Dentist Garland...

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Dentist Garland Seeking An Emergency Dentist in Richardson and Garland Emergency Dentist Richardson Any Richardson dentist worth his or her salt is able to provide a wide range of emergency dentist services to patients. Cosmetic dentistry is an option commonly employed by dental patients in Richardson and Garland looking to make a positive impact on their appearance immediately. More specifically, it is a practice used to develop or maintain a healthy, beautiful smile, as well as to promote overall oral health. After consulting with your dentist in Richardson, you are told that you are an ideal candidate for cosmetic dentistry. With that in mind, here are some of the major cosmetic dental procedures that are likely to be offered. Crowns Dentists install crowns, which are also known as caps, in cases where a portion of a tooth has been removed. Crowns are often made of porcelain because it best mimics the appearance of natural tooth enamel. They are also sculpted specifically to fit over the remaining tooth in such a manner that no one is the wiser that the effect has been achieved through cosmetic dentistry. Veneers Dental veneers, also referred to as porcelain veneers, are super-thin strips that cover the front surface of a patient’s teeth. These porcelain strips can vary in shape, size or color, and are custom made to fit the wearer. Veneers are an ideal solution for those patients looking to enhance the cosmetic appearance of their teeth while providing a natural, organic look. Bridges As their name implies, dental bridges are a structure used to span the gap resulting from missing teeth. Bridges are made up of two or more crowns that serve as anchors while a false tooth (or teeth) are inserted into the gap. These bridges are commonly made from porcelain fused to metal and can be comfortably worn for extended periods. Inlays and Onlays Porcelain inlays and onlays serve similar functions as cosmetic dental procedures that repair damaged teeth. An inlay is a technique that’s fairly comparable to a filling while an onlay can be compared to a crown installation. Both inlays and onlays use a composite gold/porcelain material that’s designed to resemble natural looking teeth. Composite Fillings Composite fillings, made from a plastic and glass mixture, are tooth-colored replacements for damaged teeth. Composites also provide a cosmetic enhancement to one’s natural teeth through color changes or tooth reshaping. Aside from plastic and glass composite fillings, silver amalgam fillings are a popular tooth replacement option.

Tooth Whitening Tooth whitening restores the natural color of one’s teeth or, when bleaching is used, whitens teeth that were previously dark and discolored. Both whitening and bleaching are relatively simple and noninvasive procedures, and have been known to enhance the appearance of natural teeth enamel. While they can be used on natural teeth, they have no effect on crowns, bridges and other dental implants. If your emergency dentist recommends that you undergo one of the above mentioned dental procedures, don’t panic. They are all performed routinely by trained dental experts who achieve great results with a minimum of pain and stress. Oftentimes, the experience can be so pleasant that you’ll hardly mind! Click the link for more information about dental treatments performed by Richardson dentists.

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