Quince Magazine V1 N3

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Featured Quinceañera: Yamantie Galnares Date: July 30, 2011 Location: Bainbridge, Georgia, USA

Question: Did you always know that you

Las invitaciones de Yamantie estaban muy

would celebrate Yamantie’s XV with a

hermosas y únicas. ¿Cómo consiguieron la

quinceañera fiesta?

idea de hacer una invitación tan animada?

¿Siempre sabían que Yamantie tendría una fiesta de quinceañera?

A: We had seen the Works of the photographer Joy Key and we loved it, so we just had

Answer: Yes, it was always in our plans.

to communicate to her our vision. We want-

When Yamantie was 8, 9, 10, 11 years old

ed an invitation that spoke about Yamantie.

she was very excited about it, but when she

Yamantie chose her favorite dress wear

was 11 and 12 she wanted a trip. We all spoke to her and told her that she can take

(cowgirl). We wrote a special poem and her

a trip at any time but you only turn 15 once.

brother Fernando helped with the design.

She accepted and now says she wishes she

Habíamos visto el trabajo de la fotógrafa

could turn 15 all over again.

Joy Key y nos encanto, solo teníamos que

Si siempre estuvo en nuestros planes. Cuando Yamantie tenía 8, 9, 10, 11 años estaba muy emocionada, pero cuando llego a 12 y

trasmitirle nuestros planes. Queríamos una invitación especial que hablara de

13 quería un viaje. Todos hablamos con ella

Yamantie. Yamantie escogió su vestimenta

para decirle que un viaje en cualquier tiem-

favorita (vaquera). Escribimos un poema

po se puede hacer y los XV solo una vez se

especial y su hermano Fernando contribuyo

cumplen. Ella acepto y ahora dice que

en el diseño.

quisiera volver a cumplirlos. Q: How old was Yamantie when you began

Yamantie with her parents, Fernando and Sanjuana, and her brother Fernando.

Q: Who did the majority of the planning?

planning the actual fiesta?

Yamantie, her parents, or we’re all involved?

¿Que edad tenia Yamantie cuando comen-

¿Quien hizo la mayoría de la planificación?

Quince magazine is proud to feature

zaron a planificar su fiesta?

¿Yamantie, sus padres, o todos?

the Quinceañera of Yamantie Galnares.

A: We began planning at age 13 & half and

Despite living in a rural part of the U.S.

at age 14 we reserved the date at the

A: As a family we were all involved in the

church and reception venue.

planning process and execution of the

without much Hispanic culture around

A los 13 años y 6 meses comenzamos plani-

quinceañera, but Yamantie’s biggest sup-

ficar y a los 14 años, reservamos la fecha de

port came from her brother Fernando.

them, Yamantie’s family was able to

la Iglesia y Salón.

stay true to the quinceañera tradition

Q: Yamantie’s invitations we’re very beauti-

and deliver a memorable event. 2 | Quince Magazine

Todos como familia nos involucramos en la planificación y desarrollo de la

ful and unique. How did you get the idea to

quinceañera, pero el mayor soporte de

make such a lively invitation?

Yamantie fue su hermano Fernando.

Yamantie with her cousin and Chambelan de Honor, Marco Flores.

guests, with sufficient space for everyone to be comfortable and the university afforded us that. Buscamos un lugar digno de recibir 300 invitados, con espacio suficiente para que estuvieran cómodos y la universidad nos lo ofrecía. Q: What was the most difficult part of the planning process? ¿Cuál fue la parte más difícil del proceso de planificar la quinceañera?

Q: You live in a part of the country where the Hispanic culture is miniscule. Did the church in your small town know about the quinceañera tradition? Viven en una parte del país donde la cultura Hispana es minúscula. ¿La iglesia en su pequeño pueblo sabía sobre la tradición de la quinceañera? A: Since it was a Catholic Church it is normal for them to celebrate events like quinces. Siendo una Iglesia Católica es normal que se lleve a cabo una celebración de XV anos. Q: Did you have a set budget? ¿Tenían un presupuesto concreto? A: We began with a budget but we knew there would be changes to it. Empezamos con un presupuesto; aunque sabíamos que iba a haber cambios. Q: You had a very unique venue for the reception and dance. How did you choose to hold the event at the local college? Tuvieron un lugar único para la recepción y baile. ¿Cómo eligieron tener el evento en la Universidad local?

A: Since it’s a rural area vendors didn’t quite understand what is available in big cities, for example, the banquet packages for quinceañeras, weddings, baptisms, etc. We had to go to larger cities to find the musicians, DJ and stores with products for the quinceañera. Como es un lugar Contryside (área rural) no entendían muy bien lo que en las grandes ciudades se tiene, como por ejemplo los paquetes enteros para quinceañeras, bodas, bautizos, etc. Había que ir a otros pueblos para conseguir músicos, DJ y tiendas donde encontráramos lo de quinceañeras. Q: What was the easiest part of the planning process? ¿Cuál fue la parte más fácil del proceso de planificar la quinceañera? A: The assurance that Yamantie had as to the color of her dress, as well as the fact that she designed the cake. La seguridad que tenia Yamantie en cuanto al color del vestido, así como también que ella diseño el pastel. Q: Yamantie how did you decide on your court of honor? You only had chambelanes. ¿Yamantie cómo decidiste sobre tu corte de honor? Sólo tenías chambelanes.

A: We searched for a venue worthy of seating 300

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A: I made the decision 3 months prior. At first I did not want a court in order to stand out, but then I felt I would be too alone so I decided to have my cousins and friends join me. Lo decidí 3 meses antes. Al principio quería sobresalir nada más yo, pero a la vez me sentía que iba a estar muy sola, así que decidí que llevaría primos y amigos. Q: Where did you buy Yamantie’s gown? ¿En donde compraron el vestido de Yamantie? A: During winter vacation in December at “All Dressed Up” in Houston, Texas. En las vacaciones de diciembre, en “All Dressed Up“ en Houston, Texas. Q: Who choreographed the dances that Yamantie and her chambelanes performed? ¿Quien hizo la coreografía de las danzas que realizaron Yamantie y sus chambelanes? A: Maricela Pecina of Progreso, Texas (Zumba Instructor) Maricela Pecina, de Progreso, Texas (Maestra de Zumba) Q: How was Yamantie able to practice her dance routines since her cousins live so far from her? ¿Cómo fue capaz Yamantie de practicar sus rutinas de danza pues sus primos viven tan lejos? A: Our family traveled to Texas for a week so that Yamantie would learn the choreography with the majority of the chambelanes who lived there.

La familia viajo a Texas una semana para que Yamantie aprendiera la coreografía con la mayoría de los chambelanes que vivían allá. Q: What was the name of the song you chose for the father-daughter dance? ¿Cuál era el nombre de la canción que eligieron para el baile de padre e hija? A: Waltz of the Butterflies with drum by Avelino Perez. Vals de las Mariposas, de Avelino Perez con tambora. Q: Yamantie you seemed to have become very emotional when you danced with your father. What was going through your mind at that moment? Yamantie parecía que te emocionaste mucho cuando bailaste con tu padre. ¿Qué pasaba por tu mente en ese momento? A: This being my first dance, I was very proud and honored being able to share it with my father. Siendo mi primer baile, tenia mucho orgullo y honor al compartirlo con my padre. Q: How long before the quinceañera were the professional pictures of Yamantie taken? ¿Cuánto tiempo antes de la quinceañera fueron tomadas las fotos profesionales de Yamantie? A: Three months before the quinceañera, in the month of May. En el mes de mayo, 3 meses antes de la quinceañera. Q: The majority of your guests were not only from out-of-town but had to

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drive a great distance to attend the quinceañera. Were you ever afraid that not many people would make the trip to attend? La mayoría de sus invitados no eran sólo desde fuera de la ciudad pero tuvieron que conducir a una gran distancia para asistir a la quinceañera. ¿Tuvieron alguna vez miedo que no mucha gente haría el viaje para asistir a la fiesta? A: Yes it was our biggest concern but the majority made a great effort to accompany us on that special day. One hundred people came from the state, Mexico, the Texas Valley, Houston, Alabama, Tennessee. Some had their vacation set for that time a year in advance, others closed their businesses to attend. To all our thanks, family and friends. Si fue nuestra mayor preocupación pero la mayoría hizo el gran esfuerzo de acompañarnos en ese día especial. 100 personas fueron del estado, México, Valle de Texas, Houston, Alabama, Tennessee. Algunos tenían sus vacaciones separadas desde un año antes, otros cerraron sus negocios. A todos nuestro agradecimiento, familia y amigos. Q: Yamantie’s quinceañera was more than just the day of the fiesta. You had a welcome dinner for your guests the night before, the day of the fiesta, an after party that lasted until 4 the next morning and a lake outing the next day. How were you able to plan all these things?! La quinceañera de Yamantie fue más que el día de la fiesta. Tuvieron una cena de bienvenida para sus invitados la noche anterior, el día de la fiesta, una reunión después de la quinceañera que se acabo a las cuatro de la mañana y viaje a la laguna el día siguiente. ¿Cómo le hicieron para poder planificar todos estos eventos?!

Photos by Joy Key (joykeyphotography.com)

and Linda Cullifer,

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A: All this was planned ahead of time. We wanted everyday of our guests stay to feel like home and it was accomplished, thanks to God, family and friends. Todo esto fue planeado con anticipación. Queríamos que cada día de la estancia de nuestros invitados de lejos se sintieran como en casa y se logro, gracias a Dios, familiares y amigos. Q: As parents what was the best part of Yamantie’s quinceañera? Como padres ¿cuál fue la mejor parte de la quinceañera de Yamantie? A: Seeing our daughter’s face filled with happiness and see her having fun. Also, seeing our family and friends reunited. La cara de felicidad de nuestra hija y verla divertirse. Así como ver reunidos a familiares y amigos. Q: Yamantie, what was the best part of your quinceañera experience? ¿Yamantie, que fue la mejor parte de tu experiencia

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de quinceañera? A: Being able to share such a fun, great night with family and friends! ¡El poder compartir una noche grande y divertida con familia y amigos! Q: What advice do you have for parents who are currently planning a quinceañera? ¿Qué consejos tienen para los padres que están preparando una quinceañera? A: Begin preparing with plenty of time and be sure of what you want. Empezar a prepararse con tiempo y tener mucha seguridad en lo que se quiere. Q: Yamantie, do you have any advice for a young girl planning her quinceañera? Yamantie, ¿tienes algún consejo para una joven planificando su quinceañera? A: Organization is key, but don't stress out too much, always be calm and patient when trying to decide upon something and of course always have fun doing it. You're only able to have a Quinceañera once! La organización es clave, pero no te dejes llevar por el estrés, siempre tranquila y paciente cuando se trata de decidir acerca de algo y, por supuesto, siempre divertirte haciéndolo. ¡Sólo puedes tener una quinceañera una vez!

Yamantie with her cousins and friends at Seminole Lake.

Traveling to a Quinceañera Taking road trips are always fun especially when traveling to a family event such as a quinceañera. That is what we did this past summer when we travelled to Yamantie’s quince on behalf of Quince magazine and as a Galnares family member. We decided to make a mini-vacation out of this 1,400 mile trip. Whenever we travel on Interstate 10 East we always like to stop in New Orleans so we decided to spend a night there in order to explore the city. Staying by the French Quarter is key; within a short walk you can be in Jackson Square, the mighty Mississippi, and lose yourself in the narrow streets, French architecture and jazzy music. This trip was particularly interesting since it was the first road trip I have taken while being socially active on Facebook. About 100 family members and friends were traveling to Georgia so the whole family was able to stay connected via Facebook without having to make a phone call! In Bainbridge it was great to see family and friends after months and years since the last family event. Yamantie’s parents went out of their way to make everyone feel welcomed and comfortable.

From food and drink days before and after the quinceañera, to special accommodations and daily phone calls they were truly great hosts. On July 30 was the big event! The small Catholic Church was filled with guests as the mass was celebrated in Spanish. The reception was held at the local Bainbridge College. Kudos to Yamantie’s family for thinking outside the box! The dance routines Yamantie and her chambelanes performed were the hit of the night. Most quinceañeras are nervous or stressed at this point of the fiesta but not Yamantie. It was great to see her soaking up every moment of her quince. After the dance ended at 11 everyone headed to the Galnares home for the after-party where menudo was served and dancing went on until 4 in the morning. It was epic!! Spontaneity during a trip is always fun - after leaving Georgia on Monday morning we decided to make a pit stop in Pensacola Beach. Our little deviation was well worth it as we took a dip in the crystal blue water and had a delicious seafood lunch. We had decided to spend this night in Baton Rouge because we wanted to visit the Louisiana

Tips for Traveling to a Quinceañera • Make an event/vacation out of it • Visit new places • Lodge in different cities • Eat at different restaurants • If you travel with children teach them to appreciate road trips and learn about the area you’re traveling in.

State Capitol, an impressive 34-story building situated next to the Mississippi River. This is a must see stop since it is located right off Interstate 10. Overall this trip had a great purpose, time to be with family and friends along with opportunities to experience the Gulf Coast States. I can’t wait for the next family quinceañera!

Want to be featured in QUINCE Magazine?

Quince Magazine is currently looking for quinceañeras to feature in its upcoming issues. We want to hear from you if: You’ve had a quinceañera in the last 3 years. Have a unique story to tell about your quince fiesta. Are

beginning your quince planning and would like for us to chronicle your journey. Contact the Editor of Quince

Magazine at mdgonzalez@hispanicmeetingstravel.com to submit your name and information. A Quince Magazine staff member will follow up with you to work out the details of your feature. Quince Magazine | 7

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