May/June 2016 Radiance Magazine

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SPIRIT CHANGE is the HEART BEAT of GROWTH Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt STEP into Your POWER ... and FLY!

a publication for the Socially and Spiritually Conscious Community

2016: The YEAR of UNDOING

Monique Hemingway


Robyn Greenberg

Rev. Basia Christ, PhD HEALING through ART

VEDIC Astrology ASCENDANT and Stars

David Wells

Sanjay Aggarwal COLUMNS Inside a Real Session: Sherry Hopson Unity Church: Rev. Arlene Meyer




God is My Source, Of Course!: Rev. Annette Drake The Sensitive Coach: Rev. Johnnie Urban Animystic Adventures: Kara Udziela Modern Day Mastery & Mysticism: Laurie Reyon & Seth Healing Your Past Relationships: Nancy Kimes The Sound of Healing: Marcie Howard Doctor Designed Wellness: Dr. Doug DiSiena Transform Your Energy: Carol Leilani

Temple of Light SPIRIT

Publisher's Editorial: Change is the Heart Beat of Growth...................................................................... 4 By Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt

Spiritual Director and Founder of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, Publisher of Radiance Magazine, and Mentor to Spiritual Leaders, Holistic and Healing Arts Practitioners, Ambassadors to Seekers

Column: Inside a Real Session Dominance and Respect............................................ 7 By Sherry Hopson

Vedic Astrology Ascendant and Stars....................... 8 By Sanjay Aggarwal

Step into Your Power ... and FLY!............................. 10 By Rev. Basia Christ, PhD

Can Ghosts be Responsible for My Misfortunes?.12 By Robyn Greemberg

Column: God is My Source - Of Course! Stop Talking About What You Don't Want............. 14

MIND Column: Healing Your Past Relationships Feng Shui Your Heart.......................................... 28 By Nancy Kimes

Column: The Senstivie Coach 9 Things a Highly Sensitive Person Needs...... 30 By Rev. Johnnie Urban

Interesting Facts about the Summer Solstice................................................. 32 Column: Modern Day Mastery & Mysticism.... 33 By Laurie Reyon & Seth of the Omni-Dimensional Mystery School

Column: The Sound of Healing: ReikiSounds......................................................... 35 By Marcie Howard

By Rev. Annette Drake

2016: The Year of Undoing...................................... 16 By Monique Hemingway


Column: Unity Church - A Matter of Perception.... 17

Why Choose a Holistic Dentist?........................ 36

By Rev. Arlene Meyer

Healing Through Art.................................................. 19 By David Wells

Column: Animystic Adventures: Soulmate Pets Choose Us........................................ 21 By Kara Udziela

Special Events............................................................22 Recurring Workshops & Classes............................. 23 NEW PROGRAM: Yoga For Life................................ 24 Leadership Team....................................................... 25 Resource Directory.................................................... 26

MAGAZINE STAFF Published by Rev. Danielle Marie, Spiritual Director of Temple of Light Spiritual Community Rev. Basia Christ, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, Creative Director

By Dr. Ben Horning, D.C.

Column: Transform Your Energy Addictions can Be Healed Quickly! Really!.......41 By Carol Leilani


ON THE COVER Dr. Ben Horning, D.C.

8 Steps to Achieving Your Health Goals........... 38

Column: Doctor Designed Wellness "You Gave Me My Life Back".............................. 42 By Dr. Doug DiSiena

Radiance is published by The Temple of Light Spiritual Community, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA 92618. Publisher’s Liability: Radiance does not warranty any advertised services or products. Opinions and factual statements expressed herein are the responsibility of the authors and not necessarily endorsed or verified by the magazine, nor do any advertisements necessarily constitute endorsement by the magazine, publishers, or editors. Radiance is a free publication that is available at various metaphysical stores, health food locations, vegetarian restaurants, yoga studios, spiritual centers, coffee stands, and libraries throughout Orange County. If you would like copies at your location or recommend a site, please email or contact our office at (949) 333-1641. Office hours are from Monday to Saturday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Go to to view current and past issues of Radiance and share your thoughts! Annual subscriptions are available for $25. To submit an article for review, please email Rev. Basia, Editor-in-Chief at

May/June 2016 Radiance




hange is the Heart Beat of Growth By Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt


Founder, Visionary and Spiritual Director of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, Publisher of Radiance Magazine, Mentor to Spiritual Leaders, Holistic and Healing Arts Practitioners, and Ambassador to Seekers of Light

any years ago when I was in the process of separating from and divorcing my former husband, I was very much in tune with the feelings of our entire family, his and mine.

In particular, my English mother-in-law, who feared she would be estranged from her two granddaughters 4

Radiance May/June 2016

as we lived in California and she in England. I could feel her sadness when I spoke to her on the telephone. One day I was inspired to send her a greeting card and in it I wrote, “Through the passage of time some things change and others remain constant." I wanted to reassure her that her relationship with my daughters was as important to me as it was to her.


True to my word I made many trips to England over the following years and invited her and my fatherin-law to come and stay with us as well. Even after I subsequently remarried to my current husband, my relationship with them remained intact. And, even now, 20 years later, we still inquire about each other and send love and greetings.

Not all change comes with this much grace because too often we are afraid of what the changes will bring. What if we don’t like it? What if the process of it is too difficult? What if we make a mistake? What if we can’t go back to the way it was? Change is, of course, inevitable, even if we think we actually have the power to resist and prevent it. Have you ever called someone “stubborn” or “stuck in their ways?" Has someone called you this? I am generally okay with change because I have learned to embrace it and make the outcome as good as possible. I employ more than a silver lining attitude to it. In fact, I usually create a mind set of excitement to see what it will bring and focus on the positive aspects of it. However, from time to time, I would hear my inner voice saying “no” at the onset of something I was not prepared for, did not want to have happen or it appeared not to be going the way I wanted it.

I was recently nominated by one of my dearest friends as a candidate for an award to recognize women who are creating change and influencing other women for the better. In the finalist profile forms I was sent were a number of thought provoking questions. There was one which remains forward in my memory. The question was “Who taught you your most important lesson in business and what was the lesson?”

I answered with a memory of my uncle who I worked for in my early career. He told me “No decision is the worst decision. Gather as much information in any given situation and make the best decision you can with what you have. You can always course correct later as new information comes forth”. He recently passed in the Spring of 2015 and I will always remember those words as they were formative

in my career. He meant keep moving forward and don’t be arrested with fear of the unknown. The unknown will eventually reveal itself and you can deal with when it does. Until that time, you can’t do anything with it, so move on. He helped me become the trail blazer that I am today.

Knowing what to keep about ourselves and what to change in my opinion is one of the most powerful tools of personal intimacy we can ascribe to. Many people raised an eyebrow to me, including my current in laws, at my devoted relationship to my former ones. I also receive similar responses when I am forthright in dropping something that isn’t working and finding a new way of doing something.

How do I know which to keep and which to discard? Intuition, and sometimes, quite honestly, a little role of the dice. What is most important is make a decision, to stay or move, in any given situation and know that one minute from now you have an opportunity to make new decision. Time and space are constantly moving. If we choose to move with it, we can go along for the best ride of our life. In the famous words of “The Borg” from Star Trek the Next Generation, “Resistance is futile”. Change is always for the better regardless of how we feel about it.

Rev. Danielle is a Master TheaHealer® who practices a healing art primarily on ThetaHealing®, but with several personal additions and modifications. Her sessions are life-changing, creating shifts in her clients’ perceptions resulting in the most positive changes imaginable. Rev. Danielle has been a student of metaphysics since 2002 and studied under several mentors, including Vianna Stibal an Dr. Doreen Virtue.

As a metaphysical minister, she believes in the innate intuitive ability gifted to each of us. Teaching this and witnessing healings has become her life’s work and passion. She believes we can live free from pain and suffering and be in a state of peace and joy. Contact Rev. Danielle by email at revdanielle@templeoflightoc. org.

May/June 2016 Radiance


Ready to take your spiritual practicehigher? higher? If you answered "ABSOLUTELY!" ... register now for these unique UCC


classes with Rev. Danielle!


"I AM"Mentorship Program Group Discussion


"I AM" Mentorship: Channeling the Masters


24 Weeks: Spiritual Healing Fundamentals

Ongoing Wednesdays ,10 a.m. to 12 p.m. - $25 Philosophical class to conduct an open forum of discussion on any topic in the Universe as a whole. Includes a meditation and channeling for any questions or queries brought up in the lecture.

Ongoing Thursdays, 7 to 9 p.m. - $25

Each week students will work with the Ascended Masters with lecture, meditations and opportunity to demonstrate channeling either in private or with the group. Ongoing Saturdays (no meetings on 1st Saturdays)

9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - $44 Learn the most relevant Ancient Wisdom practiced by Lemurians, Atlanteans and Ascended Masters. Lecture, Attunements, Meditations and hands-on practical application are a part of each class. Topics include: Cosmic Consciousness, Time and Space, Parallel Dimensions, Law of the Universe, Karma, Soul Contracts, Akashic Records and more!


16 Weeks: Conscious Anatomy, Medical Intuitive Certification Course


How to Build an Empowered Healing Arts Practice

Ongoing Saturday,s (no meetings on 1st Saturdays)

1 to 4 p.m. - $44 Learn how unresolved emotions and beliefs adversely affect the body and how to scan the systems to address the beliefs which create "dis-ease" and "dis-order" with lecture, meditation and hands on scanning practice. Topics include: Heart, Brain, Endocrine, Reproductive, Respiratory, Immune, Skeletal Systems, and more! Sunday, June 12 - 12 to 4 p.m. lecture time plus two one hour personal followup sessions - $297 (VALUE $450)

Whether your healing arts practice is a hobby, part- or full-time, this course will get you started or enhance your existing practice. We will provide needed tools so you can bring your work to those who need you.

* Use Your Patron Member Discount

To register for one ... or ALL ... of these classes, please contact Rev. Danielle at 949.244.1960, email or call the Temple of Light at 949.333.1641.


Radiance May/June 2016

Sherry Hopson

Inside a Session

Dominance and Respect Have you ever found yourself surrounded by dominant people and couldn’t get a word in edge wise or struggled to gain respect from authority? Stacy wanted to know why she was always attracting dominant people. Her bosses, boyfriends and some of her friends always started out to be nice but would turn mean and dominating after a period of time.

Looking at the energy behind these events, her root chakra and throat chakra were blocked and affected by fragmentations from a past life which occurred when she was the daughter of a baker who emigrated from Switzerland during the late 1800’s. They were poor and she began working in his shop when she was 5. Her father, short tempered and strict, never allowed his children to have any baked goods or supplies. Her older sister said Stacy could take some chocolate. When she did, her father whipped her for taking some. From that time on, she was never allowed in the shop by herself and had to work harder than any of her siblings. Stacy was in shock as she said every time she ate chocolate she got violently ill. She was tested for allergies, but none could be found. She also said when people are upset with her, she breaks out in welts. The fragments from her past life were connected to her source chakras vs karmic chakra which create stronger, physical reactions. When someone is surrounded by dominant individuals, normally a lesson of inner power needs to be learned. However, in this case, Stacy was learning the lesson of respect and boundaries. She was also in the master soul group of the Care Taker which has the karmic energy of learning equality within one’s own needs.

her intelligence and problem solving abilities brings the energy back to the heart chakra to match her soul group of the Care Taker. The lesson of respect was affecting her root chakra which is also connected to financial stability. Therefore, it is important to balance the energy in that chakra to advance with financial success.

Stacy, a people pleaser came from the fear of not measuring up to people’s expectations of her which created a lack of respect. She had to understand her expectation of herself was high, but not high enough to break the energy cycles she created. Stacy eventually broke this cycle of energy by finding a level of equality and something she could respect in the next 23 people she met. As an added bonus, several weeks later Stacy got a new job with a higher income. Yeah Stacy!

Sherry Hopson has over 25 years’ experience, Internationally Renowned Intuitive Author Speaker and Radio Personality. She spent the first 26 years of her business career in corporate America working her way up to running a successful national finance firm, she left her position to follow her passion as a spiritual counselor. She is a past life and energy expert, and known for her unique energy clearing techniques.  Her specialty is working with a soul's progression of the emotional aspects of development from life time to life time and also the developmental process of the master soul groups. For more of Inside a Session, check out the newsletters at

BTRN & Journey into the Light Radio Listen Live on Mondays

Clearing the fragments and karmic chakras from a past life and mending the trigger points through the meridians so she could have chocolate without getting violently ill is only part of the healing process. Changing her perception of the aspects of dominance will create a different mirror of energy for her to portray in others. Like energy will always attract like energy. Dominance is not about power; however, the fear of no power. Redirecting her power to be within

May/June 2016 Radiance




edic Astrology Ascendant and Stars


edic Astrology is also called "Jyotisha" in Sanskrit. The word can be split into ‘Jyoti’ + ‘Isha’. ‘Jyoti’ means ‘Light’ and ‘Isha’ comes from ‘Ishwar’ meaning ‘God’. So Jyotisha means the ‘Light of God’ or the ‘Light Of Creation.' Deeply meditative yogis perceive this inner light in the space between the two eyebrows as a brilliant bubbling expanding light without a source. This light gives joy, peace, love and calmness to the meditating devotee. It helps us realize we are all born in that one image of God and we are part and parcel of that one unity which is binding this diverse world.

Vedic Astrology teaches us a soul enters a body in accordance with the past individual karma. The time, the place of birth, the family, the environment are given to the embodied soul as per the karma it is bringing from past lives. The law of karma states, “As you sow so shall you reap” meaning if one sows an apple seed, one gets an apple tree; if one sows a mango seed, one gets a mango tree; and, similarly, the kind of actions a human being has done in his or her previous incarnations the fruits of that actions (karma) one has to reap in this 8

Radiance May/June 2016

By Sanjay Aggarwal

current lifetime. Simply put, as Newtons third law of physics states, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." This means one has to go through certain events in this lifetime as per the karma of the previous incarnations. However, on the same token, if one does make supreme efforts to realize the non-dual light of God through regular deep meditation, then one has the potential to overcome the limitations of the individual karma and thus be free from all karma realizing the great Truth. In Vedic Astrology, the zodiac sign which rises in the east at the time of birth is called as the ‘Ascendant’ or ‘Lagna.' The sanskrit word ‘Lagna’ means ‘wish/desire/ effort.' So, the Lagna of the individual soul shows as to where the efforts were focused towards in the previous incarnations: whether they were primarily focused towards worldly pursuits or primarily focused towards realizing the Truth (spiritual efforts) or the efforts were mixed (both material and spiritual). The placement of the ascendant lord (lagna lord) in the individual horoscope is of paramount importance as it gives the overall well being of the native. Moreover, it

gives a universal message that no matter what karma a person brings from the previous lives that one should focus the efforts in this life towards realizing that great Light and seeing everyone as their very own made in the same divine image. We are all one and to develop love and compassion for everyone is true realization.

There are 24 hours in a day. There are 12 zodiacal signs. Since the earth’s orbit around the sun is elliptical, the movement of the earth through each zodiac sign is not linear. However, we can say it takes approximately two hours for the earth to move through each zodiac sign. From the point of view of the earth, a new sign rises in the east approximately every two hours. This sign is called as the Ascendant or Lagna. This means the Lagna changes approximately every two hours during the day. Lagna in esoteric terms means the ‘binding factor’ which ties the soul to the body because of past life attachments and gives it a status of ‘jivatma’ (embodied soul).

In Vedic Astrology, every sign has a backdrop of a particular constellation of stars. They are fixed and are called Nakshatras. ‘Naksha’ means ‘map’ and ‘tra’ comes from the sanskrit word ‘tara’ meaning ‘star’.' Therefore, Nakshatra means ‘star map.' Another meaning comes from ‘Na+Ksha+Tra.' ‘Na’ means ‘Not.' ‘Ksha’ means ‘destructible’ and ‘Tra’ means ‘controlling power.' So the word 'Nakshatra' means the ‘non-destructible controlling power of the great Spirit.' If one zooms into a zodiac sign, we see the beauty of the fixed stars behind each zodiac sign which are many light years away. In Vedic Astrology, we take 27 constellations known as 27 Nakshatras. The constant radiation of stars and planets affect those living on the earth every moment. The study of the influence of these radiation impulses on the planet Earth which affect us can be called as Jyotish or ‘Vedic Astrology.' There is a saying that Jyotish without Nakshatras is incomplete just as a human body is incomplete without eyes. Nakshatras are the divine eyes of Jyotish through which one studies the subtle star impulses which affect us on earth in relation to our karmic past. The position of the planets and the stars (nakshatras) which they lie in at the time of birth are drawn on a series of charts. These charts carrying the positions of

the planets in particular stars make up the individual horoscope of the native which are studied to guide the native in the current life. These astrological charts portray the karmic past and the scope of future results to come in this lifetime which may be altered through ancient Vedic Remedies given by the Sages and Saints from the ancient past. OM Tat Sat About the Bhrigu Meditation Center

At the Bhrigu Meditation Center we teach the ‘Foundations of Vedic Astrology’ (Jyotish) in a class room setting to bring this esoteric astrological science and knowledge of the saints to the current generation. All are invited to inquire about the class schedules, fees and content and attend. Also, at the Bhrigu Meditation Center the art of withdrawing the mind and settling in the depths of the inner soul is taught by meditative techniques called as “Gita Divya Kriya Yoga”. Daily ‘satsang’ is given from the ancient hindu scriptures like the ‘Shrimad Bhagwad’, ‘Shrimad Bhagwad Gita’, ‘Mahabharat’, ‘Ramacharitmanas’, ‘Yog Darshan’ and more. All are invited to come and benefit from these esoteric ancient meditative techniques taught by the great Sages and Saints from time immemorial. All are also invited to listen to daily Satsang. Bhrigu Meditation Center, 26242 Dimension Drive, Suite 250, Lake Forest, CA 92630. Contact Sanjay Aggarwal by, (714) 615-9225, or visit www.

May/June 2016 Radiance




tep into Your Power ... and FLY! By Rev. Basia Christ, PhD


he Universe moves in mysterious ways ... and doth have a sense of humor! I know for a fact this is true because the Universe has turned my life completely upside down, inside out, and flipped it over a few times for good measure.

I have been Executive Director at the Temple for almost two years. When I came on board, Rev. Danielle and I discussed what we both knew: This was going to be a temporary position which worked out well for both of us. After my spiritual journey began in 2005, I had no idea where I would be taken. I just let go and let the Universe


Radiance May/June 2016

make the decisions as the ones I made didn't always turn out well. I had always been impatient. If I was not making progress fast enough, I would force the issue, twisting it and making it fit into my calendar. I have since learned "God has His Own Calendar" as I was told this during a strange meditation. The Universe shouted this in response to my yelling at God things weren't happening fast enough for me. That was the old Basia. The new and improved Basia has learned, mostly the hard way, things have to "simmer" until all the flavors have combined to make a tasty feast fit for a Queen - me!

During March, I began offering private consultations to clients to guide them through trauma, release their negative baggage, and find peace. On March 31, I received national accreditation for a year-long Masters Program and became a M.I.N.D.S. Alternative Holistic Psychology Master. April 4 was the last day of my teaching the 26-week program called Embracing Your Inner Child at the Temple on Monday nights. April 8 was my last day as Executive Director at the Temple of Light.

Rev. Basia Christ has a Ph.D. in Transformational Counseling and became a M.I.N.D.S. Alternative Holistic Psychology Master in March 2016. She is accepting clients who want to work one-on-one to let go of negative baggage, heal trauma and embrace their wounded inner child.. To schedule a 60-minute FREE consultation, please call 949.690.1257, email, or visit

To register for "Step Into Your Power ... I have finally stepped into my power; I've leaped off and FLY" classes, please visit www.meetup. the cliff and never looked down from where I had been. com/South-Orange-County-Step-Into-YourI only looked up ...past the moon, past the stars, and Power-and-FLY. knew it was time to become who I am meant to be - a full time teacher and counselor.

As of the first week in May, I began teaching "Step into Your Power ... and FLY!" at the Temple of Light on the 2nd and 4th Monday nights from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Awakenings in Laguna Hills on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and Vision & Dreams in Costa Mesa on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. as well as every Tuesday morning at a local domestic violence shelter as a volunteer. There were times when I doubted this would happen. My inner critic was - yes WAS - very strong and dominated my thoughts. NO MORE!

While writing my book, From Ash to Flame: Women Rising, I found the secret to life: not to serve, but to be of service. It has taken me a few more years to step out of my way and find the courage to "let go and let God" provide the courage and resources for me to step into my power. I thank Rev. Danielle for her guidance and support in my decision as well as Choury DeVelle, Dr. Nicole Sirota, Deborah Shea, Targol Nejad, Faiz Mashood, D.C., and Marcie Howard for their friendship. I thank the exhibitors of the Holistic Healing Fair I worked with closely. I am not saying "good-bye;"I will attend the fairs promoting Radiance as the Editor and Creative Director and my classes and practice, too. I look forward to guiding others as they find the courage and faith to "step into their power ... and FLY!"


Each class is $20 and they begin at: Awakenings 25260 La Paz, D1, Laguna Hills, CA from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 4, and the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays thereafter. Temple of Light 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA from 7 to 9 p.m. on Monday, May 9, and every 2nd and 4th Mondays thereafter, Visions & Dreams 2482 Newport Blvd., #1, Costa Mesa, CA from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, May 12, and the 2nd and 4th Thursdays thereafter. Questions? Contact Rev. Basia at 949.690.1257, May/June 2016 Radiance




an Ghosts Be Responsible for My Misfortunes? By Robyn Greenberg


ince I can remember, there was always a lack of love and warmth in my home. My mom struggled with depression and often complete strangers had to take care of me. When I was a little girl I couldn’t understand why my mom was always sad, unkempt, and didn’t have the strength to drop me off at school. When I was senior in high school, my mom started to take psychotropic drugs and mixing them with alcohol. No therapy, conversation, or plea could help her. I 12

Radiance May/June 2016

decided to go to a college far away from her because I thought I would lose my mind if I stayed.

I graduated with honors and few days before I picked up my diploma, I was offered a high-paying job in a financial firm. Two years later, I met my husband.

I don’t know exactly when I started to feel bad, but these bad feelings slowly took control of my life.

First, I felt tired constantly even though I slept up to nine hours at night. I began to experience horrible

migraines and stomach aches. Next, I stopped having interest in the things I loved doing. My husband and I argued more often about petty things; sometimes I felt like I would explode during our fights.

The worst was the feeling of constant emotional pain and states of irrational anxiety. My doctor prescribed antidepressants and anxiety meds. I spent the next two years talking to therapists and taking a variety of drugs, but nothing helped. One day I saw an television interview with Wanda Pratnicka, an exorcist from Poland. She was talking about people who suffered from symptoms similar to mine. She said these symptoms could be caused by souls who didn’t cross to the other side after death and attached themselves to a living person. Wanda claimed she has helped tens of thousands of people around the world for more than 45 years. A few of her clients were also being interviewed with her. She mentioned she only helps people at a distance and doesn’t need to have direct contact with her client. I called Wanda’s office to ask for her help for me and my mom since she struggled all her life, also. When I received the confirmation both of us have souls attached, I asked for us to be registered for the socalled “cleansing.”

After a month of cleansing, I noticed I had become much calmer and the feeling of sadness was less intense. After two months, I felt as if the heavy burden I had been carrying was taken away. My mood improved significantly. And my mom?

After two months, she arrived at my home without any announcement. At first I did not recognize the woman standing in front of me. She looked 15 years younger, was nicely dressed, and had a warm smile on her face.

At that moment, I understood the pain she had been going through all those years and why she wasn’t able to take care of me. A feeling of love filled me. I was able to finally forgive her.

Author Wanda Pratnicka is a psychologist and parapsychologist with degrees from the Institute of Economics and Culture in Moscow. She is the bestselling author of Possessed by Ghosts – Exorcisms in the 21st Century and the series In the Wheel of Life: Volumes 1-3. Her most recent book is Know the Truth and Be Free.



• Changeable moods, deep emotional pain • Depressive states, alienation • Easily losing control of your emotions • Falling into strong negative emotions • Weakening of your body and mind • States of panic, anxiety, anger, rage etc. • Frequent headaches, abdominal pains • Addictions: alcohol, drugs, food, gambling etc. • Suicidal thoughts, personality disorders



For over 45 years she has helped tens of thousands of people around the world - without being there in person. Wanda Pratnicka’s Office 46-02 21st Street, PO BOX 1544 Long Island City, NY 11109 Phone: 914-662-9763 May/June 2016 Radiance



Rev. Annette Drake God is My Source ...of Course! Stop Talking About What You Don't Want

Every thought you think is a prayer. Every word you speak is a prayer. Every act in which you engage is a prayer, because the Spirit of God lives in you. ~ Iyanla Vanzant

The Spirit of God is the Creative Power of the Universe. When you speak or think into that Power, you are calling into form that which you either want or don’t want to show up in your life.

Your word has great Power. Always remember this, and be alert and aware what you send out in your words and thoughts. 14

Radiance May/June 2016

This Creative Power doesn’t know if you want what you speak, or not. It just responds to what you send out into It. It is like a receptive mold into which you pour your thoughts and words, and it gives back to you exactly what you poured into it. Here is one way to stop thinking and speaking about what you don’t want in your life. I didn’t pen this but I use it all the time. The words of the tongue should have three gatekeepers. ~ An Arab Proverb

The proverb states that before our words get past our

lips, the first gatekeeper must ask, “Is this true?”

So, let’s pause before any word escapes our lips and consciously ask ourselves, “Is what I’m about to say the truth of this person or this situation?” This question in itself will stop many words from ever escaping our lips. However, if the words get past the first gatekeeper, there is a second gatekeeper who asks, “Is it kind?”

Rev. Annette has served as Senior Minister for the First Church of Religious Science (now the Center for Spiritual Living, Fullerton) for the past 20 years. In her years of service, she has taught classes, held seminars, counseled many clients and performed weddings and memorial services. “My years of service have been the most rewarding time of my life. I love inspiring people and lifting the spirits of those around me.” Her new slogan “New Day – New Way” says it all. Every day is a chance to build a new inspired life, filled with love, harmony, peace, health, prosperity and all that you desire.

Often we react with a sharp comeback or biting retort rather than respond from the heart with kind and thought-filled response.

Let’s remember we live in a kind and loving universe and our call is to be in alignment with the Universe through the love and kindness of our words. The last gatekeeper asks, “Is it necessary?”

How many things have we said over the course of our lifetime that perhaps would have been best left unsaid? As of today, we never have to do that again, if we will stop and remember this third gatekeeper, "Is what I’m about to say really necessary?"

Applying the three gatekeepers, our conversations should be truth filled, kind, and meaningful.

Why is it so important to make good choices with our words? Because We Create Our World With Our Choice of Words! You are in charge of your mind and as such, you, and only you, are in charge of creating your life the way you want it.

You are completely at choice to create your life the way you want it by simply using the right words to express yourself.

Words of love, health, kindness, harmony peace, happiness, prosperity, are life enhancing, and bring you to a higher level of consciousness.

Stop thinking about what you don’t want and use that time to fill your mind and life with what you do want! Life is good all the time. Namaste

May/June 2016 Radiance



2016: The Year of Undoing

unworthy or unfit This is the year I will undulate with desire, as I unleash my orgasmic bliss into the World This is the year my passion will be uninhibited This is the year my story will no longer remain untold

By Monique Hemingway This is the year I will drop society’s labels as I am

I channel messages from different entities and unseen friends. The following I received on New Year’s Day 2016 was powerful. I was doing yoga on the beach, connecting to the warm Sun above, the Earth below and the waves before me. It was a delicious moment in time; I could have lived in it for an eternity.

Suddenly, a golden, radiant energy pulsed through me. I “knew” it was the Divine Mother; we had connected before in this blissful state of Zen and tranquility. She had a message which poured forth at lightning speed. She had something to say. She wanted to be heard and witnessed on that sandy beach. She is the creative force who brings forth life and manifests goodness. She is the inspiration within each of us. She is the nurturer and the protector. She is a strong powerful force, yet soft and vulnerable. She is both warrior and Goddess. For me it is a personal, potent message, but it also holds great Universal Truth for all. Let us honor the Divine Feminine within us (male or female) and let us proclaim this be “2016: The Year of Undoing.” This is the year I came to undo what has been done

This is the year I become unhinged, unglued, unzipped and let loose

This is the year I will be unstoppable and my power undeniable This is the year I answer unto myself, unapologetic as I bear my Truth This is the year I stop being unfaithful to my Wisdom This is the year my wings will unfurl and I will take flight. This is the year I will pulse unconditional love to the unsuspecting World This is the year I will unwind and untie all that has entrapped me; for I am to be set free This is the year I become uncorked and my elixir will flow undaunted This is the year I will unveil myself for all to see, naked, raw and unashamed This is the year I will dive into the unknown; fearless and unafraid This is the year I will no longer allow others to deem me 16

Radiance May/June 2016


This is the year I will be unanchored and set sail This is the year my voice will no longer be unheard; my message no longer unspoken This is the year my pain will no longer be unbearable This is the year that Mankind will realize my Spirit is unbroken This is the year of my quest for Truth and Knowledge will be unquenchable This is the year my Wild heart will live untamed, uncaged and uninhibited This is the year where I will soothe the Souls of the unforgiven This is the year my unclaimed treasures of ecstasy will be unearthed This is the year my fierceness will be unrelentless and my Grace unending This is the year when all that is unreal will be seen This is the year YOU will unroll the red carpet for your Majesty has arrived! Monique's psychic gifts have been a natural part of her life since birth. Always drawn to Metaphysical things, she spent her life studying and learning ways to expand her consciousness. Twenty years ago, she followed her Soul's calling and began intensive training in many modalities of Spiritual healing and counseling. Monique is a highly trained and Certified Clairvoyant, Psychic, Medium, Trance Channel, Reiki Master and Vibrational Energy Healer. She is also a Health Coach, working with clients to reclaim their Dynamic Body and Optimal Health through nutrition and the connection of Mind, Body and Spirit.

Rev. Arlene Meyer

Unity Church A Matter of Perception both wrong. An elephant is like a spear.”

The fourth man touched the elephant’s leg and announced, “No, it’s not. An elephant is like a tree.” The fifth man touched the ear of the elephant and proudly announced, “How silly you all are. An elephant is like a fan.”

The last man grabbed the trunk of the elephant and confidently declared, “You are all wrong. An elephant is like a snake.”

Each blind man was convinced he was correct in what he had discovered and argued with the others. Each believed they were telling the truth and the others were lying.

Following is an old Indian parable about blind men and an elephant: One day a woman asked six blind men to come and see the elephant she had brought into town with her.

As the six men gathered together, they tried to decipher what an elephant looked like. Because they were blind, they thought the only way to tell what the animal looked like was to touch it. They each took a turn touching the elephant and then shared what they discovered. The first man touched the elephant on the side and declared, “Oh, I know, an elephant is like a wall.” The second man touched the elephant’s tail and exclaimed, “No, an elephant is like a rope!” The third man touched the tusk and claimed, “You are

Often the same holds true for us in life. No one can really say who is right and who is wrong in any situation because each of us perceives a part of the Truth based on our personal history. These perceptions are based on experiences and usually not on the facts.

It is our perception which often bring about difficulties in relationships. When we judge others, we are judging them based on our limited context about them and the situation. Since we really don’t know much about the other person’s intentions or their situation, we sometimes interpret their actions as an indication of who they are. For example, if you are rushing your child to the hospital because they have been injured and in your hurry, cut someone off, you justify it because you had continued on page 18 >>

May/June 2016 Radiance



<< continued from page 17 the right intention – to save your child.

However, if someone cuts you off in traffic, you might complain or get angry. However, you do not know if they had some emergency that caused their haste.

Judging others is an unworthy use of our mind, souls, and bodies. When we do this, our perception is based on our experience about that person and not really on the facts. The cashier in the grocery store who seemed rude and inattentive may have just received some shattering news which upset them. The person who was short with you on the phone might be waiting for an important call about a loved one who is in the hospital. Remember the saying, “Don't judge a person until you have walked a mile in their shoes.” It is important for the health of our soul to remove judgment and condemnation from our lives. If you are interested in strengthening your spiritual muscles, try this great spiritual exercise: go 21 days without judging or criticizing another. This is also an eye opening lesson in humility.

Rev. Arlene Meyer is a Minister, Motivational Speaker, Life Consultant, Author and Healthy Lifestyle Coach. She has inspired and empowered people for 20+ years. She uses her life experiences of overcoming addiction, illness and debt to one of prosperity, wholeness, peace and health to guide individuals, couples, families and groups into transforming their lives to live life the way they would like. As a Life Consultant, Arlene encourages others to design and manifest a life that is in harmony with their Soul’s purpose. For over 10 years, she has worked with people seeking to start a new life, or a new chapter in their life, whether it is because of recovery, retirement, major life changes or just wanting to do something more with their lives. She has helped others build their dreams, accelerate their results, and create richer, more fulfilling lives. As a Lifestyle Coach, Arlene empowers others to live a life of health, wholeness, and wellness of body, mind and spirit. She helps others find a path for themselves of good eating, consistent exercise and overall well-being. She offers inspiring talks, workshops and transformation in-depth coaching programs that help others achieve new heights of health, success, meaning, and spiritual aliveness. Arlene is author of Seven Days to Becoming a Vegetarian, an easy-to-follow cookbook for people wanting to add healthy options to their diet.


Radiance May/June 2016

REV. ARLENE MEYER 11 Goddard Irvine, CA 92618 Sunday Service 10:00 AM Join us to hear a dynamic message which is practical, positive and relevant, enjoy uplifting contemporary music and meet other enthusiastic like-minded people.

Everyone is welcome! Unity Telephone: 949.472.9230 Office Hours: 10 AM - 2 PM

Temple of Light: 949.333.1641


ealing Through Art


eelings of grief and disappointment from the loss of a loved one or the dissolution of a marriage can be challenging to overcome. Therapy in some form is valuable to assist in our healing. Traditional psychological counseling is one form of therapy, but do you know ART can also be therapeutic and healing? Allow me to share my journey of creating art as a form of therapy as I worked through my personal grief and growth. When my marriage was ending, I was having feelings of anger, loss, disappointment, and grief which were

By David Wells

weighing me down in my daily thoughts. During this time, I attended an Art Crawl and it changed my life. I was inspired by the art I saw as my eyes opened to the brilliant colors, different textures, and variety. I spent several hours in one building talking to the artists. While there, I met one artist who became my teacher. I created art weekly with this person. During my first lesson, I worked with oil pastels and created a colorful, vibrant yellow and red artwork that I called “Joy.”

Each week’s lesson introduced a new technique. At one point, my teacher said the best thing I could do to continued on page 20 >>

May/June 2016 Radiance



<< continued from page 19 advance my skills was to have a regular space with my paints available so I could walk in and create.

I made one phone call to the artist building where I was originally inspired and just as fate works in mysterious ways, I was told “a studio opened up yesterday.” I signed the contract and it became mine. I began to create my art in a tremendous burst of creativity. In retrospect, I learned being in the creative process is healing for the soul; my soul came alive through art. I was expressing myself, working through my feelings, and allowing the intuitive process to become dominant. After each session, I noticed my stress was relieved. I was elated and happy; I was managing my emotions better.

I opened my studio and participated in the next Art Crawl as a professional. My art was well received. I developed a local following and was awarded “Artist of the Year.”

Over time, my art and I evolved and expanded in ways I never imagined. I discovered some artwork evoked a healing and calming effect, while others raise the energy of the room to a higher, more engaging level. Many of my clients tell me they are inspired and feel happy every time they look at my art. Some works are created by intention to increase feelings of hope, joy and happiness; increase health; and improve prosperity. As a channel for Spirit when I create art, I bring in healing energies. I also channel energy as a healer where I use the techniques of energy medicine for my clients’ health. It’s no wonder my art contains healing energy! Are you ready to process your emotions and express yourself by creating beautiful, expressive art?

If you are, please attend a new workshop as part of the Sacral Saturdays Program which can help you to expand your inner gifts, release unwanted layers of yourself and find your expression through art. I will teach you how to create art with intention, to bring in energies you call forward. The first public workshop will be held on May 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Temple of Light, 11 Goddard, Irvine. If you would enjoy a private workshop for 20

Radiance May/June 2016

adults and/or children, I will travel to your home or organization for two or more students. Art is healing (no talent is required!). Please contact me at 651-248-8629 or email david@davidwellsart. com to set up an appointment. You are invited to participate and have fun creating!

David Wells is a pharmacist and Ph.D. Toxicologist who heard his calling as an energy medicine healer and learned how to heal the body - not with drugs, but with the movement of energy. He developed his talents by opening up intuitively and studying the modalities of Qi Gong, Reiki, chakra balancing, crystal and sound healing, essential oils, energy medicine, and Shamanic techniques. David is also an artist and uses his intuitive talents to channel healing energy into his artworks. Healing sessions are by appointment in Laguna Beach and Irvine. More information: energymedicinehealer. com.

Kara Udziela

Animystic Adventures Soulmate Pets Choose Us Nearly 20 years ago, I did not go into a pet store to buy a dog. I was just going to buy a leash and collar for a Sheltie I might meet at a local farm. Besides, few pet stores sold Shelties, so I was safe. I knew little of puppy mills and the like. If so, would I have gotten my beloved Jayce that day? Maybe not, but he was meant to be mine, and I, his.

As luck, or the Universe, would have it, there was a lone 4-1/2 month old Sheltie pup locked in a 2x4' glass kennel. I wavered, but the fresh-faced 18-year-old store manager saw my interest, walked over and sadly said, “Please, he is my favorite puppy. He has been here so long. I am worried about him. I’ll give you all the free materials you will need if you like him. He’s a great guy.”

I went to a little room. The puppy sprinted once lengthwise across the room and back again, then stopped against my side as I sat on the floor, leaned his little sable and white body into me, and stayed very still, staring into my eyes with his brandy-colored ones. His mouth open in a happy grin. If I had known animal communication then, I would have read that look as, “Thank goodness. I have been waiting for you. Let’s go have a life!” It took about 5 minutes. I said, “Ok. You can come home!” I figured it was Kismet.

Jayce chose me. He was what I call a "soulmate" animal. If you had or have one, you know it. They are the ones you tell friends are like people trapped in fur.

Here’s to the one I could tell anything to; the one I left parties for because I would rather be with him; the one I bought a new car for because regular cars made him car sick; the one I promised to let a little boy run with one day and did, five years later; the one who won fetch competitions at the local park; the one who played fetch for two hours straight;the one who put his long white paws out to love on me any time I was sad or lonely, or whenever he wanted attention; the one who put his long white paws out and wrapped my arms in a hug as if to say, “I’m ok to go now,” the day his legs gave

out and it was clear he would never run or fetch again.

If you have had this kind of pet, you know it. Maybe he or she was a childhood friend, or a pet who passed 15 years ago, but when you think of him or her, your heart simultaneously swells and squeezes with a bittersweet mix of love and laughter for who he was, and deep sorrow you can’t stroke his fur one more time. Recognize your soulmate animal. Spend time honoring the bond, thanking him or her for choosing you, and do your favorite things. Here’s to Jayce, I miss you, Jayce, every single day. You taught me what it means to love an animal, and you are missed by many, many people.

Kara created Pet’s Eye View to help pets and their families create stronger bonds by using telepathic skills and deep animal knowledge. She is an animal communicator, EFT and Reiki practitioner. One of her horse clients won Reserve Champion World Championships with Kara’s intuitive guidance. If you have a problem with pets that don’t get along, a question about an older animal, or one who has passed, please contact me. I unleash your animal’s voice and work with you on strengthening the bond you have with your special pet.

Animystic Adventures: Animal Communication & Other Earth Wisdom

Let me unleash your pet’s voice using telepathy, EFT, chakra clearing and animal knowledge to help you understand your pet and improve issues.

Book appointments at, join me on FB at, or register for my class,

7 to 9:30 p.m. - $25 - Please RSVP communication-and-other-earth-wisdom Sat. July 25 from 10:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m.

In this class, you will talk to my animals who will LOVE to teach you how to communicate.

3rd Thursdays $20.00

Class held at Temple of Light, 11 Goddard, Irvine, CA

May/June 2016 Radiance


Temple of Light


The Power of Your Soul with Molly Nouri Saturday, May 7 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Audience Demonstration with Intuitive Medium Shelly J. Miller Saturday, May 14 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Chakra Insights Oracle Card Worshop with Nancy Kimes

A New Universal LOVE Galactivation Experience with Dr. Dream and the ROSE Frequency 2nd Fridays May 13, June 10 (last one) 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Women's Wealth Building Workshop with Niina Bagdasar, CFP 4 Saturdays, May 14 & 28, June 11 & 25 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Thursday, May 19 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Paradiso & Rasamayi Sound Healing Concert

How to Build and Empowered Spiritual Practice with Rev. Danielle Marie

Michael Harner's Way of the Shaman Basic Workshop

Sunday, June 12 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturday, June 11 & Sunday, June 12 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Summer Solstice Celebration with Larisa Stow & Shakti Tribe

Feng Shui Yourself to Romance with Nancy Kimes

Saturday, June 18 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Wednesday, May 25 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Sunday, June 26 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Have a special event, fundraiser, workshop you wish to book with us? Please call Rev. Danielle Marie to get a quote today! 22

Radiance May/June 2016



Unity Church

Rev. Arlene Meyer

10 am



Quantum Meditation

Choury DeVelle

7 pm


2nd & 4th: Step into Your Power ... and FLY!

Rev. Basia Christ, PhD

7 pm


2nd: Learn to Meditate

Kriya Yoga Tradition

Thriving not Surviving Meditation TM

Max Meditation System

Susan Lape, PhD

Elizabeth Hendershot Shauna Kossoff

6 pm


7:15 pm 7 pm





Adil Panton

7 pm


2nd & 4th: Reiki & Angel Healing Circle

Angela Culhane

6 pm


2nd & 4th: Life Action Plan

2nd & 4th: OC Hawkins Group

Margo Mateas

Raymond Lee

7 pm


7 pm


WEDNESDAY "I AM" Mentorship Group Meeting

Rev. Danielle Marie

10 am


Debra Hookey

7 pm


Hip Hop Express

TaiChi for Better Living

5th: Love Never Ends




1st & 3rd: Psychic Development

2nd & 4th: Mediumship Development

"I AM" Mentorship Channeling the Masters 2nd & 4th: Crystal Journeys

3rd: Dances of Self-reflection (May, then returns in Sept.)

3rd: Animal Communication and Other Earth Wisdom

Dr. Nicole Sirota

Ryan Lee

Debra Hookey Debra Hookey

12 pm

$15 or Love Donation

6 pm


7 pm


7 pm


Rev. Danielle Marie

7 pm


Jen Corimer & Meg Golden

6:30 pm


Deborah Shea

Kara Udziela

7 pm

7 pm


$25 - Please RSVP!

Hip Hop Chop 3rd: Sound Healing

Dr. Nicole Sirota Seth Pincus

12 pm 7 pm

$15 or Love Donation $15

New Earth Drumming

Alejandro Tovares

10 am


You are Living Light Healing Discourse 2nd, 3rd & 4th: Spiritual

Healing Fundamentals

2nd, 3rd & 4th: Conscious Anatomy 2nd: Healing through Art

3rd: Highly Sensitive People (HSP) 3rd: Crystal & Gemstone Jewelry Making

Victor Edwards

Rev. Danielle Marie Rev. Danielle Marie David Wells

Rev. Johnnie Urban

Kathleen Abraham

9 am

9 am

1 pm 9 am

11 am

9 am


$44 $44

$55 (+$20 supplies) $10

$25 (+$10 supplies)

May/June 2016 Radiance


Temple of Light

Yoga Means "to Join Together or to Unify." Those who practice Yoga are the ones who consciously unify the mind, body, and spirit. Check website for class times:


Earth Angels Regain Powers: Addiction Recovery 3rd: All in the Family (May, restarts Sept.)

MONDAY Yogis of Tomorrow Yogis of Tomorrow Yogis of Tomorrow Naam's At Ease: PTSD Recovery Naam's Chapter 2: Illness Recovery TUESDAY

3 pm

5-15 years

Anna Sophia Jen Cormier & Megan Golden

4 pm

18+ (Love donation)

12 pm

All ages

Aris Alexandra Aris Alexandra Aris Alexandra

3 pm 4 pm 5 pm

5-8 years 8-11 years 11-14 years

LemiaAstarabadi & Josh Bowser

6 pm


LemiaAstarabadi & Josh Bowser

7 pm


7 pm


Kundalini & Meditation Anna Sophia

TUESDAY & THURSDAY Gentle Flow Young at Heart WEDNESDAY Oh Baby! Simon Sez! Naam Yoga


Anna Sophia


Karen Yousefzadeh Karen Yousefzadeh

9:30 am 15+ 1:30 pm 55+

Cindy Shapiro Cindy Shaprio LemiaAstarabadi & Josh Bowser

9 am 10 am



0-1 year 1-4 years

6:30 pm 15+



All classes are $15. Packages of 10 are available for $130 and can be used for any class. 24

Radiance May/June 2016


REV. DANIELLE MARIE HEWITT Founder and Spiritual Director

CHOURY DE VELLE BSC, CHT, NLP On-site Practitioner



Operations & Facilities Director

Programs Dierctor



Editor & Creative Director

On-site Practitioner, Instructor

Radiance Magazine Instructor

ABBAS “ABBY” NAMAZI On-site Practitioner

TERI NEJAD On-site Practitioner



On-site Practitioner

On-site Practitioner, Instructor






On-site Practitioner

On-site Practitioner














May/June 2016 Radiance


Temple of Light AYURVEDA HEALERS_________________

Faiz Mashood, D.C. 847.989.7117

David Wells, PhD

651.248.8629 FOOD - HEALTHY_SNACKS_____________

Teri Nejad

949.424.6542 CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY__________

Dr. Nicole Sirota


ENERGY HEALERS____________________

Hideko Curcio


Marcie Howard ReikiSounds

Lemia Astarbardi & Joshua Bowser RaMa Holistic Care

"good health is in your hands"



Abby Namazi


Seth Pincus


Deborah Shea


HOLISTIC HEALTH____________________

Radiance May/June 2016


Choury DeVelle, BSC, CHT, NLP

714.624.1956 www.orangecounty/ MASSAGE THERAPIST________________

Adil Panton Healing Arts Touch, Lake Forest 949.842.7187

for the Socially and Spiritually Conscious Consumer MEDITATION___________________________

Elzabeth Hendershot 714.803.5302

Shauna Kossoff



Rev. Basia Christ, PhD 949.690.1247

Author: From Ash to Flame: Women Rising Instructor: Step into Your Power ... and FLY!

Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt


Debra Hookey


949.244.1960 revdanielle@templeoflightoc. org


Temple of Light Spiritual Community

949.682.SHAR (7427)

Live Your Radiance

Rev. Danielle Marie Hewitt 949.333.1641

SHAMANIC THERAPY________________

Veronica Tioicha Shamanic Soul Therapy 657-464-3569

Want to be included in the July/August Resource Directory? Go to http:// radiance-magazine and complete the online registration. May/June 2016 Radiance



Nancy Kimes Healing Your Past Relationships Feng Shui Your Heart be strong and independent. Take the time to learn and acknowledge what you want without attaching a face to it as you start over. There is no easy way to heal. Be gentle with yourself and let love fill the emptiness. Never lose sight of the good memories you had together. In time the pain will subside. This is not a time to stop living. Your loved one would want you to heal and be happy. Holding on to grief keeps the pain in the present. It hurts because you feel left behind! But you deserve happiness. Allow yourself the time you need, to grieve then renew your life to its fullest potential.

It is hard to move on when you are still hurting, angry or upset over a break-up or divorce. But is it really over? Not always.

Feelings and associations can still linger and be regenerated over and over again in your mind. You may think, "If only I did this or that. If only I opened my eyes and saw it coming."

This keeps the hurt and pain alive. Sometimes when you are trying to run away from your feelings, they get misplaced and dumped onto future relationships. This can open up new wounds and conflicts. Many people do not give 28

Radiance May/June 2016

themselves enough time to heal and learn from the experience. To understand the full picture takes inward discernment. This will help you make better choices and give you a chance to begin with a new set of principles and values which can protect you from making the same mistakes.

Of course, you may continue to recycle relationships until you do or see things differently. Believe in yourself; honor what you want and need. Surround yourself with the comfort and admiration of your friends and family who support you. Embrace your time and freedom between relationships. Learn to

A Feng Shui altar in the Relationships Area will honor and empower the good memories you shared. It will help bring closure and bring opportunities for companionship, friendship, and eventually open your heart to love again so you can perceive love on your terms. Immerse yourself in situations that express love more fully, through your children or grandchildren, through nature, or the love your pets want to offer you. Animals can be sensitive to your emotions and harbor these feelings, too! Understand the patterns in relationships to give you a clue to important factors on why things did not work out. Review the situation, your attitude and what you were or were not willing to do.

Relationships are built on honesty, trust and integrity as well as LOVE! If you trust each other, a strong bond will form. Sometimes you give 50% in a relationship, and other times you give 100%. As you learn about and nurture each other, you will grow together. Relationships can be as simple or complicated as you make them. When it is obvious the relationship is not working, it is best to move on. Do not settle for one that is not supportive or blocking your potential. Your perfect mate is waiting to meet you. You deserve the best! Nancy Kimes is a teacher, author and consultant of the Tibetan Black Hat Sect Feng Shui. Her book, Feng Shui Journeys, will show you the dynamics, principles, and psychology behind the practice of Feng Shui concerning the major areas of your life including relationships. Her book may be purchased on Amazon. For more information or inquiries contact Nancy at:

NEW! NEW! Chakra Insights Insights Chakra OracleCard CardDeck Deck Oracle created by by created

NancyKimes Kimes Nancy This is 70-card oracle This isaaaversatile versatile 70-card This is versatile 70-card system you can use for yourself oracle system system you you can can use use oracle or as a divining tool for others. for yourself yourself or or as as aa divining divining for tool for others. others. tool for Insighful messages guide you to bring alignment of the chakras

Insightful messages messages guide guide you to bring bring alignment Insightful to alignment andyou for your own divining. of the the chakras chakras and and for for your your own own divining. divining. of

This deck can be used as a daily

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May/June 2016 Radiance



Rev. Johnnie Urban, SI

The Sensitive Coach 9 Things a Highly Sensitive Person Needs have always felt different from other people, but you didn’t have a name for what you are.

If you’re a highly sensitive person like me, you know little things can be too much. Busy environments, violent images in movies, or days with little downtime can stress you out. Because you’re so in tune with your environment and other people, life can be pretty exhausting and non-sensitives don’t understand.

But there’s nothing wrong with you and you’re not alone. High sensitivity is actually fairly common, found in 15 to 20 percent of the population. Both introverts and extroverts can be sensitive. Sadly, because many people don’t understand what high sensitivity is, you may have been told to “toughen up” or “just get over it.” You may


Radiance May/June 2016

High sensitivity can make life challenging, but not impossible. When I’m in a routine and doing plenty of self-care, I forget about my sensitivity. However, a recent trip reminded me of how frazzled I can get. How can we, as highly sensitive people, cope with our trait? Here are 9 things we need:

Noisy, high-pressure situations are overstimulating and wreak havoc on a sensitive person’s highly reactive nervous system. If you know you’ll be in a situation that will frazzle you, plan some time to decompress in a quiet space.

Sensitive people may cry or become emotional a lot. We can’t help but express what we're feeling,” We show anger AND happiness. Appreciating that is really important. 4. A gentle, healthy way of managing conflict

This doesn’t mean we’re prone to relationship hopping, rather, we actually work harder to inspire intimacy and interesting conversation. This behavior

Sensitive people tend to feel extra anxious when conflict arises — and an internal battle takes place. We feel torn between speaking up for what we believe is right and sitting back so we don’t provoke an angry reaction from the other person.

5. Time to get things done

2. Meaningful relationships

We get bored or restless in shallow relationships.

Basically, it makes us happy to make others happy.

3. People who support us

1. Time to decompress

goes for friends, family members, and co-workers as well.

Sensitive people like a slower pace of life. We like pondering all our options before making a decision and regularly reflecting on our experiences. We hate busy schedules and rushing from one event to the next.

6. Plenty of sleep

Lack of sleep for the sensitive person can make life almost unbearable. Getting enough

sleep soothes my ramped-up senses and helps me process my thoughts and emotions. How much sleep I get can literally make or break my next day.

7. Healthy meals throughout the day


When I don’t eat regularly, I get cranky. To fend off feelings of crankiness and discombobulation, I maintain a steady blood sugar level throughout the day by eating regular healthy meals and snacks. 8. A space of our own

If you live with others, make sure you have a quiet place you can retreat to when you need to get away from noise and people.

9. Beauty and nature Like most sensitive people, I’m deeply affected by my surroundings. Cluttered, chaotic, environments bother me. Spending time in nature is critical.

When it comes down to it, the key is to embrace your sensitivity rather than work against it. Sensitive people make incredible leaders, partners, and friends. We have high levels of empathy and we’re usually creative and perceptive. Maybe the world could use a little more of what we have. Are you a highly sensitive person?

Chat with me on Facebook; Living As A Highly Sensitive

Rev. Johnnie Marie Urban is an Author, Speaker, Workshop facilitator. Founder of Wonderful Life Learning Co. a Christian based Life Success Coaching & Consulting Company specializing in teaching the Highly Sensitive People how to thrive in the chaotic world. This is where people come to uncover and explore what their HSP talents and abilities are so that you can have a fulfilled life without the worries of exhaustion and overwhelm. Certified Strategic Interventionist, Master Life & Business Success Coach, MNLP, MHt. MTT. Christian counselor, Wife, Mother, Grandma, friend and a Highly Sensitive Person. Her book, Stop The Madness is on Amazon. com

May/June 2016 Radiance



Facts about the Summer Solstice

On June 20, many Northern Hemisphere time zones will celebrate the first day of summer as the Sun reaches its northernmost position in the sky. This day is associated with change, nature, and new beginnings. People celebrate the Summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. An Ancient Celebration

In ancient times, people organized calendars and determined when to plant and harvest crops on this day. Stonehenge

Some believe Stonehenge, erected around 2500 BCE, established the date of the Summer solstice. Viewed from its center, the sun rises at a particular point on the horizon on this day. Celebrating Femininity in China

In ancient China, people celebrated the Earth, femininity, and “yin" forces which complemented the Winter solstice which celebrated the heavens, masculinity and “yang" forces. Midsummer Feasts

In ancient Gaul, which encompasses France and parts of its neighboring 32

Radiance May/June 2016

countries, this day was called the Feast of Epona, named after a mare goddess who personified fertility and protected horses. Ancient Germanic, Slav and Celtic tribes celebrated with bonfires. After Christianity spread in Europe, pagan customs were incorporated into the Christian religion. Honoring the Sun

In North America, some Native Americans held dances. They cut and raised a tree, a visible connection between the heavens and Earth. they arranged teepees in a circle to represent the cosmos. They abstained from food and drink and decorated their bodies

in symbolic colors: red (sunset), blue (sky), yellow (lightning), white (light), and black (night). New Age and Neopagan customs

Many solstice observances are held by New Age and Neopagan groups throughout the world. Thousands of people, including modern-day druids and pagans, usually gather at Stonehenge for this occasion. In the U.S., events include festivals featuring art or music; environmental awareness activities which focus on using natural sunlight as a source of energy; and family gatherings.

Laurie Reyon & Seth

Omni-Dimensional Mystery School Modern Day Mastery & Mysticism Have you thought about what your life would be like if you were able to use your gifts, telepathic communiation or clairaudience, clairsentience and clairvoyance, to communicate with Spirit, your Master Guides and the animals? My intention in asking this is to tell you your Mastery lies in your DNA and only needs to be activated to become useful in your daily life.

The power of love is the answer to our challenges and questions. Sometimes we forget we are the Creators and Co-Creators of our lives and the world around us. Society has taught us about lack and how to compete to win. It encourages us to think and analyze challenges to find the answers.

I was opened to my spiritual gifts in 1994 after a near death experience and discovered quickly when you give permission to open to your gifts, it does not have to be long and difficult. I was shown how to move back into the “feeling� state of life and to open my heart. My first teachers were a cat and some dolphins. Then came clear communication with my Angelic Guides. There is a frequency or vibration with which they communicate I call the heart's radio station, the vibration you want to live within to create a life of Mastery! Living in the heart

is profound and powerful. When your consciousness is centered in the heart, the mind relaxes and an amazing thing happen. You will only think loving, positive things where it will be easy to create only loving, positive things.

Over the years, my work as an animal communicator has led me to teach these concepts, and become a Spiritual Life Coach. I discovered

anyone with desire or intention to change to a heart-centered life can do it. We have the software, or operating systems, to live and create from our hearts. When you make this decision, your Third Eye or Pineal gland will naturally activate and communicate with the higher frequencies of Spirit. continued on page 34 >>

May/June 2016 Radiance



<< continued from page 33

Modern Day Mastery involves living in alignment with the Universal Law of Attraction and Reflection.

When you are in your heart, your body's energy changes everything around you. Situations become loving, synchronized parts to your MODERN DAY MASTERY & MYSTICISM: A “Speak to Seth” Course with Laurie Reyon

Learn HOW to move into your Heart and activate your ability to communicate with Spiritual Guidance. Discover your Divine Life Blueprint, clear trapped trauma, transform challenges and create manifestation and JOY!

vibration, everything changes. You will discover why you came to Earth and what will bring you true meaning, purpose and freedom!

manifestation. This has been proven scientifically through Heart Math, “consciousness changes physics.” Modern Day Mastery and Mysticism means finding your joy and living outside of duality or conflict. When you consciously raise your

Laurie Reyon is an internationally known Animal Communicator and Soul Healer. Reyon’s gift allows her to speak to the animals and the Angels and translate their messages to humanity. Reyon is a certified Akashic Records Consultant, a Life Path Intuitive and Telepathic teacher. She offers an individualized Spiritual Coaching into Consciousness program and facilitates Whale Healing and Clearing Sessions. She recognizes the Cetaceans as the ancients Beings and Master Healers on this planet. Reyon offers Boat Trips and Spiritual Cetacean Journey Retreats to Hawaii, Bimini, the Silver Bank, Mexico and Dana Point, CA. Reyon works in sacred partnership with Master Cat Puddah, who is an aspect of the Soul of “Seth.” They operate the Omni-Dimensional Mystery School in Oceanside, CA.

UPCOMING EVENTS ONLINE and in Person: Munay-Ki Shamanic Training for Humans and Dogs Saturday, May 7 Learn to Talk to Animals Saturday, May 21 Communication & Healing with Horses – El Cajon Sunday, May 22 Who the Animals Really Are? Saturday, June 4 Communication at the Wild Animal Safari Park Sunday, June 5 Dolphins Love Kids Boat Trip Saturday, June 18

3 Weeks – June 2, 9 & 16 ONLINE & in Oceanside, CA

Retreats to Bimini and the Silver Bank to swim with Wild Dolphins and Whales.

4:30-7 pm PDT OR 2 Sundays – June 12 & 19 - 1-4 pm - $66/each (619) 271-9461


Radiance May/June 2016

Marcie Howard

The Sound of Healing ReikiSounds Years ago when I began my singing career, it occurred to me singing was not just for the “special” few. Singing was something anyone could do provided they had vocal chords which could produce sound. And, within each of us was a healing instrument – the voice. I know many people would not agree with me; however, I am talking about singing or producing sound from within us to heal and not to entertain someone. If you can speak, you can sing. It is that simple!

Sound comes forth from us and every living creature on this planet. In fact, if we remove the language from the equation, we are totally free to communicate with vibration, energy and sound without boundaries. Only our limiting beliefs can surround us with unseen barriers.

Try it. Test it. The next time you see a lizard, sing to it. Hum, make a sound, create a melody, and watch it stop, turn its head and listen to you. Sing to a crow, sing to a butterfly, sing to your dog or cat. Chances are you will receive a response from them. Yes, I know – not just howling – but a true response. The sound of healing is just this simple. We know as conscious human beings touch is a blessing. Reaching out to a sick child, an

elderly person, or someone in pain can make a huge difference in their lives. So, too, with “sound,” singing, and music. We can soothe these people, hold and cradle them in our voice or with sound and melody. This type of vibration has the power to calm, allow for peace, provide spaciousness, and help us to feel “well,” feel whole. Is this not “healing?”

Marcie Howard is a certified Reiki Master and Sound Healer. She is located within the Temple of Light and available for private ReikiSounds sessions. Please visit her website at to learn more about her work and schedule an appointment. Marcie also teaches Reiki in small group environments and on an individual basis. Reiki I is offered every second Saturday morning at the Temple of Light from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Contact Marcie directly to reserve a space. Groups are kept small for optimum detail and attention. Only four members per class. Marcie can be reached @ 714-336-8122 or at

This is why ReikiSounds was born – to offer a source of healing, calm, peace-filled-ness not only with touch, but also with sound and melody – to touch another human being deeply with Reiki and Option #1: Option #2: Option #3: Sound. To offer First session, only Thereafter, reduced Purchase three wholeness in $35 for a 90-minute one-at-a-time rate @ 90-minute sessions @ this way, has session $50/session. (Regular $120 – ($40/session) become my $75/session) life’s work. Buy a friend a gift certificate, get the first session @ $35.

Session Specials

I am blessed to be witness to the healing of others, to their empowered choices and steps as well as to their journey on their unique path.


Reiki I Group Reiki II Group Reiki III Master’s Rate Rate Class $75/person. Second $75/person. Tutored on a one-onSaturday of the month Scheduled on an as one basis. from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. needed basis (Contact Marcie for details) Meet Marcie at the Holistic Fair the first Saturday of every month at the Temple of Light to receive a FREE 15-minute ReikiSounds session.

714.336.8122 / / May/June 2016 Radiance




hy Choose a Holistic Dentist?

olistic dentists consider the health of your entire body and its relationship with your mouth and oral health. They believe poor oral health leads to poor physical health and your mouth is a key entry point to the rest of the body. Toxicity, disease or infection can spread through the bloodstream to every tissue, organ and cell in your body.

Holistic dentists are passionate about their specialty and educating themselves and their patients about the importance of the mouth/body connection. They focus on mercury-safe, holistic, and bio-compatible practices. Holistic dentistry is mercury safe-dentistry. Mercury fillings are removed in a unique way which protects 36

Radiance May/June 2016

both the practitioner and the patient. A specific, strict protocol is followed by holistic dentists as outlined by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. For instance, these dentists use a latexfree rubber dam and a high vacuum, mercury vapor suction. The patient breathes pure oxygen during the procedure and the dentist uses a specific technique to keep the mercury vapor exposure to all at a minimum. The holistic dentist uses safe, compatible techniques and materials for each patient's mouth and whole body such as bio-compatible, highly cosmetic and mercuryfree dental materials. Ozone therapy (an energized form of oxygen) eradicates anaerobes naturally in many ways and is the perfect medicine. It eradicates bacteria, viruses, mold, yeast and oral anaerobes as it

stimulates the immune system for rapid healing with remarkable results.

Many people who seek a holistic dentist have acute sensitivities or allergies to traditional dental materials. However, holistic dentists believe mercurysafe dentistry can lead to improved health for those suffering from chronic conditions which they may not realize are related to their mouth. Poor oral health affects every part of the body and general health. Recent research has proven what has long been suspected; your teeth can make you sick. Intuitively people have known this for thousands of years. Logically it makes perfect sense. Following are some important facts:

 Mercury escapes from fillings, becomes stored in your body, and causes disease.

 Gum infection is a known risk factor for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, premature birth, low birth weight babies, cancer and Alzheimer's.  Root canalled teeth are proven reservoirs of toxic bacteria.

 Improperly extracted teeth may form areas of incompletely healed bone which are a breeding ground for bacteria and their toxins  You can be allergic to materials used to fill your teeth just as you can be allergic to food or other environmental substances.

In summary, holistic dentistry is a more complete, thorough approach to wellness than traditional dentistry. Holistic Dentists deal with the mind, body, and spirit of their patients, not just their "teeth” based on the following: • Proper nutrition for the prevention and reversal of degenerative dental disease • Avoidance and elimination of toxins from dental materials • Prevention and treatment of bite problems and physical imbalance • Prevention and treatment of gum disease at its biological basis Dr. Kayhan uses a digital X-ray machine with 50% lower radiation and porcelain amalgams.






Dr. Kayhan graduated from the University of Southern California and has more than 15 years of experience.

Armaghan Kayhan, DDS Holistic Dentistry 949.559.6988 14785 Jeffrey Road, #206 Irvine, CA May/June 2016 Radiance



8 G

Steps to Achieving Your Health Goals

ood health means a lot of things to many different people. For some, it could mean running a marathon. For others, it could be having normal blood pressure. Some people may even think it means looking good in a bathing suit.

Doctors look at test results to see if you are healthy and patients look at what their bodies can do to determine if their health is good. As much as it is objective, it is also subjective. It becomes confusing when you “Google” tips to be healthy. One article may say to do “this,” while another article says to do “that.” Are they both right? Are they both wrong? Who do you trust? Who do you ignore? While there is no definite answer to these questions, you can follow the following general steps regardless of your fitness or nutritional goals which will get you started in the right direction: 1. Write Your Health Goals


This is the most important step in getting started. They need to be written often and defined clearly. If you don’t write them and instead try to remember them in your head, they lose their power. They can change. You can forget about them. You can settle. By doing this, you will stay committed even Radiance May/June 2016

By Dr. Ben Horning, D.C. when you get busy and life gets in the way (and it always does). You have a set target you know you are actively working towards. When you reach it, celebrate and then choose a bigger, better health goal to keep you motivated and prevent you from reverting back to your old ways. Once again, always strive for new goals once you hit your goal.

2. Make it Easy to Eat Healthy and Work Out

As I mentioned previously, life will get in the way. If you know this beforehand, you can prepare for it. For example, if your office only has a microwave, buy a portable oven or hot plate and bring it to work. If you have free time on the weekends, spend an hour or two prepping and cooking meals for the following week. If you don’t have a gym partner to work out with, hire a personal trainer or join workout classes. Get started with this early in your goal. So when life does get in the way, you can still eat healthy and workout.

3. Get Chiropractic Care

Regular Chiropractic Care will recharge your body. Chiropractic adjustments will help your nerves give your body the best chance to improve. Nerves go to every muscle, cell, organ, and gland in the body. continued on page 40 >>

Feel the Results With Great Health Comes Great Opportunity

Make an appointment today

Benjamin Horning, DC Chiropractic Care Muscle Testing Holistic Health 949-422-7698 25241 Paseo De Alicia #100, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 May/June 2016 Radiance



<< continued from page 38 giving the proper signal. People from all walks of life get Chiropractic Care because they get great results. I have seen amazing transformations with Chiropractic Adjustments. By making consistent Chiropractic Care part of your health program, you will see many positive changes and an extra edge on achieving your health goals. 4. Eat Organic

There is debate in the U.S. about whether GMOs are healthy or not. However, in many countries around the world, GMOs are completely banned for health reasons. My recommendation is to use organic foods and buy locally if you can to help family farms as an additional benefit. Farmers Markets have a variety of healthy food products. Fresh veggies and fruits have a great deal of vitamins and minerals which help your body improve and grow. Buy grass fed meats that have not been injected with antibiotics/ hormones because they may get passed onto you and cause health problems. The more organic you eat, the better you will feel.

5. Exercise

Exercise is critical for your health. Find sports or workout routines you like to do. Work out consistently, but schedule days of rest throughout the week. Laying around every day will not help you. Movement is life, so keep moving. If your motivation is low, join a workout group or get a personal trainer to force you to show up and work out. If you are in pain, start slowly, but keep moving. 6. Drink Water

It is a fact your body needs water to survive. You need to drink water - and a lot of it – every day to ensure you get all the benefits from the healthy foods you will consume. If you don’t, your body will have a harder time filtering your blood and keeping you healthy. Also, there are certain vitamins which need water to be ingested into your cells.

7. Surround Yourself with Like-minded People 40

Be with people who are successfully reaching their positive health goals and are continually raising Radiance May/June 2016

the bar to do more. Those “naysayers” who try to make you feel bad for trying to improve, are not your friends. I suggest you get new friends. For example, if you are trying to become a body builder, who would you choose to be your friends? Other body builders or people who do not believe in lifting weights? I hope you would choose other body builders, but this does not always happen. Sometimes “friends” force their views on you and it affects your health. Junk food and certain people can be toxic. If you have supportive friends, great. If you don’t, make friends with people who share the same goals as you. You will be happier and it will help improve your health.

8. Stay Persistent

It’s one thing to do something for a week or two; it’s another thing to make it part of your life. You have to create a new mindset and change your way of life. You will have challenges. Time. Money. People. Be aware of these road blocks beforehand and persist through them. If your uncle always asks you to watch football with him and he has a beer and eats chips while watching, know when he asks you over, he will offer you beer and chips. Persist past this. If you have to work overtime, find a way to schedule a work out during the day. Persist onward. If you cheat on your diet, make it a cheat meal, not a cheat day. Acknowledge you slipped, but move past it and not succumb to it.

You will be more successful in achieving your health goals if you follow these steps. They look simple and it is possible when you are done reading this article, you will put down the magazine and think “Wow, that was a great article” and forget about it. I hope you don’t.

Follow my advice. It is worth it. These steps work and you need to do them all. Good luck.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Dr. Horning grew up in a holistic home. He studied at the University of Maryland and received the unique degree of Agriculture and Resource Economics. He received his Chiropractic Doctorate at Southern California University of Health Sciences. An eternal optimist, Dr. Horning cares about restoring health and allowing his patients to flourish in whatever goals they have.

Carol Leilani Transform Your Energy

Addictions CAN be healed QUICKLY! REALLY! My standing mantra is "Change your energy, change your life" and I see it over and over again. Change the energetic makeup instead of chipping away at the symptom. Treating the symptom, is like putting a BandAid on a huge gunshot wound. You have to get at the core, at the cause. I trace this back in time when I do the client intake, and I ask them, something like, "When did you start drinking?"That usually gives me the core issue, the cause. I often find that it is grief, that was just too painful to deal with, so alcohol or substance was used as a form of self-medication, to numb the intense pain. It's all understandable. It all makes sense, if you look at it from this point of view. So then, I know where to go, to pull out the patterns, to pull out the pain, the grief, and clean out the suppressed negative emotions that have built up there.

He was healed of his alcoholism, had a spiritual awakening, and in less than a month, decided to leave his university position and to come back to America, and start his nonprofit organization to help Gaia.

Then there is the energetic work of pulling out the cravings which the spirits in the substance create in a person. They call alcohol "spirits" for a good reason! Without pulling them out, there is no chance of healing addiction. I pull these out of the systems, and I also pull out the taste for it in the taste buds as well. People report absolutely no cravings or desire for alcohol after the treatment.

Energy system clearings,

I go in and do energetic style "surgery" and extract karmic seeds, of trauma, that causes one's life to loop the same , over and over. When these get extracted, then a person has real freedom. Again, the cause, is removed, giving them a blank slate, and fresh start, for real. Clients report feeling free.

Then of course, the liver and organs need to be cleansed. And the BRAIN needs a lot of cleansing.

And the outer layers of the aura need to be cleansed, mental, emotional, spiritual, body, psychological, etc.

One of my clients is saving $1,000 a month on alcohol. That's $12,000 a year he can use for something else!

The only things you need, basically, is to be really ready for change, and to find someone who really knows how to help you with what you need, and put on your seat belt for rapid change! Atma Namaste, Carol Leilani

Carol Leiliani is a multiple modality energy healer with many modalities in her "tool kit," a fluid intuitive, and dimensional healer. Her gift is tuning in to your HIGHER SELF and being informed by your higher self.

Change your energy ... change your life and reboots Get energy flowing and increase VITAL LIFE FORCE Uninstall unwanted programs. Get calmed and centered Feel great Implant removals Email to schedule an appointment. May/June 2016 Radiance



Dr. Doug DiSiena

Doctor Designed Wellness "You gave me my life back!" Meet Kathleen and learn how Doctor Designed Wellness and Weight Loss helped changed her life. I discovered Dr. DiSiena at the Temple of Light Holistic Healing Fair and attended his lecture. Afterwards, I spoke with his assistant at their booth and fell in love with her and her attitude.

I made an appointment and knew I was taking the best first step to getting better. I had done Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and various diet plans, but needed the support and accountability along with medical help. I liked the 16-week program with maintenance because it made more sense to me. I cut out foods which cause inflammation and cravings and began eating “real food� food along with the shake/ bar and supplements. It was the right time for me. I added up what I would spend in junk/fast food and it was equivalent to what I would spend on the program. After the first month, I had more energy, the sugar cravings had subsided, and I loved to cook the new recipes. The weight came off steadily, and I didn't feel like I was starving; on the contrary, I was eating whole food all the time.

With the lab work, we found that my bones hurt because my Vitamin D levels were close to zero. After taking Vitamin D, my levels are now normal. My triglycerides had been high. By following the program, this number was cut in half and are in the low normal range. Before getting on the program, my blood pressure had begun to increase (thank goodness it had always been low) and is now back to what it was when I was a teenager! All my labs have dramatically changed for the better. I've lost weight and body fat, yes, but what I gained is selfesteem and a complete change in eating patterns. I don't snore and sleep better.

(And now the tears fall) I'm so grateful for all the love and support from Dr. DiSiena, Alex, Liz and the entire staff. Alex was a wonderful support, keeping me on track, providing encouragement, recipes and her light. Liz, I


Radiance May/June 2016

am grateful for her checking in on me after I began the program, and love keeping in touch with her. Dr. D, thank you for giving me my life back.

I NEVER thought it would be possible to not want to eat all the cookies, cakes, or sugar around me. I have a bite or two on rare occasion - or ask "is it worth it?" My big vice is still coffee... but much less than I used to drink. Okay... still don't exercise, work in progress. At least I can go on a 3-mile walk and not be winded. I'm on maintenance now. What I learned has become a way of life. I don't want to go back or feel the way I did. People ask me how much I have lost or what my goal is. .I tell them my goal is my health; the weight will eventually settle where it is supposed to be. If you want to be healthy or make a change, just do it. Follow the simple instructions, make changes slowly, and ask for help. It can be done with a little work.

Dr. Douglas DiSiena is a 1984 Cum-Laude graduate of Cleveland Chiropractic College. He has received numerous post graduate degrees and certifications. After years of practice and applying clinical nutrition with over 350,000+ patient encounters, he is known as an expert in lifestyle nutrition. During 2015, he presented 40+ lectures on optimizing health and nutrition. He wrote the best seller, Possibility Living: Adding Years to Your Life and Life to Your Years.

Temple of Light Goddard Business Center 11 Goddard Irvine, CA 92616

949.333.1641 http;://

Larisa Stow and Shakti Tribe present

A Summer Solstice Celbration June 18th, 2016 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. $25 in advance, $35 day of event Decidedly Edgy Mantra-Infused Rock Designed to Wake, Shake, Shift and Lift Humanity “I believe that music is the bridge that brings us together. When I integrate sounds from another culture, I feel like I am embracing it, declaring our oneness�

~ Larisa Stow

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