July/August 2015 Radiance magazine

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a publication for the Socially and Spiritually Conscious Community

Three Lies and One Truth: The Toxic Lies About Scarcity

The Legitimacy of Healing By Dr. Eric Pearl

By Rev. Danielle Marie

Ten Ways to Know If He/She is Your Soulmate

Animal Communication, A Skill, Not A Gift

By Carmen Harra, Ph.D.

By Kara Udziela

How to Repattern Your Brain and Revitalize Your Life

Developing Your Yogic Super Powers to Make the World a Better Place

By Lisa Garr

By James Connor

Is It Possible to Be Rich and Spiritual?

Moving Beyond the Seven Myths that Sabotage Our Lives By Andrea Riggs

By Arnoux Goran

Spirit Sings: Finding the Melody that Dwells Within You

One Lesson Learned

By Marcie Howard

By Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D. JULY/AUGUST 2015 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 5




Radiance July/August 2015





Three Lies and One Truth: The Toxic Lies About Scarcity


By Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Founder of Temple of Light Spiritual Community, Director of the Academy of Light School for Healing Arts, Practitioners, Publisher of Radiance magazine, Mentor to Holistic and Healing Arts Practitioners

8 10

Animal Communication: A Skill, Not a Gift By Kara Udziela

On-site Practitioners


Leadership Team


Developing Your Yogic Super Powers to Make the World a Better Place

17 21

By James Connor

Moving Beyond the Seven Myths that Sabotage Our Lives By Andrea Riggs

Spirit Sings: Finding the Melody that Dwells Within You By Marcie Howard

ON THE COVER Money is the Root of all Evil MAGAZINE STAFF Published by Rev. Danielle Marie, Spiritual Director of Temple of Light Spiritual Community Editor-in-Chief, Creative Director, Executive Director Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.

The online version now has LIVE LINKS so you can immediately connect to the author, advertiser, or healer.


The Legitimacy of Healing


Workshops and Classes

28 29 31 34 36 40

By Dr. Eric Pearl

Special Events Ten Ways to Know If He/She is Your Soulmate By Carmen Harra, Ph.D.

How to Repattern Your Brain and Revitalize Your Life By Lisa Garr

Resource Directory

Is It Possible to be Rich and Spiritual? By Arnoux Goran

One Lesson Learned By Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.

Radiance is published by Temple of Light Spiritual Community located at 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618. Publisher’s Liability: Radiance does not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine, nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the magazine, publishers, or editors. Radiance is a free publication that is available at various metaphysical stores, health food locations, vegetarian restaurants, yoga studios, spiritual centers, coffee stands, and libraries throughout Orange County. If you would like copies at your location or recommend a site, please email basia@liveyourradiance.org or contact our office at 949.333.1641. Office hours are from Monday to Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Go to www.radiancemagazine.org to view current and past issues of Radiance and share your thoughts! Annual subscriptions are available for $25. To submit an article for review, please email Rev. Basia, Editor-in-Chief at basia@liveyourradiance.org. July/August 2015

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T hree Lies and One Truth: The Toxic Myths s


of Scarcity

By Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt Founder of the Temple of Light Community Director of the Academy of Light School Publisher of Radiance Magazine Mentor and Practitioner of Holistic Healing Arts


have read books, attended classes, surveyed blogs, done meditations, earned certifications and taught classes on the subject of abundance and prosperity. I started an accountancy practice and grew it into a thriving business. I have now seen the Temple of Light become more successful every day.

Ever since the book and movie, The Secret, about the Law of Attraction (by Universal law which states “like attracts like”) told us abundance was ours for the taking with the right mindset, we have been pursuing it with great energy. From The Secret, many related classes, 4

Radiance July/August 2015

books, movies, and lectures were created so we could access this information any time, any where, with much of it free on the Internet. If abundance was this easy to attract, why aren’t we all lavishly swimming in a sea of abundance?

The Secret intrigued us with the idea of attracting money by imagining big mansions and fancy cars becoming ours. The Law of Attraction governs what comes to us based on our emotions and what we create in our mind. The study and use of the Law is meant to illustrate our power in creating our reality.


Ideally, the reality we create would be positive and based on love. Unfortunately, all forms of power can be misused and abused. The Secret exploits the Law of Attraction by suggesting we use it for personal gain and individual wealth. Nowhere in The Secret did it illustrate or suggest we use the Law for global well being.

Although my education and two business experiences have done their fair share in whittling away at my limiting beliefs regarding the ever-elusive idea of flowing abundance and prosperity, none came close to what I learned in the last few weeks from Michael Tellinger (www.michaeltellinger.com), a recent lecturer we hosted at the Temple who has written several books and tours the world regularly sharing his ideas regarding how we can attain a Utopian society of a world without money. He does not suggest doing away completely with money, but rather suggests ways to utilize it to support community and worldwide abundance, rather than individual prosperity. Michael asks us to imagine and then create a world where everyone works together to create community wealth. He asks us to redefine our views on what wealth and abundance truly are. He speaks of a world where everyone has food, shelter, clothing, free technology and energy and calls this “contributionism.” Using contributionism as the guiding framework or blue print, he sees every person being cross-trained and making a contribution to their community by donating a certain number of hours each week to build roads, schools, energy centers, hospitals, etc. Each person will learn basic skills of cooking, farming and craftsmanship for self-sufficiency and perhaps a professional skill they can share. He sees everyone having access to everything. Currency would not be used as a means of deprivation for some and hoarding for others, but used simply as a means of measurement. His lecture and book titled “Ubuntu Contributionism” (a Zulu term translated as “human-ness”) created a shift in consciousness for me. In fact, I always prayed for and visualized abundance for the Temple. However, I was attempting to create a reality with personal gain. Now I see things differently. I expand my prayers and visualizations to be more global. I visualize a whole, healed world. I help create this by having a center where holistic and healing arts practitioners and the people who seek them find each other and better physical,

mental, emotional and spiritual health abound as a result. I am employing the Law of Attraction for a global cause, not a personal one.

As this new perspective took root in my belief system and my paradigm shifted more daily, I prepared for the class I was to teach called “How to Build an Empowered Spiritual Practice.” I had read ten books in preparation and began reading the eleventh, a book titled, “The Soul of Money," by Lynne Twist. I know enough now to shake my head, roll my eyes, and giggle when Divine Spirit lines things up when I am clueless something is happening and this was no exception. “The Soul of Money” picked up right where Michael Tellinger’s lecture concluded. What I read would not have had the same impact had I finished the book prior to hearing Michael’s lecture. In the chapter called “Scarcity: The Great Lie,” Ms. Twist described three lies permeating our world culture regarding money. Upon reading these lies, my head felt like I had been hit with an etheric mallet which loosened the hold I now realized the lies had on me. Yes, even with my previous work creating beliefs knowing deeply the Universe provides when we surrender our need to control, to release fears and doubts and remember to be of service, I still had a profound epiphany. Night became day, wrong became right, confusion became clarity. The three lies are as follows:

Lie #1: There is not enough for all.

Scarcity, lack and deprivation are parts of a war we must wage and keep in constant peripheral view of who is coming from the rear to take what we have achieved and gathered. Many of us begin our day with thoughts of “not enough” be it sleep, time, love, job satisfaction, respect, energy, money, square footage, food, and/or support. Aren’t most of our complaints based on not having enough of something? We are in a constant race to make sure we beat this fear.

As soon as I read this, I realized most mornings I wake up and think “I did not get enough sleep.” I was stunned to realize I unwittingly set the tone of each day with a “not enough” affirmation which then created a blueprint for the balance of the day. The strange thing is someone who has $5 in their checking account is no less stressed about not having enough money than someone who has $500,000. A “not enough” belief system does (not) care continued on page 6 >>

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s << continued from page 5 who you are or how many zeros are at the end of your check book balance.

Can you imagine the decrease in crime if we all believed we had enough? Can you imagine the increase in community effort, people helping people and teamwork we would see if we all believed we had enough? An appropriate internal dialog mantra to activate the Law of Attraction is “I have enough……….” Fill in the blanks with as many things you want to attract as you can.

A close cousin to Lie #1 is Lie #2:

Having more is better. Some people derive great comfort and sense of accomplishment with “more” – more money, more square footage, more power, more friends, more houses, more jewelry, more toys, more cars, etc. I have a family member who collects designer shoes, purses, belts and other accessories. A few years ago, someone broke into the person’s home and stole an estimated $80,000 of these goods. Jay Leno was going to buy a house in Laguna Beach but backed out when the city planning commission would not let him build a garage system large enough to house his cars. He owns 130 and planned on bringing a number of them with him. David and Jackie Siegel (of the timeshare business) are constructing a single family home in excess of 90,000 square feet. The list goes on. People around the world, especially in the U.S., have a real need to accumulate material possessions. After each Holistic Healing Fair, Rev. Basia, our Executive Director, and I meet to discuss how we can make improvements. After the last one, she asked for suggestions on how we could get more people here? I said, “Rather than more people, let’s concentrate on the increasing the quality of the attendee.” It’s almost automatic to go for the “more” option. Consider if we, as a world, created a daily internal dialog of, “I have the perfect amount of ………” and you fill in the blank.

Lie #3: That’s just the way is.

The idea of real change frightens many people. More people, however, don’t believe it’s truly possible. Soaring real estate prices, gas prices, corrupt politicians, dishonest auto mechanics, cell phone companies charging for “air time” (how can you charge for air?), unemployment, outrageous costs of medical care, 6

Radiance July/August 2015


pollution, social isolation (living next door to someone for 20 years and knowing nothing about them), drugs, our youth, exploitive higher education loans, crime, sexist wage scales, etc. We cannot begin to make changes if we don’t believe it’s possible. Candy Lightner (founder of M.A.D.D.) believed it was possible to create laws against drunk driving. Mahatma Ghandi knew with patience and non-violence he could see an end to British rule in India. The Wright brothers knew flight was possible. We can create positive change when our belief system supports it and forgo imprisoning ourselves with “life sentence” thoughts of never being healthy, never falling in love, never feeling happy, etc. The Truth.

The truth is we can create a world for ourselves and our fellow humans where we trust each other, work together and create community prosperity and abundance. We can do this if we adopt a “you AND me” instead of a “you OR me” mentality. We can do this by making great changes and being willing to live our lives differently. It needs to happen over time so the old systems gradually can be replaced with new ones. The truth is, we can create change,. We have “enough” resources for everyone to have everything they need and having just what we need instead of chasing “more” gives us far more in return. We can create this vision in our lives with intent and “right action” which begins at home every day. Help a neighbor with something. Wash a dish instead of using paper. Learn how to fix something rather than throwing it out and buying another. And pray. Pray every day for this reality to manifest and utilize the Law of Attraction for the highest and best good of all. Rev. Danielle Marie is a Master TheaHealer® who practices a healing art primarily on ThetaHealing®, but with several personal additions and modifications. Her sessions are life-changing, creating shifts in her clients’ perceptions resulting in the most positive changes imaginable. Rev. Danielle has been a student of metaphysics since 2000 and studied under several mentors, including Vianna Stibal and Dr. Doreen Virtue. As a metaphysical minister, she believes in the innate intuitive ability gifted to each of us. Teaching this and witnessing healings has become her life’s work and passion. She believes we can live free from pain and suffering and be in a state of peace and joy.

Build An Empowered Spiritual Practice With Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Sat. & Sun., Sept. 12 & 13 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cost: $197 per person AND you can bring a friend for free (share the cost) Register: www.templeoflightoc.org/ build-an-empowered-spiritual-practice

Do you dream of having a successful Holistic/Healing Arts Practice? Whether you do it as a hobby, part- or full-time, TOPICS: this 2-day course will get you started or enhance your existing practice. We provide the tools you need to create your empowered practice so you can fulfill your dreams to bring your work to those who need you.

This course is based on Rev. Danielle’s experience in building a spiritual practice, the creation of the Temple of Light, her 30+ years of experience as an accountant and entrepreneurial CPA, and the following books:  Starting a Spiritual Practice  Create Yourself  Creating Customers for Life  Creating An Abundant Practice  The Practice  The Enlightened Entrepreneur  The Science of Spiritual Marketing  Soulful Marketing  PR for the Holistic Healer  Living with Certainty  The Soul of Money  Client Mastery

 Getting out of your way: what emotional blocks are holding your back? (Strengthening the Lower Chakras)  Creation, Branding, and “I AM Presence:” discovering who are you and what you do. (Strengthening the Heart Chakra and letting Divine Spirit guide you)  Telling the World What you Do and Attracting Your Perfect Clients: Share What You Offer through Public Relations, Marketing, Websites, Social Media, the Perfect Sales Techniques for You, Networking and Making the Right Connections (Strengthening the Upper Chakras)  Managing Your Practice: Accounting, Legal, Merchant Accounts, Paypal, Eventbrite, Staffing, Barter Arrangements, Event Organization, Venues, Facebook, etc. (Being grounded in a “woo woo” field of work)




nimal Communication: A Skill, Not a Gift


love clients who just want to hear how happy their lovely pet is. However, usually I am helping a family who has brought a new pet into their home and things aren’t going well, or the pet has an illness or exhibiting unwanted behavior. Animal Communication can change a bad situation for you and your pets, open the door to greater healing, make you love your precious friend even more, or point to practical solutions to creating a harmonious home in a short time. 8

Radiance July/August 2015

By Kara Udziela

The great news is with commitment and a little effort, most situations can improve within hours. It is sometimes as simple as allowing the brown tabby to be the bedroom cat and letting your orange cat be king of the kitchen. But it does take human effort, as well as really HEARING your pet. Yet even animal communicators can have problems with their pets which they have to solve. Following is an example of mine:


How Animal Communication Can Heal Bad Behaviors A few years ago my newly-adopted Chihuahua, Finn, was obsessed with climbing our 40-foot backyard hill and barking. I am disabled and couldn’t get him down. I was stressed and irritated with Finn’s selective hearing of the word, “Come.”

N e i g h b o r s complained. My husband expressed concern perhaps our house was not the right fit for Finn, and the sweet dog who had already been rejected by two other families and spent a year in shelter, crawled onto to me and cried a real tear from his right eye. I asked my husband for a month’s reprieve and went to work.

I put my animal communication skills to work. Animal Communication is the transference of pictures, words and feelings from pet to person. Sometimes, all your pet needs to do is to tell his story for the energy in your house to change. Other times, telepathy combined with a triage of energy work, body work and practical mundane systems have to work together to achieve lasting change. I spoke with Finn that is, by nature, reticent and shy. He told me he was afraid to love us too much, despite loving our home, because he felt we adopted him because we were sorry for him, not because he was THE BEST DOG. I reassured him we had always wanted him, and gave him a new job, (Ex: You are NOT a police dog…you are the bed dog). I also worked on his acupressure points for stress, began using EFT on both him and me for three weeks to alleviate my fear of the neighbors and his desire to run up the hill.

From a practical perspective, Finn got less freedom. For two weeks, he was never let free in the backyard; he

had to be with me. After that, while sending him mental images of staying on the level ground, I began attaching a leash to his collar when he went outside.

Finn now knows the hill is not his, and he stopped barking.

Better behavior and bonding starts from us allowing animals to tell their stories. Good animal communicators offer animal behavior knowledge, healing techniques and training suggestions which will help. Kara Udziela created Pet’s Eye View to help pets and their families create stronger bonds by using a mix of telepathic skills and deep animal knowledge. She is an animal communicator, EFT and Reiki practitioner. One of her horse clients just won Reserve Champion World Championships with Kara’s intuitive guidance.

Do you have a problem with two animals that don’t get along, a tough end-of-life issue or another concern? At Pet’s Eye View, I unleash your animal’s voice and work with you on strengthening the bond you have with your special pet.

Let me unleash your pet’s voice using telepathy, EFT, chakra clearing and animal knowledge to help you understand your pet and improve issues.

Book appointments at www.petseyeview.com, join me on FB at www.facebook.com/petseyeview.com, or register for my class, http://templeoflightoc.org/animalcommunication-kara-udziela: Sat. July 25 from 10:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m.

In this class, you will talk to my animals who will LOVE to teach you how to communicate.


Class held at Temple of Light, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA

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MEE ON-SITE PR REV. DANIELLE MARIE HEWITT Rev. Danielle is the Founder and Visionary Leader of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community. Her tireless efforts to provide a place of learning, growth, fellowship, and community are reflected in the programs and projects created. She created the Academy of Light school for Holistic Healing Arts, publishes Radiance Magazine, the United Conscious Community, and the Humanitarian Outreach Program for Worldwide Peace and Prosperity. Rev. Danielle’s life path and passion is to see Holistic Healers and Seekers find their power, step into their life path, and see the enlightened beings they are. Moving them through their human experience into one of empowerment and watching the ripple effect in our world is her greatest joy. She practices her mentorship program on site five days a week. 949.333.1641; revdanielle@ liveyourradiance.org

CHOURY DE VELLE, BSC, CHT, NLP Choury grew up in a house of alcoholism and physical abuse and learned 'the hard way' resentment is the tie which binds the victim to the victimizer. Almost everyone has something in their past which holds them back from realizing their true potential. Old fears can manifest in sickness, self-sabotage, and violence if a person feels threatened What most people don't understand is those roadblocks to success are old beliefs based on lack and limitation buried deep within the subconscious mind. Most of the time, the victim doesn't know how or why those beliefs got started. Standard psycho therapy is one way to let go of the past, uncover, and release old beliefs and fears. He believes the quickest, most effective way is through hypnosis. In hypnosis, we can access the subconscious mind and change the programming from fear, sickness, lack, and limitation to courage, health, abundance, and wealth. Compared to standard psycho therapy, we do it quickly. Once old beliefs are released, the person is free to live the life of their dreams. 714.624.1956; chouryd@yahoo.com; www.orangecounty/hypnosiscenter.com

MARCIE HOWARD Marcie has studied and trained with Reiki Masters in California and Washington. She is a Certified Sound Healer and active member of the Sound Healer's Association. Highly intuitive and clairvoyant, she coaches individuals in meeting their challenges and growth opportunities. Clients are inspired and encouraged to step forth into their lives feeling empowered, peace-filled and balanced. Marcie recently held a "Spirit Sings" workshop on Sunday, February 28 at the Temple of Light. She taught people how to raise their voices in song. 714.336.8122; mhoward48@msn.com

MERYLL MONTANO Meryll is an Ayurvedic Wellness Educator, Certified Health Practitioner, and Massage Therapist specializing in Marma Therapy, received her education from the Southern California University of Health Sciences in Whittier, CA. She is also trained in Yoga for Disease Management and Herbology .She is currently practicing at The Ayurveda N.E.S.T. located at the Temple of Light in Irvine, CA. Meryll’s highest goal is in creating a sacred space of love and support for the transformation and Self- realization of her clients. She is absolutely passionate about sharing the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to the modern world through one-on-one consultations, cooking classes, rejuvenation oil treatments, individualized nutrition seminars, body-mind- spirit workshops, and much more. Her sole mission in this lifetime is to be of service to others and help people ignite their body’s healing intelligence. 714.423.4548; montanomeryll@gmail.com 10

Radiance July/August 2015




Abby was born in Bombay, India and believes in his six principles: Be good, do good, act good, good deeds, good thoughts, and good words. When he was six years old, his mother was holding her head in pain. He put his hands on her forehead. Within minutes, she said her pain was gone. Years later, he saw a woman in pain rubbing her neck. He placed his hand on her forehead and moments later her pain was gone. Since then, he has pursued his calling, healing people by touch. 949.212.7787; asnamazi@yahoo. com

Shar is a Dream Whisperer, an EFT/ Tapping Master, and a Certified Coach in Relationships, Weight Loss, and Life Path . She also does Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy. In person, online, and phone sessions are available. 949.682. SHAR (7427); SharPirnia@gmail. com



Dr. Mashood wants to help those who seek it. He understands the root of the word, “doctor” means “teacher.” His outlook is extracting ‘aliveness’ from within so good health is a result. Dr. Mashood is looking forward to meeting you at Thrive Center, where Health & Happiness Harmonize. 847.989.7117 faizmashood@yahoo.com

Teri has been dedicated to helping educate her peers in maintaining the same, beneficial lifestyle thus sparking a continuum in education in the field of Mental and Physical health. After witnessing a slew of success by others who followed her guidance, Teri realized this was her calling in life. She is an Ayurveda Practitioner, working with a variety proven theories in her practice. contact@tvolved.com; www.tvolved.com



Deborah offers hands-on healing of running energy to clear blocked energy in the aura and chakra system with crystals, sound and color therapy, among others. She channels Lemurian and Divine Ray wisdom and energy as well as the Ascended Masters and Archangels. She has been a metaphysics student for 15+ years and a graduate of Spiritual Touch, healing school based on Barbara Brennan's work. 949.241.5790; Look2OneSource@msn.com

“Adrianna is a gifted and gentle energy healer helping people create more peace and joy in their life. unique.in.spirit@ gmail.com; 949-291-9020

July/August 2015

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Founder and Spiritual Director

Executive Director

Member, Board of Directors

President, Board of Directors

Editor-in-Chief & Creative Director


Director & Instructor, AOL

Radiance Magazine

Leader, UCC

Leader, UCC

949.690.1257 Basia@liveyourradiance.org


On-site Practitioner, HSS

On-site Practitioner, HSS

949.244.1960 RevDanielle@liveyouradiance.org




On-site Practitioner, HSS

On-site Practitioner, HSS

On-site Practitioner, HSS

949.212.7787 asnamazi@yahoo.com

contact@tvolved.com www.tvolved.com

847.989.7117 faizmashood@yahoo.com




Leaders, UCC

732.609.4639 DidgiHealer@gmail.com

Leader, UCC

714.318.6629 Debra@DebraHookey.com 12

Radiance July/August 2015

949.677.3700 RaMaHolisticCare@yahoo.com

Leader, UCC


HSS - Holder of Sacred Space; UCC - United Conscious Community




On-site Practitioner, HSS

On-site Practitioner, HSS

Events, Operations & Facilities Manager

714.336.8122 mhoward48@msn.com

Leader, UCC

714.624.1956 chouryd@yahoo.com www.orangecounty/hypnosiscenter.com

949.333.1641 hideko@templeoflightoc. com




On-site Practitioner, HSS

On-site Practitioner, HSS

On-site Practitioner, HSS

949.682.SHAR (7427); SharPirnia@gmail.com






714.423.4548 montanomeryll@gmail.com


Leader, UCC

Leader, UCC

Leader, UCC

Leader, UCC

949.803.5302 Yosisable@yahoo.com

949.706.4112 margo@prtrainer.com

949.706.4112 karaudziela@me.com

949.842.1787 healingartstouch@gmail.com

July/August 2015

Radiance 13




eveloping Your Yogic Superpowers to Make the World a Better Place By James Connor


nyone who casually skims the verses of The Yoga Sutra, the third century root text available in nearly every yoga studio, bumps into a most perplexing fact. The third chapter on Mystical Powers describes specific causes for supernormal abilities like mind reading, invisibility, and flying. 14

Radiance July/August 2015

So what exactly are the causes for superpowers? And how can we develop them to make the world a better place? Fortunately, superpowers don’t come from radioactive spider bites or laboratory mishaps. Instead, Master Patanjali tells us in The Yoga Sutra: “The powers are found in love and the rest.” He’s referring to the


Four Immeasurables: Immeasurable Equanimity, Immeasurable Compassion, Immeasurable Love, and Immeasurable Joy. These attitudes are immeasurable because they are aimed at every living being and because the merit they generate is immeasurable. Indeed, as Patanjali tells us, the merit from these attitudes of heart are so powerful they lead to miraculous abilities. The Buddha first taught the Four Immeasurables around 500 B.C.E. These attitudes were so well known in ancient India during Patanjali’s time he could simply say “the powers are found in love and the rest” and everyone who was supposed to know, would understand the code.

How can you can you develop these attitudes in your own heart? One of the most effective ways is to follow the Buddhist heart-opening practice of Exchanging Self and Others. This essential practice was taught by the eighth century master Shantideva. After giving this teaching, a hall full of monks reported Shantideva flew out of the temple into the sky. This practice has four simple steps you can put into practice immediately.

1. Recognize everyone wants to be happy. We are all bliss seekers and pain avoiders. Give anyone even the simplest of choices and people will always choose what they believe will lead to happiness. Even when people act out or act badly it’s because they are trying to get something they believe will make them happy. When we can recognize we are all the same in this way, we can wish happiness for everyone. 2. Recognize a tendency of mind to think more about yourself. Here’s the thing: villains are always trying to get stuff at the expense of others. Heroes are always willing to sacrifice themselves to protect even total strangers. As you go about your day, do you want to be a hero or a villain? Watch your mind. Do you spend more time worrying about your problems and challenges or worrying about someone else’s? Think about these two choices like black and white rocks on an ancient scale. Every time you worry about yourself, stack a black rock on one tray. And every time you think about making someone else happy, stack a white rock. At the end of the day, which way does the balance tip?

3. Watch for what other people want. Now wherever you go, use your eyes, ears, and mind to pay attention to what people want. Stand in their shoes and see how they see the world. Maybe someone wants their talents recognized with a little praise. Or maybe someone is having a hard time on a project and could use an extra hand. Or maybe someone wants a friend to treat them to a nice dinner and listen to their stories. Look for an opportunity to help like a hero, without wanting anything in return. 4. Make the exchange. When you see some way to help someone, act. Decide to use whatever skills and abilities you have to help the person get what they want to feel happier (as long as it’s not hurting someone else, of course). When you are totally focused on ensuring another person’s happiness, you are transforming a habitual, human tendency to be self-centered—the villain energy—into gaining a supernormal habit to serve other people’s happiness first. Start small and build up. Anything can become a habit if you keep at it. And we are talking about going from a normal person to a superyogi.

A most curious thing happens if you continue this practice. You and people in your world will become happier. As Master Shantideva explains in one of the most important teachings ever given:  The total amount of happiness

 That exists in the world has come from  Wanting to make others happy.  The total amount of suffering

 That exists in the world has come from  Wanting to make yourself happy.

There is a reason villains never have happy endings. They are only thinking about themselves.

If you keep this practice of Exchanging Self and Others going, another curious thing can happen. You’ll get so good at getting yourself out of the way—and serving others as if they were you—that according to ancient continued on page 16 >>

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<< continued from page 15


Buddhist and Yoga texts, you will be able to read minds. As Master Patanjali explains in The Yoga Sutra, “With the necessary cause, one can read the minds of others.”

One fortunate thing about yogic superpowers is they usually come to people who can get their self out of the way and care for everyone. This is why miracles in history are usually performed by saints who are focused on alleviating the suffering of others. True, an occasional villain slips in because powers can be gained and then corrupted, but generally supernormal abilities belong to saints who want to serve others. Let’s just hope you will use your yogic supernormal powers for good. James Connor recently completed an isolated 3-year meditation retreat. He is the author of The Superyogi Scenario, a pageturning thriller which allows readers to experience authentic wisdom which creates superheroes. He is also the founder of GoBeyond.org, a non-profit which teaches people how to meditate from authentic scriptural sources in the Buddhist and Yoga lineages. For more information, please visit: www.byjamesconnor.com, www. gobeyond.org.

11 Goddard Irvine, CA 92618 Hours: Tues., Thurs. 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Unity Telephone: 949.472.9230 Sunday Services Join us at 10 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Hear a dynamic message which is practical, positive and relevant, enjoy uplifting contemporary music and meet other enthusiastic like-minded people. www.unityofalisoviejo.com

unityofalisoviejo@gmail.com Temple of Light: 949.333.1641


Radiance July/August 2015



oving Beyond the Seven Myths that Sabotage Our Lives


egend has it that turning 40 is the big crisis birthday for single women without children. Forty was my happiest birthday, ever. Despite being single, never married, and childless, I planned the party I wanted, an evening of dancing and debauchery aboard a yacht in the Newport Beach Harbor. I invited long-time friends from all over the country and had the most perfect weekend of my life. Forty was fabulous! However, that’s in large part because 30 was a complete disaster.

By Andrea Riggs

with my handsome and successful boyfriend in white-picket-fence suburban America with our dog. Sounds “perfect,” right?

I had a big office overlooking a beautiful plaza and water fountain in one of the most prestigious areas in my mid-western city. My walls were decorated with certificates and degrees which demonstrated my achievements. I could close my door and tell the receptionist to refuse callers. I wore a suit to work every day and was sought out by friends, family and clients. But, I was constantly sick with sinus infections My mid-life crisis came early. I was or head colds. The Ear, Nose and completely blind sided. I was a Throat doctor finally said, “There’s practicing attorney at the time, living nothing I can do to help you. Your

sinuses are constantly inflamed and it’s probably due to stress. Is there anything you can do to decrease the stress level in your life?”

On the day of my thirtieth birthday, it hit me exactly what the stress was. I started crying on the drive to work and could not stop. I arrived at my office and immediately closed the door. I asked the receptionist to hold my calls. Flowers were delivered from my family. Through the tears, I managed a couple of thank you calls. My boyfriend showed up to take me to lunch. I wasn’t hungry. By this time my makeup was long gone and my eyes were swollen. He left, I cried harder.

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<< continued from page 17 As I looked at this benchmark birthday, I realized that at thirty, I had not accomplished any of my dreams, and my life was not even on course to achieve them. I was languishing in both my personal and professional life. My health was suffering and my aspirations were slowly eroding away with whatever was left of my self-esteem. By all outward appearances, my life was perfect. We had it all. I was living in the myths of the American Dream, not Andrea’s Dream.

For many women, thirty is considered the finish line for finding a husband and beginning a family. I didn’t even care about those things. I was a career girl and had envisioned living on one of the coasts, east or west, and having a business. I went to law school because I wanted the doctorate level education, not because I wanted to be a practicing attorney. Marriage was much more of a “goal” for my family than for me. I might have met a life partner by thirty. Instead, I was living with someone I knew I would never marry. In fact, the only things keeping us together were the dog and his traveling sales job.

So, on the day of my 30th birthday, I sat in my office and cried. I could not pull myself together as my heart was broken open to its true longing and my deepest desires spilled out of me tear after tear after tear. My dreams simply refused to remain silent and buried any longer. What I experienced that day was so all encompassing I did not think it wise to make any immediate changes. 18

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Instead, I reflected and planned. Over the next six months, I quit my job and went to work for an international corporation where I could make a comfortable salary and get transferred to the west coast. By the end of that year, I said goodbye to the boyfriend, and sadly, the dog.

The corporate job eventually was my ticket to Southern California. Other boyfriends would come and go. The important part was that at 30 I finally focused on my dreams and started laying the foundation to achieve them. Today, my life is exactly as I imagined. I live in a tiny 1930’s cottage in Laguna Beach, California with breathtaking views of the mountains and ocean. I have become a holistic practitioner. Finding my peace allows me to help others find theirs,, too. My life went from doing lots of things which didn’t inspire me to becoming a magnificent creation I gladly embrace. I haven’t had a sinus infection in more than a decade! I now remember my thirtieth birthday every bit as fondly as my fortieth. I always know forty could never have been as spectacular as it was without the gifts of selfdiscovery which were revealed at thirty. My life required a number of major changes to align with my soul’s purpose. Not everyone needs to leave their relationship or their career and move across the country to manifest their dreams. Most of us simply need to give ourselves permission and compassion to become aware of our soul’s deepest desires and make some adjustments to remove the veils of the myths which cloud our judgment and hold

us back.



Awareness Creates Clearness: Discovering The Myths That May Be Sabotaging Your Life: Let me share the 7 Myths women commonly believe. You can decide if there is any unveiling to do:

The Myth of Perfection:

Women are under intense pressure to measure up to a certain social and cultural ideal of beauty, which often times leads to poor body image. Because we are constantly bombarded with Barbie-like images, thinness is presented as an essential criterion of beauty. The subconscious message we are receiving is all women need to maintain a look comparable to models who have unlimited budgets, teams of assistance and have been airbrushed by computers.

The Myth that Sex = Power:

Many women correlate Sex with Power because the media bombards us with images of scantily clothed women who are giving men access to their bodies to get what they want. It leads us to believe sex is the avenue to riches, title and power. This gives young women the notion the only power they possess is in their body, rather than in their intelligence, determination and character.

The Myth of Marriage:

Princess Diana of Wales is perhaps the classic example of the Marriage Myth. Many women still believe their happiness is dependent on finding “Prince Charming,” getting the glass slipper, and getting the castle, then

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able to focus on their interests; they

the quintessential princess. She had ‡ ƒ”‡ ƒŽ•‘ ƒ†˜‹•‡† –‘ –—”Â? †‘™Â? –Š‡ ‘—–•‹†‡ Â?‘‹•‡ ƒÂ?† †‘™Â? ƒÂ?† „”‡ƒÂ?–Š”‘—‰Šǥ ™Š‹…Š ™‡̾”‡ The ‹Â? ”‹‰Š– Myth Â?‘™ǥ that Other have time to tap into their unique a tiara, a castle, and even produced –—”Â? ‹Â?•–‡ƒ† –‘ –Š‡ •‹Ž‡Â?…‡ ™‹–Š‹Â? —• ˆ”‘Â? ™Š‹…Š ™‹•†‘Â? Â?›–Š• ƒ”‹•‡ –‡ŽŽ‹Â?‰ —• ‘ˆ –Š‡ Â?‡™ Š‡”‘‡• ƒÂ?† Š‡”‘‹Â?‡•ǥ Women = Competition: gifts. They have the freedom to two male heirs. Heartbreakingly, she ˆŽ‘™•Ǥ ‘ Â?ƒ––‡” ™Š‡”‡ ™‡ ÂƒÂ”Â‡ÇĄ ™‡ Šƒ˜‡ –Š‡ ‘’’‘”–—Â?‹nj ƒÂ?† ‘ˆ –Š‡ Â?‘„Ž‡ Œ‘—”Â?‡› ™‡ Â?—•– –ƒÂ?‡ ‹Â? •‡ƒ”…Š ‘ˆ –Š‡ was still not able to attain happiness. Women compete rather than create their legacy and contribution. ‘••‹„Ž‡ —Â?ƒÂ? „‘–Š ™‹–Š‹Â? ‘—”•‡Ž˜‡• ƒÂ?† ‹Â? ‘–Š‡”•Ǥ collaborate. When Pepsi CEO Indra

The Myth Of Having It All: Nooyi was asked the question, The Myth of Celebrity: Ěś ‘™ †‘ ™‡ ‡˜‘Â?‡ –Š‹• ‡Â?‡”‰‡Â?…‡Ǎ ‘™ †‘ ™‡ ‹Â?•’‹”‡

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can never be too young or too thin.

fence, in the best neighborhood,

their value after the age of 40. The



project that their lives are somehow Â?‘”‡ …‘Â?•…‹‘—• ÂŽÂ‹Â˜Â‡Â•ÇĄ ‹Â?Š‡”‹–‹Â?‰ –Š‡‹” ”‘Ž‡• ĥ ™‹•‡ ‡Ž†‡”• ƒÂ?† children and a perfectly clean house Girls are taught and women are told ’Žƒ›‹Â?‰ ƒÂ? ƒ…–‹˜‡ ’ƒ”– ‹Â? ”‡…ƒ•–‹Â?‰ ƒ Â?‘”‡ ’‘•‹–‹˜‡ ˆ—–—”‡Ǥ ‹•‹– better and more valuable than ours. that dry‘ˆ up, wrinkle and lose ‘—Â?† …‘Â?Â?‘Â? –Š‡ they ™‘”†• with a ƒ†˜‹…‡ freshlyƒÂ?† painted white–Š‡Â?‡• picket ‹Â? ™™™ǤÂ?ƒ˜‹‰ƒ–‹Â?‰›‘—”ˆ—–—”‡…‘Â?ˆ‡”‡Â?…‡•Ǥ…‘Â?Ǥ

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continued on page 20 >>

Dr. Kayhan graduated from University of Southern California and has more than 15 years of experience.

Armaghan Kayhan, DDS Holistic Dentistry

(949) 559-6988 14785 Jeffrey Road, Suite 206, Irvine, CA July/August 2015

Radiance 19

<< continued from page 19

The truth is this: We are all authentically flawed and no one is perfect. We are all sexy in our own way, but this has nothing do with accessing our intellectual power. Marriage and partnership are wonderful, but we are whole and complete, individually, on our own. Having It All is empty and meaningless if we are not happy, satiated and contented. Other women are not competition. Our lives are richer if we operate from a place of confidence and willingness to collaborate.

Aging is a privilege, not a curse. We have marvelous gifts of creativity and personal expression so there is no need to copy or conform to the latest celebrity trend. All of these myths can be dismantled and dissolved through holistic healing tools, techniques and protocols. If you’ve read this far, you are definitely in place of open, willing, wonderful self-exploration and growth. Applaud yourself for not settling for mediocrity, for choosing not to just “get by” each day.

Somewhere in your soul, you are longing to be more, have more and give more. You want a life filled with relationships and experiences which make your heart sing. You want to wake each day with enthusiasm and appreciation for what you are creating. You can shift your focus and release the old and outdated false thoughts, beliefs, patterns and behaviors which no longer serve you and return to your authentic self. All of the following holistic processes, protocols, tools and techniques which are shared are free and easily 20

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incorporated into daily living. They are also totally non-invasive.

One technique for dispelling the Myths of Perfection and Power = Sex is called EFT or the Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT is an acupressure technique based upon the 5,000 year old principle of acupuncture, but does not use needles. It opens the flow of blocked energy within the body the same way acupuncture does.

Another discipline is the use of sacred ceremony and ritual as part of our daily lives instead of one-time wedding ceremonies to dismantle the Myth of Marriage. In ancient traditions ceremony and ritual were used to mark seasons, to mark the events in our lives and the phases of nature. Ceremony and ritual give the stages and phases of our lives meaning and importance. They make our contributions feel honored and significant. Similarly, you will move beyond the Myth of Aging by the ceremonial practice of keeping an altar to celebrate your triumphs, honor your challenges and connect to your spirit.

Another daily spiritual practice you can incorporate is turning inward with focused attention, also known as prayer or meditation. Neuroscientists who have studied meditation among Buddhist monks, report the communities live a fully realized life. Imagine being able to release the trappings of the Myths of Perfection and Having It All by a simple daily 15-minute practice. To break through the Myth of Celebrity, you can construct a new, lasting vision for your live by creating a vision board and charting

your course.



This practice fits nicely with the ritual of retreating with other women, which assists in overcoming the Myth of Competition. Retreating can be done alone or in a group. But a group retreat designed to reconnect you to your original visions and dreams helps you to collaborate and support others in their on-going endeavors and pursuits.

There are so many steps you can take to shift from the multi-veiled myth-driven version of yourself back to the authentic soul blueprint of who you are. Each of these protocols and disciplines will assist you in anchoring peace, confidence and appreciation on the inside which will completely alter your ability to express your divine purpose so you may move beyond the myths.

Tap into your unique gifts, talents and contribution and step into the life of freedom, adventure and abundance you deserve. Andrea Riggs is one of the most sought out leaders today for women who want to discover, live and fulfill their original callings to become the women they were meant to be. Through holistic healing techniques, she is helping to bring thousands of women out of what she calls the 7 Myths or societal constructs they’ve been overshadowed with which sabotage their ability to reach their peak in every aspect of life from relationships to career to individual and spiritual fulfillment. Her work is helping women from all walks of life from cities throughout the United States and countries abroad through speaking engagements, conferences, corporate trainings, seminars and private and group coaching sessions. Connect with Andrea at www.AndreaRiggs.com.



pirit Sings: Finding the Melody that Dwells Within You By Marcie Howard


inging – most of us love to sing. We sing in our showers, in our cars on the freeway, wherever we think no one can hear us!! We LOVE TO SING any place where

we think we cannot be heard. You know who you are! But what if the intention of singing was for those who live in fear of being heard to sing “out-loud” and not just for the few who are “fear-less” and

talented? What if singing, making sound, chanting, and humming were all meant to be heard? What if sound was meant to express what we hear inside of us and created within us to

continued on page 22 >>

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<< continued from page 21 serve a ‘higher’ purpose? A purpose that could fulfill us, connect us oneto-another, remind us of who we are and where we are from, and why we are on this planet in these bodies. What if the voice was only to be used for healing? What if it didn’t matter how it sounded, if it was “on pitch” or what we think is pretty or pleasing? What if the voice was only to remind us we are each born with a “flower” inside which needs to be nurtured, and shared, witnessed? That we each have our unique sound/melody? A melody from within, manifesting through the portal known to us as the throat chakra. Remembering melody can help us heal – one-another and our self. What if this were the intention of the sounds which immanent from us – the same and unique? If this were the truth, wouldn’t you want to remember the melody? Wouldn’t you want to hum or sing all the time so you remember the source of all things? Kabbalah tells us we must remember to return to the source of all things – “the Ein Sof.” It is incumbent upon us to heal the world, to return.

Over the years I have taught voice and worked with individuals on the soul level of existence, I’ve come to know our voices are powerful instruments gifted to us by Spirit so we might touch one-another in goodness, in healing, in graciousness, and in compassion. We have been given a gift by Spirit, or The Great Mystery, by God – a Higher Self – by the Great Mother – we each have this gift and through it we come to know our self and this, too, this melody, is a way to greatly care for one another. 22

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We are born with a melody which dwells within us. It is ours, yet gifted to us by something greater than what we are. It dwells within – we don’t reach out for it; we reach within. It lies within us waiting to be remembered. In some traditions this melody comes forth in times of great stress and, other times, it spontaneously appears as we catch our self “absent mindedly” humming a melody. In the Kabbalistic tradition, it is called a “Niggun” – a melody with no words given to us by God and it becomes incumbent upon us to remember and return this melody. A full circle. American Indians chant various melodies so they might be one with the Great Mother. Tribal chanting is traditional amongst many indigenous peoples thereby creating a space of connectedness.



Singing is a gift, our voices a gift, given to us – as long as our vocal chords can vibrate, we can sing. We can chant. We can create sound. We all have a melody which helps us remember who we are. A unique, whole vibrational sound uniquely ours and connected to everything on this planet. Marcie Howard has studied and trained with Reiki Masters in California and Washington. She is a Certified Sound Healer and active member of the Sound Healers’ Association. Highly intuitive and clairvoyant, she coaches individuals in meeting their challenges and growth opportunities. Clients are inspired and encouraged to step forth into their lives feeling empowered, peace-filled, and balanced. www.reikisounds.org reikisoundsfun@gmail.com; (714) 336-8122

Spirit Sings

with Marcie Howard A workshop filled with music, introspection, fun, gentle memories, sound and music as we remember our unique melody using group singing and chanting, movement, artwork, and silence.

Sunday, July 26 - 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Temple of Light 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618

Members - $75 Non-members by 7/15 pay $75; after $100

Register by calling 949.333.1641

The Legitimacy of Healing


By Dr. Eric Pearl


hink about a world where healthcare has no adverse side effects. Where you experience no pain during or after your healthcare procedures. Picture a world where our children look at us and ask incredulously, “Really!? Did people really used to swallow poisons to try to get well?” We have become so desensitized by our no-pain-nogain attitudes that the onslaught of elective surgeries and pharmaceutical commercials letting us know their newest pill may cause “severe stomach aches” or result in “sudden death” don’t even cause us to bat an eye. However, mention the word healer to someone and it can induce responses anywhere from eye-rolling to images of flowing robes, crystals, incense and wands to inappropriate, reactive displays of anger and selfrighteous indignation resembling road rage during rush hour traffic on a hot summer’s day – even to feigned nausea and near-vomiting. We understand the body heals itself. A cast on a broken ankle allows it to be protected while the bone heals itself! Yet mention the word “healing” outside of a mainstream medical context and it’s as if the sky is falling. This is a shame as there is more for us to discover in

relation to our health which has eluded the grasp of mainstream conservative Western medicine… although Western medicine is beginning to open their eyes to this as newer generations take over and as more and more discoveries are made in quantum physics as to how the body really heals.

Of course, the world has been filled with people using the word “healing” for their personal gain, as something magical or mystical or belonging to the realm of religion or to only a special few. Who can forget the TV screen visuals of the infamous slaps on foreheads, people falling over backwards and then a collection plate being distributed? These groups of people have taken the word “healing” as far away from its true essence as possible, presenting an image problem to be overcome by those who are legitimately involved in raising public awareness to the true credibility of non-allopathic healthcare approaches. And this has been used as fodder in an attempt by medicine to position itself as the purported authority over all other systems of healthcare, mostly those systems of which medicine actually knows very little – a dangerous position for us to find continued on page 24 >>

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Radiance 23

<< continued from page 23 medicine in and for medicine to find itself in. Healthcare approaches, such as acupuncture and chiropractic, have done a stellar job of marrying science with more holistic Eastern and Western philosophies of healthcare. These are now accepted healthcare delivery systems and most health insurance programs cover them. However, medicine would still like to refer to them as alternative, complementary or integrative medicine… when, in fact, they are more properly recognized as alternative, complementary or integrative healthcare, a group to which medicine is an equal card-carrying member. This, of course, places medicine on only equal – instead of superior – footing with other healthcare approaches, which may be more appropriate, more fortunate and, simply put, more in the public’s interest. Leading expert in the healing world, Dr. Eric Pearl, is helping to legitimize new forms of health practices and reestablish the word healing as a true health term, returning it to its rightful place in today’s healthcare lexicon. As founder of Reconnective Healing®, an advanced level of energy healthcare, and author of international bestseller The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself [HAY HOUSE], now in 39 languages, he travels worldwide educating healing practitioners of all fields in the art, science and philosophy of Reconnective Healing.

There was a time when fear and superstition ruled all, a time when those in power locked poor Galileo away for having the audacity to suggest Earth revolved around the sun at a time when religion wanted us to believe that Earth was the center of the universe. So science and religion began to walk in seemingly opposite directions. And they thought they were able to walk in opposite directions because the Earth appeared to be flat. But it wasn’t. It was round. And so as science took its journey from believing everything was separate and distinct into relativity into quantum into consciousness and truth, religion went on its journey to rediscover the spirituality which originally inspired it. As the two journeyed in their seemingly opposite directions, they discovered their journeys returned them to one another, bearing gifts of support, each for the other. Spirituality brought insights into where science was going, and science brought evidence 24

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of what spirituality had been telling us all along.

Mr. Pearl is bringing the science back into healing, working with the medical community and conducting clinical studies with quantifiable results. Newer scientific understandings and concepts of quantum physics such as string theory, DNA evolution and the discovery not only of new levels of light, but that we as human beings actually emit measurable levels of light, as well as how we interact with one another’s energy fields show us we affect the health of one another without even physically touching each other.

In his book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself (www.TheReconnection.com), Dr. Pearl talks about string theory and how energy, light and frequencies are closely tied to our senses and perception, to our states of balance and, therefore, to our states of health: “String theory proposes that the shape and content of the entire universe is determined by vibrational frequencies in the heart of every single atom, every single particle. The effects of vibration go far beyond what our senses are able to distinguish. For example, the force which makes a magnet stick to your refrigerator is the same one which enables you to see the contents of the refrigerator when you open the door at night: electromagnetism. The only difference between magnetism and visible light is the frequency of the energy’s wave motion. What are colors? Different frequencies of visible light as interpreted by our brains. What are heat and cold? Different frequencies of molecular movement, again interpreted by our brains. In his seminars around the world, Eric teaches attendees how to facilitate healings not only for themselves, but for others. And he teaches in the clearest, easiest and simplest way imaginable. Technique-free healing. Wow. What a concept!

Wrapping your brain around these concepts can be daunting. Many in the medical community would rather stick to what they have been taught in older textbooks and leave the “mad” science – today’s new understandings – to the geeks. But science marches forward. There is a much closer connection than you may think between what we know about atoms and subatomic particles, light waves, the universe and your health. As doctors learn to see the human body both as connected to and an integral part of the Universe, and not a collection of cells, limbs and organs, progress is being made.

TRUTH s CONSCIOUSNESS s BLISS It is clear an important shift in the health industry is taking place which includes more and more types of alternative health practices. It has already begun with the medical community’s growing interest in and attention to ideas they formerly would have ignored. This is not out of benevolence. The reality is the world is moving forward and medicine has to make this move in order not to be left behind.

Medicine is no longer God and the congregants are no longer coming to pray. At national health summits, you are now seeing practitioners of many healthcare disciplines on the same level as leading medical doctors. Alternative, complementary and integrative medicine

has been replaced by complementary, alternative and integrative healthcare. It is often said “progress marches forward… one funeral at a time.” Who knows, one day maybe the science geeks, the men and women of spirituality and the cool doctors will sit together at the same lunch table and see each other for what they really are – people healing people. For more information about Eric Pearl, Reconnective Healing and upcomingTraining programs, visit TheReconnection.com or call +1 323 960 0012.

The Education Program created by Temple of Light Spiritual Community is honored to present a series of classes created by ...

Mystery Schools are ancient schools of wisdom and teachings that have stood the test of time, often by remaining in the shadows while sending their students out into the world as great leaders of their time. The Modern Mystery School, through its lineage holder, Gudni Gudnason, traces its lineage back over 3,000 years to the time of King Salomon and is one of the original Mystery Schools. Shauna Meryn Kossoff is a Guide member of The Modern Mystery School and is one who has the authority and training necessary to physically initiate people into this powerful path of self discovery. A life filled with joy, energy, and purpose is possible! Shauna can guide you on a journey where you will learn ancient tools for today's world and along the way discover yourself. The following classes will be offered individually or in packages.

Max Meditation: 1 Hour Sanctuary Meditation: 2 Hours Spiritual Intuition: 3 Hours Awaken Thyself: 4 Hours Astral Travel: 4 Hours 12 Root Races: 6 Hours

Journeys with Spirit: 8 Hours Divine Sacred Geometry I : 4 Hours Divine Sacred Geometry II: 8 Hours Divine Sacred Geometry III: 8 Hours Divine Sacred Geometry IV: 5 Hours Empower Thyself: 16 Hours (2 Days)

Go to www.templeoflightoc.org/modernmysteryschool for upcoming dates, time, registration information and pre-requisite information. Classes begin this fall! July/August 2015

Radiance 25



Events, Workshops & Classes Supporting Membership discounts DO apply to these events.


Sunday 28

July 2015

Classes in blue are UCC, purple are Sacred Space events, and green is Unity Church. Call the Temple for registration information or check the online calendar at http://templeoflightoc.org/calendar/2015-06.









1 10a Group "I am" Mentorship w/Rev. Danielle - $22

2 7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff $15

3 Independence Day (OFFICE CLOSED)

4 Independence Day (OFFICE CLOSED)

9 6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/ Rev. Danielle $33


11 12p Holistic Healing Fair (MOVED FROM 1ST SATURDAY)


18 3p Ayurvedic Nutrition: East and West w/ Meryl Montano - $25

5:45p Naam Movement & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga w/Lemia & Josh - $15 7p Psychic Development w/Debra Hookey - $22 5 10a Unity Church Sunday Service 1p Integrative Dance w/John Salat - $5

12 10a Unity Church Sunday Service

6 7p Quantum Meditation w/Choury DeVelle $10 7:15p Meditation Group w/Elizabeth Hendershot - $10 13 7p Quantum Meditation w/Choury DeVelle $10 7:15p UCC Meditation Group w/ Elizabeth Hendershot - $10

19 10a Unity Church Sunday Service

20 7p Quantum Meditation w/Choury DeVelle $10

7 7p Life Plan Action Course w/Margo Mateas - $25

8 10a Group "I am" Mentorship w/Rev. Danielle - $22

7p Qigong w/Adil Panton - $15

5:45p Naam Movement & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga w/Lemia & Josh - $15 7p Mediumship w/Debra Hookey - $25

14 7p Life Plan Action Course w/Margo Mateas - $25

15 10a Group "I am" Mentorship w/Rev. Danielle - $22

7p Qigong w/Adil Panton - $15

5:45p Naam Movement & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga w/Lemia & Josh - $15

27 7p Quantum Meditation w/Choury DeVelle $10

21 7p Life Plan Action Course w/Margo Mateas - $25

28 7p Life Plan Action Course w/Margo Mateas - $25

10a Spirit Sings 7p Qigong w/Marcie Howard - 7:15p Meditation w/Adil Panton - $15 $75 if paid by 7/15; Group w/ Elizabeth $100 afterward Hendershot - $10


Radiance July/August 2015

16 6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/Rev. Danielle $33 7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff $15

6p Messages from The Other Side w/Tim Braun – Member $40 – Non-member $50

7p Psychic Development w/Debra Hookey - $25 7p Kwan Yen Reiki Community w/ Nancy Kimes - $15

7p Qigong 7:15p Meditation w/Adil Panton - $15 Group w/ Elizabeth Hendershot - $10 26 10a Unity Church Sunday Service

7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff $15

22 10a Group "I am" Mentorship w/Rev. Danielle - $22 5:45p Naam Movement & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga w/Lemia & Josh - $15 7p Mediumship w/ Debra Hookey - $25 29 10a Group "I am" Mentorship w/Rev. Danielle - $22 5:45p Naam Movement & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga w/Lemia & Josh - $15

23 6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/Rev. Danielle $33

24 25 6:30p Feng Shui 9:30a Animal 101 Communication w/Nancy Kimes - w/Kara Udziela $199 (both days) $20

7p Max Meditation 7p Sound w/Shauna Kossoff - Healing w/Seth $15 Pincus

10a Feng Shui 101 w/Nancy Kimes $199 (both days)

30 6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/ Rev. Danielle $33


7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff $15

7p Psychic Development 7p Stop Sponging w/Debra Hookey - $25 Up Negative Energies w/Tiffany Cano $15 prepay; $25 at the door



Events, Workshops & Classes Supporting Membership discounts DO apply to these events.

August 2015

August 2015 Sunday 26



Classes in blue are UCC, purple are Sacred Space events, and green is Unity Church. Call the Temple for registration information or check the online calendar at http://templeoflightoc.org/calendar/2015-06. Wednesday

















1p Integrative Dance w/John Salat - $5

7:15p Meditation Group w/ Elizabeth Hendershot - $10

7p Qigong w/Adil Panton - $15

5:45p Naam Movement & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga w/Lemia & Josh - $15

7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff $15



10a 7p Quantum 7p Life Plan Action 10a Group "I am" Unity Church Meditation w/Choury Course w/Margo Mateas - Mentorship Sunday Service DeVelle - $10 $25 w/Rev. Danielle - $22



7p Animal Communication w/Kara Udziela - $20






10a 7p Quantum 6:30p Munay-Ki Shamanic 10a Group "I am" Unity Church Meditation w/Choury Rites of Healing (2 of 3) Mentorship Sunday Service DeVelle - $10 w/Laurie Reyon w/Rev. Danielle - $22 $44 5:45p Naam Movement 7:15p Meditation & Meditation Group w/ Elizabeth 7p Life Plan Action 6:30p Naam Yoga Hendershot Course w/Margo Mateas - w/Lemia & Josh - $15 - $10 $25 7p Psychic Development w/Debra Hookey - $25 7p Qigong w/Adil Panton - $15




10:30a Intro to 350 Degrees of Success with Ana Weber

7p Psychic Development w/Debra Hookey - $22

10a 7p Quantum 6:30p Munay-Ki Shamanic 10a Group "I am" Unity Church Meditation w/Choury Rites of Healing (1 of 3) Mentorship Sunday Service DeVelle - $10 w/Laurie Reyon w/Rev. Danielle - $22 $44 5:45p Naam Movement 7:15p Meditation & Meditation Group w/ Elizabeth 7p Life Plan Action 6:30p Naam Yoga Hendershot Course w/Margo Mateas - w/Lemia & Josh - $15 - $10 $25 7p Mediumship w/Debra Hookey - $25 7p Qigong w/Adil Panton - $15


6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/ Rev. Danielle - $33

12p Holistic Healing Fair


10a 7p Quantum 6:30p Munay-Ki Shamanic 10a Group "I am" Unity Church Meditation w/Choury Rites of Healing (3 of 3) Mentorship Sunday Service DeVelle - $10 w/Laurie Reyon w/Rev. Danielle - $22 $44 5:45p Naam Movement 7:15p Meditation & Meditation Group w/ Elizabeth 7p Life Plan Action 6:30p Naam Yoga Hendershot Course w/Margo Mateas - w/Lemia & Josh - $15 - $10 $25 7p Mediumship w/Debra Hookey - $25 7p Qigong w/Adil Panton - $15


6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/ Rev. Danielle - $33 7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff $15

6:30p Spirit Art w/Michael and Marti Parry - $35 prepay - $45 at door

7p Increasing Intuition w/Tiffany Cano $15 prepay; $25 at the door


11a Healing Process for Manifested Diseases w/Dijle Koont - $30







6:30p Conscious 7p Sound Anatomy Healing w/ Rev. Danielle - $33 w/Seth Pincus 7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff $15 7p Kwan Yen Reiki Community w/ Nancy Kimes - $15


6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/ Rev. Danielle - $33 7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff $15

7p Animal Communication w/Kara Udziela - $20



10a 7p Quantum Unity Church Meditation w/Choury Sunday Service DeVelle - $10 7:15p Meditation Group w/ Elizabeth Hendershot - $10




The online version now has LIVE LINKS so you can immediately connect to the author, advertiser, or healer. July/August 2015

Radiance 27



Special Events

We welcome the following special sacred events. They are not part of the UCC membership program.

Click here to view July and August 2015 calendars and register for events

Meryll Montano

Tim Braun

Nancy Kimes

Ayurvedic Shui 101 Messages from Nutrition: East and Feng Fri. & Sat. the Other Side July 24 & 25 West Sat. July 18 7-10 p.m.

Sat. July 18 Marcie Howard

Kara Udziela

Spirit Sings

Animal Communication Sat. July 25 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Ana Weber

Intro to 360 Degrees of Success Sat. Aug. 8 10:30 a.m .-12:30 p.m.


Sun. July 26 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

(1 hour break for lunch)

Dijle Koont

Healing Process for Manifested Diseases

7-10 p.m. Tiffany Cano

Stop Sponging Up Negative Energies Thurs. July 30 7-9 p.m.

Marti & Michael Parry

Sat. Aug. 15 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

SpiritArt Sat. Aug. 15 6:30-9 p.m.

Laurie Reyon

Munay-Ki:Shamanic Rites & Healing

Radiance July/August 2015

Tues. Aug. 11, 18, 25 6:30-9:30 p.m.




en Ways to Know If He/She is Your Soulmate

By Dr. Carmen Harra, Ph.D.


hroughout my career, I have seen everything from couples who married their childhood loves to people in their retirement years who still struggle with commitment issues. Most of us fall somewhere between these two extremes, meaning we experience several relationships before finding the person we

believe to be our perfect pairing. Whether you're currently married, in a relationship, or contemplating entering a relationship with a new love interest, it is crucial you know what role this person will play in your life. After all, there's no avoiding the inevitable, often uncomfortable question we must ask ourselves: Is this the person I was bound by destiny to share my life with? Or did I settle too

quickly into a relationship with someone who can never complete me? Answering these questions honestly can be hard without a bit of guidance. There are ten signs which indicate a soul mate bond (or a lack of) between you and your partner. 1. You just‌.know. Describing how a soul mate makes you feel is difficult. It's a tenacious, continued on page 30 >>

July/August 2015

Radiance 29

<< continued from page 29 profound, and blissfully lingering emotion no words can encompass.

2. Flashbacks. If your partner is your soul mate, chances are he or she has been present in at least one of your past lives. Soul mates often choose to come back together during the same lifetime and scope each other out in the big world. You might suddenly and briefly experience flashbacks of your soul mate. You might even feel an odd sense of déjà vu, as if the moment in time has already taken place, perhaps a long time ago, perhaps in a different setting. 3. You just “get” each other. Ever met two partners who finish each other's sentences? Some people call that spending too much time together, but it’s the signal of a soul mate connection. You might experience this with your best friend or your mother, but it is the telltale sign of a soul mate when you experience it with your romantic partner.

4. You fall in love with his or her flaws. No relationship is perfect, and even soul mate relationships will experience ups and downs. Still, the bond will be harder to break. Soul mates have an easier time of tolerating, even learning to love, each other's imperfections. Your relationship is more likely to be a soul mate match if you both love each other exactly as you each are, accepting both the great and awful tendencies we all have. 5. It's intense. A soul mate relationship may be more intense 30

Radiance July/August 2015

than normal relationships, in both good and sometimes bad ways. The most important thing is, even during negative episodes, you're focused on resolving the problem and can see beyond the difficult moment.

6. It feels like “you and me against the world.” Soul mates often see their relationship as "us against the world." This doesn’t mean they isolate themselves from others, but they feel so linked together they're ready and willing to take on any feat of life, so long as they are at each other's side.

7. You are mentally inseparable. Soul mates often have a mental connection similar to the kind twins have with each other. One might pick up the phone to call the other at the exact same time. They often can intuit when something is wrong with the other, even when they are miles apart. Though you may be at a distance, your minds will always be in tune if you are soul mates. 8. You feel secure and protected. Regardless of the gender of your partner, he or she should always make you feel secure and protected. This means that if you're a heterosexual man, yes, your woman should make you feel protected, too! Your soul mate will make you feel like you have a guardian angel by your side. A person who plays on your insecurities, whether consciously or subconsciously, is most certainly not your soul mate. 9. You can't imagine your life without him (or her). A soul



mate is not someone you can walk away from that easily. It is someone you can't imagine being without, a person for whom you firmly believe is worth sticking with and fighting.

10. You look each other in the eye. Soul mates have a tendency to look into each other's eyes when speaking more often than ordinary couples do; they almost "read" each other this way. It comes naturally from the deepseated connection between them. Looking a person in the eye when speaking denotes a high level of comfort and confidence in them.” Reprinted from THE KARMA QUEENS' GUIDE TO RELATIONSHIPS by Carmen Harra, PhD, and Alexandra Harra, by arrangement with Tarcher, a member of the Penguin Publishing Group, a Penguin Random House Company, Copyright © 2015 Carmen Harra, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist, intuitive counselor, and author of seven books, including The Karma Queens’ Guide to Relationships and the bestselling Everyday Karma. Her daughter, Alexandra Harra, is a certified life coach, and a regular contributor to The Huffington Post and to RelationshipHeadquarters.com. Dr. Harra speaks from experience when she says there are practical ways to meet the challenges of resolving karma which cause our relationships to become complicated and painful. In their new book, The Karma Queens, they reveal the secret to transforming the karma in all of your relationships—with lovers, spouses, family and friends. It illuminates what you can do to change your karma so you can attract or keep your soul mate. For more information, go to www.CarmenHarra.com and www.Penguin.com




ow to Repattern Your Brain and Revitalize Your Life By Lisa Garr


he setting of the championship race was certainly picturesque: Castaic Lake, a reservoir formed by the Castaic Dam in the Sierra Pelona Mountains of northwestern Los Angeles. Action scenes for movies and TV are often filmed there because of the gorgeous, but rugged, natural terrain, and this is where I arrived for the state championship.

I was in second place overall, but this was the last race and counted for double points. I was focused in on my goal of taking the title. It didn't matter when the race started at eight in the morning, it was already a searing 95 degrees. Or this particular year, they ran the course in a different direction than they had run it in previous years, which would entail far more climbing for the continued on page 32 >>

July/August 2015

Radiance 31

<< continued from page 31 racers. About 5,300 feet of steep uphill biking was in my future during the 21-mile course.

Hours later, the win was in my reach. The race was three laps, and in the previous two, I'd always passed the first-place girl on the descent. Jon had taught me how to descend, and I was fearless about it. On the third lap, I spotted her right before the descent began, and I knew I'd pass her on the downhill and get to the finish line first. This was the last thing I remember.

All of a sudden, I woke up at the bottom of the hill with pine needles stuffed into my jersey. My helmet was sideways on my head and cracked in several places (although I didn't know this at the time). I wanted to climb back up the hill, but the pine needles were so thick that I kept slipping. Another cyclist saw me struggling to get up the hill, stopped, and said, "Are you okay?"

Later, he told me that I was trying to get back on my bike and just kept falling back down the hill. All I remember was pedaling and watching the girl in front of me.


Radiance July/August 2015



Eventually, doctors would tell me that memory loss is retroactive, and this is why I don't remember the actual fall or trying to scramble back up the hill. I assume I passed out when I was pedaling due to dehydration-I thought I'd been drinking plenty of water, but it must not have been enough for the heat. I blacked out and fell down a mountain. What happened next was the most important thing to ever happen to me.

Somehow my body finally dropped to the ground; I started to float above the entire scene. I was hovering over my body, which was down below me. I could see people surrounding me, but I couldn't really tell what they were doing

Instead, I could tell what they were feeling. Some of them were feeling like they were on-purpose in their lives and put here to be emergency medical technicians. Others were off-purpose and wanted to do something else-one wanted to be a painter. I knew one of the female medics had romantic feelings for one of the male EMTs, but she was too afraid to tell him. I could feel their thoughts, their desires, their unmet needs, but I couldn't hear their voices, as there was no need to do so.

TRUTH s CONSCIOUSNESS s BLISS << continued from page 33

The place I was in was magical. It was vast and pure, with a type of expanded consciousness I had never experienced before. It was beyond words. I don't even know if there are words which can explain the level of consciousness I experienced. No words could explain something it is much more expansive than anything I've ever known here. I once looked out over the cliff at the great Grand Canyon, and this feeling was even vaster than that experience. When I ask myself why now, I know the answer. This was a place of complete, unconditional love.

There are no conditions in this state of pure expansion. There are no boundaries; no pain; and no past, present, or future. It is all of those things at once: the past, present, and the future occurring at the same exact time. It is actually a state of all-encompassing awareness rather than a "place." It just is. I can't report I saw a white light, nor did I travel down a tunnel according to the classic depiction of a near-death experience (NDE) as defined by Dr. Raymond Moody. All I felt was vast consciousness and anything which came into my awareness was instantly manifested in front of me. I thought of Asia, for example, and Asia was in front of me. I'm not specifically sure why Asia came into my awareness, as I'd never been there; however, it is the best way I can describe how everything was immediately in my realm of awareness, without borders. Even the most remote place I could imagine appeared in my limitless sphere of consciousness.

I was definitely not creating this in my mind, as I was the furthest from analytical thinking I had ever been. I was purely experiencing this peaceful state. I felt so serene and wanted for nothing. There were no unmet needs, hopes, or goals. There were no desires, as everything was present at that moment. What I would find so interesting when I would look back on it was the absence of pain in that state. What I know now is all discomfort is created in the mind. I had no feeling of pain after my accident. In fact, I couldn't feel my body. Now I see bodies as beautifully intelligent sacs of fluid and bones, encapsulated by the boundaries of our skin. Don't get me wrong, because I love our human bodies and know they are amazing creations, but I also know we are not

our bodies. We are pure expanded consciousness.

Back at the mountain, one of the EMTs was asking, "Are you Jon?" "Yes," a familiar voice said.

"She has been saying your name. She has been asking for you."

I saw this silver cord, luminescent, pure, and bright, attached between Jon and me. It was like a light beam connecting us. I saw the connection, and knew it was something significant.

I jumped back into my body, which felt confined and small. I looked up, and my eyes met Jon's. I didn't have the ability to speak because my body had been throwing up. These wonderful medics kept turning my head to the side so that I wouldn't choke on my vomit. Even though I couldn't form any words, I marveled I could communicate in a new way. I spoke from my eyes to his eyes. And it was one of the most powerful, complete communications I had ever experienced. It only lasted seconds, and then I left again, returning to this beautiful place of expanded consciousness.

The above excerpt has been reprinted with permission from Becoming Aware: How to Repattern Your Brain and Revitalize Your Life by Lisa Garr (Hay House; May 19, 2015). Lisa Garr is host and producer of a popular syndicated radio show called The Aware Show, heard in the Los Angeles market on KPFK 90.7 FM or on KPFK.org. She has a Hay House Radio show called Being Aware. Lisa also hosts a series for Gaiam TV called Gaiam Inspirations. Her bi-monthly Summit series is one of the largest on the Internet. And topping it off, she is a weekend host on Coast to Coast AM, syndicated in over 500 stations around the world. Combined, she reaches millions of listeners globally a month. On The Aware Show, she interviews influential, incredible transformational luminaries from all walks of life. Her new book Becoming Aware (Hay House) helps readers transform their lives by showing how she applied 15 years of these experts' lessons to her own life as a businesswoman, wife, and mother. Go to: www.becomingawarebook. com

July/August 2015

Radiance 33


2005, I felt hopeless and did something I hadn’t done for 50 my knees and begged God to give me a reason to live.

, 2005, God answered my prayer with a challenge to write a r women I met at the Women’s Conference in Long Beach, ed by then-First Lady Maria Shriver.

, He guided me to interviwe women from around the world lks of life, cultures, religions, and countries. Each made a e not to let tragic circumstances destroy them. Each cerateda thers by using a particular virtue to overcome her challenge, re of each chapter.

darkness, these women found powerful voices and acted They are shouting, “No more,” to crimes agsint them, umanity.

d the Light.

his book, yous will learn how the interviews transformed my ise. You will also receive guidance and resources to help you ..and rise from the ashes as well.

for the Socially and Spiritually Conscious Consumer


Choury deVelle, BSC, CHT, NLP The Message: A Son's Journey from Skeptical Cynic to Spiritual Counselor

714.624.1956 chouryd@yahoo.com www.orangecounty/hypnosiscenter.com Click here to order on Amazon

Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D. rising From Ash to Flame: Women Rising



949.690.1257 basia@basiachrist.com www.basiachrist.com Click here to order on Amazon

Rev. Basia Christ. Ph.D.

me: Women Rising provides what people want: intangible, but es to have a happy, satisfying life.


esource Directory

From Ash to Flame: Women Rising

eople want to die, become addicted to drugs or alcohol, or ing of life outside of organized religion because they are nhappy, feel despair, are angry, frustrated, or have lost faith.



Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.

AYURVEDA HEALERS__________________

Hideko Curcio

949.395.0414 curciohideko@gmail.org

Marcie Howard Reiki Sounds

"get health in your hands" 714.336.8122 mhoward48@msn.com

Abby Namazi

949.212.7787 asnamazi@yahoo.com

Seth Pincus

732-609-4639 didgihealer@gmail.com

Faiz Mashood, D.C. 847.989.7117


Deborah Shea


Merryl Montano 714.423.4548



Teri Nejad

Church of Hair terrellanansi@yahoo.com (949) 510-9821, call for appt.

949.424.6542 contact@tvolved.com

Terrell Washington Anansi, Stylist

www.tvolved.com ENERGY HEALERS____________________

Adrianna Allen

949.291.9020 unique.in.spirit@gmail.com 34

Radiance July/August 2015

The online version now has LIVE LINKS so seekers and/or prospects can immediately connect to you.



Lemia Astarbardi & Joshua Bowser The Conscious Groove 949.677.3700 www.theconsciousgroove.com



Temple of Light Spiritual Community Live Your Radiance

Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

www.templeoflightoc.org 949.333.1641 HOLISTIC HEALTH____________________

Lemia Astarbardi & Joshua Bowser RaMa Holistic Care 949.677.3700 www.ramaholisticcare.com

MASSAGE THERAPIST________________

Adil Panton, Massage Therapist Healing Arts Touch, Lake Forest 949.842.7187 www.healingartstouch.com


Elzabeth Hendershot 949.803.5302 Yosisable@yahoo.com

SHAMANIC THERAPY_________________

Veronica Tioicha Shamanic Soul Therapy 657-464-3569 info@fireinthelotus.com www.fireinthelotus.com


Choury deVelle, BSC, CHT, NLP

714.624.1956 chouryd@yahoo.com www.orangecounty/hypnosiscenter.com

Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Shauna Kossoff

949.244.1960 RevDanielle@LiveYourRadiance.org www.templeoflightoc.org

(951)440-6938 shaunakossoff@gmail.com


Debra Hookey

714.318.6629 Debra@DebraHookey.com

Shar Pirinia

949.682.SHAR (7427) SharPirnia@gmail.com UNSELORS July/August 2015

Radiance 35




s It Possible to Be Spiritual and Rich?


ow many times have we heard money and spirituality do not go together? I have heard it time and again growing up. My mom told us repeatedly how the people of India may be 36

Radiance July/August 2015

By Arnoux Goran

poor in money, but they are rich in spirituality, and that’s all that matters. I always wondered if it was a justification we didn’t have enough money for basic necessities like food and clothes, but it stuck anyway.

Even more impactful were the tales of the greedy, filthy rich who were always flaunting their wealth with fancy cars and clothes when they should be thinking of the starving impoverished people and not being so selfish. But, of course, it wasn’t

TRUTH s CONSCIOUSNESS s BLISS their fault because you see, once you become rich, the money will corrupt you and you won’t be able to help becoming evil. That was the great wealth wisdom passed onto me, or frightened into me, whichever you prefer. It’s no wonder I was broke my entire life! With all of that programming, I would have to be crazy to have any money.

An Awakening

One day I was doing a meditation to open up and heal the human energy centers known as chakras. We read positive statements related to each chakra and let the feeling sink in. I was on the second chakra and stated “I love money and money loves me.” A rush of joy filled my body, whoa! I realized I had disliked money since I was a child, but on a deeper level, perhaps a soul level, I really liked money. I began an adventure to discover my Truths about the evil or goodness of money.

Over many years of taking courses, reading books, and asking people for advice, I found the ideas from my family were based on fear, not love, so they really cannot be Truth, because all Truth comes from love. I also found a useful rule to check money beliefs against: love and abundance are the same thing. This incorporated the expanded view of money as being a part of abundance, which is a good thing.

A Change of Mind

Using this rule, I compared the fearful ideas of scarcity handed down to me from my childhood environment one at a time and eventually dismissed them all. I

found there is nothing wrong with having nice things because giving up luxury for the benefit of the poor doesn’t really make an impact on the masses of impoverished people around the world; it only makes everyone feel poor. I laughed about the idea of wealth corrupting me, since who I am is not ever, nor has it ever been, controlled by a material, physical substance outside of me, but solely by my thinking. Most of the people I met who were self-made millionaires were nice, down to earth and basically cool people. They did change though; they became nicer than when they were broke. It made sense because they were under much less stress, had more fun, and were able to be generous. Also, they often did what they loved and got fulfillment from it. It made me want to be rich, too. The toughest nut to crack was the idea of spirituality and wealth not mixing

Being Abundant is Spiritual

Ultimately, it came back to the rule of love and abundance being one and the same. Clearly, being loving was the highest goal of every religion or spiritual practice. It made sense that having everything I needed and wanted in life in exchange for doing good work is a good thing. Is it really wrong to get rich if you’re helping people? Is Bill Gates a bad person for creating all of the computer technology and making it available to everyone? Honestly, I don’t know how I could have made it through college without Windows! It makes life easier. I am grateful to him for providing

what he did, so grateful in fact, I’m glad he has the money he does; he deserves it. Not only did he make money for himself, but think of the thousands and thousands of jobs he created, and the record number of millionaires who were part of this grand venture. Everybody won, and the world became a better place, a more abundant place. It was a loving thing to provide Windows for the world. I’m writing this article using Microsoft Word right now! There’s also the idea of making a profit…why not give it away at just above cost and live meagerly? Why make so much money? Because if we charge less than what a product is worth, then people will think it’s worthless, not value it or appreciate it, and maybe not even buy it. It’s cheap. Is God cheap?

Money is Good

I chose to believe having money is not wrong, but a normal, natural part of making a positive difference in the world, and not charging money is not only weird, but unnatural, and certainly not spiritual. I realized there is nothing wrong with money either. When someone says money is the root of all evil, I tell them the lack of money is evil. When someone says money only causes problems I say that not having money causes problems.

I trust my inner feeling of joy and happiness when I can pay my bills on time, eat what I want, go where I want, give to others without stress and feel abundant in life. At the end of this adventure to discover my ideas about money I discovered I love money, and money loves me. continued on page 38 >> July/August 2015

Radiance 37

<< continued from page 37

Conscious Changes are not Enough Just because we choose different beliefs consciously about money, abundance, contribution and happiness does not mean we will start having more money. This is only the first step. We also must choose abundance in our unconscious. We are all programmed with beliefs and emotional patterns which run our energy fields, or the vibration we put out. If we don’t change this, we will continue to put out a vibration of scarcity… in spite of ourselves. You may know someone who has consciously chosen to receive abundance, or money, in life, and continues to struggle, even to make ends meet, much less make their dreams come true. Perhaps you have shared their frustration as ceremony and visualization have not proven worthy tools to attract the money needed


Radiance July/August 2015



What’s missing is the ability to change the unconscious programming.

bring abundance into your life, you need to learn this tool as soon as possible.

If you really want to end your financial suffering and effortlessly attract abundance into your life, you must change your unconscious money blueprint. This means changing the stuck beliefs, feelings and energies of the past buried deep down inside of you… but are emanating out and attracting the same patterns of scarcity which have been your past, and will be your future if you don’t change them.

Arnoux (are-know) Goran, is an author and creator of the Total Health Mastery series of seminars. Arnoux cured himself of several incurable diseases and years of emotional trauma. His tools have helped thousands of people and his energy transforms whoever he is around. Just being in his presence provides a healing on all levels, financially, emotionally, relationships and more. Your heart will soar. For more about Arnoux visit TotalHealthMasteryUSA.com.

How to Change Your Life

To change your money blueprint will require a couple of tools. The first and most important to learn is The 7 Steps to Reprogramming Yourself. I used this tool to break out of the poverty-stricken childhood I grew up in when nothing else worked. Client upon client of mine have done the same and if you want to truly

“Above all things I wish for you prosperity.” –John 3 1:2

You can learn The 7 Steps online. Go to my website, get my free book and, if you get my first two online courses, you’ll learn how to reprogram yourself or you can attend the FREE workshop, “Why Your Life is the Way it Is: Ending Repeating Life Patterns” on Thursday, July 23 as my guest and we will take this journey together or you may attend the 3-day training from July 24 to 26 in Santa Ana. For more about Arnoux or details about the courses, go to TotalHealthMasteryUSA.com.



The next Fairs are *July 11 (SECOND SATURDAY OF THE MONTH) , August 1, and September 5

Noon to 6 p.m. (EXTENDED TIME) For more information, visit http:// templeoflightoc.org/holistic-healing-fair

July/August 2015

Radiance 39




ne Lesson Learned

By Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.

longed for the day to come when they were on their own ...and now that it has, I understand what people meant. Their childhoods passed in a blur.

I became depressed because I knew I squandered my chance at ever feeling joy.

That is, until, while working on From Ash to Flame: Women Rising, I interviewed Erin Runnion, whose 5-year-old daughter, Samantha, was kidnapped, raped, and murdered during the summer of 2002.

The chapter called Rising with Joy is devoted to what Erin taught me - how to bring joy back into your life ...and she had experienced every parent's nightmare. Two ways she taught me are:

 Open yourself emotionally: Connecting with others is a source of enormous pleasure. Surround yourself with joy seekers will also make it easier to feel joy.


y childhood was difficult. The only time I felt brief joy was at the birth of my three children. I say brief because I was the breadwinner and worked until days before I gave birth and returned to work quickly.

Joy was replaced by worry. How could I be a good mother and leave them every day to make a living? I felt I was abandoning them so I quit my "day job" and became an entrepreneur so I could be with them during the day. I loaded them into my old Chevy in their car seats and met with clients for whom I did graphic design for their marketing materials and illustrations for advertising.

I was constantly in a rush. Every day my children would hear, "Hurry up. Get dressed. Mommy has to go." I remember people telling me someday I would miss these days when my children were grown. However, I


Radiance July/August 2015

 Do something incredibly helpful for someone else: Bringing pleasure to another and witnessing their joy can have a wonderful effect on you. This is what Erin did when she vowed to memorialize the joy Samantha brought to others by creating The Joyful Child Foundation (wwwjoyfulchildfoundation. org). Her organization educates parents on how to keep their children safe.

She is one of 26 women who taught me life lessons which I share with readers. Throughout the chapters, my spiritual journey is woven which end with the lesson I learned from each woman in the chapter. Rev. Basia Christ, has a Ph.D. in Transformational Counseling and is Executive Director of the Temple of Light and editor of Radiance. She is available for presentations on human trafficking, gender equality, being a living kidney donor, and Rising to Your Greatness. For more information, call 949.690.1257 or email basia@basiachrist. com.

TRUTH s CONSCIOUSNESS s BLISS << continued from page 42

An 8-year spiritual journey through the dark night of the soul became From Ash to Flame: Women Rising Read Rev. Basia Christ's inspirational, spiritual journey as she went from being suicidal in 2005 to becoming an altruistic kidney donor in 2010.

The women are:

Spirit guided her to interview 26 extraordinary women from around the world so she could learn important life lessons. The book also contains a workbook and valuable resources to help readers "rise from the ashes."

 Marilyn van Derbur, Colorado

It all began with God’s challenge of “Why not you?”

From Ash to Flame: Women




 Jan Turner, Minnesota

 Erin Runnion, California

 Fauzia Assifi, Afghanistan  Isabel Losada, England  Trisha Meili, New York

 Cindy Landon, California

 Ngawang Sangdrol, Tibet  Mariane Pearl, France

 Mukhtar Mai, Pakistan

 Erin Brockovich, California  Fauziya Kassindja, Togo  Judge Zakia Hakki, Iraq

 Marian Fontana, New York  Sibel Edmonds, Turkey


 Denise Brown, California

 Dr. Cloud Scout Lee, Hawaii  Fran Drescher, California  Wangari Maathai, Kenya

Rev. Basia Christ. Ph.D.

 Tracey Moore, California  Niemat Ahmadia, Darfur

 Patricia Wenskunas, California  Azam Kamguian, Iran

Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.

 Francine Ward, California  Fatima Sadiqi, Morocco

 Peggy O’Neill, California

Order on Amazon at www.createspace.com/3943686 or call 949.690.1257. July/August 2015

Radiance 41

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Renowned medium Tim Braun’s demonstration will confirm there is life after death.

Saturday, July 18 7:30-9:30 p.m. Temple of Light 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618

$40 Members (front row seating) $50 Non-members Come enjoy this demonstration of mediumship where Tim will deliver messages and communication from spirit with love and support. It is Tim’s desire to heal those with grief of loss and re-establish the ties we have lost with those who are no longer with us. Tim believes our love is the link which allows us to connect with those on the other side. Many of Tim’s clients have had their lives changed dramatically, and have received hope that there exists a place of beauty and joy at the end of life on this earth. Loved ones are there, and love doesn’t die, but it is taken to this place, “the other side.” Tim has been heard on radio shows throughout the world, and conducted phone readings to callers that were astounded by his accuracy. He has appeared on the show Looking Beyond, and the TLC TV reality show, Sin City Rules. Recently, Tim sold out two 700 seat evening events at Pala Casino in Southern California.

www.timbraun.net (was incorrect in May issue) To register for this event go to www.templeoflightoc.org/tim-braun 44

Radiance July/August 2015

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