Solid-State Chemistry

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CHE 616 Solid State Chemistry (2010) Instructor:

Assistant Professor Mathew M. Maye Office: 4-014D CST Phone: 443-2146 Email:


Tues & Thurs 11:00-12:20, LSC 200

Office Hrs:

Tues & Thurs 4:00-5:00, and by appointment




“Solid State Chemistry: An Introduction”, By L.E. Smart & E. A. Moore 3rd Edition, Taylor & Francis, 2005 “Inorganic Structural Chemistry”, By Ulrich Müller, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2007.


Solid-State chemistry is an important bridge between chemistry and materials science, engineering, and industry. The understanding of a molecule, atom, or ion’s arrangement in bulk “solid” form also allows for better understanding of today’s state of the art technology, such as nanotechnology, as well as frontier applications, such as photovoltaics and batteries. Thus, a modern chemist or material scientist should be well versed in the topic. This class introduces the student to the Inorganic Field of Solid-State Chemistry. The understanding and description (or prediction) of atoms in crystalline arrangements is discussed, as well as the likelihood and ramifications of structural defects. The ability to characterize such crystals with diffraction techniques is stressed. The class also introduces a number of analytical and instrumental techniques required for the understanding of the materials. The interesting phase behavior of solids, and the use of such information in the structural tuning of materials behavior is also introduced. The electronic and ionic nature of solids is described, elucidating transport mechanisms that we use everyday via metallic, semiconductive, and insulating materials. Finally, the use of these materials in engineering, and energy transfer applications will also be discussed.

Prerequisites: CHE 411 or 611, Permission from Instructor Exam Dates:

Exam #1 Exam #2 Exam #3

Thurs, Feb 11 Thurs, Mar 11 Tues, May 4 (take home due)

Grading Schemes: Exam 1-3 (30% each) = 90% Participation/Attendance= 10% 100%


*Students with any type of disability who may need special consideration or accommodations are encouraged to discuss their concerns with Prof. Maye right away to make arrangements. General Classroom Guidelines: No make up examinations will be given. All medical and emergency excuses must be documented, and the final grade will be based on the average of the remaining examinations. **Exam 3 is a take home exam. Students must work independently; obvious forgeries or copies from classmates will result in each student receiving a grade of F in the class, and a report to the proper academic integrity officials, likely resulting in dismissal.

Approximate Course Schedule: 
Dates Topic Jan. 19, 21 Crystal Structures

Book/Chapters Smart, Ch.1; Muller, Ch. 2-3, 5-7.

Jan. 26, 28


Smart, Ch. 5

Feb. 2, 4, 9


Smart Ch. 2 (pp.77-101) & Handout

Feb. 11


Feb. 16, 18

Analytical & Characterization Techniques

Smart Ch.2(pp.101-123) & Handout

Feb. 23, 25

Phase Diagrams

Muller, Ch. 4

Mar. 2, 4, 9

Bonding & Electronics

Smart Ch. 4; Muller Ch. 10

Mar. 11


Mar. 16, 18

Spring Break

Mar. 23, 25

No Class

Mar. 30, Apr. 1

Examples & Physical Properties of Solid- & Soft-State Materials

Smart Ch. 6-10; Muller Ch. 19

Apr. 6, 8

Preparation Methods

Smart Ch. 3 & Handout

April 13, 15, 20

Introduction to Materials Science

See Handout

Apr. 22, 27, 29

Solid State Materials In Energy Conversion

See Handout

Apr. 29

**Take Home Exam 3 Handed Out.

May 4

EXAM 3 (Due)


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