A Place for All Queenslanders

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Mac and Mary are squirrel gliders who live in a nesting box on the 14 hectare Government House estate (also known as Fernberg) in Brisbane. Fernberg has been the official residence of Queensland Governors since 1910, when Sir William MacGregor and Lady MacGregor (after whom ‘Mac’ is named) moved in. The Government House bushland was declared a Sanctuary for Animals and Birds in the 1920s by the State’s 14th Governor, Sir John Goodwin and Lady Goodwin (after whom ‘Goodwin’, Mac and Mary’s kookaburra friend, is named). ‘Mary’ is named after Queensland’s first female Governor, Mary Marguerite ‘Leneen’ Forde.

© 2021 - published by the Office of the Governor (Queensland) www.govhouse.qld.gov.au

A Place for all Queenslanders Creative concept: Wendy van Rosmalen and Leigh Coyle Illustrated by: Amanda Letcher (JSAcreative)



“Lamingtons!” Mac cried, sniffing around so wildly that he almost fell out of the tree. His older sister, Mary, laughed. “You’ve just had breakfast, greedy guts! I wonder what exciting things the Governor is doing today?” “Let’s find out!” Mac cried, gliding out of the tree towards the gleaming white walls of Government House.

Mac and Mary peered in the kitchen window and spied a waiter carrying a platter of lamingtons.

Mary said wisely, “Did you know that lamingtons were invented by the Chef at Government House?”

W E could go G OV E R N M E N T H O U S E .“

“Ohhhh,” whispered Mac. “I wish inside

After licking some sap for morning tea, Mac and Mary played in the garden. Mac tickled his sister as hard as he could. Their kookaburra friend, Goodwin, flew down to join them. Goodwin knew everything – even more than Mary!

“They’re getting the garden ready for a special visitor,” Goodwin told them. Mac asked excitedly, “Is it The Queen?” “Not this time,” Goodwin said. “It’s an Ambassador! An Ambassador represents their country in this one.”

W E could go inside G OV E R N M E N T H O U S E .“ Mac looked sad.. “I wish

After a big lunch of beetles, Mary and Mac rested in their tree hollow. “I hope they have another awards ceremony soon,” Mary said, wiggling with delight. “They’re my favourite. I love it when the Governor gives out medals for brave and wonderful things.” “Be honest, Mary,” her brother teased. “You just like the shiny medals.”

W E could go inside G OV E R N M E N T H O U S E . “ Then he looked sad. “I wish

Usually before afternoon tea Mac and Mary did their homework but today they were distracted by a group of children. “What are they up to?” Mac asked, looking worried. “I hope they’re not being naughty.” Goodwin fluttered down, flapping his wings importantly. “Those children have come all the way from Woorabinda for a guided tour,” he said.


“That’s a way from here. I don’t think I’d even be able to fly that far.”

W E could go inside G OV E R N M E N T H O U S E .“ Mac looked sad. “I wish

It was getting late and the sun was beginning to slide behind the hill. Clinging to the ledge outside the Governor’s Study, Mac and Mary watched the Governor sign important papers. “It’s so exciting to see laws becoming real,” whispered Mary. “I think I ate too many caterpillars for breakfast,” Mac groaned. “I can’t remember what that means.”

Mary laughed and pulled Mac’s whiskers. “It’s tricky to explain, but after the people in Parliament have discussed a law, it goes to the Governor, otherwise it can’t be used.” “Gosh,” Mac said, and then he looked sad.

W E could go inside G OV E R N M E N T H O U S E .“ “I wish

That evening, after filling up on nectar, Mac and Mary heard tinkling music. Through a window, they saw people sitting at a grand dining table, laughing and chatting.

“It’s one of those special dinners,” Mary said. “Goodwin told me the Governor supports lots of good causes, and that’s why these people have been invited.”

W E could go inside G OV E R N M E N T H O U S E . “ Mac looked sad. “I wish

Then he noticed that the Governor was looking right at them!


The siblings huddled together, nervous about having been seen.

To their surprise, they heard a voice calling out to them. It was the Governor… and she was smiling!

“ C O M E I N , YO U T WO! “ invited the Governor, throwing the doors wide open. “I am proud to welcome you inside Government House – it’s a place for everyone.”

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