Meeting in Italy

Page 1

Th Comenius The C P Project 2012

Our school in France « Collège Aristide Briand »

Aristide Briand (French, 28 March 1862 – 7 March 1932) was a french statesman who served eleven terms as prime minister of France during French Third Republic and was a co-laureate of the 1926 Nobel Peace Prize.

By the pupils belonging to the European English Class

FRENCH SCHOOL SYSTEM The French educational system is well known because of the famous baccalauréat (also called "bac"). This diagram sums-up the main ways to French diplomas: Age 22-23










Maths Spé.





Maths Sup.




Terminale Pro BAC pro


Terminale (T) BAC

Première Pro.


Première (1ère)




Seconde (2nde)




Troisième (3e) Brevet des collèges


Quatrième (4e)


Cinquième (5e)


Sixième (6e)


Cours Moyen 2 (CM2)


Cours Moyen 1 (CM1)


Cours Elémentaire 2 (CE2)


Cours Elémentaire 1 (CE1)


Cours Préparatoire (CP)


Grande Section de maternelle


Moyenne Section de maternelle



Petite Section de maternelle

Each color used in the above diagram represents the place where courses are given:

École d'ingénieur Institut Universitaire de Technologie (I.U.T.) Université Lycée professionnel Lycée Collège École primaire École maternelle

All this could be confusing for you but here are further explanations: Children can go to school when aged 2. French start reading, writing and counting at 6 in the CP class. At the end of the Seconde class, you choose the BAC you want to pass: Science (BAC S), Arts (BAC L), Economy (BAC ES) or Tertiary (BAC STT). For example, if you choose S, you follow a 1ère S and a Terminale S. You can't have access to universities or Engineering schools without a BAC. You have to repeat a year (=reboubler) until you get your Baccalauréat. Maths Sup and Maths Spé are also called Classes préparatoires. They give no diploma but students are prepared for competitive examinations (=les coucours) in order to access Les Grandes Ecoles or some Engineering schools.

General informations Our school is a Secondary School or Middle School, for students aged 11 to 15. We come here after Primary School. When we finish it we go to « Lycée » which is for students aged 15 to 17. We stay in « Collège » for four years. We are in « 6e » at 11, in « 5e» at 12, in « 4e » at 13 and in « 3e » at 14 years of age. After that, we go to « Lycée ». There are more than 640 students in our school, it's a big school! There are about 26 pupils per class and about 40 teachers. This year, we are in 4e, so it's our third year, we have one more to go before we finish. We don't wear uniforms. We are allowed to wear what we want, as long as it's decent! Girls and boys wear jeans, t-shirts and trainers most of the time. We can't wear our coats in the classroom. We have five holidays : in autum we have 10 days off, for Christmas we have two weeks, in February, it's winter break, we have two weeks, and again two more weeks for Easter... And in summer, we have two months.

OUR BUILDING It has 3 floors (plus a basement). There are about 30 classrooms: Sciences and technology are taught on the first floor, French and maths on the second, and history, geography and languages on the third floor. Gym is taught outside school, at the gym or at the playfields. In the basement, there's a music room for the club, a table tennis room, and a big room for meetings or rehearsals for clubs. This year some pupils are putting on a musical called « Cabaret ».

Every period lasts 55 minutes and pupils, not teachers usually, change classrooms. We don't have any elevators. There are two playgrounds, and a hall.

The hall We have two breaks during the day, one at 10:20 and one at 2:50 They last 15 minutes. We talk with our friends, go to the toilet or to the library. For lunch we have 1,5 hour (so that pupils who don't eat at the canteen can have enough time to go home)


SUBJECTS We study : French, maths, history, geography, civics, languages. We must study English right from 6e and we must choose a second language, Spanish or German in 5e or 4e. There's Portuguese and Latin as electives. We also learn physics, chemistry, sciences, technology, arts, music, and PE. There's a nice library where we can read or surf the Web. We can borrow books for two weeks.

TIMETABLES We have a lot of holidays in France, but we also have long days! All classes have different timetables. We usually start at 8:30 and finish at 5pm. Sometimes we have free periods and we start at 9:30 or finish at 4. It depends on our timetables. Here are two examples: 4E1 lundi 8h30 9h30 10h30 11h30

mardi Option Portugais

Latin Education musicale mathématiques

Sciences et vie de la terre

Histoire & géographie

mercredi Latin Education physique et sportive

Anglais LV1 Mathématiques Education civique





Sciences physiques

Anglais LV1

Option portugais

Allemand LV2 Espagnol LV2

Histoire & géographie

Option portugais Sciences physiques



Education physique et sportive

mathématiques Sciences physiques

12h30 13h00

Mathématiques Français

Allemand LV2 Espagnol LV2

Sciences et vie de la terre


Allemand LV2 Espagnol LV2




14h00 15h00 16h00

Espagnol Lang.Euro


Arts plastiques


Espagnol Lang.Euro

Anglais LV1

4E2 lundi 8h30 9h30


Mathématiques Histoire & géographie







Anglais LV1


Espagnol LV2

Espagnol LV2

Education musicale



Espgnol LV2

Anglais LV1

Education physique et sportive

vendredi Sciences et vie de la terre


12h30 13h00 14h00 15h00 16h00

Sciences physiques

Sciences et vie de la terre


Sciences et vie de la terre

Education physique et sportive

Arts plastiques Sciences physiques

Arts plastiques

Sciences physiques

Education civique

Anglais LV1

Histoire & géographie


Espagnol Lang.Euro

Espagnol Lang.Euro


CLUBS There are sport clubs where we can practise fooball, badminton, dance and table tennis. There's a music and a musical club too. Clubs are after teaching hours, on Wednesday afternoons for instance.

THE GERMAN SCHOOL SYSTEM Unlike other European countries there is no consistent school system in Germany. The 16 federal states (Bundeslaender) have different systems and various names especially for secondary schools. What you see below is the school system in Lower Saxony, the federal state we are in. In Germany, school, from the age of 6 through 14, is mandatory, and in public state-run schools, it's free. The school system in Germany is different from most of the other European countries. All children enter at the same programme, but at the age of 10, they go to one of five types of schools. The track that they enter determines which type of school they can go to next, and finally, whether they will go to a university or enter a technical field or trade. The graph below shows the levels and routes of education a German student could go through.


Vocational qualification

University qualification exam (Abitur) 13th grade and Abitur prep

Training and Vocational education at upper companies and Full-time vocational 12 secondary Continuation with part time school 11 school Gymnasium or Gesamtschule vocational (Berufsfachschule) (Fachoberschools schule) (Berufsschule) 10“Secondary High 9School” Comprehensive Secondary Intermediate Grammar 8(Oberschule) school general school school school 7A combination of (Gesamt (Hauptschule) (Realschule) (Gymnasium) 6(Hauptschule) and schule) 5(Realschule) 432– 1-

Primary School (Grundschule)


OBERSCHULE BOCKENEM At the beginning of this school year there has been yet another school reform in our part of Germany. The “Ambergauschule“ and the “Wilhelm-BuschRealschule“have been merged and transformed into the new “Oberschule Bockenem“.




n ge


H aupt s


i t G anz



These are the old school logos, the new one is still “under construction”.

Both schools were created in the 1970s when the old (secondary) village schools in the area were closed and Bockenem became the central location. Oberschule Bockenem is situated in a rural area in the north of Germany between the Harz Mountains and the city of Hildesheim. The school grounds with modern sports facilities, a big school yard, lawn areas and a bus station lie on the outskirts of the small town of Bockenem. There are about 600 pupils in our school this year, boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 17, coming from the town of Bockenem and about 20 villages in the area called “Ambergau” At the moment 45 teachers teachat our school, and we have two social workers who provide courses for social learning and vocational preparation and coordinate afternoon classes which have been common for years in most European countries, but are quite new for Germany. Vocational preparation is a key aspect in our school and teachers are assisted in doing this by three specialists from the job centre who work at the school on a permanent basis. They help pupils with special educational needs in their choice of profession and in finding an appropriate apprenticeship training position.


Period 1

07.50 - 08.35

Period 2

08.40 - 09.25

Break Period 3

09.45 - 10.30

Period 4

10.35 - 11. 20

Break Period 5

11.35 - 12.20

Period 6

12.25 - 13.10

Lunch Break 13.10 - 13.55 (Period 7) Period 8

13.55 - 14.40

Until recent years German schools only had lessons in the morning usually ending at noon. During the last ten years more and more of them followed the example of most European countries by adding afternoon classes. We did this in 2003 and since then all of our pupils have to have one afternoon, most of them do one or two more, where they can choose from a wide range of extracurricular activities from Monday to Thursday. The most wanted subjects here are football, volleyball, judo, cooking and baking, pottery, peer mediation and of course the Comenius Club.

There are additional “club offers� during lunch break, e.g. dancing, school choir, billiard and ball games, just to mention a few. Period 9

14.45 - 15.30

The school canteen is managed by a local catering company that provides two different meals, vegetarian and non-vegetarian, from Monday to Thursday.

In our two cafeterias,two, because of the two schools that existed before, a healthy breakfast is offered at very low prices during the first break from Monday to Friday. Both cafeterias are organized and looked after by parents, mostly mothers, of pupils from both schools.

Most of the subjects taught at the Oberschule likeMath’s, First Language (German), English, Science, History, etc. are those you will find in all our European schools. There are however some that may differ. As mentioned before there is a strong focus on vocational preparation at our school. That is why “Economics” is an important subject in our timetable and so are a lot of lessons where

pupils do practical work as in “Home economics”, ”Woodwork”, “Needlework” and “Technology”. In addition each pupil in class 5 to 10 has an “Informatics” lesson once a week. One other thing that may not be the rule in many schools is that all classes have a lesson of “Social Learning” a week, where our social workers cooperate with the class teachers. “Social-emotional

skills, or “emotional intelligence”, is the name given to the set of abilities that allows students to work with others, learn effectively, and serve essential roles in their families, communities and places of work.” (UNESCO)

Here pupils learn a lot about communicating and interacting in different social groups and situations effectively and of course it is also a means of preventingdiscrimination, mobbing and violence As most of it is done on a playful basis by trying role-playing and cooperative games pupils really like it, if only as a diversion from normal lessons. In addition to the subjects provided by the timetable our school is always engaged in a lot of projects, mainly worked on in extracurricular activities and special “clubs” in afternoon classes. Besides the regular student exchange with a school in England, the “Buddy-project” and various social activities, there are three projects worth mentioning.

For the last 15 years we have been taking part in the competition “ Umweltschule in Europa”, better known as “Eco-Schools in Europe”. Topics like “waste separation”, “green classrooms”, installing “photovoltaic modules“ on the school roof and creating “green areas” throughout the school grounds have been dealt with through all these years. Here you can see our headmistress Ms. Pallinger, being awarded the flag for yet another successful participation in 2011. The current project is dedicated to our school garden which has been improved by adding a “school pond” where not only the fish can relax, but, as you can see, the pupils, too. In accordance to our aim of giving our pupils the best possible preparation for their start into the professional world we have been cooperating for a long time with local businesses and craftsman’s establishments.

the German car producers.

Our main partner here is the biggest employer in Bockenem, “Meteor”, producing seals for car windows and doors for most of

In this project pupils work in the apprenticeship workshop of the business with the help of the firm`s instructors and a teacher from our school for two and a half hours once a week. During the last years they have produced a stage for our main hall, small football goals for the school yard and various kinds of benches for the school grounds.

The third project that is important to us these days is, of course, the “Comenius project” you all know.

"European teenagers: Differences and similarities presented through modern technology". This brochure is one of the five topics we will be working on in the two years of partnership between the six schools from France, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Germany. We have a “Comenius Club”with 20 pupils aged between 12 and 16 who do most of the work. There are also 5 classes in our school which are participating in various activities during the project. Last year’s meeting in Domont gave us a first impression of how exciting it is to meet people you would never have seen without this kind of European programme and we are really looking forward to all the coming visits to the other countries in the project. We will finally see each other in May 2013 here in Germany at the Oberschule Bockenem.

To finish this short presentation of our school we must say that there would be a lot more to tell and show of the various aspects of school life in Germany. Of course there are things pupils would think very important, teachers, too, to be in this text, but we have to stop somewhere.

Just one more thing. School is not for learning only, there must be festivities and activities for having fun, too. So we leave you with some more images of that.

TH HE TA CH YS E IT AL HO ST LIIA OO TE OL EM AN L SY M N SC NURSERY SCHOOL It represents the first step of school system. It lasts 3 years and provides children’s education and development.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL It lasts 5 years, divided in: -one basic year; -two bienniums The children who attend elementary school must study: maths, science, history, geography, design, music, P.E. and religion. At the end of schoolcourse there is no exam.

MIDDLE SCHOOL It lasts 3 years, divided in: -one biennium; -one year. In the school curriculum you have to study: Italian ,History, Geography, two European languages, Science, Maths, Chemistry, Thechnical education, P.E., Design, Music, Religion. It ends with an exam.

HIGH SCHOOL The current reform of high schools consist in: -“Liceo Classico”Classical High School; -“Liceo Scientifico”Scientific Lyceum; -“Liceo Artistico” High School of Art; -“Liceo Linguistico”Language High School; -Economy High School; -“Istituto Tecnico”Institute of Thechnology; -“Liceo Musicale”Music High School; -Humanistic High School; -Psychology High School The High Schools last five years and they are divided in periods of two years each plus a fifth one that ends with a state exam; thi is necessary for university entrance.


Where does this name come from? Quinto Orazio Flacco was a Latin poet, considered one of the most representative of ancient times. He dealt with ordinary life and man’s problems. In his works he suggested people to enjoy every moment in their lives because… tempus fugit! A very famous motto by Orazio is the unforgettable “Carpe Diem” which mirrors thespirit of our school !??! Both students and teachers agreed with this name. It started in 1969 as a section of the

« Dum loquimur fugerit invida aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero. » Quintus Horatius Flaccus

Liceo Scientifico “Filippo Silvestri”. Finally it became independent in 1974, the number of students increased and the school got a new and better location. 1995 represents a turning point because two

different courses were added and the study of foreign languages was introduced: ancient world versus modern world. In 2003 the school moved to the the current place in Via Scalea and, last year, a new course was introduced: human science course. So “Q. O. Flacco� includes three different courses with different interests and peculiarities but one aim: to help the students to express their capacities and their personalities.

Extra Scholastic Activities. Our school gives the students the possibility to attend extracurricular activities, such as “La giornata dell’arte”, on the day before Christmas holidays. On that





music. There is also a “Student’s week”, when all the students revise all the subjects, especially the ones they’re weak in. There are some sport activities





tamburello, a really nice game, with a tennis ball and a little drum (used as a racket). Some other school activities during the years are trips to visit museums, participations







ƒ The Italian educational system is strongly centralized ƒ Compulsory education begins at age six and ends at age fifteen, after the Middle School Diploma and the first year of upper secondary school.


High schools last FIVE years and conclude at the end of grade 13 with a national final exam (“State Exam”)

Vocational high schools (also split into many tracks).

Technical high schools (split into various tracks: industrial, agricultural, chemical, commercial)

Lycaeum (classical or scientific high schools which prepare for University)

students can choose among various types of upper secondary schools:

After Middle School exam (grade 8)

• At the beginning of the first year of each school level (elementary, middle, high school), pupils are split up into class groups which will be the same for several years. Pupils of the same age do not mix to form different class groups; they have lessons always in the same classroom, where the different teachers turn over.

Specific aspects of the Italian school system

• That’s because once students have chosen their track, syllabi are fixed, there is no (or very limited) options. (i.e. different languages, or religion vs. individual study or optional subject); • Classes last from 50 to 60 minutes and take place (on average) only in the morning; • One teacher for each subject accompanies the same group of pupils for several years (three in middle school, between two and five in high school)

• The number of teaching hours per subject and the curricula are defined by ministerial decree in the whole country. • While the subjects and hours must be the same for every school, the curricula are only a sort of concise guide-line in order to reach the educational objectives required by the system, through the didactic planning, which is mainly the teachers' task.

Facilities Or school has 10 class rooms, and many other useful things. We have two computer rooms, with about 30 computers for 120 pupils. We also have four Smart Boards and several projectors. The music room has many different instruments (that costs much money!). The library is quite small, but has quite many books. We also have a school kitchen, an arts and crafts room, a room of motivation and four boy’s and girl’s toilets.

Our school is yellow. Outside our school there is a school museum and a big area where we can play ball-games and other stuffs. We have a big soccer field we can play soccer on. Our school also has a forest with an obstacle course. We have a mini- pitch. Behind the school we have a sandy ground with some cars, buckets and shovels. In addition we have playground areas and a gym. It is max 180 peoples who can be in there. 8-10 classes have permission to go to the village in long recess, which is 30 minutes. Our school is Balsfjord’s best equipped. Balsfjord is the name of our municipality.

Time schedule Most pupils wake up between 07.00-08.00. After breakfast some pupils walk to school while others take the bus or drive with their parents. Someone also rides the bike. The pupils normally arrive 15-30 minutes before school begins and in that time people talk with each other and laugh. The first class begins at 08.30 and stops 09.30 and the second class begins 09.45-11.00. In class we work hard with our studies all year round except from some special days with alternative activities (fun!) and school trips.

The main break is between 11.00-11.30. In the break we mostly play football. Some girls like to play too, while others prefer to stand at the side and watch. Some pupils also play with their computers or just talk and laugh with each other. We might also walk to the village center and buy a snack or something to drink. Third class begins 11.30-12.45 and, finally, the last class is between 13.05-14.05. After school is finished we walk home or take the bus.

The Directorate for Education and Training The Directorate for Education and Training is a part of the Ministry of Education and Research. They bear the responsibilities within kindergarten and primary and secondary education. Their work range from planning, examinations, analyses to supervision and legislation (a bill). The legislation encourages the teenagers to fulfill their education and not dropping out of school early. The main part of this work is the curriculum. The Directorate is collaborating with professional teachers throughout Norway. A curriculum is the content offered at a school or university. And the set of courses. The curriculum is decided by an external party, for example: The National Curriculum for England.

GOAL ATTAINMENT Goal attainment is different goals for each level of the grades. Every school has the same goal attainment in Norway. It is a part of the learning plan. Every student has to achieve the different goals in each subject, if they find it difficult they can get extra help from the teachers on their school. Here are a few examples of some goal attainments: Third grade English: Be able to say what the different body parts is called in English, and know the words mouth, eye, ear, nose, arm, foot, hand. Fifth grade English: Be able to know expressions for English TV-shows. Repetition: To say the numbers from 1-100. Tenth grade English: To use different situations, working methods and strategies to learn English. To master a vocabulary that covers different threads.

We can master the goals in different ways. Some find it quite easy, and others find it more difficult. We can measure our goals in three different levels: Low, middle or high goal attainment.

Final examination In the end by springtime of your last year at the primary school you get a final examination. It's the last and biggest test in the whole primary school. We have written examination and oral examination. There are certain subjects we can get in each category. It is different from written examination to oral examination. In written you can get following, subjects: norwegian, english and math. In oral examination you can get 7 different subjects, That's all the subjects exept kitchen or physical education.

Preliminary examination

Every spring ( in May/ June ) and winter ( before christmas )we have preliminary examination. It is a test to see if we have learned what we should have during the year. Preliminary examination is only in four subjects: norwegian, english, math, and ''new norwegian'' or sami language ( in some cases ). Our school starts half past 8 am, and the test starts about 8.45 am. If we are done at for example 10 o'clock, we still can't leave until 11.30. We get marks concidered after how good we have done it. It is only 8th-10th grade that have these tests.

Special Days At our school not every day is all work. At Nordkjosbotn School we have days that are not like any other day. We often have Special Mountain-or skiing trips. Quiz days are not that rare ether. At quiz days there are different types of activities that revolve around competitions. These occasions are often before holidays like Easter or Christmas, and sometimes even when we just have enough money to have a really good time. These are fun times that make all of us full of enthusiasm, but that isn’t all. Not long ago last year our school was able to borrow some equipment for the “vennergi” day (“friend-energy” day). All of us students were set up in teams and so put inn to fun challenges like boat pulling, tasting things we have no idea what is and hairdryer mini cannons. Let us hope we get the money this year too. Special days are important for all students to both be in activity and learn new things in a fun and educational way, but not only is the activity days fun. Something it is great to get out of the school and breath fresh air. In Norway we all celebrate the 17 of May because that is the day Norway became it’s very own country. Everybody in Norway celebrates this very special day. In 9th grade we arrange a local, great party to celebrate the 17 of May. There is good food, students performing and even competitions.

School rules The pupils have to watch out because you can get a mark. If you get 10 marks your behavior character get lowered. But you sometimes get a mark for just forgetting your book or speak in the class, nothing really bad. If you smash a window you just have to pay. To get expelled you have to do something really bad, like threatening a pupil/teacher. You can get expelled for the rest of the day, one hole day, 2 days or three days. In the lunch-time we can go down to the village center, there we can eat at the bakery. And that’s pretty cool. But if we steel anything we can get denied to go to the center. But something really bad is that we can’t use shoes in our classroom, because it’s get too dirty. We can’t use any chatting website, like facebook, twitter, messenger or skype… We can’t even use youtube. 


Portuguese Educational System The educational system in Portugal is regulated by the State through the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education. Primary Education It's reserved to children between ages 3 and 6; it's an optional frequency and is given in public (free) or private kindergartens. Compulsory Education (Basic and Secondary) st


1 Cycle

Years of

1 -4








3 Cycle




5 -6

7 -9



Secondary th

10 - 12


Schooling Age



One Teacher



Several Teachers


Portuguese, Maths, History Portuguese, Maths, Maths, and Geography of Portugal, History, Geography, Science, English, Project Environmental Music, Science, Physical Area, Civic Formation, Studies and Ed., English, Project Area, Visual and Technology Education, Monitored Study, Civic Arts French/German/Spanish, Formation, Visual and Information and Technological Education Communication Technology

Possible courses: - Scientific and Humanistic Studies, - Specialised Arts, - Professionals.

Daily Duration

8 hours


English, Study

According to the school offers: Sports, Radio, School Newspaper, Subjects




Gymnastics and Music

5-8 hours

8 hours

Basic Education Is organised in 3 cycles: In the 1st cycle, education is global and devises the development of basic skills. The teacher decides the school time on the different subjects, according to the class and schedule. The classes mustn't have more than 24 students.

8.00 am to 1.00 pm • morning classes

1.15 pm to 6.15 pm

10º Grade

11º Grade

12º Grade

• 15-16 years

• 16-17 years

• 17-18 years

• afternoon classes

In the 2nd cycle, education is organised in subjects. Classes last 45 or 90 mn. The number of students in each class is about 24 or 28; In the 3rd cycle, education is also organised in subjects and devises the development of knowledge and necessary skills for the active life or for further studies. The students are submitted to internal evaluation. In the end of the 3rd cycle they are submitted to external evaluation through national exams in Portuguese and Maths. A certificate is given to the students who conclude the 3rd cycle. Public education is free. To complete any course at high school, students are submitted to an internal evaluation. In addition to this evaluation, students of the scientific-humanistic courses are also submitted to an external evaluation through the implementation of national exams in certain subjects prescribed by law. Students who have completed this level of education are assigned a secondary education diploma. The technological, artistic and skilled professionals provide a

vocational qualification at level 3. In public education, students have to pay a small annual fee. Post-secondary education The Specialized Technological Courses (STC) give the possibility of a specialised education in different technological areas allowing the entrance into the world of work or the possibility of getting into University. The conclusion of a Specialized Technological Course gives a diploma of technological specialization and professional qualification. Superior Education

Binary System university


Types of academic degrees: Bachelor; Master; Doctorate.

It is subject to fees, fixed by the institutions. Currently, courses with higher entry are Medicine, Architecture and Engineering.

Manuel Cargaleiro Secondary School Manuel Cargaleiro Secondary School is located in Fogueteiro, Amora, Seixal, near


It was created on 25th November 1985 and its name was chosen in honour of the ceramist artist Manuel Cargaleiro who lived in Fogueteiro.

Nowadays, it works 5 days a week in 2 shifts, morning and afternoon.


has a total of 1048 students that are distributed into 11 classes of Basic Education and 34 of Secondary, with an average of 25 students per class.

7th grade

•three classes

10th grade

•eleven classes

8th grade

•four classes

11th grade

•eleven classes

9th grade

•four classes

12th grade

•twelve classes

School Year From 15th September till the end of June. School breaks: Christmas, Carnival/ Shrove Tuesday and Easter.

Curricular Options

Professional Courses

Basic Education


-7th, 8th e 9th grades;


-Education and Formation of Technical and Commercial Practice Course.

-Electrical Installations -Management of computing equipment

Secondary Education -Scientific-humanistic courses: -Science and Technology -Visual Arts -Socio-Economic Sciences -Language and Humanities Strategic Intervention Areas Promoting Educational success Creation and promotion of study rooms

Monetization supporting






reading and literacy Regular




Communication Technology Students’ occupation

teacher’s absence



of and

case of

Education for Citizenship, health, environment and safety Prevention of indiscipline

Healthy lifestyles (Education for health Programme) School Sports Programme

Protection of the environment (Eco-Schools Programme) Surveillance system

Emergency program Partnerships and protocols

Partnerships and protocols with local entities, in order to integrate students in the world of work

Partnerships with higher education institutions, for example: Technology School of Lisbon, Science and Technology College, Arts College and Engineering Institute of Lisbon Cultural development Field trips

National and international projects (Comenius Project)

Youth Parliament

Space Science Eureka

Exhibitions, shows and workshops Places at school

Students’ Association Bar/ Canteen Library


Gymnasium Radio

Students’ room Study room Staff room

Headmaster’s office

Administration office Other Activities at school

How to start a business; City Adventure

Biology and the challenges of modern times

Maths bulletin

Summer School; Read +(PLUS)


COMENIUS 2011 – 2013

European teenagers: differences and similarities presented through modern technology


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and ca tholic

Our school is in its histo located in the centre ri o Zocodover c part, near the cath f Toledo, (the main s quare in the edral and city).

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We pro v 6 years ide all levels o f Child old), Pr Educat E ion (12 imary (6 to 12 ducation (3 t o ) and S to 16). econda ry

ning n l e a r data i d e t ves rs, h a s i n ly compute fer l o o ch ich of rs ar s l h u w c e i t h r s T a d teache ces, p iteboar resour rs and wh ities for both n o project new opportu g excitin ners. r a and le

The subje cts we ha Spanish ve are tw la e French, P.E nguage and litera lve: Maths, tu , re, Engli R eligion, Biology, P s hysics and Social Studies, Mu h, and Art. sic, Chemistry , Technolo gy

There are several ex English, piano, ba tracurricular activities: llet, basketball, fo otball, karate, ICT‌

oms, a arate IT ro hich p e s o tw , n cantee atre (w We have a , a language lab, a the perform to m library, a gy sses, from all levels, el. la p c a h y c b a is used vities) and ti c a r e th o plays and





9 8 7 6



France Germany







1 0 Nursery school

Primary Scool

Secondary Scool

A-Level (tertiary)

C l Culture Opportunity M ting Meeting Exchange New Friends I t Integration ti Union Solidarityy S

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