esPResso Volume 5 Issue 2

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esPResso   Your Shot of Industry Insight V O L U M E





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PRSSA National Conference combines timeless tips with modern trends By Marguerite Pinheiro

Inside  this  issue:  Page 2 News from North Road Communications and the director of chapter advancement Page 4 Real world advice from Professionals Page 6 Wrap-up of the Alumni Panel and their bios Page 8 $ ORRN DW /XOXOHPRQ¡V %DULOOD¡V DQG +RPH 'HSRW¡V 35 EOXQGHUV Page 10 News on Guy Fieri and the latest Gillette campaign Page 12 A look into the Dead Fox and a peek at the new service soon to be available on planes

This past October, I was given the opportunity to attend the PRSSA National Conference in Philadelphia along with three other members of our chapter. The experience was extraordinary and the lessons, skills, and insights I learned were timeless. When we arrived at the hotel, I quickly hurried to our first session, one that focused on integrated marketing communications and its importance in this day of technology. The presenter concluded that there were five steps to integrate social media: integration through research, crowdsourcing, branded content, consumer evangelism, and customer service. Following this, we attended a session presented by APCO employees that depicted the

sponsible for renowned celebrations, including presidential victories and World Series championships. At the conclusion of this session, the other members and I rushed over to the PRSA Networking HapMarist chapter members enjoy the conference. py Hour to meet and network with industry WDWLRQ VNLOOV¾ DQG XQVXUSULVLQJO\ professionals. The first night was instantly captivated by the then concluded with an amazspeaker. His advice could be ing dinner at the Melting Pot utilized in all aspects of PR, with Faculty Adviser, Jennie from presenting in meetings to doing media training, and I Donohue. found it to be very beneficial. I awoke Sunday morning After getting lunch in Reading energetic and eager. My Market, I attended the Keynote first session of the mornPresentation and was informed LQJ ZDV HQWLWOHG ´0HHW WKH about the future of business OLYLQJ OHJHQGV RI 35¾ DQG and the power behind successdid not disappoint. The ful social media utilization. My session was extremely last and final session was entiinformative and I really WOHG ´)DVKLRQ 35¾ DQG ZDV H[ learned a lot about the tremely relevant, as it is somefundamental aspects of thing I would potentially like to the field. It was during this pursue. session that #PRSSANC

began trending on Twitter and it truly was remarkable to be a part of it. Tweeting was not considered rude, but rather encouraged, and some of Workshops included beneficial tips from PR the speakers embraced it E\ DQVZHULQJ IROORZHUV¡ questions during the session. benefits of working at an agenThe entre conference was truly cy and how to prepare for life in an incredible display of the powthe real world. er of social media. The final session of the day Next, I attended a session consisted of event planning and HQWLWOHG ´6SLFH XS \RXU SUHVHQ was presented by a man re-

All in all, the entire conference was a great experience. The speakers were knowledgeable, the sessions were informative, and the insights into the industry were timeless. I left with a new sense of appreciation for PR and the realization that I will be able to use all of the things I had learned from this weekend throughout my entire career. I highly suggest that if the opportunity to attend a national conference ever comes up again, to take it!


The New Clients of North Road Communications By Ruthlee Bonventre North Road Communications currently has four clients, including two new clients, which were acquired this semester. This semester there are 20 students in the firm, run by Mary Kate Mulhauser and Maria Gironas. The firm is currently working on press releases, flyers, social media plans, branded YouTube channels, public relations plans, on-site event assistance, and more. The firm is very excited about the opportunity to work with the BeaconArts Community Association. BeaconArts is a non-profit organization that includes artists, antique stores, galleries, restaurants, specialty shops and supporters of the arts. BeaconArts offers activities and events to encourage the advancement of the arts and culture in and around the Beacon city region. Its mission is to promote Beacon as the heart of art and culture in the Hudson Valley. The other new client acquired by the firm, Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference, is a joint venture of two academic associations: The American Journalism Historians Association and the AEJMC History Division. Their main conference is held each year at New York University and is attended by between 65 and 100 academics and students each year. The conference gives students and academics the opportunity to meet and network in a comfortable and welcoming environment. For information on joining North Road Communications and working with these two new clients, please email

PRSSA cleans for a cause By Jaclyn Hockenbury This semester, the Marist College Chapter of PRSSA participated in the Middle Main Community Cleanup through Hudson River Housing (HRH). Our contact at HRH, Madeline Crabtree, describes their efforts: ´WKURXJK SURMHFWV OLNH FRP munity cleanups, we seek to advocate for, support, and undertake efforts to improve conditions for residents in the Middle Main neighborhood, in order to create a

more attractive, safe, and inclusive community. Hudson River Housing provides a continuum of services for the homeless to the homeownHU µ I went uptown with a few other PRSSA members to the old Poughkeepsie Underwear Factory on White Cherry Street ² who knew! HRH is turning the building into 1/3 commercial and 2/3 residential spaces. All volunteers collected litter and divided recycling in the immediate area in order to better the full surroundings of the revitalized establishment. The factory has a long way to go, but assisting Middle Main and HRH in this project was a heartening

experience. Our help was needed, and our contributions were impactful. For more information on the Middle Main/HRH revitalization project, visit http:// Keep an eye out for information on a book drive and other PRSSA community service events in the near future!

Members collect trash.

Email: Twitter: @MaristPRSSA Facebook: Blog: Pinterest: Marist PRSSA




A Letter from the Chapter President By Ashley Hellberg O u r chapter has had a very busy semester! On Wednesday, November 13th, we had an interviewing workshop run by two of our wonderful PR professors, LB Greenan and Arien Rozelle. We had a great turnout for this workshop with standing room only! Professor Greenan and Professor Rozelle gave our members great tips for interviews, including what kinds of questions to ask, how early to arrive, what to wear, and much more. The members who attended are now ready to conquer their next interview. Our next event was our first ever virtual alumni panel on Wednesday, November 20th. We had three alumni on the panel: Maria Baez, Class of 2010;Íž Emily Moran, Class of 2012;Íž and Catharine Gatlin, Class of 2012. The panel was started by our President, Erica Conover by asking our alumni questions and then opening the floor to the questions of other members. Attendees learned a lot from the panel because they got to hear from those that were not only industry professionals, but who had also studied PR at Marist as well. In addition, the alumni got to bounce their ideas off each other so the members could get more information. All in all, the alumni panel was a great success! Our last event of the semester was our annual holiday social. The event planning committee worked very hard in making sure the social was a success. The event was filled with decorations, food, games, gifts, and prizes for all who attended! It truly was a great way to end such an amazing semester.

Another semester KDV IORZQ E\ DQG LW¡V hard to believe that I have only one left here at Marist and with PRSSA. Looking back on the semester, I cannot be more proud of what ZH¡YH DFFRPSOLVKHG DV a chapter. Our membership totaled 112 stuGHQWV WKH PRVW ZH¡YH ever had! As overwhelming as being chapter president can be, seeing how excited and engaged our members are makes it all worthwhile. However, WKH KDUG ZRUN GRHVQ¡W stop here. Our e-board is already hard at work planning events for next semester, including the agency tour and the return of guest speakers, such as PRSSA Profes-

sional Adviser, Michael 2¡%ULHQ :LWK D QHZ VH mester comes new opportunities, and I cannot wait to see what the new year will bring our chapter. As we approach the KROLGD\V LW¡V LPSRUWDQW WR UHPHPEHU ZKDW ZH¡UH thankful for. That being said, here are the three WKLQJV WKDW , ILQG ,¡P PRVW thankful for during the holidays:

big family, and they make Marist my home away from home.

3.) Opportunities: Being at Marist has presented me so many opportunities for success, PRSSA president being one of them. I know that what I have learned and experienced in my four years will take me anywhere I want to go (even though I never want to leave Pough1.) My family: They say keepsie!) home is where the heart is, and my heart is back 6R ZKLOH \RX¡UH GHFN home in Connecticut with ing the halls and watchmy parents and younger ing Elf on repeat (that brother. My family has may just be me), take been by my side through the time to think about everything this year, good ZKDW \RX¡UH WKDQNIXO IRU and bad, and I cannot Enjoy this holiday seawait to be home and VRQ VWD\ ZDUP DQG ,¡OO spend the holidays with see you in the new year! them. All my best, 2.) Friends: Whether Erica Conover LW¡V P\ VRURULW\ VLVWHUV Class of 2014 PRSSA members, or those who I spent an entire semester in Florence with, I cannot be more grateful. At the end of the day, we all really are one

Photo Courtesy of Brian Apfel, Marist Pinterest


PR interview pointers straight from the professionals. By Tatiana Miranda e interh t n i d e e engag r a u t you've o a y h t t a s h t w s ho t also s ns show i o i d t s n e a u , q id n't afra "Asking r e r a ework." u m o o y Lecture h t l r a a u h n t o o , y i w s es vie done ng Prof i t i s i V , lle en Roze i r A r o s Profes

´*UHHW WKH with a f HPSOR\HU irm han d shake, but not a NQXFNOH FUXQFK HU ¾ Stephe n Cole, Executi ve Dire ctor o Career Service f s

´'R QRW WUH DW DQ HP ployer like th your friend ey are s because WKH\¡UH QRW ¾ Desmond Murray, Associate Director of Field Expe rience

´:KHQ SHRSOH DUH KLULQJ WKH\ ORRN WR VHH LI \RX KDYH the qualifications and the experience, but if you meet all of the qualifications and experience, then many WLPHV WKH HPSOR\HU LV WKLQNLQJ DERXW ´ZRXOG , UHDOO\ want to work with this person for 8- KRXUV D GD\¾ so usually [for the employer] it comes down to, do you like the person? Letting your personality shine is very LPSRUWDQW ¾ Professor Jennie Donohue, Professional Lecturer & Marist PRSSA Faculty Adviser

WHUYLHZ LQ Q D R W JR LQ ´'RQ¡ :KHQ ZH W GLVF ´ MXVW WKH V ¡ LW N RXQW LQ WK ut WKH S ZH RIWHQ HYHQ H ing us, b w R ie SOH WK v r e EHIRU t in DW \RX H \RX RU XV WR company I W Q D W P U U R L HHW Profe QWHUY OO\ LPS ssor L LHZ ¾ LW¡V HTXD oriBe KHP ¾ th Gre WHUYLHZ W Visitin LQ enan, g Prof , Donohue essio ie n n e J r nal Le Professo cture & Marist r e r u t r c e nal L Professio Adviser y lt u c a F PRSSA




Teachers share tips for impactful interviews By Jennifer St. Jeanos On November 13, Public Relations Professors Arien Rozelle and LoriBeth Greenan hosted an interview workshop for PRSSA. These two professors definitely knew how to keep the attention of the audience with their interesting and amusing tips on preparing for an interview. Rozelle and Greenan started out by writing some key skills on the board that all students should consider, especially those applying for a Public Relations job. These key aspects included: personality, vibe, social skills, authenticity, body language, appearance, and knowledge of a company. In regards to personality, Rozelle and Greenan explained how Public Relations is all about communication with others, so you want to be friendly, lively, and fun. Most importantly, you must be genuine and authentic rather than trying to be somebody that you are not. Interviews can be extremely nerve racking, so you should try to prepare as much as possible. This will allow

you to walk into the interview questions she sometimes would ask. with confidence. Appearance and body language are two other very important things to consider when interviewing. Try to wear something that you feel comfortable in, but of course, something that is appropriate for the job you are interviewing for. Lastly, both Rozelle and Greenan stressed the importance of familiarity with the company. If you demonstrate to the interviewer that you have done your homework and know a lot of information about their company, you will definitely stand out. Along with expanding upon these eight important interview categories, Rozelle and Greenan also talked about some questions that interviewers might ask. They gave the students a list of general questions to be prepared for, including personal strengths and weaknesses, as well as VRPH ´RXW RI WKH ER[¾ TXHVWLRQV that might be asked. Professor Greenan also explained how she interviewed candidates for jobs, and the random and unexpected

Additionally, Rozelle and Greenan stressed how important the idea of networking is, especially for a job in the PR industry. If you get your name out there and get to know a bunch of people in the field, your opportunity of getting a job will increase tremendously. Another important piece of advice these professors gave the students was to have a VWHOODU ´OHDYH EHKLQG ¾ $ OHDYH behind could be a folder of your printed resume, cover letter, sample pieces of writing, blog posts, or anything else that might impress your potential employer. If you leave your interviewer with a unique way to remember who you were, your chance of getting that job will increase tremendously. Overall, Professor Rozelle and Greenan were the perfect duo and gave the PRSSA members excellent advice from their firsthand interview knowledge! These tips will definitely help all of us in obtaining future careers in PR.

Digital PR Awards showcase industry stars & Hair Beauty Therapy. The camBy Cassie Yettru paign involved an interactive exThe world of public relations is perience for followers featuring competitive, but there are always hair styling and product usage those who stand at the top. The tutorials, while utilizing the PR News 2013 Digital PR Awards hashtag #Unileverhair. were recently awarded to some of Three different awards were the best in the industry in countgiven for Firm of the Year, each in less categories and their cama different size category. The winpaigns deserve recognition. ners were Deveney CommunicaRichard Licata of NBC Enter- tion, Finn Partners and GolinHartainment was the recipient of the ULV *ROLQ+DUULV¡ ´6KDUH D 3LF 6DYH Digital Communicator of the Year D 3HW¾ FDPSDLJQ FUHDWHG IRU Award. Licata is not only the chief PetSmart aimed to raise awarepress officer for NBC, but also a ness about pet adoption to put an liaison for their parent company, end to animal euthanization. Comcast. His PR work has directly 'HYHQH\ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ¡V FOLHQ contributed to many of his pro- tele includes: ExxonMobil, the JUDPV¡ VXFFHVV DW WKH *ROGHQ National Park Service and American Airlines. Recently, Finn PartGlobe and Emmy Awards Shows. ners was presented with the The award for Best Twitter MarCom Gold Award for Website Campaign went to Weber Element/Blog and for Website/ Shandwick for Unilever N. America Medical for their work with Blue and their work with CLEAR Scalp Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.

Interestingly enough, the Crisis Management Award went to Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. for their actions after a fire on the Grandeur of the Seas. The company gave all passengers a full refund in addition to a gift certificate for a future cruise. All passengers and crew workers were evacuated safely and the Royal Caribbean arranged for flights to be made to get every passenger home safely. Most importantly, the cruise line publicly apologized on its website and thanked its customers for being patient and understanding. This award will hopefully boost the morale of everyone at Royal Caribbean. Ultimately, it is undeniable that these award recipients are all worthy companies and their campaigns should be looked to for future PR inspiration and insight.

Erica Conover Chapter President @vivalaerica McKensie Saldo Vice-President @McKensZs Ashley Hellberg Director of Chapter Programming Marguerite Pinheiro Director of Public Relations @marguerite_p Mary Kate Mulhauser Firm Director (Fall) @MaryK8te Maria Gironas Firm Director (Spring) @MariaGironas Kate Hardcastle Director of Finance @KHardcastle1 Jaclyn Hockenbury Director of Chapter Advancement @JCHBury Amanda Orzo Director of Member Services @orzopastaaa Jennie Donohue Faculty Adviser @JennieDonohue


PRSSA alumni give tips and tricks to success Not even technical difficulties could stop the Marist 3566$·V ILUVW YLUWXDO DOXPQL panel! After relocating rooms due to a Skype error, chapter members were treated to first-hand advice from three alumni with a broad range of experiences including agency work, local internships, and in-house jobs. President Erica Conover led the event by asking the panel members questions before opening the floor to other inquiries from attendees.

to rely heavily on each other. She explained that her daily routine includes reading both local and national papers in addition to scanning Facebook and Twitter for news of her clients. Baez needs this chunk of time in the morning to stay up-todate on the news for her job as a PR Account Executive. Her last piece of knowledge that she shared was that ´WKH XQH[SHFWHG LV WKH ELJ JHVW FKDOOHQJH µ %DH]·V ability to switch tasks frequently and apply knowledge to new situations is vital in the Public Relations industry.

Maria Baez, class of 2010, is currently located in Boston and is working for Ebben Zall Group, a small communications agency. Her main points stressed the importance of finding a compatible company culture, staying informed on client news, and preparing for the unexpected. Baez describes KHU FRPSDQ\·V FXOWXUH DV D small, close-knit environment that requires the staff

Marist Class of 2012 graduate Emily Moran brought experience from both an agency and in-house work to the panel. Moran was extremely helpful in comparing the two different environments and how she benefitted from each one. Her work at Quinn and Co. Public Relations taught her the importance of prioritizing tasks at a firm. She shared that her new job at Canon

By Elizabeth Peper

U.S.A. has caused her to learn to adapt her communication style. Attendees were able to see a real-life example of PRSSA assisting in the job hunt when Moran shared that she obtained an internship from an agency tour with the chapter while at Marist. Moran was able to share several noteworthy WLSV ZLWK WKH SDQHO·V DW tendees, including that creating business cards with 0DULVW·V FRS\ FHQWHU LV D sure way to make you stand out amongst other job applicants. As a fellow graduate of the Class of 2012, Catharine Gatlin has already found time to turn an internship into a part-time job and move on to a full-time, inhouse job. While she was a student at Marist, Gatlin interned with the Walkway Over the Hudson and after graduation she was able to gain even more experience as a marketing and communications consultant for them. Now Gatlin works for

Serve U Brands and helps to scope out new locations for future Insomnia Cookies stores. Similar to Baez, Gatlin described the working environment at her company as fun and young, with company activities playing a role in keeping the group close. *DWOLQ·V WLS IRU 35 VWXGHQWV includes making sure that your potential employers know that you care, knowing the company you are hoping to work for and keeping up on the news. Gatlin provided WKH SDQHO·V DWWHQGHHV ZLWK D great example of how to turn an internship into an even more beneficial opportunity. Panelists, Baez, Moran and Gatlin all spoke of numerous tips, tricks and techQLTXHV WKDW 0DULVW·V FXUUHQW PR students can benefit from when entering the real world. These PRSSA alumni are clearly illustrating the success that is possible for HDFK RI RXU FKDSWHU·V PHP bers and as an undergraduate, it was very reassuring to see.

Catharine Gatlin, Assistant Marketing Manager Emily Moran: PR Associate Specialist Canon U.S.A. ¡


Decided to leave agency life and try in-house corporate PR where she has been now for over seven months. Works closely on driving awareQHVV DERXW &DQRQ·V FRUSRUDWH initiatives, along with supporting product launches, events and trade shows.

Serve U Brands/Insomnia Cookies Maria Baez: Account Executive, PR Ebben Zall Group ¡

Works with clients to execute engaging campaigns that incorporate elements from traditional and social, and new media tactics.


Was a member of the Marist WomHQ·V 6RFFHU 7HDP DQG FUHGLWV KHU ability to thrive in fast paced environments, deliver quality content with pressing deadlines, and effectively multitask, to athletics.


Follow her on Twitter @_maria_baez

¡ Working with a Poughkeepsie nonprofit gave her responsibilities including event management and digital content development. ¡ Manages the social media presence, executes store openings, and works closely with local organizations to identify marketing opportunities for each store.





Source: Mooste

tors. However, after the documentary, Supersize Me, was released in 2004, McDonDOG¡V ZDV H[SRVHG IRU WKHLU unhealthy menu selections WKDW FRQWULEXWHG WR $PHULFD¡V obesity epidemic. In response to this negative pubOLFLW\ 0F'RQDOG¡V LPSOHPHQW ed a campaign promoting the new healthy additions to their menu.

5HFHQWO\ 0F'RQDOG¡V UHLQ forced their healthy menu 0F'RQDOG¡V LV NQRZQ WR campaign through a partnerserve its customers food that ship with Alliance for a is uniquely tasty and fast in comparison to its competi- Healthier Generation, a nationally recognized corpora-

tion, as announced by in SepWHPEHU 0F'RQDOG¡V DOWHUHG their Happy Meals and side dish options by providing healthier options such as fruits and milk. They also changed their advertisement campaign that is geared towards their younger market segment by highlighting the healthier portion of the Happy Meal. The PR tactics that 0F'RQDOG¡V LPSOHPHQWHG allowed the public to view them as one of the few fast food corporations that care about the health of the cus-

tomers that they are committed to serve. ,Q RWKHU 0F'RQDOG¡V QHZV Huffington Post reported on the termination of their long term partnership with Heinz ketchup. Due to new manDJHPHQW¡V FRQIOLFWLQJ LQWHU HVWV 0F'RQDOG¡V GHFLGHG that it is time to end their relationship with Heinz, as +HLQ]¡V QHZ &(2 ZDV RQFH the CEO of Burger King. We can only wait and see what kind of consumer response these changes will bring 0F'RQDOG¡V

'H %ODVLR¡V GLYHUVH FDPSDLJQ SD\V RII By Monica Couvillion For the first time in 12 years, New York City has a new mayor. Bill de Blasio, a Democratic Public Advocate, won by a landslide over former Metropolitan Transportation Authority Chairman, Republican Joe Lhota. De Blasio is the first Democrat elected since 1989. Before de Blasio and Lhota were officially named the candidates for their respective parties, the now-notorious former Representative, Anthony Weiner bad been the favorite. His support came as a shock following the infamous sexting scandal of 2011, suggesting that constituents were willing to overlook his past mistakes in favor of his politics. Any advances were counteracted when news leaked in July 2013 of another scandal over a year after he had left Congress. City Council Speaker Christine Quinn hoped to make

history as the first female and openly gay mayor of New York City. Her inspirational campaign brought her to third place in the Democratic primaries, a standing that she could have improved if she had been more in touch with the general public.

old son, Dante de Blasio, was featured in a video explaining KLV IDWKHU¡V JRDOV DQG SROLFLHV His age and friendly demeanor, captured audiences everywhere. Dante was named to 7LPH PDJD]LQHV ´PRVW LQIOXHQ WLDO WHHQV LQ WKH FRXQWU\¾ OLVW following the ad.

differences united the people of New York City who represent all races, religions and economic backgrounds. It was a strong strategy for PR purposes, but was criticized by some for its reliance on personal attributes, rather than political strategies.

"Make no mistake: the people of this city have chosen a progressive path, and tonight we set forth on it, together, as one city," de Blasio said following his victory. His campaign focused on raising taxes for the rich to fund a prekindergarten program and end the ´VWRS DQG IULVN¾ SROLFLQJ SUR JUDP 'H %ODVLR¡V RSLQLRQV RQ stop and frisk were criticized Source: BrooklynLens E\ /KRWD¡V FDPSDLJQ LQ D second advertisement showBill de Blasio also spoke Nonetheless, de Blasio won ing dark images to embody de about his Italian background, every borough and demo%ODVLR¡V ´UHFNOHVVO\ GDQJHURXV delivered part of a speech in graphic to beat Lhota 73 to 24 DJHQGD RQ FULPH ¾ Spanish, and even spoke of percent. These results spark However, a majority of de his love for the Boston Red an exciting time for politics in %ODVLR¡V FDPSDLJQ IRFXVHG RQ 6R[ 'H %ODVLR¡V FDPSDLJQ New York City and de Blasio his biracial family. His 16 year- tactic was to stand out against will officially take office on the competition. His ethnic January 1st, 2014.



PR  CRISIS  HOTLINE  / 8 / 8 / ( 0 2 1 ¡ 6 H O M E D E P OT T W E E T S T R O U B L E LOOSE LIPS By Amanda Fiore By Rebecca Ferrick Do you hear that? It is the sound of thighs chafing in Lululemon yoga pants that have been ringSource: Urban Mixer ing in the HDUV RI WKH FRPSDQ\¡V FR-founder, Chip Wilson, since his debacle in early November. In a completely insensitive comment during an interview with Bloomberg TV, Wilson made it very clear that his pants are strictly for women with a BMI of 0.0 DQG ZKRVH WKLJKV QHYHU WRXFK ´,W¡V really about the rubbing through the WKLJKV)UDQNO\ VRPH ZRPHQ¡V ERG LHV MXVW GRQ¡W DFWXDOO\ ZRUN IRU WKH SDQWV ¾ 7KLV ZDV WKH H[SODQDWLRQ :LO son gave in regards to the recall of Lululemon yoga pants earlier this year that came as a result of customers reporting that the fabric was too sheer. After quickly seeing the effects of his remarks, the former CEO and his PR team attempted doing damage control by creating an apology video. 7KH YLGHR QDPHG ´$ PHVVDJH IURP &KLS :LOVRQ¾ VKRXOG EH UHQDPHG ´+RZ QRW WR DSRORJL]H ¾ ,Q WKH YouTube video, Wilson never actually apologizes to the customers and women that he offended, but does however make a point to apologize to his staff. Ultimately, this PR crisis was not handled efficiently and only time will tell if consumers accept his apology or if they decide to purchase their yoga pants elsewhere.

Home Depot spent two days trying to recover from a PHVVDJH WKDW ZDV VHQW IURP WKH FRPSDQ\¡V RIILFLDO 7ZLW ter account on November 7. The message was a part of an ESPN college promotion, which captured an image of two African American men and a person in a gorilla suit GUXPPLQJ RQ RYHUWXUQHG EXFNHWV 7KH SKRWR¡V FDSWLRQ UHDG ´:KLFK GUXPPHU LV QRW OLNH WKH RWKHUV"¾ Home Depot received an enormous amount of backlash from angry tweeters who declared that the ad was racist and unacceptable. As a result, the company took immediate action by deleting the tweet and issuing a public apology. They informed customers that the marketing agency and individual who posted the tweet were fired. Furthermore, they pledged to review their social Source: Pursuethepassion media procedures to ensure that this does not happen again. Home Depot also took the time to individually respond to the criticisms from angry tweeters. Less than twenty-four hours after the tweet, WKH FRPSDQ\¡V WZLWWHU ZHQW EDFN WR QRUPDO EXVLQHVV LOOXVWUDWLQJ WKH VXFFHVV RI +RPH 'HSRW¡V FULVLV PDQDJHPHQW WHDP

BARILLA BUILD S A B OA RD By Micaela Sanger The chairman of Barilla, Guido Barilla, announced on Radio24 in September that his company would never feature gay families in advertisements for his products because he likes the ´WUDGLWLRQDO¾ IDPLO\ DQG LI VRPHRQH RSSRVHV WKLV GHFLVLRQ WKH\ FDQ JR ´HDW DQRWKHU EUDQG RI SDVWD ¾ ,Q D IROORZ-XS VWDWHPHQW %DULOOD¡V VSRNHVPDQ UHDFWHG WR WKLV JOREDO VWRUP FDXVHG E\ KLV FKDLUPDQ¡V FRPPHQWV E\ VD\LQJ WKDW KH UHVSHFWV SHRSOH¡V ULJKW WR GR ZKDW WKH\ ZDQW EXW he does not agree with gay adoption. He also mentioned that in relation to his company, he plans to create an advisory board to brand the company more diverse and run a more inclusive TV ad campaign. $FFRUGLQJ WR 5HXWHUV /XFD 9LUJLQLR WKH FRPSDQ\¡V VSRNHVPDQ UHFHQWO\ VWDWHG ´:H DUH DOUHDG\ ZRUNLQJ RQ D QHZ DGYHUWLVLQJ FRQ FHSW WKDW ZLOO EH PXFK PRUH RSHQ DQG PXFK PRUH LQFOXVLYH ¾ ,W DS pears that it took the shock of boycotts to shift away from the rosy depictions of traditional Italian family life that had previously been at the heart of Barilla.

Source: Creative Tools

The leading pasta giant for more than 130 years, which made almost four billion euros in sales last year, declined to say if the boycott had hurt sales. Still, privately-owned Barilla cannot afford to offend consumers in the United States, its second-biggest pasta market.






By Amanda Fox

By Kristen Roubal To say that Blackberry has been struggling would be an enormous understatement. In the age of the iPhone, the Android Platform and the Samsung Galaxy, the company has attempted to stay relevant by releasing their new touchscreen phone, the Blackberry Z10. According to Forbes, Blackberry has seen an 8.5% increase in sales since the release of this new phone. However, these sales have only amounted to $3.07 billion in revenue, causing Blackberry to fall short of their $3.37 billion goal and their stock to drop 28%. In order to revamp the compaQ\¡V LPDJH DQG EULQJ LW XS-to-date, Blackberry has released its new BBM app for the iPhone and Android devices. This was actually met with great success, topping Source: Audaz_67 over ten million downloads on the first day of its release. It rose to the number one spot in the Apple App store in more than seventy-five countries and found success in the Google Play store as well. Blackberry has also found some success with the announcement of the release of the Blackberry Q10, a smartphone with a keyboard much like the original Blackberry. The company seems to be making a rebound with these new releases, but only time will tell if they are good enough to completely turn the company around.

According to International Business Times, was reportedly hacked on November 5, 7KH QHZV ZHEVLWH¡V KRPHSDJH ZDV SODVWHUHG with numerous bizarre headlines seemingly mocking FXUUHQW QHZV XSGDWHV VXFK DV WKH UHOHDVH RI $SSOH¡V new software system, and a story about how Zombie GD\ LV JRLQJ WR ´%ULQJ 2XW WKH /LYLQJ 'HDG¾ 7KH PDLQ headline of the site was programmed to say, ´:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( 678)) <2 ¾ There has been speculation that the cyber-attack ZDV ODXQFKHG E\ WKH ´KDFWLYLVW FROOHFWLYH¾ $QRQ\PRXV This accusation comes as a result of the error occurring on November 5, which is also known as Guy Fawkes Day. Coincidentally, November 5, 2013, also PDUNV WKH EHJLQQLQJ RI WKH $QRQ\PRXV¡ ´0LOOLRQ 0DVN 0DUFK ¾ ZKLFK RFFXUUHG LQ SURWHVW RI JRYHUQPHQW FRU ruption in 450 cities worldwide. Mashable also pointed out another interesting parallel and that was that the date on the homepage was changed to May 16, 2013, the date the LulzSec hackers, a branch of Anonymous, were sentenced to jail in London for their cyber-attacks on Kony and other well-known targets. )R[ 1HZV¡ &KLHI 'LJLWDO 2IILFHU -HII 0LVHQWL DYRLGHG a potential public relations crisis by responding quickly to the incident, stating that the glitch was nothing but a mistake during a routine website maintenance, and the site was quickly restored. Still, the odd headlines have left some people skeptical and it will be interesting to see if something of this nature becomes a common occurrence for the network.

8 1 ' ( 5 $ 5 0 2 8 5 ¡ 6 8 1 , ) 2 5 0 6 8 1 5 $ 9 ( / By Katherine Burek Under Armour likely had good intentions when designing the flag-themed uniIRUPV IRU WKH 1RUWKZHVWHUQ 8QLYHUVLW\¡V IRRWEDOO WHDP 7KH GHVLJQ RI WKHVH XQL forms, after all, were meant to honor veterans and raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project. The backlash and animosity that followed suit, however, was beyond anything both Under Armour and Northwestern could have ever imagined. No animosity was met with the creation of helmets resembling the American flag and shoulder pads draped in stars and stripes. What critics did have a problem with, however, was the fact that the helmet, gloves, jersey, and cleat designs appeared to be splattered and streaked with blood. While some question what all the fuss is about, others are offended that the American flag is portrayed in a way that its integrity is violated.

Source: UniformCritics

Under Armour and the Northwestern University received an enormous amount of negative publicity. As a result of this, WKH XQLYHUVLW\ UHOHDVHG D VWDWHPHQW WKDW WKH\ ZHUH ´LQVSLUHG E\ WKH DSSHDUDQFH RI D IODJ WKDW KDV IORZQ SURXGO\ RYHU D ORQJ period of time. We apologize that the design element could be misinterpreted." Under Armour echoed their sentiments and claimed that they value their five-year partnership with the Wounded Warrior Project and only wished to show their "deepest gratitude" for the bravery of men and women who serve our country.



Fieri and Deen serve up PR problems for Food Network By Harley Chase Best known for his bleached hair, red Camaro, and quirky commentary of the food served at some of AmeriFD V ´KROH LQ WKH ZDOOV¾ *X\ Fieri has recently been receiving negative media attention regarding his personal life. Along with being a wellknown Food Network star, Fieri is a successful restaurateur who co-owns twelve restaurants around the country. In November 2012, he received a horrific review in The New York Times about his latest and most extravagant UHVWDXUDQW YHQWXUH )LHUL¡V American Kitchen and Bar in Times Square. The review not only criticized the food and VHUYLFH EXW )LHUL¡V FKDUDFWHU and had the chance to tarnish his reputation. In response, Fieri gave an interview on the Today Show,

along with issuing a public statement. In both, he implied that the reviewer had a ´GLIIHUHQW DJHQGD¾ EHIRUH

Source: Automotive Rhythms

even stepping foot in his restaurant and almost bypassed addressing the alarming issues of the quality of his food. As his restaurant had only been open a little over two months when the review was published, Fieri simply acknowledged that things

would not be perfect all the time. Later reports stated that Fieri eliminated a handful of the ridiculed dishes from the menu.

Paula Deen may be able to sympathize with Fieri. Many are familiar with her public relations disaster that occurred earlier this year after a In recent weeks, Fieri was law suit by a former employee witnessed getting into a heat- surfaced accusing her of racial ed altercation with his hair- harassment. After this incidresser outside of the San dent, Deen was immediately Francisco International Airport. dropped by the Food Network, The argument was caught on which resulted in them releasvideo by TMZ and blasted all ing a statement that they do over the Internet and enter- ´QRW WROHUDWH DQ\ IRUP RI GLV tainment circuit. In the days crimination and are a strong following, a source informed proponent of diversity and WKH 'DLO\ 1HZV ´,W ZDV MXVW D inclusion." This followed with bunch of guys fooling around a tearful apology on national and things got a little rowdy. television that made viewers Guys are guys and everybody's question her sanity rather than fine. They will continue to work sympathize with her. WRJHWKHU ¾ $OWKRXJK )LHUL DQG These examples clearly his team have been quick to illustrate that celebrity chefs publicly respond on his recent need be aware of their public personal issues, their vague perception, not only for themresponses may not be the best selves, but for the brands they PRYHV IRU )LHUL¡V SXEOLF LPDJH have so tirelessly created. A fellow Food Network star

Gillette partners with Boston Red Sox for new campaign won the World Series. For the Red Sox, facial hair is a symGillette, a Boston based bol of team unity. As the playshaving product company, HUV¡ EHDUGV EHFDPH PRUH VSRQVRUHG D ´VKDYH-RII¾ LQ extreme during the recent early November. Two players playoffs, announcers and refrom the Red Sox, David Ortiz porters commented on them and Shane Victorino, shaved more and more. For Gillette, their beards to support victims the timing was perfect. The and families affected by the Shave-off was announced Boston Marathon bombing right before the infamous incident. According to ABC PRQWK RI ´1R 6KDYH 1RYHP News and Business Insider, EHU ¾ Gillette donated $100,000 to Gillette revealed its humanthe One Fund, a fundraising effort set up to support this itarian side while showing that it is committed to helping cause. those in the community. In Six months after the Bosaddition, Ortiz and Victorino ton tragedy, Gillette took the participated in this event to opportunity to enhance its add a human-interest comporeputation after the Red Sox

By Allie Zoll

Source: Keith Allison

nent to the story. This was a good opportunity for Gillette to take advantage of because it greatly enhanced its public

image within the community. Hopefully this will inspire more people to donate to the One Fund.




Beauty vlogging creates fashion frenzy free products, some that have not even been released In this digital age, to stores yet, to use in their beauty lovers are constantly videos. This is a great PR looking online for the newest tactic for companies bemakeup techniques and cause they are aware that fashion trends. YouTube in more customers than ever particular, has blown up the are looking to these beauty past few years with so-called gurus to tell them their hon´EHDXW\ JXUXV ¾ 7KH EHDXW\ est opinions of new prodpopulation on YouTube has ucts. increased in such great Beauty companies reach amounts that a new category out to vloggers to give honfor users to browse titled ´%HDXW\ )DVKLRQ¾ ZDV FUH est reviews, but they also contact them to represent ated. their company. User macBeauty gurus are every- barbie07, Bethany Mota, day people educating their recently partnered with Aeroviewers on fashion and postale and now has her makeup tips through person- own clothing line that will be al tutorial videos. These released in mid-December. ´YORJJHUV ¾ RU YLGHR EORJJHUV Aeropostale has been strughave millions of subscribers. gling lately with their sales The frenzy of growth in this and this promotion was an YouTube community can be innovative way to bring more attributed to makeup users publicity to the company. looking for relatable people They created a media camto teach them everyday tips. paign through Twitter and After all, a personal aspect is Facebook with the hashtag added with the use of video. ´ 0RUH0RWD ¾ 7KH PRUH In addition to great busi- people that hashtag this ness ventures sprouting phrase, the more looks from from YouTube fame, many %HWKDQ\¡V FROOHFWLRQ WKDW DUH JXUXV¡ YLGHRV DUH VSRQVRUHG ´XQORFNHG ¾ $JDLQ WKLV LV D by companies. Often, these creative PR strategy to up bloggers receive boxes of their sales in addition to taking advantage of their FRQVXPHUV¡ use of

By Alexa Hallas

07: rbie a B ac ng of M ythi r y e n v ha cora ut e Bet abo DIY de mils g to ur vlo eup most fo She k a m al ! from nd has cribers s a b s tion lion su

social networking. Bethany Mota is only 18 years old, which shows that many of these gurus are not yet established professionals. Essentially, they are being transformed into businesswomen and Internet personalities overnight because of their growing popularity.

The Best Beauty Vlogs to Follow on Youtube

Liz o

f IHe artM Prov akeu ides p92 d : etail and e d tut lists ori e prod uct t very sing als ha t s l he u e ses!

Beauty videos are essential for makeup enthusiasts of all ages who are looking for a quick and easy makeup tutorial. It is more exciting for the viewers, and the vloggers themselves, when a personal connection is made. Whether it is through the comment section or fan mail, a sense of community is created. The vlogging medium is a creative business and PR tool for companies to promote their : services on the Internet. It race G y l i uis also beneficial for f Da of h o e e s c V n the beauty gurus Gra GQH y se witt LHZ :H WKH themselves, because a Y th J ´5H g wi XULQ they can create their Alon H GRHV HN IHDW own businesses and ts. VK ZH PRU ¾ HYHU\ produc essentially make a profit V st GD\ late from their passion and fan loyalty.

Cass andr a of Diam She ondH bega eels1 n of be her b 4: ing b log a ullied s a re KHOS sult JLUOV¡ and w them VHOI-estee anted to m by free beau givin ty ad g vice.


The Dead Fox revitalizes student news By Jessica Kovac Have you ever had a thought about the Marist community that you could not exactly put into words? Check out the Dead Fox. The Dead Fox is a satirical online news source created by two Marist students who have chosen to remain anonymous. Topics covered range from politics to sports, but each article has one thing in common: the sardonic undertone. In essence, the Dead Fox entertains by taking daily events at Marist College and telling them from the perspecWLYH RI D ´W\SLFDO VWXGHQW¾

The Dead Fox has been active since October 11, 2013 and currently has 224 Facebook likes. One of the reasons the Dead Fox has spiked in popularity is because vastly differs from its competitors: the Circle and the Generator. The Dead Fox writers are realists. There is no holding back. Since the other publications are affiliated with Marist, there are certain rules they must abide by. The Dead Fox on the other hand, has no limitations and is able to discuss whatever they please. This causes many readers to re-

spond positively to the boldness and truth. In each article, the Dead Fox says what we, the Marist Community have all been thinking, but either do not have the place to say or do not have the guts to say. One of the main reasons the Marist community has responded positively to the publication is because it gives students a voice. The greatest part about the Dead Fox is that its authors observe the behavior of Marist students and are able to build a publication that revolves

around the wants, needs and opinions of the student body. While the Dead Fox may initially be looked at as a satirical, joke publication, it is much more than that. The Dead Fox gives the student body an outlet. Students are able to mock, praise and insult their campus with no repercussions. The Dead Fox freely expresses views on the Marist campus that are not always known and is on its way to becoming known campus-wide.

CELL PHONES SPROUT THEIR WINGS By Ariana Held The use of cell phones and other electronic devices on airplanes has been prohibited for years. In the United States, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) restricts individual wireless electronic device usage during flight beFDXVH RI SRWHQWLDO LQWHUIHUHQFH ZLWK WKH DLUFUDIW¡V QDYLJDWLRQ DQG FRPPXQLFDWLRQV V\VWHPV 7KH )HGHUDO &RPPXQLFD tions Commission (FCC), on the other hand, restricts the usage of mobile phones during flight in an effort to prevent interference or disruption with cell towers on the ground. $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH +XIILQJWRQ 3RVW KRZHYHU D VHUYLFH FDOOHG ´*RJR¡V 7H[W 7DON¾ ZLOO VRRQ SURYLGH DLUOLQH SDVVHQJHUV ZLWK WKH DELOLW\ WR WH[W DQG WDON RQ WKHLU FHOO SKRQHV ´*RJR¾ LV VHW WR SURYLGH LQ-flight ,QWHUQHW VHUYLFH WR DLUOLQHV DQG XQYHLO ´7H[W 7DON¾ E\ WKH HQG RI WKLV \HDU 7KLV QHZ service will allow passengers the ability to receive and make phone calls, as well as send and receive text messages. The announcement of the release of this new service comes days after the FAA decided to lift the ban on the usage of personal electronics during flight. FAA Administrator Michael Huerta announced that the FAA came to the conclusion that airlines can safely allow the use of portable electronic devices during flight. Airlines are currently being provided with implementation guidance to safely enforce this new information. One of the regulations regarding the usage of portable electronic devices is that they should be in airplane mode. This new decision made by the FAA is meant to KRQRU WKH FRPPLWPHQW WR VDIHW\ WKDW DOO DLUOLQHV SRVVHVV DV ZHOO DV WKH FRQVXPHUV¡ increasing desire and need to use electronic devices during their entire flight. It is believed that consumers will welcome this new decision happily due to the fact that the use of personal electronic devices has been consistently increasing over the past decade. Texting and calling during flight is important not only for social aspects, but for work and school aspects as well. After all, even when thousands of feet in the air, it seems that people simply cannot stay off their phones! Source: Hill Special

Publication compiled and published by Elizabeth Peper & Marguerite Pinheiro

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