Radiance Magazine June-July 2019 FINAL

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Raise Your Vibe, Improve Your Life Sacred Geometry Body Art

A Wise Woman’s Reflections of a Men’s Group

SHAMAN ISABELLA Discover the Healer Within Photo by Starla Fortunato


When Do You Need an Entity Cleared? 20

Severe Accident Brings Healing Abilities 37

Sacred Geometry Body Art 22

Transformation Saved Her Life 38

De-Stressing in a Stressful World 24

How Adopting a Child Healed My Own Heart 8 May I Stay? Intuitive Animal Communication 12 Your Ability to Manifest Is Sabotaged No More! 14



Raise Your Vibe & Improve Your Life 26 Maximizing Your Qi Through Acupuncture 28 The Path of the Initiate 29

Take the Purest Path to Health 42


Life is Too Short Not to Be Regressed 48 Master Healer Jeff Mamora 50 A Woman’s Reflections of a Men’s Group 53 Spring into Your Summer Body With Zero Shame 58

Unapologetically Me – Speak Your Truth! 16 Techniques for Deep Trauma Healing 18 4


30 Happiness is an Attitude of The Heart 36


Note from the Publisher If you’re looking to expand your consciousness to realize more from life, you may come across Agape International’s Michael Beckwith’s Four Stages of Spiritual Growth: 1. Life happens to you 2. Life happens by you 3. Life happens through you 4. Life as you Radiance exists to present spiritual guides for your soul journey, as well as holistic practitioners who can help remove all kinds of “blocks” and “resistances” to our ultimate happiness. If you resonate with their words, give them a call for a free consultation and get unstuck today. There’s no better time to start living a fully conscious life. It’s probably the reason you’re here. Namaste, Scott Ware Publisher and Editor



Rev. Michael Beckwith and I at an event in Los Angeles.




ealing ey Long Beach 12 PM Psychic Expansion & Energetic Wholeness Faire 211 E th Street Intuitive readings and healings, vendors

B TI Studios naheim 11 PM The “Where Woo-Woo Meets Wellness” Faire South arbor Blvd. Intuitive readings, healing, vendors


indred Spirits laremont 12 PM Psychic Healing Faire 13 W Foothill Blvd. Intuitive healings, readings, vendors

Learning Light Foundation naheim 1 PM Holistic Health & Spiritual Fair 1212 E Lincoln venue Psychic readings and healings, vendors Spiritual rigins Psychic eadings and rystal Shop Holistic Faire 3 3rd Street untington Beach 11 PM

LAST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH eartSpace School of Multidimensional ealing rts Sciences Holistic Faire Irvine 11 PM 1 2 1 W Mc urmott Intuitive readers healers, vendors

Publisher and Editor Scott Ware

Graphic Design Mark Phillips

Associate Editors rista Benson Tonya Fit patrick ev. anielle Marie ewit ain Finelove

Editorial Offices S arbor Blvd. naheim, 2 info@radiancemagazine.org 1 1 iew online at radiancemagazine.org

Marketing Genevieve West


Published bi monthly. ll rights reserved. adiance Maga ine’s mission is to empower readers to make informed decisions to achieve optimal wellbeing in mind, body and spirit. adiance Maga ine can be found in Wellness enters, ealth Food Stores, oga and Meditation Studios, octors’ ces, ealth Fairs, o eehouses, olistic ealth enters, Metaphysical Stores, Spiritual enters, and Music and Food Festivals. adiance Maga ine and owner Temple of Light non pro t 13c do not warranty any advertised services or products. pinions and factually statements e pressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and not necessarily endorsed or veri ed by the maga ine nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the maga ine. ow, enjoy your e perience

JUNE-JULY 2019 7

A Journey of Adoption & Healing: Part One How Adopting a Child Healed My Own Heart By Christine Alisa, MS I remember the day in ovember I rst starting hearing in my head, “Get ready, une is coming.” I had no idea what this voice meant, but urgency was growing to adopt a child, so I contacted an attorney. Within months we had sent out 1, letters to agencies all around the country. Within a week we got the call. young woman said a family had changed their minds about adopting her baby and asked if we could come and get her. In a whirlwind of magical moments, we connected with the birth mom and my daughter was born May 21st 1 3, two weeks early, according to the doctor. She would have been born in une, hence the voice was right. It felt like a miracle to me. I instantly bonded and went about my daily routine of becoming a mom. Thus, began a journey full of challenges and emotional roller coaster e periences. I could write volumes on the years of joy I e perienced raising my precious daughter. ne of the biggest challenges turned out to be the discovery that she had ysle ia. I have always thought that children develop at di erent levels, but I got concerned when so much pressure was put on her in indergarten to read. She was struggling. I shared my concern with a fellow therapist and she suggested that I take her to a ision Therapy doctor. That’s when my life took a turn. The doctor said her vision problem was so severe that she needed to be tested thoroughly and should start vision therapy. For almost three years I took her to vision therapy. er eyes were not working together and that by using di erent e ercises and perceptual e periences it could be corrected. The doctor told me that one out of si children have some sort of learning disability. Thankfully by the fourth grade the ysle ia was gone, but academically she was falling behind. Feeling like I had hit critical mass again, I looked for a private school for her. Through a recommendation from another fellow therapist, I found a local school and her



real academic life took a turn. er teachers e pertly brought her academics up to the standard of her abilities. Even though she e perienced bullying in that middle school, she tells me now the education made all the di erence for her future. She went on to receive her B in ommunications, spent a year in Taiwan teaching abroad and is now studying for her teaching credential. I am very proud of the young woman she has become. I thought my heart could not be more full, and yet there was more to come… Please look for Part Two in the next issue of Radiance for more of “A Journey of Adoption and Healing.” Included will be my daughter’s relationship with her birth mother and with the hurdles that transpired. The emotional healing that ensued through her past life regressions, shamanic healing, Reiki and others is an integral part to this story. Contact me Chris@ChristineAlisa.com or at 562-619-5883. Follow me on web www.ChristineAlisa.com

JUNE-JULY 2019 9



May I Stay?

by Kara of Pet’s Eye View

As a professional Animal Communicator, I performed intuitive and energetic work tto strengthen the bonds between this family and their dog. This particular story touched my heart, and it was told to me by a sweet puppy named Sheena. My new name is Sheena. I’m trying very hard to listen and watch, so perhaps I may stay. It’s my third name and my fourth home. Place. I should say places. I have never had a true home. I am small at almost one year old, with warm brandy-colored eyes, the black and orange markings of an Aussie and the backend of a toy poodle. I am beautiful, very smart, and perpetually nervous. It has been four days. This newest family with three handsome boys took me from the woman who called herself my “foster.” I don’t know what that means. To me, she was the sunshine, and I wanted her to be mine. The new family put me in a car, and I knew I was being sent away again. It made my tummy roil. I tried hard to wait until we stopped to throw up, so I wouldn’t be in trouble-I am always afraid I might do something wrong. The new family has a big house, and I am never alone. I like to run right behind the woman’s heels, so my cold nose touches her ankles. This makes her smile. I want to make her love me. But I sense her holding back, assessing, worrying. Do you think I can stay? I love the green ferns in the backyard. I am confused because there are no other dogs here. I am used to dogs more than people. I love the boys. They teach me things and play. If I learn to fetch, may I stay? I peed where I wasn’t supposed to today. The family was nice, but I could tell they didn’t like it. The trainer told them today in front of me that my biggest problem is fear. He also thinks I may be sick. It’s true that I feel very tired, 12 JUNE-JULY 2019

but I wish he hadn’t told them. I need them to love me. I need to be perfect. If I am sick, may I still stay? I can tell they are worried. Worried for me that I might be unwell, but also worried because I am timid, because I don’t like cars, because I peed inside. I can read their thoughts as they wonder if I am really going to be a “good dog.” Can you tell me, please, what a good dog is? I try to bark when strangers come, but that’s not good. I get carsick, that’s not good. I’m afraid of new things. That’s not good. Please tell them l will learn every trick they want. I will try to do whatever “Good Dog” means. But can you take my fear away? My fear that they don’t like me? The constant fear that I won’t stay? I just want to stay.

Your Ability to Manifest is Being Sabotaged —But No More! By Zulmara Maria If you want more abundance in your life, speci cally more money, you need only do one thing:

e generous ith hat you already ha e abundance begets abundance. Generously share what you have and you will have more to share.

Tweak your money story. Because the story you’re telling yourself is dictating how much you’ll get, and you probably don’t know that your good intentions are being sabotaged by these story beliefs limiting beliefs every day and every hour. This level of subconscious sabotage is even enough to counter your “Law of ttraction” a rmations. Where do these limiting beliefs come from maybe. arma, some say.

our parents,

egardless, they’re reversible. ere are ten things you can do to escape the sabotage and thrive with abundance: nderstand your li iting belie s and break through the do you secretly believe that rich people don’t go to eaven, that wealthy people are all terrible people, and that money just doesn’t grow on trees Start telling yourself the opposite. That wealthy people go to eaven, for instance, and get ready for abundance urture a tribe or supporting your endea ors get colleagues and friends who unconditionally support your campaigns, to share in your story, and help grow your audience. uild a tea that helps barter, share, and support others along the way in a mutually bene cial fashion. ulti ate a deeper ES fully grasp how your soul’s purpose is directly related to the wealth and abundance you have to share. Ha e a purpose or your illions give your money a purpose and your money will come to you with ease and grace. no it is not a ero-su ga e there is more than enough for everyone, so if you get yours, you are not depriving someone else from ge ng theirs. lso, when you get yours, you will be in a position to help others get theirs. 14


ppreciate ho abundance is created what are the many and varied paths you have at your disposal for creating wealth and abundance Which one will you pursue ow do you take baby steps in a number of them reate your path to a illion everything is created twice, once in your mind and once when you actuali e it. reate your path to a million in your head then follow your bliss. hange this up as many times as needed as you pursue your dreams. Tell the oney story you ant to li e understand you are currently living a money story. If you want to live another story, you have to tell yourself a di erent story. Tell the money story you want to live.

Unapologetically Me By Donna Bond I think it was when the Wonder Woman movie came out that I started engaging with the word “unapologetic.” That was how Wonder Woman was being described as she stood forward in her truth: unafraid to be who she really was regardless of adversity or the status uo.

The pattern is that whatever we are doing, we “should” be doing something else. r if we are doing something that feels okay, then we should be doing it better. eep down, guilt is connected to the loss of joy and aliveness, two ualities representative of your true nature.

What needs to happen for us women to own a little bit of that I see many women in my life apologi ing for themselves in one way or another. “ h, e cuse me, I’m sorry.” When did this apology thing begin

So, unapologetically, I invite you to be you. Take up more space, breathe as much air as you want, speak your truth, stand in your power. nd, please, let’s stop apologi ing

I’m not saying this to be rude. I am simply observing this pattern of how we, as women especially, o en undermine ourselves. We make ourselves “less than”. We negate our point, opinion, perspective or way of being when we go around apologi ing all the time. Why do we make ourselves wrong I have e amined guilt as this is a prevalent emotion that surfaces when people begin to take their power back. s they put themselves at the top of their own priority list by the way, in the eeting nanosecond that is your life, let me be the reminder that the most important person in your life e perience is you . r. avid awkins has proven through kinesiology that all of our emotions vibrate at a particular fre uency. Guilt, as e plained by awkins in his Map of onsciousness, is a lower fre uency emotion. It vibrates at a low resonance. Whereas, love and joy vibrate at a high fre uency. This is important because your essential nature your Soul is the energy of love. It vibrates on the high end of the scale. When you are swimming around in lower fre uency emotions these are just covering up the love that you are. Guilt is a derivative of fear. It’s associated with wrongness. If something outside of us isn’t making us wrong, guilt is a way we make ourselves wrong. Women have been doing this over eons of time. It’s a form of self punishment. awkins says, “guilt is really self condemnation and self invalidation of our worth and value as human beings.” 16


Donna Bond, M.A. Transformation Consultant and Life Coach offers inspiring workshops and transformational coaching journeys helping you live a more meaningful life of purpose and fulfillment. A graduate of University of Santa Monica she holds an MA in Spiritual Psychology. Visit donnabond.com



Techniques for

Deep Trauma Healing By Maria Lomeli

I’ve learned a lot through my work as a uantum ealer and a Past Life egression Therapist, and I’ve also learned a lot through facing and releasing my own traumas in order to e perience more freedom. So, this is what I teach my clients: If I notice something that makes me uncomfortable and it is repetitive either a thought or a feeling that’s not in alignment with my highest self I train myself to be alert to that and not just let it pass me by. It’s indicating there’s something within me that needs work, and if I don’t address it, it will keep coming back. If I don’t do the work, I continue to give my power away to the re creation of deeply seeded distortions. So, I start by saying, “Thank you for le ng me know this.” Then I go deep. I ask, “Where is this coming from Is it from this life or a past life ” Then I pay attention to what gets presented to me. It could be an image, a feeling, or even a knowing. I do as much as I can on my own see below . nd if I need help from a healer, I get it.

Even though the trauma and any resistance around it is uncomfortable, it has actually served you in many ways I like to assure my clients that no matter what happens in my healing sessions or in their lives, for that matter it can never change their authentic truth. I also assure them that they can meet eye to eye with anything that plagues them when they’re standing in their power.



This is especially helpful when I teach them that the trauma is usually held in place by what we call “resistance,” and that this resistance has a consciousness we can directly address to release it with our “self talk.” For instance, when I’m working with an issue of my own, I will give commands to any parts of me where I feel resistance. I acknowledge that I put the resistance there I own it completely. This way I’m not a victim I’m empowered to deal with it head on. I powerfully say, “I’m the one who created you, and I’m the one releasing you now t some level I agreed to this, but I no longer agree to it and I choose to now let you go.” I always recommend going in with love and compassion and gratitude when you’re ge ng to the root of a trauma or an issue. Even though the trauma and any resistance around it is uncomfortable, it has actually served you in many ways. er doing “the work” on this trauma, we understand the wisdom, strength, tools, etc., we gain from each e perience. The resistance had a job to do and did it, like blocking or hiding the pain so you could function in your life. We can therefore be grateful to it. ou might say, “ ou were helpful to me, you protected me, but you’re no longer helpful to me. ou had a job, a role to play, and it’s no longer necessary, so you may go.” Guess what They release and they go. ou can immediately see the person rela with their energy when this happens. The whole mood lightens and deep healing begins. Maria Lomeli is an intuitive energy healer and a QHHT Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique practitioner. For an appointment, call 310-755-4130.



Changed Personality? Depressed? You Might Need to Have an Entity Cleared By Gosia Lorenz More people are learning that sudden changes in personality, energy and behavior is caused by unwanted entities taking up residency in a person. er traveling to many corners of this planet and performing one on one sessions with clients, I’ve learned uite a bit about these entities, spirits and ghosts. I worked with a lady whose relationship with her husband changed a er his father died. e started looking and acting older. e got grumpy, and the spark between them disappeared. I asked if his dad occupied the body of her husband, and we both felt a clear “yes.” We e plained to his dad that he is now dead and should not occupy his son’s body, that doing this is negatively impacting his son’s life, and he needs to move on. Slowly but surely, he le and her husband unaware of our session reported the ne t day that he feels normal and himself again. There was another lady who felt strange in relation to her husband. She suddenly wasn’t attracted to him anymore. Instead, she felt the need to care for him. She even said to him, “I can’t be your wife and mom at the same time. We need to do something about us.” Little did she know, his deceased mom “jumped” into her body and just wanted to be closer to her son.

We explained to his dad that he is now dead and should not occupy his son’s body er I e plained the situation to his dead mom, she le . I have had countless clients and students who could not deal with their lives, daily issues, or felt overwhelmed and stressed by their responsibilities and jobs. The problem is that people don’t know how to be the dominant entity in their lives, and unconsciously “invited” bodiless beings to inhabit them and take over di erent areas of their lives. There was a lady who wore many hats, but could barely keep it all together. Three di erent entities ran three di erent jobs and a fourth played the role of wife. The original being was hardly present and disempowered. She 20


o en complained, “I can’t take it anymore,” “This is too much for me,” “I can’t deal with that.” Through coaching, facilitation, and clearing of the entities, she uickly became strong and grounded. Such statements of weakness attract and invite entities. It is e tremely di cult to be present, empowered, and successful when more than one being creates and runs your life. The situation needs to be addressed on many levels. To begin with, you must choose to be aware of your negative self talk, shi ing energies, mood changes, bodily sensations, new patterns and behaviors, and ways in which you are disconnected or absent. It might take some time and dedication to achieve this crucial self awareness but it is absolutely possible. I teach many dynamic tools and techni ues that can assist you in this transformative process. I would be happy to help you. Gosia Lorenz offers entity clearing and facilitation/communication sessions. She also teaches dynamic tools that create ease and peace with the invisible world. Visit gosialorenz.com or call her now at 949-315-9260.





Sacred Geometry is a term used to explain the infinite mathematical congruencies in our observable universe. It is the building blocks of our reality and a measurable truth. From the proportions of the human body, to the intricacy of a bee’s honeycomb, Sacred Geometry is a definitive link between all things. It is because of this sacred link that I have dedicated the last 15 years to specializing in geometrical imagery, with ink and skin as my creative medium. For thousands of years, religious organizations and spiritual teachings have applied these mathematical ratios in their architecture, art, music, and more. Influence of Sacred Geometry’s impact can be seen from Leonardo da Vinci’s famous Vitruvian Man to The Great Pyramids of Egypt. From microcosms like the shell of a nautilus, to macrocosms as large as the Milky Way, everywhere, everyone, and everything is guided by the laws of sacred geometry.

Every organism is formed and organized by the mathematical law known as The Golden Mean. The Golden Mean (aka. Phi or the Golden Ratio), is the blueprint that governs every organism’s ability to divide and subdivide. For example, a fertilized egg will go through mitosis; dividing and subdividing itself billions of times until eventually forming a human body. In tattooing, the combination of geometrical symmetry, with 22


our own biological symmetry, creates a result that is impactful both visually and metaphysically. ABOUT DILLON FORTE World-renowned artist, Dillon Forte, is recognized primarily for his contemporary style of Sacred Geometry in tattooing. World traveler and California native, born February 1987, Forte has since dedicated his life to the pursuit of excellence in his craft. He believes in viewing the body as a whole, and creates harmonious designs to flow seamlessly with the skin. His projects include fine art photography, painting, fashion and tech design. Forte has been featured in various magazines, books, editorials, and art exhibitions worldwide. Please follow his social media for current updates. "My work is dedicated to the sacred geometric nature of existence. It is my belief that through geometry we can gain a greater awareness of the true meaning of life. From the microcosm to the macrocosm, there are mathematical relationships that underlie the fundamental structure of our universe. The purpose of this work is to illuminate these mysteries."- Dillon Forte


g n i s s e r De-St essful World in a Str

There is no doubt in my mind that time has been secretly speeding up all around us. The universe seems to be creating this time warp that is bringing us from each point to the ne t with seemingly less and less minutes and hours to process and respond appropriately in many situations. This causes us to react instead of respond, which as we well know adds stress to already stressful or rushed situations. eactions are not just what we say or what we do in these responses, but they are also the body’s physical ways we respond to stress. This is called the “ ght or ight” response. In times of real or perceived stress, we produce more cortisol to help us respond to the stressful moment and this comes with a host of additional negative health e ects.

In this time of warp-speed life we need to remember to stop and take a pause. Often In this time of warp speed life we need to remember to stop and take a pause. en. There are certain things we can do to help lessen the trauma of the stress response on us, physically or emotionally. We need to remember to step back and breathe before we react in the moment. There are 3 phases to the stress response: 1. Alarm phase the body has a high and uick response to a real or perceived threat. Stress hormones are released and this causes the heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar to rise. ur aim is to respond to the body’s alarm so we can de ect or deal with the stressor appropriately. 2. Resistance phase a er the stressor is managed, the body begins to reduce the stress hormones and subse uent physiological changes. If the stressorremains, the body will stay on high alert leading to other negative side e ects. 3. Exhaustion phase a er prolonged ght or ight responses the body becomes depleted of all its energy to ght any additional incoming stressors. 24


By Susan Macknin The e haustion phase leads to chronic illness, an iety, depression, or other health conditions. The body simply has no power to protect itself. What are some healthier ways to manage chronic stress learn to stop and pause before responding start a meditation practice yoga, e ercise, tai chi move and calm the energy eld ~ learn your stress triggers know your limits Learn to say “no” and set healthier boundaries increase self care do what makes you feel better and rela more ~ energy healing sessions to release and repair how the body holds onto stress therapy or coaching sessions to learn better ways to cope and respond Susan Macknin is a Registered Nurse and Energy Medicine Practitioner. She helps those in physical, emotional or spiritual turmoil by transforming their self-limiting beliefs and stressors. Susan looks forward to helping her clients heal and find inner peace. Contact: susanmacknin@gmail.com 561-445-4878 BalancedWellness.net

It’s well known that having a high vibration is important not just for your wellbeing, but for manifesting what you want in your life.

voice depicts joy because you tend to use higher vibration words and phrases. It feels like you are in the ow of life, and serendipity is always in your corner.

But how do you maintain “good vibes,” particularly in the face of disturbing life events

Energy Neutral is right in between these two states, where nothing really e cites or moves you.

ow can you allow the events of your life unfold without clinging to a particular outcome ow can you hold space for your loved ones and not take their story personally I grew up in a chaotic household. My family and I endured a lot of trauma. I have a very sensitive nature and I reali ed that I can easily become emotionally overwhelmed by the pain of others. I would tend to live hours of my life in a low vibe and poor energy state, resisting dealing with my own pain. Today I understand resistance is a tremendous waste of energy and a crucial part of ge ng through su ering. nce I became a doctor and my work involved being able to sit with the pain of others, I reali ed it was time to take my power back and come up with a solution that will allow me to keep my vibes high and my energy rich. This doesn’t mean I don’t have negative moments, but when I do, I know what to do to pick myself back up and change the trajectory of my life. I am oin to de ne the ibe as your ener etic uality. our ener etic uality is de ned as your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual state. our energetic uality can be broken down into three categories: • Energy Poor • Energy Neutral • Energy Rich Energy Poor is when you are feeling down, your tone is low or irritated, and your facial e pression depicts emotions such as sadness, anger, fear or grief. our posture shows rounded shoulders and back, forward head and tense shoulders. our body language is guarded, with legs or arms crossed. n the other hand, Energy ich is when you are e cited, you have a big smile on your face, your eyes are sparking with joy and your posture is straight or e tended, your arms are open and your shoulders are back. our tone of 26


ust by paying close attention to facial e pression, posture, body language, tone of voice and choice of words you can immediately understand the energetic uality of the people around you. So how can we maintain a good vibe that in uences us and others in a positive manner • Awareness cknowledge • Acceptance ction Awareness ou must know that you are not your thoughts or stories you are the awareness behind the thoughts and stories. Watching yourself as the thoughts and emotions move through you will help you not allow negative thoughts to take you on a journey. ckno ledge Through the act of acknowledging we give ourselves the permission to feel and heal our emotions. Most of us cope through avoiding our pain and feelings, which in turn locks that energetic e perience into our physical body, resulting in physical pain and symptoms. owever, by giving ourselves the permission to feel and acknowledge our emotions, we allow for these emotions to move and be processed, which is crucial to healing.

By Dr. Tara Rasta Acceptance ccepting our state of being allows us to witness and e perience the events of our life that create mental and emotional impressions to simply move through us. We drop our resistance and allow the emotions to pass instead of resisting the in uence of the event in an attempt to stop it from passing through our body. Whatever event you are experiencing, it will have to pass through your psyche and body like ripples through water, instead of struggling with the e perience of the event and wearing yourself out. esistance is an incredible waste of ener y and leads to a poor ener y state of bein .

the energetic and emotional blockages that occurred in their body as a result of accumulated resistance to events. When blocked energies and emotions become stuck in your body and spine, it signi cantly in uences your posture. Which is why you can always guess the health and emotional state of people by the way they hold their bodies. ur body holds the secrets of our life and only when these blocked energies are released, can we truly e perience freedom and joy of life. s long as we keep on resisting, we keep on accumulating and locking these e periences into our body.

Watching yourself as the thoughts and emotions move through you will help you not allow negative thoughts take you on a journey

As the person learns strategies to release these past energetic accumulations, the ow occurs and they become much more adaptable to stressors of their life. I incorporate di erent types of breath work, movement, and gentle touch along the spine to help the individual release their resistance.

ction Practicing techni ues and e ercises that allow our energy to ow instead of becoming blocked can tremendously help us keep our vibes high and our Energy Rich. For most of us, we learned to resist events that happened in our life, which is similar to trying to stop the ripples caused by a stone that was dropped into a still lake. When you resist, the energy has no place to go and gets stuck in your psyche or body. It causes you to feel less vibrant and be in a poor ener y state. As these energies accumulate you can become so blocked that you are either going to e perience severe physical symptoms, completely shut down, feel depressed, or become an ious. et ork Spinal Analysis is a somatic chiropractic techni ue I use in my o ce to help patients release

s you learn to let each moment of each day to pass through, you will feel tremendous amount of energy available to you. I learned that our lives aren’t dependent on big events, but rather small decisions on a day to day basis that can shi our behavior and allow us to be more aligned with the purpose of our soul.

If Qi is Not Captured, Acupuncture has No Point Understanding Qi and working with its full potential By Robin Summer What is i i pronounced “chee” is the mysterious force that links spirit and substance. For purposes of this discussion there are two di erent kinds of i: osmic i and a uman i. The osmic i encompasses all matter. The uman i is what makes us move, breathe and remain alive. i represents the energy ow eld in the human body and is the underlining principle in acupuncture theories and treatments. i has four activities: ascension, descension, entering and e iting. i moves in every organ, vessel, tissue and meridian in the body. If the i is obstructed inside the body, a person will become weak. If the i is out of balance a person will become ill. In other words, the proper balance of i determines the wellness and vitality of a person. “ ure of the disease is impossible without the application of the right needle ” according to the ellow Emperor Book of cupuncture, hapter The right needle is obviously an important link in achieving the ma imum e ectiveness of acupuncture. eedles constructed with components that are not electrically conductive, such as plastic handle or a silicone coated needle body, will diminish the ability of a needle to induce the i sensation. To ma imi e the e ectiveness of acupuncture and the ow of i, it is imperative to use a needle that is constructed completely of metal. The needle is the only tool for the treatment of the patient and the goal is to capture the i for the treatment to be successful. i needs to balance to have good health. andling the imbalance with acupuncture is common. This can avoid many illnesses. ou can have too little i and too much i. Pollution plays a major factor: polluted air and water can stress your system and create imbalance. 28


cupuncture is considered essential to health because it stimulates the ow of i energy and allows for smooth movement of energy in the body. For improved mood, improved body function and increased energy, acupuncture is a safe alternative to drugs. nd if you su er from pain, it’s worth it for the same reasons. Dr. Robin Roemer Brown is a Board Certified in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. She has practiced since 1997 here in California. She has been inducted as a member into the Continental Who’s Who registry of professionals and executives who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and achievement in their profession. She is listed in Top Doctor 2018-19. She has also studied, Naturology, Reiki, and Spirituality. She can be reached at 714-840-4900 for appointments in Long Beach, CA and Orange County. Bring this Ad for a free treatment toward any package.

Welcome to the

Mystery School:


The Path of the

ByShauna Kossoff

I am a certi ed guide for the Modern Mystery School. I o en get asked “What can the School actually do for me ” r, “Where can I start, and what happens ne t ” The beautiful part of where to start is that you already have ust being curious, wanting more out of your own spiritual practice, and wanting a path to get you there, is the perfect place to start. If you are a naturally curious person who wants a deeper understanding of the life you lead and the world around you, the Modern Mystery School can help.

We will set up a meeting to discuss what your spiritual needs are and what you want to achieve. From there, you will not be alone To begin you will need to select a erti ed Guide, like myself, or one located near you. r, you can look at the number of classes we o er and attend one. nce you decide to begin your journey with us, we will set up a meeting to discuss what your spiritual needs are and what you want to achieve. From there, you will not be alone. s a erti ed Guide for the Modern Mystery School, I have helped many people on their path to enlightenment, and am very capable of taking your through all the steps. ou’ll also gain a new tribe of like minded people who are on the same journey as you are. The path of the initiate is individuali ed for you, but there are some main steps you should take in order to get the most out of your journey with the Modern Mystery School. n ideal place to begin is a Life ctivation with a erti ed Guide. This is a 22 strand activation that awakens your whole being. e t, you can schedule your Empower Thyself class and Initiation. In this, you are making a commitment to yourself and your spiritual journey. Empower Thyself is a two day

class teaching you about the Modern Mystery School and its ancient and new teachings. ou end the two days, with you becoming an initiate, that opens the doors too many new adventures. er your Life ctivation, Empower Thyself, Initiation, and you take some preliminary classes that are chocked full of information, you are eligible to go to ealer’s cademy. The ealer’s cademy is a ve day certi cation course that gives you the skills to help your e isting spiritual business or the skills to start your own The intriguing thing about the School is that there are so many Paths to choose from There are classes in ealing, abbalah, Sacred Geometry, lchemy, and much more each out to me today, to start your own path to enlightenment. For a free consultation and Chakra Balancing, mention this article in Radiance and call 951-440-6938 or go to ShaunaKossof@gmail.com. Join me Mondays at 7:00PM at HeartSpace in Irvine for a by-donation Max Meditation Systems TM. JUNE-JULY 2019


My name is Shaman Isabella and I am here to welcome you home to yourself and your connection to in nite love and wisdom. There is a vibration that is uni ue to you and this vibration connects to the mother, whether you know her as Gaia, Pachamama or Earth. Somewhere along the way we gave up this connection we forgot. We gave our power away and allowed material things to control us. But we are in a time of great awakening and discovery. ow is the time to focus on that which truly matters, ourselves. Many years ago, I was lost to addiction. I allowed people, places and things to control me. Giving my power away to drugs was a way of life and I was lost. In 1991, I found myself and began a path of consciousness. I worked on my thoughts and behaviors. Even though I only had a th grade education, I did everything I could to grow. t the age of 31, pregnant with my youngest child, I went back to school. Finally earning my ssociates, Bachelors, and then Masters degree. But, even with all these accomplishments, I didn’t feel truly connected, so I began seeking spirituality.

Discover the Healer Within

We have looked outside of ourselves for the meaning of life or why we exist for centuries.

Photo by Starla Fortunato

In ay, a er knowin Shaman Isabella for a li le over two years, I nally received my rst channeled messa e and healin , which was e traordinary. hy did we wait so lon to do this? I asked her. ecause you weren’t ready, she replied. he was ri ht. I hadn’t sou ht her out for that very reason. he timin wasn’t ri ht. he teacher or the healer will appear when you are ready. If you resonate with Isabella, reach out and connect with her. ou’ll be lad you did. co are, ditor “Listen with your heart, Feel with your mind.” – Good Vibes Cards 30


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Seeking spirituality has been a notion man has had since the beginning of time. The truth is, everything we are looking for, e ists within. We have always had it we have just forgotten where to look.

In 2 , I had my rst Shaman energy healing. My mother was in a home with dementia and had been for a year and a half, with no end in sight. I had been in a relationship that was going nowhere and although I had accomplished a great many things, I still felt very stuck in my life. ne day, while lying in my mother’s bed in the home, I asked her, “What will I ever do without you ” er meaningful response was, “Everything you need you had all along.” I called an old friend and she told me she was working with lberto illoldo and the Four Winds Society. She said I needed an over the phone healing. I remember saying, “ ver the phone ow can that possibly work ”

Peru 2017

She replied, “ ou believe in energy don’t you Energy works wherever you are.” I was so desperate I gave it a go.

a er years of doing this work, seeing what I have seen and knowing who I am, I can honestly say this is what I was born to do.

ou see, my mother had come to me in a waking dream and asked me to get her out of there. The dream was so real to me. I remember telling her, “ ow can I get you out of there when I can’t get myself out of here ”

The traumas I endured make sense now. They happened so I could help others heal and come back home to themselves in a whole new way.

I waited an iously for the healing a month later. When I nally spoke to my Shaman in hile, she told me I had a past life with my mom and we had a contract that needed to be broken. I was so afraid I would never see her again. Somewhere deep inside me, I knew in order for us both to grow, I had to let her go. I am so grateful that healing allowed my mother to transition peacefully soon a er. There were many more incredible healings that took place from that moment on. In 2007, I began to study, but not to become a Shaman. I did it to nd those lost pieces of myself, the disconnected, misplaced and unseen parts I’d longed for.

Everything that has ever happened to us creates a memory imprint on our light-body When I opened my home as the range ounty ealing Center in 2009, I had no idea of the magic that would take place, the people I would help, the traveling I would e perience and the life I would get to live. I am forever grateful to myself for the journey I have taken. The e periences I’ve had make me who I am today. In the beginning it was di cult to call myself a Shaman. Who was I to claim a sacred, ancient, indigenous rite But

The traumas I endured make sense now ne of the more profound healings I give assists those who have passed on release old issues and evolve as a soul. Many times, when clients come in with a particular problem, we can track it back to an ancestral pattern. I can sometimes see the family member that is still attached. Together we clear armic patterns and help loved ones ascend. This techni ue is such an honor for as we know, each healing goes generations up and generations down. nce we clear at this level my clients feel lighter and more connected to themselves. Each time this happens it still ama es me. It is a true gi . Everything that has ever happened to us creates a memory imprint on our light body and that imprint a ects our daily lives. ntil we clear those issues, we will continue attracting and creating the same trauma over and over in di erent ways. This year marks my 1 th anniversary as a Shaman in this lifetime. I am grateful to be able guide you home to yourself and back to the Mother. What I’ve learned is when we meditate in our heart space, tone and connect to the Earth we can bring ourselves home. E

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Something to do for yourself right now… There are many ways to connect to the Earth for grounding and creating a state of bliss. ne is to sit in the grass with your shoes o or even to just stand there and hum tone. If you do not have grass, visuali e it. Place your hands on your heart and breathe in the beauty of who you are. Feel the tone of your humming in your chest. Try M and h and EE. I channeled an activation called The rystal Star Lite Rites in 2011. I do this along with other ancient healing techni ues when a client has a deep wound and a missing piece of their light. I’ve been teaching this in my healer trainings and found it to have ama ing results. isuali e the center of the Earth as a giant crystal and connect to that light. Feel it lling your body with the light. This is your divine rite to be on the planet at this time in the full e pression of Who ou re. se this crystal light to illuminate your entire body, sending the energy up so it shoots out of your rown hakra though your higher self and into the stars. onnect to your highest star even if you do not know which star that is), feel what is the highest light for you and download more of your own light here. llow this light to go down into the crystal and back up again. s you do this, call yourself back to yourself. Say, “I claim all of my energy back to me now, clean and clear, I release all energies that are not mine to the light.” Then trust that it is done.

When you feel complete, disconnect from the crystal and bring this new light energy into your solar ple us and say, “I trust my gut, my inner wisdom.” Then disconnect from the star and say, “I trust myself.” ow move some of this clear energy into your heart, for when you always come from a place of love for yourself rst, these two intuitive centers grow. This is a journey. Enjoy the ride of self e ploration. Each day look for what is working, instead of focusing on what is not. Find those missing pieces and connect to the Earth, for she is your Mother and will always support you. By discovering the healer within, you will feel more connected to Pachamama, the animal kingdom, the plant world and the vibration of life all around you. onnect as o en as possible and go within. Become one with yourself and live life to the fullest. ll we need lives within our own heartbeat and that heartbeat is connected to our mother, Mother Earth. By le ng go of our old ideas and keeping our vibration high, we will e perience a true connection, not only to ourselves, but the world around us. If you would like to learn more please visit my website, ouTube channel, Facebook and Instagram. ou will nd free healing content on these pla orms. ommunity res and classes at the range ounty ealing enter are another way to connect with me and your Tribe.

Activation Peru 2015



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Greece 2018

ecently, I published my life story entitled WIL . It is an page book of what I went through before Shamanism. I am o ering it as a F EE download to adiance readers. Please feel free to pass it on. My daughter Victoria and I created the Good Vibes positive a rmation cards. Pulling a card a day helps you connect to your intuitive nature. These cards contain a instruction booklet with messages and 3 action steps for each card. These steps are meant to help one discover themselves in a whole new way.

If you would like me to travel to your area and speak, I offer ceremony, land clearings and more. Spirit has led me to o er Good ibes Gatherings all over the world. heck the back inside cover of this maga ine to see where I will be through 2 2 . My mission is to continue to create community wherever I go. My gi is teaching you how to connect to your heart, your path, your light and the earth. Follow Me: Become a member of the Tribe info@orangecountyhealingcenter.com Live feeds, videos and positive messages YouTube-Facebook-Instagram Shaman Isabella Stoloff For more blogs, radios shows and articles: www.orangecountyhealingcenter.com

England 2016


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Severe Accident Leads to Unique Distant Healing Ability Michael Mohoric discovered he was blessed with a gi for distant energy healing a er recovering from a severe spinal cord injury. er surgery to remove disks and pieces of vertebrae that pushed deep into the spinal cord, the neurosurgeon said he might never walk again. e lost most of the use of his arms and legs and was facing life as a uadriplegic. Soon a er surgery, he felt a powerful energy coursing through his body and knew it was there to help him heal. e then entered into a profound state of unity consciousness that lasted several months. e could see this vast energy eld that connected everything, and space was lled with love. Even though he spent many years meditating and doing various practices, none of the previous e periences came close to this incredible sense of peace, love, joy, and gratitude. e then spent several challenging years before being able to walk fairly normal again. For many years Michael practiced meditation, yoga, and igong. e started studying igong in 1 when e periencing some health issues. igong is an ancient healing method well known in hina. e was fortunate to nd his teacher, Tibetan igong Master iSheng Wang, who now resides in Tibet. Master Wang was an incredible healer and would go to Tibet and transmit energy to di erent groups of people in di erent cities. The energy was as powerful as when doing the healing in person. Michael had studied di erent healing modalities for self healing but hadn’t considered doing healing for others. er recovery, he intuitively felt guided to try some healing work and started working with friends, and they reported their health improved. e then tried distant healing and got great results.

e now works with people all over the world to help them overcome illness, pain, stress, an iety, insomnia, and achieve optimal health. The sessions work on all levels, mental, physical, emotional, and helps heal chakras. e also does animal healing for dogs, cats, horses, birds, wild animals, and has donated his healing sessions to animal shelters around the country. e developed a uni ue system called Energetic Feng Shui, that balances, clears, and harmoni es the energy in a home or business. Practitioners of the ancient method of Feng Shui believe the positive or negative energy in your home can a ect all areas of life, health, wealth, and relationships. e found adding the Feng Shui to the distant healing sessions greatly enhanced people’s healing. Most people are skeptical about distant healing, but Michael has thousands of testimonials how this distant healing has helped them heal many serious ailments. e has over 1, endorsements on Linkedin, many from professionals in the health care eld. e has 23 , Facebook Followers and thousands of people have le positive posts about how this work has transformed their lives. r. Benoir M has reviewed do ens of studies that show the e ectiveness of distant healing. Some scientists now recogni e what mystics from many traditions have said for millennia, that we are all connected and not separate. Michael is the former Secretary of the International Tibetan Qigong Assoc. and was invited and conducted a distant healing for the attendees at the 13th World Congress on Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Go to the website for information and contact. https://www.QigongEnergyHealing.com

A Lifestyle Transformation Saved Her Life By Sandy Chasteen s the airplane descended on to the shores of ahu, my body started to shake and tremble. My heart began racing and I was sweating profusely. Panic swept over me. My family looked at me in shock and helplessness, as I began to sob uncontrollably in my seat. We had just spent a week long vacation on the Big Island and were now simply transferring from one island to the other along the awaiian chain what was happening to me Why was my body responding this way Well, I now know it was a Post Traumatic Stress isorder PTS episode. Five years ago, I was introduced to doTE essential oils through the romatouch Techni ue. girl that I met at a networking event o ered to come over to my home on my birthday, and to share this e perience. It’s the clinical, therapeutic application of di erent essential oils and blends, that work synergistically to help the body ground, rela , boost the immune system, promote a healthy in ammatory response, and create a higher level of homeostasis. t the end of the e perience, I thought to myself, “Wow, that was the lamest “massage” ever ” But it wasn’t “a massage.” It was a very speci c way to topically apply a large dose of oils to trigger healing in the body. nd it did just that When I sat up on the table, I was ooded with a series of memories from various points in my life, like a super fast slide show. I didn’t 38


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reali e what had happened at the time, but I intuitively knew at that moment that I wanted to incorporate this modality in to my holistic health coaching practice. I felt an overwhelming compunction to create a holistic community. I launched my doTE business and also created a group called “Lunch Bunch” where we casually meet monthly to connect and learn from each other. I had no idea the journey that was in store for me, and how these concepts would merge for my personal healing. My husband, daughter, and I lived on ahu for three years while I was stationed at ickam ir Force Base from 1 2 1. There were a series of traumatic circumstances and events that our family e perienced during that time. While this series of events occurred about 2 years ago, my body “remembered” and was le ng ME know that I still had trauma to release. Sometimes a sight, sound, smell or visiting the location of a trauma can set o a PTS episode. pparently, I had done such a fabulous job compartmentali ing the e treme trauma I e perienced, that it remained just below the surface of my current awareness for 2 years. It was now time to become fully aware of and release the core triggers. nd so, my healing journey continued. My entire family had already overcome a wide variety of serious health challenges. I felt like, just when I thought everything was smooth sailing this came out of nowhere to deal with. Ugh. I now understand that it was my

daily use of essential oils that helped these memories emerge from their concealed status. blessing, because I am now releasing mountains of pent up trauma, but it is also a delicate process that is o en di cult to navigate. In the past, pharmaceuticals and anti depressants were not a positive t for me. I was actually a pharmaceutical sales rep before I became a holistic health coach, so knew the ins and outs of many types of medications. But for me, I was one of the many that within days of beginning the medication, I e perienced the overwhelming desire to literally plow my S into a nearby lake. The suicidal urges were severe and seemingly Here are some of the amazing souls I collaborate with. insurmountable. I had to nd other options before I became a statistic. nd those statistics as we all know are staggering. ur nation I wasn’t using the right oil faces epidemic proportions of suicides and opioid combinations to handle my PTSD overdoses I knew that wasn’t a solution for me.

I experienced the overwhelming desire to literally plow my SUV into a nearby lake. The suicidal urges were severe and seemingly insurmountable. I had to find other options before I became a statistic ur week’s vacation on ahu was horri c for me. The panic attacks continued, gaining intensity as we passed di erent locations on the island that held memories. Flashbacks ensued. ight sweats. There were hours spent locked in the bathroom where I sat in the tub rocking back and forth sobbing while my family sat not knowing how to help. There were moments where I was thrown in to full panic attack mode without warning. I burst in to tears in public places with no tangible reason. I was totally unprepared for that e perience. ur family is overall pretty healthy I have perfect bloodwork and have helped others for a living, for crying out loud I was embarrassed and stunned that I did not have the right tools with me to nd balance at that moment. But when I got home, I got to work.

I dove in to a variety of holistic modalities that I knew about through my work as a holistic health coach. I lead a monthly networking group called “Lunch Bunch” where we gather monthly to connect, collaborate, and support each other. So I simply tapped into the practitioners that I knew and trusted, and engaged in an entire program of healing myself. I modi ed my nutritional supplementation regime to ensure my gut could create hormones that my body needed. I lead a large doTE team, and I teach classes in basic oils application and lifestyle transformation including a class on emotions , but I wasn’t using the right oil combinations to handle my PTS . ow I know e actly which ones to use, and I do so on a daily basis with great success I returned to meditating and began practicing undalini yoga. The intense breathwork patterns were e tremely helpful in releasing deeply pent up grief and other tucked emotions and trauma. I e perienced powerful healing sessions with Emotion ode, Emotional Freedom Techni ue, energetic healing, and hypnotherapy to access and release the buried trauma. It worked Now, two years later, memory fragments from my military e periences still emerge periodically for release, but I now understand where some of the more traumatic memories are coming from. I have an entire team of holistic


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professionals with amazing skill sets that have partnered with me on this new path of wellness. I have tools. I know what to do. It is e tremely empowering. I still e perience short bursts of trauma release, but am able to uickly turn the situation around to clear the trigger, and move forward without the use of addictive pharmaceuticals . s an added bonus, my spiritual practices are rmly rooted, giving me new direction and purpose. There’s LOTS more to this story. I now know why these memories were hidden from me for so long (that’s a whole di erent article . It has been a fascinating journey of discovery, awakening and alignment for my soul’s purpose and what I am creating here. I love my life and serving others to heal and awaken along their own individual soul’s path. My core message to anyone and everyone su ering from any form of an iety, depression, and PTS and beyond is there are S many modalities available to us I now use essential oils as my main modality to help people reduce their dependency on pharmaceuticals and nd balance. My “currency” in the holistic community is o ering the romatouch Techni ue. I highly encourage a well rounded approach including other holistic modalities to help bring lasting balance to the body, mind, and spirit. Peace, well being, and balance really can be achieved I am living proof. nd now I passionately share these insights and resources with anyone in need. I invite anyone ready to take a step forward to reach out to me for a complimentary Wellness onsult where I can share my insights with you we can look at the options I am well versed in, and then I can guide you through modalities that my network of healers can support you in. ou can meet us in person by joining us at our Lunch Bunch gatherings I facilitate this group, where each attendee gets two minutes to share their modality and programs o ered over a pot luck lunch. erwards, we



share ra es and even trade services via a “Treasure hest” that I provide where practitioners are able to place products and services “in” and “take out” other practitioners’ products, services and essential oils, of course in trade. I am so thankful and grateful that Spirit guided me to create this group it has been such a blessing in my healing journey. I hope it serves your journey as well amaste. Sandy Chasteen is a holistic health coach that has overcome many health challenges during her own personal journey and is now focused on helping others overcome anxiety, depression and PTSD, decreasing their dependency on pharmaceuticals. She leads a large doTERRA essential oils team and is an instructor for the doTERRA Aromatouch Technique. She offers a variety of classes throughout OC and via Zoom each month. She also leads a monthly networking group called “Lunch Bunch” where holistic practitioners gather to connect, collaborate and share resources; they meet the third Friday of each month at BOTI Studios in Anaheim from 11-1:30. She can be reached at (949) 439-7759 and can be found on IG, FB and www.sandychasteen.com. Join her oils education page on FB: “Sharing Essential Health” where she shares tools, resources & promotes events to help people move forward towards physical, emotional and financial wellness. Contact Sandy to set up a complimentary Wellness Consult to help you find natural solutions to live your best life!



You Deserve the Purest Path By Dr. Corinna Ferrandino

Many people do not understand that a doctor doesn’t heal you she assists the body’s natural ability to heal itself. If your doctor bandages a wound, she did not heal you. She allowed the body’s natural healing capacitiy to take hold and engage. aturopathic doctors go a step further and take a holistic approach they start by determining how can the totality of the body, mind and spirit of my patient heal them in the most natural way possible? This is not to say that acute medical care is not important it is, and we are grateful to those doctors who take care of us in those situations. But in an age of more people ge ng more sick just from being in a hospital catching viruses or bacterial infections, or even dying from being given the incorrect pharmaceutical or in the wrong doses, more people are looking to the natural healing processes that have helped heal our bodies naturally for thousands of years. ur body can heal naturally. It uses its own energy and innate healing power to do so. Most people today carry, unbeknownst to them, either some acute or chronic imbalances in their body, in their cells, and in their . These may be hereditary. It could also be caused by improper diet, which may not be optimal for our body, such as unhealthy fats, too much sugar, or an e posure to to ins through the environment, by food, water, emotional mental stresses with repressed and unprocessed emotions, and or a stressful lifestyle. These di erent forms of stresses create blockages in our body. These blockages are found rst in our energy eld, such as the aura, chakras, energy meridians, and acupressure points. Then blockages show up in our body and cells, and ultimately our , which lowers our immune system. These blockages may present themselves in many di erent kinds of symptoms, such as pain, dysfunction of 42


di erence organs, sluggish digestion, tiredness, lack of energy, foggy slowed thinking, allergies, and the inability to go to sleep or get up in the morning. ur vital energy, which is naturally designed to heal and release these imbalances, is overwhelmed with all these e ternal and internal in uences. In order to recreate balance and harmony in our body, it needs help. aturopathic holistic modalities such as homeopathy, applied kinesiology, and deto i cation are powerful allies for the body to help it in its natural process to regain its natural state and balance. pplied inesiology is an ancient method and a natural, noninvasive holistic approach used by a practitioner. The practitioner assesses the body on the physical, biochemical, mental emotional, and energetic levels to detect these imbalances and to correct them. For e ample, pplied inesiology can detect speci c de ciencies in our diet such as vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It can assess and determine which supplements we need, what speci c dose is re uired, and for how long they are needed. long with all of this, it can also detect speci c to icities in our body such as heavy metals, candida overgrowth, or parasites. Through this ancient method our neurotransmitters of the brain and our hormones can be rebalanced.

She found a consistent way to control anger, learned how to become upset less easily, released the feeling of being in constant anxiety, and got relief from daytime sleepiness. Amazing results pplied inesiology can address a large variety of health issues such as a weak immune system, food sensitivities, allergies, challenges with digestion, leaky gut, sugar metabolism, adrenal burnout, insomnia, headaches, pain, in ammation, brain health, cardiovascular health and nerve

to Health & Wellness —Naturopathic Care blockages. nce blockages have been removed and the body is placed into an optimal environment, the body can heal. In today’s environment our body accumulates to ins, and has been since we were born. ur body is overwhelmed in releasing these to ins. n Ion leanse eto i cation foot bath is a powerful ally for the body to assist and help in this process. To get a little technical, the soles of the feet are used as a “third kidney,” where positive and negative ions can travel inside the body, bind to to ins, and release them gently through our feet. One treatment will release as much as one year of to in accumulation.

months of deto i cation. She still continued the deto i cation for the total ve months, and the remedies got checked on a regular basis. What she admitted is that she feels healed now. nd this is just one e ample. What a wonder it is to know that it is possible to be able to heal in 3 to 5 months. It is possible for everyone to bring about better health, and to make better choices for a ful lling life.

Homeopathy is the third and also very important part of naturopathic holistic pathway of healing. This method of healing is over 200 years old and is based on the doctrine of ahnemann. It is an energy medicine and wonderment of healing that speci cally helps the vital force to heal any acute or chronic health condition. This healing occurs on a cellular level and in the . omeopathy also helps heal the soul. s this pathway is holistic, much more than just a speci c symptom of a health condition will be addressed. The naturopathic holistic pathway of healing honors and embraces the uni ueness of each person to be healed and brings about health and wellness on much deeper levels. I wanted to share an e perience a member of my family had: to say the least, she was surprised with the outcome. In about three months of treatment she acknowledged the success of lowering her blood pressure, that she found a consistent way to control anger, learned how to become upset less easily, released the feeling of being in constant an iety, and got relief from daytime sleepiness. ma ing results What we found was that she needed three di erent homeopathic remedies and a total of ve JUNE-JULY 2019










Life Is Too Short Not To Be Regressed By Leora Leon ecently, I was having a conversation with my brother about my upcoming Past Life egression Program in his home town in Florida. He was astonished at the number of people who were interested in having past life regressions. Making a joke, he came up with a brilliant phrase that really resonated with me: “Life is too short, not to be regressed.” I was immediately inspired and began to wonder why his sentence moved me so and what was it about it that stood out. Being a healer by nature erti ed Shaman and eiki Master , I began to assess why what he said rings so true. Why is life too short not to be regressed? Soon all the blanks began to ll in. My belief system, and that of many in my circle, asserts that each life here on the planet Earth does indeed use only a “short period of time” with one purpose: to raise our vibration. In doing so, we create a byproduct called “love,” which assists in balancing the multiverse. Since our main goal in coming here to Earth, our “incarnational purpose” is to elevate our e istence, by raising our vibration, past life regression is certainly one of the most e ective tools we have to help us learn how to raise our vibration. Past life regression helps release energy, or “incarnation shells,” which are the energy we incur with each life.

Past life regression helps release energy, or “incarnation shells,” which are the energy we incur with each life Throughout our physical e istence, or our earthly visitation, we create “incarnation shells” by developing energy through our actions. These shells remain with us until we begin to eliminate them during our awakening, o en in a later life. Theoretically, we start out in a low vibrational incarnation, possibly similar to a caveman, and when we reach a Gandhi like incarnation. We are winding down our earthly visitations. Somewhere in the middle of our time here, we begin to “wake up,” or begin to recogni e who we actually are: high vibrational beings. Through many reincarnations, we grow to the point 48


where we’ve learned all the lessons. We return home, again, to the Divine. s you might suspect, we are not alone. Many planets in the multiverse have been created for the purpose of creating love, which helps to balance the multiverse. ow do we release these “incarnation shells” We are constantly releasing them through dreams, meditations, healings, past life regression, and even in everyday life when we come upon unfamiliar thoughts or emotions in ourselves. ur true goal as humans is to live a high vibration life as rapidly as we can. This e uates to happiness. In my opinion, the best way to release past life energies is through past life regression. This is because you get to e perience the past life e istence rsthand. In summary, releasing past life energy creates both universal love and self love. It raises your vibration and e pedites your time here on earth as an incarnational being. Therefore, life really is too short not to be regressed! To schedule a remote reading with Leora or view the schedule of her classes visit leoraleon.com.



“Master e has a fantastic way leading and gently guiding you through where the body and emotional soul energy are showing blockages. e’s got this very gentle way, that I so appreciate, of holding a mirror up to the patterns and blockages that are there which helps you take a step back and have a new perspective on it that creates an awareness and an acceptance that allows you to heal and cleanse and you feel very upli ed . The e perience is eye opening and awakening.” elly Gordley

“I am not one who feels things immediately, but I have to say I don’t know what e is doing but he made me get into instant BLISS. All I was doing was si ng there with my eyes closed and feeling some of the patches’ energy. I didn’t even put them on me. I ended up giggling and laughing with such joy. e reminds me to be in gratitude. That is the single most important feeling and sensation anyone ever needs to live their life. It will change your life.” Teresa Shen

“I received a lot of healing on Saturday from e . So much that I needed to “ I can’t even sleep for hours describe I a erward. e was very helps a lot of dislocated, a people… When I lot of things met e , God were going on put him there, in my head, and it was a with my family. blessing. e I got a lot of really saved my clarity though life.” Patty e . I’ve had a Espinosa “I’ve lot of anxiety. e perienced lots Now I’m going of sexual to look at each trauma. I blessing. I just walked in here have all this from a very con dence stressful Things aren’t morning with the same. I feel lots of drama. much happier. I e could sense MASTER HEALER JEFF MAMORA look at things di erently.” that I had a lot of an iety. s soon as he placed his hands on me, it “Before I met e , I’ve been having a lot of traumatic disappeared, and I can’t thank him enough for that. feeling and pain in my heart. My husband passed With e I reali ed I have to continue working on away 2 years ago e calmed me down. e myself. There’s a lot of light and love coming into my brought a lot of healing to my heart. I was walking life and a lot of transformation. I feel like I’m a crooked I was out of balance and it was all due to stronger individual a er working with e I have the physical pain in my body.” structured myself I have grounded myself, and I Michelle olly Smith wasn’t able to before. Samantha



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A Woman’s Reflections of a Men’s Group Sometimes when we look back on something, it becomes sweeter, not because time smoothed the edges of what we e perienced, but because we reali e just how special it really was. few weeks ago, through the magic of the internet, I joined several beautiful souls at the Long Beach Healing Key “Sacred Masculine Group” for Men pictured with Scott Ware. It had been uite some time since I d sat in circle with men only. I wasn t sure of what to e pect, how I would be received, or what emotions would surface for me. It was a vulnerable time for me because a poem I had penned and was printed in the pril May issue of adiance was to be read out loud and re ected upon Choose a Woman Who Will Serve You Truth. It is a piece written for men by a woman who deeply respects and supports the Sacred Masculine. My e periences as a child and young woman do not speak to a healthy or even safe relationship with men, however, I have met the Mature Masculine over my lifetime, and believe that especially in this ge of uarius, it is most important we honor the archetypes of Magician, Warrior, Lover and ing in each and every man. Si ng at a virtual round table with the men in this group, it was reinforced for me that ordinary men lead revolutionary lives when they live through the heart, and this was uite evident in the searching, humble, yet powerful way these men chose to meet and learn from each other.

By Monika Carless

Men have their own language between each other. It s not so much in their words, it s in their being, the way their essence penetrates time and space. When men are in their integrity, onsciousness shi s. Between poetry, meditation, sharing and the sound of genuine laughter, I found that sharing my truth could be a healing and growing e perience for us all. Men have their own language between each other. It's not so much in their words, it's in their being, the way their essence penetrates time and space I think my initial nervousness was due to the fact I have o en been asked why a woman feels ade uate to write of men. s if I was appropriating something that was not mine to address. I do understand that sentiment, and empathi e with the sometime resentment I face. nd yet, I feel now more courageous to continue supporting the masculine with my words, a er having been invited to this sensitive meeting of beautiful souls. We are a er all, ne. he poem mentioned and many other inspirin , heart e pandin works can be found at monikacarless.com.

I felt in some moments that I was witnessing something uite private. The emotions and thoughts of people, these creatures who have lived through their own trials, who may have not felt safe in relationship with women at times, were willing to be raw and real with me in the room. That is the part which becomes sweeter as I re ect back. We are all so very human, men, women, although we present in di erent ways, and yet, so much more. In witnessing this group, and in being witnessed myself, we met soul to soul. E

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Hypnotherapist and Life Coach


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Spring into Your Summer Body with Zero Shame

Wrong, wrong and wrong Being unhealthy is T self love. voiding outdoor activities is T healthy. In most cases, a defense against rejection is the culprit. The most common reason for weight gain is overeating to s uash chronic low grade an iety or feelings of dread. In W is accepting oneself as fat a spiritual value, yet more and more of the time, I hear would be spiritual types hiding behind their enlightenment’ as a way to justify giving up. What is spiritual Self care. Loving oneself enough to participate in life. So, ask yourself this: o I love myself enough to move my body and feed it with love and respect

It’s easy to find motivation and enthusiasm when we reset our subconscious programming by Janna Colaco, C.Ht. Body image can be a sneaky, tricky thing. n the one hand, we want to be beautiful, t, and let’s be honest skinnier. n the other hand, aren’t we supposed to love our body as we are, lumps and all Isn’t it shallow to want physical beauty Is it not more spiritual to be totally self accepting regardless of our si e ertainly, beauty is more than skin deep. Pause for a moment and bring to mind someone you admire who is radiantly beautiful, yet on closer inspection, their beauty has nothing whatsoever to do with awless skin, boob si e, or perfect features. Where is their beauty coming from cheerful disposition, perhaps lightness of being, a sense of humor, an easy to be with a tude ould it be self esteem, being comfortable in their own skin Might these be the missing ingredients

“A good attitude isn’t enough! I want to LOOK GOOD!” our inner diva shrieks “ good a tude isn’t enough I want to L G ” our inner diva shrieks. an we have both es, yes and emphatically yes Let’s e amine our beliefs: Thinking Error 1: “I must love and accept my fat body; it’s what’s inside that counts.” 58


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Thinking Error 2: “It’s going to be hard. I’m going to feel exhausted and deprived.” That happened in the past. But in the subconscious mind, anything is possible. The preparation of healthy foods can be the best part of our day. E ercise can be re wired as something to look forward to. Motivation can be re wired to feel e hilarating. Thinking Error 3: “I have to give up carbs.” This is a societal collective belief. So is war, for that matter. ou don’t have to buy into the popular opinions of culture. Smell, see and taste a tangerine. arbs are meant to be eaten If you think they cause in ammation, well, they do if you believe they do. That’s how powerful your mind is. vercoming chronic, low grade an iety is the number one weight loss and beauty miracle. When an iety goes, we are more present, radiant and joyful. We are far more motivated to eat well and participate in life, and life truly belongs to those who participate. Janna Colaco, C.Ht., is a Transformational Hypnotherapist and Master Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator in private practice in Downtown Fullerton who has successfully helped people with the underlying causes of weight gain. You can reach Janna at (714)269-6908, or contact her through her website: mechanicsofgrace.com. Mention Radiance magazine for a free 30-minute consultation.






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