Psychotherapy and Counselling 2010

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Hypnotherapy New Edition!

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy with Children

Jungian Psychotherapy

Jung’s Comparative Anatomy of the Psyche Craig E. Stephenson, in private practice, Paris, France

Fourth Edition Daniel P. Kohen, Univeristy of Minnesota, USA, and Karen Olness, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, USA Updated and revised in response to developments in the field, this fourth edition of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy with Children describes the research and clinical historical underpinnings of hypnosis and hypnotherapy with children and adolescents, and presents an up-to-date compendium of the pertinent world literature regarding this topic. November 2010: 418pp. Hb: 978-0-415-87627-8: £33.50/$59.95

Medical Hypnosis Primer Clinical and Research Evidence

Edited by Arreed Franz Barabasz, Washington State University, USA, Karen Olness, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, USA, Robert Boland, International University in Geneva, Switzerland, and Stephen Kahn, Director, Clinical Hypnosis program, Adler School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, USA This brief Primer, assembled by top recognized hypnosis authorities, briefly presents the basic concepts of modern medical hypnosis and encourages mental health care practitioners to learn how to use hypnosis as an adjunct to standard medical care. It also lays the groundwork for the teaching and practice of hypnosis as part of the required syllabus for every medical and nursing school as well as graduate programs in clinical and counseling psychology. 2009: 143pp. Pb: 978-0-415-87178-5: £13.99/$24.95

jungian psychotherapy

The February Man Evolving Consciousness and Identity in Hypnotherapy Milton H. Erickson, Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Arizona, USA, and Ernest Lawrence Rossi, in private practice, California, USA


This book is a fascinating case study that illustrates the use of multiple levels of consciousness and meaning to access and therapeutically reframe traumatic memories that were the source of very severe phobias and depression. A rare record of Erickson’s pioneering genius in facilitating the evolution of new patterns of consciousness and identity in a patient.


This illuminating study, addressed both to readers new to Jung and to those already familiar with his work, offers fresh insights into a fundamental concept of analytical psychology. Anatomizing Jung’s concept of possession reinvests Jungian psychotherapy with its positive potential for practice. Analogizing the concept – lining it up comparatively beside the history of religion, anthropology, psychiatry, and even drama and film criticism – offers not a naive syncretism, but enlightening possibilities along the borders of these diverse disciplines. An original, wide-ranging exploration of phenomena both ancient and modern, this book offers a conceptual bridge between psychology and anthropology, it challenges psychiatry to culturally contextualize its diagnostic manual, and it posits a much more fluid, pluralistic and embodied notion of selfhood. 2009: 200pp. Hb: 978-0-415-44651-8: £60.00/$90.00 Pb: 978-0-415-44652-5: £21.99/$34.95

Self and No-Self Continuing the Dialogue Between Buddhism and Psychotherapy Edited by Dale Mathers, in private practice, UK, Melvin E. Miller, Norwich University, UK, and Osamu Ando, Hanazono University, Japan

This collection explores the growing interface between Eastern and Western concepts of what it is to be human from analytical psychology, psychoanalytic and Buddhist perspectives. The relationship between these different approaches has been discussed for decades, with each discipline inviting its followers to explore the depths of the psyche and confront the sometimes difficult psychological experiences that can emerge during any in-depth exploration of mental processes. Self and No-Self considers topics discussed at the Self and No-Self conference in Kyoto, Japan in 2006. International experts from practical and theoretical backgrounds compare and contrast Buddhist and psychological traditions, providing a fresh insight on the relationship between the two. 2009: 256pp. Hb: 978-0-415-43605-2: £60.00/$99.00 Pb: 978-0-415-43606-9: £22.99/$36.95

2009: 294pp. Pb: 978-0-415-99095-0: £19.00/$34.95


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