Dental digital marketing checklist ensure all is perfect!

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Weeks back, we had committed to publish a digital marketing checklist for dentists. And here, we fulfil our promise . In one of our previous blogs, we have shed a light on the most anticipated digital marketing trends in the healthcare industry to watch for in 2018. This blog will open your eyes in doing dental digital marketing in a correct and organised way. Dentistry is a dynamic world. More and more dentists are joining the ranks of corporate dentistry. According to a research, the number of applicants to dental school has impacted dental school enrolment appreciably for the past half century.

In all, dentists are growing in huge numbers across the globe. Naturally, when there are more numbers of service providers, the intensity of competition would be high. Are you a private practice owner of a dental clinic who is tired of competing with corporate dentistry?

Read on how to survive in this intense dental digital marketing competition and beat your competitors. And, don’t forget to access your dental digital marketing checklist! The tactic of carrying out digital marketing activities is almost similar for any business. The only important thing to note is the buyer persona of the business in the question. Here, we are specifically talking about dentistry. What all dentists need to survive? Patients – right? To get a pool of patients, practitioners need to have a good online presence and reputation in the market. All these aspects are well taken care by a correct approach towards digital marketing. The more precisely we can say dental digital marketing.

Elements of dental digital marketing The dentists who are little aware about online marketing would be well versed with the basic terminologies like online presence, website traffic, search engine optimisation, and social media marketing. Anyways, there is no need to go in the deepest level. This knowledge is enough to strengthen your marketing efforts. We will quickly give you the brief of what exactly dental digital marketing requires and how is it being carried out.

1. Website designing and development To build your online presence is must. This can be done better with the help of your own customised website. If you own your dental clinic website, you will be in a good position to reflect your philosophy on patient care and what experience your patients can expect from your dental clinic.

2. Search engine optimization Once you have your website, the real fun starts. Did you know: 70% of patients search for new dentists online? Promotion of your website, both organically and inorganically, is must in the initial phase. Later on you can rely more on organic marketing and lessen your paid marketing budgets. Optimise your website, its content and images to make search engine friendly. The set of such activities is called search engine optimization.

3. Social media marketing One of the most effective ways to market dental services is social media marketing. Almost all people have one or more social profiles and they stay active on it. Take the most possible advantage of this fact. Establish your social media presence and interact with your targeted audience. Do not sell anything directly on social media. Rather use your social networks to respond to patients’ queries, share dental hygiene tips, respond to inquiries and expand your network.

4. Content marketing Content is the central part of any sort of dental digital marketing activities. Create a content with which your targeted patients can connect with. Share your content in your social networks. QL Tech Tip: A good and targeted content acts as an efficient salesperson. A dentist in his network can be proved as an expert on orthodontics if he wants to be. This can be done by writing enough blogs and articles on ‘orthodontics’ and sharing it in front of the right audience.

5. Paid marketing Paid marketing helps – period! We did not mean that you should empty your pockets in the hunt of patients. But, logically done paid marketing can boost your website traffic, generate leads and increase conversions. Overall, it results in a great ROI. Be it Facebook marketing or Google Adwords, you can spread your presence quickly and offer your services to the patients who are actively looking for it.

High performing keywords also help in correcting your organic promotions. Read more here: How a successful PPC campaign can skyrocket conversions for dentists?

6. Online reputation management Last but not the least and very important thing is – online reputation management (ORM). ORM is the practice of attempting to shape public perception of a person or organization by influencing online information about that person or the entity. It works towards bridging the gap between how a dental clinic sees itself and how others see it. ORM monitors the reputation on the internet by handling and addressing content that can have potential negative impact on the reputation or the status of a particular person, brand, or an organization.

Here comes treasure for you…! A lot of talk on what to do in dental digital marketing is over. Let’s help you guide on how to do it. Access this dental digital marketing checklist and ensure that all activities are going in the right direction with the right efforts. Once you read your checklist, do not forgot to share it. Also, drop your takeaways in the comments box. We’d love to hear from you. Note: Since the checklist content is thorough, we have created a Google file for your easy access.

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