September/October 2015 Radiance magazine

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a publication of the Socially and Spiritually Conscious Community




The Journey HOME to SELF

Susan P. Plummer, PhD

Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt WHAT is SHAMANISM?


Bart Smyth

Frederic Luskin, PhD



Susyn Reeve

BODY 5 Simply POWERFUL Ways to CARE for your BODY


Margo Mateas Life Action Plan

Ana Weber Ask Ana

Sonia Gordon The Nightingale Way

Dr. Ben Horning Chiro Corner

Cindy Ashton

Temple of Light


Radiance September/October 2015

Temple of Light SPIRIT


The Journey Home to Self.............................................. 4 By Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Spiritual Director and Founder of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, Publisher of Radiance Magazine, and Mentor to Spiritual Leaders, Holistic and Healing Arts Practitioners

Column: Pets on Purpose........................................24 By Kara Udziela

The Signs of Promise and Deep Change.................. 26 By Susan S. Plummer, PhD

What is Shamanism?................................................... 8 Aquarius Magazine in Atlanta Interviews Bart Smyth

An Invitation to Live a Wholehearted Life..................... 10 By Susyn Reeve

Column: Life Action Path - 5 Ways to Find Your Inner Compass and Uncertainty..................................... 30 By Margo Mateas

9 Steps to Forgiveness.......................................... 33

Meet Rev. Arlene Meyer of Unity Church...................... 13

By Frederic Luskin, PhD

Column: Ask Ana - Why is Life So Difficult?............. 34 By Ana Weber


3 Keys to Achieving Your Vision.............................. 36

Leadership Team ....................................................... 14

By Cindy Ashton

On-site Practitioners.................................................. 16


Resource Directory.................................................... 18

Column: The Nightingale Way - Caring for Caregivers....................................................... 38

Special Events........................................................... 21 Workshops & Classes................................................. 22

By Sonia Gordon

Column: Dr. Horning's Chiro Corner Hot or Cold?......................................................... 40 By Dr. Benjamin Horning

5 Simply Powerful Ways to Care for Your Body......... 42 By Rev. Basia Christ, PhD, AOA

ON THE COVER Journey Within MAGAZINE STAFF Published by Rev. Danielle Marie, Spiritual Director of Temple of Light Spiritual Community Editor-in-Chief, Creative Director, Executive Director Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.

Radiance is published by The Temple of Light Spiritual Community located at 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618. Publisher’s Liability: Radiance does not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine, nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the magazine, publishers, or editors. Radiance is a free publication that is available at various metaphysical stores, health food locations, vegetarian restaurants, yoga studios, spiritual centers, coffee stands, and libraries throughout Orange County. If you would like copies at your location or recommend a site, please email or contact our office at (949) 333-1641. Office hours are from Tuesday to Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Go to to view current and past issues of Radiance and share your thoughts! Annual subscriptions are available for $25. To submit an article for review, please email Rev. Basia, Editor-in-Chief at

September/October 2015 Radiance




he Journey Home to Self


By Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt Spiritual Director and Founder of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, Publisher of Radiance Magazine, and Mentor to Spiritual Leaders, Holistic and Healing Arts Practitioners

ow long is a spiritual journey? A road to health? Or a road to success?

Many of my new clients/students who come to me ask this question once we determine together what their journey will be. They say “.....and how long will this take?”

It’s as though if they know it will take months or even years, the length of time to be invested seems so daunting and they often reconsider. I had a man come to me who was about to be married and wanted to have the ability to support his wife. He wanted me to “fix” all his money issues in one session. He was in his forties, still living with his parents, and this was the first time he really felt the need to address his fortune making 4

Radiance September/October 2015

skills and had waited until the last minute. He also asked for a deep discount on my normal hourly fee. Needless to say, he left the session dissatisfied because he wasn’t willing to make the time and effort to invest in his own journey. He just wanted to get immediate results without being the solution. In a recent meditation, it occurred to me my spiritual, physical, mental and emotional healing journey has thus far been ten years. I began “waking up” in the early 2002 when I was learning how to meditate, spending time searching the Internet for information and attending weekly intuitive development classes. However, it wasn’t until my daughter was hit by a drunk driver and hospitalized for weeks during July of

2005 which led me to be personally invested in of my spiritual journey. When I “tuned in” on the night of her accident and received accurate, profound messages, I made a commitment to the Divine Spirit to do this work without knowing what it would look like. Divine Spirit works in mysterious, magical ways. Months before my daughter’s accident, my intuitive development coach spoke highly of Doreen Virtue as a famous metaphysical instructor. I “Googled” Doreen on the Internet that night and immediately registered for “Medium Mentorship” and “Angel Therapy Practitioner” in September and October 2005 respectively in Laguna Beach. At the time, my husband and I lived in Irvine, just 10 miles away. My investment, up until this point, had been $20 for a two-hour, once a week class. Have you ever had a moment where you just did something which seemed huge yet you did not question it? Registering for these classes was like that for me.

The Mediumship Mentorship class was three days, 15 student maximum course being held at the Inn at Laguna Beach (right at main beach) and cost $1,500. The Angel Therapy Practitioner course was six days and was held at the Surf and Sand Hotel, also in Laguna Beach, maxed at about 100 students and was $1,200. After discussing the classes with my husband (who amazingly agreed), I pulled out my Platinum American Express Card and said “yes” to $2,700 for the courses starting six months later. Registration was closed long before the start date. I didn’t know at the time why I registered for the classes, I just did it.

During September 2005, 10 years ago, I sat in a room with Doreen Virtue, her assistant Lynette Brown, and 14 other students. I had no idea then how fortunate I was to spend this time with her in a virtual one-on-one setting. She only did a few more of the intimate classes before going exclusively to much larger settings. I still remember the other students’ faces and am Facebook friends with many of them. For three days I was immersed in a world which felt like “home” more than anything I had done or experienced. I connected with not only mine, but also with the students’ deceased loved ones. I was thrilled and stunned at how “easy”

and accurate the messages came.

The event room was on the top floor of the Inn at Laguna Beach and on the second afternoon on our vegan lunch break, one of the students approached me as I was looking out over the balcony at the village and main beach and I heard myself say to her, “I want to do this work full time and …I want to live in Laguna Beach.”

I floated those three days in a way I had never experienced. I came home on Sunday evening when it was finished to the normal chaos of our home with four kids, a dog, in-laws, and a television blasting some program. I was not unhappy to be home, I just knew my life would never be the same. My goal was to make the change with ease and grace (my signature line) and not upset everyone’s life with my new one. On Monday morning, I fell into the familiar routine of getting everyone out of the house on time. I drove my children to school and drove to work. I sat in my car in the parking lot of my office unable to get out.

Fifteen minutes passed. I knew I had to muster the will to go to work. When I pulled the keys out of the ignition, I burst into tears.

That evening, my husband and I had a conversation about how feasible it would be for me to transition out of our family CPA and Bookkeeping practice. We agreed on two years taking into account finances, staff, client relations, etc. I continued to practice, learn, and develop my intuitive skill during the transition.

Before I knew it, the October class began. I stayed over at the Surf and Sand Hotel rather than drive home so I could fully and completely be in that world and not have to toggle back and forth between day and night as I did during the September course. During the six full days and nights with more than 100 people “waking up” and making a commitment to do this work, my identity as a “healer” was cemented. My journey was underway. Within three years, we sold our home in Irvine and moved to Laguna Beach where we now live. Our continued on page 6 >>

September/October 2015 Radiance



<< continued from page 7 children are grown and experiencing life adventures. I am happy to have been their role model to seek their dreams no matter how crazy it may seem or how unlikely. The Temple of Light was founded during October 2007 and we opened our first location during August 2008.

I was gracefully supported in my early days of becoming a spiritual healer and now I spend my days learning and discovering new ways to continue my journey as well as helping and supporting others as they do the same. I count my blessings every day I am living in Laguna Beach breathing the sea air and coming to work in such a spiritual place as the Temple of Light Spiritual Community which celebrates its 8-year anniversary on October 30.

The journey home to me where I have spent a great amount of time, energy and money to arrive has not always been easy, especially when I am determined to keep digging at those pesky layers which keep me separate from my Divine Beingness. Each one of us must decide how much of ourselves we want to find. There is no right or wrong measurement, only what is right for us.

I am taking an audio course with Arnoux Goran called “The Foundation.” In one of the lessons, he spoke of a woman who used the “7-Steps to Reprogram Yourself” method of self-healing. She claimed she had arrived at a place mentally and emotionally which was better than she had ever known and, because all of her difficult family relationships were resolved, she was “happy.”

He stated several months later, she came to another course and had discovered many, many more things she wanted to work on to become “happy.” Was her initial happiness an illusion? Or, did she simply decide to stay on the journey home and keep getting closer? She could have stayed at the level of happiness she had found, but chose to continue. Although I have come far in my 10-year journey to finding myself, I know I have only begun. Does it ever 6

Radiance September/October 2015

end? It can, if I wanted this. I could choose to spend the rest of my life being as happy as I am today and it would be a good life. But, for me, there is no stopping. I choose to spend time and energy enjoying the happiness I have cultivated for my family and me. Otherwise, it would be a waste of my investment not to enjoy for what I have worked so hard.

The journey home to yourself can be an arduous one filled with frustration, impatience, and discouragement if you are always looking to “get there” and be done. By reflecting on my past 10 years, I realize sometimes I did this and asked many times, “Am I done working through my stuff? Can I be happy now?” Those days in Doreen Virtue’s classes were definitely the honeymoon period. The true work began afterward and has continued for a decade. It is up to me how the next ten years will look. I will continue on my journey home to myself, finding Divine Spirit within, and learning how to create my outside world based on what I find inside.

However, I promised myself to pause and breathe the sea air along the way and be grateful for what I have learned. Rev. Danielle Marie is a Master TheaHealer® who practices a healing art primarily on ThetaHealing®, but with several personal additions and modifications. Her sessions are lifechanging, creating shifts in her clients’ perceptions resulting in the most positive changes imaginable. Rev. Danielle Marie has been a student of metaphysics since 2002 and studied under several mentors, including Vianna Stibal an Dr. Doreen Virtue. As a metaphysical minister, she believes in the innate intuitive ability gifted to each of us. Teaching this and witnessing healings has become her life’s work and passion. She believes we can live free from pain and suffering and be in a state of peace and joy.

Build An Empowered Spiritual Practice With Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Sat. & Sun., Sept. 12 & 13 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cost: $197 per person AND you can bring TWO friends for free (share the cost)

Register: build-an-empowered-spiritual-practice

Do you dream of having a successful Holistic/Healing Arts Practice? Whether you do it as a hobby, part- or full-time, this 2-day course will get you started or enhance your existing practice. We provide the tools you need to create your empowered practice so you can fulfill your dreams to bring your work to those who need you. This course is based on Rev. Danielle’s experience in building a spiritual practice, the creation of the Temple of Light, her 30+ years of experience as an accountant and entrepreneurial CPA, and the following books:  Starting a Spiritual Practice  Create Yourself  Creating Customers for Life  Creating An Abundant Practice  The Practice  The Enlightened Entrepreneur  The Science of Spiritual Marketing  Soulful Marketing  PR for the Holistic Healer  Living with Certainty  The Soul of Money  Client Mastery

TOPICS:  Getting out of your way: what emotional blocks are holding your back? (Strengthening the Lower Chakras)  Creation, Branding, and “I AM Presence:” discovering who are you and what you do. (Strengthening the Heart Chakra and letting Divine Spirit guide you)  Telling the World WhatYou Do...and Attracting Your Perfect Clients: Share What You Offer through Public Relations, Marketing, Websites, Social Media, the Perfect Sales Techniques for You, Networking and Making the Right Connections (Strengthening the Upper Chakras)  Managing Your Practice: Accounting, Legal, Merchant Accounts, Paypal, Eventbrite, Staffing, Barter Arrangements, Event Organization, Venues, Facebook, etc. (Being grounded in a “woo woo” field of work) September/October 2015 Radiance




hat is Shamanism

...and Why is There Such a Buzz about Its Resurgence?


hamanism is the natural way of healing which works partly by bridging the unseen with the seen and has been part of every culture for centuries. The name comes from Siberia, yet it has had different names in different ages and cultures. It refers to the ability of the Shaman/Healer to travel to non-ordinary realities in altered states of consciousness. The resurgence, I believe, is due to curiosity, need and measurable results. Anthropological studies combined with searching for medicinal plants by BIG Pharma has brought the attention to the forefront. People are also more open now for healing with the wisdom arts. For the last 30 years, it has prominently spread because of people receiving profound results. What happens when a person asks a shaman for a healing?

The invitation opens up the space for a sacred alliance to be struck between client and Shaman. There is an agreement which transcends time and space which is unbreakable, undisturbed for the time they work together. Safety is primary. The Shaman proceeds when the knowing or correct information presents itself and the guidance is strong and clear. 8

Radiance September/October 2015

Aquarius Magazine in Atlanta interviews Bart Smyth What is a soul retrieval and do most people need it? Trauma, in most cases, has caused a part of a person’s soul to disengage. A sacred soul retrieval is when the Shaman creates the field and safety for the client to allow that part of themselves to return, come home, so to speak. The Shaman travels into other dimensions of time to bring those different parts home. It is about becoming whole – a holy journey. Does Shamanism work on our consciousness to help our planet?


Yes. We are all connected and this is what is so readily available to witness in the Amazon. For each of us who clears and frees ourselves from distorted behaviors, either taught, learned, or programmed, the tension on the Collective releases and energy once needed to deal with unconscious negative thoughts and actions is now free. Does a Shamanic healing stimulate a person's self-healing?

Yes, once the work is started, the client takes this into his/her inner world. This is when the healing further blossoms with the innate wisdom of the body, like jumper cables restarting an engine.

What happens once a Shaman contacts his spirit guides? When I have prepared the space, I wait and listen for the contact, the intuition, and insight. Then I move with the guidance and respond to client’s energy. Shamans are fully guided by their spirit guides.

You have helped more than 35,000 people since 1995. What kinds of issues are most prevalent on which you work? On the physical, it is clearing traumas, ingestible toxins and heavy metals. Next would be pesticides, food colorings, preservatives and petrol, environmental chemical toxins. Our environment is loaded with toxins which cling inside the body and impede vitality and cause breakdowns in our system. On the emotional psychological side, most people show up with a lack of proper guidance during developmental years from one to seven. This usually leads to a separation from their internal spiritual guidance system. We learn to manage ourselves “to fit in” rather than “Being our true nature.” I work toward washing away the false identities, the need for outer approval and programmed conformity.

Bart Smyth is a Master Practitioner of 44 years in Martial Arts and over 30 years in the Healing Arts. He was also responsible for bringing the Yuen Method work to Europe for Dr. Yuen, where Bart trained over 400 therapists. He is also a Grand Master of Tai Chi. After serious injuries from car and skiing accidents, he experienced severe brain and spinal traumas and was left unable to work and almost died 2x. Realizing traditional medicine was not working, Bart’s life shifted from owning a successful architectural design/contracting company in San Francisco to embarking on his own personal physical, emotional and mental healing. In 1987, he began his life training with shamans in Central and North American traditions, as well in the Amazon. He also journeyed to remote caves and monasteries in China studying with Masters of ancient traditions. He was guided to study in Peru with the Shipibo tribe and was initiated as a Medicine Man in 1998 by Don Benjamin. Bart began sharing his alchemical knowledge in 2001. He travels throughout Europe, Scandinavia, Dubai and the U.S. His influence spans over four continents. Bart is visiting SoCal offering healing circles and private appts Sept 14-20. More info:

I had a very harsh, traumatic life in my early years and almost succumbed to the dark side. I had several miracle interventions by life’s circumstances which turned my life around and strongly led me toward the mystical studies, alternative healing, and ancient ways of Shamanism. I was guided to heal myself from debilitating, serious injuries and continued sharing what worked for me with others. Word spread organically and I developed a worldwide practice helping many. I continue to learn and expand with each client and personal hero I meet. You are a Tai Chi and QiGong GrandMaster, too. How do you integrate this into your Shamanic healing?

Tai Chi & QiGong are actually daily shamanic practices. We work with all directions: North, South, East, West, Heaven, and Earth, connecting the inner with the outer experience. Both technologies are part of me. It is a blessing for me to have studied with masters in these areas. My energy flows best and is most powerful because, with both technologies, the listening energy is key to hear what the body and spirit need to heal.

September/October 2015 Radiance




n Invitation to Live a Wholehearted Life


ear Radiance Reader,

This letter is an invitation to join me in living a Wholehearted Life. For me, writing a letter is personal‌I feel a direct connection when I write a letter to you. And, since a basic tenet of a Wholehearted Life is, Connection Matters More Than Anything, I encourage you to read this as a handwritten letter directly to you.

Living a life of passion and purpose requires a conscious choice to live a Wholehearted Life. To live with an open 10

Radiance September/October 2015

By Susyn Reeve

heart—one which has weathered storms, been broken and through its cracks invites the healing light of Love in and allows it to shine through, and continues to be nourished through the Love, Gratitude, and Joy of a life fully lived. Living a Wholehearted Life is a reflection of the sacred union of our heart~mind~body connected and aligned in conscious action. A wholehearted life is the evolution in consciousness which calls to each of us when we courageously allow ourselves to be who we

are and live an authentic life of passion and purpose; to acknowledge and share our unique gifts, talents, and skills; to know—to grow—challenges we have face. The hardships and pain we have experienced contain the seeds of greater compassion, love, and kindness. A Wholehearted Life is rooted in awareness that conscious connection matters more than anything— connection with the God of our understanding, connection with ourselves, connection with our life’s purpose, and connection with one another—a deep knowing we are One.

When my professional life began after Graduate school in 1973, I didn’t have the deep appreciation I now have for the gifts of the pain, struggles, and challenges we each face. While our circumstances—our histories— appear to be different from one another, we are all born whole— fully aligned in body~mind~spirit. And we all have a story of being cast out of this garden of wholeness—our personal Garden of Eden. In the Old Testament, it is the story of Adam and Eve. Adam was told he could eat from all the trees in the garden except the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. If he were to eat the fruit of this tree, he would be banished from the garden—heaven on earth—and surely die, not a physical death, but rather a death of connection with God and of the experience of being whole. This is the separation we experience: the disconnection of our higher Self and ego mind; the separation of our inner and outer experience; the disconnection of our heart~mind~body. This casting out of the garden may occur because of horrific trauma—physical, psychological, emotional, and sexual—or when you are compared to a sibling who got higher grades on a report card. Whatever the cause of this disconnection, the result is an experience of I’m not enough—a barrage of self-talk: I’m not pretty enough, thin enough, handsome enough, successful enough, worthy enough, lovable enough, rich enough. The list goes on and on and on; even I’m too much! is really a version of I’m not enough: I’m too much for others to handle, too intense, too dramatic, too self-involved, too sensitive. We judge and demonize others, projecting our not enoughness onto them: He’s evil. She’s stupid. They don’t deserve what they have.

Our journey in life is to heal this rift of separation— to come home to being whole. It is important to remember it is a journey. There is no destination where once you arrive you will never experience discomfort, disappointment, sadness, or anger. Rather, there is the understanding these challenges and experiences of being brokenhearted are growing pains and a call for us to deepen, expand, and evolve our capacity to be, give, and receive love—to allow love to flow in and out and through us—to be Wholehearted.

Here’s the story I have made up about life: We choose to enroll in Earth School to learn to be, give, and receive love. Each one of us is born with the seeds of our purpose within us, just as the coding of a mighty oak is present in an acorn. The lessons quickly begin, and we forget the calling which is the reason we enrolled in this school. As we learn about life on Earth, we embody the current agreed-upon thinking. For many centuries, the prevalent thought was there was a separation between our inner and outer world, between our body~mind~spirit, between our thoughts and experience. This is only one point of view—throughout the ages, indigenous cultures as well as the spiritual foundations of all religions have believed in the interconnectedness of all Life. I find the following words of Chief Seattle, who lived from 1780–1866 and was Chief of the Duwamish tribe, to be a potent reminder of the interrelatedness of all beings. The earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth. All things are connected like the blood that unites us all. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. —Chief Seattle As we begin to see and experience the world through our beliefs learned from significant people in our lives, the current zeitgeist, the media, and those we continued on page 10 >>

September/October 2015 Radiance



<< continued from page 9 consider to be authorities—we act as though those beliefs are truth. Our beliefs induce a trance in which we continually repeat patterns of thought and behavior on automatic—like a default setting on our computers. We have wake-up calls which may, at first, be gentle, yet when not tended, get louder and louder and louder in the form of ouches—health problems, relationship struggles, career setbacks, financial woes, spiritual crises, addictions, and ongoing fear and anxiety. In the presence of these threats, we often feel victimized and use these hardships as evidence there is something wrong with us; life is against us and we are being punished. At the same time, each life struggle offers a key to open our hearts and minds to a new possibility—a willingness to explore the gift the hardship contains.

I’ve noticed my initial reaction to heartbreak is to feel victimized. Now, after decades of learning to wake-up to my body’s sensations, I now know what isolation, pain, and suffering physically feels like (a wrenching sensation in my stomach, sleepless nights, unquenchable hunger) and in my thoughts (obsessing over the past; worrying what other people think of me; fear about the future, feeling confused, uncertain, and scared to express myself authentically). As soon as I notice I am in the midst of a drama where I have cast myself in the role of victim, I acknowledge what I’m feeling, take a deep breath, and ask myself two simple questions: What is the gift here? What would love do here? This practice of acknowledgment, and directing my attention and curiosity to these questions, opens my heart and mind to listen and be awake to a new perspective. I remember I am a co-creative partner with a loving God. I believe every experience is an expression of Love or a call for Love. I allow the gifts to be revealed. I allow myself to surrender to the loving energy of the universe which always responds with a resounding Yes to the thoughts which are the dominant creative force in my experience—the thoughts I am embodying and aligned with in body~mind~spirit, the thoughts in which I have faith. I remember my Earth School curriculum is to be a mighty expression of Love 12

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in the world.

So, dear Reader, I invite you to know the joy of living a Wholehearted Life. Wherever you are in your life, purpose, passion, and love is your birthright. Embody the Prayer for Wholehearted Living as a reflection of your commitment to be a mighty expression of Love in the World. Prayer for Wholehearted Living

Today, I live a wholehearted life.

I easily let go of my attachment to thoughts and behaviors which block the in-flo and out-flow of Love in my life. I know my purpose is to be a mighty expression of Love in the world through my unique gifts talents, and skills. I trust every experience I have is an opportunity to deepen and expand my capacity to be, give, and receive Love. I ask for, and receive, all help available to me, visible and invisible, to effortlessly learn from and release habit patterns of fear, blame, and separation, to have faith in a loving future, and to live fully and Wholeheartedly in the present. To the Eternal Peace and Happiness of All. And, so it is ...With Wholehearted Love, Susyn

Susyn Reeve, GodMother Elder, has 40 years experience as a Transformational Coach, International Speaker and InterFaith Minister. She’s the co-creator of and bestselling author of, The Inspired Life: Unleashing Your Mind’s Capacity for Joy and The Wholehearted Life: Big Changes and Greater Happiness Week by Week. As a teen Susyn wrote in her journal, "What would the world be like if everyone loved themselves?" This question guides her work in deepening and expanding clients’ capacity to be mighty expressions of love. Visit Susyn at www.SusynReeve. com and email her directly for info about her 30 Days On Purpose Program (

Meet Rev. Arlene Meyer, Unity Church's New Pastor

Arlene is a Minister, Motivational Speaker, Life Consultant, and Author. She recently retired as the senior minister at Unity of Savannah. Previously, she was the minister at Unity of Rockdale. She has been inspiring and empowering people for 20 years plus as a minister, speaker, and coach. She was the co-founder of Vision Farms Meditation Center prior to ministry and also the founder of Savannah Ceremonies. As a Life Consultant, Arlene encourages others to design and manifest a life which is in harmony with their Soul’s purpose. For 10 years plus, she has worked with people starting a new chapter or new life, whether it is because of recovery, retirement, life changes, or wanting to do something more. She has helped people build their dreams, accelerate their results, and create richer, more fulfilling lives. She offers inspiring talks, workshops and transformation in-depth coaching programs which help others achieve new heights of health, success, meaning, and spiritual aliveness.

Arlene is the author of Seven Days to Becoming a Vegetarian, an easy-to-follow cookbook for those who want to add healthy options to their diet and Finding Your Way, 52 messages to help guide you through the ups and downs. Since retiring from Unity of Savannah, Arlene, her husband, Christopher, and their dog, Willow, have been traveling around the country in their motorhome. During the time she has been traveling, she as spoken in churches all over the country and Canada.

NEW PASTOR: REV. ARLENE MEYER 11 Goddard Irvine, CA 92618 Hours: Tues., Thurs. 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Unity Telephone: 949.472.9230 Sunday Services Join us at 10 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Hear a dynamic message which is practical, positive and relevant, enjoy uplifting contemporary music and meet other enthusiastic like-minded people. Temple of Light: 949.333.1641 September/October 2015 Radiance


Temple of Light





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Radiance Magazine

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On-site Practitioner, HSS





On-site Practitioner, HSS

On-site Practitioner, HSS

On-site Practitioner, HSS






Leaders, UCC


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Radiance September/October 2015


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On-site Practitioner, HSS


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On-site Practitioner, HSS

On-site Practitioner, HSS

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Leader, UCC

Leader, UCC

Leader, UCC

Leader, UCC





HSS - Holder of Sacred Space; UCC - United Conscious Community September/October 2015 Radiance


Temple of Light


REV. DANIELLE MARIE HEWITT Rev. Danielle is the Founder and Visionary Leader of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community. Her tireless efforts to provide a place of learning, growth, fellowship, and community are reflected in the programs and projects created. She created the Academy of Light school for Holistic Healing Arts, publishes Radiance Magazine, the United Conscious Community, and the Humanitarian Outreach Program for Worldwide Peace and Prosperity. Rev. Danielle’s life path and passion is to see Holistic Healers and Seekers find their power, step into their life path, and see the enlightened beings they are. Moving them through their human experience into one of empowerment and watching the ripple effect in our world is her greatest joy. She practices her mentorship program on site five days a week. 949.333.1641;

CHOURY DE VELLE, BSC, CHT, NLP Choury grew up in a house of alcoholism and physical abuse and learned 'the hard way' resentment is the tie which binds the victim to the victimizer. Almost everyone has something in their past which holds them back from realizing their true potential. Old fears can manifest in sickness, self-sabotage, and violence if a person feels threatened What most people don't understand is those roadblocks to success are old beliefs based on lack and limitation buried deep within the subconscious mind. Most of the time, the victim doesn't know how or why those beliefs got started. Standard psycho therapy is one way to let go of the past, uncover, and release old beliefs and fears. He believes the quickest, most effective way is through hypnosis. In hypnosis, we can access the subconscious mind and change the programming from fear, sickness, lack, and limitation to courage, health, abundance, and wealth. Compared to standard psycho therapy, we do it quickly. Once old beliefs are released, the person is free to live the life of their dreams. 714.624.1956;; www.orangecounty/

MARCIE HOWARD Marcie has studied and trained with Reiki Masters in California and Washington. She is a Certified Sound Healer and active member of the Sound Healer's Association. Highly intuitive and clairvoyant, she coaches individuals in meeting their challenges and growth opportunities. Clients are inspired and encouraged to step forth into their lives feeling empowered, peace-filled and balanced. Marcie recently held a "Spirit Sings" workshop on Sunday, February 28 at the Temple of Light. She taught people how to raise their voices in song. 714.336.8122;

MERYLL MONTANO Meryll is an Ayurvedic Wellness Educator, Certified Health Practitioner, and Massage Therapist specializing in Marma Therapy, received her education from the Southern California University of Health Sciences in Whittier, CA. She is also trained in Yoga for Disease Management and Herbology .She is currently practicing at The Ayurveda N.E.S.T. located at the Temple of Light in Irvine, CA. Meryll’s highest goal is in creating a sacred space of love and support for the transformation and Self- realization of her clients. She is absolutely passionate about sharing the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda to the modern world through one-on-one consultations, cooking classes, rejuvenation oil treatments, individualized nutrition seminars, body-mind- spirit workshops, and much more. Her sole mission in this lifetime is to be of service to others and help people ignite their body’s healing intelligence. 714.423.4548; 16

Radiance September/October 2015



Abby was born in Bombay, India and believes in his six principles: Be good, do good, act good, good deeds, good thoughts, and good words. When he was six years old, his mother was holding her head in pain. He put his hands on her forehead. Within minutes, she said her pain was gone. Years later, he saw a woman in pain rubbing her neck. He placed his hand on her forehead and moments later her pain was gone. Since then, he has pursued his calling, healing people by touch. 949.212.7787; asnamazi@yahoo. com

Shar is a Dream Whisperer, an EFT/ Tapping Master, and a Certified Coach in Relationships, Weight Loss, and Life Path . She also does Past Life Regression and Hypnotherapy. In person, online, and phone sessions are available. 949.682. SHAR (7427); SharPirnia@gmail. com

FAIZ MASHOOD, D.C. Dr. Mashood wants to help those who seek it. He understands the root of the word, “doctor” means “teacher.” His outlook is extracting ‘aliveness’ from within so good health is a result. Dr. Mashood is looking forward to meeting you at Thrive Center, where Health & Happiness Harmonize. 847.989.7117

TERI NEJAD Teri has been dedicated to helping educate her peers in maintaining the same, beneficial lifestyle thus sparking a continuum in education in the field of Mental and Physical health. After witnessing a slew of success by others who followed her guidance, Teri realized this was her calling in life. She is an Ayurveda Practitioner, working with a variety proven theories in her practice.;

ADRIANNA ALLEN “Adrianna is a gifted and gentle energy healer helping people create more peace and joy in their life.; 949-291-9020

DEBORAH SHEA Deborah offers hands-on healing of running energy to clear blocked energy in the aura and chakra system with crystals, sound and color therapy, among others. She channels Lemurian and Divine Ray wisdom and energy as well as the Ascended Masters and Archangels. She has been a metaphysics student for 15+ years and a graduate of Spiritual Touch, healing school based on Barbara Brennan's work. 949.241.5790;

ALICIA McNAUGHTON THE HOLISTIC MYSTIC Psychic and Healer, Alicia is a Holistic Healer and Metaphysical practitioner in these arts: Reiki Master (Usui, Karuna, Lightarian, Secheim, Ananda Rei, Kundalini, and Shamballa), Lemurian Rays, Attunements, crystal healing, vocal and Vibrational Channeling/healing, psychic intuitive readings, Selenite Swords of Light, Awakenings and more. 714.625.5457; www.theholisticmystic. com September/October 2015 Radiance


something I hadn’t done for 50 give me a reason to live.

ayer with a challenge to write a n’s Conference in Long Beach, hriver.

women from around the world , and countries. Each made a es destroy them. Each cerateda tue to overcome her challenge,

nd powerful voices and acted ore,” to crimes agsint them,

AUTHORS/SPEAKERS___________________ ENERGY HEALERS____________________

Choury deVelle, BSC, CHT, NLP The Message: A Son's Journey from Skeptical Cynic to Spiritual Counselor

714.624.1956 www.orangecounty/ Click here to order on Amazon

Adrianna Allen


Hideko Curcio


Marcie Howard Reiki Sounds

"get health in your hands" 714.336.8122

Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D. rising From Ash to Flame: Women Rising



949.690.1257 Click here to order on Amazon

Alicia McNaughton The Holistic Mystic

AYURVEDA HEALERS__________________

Abby Namazi

Rev. Basia Christ. Ph.D.

at people want: intangible, but ife.

the interviews transformed my ance and resources to help you ell.

for the Socially and Spiritually Conscious Consumer

From Ash to Flame: Women Rising

ddicted to drugs or alcohol, or zed religion because they are y, frustrated, or have lost faith.

Temple of Light r e s o u r c

Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D.

Faiz Mashood, D.C. 847.989.7117

Merryl Montano 714.423.4548



Seth Pincus


Teri Nejad

949.424.6542 18

Radiance September/October 2015

Deborah Shea

e directory HAIR STYLIST

MASSAGE THERAPIST________________

Church of Hair (949) 510-9821, call for appt.


Terrell Washington Anansi, Stylist

HEALTHY FOOD________________________

Adil Panton Healing Arts Touch, Lake Forest


Elzabeth Hendershot 949.803.5302

Shauna Kossoff

(951)440-6938 MEDIUMS______________________________ Debra Hookey 714.318.6629


Temple of Light Spiritual Community

HOLISTIC HEALTH____________________

Lemia Astarbardi & Joshua Bowser RaMa Holistic Care 949.677.3700


Choury deVelle, BSC, CHT, NLP

714.624.1956 www.orangecounty/

Live Your Radiance


Rev. Danielle Marie 949.333.1641

SHAMANIC THERAPY________________

Veronica Tioicha Shamanic Soul Therapy 657-464-3569

continued on page 20 >>

September/October 2015 Radiance


Temple of Light

<< continued from page 19


Rev. Basia Christ, PhD, AOA* 949.690.1247 *Angel on Assignment

Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt 949.244.1960 RevDanielle@

Shar Pirinia

949.682.SHAR (7427)



Radiance September/October 2015

special events Holding Space and Boundaries with Tiffany Cano Sept. 10 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

How to Build an Empowered Healing Practice with Rev. Danielle Sept. 12 & 13 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Kwan Yin Reiki with Nancy Kimes Sept. 17 & Oct. 15 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Love Connections with Spirit: Messages from the Other Side with Beecham Parker Sept. 11 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Crystal Healing & Psychic Development with Alicia McNaughton Sept. 12 & Oct. 10 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

A Modern Day Shaman Returns with Shaman Bart Smyth

The Mindful Ayurvedic Diet with Meryll Montano Sept. 19 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

hosted by Bhimi Cayce Sept. 19 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

An Afternoon with Spirit

The Five Levels of Attachment: Toltec Wisdom for the Modern World

with Mediums Suzanne Northrop

with Don Miguel

& A.J. Barrera Oct. 10 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Ruiz, Jr. Oct. 17 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. September/October 2015 Radiance


Temple of Light c l a s s e s &




Events in Yellow are Sacerd Space Events - Patron Member Discount Do NOT Apply.







1 7p Talk and Listen to the Animals w/Kara Udziela - $20

2 10a Group "I am" Mentorship w/Rev. Danielle - $22

3 6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/ Rev. Danielle - $33


5 12p Holistic Healing Fair FREE

7p Qi Gong w/Adil Panton - $15

5:45p Naam Movement & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga w/Lemia & Josh - $15

7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff - $15

11 7p Love Connections with Spirit w/Beecham Parker - $35

12 10a HSS How to Build an Empowered Healing Practice w/Rev/ Danielle $197 bring two friends free

7p Psychic Development w/Debra Hookey - $22 6 10a Unity Church Sunday Service 1p Integrative Dance w/John Salat - $5

7 Labor Day

8 7p Life Plan Action Course w/Margo Mateas 7:15p Meditation Group $25 w/ Elizabeth Hendershot - $10 7p Qi Gong w/Adil Panton - $15

9 10a Group "I am" Mentorship w/Rev. Danielle - $22

10 6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/ Rev. Danielle - $33

5:45p Naam Movement & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga w/Lemia & Josh - $15

7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff - $15

7p Mediumship w/Debra Hookey - $25

13 10a Unity Church Sunday Service

7p Holding Space & Boundaries w/Tiffany Cano - $15

14 15 7p Quantum Meditation 7p Talk and Listen w/Choury DeVelle - $10 to the Animals w/Kara Udziela - $20 7:15p Meditation Group 10a HSS How to Build an w/ Elizabeth Hendershot 7p Qi Gong Empowered Healing - $10 w/Adil Panton - $15 Practice w/Rev/ Danielle $197 bring two friends free

16 10a Group "I am" Mentorship w/Rev. Danielle - $22

17 6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/ Rev. Danielle - $33

5:45p Naam Movement & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga w/Lemia & Josh - $15

7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff - $15

20 10a Unity Church Sunday Service

23 10a Group "I am" Mentorship w/Rev. Danielle - $22

24 6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/ Rev. Danielle - $33

5:45p Naam Movement & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga w/Lemia & Josh - $15

7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff - $15

21 22 7p Quantum Meditation 7p Life Plan Action w/Choury DeVelle - $10 Course w/Margo Mateas $25 7:15p Meditation Group w/ Elizabeth Hendershot 7p Qi Gong - $10 w/Adil Panton - $15

28 29 7p Quantum Meditation 7p Qi Gong w/Choury DeVelle - $10 w/Adil Panton - $15 7:15p Meditation Group w/ Elizabeth Hendershot - $10

30 10a Group "I am" Mentorship w/Rev. Danielle - $22 5:45p Naam Movement & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga w/Lemia & Josh - $15 7p Love Class w/Debra Hookey - $25


Radiance September/October 2015

18 19 7p Sound Healing w/Seth 1p Bhimi Cayce hosts Pincus - $15 Shaman Bart Smyth “A Modern Shaman Returns” - $27 prepay 2:30p Ayurvedic Nutrition w/Merryl Montano - $35

7p Psychic Development w/Debra Hookey - $25

7p Mediumship w/Debra Hookey - $25 27 10a Unity Church Sunday Service

10a Crystal Healing and Psychic Development w/ Alicia McNaughton - $20

7p Crystal Journeys w/Deborah Shea - $20





7p Crystal Journeys w/Deborah Shea - $20


workshops October OCTOBER Sunday


Patron Member discounts DO apply to events in blue.










10 10a Crystal Healing and Psychic Development w/ Alicia McNaughton - $20

6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/ Rev. Danielle - $33

12p Holistic Healing Fair - FREE

7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff - $15 4 10a Unity Church Sunday Service 1p Integrative Dance w/John Salat - $5

11 10a Unity Church Sunday Service

18 10a Unity Church Sunday Service

25 10a Unity Church Sunday Service

5 6 7p Quantum Meditation 7p UCC: Animal w/Choury DeVelle - $10 Communication w/Kara Uziela - $20 7:15p Meditation Group w/ Elizabeth Hendershot 7p Qi Gong - $10 w/Adil Panton - $15 7p – Healing the Wounded Child Within w/Rev. Basia Christ - $20

7 10a Group "I am" Mentorship w/Rev. Danielle - $22

8 6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/ Rev. Danielle - $33

5:45p Naam Movement & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga w/Lemia & Josh - $15

7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff - $15

7p Mediumship w/Debra Hookey - $25

7p Crystal Journeys w/Deborah Shea - $20

12 13 14 7p Quantum Meditation 7p Life Plan Action 10a Group "I am" w/Choury DeVelle - $10 Course w/Margo Mateas - Mentorship $25 w/Rev. Danielle - $22 7:15p Meditation Group w/ Elizabeth Hendershot 7p Qi Gong 5:45p Naam Movement - $10 w/Adil Panton - $15 & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga 7p – Healing the w/Lemia & Josh - $15 Wounded Child Within w/Rev. Basia Christ - $20 7p Psychic Development w/Debra Hookey - $25

15 6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/ Rev. Danielle - $33

19 20 7p Quantum Meditation 7p UCC: Animal w/Choury DeVelle - $10 Communication w/Kara Uziela - $20 7:15p Meditation Group w/ Elizabeth Hendershot - $10 7p Qi Gong w/Adil Panton - $15 7p – Healing the Wounded Child Within w/Rev. Basia Christ - $20

21 10a Group "I am" Mentorship w/Rev. Danielle - $22

22 6:30p Conscious Anatomy w/ Rev. Danielle - $33

5:45p Naam Movement & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga w/Lemia & Josh - $15

7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff - $15

7p Mediumship w/Debra Hookey - $25

26 27 28 7p Quantum Meditation 7p Life Plan Action 10a Group "I am" w/Choury DeVelle - $10 Course w/Margo Mateas - Mentorship $25 w/Rev. Danielle - $22 7:15p Meditation Group w/ Elizabeth Hendershot 7p Qi Gong 5:45p Naam Movement - $10 w/Adil Panton - $15 & Meditation 6:30p Naam Yoga 7p – Healing the w/Lemia & Josh - $15 Wounded Child Within w/Rev. Basia Christ - $20 7p Love Class w/Debra Hookey - $25

1p “An Afternoon with Spirit” w/Internationally Known Medium, Suzanne Northrop & A.J. Barrera $58

16 7p Sound Healing w/Seth Pincus - $15

17 2p The Five Levels of Attachment, Toltec Wisdom for the Modern World w/Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr. - $55





7p Max Meditation w/Shauna Kossoff - $15

7p Crystal Journeys w/Deborah Shea - $20


September/October 2015 Radiance



Kara Udziela

Pets on Purpose Giving Your Pet the Right Job Makes Everyone Happy One of the best ways to improve the pet/person bond in your home is to assign your animals purposes that fit them. Issues arise either because the pet has no defined role in the house or has chosen it himself. Jake and Harry: A Tale of Two Cats with Different Personalities

Miranda had two cats who had lived peaceably together for five years. Jake, a beautiful tiger cat, was indoor/outdoor, while Harry, a ginger tabby stayed indoors. There had never been trouble between them. However, that changed when Jake was attacked by a raccoon, and they decided to keep him indoors.


Radiance September/October 2015

A few months later, both cats were peeing EVERYWHERE but the box. When I talked to the cats, quiet Jake showed me Harry’s need to be the center of attention. A natural introvert, Jake had lost his position as hunter. He showed me his blanket on the master bed. He had felt special while convalescing, but indicated he wasn't in the master bedroom much now. Harry wanted

no encroachment on his kitchen territory or the children he made laugh.

I told Miranda, who confirmed that she had moved Jake out of the bedroom, assuming he’d need more space. Harry was always in the kitchen with the kids.

I suggested we formally make Jake the Bed Cat and Confidant and Harry the Comedian. We used EFT to tap away Miranda’s concerns and fears that they would keep peeing. We tapped on each cat, to stop the peeing and reinforce their purposes. Jake still had free reign of the house, but Miranda had pillow talk with him every day and happily, all inappropriate peeing stopped.

Putting Your Pet on Purpose Here is a quick guide for picking a pet’s purpose:

What do they LOVE doing? When your pet is happiest, what is he doing? Pets can have numerous roles, but one should be something they do easily. This is especially true for a pet who lacks confidence. What skills do they have? I introduced a 4th dog to my pack, a natural leader in a pack with an existing leader. To avoid conflict, she is “Leader Apprentice.” Teach a smart dog or cat or horse a few tricks or useful tasks.

What is your pet’s purpose? If you need help getting it right with one or several pets, I’d love to hear from you at Kara Udziela created Pet’s Eye View to help pets and their families create stronger bonds by using a mix of telepathic skills and deep animal knowledge. She is an animal communicator, EFT and Reiki practitioner. One of her horse clients just won Reserve Champion World Championships with Kara’s intuitive guidance. Do you have a problem with two animals that don’t get along, a tough end-of-life issue or another concern? At Pet’s Eye View, I unleash your animal’s voice and work with you on strengthening the bond you have with your special pet.

Two Deadly Purposes to Never Give Your Pet You can give your pet many purposes, from jokester, to healer, to friend and cuddle pal, or wise professor. But two dangerous roles that I see too often are “Protector,” and “Emotional Sponge.” People get some dogs for protection, or they get a leaderly dog and are gentle themselves, so the dog decides the person can’t handle the house. If you are not the true leader of your household, that dog can quickly get out of control and bite, leading to it harm to others and its forced euthanasia. I’ll discuss Emotional Sponges in an upcoming article. Your pet can listen to you when you are sad, but don’t overdo it. Otherwise, sickness can occur.

Let me unleash your pet’s voice using telepathy, EFT, chakra clearing and animal knowledge to help you understand your pet and improve issues.

Book appointments at, join me on FB at, or register for my class,

Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month communication-kara-udziela: and Listen to the Animals Sat. July 25 from 10:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m.

In this class, you will talk to my animals who will LOVE to teach you how to communicate.


Class held at Temple of Light, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA

September/October 2015 Radiance




he Signs and Promise of Deep Change


eep Change is a journey of transformation. It is the dynamic by which we expand into greater depths and breadths within our world and ourselves bringing us increasing connectivity, meaning and belonging.

We long to live in authentic communion with our world, we often miss the first signs Deep Change is calling. The signs can appear as unlikely emissaries of new possibilities! Feeling “something’s missing in my life,” or, “I feel a sense of emptiness, pointlessness, alienation and/or lostness” are signs which frequently show up on 26

Radiance September/October 2015

By Susan P. Plummer, PhD our radar during the beginning of our Deep Change journey.

We want to change, fix, or at least analyze the cause of these unsettling feelings. If we are fortunate, we will discover we are powerless to overcome these threshold experiences. I say “fortunate” because, if you are successful in ameliorating these experiences, and return to your familiar stability, you have blocked the call to a new future of profound potential. The key is to accept what we cannot change our experience, along with an acceptance which allows “what is” while staying

open and vulnerable to all which is “unknown.”

In this state of acceptance, we can realize these unfamiliar inner spaces are openings to new depths from which we burst out of our familiar relationship to ourselves and our world. The good news about the appearance of these challenging feelings is they indicate we are outgrowing our current identity and frame of belonging. My first journey of Deep Change occurred in my late twenties. After months of pervasive meaninglessness, a wise elder suggested I stop trying to change

my experience and explore its nature instead.

I decided to follow his advice one afternoon. For a few minutes, I looked directly into the meaninglessness and discovered I could not imagine a next moment. As I spontaneously stood up to take a walk, I was uncertain if there would be ground under my feet or if there would be a “next moment” into which to breathe. But my next steps and breaths brought me into a new world of startling colors, sounds, and smells. It was a world of radical intimacy. I was suddenly inside a greater meaning. I didn’t have to find it; it found me! I belonged. I was held. This was a mystery and I eventually set out to explore the experience, which resulted in my doctorate dissertation and book, Deep Change: Befriending the Unknown. My research revealed there are seven major shifts of Deep Change when we cooperate with its forces. Please note they are shifts and not steps. This is not a theoretical model, but a description of what we experience as we cooperate with the beckoning power of deep change. It is an organic dynamic and one you may recognize from your experiences. These shifts and their relationships to one another are quite navigational and supportive in personal Deep Change journeys. I offer you a story about a “Deep Change” client and highlight how she experienced each shift. As you read her story, keep in mind movement through the shifts

involves a progressive letting go of what is familiar and habitual, and an increasing opening to what is unknown and non-habitual.

A Story of a Deep Change Journey

Ann came to me out of concern for her son. At first, she spoke of moments in which she had flashes of pointlessness in her life. She found herself lamenting, “Is this all there is?” “What is the point?” Ann had a successful career, was happily married and had two children. Her feelings of pointlessness were troubling because she was the financial and emotional anchor in her family. Although she minimized these feelings, as she reflected, the feelings loomed larger and became more threatening. Ann was delving into a direct relationship with what I call the “felt lack.”

Deep Change is triggered by a “freefloating longing” which originates from a deeper dimension of the world longing for us to join with and with which to co-create. We are longing for this communion, too, but are often not fully conscious of our longing at the beginning of the journey. An aspect of Ann was already in dialogue with a longing for a new possibility of greater connection. This possibility was very real, which we will discover as her journey continues. At this point, Ann is only aware of the absence of that possibility in her current life, which she experiences as a “felt lack.”

Ann is in Shift 1, The Unsettling, and tries to ignore the existential questions gnawing at her, but the Unsettling indicates her desire to grow has become stronger than her desire to remain on familiar ground. Attempts to return to a previous homeostasis will not succeed. Over time, Ann developed the capacity to describe her feelings of pointlessness without a story attached to it. She became aware of a feeling of emptiness in her heart and allowed herself to enter this empty space. She described it as a place where she was not present. As Ann allowed herself to be present to this space, she entered Shift 2, The Opening during which the “felt lack” becomes an opening into new depths. I call these openings “tender spots” as they are where we are most vulnerable to joy and pain. Accepting our “felt lack” and dwelling within this place can be challenging, but well worth it. As Ann lived in the empty space of her heart, she felt a downward pull. Ann recognized this sensation was related to a yearning to be more connected to her Self and life. At this point, Ann enters Shift 3, The Unraveling, which is often experienced as a downward descent into our Self where we may encounter repressed experiences and/or new dimensions of our Self not yet realized. As Ann dropped into unfamiliar depths within herself, a strong memory emerged. When she was 16, she had a devastating horse riding accident which resulted in months in the hospital and multiple continued on page 28 >>

September/October 2015 Radiance


Mind << continued from page 27 surgeries. At this early age, Ann was confronted with her mortality and vulnerabilities. She lost her innate teenage invincibility.

Ann enjoyed art with a beloved high school art teacher before this accident. Also, both of Ann’s parents were artists and the economical stability of her family was constantly up or down. Her father also criticized Ann, her art, and her friends. During this Unraveling shift, Ann realized she decided then to turn away from art and focus on practical and financially-reliable pursuits. She quit her art classes and turned to business management in college. Ann experienced tremendous grief in the Unraveling, and felt the loss of a core part of her: the artist. After allowing the grief (allowing and dwelling within are the keys to cooperating with the Unraveling), Ann arrived at Shift 4, The Stilling. In the Stilling, we are suspended over a threshold demarking the outermost edges of our familiar Self and world identity. The Stilling can be a strange place and often feels as if there is no next moment and we might fall into complete nothingness. The truth is we are being pulled into the “now” where the future cannot be imagined as our imagining capacities have been stilled. The familiar lens through which we habitually project ourselves into the next moment has unraveled and we are unable to see the way ahead. What is being asked of us is to “be 28

Radiance September/October 2015

still” and open to this strange land. Ann experienced the Stilling as if she were in a “no man’s land.” Her former identity was no longer viable and she could not see what was ahead.

Although Ann felt an impending annihilation, she allowed herself to be open to the unknown and, quite literally, an invitation arrived for the 80th birthday celebration of her beloved high school art teacher. Ordinarily, Ann would not consider attending, with all of her unresolved and unconscious regrets, but, during the Stilling shift, she was open and available to a spontaneous, non-habitual response to this invitation. It is at this point Ann becomes available for Shift 5, The Releasing, and she moves out of her familiar way of being. The Releasing is often experienced as liberation from the confines of our familiar structure where we discover we are not nothing; rather, we are a no-thing — a freedom where we can be more of our essential nature. This release involves a spontaneous, non-habitual opening to what feels like nothing. To surrender requires great courage. While at the birthday party, Ann stood in the reception line, which again was not her typical behavior. When she met up with her beloved teacher their eyes welled up in tears. Her teacher had obviously felt great grief many years ago when her talented student turned away from art. This mutual recognition readied Ann for Shift 6, The Spreading.

In the Spreading, we discover a remarkable capacity. As our awareness is released from the confines of our familiar structure, we open to the wild world calling us! This beckoning world, as opposed to our familiar world, is less under the spell of causal time and distance and more a world of radical interconnectivity. As the liberated spark of our essential awareness spreads into this dimension, we experience being intimately connected and belonging to a larger otherness. Ann’s essential self (the artist) had gazed into the beckoning eyes of her teacher and there was a mutual understanding and recognition. As Ann left the party, she felt more alive and connected to the life around her than she had in years. The stars, the night sky, the air, and the smells were both wild and intimate. She felt intensely alive!

When Ann returned home, she could not immediately go inside. Instead, she stayed on the patio and began, for the first time in years, to draw on a paper napkin. Sometime later, Ann created an art studio for herself, began taking art classes and suddenly found herself surrounded by creative artists. Although she did not leave her job at first, it was clear she felt much more connected to her Self and world. Ann enters Shift 7, The Holding. In the Holding, our free-floating longing, which appeared in the Unsettling in Shift 1, is now fulfilled. We draw a new, broader horizon of our self and world identity. We find a new compass in our heart which

resonates with the “true north.”

In the Holding, we practice new ways of being, experience new capacities which bring us greater empathy and ability to see from multiple perspectives simultaneously. At some time in the future, we may outgrow this sphere and launch again into the cycle of Deep Change.

Eventually, Ann left her job and, as I write this, I hope to someday bear witness to her art in local galleries. My vision hope is that by understanding the entire cycle of Deep Change and the relationships between the 7 shifts, we will

have greater faith in allowing the challenging experiences which will appear in the first four shifts, and we will not give up.

This is a critical time, as our culture itself, is in the Unraveling and needs us to support safe passage for one another and ourselves. The pull toward Deep Change originates from deeper dimensions in the world, with which we will ultimately create a more vibrant and authentic community. Deep Change illustrates how we grow and transcend ourselves.

Susan P. Plummer, PhD, has been a psychotherapist in private practice for 30 years. She holds a doctorate degree from Saybrook Institute, and a graduate degree from Berkeley’s School of Social Welfare. Dr. Plummer lives in Santa Barbara, where she directs the Alliance for Living and Dying Well. She has a passionate interest in experiences of major life transitions, and is the author of Deep Change: Befriending the Unknown, which grew out of her doctoral research. A popular speaker and workshop presenter, she can be contacted through her website at www.susanpplummer.comor through PenPower Book Marketing Services at 505-395-3540.

September/October 2015 Radiance



Margo Mateas

Life Action Plan 5 Ways to Find Your Inner Compass and Uncertainty As the creator of the Career Cards, I often see people who are in transition and don't know what to do next. They have come to a fork in the road which requires them to change their concept of who they are, or realign themselves with their Divine Purpose in some way. Sometimes they arrive at this place through an inner drive they can't explain; other times outside circumstances intervene to force them onto a new path.

This has happened many times during my life. Usually, the answer was simply to work in a different industry or a new place. However, in 2006, on the way home from a business trip, I asked the angels to tell me who I was, and what I was supposed to do. To my surprise, they refused!

When I asked why, they said, “You would not believe us.�


Radiance September/October 2015

Boy, were they right! At the time, I was a top corporate trainer making a six-figure income helping executives master media

interviews and public speaking. I was comfortable and cushy in my lush corporate life and had no plans to leave it.

Even though I had always used my intuition at work, and done Tarot and Rune readings for more than 20 years, I'd never thought of doing it professionally. So the notion I would create a unique Oracle deck to help people understand and live their life purpose was entirely inconceivable. The idea of actually making a living as a psychic? Utterly preposterous.

Yet, through a series of events over which I had no control (including a big tornado and the recession), this is exactly what I did. And I love it. Coming to Terms with the Changes

The strange feeling of not being at home in your old life or work is happening to millions of people all around the world. Like many Lightworkers, you have been deep undercover and have simply forgotten your true nature and your real mission. You are being awakened to a sense of who you really are and what you are supposed to do.

1. Let Go and Accept the Process Understand this is happening, and let go. Trust it. Surrender to

Sure your ego will scream, and you will resist, but realize this is happening for a reason. It will make the process faster and easier.

The answers to why you feel the way you do and the events happening right now are within you. They are tucked away in your DNA, in your thoughts, in your deepest gut feelings. If you take off the ego-driven mindset which says you have to be a certain thing or make a certain amount of money, you won't hear the voice of your soul. However, the soul has your answers. Listen to it. 3. Seek the Counsel

of Wise Ones

If you search within and come up with nothing, it's probably because you can't imagine your true Divine purpose or because you are too attached to the life you have now to let it go willingly.

This is the time when you can turn to psychics, mediums or shamans, go into nature, or do vision quests and retreats to help you receive and integrate

the message.

Ask your guides and angels to direct you to the right channel who will make it all clear for you. It will happen.

4. Trust the Process

2. Talk With Yourself

Now, it's just a matter of coming to terms with it and exploring what will come to you. Following are five things you can do to help make this realignment as easy as possible:

it. It's not going away. You will continue to be redirected until you let go and allow yourself to be moved onto the right path so you can do what you came here to do.

You did not become who you are in an instant. It took time to develop into who and what you are right now, both personally and professionally. It is not possible to shed one identity and immediately step into another one.

Becoming who you really are takes time and a loving, adventurous commitment to the process. Be patient and understanding with yourself. Approach it with a sense of excitement and adventure. It takes time 5. Join Others Who Are on the Same Path of Discovery

When you are going through the unraveling process, and things begin to break down, it's easy to get depressed and angry and think the Universe has it out for you.

Being around others who are going through the same thing is healing and empowering. It shows you this is a Universal process we are all undergoing. It has a purpose and a timeline.

You will emerge from it whole, strong, and capable - SO much continued on page 32 >>

September/October 2015 Radiance



<< continued from page 31 more than you ever imagined. Join spiritual groups and organizations, subscribe to metaphysical podcasts and webinars, take classes and workshops, and immerse yourself in the journey. You will find yourself in someone and they will find themselves in you.

new gifts and connects you to your guides so you can begin to live your true Life Purpose. The group meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 7- 8:30 p.m. at the Temple of Light in Irvine. Cost is only $25 per session. To enroll, call 949-333-1641.

The path to your ultimate destiny is yours and yours alone. It is deeply personal, one which involves great surrender of the old ego-self and opening up to what is trying to emerge within you. My path involved losing many, many things (more on this later) – but I gained astonishing new psychic and healing abilities, a loving partner, and a completely compassionate, and supportive community -- things I never had before, even when I thought I “had it all.” You Will Find Your Way

Have you lost your confidence or self-esteem? Do you want to discover your hidden talents? Do you have a difficult time making the right choices? Do you want to get “unstuck” from pain and old patterns?

Do you want to find your life path? The Life Path Action Plan Workshop with Margo Mateas

Rest assured: You are not crazy. You are not defective. You have not broken down. You are simply being dismantled and rearranged in a new, different order.

There IS a profound, perfect reason for this process. You will emerge from it as a butterfly from the cocoon ...transcendent and in an entirely new form. Who knows who and what you will become? It may totally blow your mind! Want Support For Your Journey?

The Life Plan Action Course helps you understand your Self, uncover 32

Radiance September/October 2015

Margo M. Mateas is an intuitive strategist and spiritual advisor who helps people around the world. She is the creator of the Career Cards, a powerful and unique oracle, used in 14 countries which delivers practical advice for life, career, and relationships. Margo works directly with the Archangels to do energetic clearings and chakra work over the phone resulting in immediate transformations. She is a teacher at the Temple of Light offering her Life Plan Action Course. To reach Margo, visit her website at www.margomateas. com or

Creator of “Career Cards”

Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday from 7-9 p.m. $25.00 for Non-members Register at Career Cards are available in our Gift Shop


11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618 For more information, please call 949.333.1641.

9 Steps to Forgiveness By Frederic Luskin, PhD

When we suffer slights, hurts, and betrayals, it's natural to be upset with people who hurt us. However, holding onto a grudge too deeply or too long can wreak havoc on our mental and physical health by increasing stress, blood pressure and heart rate, and affect our immunity.. Forgiveness entails letting go of resentment or vengeance toward an offender and making peace with what happened so you can move on. Because forgiveness can be daunting, I have designed nine steps to walk you through the process of forgiving someone. It will take time and be initiated when you are ready and have grieved the wrong. Practicing forgiveness can strengthen relationships and reduce toxic feelings of stress and anger as well as boost happiness and optimism. I have used these steps worldwide as Director of the Stanford Forgiveness Projects. There is no timetable for practicing forgiveness. Each person forgives at

his/her pace as some offenses are more damaging. We have childhood wounds which make healing hurts difficult. First learn to forgive an offense committed by someone with whom you have a good relationship, like your parents, children, friends, and partners. After forgiving them, practice forgiving someone who has hurt you with whom you are not close. Once you practice forgiveness at this level, try to heal difficult wounds, if you have any.

1. Know how you feel about what happened and tell a trusted friend about your experience. 2. Vow to feel better. Forgiveness is for you.

3. Forgiveness does not mean reconciling with the offender or condoning the deed. Instead seek peace and understanding which come from blaming people less and taking the offenses less personally. 4. Get the right perspective on what is happening. Recognize the distress is coming from hurt feelings and thoughts now, not from what hurt you 10 years ago.

5. When you feel upset, practice stress management. Soothe your fight or flight response by breathing deeply, taking a walk, or whatever is most effective. 6. Quit expecting things from people who choose not to give. Hope for health, love, friendship, and prosperity, and work hard to get

them; but these are "unenforceable rules:� You will suffer when you demand them. 7. Put your energy into looking for ways to get your positive goals met rather than through the experience which has hurt you. Focus on your positive intention. 8. A life well lived is your best revenge. Do not focus on wounded feelings or giving power to the person who caused you pain. Look for love, beauty, and kindness. Appreciate what you have, not what you do not. 9. Give up your story of victimization as you remind yourself of your heroic choice to forgive.

These steps can help shift your mental attention away from negative events. which can decrease stress levels and improve your health. Appreciate the positives experiences. Receive kindness and love which can increase happiness and improve relationships.

Dr. Luskin’s and other’s research has confirmed the virtues of forgiveness in the promotion of psychological, relationship and physical health. Forgiveness reduces anger, hurt, depression and stress and leads to greater feelings of optimism, hope, compassion and self confidence. Dr. Luskin serves as Director of the Stanford Forgiveness Projects, a series of workshops and research projects investigating the effectiveness of his forgiveness methods on different populations. The forgiveness project has explored forgiveness therapy with people who suffered from the violence in Northern Ireland, Sierra Leone and the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11. He offers presentations and classes.

September/October 2015 Radiance



Ana Weber, PhD, CPC

Ask Ana

Why is Life So Diffficult?

Sometimes we wonder and ponder on the following deep questions: Why is my life so difficult? Why me? Why now? When is it going to change? What am I doing wrong? And the questions appear filling our heads with despair, loss, and overwhelming sensations. I can relate and validate your feelings. In reality, every one of us experienced at least one or more of these situations and felt drowning in life instead of flowing with life at the time.

I recall some moments clearly. I was 33, single Mother of one son, and my Mother was living with us since her husband passed away.

Looking back, it seems so clear to me now, but at the time I was lost and terribly unhappy. I was in the corporate world and earned a good salary. My 13-year-old son was going to private school. He did his homework with no trouble. We were close and best of friends. His father was involved and there were no emotional issues hanging over our 34

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shoulders. I had a group of delightful girlfriends and occasionally a male friend, but nothing serious. I wasn’t ready for a commitment or serious relationship. I had designer clothes. I took yoga classes and was fit and attractive. Mom helped me with my son and her cooking was a tremendous support since I was working more than 60 hours a week. However, this did not bother me. So what went wrong and why was I so unhappy? As I said before, I was in the corporate world and loved dressing up for work, juggling my career, feeling important and validated. But one day my bubble burst into the thin air. Mom came home after taking a physical exam and said calmly and clearly, “The doctor found a small tumor on my left breast. It is cancer driven stage 1 and has to be removed as soon as possible.” My son looked at her amazed and said, “What? When? Whaa?”

Mom answered softly, “The surgery is in two days and that’s that.” I realized at that moment she would need to stay home for a while get her back on her feet and obviously

she would not be able to help. But the word “cancer” scared us the most.

I was upset. My world seemed shaky. I told Mom, “Don’t worry. I will reduce my hours and be with you. My son’s father will help more with our son. Everything will be great.” She looked at peace and smiled.

The next day, I walked into the President’s office and asked for a brief meeting. He said, “Of course. What’s on your mind?” I shared my situation at home and he frowned.

“Sorry, dear,” he said, “you know how important your position here is, but we cannot cut back working hours. You are welcome to take a few days off, but nothing else.” That moment I froze and was speechless. I said, “Thank you,” and walked out of his office.

I knew I had to make a huge life decision, but how can I juggle and choose when my mother’s situation is impacting life, faith, and reality. While driving home, I knew I would have to resign from my position. I

went home and said nothing to my family. I would dip into my savings and be there for Mom. The rest will happen as they say, “Queue sera, sera.”

I resigned and stayed with Mom longer than expected – four months to be precise. She needed help. My savings were depleted, but I felt at ease and comfortable with my decision.

To top it off, the insurance policy paid only 90% the medical bills. When the oncologist sent us his final bill, I knew I was in trouble. We owed $6,000. By then, my Mom and the Oncologist were friendly. He was inspired by my Mother’s inner strength and faith. I called him the next day and apologized for not sending the final payment. He sounded okay and jokingly asked, “It’s okay, but since I am a huge art collector, do you have anything I could trade for the remaining balance?”

Ana went from being a penniless immigrant from Eastern Europe to starting over in Israel and the United States, eventually becoming a successful executive and entrepreneur. She took a company from annual revenues of $250,000 to $62 million in five years, and another from $100,000 to $12 million in three years. Despite the recession, she tripled sales to $30 million at her current company. Ana is a financial turnaround and time management expert who specializes in coaching entrepreneurs of small to medium-sized businesses. She helps owners align their passion

and values with their business goals and life dreams. She gives them practical concepts and tools to apply to their money and time management issues, business and personal relationships, as well as how a healthy lifestyle and mindset can contribute to boosting energy and business success. Her warmth of spirit, sense of possibility and resilience come through in her coaching, writing and relationships. She extracts lessons from every part of her fascinating life and career to help others achieve their own success.

Are your relationships troubled? Do you want to change careers? Is money an issue for you? Do you want to lose weight, but not diet? Is change a challenge?


At that moment, I was staring at one of the original oil paintings we had for many years, a piece of the “Sighing Bridge in Venice Italy.” I said, “Yes. I could bring the painting to your office tomorrow.”

And I did. He loved it and wrote off the outstanding balance with a smile.

The best thing happened a week later. I landed a job much closer to home; less hours and more pay. It worked out fabulously. The choice is ours to cherish and own always. It always does! Mom is still here and I am grateful for making the choice.

Lifestyle Leadership Coach Bestselling Author Founder of 360 degreesofsuccess course on APP

p: 949-422-1830 e: w: September/October 2015 Radiance





Keys to Achieving Your Vision

e all have a Divine vision, but what is it which drives us to stay on that path and see it to fruition? Let me


Radiance September/October 2015

By Cindy Ashton start by sharing a bit of my story and what I discovered along my journey‌ It all when I was swimming in my mom’s belly as a tiny, peanut-sized

fetus. I glided inside her uterus, stopping frequently to sport jazz hands and to do a couple of fancy turns. Yes, my soul always knew I was destined to grace stages across

world. I already had the vision of my purpose, as we all do, from conception. When I was born, my body had other plans for me. I had congestive heart failure and the whole left side of my body was structurally damaged. Throughout my childhood were ongoing surgeries and hospital stays.

But I had a vision and nothing was going to stand in my way. I became a fighter – someone who would push boundaries and keep going until I reached my destination. It didn’t matter I had physical limitations. I was the underdog who never veered from my vision and who would stand up for other devoted soul’s going against the grain. It was part of my DNA. Just as who you are and where you are meant to travel is part of yours. We have all visions. Some fleeting. Some not. So what really is vision?

True vision is something deep in our souls, undeniable, relentlessly driving us forward when we have the gumption to say yes to it (while many in our circle think we have lost our marbles!). It is something which begins with little pinches and grows into an ongoing nagging we cannot deny. Key #1: Trust yourself above all others

Along the path, we come to a moment when we must make a choice to trust ourselves above all others. In pursuing my vision to

perform and speak, I listened to my voice above doctors, my family, friends, teachers, and industry experts who said I didn’t have what it takes. It is about trusting your inner voice and going where the openings takes you. Key #2: Keep an unrelenting focus on the end result

What I have learned is we all have a Divine vision within us and it is only achieved when we are willing to boldly step up and laser focus in on it. It is the single-minded fierceness which opens the gates to seeing it through brilliantly. Imagine it this way: You know your destiny is on the other side of the ocean. You decide to send a message in a bottle to say, “Here I come.” You pull out the empty bottle of last night’s chardonnay. You start writing out the vision and doubt creeps in – “Can I really do this? Maybe I should ask for less. Maybe I need to start small. Is this really want I want? Hmmm… perhaps I will send a few notes so I have options.”

The bottle is thrown into the ocean, rides on the back of whale and is tossed onto the shore of this brave new land. When the bottle is opened, there is so much “noise” in there from the different messages the receiver has no idea what action to take. It is all muddled. Nothing happens. Being willing to declare what you want and courageously stick to it, no matter what, is what gets you there ultimately.

Key #3: Being uncomfortable for a prolonged period of time. Relentless commitment can be scary, but it can also be exhilarating. It is the gateway to crossing the ocean successfully. I have seen it countless times. Every time I was willing to be uncomfortable despite being so far outside my box and truly speak exactly what I wanted, my life deepened in unimaginably beautiful ways. For years now, despite my health challenges, I have been gracing stages across the world and training my courageous clients on how they, too, can step onto the stage and make an impact in their field. It is your turn. Go for it. Be it. You got this! Cindy Ashton is a speaking voice and presentation skills trainer, singer/ entertainer and speaker with 15+ years experience touring and training across North America, on multiple platforms. Rejecting the old model of posing and gesturing which turns people into robots, her work goes deep to get her clients to unleash their natural magnetism and connect authentically. She has received awards from both President Obama and the Queen of England for her lifetime of volunteerism and has appeared in multiple media, including on the front page of the Lifestyle section of the Times and in Performance Magazine alongside Donald Trump. Connect with Cindy: 888.443.5102, visit, or email

September/October 2015 Radiance


Body Sonia Gordon

The Nightingale Way Caring for Caregivers

Are you one of the 65 .7 million or 30% of U.S. adults care who for someone who is ill, disabled or aged. Many times they are in the background and what they do goes unnoticed. And because someone may not notice it, they end up feeling stressed, unappreciated, and unsupported. At some point in our lives, we are all caregivers. It may be episodic, like checking on a neighbor or It might be caring for a grandchild while his parents are working. Or you may be caring for a parent, spouse, family member, or friend long term. It is a job which deserves recognition and attention, and often, this falls by the wayside. It’s time for a change! It’s time to appreciate you, support you, and care for you. Everyone wants to be seen and appreciated. No matter who you are, what you do, we all appreciate being appreciated. Caregiving can be stressful. Most of us come into it by necessity, and with little guidance. In this issue, we begin with suggestions to help relieve the stress of being a caregiver. 1. Take care of yourself


Caregivers are such giving people and sometimes Radiance September/October 2015

they forget to take care of themselves. Unless you recharge your batteries, you are not going to be able to sustain the energy to care for someone else. Be sure to eat right, get rest, and do something you enjoy. Meditate, go to a yoga class. Pay attention to the things you do when you are stressed. Do you over-indulge in sweets, food, or alcohol? Don’t beat yourself up about it. Take it as feedback you need to care for yourself. Then do it!

2. Stay connected

When you have lots to do, you may feel there isn’t time to stay in touch. Don’t disappear from your community of family and friends. They are your best resource and great stress relievers. Have coffee with a friend, take a few minutes to call or send a text. These relationships are important.

3. Ask for help

Many people say, “If you need anything, let me know.” They would love to help, but they aren’t mind readers. They don’t know what you need. You don’t have to be a superhero and do everything yourself. Give them the opportunity to be of service!

4. Use your resources

Many insurance plans have care managers or social workers who can help you arrange services, or determine what you need. If your loved one has been in the hospital, talk to the discharge planner so things can be set up before the person leaves the hospital. Once you get the person home, go online to find information on community parks

and recreation. Look under Community Services, Senior Services, or check in with your church for faith-based services.

5. Acknowledge Yourself

Each day, pause and acknowledge yourself for caring for the person. Honoring the care you provide makes a difference to the person. It really does. And, it’s all right to say so!

What you do is important! It is possible to find balance. There are many rewards which come with the challenges! When you are centered and balanced, you can appreciate the challenges – and the gifts which come with being of service. Sonia Gordon, DNP, FNP is a Doctor of Nursing Practice and a Family Nurse Practitioner. She holds a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology. and is the creator of The Nightingale Way, a training program which brings heart and compassion to health care. Her work helps nurse professionals and caregivers reconnect to their meaning and purpose, and brings these understandings to whole-person care to optimize health and healing. Watch for her upcoming book: The Nightingale Way. More info at www. or

September/October 2015 Radiance



Dr. Horning's

Chiro Corner

Hot or Cold: When to Use Each One One of the most common questions I get deals with the subject of when to apply heat or cold. Both have great properties and both can help you. But which one should you use if you are in pain? The main factor to determine this is the length of time the area has been injured. When using the right modality at the right time, you may see some promising results and experience relief. Let’s define the two types of pain.

Acute Pain

This pain is caused by a recent injury.. It could result from a sudden fall, accident, slip, impact, etc. If you fell off your bike and hurt yourself, the pain you feel would be considered an acute pain.

Chronic Pain

This pain results from an injury occurring a while ago, but never has healed. It could be from untreated whiplash, an old shoulder injury, poor posture, etc. Perhaps you “threw” your back out years ago and you think you just have to live with the injury.

When to Apply Cold

Using a cold pack or ice is recommended for acute pain. Cold decreases inflammation and swelling which can reduce pain. Apply cold for no more twenty minutes. If it feels too cold or starts to numb the area, put a towel or buffer around the cold pack and try again. Ice, if used incorrectly, can damage the area so be cautious with it. Also, be careful or use another option if you are having 40

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sensory issues. This especially applies to people with diabetes. You can re-apply the ice again later, typically, an hour to 90 minutes.


Heat is typically used for chronic pain. Heat increases blood flow and helps your body to heal. It also warms stiff muscles and relaxes tense muscles. The heat should be warm, not burning. If it feels too hot, put a towel or a buffer over it to decrease the temperature.

Just as I mentioned with cold, people with with sensory deficiencies should be careful. Applying heat up to twenty minutes is usually recommended and it can be applied throughout the day. Using these modalities can greatly help with decreasing pain and increasing range of motion. However, they do not always resolve the injury or underlying problem. I recommend you see your healthcare practitioner if the pain persists. You don't have "to live with the pain."

Heat or cold should not act as a Band-Aid especially if the pain lingers. Although, if properly applied they can greatly speed up the recovery time of an injury. If you tackle your injuries head on instead of toughing it out, you can heal faster and have a better quality life.

For more information on this topic check out my youtube video on the subject titled "Chiro Corner Episode 2-Heat vs Cold or check visit my website at

This article is intended for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any condition or disease.

The Chiropractic Office of Dr. Benjamin Horning

A second generation Chiropractor and Applied Kinesiologist, Dr. Benjamin Horning grew up in a holistic home. After seeing the power of these modalities, it became apparent what was the best course for him to take. He studied at the University of Maryland and received the unique degree of Agriculture and Resource Economics. The program showed him quickly the politics of our food system. He learned about the natural ways food can be grown and sold, as well as, the cheaper unhealthier ways. This experience shook him due to the openness in his education about the flaws in our food system. His time in Maryland helped him to properly look at nutrition without any political biases. Dr. Horning received his Chiropractic Doctorate at Southern California University of Health Sciences.

Dr. Horning’s staff treats the whole body through Chiropractic, Muscle Testing,and Nutrition. The focus is to heal your body through a natural, holistic approach.

While at school, he attained a Applied Kinesiology certification and was the school’s club president in the technique. He twice went to Washington, D.C. to fight for Chiropractic Rights in the new healthcare system. He graduated on the Dean’s List and was awarded Cum Laude. After school, he began his private practice and has treated thousands of patients, from professional athletes, veterans, the homeless, special needs patients, pregnancy patients, children, the elderly, entire families, wellness patients, and patients who saw holistic care as a last resort. Dr. Horning has seen it all and confronts each case with a smile. His passion comes from helping people. He is confident something can be done about it. An eternal optimist, Dr. Horning cares about restoring health and allowing his patients to flourish in whatever goals they have.

Compensation is negotiable.

We are looking for a part time recent grad or intern massage therapist to be a part of our growing office. This is a perfect learning opportunity in a fun, positive environment.

Contact us at 949.422.7698 or 25241 Paseo De Alicia #100, Laguna Hills, CA 92653

continued on page 42>>

September/October 2015 Radiance



5 Simply Powerful Ways to Take Care of Your Body By Rev. Basia Christ, PhD, AOA * *Angel on Assignment

Our body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.” ~ Buddha Our bodies are not indestructible, and there is only so far we can push them before they start to fail. I should know. I’ve spent five years improving my mental health by changing my attitudes, being more mindful, and practicing compassion and happiness. These things are ongoing, but I’ve given little time to caring for my body. When I''m stressed, I take time to breathe and think happy thoughts, but what have I been doing for my body? Following is my plan. I hope you consider implementing it, too: 1. Exercise

I’m not a huge fan because physical activity actually compounds the problems I experience with my body. But occasionally, when my joints aren’t screaming, I keep my 42

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limbs limber by going for a gentle walk with my pup, Belle. Even a little activity can have a huge impact.

2. Get plenty of sleep

If I'm tired, even when I feel I need to get more done, I give myself permission to sleep. I embrace sleep and my body thanks me for it.

3. Eat well and relish it

We are told to be aware of what we're eating and for good reason considering the state of the food we consume. Food is fuel, and we need it to function optimally. Relish the food you eat, too, and take your time. 4. Listen to your body's pain

When something hurts, something somewhere has gone wrong, and your body is trying to tell you that. These things, no matter how small, shouldn’t be brushed aside because they represent damage to our bodies.

5. Slow down

I tend to squeeze every second out of our day at record speed,. I know I cannot continue to do this because my flesh, bones, muscles, organs will eventually suffer. So I amm working on becoming a slow life advocate.

Our bodies are precious, so why do we neglect them on such basic levels so often? A serene mind really is nothing without a healthy body. Take an hour out of your day a few times a week to care for it. Sleep, eat, rest, get a massage. Wind things down. Pay attention. Rev. Basia Christ, has a Ph.D. in Transformational Counseling and is Executive Director of the Temple of Light and editor of Radiance. She is available for presentations on human trafficking, gender equality, being a living kidney donor, and Rising to Your Greatness. For more information, call 949.690.1257 or email

New Class

Healing the Wounded Child Within with Rev. Basia Beginning Monday, Oct. 5 & every Monday thereafter Non-member Donation $20 Held at

The Temple of Light 11 Goddard, Irvine 92618

To register, go to http:// healing-wounded-child-within

The Education Program created by Temple of Light Spiritual Community is honored to present a series of classes created by ...

Mystery Schools are ancient schools of wisdom and teachings that have stood the test of time, often by remaining in the shadows while sending their students out into the world as great leaders of their time. The Modern Mystery School, through its lineage holder, Gudni Gudnason, traces its lineage back over 3,000 years to the time of King Salomon and is one of the original Mystery Schools. Shauna Meryn Kossoff is a Guide member of The Modern Mystery School and is one who has the authority and training necessary to physically initiate people into this powerful path of self discovery. A life filled with joy, energy, and purpose is possible! Shauna can guide you on a journey where you will learn ancient tools for today's world and along the way discover yourself. The following classes will be offered individually or in packages. Max Meditation: 1 Hour Journeys with Spirit: 8 Hours Sanctuary Meditation: 2 Hours Divine Sacred Geometry I : 4 Hours Spiritual Intuition: 3 Hours Divine Sacred Geometry II: 8 Hours Awaken Thyself: 4 Hours Divine Sacred Geometry III: 8 Hours Astral Travel: 4 Hours Divine Sacred Geometry IV: 5 Hours 12 Root Races: 6 Hours Empower Thyself: 16 Hours (2 Days)

Go to for upcoming dates, time, registration information and pre-requisite information. Classes begin soon!


The next Fairs are September 5 -Noon to 6 p.m.

WINTER HOURS: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. October 3, November 3 and December 7 For more information, visit http://

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