspective, from our higher selves And now we’re communicating and we’re hearing our higher selves And we’re following directions | And we’re not allowing the higher self to lead And we’re not allowing the human to lead | We’re actually creating an integration A merging that creates a third energy that represents the Age of the Trinity in the New Earth This is the most exciting period that any of us have even imagined, but we’re not imagining anymore We’re merging fantasy and what we thought was reality, because our reality was a fantasy And our fantasy is a reality We’re merging all things physical and non-physical, masculine and feminine, dark and light, wrong and right Every single thing is being pulled to the Zero Point We are taking ownership for every aspect of the Universe We were made in the image so we cannot divorce ourselves from anything the Universe has created I got news for you - the Universe creates everything, and the Universe doesn’t create junk We have a reason to be excited - we so got this It’s like we’re going swimming into a huge giant ocean, and we’re just putting our big toe in it That’s how expansive and infinite the New Earth is We have taken all the templates that have been created and lived and experienced To include such things as Divine Love, Atlantis, Lemuria, Galactic incarnations, Ra, Law of One, So many other disciplines, philosophies and energetic impressions or expressions of what other people have channeled We have all of this given to us And then we wake up and apply the experience from our memories and in the present moment This is the new blueprint | This is the new Good Book | This is the new Template We are that - we are made in the image, and we are expanding the Universe And it’s exciting. I’ll see you at the after-party, or before.

H e r e We R E S P E C T ALL Religions, Especially Their SPIRITUAL SIDE Interview with

Gautam and Rammurti BAIJI

Learn more about how to get connected to life at the Divine Art of Yoga Center here:


n a stretch of boulevard occupied mostly by independent businesses, The Divine Art of Yoga Center

ashram, a non-denominational donation-based yoga center, sits behind a lush green hedge. It’s an oasis

of peace amid the thrumming life of North Orange County. I parked and wandered the grounds, taking in peaceful gardens ideal for meditation, a shared meal, or an outdoor yoga practice. Leaving my shoes on the shelf outside the front door, I entered the main building. The original house on the property is like stepping into an everyday

Indian home. Art lines the walls, meticulous carpet pads the floor, and smiling faces greet me. It was amazing to find such an oasis in La Habra!

The two kind women who run the ashram, Gautam Baiji and Rammurti Baiji, are both religious sisters - Baiji is

the term for nuns in the Hindu faith - and biological sisters. Their gentle, genuinely loving manner makes settling in here easy. They encourage anyone to stop by at any time for a tour, and sometimes a tasty homemade Indian snack. This article features a portion of our video interview which can be found at ~ Gina Kegel, Radiance Associate Editor

GINA KEGEL: Baiji, in Western culture, we tend to approach wellness from a reactionary view - we treat illnesses without trying to create a lifestyle that prevents them in the first place. How does your approach differ? GAUTUM BAIJI: We teach yoga and meditation. We want to bring oneness in our body, mind, and soul. We teach yoga

20 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

so that we can become healthy, but at the same time

we try to focus our mind with the breath. That way we

can get awareness for our body and mind both. People do all kinds of diets, but it must be more than this: we

teach people what to eat, and how to eat and when to

eat, but more, we teach people how we can think about the thought process.

How do our thoughts affect our health? Life is

come to the ashram, you will feel a little bit of Hinduism.

things that are not useful. That’s why we try to teach

join us, we sing the Hindi devotional songs, and the

too short. We don’t have time to think of all negative

people how to filter our thoughts. Nowadays you are

seeing coronavirus spreading everywhere. People are spreading the message to be safe, wash your hands,

keep everything clean. So, the same way it’s not only for the outside, it’s for the inside also. How can we

clean our thoughts, because the thoughts continue to

come. Whatever happens, if you have the wrong feeling or the wrong thoughts, it takes us to our destruction. Think of it this way: if you have one hundred dollars,

you can use it to make somebody feel good… or you

It feels more Hindu here because mostly Indian people

other Baiji speaks in Hindi. We go according to the audi-

ence. When only Hindu people are here, it’s easy to help them understand according to the Hindu scriptures. But here we respect all religions. We talk about all different

scriptures, but our goal is to bring more spirituality, not more religion. All great souls that came had the same message: “Man, know they self.” We talk according to the Hindu scriptures, but we talk about all the great souls: Jesus, Buddha, Muhammed, and so on.

That’s why we became nuns: we did lots of med-

can use it in other ways that don’t.

itation and we realized religion is just a way of living,

way so you can live a blessed life, and you can help oth-

like in Indian culture. So the main goal of our center

But here we try to teach how to use your life the right

ers. That’s why every Sunday we give discourses here. Sometimes people bring family matters, and we try

to bring positivity to their minds. In this world, people

want to blame others, change others. But here we teach them, just focus on yourself – if you gain positivity in

yourself, you will see a different person standing in front of you. That is personal responsibility and awareness, and that begins with thoughts and thought patterns.

We are aware of the virus, and a person can die, but

we have other viruses in us – our anger, our ego, you

know? Jealousy, and all these things. In this country we have everything, but still people are suffering – why? Because of those inner viruses.

And there are physical outcomes of those types

of emotions in the body. They can suppress the

immune system by being in a constant fight or flight

state, in a state of fear and stress and anxiety. So on a practical, and functional level alone, it’s an import-

ant time to bring awareness and to practice self-discipline in choosing emotions like love, compassion and peace, that support wellbeing.

Let’s talk about the approach and philosophy of the ashram (which is non-denominational) itself. Does someone have to be Hindu to attend? When you

when people just follow the same style and everything, is to bring awakening in our consciousness. That way we will realize every culture says, “God is one, God is

light.” Every scripture is saying the same thing, but how can we realize that? Because only by saying it, we can not achieve anything in our life.

Let me explain: maybe we say, “there is oil in the

ground.” But by saying that, we can not run our car. If

we want to run our car, we have to take out the oil and

refine it, then we can use it. In the same way, in spirituality we say, “Divine is everywhere, God is light within us,” but how can we realize that? As long as we don’t realize that, we can not bring the Oneness.

So our goal is here at the ashram, we do spiritual dis-

courses, we do yoga and meditation and all the things to bring the Oneness. And that we can bring only when we know - what is that One? And how can we go within to

realize it? The same way we want to connect our body, mind and soul, the same way we want to bring balance

in our life and spirituality and materialism. When there is a nice balance, then you can live the fullest life.

If you are using a bicycle and both wheels are the same, you can go easily. But if the

wheels are not the same, more air

“Every time I feel sad, I come here. This feels like home. When you’re here you’re listening to good thoughts, you’re being positive. It’s very welcoming. I’ve changed a lot because of coming here.” Abha Choudhuri, Brea

or less air, then we don’t feel that comfortable. So our

goal is to bring balance in

materialism and spirituality in the same way we bring

balance in body and mind. When both go together

hand in hand, then we can

really enjoy life.


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Lessons Learned from Building a 7-Figure Wellness Business


By Andy Ramsay his is what I love about the Entrepreneurial journey: there are always infinite opportunities to

recreate yourself anew.

If you have NOTHING right now, that’s not a problem.

And in fact, “Nothingness” and “Not-Knowing” can be

are three main things that show up: •

An Ease and Joy in what you are Doing

Enhanced Productivity without the need for Hustle

A Desire to Serve people from Compassion

When you want to help others from a place of

your greatest asset.

compassion, you are seeing yourself as part of a larger

80 live events across 4 countries, building an amaz-

are working with the laws of the universe. The universe

After reaching over 30,000 people, running over

ing team, and bringing in close to $7.5M over the past

organism. You are not forcing your agenda on them; you serves all and evolves all, as it knows itself to be ONE.

When you want to help others from a place of compassion, you are seeing yourself as part of a larger organism. You are not forcing your agenda on them; you are working with the laws of the universe Andy Ramsay is a Personal and Professional Wellness Leadership Mentor and Leader who creates programs and services for Wellness Practitioners, helping them become the leaders they were born to be.

5 years

Hustle and pushing does not bring about better results.


ness and joy will lead to better results. The quality of

(primarily mastering the online


space), I am currently starting a brand-new venture

from scratch, with no email list, no investment capital,

and no team. I am in that humble place of “not knowing.” A lot of people would freak out in this place. And I’ve

There are times to hustle, but doing it with aware-

your energy dictates the quality of your experience.

The things that show up in your business are a re-

flection of your inner world. Therefore, taking the time every day to get your energy aligned and clarify what you desire to experience, is perhaps one of the most powerful things you can do to start your day.

Movement is also super important to me. I love

certainly had my moments of freaking out. But over the

qigong, moving meditation, dancing like crazy to loud

getic frequency is where everything starts in this world.

or nature walks/runs.

years I’ve come to realize that inner psychology and enerSo, as I begin a new venture, I’m aware that there

have been profound lessons I’ve learned over these

past 5 years that might be of benefit to you as you look forward into your potential. I’ll summarize the first one below and add more in upcoming Facebook posts.


Our life and business enterprises are either a

blessing or curse depending on what we believe to be true and the moment-to-moment state of awareness,

emotion and consciousness we bring to the table. I call this heightened state of being Entrepreneurial Flow. When you are in Flow in your daily activities there

24 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

electronic and ambient music or just going to the gym I tend to use breath along with movement, to shift

my energy from negative to positive, draw more energy into my cells and raise my energy.

You must take care of your ENERGY and do

whatever you can to be in a state of Joy and FLOW in

your day to day reality. Life brings to you all manner of

awesomeness, including many of your current business desires, like more clients, more money and more fun,

when you are aligned and enjoying the present moment. I’d love to know where are you struggling to get

the results you truly want in your business. I can be reached at


Create Your Own


Spiritual Hypnosis for Motivating the Mind and Transforming the Body

Interview with

Janna Colaco

C.Ht., Certified Hypnotherapist,

Imagery Facilitator and Spiritual Channel


anna Colaco, C.Ht., is a certified transformational hypnotherapist and spiritual channel specializing in motivational self improvement. She is the owner of Mechanics of Grace Hypnotherapy in Fullerton, CA. Janna has helped many clients achieve their goals and create healthy lifestyle habits. Her mission is to help others realize their Photo Credit: Carlos Reynosa power and create positive lifestyle changes while enjoying every step of the journey. Janna’s hypnotherapy practice incorporates a wide variety of cases including self-confidence, sports performance, spiritual healing, stress reduction and much more. View a complete list of services on her website, or call (714)269-6908 with any questions. In addition to holding sessions in her private office in historic Downtown Fullerton, Janna is available to do sessions over the phone and via FaceTime for those who live farther away. Visit her Facebook page and Instagram to follow along!

26 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

What makes your hypnotherapy approach unique? I like to hope I’m the type of person people can feel com-

this is where I guide you through suggestions and specific

techniques that will help you reach your goals.

Not surprisingly,

fortable opening up

the state of hypnosis

the topics that matter

than the subconscious

to, especially about

to them. I use classic

techniques in self-im-

provement and hypno-

therapy, but I simultane-

ously channel spirit while

they’re in a state of hypno-

sis. Most of my clients don’t

realize at first what I see: that

they are worthy, important, special

and capable. I’m grateful that I can facilitate

and evoke profoundly meaningful experiences so they can put any anxieties and doubts to rest, and step forward into enjoying the life they’ve always deserved.

Can you talk me through what someone can expect coming to see you? Sure! The first half

hour of our session is a free meet-and-greet. We talk

accesses much more

mind. The over-thinking

and worrying subside.

There’s access to higher

clarity and wisdom, and

tremendous change that


Hypnosis opens the super-

conscious, where intuition, higher

wisdom, and spirit is most accessible.

So while we are changing everyday thinking

habits to the positive, you are understanding your personal truths without my having to say a word.

At the same time, as I deliver hypnotic suggestions,

I am in a heightened state, so you receive a mixture of

pragmatic earthly techniques together with channeled wisdom that resinates on the soul level.

about life, history, goals— I ask about thinking habits,

How many sessions do people usually need?

try based on the Law of Attraction. I answer ques-

want. Results can be experienced quickly, yet many

and, if appropriate, I suggest new strategies we might tions about hypnosis. I’m always amazed at how many people doubt they can be hypnotized. Everyone can,

it’s just a matter of which techniques are used. Everyone is different, and I test suggestibility to know what

works for them. The client can decide to dive into the first hypnosis session right then and there.

It’s more a question of how many sessions do people prefer to continue — especially when they want to work on multiple topics. I have regulars who have mastered

just about every area of their lives, but still like to come in for a ‘tune-up’ in the same way many people treat themselves to a regular massage.

Can you explain what hypnosis feels like?

Have you yourself used hypnosis to create a new holistic lifestyle habit? Oh, yes! I struggled in

lar to when you are about to fall asleep and are calm in

last on sports teams, and I still remember my embar-

Hypnosis feels familiar and soothing, and is most simiyour body but still aware of your thoughts, surround-

ings, and exterior sounds. You can expect to recline in

a comfortable position with your eyes closed. I dim the lights and cover you with a cozy blanket. In this state, your subconscious mind is most open to change, so

PE as a kid. In elementary school I was always picked

rassment when other kids realized they were stuck with

me. I was chubby and wore glasses, and I had low energy. I preferred to read and watch TV, and it took a great deal of effort just to play outside with my friends after

school. In hindsight, I realize I may have suffered from


anemia. I know my diet was very unhealthy. I was a preoccupied, worried child who was afraid and insecure.

So I’ve used hypnosis in every possible way. Con-

fidence was a big one. Overcoming the limiting belief that there was something wrong with me and I could

never be athletic. My diet and exercise habits. My fear of failure and embarrassment. Relationship patterns. My sense of self-consciousness.

They realize they use food as anesthesia, or a cop-

ing mechanism for stress. Sometimes they eat from

boredom, overwhelm, procrastination, sabotage, fear, anxiety, trauma, rejection — the list goes on and on.

My clients are done with failure, and want to feel satis-

faction on a deeper level. They want to enjoy exercise, rather than force themselves to do it.

days, I swim competitively in the ocean. My swim team

What are the most common underlying problems associated with motivation? A low-grade

from my house, so I have to get up at 4:15 every morn-

feeling stuck. Most of us get hungry when we want

As an adult, I taught yoga for over a decade. Nowa-

starts practice at 5:45am, and it’s a 45 minute drive

ing! To do that, I used hypnosis— I told myself getting up early for a challenging swim practice was the best part of my day!

What about weight loss? In your opinion, why would a person choose hypnotherapy over other weight loss methods? My clients come because they want to transcend the cause of their weight gain.

level of anxiety or fear, which usually leaves people just comfort. Eating becomes a short term band-aid with

long term negative effects. If you were to ask me what

I specialize in, what I’m the best at helping people with, it’s overcoming anxiety and feeling comfortable without needing the bad habits.

How does it feel to be helping people in such a tremendous way? It’s incredibly satisfying. Yet it’s

hard to wrap my mind around it. I’ll meet with a person

who feels they’re at their wit’s end, and by the time they leave my office they’re smiling and happy. I get to witness their courage to give up limiting beliefs — some of which have been with them for years — in order to embrace new thinking habits.

Can you share an inspirational client “win” that demonstrates what you do and how you help people? There are so many. There are women who

are well past menopause who finally get into shape and lose the excess weight they’ve been carrying. Along

the way, we set boundaries in their relationships, heal their childhood wounds, and give them permission to treat themselves well.

So many people feel putting themselves first is

selfish. We change that belief into self-love, self-

worth. Putting yourself first doesn’t mean you sud-

denly abandon others. It means you understand and appreciate your own value. When you love yourself,

other’s will too. We teach people how to treat us. If we are hard on ourselves, chances are our spouse, children, friends or boss will be hard on us too. They’ve

28 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

orth. w f l e s love, f l e s ers. h o t t o n i n f ando b t belie a a y h l t n e alue ng dde v a u h s n c u w e o o W your ean y e m t t a ’ i n c s t doe a p p re ns to your practicseo? s r d i n f a f l s t a n d ypnotic suggestiowebsite: mechanic ourse r y e d g n n i u t Put s y o u terested in adding69h-6908, or visit her n a e m In 4)2 It a at (71 Jann n reach You ca

learned from the best!

You can’t get healthy by looking up every possible

ter than when they were younger. Sports performance

by ruminating on every rejection you’ve ever experi-

Athletes can emerge in their 60’s or 70’s and be fit-

for all ages, kids to adults, is satisfying because I get to help people regain the joy of their sport.

I work extensively with PTSD clients, and have seen

rapid transformations that would blow your mind.

Personally, I haven’t been sick with even as much

as a cold in ten years, because I nurture an underlying

belief in wellness. I don’t waste two seconds worrying

disease on the internet. You can’t get close to people enced so that you can fix it next time. If that worked,

we’d all be at peace every time we thought about our problems!

It’s positive focus that creates positive results. I

help people turn their default settings to the positive.

about ‘keeping from getting sick’ which is a negative

Do you have any tips that might help other hypnotherapists connect with their clients? Yes,

how I’m going to kick my kids’ butts when we go hiking.

professionals. I’ve even helped energy healers and

type of motivation. I just sit around and dream about

I think about the playlist we will listen to, and the fun we will have, and how I will fly up that mountain easily and effortlessly, and all the laughing and teasing that will go on between us.

We are creative beings, and my job is to help peo-

I mentor other hypnotherapists and self-improvement massage therapists incorporate therapeutic imagery into their work. I have school teachers and coaches

and doctors I work with— you name it. I’m always happy to help with mentoring sessions.

For clients, I offer a 30-minute free consultation, so

ple live their dreams. I don’t put any stock in reality, or

they can make up their own minds about whether my

meditating on them. There’s no creative value there.

offer FaceTime or phone sessions.

evidence. You can’t get rich by staring at your bills and

approach is right for them, and for distance clients I


“When the Shift Hits the Fan”


Interview with Todd Medina

odd Medina is a legend in spiritual social media through his popular video podcast “SoulSpeaks 5D” where he’s conducted 1,800 interviews with spiritual thought leaders and high-vibing activists to help the collective navigate. - Radiance RADIANCE: There’s a lot of fear out there with coro-

that moment of the mini dark night of the soul, we can

spiritual you understand at some point in your awaken-

there’s going to be a huge shift.”

navirus. What’s your take on all this? TODD: Well, being ing process that if you feed the monster, the monster

kind take a deep breath and say, “Once this passes,

Like my wife and I, we do this every day like you do.

gets bigger, right? So, you don’t.

When you have a partner like you do, it’s nice to be able

through conspiracy - you know, 9/11, JFK and GMOs

a period where we just went like that for three days. It

A lot of people woke up through disclosure or

and all that stuff. And then at some point, you’ve got to stop griping about it because you just feed the

monster. I think the corona virus really has a false flag frequency to me. But I think it’s a good thing in the

sense that it’s reflecting what we’re doing, which is all

the shadow coming to the surface to be released. You don’t have to understand it all. You face it, you accept

it as being part of the universal energy, you make your peace, have your say, then move on from it.

to bounce things off each other. But we went through

was in a fight. The energy came in, things got wonky. I came out to the RV for 3 days and four nights and did

my job and she was inside doing her job. We were both working on ourselves. We were both uncomfortable.

We both handled our stuff. And I think that’s another thing that’s coming to the surface now is instead of

people reaching out to somebody else in a codepen-

dent frequency, they’re starting to take it upon themselves to handle their own stuff.

What empowering messages are you hearing from your interviews lately? Lately it’s been kind

I’m curious how it goes when you’re talking about spirituality in a public setting. Well, we

high vibrational people, the people that have been out

a there was a 35-ish, 40-ish man there who was pretty

of a free for all. I noticed post-Solstice is even the

there in the forefront, there was a game change. Like they became more human, more humble, not to take anything away from them. Also, that the energy of distortion has ceased—it’s no

went out to the beach for a gathering. And there was

articulate and sharp, and he got the frequency of who were. He pulled me to the side, starts asking all these questions. He was at the early stages of awakening,

realizing 9/11 was a hoax, JFK.

And it’s like, “Mind-blown, mind-

longer being projected onto the

blown, it’s changed my life.” He’s

earth as of early this year. Only

got kids at home, a wife…

remnants of it are in our egos

I said, “So, what are you going

and the neural pathways that were paved by the ego.

to do with it?” He said he started

In your experience with all these interviews, what is the value emotionally and spiritually of being comfortable with discomfort?

reading people, and even held

That’s a good one. I think we’ve been through it enough. But

when the shift hits the fan, in

30 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

taking these classes, started

a lady’s locket and told her all

about its history. You hear a lot of people say, “Oh, they’re not For the full video interview, go to and find Todd’s enlightening interviews at https://

awake, or they’re not awake.” To me it’s obvious that more and

more people are waking up very rapidly. I think we’ve underes-

timated—there’s actually a lot more going on.


Zulmara Maria Daniel Gutierrez is a true “maestro”: combining knowledge from the business and spiritual world, he dispenses sage advice and is a calming influence, a clear voice, and a gentle teacher. His guidance and coaching helps individuals get grounded and mindful as they pursue their wildest dreams and desires. Let Daniel cross your path, and you’ll be all the better for it.

Share the Love

Zulmara Maria is a spiritual life guide who holds sacred space for individuals to discover and reclaim the divine within, and inspires them to soar personally, professionally, and spiritually while staying grounded in their ancestral roots. Contact her at

We captured the beautiful words Radiance contributors had for each other after utilizing their holistic services

32 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

Daniel Gutierrez They say that those who have been to hell and back are our true healers–their victories over ferocious adversities resonate deeply with us. I had the honor of traveling to Peru in a group where Patricia lead a powerful ceremony on Machu Pichu and even though I knew I was in the presence of a powerful healer and a true spiritual warrior, I was taken by her humility and authenticity. For more on Patricia, go to or find her on Facebook..

Phyllis Douglass I had an amazing session at the Tachyon Wellness Center in Sedona! I had heard about the great health benefits of using the Tachyon Rods from a practitioner friend, who handed them to me and said, “Hold these.� As soon as I took them into my hands, I could feel energy emanating from them that had an immediate effect of physical relaxation, and calming of the mind. When I visited the center and lay back in the lounge chair, I almost immediately descended into a deep meditative state and out-of-body experience! I came out feeling deeply rested, lighter, and the headache and pain I had been experiencing in my lower back was gone. Immediately without question, I purchased a set of Tachyon Illumination Mega Wands that I have been using every day since! Phyllis Douglass, Author and Medicine Woman @ Body Awakening in Glendora, CA

Patricia Garza Pinto I first heard Phyllis at a public sound healing where she played a crystal bowl and sang. Her angelic voice and connection to Spirit brought me to tears. It was then that I knew we would connect paths on our journey as healers and work together. She is a blessing to me and all who are fortunate enough to experience her. &

Tachyon Wellness Center Dr. Lee and Olivia Griffith, Owners


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Live Your Life By Design, Not By Default Combining traditional patient care (R.N.) with holistic healing (Family Constellations, Hands-on Energy Healing, Indigo Biofeedback and more) Susan Macknin is a unique healer. House calls available.



34 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

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Coronavirus and Dating - What to do?


By Jill Crosby

ow is a wonderful opportunity to settle in, RELAX, make sure your immune system is strong and do some inner work. It’s also the

perfect time to meet someone special. Really? Yes, really.

Wouldn’t it be great to have your special someone by your side right

now? Someone that you know has your back? Someone to hunker down

with. Someone to laugh and play with. Well, what can we do about this? If you would love a conscious, loving relationship, I invite you to join and meet your true love! Yes, now!

Now is a great time to VIDEO DATE. It may be at least few months

for this virus to run its course, so as we all spend more time at home,

why not start a new relationship? You can get to know someone real-

ly well via video chatting. It can be a source of great support and love

when you could be feeling a bit isolated. Then when everything is back

to more “normal,” travel to meet your new love in person! This may mean traveling across the city, or across the world… either way, you will have

Jill Crosby, Owner/Founder

already created a wonderful foundation to launch your relationship.

Many of our success stories start off being long-distance, so please be open-minded about this. Your soul mate

may not live around the corner. It’s free to join, create your profile and even read and reply to messages sent from subscribing members. Check it out! You have everything to gain.

36 APR-MAY-JUN 2020







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Arcturian Guidance Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to condance, fear of shortage or about who is doing what to whom at nect with all of you. this time. The fear of persecution is a very real feeling, and that We are having many significant conversations with you when trauma of being persecuted is one that you carry with you from you are asleep at night, and you meet up with us in the astral plane. lifetimes where you have had that experience in an exaggeratWe have never had as much input from you as we are getting at this ed way and in a very overt one, like being incarcerated because time. The creative ideas someone felt threatened that have spawned as a by you. result of you all facing this You have had at least global crisis are impresone lifetime where you sive, to say the least. have been killed because We are working with of something you said or Pleiadian, Sirian, and something you believed. Andromedan groups And so, now is a time to of beings at this time to notice what about life on come to some sort of Earth at this time is trigagreement about how to gering you, because that’s help without interfering what you need to work on. and about how we can That’s what you need to best use the situation on clear. You don’t just need your planet right now to a vaccine. You don’t just help move you forward. need governments to isYou are receiving lots of sue bailouts. You don’t just Daniel Scranton is a verbal channel, spiritual teacher, and sound healer, suggestions from people need to find out who or here to be of service. For more, find him on Facebook or go to who are in positions of what is behind the virus. authority, and those sugWe have already told gestions are primarily about you about the dangers of going your physical wellbeing. down a more mental path from where you are right now. And so, But we have the privilege of being able to converse with you we want to reiterate here and now that this is about getting to the when you are not in your bodies, when you are not operating from heart of those feelings that you in particular have coming up. For the level of your ego, and when you are free from the limitations some, it isn’t even fear. For some, it’s anger. For others it’s sadof your physical minds. We are getting the scoop from the more ness. But all of you have something that is getting triggered within authentic aspects of who you really are, and from those conversayou as a result of what you are experiencing on planet Earth right tions, we have concluded that the way for humanity to truly benefit now, and that’s what’s you need to dive deeper into, rather than from the outbreak is to band together and work as a team. You are sticking your head in the sand or watching the news or looking at being urged to stay home and to wash your hands religiously, but your favorite conspiracy theory websites. there is also an opportunity for you all to see that you are all in this You all need to do the processing that is right there, in front situation together. of you, right now. Your chakras are the place to be giving your This is a time when your race, religion, nationality, gender, attention. That’s where you will find the stuck energy that needs and sexuality are not nearly as important as the fact that you are processing at this time. That’s where you feel what you feel. We human and you are Earthlings. You are being given an opporturecommend doing more chakra check-ins than looking for the latnity to make life on planet Earth better, and that all begins with est updates in all of the various places where you can look in this you seeing each other as equal. You are, of course, all Source day and age. Doing a mass cleansing and purging for humanity Energy Beings, no matter where you are in terms of your spiritual at this time will help to take you to that next level that we’ve also evolution and how awake you are. When your hearts go out to been talking about. those who are suffering the most because of the virus, that’s when When people talk about being awake, they are not all talking you know that you are taking exactly what you are supposed to about the same thing. We want you to awaken to what’s going on be taking from this crisis, and you are moving the entire human inside of you. That’s what you need to know about more than any collective consciousness forward. piece of information, and that is true whether there’s a pandemic That’s what you are meant to do. That’s what those of you who going on or not. That’s true in every moment of every day. Now are awake are more likely to do in this situation, and that’s what’s is the time when that truth is just being amplified, and we are the going to lead to a sense of oneness and unity consciousness there ones who are going to amplify it, so that enough of you get it to do on Earth, the likes of which you have not experienced yet. These the work, process those emotions, and then be the conduits for are very trying and very exciting times for the human collective. positive, loving, healing energy that we know you really are. We are (also) very interested in exploring what you are feeling We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting triggered about right now, like the fear of death, financial abunwith you.”

38 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

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Hello Beautiful people,


have been studying viruses, and different ways that

you can boost your immune system in regards to novel

Covid-19. I have studied research from doctors all over

the world and I have gathered the most important information that you can use to boost your immunity against novel

covid-19. Unfortunately, no integrative measures have been

validated in human trials. However, this is the time to be pro-

Dr. Tara Rasta Covid-19



These are just some educational information, if

you have any questions, call us 714-679-8608 for

your consult or ask your doctor for his/her recommendation. Dr. Tara Rasta offers Functional Well-

ness to all her patients using Network Chiropractic, Nutrition, Detox and Vibroacoustic Sound Therapy. For more info go to

active. Using available in-vitro evidence, an understanding of the virulence of COVID-19, as well as data from similar, but different, viruses, these are some recommendations from Western & Eastern doctors who are interested in nutrition and natural ways to boost immunity.

Again, we stress that these are supplemental consider-

ations to the current recommendations that emphasize reg-

ular hand washing, social distancing, stopping non-essential travel, and getting tested if you develop symptoms.

While the pathogenicity of COVID-19 is complex, it is

important to understand the role of inflammation in this

disease. The virulence and pathogenicity (including acute

respiratory distress syndrome) associated with SARS corona viruses develops as the result of viral activation of cyto-

plasmic NLRP3 inflammasome. This inflammasome within

activated (upregulated NFkB) macrophages and Th1 immune cells releases proinflammatory cytokines, namely IL-1B and

IL18, which dictate the pathogenic inflammation responsible for the virulence and symptoms of COVID-19. For the pur-

pose of making this easier for you to understand, I will refer to the above cytokines as inflammatory molecules.


Adequate sleep: Shorter sleep duration increas-

coronavirus virulence. Typical daily dosing of zinc

that less than 5 hours of sleep (monitored over 7

is 15mg – 30mg daily with lozenges potentially

consecutive days) increased the risk of developing

providing direct protective effects in the upper

rhinovirus associated cold by 350%. Important to

flammatory molecules in comparison to adequate sleep, which also ensures the secretion of mela-

tonin, a molecule which may play a role in reducing •

coronavirus virulence (see Melatonin below).

Stress management: Psychological stress disrupts immune regulation and is specifically associated

with increased pro-inflammatory cytokines. Various

mindfulness techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises, guided imagery, etc. reduce stress, which reduce these inflammatory molecules.

40 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

viral inhibitory actions of zinc. Zinc may prevent

coronavirus entry into cells and appears to reduce

es the risk of infectious illness. One study found

COVID-19, sleep deprivation increases your in-

Zinc: Coronavirus appear to be susceptible to the

respiratory tract.

Vegetables and Fruits +/- isolated Flavonoids: Many flavonoids have been found, in vitro, to

reduce the inflammatory markers associated with

pathogenic infections. Some of the specific flavonoids which have been shown to have this effect, and which can be found in the diet and/or dietary supplements include:

1. baicalin11 and wogonoside12 from Scutellaria baicalensis (Chinese skullcap);

2. liquiritigenin13 from Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice)

3. dihydroquercetin14 and quercetin15 found in

However, 1,25(OH)vitamin D has also been found

4. myricetin16 found in tomatoes, organs, nuts,

the course of infection, and should, therefore, be

onions and apples

to increase some inflammatory molecules during

and berries

used with caution and perhaps discontinued with

5. apigenin17 (found in Matricaria recutita

symptoms of infection.

(Chamomile), parsley and celery.

At least 5 – 7 servings of vegetables and 2-3 servings

of fruit daily provide a repository of flavonoids and are

considered a cornerstone of an anti-inflammatory diet. •

Vitamin C: Like flavonoids, ascorbic acid inhibits inflammatory activation. Clinical trials have found that vitamin C shortens the frequency,

duration and severity of the common cold and the


Sambucus nigra (Elderberry) / Polysaccharide ex-

tracts from medicinal mushrooms / Echinacea angusti-

folia and E. purpurea / Larch arabinogalactan / Vitamin D The following products are Likely Safe: Other com-

monly used natural immunostimulatory and antiviral

even higher doses utilized during times of acute

crease inflammatory molecules a part of their immu-


Melatonin: Melatonin has been shown to inhibit

NFkB activation and NLRP3 inflammasome activation. In fact, the age-related decline in melatonin

production is one proposed mechanism to explain why children do not appear to have severe symptoms and older adults do. Melatonin also reduces oxidative lung injury and inflammatory cell re-

cruitment during viral infections. Typical dosing of melatonin varies widely from 0.3mg to 20mg (the •

TEST FOR COVID-19 you are advised to avoid the

incidence of pneumonia. Typical daily dosing of

vitamin C ranges from 500mg to 3000mg daily with


latter used in the oncological setting).

Sambucus nigra (Elderberry): There is preclinical

evidence that elderberry inhibits replication and viral attachment of Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoVNL63), different than COVID-19, but a member of

agents including the following do not appear to in-

nomodulatory actions. Several of these, in fact, reduce

these cytokines and may restore immune homeostasis. These are, therefore, likely safe to use both prior to,

and during, COVID-19 infection. Whether these agents

mitigate the symptoms or virulence of COVID-19 is un-

known and therefore the benefit of these agents during COVID-19 infection is unknown. •

Allium sativum (garlic)

Astragalus membranaceus

• • • • •

the coronavirus family. Sambucus appears most virus infections.

B evidence to support the use of elderberry for

influenza, which may or may not be applicable to

COVID-19 prevention. Typical dosing of 2:1 elderberry extract is 10mL -60mL daily for adults and •

5mL-30mL daily for children.

• Vitamin D: In certain conditions, vitamin D has

been found to decrease inflammatory activation

daily for 4 months in 84 women resulted in lower

than 6 months Monitoring liver function tests for hepatotoxicity during vitamin A dosing of any

(or positive test).

search Collaboration concluded that there is level

Vitamin A [scientific study found that 25,000iu

for more than 6 years or 100,000iu daily for more

es inflammatory cytokines, including IL-B124 so

berry conducted by the Natural Standard Re-


especially at doses greater than 25,000 IU daily

PLEASE note, Elderberry significantly increas-

An evidence-based systematic review of elder-

Mentha piperita (peppermint)

Oral vitamin A can causes hypervitaminosis A

should be discontinued with symptoms of infection •

Full mycelium mushroom extracts

serum IL-1b and IL-1b/IL-4 ratios in obese women.

effective in the prevention or early stage of corona •


duration, even at lower doses, is advised given •

variable individual sensitivity.

Vitamin C: the information and understanding of COVID-19 continues to change rapidly. We en-

courage you to make integrative recommendations carefully and with consideration of the underlying mechanisms of both the COVID-19 infection and

the intended intervention. It is also important to reiterate that there are no clinically evidence-based integrative prevention or treatment strategies for COVID-19 infection.


Trans ce n d i n g Separation By Maria Lomeli


e came to Earth to experience reality and transcend fear, transcend separation.

The difference between us and extradimensional

the many lifetimes and experiences, and that is also fragmentation.

I, as my God-self, fragmented to experience sep-

beings: we don’t remember who we are. That’s been

aration and to gather different types of information;

even those who say that they know “we’re One.” Old

choosing, and because of realities (stories) we created,

our biggest challenge. We believe that we’re separate, conditioning is strong.

data. The fragmenting happened because of our own where conditioning and traumas were

Yes we are One and

experienced. And in

we are currently in the

my opinion, we can

process of embodying

now say they are

that truth.

Complete. They are

Done. We don’t need

A lot of these

to recreate them.

beings we call galac-

They’ve served; we’ve

tic beings: they’ve

gathered all we need-

already figured it out.

ed from them. And

They know they’re not

now we’re just trying

separate from the One

to figure out how to

and yet they haven’t

get back…

lost their desire to

Talking to the

create. They’re happy, living their version of

fragments has helped

As part of the Earth

some are more mas-

me a lot. I can feel that

“heaven on Earth.”

culine. Some are more

experience we forgot

feminine. Then I begin

our connection and

to invite all parts to

that has been our

align as one. As One,

biggest disadvantage.

we can use all of the

That’s what has kept us participating in

fear realities where we are the victim, or we are being

tortured where we are being part of a scientific experi-

ment, or we are the one enforcing the punishment, etc. The soul is also a construct, okay, but it serves a

purpose because it gives us some sort of framework. As far as evolution, as far as past lives, future lives… as far as having some sort of container for the spirit or the essence. So, the soul can be broken up into

42 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

knowledge, tools, and

experiences to powerfully manifest a new reality here on earth. That is our mission.

Again, you were never truly fragmented. But be-

cause you have to believe that in order to break your-

self up into all these parts and have all these difference experiences, you have to also believe in methods to

rejoin. We don’t really need to ask for forgiveness, for instance, but because we believe we do, it becomes

relevant. And so, who cares? Just do it. All of this is just

that may have felt like they were fragmented. You don’t

we need to go beyond thoughts and mind.

proactive about that. I’ve just imagined myself extend-

playing mental games with ourselves, and ultimately,

Fragmentation happens with our bodies as well.

We don’t even think about our organs as being part of One! We don’t think about our cells, or our circulatory system as part of the One - that same fragmentation. It’s carried out throughout all existence. We would be

so much healthier if we did see our ourselves as One.

We have the power to embody that truth in this lifetime.

have to wait for it to pop in your face. I’ve been very

ing my grid out and collecting all of my pieces, whether I’m aware of them or not. It’s still a means to an end,

and the end is just for you to remember “Oh, shoot, I

was never actually fragmented. I’ve always been One. And that’s why I’ve always been innocent, and I’ve always been perfect.”

How can we start now? You have to be real with

Talk to yourself and your organs and thank them. They

yourself, you have to go deep inside, you have to bring

each part, that they are One. So, you talk to all your

into balance so we no longer believe we are fragment-

all have consciousness. You must remind your body,

body parts, you bring them back into alignment, just like if they were fragmented aspects of the soul.

And even with these conspiracy theories, guess

what? They’re all true. As a part of the One, we have

those things up that feel out of balance and bring them ed. When you no longer believe you’re fragmented, you actually experience yourself as whole and complete, and that gets reflected on the outside.

There are so many people that are really tuning into

been participating on all sides, in all conspiracies. So

and anchoring “heaven on earth.” This is no longer a

relevant to your life, just accept that they are all part

from now, but it’s actually something that we can start

instead of denying them or waiting for them to become of creation. That was part of the agreement coming

into this incarnation, that we would take responsibility

for being One with ALL that is. Now, although that was part of the agreement, and I knew that going in, I now have this awareness, and choose to pull all of

far-out idea or one that will happen five generations

creating now, that we are creating now. Be proactive with your own personal experiences and your own

creations and know you are not separate from the One.

my energy from any disempowering reality.

Assuming full responsibility as a creator, I now

consciously choose and create my reality. True alignment requires coherence at all levels. I

can’t say I am One and then see myself as a

victim as being somehow manipulated, abused, part of something that I’m not aware – which-

ever way sounds best to you. We have so much awareness, and we’re not using that informa-

tion. We’re still waiting for it to be more relevant to us. It’s all relevant, because we are One.

The major fragmentation is not really at

the subconscious level anymore - most of

us are conscious. You don’t know, but you do

know. Because now you see David Wilcock and Bashar and others telling you you’re not sepa-

rate from them. So, having the awareness of it,

That was part of the agreement coming into this incarnation, that we would take responsibility for being One with ALL that is

you could start calling back those parts of you


44 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

Channeling of Gaia A

By Crista Marie Miller fter I had a run, I was cooling down and walking along a shady path. Dapples of sunlight came through

the trees. There was a slight breeze that caressed my skin. I gently closed my eyes and was so content

and happy. Yet, something felt off still. “The world is changing, my friend,” I heard. I opened my eyes and took a deep sigh. “I know,” I said out-loud.

I communicate a lot with nature, and rarely share it. Now, with the changing times, I thought it was my

opportunity to do so. I wanted to talk to Gaia about substance. What is it that creates us and what is it used for? If the times were changing, what could we do about it?

I sat down onto the ground, put my palms face up on my lap, and here is what I heard:

“This planet is shifting into a different time. We have begged you to be kind, and go forward with love. This

call was answered, but not enough. Self-love and the connection to your Earth planet is essential to any forward

movement you may want to have. For this is your Earth. You have chosen here to reincarnate, so you must treat it as your own.

“I have heard many a person say, I don’t belong here. This is not ‘home.’ That is untrue. For your very Soul has

made the decision to be here, now. Be happy, and be present.

“So, what is Substance? Substance is not a tangible physical object. It can be best experienced by a feeling

or sensation. It is a wave that overcomes you. Substance is the expression of Source, a form of energy. I know you have felt it, when the rays of sun come beaming down onto this planet and you get goosebumps. That is Substance from Source, the whole energy act of the sun beams giving you the chills.

“Substance is the waves upon the beach, each grain of

sand in the desert, each pebble rock in the forest. Each of

these expressions of substance is there to remind you of the endless possibilities you have before you.

“Imagine a waterfall. Now, go and stand under that water-

fall. Feel the water effortlessly come down upon you. The water is Substance, placed there to heal and answer all that you

require. You must only ask! So many people worry, complain,

and are just unhappy, that they forget they need to ask in order to receive.

“Now, whether you are aware of Substance or not, it is

still there. It is the action of Spirit. Substance is the action of an information download that you receive. It is not the infor-

mation itself, but the energy used to bring it to you. If you get

the answer, and then do nothing to act upon it, it is Substance wasted. Please don’t waste.

“Action is what moves you forward, with anything you want

to do. Sitting there idly is wasteful. Take action, then the God inside you, substance around you, will take care of the rest.”

To advertise Here and on Network TV, callMAGAZINE 714-501-5050. RADIANCE 45

Traumas Released Through Psychedelics Our second interview with holistic healer and psychedelics expert Sel Sarkin. RADIANCE: You hold a support group of sorts for people wanting to discuss psychedelics as a part of PsychedeLiA. SEL: Yeah, PsychedeLiA

In a good way. And that’s the emphasis: in a good way.

practices for people who are embarking on psychedel-

getting out of bed in the morning. I was not motivated.

Los Angeles is the community. We want to discuss safe ic medicines for the first time and how to go about that. And then, more importantly, PsychedeLiA Los Angeles has a lot to do with making sure that people who have done the medicine have the necessary support and tools to help them integrate what they experience.

It’s just a support group, where you provide information and education about it. Correct.

Many substances are illegal in most parts of the U.S.

One of its main rules is not to sell or solicit any of the psychedelic medicines. For example, somebody may have been offered a ceremony in Costa Rica. Have they done their homework? Do they know who

the facilitators are? Why are they choosing that particular medi-

cine? How many ceremonies are

they going to do? And then a big

question is, why are they doing it in the first place?

Many people will say before I took the (plant) medicine, I had lots of depression. Before I took the medicine, I was really anxious. I had a lot of fear. I had problems

A long, endless list of self-defeating habits. Right after

they had taken a psychedelic, something has changed. They no longer feel so depressed. Maybe some of the traumas that they were carrying have been released, particularly the fears that we carry, which keep us in

these little boxes. And to make a healthy good choice when you’re in a tiny little box is difficult. Because you’re so consumed by this thing called fear.

And then we begin to see that this fear thing is not

real because I no longer feel separate. Plant medicine

allows you to do that. This is the reason we are having

a Psychedelic Renaissance. One or two mushroom journeys have enormous turnaround in how

someone with PTSD is feeling,

whereas no pharmaceutical was even coming close to it.

It’s amazing. You see radical

changes, and people who are suicidal, I think in the United States, it’s 22 suicides per

A lot of people hear that day, veterans. Those veterans you can experience all kinds who have access to psilocybin, of mind-bending, soul-exMDMA therapy, ketamine therapy To hear more of this video panding experiences, that are having really profound great interview, go to RadinaceMM. they can have fun doing it effects on PTSD and depression, com. For more info on Sel go to recreationally or they can right, particularly clinical and do it ceremonially for a major depression. greater purpose. What are the benefits? Well, it’s interesting that we use the And you hold these discussions in your living word recreationally. It’s the same thing as if you take a

room every second Tuesday of the month? Yes,

there is no such thing as a side effect. It’s an effect, a

delic who’s curious because they saw their friend have

pharmaceutical and say there are side effects. Actually, direct effect. However, these medicines are very deep in the way that they work.

Particularly in, for example, restructuring a lot of the

brain chemistry.

46 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

which includes novices who has never done a psychean amazing experience, but they don’t know how to go about a way to do any research. It can begin here.

Traumas liberados a través de psicodélicos Nuestra segunda entrevista con el curador holístico y el experto en psicodélicos Sel Sarkin. RADIANCE: tienes un tipo de grupo de apoyo para personas que desean hablar sobre psicodélicos como parte de PsychedeLiA. SEL:

En el buen sentido. Y ese es el énfasis: en el buen sen-

emos discutir prácticas seguras para las personas

miedo Tuve problemas para levantarme de la cama por

Sí, PsychedeLiA Los Angeles es la comunidad. Querque se embarcan en medicamentos psicodélicos por primera vez y cómo hacerlo. Y luego, lo que es más

importante, PsychedeLiA Los Angeles tiene mucho

que ver con asegurarse de que las personas que han tomado el medicamento tengan el apoyo y las herramientas necesarias para ayudarlos a integrar lo que experimentan.

Es solo un grupo de apoyo, donde proporciona información y educación al respecto. Correcto. Muchas sustancias son ilegales en la mayor parte de

los EE. UU. Una de sus reglas principales es no vender

ni solicitar ninguno de los medicamentos psicodélicos. Por ejemplo, a alguien se le ha ofrecido una ceremonia en Costa Rica. ¿Han hecho su tarea? ¿Saben quiénes

son los facilitadores? ¿Por qué eligen esa medicina en

particular? ¿Cuántas ceremonias van a hacer? Y luego una gran pregunta es, ¿por qué lo están haciendo en primer lugar?

Mucha gente escucha que puedes experimentar todo tipo de experiencias alucinantes y de expansión del alma, que pueden divertirse haciéndolo recreativamente o que pueden hacerlo ceremonialmente para un propósito mayor. ¿Cuales son los beneficios? Bueno, es interesante que usemos la palabra de forma recreati-

va. Es lo mismo que si tomas un medicamento y dices

que hay efectos secundarios. En realidad, no existe un efecto secundario. Es un efecto, un efecto directo. Sin embargo, estos medicamentos son muy profundos en la forma en que funcionan.

Particularmente, por ejemplo, en la reestructuración

de gran parte de la química del cerebro.

tido. Mucha gente dirá que antes de tomar la medicina (vegetal), tenía mucha depresión. Antes de tomar la medicina, estaba realmente ansioso. Tenía mucho

la mañana. No estaba motivado. Una larga e interminable lista de hábitos autodestructivos. Justo después

de haber tomado un psicodélico, algo ha cambiado. Ya

no se sienten tan deprimidos. Tal vez se hayan liberado algunos de los traumas que llevaban, particularmente

los temores que llevamos, que nos mantienen en estas pequeñas cajas. Y hacer una buena elección saludable cuando estás en una pequeña caja es difícil. Porque estás tan consumido por esta cosa llamada miedo.

Y luego comenzamos a ver que esta cosa del miedo

no es real porque ya no me siento separado. La medicina vegetal te permite hacer eso. Esta es la razón por

la que estamos teniendo un renacimiento psicodélico. Uno o dos viajes de hongos tienen un enorme cambio en cómo se siente alguien con TEPT, mientras que

ningún producto farmacéutico se estaba acercando. Es asombroso. Ves cambios radicales, y las personas

suicidas, creo que en los Estados Unidos, son 22 suicidios por día, veteranos. Los veteranos que tienen acceso a la psilocibina, la terapia con MDMA y la terapia con

ketamina están teniendo efectos realmente profundos sobre el trastorno de estrés postraumático y la de-

presión, especialmente en la depresión clínica y mayor.

¿Y mantienes estas discusiones en tu sala de estar cada segundo martes del mes? Sí, lo que incluye a los novatos que nunca han hecho un psi-

codélico que sienten curiosidad porque vieron a su

amigo tener una experiencia increíble, pero no saben

cómo hacer una investigación. Puede comenzar aquí.

Para escuchar más de esta entrevista en video, vaya a Para obtener más información sobre Sel, visite


This is Where brandon is Going By Leora Leon


hen Brandon, my 25-year-old son, passed away recently, I was somewhat prepared

because he had a terminal health condition. Early on,

in the air and he was jumping up and down and yelling, “I’m free! I’m free!” Another poignant sign from Spirit.

My son passed on February 12, 2020, at 3:20 a.m.

being a spiritual practitioner, I thought a great deal

It was excruciating for me, to say the least, as I saw

son. I assumed for some reason it might be easier.

him like that, as I desperately wanted to hold on to

about how I might handle the impending death of my Two months before Brandon passed, I went for

my usual run through the neighborhood. The sun was setting, and its rays filtered through the houses and

trees. At one point, a patch of rays covered me com-

pletely. I felt their soothing warmth, and their brilliance embraced me.

I heard a voice telling me to go into the sun. Some-

how, my spirit left my body and headed into the sun. Mind you, I was still running, but found myself going head-first into the sun.

I found myself immediately on the other side. It was

pure bliss. I saw all white, and what I imagined it would

be like in the Divine. Instantaneously, I heard a group of voices saying, “This is where Brandon is going.” I was

his body become yellow and wax-like. I photographed his physical existence on the earth. All of my spiritual teachings went out the window. I was totally in the physical, experiencing the most god-forsaken event of my life.

Everything became blurred

and dreamlike for days. Nothing seemed real. Viewing

the photo I had taken of my

deceased son, I saw only an

encasement, a mere shell of who my son was. I knew he was so much more.

What do I miss the most?

comforted momentarily, experiencing his final desti-

I miss his touch, his hugs, his

running. I knew this was something I was to hold on to.

now, through the pain, I embrace my

nation. Then I went back into my body and continued

As Brandon’s health rapidly declined, we put him in

home hospice care. It was surreal and things happened so fast. We were told he might recover and hung onto those words tightly, but his condition continued to go downhill.

Two days before he passed, I received a message

unconditional love for me. But

spiritual teachings, remembering where he

is now and how happy he is. His life and death

were always about him, his time on earth, the challenges he took on, and—most importantly—who he picked to share this life with. Me. His mother.

to perform a healing on him. As a shaman, I run cer-

Leora Leon overcame childhood physical and sexual

For example, the right leg, knee to toe, shows for-

a son with severe Autism. She is certified in many mo-

tain protocols that give me information about a client. ward movement in life. I also typically see clients in a car driving up a mountain, and where they are on the

mountain tells me where they are in their journey. I have seen only one client on top of the mountain, which told me that most of her karmic lessons were finished.

When I placed my hand on Brandon’s knee, I clearly

saw him on top of the mountain. His hands were raised

48 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

abuse, rape, domestic abuse, cancer, as well as raising dalities, such as a Reiki Master/Teacher, Shaman Energy

Healer, Channeler and Past-life Regression Therapist. She now helps people change their lives and is teaching her educational series called “Love yourself, Change your

Life.” She can be reached for consultations or appointments at

Aquí es donde va


Por Leora Leon


uando Brandon, mi hijo de 25 años, falleció recientemente, estaba algo preparado porque tenía

una condición de salud terminal. Al principio, como

practicante espiritual, pensé mucho en cómo podría manejar la muerte inminente de mi hijo. Asumí por alguna razón que podría ser más fácil.

Dos meses antes de que Brandon falleciera, fui a mi carrera habitual por el vecindario. El sol se estaba poniendo y sus rayos

se filtraron a través de las casas y los árboles. En un momento, un parche

de rayos me cubrió por completo. Sentí su calidez calmante, y su brillantez me abrazó.

Escuché una voz que me

decía que fuera al sol. De algu-

na manera, mi espíritu dejó mi

cuerpo y se dirigió al sol. Eso sí,

montaña, y dónde están en la montaña me dice dónde están en su viaje. Solo he visto un cliente en la cima de la montaña, lo que me dijo que la mayoría de sus lecciones kármicas habían terminado.

Cuando puse mi mano sobre la rodilla de Brandon,

lo vi claramente en la cima de la montaña. Sus manos estaban levantadas en el aire y saltaba de un lado a

otro y gritaba: “¡Estoy libre! ¡Soy libre!” Otra señal conmovedora del Espíritu.

Mi hijo falleció el 12 de febrero de 2020 a las 3:20

a.m. Fue insoportable para mí, por decir lo menos,

cuando vi que su cuerpo se volvía amarillo y cera. Lo

fotografié así, ya que quería desesperadamente afer-

rarme a su existencia física en la tierra. Todas mis en-

señanzas espirituales se fueron por la ventana. Estaba totalmente en lo físico, experimentando el evento más olvidado de mi vida.

Todo se volvió borroso y onírico durante días. Nada

todavía estaba corriendo, pero me

parecía real. Al ver la foto que había tomado de mi hijo

Me encontré inmediatamente al

cha de quién era mi hijo. Sabía que él era mucho más.

encontré yendo de cabeza al sol. otro lado. Fue pura felicidad. Vi todo

blanco, y lo que imaginé que sería en lo Di-

vino. Instantáneamente, escuché un grupo de

voces que decían: “Aquí es a donde va Brandon.”

Me conforté momentáneamente, experimentando su

destino final. Luego volví a mi cuerpo y seguí corriendo. Sabía que era algo a lo que debía aferrarme.

Como la salud de Brandon disminuyó rápidamente,

fallecido, solo vi un encajonamiento, una simple con-

¿Qué es lo que más extraño? Extraño su toque, sus

abrazos, su amor incondicional por mí. Pero ahora, a

través del dolor, abrazo mis enseñanzas espirituales, recordando dónde está ahora y lo feliz que está. Su

vida y muerte siempre fueron sobre él, su tiempo en

la tierra, los desafíos que asumió y, lo más importante,

con quién eligió para compartir esta vida. Yo. Su madre.

lo pusimos en cuidados paliativos en el hogar. Fue

Leora Leon superó el abuso físico y sexual infantil, la vio-

que podría recuperarse y se aferró a esas palabras con

autismo grave. Está certificada en muchas modalidades,

surrealista y las cosas pasaron muy rápido. Nos dijeron fuerza, pero su condición siguió bajando.

Dos días antes de su fallecimiento, recibí un

mensaje para curarlo. Como chamán, ejecuto ciertos protocolos que me dan información sobre un cliente.

Por ejemplo, la pierna derecha, de la rodilla a los pies,

muestra un movimiento hacia adelante en la vida. También suelo ver a clientes en un automóvil subiendo una

lación, el abuso doméstico, el cáncer y crió a un hijo con como un maestro / maestro de Reiki, un sanador de en-

ergía chamán, un canalizador y un terapeuta de regresión de vidas pasadas. Ahora ayuda a las personas a cambiar sus vidas y está enseñando su serie educativa llamada

“Ámate a ti mismo, cambia tu vida.” Puede comunicarse con ella para consultas o citas en


Activating Your


Magic Within this New World By Aaron Pyne

hat a wild ride we have found ourselves in! Levels of fear, panic,

isolation, uncertainty, and transformation

it, you play, dance, move and flow with it. Feel and imagine nature and the natural forces

flowing through your body. You are a tree,

at a global scale never experienced by

you are the wind, you are the water. Open

modern humanity. For those that have

to receive them into every cell.

been on the path of spiritual discovery,

this might feel like the time you’ve been preparing for. For everyone this global

experience is generating wide expanses of

feelings. I see this as the great initiation of hu-

Magic & Ritual - Rituals and forms of

magic allow you to consciously transform

reality by enacting the deep creative gifts

within you. Taking time each day for your own

personal empowering ritual and magic allows you

manity. Where so much of our previous life has held

to draw forth the mastery of your own sovereign soul

in a nest. Yet, now humanity as a collective has been

ings and techniques written here, but ultimately it is an

us in a level of security much like a baby bird growing pushed out of the nest at the top of the tree, and we

must either quickly learn to soar within our own mastery, or rapidly fall to the ground below.

You there my friend, are you ready to soar? Within

that soaring, is the resonant potential to remind others how to spread their wings….

We are entering a new reality of possibilities. Thus,

you’ll need new and ancient

powers into this world. There is a wide range of teach-

act of your own creation that reflects to you, your most empowered reality. Make your rituals and magic your

own artistic masterpiece and allow them to flow through you. Make it sacred, make it fun, make it powerful!

Harness the Magic of Emotions - Most likely

within you and around you, you are feeling the greatest charges of fear, seperation, uncertainty, grief, sadness

magical tools to master the

nection, joy, excitement and

game board unfolding before

all the other emotions. What a

you. I’m honored to begin

gift this is for those who have

sharing these fundamental

a heart to handle it. Emotion

keys with you.

surges are magical energies

Stabilizing the Spec-

within you. When you can hold

trum of Your Soul - Your soul

the greatest fear simultane-

capacity is massive, galac-

ously with the greatest joy,

tically massive. Yet, you are

you begin to master the magic

currently structured within

of emotions. These surges

the human bio-suit which is in

then become fuel for your

the evolutionary process to

presence, your creativity, your

handle such massive ener-

life. You no longer need to

getic structures within it. It is

deny emotional surges or flail

more crucial than ever to give

about like you are drowning.

your physical body connec-

You ride the wave of the emo-

tion physically and energet-

tion and let it bring you more

ically to the natural life force of the Earth to support your

integration of the wide range

of energies we are experiencing. Spending regular time

in the purest form of nature you have safe access to is highly beneficial. While in

and perhaps for some con-

deeply home. They become Aaron Pyne is a mystic, healer, teacher,

TEDx speaker, artist, designer, and multi-dimensional guide prepared to assist your

mastery. For more extensive support and further magical training, I am available to

be your guide. You can reach out to me and learn more at

fuel for your magic.

These are fundamental

steps to assist your mas-

tery in these unprecedented times. I am here with you,

observing in reverence and awe as you learn to soar.


52 APR-MAY-JUN 2020

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