Rochestem ed 3

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Edición 3 - Diciembre 2015

Super Luna La ira de Chía fue tan fuerte que buscó opacar al Sol al alinearse en frente de él.

Evolución Curricular en Ciencias de la Computación. El Compostaje un Ejemplo de Sostenibilidad The journey of a lifetime


Integrating Knowledge and Service for a Better Place


Edición 3 · Chía, Diciembre de 2015

Revista semestral publicada en inglés y español por el Colegio Rochester, Chía, Colombia. Director Editorial Juan Pablo Aljure Presidente Colegio Rochester Editor Henry A. Sánchez Editor de Producción Adriana Villegas Diseño y Diagramación Maithea Barragán Consejo Editorial Ciencias Naturales: Pilar Tunarroza Ciencias de la Computación: Julián Pérez Ciencias Matemáticas: Luis Guillermo Marín Redacción Textos en inglés: Mónica Arrubla Textos en español: Grupo Editorial Santillana


Las ideas y opiniones expresadas en los artículos son las del autor y no reflejan necesariamente el punto de vista del COLEGIO ROCHESTER. Las denominaciones empleadas y la presentación de los datos que contiene esta publicación no implican de parte del COLEGIO ROCHESTER juicio alguno sobre la situación jurídica o política de países, regiones o territorios. ISSN: 2422-4413 © ROCHESTER Comunicaciones y Medios. 2015




El compostaje un ejemplo de sostenibilidad Evolución Curricular en Ciencias de la Computación


Descubriendo la enseñanza harkness.





NASA Scientist Conference



Project Green Challenge: A Call to Action

PEDAGOGICAL STRATEGIES Integrating Knowledge and Service for a Better Place


Internship Final Report on Proposed Energy Curriculum Guidelines for K-12 Schools in Colombia


GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES The journey of a lifetime


INTEGRATED PROJECTS Learning For Wellness, Sustainability and Success: how we were recognized as a “Promising Practices School”



EDITORIAL Desde hace más de 45 mil años los Homo sapiens nos hemos caracterizado por evidenciar nuestra hambre por el conocimiento y estamos en constante búsqueda de maneras de evolucionar y mejorar nuestras condiciones de vida. Ahora contamos con grandes avances tecnológicos como computadoras, naves espaciales, robots, microscopios, telescopios, entre muchos otros, con los que hemos estudiado desde los organismos extremófilos hasta la estructura de la luna y la vida en otros planetas, situación que nos ha permitido comprender nuestro entorno. Hemos logrado saciar nuestra “hambre de saber”… ¿Y ahora qué? ¿Cómo podemos poner en práctica ese conocimiento para pasar de ser una especie dominante a una especie sostenible y ética? ¿Cómo resolveremos los impactos ambientales y sociales que hemos causado a lo largo de la historia? En esta publicación encontrarán algunos ejemplos de cómo en el Colegio Rochester buscamos brindarle a los estudiantes las herramientas para que en un futuro lejano o cercano, puedan resolver estas interrogantes y lideren cambios positivos en la sociedad y el ambiente. Durante las clases de ciencias de la computación se cierran brechas entre naciones evidenciando la globalización; en matemáticas se imparten nuevas metodologías de enseñanza como la Harkness; en ciencias naturales se realizan prácticas sostenibles y científicas; y desde todas las áreas, a través del currículo de sostenibilidad se ponen en práctica aprendizajes sobre eficiencia energética. Así mismo, encontrarán en esta edición que los estudiantes del Colegio Rochester viajan a través del mundo compartiendo su aprendizaje y generando propuestas que benefician la humanidad, y aunque al parecer son aportes a pequeña escala, son estos los cimientos para resolver entre todos grandes problemáticas mundiales. Estamos reconociendo, tal como se declaró en la Convención sobre el Cambio Climático - COP 21- de Paris, que “el cambio climático es un problema común de la humanidad, por lo que las Partes, al adoptar medidas para hacer frente al cambio climático, deberían respetar, promover y tomar en consideración sus respectivas obligaciones con respecto a los derechos humanos, el derecho a la salud, … así como la igualdad de género, el empoderamiento de la mujer y la equidad intergeneracional”. María del Pilar Tunarroza Sierra Coordinadora del Área de Ciencias Colegio Rochester 4

From our subjects

El Compostaje un Ejemplo de Sostenibilidad

Por: Jorge Quintero Director de Sostenibilidad Colegio Rochester


presente. Entre mayor cantidad de materia orgánica se pueda encontrar en los suelos, las características de las propiedades físicas (estabilidad estructural, porosidad y control de la temperatura), propiedades químicas (capacidad de cambio iónico y procesos redox) y propiedades biológicas van a mejorar, por lo tanto vamos a tener mayor productividad.

Qué es compostaje? Esa es una pregunta que frecuentemente las personas se hacen en el momento de ofrecerles compost. La realidad es que el compostaje es un proceso en donde intervienen una serie de organismos (hongos y bacterias), condiciones de temperatura, humedad, aireación y cuyo propósito es a través de fermentación aeróbica descomponer materia orgánica producto de nuestras actividades (residuos de comida) en abono orgánico. Si el compost es abono orgánico, producto de los residuos de preparación de alimentos y lo que no consumimos, ¿cuál es la importancia de practicar este proceso?. En primer lugar es relevante tener en cuenta que los suelos tienen una limitante a la hora de hablar de su fertilidad y básicamente esta relacionada con la cantidad de materia orgánica

Hay que tener en cuenta que por actividades antrópicas, entre las cuales encontramos fragmentación de bosques y destrucción de ecosistemas tales como páramos para prácticas productivas y de urbanización, hemos degradado continuamente la riqueza de los suelos, que finalmente son el sustento de nuestro alimento. La práctica de realizar compostaje, logra en gran medida disminuir los impactos ambientales que 5

se esperaba disminuir la presencia de insectos, tales como moscas, gracias a la implementación de estrategias amigables con el entorno natural. Así mismo, se han realizado proyectos de grado tendientes a poder vender el producto final (compost), buscando con ello cerrar el ciclo y de esta manera ser realmente sostenibles en temas económicos.

generamos por explotación excesiva de los suelos, ya que contribuimos a reincorporar sus nutrientes en la estructura de los mismos.

Residuos orgánnicos.

En el caso del Colegio Rochester, y cómo parte de nuestra responsabilidad ambiental es y ha sido importante para la institución dar un manejo adecuado a los residuos orgánicos generados en la auditería, contribuyendo con la producción continua de compost (1 tonelada mensual aproximadamente), obteniendo un producto que es de fácil manejo, almacenable, materia orgánica estabilizada, humidificada, libre de sustancias tóxicas para plantas, animales y ser humano. Este hito de dar un manejo responsable de los desechos orgánicos generados en nuestras instalaciones, ha tenido diferentes repercusiones alrededor no únicamente a la gestión ambiental que realizamos día tras día, al evitar que estos residuos sean enviados a rellenos sanitarios, si no que también ha estado relacionado con aspectos académicos, sociales e incluso económicos. Han pasado cinco años desde que iniciamos de manera rudimentaria la producción de compost en la antigua sede, logrando con ello un aprendizaje que se ve reflejado en las clases de biología de bachillerato, donde se ha trabajado con los alumnos los ciclos de nutrientes, aprovechando con ello la compostera como un laboratorio para que comprendan y utilicen su conocimiento de manera útil.

Proyecto 10º: Manejo integrado de plagaspara el control de Drosophila melanogaster.

Es así, que durante los informes de aprendizaje en el mes de octubre, estudiantes que hacen parte del Comité Ambiental Social Escolar (ALUNA), vendieron como parte al apoyo a la sostenibilidad del colegio, compost y hortalizas a padres de familia, lo cual se constituyó en un aporte importante para los proyectos que estamos liderando, tales como Oso Andino, compra de árboles nativos para siembra durante el Greenapple Day of Service y mantenimiento de las huertas del colegio.

Los mejores ejemplos que hemos tenido en temas relacionados con la academia están relacionados con mini-proyectos como el del año escolar 20142015, en donde se aprovecho la utilización de la compostera y presencia de insectos, para realizar una investigación con los estudiantes en la cual

Comite social ambiental escolar (ALUNA) entregando compost a la comunidad de Chía


El motivo por el cual hacemos uso de este modelo de compostera se debe principalmente a que se pueden controlar ciertos parámetros claves a la hora de poder obtener un compost cuya calidad permita ser usada luego. Entre las características que posee este modelo de compostera básicamente son:

Con relación al Greenapple Day cabe mencionar que durante la actividad realizada con los estudiantes se llevó a cabo una donación de compost, plántulas y árboles nativos a la comunidad de la Vereda de Fusca como parte de nuestro compromiso en temas

• No requiere adición de ningún químico, bacterias, enzimas o similares. • No requieren estar manipulando el compost en los compartimientos de la compostera. • Podemos lograr obtener compost en un periodo de un mes, lo cual difiere bastante en procesos de compostaje tradicional en donde se requiere hasta cuatro meses. • El sistema permite contabilizar sistemáticamente: volúmenes de residuos aprovechados, rendimientos y volumen de compost obtenido. • Permite parametrizar todo tipo de residuos: cálculo de mezclas iniciales, perdidas por vapor de agua y CO2, • Permite calibrar permanentemente densidades de residuos y compost obtenido • El diseño por compartimientos en 3000, permite compostar diferente tipo de residuos al mismo tiempo para hacer comparativos de resultados y calidades diferentes de compost. • Su diseño y construcción en polipropileno y montaje sobre 9 rodamientos, permite movilidad para: limpieza,mantenimiento, cambio de sitio,revisión permanente de partes. • Su construcción en polipropileno100% reciclado(madera plástica), permite fácil reparación de partes metálicas:bisagras de compuertas,mallas de ventilación. • El sistema permite detección y control rápido de posible presencia de moscas y roedores. • Permite un proceso continuo por baches: carga por compartimientos y después de cerrado el ciclo: descarga compost y carga de residuos.

relacionados con el componente social contribuyendo con ello a enviar un mensaje no únicamente ambiental, sino de la importancia de exaltar la seguridad alimentaria.

Todos estos logros no serían posibles si no contáramos con composteras diseñadas para producir el compost de manera eficiente. Es así que los desechos orgánicos generados diariamente son pesados y luego enviados a las dos composteras con las que contamos en el colegio. La compostera de mayor capacidad (1.5 toneladas) tipo SAC 3000 (ACODAL), permiten la descomposición, de forma acelerada, de todo tipo de restos orgánicos generados en la auditería, los cuales son aplicados en la tierra que usamos en las huertas del colegio y que se irá asociando al humus, que es la esencia de un suelo saludable , fértil y equilibrado en la cantidad de nutrientes necesarios para obtener unos vegetales libres de sustancias agroquímicas.

Adicionalmente gracias a la experiencia obtenida, hemos logrado a un bajo costo construir cuatro pequeñas composteras usando canecas de 55 galones con una capacidad aproximada de 100 kilogramos, con los cuales se esperaba suplir la necesidad de dar un mejor manejo a la cantidad de residuos generados diariamente. Este diseño de composteras no son tan eficientes en el momento de producir compost en períodos cortos como la compostera SAC 3000, debido principalmente a su sistema de aireación y tendencia a retener o disipar el calor.

Compostera, Colegio Rochester.


Es así, que el calor emanado por el compost dependen de la cantidad de materia orgánica introducida, la humedad, aireación y la relación C/N. En el monitoreo que se ha realizado en la compostera SAC 3000 del colegio hemos obtenido valores que oscilan entre 40ºC y 50º C en los primeros 3 o 4 días, lo cual significa que esta dentro de la temperatura óptima de funcionamiento. Con respecto a la compostera diseñada y construida en el colegio los valores se aproximan a los de la SAC 3000. Hay que aclarar que esta compostera construida con canecas de 55 galones no posee un sistema de ventilación óptimo como la SAC 3000, lo cual podría incidir en una afectación del proceso llegando a períodos más largos de descomposición. De todos modos, y a pesar de algunas limitaciones, en ambas composteras no hay necesidad de mover o airear la pila de materia orgánica en descomposición para controlar la temperatura, evitando con ello la muerte de microorganismos beneficiosos que contribuyen al proceso de descomposición. Muchas veces se asocia al proceso de compostaje a malos olores debido a condiciones anaeróbicas. A pesar que nuestras composteras están diseñadas con un buen sistema de aireación, en ocasiones, al inicio del proceso se presentan malos olores. Sin embargo, hemos logrado contrarrestar esta molestia gracias a la utilización de aserrín y la instalación de un sistema para recoger los lixiviados que pueden incrementar la humedad en los residuos orgánicos y con ello demorar el proceso. De hecho, es importante recalcar la importancia de un buen contenido de humedad, el cual debe oscilar entre 50 a 60 % considerándolo óptimo, puesto que la descomposición por microorganismos ocurre de manera más rápida en la capa superficial de los residuos orgánicos debido a la presencia de una mayor cantidad de agua presente en esa área. Por otro lado, el proceso se puede ver afectado debido a contenidos bajos de humedad (inferior al 30 %), los cuales pueden llegar a inhibir la actividad microbiana o por contenidos muy altos (mayores del 65 %) generando condiciones anaeróbicas, una disminución en los tiempos de la descomposición orgánica y la producción de olores desagradables.

Composteras caseras, Colegio Rochester.

Por otro lado, estas composteras por si solas no podrían hacer su trabajo si no se tienen en cuenta una serie de elementos claves para poder obtener un abono orgánico de buena calidad. Entre los factores físicos y químicos encontramos el tamaño de las partículas y el contenido de humedad. Así mismo, otro de los factores a tener en consideración es la temperatura, puesto que durante el proceso de descomposición unos de los subproductos del proceso de descomposición de la materia orgánica es calor, el cual es parte de la respiración celular de los organismos que participan en la degradación de los residuos enviados a la compostera. Es clave entender que este calor puede variar dependiendo de la ubicación de la compostera, así como de la altura sobre el nivel del mar, ya que en climas cálidos el proceso de descomposición es más rápido, por temas relacionados con el metabolismo de los organismos.

Por último, es evidente que a pesar de las dificultades propias de esta práctica de manejo de residuos orgánicos, es claro que hemos logrado como institución un mejor aprovechamiento de nuestros desechos y por consiguiente que los estudiantes comprendan la importancia del concepto de sostenibilidad. Materia orgánica procesandose dentro de la compostera SAC 3000.


El Colegio Rochester como texto vivo, en el cual los estudiantes aprenden practicando en sus propios proyectos.

Referencia Bibliográfica Compostaje como método para obtener abonos orgánicos (s.f). Recuperado el 2 de Noviembre de 2015 de:


From our subjects


esde siempre y con énfasis en el último lustro, gracias al cambiante medio educativo nacional e internacional, el Colegio Rochester ha experimentado una acelerada evolución curricular en el área de Ciencias de la Computación.

Evolución Curricular en Ciencias de la Computación.

Desde la década de los años ochenta el colegio ha integrado tecnologías de información a su oferta educativa para ofrecer la mayor variedad de experiencias de aprendizaje a sus estudiantes, y para satisfacer los requerimientos del contexto nacional.

Flexibilidad, adaptabilidad y sostenibilidad. Por: Ing. Julian E. Pérez M. Coordinador Ciencias de la Computación Colegio Rochester

Imágen 1, Computador IBM PC similar a los primeros computadores adiquiridos por el Colegio Rochester.

En esa década fueron adquiridos los primeros computadores personales IBM PC muy similares al que se ilustra en la imagen 1 , que fueron usados para apoyar las clases de Mecanografía, y las clases de Dibujo. El enfoque curricular del momento apuntó a la exploración de intereses especiales en grados superiores, y la asignatura se denominó Vocacionales y Técnicas. En la siguiente década, el currículo se orientó al aprendizaje de la computación, resaltando al ordenador tanto como herramienta tecnológica básica, como objeto de estudio en si mismo. También continuaron las asignaturas de Dibujo, Mecanografía, e iniciaron las áreas de tecnología y de diseño. El aprendizaje estuvo centrado en una Estudiantes en clase de ciencias de la computación.


alfabetización básica en computación. Se utilizaron máquinas IBM similares al ilustrado en la imagen 2 .

sumó la utilización de computadoras Apple (Imagen 3) , lo que redundó en el mejoramiento de la calidad de las experiencias de aprendizaje, diferenciando al colegio e impulsándolo con respecto a sus competidores.

Antes de terminar la década de los años

Durante la última década el colegio ha seguido la poderosa ola de cambio y evolución curricular en el área de Ciencias de la Computación, favorecido por la diversificación de disciplinas relacionadas, y por la gran variedad de especializaciones que han enriquecido el equipo docente con ingenieros de sistemas, ingenieros mecatrónicos, comunicadores, diseñadores industriales y gráficos, matemáticos, etc. A lo anterior ha de sumarse el impacto de la globalización en los procesos educativos, lo que ha cerrado la brecha entre las naciones, así como ha aproximando sus legislaciones en lo educativo. Además ha permitido en muchos casos la construcción colectiva de currículos en todas las áreas del conocimiento. Adicionalmente el cambio de enfoque sobre el uso de La Internet, por parte de docentes, directivos, y estudiantes, desde ser consumidores a ser productores de contenidos, ha promovido como nunca la interacción entre ellos, construyendo, compartiendo y mejorando sus prácticas administrativas, docentes, y de aprendizaje.

Imágen 2, computador IBM.

noventa, con el impulso que tuvo la industria del software a nivel mundial, el colegio incluyó en el currículo la programación de computadoras más decididamente y no solo como tema incluido dentro de la alfabetización general. Dicho enfoque hacia el desarrollo enriqueció ampliamente el área de Ciencias de la Computación, complementando las ya más curricularmente maduras asignaturas de tecnología y diseño asistido por computador. En los años siguientes el colegio logró fortalecer su oferta educativa en tecnología de información, ya que al impetuoso impulso dado por las directivas del colegio, y al interesante enfoque curricular, se

Desde hace más de un lustro el colegio ha venido integrando decididamente elementos curriculares de alcance internacional, sin dejar de lado el contexto nacional. Inicialmente se integraron temáticas y prácticas estadounidenses, en especial las de la Sociedad Internacional para la Tecnología en la Educación (ISTE), para luego ir incorporando estándares europeos, que tuvieron implementación durante la revisión curricular de finales de la primera década de éste siglo. Para dicha época, el colegio enfocó su esfuerzo en las experiencias de aprendizaje relacionadas con la programación de computadoras en los últimos grados de bachillerato. Se continuaron utilizando las computadoras Apple con el fin de mantener la diversificación ofrecida desde la década anterior (Imagen 4) . Adicionalmente se crearon, se adaptaron y se mejoraron los ejes curriculares que fueron utilizados hasta finales del año lectivo anterior. Otro aspecto muy importante que ha apoyado no solo el currículo de Ciencias de la Computación, ha sido la integración de plataformas de aprendizaje de gran prestigio a nivel internacional, tales como: Compass Learning Odyssey y Schoology, ya que además de posicionar al colegio como institución pionera a nivel latinoamericano, han impulsado

Imágen 3, computador Apple.


de la Asociación de Maestros de Ciencias de la Computación (CSTA), que además incluye elementos curriculares de la Sociedad Internacional para la Tecnología en la Educación (ISTE), y del College Board, así como se apega a la legislación educativa colombiana, y naturalmente incluye rasgos muy particulares de nuestro ADN Rochesteriano. Nuestra estructura actual de ejes curriculares (Imagen 5) , tiene como propósito principal el apoyar la implementación de las experiencias de aprendizaje idóneas para que nuestros estudiantes evidencien su aprendizaje, y selecciona las herramientas, las temáticas y los objetos de estudio más relevantes del mundo de la tecnología.

decididamente el uso de tecnologías de información

Hoy contamos con una diversidad que es fiel reflejo del medio educativo tecnológico, y que cubre los más variados intereses de nuestros estudiantes. Tenemos la asignatura de Ciencias de la Computación como primera línea en el plan curricular para los grados de primaria, en los que los estudiantes descubren, conocen, y exploran el camino hacia el uso de la tecnología para el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida. En los grados de Escuela Media el área profundiza el uso de dichas tecnologías e inicia el camino hacia la especialización y la integración con otras áreas del conocimiento como la matemática, y las ciencias, siempre buscando apoyar el uso del aprendizaje en la solución de asuntos, y utilizando el pensamiento computacional, la colaboración, y la ética.

Imágen 4, computador Apple.

y comunicación para el aprendizaje, convirtiéndose en escenarios ideales para que profesores, estudiantes y en general todos los miembros de la Comunidad Rochesteriana ejerzan su ciudadanía digital, modelando el aprendizaje que el colegio promueve y que se orienta hacia el evidenciar comportamientos de cortesía, y hacia el uso del aprendizaje para solucionar asuntos de forma oportuna y satisfactoria para las partes, así como también hacia el ser ciudadanos sistémicos que propenden por su salud espiritual, emocional y física. Gracias a todo lo anterior, al apoyo del equipo

Estructura actual de ejes curriculares.

directivo del colegio y al esfuerzo profesional de los integrantes del equipo de Ciencias de la Computación, hoy contamos orgullosos con un currículo totalmente alineado a los estándares

En los grados de Media Vocacional, se diversifica de manera muy interesante el currículo, ya que contamos con asignaturas tales como: Algoritmos 12

Estudiantes del Colegio Rochester que integran sus conocimientos de diferentes áeas con la tecnología.

y programación básica, Sistemas de Información, Comunicación digital, Programación de Apps y VideoJuegos, Diseño Asistido por computador y modelamiento 3D, Redes y servidores, y el curso Advanced Placement Computer Science A de la organización internacional College Board. A continuación algunos testimonios de integrantes

Asignatura Modelado 3D.

Asistido por Computador y Modelamiento 3D. “… he visto en los estudiantes interés por aprender temas de fotografía, de iluminación, temas de diseño y composición, manejo de color, todo esto lo están llevando a la práctica en otras materias… Usar el diseño a través del pensamiento computacional me parece una herramienta buenísima para acercarlos al mundo del diseño, al arte, a través de los alcances que tiene la tecnología... Espero todos se lleven la importancia de lo que es la comunicación, es muy importante poder comunicar nuestras ideas para que nuestro receptor, a través de nuestro mensaje, entienda lo que está en nuestra cabeza, y eso se logra aprendiendo a usar las herramientas apropiadas…”. Juan Diego Rivas, profesor de la asignatura Comunicación Digital Básica.

Estudiante de media vocacional.

del equipo docente con respecto a su experiencia: “… ha sido una propuesta innovadora y creativa. Los estudiantes han recibido el curso con mucho entusiasmo y han tenido la posibilidad de crear mundos completamente virtuales dentro de un contexto tangible; donde son ellos mismos los dueños y arquitectos de su propia realidad. Las exclamaciones de sorpresa son frecuentes cuando se exponen los alcances de esta herramienta a nivel de Diseño y más aun, cuando se evidencia su uso y relación con el “que hacer” de otras profesiones.” Daniel Montoya, profesor de la asignatura Diseño

Es entonces nuestro currículo fruto de un prolongado proceso evolutivo, que ha sabido sobreponerse a los retos, que ha logrado mantenerse vigente, y que especialmente ha sido sensible a la demanda del 13

mercado, siempre apoyado decididamente desde la dirección del colegio e impulsado por el equipo de profesionales que conformamos el área y que trabajamos primordialmente para que nuestros estudiantes logren evidenciar su aprendizaje. Esperamos nuestros estudiantes logren disfrutar y aprovechar su paso por nuestras aulas de Ciencias de la Computación, para que al término de su paso por el colegio, aborden sus universidades nacionales e internacionales, destacándose como ciudadanos que usan la tecnología de información para dar solución de forma óptima y ética, a las situaciones que puedan presentarse. Continuaremos explorando, aprendiendo, construyendo y compartiendo los resultados de ésta ardua y hermosa labor, porque solo sobreviven quienes mejor se adaptan, y claramente la extinción no es una opción.


From our subjects

Descubriendo la enseñanza harkness. ¿Qué preguntas se podría hacer usted al ver la fotografía?

Por: Luis Guillermo Marín Coordinador del área de Matemáticas Colegio Rochester

como compartir las ideas, participar en discusiones, proponer estrategias, justificar procedimientos y llegar a acuerdos se constituyen en componentes importantes para el aprendizaje. En este sentido y en el marco del periodo de preparación para inicio del año escolar 20152016, el colegio Rochester invitó al profesor de matemáticas Tom Seidenberg1 para compartir dos días de aprendizaje, trabajo y capacitación con los profesores del área de matemáticas. El Sr. Seidenberg dirigió actividades en las que, a través de preguntas, se indagaba sobre conocimiento previo, concepciones matemáticas y prácticas de aula.


odrían surgir diversas preguntas formales relacionadas, por ejemplo, con especies de plantas, lugares en los que crecen estos árboles y su papel en el ecosistema; o menos formales: ¿Cómo se subió el hombre de la chaqueta a esa altura? o ¿Qué puede ver desde allí? Sin embargo, es bastante probable que las preguntas que usted se haga tengan que ver con números: ¿Qué altura tiene el árbol?, ¿Cuánta madera se puede cortar de éste? ¿Cuántas puertas de ciertas medidas se podrían fabricar de esa madera? ¿Cuánto dinero genera el aprovechamiento monetario de ese recurso?, ¿Cuántas fotos fueron necesarias para lograr esa imagen? ¿Cuál fue la distancia ideal para ubicar la cámara y evitar distorsiones?, etc. Estas y otras preguntas se pueden convertir en instrumentos poderosos para la indagación y la construcción de conocimiento que involucre varias áreas del saber. En la búsqueda de respuestas, elementos El segundo árbol más grande del mundo, en una sola imágen.

El uso de preguntas para la indagación sobre conocimiento previo y construcción de nuevo conocimiento a partir de problemas narrados, hace parte fundamental del ambiente de enseñanzaaprendizaje en el que trabaja el Sr. Seidenberg, ambiente inspirado por la estrategia metodológica propuesta por el filántropo Edward Harkness, quien en la década de 1930 expresó la manera en que su donación debería ser usada en Phillips Exeter Academy: “lo que tengo en mente es enseñar a los estudiantes por secciones, más o menos ocho por sección…donde se puedan sentar alrededor de una


Tom Seidenberg es profesor de matemáticas en Phillips Exeter Academy en Exeter, New Hampshire, Estados Unidos, con 40 años de experiencia y reconocido con diversos galardones por su labor docente: Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and ScienceTeaching,1985, Brown Teaching Award at Exeter, 1995, y el Tandy Teaching Award, 1997. Además de su trabajo en el salon de clase, internado y coaching a estudiantes, ha dirigido la conferencia Anja S. Greer Conference on Secondary School Mathematics, Science and Technology desde 1994.


hablaría y enseñaría con un método similar a una tutoría, en donde el estudiante promedio o por debajo del promedio se sienta animado a hablar, presentar sus dificultades y el profesor sabría esas dificultades…esa sería una revolución en los métodos”.

responsable de su propio aprendizaje, lo cual implica un fuerte compromiso en el desarrollo de hábitos de estudio y en hacer preguntas sin temor a decir que no sabe. Contar con la experiencia del Sr. Seidenberg en el uso de esta metodología se convierte en aporte substancial dentro del proceso de mejoramiento curricular en el área de matemáticas en el colegio Rochester. El tiempo de estudio personal y la preparación previa a las clases emergen como pilares claves en el aprendizaje efectivo y en la construcción de la autonomía de los individuos, ya que en ese ambiente los estudiantes son los que hacen las preguntas, evocan conocimientos previos, ponen a prueba sus habilidades, ejercitan su constancia y evalúan sus desempeños en la búsqueda de la solución de los problemas narrados. El compromiso de enseñar a otros se convierte, idealmente, en desafío que estimula el deseo de hacer parte del grupo que soluciona cosas, y aporta positivamente a la disposición para trabajar antes y después del encuentro en el aula.

Esta perspectiva metodológica se materializa en el trabajo conjunto entre profesor y estudiantes a través del intercambio de ideas sobre la solución de un problema narrado, alrededor de una mesa ovalada, en un salón cuyas paredes están cubiertas con tableros para que los estudiantes expresen sus ideas, con el propósito de que enseñen, discutan, colaboren y aprendan.

Diversas investigaciones afirman que los estudiantes aprenden el 95% cuando enseñan a otros.

La concurrencia de conceptos fundamentales como construcción de autonomía, motivación interna, tener en cuenta al otro y al contexto, así como rutinas de administración de la clase entre la enseñanza Harkness y la propuesta curricular que los profesores buscamos plasmar en el quehacer pedagógico en el Rochester, facilitan el enriquecimiento de la experiencia de enseñanzaaprendizaje en el aula y fuera de ella. El uso de recursos en línea, los cursos y talleres virtuales, los talleres de repaso de conceptos previos, la publicación anticipada de los temas a tratar en cada grado, el uso responsable de tecnología en el aula desde primaria, así como la articulación de las diferentes materias alrededor de la solución de asuntos ambientales pretenden, a mediano plazo, cimentar el fundamento para el aprendizaje autónomo y el aprovechamiento sostenible de todos los recursos que los estudiantes tienen a su disposición para usar y mejorar el conocimiento que nos rodea.

Este hecho incide en el diseño de las clases, en las que se espera que cada estudiante comparta su experiencia después de haber hecho un proceso de exploración de la solución de un problema. Los conceptos y procedimientos matemáticos involucrados se discuten en la reunión con compañeros y profesor, y se acuerda lo que resultaría en la solución. De esta manera el rol del profesor consiste en guiar a través de preguntas para asegurar concepciones y procedimientos correctos, y el rol del estudiante consiste hacerse

Estudiantes del Colegio Rochester compartiendo su conocimiento.




LUNA Por María del Pilar Tunarroza Sierra Coordinadora de Ciencias Naturales Colegio Rochester

Observando el eclipse en comunidad, desde el Colegio Rochester.

Chía era la consorte de Xué y los dos eran adorados como

dioses. Xué era el padre del partenón Muisca, su templo estaba en Sugamoxi (Sogamoso), ciudad sagrada del sol, y Chía, la Luna, era venerada por su belleza por los súbditos de zipa. Un día, Chía y Xué se enfadaron; la ira de Chía fue tan fuerte que buscó opacar al Sol al alinearse en frente de él.


Fotografía de la luna tomada desde el Colegio Rochester.

sí como los Chibchas, y muchas otras culturas, que a través de la historia han creado mitos y leyendas para explicar los eclipses y fenómenos en los cuerpos celestes, en la actualidad utilizamos la ciencia para encontrar explicaciones lógicas a éstos sucesos. El 27 de Septiembre tuvimos la fortuna de presenciar un eclipse de super luna, es decir, una

super luna que coincidió con un eclipse total de luna. Este fenómeno es poco común, esta es la quinta vez que sucede desde 1910 y se volvería a ver hasta el año 2033 ya que ocurre cada 18 años. El eclipse de super luna puede verse dependiendo del sitio geográfico en el que nos encontremos, la pasada super luna se vio en toda América, la mitad de Europa y la mitad de Asia, y solo la mitad de 17

América logramos ver el suceso completo. El astrólogo Richard Nolle le dio el término super luna al momento en que la luna llena está en el perigeo, su punto más cercano a la Tierra, a 384.500Km de distancia, por lo que se ve14% más cerca que de costumbre. El eclipse lunar solamente puede ocurrir cuando hay luna llena. Sucede cuando el Sol, la Tierra y la Luna

superficie es un sexto de la de la Tierra. La Luna sigue una órbita elíptica alrededor de la Tierra que tarda 27 días, 7 horas, 43 minutos y 11,5 segundos. Siempre vemos la misma cara de la Luna, esto sucede porque la Luna tarda en dar una vuelta sobre su eje el mismo tiempo que en dar una vuelta alrededor de la Tierra. Lo que hay en el otro lado

Esquema de un eclipse de luna.

están exactamente alineados en este orden de tal manera que la Tierra se interpone entre el Sol y la Luna generando sombra sobre la Luna. Esta sombra tiene dos partes: Umbra, la parte interior del cono de sombra, y la Penumbra que es la parte externa de la sombra en donde la luz es solo bloqueada de manera parcial. Hay tres tipos de eclipses lunares: Penumbral, Parcial y Total. El eclipse que observamos fue un eclipse total, ya que la Luna estaba en su totalidad en la zona umbral de la Tierra. A pesar de estar en el cono de sombra, la Luna recibe luz indirecta refractada a través de la atmósfera de la Tierra, por lo que la vemos de color rojo.

de la Luna es todavía desconocido, aunque se tiene la teoría de que debe ser una zona con mayor orografía crateriana debido a que no está protegida de asteroides. Aunque en la antigüedad se creía que la Luna tenía luz propia, ahora sabemos que la luna es brillante en la noche porque refleja en el espacio el 7% de la luz que recibe del Sol. Contamos con vasta tecnología que nos ha ayudado a entender la maravilla de los fenómenos naturales, sabemos que el Sol y la Luna no son dioses sino una estrella y un satélite natural, pero aún así, tal como lo hacían los Chibchas, nos reunimos en la noche para ver el espectáculo de una super luna. Así lo hicimos el 27 de Septiembre en el colegio Rochester, acompañados por expertos del Planetario de Bogotá. Con nuestros telescopios y

La Luna es el único satélite natural de la Tierra, tiene un diámetro aproximado de 3.476 km (una cuarta parte del de la Tierra) y la gravedad en su 18

binoculares, la comunidad rochesteriana gozó de una noche de aprendizaje, ciencia y la oportunidad de ver un fenómeno que ninguno había visto antes.

Referencia Bibliográfica Los eclipses. [s.f.]. Recuperado el 17 de noviembre de 2015, de Todo lo que hay que saber sobre el eclipse de superluna. (2015, 28 de Septiembre). Noticias BBC Ciencia Mundo. Recuperado el 17 de noviembre de 2015, de com/mundo/noticias/2015/09/150925_superluna_domingo_ eclipse_lp Escorcia, Maycol [2015]. Conferencia Eclipse Lunar. Colegio Rochester, Chía, Cundinamanrca

Explicación del eclipse en el Colegio Rochester, con el apoyo del Planetario de Bogotá.

Estudiantes que desde las instalaciones del Colegio Rochester observan el eclipse lunar.




Scientist Conference

By: Stefano Emiliani Mejía 11th Student Rochester School

Michael Ceballos, Physicist and Mathematician, Alabama University Mastery in Neuroscience, Ph. D. in Microbiology and Biochemistry, Montana University


t Extreme Environments, on the October 23, 2015, Michael Ceballos explained about his job. He described himself as an astrobiologist, which is a person that studies the possibility of the origin, distribution, evolution, and future of life in the universe, including that on Earth, using a combination of methods from biology, chemistry, and astronomy. He explained his study about the Extremophiles, an organism that thrives in physically or geochemically extreme conditions that are detrimental to most life on Earth. His story about hydrothermal vents was very interesting, as he told us about how he obtained samples of hot water to study these microorganisms. He also explained to us about Minnesota University and their ethnic background.

“Are multicellular organisms possible under the Martian ocean?” He answered that the possibility of this is very slim, but possible, mainly because the Mars rover had no tools to confirm life so we are just basing these “facts” on deductions. Another question asked was if Mars were an underdeveloped planet like Earth was some years ago, or if it were an arid desert and the future that we will likely become. His answer was very intriguing, explaining how the possibility of intelligent life is amazingly big but that we still haven’t found anything; and ultimately he answered that it must’ve resided in Mars many years ago. In conclusion, the conference was amazing, and I felt great learning about all these new things of our world and universe. GEOLOGY 101 REPORT !

After a while, the conference evolved into more specific topics, and we started asking him about Mars. There were some interesting questions like: 20

Green School

Project Green Challenge:

A Call to Action

Summer interns Turning Green.

By: Ana Zabala High school Senior Rochester School


t’s amazing to think that a year ago my mind was completely different from what it is now, and my purpose in life didn’t seem very clear to me. On September 2014, when I was filling out an inscription for a Thirty-day challenge, little did I know that it would be the most inspiring, motivating and extremely life changing experience I would ever go through. When I heard about Project Green Challenge, I thought it would be fairly easy. At that time, I was making my own shampoo, chose DIY, tried to consume less, avoided malls and supermarkets, refused plastic bags, and planted trees once in a while... So I was arrogant enough to believe I couldn’t learn much more than what I already knew about sustainability. I mean,there’s not so much to do after that, right? Not correct! No matter how sustainable you think you are, you can ALWAYS be more sustainable.

their communities. Through thirty days of themed challenges (from water to zero waste, fashion to Non-GMO, and food to fair trade), PGC provides students with mentorship, advocacy, and leadership skills around conscious living. A diverse collective of finalists are flown to San Francisco to attend the PGC Finals, a three-day eco summit, on the last days of November. There, they share their PGC experiences, collaborate with peers and eco leaders to develop platforms for social action around key global issues. PGC completely transformed the way I saw the world and lived my life. My mind was totally expanded, and now, questioning everything I do in terms of its impacts is a continuous mental process. I realized that what we see and experience is such a small part of what happens all around the world all the time. PGC triggered my ability to see beyond what’s obvious; to live and think consciously; for example, Yogi Ramacharaka’s exercise: take an

Project Green Challenge (PGC) is a Thirty-day challenge that informs, inspires and mobilizes students all around the globe to change their world by making choices that will lead them to have more sustainable lifestyles, and take those simple, positive changes and ideas to 21

ordinary thing, such as a pencil. “Allowing the mind to pursue any associated by-paths (...) think of the thing in question from the following view points: (1) The thing in itself. (2) The place from whence it came (3) Its purpose or use (4) Its associations (5) Its probable end.” That’s basically what I go through before making any decision. Everything has a story and we don’t write its end.

I think words alone are insufficient to describe and express my gratitude towards life, which has given me opportunities like PGC and the PGC Finals, in which I not only got informed and acquired extensive knowledge, but also I could experience empowerment as I had never before, and was inspired to take action in order to change the unjust order of things and materialize what I want for the world. I saw the power that lies within all of us, our ability to dream and do. I was able to cross paths with others who care as deeply for the world as I do. I realized I don’t stand alone in this quest for progress, equality, justice and sustainability.

From PGC, I understood that sustainability is all about consciousness. That is, seeing the big picture, and going beyond what’s in front of you. Take your morning coffee for example; where did it come from? Think about the conditions of people included in the process of seed to table; are they fair? Think about farming and processing practices; do they harm soil, air, water or biodiversity? Are they efficient? Will Earth be sustained if those practices continue? Think about where your money is going; are the practices of the businesses you’re supporting in accordance to your values? Another thing I took away from PGC was the concept of voting with my dollar. Well…actually, voting with my Colombian peso. Although the first step to sustainability is consuming less, there are things we still have to buy. If, as consumers, we demand environmentally clean and socially responsible brands, we have the power to shift the supply of products in the market. As a consumer, I now vote everyday for a just, sustainable and thriving world by supporting ethical companies and producers.

Farmers market San Rafael.

At the PGC Finals, I met people who not only shared my thoughts on the order of things, but also wanted to change it with me! It was such a constructive and positive environment where all thoughts and ideas were welcome and action was never restricted. The great thing is that none of this was ephemeral; it was not just about a weekend. All of these thoughts, ideas and feelings were buried deeply into my soul and they’re a part of me now. PGC was the start of an incredible journey with Turning Green and a lot of people around the world who work for a better future! For me, this program was not about a thirty-day challenge, it wasn’t about the finals, nor was it about winning; it was about the mission of our lives: always make the better decision that will do no harm and benefit all to cultivate just and thriving communities. After PGC, I discovered my passion and mission. I want to work towards the empowerment of farmers in Colombia by expanding and promoting sustainable agriculture and defending seed freedom and sovereignty.

That Thirty-day experience encouraged me to change for the better, share everything I want for the world, and to include others in my journey. I have learned that change will never happen if we don’t deliver a message. How is change going to happen if we don’t share with others the vision we have of the world with others? I think we are all here to help each other because progress won’t happen on its own. Change starts with one but happens with a group of people because the world doesn’t rely on one person; mobilizing others is crucial and communication is the key! Most of the time, we think we stand alone because we fail to deliver our message and internalize everything. Things need to get out there! This was so evident for me at the finals, where I was surrounded by amazing, affable leaders who are driven by generosity and unselfish concern. These people are kindhearted and publicspirited human beings who have visionary ideas and pursue them, following a remarkable path while keeping track of reality. 22

Whole Story

met people who not only shared my thoughts but also wanted to encourage positive changes with me.

The Oficial Whole Foods Market® Blog

PGC completely transformed the way I saw the world and lived my life. Now, I find myself questioning everything I do in terms of impact. I realized that what we see and experience is a small part of what happens all around the world, all the time. And sustainability is based on consciousness — seeing beyond what’s obvious. For example, take your morning coffee. Where did it come from? Think about the conditions of people included in the process of seed to table. Are they fair? Think about farming and processing methods. Do they harm soil, air, water or biodiversity? Will Earth be sustained if those methods continue? Think about where your money is going. Are the practices of the businesses you’re supporting in accordance with your values? Another thing I took away from PGC was the concept of voting with my dollar. (In my case, I’m voting with my Colombian peso!) As consumers, if we demand environmentally safe and socially responsible brands, we have the power to shift the supply chain. Now, I support ethical companies and producers and vote for a just, sustainable and thriving world.

Ana Zabala is a high school senior at Colegio Rochester in Bogotá, Colombia. She wants to work towards the empowerment of farmers in Colombia by expanding and promoting sustainable agriculture and defending seed freedom and sovereignty. Last October, Ana participated in Project Green Challenge (PGC) and was selected to attend the PGC Challenge Finals in San Francisco, California. After presenting along with other finalists, she was named the PGC 2014 Champion. It’s amazing to think that a year ago my mind was completely different from what it is now, and my purpose in life didn’t seem very clear to me. In September 2014, when I filled out the application for the Project Green Challenge (PGC), little did I know that it would be the most inspiring, motivating and lifechanging experience of my 18 years. When I heard about PGC, I didn’t believe I could learn much more than what I already knew about sustainability. I chose DIY (I made my own shampoo!), worked to consume less, refused plastic bags and planted trees. I mean, there’s not so much more that I could do — right? Wrong! I learned, no matter how sustainable you think you are, you can always improve, learn more and make better choices.

I think words alone are insufficient to express my gratitude towards life, which has given me opportunities such as PGC. I not only acquired extensive knowledge, but I experienced empowerment as I had never before, and was inspired to materialize what I want for the world. I saw the power that lies within all of us, our ability to dream and do. I was able to cross paths with others who care as deeply for the world as I do. I realized I don’t stand alone in this quest for progress, equity, justice and sustainability.

PGC is a 30-day initiative that informs, inspires and mobilizes students across the globe to make positive changes in their own lives, schools and communities. Each day of the challenge has a different theme (hemp, food, water, fair trade, etc.) that offers up to four challenge opportunities at various levels of engagement. At the end of the 30 days, a group of up to 16 finalists are selected from the global pool of participants and flown to San Francisco to be part of the PGC Finals, a three-day eco-summit. There they share their PGC experiences, collaborate with peers and eco-leaders, and spend time developing platforms for social action around key sustainability issues.

My PGC story didn’t end with the finals. It was the start of an incredible journey with Turning Green and a lot of people around the world who work for a better future. I went to the Natural Products Expo West, the Gaia Herbs Farm, started projects at school and was an intern for Turning Green in California. For me, this program was more than just a 30-day challenge; it was about the mission of my life — always make the better decision that will do no harm and benefit all to cultivate thriving communities.

PGC encouraged me to change for the better, share what I envision for the world and include others in my journey. Change starts with one but happens with many; mobilizing others is crucial and communication is key. This was evident to me at the PGC Finals, where I was surrounded by passionate and affable leaders who have visionary ideas and pursue them. I

PGC has given many thousands of powerful, dynamic, passionate young leaders from around the world an opportunity to step up to “be the change” in their own lives, school campuses and local communities. Where will Project Green Challenge take you or a young person you know? Sign up and see. 23

Pedagogical Strategies

Integrating Knowledge and Service for a Better Place

Abstract Looking for ways to teach science, values and environmental consciousness could be easier than we thought. By modelling to students how to serve the school, the environment and others they can learn even more than in a traditional classroom. The Green Apple Day of Service has been for Rochester School one of the ways to reunite the community and generate spaces for sharing and to provide a service for others and our planet.


Foto archivo Colegio Rochester

By: MarĂ­a del Pilar Tunarroza Sierra Science Coordinator Rochester School

Kinder students filling bags with compost.


s teachers we’re always searching for the best ways to pass our knowledge to students, for the best tools for them to solve real problems, and for wisdom to guide them into becoming good people that some day will improve our society. To accomplish all these wishes we need a healthy and productive learning environment in which kids can feel safe and develop all the skills to be successful and integral people; Rochester School provides that efficient campus, the next step is for the community to feel part of it. The participation in the Green Apple Day of Service, for the past four years has been a way to experience what learning is really about.

as a sign of gratitude”. This is how the apple became the symbol for this service day. Since Rochester School is certified as LEED Gold by the USGBC, and truly believes that being a green school can make a difference, we use the Green Apple Day of Service to teach students that there’s always a way to improve our environment not only for our own good, but because we are part of an ecosystem and everything we do generates an impact on our surroundings. As living things we have a role in the world, and as evolved organisms we have the faculty to decide the type of impact and footprint we will leave.

The Green Apple Day was created by The Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) with the main objective of transforming traditional schools into green institutions to which every kid could attend. Volunteers and NGOs contribute with sponsorship donations or work to improve schools into offering a better learning environment. “For decades, apples have been rooted in American tradition as a symbol of education. But where did this tradition come from? The apple’s tie to education originated in Denmark and Sweden in the 1700s when poor families gave teachers apples in place of traditional payment. Americans adopted this practice in the 1920s and to this day, apples are common gifts given to teachers

On the first Green Apple Day of Service on September 2012 we gave, as a gift, to the city council 100 native trees to be planted to restore a green area in Chía. The amount of people who participated in the activity was surprisingly high; at that moment we gladly realised our students, parents and teachers liked social and ecological service and were asking for more of these type of events. On the second Green Apple Day of service we included all the community at Rochester School, and from that day on, on every green apple day, we have been giving each member of our community a specific job to serve others which they have accomplished with a smile on their faces. 25

Additionally from planting trees, which is now a tradition on this Day, we performed different activities, all of them carefully chosen depending on the age and needs of each student and always having in mind that our main goal is for the people to offer a useful service and have fun at the same time; this way they could learn that little effective actions can have great rewards.

Some of the activities we have done are: • Building a greenhouse out of plastic bottles • Planting and harvesting in the orchard • Cleaning and planting around our water reservoir • Organising our recycling deposit by separating material. • Painting the wall of our WasteWater Treatment Plant with images of trees and handprints of the community. • Cleaning the closest water channel so water can flow freely without carrying any human residue with it. • Building messages and posters for our home to teach our parents effective strategies to diminish the consumption of water and energy. • Chopping organic matter to produce compost that we use for our orchard. • Reusing plastic bottles into ‘piggy banks’ to collect money for saving the Andean Bear and its ecosystem

Ninth graders cleaning the “Canal de Torca” and rail way near our school.

that preserves the majority of water we use. • Reusing cardboard from boxes into chairs for preschool students • Reusing plastic bottles into natural fly traps around the compost bin to control their population. • Reusing plastic bottles into pencil holders for all the offices and classrooms of the school. • Giving compost as a gift for the town, so they can plant trees and harvest their own food. • Reusing old car tires found on the street to make plant pots • Built and decorate a fence to protect the orchard. • Built a High Andean Forest, simulating the habitat of

Pre-Kinder students with their parents planting trees in our school.

the Andean Bear, so students can understand better way to preserve its ecosystem. • Plant trees inside the school and donating trees to nearby areas that need

By having, once a year, the chance to participate in any of these activities, we can guarantee students are learning what really matters: how to integrate knowledge, environmental science and social service to make a better place for everyone.

Elementary students planting lettuce in the orchard.


Pedagogical Strategies

Internship Final Report on Proposed Energy Curriculum Guidelines for K-12 Schools in Colombia By: Juan Pablo Aljure President of Rochester School


that conserve the natural environment. The proposed educational program for K-12 schools presented here, offers a way to extend the students knowledge and skills for the future benefit of Colombia. It promotes citizens that are educated in the sustainable and ethical use of energy from production to consumption.


Wind, solar, geothermal, and ocean sources of energy will be explored in the proposed K-12 curriculum, as well as consumption habits and technology that foster efficiency, sustainability, and conservation. The proposed curriculum guidelines offer specific learning expectations at the end of 2nd, 5th, 8th and 12th grade levels on energy topics, as well as teaching strategies and organizational structures that will be required to foster the learning.

nergy is required for almost any human activity or operation, which is why I it is so important to include it in the school curricula. The electricity in Colombia is produced mainly from hydroelectric plants (67%), due to its rich hydrology, but global environmental awareness and the increasing energy demand is increasing pressure for the use of alternative and renewable sources of energy, as well as sustainable and efficient practices. The Colombian Ministry of Mining and Energy is currently focused on promoting the rational and efficient use of energy without any formal appreciation of the sustainable and ethical use of energy, which is the focus of this internship. Sustainable use of energy is referred here as the consumption of natural sources of energy in ways that do not inhibit the availability of the resource over time and in ways that humans can implement over time. Ethical use of energy is described as the resource use that minimizes environmental impacts on biodiversity and the use that optimizes efficiency throughout the process.

Internship Objectives, Methods and Time Table

Large-scale hydroelectric plants like the ones present in Colombia affect the environment in numerous ways (Fearnside, 2001) like forest loss, natural ecosystem loss, and increased greenhouse gas emissions. Hydroelectric plants are also vulnerable to global climate change due to changes in precipitation, evaporation, and sea-level rise. The El NiĂąo and La NiĂąa are natural phenomena that also affect the hydrologic conditions that are needed for hydroelectric plants (NOAA, 2009, and IPCC, 2008).

The general aim of my internship is to provide the basis for a new curriculum in the sustainable and ethical use of energy for K-12 schools in Colombia, that is based on rational and efficient energy guidelines, Colombian renewable energy sources, global trends and markets, and ethical issues regarding the local and global environment. Solar and wind energy sources will definitely be addressed, as well as other potential and unexplored forms of energy in Colombia like wave, tidal, and current energy sources (Boyle, 2004).

Historically, Colombia has been changing the energy produced by coal, gas, and hydroelectric plants in order to compensate to hydrological conditions every year. This energy source profile needs to change and adapt to future climate conditions in ways

According to the Energy Information Administration of the United States (EIA, 2009), 30% of Colombia’s primary energy


consumption in 2006 came from hydroelectric power plants, 43% from oil, 18% from natural gas, and 8% from coal. Less than 1% of the energy was consumed from other renewable energy sources. Most of the coal is exported since hydropower is so well established. According to the Mining and Energy Planning Unit of Colombia (UPME, 2008), 67% of Colombia’s electric energy comes from hydroelectric plants, 27% comes from natural gas thermoelectric plants, 5% comes from coal thermoelectric plants, 0.13% comes from wind plants, and 0.2% comes from other sources. I will try to include various forms of learning expectations in the curriculum guidelines, such as cognitive, physical, social, emotional, aesthetic, and spiritual (Ornstein and Hunkins, 2009). The curriculum design will be problem centered, taking into account the needs and wants of the individual student, the society, and the environment.

generally adhered to with minor adjustments along the way: September 1-12: Existing curriculum guidelines. Study and summarize energy curriculum guidelines from North America, Central American countries, European countries, and South America. September 14-25: Colombian energy information. Collect information and recent data on renewable and non-renewable energy sources in Colombia. September 28-Oct. 9: Needs assessment. Survey the needs and wants of the Ministry of Mining and Energy of Colombia on the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy (REUE). October 12-23: Basic curriculum. Design the learning expectations for four school levels (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) on the sustainable and ethical use of energy, including specific program strategies on resources, professional development for teachers, culture and climate, organizational structure and teaching delivery system. October 26 - November 6: Integrated project. Design the general setup for one integrated project that incorporates several academic disciplines as a model for the teaching delivery system of the curriculum.

My specific objectives are the following: • To develop curriculum guidelines which addresses the Sustainable and Ethical Use of Energy (SEUS in English and USEE in Spanish for “Uso Sostenible y Ético de la Energía) for K-12 schools. This will include learning expectations at the end of 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 12th grade levels, as well as general plans for teacher professional development, resources needs, school culture and climate, organizational structure, and the teaching delivery system. This document will respond to Colombia’s Rational and Efficient Use of Energy (REUE) concept according to the recent legislation, but will go further and include ethical and environmental issues. • To design the general characteristics for one sample integrated project that could be used as a complete delivery system for teaching the learning expectations proposed in objective # 1. The design will not be detailed due to time constraints, but it will give a sense of how to organize and setup the integrated project.

are learning what really matters: how to integrate knowledge, environmental science and social service to make a better place for everyone.

Historical and Legal Background The Mining and Energy Planning Unit of Colombia (MEPU) is currently working on designing a nationwide strategy for the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy (REUE), and this internship is intended to help them design a part of the strategy that entails K-12 schools. The MEPU is a special administrative and technical unit adjunct to the Ministry of Mining and Energy of Colombia with the mission of sustainable development planning of the mining and energy sectors of Colombia for the formulation of governmental policies and decision-making, through the processing and analysis of information. On December 29, 1992, the National Energy Commission was transformed by Decree 2119 to the MEPU, which was later established as an adjunct unit of the Ministry of Mining and Energy by Law 143 of 1994. Decree 1683 of June 27, 1997, Law 489 of December 29, 1998, and decrees 255 and 256 of January 28, 2004 defined MEPU’s organizational structure, mission and aims, and consolidated other planning units with MEPU. The Ministry of Mining and Energy wants to promote and facilitate the use of sustainable forms of energy, and with the technical expertise of MEPU they want to organize a nationwide plan including the educational sector. They want MEPU to formulate a proposal for the various sectors, including the educational sector, and MEPU wants this internship to help them in the design of a K-12 curriculum for the rational and efficient use of energy (REUE). This curriculum will be studied by the Ministry of Education and used for the regulation of educational standards and practices for the Colombian schools. According to the letter of Alirio Delmar Fonseca, MEPU General Director, which is dated July 16, 2009, they want this internship to help them in the design of an integrated and interdisciplinary

The methods used for accomplishing the internship objectives were the following: The study of current energy curriculum guidelines in Colombia, the United States, Mexico, Brasil, Europe using the Internet and other resources provided by the Mining and Energy Planning Unit of the Colombian Ministry of Mining and Energy. Several meetings at the Ministry of Mining and Energy and the Mining and Energy Planning Unit that were concerned with the design of a nationwide promotional plan on the rational and efficient use of energy. This was important in order to understand how K-12 schools could be a part of the whole promotional strategy. The study of official documents about energy in Colombia, acquired through the Internet and the Mining and Energy Planning Unit, which included information on wind and solar atlases, consumption and capacity per energy source, energy distribution, wave and tidal energy potentials, and conventional energy sources. The collection of recommendations and suggestions from key people in the Mining and Energy Planning Unit through questionnaires and discussions. Consultation with teachers at a private school called Rochester School. Consultation with Olga Victoria González, an environmental engineer at the Mining and Energy Planning Unit of Colombia, who acted as supervisor for this internship. To accomplish the objectives, the following time table was



curriculum for elementary and secondary schools on the consumption and generation of energy, through the current curriculum structure and Environmental School Project (ESP) delineations. Law 697 of October 3, 2001, was enacted by the Colombian congress to promote and facilitate the rational and efficient use of energy (REUE). A definition of various terms was provided, the Ministry of Mining and Energy was appointed as the responsible entity for the promotion of REUE, and various stimuli and sanctions were provided. Law 697 was later regulated by Decree 3683 of December 19, 2003, which created the Interdepartmental Commission for the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and Non-Conventional Sources of Energy (ICREUE) for supporting and guiding the Ministry of Mining and Energy in its rational use of energy efforts. ICREUE has the following members: Minister of Mining and Energy or his/her delegate, Minister of Commerce or his/ her delegate, Minister of Environment, Housing, and Development or his/her delegate, Executive Director of the Regulating Commission for Electrical and Gas Energy or his/her delegate, and the Director of the Colombian Institute for the Development of Science and Technology. The MEPU was designed to organize and facilitate the sessions and the planning of ICREUE. Decree 2688 of July 22, 2008, added two members to ICREUE: the General Director of the National Planning Department and the Director of the Institute for Planning and Promotion of Energy Solutions to Non-Grid Zones. It also added other forms of recognition to the efforts of citizens and organizations in the rational and efficient use of energy. The Ministry of Education created the Environmental School Project (ESP) as a requirement for all K-12 schools, through Decree 1743 of August 3, 1994. The ESP needs to be included in the educational project of a school in order to help solve specific environmental problems of the community and the locality. This decree had little influence in the environmental awareness in the country and that is why the Ministry of Education is now working with MEPU to create the national guidelines and programs necessary for the rational use of energy and environmental education, including standards per grade level, teacher training, resources, and others. The curriculum delineations include an integrative environmental dimension as a through line for all grade levels, subjects and areas of study. Since there are no specific guidelines and standards for the environmental dimension, this document addresses that aspect, as well as how the rational and efficient use of energy is part of the Environmental School Project.

The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) offers six guidelines for environmental education materials (NAAEE, 2000), as follows: 1. Fairness and accuracy. The environmental education materials should be exact in terms of factual knowledge, present a balanced view of theories and points of view, be open to questioning, and offer diversity of thinking. 2. Depth. The environmental education materials should generate a natural and built environmental awareness, an understanding of diverse environmental concepts and issues, and an awareness of attitudes, values, feeling, and perceptions about environmental issues at different developmental levels. 3. Emphasis on skills building. The environmental education materials should help develop reflective and creative thinking, apply knowledge and skills in problem solving, and develop skills for specific actions. 4. Action orientation. The environmental education materials should foster civic responsibility in environmental issues with a sense of personal reputation and responsibility, as wells as selfefficacy. 5. Instructional soundness. The environmental education materials should be based on effective teaching techniques that are student centered, offer different forms of learning, connect the curriculum with the daily life of the student, offer a specific, ample and interdisciplinary learning environment, offer clear goals and objectives, and evaluate the learning. 6. Usability. The environmental education materials should be logical and clear, easy to use, durable and adaptable, have clear instructions and support, have justified ideas, and be adequate for local, regional, national, and international requirements. NAAEE is based in two founding documents of environmental education: The Belgrade Commission of UNESCO-UNEP of 1976 and the Tbilisi Declaration of 1978. The 1976 document has the fundamental goal of developing a world population that is aware and active about the natural environment and its associated issues, that promotes knowledge, attitudes, skills, motivations, and commitment towards individual and collective work on current problems and the prevention of future problems. The Tbilisi document established three goals for environmental education: 1) To promote awareness and proactive work towards economical, social, political, and ecological interdependence of urban and rural zones; 2) To provide opportunities for every individual for developing the knowledge, values, attitudes, commitment, and skills needed for protecting and improving the natural environment; and 3) To create new patterns of behavior of individuals, groups, and society with relation to the natural and built environment.

Existing Curriculum Guidelines

Systems thinking is an essential skill for understanding the complexity of the interdependencies between the natural and the built environment. Linear thinking is the opposite of systems thinking because it is based on an incorrect belief of action-reaction or stimulus-response that only focuses on the symptoms and events of a system and does not include the inherent causalities of patterns of behavior, limiting structures, and mental models (Aljure, 2008).

It was difficult to find formal curriculum guidelines about REUE at the K-12 school level that go beyond normal science concepts derived from electricity and magnetism. Since Colombia does not have specific curriculum guidelines about REUE or the use of sustainable energy sources, the investigative efforts focused on North American, Central American and European countries. The guidelines found were an important starting point for the proposed energy curriculum guidelines for K-12 schools.

NAAEE is also based on the concept of systems thinking and has the main goal of developing citizenship that is environmentally literate. I agree with this goal and with the literacy concept behind it, even though it is difficult to understand its application to the curriculum with respect to scope, sequence, continuity, integrality, and balance. This main goal of environmental literacy impacts public


policy more than individual and isolated actions. NAAEE’s curriculum guidelines have four strands that cut across the environmental curriculum. They are as follows: 1. Questioning, analysis, and interpretation skills. Environmental literacy requires asking, speculating, and hypothesizing about the environment, finding information, and answering the questions. This also requires learning to collect, organize, interpret, communicate, and synthesize information. 2. Knowledge of environmental processes and systems. Environmental literacy includes specific knowledge about environmental processes and systems synthesized around traditional subjects and divided into four fundamental parts: The Earth as a physical system, the living environment, humans and society, and the environment and society. 3. Skills for understanding and addressing environmental issues. Environmental literacy requires skills for defining, learning, evaluating, and acting on environmental issues. These guidelines are divided in two categories: skills for analyzing and investigating about environmental issues and skills for decisionmaking and citizenship. 4. Personal and civic responsibility. Environmentally literate citizens want and act for environmental quality and understand that individual and collective action can have a profound impact.

Some of the content offered by Project 2061 will be useful in the design of the scope and sequence of an energy curriculum.


NAAEE’s curriculum guidelines offer an ethical, pedagogical, and scientific baseline, but they do not include the required knowledge and skills for the rational and efficient use of energy that MEPU is looking for.

The United States National Energy Education Development Project (NEED) was founded in 1980 when the United States Congress created Energy Education Day under the Presidency of Jimmy Carter. Since then, NEED has maintained a strategic alliance with the Energy Information Administration and other organizations, private and public (NEED, 2009). NEED offers several curriculum tools for four school levels: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Their activities and materials for each level are divided in nine steps, as follows: 1. Introductory activities that include games about energy and also serve as icebreakers for creating the climate needed for learning. 2. The science of energy that is included in all four levels. 3. Sources of energy that starts with the Sun, the wind, and the water in a simple form for the smaller ones, and goes on to hydrogen, photovoltaics, wind turbines, and hydroelectricity in high school. 4. Electricity and magnetism in all four levels to a certain extent. 5. Transportation fuels starting with the car and finishing with future mass transportation systems for a city, interurban, global and spatial. 6. Energy efficiency and conservation, which include energy savings at home and at school, as well as larger concepts like environmental conservation and energy efficiency. 7. Synthesis, reinforcement, and extension, which include fairs, artistic projects about energy flow and thermodynamics that help students synthesize and extend their learning. 8. Evaluation, which include the required skills for surveying and investigating about energy. 9. Recognition, which includes several forms of celebrating success through projects and activities. This curriculum includes workshops for students, models to simulate the generation of electricity, teacher guides, videos, and games. This material can be combined with NAAEE’s guidelines for the REUE that I will create later on.

Project 2061 of AAAS


The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) created Project 2061 to advance literacy in science, mathematics, and technology. There is currently a newer version of their benchmarks online, since their original proposal of 1993 (AAAS, 2009). Their benchmarks are organized in twelve topics as follows: 1. The Nature of Science 2. The Nature of Mathematics 3. The Nature of Technology 4. The Physical Setting 5. The Living Environment 6. The Human Organism 7. Human Society 8. The Designed World 9. The Mathematical World 10. Historical Perspectives 11. Common Themes 12. Habits of Mind The energy curriculum benchmarks are found in topic # 8 in a subtopic called “Energy Sources and Use”, even though there are other references to energy in topics # 3, # 4, and others.

The Mexico Trust Fund for Electric Energy Savings (FIDE in Spanish for Fideicomiso para el Ahorro de la Energía Eléctrica) offers curriculum programs for the rational use of energy for preschool, elementary, and secondary, based on readings and student work on the rational and economical use of energy. The documents can be found on the Internet (FIDE, 2009) and offer the scope and sequence of the program, and could be useful for enriching the learning expectations and the delivery system presented later. The curriculum materials offered by NEED are a great complement for FIDE’s materials because they include dynamic simulation models and experiments that students can use to learn.

NAAEE (2004) proposes curriculum guidelines in each of the four strands for three levels of a K-12 school (Pre-K-4th, 5th-7th, and 9th-12th) but are not very specific in the rational and efficient use of energy. They do not include energy in the Pre-Kindergarten through 4th level because their emphasis at this level is on the natural environment understanding. They start to include sources of electricity in the 5th-7th level at a community scale. At the high school level they include water, land, and air pollution, wind and solar renewable sources of energy, and global human population projections.

Intelligent energy - Europe The European Commission of the General Management of Energy and Transportation requested in 2009 proposals on energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources under the name of Intelligent Energy - European Funding Program. The program is open to public and private organizations. This program offers funding until the year 2013 but it does not include curricula designed for energy use, even though there is useful energy


information that could be used in a curriculum. The information could be found in Internet at the following address: http://www.

mi2 of the whole country has an average between 5 KWh/m2 and 7 KWh/m2. El Niño, La Niña and any other global climate change impact can influence solar energy potential. Currently, Colombia is experiencing the El Niño impacts on reduced precipitation, increased temperatures and increased sun exposure, as the Colombian hydrological and meteorological institute (IDEAM, 2009) explains in their October 2009 bulletin on El Niño.

Colombian Energy Information The proposed curriculum guidelines are based on the current energy profile of Colombia and its potential for the future. This section explains the current energy profile and focuses mainly on the renewable energy sources. The information systems in Colombia are not as developed and upto-date as in the United States. There is only one atlas of solar and wind energy potential for a multiannual average year. These potential maps are based on average data for every month of a year, but do not offer patterns of behavior throughout several years where it could be interesting to know the influence of El Niño and La Niña in the energy potentials.

Figure 2. Colombia’s electricity installed capacity by source in 2007 (UPME, 2008). The total installed capacity was 13,410 MW, out of which 8,987 MW came from hydroelectric plants, 3,675 MW from thermoelectric plants that use natural gas, 700 MW from thermoelectric plants that use coal, and 18 MW from a wind turbine plant in the Guajira department. Photovoltaic and solar thermal applications are viable in Colombia but there are no governmental projects underway at the present time and there are no plans for them in the future. According to the opinions of some of the people that work in the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy department of MEPU, it seems that the Ministry of Mining and Energy is satisfied with the idea of having almost 70% of the electric energy coming from a renewable source such as water, and with 30% coming from coal and natural gas, which are abundant resources in Colombia. These comments are not based on environmental research and contradict the recommendations of Colombia’s hydrological and meteorological institute (IDEAM, 2009).

Figure 1. Total energy consumption in Colombia by source type (EIA, 2009). The 30% of energy coming from hydroelectric plants accounts for 67% of all electric energy in Colombia (MEPU, 2008), as Figure 2 shows. 32.6% of the electricity comes from thermoelectric plants that burn coal and natural gas. There is only one wind project in Colombia, which accounts for only 18 MW (0.1%). It is shown below that there is great wind energy potential, which is why it is important to include in the proposed curriculum guidelines.

It has been very difficult to find data over time that could show solar trends. The solar atlas published by MEPU and Colombia’s hydrological and meteorological institute (UPME & IDEAM, 2005) is a static average view of a typical year. IDEAM (Colombian hydrological and meteorological institute) seems to have data over time that could show the impact El Niño and La Niña in peak sun hours by region.

Solar energy

Wind energy

Figure A-1 of Appendix A shows the yearly average solar radiation according to the atlases provided by the Colombian Mining and Energy Planning Unit. This shows more than 4 sun hours (1 peak sun hour is 1 KWh of electric energy per m2) in most of the country, and more than 5 sun hours in the northern departments of Guajira, Atlántico, Cesar, Magdalena, Bolívar, Córdoba, Arauca and Vichada. Using Google Earth Pro, approximately 100,000 mi2 out of 441,000

According to the wind atlas published by MEPU (UPME & IDEAM, 2005), the wind potential in Colombia is not as valuable as the solar energy potential. As shown in Figure B-1, the interannual average wind potential is greater than 400 W/m2 for only specific areas in Colombia, like the department of Guajira (North), Cesar (North),


Atlantico (North), Tolima (Center), Casanare (Center), BoyacĂĄ (Center), and Meta (Center). The United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL, 2009) considers good wind potential more than 400 W/m2 (7 m/s) at 50 meters, however the Colombian wind atlas defines good potential as more than 180 W/m2 (5 m/s). The number of meteorological units used in this wind atlas should be taken into account in the validation of the Colombian wind potential, as they used only 111 meteorological stations, which seems to be somewhat low. Biomass energy According to MEPU (UPME, 2003), Colombia has a gross energy potential of 16,267 MWh/year from energy crops, agro-industrial residue, and forest residue. Figure 3 shows a bar graph with the gross, available, and used energy potentials.

Figure 4. Geothermal map provided by MEPU (UPME, 2009).

Biomass energy could have numerous environmental unwanted effects, such as air pollution and habitat degradation. The proposed energy curriculum guidelines cover some these effects.

Proposed Energy Curriculum Guidelines for K-12 Schools in Colombia

Geothermal energy

Learning expectations

The geothermal potential map shown in Figure 4 does not have a high resolution but it can be seen that in most of the inhabited regions of Colombia there is great geothermal potential, mostly in the central part of the country. MEPU did not have a high-resolution map available.

The energy curriculum I am proposing to the Mining and Energy Planning Unit of the Ministry of Mining and Energy so that they can incorporate it into a nationwide promotional plan for the rational and efficient use of energy contains learning expectations for four range of grade levels (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) and a set of teaching and organizational recommendations.

Figure 3. Colombia’s biomass energy potential according to a 2003 report of MEPU (UPME, 2003).

Ocean energy

The learning expectations are what students should know and should know what to do at the end of a certain grade level, namely 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 12th. They are written in first person so that the student owns them and they are divided into four topics for organization and tracking purposes. The topics are the following: 1. Habits of mind. Students learn about values and attitudes related to the daily use of energy. The six pillars of character, as the Center for Youth Ethics of the Josephson Institute (Josephson Institute, 2009) promotes, are an important part of this topic. The learning expectations of this topic relate energy to these six character pillars of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility,

Ocean energy in Colombia is in its infancy. The document provided by MEPU does not include energy information; it only has theoretical explanations of how waves, currents, and tides can be used as energy sources. Colombia has two oceans, the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans, which makes it a country with great potential for ocean energy.


fairness, caring, and citizenship. Systems thinking and acting is also part of this topic of habits of mind (Aljure, 2008), as well as quantitative thinking, learning by observation and manipulation, communicating scientifically and empathically, and acting based on science and professionalism. Table 1 below describes the proposed learning expectations for this topic at the end of grades 2, 5, 8, and 12. 2. Energy concepts and environmental systems. Students understand the relationship between energy and the processes and systems that comprise the environment, including human social systems and influences. There are several subtopics covered with respect to energy such as the Earth as a physical system, the living environment, humans and their societies, and environment and society. Students learn about the interdependencies between the exosphere, the lithosphere, the ecosphere, the atmosphere, and the hydrosphere. They also learn about sound, light, motion, heat, electricity, and magnetism, and thermodynamics, and other elements of a basic science curriculum. Table 2 below describes the proposed learning expectations for this topic at the end of grades 2, 5, 8, and 12. 3. Energy sources, technology and use. Students learn about the differences between renewable and non-renewable energy sources, the differences between energy sources and carriers, the technology required for using the different energy sources, and the consumption practices (technology at home and work) used in daily life. Students basically learn about the how power is generated, distributed, and consumed, and how it can change in the future. The relationship between power and energy is important in this topic. Table 3 below describes the proposed learning expectations for this topic at the end of grades 2, 5, 8, and 12. 4. Environmental issues. Students learn about important global, regional, and local issues related to energy use. A historical perspective is also covered, including how issues have changed over time. Colombian and international environmental legislation is also explored focusing on the environmental impacts of energy generation, transmission, and consumption. Table 4 below describes the proposed learning expectations for this topic at the end of grades 2, 5, 8, and 12.

and Energy Planning Unit of Colombia at are two official sources of energy information about Colombia, the United States, and the world that maintain updated information. Table 5 shows an initial purchasing cost of $3,996 that would be enough to start teaching energy concepts, environmental systems, energy sources, energy technology, and energy use. The energy atlases of Colombia shown in Appendices A and B (UPME & IDEAM, 2005) are another resource that would need to be updated periodically with the Mining and Energy Planning Unit. Another resource is the Colombian Institute for Hydrology, Meteorology, and Environmental Studies (IDEAM, 2009). It has a historical record of more than 200 meteorological stations that continuously monitor sunlight, weather, and other environmental information. The Atlas on Science Literacy from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) at http://www.project2061. org/publications/atlas/default.htm is another interesting resource for teachers because it offers teaching and learning strategies and benchmarks. AAAS also offers extensive training opportunities for teachers. Project 2061 of AAAS at and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) at http://www. are another resource where teachers can find classroom resources, benchmarks and professional development opportunities. The Character Counts program (Josephson Institute, 2009) offers a complete curriculum with textbooks, videos, workbooks, and projects that foster the habits of mind topic with respect to their six character traits of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Appendix D contains sample merchandise, curriculum materials, and professional development opportunities the Josephson Institute offers. Table 5 shows an initial purchase cost of $3,234. Additional materials can be ordered through their web site. The stories and workbooks published by the Electric Energy Savings Trust Fund of Mexico (FIDE, 2009) for pre-school, elementary, and secondary levels are another resource based on reading and writing. These curriculum materials do not seem to offer hands on experimentation and learning.

At the end of each group of grade levels (2nd, 5th, 8th, and 12th), each student will have covered all four topics to the extent possible. In other words, all four topics are addressed and taught between Kindergarten and 2nd Grade, between 3rd and 5th, between 6th and 8th, and between 9th and 12th.

Teaching methodology The proposed learning expectations are to be taught through integrated projects that connect and use the current subjects that are already in the curriculum structure. The integrated projects could be one per semester or one per year in every grade level and they have energy as a unifying theme for language development, natural and social sciences, technology, mathematics, arts, and physical education.

The learning expectations were designed taking into account the importance of hydropower in Colombia, as well as other potential energy sources in the future, as Appendices A and B show. I emphasized renewable energy sources in the learning expectations in order to promote the sustainable and ethical use of energy in future generations of Colombians.

The integrated project would be designed so that all teachers have unique and interdependent roles that need cooperation to accomplish the shared goals of the project. They could follow the following process for designing the integrated project: 1. Brainstorm possible topics for the integrated project. The next section describes a sample-integrated project that could be used by teachers to start with. 2. Decide on three alternative topics for the integrated project that the students could vote for democratically. 3. Present the three alternative topics to the students of the grade level and ask them to secretly vote for one of them. It is important that students understand that by doing the project they will

Teaching resources The U. S. National Energy Education Development Project (NEED, 2009) is a tremendous resource for teachers. NEED offers paper activities (from crossword puzzles to questionnaires), energy kits for energy experimentation and modeling, teacher professional development opportunities, and written texts for students. Samples of their material are presented in Appendix C. The U. S. Energy Information Administration at and the Mining


Grades K-2 1. I raise questions to understand and collect information about energy topics. 2. I observe carefully to understand energy topics. 3. I use whole numbers in describing environmental and energy topics. 4. I use hammers, screwdrivers, clamps, and scissors to manipulate materials. 5. I measure the length in whole units of objects using rulers and tapes. 6. I follow instructions effectively to assemble energy experiments. 7. I ask "How do you know?" for validating information and answer it to validate my information. 8. I tell the truth about the results of energy experiments. 9. I respect my classmates' work and ideas.

Grades 3-5 1. I am responsible for the validity and accuracy of my information. 2. I am kind and compassionate with my team members. 3. I learn cooperatively in pairs. 4. I keep clear and accurate records of investigations. 5. I can make calculations mentally. 6. I use fractions and decimals in solving real-life problems. 7. I show and explain the steps required to solve problems. 8. I use appropriate units. 9. I follow instructions effectively. 10. I keep computerized records of information through out time. 11. I use audio and video recording devices for capturing information. 12. I use maps to navigate. 13. I create and use behaviorover-time-graphs (BOTG) to find patterns.

Grades 6-8 1. I choose ethical solutions for energy. 2. I understand and use causality diagrams for modeling systems. 3. I hypothesize and check my hypotheses during investigations. 4. I value other people's hypotheses. 5. I use more than one scientific methodology in solving problems. 6. I can work and learn effectively and with empathy in teams of 3 members, showing positive interdependence, individual accountability, group processing skills, empathic relationships, and face-to-face interactions. 7. I show academic and social integrity.

Grades 9-12 1. I investigate other people's ideas and hypotheses through sound scientific methodology. 2. I can explain the weaknesses and strengths in my own thinking using a sound scientific approach. 3. I can work and learn effectively and with empathy in teams of four members, showing positive interdependence, individual accountability, group processing skills, empathic relationships, and face-to-face interactions. 4. I solve energy problems using systems thinking and sound science. 5. I use several systems archetypes for explaining and modeling systems. 6. I show citizenship skills through my behavior and attitude in the daily life.

Grades 6-­‐8 1. I can explain different forms of habitat degradation in Colombia and worldwide. 2. I can explain how the troposphere and stratosphere foster biodiversity on the ecosphere. 3. I can explain how the Milankovitch cycles impact global climate and energy sources. 4. I understand how and why energy is transferred in many ways. 5. I can explain why electricity is an energy carrier and not an energy source. 6. I can explain how and why renewable energy sources can be sustainable and ethical. 7. I compare and contrast plant photosynthesis to human eating and digestion. 8. I can design and explain simple electrical circuits that show efficiency. 9. I can explain how and why Earth's lithosphere has changed over time. 10. I understand how human overpopulation can be a threat to sustainability.

Grades 9-­‐12 1. I understand the differences and similarities between all forms and types of energy (thermal, chemical, electrical, magnetic, mechanical, kinetic, etc.) 2. I can explain graphically and quantitatively the way the Sun's energy is reflected and absorbed on Earth, including concepts like Albedo. 3. I can explain how and why the Earth's Albedo can change over time and how that relates to global warming. 4. I can predict scientifically how Earth's lithosphere could change over the next 10 million years. 5. I can explain the global water budget graphically and quantitatively, and how it can impact hydroelectric projects. 6. I can explain the difference between tidal energy, wave energy, and current energy. 7. I can design an oceanic energy experiment.

Table 1. Proposed learning expectations for habits of mind.

Grades K-­‐2 1. I can explain how the Sun warms the land, air, and water. 2. I understand the relationship between the Sun's energy and plant growth. 3. I can explain the water cycle using a graphical representation for water flow. 4. I appreciate water movement as result of energy transformation. 5. I can describe movement in several directions and explain its relationship with the application of a force. 6. I can explain how vibration is related to sound. 7. I can explain and show how magnets are used to move objects.

Grades 3-­‐5 1. I understand how two objects can get warmer when rubbed together, as well as when machines are used. 2. I explain how substances of different temperature can exchange heat. 3. I can explain how water is present in different forms on land and air. 4. I can explain how air takes up space and moves in the form of wind. 5. I understand temperature, wind direction and speed, and precipitation as measurable quantities of weather. 6. I understand how and why air, water, light, and sound move with direction and speed, and can be directed. 7. I can explain how light is absorbed, redirected, bounced back, and allowed to pass through.

Table 2. Proposed learning expectations for energy concepts and environmental systems.


Grades K-­‐2 1. I can explain the relationship between cooking at home and the burning of fuels such as wood, oil, coal, or natural gas. 2. I can explain the relationship between eating and using energy for walking and thinking. 3. I understand how machines are used in agriculture and at home for human survival and consumption.

1. 2. 3. 4.


Grades 3-­‐5 I can explain how machines use air and water movement to run. I can explain how river flow is used in hydroelectric plants. I can explain how sunlight is used to run many machines. I understand the relationship between the amount of electricity used and the conservation of resources, the reduction of pollution, and money savings. I can explain how energy resources are limited and how they can be extended through recycling and decreased use.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Grades 6-­‐8 I can design and explain a small-­‐scale hydroelectric plant that is environmentally friendly. I can design and explain a small-­‐scale photovoltaic circuit that is environmentally friendly. I understand the difference between natural hazards to environment and living systems, and human-­‐induced hazards. I can explain how geothermal energy plants work and could be used in Colombia for heating and electricity. I can explain Colombia's renewable energy atlases and their importance in large-­‐scale energy projects.

1. 2. 3. 4.


Grades 9-­‐12 I can explain how a nuclear energy plant works. I can design and explain a small-­‐ scale wind turbine that is environmentally friendly. I can design and explain a small-­‐ scale hydrogen fuel cell that is environmentally friendly. I compare and contrast all sources of energy (renewable and non-­‐renewable) using efficiency, ecological, ethical, and capacity concepts. I can design and explain changes at home for optimal energy efficiency and minimal environmental impacts.

Table 3. Proposed learning expectations for energy sources, technology, and use.

1. 2.

Grades K-­‐2 I understand how the quest for energy through agriculture could impact land use and forests. I can explain how can rainfall impact water reservoirs and artificial lighting in certain regions of Colombia.

1. 2. 3.

Grades 3-­‐5 I can explain some of the impacts large-­‐scale hydroelectric plants have on the environment. I understand how the hydroelectric plants effects on the environment affect human life. I understand some of the environmental effects biomass energy projects could have on land use, habitat degradation, and biodiversity.

1. 2.

Grades 6-­‐8 I can explain the relationship between humans and various forms of habitat degradation using causality diagrams. I understand how large-­‐scale sun energy (thermal and electric) projects can impact the environment.

1. 2.

Grades 9-­‐12 I understand the possible environmental hazards of nuclear energy projects. I understand how global climate change can impact Colombia's energy profile now and in the future.

Table 4. Proposed learning expectations for environmental issues. be able to accomplish several learning expectations of all the subjects covered. This will help them understand the importance of working hard and that the work will pay off. 4. Design the teacher and subject interdependence for the integrated project for which the majority of students of the grade level chose. The interdependence is created by designing three elements (Johnson, Johnson, & Johnson, 1993): a. The teachers agree on a set of objectives for the integrated project, including learning objectives or expectations and qualitative objectives about student work (reports, investigations, experiments, exams, presentations, etc.) b. Each teacher chooses a unique role so that each one feels valuable and important in the team of teachers. Some of the roles that could be defined are coordinator, secretary, treasurer, field trip designer, conservationist, samurai (challenges ideas), and observer. These roles are not necessarily related to their subject matter, but with their strengths and talents. c. In each major part of the project, the teachers define how their roles are going to be interdependent. Sometimes their roles could be sequential or simultaneous depending on the nature of their roles. 5. Each teacher works with their students on their part of the project

during certain classes of the term. The students are also setup in teams in a similar way. 6. Teachers evaluate their progress during weekly meetings by reflecting on students work during the week and comparing it with the objectives previously set. Minutes are taken and data and information is recorded using preset criteria. Students will learn to work in teams not just because they are asked to, but because they see their teachers working and learning as a team. They see, feel, and listen what is needed to produce something that is difficult or impossible to achieve individually; something that is researched, fun, useful, and academically sound. The teaching methodology follows the competence-based classroom developed by William Glasser (2006), by which students and teachers create genuine and caring relationships, and accomplish quality learning based on trust, professional self-evaluation, continuous improvement, academic excellence, useful learning, and well-being. No grading is done until the student is competent and teaching does not stop before competence is achieved. Teaching could be done between classmates, not just the teacher.


Table 5. Initial cost of curriculum materials from NEED and Character Counts. If an integrated project is not possible for any reason, the learning expectations could be added to the science curriculum as much as possible. In this case, the integrated project will become just a science project. Teachers will not be able to work as a team and students would not see and feel their teachers working and learning as a team.

such as specific days to celebrate the renewable and natural sources of energy: water, sun, wind, and Earth’s heat. One day for each resource spread out throughout the year. There could also be a school orchard assigned to two or three grade levels, and every month in a general meeting of the school the students and teachers would celebrate how energy is transferred between plants and animals.

Culture and climate

These are all strategies designed to create a school climate and culture for the efficient, sustainable, and ethical use of energy. Each school could design many more that seem appropriate for their culture.

The whole school needs to be committed to the sustainable and ethical use of energy. The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) offers the LEED certification called Green Schools to foster high performing schools with little impact to the environment. It entails renovation or new construction requirements, special maintenance and operation approaches, and professional development programs. Every school could follow these guidelines without going through the required process (LEED certification) and investing additional moneys, accomplishing the purpose of becoming an infrastructure model for the community. The schools that go through this process use lighting in pedagogical and efficient ways, channel sound to foster learning and peace, recycle water, use renewable energy sources, eliminate pollution as much as possible, and create sustainable models for students to work on.

School’s organizational structure Teachers are going to need time for planning, learning, and working as a team in order to develop an integrated project between all subjects. One way of accomplishing this is having a day during the week, such as Monday, when students leave at 12:00 so that teachers can work in teams for two or three hours every week. During this time, all teachers of the same grade level could plan the connections between every subject and the integrated project, as well as teaching strategies for their individual classes during the week. This time would also be used for planning field trips outside the school that are relevant to the proposed energy curriculum. Other

Important dates and events are suggested for the calendar year,


My Home Photovoltaic Energy: A Sample Integrated Project

organizational structures are recommended as follows: 1. The appointment of an Energy Professional Development Liaison between the school and the external energy governmental authorities, such as MEPU and the Colombian Hydrological and Meteorological Institute. This Liaison should be a teacher that understands energy concepts and sources. 2. The appointment of an Energy Education Committee of teachers interested in the implementation of the proposed energy curriculum guidelines. Teachers from a wide variety of backgrounds are recommended, such as language arts, social sciences, mathematics, computer science, natural science, and music.

Goals and learning expectations

Professional development

The main goals of this integrated project are the following: 1. To foster teamwork between teachers. 2. To foster teamwork between students. 3. To connect energy learning at school with real life applications at home. 4. To facilitate a student perception of usefulness and fun in relation to photovoltaic energy. 5. To accomplish numerous Middle School learning expectations (Grades 6-8) specified in Tables 1 to 4.

Teachers and school administrators are not usually prepared in energy and environmental knowledge. This is why there needs to be an ongoing professional development program for administrators and teachers on all four topics of the learning expectations described above, namely habits of mind, energy concepts and environmental systems, energy sources, technology, and use, and environmental issues. The proposed professional development strategies are the following: 1. The approval of $21,500 for professional development opportunities to teachers and administrators for the first year. This is in addition to the $10,000 required for teaching resources explained above. Table 6 shows the detailed professional development budget. 2. A set of two 3-day seminars, one for each semester, to develop an initial understanding of the proposed energy curriculum and its energy and environmental concepts. The Energy Professional Development Liaison, the Energy Educational Committee, and personnel from MEPU could teach these seminars. 3. A set of two 1-day professional days, one for each semester, to review the progress made and to make decisions accordingly. The appointed Energy Educational Committee would facilitate these professional days. 4. Two training sessions with NEED and the Josephson Institute for the school’s Principal. The Principal would be responsible to share this training with the Professional Development Liaison and the Energy Educational Committee, as well as all the teachers through their weekly planning of the integrated projects.

There are thirteen specific learning expectations for this integrated project, as follows: 1. Habits of mind. From column “Grades 6-8” of Table 1, the learning expectations that can be accomplished through this project are numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. This project would cover 6 out of 7 learning expectations of habits of mind, accounting for 86% of this topic. 2. Energy concepts and environmental systems. From column “Grades 6-8” of Table 2, the learning expectations that can be accomplished through this project are numbers 4, 5, 6, and 8. This project would cover 4 out of 10 learning expectations of this topic, accounting for 40% of this topic. 3. Energy sources, technology, and use. From column “Grades 6-8” of Table 3, the learning expectations that can be accomplished through this project are numbers 2 and 5, accounting for 40% of this topic. 4. Environmental issues. From column “Grades 6-8” of Table 4, the learning expectation that can be accomplished through this project is number 2, accounting for 50% of this topic.

Table 6. Professional development budget for the first year.


Student Performances

Ongoing Assessment

The team of teachers of the same grade level where this project will be developed need to have a clear and shared picture of the student outcomes of this project. These outcomes are usually called student performances in K-12 schools. The following are some of the student performances that could make their learning visible to all: 1. In teams of three, students build a small-scale photovoltaic solution for specific areas or appliances at their homes. There could be one team of three students. 2. Each team writes a formal report with the circuit design, the budget required, and a persuasive essay about the benefits of the proposed photovoltaic solution, among other sections teachers require. 3. Each team presents their small-scale solution to their parents, teachers, and classmates. The presentation uses PowerPoint, is interactive with the audience, and should collect specific and nonjudgmental feedback from the audience. The presentation should include a brochure that promotes their proposal. 4. Each student answers competently individual exams on all 13 learning expectations mentioned above. The exams could be oral, written, or demonstrative in nature, depending on the learning to be demonstrated.

Rubrics for all student performances are suggested so that students and teachers have clear and shared pictures of what is expected to do and show. For example, a rubric for the small-scale photovoltaic system could have criteria about photovoltaic panels, power output, efficiency, ecological materials used, and team work. For each criterion, specific indicators would be included in the rubric. It is important to include students’ ideas in the design process of the rubric in order to foster understanding and belonging. Students would be asked to use the rubric while doing their work and at the end for evaluation purposes. Teachers can also use the rubric to give feedback in the form of comments and questions about each criterion or indicator. Students would improve their work until it matches the criteria of the rubric in order to obtain credit for the expected performance and the learning expectations associated with it in each subject.


The proposed energy curriculum guidelines for K-12 schools in Colombia are a valuable addition to the promotional program about the rational and efficient energy use that the Mining and Energy Planning Unit of Colombia is designing for the Ministry of Mining and Energy. These guidelines offer teaching resources, specific learning expectations at the end of grades 2, 5, 8, and 12, teaching strategies based on integrated projects that do not need an additional subject in the schedule, specific budgeting ideas, organizational structure and climate strategies to promote the guidelines, and professional development plans for teachers and administrators needed for the proposed energy curriculum.

Each teacher involved in this project would connect their classes some how with these student performances, according to the general guidelines that the team of teachers decide on their weekly meeting. For example, in Computer Science, students can design the circuit and a layout of their home using graphical design software, as well as PowerPoint for the presentation. In Mathematics and Physical Science, they could plan the technical specifications of several options for photovoltaic arrays, circuit design with an inverter and a battery backup system, switches, and other materials required. They could also plan a detailed budget using Excel with variables that could be changed to adjust the budget. In Language Arts or English class (Spanish for some schools in Colombia that are not bilingual), the students could learn how to plan, draft, write, and check persuasive essays, and write the one required for the project. In Visual Arts or Music class, they could design and create a jingle or an artistic model that could help sell the idea to the public during their presentation. In Social Studies class, the students can learn about the relationship between the tilt required for the photovoltaic panel and the latitude of their geographical are. They would also learn about how to use and interpret the Colombian sun radiation atlas, how is sustainability and ethics related when energy sources are involved, and how to work and learn cooperatively (Johnson, Johnson, & Johnson, 1993). The scientific methodologies required by the project would be addressed in Physical, Life, and Earth Science class.

A special emphasis was made on the sustainable and ethical use of energy throughout the curriculum guidelines. The proposed learning expectations are divided into four topics, one of which is habits of mind that includes systems thinking habits, social skills, ethical decision-making, and teamwork. Environmental issues comprise another topic that includes learning expectations on environmental sustainable practices. A new acronym was proposed for the sustainable and ethical use of energy (SEUE) which in Spanish means “uso sostenible y ético de la energía” (USEE), and extends the current Colombia’s emphasis on rational and efficient use of energy. The proposed curriculum guidelines were also based on the current energy profile of Colombia and the potential energy profile in the future. Hydropower currently supplies 67% of the electricity in Colombia but regional and global climate changes, such as El Niño and global warming, impact Colombia’s hydrology and its hydropower capacity. Renewable energy sources were addressed in some detail in order to offer references and information that are useful to the curriculum guidelines.

The team of teachers would need to agree on a timetable for the activities and learning expectations that are going to be addressed in each of their individual subjects. This would provide clear expectations for students and would help coordinate teacher work. Teachers also need to have a clear and unique role during their meetings and these roles are related more towards the effectiveness of the meetings than with their individual roles in class. In other words, in every meeting it is important to have a coordinator, a secretary, an observer, and a challenger. A rubric would also be needed to process every meeting with the help of the observer.

A sample-integrated project was described in some detail, which could offer teachers a model of how to collaborate and produce a dynamic, useful, and interesting hands-on project for students and teachers. This project showed how various subjects could be integrated around the same project in order to reduce the amount of unrelated and disjointed student work, foster relevance to real-life applications, and provide real opportunities for teachers to work and learn as a team. If this methodology is consistently implemented,


students stop worrying about grades and start thinking and working to learn new, engaging and useful concepts and ideas. Learning will soon be the focus, instead of grades.

org/, accessed on October 19, 2009. Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T., & Johnson, E., 1993. Circles of learning: Cooperation in the classroom. Interaction Books.

The proposed guidelines could be developed in more detail in the future by extending the depth and scope of the integrated project teaching methodology. Teachers are always asking for specific examples and models, so one way of extending this work is by adding other examples of integrated projects about hydropower, hydrogen fuel, wind power, and ocean energy. Specific rubrics could also be designed for the student performances proposed for each project. The proposed learning expectations and their topics could also be fine-tuned by implementing prototypes in one or two schools.

NAAEE, 2000. Environmental education materials: Guidelines for excellence. North American Association for Environmental Education. NAAEE, 2004. Excellence in environmental education - Guidelines for learning (PreK-12). North American Association for Environmental Education. NEED, 2009. Blueprint for success: Putting energy into education. Accessed in September 25, 2009 at php. National Energy Education Development Project.


NOAA, 2009. El Niño/Southern Oscillation diagnostic discussion. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Climate Prediction Center, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, and National Weather Service. October 8, 2009 El Niño Advisory.

AAAS, 2009. Project 2061 Benchmarks Online at http://www. Accessed on October 21, 2009.

NREL, 2009. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. http://www. Accessed in October 8, 2009. United States.

Aljure, J. P., 2008. Systems thinking: The key for the creation of truly desired futures. International Journal of Reality Therapy, Vol XXVII(2).

Ornstein, A. C. and Hunkins, F. P, 2009. Curriculum: Foundations, principles, and issues. Fifth Edition. Pearson.

Boyle, G., 2004. Renewable energy: Power for a sustainable future. Second Edition, Oxford University Press.

UPME, 2003. Potencialidades de los cultivos energéticos y residuos agrículos en Colombia (Potential energy from crops and residues in Colombia). Unidad de Planeación Minero Energética. Bogotá, Colombia.

Energy Information Administration of the United States, 2009. http:// Accessed on July 16, 2009.

UPME & IDEAM, 2005. Atlas de radiación solar de Colombia. Unidad de Planeación Minero Energética e Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia.

Fearnside, P. M., 2001. Environmental impacts of Brazil’s Tucuruí dam: Unlearned lessons for hydroelectric development in Amazonia. Environmental Management Vol 27, No. 3, pp. 377-396. SpringerVeriag, New York.

UPME & IDEAM, 2005. Atlas de viento y energía eólica de Colombia. Unidad de Planeación Minero Energética e Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia.

FIDE, 2009. Jornada de ahorro de energía eléctrica: Guía de actividades - Preescolar. Accessed in September 25, 2009 at http:// Fideicomiso para el Ahorro de Energía Eléctrica. México.

UPME, 2008. Boletín estadístico de minas y energía 2003-2008. Unidad de Planeación Minero Energética del Ministerio de Minas y Energía. Colombia.

FIDE, 2009. Jornada de ahorro de energía eléctrica: Guía de actividades - Primaria. Accessed in September 25, 2009 at http:// Fideicomiso para el Ahorro de Energía Eléctrica. México. FIDE, 2009. Jornada de ahorro de energía eléctrica: Guía de actividades - Secundaria. Accessed in September 25, 2009 at http:// Fideicomiso para el Ahorro de Energía Eléctrica. México. Glasser, W., 2006. Every student can succeed. Black Forest. IDEAM, 2009. Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales de Colombia., accessed on September 25, 2009. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), 2008. Climate Change and Water. IPCC Technical Paper VI. B. Bates, Z. W. Kundzewicz, S. Wu, and J. Palutikof, Eds., IPCC, Geneva, 202 pp. Josephson Institute, 2009. Character Counts. http://charactercounts.


Global Perspectives

The journey of a lifetime By: Lois Torres Brown Teacher Colegio Rochester


his year and for the very first time, our School took part in the BEO World Business Competition in Dorking, England. Maria Alejandra Escalante, Marigaley Bejarano, Maria Camila Osorio, Juanita Rueda, Julián Suarez, Diego Vera, Santiago Cruz, Juan Sebastián Bravo, Juan Felipe Vélez Mario Osorio and Diego Bernal were the members of the team that represented our school and did so with flying colors. Our very own Diego Bernal was awarded recognition for “Most Outstanding Delegate” in the Program for his hard work, charisma, gumption and manner with everyone. This program offered our students the chance to create a product that would be competitive in a specific market. The created a board game that aimed to bring people together without the use of technology and was sustainable regarding its materials, production and general costs. This activity also provided them with lessons on different aspects on Business Administration in the School´s Campus. They also had ample time to explore different leisure activities, excursions to London, Paris and several museums and Landmarks.

Students touring London.

and performance skills; their mathematical and logical foundations; their ability to design, prepare and present a concept that they had created and the personal stamp that Rochester seals everything with: Our character, our values, our gift for empathy and trustworthiness, our wonderful way of spreading happiness.

I got to witness first hand all the results of the efforts of so many teachers regarding our students´ oratory 40

Eiffel Tower

In this ever-changing world, with its ever changing needs, adaptations, multi-cultural environments and social settings, it was a blessing to witness a yearned constant: Or wonderful Rochester students are kind, hardworking loving people who inspire kindness around them. It was an honor to be chosen to go on this journey, and not only because of the privilege of travelling and experiencing other cultures, but mostly the immense honor or being a part of something bigger than myself. Being a teacher at our School has allowed me to reap what others before me have planted and sowed in so many ways; and this experience wasn´t the exception. Thank you, to our Directives for allowing us to experience this journey; to the parents who constantly nurture, support and love their children and to all the teachers who have built and shaped our students into the wonderful human beings that they are: I am honored today to assure everyone, we can comfortably burst with pride.

Big Ben

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.� Albert Einstein


Integrated Projects

By: María Consuelo Añez Elementary Director Rochester School


ince 2014 the Virtues Development Committee at Rochester School works towards developing a theoretical framework and designing a curriculum that aims to define and encourage effective practices and approaches to quality character education. With this purpose on mind we started to work with, which is a national advocate and leader for the character education movement. Based in Washington, DC, they are a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nonsectarian coalition of organizations and individuals committed to fostering effective character education in schools and communities, not only in the United States, but also all along the world.

Learning For Wellness, Sustainability and Success: how we were recognized as a “Promising Practices School”

Each year, as part of the Schools of Character program, recognizes educators in the United States and elsewhere who have implemented unique, specific, and effective character education strategies. We decided to participate and presented the different projects that we have developed over the past few years, focused on our seven virtues and our environmental curriculum. We feel very honored to have received the international recognition of Promising Practices 2015, along with 7 other countries around the world. honored the 2015 Promising Practices recipients at their annual Forum, which was held in Atlanta, GA. where we shared our successful strategies with other educators.

Maria Consuelo Añez, at 2015 Forum, showing the poster of the seven virtues of Rochester School.


Forum Registration at the “Mapping Success” Forum held in Atlanta, GA.

Through integrated projects at Rochester School, students develop their character and ethics towards fundamental principles of sustainable human progress; students are provided with tools to better interact with people as time goes by. Thus, the purpose is for students to learn to lead a healthy life (mentally, physically and spiritually), to understand each other within a network of relations, the knots of which affect each other, to understand that kindness and service are one path to cultivate and promote peace within themselves and with others, to explore forms of cooperation and collaboration, so as to build collectiveness, to prefer an ethical and respectful mind over superficial and passive minds, to learn to look into themselves before looking into others, and to be able to build possible and collective futures, in order to attain common goals, taking into account their own desires and needs, those of others and those of the context.

Different social and environmental projects at Rochester School.

Character education is a shared responsibility, it should be a learning process that enables students, families and community members to understand, care about and act on core ethical values, like those incorporated into SHICKEL.

We deeply feel that students are the first group to be impacted by the social and environmental initiatives that are carried out in our school. Through them, they have made clear connections with their active role in society and have felt empowered to create their own initiatives that care for each other and the environment. Students and staff use permanent self-evaluation throughout their academic, social and emotional process. This is reflected in our relationship dynamics, how we solve environmental and social challenges in our everyday lives, focusing on a mutual understanding under the premise of our school´s golden rule: “Treat others as you would like to be treated”. We will continue to encourage and foster an educational environment where students can become ethical, responsible and caring citizens.

Recognition of Promising Practices 2015.


Congratulations Rochester School‌ let us continue working on wellness, sustainability and success

Students presenting different integrated projects at Rochester School.

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