¿Qué Pasa, Ohio State? Spring 2021, Vol. 30, No. 2

Page 19


Exquisite Tenure

A Tribute to Frederick Aldama

I sit at a table where we can offer our students And other scholars different options to enrich An understanding of the making and consuming Of the cultural phenomena we identify as Latino literature. By exploring and connecting the Correlations of the humanities and Brain sciences, students will better Understand critical processes such As thought, feeling, and action in our Scientific world.

Frederick Aldama

Frederick Aldama

If we Latinos Have no future, then the country as a whole has no Future. This may sound like the premise of a dystopian Science fiction flick, but it’s not. It is our reality today. The doors are now open. A lot of people were Behind the force that opened them. Now, we have Created a community where ideas are flourishing, And we all know who to thank. A leader with energy and enthusiasm to spare, Uniting Latinx students through Laser, He is the guy with the light spiky hair, Best of luck Aldama take good care!

Frederick Aldama

Rolando Rubalcava

Yesenia Alvarez

You have done so much for students of color in the academy In creating spaces, publications, events, and opportunities And in doing so, you have changed all of our lives greatly. Kaitlin Sweeney

(at QuePasa Magazine, we created a poem composed by excerpts of Prof. Aldama’s writings, and words of praise by his students in an effort to reflect his scholarship, mentorship, and impact he has had during his time at Ohio State University)

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