San Diego Christian College Yearbook 2011 - 2012

Page 48

Aviation the skills necessary to attain a career in professional aviation while gaining a solid foundation in biblical knowledge... serve Christ--whether with a missionary aviation organization, through the military or commercial aviation.

This was a year of change and growth for our Aviation Department. It was our first full year with the missionary pilot loan forgiveness program which has helped increase the enrollment of missionary pilots to nearly 50%. Our largest freshman class ever swelled our department to over 40 aviation students. Our Flight Team competed at the NIFA Regional Championships at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott AZ and earned their fourth invitation in a row to the national collegiate flying championships at Kansas State University this May. Our most noticeable change is the purchase of Jean’s Flight Training by Eamonn and Deanne Powers Captain Denny Breslin which shall henceforth be known as “SDCC Aero”. This has been another Director of Aviation exciting year with great enthusiasm for the changes God has planned for our school. We are deeply committed to serving Him and the key to doing God’s will in aviation is having fun and doing it safely while expanding our borders and preparing for the future. In a comprehensive feature article about our flight program on the front page of the San Diego Union Tribune December 8, junior Jenna Sims summed up the essence of our focus: “...prayer and faith are part of every trip. That’s really the foundation for our whole program.” -Denny Breslin


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