2013 May/June Radiance Magazine

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A Publication of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community

Two Secrets "The Secret" Didn't Tell You By Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Myths that Kill, Myths that Heal:

Your Magical Mind:

Storytelling Yourself

Are You Using It?

By Gahl E. Sassoon

By Dianne Collins

Dating Adventurously

Two Questions that Can Change Your Life

By Ellany T. Kincross

7 "Bites" to Meaningful Meals By Deanna Minich, PhD, CN

By Raphael Cushnir

Lessons I Learned from My Grandmother By Rev. Basia Christ, PhD

By George and Sedena Cappannelli


It's Never Too Late (or Too Soon) to Live Your Dream



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Temple of lighT S p i r i t u a l

C o m m u n i t y

Live Your Radiance U n i t e d Co n s C i o U s Co m m U n i t y Sundays at 11:00am Beyond the concepts of all beliefs there exists one universal truth that guides every living being. It is not a personality or a single being, but rather a life force with unlimited love and intelligence that lives within each of us.

A place where like-minded souls gather to find answers to all of life’s great questions A place to learn how to listen to the inner voice that guides and comforts A place to reason, question, meditate and contemplate A place to learn how to “live in the present moment” and open the mind to all possibilities A place to develop a personalized path to leading a spiritual life Sunday Mornings from 11am to 12:30pm 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618 Lead by Rev. Danielle Marie

Founder and Spiritual Director of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community

K i r ta n e x p e r i e n C e Sundays at 9:30am Kirtan awakens the soul to its natural position, connects us with higher energy, clears the heart of all the distractions that can stress one living in this high‐tech age, and at the very least, make a person feel better about their day through the wonderful music and singing.

Kirtan is an energizing and joyful group practice of singing simple chants or mantras that “tune you up” vibrationally and bring about a feeling of peace and calm usually associated with hours of deep meditation. It’s the “fast track” to a quiet mind and all the benefits that go with it. Kirtan is singing mantras. Mantras themselves have vibrations, so when you repeat them they produce a kind of vibration within the body that shakes all the molecules and cells in the body, they literally rearrange your entire personality. Sunday Mornings from 9:30am to 10:30am Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618 Lead by Joshua Bowser & Lemia Astarabadi or Rev. Danielle Marie or Other Kirtankars

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adiance May/June 2013 CONTENTS

Two Secrets "The Secret" Didn't Tell You

A message from Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt, Publisher and Founder of the Temple of Light Spiritual Wellness

Your Magical Mind: Are You Using It? By Dianne Collins

Dating Adventurously By Ellany T. Kincross

On-site Practitioners

7 "Bites" to Meaningful Meals By Deanna Minich, PhD, CN

It's Never Too Late (or Too Soon) to Live Your Dream By George and Sedena Cappannelli

ON THE COVER Blue Lotus In Eastern traditions, the blue lotus represents the victory of the spirit over the senses and signifies the wisdom of knowledge. In Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem, Song of the Lotos-Eaters, the blue lotus symbolizes that which urges us to seek new experiences.

MAGAZINE STAFF Published by Rev. Danielle Marie, Spiritual Director of Temple of Light Spiritual Community Editor-in-Chief/Creative Director Rev. Basia Christ. Ph.D. Sales & Marketing Director Tony Giuffreda Editorial Staff Tonya Fitzpatrick & Alyssa Fitzpatrick

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Academy of Light

Myths that Kill, Myths that Heal: Storytelling Yourself By Gahl E. Sassoon

Reclaim Your Power By Sarah MacLean

Two Questions that Can Change Your Life By Raphael Cushnir

Workshops and Classes

Lessons I Learned from My Grandmother By Rev. Basia Christ. PhD

Radiance is published by Temple of Light Spiritual Community located at 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618. Publishers Liability: Radiance does not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine, nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the magazine, publishers or editors. Radiance is a free publication that is available at various metaphysical stores, health food locations, vegetarian restaurants, yoga studios, spiritual centers, coffee stands and libraries throughout Orange County. If you would like copies at your location or recommend a site, please e-mail info@radiancemagazine. org or contact our office at (949) 333-1641. Office hours are from Tuesday to Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Go to www.radiancemagazine.org to view current and past issues of Radiance and share your thoughts! Annual subscriptions are available for $25. To submit an article for review, please e-mail Basia Christ, Editor-in-Chief at basia@radiancemagazine.org.


Two Secrets

The Secret Didn’t Tell You by Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt, Founder & Spiritual Director


ears ago before I had children, a friend said upon having his first son, “He filled a void in me I didn’t even know existed.” When I heard those words, it occurred to me we might be without something that could make us profoundly happy and at peace. If we are unaware of the void, we likely would not know to ask for that which fills it, what it is, and how to get it. We may resign ourselves and not ask for more. Those words ignited in me the energy of being a “seeker,” to look for things and ways to be happier even if I thought what I had was acceptable. They taught me it was all right to want more. In subsequent years, I also needed to learn what I truly wanted and I deserved it. When we do decide what we want, imagine having it, and take measures and means to create it, we have knowingly or unknowingly engaged the Laws of Attraction.

In the years of working with friends, clients, and students, I have seen many of them claim to want something they only think they want, or what they want is reduced by what they feel is all they are entitled to want, or worse yet, they ask for something they think they are supposed to want. The Law of Attraction responds to frequencies. When frequencies are limited, weak, or not in alignment, the response the Universe gives will match that which is given and the results are in accordance. The Power of the Want can also be weakened if there is indecisiveness or the person asks for inconsistent things. For example, if someone is not in their dream job and deep down longs for a career change, but does not have the courage or vision to see a job change is possible, they may ask for more money in their current job believing that is the remedy to their unhappiness. You cannot fool the Universe. Its energy gauges the true frequency level of the manifestation and will respond accordingly. A slight raise may come in time and with a great deal of extra effort; however, a courageous, openhearted, empowered manifestation of the truest and strongest alignment of the job of your dreams will come with such speed, clarity, and path laid out that you will be left in wonder at the difference. How can you tell if you are manifesting things that are not in alignment with your true heart? Easy. Things come slowly, tediously, with great effort and struggle, and you ask yourself, “What am I doing wrong?” The continued on page 6 >> Radiance

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In 2006, when the DVD and book The Secret were released, it became fashionable to think positively about what you want so the Law of Attraction, which determines the order of the universe and our lives through the process of “like attracts like” brings it to you. The Secret taught us that as we think and feel, a corresponding frequency is sent out into the universe that attracts back to us events and circumstances on that same frequency. The Secret also sparked a great deal of controversy and doubting Thomas’s who claimed it did not or could not work. For some people, the reason the Law of Attraction may not have worked is because there are two secrets The Secret didn’t tell us.

The first secret is the “Power of the Want”

<< continued from page 5 answer is you are not being true to your greatest heart desires. I recently attended training in San Jose with a mentorship program called “Thrive Academy.” On the first day of training as service providers, we were asked to nail down the answer to the “What do you do?” question. About 25% of us struggled with the answer because we were unclear, too expansive, or had too many answers. In my case, all three applied. We were coached to get it down to one that clearly addressed how we help people with what problem. For the next few days, I had trouble staying focused and integrating with the group. I didn’t realize until the last day I was experiencing a release of what I thought I was supposed to be doing as compared to what I truly wanted in my heart of hearts. I thought my goal for the Temple of Light was to reach as many people worldwide as possible offering them means and ways to live a spiritual life. I thought what I wanted was to create a congregation of thousands. All of my efforts to create such a thing single handedly felt like I was moving a mountain without traction. I was exhausted. I heard the question “What am I doing wrong?” in my head hundreds of times. What came to me so clearly on the final day was what I truly wanted more than anything is to serve the holistic healing practitioners by giving them a place to seek and learn, to practice and teach their healings arts, find community, friends, and a place to play. I want to help the healing ambassadors that go out and touch the world to gain their momentum. They, as an empowered, group, can reach thousands of people. Suddenly it seemed easy and within reach. Since I got into alignment with my deepest, truest desires, the Law of Attraction has shown up in ways I would never had dreamed possible. The second secret is the “Purity of the want” If you are absolutely sure you are imagining and manifesting the thing, place, or person of your dreams, and you still haven’t hit the Law of Attraction jack pot, perhaps your thoughts may not be pure. You may have parallel counter thoughts whispering to the Universe simultaneously you are not worthy of what you want, your family will belittle or shun you, your friends won’t feel connected to you, you are uncomfortable with that much attention, your physical image isn’t good enough, you wouldn’t know how to manage all that money, your spouse will have their ego bruised if you 6 Radiance

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suddenly make more than them, neighbors will think you are “woo woo,” and more... Remember the Universe responds to frequencies. If the frequency of what you want is matched with a frequency of you being afraid to get it, it cancels itself out. My journey of creating our spiritual center was greatly tempered by my fears of not being approved of or accepted by the community we served. I discovered these were feelings I had created regarding my birth family. It didn’t change overnight, but gradually I began to have more self-approval and more self-acceptance. More and more people came into our center saying wonderful things and promising to come back, bring friends, and tell people about it. As the shift continued, we received less complaints and more compliments, less people wanting things and more people offering to help, less financial shortage, and more abundance. In the first chapter of The Enlightened Entrepreneur by Grace Bulger, she writes the energy of the CEO (or organization leader) is that which guides and creates the energy of the organization. This concept opened my eyes that as founder and director my thoughts about myself would trickle down the organization chart and the customer base. The purity of my thoughts and feelings surrounded me with every person in ways I had not previously understood. As my clarity of what I truly want increases and the counter revolutionary thoughts decreases, I no longer feel as though there is void that I cannot fill. I also know that in six months time or over the next couple of years, my heartfelt desires may change, shift, or adjust slightly. It’s all good as long as we are feeling things are coming easy and effortlessly. Remember, if your goals feel like a struggle and you are exhausted, revisit the Power and Purity of what you are manifesting and the Law of Attraction will work for you so much better. Rev. Danielle Marie is a Master ThetaHealer® who practices a healing art based primarily on ThetaHealing®, but with several personal additions and modifications. Rev. Danielle Marie's sessions are life-changing, creating shifts in her clients' perceptions resulting in the most positive changes imaginable. Rev. Danielle Marie has been a student of metaphysics since 2000 and studied under several mentors, including Vianna Stibal and Dr. Doreen Virtue. As a metaphysical minister, she believes in the innate intuitive ability gifted to each of us. Teaching this and witnessing healings has become her life's work and passion. She believes we can live free from pain and suffering and be in a constant state of peace and joy.



Magical Mind: Are you using it? By Dianne Collins


hat if… meditation isn’t just a relaxation or spiritual practice, but a natural faculty of your mind you are well advised to use regularly?

Mind and their dynamic principles – powers of mind that supply us with the ability to awaken, to choose, to create, and master our experiences and outcomes in life.

What if… the ability of your mind to travel anywhere in space and time isn’t just a serendipity that delights you with an amazing connection, but an inherent power that you can develop?

The Buddha declared, the yogic sage Patanjali taught, and leading quantum scientists today agree: All is mind. Mind in this sense doesn’t mean the cognitive, rational mind nor does mind equate to the brain. (Consider the brain as the transmitter-receiver of mind.) Mind means consciousness – the fundamental field of awareness that connects us as one. Some people associate the mind with the intellect, but we are using it in this broader way as the individualized form of the all-pervasive consciousness.

What if… the ability of energy to be converted into various states is not just a fact of science, but an important human dynamic we are here to master?

Let’s contemplate what I distinguish as the 5 Natural Faculties of

The mind as consciousness encompasses whatever you are aware of in a given moment in spacetime, including your intent, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and bodily sensations. All this is experienced by the mind. You may ask, “What about the heart?” Cutting-edge brain researchers consider the physical heart the fifth part of our brain as it contains 60% neurons, the same type of cells that make up

Let’s have a meditative visualization to experience this. Imagine you are floating. We all are floating in a giant invisible field and the field is intelligent. It is a field of energy and infinite potential. Paradoxically, the field is within, outside, and surrounding us. We are in constant relationship and interaction with this field —a field of mind. We can consciously connect with this field of universal intelligence by learning to regularly call upon the life force of our 5 Natural Faculties of Mind and their corresponding dynamic principles.

5 Natural Faculties of Mind Power of Observation, its dynamic is Intent The first faculty of Observation means we are creating our experience of life according to what we bring to our Observations. Intent is the dynamic we use to create. continued on page 8 >> Radiance

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When there is something in life you really want, we say, “If you put your mind to it you can do it. “What does it really mean to “put your mind to something?” I like to think we are kindred spirits here to remind each other of what we already know. In that sense I am here now to activate remembrance of the natural powers of your magical mind. Traditional education has not begun to teach us about the inherent faculties of our mind and how to use them.

“All is mind.” –Buddha

our brain. In wisdom traditions, the spiritual heart is considered to be the seat of the mind. In a real sense, your mind is your life because it is through mind you are related to everything in this dazzling, exquisite universe.

<< continued from page 7 Quantum physicists say we live in an Observer-created Reality. Observation is not merely looking at something. It means to hold something in awareness in a way you make it real. It is a creative act of consciousness activated by the dynamic of Intent. There is no absolute way that reality is. It lies in waiting as waves of probability until we choose one of the possibilities with our Intent. (Note: In QuantumThink®, we make an important distinction between Intent and Intention – Intention being a course of action leading to an end goal – and Intent being an activation of the energy-intelligent conscious field, a quality of being that attracts results consistent with the specific Intent.)

Our power of Observation is awesome because it means what we see and experience is dependent upon what we as human Observers bring to our Observation. Observation is a unique action of consciousness placing focus, attention, and Intent through thought. There is a significant difference between thinking as an act of consciousness and merely having automatic thoughts flooding the mind. Thinking as a conscious act includes a consciously generated Intent. When you become aware of something or someone with a particular Intent, you get a new experience which becomes your reality. How do we use the faculty of Observation? How you think about your life partner is an act of Observation. You experience your partner based on judgments, thoughts, and intent you have about him or her. Even though a person appears to be a particular way, it is what we bring to our Observation that gives 8 Radiance

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us our experience of them. If you notice you bring a limited judgment to your Observation of your partner, you can create a new Intent and watch the magic happen as your relationship takes on a harmonious direction. For example, suppose you have a habit of saying to your partner that he/she doesn’t listen to you. As long as you hold that judgment in your field of awareness, the physics of mind will probably bring about that experience. Not to mention, your connection with your partner may seem distant. So what to do? Catch yourself in that judgment, realize from a quantum perspective your judgment is not the truth – and then create the Intent that I love our communication gets deeper and more harmonious all the time. It isn’t that this statement of Intent is the truth either; the idea is you are creating a context you are choosing to live from in the form of Intent. This activation of the relational field will bring results that match your new context. Power of Nonlocation, its dynamic is Intuition The second faculty of Nonlocation means our mind can go anywhere instantly across spacetime to send or receive information. Intuition is the dynamic we use to tune in to universal intelligence. This might sound strange – that we have a faculty of Nonlocation. What does it mean? One of the most important discoveries of science today is we have a nonlocal mind which means our mind is not local to our body. In fact, our mind is not located anywhere because the mind doesn’t have a spatial or temporal quality the way ordinary objects do. Since the mind is not

limited in space or time, we can send and receive information at a distance. When you have a quantum occurrence like when you’re thinking about a friend you haven’t spoken with for a while and the next minute the phone rings and it’s their voice, this is the faculty of Nonlocation in action. Intuition is the dynamic that enables us to tap into Nonlocation and the apprehension of something without prior knowledge or physical access. Take your Intuition to a higher octave by using it consciously in a disciplined way regularly. You might have an Intuition to take a different route on your way home. Listen to that prompting. When you are shopping for a particular item you can save time by tuning in and knowing exactly to which store to go. You may be pointed to a particular aisle or as link to click on in the Google search online. Power of Transmutation, its dynamic is Energy The third faculty of Transmutation means we can transform and uplift our experience. Energy is the dynamic that can be converted into various states, especially from a lower or denser state into a higher or more refined state. Since we are energetic beings and Energy is convertible, we can use the power of Transmutation to convert human energy states, especially emotions. Suppose anger arises. The anger Energy is there. What will we do with it? We can use the faculty of Transmutation to take the anger into a higher form such as converting it to compassion. When you become adept with the faculty of Transmutation, you tune into energy, particularly subtle energy, such as the energy of emotion, a place, an idea


you have for a new project, or a new group of people to meet.

You may have old ideas or thoughts that don’t feel energetically correct for who you are now. Transmute this Energy to a higher state. Use your Intent, directing the Energy with focus. Power of Meditation, its dynamic is Awareness The fourth faculty of Meditation means we can live as the watcher and the doer simultaneously and thereby be continuously refreshed by universal source. Awareness is the dynamic that enables us to be centered, awakened, and at choice. The faculty of Meditation enables us to instantly access present-moment Awareness. It is only in this state we have authentic choice because we free ourselves of limited conditioning. Meditation strengthens its dynamic, Awareness. Meditation is not new. Yet, Meditation with its dynamic, Awareness, can be used consciously even when you are not in a sitting Meditation. When you become Aware of your movements, words, and Intent, this a walking-talking, living Meditation. When you sit for formal meditation, the idea is to still the flood of automatic thoughts, not by forcing them, but simply by watching them. At some point in the Meditative state, thought waves cease, or become so far in the background, you experience the mystical silence within–a connection with consciousness or Awareness.

Power of Manifestation, its dynamic is Resonance The fifth faculty of Manifestation means we attract what we vibrate and emanate out into the world. Resonance is the dynamic that determines what manifests for us due to its attraction force within fields of energy and intelligence. When we are in tune and something comes together, we say it has Manifested harmoniously. When we Resonate with something we are coherently connected to it. Everything is vibrating in this universe of energy. Modern scientific String Theory proposes that the fundamental units of reality are not particles but tiny vibrating looped strings like on an infinitesimal violin, except they vibrate at different frequencies. An interesting thing about Resonance is you can literally feel, experience, and sense it in your body. You meet someone new and you feel an immediate connection. You say you Resonated with her/ him. From that Resonant connection something wonderful unfolds. If you don’t connect, or no Resonance, quite possibly nothing much Manifests from that relationship. Use the faculty of Manifestation to consciously generate Resonances with people, places, things—even with your computer or cell phone. For example, imagine you are throwing a party. As soon as you decide to have the party, you begin generating the Resonant field

around it. The invitation you send out begins to condition the field. Our friend invited us recently to his wife’s 30th birthday party. First, he called to say we would be receiving an invitation to a fabulous party. Then the beautiful invitation arrived in the mail, decorated with iridescent colors and sparkly things. The invitation requested us to come dressed for a magical evening. He conditioned the field all the way by this communication. You can imagine the evening would be beautiful, well-planned, idyllic, magical – and it was! Conditioning the Resonant field not only Manifested our friend’s Intent; it had the guests co-creating the Resonance with him. When you become finely attuned to the 5 Natural Faculties of Mind, you go beyond space, time, and matter to the realm of Infinite Possibility to discover again that your mind is magical, you are a sculptor of reality, and consciousness is your clay. Practice with Intent. Remember and honor your magical mind. When you master your mind, you master your life. Dianne Collins is the author of the award-winning bestseller, “Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World,” and the creator of the QuantumThink® system of thinking. She consults celebrities and executives, entrepreneurs and students, artists and homemakers in thinking for a new world. Contact Dianne at www.diannecollins.com dianne@quantumthink.com Like her Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ DoYouQuantumThink Follow her on Twitter: @diannecollins


@quantumthink; twitter.com/diannecollins


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In that state, we experience well being, a restful, rejuvenating state. It connects us in the field of all fields, the field of our source. So you are not just sitting there isolated in some state of bliss (though pretty good in and of itself!); you

are in direct contact with life force. This is why it is important to relate to Meditation as a spiritual practice and something the spiritual aspect of us requires for well being, just as our physical aspect requires proper food and rest.


Adventurously By Ellany T. Kincross


t happens when we least expect it. We are walking out of Starbucks, working out in the gym or are out for drinks with a friend. With no warning whatsoever, we find ourselves making eye contact with a stranger. Eyes meet, smiles are exchanged and an introduction occurs. Sometimes plans for a first date are made. The moments leading up to a first date are filled with magic and anticipation. During that first date, both parties spend time discussing the basics with the following questions: Where did you go to school? What did you study? What do you do for a living? What are you hobbies? What type of movies or TV do you enjoy? What are your favorite vacation spots? At the end of the date, each party leaves feeling as though he or she has gotten to know a little bit about the other. However, has each party learned anything about each other beyond the basics? No. The problem that arises when we meet a new love interest is we immediately don a mask that closely mirrors what we think the other person wants us to be. “She wants me to be the strong, supportive type. That’s what I’ll show her.” “He needs me to be pleasing, agreeable, and easy-going. That’s what I’ll show him.” Wearing a mask is effective for only a short time. Why? Our soul and spirit do not like to be shadowed. In time, one of the partners takes off the mask because he is tired of hiding his authenticity, and the problems begin. He has grown weary of having to be someone he isn’t in order to please his partner. Maskless, he struggles to reclaim his authentic self and becomes challenging to deal with. The partner still wearing a mask is repulsed 10 Radiance

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by this shift. This is where the struggles begin. As a psychic who assists clients in getting into the right alignment to meet the partner of their dreams, I advise clients it is possible to avoid the challenges wearing a mask initiates by choosing to step into a relationship with your authentic self in full view. In other words, approach dating as an adventure. Instead of hiding behind the image you think your prospective love interest wants, show the real you. Adventurous dating means you are willing to put your authentic self out there, even if someone finds the real you unattractive. In many cases, people refrain from dating adventurously because they believe they will be rejected by showing their true selves. However, when you truly accept all your flaws, you will never fear rejection again. The Love yourself and others will, too. When you reject yourself, others will follow suit. Masks are unnecessary when you discover your inner light. I had a client who struggled with masks in her relationship. Cindy wore a challenging mask. She was demanding, cold, and calculating. In the beginning, she told Ryan she had specific needs and expectations. Cindy demanded they go out a lot and travel together and he provide her with a lots of love. Ryan wore his own mask, the mask of a man who was accommodating, pleasing, and who tried to give Cindy what she wanted. Ryan felt up to the task most of the time, but occasionally he didn’t. When he retreated and withdrew, they had big fights. After several months, Ryan took off his mask. He was frustrated because he felt he’d sacrificed his authenticcontinued on page 15 >>


M.S., Certified Hypnotherapist



Presents ~

Dance Artistry & Self-expression held at the Temple of Light 3rd Sundays, 1 – 2:30 pm - $10 per class


moving beautifully, with elegance confident and free !

Learn to feel the source of movement and grace ~ where dancing becomes more than simply ‘executing steps to music.’

We all retain walls (blocks created by past emotional or physical trauma). By inducing an altered state via hypnotherapy, I will help you break through those walls and connect to your inner self where only beauty, grace and joy exist bringing you to a complete sense of freedom.




Whole Health

Weekly Meditations Every Thursday 7:30 p.m. www.anandala.org

Dr. Kayhan graduated from University of Southern California and has more than 15 years of experience.

Armaghan Kayhan, DDS Holistic Dentistry

(949) 559-6988 14785 Jeffrey Road, Suite 206, Irvine, CA Radiance

May/June 2013 11



Temple of Light

On-site Practitioners Choose from our team of Master Practitioners available to support you in enhancing your spiritual wellness. If you would like guidance on which one to select, we are available to provide assistance to ensure you get the most out of your experience. To learn more about our practitioners, please visit our website at www.LiveYourRadiance.org or call us at (949) 333-1641.


Healing by Touch, Gifted Energy Healer (949) 212-7786 abbynamazi@yahoo.com


dermaCPR, Holistic Skin Specialist (949) 307-7916 www.dermacpr.com info@dermacpr.com


Angel Healings, Channeled Healings, Readings, Present & Past Life Therapy (949) 351-4091 www.angelhealings.net EStahlhofen@gmail.com


Spiritual Touch, Crystal Therapy, Sound Therapy & Emotional Release (949) 241-5790 www.lemurianlight.org No photos:

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Spiritual Counselor, Master ThetaHealer®, Angel Therapy Practitioner, Akadua & Ancient Egyptian Alchemy Healing (949) 333 1641 revdanielle@liveyourradiance.org www.liveyourradiance.org


Next Generation Christ Energy, readings and healing energy work utilizing the Divine Feminine. (949) 707-0121 www.arigemtixs.com fairiesflight2012@yahoo.com


Accupressure, Hypnosis, Pranic Healing, & ThetaHealing (562) 659-1772




Medium, Spiritual Counselor, Medical Intuitive, Crystal Healer (949) 350-0775 hello@jessiechiang.com www.jessiechiang.com


Tarot expert and teacher, Reiki master teacher, Medium, Full service ordinated interfaith minister, Certified Hypnotist (949) 938-5515 RevKristinBradfield@tumbler.com


Certified Medical Intuitive, Nutritional Consultant specializing in Nutritional Response Testing, Certified ThetaHealing Practitioner, Certified CranioSacral Therapist (714) 351-0040 SandrasEnergy@gmail.com


On Call Practitioners


Holistic Life Coach, NLP Master/Trainer, Hypnosis Master/Trainer, EFT, Usui & Karuna® Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Spiritual Counselor

(949) 290-1728 mary@total-lifecoach.com www.total-lifecoach.com

PATTI GUNNELL Reconnective Healing, The Reconnection

(323) 422-1893

ALYSSA FITZPATRICK Essential Oil Consultant

(949) 500-4509 Alyssa.lovinlight@gmail.com Facebook.com/lovinlight


Certified Reiki & Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher, Animal & Cert. Massage Therapist, Cert. Medical Intuitive, Animal Communicator & Behaviorist

(714) 308-1267 www.coreessencewellness.com


Shamanic Practitioner, Usui & Karuna Reiki® Master/Teacher, Spiritual Guide, NLP/Life Coach, Reiki Drumming Master

(714) 721-2736


Intuitive Reiki Master Teacher, Licensed Massage Therapist, Healer, 6th Degree Black Belt in Ninjutsu

(949) 293-9158


Sound Healing through Harmonic Toning using the Didgeridoo, Energy Healer

(732) 609-4639


Rolf Method of Structural Integration, Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork

(949) 302-0745



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Drum D rru um ffor or JJoy oy D Drum rru um C Circle irclle e


Trainings & Soul Coaching Barbara Schiffman

Every third Saturday, 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. $10 per session The Temple of Light 11 Goddard, Irvine

Come to feel the beat, express yourself, and harmonize with others! A variety of rhythms are played, from West Africa to the Middle East and beyond. We listen to each other, welcome the healing energy of sound, and harmonize our energies through the joy and power of drumming. No experience is necessary. Some drums and hand percussion items will be available to use, or you may bring your own. Come raise your vibration through musical expression! Dancers welcome. Pam Nishikawa has been drumming for over 15 years, is a Reiki master, and has taught djembe drumming and led drum circles in Santa Barbara,Ventura, Los Angeles, and Whittier. www.djembejoy.net

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Akashic Records Advanced Practitioner & Certified Teacher


www.YourLifeandSoul.com www.MeetUp.com/AkashicLA Access your own Soul’s frequency for guidance, healing and personal evolution... Learn Linda Howe’s Pathway Prayer Process© to Access the Heart of the Akashic Records in only one weekend via Barbara’s Akashic Practitioner Certification trainings Private Readings by Phone or In-Person Call for info on upcoming Beginning Practitioner training weekends & Akashic Healing workshops with Barbara Schiffman in LA/Burbank. Writers & Artists ~ Check out Barbara's new book THE AKASHIC MUSE: Collaborating with Your Soul & The Akashic Records for Writing & Other Creative Endeavors at www.YourSoulSupportShop.com ~ this 'workshop in a book' enhances inner support for all artistic or business projects “The combination of knowledge and power found in the Records activates the highest good of all.” - Linda Howe, “How to Read the Akashic Records”


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ity. Additionally, he was tired of pleasing a woman who appeared to never be happy about anything. Cindy was horrified by the removal of his mask. Their fights became ferocious. Then Cindy told him she loved him. They soon broke up. Cindy was devastated. Ryan, while sad, was secretly relieved. Did Cindy or Ryan know the other person’s real self? When Cindy and I worked together, we talked about her and Ryan’s mask. She admitted she wasn’t her authentic self with Ryan out of fear he’d reject her. Underneath, Danielle felt she was too needy and assumed he did not want a needy woman. For nine months after they broke up, Cindy and Ryan fell into a pattern of texting each other which sometimes led them to bed which proved to be frustrating for both parties. Cindy claimed the sex was amazing, but felt Ryan returned to his unmasked self immediately after he had an orgasm. Ryan, while attracted to Cindy, felt awkward in her presence. Ultimately, he’d choose to embrace his unmasked self, which upset Cindy. I explained sex was the only way Ryan could be authentic with her. When they weren’t having sex, Ryan felt bitter. He was upset for hiding his authenticity for so long. The bitterness he felt was partially projected at Cindy because he felt she made him hide behind his real self. Cindy said she never expected Ryan to behave a certain way. Unable to see her role in the dynamic, Cindy had a different perspective. She saw the sexual encounters as an opportunity to reignite their relationship. After sex, she bombarded Ryan with prying questions about how he felt and asked to start dating again. Ryan would shut down and became silent. Not getting what she wanted, Cindy got angry and swore off Ryan. She’d vent and stated she was going to move on.

Hollywood’s version of this no-no is the 2009 movie “The Ugly Truth.” Katherine Heigl plays Abby, a producer for a failing morning show. Mike, played by Gerard Butler, hosts a dating show called “The Ugly Truth. “ Through a series of coincidences, the evening before her station manager decides to offer Mike a segment

In their first meeting, Abby and Mike immediately dislike to each other, but they agree to work together for the benefit of the show. Later Abby meets Colin, the man of her dreams. Mike offers to assist her in landing him. The catch: Abby must follow Mike’s advice, and only his advice. Abby agrees. As both Abby and Mike put their plan into action, we see the unsuspecting Colin begin to fall for Abby. Mike’s segment on Abby’s show becomes so popular he is offered a bigger gig for a nationwide competitor. Abby is sent on a business trip with Mike to convince him to stay with her network. Abby cancels her romantic weekend with Colin. After a successful appearance on the Late, Late Show, Abby and Mike celebrate. Abby tells Mike to stay so they can save the morning show. Mike admits he doesn’t want to move because he wants to stay close to his family. In the elevator later, Mike kisses Abby and they are both confused. Mike goes to his room. Abby arrives at her room to find Colin. Mike goes to Abby’s room where he sees Colin surprising Abby. When Abby sees Mike, she realizes Colin only likes the woman she has pretended to be, while Mike likes the real her. Abby breaks up with Colin and shows him how needy and naive she truly is. Mike is upset over losing Abby and leaves for the another gig. The movie ends with Abby and Mike expressing their feelings for each other. The law of attraction teaches us that “like attracts like.” By making a commitment to date adventurously, you will attract a partner who resonates the same qualities back to you. I cannot think of a happier ending than two souls who walk the path to a great adventure together.

Ellany T. Kincross is a third-generation psychic, sensitive, and healer who has been doing readings for over fifteen years. She wrote "The Journey to I Do: A Psychic's Guide to Finding the Right Relationship" from which this article is reprinted. She began having psychic impressions and premonitions at a young age. Her most powerful was seeing the destruction of 9/11 the day before it happened. She is the creator of these workshops: The Path to Reconnection, Heart of the Matter, and Cutting Psychic Cords. www.angelicsight.com. Cell 949-226-1335 (no texts, please) http://angelicsight.com/wordpress Radiance

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Once the text messages started again, the next scenario played out again, repeating for a year. Their biggest lesson was to understand the power of being authentic. Ultimately, Cindy realized she needed to address her issues so she could heal and meet the right man.

on Abby’s show, Abby watches Mike’s show. The manager is hoping for a much-needed ratings boost.

7 “Bites” to Meaningful Meals By Deanna Minich, PhD, CN

the planet where there is a high concentration of centenarians, the popular phrase “hara hachi bu” is used – it means eat only until you are 80% full. Studies show that animals that put on long-term calorie-restricted diets without malnutrition live up to 60% longer and get less chronic conditions like high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, and obesity. Eating about 15% less than you’d typically eat can make the body work better and, ultimately, make it less prone to disease.

“Oneness” by Manami Lingerfelt


re your days whirling by, leaving you with very little time to savor your meals? Has eating become just another thing on your “to do” list? You’re not alone – a majority of Americans complain they are often doing something else while eating, whether driving, talking on the phone, or answering e-mails, leaving them deficient in one of the most important nutrients – the enjoyment of eating. In a time-starved society, try practicing one of the following tips per week for lasting effects to help you remain healthy while living on the fly. 1. Don’t stuff yourself If you want to live a long, healthy life, don’t eat too much. In Japan, one of the places on 16 Radiance

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to play a role in reducing the development of certain cancers and may play be important for warding off heart problems. Orange foods like carrots are great sources of beta-carotene, a vitamin A precursor. When we eat the orange beta-carotene pigment, it converts to vitamin A in the body. Eating orange fruits and vegetables can help our immune system and eyes to function better. Yellow-green foods are packed with phytonutrients like lutein for eye health, chlorophyll to protect cells from damage, and folic acid, an essential nutrient for growth and development. And, finally, blue-purple foods are excellent sources of brainprotective antioxidants. Eating berries can keep the mind sharp and focused. The goal is to get the artist’s palette on the plate!

2. Make your plate an artist’s palette

The problem with modern-day eating is that either we are eating a bland, brown, yellow, and white diet or we may be eating colors, but they tend to be artificial It is essential we get the full rainbow variety of natural colors on our plate so we can be assured we are getting the right compounds for our bodies. Red foods, like tomatoes and watermelon, contain the antioxidant, lycopene, shown

3. Eat mindfully

Most people eat while they are multi-tasking, whether watching television, reading the newspaper, surfing the in-

TRUTH  CONSCIOUSNESS  BLISS ternet, or even driving. Studies show that people watching TV while eating may not eat as healthy as those who don’t. In fact, they tend to consume less fruits and vegetables and more soft drinks. People that pay attention to eating when they eat tend to experience less psychological stress, and, in turn, better metabolic shifts, like improved blood sugar control, particularly in Type 2 diabetics.

ies. Eating seasonally connects us more deeply to the lineage of the food and supports local agriculture, ultimately reducing waste and expense. This concept is important considering that the average meal travels 1500 miles or more to the dinner plate. Additionally, seasonally grown food may have different quantities and/or qualities of nutrients we might not find in food brought in from other states or countries because they do are not subject to extensive transportation.

4. Don’t eat foods you can’t pronounce

Many foods are ladened with synthesized, artificial, and downright unhealthy additives. The more processed food we eat, the greater chance it contains a plethora of additives that have potentially unknown effects on human physiology, especially when they are coupled with a host of other additives. Keep your foods simple, whole, unprocessed foods in their naked state --sold without the dressing of plastic, metal, cardboard, or Styrofoam. Next best are products with uncomplicated ingredient lists that contain actual food constituents you recognize rather than a load of synthetic additives. If there are some unpronounceables in the list, ensure they are minimal and not artificial anything!

6. Relax when you eat

5. Eat seasonally

Although eating may seem overwhelming in light of the flurry of activity that is sweeping your life forward at full speed, downshift as much as you can with your next bite by being mindful, relaxing, and appreciating the artistic array of foods before you. By experiencing eating as fun and healthful, you’ll have more energy and good health to keep you taking a bite out of life!

Deanna Minich, PhD, CN, (www.foodandspirit.com) is a nutritionist who sees more to food than calories and macronutrients. She helps guide others in using foods and eating as tools for personal growth and nourishment for the soul. She has written four books on nutrition, on topics ranging from food additives to dietary supplements and even to the connection of food to spirituality.

7. Don’t go on a diet

The word diet denotes deprivation and doom. Repeated studies have shown people will lose weight on any diet – initially – and then will return somewhere back in the range


Eating seasonally puts us in touch with our physical surroundings and grounds us in our environment. When we overlook seasonal eating, we are less in harmony with the natural rhythms of the planet, our hometown, and our bod-

A commonly held belief is that stress is the root of many diseases. The collection of the many types of stressors in our lives, whether physical stress, psychological stress, or even eating stress (eating too many of the wrong foods or eating too much) can significantly change our body’s hormones like cortisol and insulin, and ultimately result in conditions like belly fat, metabolic syndrome, and Type 2 diabetes. One small way to quench the negative effects of stress in your life is to relax when you eat, especially if you want to absorb the nutrients in your food. A published study showed that being relaxed was even more important than chewing your food thoroughly when it came to digesting carbohydrates.

of their previous weight. Of course, there are exceptions, but for the most part, if we have the mindset of embarking on something that is temporary then our results will be shortlived. I tell patients to aim for something that stays and sticks – changing one’s life by altering our thoughts and feelings about foods is more powerful because we tap into our deep connections with food and eating rather than skimming the surface with calorie counting!


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I t’s Never

Too Late (or Too Soon) to Live Your Dream By George and Sedena Cappannelli


o you remember dreaming that one day you would be a great writer, painter, or composer? Do you remember wanting to invent a remarkable new product, pitch a perfect game, find the cure to a debilitating illness, rally the troops to save the day, become a great actress, enter the courtroom to right an injustice, or throw your hat into the political ring to make a difference? Do you remember dreaming of bringing a brood of children into the world and raising them with incredible amounts of love and consciousness? Do you remember wanting to play music or sing melodies issued from your heart? Do you remember dreaming of being a coach or a teacher, a dancer, choreographer, cook, carpenter or fisherman, an astronaut or mountain climber, a religious or spiritual leader, a humanitarian or a healer? Perhaps in your case, you did not know exactly what you wanted to do with your life, but you felt a longing you could not put a name to, a restless tug to do something more and different than others around you were doing. Perhaps both of these things were and still are sometimes true for you - specific longings to do or express 18 Radiance

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yourself in a given way or a restlessness that issues from not knowing quite what you want to do or how. If this is true for you, then we invite you to spend a few moments with us exploring the possibility that the next stage of your journey not only can be more satisfying and rewarding, but also more in alignment with the dream you came here to manifest. The first step we recommend in this exploration is to take time to be alone, time to listen to some of the hints and promptings that come from that still small voice within you. If you are willing to take this first step, we believe you will soon discover this longing, this dream you once had is still very much alive inside you. We also believe you will discover that by directing your attention to that place where your dream still lives, you will either rediscover or discover the beginning of a pathway that can, no matter how old or young you are, lead you to live more of the life you were born to live. The Power of Your Dream Our personal experience confirms the fact that when we are in touch with our personal dream and stay true to its call, stay true to what is called our destiny, we are not only more creative, impassioned, and energetic, but also more involved in our lives, connected to oth-


ers and in tune with the natural rhythms of life. When we are in touch with our dream, we are also more concerned about the well-being of others, this planet, and all of the species that reside here. In short, in our experience, being in touch with our dream is an essential key to living more consciously and aging wisely and to fulfilling what we call our spiritual promise or heritage. For more than 30 years, we have been experimenting with and testing this premise not only in our personal lives, but also through our work with hundreds of major organizations and with thousands of individuals who have attended our organizational and public programs. During this time, we have come to verify that those who are in touch with and living even portions of their dream are more content, impassioned, engaged, loving, healthy, and successful. In addition, following the call of our dream is not just important to us as individuals, it appear to be equally essential to the grand scheme of things. Yes, our dreams hold a blueprint for a unique and successful life, in fact, for the precise life many of us long for and believe somewhere in our hearts is possible. And yet it may not be and often is not the life we are living. We could, of course, spend months exploring why this is true. But in the end, we believe what matters most is not why, but what we can do to correct this misalignment.


Our exploration indicates this blueprint is often as close as the longing we feel our hearts. Indeed, we have discovered it doesn’t matter whether it has been days or decades since we last paid any attention to our dream, it is always there, as close as our next breath.

a little time to touch that place in your heart where your dream still resides. We ask you to get quiet enough to hear what that still small voice is saying so that you, too, can once again regain that glint in your eye, that spring in your step, and that flow of loving that is not just a possibility, but your right and privilege as a spiritual being who is currently having this physical experience called life. No matter what your experience has been, whether it has been the hot, dedicated pursuit of a dream that has been clear and compelling for a long time or whether you turn away and are now living with that restlessness, knowing there was or is something else, something you sense is more inspiring that you want to do. We invite you to lean back in your chair, close your eyes, and for just a few moments go to that quiet place inside you not limited by the boundaries of physical time or practical considerations. Please do not just read these last few paragraph and move on. Stop, take a few, slow deep breaths, and give yourself the gift of getting back in touch with your dream. You will, we know, be deeply grateful to yourself for doing so. You will be taking your next steps to honoring what the poet Mary Oliver has called, “this one wild and precious thing called your life.” There are, of course, numerous techniques that can assist you to get in touch with this inner experience. Different forms of slow, focused breathing; various reflective and meditative practices; the use of mantras and simple phrases spoken on the outbreath and the in-breath; a walk in a favorite woodland; a run along a wild and beautiful beach; moments spent gazing into the innocent eyes of your child, or that remarkable being you are spending your life with. Any and all of these practices and a host of others will do. Whatever allows you to connect to your heart and be available to the guidance that comes from within you - anything that allows you to remember your dream, is perfect.

dreams hold a blueprint for a unique and successful life...”

If you have been faithful to your dream you know this to be true and we applaud and celebrate your efforts. But then again, our applause is unnecessary for you already know the value of the journey that was written indelibly in your heart long ago.

So here in this moment we invite you to pause and take

Even if this first re-connection to your dream is only a vague sense, a hint of a direction, the barest impulse, or a fleeting image, allow yourself to glimpse it, sense it, feel it. Do not hold on too tightly or be disappointed if it does not materialize as a complete game plan for the rest of your life. Let it unfold in whatever way is apcontinued on page 20 >> Radiance

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If you have not yet been as faithful to your dream as you have wanted to be then you also know or, at the very least, sense what we are saying is true. For we know that you, like us, periodically receive, sometimes quietly, sometimes insistently, those whispers, prods, prompts, and even demands that you pay more attention from that still small voice within.

<< continued from page 19 propriate and for which you are ready. Touch into that special reservoir of energy that is your dream and let it evoke in you the beginnings of a renewed sense of hope, purpose, and passion. If by chance you find yourself suddenly feeling the impulse to blow the dust off those paintbrushes; open the cover of the piano or your toolbox; or dig out that notebook you tucked away on the bottom bookshelf of a bookcase that is full of ideas for a humanitarian project, business venture, or novel you once wanted to create, then go ahead. Truly, no matter how old you are or what you have chosen to do thus far in your life to earn your daily bread, if you give yourself permission to touch even the edges of that dream that lives inside you, we are confident that you will experience a sense of rightness, of alignment with something that is deeply familiar. Of course, you may also experience pangs of regret for not listening to that still small voice more often and listening instead to those who said you had to be reasonable and responsible, that you needed to find a practical and proven way to support yourself, and eventually, perhaps, a family. Don’t let that regret stop you from re-connecting to your dream. Keep following the hints and impulses. Stay in touch with that sense of alignment and naturalness and let it be your guide. How can you be sure you are at the right place, the place where your dream resides? You’ll know. So welcome it. Be grateful to it for the fact that the light of wonder and longing is alive and well inside of you. You may also want to keep this re-connection private for a while. You know what they say about protecting vulnerable beginnings. Hold it sacred and nurture it, and above all, be willing to allow these first moments, these new re-connections to grow stronger and come more alive inside of you. If you do not know where these first hints or images will lead you or how to bring them more to life, let that be okay. The only thing that matters now is your willingness, availability, and openness. The only thing that matters now is you honor this re-connection and allow these first stirring to lead you step by step toward that greater unfoldment of the life you were born to live. We celebrate your courage in taking these steps and leave you with a remarkable quote from Oriah Mountain Dreamer, the author of The Invitation. We also 20 Radiance

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leave you with our sincere hope you will also keep some of encouragement we offer and extraordinary words from this gifted writer close to your heart. And most of all, we hope you will celebrate the very distinct, special and unique notes you and only you have to come to this earth to add to the great song that is life. “It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.”

George and Sedena Cappannelli are co-authors of "Do Not Go Quietly, A Guide To Living Consciously and Aging Wisely For People Who Weren't Born Yesterday" (Hay House, 2013). They are also cofounders of AgeNation, a digital media company dedicated to informing, inspiring and engaging Boomers and elders on the challenges and opportunities in a world in which 50% of our population will be over 50 for the first time in history. They are experts on individual, organizational and society change and they have been assisting and inspiring hundreds of the premier organizations in the private, public and non-profit sectors as well as thousands of leaders and people in the general public to accomplish their objectives for more than 25 years. They have written another book, "Say Yes To Change and Authenticity," and they have recently launched the World Council of Wisdom Keepers that include such notables as Jean Houston, Ram Dass, Angeles Arrien, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Michael Meade, Dr. Gladys McGarey and Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith. For information, visit: www.DoNotGoQuietlyTheBook.com and www.AgeNation.com.




May/June 2013 21

Temple of Light Spiritual Community Presents … Call 949.333.1641 today to register for classes.

Intuitive Development Spiritual Healing Fundamentals with Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

ThetaHealing Beginning with Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

July 12 & 13 from 9am to 6pm Donation of $300 for class and certification. This course provides four attunements and fundamental concepts of over 15 holistic healing modalities. This is a must-take course for the newly awakened healer and a foundation building review for the experienced healer.

June 21, 22 & 23, Aug. 30, 31 & Sept. 1 (Fri. & Sat from 9am to 6pm, Sun 1pm to 6pm)

Channeling Guides & Angels, Level 1 with Elaine Stahlhofen MS

ThetaHealing Advanced with Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Every Tuesday from 7pm to 9:30pm Donation of $25 per class (Certification Option: Donation of $100, completion of 40 classes and demonstration of ability)

Each week students will develop an intimacy and connection with their higher self, personal guides, angels and ascended masters through guided meditations, channeling exercises, automatic writing and much more….. Through these loving connections one will experience personal healing & spiritual growth.

Mediumship with Debra Hookey Every Wednesday from 6:30pm to 9:30pm Donation of $25 per class (Certification Option: Donation of $100, completion of 40 classes and demonstration of ability in a Spirit Circle and Messages from Beyond gathering) Each week learn how to strengthen your ability to connect with Spirit and communicate with Deceased Love Ones by working with your communication guides and the concepts of mediumship.

Akashic Records Beginning Level with Barbara Schiffman

(Linda Howe’s Center for Akashic Studies) May 17 ,18 &19 or Oct. 18,19 &20 (Fri. 7-10pm, Sat 9-6pm, Sun 9-6pm) Donation of $450 for class & certification Gain intensive practice in reading the Records for yourself and also for others and learn how the Records can be used for past life healing tools, reading non-humans, including animals, plants, crystals, homes or buildings.

22 Radiance

May/June 2013

Donation of $450 for class & certification Introduces the basics of ThetaHealing and activates the 12 strands of DNA, learn & practice techniques that change beliefs on core, genetic, history & soul level that will change your life forever and many, many other topics.

May 24, 25 & 26 or Sept. 20, 21 & 22 (Fri. & Sat from 9am to 6pm, Sun 12pm to 6pm) Donation of $450 for class & certification Expands and deepens all techniques learned in the basic class, Seven planes of existence, concepts of duality, 100’s of activations & “Feeling” work. Clear resentments, rejections & regrets at womb and soul level.

ThetaHealing Manifesting & Abundance with Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt Oct. 25 & 26 9am to 6pm. Donation of $300 for class and certification. Explore the concept of manifesting with the Energy of All That Is. Every statement, thought and action is reflected by what we are manifesting in our lives. What we think and say. Learn how to change your inner dialog to create what you want and not subconsciously what you do not want.

Conscious Anatomy (Medical Intuitive Course) with Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt Every Tuesday from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. Donation of $35 per class (retakes $25) and a one time materials cost recover of $100. Certification is granted upon completion of 16 sessions and a demonstration of ability. Each week learn the mind, body, spirit connection as we explore and discover which emotions and feelings affect the different body systems. At the end of this 16-week course, you will know how to look at disease and disorder with an empowered new perspective and ability to mitigate.

TRUTH  CONSCIOUSNESS  BLISS A School for Holistic Healing Practitioners Weekly ongoing classes can be joined at any time and will continue in 2014.

Energy Healing Universal Healing Touch Level 1 with Deborah Shea

Reiki Level 1 with Tony Giuffreda, ICRT Reiki Master

Three-Day Course

One-day Course

Meets: June 22, July 20 & August 17th from 10am to 5pm Donation of $333 for class & certification

Offered on May 5, June 9, July 14, Sept. 8, Oct. 6 or Nov. 17. Meets from 10am to 6pm. Donation of $175 for class & certification

Learn to clear, balance and stabilize the chakra and aura system creating greater health and well being and more…

This Level I workshop includes the Japanese and Western Reiki history, the Basic Hand Positions, Japanese Healing Techniques, introduction to the Hyashi Healing Guide, and the Level I attunement. You will receive “Reiki the Healing Touch” Level I and II Manual. ICRT Practitioner’s Certificate awarded.

Universal Healing Touch Level 2 with Deborah Shea

Reiki Level 2 with Tony Giuffreda, ICRT Reiki Master

Three-day Course

One-day Course

Meets: Sept. 28, Oct. 26 & Nov. 23 from 10am to 5pm. Donation of $333 for class & certification

Offered on May 19, June 23, July 21, Sept. 22, Oct. 20 or Nov. 24.

Learn in this level two class the channels of energy and light, energy bodies & “light switches” and energy practices with hands-on work in class.

Meets from 10am to 6pm. Pre-requisite: Reiki Level 1 (any instructor) Donation of $175 for class & certification This workshop will increase the power and scope of your Reiki abilities. In this workshop you will learn the Reiki II symbols and how to use them, how to heal unwanted habits, distant healing, more Japanese Healing Techniques and the Level II Attunement. “Reiki the Healing Touch” manuals made available as needed. ICRT Practitioner’s Certificate awarded.

Universal Healing Touch Level 3 with Deborah Shea

Advanced Reiki Training with Tony Giuffreda, ICRT Reiki Master

Three-day Course

One-day Course

Meets: Dates in 2014 to be announced. Donation of $333 for class & certification

Offered on August 11th or December 8th.

This course dives even deeper into transformational and personal work where you will learn about Celestial and Ketheric layer diseases, imbalances and more….

Crystals Healing Arts with Deborah Shea

Each week learn how to use and tune into a different crystal & the methods of application. Learn how these amazing tools can be put to use in every day life.

Pre-requisite: Reiki Level 1 and 2 (any instructor). This course is a requirement for Reiki Master. Donation of $225 for class & certification This ART Level workshop includes Reiki meditation, the use of crystals with Reiki & how to make a Reiki grid, the Usui Master symbol, and the Usui Master attunement. You will receive an Advanced Reiki Manual. ICRT ART Certificate awarded.

Reiki Master with Tony Giuffreda, ICRT Reiki Master Two-day Course offered on August 17th & 18, or December 14th & 15th. Meets from 10am to 6pm. Pre-requisite: Reiki Level 1, 2 & Advanced Reiki Training (from any instructor) Donation of $650 for class & certification This Master/Teacher Level workshop includes two Tibetan symbols, the Usui/Tibetan Master attunement, The Healing Attunement process, instruction on how to give attunements for ALL levels of Reiki, self-attunement, and time to practice. You will receive a Master/ Teacher Manual. ICRT Reiki Master Certificate awarded. Radiance

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Every Thursday 7:30pm to 9:30pm. Donation of $25 per class (Certification Option: Donation of $100, completion of 40 sessions and demonstration of ability)

Meets from 10am to 6pm.


e are living in very interesting times, change often requires adjustments and support. It is a synchronistic opportunity to connect with you, NOW, in this chapter of your personal legend.

We each have our own exclusive answers and unique source of help to achieve what we desire, finding it is our lifework. It is our personal quest to discover our uncommon gift and find a way to manifest it in this short cycle we have on this planet.

It is my gift and calling to offer beneficial perspectives, suggestions, tools, and guidance through a variety of processes. We participate together in the interpretation of archetypal images and concepts as we move to a new, different level of awareness and self confidence as you embrace your personal power.

You can begin to live your dream, now. Call for a phone consultation today: (949) 836‐7378 Or on the web at www.guide2transformation.com

Tony Tony Tony 
 Giuffreda Giuffreda Giuffreda

Hea Hea Hea

24 Radiance

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Myths that Kill,

Myths that Heal: Storytelling Yourself By Gahl E. Sassoon


t just five-years-old, I encountered the dark side of storytelling. It was during the Yom Kippur War (1973), when Israel waged war with several neighboring Arab countries. I remember looking out my window seeing war planes cross the sky when my mother shouted for me to run to the shelter. I took it rather personally that people I didn’t know were trying to kill me. While my family huddled in the bomb shelter, I asked my mother (my father was fighting in the Golan Heights) the reason for the conflict. She tried her best to convey 3000 years of history—how various religions and nations had all come to believe that this particular slice of turf had been promised to each one of them. I remember feeling terribly confused and asking, “If everyone loves this land so much, why does it create so much hate?”

Jews, Muslims, and Christians all claim they are the true inheritors of the Patriarch Abraham’s (meaning of name, Father of Nations) legacy. However, a close reading of the book Genesis shows that Abraham had nothing but a spiritual bequest to leave after him. The only land he ever purchased in the so-called promised Land was a cave he bought in which to bury his wife. In fact, he paid 400 Shekel for it (about $100 in today’s exchange rate). How symbolic that the only real thing Abraham left for his sons to fight over is a place of death, deep in the bosom of the Underworld. Death, indeed. In 1929, sixty-seven Jews and nine Arabs were killed in a massacre carried out by Arabs. In 1994, an American-Jew shot twenty-nine Palestinians.

That childhood war story demonstrated that while some myths can kill, others can heal. Storytelling is a powerful tool encoded in our DNA, a gift bequeathed to humanity by whatever or whoever created us. Darwinism describes that we evolved from Homo-Habilis, the tool-making hominid. However, I suspect the first tools we created were not sharp stones and flints, but rather words weaved into sentences, a tapestry of stories—legends told around the fire by early tribal elders. These stories helped us to survive, build societies, and pass down vital information from one generation to the next. The New Testament asserts that “God is the Word” and Kabbalah proclaims that “God created the universe” with a story! Since Genesis tells us we are created in the image of God, we, too, can create a richer life by constructing deeper, more meaningful stories. Life has taught me that practicing this transcendent gift of storytelling on a daily basis can improve the continued on page 26 >> Radiance

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I never got an answer. My mother had other things to worry about. I think that on that day the seed of my career was sown, the inciting incident that later sprouted into what I do today, finding the commonali-

ties among all cultures and religions and battling those who overly magnify the differences. Maybe that is why I travel the world teaching and sharing stories from different mythologies to people from diverse religions.

<< continued from page 25

quality of our lives. When people ask, “How are you?” don’t just mutter “Fine.” Instead, tell them a good story, find and relate a synchronicity, a joke, or a moving tale. Thus, you practice being more like God, the ultimate storyteller. ...In thirty-two most hidden and wonderful paths of wisdom did JAH the Lord of Hosts engrave his name... He created this universe by the three books: Number, Stories, and Communication. 1:1 Sefer Yetzirah – The Book of Creation (Attributed to Abraham) The Holy-Writ’s style and methodology gave birth to the rules and structure of movie scripting. For example, what in Hollywood is called the character’s-arc or the protago-

nist’s transformation is illustrated by the concept of redemption in the Bible. Jacob starts his life as a liar and thief. He steals a blessing from his twin brother, but ends his life as a wise mystic and sage. In the Bible you will find many lessons that are funny, quirky, profound, and intense, even if you don’t believe God wrote it. The ancient scripture, most likely compiled and written 2500 years ago, can still help us understand our lives today. So please, remember to story-tell yourself into happiness. Since we all one day (this lifetime or another) will attain enlightenment and return to light, all our stories are bound to have a happy end…

Gahl Sasson is an established author and has been teaching workshops on Kabbalah, Astrology, and Mysticism around the globe for over a decade. His first book, "A Wish Can Change Your Life," has been translated into over seven languages and is endorsed by HH the 14th Dalai Lama. His latest work, "Cosmic Navigator," is the essential reference guide to understanding your astrological makeup. He writes for the Huffington Post, Astrology.com, and appeared on Infinite Quest. He teaches at Esalen, Omega Institute, and the Open Center in NYC. He has appeared on CNN, ABC News, KTLA-TV Los Angeles among other television stations. He currently resides in Los Angeles, but tours regularly throughout North America, Europe, and Asia. His web site is www.CosmicNavigator.com

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Your Power! By Sarah McLean


’ve spent much of my life seeking peace. I’ve explored the world’s spiritual and mystic traditions: living in a Zen Buddhist monastery, meditating in ashrams and temples throughout India and the Far East, and teaching English to Tibetan Buddhist Nuns in Dharamsala. I’ve also worked with some of today’s great teachers, including Deepak Chopra, Byron Katie, Debbie Ford, and Gary Zukav. Though many say I’m blessed to have had all of these fantastic experiences, and I am, I realize the way to truly finding peace has nothing to do with where I’ve traveled, with whom I’ve worked, or what I’ve accomplished. Instead, I discovered the key to peace isn’t somewhere else or in another time or place, the key to peace is hidden in plain sight, right here, right now. You see, what I had been looking for all along, was what was looking, here and now. Though the outside world may influence, delight, or stress you out, underneath all the buzz, there’s a center of ever-present calm and peacefulness you can find inside yourself, anytime. And all you have to do is pay attention to it, tune into it.

Determine how you focus. Are you present to what is actually happening in your life and what’s going on around you, or are you distracted and multitasking? If you find you’re often not paying attention to what’s going on, or how you are feeling, or even your own intuition, but are instead focused on the past or the future, you can change this. First, make a choice to refocus your attention back to the moment at hand. This is called a practice of mindfulness, a practice of engaging your senses to what you are doing and experiencing in the present moment, without judgment. Mindfulness helps to train your attention to do one thing at a time and keep your attention in the present moment – and engaged in your life so you can savor it. Also, when you are attuned to the present moment, you have access to your wisdom and intuition. When you are engaged in the moment at hand, you’ll become more self-aware, find inspiration, and access your creativity. You’ll be guided to make better choices. Choose to spend time in this moment. You can do it. This moment now is when your life is. continued on page 28 >> Radiance

May/June 2013 27


As you read the words on this page, turn your attention to the one who’s reading them: the one who is experiencing your life. For a moment, you’ll have a direct experience of your true essence. This aspect of you is ever-present. Some people call it your true nature others say it’s your soul or your spirit. If you turn your attention inward, often, you will deeply know this peaceful part of you and align your choices with this center-point of peace, transcending the external measures of this world. I call this alignment, this awareness being soul-centered.

This aspect of you is also the source of your attention. Your attention arises from your soul. The kind of attention I am talking about is your natural, non-judgmental, welcoming, loving attention. And your attention is powerful – full of power. It energizes and enlivens all things in your life. What you pay attention to and how you pay attention is how you use your power. When you take charge of what you are paying attention to, you can reclaim your power. Following are ways to do just that.

<< continued from page 27 Notice what captures your attention. Your attention is your power. You only have so much attention and you can take your power back by training your attention. Instead of being distracted from what you want, just think of all the advertisements, logos, or demands on your life, you can become more mindful about what you pay attention to. Train yourself to be alert to what you want to experience in your life, determining what you want to pay attention to, what you want to see and experience. Whatever you focus your attention on is enlivened in your life, once you determine what that is, pay attention and keep your eyes out for it. Sometimes what captures your attention is something from the outside, and other times it can be a habit of mind. It’s a simple shift in perception. For example, rather than looking for what’s wrong, choose to see what’s right. Notice how life is happening for you rather than to you. Look for beauty rather than suffering. Decide what you want to enliven in your life. Whatever your focus, when you reclaim your attention, you reclaim your power. Be more self-aware. During the day, turn your attention inward to feel the sensations within your body and the sensations of breathing. As you do, you’ll become more attuned to the present moment and become more self-aware. Experience all sensations, not just the good ones; this helps you to keep the stress level down. If you feel uncomfortable, unloved, or unhappy, don’t distract yourself, or talk yourself into something else. Instead, feel all of your feelings. Choose to meet life with an open mind: instead of assigning labels, judgments, or letting preconceived notions stand in your way of feeling your feelings, or seeing clearly, take on a beginner’s mind, a clear mind, as you experience life as it is. You’ll notice your body’s responses to the choices you are faced with. Your body and breath don’t lie. Be nicer to yourself. Give yourself the loving attention you seek. How do you feel about you? How are you treating others? What do you say to yourself over and over? Instead of focusing on how others treat you or feel about you, or trying to please or compare yourself to others, notice your internal dialogue and sweeten it up. Honor yourself and others by being truly honest with yourself and them. In28 Radiance

May/June 2013

stead of saying yes when you mean no, or no when you mean yes, tell the truth. Take your power back by staying in your integrity - say what you mean and choose more nourishing situations or environments, whether it’s the company you keep, the food you eat, or the environment you are in. Time out for a time in. Give yourself time every day for meditation. Choose a simple practice that will allow you to turn your attention inward and connect with the source of your attention. Meditation will help you to focus more clearly, be more present to the moment at hand, and be more selfaware, so you can focus on what you want to focus on. Meditation also helps you to take your power back from your dependence on the ever-changing external world and stuff, including your environment, possessions, successes, failures, and other people’s opinions. Instead, you will be more soul-centered as you discover who you truly are, what you truly feel, what you really want, what truly matters to you, and where your true source of happiness lies. It is possible to take your power back by becoming aware of how you pay attention, choosing what you pay attention to, becoming more self-aware, being kinder to yourself, and regularly connecting to the source of your attention. Becoming aware of your awareness gives you the key to experiencing peace, joy, fulfillment and creativity. You don’t even have to leave your living room to do it. Sarah McLean, best-selling Hay House author of "Soul-Centered: Transform Your Life in 8 Weeks with Meditation," inspires one to deepen their own contemplative and meditation practice, and maintain awareness of their centerpoint of peace, equanimity, and joy. She was the founding program director of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing in California, and also served as the director for the School for the Work of Byron Katie, and now directs the McLean Meditation Institute (MMI) for Transformative Meditation Training in Sedona, Arizona. MMI offers meditation classes, self-discovery retreats, and a teacher certification program so anyone can learn to meditate and discover the keys to becoming more self-aware, vibrant, confident, powerful, intuitive, and compassionate. Download free meditations at www.McLeanMeditation.com. Photo Credit: Janise Witt


Two Questions that can Change Your Life By Raphael Cushnir


y wife’s voice, on the phone, was panicked. “What’s wrong?” I


“Stay there,” she said. “I’m coming home.” “Is it bad?” “Yes, it’s bad.” In the 20 minutes it took for Lynda to arrive, I sat on the porch trying to imagine what had happened. Was it about illness? Work? Money? Lynda pulled into the driveway, and I followed her inside. She looked me in the eye for a split second, then looked away. “I’m having an affair,” she said. “I don’t think I can stop.” There it was. The single thing I had never considered.

My friend’s advice sounded excruciating, but it also struck a chord. I decided to try it, to just sit in the soup of my suffering. I lived that way for another three months. Then one day during my morning meditation, I had a mysterious flash of grace: I was filled with peace, joy, and a love beyond comprehension. My circumstances hadn’t changed, yet everything felt completely different. I thought it might be a reaction to all the pain, like a pendulum swinging, but I never swung back the other way. It’s been seven years now, and whenever I tell this story, people ask, “Are you saying you live in a state of bliss all the time?” The answer, of course, is no. It’s always available to me, but I’m not always available to it. Over time, I began to investigate what brought me toward that won-

derful state, and what steered me away from it. As I shared my observations, it became clear that what I found within myself also applied to others. Whenever something happens in our lives that we don’t want, we instinctively push it away. This is true of both the smallest annoyance, like a mosquito, and the greatest misery, like the death of a loved one. Such a contraction can be physical, emotional, mental, or all three. Contractions are as natural as they are unavoidable. But when we stay contracted past the initial response, that’s resistance— a decision to say no to reality. Resistance can last just a few moments or a lifetime. Whether conscious or not, resistance is always a choice. Overweight? Can’t bear to look in the mirror. Dead-end job? Zone out till quitting time. Appalled by the state of the world? Boycott the nightly news. The more we resist, the more stuck we become. And what we refuse to feel never goes away; continued on page 30 >> Radiance

May/June 2013 29


For the next three months, as we separated, I was utterly lost. Every moment felt like a punch in the gut. I knew there was something I needed to do with my pain, but what? I asked a friend, an ex-Zen monk, who said, “Nothing. Do absolutely

nothing to change how you feel. Every time your mind tries to figure this out, just reel it back in. Every time you’re tempted by distraction, stay put and pay close attention.”

<< continued from page 29 it festers. Resistance causes us to abandon our bodies, the present moment, and any chance of changing things for the better. Resistance is like stepping on a hose with all our might and commanding the water to flow. But if we can simply step off the hose and allow the water of our reactions to flow through us, we eventually arrive at a state of expansion. While on the surface this may seem passive, it’s anything but. In an expanded state, we’re freer, more creative, and better able to break through barriers. The more I began to talk about releasing resistance, the more people asked me how to do it in real time— when traffic was backed up, the baby was screaming, or the same old argument was spinning out of control. In response I conceived the simple process called Living the Questions. Simple, but not easy. It takes courage, practice, and a willingness to open where we’re habitually closed. The initial step is to become aware of what we’re resisting and decide whether we even want to let go. If we do, there are only two questions to ask. The first is: What is happening right now? In asking, we pay specific attention to the sensations in our bodies and any emotions associated with them. Instead of looking for an answer, we just allow what’s there to make itself known.

A few months ago, I met with a 40-year-old woman named Susan who hated her job as a home health aid. She judged herself harshly for her feelings, but realized she’d never feel successful until she had a flashy, executive position. At the same time, she felt paralyzed by the prospect of career change. A job counselor friend kept offering to help, but she was too tense to schedule a meeting. Susan greeted me with a healthy dose of skepticism. “Look,” she said. “I feel my feelings. I read plenty of self-help. How can something so basic as these two questions get me over such a big block?” Rather than provide a conceptual response, I suggested we dive right in. “Focus on your work dilemma,” I said, “with all its intense frustration. Let it fill you up. Now, with particular attention on your body, tell me what is happening right now?” Susan closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a few moments she responded, “There’s a tight-

desire to change it. All you have to do is open to it completely.” Susan shrugged, decided to give it a try. For a minute or so I sat with her in stillness. Then I repeated the first question. “What is happening right now?” “I’m angry,” she said. “At myself for being stuck, at the people I work with… at life.” I sensed we were getting closer to her core resistance but weren’t there yet. So I asked Susan to be with that anger and see where it led. I watched her face redden and her whole body go rigid. Then she abruptly pulled out of the experience. “Why am I doing this?” she protested. “It makes me feel what a failure I am. That’s exactly what I don’t want.” I explained to Susan how she’d reached a point that can trip up even the most emotionally literate. We’re often willing to feel difficult feelings, but only for a brief period before contracting against them. This creates the illusion of emotional flow while preventing real shifts. To expand fully means allowing emotions to rise and fall, to come and go in their own time. Even though it can feel like forever, letting go of resistance in this manner always yields the quickest result.

“The initial step is to become

aware of what we’re resisting and decide whether we even want to let it go...”

The second question is: Can I be with it? To be with what’s happening means embracing whatever we find with no agenda whatsoever. In the expansion that follows, what’s been trapped is free to chart its own course. 30 Radiance

May/June 2013

ness in my chest. And my jaw’s clenched.” “Can you be with it?” I asked. “Not the whole issue—just the tightness and the clenching. For this moment only, can you accept with 100 percent of your being that it’s actually happening? You don’t have to like it. You don’t have to give up your

“Wait a minute,” Susan said. “Are you saying the best way for me to become successful is to feel more like a failure?” “At first, yes. Because that sense of failure is what you’ve resisted for so long. Opening to it is the only way out.” Susan hesitated, then realized there was little to lose. She settled continued on page 35 >>


HOLISTIC HEALING Vendor booths and


healers with crystals, jewelry, clothing, teas, soaps, organic products, essential oils, candles, art and MORE! Live music. Healthy Food Truck. Free workshops.

12 p.m. to 5 p.m.

May 4

June 1 (Joint Event with New Earth Expo) July 6 • August 3 PROSPERITY

11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618 www.LiveYourRadiance.org (949) 333-1641 Radiance

May/June 2013 31

The Healthy Living Club

of Laguna Woods presents

Celebrate your Radiance Day A FREE Holistic Healing Day for Senior Citizens formerly known as Honoring Our Elders Day

We offer some of the finest and most dedicated holistic healing practitioners who lovingly donate their time and skills.

Every 2nd Saturday of the Month

There is NO CHARGE for these services. Alternative healing is powerful and effective.

Location: Location:

Come and receive free holistic sessions of your choice with a practitioner dedicated to you and your well being. Choose from Reiki, Access Consciousness, BodyTalk, ThetaHealing, Foot Reflexology, Touch for Health, Angel Therapy and many more!

10AM - 2PM CLUB HOUSE 7 CLUB HOUSE 7 24111 Moulton Parkway, 24111 Moulton Parkway Laguna Woods, CA 92637 Laguna Woods, CA 92637 [Gate 12] Gate 12

Dates: May10 11 • June 8 March April 14 May July 12 13 • August 10 June 9

Vendor Tables will be present offering holistic and alternative healing products. Food and drink vendors will be present offering refreshment and snacks.

In a cooperative with In a cooperative efforteffort with the theofTemple of Light Spiritual Temple Light Spiritual Community Community, LakeIrvine Forest


Call the Healthy Living Club at (949) 630 2028 or email: myhealthylivingclub@gmail.com

theHealthy Temple Living of LightClub at (949) 340 7408 or visitor www.liveyourradiance.org CallOrthe at (949) 630-2028 e-mail: myhealthylivingclub@gmail.com or call the Temple of Light at (949) 333-1641 or visit www.liveyourradiance.org. 32 Radiance

May/June 2013


Commission a Painting for Mother’s or Father’s Day today.

Acrylic painting mounted on 3/4” frame from any high resolution photo. Email Basia for pricing and delivery.

Basia’s Art from the Heart People and Pet Portraits



May/June 2013 33

The Temple of Light is proud to host the 2013

The Temple of Light is proud to host the 2013

$10 Admission * $10 Admission* includes includes Speakers, Programs

Speakers, Programs & 50+ Exhibits

& 50+ Exhibits

* General Admission is $10; however, for isour list *Generalregister Admission $10;mailing however, at www.newearthexpo.net, and register for our mailing list at we’ll e-mail you FREE Passes for www.newearthexpo.net, and shows in your area.passes we will e-mail you FREE for shows in your area.

Exhibits include Healers, Psychics, crystal, jewelry, home products, Exhibits include Healers, Psychics, crystal, jewelry, products, decorative items, aura photography, art, health food,home and more! decorative items, aura photography, art, health food, and more!

Sat., February 2 11 a.m. to 6:00 p.m Sat.,June June1 1 11 a.m. to 6:00 Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. p.m. Sat.,November November 2 to 6:00 Sat. 2 11 a.m. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. p.m.

Want to be an exhibitor?

Contact Dean Price, Producer/Booth Sales, Sacred Productions, 831-239-6835 or email dean@newearthexpo.net. 348 N. San Mateo Dr., San Mateo, CA 94401

Office Hours: Tues -Fri, 10 am-6pm. 34 Radiance

May/June 2013


<< continued from page 30 “There’s sadness,” she said, “mostly in my throat. And I feel young. Really, really young.”

Soon Susan was crying, at first just a few tears, then big, racking sobs. Eventually, the crying subsided, and for the first time I could feel Susan’s vitality, her presence. She could, too. “Okay, now I get it,” she said softly. “No more pushing it away. I still feel sad, but also hopeful. More… real.” “What about the job issue?” I asked. “From this place, could you meet your career counselor friend?” Susan thought about it for a moment, nodded, and we both knew she was on her way. Months later, I checked in to see how she was doing. “I’m still searching for the right job,” she said. “But the sense of failure lifted quickly. It’s like I can finally accept my own worth. So, to be honest, the job change doesn’t seem as pressing.” For most of us, the first time we shift from resistance to expansion just by accepting what’s already happening, there’s a similar “aha.” Once that occurs, and we’re motivated to continue with self-inquiry, we see we’re in some degree of resistance almost all the time. A pounding headache, money woes, other people’s opinions—there’s no end to what we resist. Everywhere we turn, there’s another opportunity to inquire and open.

The second way to undermine the process is by judging—we decide something is wrong with what’s happening. Whether we find fault with others or ourselves, judging is an impediment to presence. The third way is by bargaining, pretending to be with what’s happening to make it change as quickly as possible. This attempt to outfox reality bars us from real acceptance. Once we’re able to steer clear of analyzing, judging, and bargaining, the questions become a powerful tool for navigating life’s challenges. Regarding my marriage, the decision to end it came with complete acceptance about two years after the initial separation. The timing allowed me to take full responsibility for my role in the trauma, gave Lynda the opportunity to find her own healing path, and helped us remain the closest of friends. Everything I learned on my journey turns out to be nothing new. I stumbled onto an insight at the root of all the world’s great wisdom traditions: what we resist persists. When we summon the courage to release that resistance, we find joy that endures not in spite of our sorrows, but paradoxically right along with them.

Raphael Cushnir is a leading voice in the world of emotional connection and present moment awareness. He is the author of six books, lectures worldwide, and has shared his unique approach to personal and professional development with millions of readers in "O," The Oprah Magazine, Beliefnet, "Spirituality and Health," "Psychology Today," and The Huffington Post. Raphael's own heart was opened by an experience of profound grief. He will be presenting his workshop, The One Thing Holding You Back: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Connection, at the Esalen Institute, in Big Sur, May 17-19. For more info: cushnir.com

AN INVITATION Please join us every Sunday for a Kirtan Circle from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The Sunday gatherings will be held from 11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. with tea and food served afterward. Radiance

May/June 2013 35


While no quick fix, Living the Questions is self-inquiry at its most practical and immediate. After a few days of practice, the questions begin to function at a level deeper than language. We no longer need to recite them. Instead they become our essential attitude.

There are, however, three subtle ways to undermine the process. The first is by analyzing—instead of asking what is happening right now, we get stuck trying to figure out why. This creates a false expectation, abetted by our cognitive culture, that understanding feelings will make them go away. Sure there’s a time for analysis, but only after we’ve embraced our emotional reality. Otherwise, we struggle to untangle that hose while stepping on it even harder.

Workshops & Classes Intuition, Healing & Consciousness Skill Building Classes EVENT






Crystal Healing - Laying on of Stones Workshop

In this workshop you will learn where and how to properly place crystals on the 7 main energy centers/ chakras of the body. All participants receive certificate of completion and attunement.

Deborah Shea

Sunday, May 5

1pm - 5pm

$45 prepaid or $56 at the door

Commanding Wealth Circle

Using your theta brain wave along with the proven success of The One Command, You will be guided past obstacles to create a new financial reality.

Breianne Pryse

Sundays (1st) May 5 & June 2

1pm - 3pm


Conscious Intimacy & Sexuality for the 21st Century


Rev. Ayanna Mojica

Mondays, May 6 & May 13

7pm - 9pm

$22 per class

The Great Awakening

Learn how to or just observe Channeling in a semi-trance state.

Steve Lesko, PhD

Tuesdays (1st & 3rd) May 7 & 21, June 4 & 18

7pm - 8:30pm


Reiki Share/Healing Journey

Reiki Attunements, Drumming, Meditation, Chanting, Singing Bowls

Tony Giuffreda

Wednesdays (All)

7pm - 9pm


Intimate group healing ceremony (12 person limit) is a full shamanic journey. With crystal singing bowls, Reiki energy work and invocations.

Hosted by Tony Guiffreda; Featuring: Amoraea

Saturday, May 18

7:30pm - 10pm


Chakra Workshop

Desiree Lee

Saturday, May 25

2:30pm - 4:30pm

$35 prepaid or $40 at the door

Guided meditation that will teach you how to utilize your own inner guidance systems and connect with your guides.

Rev. Mother Kathy

Saturdays (2nd & 4th) May 25, June 8 & 22 (No class May 11)

3pm - 4:30pm

$5 at the door

Shamangelic Healing Ceremony

Good Vibrations: Body & Soul Awakening Meditation Energetics

Music, Sound, Dance & Movement for Your Emotional & Physical Health EVENT






A movement journey of emotions, feeling and exploration for unlocking the soul. (No experience necessary other than willing to let go and relax with ease)

John Salat

Sundays (1st) May 5 & June 2

1pm - 3pm


Sacred Movement Lab

A movement class for body, mind and soul. A space to be authentic and let go into a state of presence where movement is organic and free. Dancers of all physical abilities are welcome.

Jennifer Lothrigel

Sundays (2nd) May 12 & June 9

5pm - 6:30pm


Dance Artistry & Self Expression

Inducing an altered state through hypnotherapy, you are guided to remove emotional blocks through graceful dance movements.

Renee Devereaux, MS

Sundays (3rd) May 19 & June 16

1pm - 2pm


Divine Openings Enlightenment Initiation & Healing Circle

Opening your 7 major energy centers increasing the flow of Divine energy through all the chakras.

Ngoc Luzardo

Thursday, May 16

7pm - 9:30pm

$30 per session

Sound Healing Journey

Ancient sacred instrument didgeridoo is used to create healing vibrations. This is a deeply transformational experience that is unique to each participant's personal journey.

Seth Pincus

Fridays (3rd) May 17 w/Rev Ayanna Mojica on Chiron Gong and June 21

7pm - 9pm

$15 prepaid and $20 at the door

Releases tension in the body, mind, and spirit. Helpts to relieve many unresolved physical, emotional, and spiritual issues and illnesses

Sun Yoo

Saturdays (2nd) May 11 & June 8

2:30pm-3:45 pm

Donations welcome

Groove & harmonize with rhythms from West Africa & the Middle East

Pam Nishikawa & Winnie Rafael

Saturdays (3rd)



Integrative Dance

QiGong Healing & Meditation

Drum for Joy Circle

36 Radiance

May/June 2013

May 18 & June 15


Workshops & Classes United Conscious Community Interfaith Meetings EVENT






Kirtan Experience

Singing, Chanting, Music and Mantras to connect to the spirit inside you! Bring you pillows, instruments and voice.

Joshua Bowser & Lemia Astarabadi


9:30am 10:30am

Suggested love donation $5

Sunday Gathering

Sound Healing, Guided Meditation, Inspirational Message, Channeled Healing Meditation and Closing Kirtan Song.

Rev. Danielle Marie & Seth Pincus


11am 12:30pm

Suggested love donation $5-$10

Book Club Divine Spiritual Wisdom

Explore powerful and sacred Divine Spiritual Wisdom. We will read Code of the Masters, Lifting the Veil, Divine Doctor, Alchemy of Love relationships, and Healing Fire of the Sun by Dr. Joseph Michael Levry.

Joshua Bowser & Lemia Astarabadi


5:30pm 6:30pm

Love donations welcome!

Ananda Meditation

Experience the joy of meditation in a relaxed and supportive setting with sincere like-minded souls interested in meditating, learning, sharing, and connecting.

Laura Cohen



Suggested love donation $5






Naam Yoga Evenings

Naam Yoga combines the ancient and powerful sciences of yoga with Universal Kabbalah. Senior Discount available!

Lemia Astarabadi & Joshua Bowser

Mondays and Wednesdays


$15 per session or $130 for 10

Naam Yoga Mornings

Naam Yoga combines the ancient and powerful sciences of yoga with Universal Kabbalah. Senior Discount available!

Lemia Astarabadi & Joshua Bowser

Tuesdays and Thursdays

9:30am 11am

$15 per session or $130 for 10

Spiritual Yoga for Healing

This restorative Yoga incorporates movement, sound, essential oils and crystals.

Dina Kleiman


12pm - 1pm


Enjoy a beautiful Yoga experience for all levels. Honor yourself with a calm and healing hour of Yoga.

Karen Youssefzadeh


6:30pm 7:45pm


Yoga at the Temple!


Beyond the Lotus Yoga


For more information, visit us at www.LiveYourRadiance.org or call (949) 333-1641 Check out all the links in this magazine at www.RadianceMagazine.org Radiance

May/June 2013 37

Workshops & Classes Personal Development, Networking & Education EVENT






Holistic Healing Fair

Healers, vendors, vegan food, live music and/or DJ. Come stay all day!

Saturdays (1st) May 4

12 - 5pm


Exploring the work of Eckhart Tolle Growing Your Conjure: The Foundations of Growing, Knowing, Healing and Revealing Your Spirit Celebrate Your Radiance

Meditation, discussion, Q&A, idea sharing and relaxation. Children welcome!

Temple of Light Spiritual Community Jason Clark


5pm - 7pm


Orion Foxwood

Monday, May 6

7pm - 10pm

$30 prepaid $35 at the door

Healthy Saturdays (2nd) Living Club May 11 & June 8 at Laguna Woods Honoring the Live music, sound healing, essential oil ritual Joshua and Saturday, Divine Mother for the sacred lunar energy, belly dancers, Lemia May 11 Celebration vendors, vegetarian food, community, and celebration! Cobra's Creating the foundation of a new society that Rob Potter Friday, Saturday New Society will exist after the Event. If you want to be a & Sunday, Conference leader, simply choose yourself and join us! May 24 - 26 Those with expertise in leadership, healing, media, art, new technologies, finance, law, spirituality and all other aspects of life are welcome to attend. To register: www. portal2012.org/Laguna.html New Earth Sign up for the mailing list, when you receive Dean Price Saturday, June 1 Expo an e-mail confirming your e-mail address, a window will appear with your FREE passes, and then you print it! www.newearthexpo.net

10am - 2pm


6pm - 10pm

$21 per person, Mom's are free!

Orion will share the elements of conjure that aid all who seek its wisdom in claiming the shape of their lives. Limited seating available. RSVP to Mary Stuart E-mail: QueenScott@aol.com or 714-321-3395

An event dedicated to the +55 citizens in our community. Holistic healers donate their time and provide FREE healings all day.

$300 prepaid or $325 at the door

10am - 6pm

For more information, visit us at www.LiveYourRadiance.org or call (949) 333-1641 Check out all the links in this magazine at www.RadianceMagazine.org 38 Radiance

May/June 2013

General Admission $10, FREE PASSES available



I Learned from My Grandmother By Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.


grew up in the 1950s watching TV shows such as Father Knows Best, The Donna Reed Show, I Love Lucy, Ozzie & Harriet, and other examples of how the perfect family was.

While watching these shows, I looked around the room at my family and wondered what happened to us? I felt as if I was the only one who noticed we were nothing like that! My parents constantly argued. When they got angry, they took it physically out on me, not my siblings. (I had not learned the word dysfunctional. That came later in life.) I also had not learned that everyone’s family was not perfect. We never spoke about the abuse that went on behind closed doors. In today’s world, my parents’ way of disciplining children would never be acceptable. They would have had their children removed from their home. However, then it was accepted. I thought all children were beaten with belts and had to kneel on uncooked split peas until their knees bled. (I later found out it wasn’t.)

She wasn’t someone who expressed her love in words, but I knew she loved me by her actions. I remember this lesson well and it came in quite handy later when men would say “I love you,” but their actions showed me something else. I couldn’t wear makeup or date until I was 17 (even though I graduated from high school when I was 16). My grandmother did not believe in girl’s wearing slacks or jeans (heaven forbid!), so I went to school always dressed in a dress or skirt and blouse. Looking back, my grandmother taught me many things for which I am grateful. For instance, when I was 13, she heard me praying for a certain boy to like me. She came into my bedroom and said lovingly, “Basia, Basia, Basia. Don’t ask God for something specific like that. Ask for what is best for you!” (The boy ended up getting several girls pregnant and my grandmother looked at me with that “I told you so” look.) She also taught me to speak like a lady(although I sometimes forgot). I never heard her say a swear word or curse God. I never heard her gossip about anyone or continued on page 40 >> Radiance

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At twelve years of age, my parents divorced. Soon afterwards, they both abandoned me. My father took my younger siblings while my older sisters went to live with my mother. Thank God, my paternal grandparents took me in when they heard my father planned on placing me in an orphanage. It wasn’t easy living with them as they were very old-fashioned.

My grandmother ruled the roost. Although she was only 5 feet tall, when she spoke, I listened (and so did my grandfather).

<< continued on from 39 say negative things. She didn’t judge people and taught me the same. She always said, “You never know what kind of life the person had or why they do what they do. And you never will until you walk in their shoes.” She cautioned me to “never to let a boy touch you before you’re married. Once they get the milk for free, they don’t want the cow anymore.” And I didn’t – mostly out of fear for what she would have done to me! When I felt sad times, she would hold me on her lap and say, “You have to have the rain in order to appreciate the sunshine.” It was her way of telling me to ride through the bumps because things will get better. She taught me how to love – unconditionally. I had gotten in trouble a few times by acting out in school and sometimes hanging with the wrong crowd. Of course, I was grounded, but eventually realized she did it because she loved me. She used a lot of tough love before the phrase was coined. She believed in washing the floors on her hands and knees (eventually I got the job and had to do it the same way). She put coffee grounds on the carpets and swept them off because it supposedly got more dirt out of them. She put egg shells in the soil of her many plants as food (and they grew like wildflowers). She put pennies on the doorways going in and out of her home for good luck (I still do, too). She burned green candles for prosperity and made me eat pickled herring on New Year’s Eve so I would have a good year (it never worked, but year after year, out it came at midnight)! She taught me to trust my gut when meeting someone, to watch out for red flags. Of course, this is a habit honed over time, but I eventually learned how to do it. As she got older, her mind began to wander. The picture with this article is one I took of her standing at her doorway, watching my one-, two-, and three-year old children sitting on the cement stairs outside of her door waiting for me to get them. She had glaucoma and cataracts and could no longer crochet the beautiful tablecloths she used to give friends as gifts. She could no longer watch her favorite TV shows; she just listened to them. She was legally blind, but too proud to tell anyone. She never complained about her aches and pains. My grandfather died in 1969. When I went to work full time in downtown Chicago at 16 years of age, I called every day to check on her. By 1975, I was married with three children and still called 40 Radiance

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her every day. Her health began to fail. She fell down the stairs twice and caught the sleeve of her nightgown on fire checking to see if the burner was on (it was). My father eventually put her into a nursing home because she could no longer take care of herself. When I brought my children to visit her, sometimes she knew us, but gradually she had no idea who we were. She would speak to us in Polish as if she was a little girl and I was her friend. It broke my heart to see her that way. By 1978, I was a single mom with three children, newly divorced. I didn’t have the heart to tell her my marriage ended badly (she never liked him and cautioned me to not marry him). However, she never believed in divorce. She always told me, “People think life is better on the other side of hill, but it never is.” (She had married early, never went to high school, yet was one of the smartest women I have known.) She passed away in 1979 at 77 years of age. By this time, she had lost so much weight she looked like a small child lying in the casket. I held her hand and kissed her cheek good-bye just before they closed the lid. I felt alone with a giant hole in my heart. Many years later, a psychic told me she saw a small woman standing over my head sweeping with a straw broom who was my mother, but not my mother. When the psychic asked if I knew who it was, I nodded “yes.” When I go back to Chicago to visit my family, I visit her grave. I can feel her presence still and speak to her every day. Sometimes when I forget to do something, I can still hear her voice, “Basia, Basia, Basia. You would lose your head if it wasn’t attached!” She was … and is … the only mother I knew and loved. Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D. graduated from University of Metaphysical Sciences in December 2012. She has written "From Ash to Flame: 28 Women Who Saved My Life" (available soon on Amazon). Christ is working on "Breaking Adam's Rib: The Rise of the Divine Feminine." She has written for "Today's Woman," "Beach Cities Style", and "Empowering Women" magazines and the "OC Register." She believes we are all connected and donated her kidney anonymously in November 2010. Christ has given presentations on how human trafficking is taking place in Orange County and how California is the largest importer of trafficked victims. She also is available for presentations on gender equality and living kidney donations. www.basiachrist.com


Spirtual, Inspirational Art for the Mind, Body & Spirit First three Archangels in a series of 15 ...



12” x 24” Giclee - $275

12” x 24” Giclee - $275


12” x 24” Giclee - $275


12” x 24” Giclee - $275

Order your print today by emailing Basia at basia@basiachrist.com. Shipping & handling costs are $20. Receive delivery within 14 days after paynment is received.

18” x 24” Giclee - $325

Basia’s Art from the Heart

Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.



www.basiachrist.com Radiance

May/June 2013 41


Prints are gallerymounted on a 1-1/2” frame so framing is not necessary.

Golden Buddha

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