¿Qué Pasa, Ohio State? Fall 2021, Vol. 31, No. 1

Page 22

Lessons Learned:

Consejos for Future Academics by Jessica Rivera, PhD

Education Studies

When I left Wisconsin, I planned to never return to the Midwest. Mostly because I had missed the sunshine in Texas, and I had grown tired of the cold, snowy winters. But when the professor I wanted to work with moved from the University of Texas at San Antonio to Ohio State, I decided to apply to a program at OSU. After being admitted, I remember visiting the campus and being nervous about my decision to start a doctoral program. Here I was again, moving away from my family and community, but I knew I wanted to grow and learn more. It is hard to believe that my journey started over four years ago. I can definitely say that my time at Ohio State went by quickly. Here, I want to share some of the lessons I’ve learned for future graduate students. There is a community here, but you have to put in the work and effort to build that community. When I first got to campus, I knew it would be important to connect with other people on campus. However, I did not think it would be a challenge. I attended events in my program and events on campus for graduate students and Latinx students, but due to busy schedules, it was often hard to find time to connect with people outside of classes or events. I had to be intentional when spending time with friends, like studying, making dinners, or scheduling activities weeks in advance. It took effort but having a community through graduate school helps! You have to advocate for yourself.


No one will explain everything to you; make sure to seek out resources and ask for help. It is no secret that doctoral programs can be a challenge. One of my biggest challenges has been asking for help. Part of that is due to a sense of imposter syndrome and feeling like I have to prove myself as a Latina. But I have learned that everyone gets help in graduate school. Some people don’t talk about the struggles they face and the help they receive. Don’t be afraid to ask for the support you need. It’s easy to compare yourself to others, but everyone has traveled a different path to get here. This is your journey, do it at your pace, with your goals in mind. People around you will talk about their success or progress, which at times has made me feel like I am not doing enough. But then I realize that everyone has a different goal, and it is okay for me to focus on what is most important to me. You will be challenged as a student, but in facing those challenges, you are growing. This journey has been challenging. Most of my issues have not always been academic but instead, challenge why I am here. I have gained a critical lens that has forced me to look at myself and question my purpose. Although it has been a difficult journey, I know that those challenges are helping me grow. You might want to quit many times, but you have to remember your reason

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