TLPA March 2011

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MARCH 2011

The Great Secret…What Motivates Your Job Seekers And The Proven Techniques To Break Down the Wall of Resistance…Understand This and You Will Make Your Job Easier…GUARANTEED! Welcome to the first edition of the monthly newsletter produced by The Lighthouse Project Australia (TLPA) for anybody who works in the field of helping others find employment or to continue their studies. Each month we will be sharing with you principles and stories from our series of programmes designed for job seekers and disengaged youth. It is my aim that this newsletter helps you to achieve break through with your caseload so that they can realise an improved quality of life.

March Quote

“Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears” Les Brown According to the World English Dictionary, motivation is defined as “internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested in and committed to a job, role, or subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal. Motivation is the energizer of behavior and results from the interactions among conscious and unconscious factors such as the (1) intensity of desire or need, (2) incentive or reward value of the goal, and (3) expectations of the individual and of his or her significant others.” Personally I say forget all the wordy and complicated definition, motivation comes down to two simple elements; 1. The reason for action and 2. What gives purpose and direction to behaviour.

Motivation is “WHAT drives you” to behave in a certain way or to take a particular action. It is your WHY. Your WHY is the reason you behave in a certain way. Most job seekers would not say that their WHY is to receive a weekly benefit. Their WHY is the reason behind why they have settled for a mediocre weekly benefit. Your WHY is often a deeper psychological need or reason. To motivate or inspire change you need to understand and change the WHY before you address the HOW. Working on the HOW before the WHY can only lead to a short-term temporary change. The WHY, which is deep rooted and even sub conscious, is where change or healing needs to happen for long term change to occur. The best example I can use to explain how big and impactful the WHY can be is to relate it to an iceberg.




An iceberg as you know is a large piece of ice that has broken off from a snow-formed glacier or ice shelf and is floating in open water. Because the density of the ice and the seawater is different, typically one-ninth of the volume of an iceberg is above water. The shape of the larger underwater portion is difficult to judge by looking at the portion above the surface. This has lead to the expression “tip of the iceberg” for a problem that is only a small representation of a larger problem. It is this larger underwater portion that can cause the greater damage. Think of the Titanic and you will understand how much damage is caused by what lays under the surface. This is exactly how our sub conscious mind works; it is where lies our WHY.

A Startling Fact About The Psychology Of Your Job Seekers… What You Need To Know If You Are Serious About Breaking The Cycle Of Unemployment For Your Clients … As a child we have vivid imaginations and dream all sorts of fantastic things. As we become adults however we adopt beliefs about our abilities and ourselves. Now the funny thing about beliefs is that no matter what you believe, your mind will always find proof to support your beliefs as it needs to right. A recent story that highlights this is when I asked my 5-year old daughter does she think fairies come to our garden. Can you imagine my amazement when this clever 5-year old went to the fridge, took out a mushroom, placed it is the garden and called me back to say “see this mushroom means that fairies were here last night because they sit on mushrooms.” This may be a very simple example of how we are governed by our beliefs, but it demonstrates how humans (even 5-year olds) will do whatever is needed to support their beliefs. Your beliefs are what motivate you; they are how you see the world. If you were to put on a purple tint over your eyes, everything you see would be tinged in purple, your beliefs are like the filter through which you see the world.

You don’t need me to tell you that even job seekers have set beliefs about themselves. Usually these beliefs are not empowering or powerful enough to see them create lasting change in their lives. If you have even struggled to understand why a job seeker does and says what they do, here are two important questions for you to think about. If a belief is so fundamental in how we see the world and how we behave, why do some people have positive beliefs and others don’t? And if beliefs are either accepted or taught, why is it so hard to change beliefs? I know that you have come into this industry because you want to make a difference, but at the same time it is hard not to get caught up in the endless cycle of blame, excuses and denial that many job seekers present. There are many ways to encourage a change in belief systems; one of the biggest motivators for people is FEAR. We tend to get into a comfort zone and build ourselves a nice and “safe” little nest. This comfort zone is made up of things such as our thoughts, our upbringing and the THE LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT AUSTRALIA - MARCH 2011



things that we know and that we have done often that we feel comfortable thinking about them. The downside of a comfort zone is that we also store things that may not be the best thing for us, but it is something we know well so we are comfortable with it. For example, I am sure that most smokers are well aware of the real side effects of smoking, yet they continue to smoke. In the case of job seekers how may times do you scratch your head wondering why they keep presenting the same circumstances in their life even though they can tell you themselves that they need to change. Anything that we do not know about, or threatens to push us out of our nest makes us feel uncomfortable. I use the term “uncomfortable” to describe a range of emotions – fear, doubt, anger, hurt, distrust, unworthiness to name a few. Society labels these emotions as ‘bad’ and because we don’t want to feel them we crawl back into our safe nests.

This is one of the secrets that keeps people doing the same things over and over again even if it is proven to not work so well for them. When something pushes us out of our comfort zone we feel some variation of fear. Human nature naturally wants us to avoid something that we label as ‘bad’ at all costs. When fear is explained, addressed and challenged it can actually become one of the greatest motivators. For example think of this for a moment, did you know that your body produces the same emotions and hormones when it is in a state of fear and a state of excitement? In theory then, fear is really pretty much the same as excitement. Maybe something you think is causing you fear could actually be something that you are excited about. Just a thought. If you can harness the ability to change the way your job seekers look at fear, it can absolutely rock their world.

WHAT IS BOOT CAMP BREAK THROUGH? Boot Camp Break Through (BCBT) as the name suggests is all about reaching break through. Designed for job seekers aged 16-24 years, it is a 5-day program that is confronting and holistic in its approach. Young job seekers who live in a fog and wander around aimlessly are prime candidates for apathy, depression, drugs, violence and risky sexual behaviour. BCBT is assisting young job seekers to build a life on the foundations of self-acceptance, purpose, respect and healthy decisions. The aim of BCBT is to motivate young job seekers to take control of their destiny and in turn enhance their prospects of long-term sustainable employment. So popular is this programme that TLPA has enlisted the assistance of Australian four-time heavy weight boxing champion Bob Mirovic to put participants through their daily physicals.




All participants who complete BCBT become a part of our family and will be invited back for free to future events that are being held locally. A unique point of difference to BCBT is that at TLPA we have a fundamental belief in giving back and assisting wherever possible to give young job seekers experience that can help them to become competitive in the labour market. Every course we run we offer a limited number of positions for past participants to become part of our “crew.” This opportunity represents paid work to assist with the running

WHO IS THE LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT AUSTRALIA? We have waiting for you an information pack with further details on TLPA and Paula Majstorovic. Included in this pack is a demo DVD as well as an invitation for a FREE onsite demonstration for your team (valued at over $250). Nobody like to be sold, so let us give you a FREE sample of what we do and you can make up your own mind about us – no obligations and no strings attached.

of each course. This helps participants build not only their self-esteem and purpose but also their portfolio of experience and skills. Following the theory of the best way to learn is to teach, we have seen many participants who take up the challenge of becoming “crew” evolve and go onto remarkable things. Please see the participant we highlight this month on page 5. For further information about BCBT including the course outline and before and after photographs, please call Paula on 1300 364 917 or email

WE NEED YOUR HELP At the TLPA we are always looking to expand our range of programmes and so we want to know what training your site needs for your caseload and your team. Tell us what can make your work easier, if we can’t help you we will find somebody who can.

UPCOMING EVENTS In the month of March and April we are focusing on programmes in the Nepean, Macarthur, Central Western and Wollongong areas. Courses held will be Boot Camp Break Through (for job seekers aged 16-24), Makeover Central (for ladies) and Overhaul Central (for the men). We are looking for job seekers to fill these classes. Best suited to our programmes are job seekers that you know have more to give and may need a helping hand with confidence, selfimage and appearance to push through. Previous clients include: s s s s s s

To re informa ceive your FR E tion pa Paula ck, ple E paula@ on 1300 364 9 ase call theligh thouse 17 or email project.

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PARTICIPANT SPOTLIGHT - NATALEE NAGY Natalee Nagy is a remarkable example of what is possible with constant positive reinforcement and a shift of mindset. Natalee came to TLPA back in March 2010, she is of Indigenous descent, live in Mt. Druitt and both her parents do not work. This puts her in the category of high at-risk for long term unemployment. Natalee arrived on day one of BCBT and it was obvious that she did not want to be noticed. She sat at the back with her head down trying to avoid eye contact. Sensing this Paula started to challenge her to start using her voice. The challenges kept coming with the physical, the food and even the emotional baggage. On Day 1 Natalee was very uncomfortable to speak to strangers, let alone to maintain eye contact in a conversation. By Day 4 Natalee was out on the streets asking for donations to our Fred Hollows Appeal which we run in each class. She alone had successfully raised the funds needed to save the sight of three people in third world countries! After the programme Natalee was offered a position as a receptionist at a gym, which was not to work out for her. Rather than slide backwards into depression, Natalee came right back into another BCBT course for a refresher. She impressed the team that she was offered a position to crew and assist in our office. The six-month experience transformed her on so many levels as you are about to read. Natalee you are a champion, I am so proud of you for not losing sight of your goals and I am looking forward to seeing you at your graduation. Go and manifest big things girl!

1. Natalee how did you come to be at BCBT? I was registered as a job seeker at WISE Employment. I didn’t know that I was selected for this course, I showed up for my usual job search. I was told I had to do the course and I am so glad I did. 2. What were your initial thoughts of Boot Camp Break Through and how did that change? My initial thoughts of BCBT was that I was going to sit quietly in another class that would get me out of job search. I did not know what I was in for, which was a good thing because Day 1 sure did give me a shock, it was a massive reality hit that I needed. That changed by the morning of Day 2 after I had some time to go home and think about a few things. I was very proud of myself by then as I knew I had done things I had never done before and I was starting to challenge my comfort zone. 3. How would you best describe Natalee before BCBT? Natalee before BCBT was a shy girl who wouldn’t talk to strangers, nor come out of her comfort zone. I had made some serious mistakes growing up and I guess I had learnt to close down rather than asking for help. I had tried a few things since school but had never completed the courses I had started. I had an idea of what I wanted to do in life but I couldn’t see that I could ever achieve it. 4. What are some of your best memories/lessons from BCBT? The best thing about BCBT was getting to know everyone and getting involved in the group activities. Everybody got along, I made friends with people I had seen at WISE but never spoken to before. I enjoyed being with people who accepted me and made me feel like I mattered, no-one ever judged one another. 5. Can you give me a quick summary of life since BCBT? Life since BCBT has been a rollercoaster, but a rollercoaster that I have been able to handle. I have achieved goals in small steps and then one big leap. Since BCBT I have been determined to get myself where I have always wanted to be, and that is in the Police Force. Today at the age of 19 I have achieved that goal, and couldn’t be anymore happier with where I have started and now the path I am heading on. THE LIGHTHOUSE PROJECT AUSTRALIA - MARCH 2011



When I think about BCBT, I would have not got here today without the help from TLPA and Paula herself especially. She has made me overcome things in my past like it was nothing. If I did not get out of my comfort zone, I know I would not be where I am today. I would be that girl sitting in the back corner with her head down so no-one would choose her. Now I live for a challenge. I have gained a lot of confidence and determination with BCBT which I have used to get through my challenges. I am now determined to do and get where I want to be in life. From Day 1 Paula told me, she knew I had it in me, that was the day I wanted to prove to her that I did and when I started to see that I could change my future. BCBT gets you to overcome your fear, anger and confidence issues. I know from experience that you don’t know yourself what talents you truly have until you believe in yourself. I would like to thank TLPA for everything they have done for me, I wouldn’t be where I am today, (that is at the age of 19 ready to enter NSW Police Force) without my time at TLPA. 6. What would you say to other job seekers or JSA consultants about BCBT? I would say to other job seekers that nothing is to hard to do, you’ve just got to find the enthusiasm and confidence in yourself to do so. Don’t let your past bring you down, because once it does it will overcome you. You can beat anything in life.

Don’t ever think you are worth nothing, I have been there and I know that everybody is special. If you make your life your main priority, find a goal and set your mind on that target, you will surprise yourself with what you are capable of. You will have challenges, but what I have learnt from BCBT, it is what you do with those challenges that matter. We need challenge to grow, it is just a choice of how you deal with it. Trust me, you will feel like a brand new person. I recommend you do the course, it will help you. If you don’t think so, try it and watch what the outcome will be. The physical side is phenomenal, anyone can do this if they put their mind to it and put their problems behind them (even if you think you are not fit or have medical reasons for not exercising.) One thing I learnt which nobody else was able to make me believe, is that if you keep your eye on the prize, your problems disappear. The prize in BCBT is to prove to yourself that you can achieve your prize, nobody can stop you from getting to where you want to be. Everyone has an excuse, and the people that make excuses are the people that don’t achieve their dreams and blame others for their life. With BCBT, there is no excuses, no shortcuts, it is one way in and one way out. Personally now I wouldn’t have life any other way.

HOW CAN I GET MORE INFORMATION AND EVEN A FREE DEMONSTRATION AT MY OFFICE? Our website is still in development, for further information about TLPA, our programmes and results, please do not hesitate to contact Paula.

Ph: 1300 364 917 Email:



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