July 2010

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July 2010

Features 10 From field to table Generations of farmers bring all things fresh to our tables. By Bob Corley 18 alabama’s eastern shore Across the bay from Mobile lies Alabama’s ‘other’ coast, a string of small towns offering an eclectic blend of dining, shopping, festivals, and other activities. By Kathie Farnell 24 the grandEST time Granny, Nana, Grandma...whatever the name, it still means love. By Tom Ensey


Celebrating Midlife and Beyond!

David Maddox and grandson Tyler, Montgomery Curb Market


www.primemontgomery.com | July 2010



Entertainment 09 Around montgomery Find it before it disappears. 13 Off the beaten path Catching catfish with a hook, line, shiner, and a jug. By Niko Corley 33 prime diversions Reviews on new video releases: Shutter Island, She’s Out of My League and Remember Me. By Mark Glass



Lifestyles 14 dr. marion Pointers to keep senior vacationers safe while traveling. By Marion Somers, Ph.D. 16 a gracious plenty Alabama summers mean peaches, and lots of ‘em (from Chilton County, of course!) By Patsy Smith 22 in every life How cool are you? No, really. It’s important. By Arlene Morris


15 elder justice


Elder Abuse: Why it happens, to whom, and who to call. By Bill Fuller

23 Moving free with mirabai

29 Discovering your past

Making exercise more pleasant means you’re more likely to do it. By Mirabai Holland

Head down to Archives for more pieces of your ancestral puzzle. By Nancy Dupree


32 a Question of health

Celebrating Midlife and Beyond

July 2010 FREE



Grandma’s House





Eastern Shore


Juggin' for Cats n Crazy for Peaches n social security, dVd Reviews and more! n

On the Cover — Barbara Fowler and granddaughter Ansley. Photo by Bob Corley Story on page 24.

July 20 | www.primemontgomery.com



Early stages of hypertension, diabetes, and cancer, and optimum exercise times for burning fat. By Karen Collins


28 marci’s medicare answers 15 Moneywise Age, longevity, and Social Skin cancer screenings, new Medigap plans, Security. By Alan Wallace what to do about services never received.




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Celebrating Midlife and Beyond


July 2010 Volume I, Issue 4 PUBLISHER Bob Corley primemontgomery@gmail.com EDITOR Sandra Polizos primeeditor@gmail.com ART DIRECTOR Callie Corley primemagdesign@gmail.com WRITERS Tom Ensey Kathie Farnell Bob Corley CONTRIBUTORS Arlene Morris, Karen Collins, Niko Corley, Mark Glass, Mirabai Holland, Marion Somers, Jake Roberts, Patsy Smith, Nancy Dupree, Bill Fuller, Alan Wallace PHOTOGRAPHERS Bob Corley Prime Montgomery 7956 Vaughn Road, #144 Montgomery, AL 36116 334-202-0114 www.primemontgomery.com ISSN 2152-9035 Prime Montgomery is a publication of The Polizos/ Corley Group, LLC. Original content is copyright 2010 by The Polizos/Corley Group, LLC., all rights reserved, with replication of any portion prohibited without written permission. Opinions expressed are those of contributing writer(s) and not necessarily those of The Polizos/Corley Group, LLC. Prime Montgomery is published monthly except for the combined issue of December/January. Information in articles, departments, columns, and other content areas, as well as advertisements, does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by PRIME Montgomery magazine. Items relating to health, finances, and legal issues are not offered as substitutes for the advice and consultation of health, financial, and legal professionals. Consult properly degreed and licensed professionals when dealing with financial, medical, emotional, or legal matters.

My maternal grandmother spoke less than 30 words of English, despite the fact that she lived in this country for more than 60 years. Arriving in the U.S. from Greece in 1920, she never went back to her island home. She and my grandfather met (it was arranged), married a week later, and within days were on a steamer, headed for America. It is the classic immigrant tale. He built a business in Atlanta, and together they raised their three children. Some of my fondest early memories revolve around visits to her house each summer where Fourth of July picnics in Piedmont Park were a seasonal highlight and New York Yankees baseball (in those pre-Atlanta Braves days) was a television constant. She was definitely a fan. With her small vocabulary my grandmother was, of course, very limited in her ability to negotiate with the outside world, but her loving presence provided safety and security. Outside of her Greek-speaking friends and family she couldn’t carry on a conversation but she, nevertheless, managed a household. And, she didn’t let fluency – or her lack of it – keep her housebound. Every week “Yiayia” (Greek for grandmother) navigated the Atlanta bus system for a solo shopping venture downtown. I particularly remember one summer when I accompanied her on those day-long jaunts. As we shopped at Rich’s and Davison’s, ate lunch at the S&W cafeteria, and visited Woolworth’s for special dime-store treats, she recounted episodes about her life as a girl in Greece. I listened in wide-eyed fascination. Those moments spent with my grandmother, along with thousands of others, cemented our relationship. In addition to fond memories, the comfort, warmth, generosity, and wisdom she shared have nourished my life. It’s now our generation’s turn to share our gifts with the youngest members of our extended families. As this month’s cover feature The Grandest Time! shows, today’s grandmothers create the same cocoon of love and security for their grandchildren as those in years past. Some energetically fulfill their family roles in conventional ways, while others are creating new-fangled traditions all their own. July’s Prime also introduces a new local columnist who’ll be focusing on everything outdoors. Niko Corley, a lifelong sportsman, treats readers to a variety of exciting Alabama recreational activities that are fun at any age. From whitewater canoeing to hunting for shark teeth, from duck hunting to jugging for catfish, Niko’s zest and enthusiasm for outdoor sport and game is hard to resist. Be sure to also read this month’s Alan Wallace column, MoneyWise, for insight on the optimum age to start receiving Social Security benefits. Arlene Morris’ In Every Life offers valuable tips on avoiding, recognizing and treating hyperthermia, a serious hot weather condition that can creep up on any of us who don’t take appropriate precautions. And, Patsy Smith’s A Gracious Plenty is full of recipes for summertime delights that are just, well, peachy! I hope you enjoy this month’s Prime as much as we enjoyed creating it. Happy reading, and happy Fourth of July!

We accept no liability for errors or omissions, and are not responsible for advertiser claims.


July 2010 | www.primemontgomery.com

Sandra Polizos Editor

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news you can use Lower Carbs Better for Insulin Resistant Women Obese women with insulin resistance lose more weight after three months on a lower-carbohydrate diet than on a traditional low-fat diet with the same number of calories, according to a new study from the University of Nevada School of Medicine. People with insulin resistance, a common precursor for Type 2 diabetes, metabolize carbohydrates abLOW normally, which may affect their rate of weight loss. CARB For them, the study says, “the lower-carb diet is more effective, at least in the short term.” Researchers randomly assigned women in the study group, who averaged about the same weight, to either a lowfat or lower-carb diet. Both groups lost weight at each monthly weigh-in, but by 12 weeks, the insulin resistant group receiving the lower-carb diet lost approximately 21 percent more

weight (19.6 pounds versus 16.2 pounds in the low-fat diet group). Endocrine Society Drinking Less Sugar May Lower Blood Pressure We've all heard warnings about sugar and obesity or diabetes. Now comes evidence linking it to blood pressure. Drinking one less sugar-sweetened beverage daily was associated with drops in blood pressure in a study of 800 adults with elevated blood pressure, according to research published in the medical journal Circulation. American adults consume an average of 2.3 servings (28 ounces) of sugarsweetened beverages daily. The study defined these drinks as those sweetened with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, including regular soft drinks, fruit drinks, lemonade and fruit punch.

A Long Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries Potent anthocyanins and other phytochemicals found in tart cherries have superpowers that may help nix cell aging and cancer-causing oxidative damage. According to research, the compounds stopped certain cancer cells from growing and even helped kill some off in lab and animal studies. Another added benefit — these same compounds may protect brain cells from neurodamaging oxidative stress — the kind seen in Alzheimer's disease. RealAge.com Internet Exercises As senior citizens learn more about health and technology, they're beginning to combine the two. According to the National Institutes of Health, more than 70 percent of seniors using the internet look for health and medical information when they go online. To help meet demand, the NIH's web site now offers a variety of quick and easy online exercise ideas for

Have You Heard Us Lately? Outdoor Pops Concert Broadway Under the Stars September 16 • 7:30pm/ Blount Cultural Park



David Campbell/ASU



seniors at nihseniorhealth.gov/exercise. Visitors to the site can view sample exercises in four categories of physical activity. Beyond Sunglasses and Baseball Caps Ultraviolet-blocking contact lenses can reduce or eliminate the effects of the sun’s harmful UV radiation, says a new study reported in Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. According to the article, overexposure to UV radiation can lead to harmful changes in the cornea, conjunctiva and lens, including cataracts. Researchers said some indicators project 167,000 to 830,000 more cases of cataracts by the year 2050. Wearing sunglasses or hats may not provide enough protection from the sun, according to study authors. Adding adequate UV protection to contact lenses may be a practical solution to the problems caused by too much exposure. Not all contact lenses offer UV protection, and, of those that do, not all


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Volunteering May Prevent Frailty in Elderly Frailty is a geriatric condition marked by weight loss, low energy and strength, and low physical activity. Researchers from UCLA followed more than 1,000 healthy adults aged 70 to 79 for five years to determine if productive activities – specifically volunteering, paid work and child care – prevent the onset of frailty. After three years, participants in all three activities were found to be less likely to become frail. After accounting for levels of physical and cognitive function, however, only volunteering was associated with lower rates of frailty. Top 10 Causes of Male Death in Alabama (and Why) 1. Heart disease 2. Cancer 3. Unintentional injuries (accidents) 4. Chronic lower respiratory disease 5. Stroke 6. Diabetes mellitus 7. Alzheimer’s

8. Suicide 9. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis 10. Influenza/pneumonia Why men are at high risk: 1. A higher percentage of men have no healthcare coverage. 2. Men make half as many physician visits for prevention, compared to women. 3. Men are employed in dangerous occupations, such as firemen, policemen, construction workers, aircraft pilots and flight engineers, mining, iron and steel workers, farmers, and ranchers. 4. Research on male-specific diseases is under-funded. 5. Men are less likely to have healthy lifestyles and are more likely to engage in risky behaviors at younger ages. “Men are often the family bread winners, and as a result, forget to make their own health a priority,” says Donald E.Williamson, M.D., state health officer. “Risks to the health and well-being of the nation’s men (and our families) are on the rise, due to a lack of education, awareness, and pursuit of preventative screening and care.” ADPH

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Celebrat ing Midl ife and






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to the near destruction of this mammoth wall of art. Some Ghost Signs have been lovingly restored. Others, like this one, peer from the past, an eerie, silent reminder of another time. That time was the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the product featured on this sign was the brainchild of the By Jake Roberts owner of a Chicago-based baking soda company. he faint, etherial image haunts the side of the building, a In 1893 William Wrigley, Jr. launched two products destined two-dimensional spirit captured decades ago and impris- for international greatness – Spearmint and Juicy Fruit gums. oned on a weathered brick facade. It looms over you, Wrigley’s famous an inanimate ghost slogan was “Tell ‘em from another age. It, quick, and tell ‘em and hundreds like it often.” scattered across the And he did. His country, are known knack for adveras ‘Ghost Signs.’ tising, including a They are, literally, national campaign from another age begun in 1907, made – an age of massive Wrigley’s Spearmint outdoor advertisGum the dominant ing displays that player to this day flourished in the last in the chewing gum century. business. This faded, handMy humble, drawn gem, its origiinternet-derived nal colors muted to opinion is that this pastel or lost altoMontgomery sign gether, is the barely-living victim of blistering sun, drenching rain, dates from the early 1900’s, possibly between 1910 and 1920. occasional snowstorms, stifling humidity, and marauding groups It’s so big you can’t miss it, unless you’re one of the thousands of young boys wielding the weapons of yesteryear – slingshots who’ve walked past it without giving a look. It is, after all, not and BB guns. The cracked veneer of peeling paint has been exactly on a main thoroughfare. But if you find it, take a picture and send it to Prime Montplagued for decades by the corrosive exhaust from boxy Model gomery. One or more lucky submitters (depending on available T’s, turtle-back ’49 Chevys, blunt-trunked ’68 Mustangs, and space) will get their photo in an upcoming issue. monster, gas-devouring SUVs, each vehicular age contributing

around montgomery

Ghost Sign


“This made for a fun Saturday, and we learned a lot about the history of Montgomery.....after researching, we narrowed it [Prime’s June mystery location] down to four possible locations,” writes Linda Uzbilek.The statue was found on South Lawrence St. by Provest “Ayse” Rigsby, age 10, with a little help from her mom Linda.

Joyce Hoffman’s 92-year-old Dad, Julius Fargis, stands next to the Lemuel Montgomery statue at the Montgomery Co. Court House. Fargis, a Montgomery resident since 1956, is a past Potentate of Alcazar Shrine, an exceptional golfer at MCC, and a retired branch manager with The Noland Company.

to Field Table From

Story and photos by Bob Corley


In 1999 there were 17 farmers markets in Alabama. In 2010, 125 markets are scheduled to open, a growth rate of more than 600% in a decade. (Farmers Market Authority, news release, May 2010) David Maddox, Jr. stands behind his vegetable bins at the Montgomery Curb Market, next to a neatly handlettered sign that reads “Alabama Grown Tomatoes.” There’s pride in that statement, and pride in the farming tradition of growing food and selling it directly to the consumer. “I’d come here with my grandfather when I was little,” Maddox says. “He had a booth, and I’d help him.” He straightens a stack of bright red tomatoes. “As long as I can remember, all I ever wanted to do was have my own booth.” His grandfather tends his own booth one aisle over, selling produce, talking to customers, explaining when asked how this or that vegetable is grown, or the best time to harvest. It’s a simple, age-old partnership, with multi-generational farming families feeding their neighbors. We live in an age when most people shop in air-conditioned supermarkets, buying necessities in climate-controlled comfort from well-stocked shelves offering an astonishing selection. Farmer’s markets and curb markets offer few such amenities – no air conditioning to be sure, and less variety. But they have something no supermarket possesses.


July 2010 | www.primemontgomery.com

Want to know when the tomatoes you’re eyeing were picked, or where they were grown? Ask the farmer. He, or she, is standing in front of you. Are these peaches from Alabama? Chilton County? And what about the squash? What’s the best way to cook it? Unless you grow our own produce, the most direct route from field to table passes through a farmers market or curb market. The Montgomery Curb Market has operated from its present location next to Cramton Bowl since 1947, having moved from downtown after many years there. Kenny Courtney still uses the scale his mother used at the market in the 1940s. “Everybody shopped at the market,” he says, including Hank Williams’ mother. “She’d buy produce for her boarding house.” “I remember my mother having a whole hog spread out here,” says Courtney, stuffing beans into a plastic bag for a customer. “It was dressed, gutted, head and all.” He weighs the bag of beans on the scale and hands it to the customer. “They sold a lot of stuff back then that you can’t sell now.” Diann Ziglar’s grandmother, Ruby Hill, was a member of the original downtown curb market. “She had chickens she’d clean and gut right there at the market,” Ziglar recalls. “She called them ‘New York Style.’” Her smile turns into a laugh. “Whatever that meant.”

Year Round Markets Montgomery Curb Market next to Cramton Bowl Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 5 a.m. - 2 p.m. summer 6 a.m. - 2 p.m. winter State Farmers Market near Garrett Coliseum 7 days a week 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fairview Farmers Market Fairview Ave. 7 days a week 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. The days of freshly dressed meat are gone, with other changes evident as well. Along with the staples offered by markets in the past – vegetables, fruits, jams, jellies – today’s choices likely include flowers, organic produce, chutney and salsa, local beef raised without hormones, cakes and pies, dried seasoning for making dips, stone-ground flour and oatmeal, and hand-made soaps and lotions. At the Montgomery Curb Market, you’ll also find pine straw baskets. “I started making these thirty years ago,” says Ziglar, turning a basket over

in her hand. “My first ones weren’t too good.” Well-past those early attempts, the baskets on display at her booth are evidence of her hard-earned proficiency. One style incorporates sections of sliced peach pits. Since it started, the curb market has operated three days a week – Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. “Farmers have to get ready to sell,” says market manager Ramona McCord. “We do that Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.” And Sunday? “Church,” she says, smiling.

Seasonal Markets (All are open by June. Most close in August or September.) Eastchase Farmers Market across from Target Saturday 7 a.m. - noon Hampstead Farmers Market Taylor Rd. Thursday 4 - 7 p.m. AUM Farmers Market Taylor Rd. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Prattville Farmers Market Prattville Sq. Shopping Center Tuesday 3 p.m.- 6 p.m. Saturday 7 a.m. - 11 a.m. Prattville Town Center Farmers Market Home Depot and Cobbs-Ford Rd. Tuesday 3 - 6 p.m.

Top: Kenny Courtney and wife Ann (middle) talk with a customer at the Montgomery Curb Market. Above: Pine straw basket woven by Diann Ziglar.

Millbrook Farmers Market Village Green Park Tuesday 3 - 6 p.m. www.primemontgomery.com | July 2010


Above:The State Farmers Market on Coliseum Blvd. with a mind-boggling flower selection. Right: David Maddox, Jr. got his love of farming from his grandfather.

While the Montgomery Curb Market is the oldest in town, the State Farmers Market on Coliseum Boulevard is by far the largest, opening its doors in 1986. A massive structure in a sprawling complex, the State Farmers Market is housed inside a warehouse-like facility. The cavernous building with driveup stalls boasts a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, peanuts, home-canned goods, and the like, while outside is

an astonishing array of flowers, all in quantities no other local farmers market can match. In 2002 the Fairview Farmers Market, an extension of the State Farmers Market, opened near the former Sears store on Fairview Avenue. Like its larger parent, the Fairview Farmers Market hosts a variety of produce, along with flowers and home-made canned goods. It’s on a much smaller scale, but with the same

fresh, local quality. “We have some of the best collards around,” says market manager Flora Brown. “Some are chopped and ready to cook.” The Fairview Farmers Market, like its larger cousin, is open seven days a week,yearround. Seasonal farmers markets – old and new – offer additional opportunities for consumers to buy from, and interact with, Alabama farmers. Prattville has two markets, Millbrook one, and there are three areas of Montgomery with markets open during the height of the growing season; EastChase, Hampstead, and Auburn University Montgomery. (see sidebar, previous page.) Most area residents will continue to shop at supermarkets based on proximity, comfort, variety, and hours of operation. But for fruits, vegetables, home-made jams, dips, sauces, salsas, cakes – and pine straw baskets – curb markets and farmers markets are the place to go. Not only will you find fresh produce, flowers, and jams, but you’ll meet and talk with the people who feed Alabama. For more information on Alabama farmers markets and the Alabama Farmers Market Authority, visit http://www.fma.alabama. gov/.fma.alabama.gov/.



uggin’ Cats

hat do rods and reels, trotlines and milk jugs have in common? All can be used to catch catfish. Each has its advantages, but when it comes to fun for all ages and a low-tech approach that will fill a cooler, nothing beats summertime jug fishing for catfish. If there ever was a fish for everyone, it is truly the catfish. Plentiful, capable Niko Corley (& Bella) of reaching great size and delicious table fare, the catfish is the perfect target for a family fishing trip. To jug for catfish, you’ll need a boat safe enough for the body of water you’ll be fishing, a landing net and of course, milk jugs. Oh, and as many friends and family as your boat can hold. If you really get into good fish, you’ll need every spare hand pulling in jugs. Jug line length will vary according to the depth of water you’ll be fishing. For ponds, 4-8 foot lines will probably work. For rivers and lakes, you may need lines as long as 20 feet. To rig your jugs, tie the appropriate length of 50-lb. monofilament to the jug’s handle. At the end of the line, tie on a 1/0 to 3/0 trotline hook. Eight inches above your hook, attach a few pieces of split shot weight to keep your bait down. Different species of catfish prefer different baits, but many will take a host of offerings, including fresh cut bait, live shad or shiners, chicken livers, shrimp, catalpa worms and wigglers (worms). Now that you’ve got your jugs ready and several baits to choose from, it’s time to head to the water. Some

catfish will be feeding all day in any given body of water, but the greatest feeding times are around dawn and dusk and even into the night. When targeting catfish in ponds, drop your jugs in shallow water and allow them to drift with the wind across the pond. In lakes, when fishing late afternoon, target shallow flats, rip rap, creek channels and drop-offs near deep water, especially in areas with good bottom cover. As dark approaches, catfish will move from daytime deep water haunts to nighttime feeding grounds, running across your jugs as they travel. Targeting catfish in rivers is similar to targeting them in lakes but you will be dealing with more current so it’s important to keep an eye on your jugs at all times and always retrieve every jug you put out. Sandbars can be another good option for river jug fishing, as they attract and concentrate baitfish and other forage species. Once your jugs are put out, kick back and keep an eye out for one that starts bobbing up and down or moving against the current or wind. When you see any of those taking place, you’ve got dinner at the end of your line. Chase down your dancing jug, put the fish in the livewell or cooler,, and call someone to get the grease going. Jug fishing for catfish is a great way to both spend a summer evening with friends and family and put a tasty meal on the table. Niko Corley is an avid sportsman, spending his free time hunting, fishing and enjoying other outdoor activities. In this column, he will cover a range of outdoor recreation activities in central Alabama and beyond.

Catfish take a shine to this bait.

Fun to catch, but not too tasty, release the big cats so you’ll have more little cats to catch in the future.

FISHING REGULATIONS Anglers younger than 16 and older than 64 don’t need a license for freshwater fishing in Al. Exemptions also exist for families of active duty military personnel. To see fishing regulations and purchase a license visit http://www.outdooralabama. com/fishing/freshwater/license/.


Safety Tips for



Senior Travel

Marion by Marion Somers, Ph.D.

My parents still like to travel, but I’m more concerned for their safety now that they are both frailer and less aware of their environment. Do you have a few suggestions how I can help them? Lillian in New York, 52

Many elderly are staying more active later in life, and that’s great, but it has also resulted in a sharp increase in elderrelated crimes. Whether your elder is in the home or traveling far away, he or she can become a target. I don’t mean to scare anyone with this frank talk, but you need to know how your elder can avoid most problems. Below are some safety tips to consider when your elder ventures outside of the home. 1. Wear shoes that are comfortable and in good repair. 2. Carry a purse or wallet with a firm grip and keep it close to the body. 3. When shopping, use a cart, since it can help with balance. 4. Don’t attempt to carry too many goods home – you can often have packages delivered as well. 5. Don't leave notes on the exterior of the door when going out. 6. Leave the light on in the home, as well as the TV or radio. 7. Put a rubber band around your wallet and put your wallet in an inside pocket if possible. 8. Have keys in hand when you arrive home or when approaching your car. 9. If you must ask for directions, yell them out from a distance. 10. Don’t wear headphones – they are distracting and cut you off from your environment. 11. Take medication along if you’ll be gone for an extended period of time. 12. Carry a whistle and blow it, or yell “Police!” or “Fire!” to get attention if needed. 13. While driving, put any purse on the passenger side floor, out of sight, or in the back. 14. Keep the windows up when driving. 15. Don’t open the trunk of the car with others around. 16. When possible, travel well-lit streets and highways, or travel during daylight hours. 17. Let someone know where you’re going and the route you plan to take. 18. Keep emergency items in the car such as a hat, suntan lotion, a shovel, bottled water, a battery charger, a spare tire, a flashlight, an umbrella, and maps. 19. Have a cell phone (with charger) in case of an emergency. 20. While banking, be aware of who is around the automated teller machine, and use direct deposit when possible. 21. Keep money out of sight and in a safe place. 22. Never leave valuables unattended. 23. Count money during all transactions.

Marion Somers, Ph.D. has worked with thousands of seniors and their caregivers as a geriatric care manager and elder care expert. For more information, visit www.DrMarion.org.


Sooner, Social Security: or Later?

(Part One of a three-part series)


ocial Security (SS) was never inyour FRA, there is no benefit reduction tended to provide all the resources regardless of what you earn. needed in your later years, but for If the “excess earnings penalty” is not most Americans it’s a major piece of the an issue, the main factors in deciding retirement income puzzle. Deciding when when to draw benefits are (a) how long to start drawing benefits involves many you will live and (b) whether you have variables, and we’ll consider different enough other resources to live on if you cases in a three-part series. This month postpone your start date. To help caliwe examine the case of a single person or brate your thinking, here’s an example for a primary family breadwinner. “John” who was born in 1949 and whose Under SS a covered person reaches “full Alan Wallace tax record entitles him to a $1,000 retirement age” (FRA) between 65 and monthly benefit at FRA. If John files for 67, depending on the year of birth. For benefits at 62, he’ll draw $750/month. If those born from 1943-1954 the FRA is 66. Howhe waits until age 70, he’ll get $1,320/month. ever, a covered person can start drawing benefits Now we calculate John’s total benefits starting at as early as age 62 or postpone them to age 70 (for each age, without adding any interest for the fact your FRA check the SS website at www.socialsecu- that benefits start at different times. If he dies by rity.gov). age 78, he collects the most by starting at age 62. If you start getting benefits prior to your FRA, If he dies between age 78-82, his best option is to your monthly benefit is reduced by about .5% start at FRA. If he lives past 82, waiting until age 70 for each month that your start date precedes your pays him the most. FRA. If your FRA is 66 and you start collecting benHowever, a dollar today is more valuable than a efits at 62, your monthly amount will be 25% less dollar at some future date. Here’s what happens than it would be at your FRA. if we include 5%/year for the time value of monIf you were born after 1942 and wait until ey.* Starting at 62 is now best for John all the way after your FRA to collect benefits, your check will to age 87. If he dies between 87-92, his best option increase by .67% for each month that you wait. is to file at FRA. If John lives beyond 92, starting at However, there is no increase past age 70, so start age 70 is best for him. your benefits then in any event. If you are unlikely to live to age 85, taking benefits A key factor in deciding whether to draw benefits early makes sense. If you expect to survive to age early is how much earned income (wages from 90 or beyond, postponing your start date offers a a job) you will receive once you start. If you earn better payout. more than the SS earnings limit ($14,160 in 2010), Believe it or not, this was the simplest of the your benefit will be cut by 50 cents for every dolSS retirement scenarios. Next month we’ll examine lar earned above that amount. In 2010 if you earn benefit options for a spouse who can claim benefits $24,160 while collecting benefits early, SS would based on his/her own tax record. take back $5,000 for the year. (The reduced benefit * The time value of money is the idea that an amount of rules are more generous in the year you reach your money today is worth more than the same amount of FRA.) money at a future date because of the potential earning There is some good news, however. First, if you capacity of the money between now and the future date. incur a benefit reduction for excess earned income, your benefit will be increased once you reach FRA. Alan Wallace,CFA, ChFC, CLU is a Senior Financial AdviWhether this increase will fully compensate for the sor for Ronald Blue & Co.’s Montgomery, Alabama office, 334-270-5960, alan.wallace@ronblue.com. penalty depends on several factors. Second, after

www.primemontgomery.com | July 2010


a gracious plenty

Chilton County’s Prized Bounty!


Photos by Margaret Ann McGregor

hilton County peaches are in! I’ve bought more than a few already, and you’ll be seeing me at the curb market again and again until they are gone. I’ll grab them for my summer snack, slice them over my morning cereal. I’ll make peach beverages, chilled peach soup, peach cobbler, homemade peach ice cream. I’ll sweeten them and serve them over homemade pound cake. I’ll freeze them. I’ll probably even halve some and Patsy Smith put them on the grill. In the end, I’ll even make preserves. I’ve got peaches on the brain! While entertaining recently, I served ice cold Bellinis to welcome guests and chilled peach soup as a first course in honor of a Chilton County bride. I was thrilled when Mama called me over last week for conversation and to enjoy her easy-but-delicious cobbler, fresh out of the oven. Oh, my goodness! And what could be more won-

derful in the middle of our summer than sharing homemade peach ice cream with friends? You know, I’ve never been asked to run for Chilton County Peach Queen, but I could be persuaded. Did someone say the prize was a nice, big basket? Patsy Smith, a Montgomery native, is the author of two cookbooks: A Cookbook For My Southern Daughter and A Southern Daughter Entertains. These books may be purchased at Capitol Book and News, Rosemont Gardens, Southern Homes and Gardens, Jo’s Hallmark, Richardson’s Pharmacy, and other fine book and gift stores, or through southerndaughtercookbooks.com.

hased, Bellinis ed (This can be purc ill ch , ar ct ne h hes and 16 oz. peac pureeing peac your own by ke ma n ca u or yo make it fresh.) juice. I like to secco, straining the mpagne or Pro ha C le tt bo l.) 1 (750-m chilled berries ach, fresh rasp pe of es ic sl : sh Garni 4 oz. . peach nectar and oz 2 ith w s te flu e Fill champagn iately. sh and serve immed champagne. Garni

Chilled Peac h Soup pu 6 ripe peach ree in saucepan es and add water, wine, juic 1 cup white es, sugar and wine spice. 1 ½ c. water 3 T. sugar Bring to a boil and simmer for about 10 m 1 T. lemon o inutes. Cool, r lime juice then freeze. R ¼ c. orange emove from juice freezer about Pinch of allsp 45 minutes beice, optional fore serving, so that mixture is well chilled an Peel and cut up d slightly peaches. slushy. (I like to Puree peaches add addiin blender or tional ch food processo opped pea r. Put peach ches just before serving.)

Peach Cobbler om Mama’s Easy the bott hes thin to cover Slice fresh peac ices of er peaches with sl of a 9x9” pan. Cov . d, crusts removed white loaf brea Mix: 1 egg, beaten 1 c. sugar 2 T. flour , softened 1 stick of butter

minutes ith mix. Cook 30 w d ea br of p to Cover ediately. at 350°. Serve imm

Homemade P

each Ice Cream

5 eggs, beaten 1 c. sugar 1 qt. of milk Mix together in he avy dutch oven an d cook on medium heat on ey e of stove until thic k, stirring constantly. Cool. Pour into freezer co ntainer of electric ice cream freezer. Add by stirring in: 1 can Eagle bran d milk 1 T. vanilla 2 c. fresh peache s, pureed in food pr ocessor and enough milk to finish filling freez er container

It usually takes me 2 bags of ice co ated with a box of rock salt to freeze until firm .

www.primemontgomery.com | July 2010



Bon Secour Wildlife Refuge boasts woodlands and marshes as well as dunes, all waiting to be explored.


Eastern Shore

By Kathie Farnell Photos courtesy Alabama Tourism Dept., Alabama Gulf Coast CVB, Jesse’s Restaurant, Orange Beach Art Center. This month’s feature on the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay was in the works prior to the oil spill. It was delayed once in hopes that the leak would be plugged and the oil contained. At this point - late June - who knows when that might happen. What does seem obvious is that a positive outcome from this disaster is only possible if individuals, government and industry work together. While the two latter groups may be beyond our direct control, what can we, as citizens, do? Stay in touch with news reports on what’s happening, what to expect, and how to help. Lack of knowledge keeps us all victimized, shocked, and scared. Consider paying a visit to the coast. These are tough economic times, and times just got a whole lot tougher for those who live, and make their living, near the waters of Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. As individuals we can do little to hold the oil at bay or protect our sensitive coastline. But, we CAN head south for a visit, just as many of us have done since we 18

July 2010 | www.primemontgomery.com

were children. Not everything coast-related revolves around the oceanfront. There is still lots to do in many of the areas that have grown up around our beaches. A couple of caveats: Don’t jeopardize your health by trying to clean up areas and wildlife that have been affected by the oil spill without proper instruction from professionals. Leave that to individuals who have been trained in that effort. And don’t head down to areas that are known to have air quality issues. Monitor these conditions at EPA’s site (http://www. epa.gov/bpspill/air.html) and stay abreast of the Alabama Department of Public Health’s precautions and advisories related to the oil spill at http://www.adph.org/. Anyone who has ever lived in this part of the country shares the sense that this beautiful strip of coastline is ours, regardless of whether we actually own a piece of it or have visited on any number of happy, holiday respites. As good stewards, let’s not add neglect to the potential dangers threatening our beautiful beaches and bays. — Ed.


he Eastern Shore, that quasi-mythic terrain that borders Mobile Bay from Fort Morgan on the Gulf to Spanish Fort, is home to quaint villages, peaceful wildlife refuges, and more good food than you can shake a crab at. Here are some of our favorite Eastern Shore things. where to eat: Think globally, dine quirkily. Manci’s Antique Club is not an antique club but an historic restaurant and bar located at 1715 Main Street in Old Town Daphne. The former gas station now serves up lunch and dinner daily in an ambiance best described as eclectic – the décor features one of the biggest collections of Jim Beam containers in the U.S. The seafood po’boy is justly famous. Down Highway 98 on the way to the beach, the little village of Magnolia Springs is home to Jesse’s Restaurant. Located in the building which once housed Moore Brothers Grocery and the village post office, Jesse’s is named for

shopkeeper Jesse King and serves up seafood and other fresh local fare at lunch and dinner. The same building houses the Cold Hole, a bar named for the chilliest part of the springs, and a bakery/coffee shop. where to stay: The Bay Breeze Guest House, on the shores of Mobile Bay at 742 South Mobile Street in Fairhope, nestles amid three shady, flower-filled acres under towering trees. This bed and breakfast, originally built as a family home in the 1930s, has been completely restored to offer a peaceful getaway minutes from Fairhope‘s bustling downtown. Guests here enjoy the spectacular view over the bay as well as the sumptuous breakfasts which feature owner Bill Jones’ grits. The biggest draw, however, may be the 462 foot pier which features five separate decks for fishing, watching the sunset or just hanging out. Contacted at press time Becky Jones said, “We have no oil. We have a huge boom stretching all the way to the Yacht Club, we’re catching fish

Good food and The Eastern Shore are natural partners (above). Among your dining choices is Jesse’s Restaurant (below).

www.primemontgomery.com | July 2010


Sunset at the Fairhope pier.

off the pier, and we’re eating them, too.” The Grand Hotel Marriott Resort, Golf Club and Spa in Point Clear, Alabama, on Highway 98 near the scenic little resort town of Fairhope, nestles amid 550 scenic acres on the shores of Mobile Bay. Guests have been coming here since pre-Civil War days for the graceful ambiance, which today includes a 20,000 square foot spa, 36 holes of championship golf and activities ranging from elegant afternoon tea to kayaking. Swimming, sailing, fishing off the pier, croquet on the lawn and a “fun camp” for kids round out the range of possibilities, though guests sometimes prefer watching the sun set over the bay from a rocking chair. what to do: July: Fourth of July Fireworks and Baldwin Pops Concert, Fairhope Pier Fairhope, right across the bay from Mobile, welcomes a crowd to its quartermile-long pier each Fourth of July for fireworks and music. The fireworks display, sponsored by the local Volunteer Fire Department, accompanies a concert


July 2010 | www.primemontgomery.com

of patriotic music from the Baldwin Pops Concert Band, whose more than one hundred volunteer members include professional musicians as well as music teachers. August: Fort Morgan State Historic Site, Reenactment of the Battle of Mobile Bay. Located at the end of State Highway 180, 22 miles west of Gulf Shores, this historic fort was the headquarters of the Confederate defenders during the Battle of Mobile Bay. The siege is re-enacted each August. Civil War re-enactors from all over the region show up authentically dressed for the event.Yes, somebody has to play the Yankees. anywhere: Shop. Tanger Outlets, Foley. Located on Highway 59 south of Foley, this whopping collection of shops offers more than 120 brands at direct-from-the-manufacturer prices. After shopping, collapse in their Food Court, or, if you’re still standing, ride the carousel. Explore. Bon Secour National Wild-

The Hot Shop Looking for something really different to do during your vacation? Check out Alabama’s only public-access glass blowing studio. Located at the Orange Beach Art Center at 26389 Canal Road, east of Gulf Shores, The Hot Shop is the brainchild of Joe and Debbie Thompson of Bear Creek Glass. Joe Hobbs and Sam Cornman teach classes in glass blowing at the Center; Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., The Hot Shop is open to the public -- for a fee, visitors can blow a glass ornament or paperweight under a teacher’s supervision. The Center is also hosting occasional evening events called Hot Glass/Cold Drinks; learn more about glassblowing while sipping your favorite beverage.

Above and left: Historic Fort Morgan holds an annual re-enactment.

life Refuge, 12295 State Highway 180, Bay Delta. Attend an educational probetween Gulf Shores and Fort Morgan gram, hike, take a pontoon boat tour, or includes more than 6500 acres; everyrent a kayak and see alligators up close. thing from beach to piney woodlands to Too close. Admire. The Eastern Shore Art Center, marshes. Options include fishing, hiking located at 401 Oak Street in downtown and exploring the dunes. Fairhope, houses art exhibits which Weeks Bay National Estuarine Rechange monthsearch Reserve ly. The First and Native Friday Artwalk Pitcher Plant each month Bog, located on offers visitors Highway 98 West a chance to between Foley see what’s and Fairhope new at the features a boardCenter and at walk through the a number of woods to the bay. downtown art The site includes galleries. nature trails, Chill. picnic tables, Secluded trail in Bon Secour Wildlife Refuge. Watch the hummingbird and sunset over Mobile Bay from any one of butterfly gardens, and a Pitcher Plant Bog with hundreds of these insect-eating dozens of vantage points. Relaxation; it’s what the Eastern Shore plants. is all about. For More Information on Five Rivers: Alabama’s Delta Resource visiting the Eastern Shore: Alabama TourCenter, on the Mobile Bay Causeway in ism Department, www.800alabama.com, Spanish Fort, gives visitors a chance to learn more about the wildlife-rich Mobile 1-800-ALABAMA.

Oil Spill Update Efforts are underway to protect Mobile Bay from the on-going effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Some rental accommodations have adopted incentives and guarantees designed to reassure uncertain vacationers. Find more information and the latest oil spill updates by checking the Alabama Gulf Coast Convention and Visitors Bureau site at www. gulfshores.com/packages-deals and www.gulfshores.com/issues. Want to help? A number of organizations are involved in responding to the oil spill. Find out about volunteering by contacting them: Alabama Coastal Foundation, 251-990-6002 or info@ joinacf.org; Mobile Bay National Estuary Program, 251-431-6409 or mbnep@mobilebay-nep.com; Mobile Baykeeper, 251-433-4229 or info@mobilebaykeeper.org.

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in every life

Hyperthermia: DANGER by degrees


he dog days of summer have arrived with very hot and humid temperatures in the Montgomery area. During aging, some of the body’s mechanisms to adapt to changes in temperature may be affected, or some medications may cause an increased risk for hyperthermia (getting over-heated). It is important to avoid causes, recognize signs, and to promptly get appropriate treatment. Measures to prevent hyperthermia inArlene H. Morris clude drinking two to three liters of cool fluid daily (unless you’re on any fluid restriction), avoiding alcohol, asking about side effects of your medications, minimizing exertion, seeking temperature-controlled environments, and wearing hats and loose clothing when in the sun (but staying out of the sun during mid-day). Responses to hot temperatures range on a continuum, with prevention of potential problems being the best approach: Mild heat strain can progress to heat syncope due to sudden exertion, or from exposure to hot temperatures. Signs are dizziness, lower than usual blood pressure and/or pulse, cool moist skin and sudden fainting. If you feel the early symptoms, it is imperative to get out of the sun, drink fluids, and lie down to prevent falling if fainting occurs. Heat exhaustion, which may follow exertion, occurs

from loss of fluid and sodium due to the body’s attempt to lower temperature through sweating. Symptoms are fatigue, giddiness, elevated temperature, muscle cramps, delirium/ confusion, or cold and clammy skin. If this occurs, you must lie down in a cool place, elevate your feet, drink cool fluids with one teaspoon salt per liter, and apply cold, wet towels to arterial pressure points. If heat exhaustion is not reversed, heat stroke can occur. Heat stroke is a failure of your body’s cooling functions during or after exposure to heat and high humidity. Symptoms include hot and dry skin, fever, rapid pulse and respirations, low blood pressure, headache, nausea, dizziness or fainting. If this occurs, you must call emergency assistance for prompt treatment to lower the body’s core temperature as this is a life-threatening situation. Risk for fluid and electrolyte imbalance or renal failure may require observation for several days. Our central Alabama area has days of high temperature and high humidity. Planning a strategic approach for minimizing time in the heat, drinking plenty of fluids, and being outside with a buddy who is aware of the (sometimes subtle) symptoms of heat overexposure can prevent what can quickly become a life-threatening situation. Smart thinking leads to enjoyment of the summer! Arlene H. Morris, RN, EdD is a Distinguished Teaching Associate Professor in the Auburn Montgomery School of Nursing, where she enjoys teaching content regarding gerontology and professional nursing issues.

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Moving free ® with mirabai



Pleasure Principle

ummer is upon us and we’re scrambling to get into shape. So I thought I would talk about one of the most important aspects of any fitness program, pleasure. If you like it, you’ll do it. If you don’t, you won’t. The popular trend right now in the fitness industry is boot camp style workouts that basically whip you into shape. This type of exercise may be some people’s idea of fun, but for many of us who have had trouble getting or staying on an exercise program it’s just not sustainable. Exercise should be a pleasure not a chore. That thought played over and over in

my head as I watched two distinct sets of bicyclists on their daily rides. There is a road near where I live that has two bike paths on it. One is for serious touring bikers and the other for slower traffic. The serious group is just that, SERIOUS! They ride featherweight bikes with drop handle bars, and tiny seats and pedals that require clip-on shoes. They wear flaming color form fitting hi-tech clothes that slip the air, wick the sweat and have hidden pockets for keys and snacks. They stream along at high speed, and with their bodies bent over for aerodynamic position, helmeted heads lurched forward, they look like a flock of supersonic tropical birds. There is a grimace on every face, but this is the type of exercise they enjoy. They’re working hard and wouldn’t have it any other way.Young or old, these athletes are in top condition. However, just a few feet away, an endless parade of more leisurely exercisers ambles along, peddling merrily, sitting up right, zinging their bells, smiling and

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chatting. They wouldn’t have it any Mirabai Holland other way either. Are the amblers as fit as the racers? Probably not. But is their daily moderate exercise enough to reap most of the health benefits exercise has to offer? Probably so. Research clearly shows that you don’t have to be an athlete to be fit enough to be healthy and live longer. Then there’s burnout. If you don’t enjoy it you’ll quit. So many of us try to do too much and end up doing nothing. Pleasure is the key to success. Find a physical activity you like or at least don’t hate and pursue it with pleasure. Stay in your comfort zone and if you do, exercise will become something you look forward to instead of dread. Mirabai Holland M.F.A. is a leading authority in the Health & Fitness industry. Her Moving Free™ approach to exercise is designed to provide a movement experience so pleasant it doesn't feel like work. Visit her website at www.movingfree.com (c)2010.

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Grandest Time The

Story by Tom Ensey Photos by Bob Corley


he most shining moments of your golden years can be the time you spend with your grandchildren. The time the kids spend visiting grandma and grandpa is usually short — and that's both a good and a bad thing. You know you're going to miss them when they're gone. But every minute counts, it's true quality time. And the fact that you can send them home to their parents makes for less stress — and more fun. "If they want ice cream, you give them ice cream," is the way Glenda Yelverton put it; she's a proud Montgomery grandmother of nine, ranging from ages three to ten. "You do fun things with them and they go home," she said. "You don't feel as totally responsible as you do when you're having to raise your children. The time you dedicate to your grandchildren is time dedicated just to them. They can be the center of attention." And that's enriching for all concerned. Katherine Johnson and Barbara Fowler are River Region grandmothers who echoed Yelverton's sentiments. The time you spend with your grandchildren shapes them, whether you're just taking a walk and listening to them talk, sharing Sunday dinner or taking a grand trip.You might learn as much as they do. Fowler has three grandchildren – the oldest, Ansley Salter, is 21 and finishing up her education degree at Auburn. She wants to be a teacher because that's what her grandmother did, for 40 years at Lanier High School and later at Saint James. "She is one of the best role models in my life," said Salter, whose family lives in Atlanta. She has cherished her four years at Auburn because it put her within 45 minutes of visiting her grandmother. They often have lunch, do "girl stuff," and sometimes, they just sit together and talk. "I remember visiting her classroom when I was little, and writing on the board," she said. All her life, Ansley never wanted to do anything but be a teacher.

the grand tour –three of them

Fowler planned extravagant trips for her grandchildren when they each reached the age of 10. She said she chose that age because it’s a good, round number and because “they’re old enough to enjoy and remember things, and not so old they don’t want to hang out with grandma.” What made the trips special is that each was tailored to the interests of the children. And Fowler, ever the teacher, did her research on the Web, and turned the adventures into lessons. When Ansley was 10, she loved collecting “American Girl” dolls and reading the books in the series. One of the American Girls, Felicity, lived in Williamsburg,Va. Fowler found out that Williamsburg offered tours of things Felicity did – Ansley got a sewing lesson, had a tea party, visited the kind of house she lived in. Ansley said the ride up and back was as important as any Above: Fowler and grandaughter Ansley look over old photos. Far left: Kayaking with grandson Joshua in Tarpon Bay, Florida. Left: With grandson Caleb, Mission Control, at Huntsville’s Space Camp.

other part of the trip. They were alone together in the car, just talking. Four years later, she took Ansley’s brother, Caleb, to space camp in Huntsville. They visited the Chattanooga Choo Choo and the Tennessee Aquarium before driving over to Huntsville, where they stayed in a dorm, like astronauts, sleeping in bunk beds. The camp simulated a space shot, with each camper and the parent or grandparent having specific assignments. They got to walk in a harness that simulated moonwalking; they entered a capsule that simulated zero gravity. “He talked about it for days after,” Ansley said. Joshua, the baby, loved birds and bird watching -- again, passions he picked up from his grandmother. He liked seashells. So did grandma. She took him to Sanibel Island in Florida, where they could do both. The shelling wasn’t so great in the offseason -- the spring. But the birds were amazing when they went to the Ding Darling Wildlife Preserve. They saw rare ibis, spoonbills, herons -- and an occasional gator. They went to Busch Gardens in Tampa and rode all the rides. They went to Tarpon Bay, Fla., rented a kayak, rowed out and saw huge, peaceful manatees. “I had fun,” Fowler said. “They were eager to go with me. My grandchildren are very special. They are a joy and a blessing.”

fun, faith and family

Katherine Johnson has three children, five grandchildren and a call to evangelism. Not the kind you deliver from the pulpit   – though she has preached – but the kind where you show it

more than tell it. Her grandchildren range from a 21-year-old grandson in college to two teenage girls, to an 11-year-old grandson and the youngest, a five-year-old granddaughter. She tells them Bible stories when they come to her house. The youngest likes Jonah and the Whale. She tells the older ones to read Proverbs. “It will tell you the right way to live,” she said. When they gather for dinner, usually at her house after church on Sunday, she has told them to take note on what their pastor preached about and tell her the main points of what he said. They sometimes take “mini-vacations,” she said, to the beach or the mountains. They like to go to the Bass Pro Shop in Prattville together, too — sometimes they buy a little something and sometimes they just look at all the stuff. Afterwards, they like to drive down the street to Ryan’s Buffet. She can fill them all up at that place. They like Red Lobster and McDonald’s too, “depending on how the money’s running,” she said. Johnson’s mother, Frances Robinson is still alive and in good health. “It’s a big extended family,” said Johnson, who works at Alabama State University in the housing office. She thinks of those students as her grandchildren, too, and a chance to practice her ministry. She gives them rides when they need one. When she has the money, she takes homesick dorm-dwellers to lunch. On cold days, she said, when the Holy Spirit moves her, she will offer a ride to somebody

Johnson with grandchildren at Blount Park. From left, Jarvis Ware, Mrs. Johnson, Regan Thomas, Jaylun Johnson, Lauryn Ware, Jakobe Johnson.

Above: The Yelvertons and grandchildren. (l-r) Row 1: Pruitt Lee, Kay Yelverton, Jane Yelverton. Row 2: Chase Lee, Lee Yelverton, Emily Englezos. Row 3: Glenda Yelverton, John Englezos, John Yelverton. Right:Yelverton with youngest grandson, John Englezos.

waiting for a bus. That’s her mission, she said, and she’s tried hard to pass that on to the youngsters. “The blessed part of it is we all live in Montgomery,” she said. “I get to see them all the time.” Her husband is retired military. She thinks all that moving around when the children were little may have made them want to stay put. “The biggest hope for my grandchildren is their spirituality,” she said. “If they give their life to the Lord, I know from experience, that’s where their hope lies. They are exposed to things in the world I wasn’t exposed to. They’ll need the Lord to help and guide them.” Sometimes, she gets a little sad to see them growing up. They’re all honor students, and the middle girls are cheerleaders at Booker T. Washington Magnet School. “I watch them when they’re leading cheers and it’s like they grew up overnight,” she said. “I wish they could all stay small and remain in my care, but that’s not how life goes. My prayer is, the Lord will lead them. They are becoming beautiful young women.”

Chinese checkers, walks and bowling

Like Fowler and Johnson, Glenda Yelverton stresses education and the simple pleasure of being together when she has her nine grandchildren at her house. She hopes to pass along her love of history by taking them to the historic sites in and around the area. Old Alabama town, the State Archives, the Capitol. They do movies, they like to go bowling sometimes. They swim in her son’s backyard pool or at the Montgomery Country Club. The girls like to shop at Justice – which is a girly store, she 26 July 2010 | www.primemontgomery.com

said – at EastChase. The boys like Target and the video game store. The boys also like the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, and not just the cool, little game room tucked into one of the wings. “They like to look at the paintings, too,” she said. “And throwing bread to the turtles and ducks and stuff.” The Wynton Blount Cultural Park is a great place for long walks. Sometimes the kids bring their bikes with them and ride around her neighborhood in midtown Montgomery. She and her husband live in a small townhouse. “We just throw the front and back doors open and let them rip,” she said. She tries to see them all at least once a week, except for her daughter’s children — they live in Helena. She doesn’t let two weeks go by without seeing them. The games at Yelverton’s house are mostly old-school, and don’t flash and beep and take a joystick to play. She has an array of board games. The kids all like Chinese checkers -- the game with the marbles and the six-pointed star. Sometimes they drive out to the airport and watch the planes land and take off. Sometimes they all sit around and read. All but the three-year-old can read, and they like to show off their skills to grandma. They all love to go to Books-aMillion and load up. Simple things. But it means so much.Yelverton knows that the clock’s running. “As they are growing,” she said, “we want to make the most of the time together – before they grow too busy to be with us.” Until then, she sets aside time to be with them, plans for them. Every moment counts.

Elder justice


The ‘Perfect Storm’ for Elder Abuse

n Alabama, as in all states, tens of thousands of elder abuse cases go unreported and uninvestigated every year. Elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation is overwhelmingly perpetrated by victims’ own family members.Victims are primarily very frail and dependent on their abusers for basic, life-sustaining care. The typical victims, though certainly not all, are women between 75-85 years old and Bill Fuller often isolated in their homes. In addition to its moral dimensions, elder abuse is a serious public health issue. Nationwide nearly 11% of people ages 60 or older (5.7 million) reported suffering from some form of abuse within the past year. Elder victims of abuse, neglect and exploitation have three times the risk of dying prematurely, most suffering severe depression, loss of life quality, chronic injuries and poverty. A minimum $2.5 billion is lost by the elderly every year due to financial abuse and exploitation, with almost 90% of financial crimes against the elderly committed by those with personal access to the victim – relatives, neighbors, caregivers and “friends.” Some of the primary reasons for increased financial danger to aging persons include: — Converging conditions of wealth concentration, reduced decision-making abilities, and a rapidly aging population create the “perfect storm” for financial abuse schemes.

— Financial capacity and mental capacity are not the same as age advances. — Persons born in the 1930s, 40s and 50s were taught to be polite, trusting and accessible -- positive qualities perpetrators prey upon. — Elders don’t report fraud out of fear of reprisal, losing care, or shame and embarrassment. At the recent Elder Abuse Awareness Symposium in Montgomery, experts in elder abuse and financial exploitation spoke to a group of more than 100 people. Jointly sponsored by the Alabama Department of Senior Services, the Alabama Department of Human Resources and the Alabama Civil Justice Foundation, the Symposium included highlights of the new Elder Justice Act, part of the new healthcare reform act of 2010. In the act, $780 million will be provided to states to fight elder abuse. This includes funds for new state case investigators, a national public awareness campaign on dangers to elders, and a unique system of high-tech “forensic analysis” of wounds and injuries to elder victims. If you suspect elder abuse, report it confidentially in Alabama at 1-800-458-7214. Calls to 911 may also be used for emergency responses or to begin the reporting process. Bill Fuller, an attorney and the Founding Director of the Alabama Elder Justice Project, can be reached at 334-414-1941, or at billfuller@freshsprings.org. He attended Alabama’s second Annual Elder Abuse Awareness Symposium in June.

We strongly encourage readers who are, or may soon be, family caregivers, to take part in the new Alabama Lifespan Respite Care Survey, a joint project of the Alabama Department of Senior Service and the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). The survey seeks to measure and plan for the respite care needs of family caregivers as well as service providers.You can participate online at www.surveymonkey.com/s/S7Q9FTG. Individuals can receive printed copies by contacting Dr. Marcia O’Neal at moneal@uab.edu or telephone 205-975-5388.


Marci’s Medicare Answers Dear Marci, I get sunburned very easily, and I would like to get screened for skin cancer. Will Medicare cover these screenings? — Tatiana Dear Tatiana, No, Medicare will not cover screenings for skin cancer. If, however, you see a suspicious-looking mole, you should make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Medicare will cover a diagnostic doctor’s visit and any diagnostic tests your doctor considers medically necessary. You may be able to find a doctor who will give you a free skin cancer screening by visiting the American Academy of Dermatology’s website (www.aad.org/public/exams/screenings/index. html). — Marci Dear Marci, I heard that there are new Medigap plans available this year. How are these different from the current plans? — Joel

n Full or partial hospice coinsurance for respite care

and prescription drugs New Plan M will pay all of your costs for the basic benefits and also cover half of the Part A deductible, skilled nursing facility coinsurance, and some of the cost of foreign travel emergencies. New Plan N will also pay all of your costs for the basic benefits except for $20 copayments for office visits and $50 copayments for emergency room visits. Plan N will also offer foreign travel emergency coverage and cover the full Part A deductible as well as skilled nursing facility coinsurance. Remember that not all Medigap plans are available in all areas. — Marci Dear Marci, My most recent Medicare Summary Notice lists some services that I never received. What should I do? — Fran

Dear Joel, You heard correctly. Starting June 1, 2010, two new Medigap plans will be sold. Medigap plans are supplemental coverage policies that fill gaps in Original Medicare. The new plans, Plan M and Plan N, will cover the basic Medigap benefits and some additional benefits. The basic benefits include: n hospital coinsurance coverage, n 365 additional days of full hospital coverage n Full or partial coverage for the 20 percent coinsurance for doctor charges and other Part B services n Full or partial coverage for the first 3 pints of blood you need each year

Dear Fran, If you think a mistake has been made in a bill, call your doctor, hospital or other provider first. It may have been a simple, honest error. If the provider’s answer does not satisfy you, you can call Medicare at 800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227) or the Inspector General’s fraud hotline at 800-HHS-TIPS (800-447-8477). When it investigates the potential fraud, Medicare will not use your name if you do not want it to. — Marci Marci’s Medicare Answers is a service of the Medicare Rights Center (www. medicarerights.org), the nation’s largest independent source of information and assistance for people with Medicare.To speak with a counselor, call (800) 333-4114.To subscribe to “Dear Marci,” the Medicare Rights Center’s free educational e-newsletter, simply e-mail dearmarci@medicarerights.org.

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discovering your past

The Greening of Your

Family Tree


Nancy Dupree

o, you’ve gathered some family history facts from relatives, from records found at home, and from information found on census records.Your family tree has a trunk and some branches. Now it’s time to put some leaves on it. There’s nothing better than finding a copy of your ancestors’ marriage records, a deed to the old homestead, or a will that lists names of the wife and children of an ancestor who died before family members were enumerated on the census. There are many places you can go to gather the records to put the leaves on your family tree -- county genealogy societies, libraries, and courthouses -- but that may require a good bit of travel. Save yourself some time and money and visit your state archives. The Alabama Department of Archives and History, located in downtown Montgomery, is a “one-stop shop” for Alabama historical records. The Department has many types of records that can be useful to your genealogical research, including federal and state census records; marriage, deeds, wills, and estate records; Confederate and state military records; and church records and family Bible collection. It also has a large collection of newspapers, books, private manuscripts, maps, and photographs, as well as other history related items. In the Research Room, Ancestry.com is available to the public free of charge. The reference staff welcomes your visit and is there to assist you with your research. The Archives also has an on-line catalogue (ADAHCAT), a digital archives, and on-line databases searchable at www.archives.alabama.gov. Using the on-line resources before can be helpful when planning a trip to the Archives. For some good old-fashioned “family” fun, bring your ancestor chart, your research questions, and a little time to the Alabama Archives. See you there. Nancy Dupree is Senior Archivist at the Alabama Department of Archives and History.

Out & About Email PRIME Montgomery photographs of your events, activities, vacations, etc. and you could find yourself appearing in a future edition. (primeeditor@gmail.com)



1. 1) Alabama Dept. of Senior Services Commissioner Irene Collins speaks at Elder Abuse Awareness Symposium. 2) It’s your move! Residents at Eastdale Estates ponder their next moves. 3) Meet & Greet at ASF for cast of Cowgirls. 4) Members of the Greek community lead dancing during the annual spring Greek Food Festival.


De•fin'•ing Re•tire'•ment 1. Care•free (adj.) - untroubled, relaxed 2. In•de•pen•dent (adj.) - self-determining 3. Com•for•ta•ble (adj.) - a state of physical ease

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5. ‘Tina Turner’ and Bill Lawrence at John Knox Retirement Tower party. 6. AL Dept. of Public Health staff take blood pressure at health event.


She’s wearing a hearing aid. He is too. S Series™, the world’s top-selling hearing aid, introduces a completely invisible option. Introducing: OtoLens

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The only 100% custom, invisible, digital and fully programmable hearing aid. Think hearing aids should be heard, not seen? Then the new S Series OtoLens by Starkey is for you. OtoLens is the first custom fit invisible-in-the-canal hearing aid, featuring the latest, most advanced technology on the market today — meaning it’s completely invisible, and totally designed to fit your lifestyle. • Find out if the new OtoLens is right for you! •


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www.primemontgomery.com | July 2010



Basic Info on the Earliest Stages of

Hypertension, Diabetes and Cancer Q: A:

by Karen Collins, MS, RD, CDN

What’s with these conditions called pre-hypertension, pre-diabetes and pre-cancer? It used to be either you had the condition or you didn’t. Years ago, there was a gray zone between normal and a diagnosis of high blood pressure or diabetes generally referred to as “borderline.” Research has now advanced, showing more clearly that people with these borderline conditions are likely to develop full-blown hypertension or diabetes, and also showing that many cases of full-blown disease could be prevented or delayed with a healthy diet, weight and activity level. So now these diagnoses of pre-hypertension and pre-diabetes are treated like a red traffic light – saying stop what you are doing and make some healthy changes. Pre-hypertension refers to a blood pressure between 120/80 mm Hg and 139/89 mm Hg; even blood pressures in this range increase your risk for heart attack, stroke and kidney disease. Risk of developing hypertension can be reduced with weight loss of even 15 pounds, three hours a week of moderate exercise and limited sodium and alcohol consumption. Pre-diabetes refers to a blood sugar of 100 to 125 mg/dL after an overnight fast or blood sugar of 140 to 199 mg/dL after a two-hour oral glucose tolerance test. Development of diabetes can be markedly reduced with a five to ten percent weight loss (often 10 to 20 pounds) and regular physical activity. Cancer may start as pre-cancerous growths, such as certain colon polyps. These polyps can be removed, but finding them may be a good reminder to see how you can lower your risk of cancer by your lifestyle choices. For example, for color cancer, lower risk is linked with maintaining a healthy weight; moderate physical activity at least 30 minutes a day; limiting red meat (no more than 18 ounces a week) and avoiding processed meat; limiting alcohol consumption; including plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans for fiber and nutrients; and make sure to include adequate calcium in your diet. Karen Collins, MS, RD, CDN, writes this column for The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR). AICR is the cancer charity that fosters research on the relationship of nutrition, physical activity and weight management to cancer risk.

prime diversions

Recent DVD Releases

Shutter Island, Remember Me and She’s Out of My League Shutter Island (R) Martin Scorsese delves into the arena of twisty psychological suspense fare one associates with M. Night Shyamalan in this early 1950s period drama. Leonardo DiCaprio stars as a hard-boiled U.S. Marshal dispatched to a bleak Alcatraz-like hospital for the criminally insane because a dangerous patient escaped. The film opens with him retching on the ferry ride to the facility (past-life flashback to his character’s tragic demise in Titanic perhaps?), before meeting his new partner (Sam Ruffalo). Everything seems fishy about the story, the staff and the nature of the place. Leo’s character is reeling from his own traumas, as one of the soldiers who liberated Dachau, and whose wife died tragically after the war. Flashbacks variably haunt and guide his investigation. Eventually, we learn he may have another agenda or two besides finding the escapee, including a possible angle that will appeal to conspiracy buffs. Beyond that, the less said, the better. Ruffalo contributes one of his better performances. Ben Kingsley, Patricia Clarkson, Michelle Williams and several others excel, even if only appearing for a single scene in some cases. Scorsese is at the top of his visual game, too. As to the script, opinions will vary widely, but discussions should be interesting. (6/8/10)

Remember Me (PG-13) Despite the title, if you don’t remember this turgid little drama, with a love-it-or-hate-it twist at the end, it may not be much of a loss. Open in 1991. A young girl sees her mother brutally slain. Skip ten years ahead to a young man who hates his father, and drifts aimlessly, though angrily, through life. He starts dating a girl for an ignoble reason, but falls in love. The stories are now connected, though it takes even longer for the characters to get the whole picture. Unless you’re a soap opera fan, their course will seem even longer than it is. The eyes are better nourished than the mind, with Robert Pattinson from the Twilight movies and Emilie De Ravin (best

known as Claire in TV’s Lost) in the leads. Chris Cooper, Pierce Brosnan and Mark Glass Lena Olin among the parental players raise more expectations of quality than the screenplay allows them to deliver. The ending struck me as more contrived than convincing, though your mileage may vary... (6/22/10)

She’s Out of My League (R) A sizable share of romantic comedies have featured guys winning gals who outrank them significantly on anyone’s 1-10 attractiveness scale. This one just plies the same waters more overtly than usual. Unfortunately, without as many laughs for most of its running time. But there are at least two notable exceptions, that will justify the rental for many viewers. Jay Baruchel, (sort of a stick-figure version of Zach Braff, who sounds like Christian Slater, though to no great advantage) is an amiable lad, unfettered by ambition, as he works in the lowest level of passenger screening at Pittsburgh’s airport. When a Perfect 10 (Alice Eve - a shorter, slightly less perky Heather Graham) loses her cell phone at the security gate, he agrees to return it when she gets back. This leads to a highly unlikely romance, with standard ups and downs, with hassles and support from assorted family and friends on both sides. Alice’s Molly is not only a 10 on the outside, but between the ears and in her heart, as well. Jay’s Kirk can’t believe she’d be, or remain, interested. No one watching this movie can, either, even though he seems to be a fine fellow with a nice, selfeffacing sense of humor. This could have been called There’s Something About Molly, but for the significant risk of litigation, and relative dearth of wit and energy. But two or three scenes stand out as worthy of addition to the highlight reel for iconic (by which I mean hilariously gross) moments from American Pie, Something About Mary, and other guilty-pleasure comedies. (6/22/10)

Mark Glass is an officer and director of the St. Louis Film Critics Association. www.primemontgomery.com | July 2010


CROSSWORD CLUES ACROSS 1 Chicago slugger Sammy 5 Texas A&M student 10 Horse's foot 14 Reindeer herdsman 15 Intoxicated 16 Sikkim's continent 17 Buckeye State 18 Costume party 20 Colt fixer 22 Brightest star in Orion 23 Actress Spelling 24 Carpentry tools 26 Friction-reducing orbs 30 Climbing plants 31 Crack shots 32 Hitter's stat 35 Conway and Curry 36 Opposing teams 38 Barak of Israel 39 A Gabor 40 Location of Bamako 41 Abrasive cloth 42 Sphere that gets banked 45 Narrow valleys

48 Walking stick 49 Clay-and-straw brick 50 In these times 54 Human dynamo 57 Operatic prima donna 58 Feed the kitty 59 Marriage announcement 60 Garden of __ 61 Throw away 62 That is (to say): Lat. 63 Writing table DOWN 1 Work hard 2 Waikiki's island 3 Joyride 4 Twelve disciples 5 Look up to 6 Ars __ artis 7 Spurt 8 Squid fluid 9 Scrimp 10 Established customs

By Holden Baker | Greenfield, MA

11 Missouri river 12 Tanker 13 Plummets 19 Patent medicines 21 Disorderly crowds 24 Jambalaya ingredient 25 Binary digits 26 Mouthful 27 Tel __-Jaffa 28 Peru's capital 29 Diameter halves 32 Ostrichlike bird 33 Folksinger Ives 34 Pastoral poem 36 Vendor's aim 37 Ailments 38 Implanted 40 Actor Sal 41 __ St.Vincent Millay 42 Gideons' gifts 43 Squirrel food 44 Most unrefined 45 Moroccan capital 46 "A Bell for __" 47 Electrical measure 50 Baseball squad 51 Military assistant 52 Designer St. Laurent 53 Went to the bottom 55 J. Edgar Hoover's org. 56 Craze (c)2010 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.



July 2010 | www.primemontgomery.com

For Crossword and Sudoku answers, see page 27.

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Attention: All Federal Workers and Retirees Due to a recent surge in insurance activity, a lot of people were told that in the Montgomery area there are no Preferred Providers. This is not true. We are preferred providers as are other companies, and you may have hearing aid benefits. If you have Federal government wide service benefit plan with enrollment code #104 or #105, then you are entitled to hearing aids with no out of pocket expense.

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DeRamus Hearing Centers

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Some hearing my require stronger receivers not covered by insurance. This offer valid through 12/31/10 and cannot be used with any other discount. Benefits of hearing aids vary by type and degree of hearing loss, hearing environment, accuracy of hearing evaluation and proper fit.

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