¿Qué Pasa, Ohio State? Fall 2021, Vol. 31, No. 1

Page 28

Why we support a COVID-19 vaccination requirement? by Qué Pasa Team Office of Diversity and Inclusion

The Qué Pasa editorial team supports Ohio State’s vaccination policy. Our reasons are personal, and we share them with you: To Do My Part Rolando Rubalcava, Department of English

Rolando Rubalcava

I read an article last year in July. It wasn’t really an article, as it was a list of names: Healthcare workers who lost their lives to COVID while on the frontlines of the pandemic. I was angry, heartbroken, shrunken by despair. I’m not an epidemiologist, or in the healthcare industry, so what can I do about this? Getting the vaccine helped provide that opportunity to do my part. Once I got it, I became a huge vaccine advocate. My parents got it, my siblings, and many of my friends got it shortly after. After my second shot, one of the first things I did was fly home and see people the CDC said I should stay socially distant from until after getting vaccinated. Hugging loved ones almost started to feel linke a lost traditions. I don’t know how our new sense of normal will shape into. All I know is that some really smart people got together and made it possible to feel normal again, whatever that ever meant.


Luiza Correa, Department of Design

Getting the vaccine shot was an act of love for myself and my friends, my community. How could I be happy, feel nurtured and successful without having their company? How could I stand the chance of being the source of their infection? My fam is my family here, they are my soul mates. Going through graduate school without them would be just impossible!” 28

Halloween Party!

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