Radiance Magazine Oct-Nov 2019 The "Life is Magical" Issue

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The Life is Magical Issue A Magician Reveals Sacred Truths James Van Praagh Ignite Your Spark! Frances Greenspan Pet Co-Dependency Novel Excerpt: Love on Me ~ A Comedy about Sacred Union Oct-Nov Astrological Forecast

Crista Marie Miller Channeling the Magic

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THE PRACTICE OF MYSTICAL COMMUNICATION - CONNECT TO YOUR GUIDES, ANGELS AND SPIRITS Journey with me to the places forgotten by our modern culture. Meet your true Guides and Angels and other Spirits who are waiting to assist you on your mystical path. We will be embarking on a powerful quest to communicate with the other side through self knowledge and deep spiritual practices taught by mystics from multiple cultures and throughout the ages. From learning ancient Egyptian rites, the Dogan drums beats, Tibetan chanting, Ancestral and Extra-terrestrial communications, we will all have a true and profound knowing that the messages we receive are real and true. We will also work directly with incense, sound, and chanting to help us enter an altered state to create deep release. Our first class will be covering self protection, tools of the trade and self hypnosis. Final class will involve a special ritual and seance. The cost for all six weeks is $325 plus $30 supply fee and this includes 1 textbook and unique goodies. $150 deposit needed to secure spot Deadline to register November 1st Please bring a notebook and a journal as a communications log to class. 4

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Please make payment to PayPal mary@awokenlife.com, Square or by check to Mary McPherson Class Location in Dana Point, CA Address given after registration complete Call or text for more information and to RSVP 949.590.0454 Dates for 2019 are November 6th, 13th, 20th and December 4th, 11th, and 18th 6:30 to 8:30 pm for 6 weeks Mary McPherson is a master teacher who has been studying alternative practices such as meditation, herbal remedies and quantum theory since the 1980s. She spent many years as a chemical engineer while also pursuing knowledge in deep spiritual practices. In 1987 she was certified as a Motivational Coach and Meditation leader at the (Deepak) Chopra Center. She has studied many forms of mysticism, spirituality, hypnotism and holistic health with master teachers all over the world.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Living Life’s Magic by Reclaiming Your Divinity 9


The Magic of Being In Love 11

Precious Introspection— When Magic Reveals Itself 45

Are You Ready for a Magical Transformation? 13

Joe Dispenza – New Shows on Gaia! 46

Are We Codependent With Our Pets? 14


30 Your New Vision of Yourself Raises Your Vibration 22 Astrology Forecast 24 Stuck in the Binge-Watching Loop? 26

A Bhakti State of Mind 18 You Are Magical 19 3 Reasons You Need Reiki Insurance 20 Magical Thinking 21 6

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Natural Health and Wellness with Cannabis And CBD - Welcome to Haven 40 Holistic Healing for Military Veterans at No Cost 42

BePeaceLove—Our Separation is Illusion 12

Your Business Has a Soul AND a Message for You 15

5 Reasons to Attend the Mindfulness Expo 39

Theresa Bullard – More Mystery Teachings 48 Gregg Braden – Exploring the Deepest Truths on Gaia 49 When Pets Reincarnate 52 Novel Excerpt – Love On Me – A Comedy About Sacred Union 54

How Spirituality Will Disrupt the Political Landscape 28 Make Friends with Fear 29


Humility is the Real Strength 38


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Life is Magical, Thank You Very Much

I may not be able to make an elephant magically disappear, but I can make an invisible “elephant in the room” appear.

Like with the subject of life and death itself, which many are uncomfortable with. Part of the magic of life is learning to come to terms with its great mysteries, of being okay with occasionally stepping up to the edge of the chasm to peer inside... …and then seeing butterflies fly out. Or a white dove from a magician’s sleeve. It was magical when my interview with Crista Marie Miller (cover) started with her doing a personal intuitive reading on me that was so good, it was clear it would be better to print that, despite my discomfort with the vulnerability of it all... (Pg. 30) Or when I decided that publishing the first few chapters of my novel “Love on Me: A Comedy about Sacred Union” on page 54 would further demystify the spiritual community of SoCal for the curious and awakening, that was magical (or vanity—read and be the judge).


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Or when I came up with the magical theme of this issue in the first place (Psst, you should know his best ideas aren’t actually “his”—they’re channeled and inspired by a higher power – including the best parts of his novel.—Universal Editor-at-Large)… it “occurred” to me that finding an actual magician with spiritual leanings to write about real magic vs. fake magic would be awesome. (Pg. 13)

The best stage magic is unexpected and breathtaking, and life magic—although sometimes painful, let’s be honest—can shift our perspective on reality so profoundly that it changes how we view life forever. And that’s an essential part of this grand adventure, because after all, we didn’t come here to live a rerun. We came to be surprised and (mostly) delighted. The “elephant in the room” is that kind of magic is missed by many. What can we do to help? Keep love alive for ourselves, and the magic will radiate out in ways big and small. Namaste, Scott Ware Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

Living Life’s Magic by Reclaiming Your Divinity By Zulmara Maria

“We do not need magic to change the world. We carry all the power inside of ourselves already.” - J.K. Rowling, Harvard Commencement Speech Many of us are awakening to life’s magic and beginning to realize that within us we carry our own brand of the divine. It is truly a magical experience as you begin to listen to your divine self, that inner voice that lets you know that you are truly magnificent, incredible, fantastic and amazing. You know the one, the one that whispers sweet nothings in your ear and lets you know you are more than enough. As you reclaim your divinity and begin living as a conscious creator, you naturally engage in random acts of kindness, give back, pay it forward, and support those you love, those you have not even met, those who need your light, and those who are inspired by your soul’s purpose. It’s a really good way to live!

becomes beautiful, fantastic, heart filling, and soul-fulfilling. Reclaiming your divinity will also allow you to connect with others in a deeply profound way as you spread your Pixie Dust far and wide. Who are you touching with your life’s magic today? Who is going to feel the power of your love? Who is going to be uplifted by all that you have to offer? So go ahead and start spreading your magic today. The rewards are endless. For an exploratory session on strategies for Reclaiming Your Divinity email Zulmara Maria for a 30-minute free call at zulmaramaria@gmail.com.

Change Your Money Story

As we are remembering our true Selves, we bring forth the magic Understanding that you are divine in your own right leads to a life that is purpose-driven, meaningful, and abundant. As we are remembering our true Selves, we bring forth the magic in such a way that our dreams and our reality merge into one as we “imagine better.” We can magically imagine a better life, a better circumstance, a better way of being, a better way of knowing and watch it manifest before our eyes. When we forget our divine nature and find ourselves merely going from one activity to another, we often find ourselves feeling empty, drained, superficially happy, and casually content. At that point, we need to ensure that we connect with our divine selves and go deep within to remember and reignite our purpose, our value, our magic. When we reclaim our divinity, in our own way, in our own manner, in our own space, life

Special offer: $99 for Radiance Readers.



Email zulmaramaria@gmail.com. Please use Radiance Article in your subject line. OCT-NOV 2019 9

Let’s Go to the Fair!

2nd SATURDAY OF THE MONTH Holistic Health & Spiritual Fair at Learning Light Foundation 1212 E Lincoln Ave, Anaheim from 10-4PM 3rd SATURDAY OF THE MONTH The “Where Woo-Woo Meets Wellness” Faire At BOTI Studios 607 South Harbor Blvd, Anaheim from 11-5PM

LAST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH Holistic Faire At HeartSpace-School of Multidimensional Healing Arts & Sciences 18271 W McDurmott, Irvine from 11-5PM *SPECIAL SUNDAY FAIR* Sunday October 27 12-5pm Soul Fest at The Sanctuary Wellness Center & Yoga Studio 505 W 1st Street, Tustin from Noon-5PM

Psychic Healing Faire At Kindred Spirits 813 W Foothill Blvd, Claremont from 12-5PM

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Scott Ware Associate Editors Torin Lee Christa Marie Miller Gina Kegel

Graphic Design Mark Phillips Editorial Offices 11432 South St. Cerritos, CA 90703



Subscription Manager View online at radiancemagazine.org Tonya Fitzpatrick


OCT-NOV 2019

Published bi-monthly in print and online. All rights reserved. Radiance Multimedia and Radiance Magazine highlights transformational technology, cutting edge wellness products and services and holistic/spiritual practitioners who assist us in the expansion of our consciousness, our wellbeing, our mind-body-spirit connection. Radiance Magazine can be found in Wellness Centers, Health Food Stores, Yoga and Meditation Studios, Doctors’ Offices, Health Fairs, Coffeehouses, Metaphysical Stores, Spiritual Centers, and Music and Food Festivals. Radiance Multimedia and Radiance Magazine and its owners do not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and advertisers and are not necessarily endorsed or verified by us. Enjoy the experience of your self-exploration and expansion.

Are You Ready for a Magical Transformation? By Clinton Combs, Magician, Mentalist A Magician is someone who lives in the doorway between two worlds: between the world of the mundane and the world of the sacred. I inhabit this space, as well as the space between the world of performance magic and the world of metaphysical magic.

The magic I perform is metaphysical magic. My aim is to connect people and remind my participants of dreams long forgotten. In this role, I act as a shaman. I serve as a tour guide to a world of metaphors, to help my participants interpret life and bodily experiences in a way that speaks to them.

In party atmosphere, I do quick upbeat readings designed to remind the participants of ambitions that once inspired them, but that they have, over the course of time, forgotten. During these readings the party attendees start to quickly share special parts of themselves—things they normally wouldn’t bring up at a party. My intent is to awaken and inspire them to reconnect with dreams that once gave them vitality. Socially, by doing readings for small groups, the participants get to know each other in a way that is rare at parties. Since we get much deeper than small talk, even the introverts don’t mind sharing.

To the extent that I use magician techniques of deception, I do it as sacred deception. That is, I use these techniques not to merely deceive, but to break through the mundane world and quickly move my participants into a receptive mindset, where they are ready for real inspiration and true transformation.

I also find great joy in performing a full evening show. In our show, the metaphysical magic that I do is interwoven with the “soft words” poetry of my wife, Delores Combs. Her poetry serves as a recurring reminder that what is important isn’t so much knowing, as it is about the heart and connecting. Here is a sample of her work:

To the extent that I use magician techniques of deception, I do it as sacred deception But there is another sense in which I operate in two worlds. Metaphysics itself means two seemingly distinct things. New age metaphysics is seemingly quite distinct form the academic metaphysics, but when one looks deeper, one sees that despite quite important differences, they both share a common goal: accounting for mundane experiences in terms of something deeper. Having studied both varieties, I stand between both of these worlds as well. There is no “patter” in my show. I mean what I say. And, what I say has meaning.

A friend of mine told me that memory is nothing but white hair on the heart. Memories… I remember holding hands at dinner, locking eyes across the table in a crowded room, and the fear of becoming faint from the tenderness that I saw there… I remember passing up dessert, rushing to the car, rushing home to love… I remembered that I allowed my heart to succumb to you…

I have two preferred performance styles: parties and shows.

More information can be found at: TheMagicBetweenUs.com or by calling 909-328-8245

I am a performance magician, and am a member of the world-famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, California.

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BePeaceLove – Our Separation is Only an Illusion

Darlene Cannon is a published author of “Dollygal, Peacock and the Serpent,” the first in a series of mystical fantasy books that inspire readers of all ages to be the best they can be... by simply being themselves. She also creates real-life possibilities beyond conventional medicine as a Professional Care Maven who rehabilitates those labeled “disabled” to live extraordinary lives beyond conventional prescriptions using natural healing therapies, massage, counseling, energy work and life-skills facilitation. What is the story of Dollygal? Dollygal is the opposite of what she thinks she’s supposed to be in the world—she doesn’t fit in. She’ll play in the garden, for instance, where things come alive that don’t normally come alive for most people, and gets reprimanded by her brother the Serpent for not being normal. But Dollygal is having an awakening of her gift. She’s a powerful force, and because of her example, Peacock and Serpent learn to believe in themselves like she does. What is her gift? Her gift is to be able to see the world and the people in a higher light than others can. She helps everyone come along to their higher levels. Elevation for everyone is the theme. In the third book, “Return of the Extraordinary” it shows people living in that with mind, body and spirit. What inspired you write these? I’m a spiritual person, so I give total credit to Spirit. I’m a great storyteller, and I believe when it comes through me this way, it speaks to who I am through the story.

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Did you have mystical experiences as a child that were similar to the book? Yes, I did, as early as three or four, before I understood fully what was going on. Many children experience what mystical occurrences that don’t get any attention because the child thinks everyone experiences them, whether it’s seeing energy, faeries, or more. I experienced a lot as a child and I put some of it into this trilogy. Does your mystical spiritual life help your work as caregiver? Yes, and every client I get is a special personal project. I’m theirs, and they’re mine. We’re assigned to each other. The term “BePeaceLove” comes up a lot in your work. What does that mean to you? Be the Peace; Be the Love. We actually are love, God’s love, or energy, same thing. It’s time for us to see that we’re all united. To me there is nothing that is not connected. I put bepeacelove together because in my head, we must have the unity. That’s how I feel it. So being the peace and being the love shouldn’t be separate. The separation is an illusion. We’re all one, and that’s the feeling the stories convey. For more info go to bepeacelove .com or email darlene@ bepeacelove .com or call 562-743-5872

The Magic of Being in Love By Jill Crosby, owner of SpiritualSingles.com

Have you ever been truly, madly, totally in love on a DEEP, soul-connected level? The kind of love that makes your heart overflow and burst with gratitude and joy? As the owner and founder of SpiritualSingles.com, launched almost 20 years ago, I’ve noticed that when two amazing, conscious, evolved people come together in a romantic partnership/relationship, their energy is not 1 + 1 = 2, but something exponentially greater. It’s magical! Oftentimes our success story couples create something much greater than either of them could have imagined doing alone. They open retreat and healing

centers, write books, teach classes, start conscious companies, travel the world and much more. Now, more than ever, this powerful energy of soul couples, twin flames, divine complements… is so needed. I’m convinced this magical energy can heal and transform, just by BEING, as I know it affects the collective consciousness. If you are not experiencing this type soul-connected relationship and you would like to, I recommend using the law of attraction in conjunction with SpiritualSingles.com. Get clear on the type of person you’d like to be in a relationship with, align your thoughts, words and actions so your whole being supports it already being done. Imagine how wonderful it feels to have them in your life, imagine things you would do together, and amp of the feelings of gratitude and joy! Let it go, join SpiritualSingles.com and start contacting people now! It works!

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Are We Codependent With Our Pets? An Animal Communicator hears first-hand (paw)

Frances W. Greenspan is an Animal Communicator, author and teacher who speaks with animals by tuning into their spirit or higher self to ask questions and receive answers for a more peaceful household. Radiance You can do this over the phone? Absolutely, it’s telepathic, so I can do it for anyone anywhere in the world. I especially love working with rescue animals because they frequently need assurance that this is their “forever” home. When they don’t know this, they hold back and their hearts are a little closed. One client adopted a dog six weeks prior and said she just won’t come to me, she’s very hesitant. I let her know telepathically this is her forever home, her mom loves her and that it’s okay to love her back. I heard crying on the phone and said “What happened?” - my client said “She came to me!” This opened her heart and allowed her to feel safe.

I heard crying on the phone. I said “What happened” and my client said “She came to me!” Can you teach people to communicate with their animals? Yes, I have a two-hour class where I help you to see how you receive this kind of information, whether it’s through colors, audibly, or pictures… everybody receives differently. I receive in a combination of ways that are easiest for the animal to convey. We do various exercises and the students do readings for each other so they can get the instant confirmation of the information they’re getting. Are the animals picking up on our emotions? Yes, even our illnesses. If your pet has a health issue, I recommend you or the person closest to the animal get checked out for the same issue. They’re taking on the symptoms for you; when you get better, they’ll get better. Animals who are meowing or barking constantly tell me they can’t hear anymore! I will ask the owner, 14

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“Are you having any hearing issues?” and inevitably they’ll say, “I do wear a hearing aid.” Can people form codependent relationships with their pets? Absolutely, when they pay more attention to the animal and very little to themselves. The pet may get special food while the owner eats take-out, doesn’t exercise or pamper themselves. What lessons have you learned from animals? The animals feel the imbalance, despite all the attention given to them. They feel the stress and worry of the owner. They want us to treat ourselves as good as we treat them. Frances W Greenspan is an animal communicator who also speaks with animals who have crossed over. She has published “What Do Your Pets Want You to Know?” and other books. Find out more at www.franceswgreenspan.com.

What do your pets want you to know?

Frances W. Greenspan Animal Communicator Author & Teacher

Frances W. Greenspan Speaks telepathically with animals. To those present… and those who have passed on.

Phone: 949-412-9554 Email: franceswgreenspan@gmail.com


Your Business Has a Soul, AND a Message for You By Gosia Lorenz My first business name ten years ago was “Quantum Transformation.” It had a beautiful and colorful website that I paid a lot of money for and was proud of. I often wrote blogs that got a lot of attention. I updated the site regularly. But after about five years, I found it harder and harder to work on it. I felt that something was “off,” but I resisted exploring the reason. Did you know that when you breathed life into your own small business, it became a living entity you can actually interact with and talk to? That it’s waiting to impart wisdom when you’re ready to hear it? This also applies to the book you’re writing, the car you’re driving and the home you live in as well. We’re surrounded by entities with physical form and also non-physical ones like spirits, beings of light and earth spirits. Everything that can be defined in any way is an entity. When you have an idea to create a business or practice, you start flowing generative energy into it. When you get more ideas, talk to people about it, and take action toward having the business become a reality, this fuels this energetic creation.

Eventually enough energy accumulates to manifest it as an entity, complete with a name, likes, dislikes, preferences, its own vibrational signature, and potency Eventually enough energy accumulates to manifest it as an entity, complete with a name, likes, dislikes, preferences, its own vibrational signature, and potency. Of course, it’s a reflection of your visions, enthusiasm and joy, but also your fears, doubts, and worries.

So after a year of inactivity, I connected with the website, which I now (an entity, right?) and asked: “Do you still like being Quantum Transformations?” I actually heard a loud “NO!” I changed so much since I launched my website and business, and they changed as well. (It became “Joy of Living.” Now it is transforming again into “The Illuminated Way.”) For a free guide on How to Communicate with Your Business Entity, go to GosiaLorenz.com and I’ll take you through it step-by-step for the universal wisdom it offers. This technique, among others I can share with you, can be applied to communicating with your house, car, tools, job, friends, with any creation of yours. Even your primary relationship! Your life will become more magical when you include all energies around you and co-create with them. Gosia Lorenz is a transformative coach, public speaker, conscious facilitator, published author. Clients hire her to expand what is possible for them, eliminate energetic blocks, clear entities, release limitations, painful past, and raise their vibrations. Visit gosialorenz.com or call 949-315-9260. OCT-NOV 2019 15

A Bhakti State of Mind By Phyllis Douglass Within Hinduism, Bhakti is a practice focused on loving devotion towards a personal god as the path for spirituality. It literally means attachment, participation, fondness for, homage, faith, love, devotion, worship, and purity all rolled into a single word. As a practitioner of Bhakti yoga, known as a Bhakta or loving devotee, I express my devotion to the Beloved through prayer, ritual, and vocal sound that emanates through me as an improvised devotional in the moment. A true expression of love and communion. And I am not Hindu, nor need one be to express this level of devotion and commitment to one’s personal God, or simply recognition and acknowledgement of a higher power beyond oneself – the Beloved. This is the heart of Bhakti, which can be created by you and for you in a number of ways that sing to YOUR spirit. And one step further is acceptance and surrender to the understanding that you are an individuation of the Beloved, having a physical experience. When you truly understand this, your outward reflection is of your inner desire to live purposefully within your true nature as a divine being. With acceptance of one’s divinity, the reawakening of the spirit and intention of living within this chamber of physical expression in a state of authenticity and interconnectivity, begins a weaving of the inner and outer worlds as one. Together we can weave a tapestry of great beauty, our thoughts germinating and blossoming from within detached stillness, so that our actions are born as sweet and bountiful fruit that nurtures all beings everywhere. We only need understand the true beauty and immensity of who we truly are! The Angels told me to try asking upon awakening: “What does God wish to experience today, and how can it best be accomplished?” The answer always comes and stirs up a curious excitement and anticipation for what the day has in store, and provides 18

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a different way of looking at things that may have presented a challenge without heightened perspective. Most of all though, it creates a state of peace and equanimity, and serves as a reminder of who I AM. My soon to be published book, “ONE – Journey to a New Way of Being”, is at the heart of Bhakti yoga, unlocking one’s devotional flame of desire and force of creativity, in order to form a new world within. The outward emanation of that new state of being is what alters the outer world, creating a space for all Beings everywhere to dance within the reflection of their true light and purpose. The book is an initiatory voyage expressed through channeled imagery and the Angelical Adamic Language of God, for the elevation and spiritual transfiguration of human kind. Phyllis Douglass weaves 25+ years of experience in Advanced Manual Therapies, Intuitive Energy Healing, Spiritual Mediumship, Sound Therapy, and Yoga to create integrated sessions, workshops and spiritual retreats that empower, revitalize, and transform lives. www.PhyllisDouglass.com

YOU ARE MAGICAL By Shaman Isabella

We are never taught this growing up. We are not taught to trust our intuition, and that our intuition is a source of magic. I love to teach my clients to use their magic for their highest good. One way to do this is by speaking and thinking positively. When you create high vibrational feelings, what you desire manifests quickly. Remember, your vibe matters.

You are a divine magical being with the capacity to create each moment of your life. All you need to do is become conscious of your vibration. Every time you speak it is powerful. Each thought has the energy to become a thing.

Another way to use your magic is by projecting yourself into the future and working your way back to the present. Think of how you want to feel in each moment and create new vibrations to illuminate your life. www.isabellastoloff.com 714-603-8624



Reiki teachers and practitioners alike are exposed to risks of lawsuits, according to Beauty & Bodywork Insurance (BBI). Although the practice of attuning your students or performing Reiki on a client is generally safe, accidents can and do happen. Here’s a quick rundown on how your Reiki insurance can respond if you’re faced with a claim. REIKI INSURANCE MAY COVER YOU IF YOU’RE INVOLVED IN A MALPRACTICE SUIT Reiki insurance provides protection for general and professional liability claims that may occur from your daily operations including teaching a student or treating a client. Without proper insurance coverage, a claim could negatively impact your business. A few common claims against Reiki practitioners include bodily injury from your practice or an accident, such as a trip-and-fall.

20 OCT-NOV 2019

REIKI INSURANCE CAN LESSEN YOUR RISKS OF A LAWSUIT Trip-and-falls or injuries sustained from equipment that has malfunctioned are potential claims that you could be involved in. While lawsuits and claims are not completely preventable, there are measures you can take to mitigate the possibilities of a claim, like checking and maintaining equipment such as massage tables. PEACE OF MIND Keep your students’ and clients’ needs at the forefront of your mind during your session. With liability insurance you can focus on taking care of your client and providing them with the best Reiki treatment. The great news is, if you already have a BBI policy, Reiki is one of the hundreds of massage modalities covered. Let us take care of you. Contact Troy at 866-395-1308 ext. 110.

Magical Thinking We were magical as toddlers. In fact, “magical thinking” is a term used to describe a toddler’s egocentric stage of development; how they learn and make sense of things. Toddlers believe what they do, say or think has an influence on outcomes in their surroundings. It also leads to using imagination to enjoy life more… at least until they’re discouraged by society. As magical thinking children, we believe in the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and Santa. We want to be princesses or pirates. But the magic begins to fade as we learn harsh realities like being hurt and tested through life’s lessons. We’re told to stop daydreaming in school and activities groups. And our responsibilities keep us more focused on “reality” and less on imaginative play. But if we can maintain some of these magical qualities as we get older, we can follow our true paths and goals and passions. We shouldn’t be afraid to dream, and dream big! If we add some of the art of magical thinking, we add play to our busy week, which leads to joy and feeling better, which means fewer aches and pains, more energy and more quality life being lived. This is the path to manifesting and to living on purpose. Common phrases in entrepreneurial-ship: 1. Fake it till you make it - This technique gets a lot of negative press. It’s meant to change the mindset and build confidence by adopting an empowered perspective on your situation. In cognitive behavioral therapy, changing the behavior first will lead to changing how one thinks and feels, which leads to reaching your goals.

2. Act as if - Based on the idea in psychotherapy that if you behave like the person you want to become, you will become like that in reality. This technique builds motivation and changes the way you think and feel. • If you want to feel happier, smile more (as if you are happy). • If you want to get more work done, act as if you are a productive person. • If you want to have more friends, be a friendly person. • If you want to improve your relationship, be a good partner.

As a society, losing our sense of play as we’ve grown seems to have decreased our joy, our imagination, and the inability for many to reach goals. We see its effects around increases in anxiety, depression, and socialization difficulties in our youth. We are interconnected beings and we all feel the impact of losing our magical thinking, especially as technological advances lead to less and less personal interactions. It’s important for us individually and more so globally to use more imagination and magical thinking in our lives to manifest more joy, more peace, and more positive relationships. For this reason, I’ve developed a Purposeful Playtime workshop to help recreate magical thinking and to get us back on track to reaching our goals with purpose and passion. Let’s bring more joy and play into our lives! Susan Macknin is a Registered Nurse and Energy Medicine Practitioner. She helps those in physical, emotional or spiritual turmoil by transforming their self-limiting beliefs and stressors. Susan looks forward to helping her clients heal and find inner peace. Contact: susanmacknin@gmail.com 561-445-4878 www.BalancedWellness.net AUG-SEPT2019 OCT-NOV 2019 21 21

Your New Vision of Yourself Raises Your Vibration By TeriLynn CanSee aka TeriLynn Cantlay As a well-regarded intuitive reader, not only do I glean information from the cards, the charts, and especially the quantum field around the person I’m reading, but I study modern teachings and ancient esoterica to inform my understanding of the human-spirit condition. All signs are showing me a new world is pouring forth in this fiercely energetic time! We shall regard the essence of all manifest creation in a new way! We are healing our self-image and bringing to light a being filled with love, not merely voiced through the lips, but given tangible vibration from the heart! People say I’m one of the highest-vibrating humans they know, and I will continue to inspire others to feel free to offer the same kind of loving heart vibes from their inner beings as we shift into this new Earth reality. To enjoy the benefits of a raised vibration, increase the things you know that feed the soul: more meditation, study, feeling, loving, sharing, engaging in life with friends, groups, Nature, and we ourselves will begin to glow even more! Body reflection is a term that’s phasing out “You are what you eat!” Foods vibrate at different frequencies, which you can feel for yourself. The greens, colorful fruits and veggies, and less red meat, of course, will help raise your vibration as well. But don’t take anyone’s word for it—simply close your eyes and ask your body (or your inner voice) what is the best choice for you. Feed yourself thoughts in the same way: is my current line of thinking for my highest and best good? You will get your answers from the best place (You!) every time and let go of repetitious negative thought patterns. We must listen to our musing considerations that happen in our head, especially the consideration of a belief about your self-image! You do have free will and you are at liberty to choose your own way. Only you can track what happens within the sphere of vision of your material body. 22 OCT-NOV 2019

When times get tough, we cannot abandon the world, allowing it to get bogged down in lies and gloomy illusions of life! There is hope. One Truth is coming which dwells within, bringing through Love and touching the Heart of everyone! The One Religion, which is Love, recognizing the God of I Am that I Am, the One to be established on Earth, through each of Us! So, feed your inner being with the Truth of You, for You, with You as a disciple of our New World. It is pouring forth across the Earth from within YOU to share and regard the essence of ALL manifestation creation in a new and loving way. We each will develop LOVE as our Religion to lead, follow and offer for our Spiritual Growth, and you will want to clean your inner house to invite Love within. The kind of reading I give is personal and on target, which you will see immediately. I offer five free minutes, so I invite you to call me when you’re ready at 800-251-3754 and let the latest message from the Universe flow through me to you.

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OCT-NOV 2019 23

General Astrology Forecast for you dear Aries, so hang tight. Whether you realize it or not, this year is actually shaping you into the most fearless and courageous version of yourself that this world has ever seen.

Taurus Sun, Moon or Rising

Starting last year, the pulse to become your most authentic self has been in full force. You love the comfort cocoon of your life, but either due to life circumstances or your newfound insatiable thirst for freedom, you have found yourself in unfamiliar territory outside the walls of your usual comfort zone. Adjustment and compromise are essential in your life now. Over the next two months you are learning a lot about not only your relationships with others, but most importantly- you’re learning about the relationship you have with yourself. An opportunity for transformation such as this doesn’t always cross your path. Let it.

Gemini Sun, Moon or Rising

To say it lightly, the year of 2019 has been a challenging one for many. Long outdated paradigms have slowly been crumbling away, thus encouraging us to finally release that which no longer serves our highest good. As humans are creatures of habit, the experience of change itself can sometimes feel excruciating, yet it is the most essential ingredient for growth in our lives. For those that had a difficult go in the months of January, April, and July, unfortunately October is sprinkled with more unfinished business surrounding the themes that were present in your life during those times. Thankfully the month of November is much smoother sailing. Though the sensitive transits of the month also correspond with Election Day, the rest of the month will be relatively smooth. November is a great month to reflect on the year and how far you’ve come, catch your breath, get creative, and tune into your intuitive instincts and intrinsic spiritual flow. November is a month of pleasant surprises, but first you must ensure that you are along for the ride

Aries Sun, Moon or Rising

You’re so accustomed to plowing through obstacles and blazing new trails that having to slow your speed is incredibly discouraging. Normally you’re a huge fan of obstacles (because let’s be honest- you like a good challenge), but this hasn’t been the easiest year for you to be your usual go-getter self. October is unfortunately no exception. Instead of resisting against the changes that are taking place in your life, be conscious to instead reserve your energy as best you can. Thankfully November will be a much more nourishing month


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Chances are that the month of September was a bit overstimulating for you my dear, Gemini. Being that you are one to successfully juggle more things at once than any of your astrological counterparts, I want to take a moment to congratulate- you made it through! Thankfully October will be way more manageable, thus providing a nice cozy pocket of time for you to catch your breath and enjoy all your hard-earned success. By November, momentum will kick up a bit for you again- but it will be much more manageable this time. Activity abounds in your relationships throughout November and it will be plenty to occupy your interest.

Cancer Sun, Moon or Rising

Oh, Cancer. The last year has not been an easy road for you. There have been significant endings and false starts, but thankfully this transition period is almost on its way to a close. October will be another growth spurt month for you, and you may be faced with challenges which you have experienced over the course of the last year. Thankfully, November will bring a sense of calm to the world around you and its comforting arms will provide a much-needed stretch of time to rest up and recharge your batteries.

Leo Sun, Moon or Rising

October and November are significant months for you my dear, Leo. The former will showcase changes in your home and family life and the latter will accentuate the happenings within your career. Establishing balance between these two very crucial aspects of your life seems to be the name of the game over the next couple months. You are learning to step into your most authentic self. Any hurdles you are currently presented with are designed to make you flourish. “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” -Anonymous

October & November 2019 By Sarah Baxley

Virgo Sun, Moon or Rising

So, you made it through September! Whew! What a wild month for you, Virgo. It’s very possible that you bit off a little bit more than you could chew during your very own Virgo season, but hopefully it has taught you a lot about much needed boundaries that serve great importance in your life. You’re one of the hardest working in the zodiac. Thankfully the next two months are designed for you to unwind a bit, get cozy with your routine, and finally give back to yourself with some much-needed TLC. Please enjoy this time. You deserve it!

Libra Sun, Moon or Rising

Over the course of the last year, any significant imbalances in your life have taken center stage and are obvious to you now. You have either been paralyzed by indecision, or circumstances outside of your control have forced you to take a route less harmonious than your regular routine. The month of October is another crucial turning point along the current life trajectory that you are on. Being pulled in too many directions at once may leave you tired and wanting to recharge. Thankfully the kindness of November is on your side. Don’t forget to bathe in its warmth and take a moment to stop and smell the roses.

Scorpio Sun, Moon or Rising

October is all about you. Yes, I said it. Now don’t worry my dear, Scorpio, this isn’t because you’ll feel exposed or that you’ll have to take center stage in any way. More than any other month in 2019, October is yours. Deep within the core of your soul is a yearning to view life through a magical lens of wonder and awe. The month of October is your time to flourish, expand your wings, and take flight. This magical window will only open for just a few weeks, so don’t let it pass you by leaving you longing for a second chance. You’ll have plenty of time to review all your newfound experiences in the month of November. Allow your intuitive instincts to take hold and soak in the beauty of all that is.

Sagittarius Sun, Moon or Rising

Ok, Sagi. Let’s be honest here. The month of September was a lot. You’re all one for variety and excitement, but chances are that last month gave you a run for your money. You’ll be happy to know that October and November will have you tuned into your regularly scheduled program of awesomeness and you won’t even feel like you skipped a beat. If you’re able to hop on the opportunity while it’s hot, there’s a good chance that an unexpected showering of blessings may suddenly find its way into your lap in October. By the time November peaks, you’ll be your most creative and fabulous self, drawing attention your way whether you intended to or not.

Capricorn Sun, Moon or Rising

Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is the most stoic one of all? Cappy! Better than any of your astrological counterparts, you got the best poker face in town. No one knows when you’re down, you can hide it when you’re hurting, and the same duties and obligations that simultaneously constrain you also strangely give you purpose. This has been a challenging year for you (to say the least), but for some reason the more you try to cover up what ails you, the more unmanageable your feelings have become. Unfortunately, the month of October is no exception. It is so counterintuitive for you to ask for help, but now more than ever you must understand that your vulnerability is your greatest strength. Your mission (if you choose to accept it) is to allow yourself to be as dedicated to expressing your feelings as you are to the responsibilities that have long held you down.

Aquarius Sun, Moon or Rising

The teeter totter of your professional life and home life has started to peak and will be more apparent in the next couple months than it has been all year. Any little necessary tweaks or perceived imbalances in these worlds might appear louder than usual- demanding your attention. Instead of leaning into these changes with your typical sharp & quirky response, it turns out that not pushing against the grain might be your best artillery for the months ahead. It’s restricting I know, but if you can bite the bullet as best you can, you might surprise yourself with extensive insight and knowledge that this experience can offer. You got this, Aquarius.

Pisces Sun, Moon or Rising

There is a good chance that September was not the most amazing month you’ve ever had. Just a guess. Whomever said that we are never dealt with more than we can handle is a liar. Sometimes life is a lot to handle, and that’s ok. If there was a flurry of emotion that made the world a little hard to swallow, I can assure you that October and November bring along with them a much lighter load. Any hardship that you may have endured in September will be the fuel for your creativity and imagination in the upcoming months ahead. Allow your sensitive heart to recharge, it’s time to breathe and rest your wings. Sarah Baxley, aka “pinkiethebear” is a professional astrologer, reiki master, and clairsentient. Though her office is in Tustin, CA she conducts remote sessions with clients all around the globe. She also posts free astrology content on YouTube and Instagram each month. To book a session, you can find her at www.pinkiethebear.com

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Stuck in the Binge-Watching Loop? In this interview, Janna helps shed light on an overlooked cause of low energy, and how hypnosis helps overcome it.

by Janna Colaco, C.Ht. Could you describe the kind of low energy correctable by hypnotherapy? Sure. It’s like when you run around all day and can’t wait to get home. But suddenly you’re exhausted. There’s nothing good on TV, but you search frantically for anything, to watch. There’s a vague, unsatisfied procrastination-like feeling. You fall asleep, but tell yourself you’ll get up in a minute. Eventually, the soul-nurturing projects you were looking forward to doing doesn’t sound like fun. The beautiful walk you were going to take with the dog doesn’t sound good either. Everything feels like work. The dishes and laundry pile up. The fridge is empty because every day is the same. You blame yourself for always losing your momentum just when it’s time to really enjoy your downtime.

on their situations. All subconscious minds are highly adaptable when it comes to something we want, like having more energy, confidence, security or inspiration. People want to be healthier. Low grade anxiety makes you fat because you just sit and eat junk food and sleep. So we transform their inner feelings to ones of happy inspiration so life becomes a ‘get to’ rather than a ‘have to.’ Most of us remember the desired feelings from childhood. We couldn’t wait to finish our homework so we could go outside and play! There was always enough energy to play with our friends, ride bikes, roller skate, or do art, no matter how tired or hungry we were when we walked through the door! In hypnosis, we reclaim those feelings of motivation and inspiration, and energy returns full force. What can people expect from working with you?

So why does this happen? Is it low blood sugar? You should check with your doctor, but mostly chronic, low-grade anxiety is the culprit. Anxiety is the root of boredom and procrastination. Think of it this way: boredom is restlessness and dissatisfaction with the present moment. Do you have a strong urge to escape, to be entertained, or avoid? Usually, the need to ‘check out’ is strong, like an alcoholic’s need for a drink or an addict’s craving for heroin. Avoidance is pleasure. People stuck in this loop usually think they’re tired, not anxious. They’ve tried will-power, but it’s subconscious. That’s why I am able to help them. How do you help them? First, I ask them, “If you knew your future was secure, how would you be spending your time?” Each person is unique, so I would use a variety of processes based 26

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Oh, lots of things. A cleaner house, a skinnier body, a happier dog… the list goes on and on. Enjoying the present moment, making it your friend, rather than your enemy, is available through this work. Janna Colaco, C.Ht., is a Transformational Hypnotherapist and Master Therapeutic Imagery Facilitator with an office in Downtown Fullerton. She also offers FaceTime, Skype and phone sessions for distance clients. You can reach Janna at (714)269-6908, or visit her website: mechanicsofgrace.com.

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How Spirituality Will Disrupt the Political Landscape by Joe Nunziata Growing up, we were taught about the division of church and state: religious beliefs were not to be injected into political decision-making or governing because Americans do not all share the same religious beliefs (as is their right according to our Constitution to have freedom of religion). Many politicians, however, have not been listening to their better angels and have indeed commingled religion and law-making, which has unfortunately made us all a little less free as it takes away others’ rights to worship as they wish. Something changed this year when we saw a Spiritual Thought Leader enter the race for President, as opposed to another religious candidate: spiritual teacher and author Marianne Williamson made it to some of the major debate stages with the better-known candidates. How far she goes is not important, but many of us who have been walking a spiritual path for some time see this as a logical step in our evolution, creating a new wave of energy and possibilities that can move us quicker from a “me consciousness” to a “we consciousness.”

We’d be talking about a National Wellbeing Barometer instead of whether the Dow is up or down Up till now, we’ve only had a red team and a blue team with personal agendas where the winner takes all. This “us vs. them” attitude creates instant conflict which makes it almost impossible to create positive results or move forward. As a person who does business consulting and sales training, I often think of the government as if it were a company. Imagine walking into a business and finding two teams constantly battling each other to gain control. That company would go bankrupt in a short period of time. Our political divide has created the same situation. We are morally, emotionally and spiritually bankrupt. So, we’re moving in the right direction, but there will always be resistance. Humans have resisted change throughout history based on a fear of the unknown. People resisted all technological advancements including: electricity, the printing


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press, coffee and refrigeration to name a few. The new philosophies of Buddha, Jesus and Gandhi, which challenged the current power structure, were also met with extreme resistance, fear and violent actions. Those in control will not be so quick to give up their power, but even they are not immune to the massive power of sweeping change. Major institutions are already being challenged, including some of the largest companies. A spiritually-based government and society that takes care of everyone like a loving family is on its way, and how fast that happens depends on all of us. Each person who becomes aware and awake adds more positive energy to the movement. We build momentum by holding loving space and helping others along the way; by always taking the high road and refraining from joining the angry mob mentality which creates hate and discord. If you disagree with something, it’s important to find a positive way to help facilitate change. Your job is simple, yet challenging: be true, be you, and watch the world change. Joe Nunziata is a life and business coach and bestselling author. He has been delivering his message of empowerment since 1992. Find out more at JoeNunz.com and join Joe’s monthly live sessions in Irvine, CA at TheGoodVibesTribeOC.com

Make Friends r a e F h t i w Katie Kay Spiritual Coach

“I don’t want to spar with Frank!” shouted Terry, “He’s scary!” Terry, a software executive, is panicking at her final test in samurai kung fu. She can face an audience of 300, direct her staff of 20, and complain to her partner. But to face her fear is terrifying. She bows to Frank saying, “How can I defeat you?” Frank looms over her saying: “I will be loud, nasty, and call out your mistakes. I’ll be in your head at night, when putting on makeup, meeting clients, playing with the kids—and especially in traffic. I’ll insist you are not smart enough; nobody likes you, your family is dysfunctional, and your nose is crooked. You cannot defeat me.”

Aylin cried out, “This commute is killing me!” By changing an inner argument of stress into a calmer conversation, she has moved her office and found relief. With Katie’s coaching I am learning to rewrite my belief that my value requires struggle into something more like: easy playfulness gives me a sense of freedom and peace. Betsy was in early recovery, struggling with deep wounds of self-worth. After we highlighted her natural talents over old harsh internalized voices, she had a shift. I struggled so much with impatience and feelings of lack. Katie helped me to break deep and painful patterns that were keeping me sick with the power of pause and prayer. Contact Katie Kay at spiritplays4u@gmail.com, 424-421-0148, for a free introduction to spiritual coaching with astrology and tarot. Katie Kay, 2019, Radiance

But,” he whispers, “If you do not react to me, argue with me, run around in a panic or get stuck believing all this, if you see that I am only a habit of fear--you can face me, turn a corner, and move ahead.” That’s how Terry befriended her fear---in that version of an old Zen story. Here are real stories from clients: Bobby cringed when his CEO scolded him in public. We saw that being triggered was not the same as a childhood wound visible in his astrological birth chart. We transformed the energies. Katie has a magical gift of combining astrology, tarot and most importantly her intuition of connecting the dots that help guide me on my human journey. Kathy is an artist, but felt stuck and insecure with her talent. After our classes in tarot, astrology, and coaching time together, she feels revived. Katie helps me recognize the fears, emotions and triggers that keep me from moving forward, the fear of what ifs. Now when I bump up against that emotional wall, I can recognize and deal with it.

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Channeling the Magic By Christa Marie Miller

When I met Crista Marie Miller two years ago, she was a shy but talented student of the mystic arts who felt called to be a part of the Radiance team to help others awaken to their own gifts while on their soul journey. Since then we’ve become good friends and I’ve watched her blossom into a talented in-demand psychic medium who frequently shocks people with her insights within seconds of beginning a reading. When our interview for this issue began as a reading of me, it was too delicious an experience to stop, so we continued as my spirit guides and her spirit guides made an appearance.. I decided to print it here as a better indicator of her talents than a typical interview every could. Although it’s been lightly edited for clarity and a few embarrassing details have been edited out, I kept many in to preserve authenticity. I’m still uneasy about the level of vulnerability I’ve exposed here, which means you will probably find it a good read. – Scott Ware SCOTT WARE: While we’re talking, can we check in with my guides? We haven’t done that for a bit. I’m going to include this in the article. CRISTA MARIE MILLER: All right then. See, it’s so interesting because the energy is even hitting me differently now. Okay. This is the first time I’ve tapped into someone’s “team” since this weekend (when she had a further awakening in her abilities). It’s almost like for me, the rose-colored glasses are off. I was able to see them before, but now I can feel them. I’m there now, immersed in the scenario. What’s this called…? “Merging, thank you.” Um… who do you want to hear from? The guy you like best, Ewen my main spirit guide! (she laughs) Not him? No, no, I love him! Let me calm myself a little. (pause) He came in riding your dragon. As I’m seeing it now, it’s on a different plane of existence. This is interesting. This is a reality on top of your reality, they’re not usually here in my studio where they usually come, but it’s a reality on top of your reality. He’s saying that it’s… (gets flustered) He’s saying this is your space. When you’re meditating, do you often go to where it’s like rolling green hills with a bunch of, like, patches of trees?


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Dense forest, actually. Yes, sometimes. That’s where he is now, this is where he has always lived, and the same land your dragon is from. He says “land” is a loose term, that it’s a dimension frequency, because he doesn’t want you to think it’s some far off magical land, because it’s right there, right where you are now. Okay. No matter where you live or where you go to, this frequency will always be with you. That feels good, I like that. Okay… and it’s not “the other side” anymore, you need to get rid of that term. When we transition, we just transition into another frequency. Into a different state of being… you are still here on planet Earth, you still use the same soul over and over again, but your soul is in the frequency that you want to vibrate at. So even Heaven and Hell is a frequency that your soul just transmutes into. Mm-hmm. (she makes thinking noises) Oh now he’s bringing me – oh this is cool – he’s showing me different levels of the frequency where we can actually go up or down and the image can change. It changes how we view things. It’s the same exact wavelength, but just different (she makes an interesting sound)… He’s a talker man, once he gets going. I wonder who else he’s like? (laughs)

You are still here on planet Earth, you still use the same soul over and over again What else would you like to know? Well, manifesting abundance for the magazine, making sure it continues seamlessly, that’s always a goal. All right, he wants me to ask you this: what are you doing daily as soon as you wake up in the morning, what is your ritual? Um, I have coffee… I think about what I’m going to do for the day, I meditate, usually later, after the coffee, and then I begin working on the magazine. Perfect. All right. What is missing from that is your gratitude. Okay. As soon as you wake up in the morning, you need to wake up with gratitude before you even get your coffee, as soon as you open your eyes, even if it’s as simple as, “Oh my God, thank you for letting my eyes open!” Ah. This is what I’ve done, and he wants me to share it with you: when my feet come out of bed, one foot says “Thank” and the other one says “you.” Literally. Beautiful. That’s what starts my day. The gratitude for being here. Love it. And that’s what activates the manifestation. Okay. OCT-NOV 2019 31

Because you automatically go to your coffee, which is a stimulator, and does not put you in the correct frequency, okay, because then your mind takes over. They’re saying this doesn’t put you in the spiritual body. Not the emotional body, not the mental body, but the spiritual body, which is where you manifest. As soon as you have that stimulator, boom! It’s in your body (snaps her fingers repeatedly) it’s in your bloodstream… how long does it take for that caffeine to get out of you in order for you to purely manifest? Some time. And most people drink coffee throughout the day. And can you purely manifest when caffeine or stimulators are in your body? No. I know this is harsh information (laughs) but, so when… I’m talking to Ewen saying, “I don’t want to brag,” and he says no, this is your interview and you need to brag! “Yes, yes.” When I wake up in the morning, I don’t drink coffee. The first thing that stimulates me is ice cold water. That’s what gets me going, and it has to be pitch cold. I thought it was healthier to have lukewarm water. But that works for you. Let me ask him. Hold on, my Health Guide’s coming in. Okay. So my Health Guide, his name is Xander, and… (listens for a while) Uh-huh, okay, thank you! He’s saying lukewarm water works for most people. But if you already vibrating at a higher frequency than most, ice cold water will work. Ice cold water is used for highly creative people, highly stimulated people who stimulate themselves in natural ways where they do not need the caffeine. If you are used to drinking caffeine, or sugar, or any additive chemicals that go in the body, lukewarm water is best. Otherwise, ice water is what wakes you up. And he says it literally spiritually wakes you up.

Can you purely manifest when caffeine or stimulators are in your body? No. I know this is harsh information Am I vibrating high? So Xander is extremely respectful, and is asking if he can step into your energy and check. So a little background on him: he’s Zimbabwe. This beautiful African man, muscular, he wears like a white tunic and looks like Taye Diggs, which I’m not opposed to. And… he’s currently working with my Reiki guides on your energy… it’s interesting, when he stepped in, Ewen stepped back like… In deference? Mm-hmm. He was like, “Who are you??” (laughs) Okay. He’s saying your energy… it’s interesting, when he stepped in, 32

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Ewen stepped back like… In deference? Mm-hmm. He was like, “Who are you??” (laughs) Okay. He’s saying that your body is so used to the caffeine that you cannot cut off cold turkey because it will do damage to your body. You need to wean yourself off of it because the caffeine molecules are literally ingrained with your cells. How many coffees do you drink in a day? Oh my God, I’ve recently upped it, like in the last three weeks or so, I—Are you organic? No. Switching to organic is a good first step. He said this is one of your main blocks of manifestation, is too heavy of a reliance on caffeine. Wow. All right. (pause) Okay, if you want to slowly get off of it, you literally have to start working with your mental body first. Do not change your habits at the moment, that you have to actually have to start thinking about changing first. Seven day? Thank you. Seven days of consciously thinking… and he’s saying because our words are spells, even when they’re in your head, they’re spells. Don’t say, “I need to cut back on coffee.” Don’t say that word “me” and “cutting,”

Yes, she does need to step out of the closet and step more into her power Mm-mm, don’t use those. (long pause) He’s using Light Language right now, which is interesting. Please translate! (pause) He said if you want me to translate, you’re just going to have to come up here so you can understand it. (laughs) The words you need to say are, “The caffeine I’ve ingested is for now. The caffeine I will be ingesting in a week will be for then.” And you repeat what is going on right now and honoring where you are on your path. There are so many steps in this manifestation technique that we are so wrapped up in knowing that we overlook an essential part, honoring the journey you are on now. Honoring that, “Yes, I drink… “ He’s saying six cups of coffee a day. Yes. (laughs) Honoring, that, yes, this is what I drink right now. And saying it as an affirmative, not like putting yourself down, like “Aw man, not good…” Saying, “Yes, this is what I drink right now. And it’s right now.”

Sit with that, and the more you sit with that and say, “This is where I am right now…” At the same time, your spiritual body will start vibrating at a frequency that is different than where you were today. So when the seven days have passed, and you’re okay with where you’re at right now, stretch out the time a little bit in between your cups of coffee. Get it down to five, but make the time a little bit longer. When your body’s physical field – not the emotional or spiritual body – is saying, “Oh, it’s time for another cup of coffee, push it out 30 minutes. Push it out 45 minutes. So you can get down to five cups, and that’s how you ween yourself off. I love it. I thank you, and I thank Xander. Can you ask Xander and Ewen… I’m thinking I would like to be very transparent and share this reading as it continues—not every single word—because it’s a great way of demonstrating what you do and I’ll give up some of my privacy in this. Would you ask them about the wisdom of doing that. Yes, she does need to come out of the closet and step more into her power, because how she views things is not how others view things. How she is elevating herself to see/hear/feel/sense above where she was even yesterday is a beautiful process. It’s a cocooning butterfly to come out, and it’s time for her to step more into how she sees things and not hold back, which will hold more benefit to her clients and ring so true to them. *Crista previously identified my main spirit guide as a hooded figure that looks like Ewen McGregor’s character in the Star Wars films (who Crista particularly likes, so I call him Ewen. Crista finds him very charismatic and attractive. For more, turn the page.


“This is What the Great Magic Is” Part II of the Reading with Crista Marie Miller Where Gaia Appears I want to be greedy and ask about my soul purpose, obviously tied to Radiance. Literally, Gaia was wanting to come in and channel, but she’s willing to step back for a little bit. What? Oh, sure. She was saying, at the beginning of this galaxy, there was life on all planets. Okay… okay… She’s very respectful, I love her. She goes by many names, she says, but I’m just comfortable calling her Gaia. Okay, whatever order you want to do things in. She’s stepping back. What was the question again? About my purpose with Radiance, and how to fulfill it. What other things are on my path I need to be open to seeing? He wants to honor your path and what you’re doing, and just thank you for putting in all the work you’ve been doing for the last three years. Um, he’s saying, but my dear friend, we’ve only just begun. Really. Okay... (she laughs and sings “We’ve only just begun…”)

When you reuse this soul thousands upon thousands of times, each time your spark is fanned and grown All right… He’s requesting that you surrender more. And he’s telling you, “Thank you so much for surrendering today.” Wow. (texting) Okay, I just pushed a 2:00 off to 2:30—someone I’ve put off so many times already—but can we bring Gaia back? I hate to limit Gaia… Sure, okay… (channeling Gaia) There’s a paradox in the human world. There’s a paradox where on one hand you believe you’re perishable creatures, destined to die, but in reality, on the other hand, there is always something hidden, submerged in your internal being, in your divine spark. And that spark is eternal. It’s inextinguishable. It does not die. This is what the great 34

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magic is. This is what that harnessing power inside of you is, that divine spark. This divine spark is just a little spark when created in the soul. Your spirit placed this spark and actually divided it and placed it into the soul. We must, as souls, fan this spark until it becomes a flame. Fan it, fan it, fan it, until it becomes a flame. That is where the great mystery, as you call it, or complexity is, is how do we fan this spark? Everyone is always searching, searching, searching, how do I fan this spark? How do I grow my expansion? How do I expand my soul? But there is no one answer. Each individual spark is individual. You must find your own way to fan it. No one else can tell you how. You must find your own path. So, though you can watch videos online, though you can talk with other spiritual healers, you will not get the answers. The only way to get the answers to fan your own spark is by connecting with your spiritual team. By connecting with your own Higher Self in order to get those answers. For your spiritual team was brought here to assist you. This spark came from our great creator, from Source. That spark is uncreated, and uncreatable, for it has always been, and was always within Source. There’s no duality between the spark—that spark is whole and pure. The duality only comes when the spark was placed within the soul. The duality that was created is in me and you, thinking and acting as if God and me are other, separate. We must have this duality in order to grow as a spirit. When you reuse this soul thousands upon thousands of times, each time your spark is fanned and grown. It is through sacred teachings that we can learn and remove the veil of ignorance and allow this spark to emerge and grow within us. And when it has grown to capacity, that is when you can fully act. For action is required. Action is required in order to manifest, as you guys say. That it’s through the harmonization of acting, that the frequency within us

and out of us must be in harmonization in order to manifest. Of one’s parts that a new order appears, when this harmonization between me and God, as we spoke about earlier, the duality, the harmonization between the frequencies is what opens the energies to a higher level. And it is beyond that we are regarded as knowledgeable, or in all forms. There are always energies around us. There is always energy trying to bombard us. But it is how we interpret those energies where we are instrumental in accessing the energy from those different frequencies. You are here… your soul was created to be an instrument of Spirit. Of your spirit, and other spirits. You are here to channel your higher spirit and other spirits to create and expand your soul. For that is everybody’s soul mission; to expand their soul and grow upon their soul mission. Always remember that you are a conscious occupant of the human form. For this human form is of feeble matter and will no longer… for when you pass out of this human form, your frequency will change and you will no longer feel as stuck as you do now. But in order to transfer to a higher frequency properly, you must live out your life contract. You cannot cut it short. You must fulfill your full life contract in order to transmute into a higher frequency. Always know that you are a divine spark of Source, and blessings, we’ll leave it at that…

Awesome… Did that make sense. Of course! (pause) It’s 2:22! That’s pretty awesome. (laughs) Yes, it is. She leaves at 2:22, of course she does. 2+2+2 is six, interesting. Everything happens in 3-6-9. Interesting. Yeah, I think that’s all. (coughing a lot) I wish there was a way around channeling where I didn’t have to cough! That was a great reading! And I have ramped up the coffee lately, for sure. You feel like you have more energy, but it brings your vibration down. It’s more scattered energy. Okay, good stuff! I’m glad you’re more expanded from your experiences this weekend! I am beyond happy… I feel like I got this now.

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Igniting the Spark! New York Times Bestselling author and one of the most celebrated spiritual teachers working today James Van Praagh is joining Transformation Consultant and Life Coach Donna Bond to present Igniting the Spark Weekend Event at the Hotel del Coronado November 8-9th (more information can be found at HotelDel.com). They kindly sat for an interview with me. – Scott Ware James Van Praagh: I think I was on the cover of Radiance Magazine. Scott Ware: Yes, it was before my time, with Danielle. Now the workshop is called “Igniting the Spark…” Now, do I have a spark, and you’ll help me ignite it? Donna Bond: He has the spark! JVP: We all have the spark. DB: I think it’s a great way to integrate your Higher Self, your soul, and your humanness. The more I’m on the spiritual path, the more I realize it’s about loving your humanness. (to James) I love playing by your side, because you get to play in the ethers and help ground things for people and assist them with a spiritually practical way to navigate physical reality. JVP: Wow, I want to go to that! I’m amazed with Donna as a transformational coach. I believe that life is all 36

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about movement, and when we get stuck in something, we have to take a look at that, and why we’re holding back because we should be moving and flowing. With the two of us together, it’s a wonderful chance to explore what’s holding people back, what patterns are they reliving, what reality are they stuck on, are they living a soulful life or stuck in the material world. SW: A lot of people know you as a psychic medium… JVP: A small, medium and large too. SW: (laughs) So you’re bringing something extra special to this subject of getting to know your deeper, authentic self. What aspects of your psychic self are you bringing to this? JVP: We’ll be doing Soul Readings, because I’ve learned that the soul is 20% in the body and 80% out of the body, the Higher Self. I want people to be able to connect with their Higher Self through various processes, meditation and mind journeys. But mainly the energy of the room is going to tell us what we’ll teach. DB: This is a whole weekend event, and on Friday night alone, James is going to do his “magic.” JVP: A mediumship demonstration; talking to dead people. Also, we’re experts in different fields, she in the physical/mental, and me in the spiritual emotional. We want to see where we’re stuck, clear the blocks and integrate our whole self. DB: We want to help people navigate their own inner compass and learn to open to hearing those inner messages. JVP: Ignite their empowered self, because we give away our power in so many ways. We’ll see where they’ve left their power behind, and we’ll look at the ways people give their power away and how to set up proper boundaries so you can say from an empowered place, “That’s not good for me. You can’t throw that energy at me; I’m not taking that.” SW: Thinking of yourself as a sacred vessel is amazing. JVP: Honor yourself. Mirror that God light. You’ve got to love yourself. DB: How James and I really complement each other is we don’t mince words.

JVP: Exactly! DB: For people who are looking for forward motion in their life, this is a great way to activate their life! SW: What’s something people can do right now to get in touch with their inner self?

They’ll have the realization and the perspective that they’re a soul having a human experience, not the other way around JVP: There’s a process that’s very simple. When you’re home, sit in a closet if you have to so you’re not interrupted by the phone, by people, by animals, where it’s quiet. It’s about sitting in the stillness of your being. Do deep breathing, then imagine there’s a star with your name on it, and then breathe in the light of that star, and that brings the mind to that space, then let that golden light run through your body, and as you exhale, have the intention to release any anxiety, any emotional upsets you might have had, any negative energy, and you just let that go, and do that three or four times. And then just sit in that stillness of your being, in that quiet, because that quiet is very loud, and then layers of soul start opening up. And you start

connecting, and that’s the easiest way to begin. That and more we’ll discuss at the workshop. DB: That was so lovely! I just saw a lotus flower opening up in my mind’s eye. JVP: The truth is so simple, but human beings look for the complexity. It’s simple: All things come down to love or fear. SW: Even with a busy mind you can do this. JVP: Well you have to breathe, right? It’s just being a part of the breath, letting that breath go all the way down to our feet. Riding that breath, and then releasing it. SW: When people leave your workshop at the Hotel Del Coronado, what do you want them leave with? DB: Empowerment. That sense of self. That sense of knowing you’re connected. That we’re so much more than our thoughts, or emotions, or our environment! JVP: Yes, they’re going to go home from this event riding high, I can tell you that. They’ll have the realization and the perspective that they’re a soul having a human experience, not the other way around. Because Earth is a school of the soul. They’ll have a perspective of who they truly are. It will be life-changing.

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Humility is the Real Strength— A Spiritual Lesson in Love By Greg Friedman When I was a teenager, I was the angriest dog in the yard. I’d roam the streets of Hollywood looking to see how much trouble I could get into and you can get into a whole heap of nasty stuff at three in the morning in the middle of Hollywood without even trying. I had a father that was a pretty good role model for how to be angry and explosive and a brother that was slowly dying from a brain tumor. My parents understandably had to devote their primary energy to him and I was lost. In retrospect, I can see I really was overwhelmed and looking for any kind of trouble as a way to avoid feeling things that I was incapable of processing. I allowed my wound to bleed over anyone that would get close. My entire life I’ve been an empath, felt things, helped shift energy and taught myself how to meditate before I even knew what meditation was. I was in desperate need of guidance. My life took a major shift when I found Indigenous teachings. I’m blessed to have had some elders take me under their wings to study and do ceremony. Indigenous wisdom gave me context for those weird things I experienced and helped me begin to heal. It nurtured my soul and helped me recognize my passion for being of service (now I teach and lead groups on medicine journeys locally and all over the world). As a result, I’m a kind and gentle man for the most part but when I get triggered it’s like a nuclear bomb going off and incredibly jarring to those near because it’s so opposite my normal demeanor. Often later I tell myself a story about how “justified” I was in going off. Recently I was given a great gift toward alleviating this pattern for which I will always be grateful. I was in the midst of a struggle with my significant other—I felt poked and prodded— until I did it again, I 38

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went off like a nuclear bomb. And once again, I felt justified letting out the dogs of war, even righteous, and yet I knew the truth. I sought guidance from Shridhar, the creator of Bhakti and Shakti Fest, who I had just interviewed on my radio show. He was a wise and gentle man and quickly saw the issue. He pointed out there was plank in my eye to be removed, called “lack of humility.” I didn’t get it. Shridhar saw this, so when my Love showed up just then, Shridhar dropped to his knees and placed his forehead on her feet in reverence. Needless to say, My Love and I were both shocked at the profound gesture. Shridhar stood and instructed me to do the same. Placing my forehead on her feet, I embodied humility, instead of just conceptualizing it. In that moment my life shifted. I also felt an energetic and physical exhale from her. The sound of healing. I understood viscerally that being right is magnificently unimportant. I met my wound and am healing it. Jesus washed the feet of his followers and similarly, Shridhar taught me the strength in bowing, the strength in humility. Which equates to love. Greg Friedman is a spiritual guide and intuitive mentor who leads people on journeys to work with indigenous elders in the jungle of Peru, North America and Australia. Greg also hosts the nationally syndicated radio program “Inner Journey with Greg Friedman” on KX93.5fm interviewing thought leaders like Don Miguel Ruiz, Marianne Williamson and Gregg Braden.


Reasons to Attend The Mindfulness Expo

Connection with Self; Connection with like minded people The classes provided at the expo will give attendees life skills. The better we understand who we are, the better we can follow our intuition and make sound decisions. Learn the tools to understand your life, set in an environment with others who are on the same path as you.

The investment we make into ourselves is the greatest investment Of all the investments available to us, the investment into ourselves becomes the most valuable. No amount of money or time spent on becoming a better person can be taken away from us. Understanding mindfulness leads to a fulfilling and empowered life True empowerment is a natural by product as one walks the path of self actualization. Life is not hard. We just have to develop the right mindset to understand it and

Michelle Zarrin

Cassandra Carlopio

Ava Johanna

Jasmine Smith

deal with it. This why mindfulness classes become so important. What we did not learn in school, is now at our disposal at the expo. No matter your age or where you are in life, you will benefit. Array of workshops Our workshops have been selected for maximum experience for our attendees. Attendees can choose from a wide range of topics. To name a few: Kundalini, spiritual relationships, sound healing, spiritual selling, benefits of meditation, transformative aspects of nature, finding your passion, and so much more! Accessible and affordable for all The Mindfulness Expo is a one-day event, from 10am-6pm. Ticket prices are $35 for the entire day’s event, with no add-on charges. Stay for the full day, or choose a couple classes. Your schedule is up to you. And in between classes, check out our vast array of exhibitor booths, all in the fields of mindfulness and wellness.

Katie Pelkey

Jamie Dubin

Brian Hyman

Amparo Rojas

SAT, NOVEMBER 30TH 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM


25 Hike Challenge

Christina McMahon & Darrin Kagele

Lisa Vitta

Hilary Jackendoff

Elevate the Gobe

Joe Nunziata

Koko Hayashi

Tammy Adams


Natural Health and Wellness with Cannabis and CBD – Welcome to Haven Lisa Gutierrez of Haven Stores spoke to us about the four cannabis and CBD stores they’re opening this fall in the Long Beach area and their unique and specialized approach to customer service. – Radiance Is Haven Stores catering to a specific kind of cannabis customer? Yes, we focus on the health and wellness side of cannabis, something you don’t generally see with the other stores out there. We’re creating a safe space for people who are new to cannabis. We want mothers, daughters, grandmothers, grandfathers to be able to come to our stores and have a completely open experience where they’re allowed to feel and consume and buy the way they’d like to. What do you mean by catering to the health and wellness aspects? For us, it’s where cannabis came from. Medical cannabis was legal in California before recreational cannabis ever was. We want the grandmothers who have issues moving around or arthritis to know we can talk to her at that level and talk about the reduction of pain and discomfort so they can be out there with their kids and grandkids. We also carry a full line of CBD products, and that’s important. You see other stores not carrying CBD, or not carrying hemp-derived CBD, whereas we’re carrying a full line of health and wellness products, including the topicals for people with skin issues of some sort, or for temporary relief of localized pain. We carry tinctures for cancer treatment-related 40

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patients. Some people come in daily with the need to slow down cell growth and who genuinely need this product to live. It’s really changed in the last few years what people think of cannabis, hasn’t it? It has! It’s not just the 20 year-olds who want to just go out and party. It’s really becoming something that people can look at and know that they’re able to function daily with cannabis. It’s not just the party drug anymore, and we’re not just the party people. We’re your daughters, your sons, we’re your mother and your fathers… we’re real people. There are strains of cannabis where you can be very high-functioning. Are people able to do their jobs while taking cannabis? Absolutely. There are a lot of factors you look at, like potency, strain type… Let’s say you’re a soccer mom and you want to medicate discretely because you have some type of focus disorder. That’s not a problem—we’ll probably advise you to use a cannabis vape product because they are discrete, and we’ll recommend you use a Sativa so you can focus a bit more. Did you mean a focus disorder like ADHD? Yes, and we’ll also cover depression and anxiety. So, you must have people working behind the counter that has knowledge of these things? Education is our third pillar, after health and wellness.

We host weekly seminars for our employees to learn about the health and wellness aspects of our products. We’ll bring some food and make it a real fun experience. We’re also starting monthly educational seminars for our customers.

the THC in cannabis, so they can always consider that their safety net.

I understand you’re opening four locations in the Long Beach area over the next few months? We are! (Go to myhavenstores.com for the locations.)

Like an escape hatch! If you don’t like what you’re experiencing, you can get out of it in 10 or 15 minutes? It depends on how you ingest it. If you smoke it, you have about a 5-7 minute activation time. If you’re going to ingest it, depending on what you’ve eaten and been drinking, it can be 10-40 minutes.

It sounds like you’re looking to spoil your customers and give them the best cannabis service they’ve ever had. Yes, we want to make sure cannabis is a safe buying experience for everybody, no matter what you’re coming in for.

The way I recommend doing CBD, especially if you’re looking for a relief type of effect, you’re either going to put it underneath your tongue, or take it in the form of a drink. The drink will metabolize faster so you can get the effects almost immediately.

What would you say to the potential new cannabis customer who’s skeptical this isn’t just a party drug? The first thing I would let them know is they don’t have to jump off the deep end. It’s okay to start slow and experiment in the ways that they’re comfortable. We can start with some low potency flowers, smoking it, micro dosing it, if they’re rather eat an edible than inhale cannabis… It’s little options like that that make them comfortable. And then the second rule to everything is CBD is your safe space! Let’s say you get a little bit uncomfortable, or maybe you had a strain that didn’t quite work for you, and you got a little paranoid, CBD will always counteract the negative effects of

That is really good to know! It’s important to educate. Like with the seminars we’ll be doing for the community every month, Haven is a place you can go and learn this sort of thing. Sometimes a 10- or 15-minute conversation with a “bud-tender” just isn’t enough for people who want to educate themselves. Lisa, is there anything else you want people to know? Just that Haven is here to help. We’re here to give people the right recommendations that they need. For their health, wellness, wellbeing… and enjoyment! Of course!

Go to havenstores.com for the location nearest you.

Let’s Celebrate! Holistic Healing for Military Veterans at No Cost

Do you think U.S. military veterans should have access to free holistic healing treatments? So does Heaven and Earth Oasis, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization who’s holding their 7th Annual Fundraising Luncheon on October 26th (sponsored by SoCal Gas, Cryohealthcare and Pulse Centers PEMF). Terri Tilton, who is on the Board of Directors, shared their vision. Radiance What is Heaven and Earth Oasis’s mandate? To provide alternative healthcare to veterans at no cost. Our ultimate goal is to build a facility that is an amazing retreat center as a for-profit and a non-profit that includes equine therapy, animal therapy of all kinds; birds, dogs, horses. We will provide equipment and modalities for pain relief, like CBD, all for the people 42

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who put their lives on the line for us and our freedom. They’ve not been cared for properly! Now people will come from all over the world to experience this healing center, and those people will help finance veterans attending for no charge. Right now, we just need investors to say “Yes” to contributing. Traditional medical treatments just aren’t enough. Pharmaceuticals work for some things, but opioids, for instance, can be a disaster. We know that alternative healthcare provides amazing results. From my own experience with cancer, I had great doctors, but I attribute the bulk of my healing as a cancer survivor to holistic practitioners who used a creative visualization technique. That alternative modality helped me really

come to grips with dealing with it. What do you say to people who are skeptical about holistic remedies in general, let alone for men and women who had very difficult experiences as a soldier in war? For me personally, because I deal with that kind of work as a practitioner, everyone has trauma. Most of the time it happens when we’re young, and from those, we create belief systems that are radically skewed about how life is based on that experience, which greatly hinders our growth as loving human beings. Then we even go a step further and create people and situations to validate and confirm those dysfunctional views of life. I’m a firm advocate of the subconscious mind, and to be able to get someone to recognize what their wounds are and be able to properly heal them, that’s real progress. Now you’re not going to win all the battles… Interesting turn of phrase. Yes, no pun intended! People are much more open these days to anything that’s going to help them. Especially with the opioid crisis.

You are cordially invited to the

Heaven and Earth Oasis 7th Annual Fundraising Luncheon with guest speaker

Dr. Sue Morter

Internationally recognized authority on bridging Science, Spirit and Human Possibilty

Saturday, October 26th, 2019 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Loews Hotel

1755 N. Highland Ave, Hollywood, California, 90028


$195 (in advance, $180 if purchased by July 30th) $225 (at the door) • $1,800 (table of 10) RSVP by September 15th | 323-656-2267 or heavenandearthoasis.org Preferred method of payment is by check made payable to: Heaven and Earth Oasis and mailed to: Valerie Heath 7917 Selma Ave, Suite 330 Los Angeles, CA 90046 All proceeds go to holistic treatments for U.S. military veterans. HEO provides free, holistic healing treatments for veterans to help with their recovery. Heaven and Earth Oasis

Yes, more hospitals are using essential oils in lieu of opioids many times. Yes, and acupuncture has been around for centuries. Chiropractic was the forerunner of a holistic practice that insurance companies now cover because it works! Even more doctors are becoming more open and aware to these other effective healing modalities. Even the VA recognizes that alternative health care is essential and helps the veterans. OCT-NOV 2019 43


OCT-NOV 2019

PRECIOUS INTROSPECTION: When Magic Reveals Itself By Christine Alisa, MS Time and time again I have witnessed the “Ah ha” moments where my clients connect with their own personal internal revelation. It may happen when a client is experiencing a traumatic memory, or it can occur when a deep state of understanding reveals itself; the unconscious becomes conscious. I see their faces light up, open up and even cry when the inner knowledge bursts forth. It is an awe-inspiring moment for us both. They are forever changed, transformed and even transfixed through the experience. Deep awareness comes with these experiences giving clients a sense of personal power over their lives. I have seen children and adults alike shed old patterns that do not serve them, their families or their souls.

and transformation, and the commitment gets you there. If you or someone you know is ready to shed the old and seek a path of introspections and clarity, I encourage you to take the step. The rewards are limitless. Contact Christine Alisa at: www.christinealisa.com chris@christinealisa.com (562) 619-5883 Meetup Group: https://www.meetup.com/ The-Ordinary-Shaman/events/264558536/

These revelations come because there is a commitment to work on oneself and partake in the therapeutic journey.

I see their faces light up, open up and even cry when the inner knowledge bursts forth. It is an awe-inspiring moment for us both When I speak to clients in my consultation or Discovery Session hour, I explore their concerns and difficulties with an eye for their level of commitment to themselves. Facing oneself does take courage, but I ask my clients to connect to that piece that is in all of us. I see how debilitating fear can be to people and ask them, “Is remaining stuck, confused or directionless worse?” Moving through fear into the introspection moments creates an everlasting shift in oneself. That shift is the pinnacle that leads to greater understanding OCT-NOV 2019 45

We are marvels of change! Dr. Joe Dispenza brings together his many years of research into the brain and human biology to present the latest findings on what is humanly possible for creating massive transformation in our lives. In fact, you have a supernatural ability to create a new future, in your own image. We are not hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of our lives, nor are we doomed by our genes.

Tune in to this epic series as Dr. Dispenza reveals the secret formulas for rewiring your brain and building coherence with your being, so that you can move from thinking to doing to being, as a new person in a new future that you have intentionally created. Episode 1: Introduction to Your Brain You have the capability of becoming supernatural, which means being able to change your body and your world by

Episode 2: What is change? How can we move past the pain of yesterday and into the joys of a new future? By breaking the habits of the old self and creating a new self. Joe Dispenza explains how we can get break out of the loop of redundant thinking, as the body can get stuck in the emotions of the past. By teaching the body what a new future feels like, it learns how to let go of pain from the past and start living in a more positive future.

Stream the first episode today! Visit www.gaia.com/radiance

thought alone. Dr. Joe Dispenza reveals the formula for rewiring your brain and changing your life. He explains that we are not hardwired to be a certain way for the entirety of our lives. Before you can understand how this works, you need an introduction to your brain and its parts, to learn how they affect what you think, do, and experience. Armed with this knowledge, you have the power to create coherence within.

Episode 3: Demystifying Meditation Dr. Joe Dispenza offers a new scientific view of meditation as a means for transcending the body, environment and time, to reach the sweet spot of being in the present moment. We may not be fully aware of the things we think and feel every day. But they control everything we do and experience. When we move into meditation, the veil between the conscious and subconscious minds drops, allowing us to become aware of our automatic thoughts and behaviors, enabling change. This gives you the power to train the body and mind into coherence, giving you the energy you need to create a new future.

OCT-NOV 2019 47

Changing the way we live and changing the way we think will paradigm shift us into a new reality. Ancient mystery schools trained their initiates on how to do this and new revelations from quantum science reaffirm these techniques.

New es d o s i p E a! i a G n o

Theresa Bullard, Ph.D. in physics, deftly interweaves complex concepts from ancient mystery teachings and quantum physics to bring us real-world ways in which we can deepen our spiritual connections and manifest a fulfilled life. Doing so, she shows us the way to reunite with source and tap into our unlimited potential as conscious beings.

Explore the deep truths of our New origin, history, destiny and fate, Episode with celebrated author and on G s luminary Gregg Braden.


Season 1 - Full Season New Available Connect science and spirituality to reveal a new understanding of humanity’s history, the origins of civilization and the power of our heart’s intelligence. Season 2 - Full Season Now Available Are we living in a virtual reality? Discover the societal and spiritual implications that arise when we recognize our world as an artificially constructed computer simulation. Season 3 - Full Season Now Available Discover the Divine Matrix, how it influences you, and how you can influence it. This could dramatically improve your life, your wellbeing, and the lives of all of those around you.

Stream the first episode today! Visit www.gaia.com/radiance


OCT-NOV 2019

OCT-NOV 2019 51

When Pets Reincarnate By Kara of Pet’s Eye View

It was a cool Spring day. I had just completed reading a book on animal communication which detailed a dog promising in an afterlife reading to reincarnate to its owners, saying the word, “Daisy.” Two years later, a litter of pups were for adoption in a house on Daisy Lane and the owner saw them advertised in the local paper. Soon after, I walked my noble, sable Sheltie, Jayce, to the park. Jayce was 14, slept 18 hours daily, and walked laboriously. Thousands of red ball fetch sessions had worn down his legs. But he still had those same gentle sherry-brown eyes, and he still held my hands with his paws, and looked at me adoringly. “Oh, Jaycee,” I cried into his ever-soft fur. “I know you are tired, but I can’t do without you. Please stay a while. And if you can ever come back to me, please do. I will miss you forever.”

I got chills and she jumped in my lamp, licked my cheeks, and screamed in my head, “Thank Goodness you finally believe it!” Today, I talk to many deceased animals. Some clients ask me if they will reincarnate. Sometimes. Animals have their own soul trajectories. I estimate that 20 percent of pets reincarnate to the same person, and it can take years. “How will I know?,” people ask, their voices frantic with need. I tell them not to seek their pets. Grieve, and assume you will reunite when you die. The more desperate you are, the more unlikely your pet can return. Second, don’t expect them to be the same breed, gender, or even species. Finally, there will be definitive signs that this is the same soul. The eyes will often offer a familiar gaze. If a pet will reincarnate, he gives me a sign, a color, maybe a size. If you are in this lucky 20 percent, 52

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understand that you have a unique shared mission. Don’t waste it. And Jayce? He died January 9, 2011. He held my hands, saying, “It is ok to let me go.” I expected nothing. Six months later, I was on social media when a FB plea appeared to rescue 12 dogs in two hours, before they were euthanized. The first picture was of a red dog, labeled half Sheltie/half chihuahua. It was impossibly small, and a girl, but the eyes called to me. I involuntarily blurted, “Jayce.” I adopted this dog, who was, according to the shelter, aged one. I assumed I was being crazy seeing signs: the guarding groceries from my other dogs while never eating any; the way she held my hands; the gaze. I was told she was born while Jayce was alive. But at her next vet check, the doctor looked at her teeth and declared on January 25, 2012, that she was about 1-year old. I got chills and she jumped in my lamp, licked my cheeks, and screamed in my head, “Thank Goodness you finally believe it!” This is Liberty—my soulmate dog. She returned to help me teach animal communication and help animals form better bonds with their people. If you decide to take a class, you can meet her. Animal communication, putting your pets on purpose, and EFT are techniques that can establish equilibrium where medical science may falter. For more information on choosing the right purpose for your pet, or any kind of pet reading, please visit www.petseyeview.com for my eBook. Write kara@petseyeview.com for an appointment or call 949-282-3506.

OCT-NOV 2019 53

Excerpt from an upcoming novel

Love on Me

A Comedy about Sacred Union By Scott Ware Note to the Reader: Words like Spirit, Source, the Universe, Oneness, and God are used interchangeably. Trust me, She doesn’t mind. - SW PROLOGUE You ever see something so weird and possibly magical, that you can’t tell anybody about it because they’ll think you’re insane? It happened to me while I was lounging in my backyard sipping India Pale Ale after a perfect meal grilled on the barbecue. The late summer sun was setting, and I was lulled into a blissful state as I watched the separate dying embers of charcoal send fragrant wisps of aroma into the evening air. I put my feet up on the chair where Claire had sat a few moments ago—how much better could life get? Maybe I’ll go inside and turn on the Lakers game. It was going to be a good one because the star player was coming off the injured list and had something to prove. Yeah, as soon as this buzzy feeling fades, I’ll grab another beer and check that out. I slipped into some mindless daydreaming, and at some point, I found myself staring at the small rectangle of grass that constituted our backyard… and suddenly noticed it was moving. I don’t just mean that a few blades of grass were blowing in the wind, I mean the whole patch of land was undulating as though it had turned into a giant waterbed. It was like something out of “The Matrix.” But when I snapped out of the daydream and focused my vision, it stopped. Hey, I wanted it back! I saw how this works, so I relaxed my eyes back to the same point where I was looking a few feet “past” the grass and there it went again. But this time there was a glow around it, as if 54

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some kind of strange energy was emanating from it. Like it was alive. But would I tell anyone about this? Hell no. This was crazy talk. “Hey, honey!” I thought of saying, but caught myself before the words spilled out. Was I really going to tell Claire about this? No. I mean sure, she’s talked about out-of-theordinary things like hearing her dead grandmother whisper things to her, or that she was able to “read” another person in her Crystal Psychic Workshop or whatever it’s called, and that she started communicating with higher energies. I asked if she could find out from them the winning lottery numbers, and she accused me of being “low-vibration” and then she never brought up her workshops again. Probably for the best—I just didn’t get all that woo-woo stuff. Yes, and I’m definitely not going to give her the satisfaction of this “vision,” which I’ll probably forget in a few days anyway. I mean, didn’t we have enough problems in the world? No need to complicate things by talking about undulating waves of glowing grass or other strange imaginings that are probably meaningless… Who has the time to sift through all these things, which to be honest with you, are a little creepy and best left untouched? “Alex, I need to talk to you.” Claire’s voice came through the screen. “I’m about to turn on the game. How about at halftime?” She didn’t respond, and the way the shadows were falling, I couldn’t even see her face. I closed the barbecue and stood up. Did seeing the

lawn move change my life any? Nah. It’s gonna take more than that. Yeah, the Lakers are going to be a competitive team this year. It’s going to be a good season. CHAPTER ONE Me: “It’s really not a good time for me to go through a ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ right now. Any chance I can postpone?” Universe: … EIGHT MONTHS LATER “Hey, wake up!” With the side of my head leaning on the inside of my Camry window, I had just nodded off when I heard the sharp voice, and then felt knocking on the glass by my face. I jolted awake. With sleep-deprived, squinty eyes I was startled to see a middle-aged guy with a silver crucifix gleaming over his windbreaker. I opened the window. “You can’t sleep here,” he said in a monotone voice. It was after midnight, but there were enough lights to see his expression was as compassionate as his tone: not at all. “What’s the problem?” “Private property. You gotta move along.” “This is a church parking lot, right?” “Yes.” “I thought churches took in the homeless.” “Yes, some do.” A very long moment of silence occurred between us. Maybe I chose the wrong denomination? Finally, I sighed, then moved my seat to the upright position and started the engine, the heat from the vents immediately warming me. As I drove off, I considered the bigger question: Why was I homeless at this stage of my life? The answer is short: I’m a victim. A victim of life. There was no way I could know how much my wife leaving me for her yoga instructor would decimate me. Obliterate me. Demolish me. You might look at me and think, “Wow, that guy looks like he could accomplish anything he sets his

mind to.” That’s because people don’t see the destruction inside, the misery I’ve been living. So what if I’m only in my mid 30’s, healthy, with mixed Mediterranean lineage? The open, festering wounds are there, I assure you. And until the last six months happened to me, I had a bounce to my step. People who spring out of bed in the morning? That was me until severe depression meant I would just sort of fall out of bed, my feet there to catch me so I didn’t face-plant. That’s when I had a bed. Now I recline the seat in my car and use the 24-Hour Fitness for showering. Yeah, I’m one of those guys you see in the gym locker room with a duffel bag holding everything I own. How did I get here? Depression caused me to care even less for a job I was barely holding onto anyway. Does Aflac insurance cover you when you lose your job from depression? Doesn’t matter, because I didn’t have it. Should I get it now? No, because the acquisition of food and shelter has exponentially increased in importance. Why did Claire leave me? “Oh, oh, ask me, I know!” Only because I’ve thought about it six thousand times since. Let’s start with when she said I was sucking her energy, shall we? That I was an “energy vampire.” Really?! First of all, energy is something that powers cars and rockets, not marriages. Sure, you should get enough sleep and eat right so you have energy for your day, but I think the FBI and Interpol would be interested to know about all this human energy theft happening around the globe. And so what if it’s a real thing? Maybe if you’re in a relationship, you’re supposed to suck energy from the other person. Maybe that’s what they’re there for—when you need it, you suck. When they need it, they suck. Otherwise you’re just good for, what? Cooking, cleaning and sex? What happened to supporting your man? Helping your partner through life’s challenges, through thick and thin? Where’s the commitment? Then she said we didn’t share the same interests. Okay, she was right about that, but so what? You OCT-NOV 2019 55

get a divorce over that? Next. Irreconcilable differences. Just because I wanted to watch the news opinion people every night and she wanted to watch some metaphysical documentaries on Gaia. She said “my people” were too loud (they had to be, to be heard above the kooks on the other side), they were too low-vibe and “all in their head.” Maybe Claire needed to be a little more in her head… Of course, I told her that—you shouldn’t keep these things in, especially if there’s a teachable moment at hand—but she didn’t take it as an insult. She just said something about the importance of coming from your heart chalk-ra (or whatever) was even more important, and that if we treated everyone like family there’d be no strife in the world. Hey, if we treated everyone like my family, everyone with bad grades would go to bed without dinner or get beaten for almost any infraction. Isn’t there a country where they cane you? How high-vibe is that? Then she said something about toxic behavior and setting boundaries and I tuned her out at that point. I pulled up to the curb in front of an apartment complex with crumbling stucco. Jordan lived here, and he’d offered me space to crash, though I’d been avoiding it. We were friendly enough, but his place was a constant party den, and I just wasn’t in the mood these days. But here I sat nonetheless, desperate. Claire also said the intimacy wasn’t there, which I told her was utterly ridiculous. But she was talking not about the physical, but the energy, that when people change and grow apart, it’s just not the same. How does that happen? She’s the most important thing in my life, which I realize more and more every day. There are nights where my stomach feels knotted over losing her. And then there’s the nights where it feels like a pit has opened up in my guts and my organs are being pulled inside out. Somehow sleep manages to save me every time from thinking dark thoughts about 56 OCT-NOV 2019

whether I even deserve to exist. Yeah, thoughts like that. Whatever it is I lacked for her, I am SO prepared to boost, expand, trim, exfoliate, take a class, take a workshop… I even grabbed one of the flyers she brought home and popped in on one of those holistic psychic fairs she was always going to, just to see if I could relate. But I just didn’t get it: a bunch of people selling oils and jewelry with “mystical” properties? Psychic readers—didn’t they use to be called fortune tellers? —watching you as you stroll down the aisle trying to figure out which one you’re going to allow into your head—if they weren’t in there already! Why should I get a reading, anyway? What are they going to tell me, that I’m in a pit and it’s dark all around, and hopeless? I can see that for myself. Or in their language, I can experience that for myself, here in the present moment. And I’m here to say the present moment sucks. I grabbed my backpack and got out of the car. I trudged up the steps to 12B and knocked. It was actually pretty mellow inside when Jordan answered the door. He’s in his late 30’s, Filipino, with deep grooves along the sides of his mouth, probably from a lifetime of laughing at everyone’s jokes. He was wearing a loose “shaman” shirt and sweat pants, and upon seeing me gave me a warm smile and a bro hug. “Alex, whoa, did not expect you tonight.” “I decided to take you up on a place to crash. Well, I already crashed, but I could do with some sleep.” “Yeah, so, so sorry about you and Claire and…” “Losing my job and my house?” “Yeah, all that, man.” “Even a church kicked me out. Can you believe?” “I believe a lot. Come in, just don’t step on anybody.” I took a step inside the dimly-lit apartment and saw what he meant: six people were lying on yoga mats and pillows looking blissed out. I backed up a step. “Hey, I can come another time.” “No worries, it’s just plant medicine.”

I saw a man and woman facing each other having a hushed and obviously intimate conversation. “You guys doing ayahuasca?” I was referring to that infamous psychedelic plant from Peru that supposedly provided a transcendent spiritual experience. “No, these are a special batch of mushrooms, very strong. A lot of profound journeying is happening here tonight.” “Are you on them now?” “No, I’m monitoring them. Follow me.” I took a moment. What the hell, I’m already here. I closed the front door and followed him to the spare bedroom. Something had changed Jordan. He used to be manic, always with a drink in one hand and something smoking in the other, singing loudly to whatever song was playing. Now he’s a transformed man. The bedroom was empty except for a pile of shoes, obviously from the guests. Jordan handed me a yoga mat, pillow and blanket. “I expected a party in here,” I told him. He shook his head. “Stopped that a while ago. Saw the light and followed it.” “What light?” He tapped his narrow chest gently. “Inside. Started meditating, doing yoga, and then I went to Peru…” “Yeah, I heard.” “Hey, you’re welcome to join us, but I know you’re not into mushrooms and all that, so just unwind, chill out, and we’ll rap in the morning.” “Thanks for not pressuring me, Jordan.” “Plant medicine has to call to you.” He opened the door. “Good night, amigo. If you need anything, I’ll be over there by Laura.” He gestured in the direction of a young woman with honey-colored hair looking over at him. I squinted in her direction. “You guys hooked up?” “We connected. It’s not even a Twin Flame thing, it’s beyond. Sacred union, most beautiful thing ever.” “Congrats.” He gave me another quick hug, then carefully

walked over to the empty mat next to Laura and sat down. She gently touched his face, then tucked back into her blanket and went to sleep. I leaned on the doorway and looked at these people. What kind of journeys could they possibly be going on that mattered? The natural hallucinogens in mushrooms supposedly sped some awakening process.

We connected. It’s not even a Twin Flame thing, it’s beyond. Sacred union, most beautiful thing ever. Until today, I never even believed there could be anything to awaken from, or to. But then I flashed back to that afternoon in my back yard when my gaze softened, and the grass started to heave and surge… What if Claire was right, that there was more to life than our five senses tell us? What if I could learn all about it, and use it to get her back? And I would need to get there fast—she was still answering my texts, but I could tell she was losing interest. I had to move now, while the lines of communication were still open. Would doing “magic” mushrooms get me there? What did I have to lose? As my eyes finished adjusting to the dim lighting, I saw Jordan looking in my direction. He was sitting next to some fancy cups that he presumedly used to serve the mushroom cocktail. He seemed to sense my thoughts—or was it my energy? —and picked up a cup and held it in my direction, essentially asking me if I wanted it. Boy, did I. Don’t miss Alex’s journey in the Dec-Jan Radiance where he thinks he’s finally discovered the secret to life and meets “the one.“

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