Grinding Halt #8

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uexrr .Yâ‚Źlvâ‚Ź nade lt onoe again' Th-l-g lesue is even.nore varr.ed than usqal rcos gis revleus rron ionalr; ffi;"gr'u*r"rr.";";-;;l-lvezlooil uerve got r,nu.i"i"* have ve got? rtreri, _ the skids, Dead Kennedvs. ,r,ho

;*Ir:::"#Tfi:n.l:i: T:1";.::j::;:if.;is-o1e" lffiifT"*"TlHy#:?fr.-::":;Wd:::5i:i'"ff3$.*;I3*i;"I"in," Inthenext1e8u:y?"naynoticeafewcr'echanged'printers.T}tis icos the only aLternative :31*t_g:S::?^i".1o-1o-ro'r T *nt.9"1{ t9"{ itih;wasfi"";;";i pu| the prioe uB agaln and're t"",q didntt think nortir ii. Ttrerers not-r"h";;i;;'; ne Soing lnto cletall about the other changes rcos you-rll see ror yourseLf eoon enough. Ttre get gE o!-t r.i' quicker and so ii won,t be so out or d.are *tg:t,lll1 itlinalLy bf':i*reri.ioe lfl:::i.:1"31: tt" ptl:"t!: ii witl ta^ke us a few issues to'catch



&r noY.'$ee Ya*



t got ffilch space so r | 11 have to cut off


If anyonelg fulterneetetl a few copies avai-labler


back issues are



lq 2J *t0\hT-tehter and the loss cHr* {aaonee, Toyah, 3oys, Shapes ZOp GH 4 r Ruts, (hrre, llo-dettes, Raincoats, Radio Stars, Vibretore, $tupid. Babies, 2op GE,l ; g6clcney ReJeets, Athletico Spizz 80, Wreckless Eric, llhe Slits,

Gffi GH

Hhe Wall


- Slouxsie

and the Sanshees, Pinpoint, Motorhead,




7 - Stranglers, Specials, Sector


Please add 15p




write to us at':

27 ,


Misty fn Roots, John Peel 25p




- we just get or)r mail sent

r,'IIIl TS0r,ILF'fi



[Lre Butts Centre,

erks .

D RY:-

p r' o.L'l) rL."


n Spotland

Itochtlal e.

Read.j-Dgr F











Rd,. ,

Written by Captain Ca.llous & ,

d.die Snide

Next issue nerve got our flngers crossed foi thq Adan and the .irnts. Uirvoldefinetty got the tr'allr the Pirartras and the 3vzzcockg.

the susPEcTs

the sElzE



with ne not to write this gig up. 3ut risking tire ana linb in the lighl of severai threats froa a certain nember of the bantt I have decictecl to do so! Qiiite honestly I tlonrt lmow what all the fuss was about. The audience reaction was virtually non-exlstant- (nainLy d.ue to a non c.xj-stant aud.ience), being up largely of rocker" niro had come to see the first support s?ou?r a heavy metal band. who played only instrumentals (and I dontt h:ow their name and. I tlontt eare). But then that wasnrt the Seizets fault that they uere so na^srolt nlnded and stayecl in the rbatrr. Ancl it lra.sntt Julianrs far:lt that he broke a guitar string rhleli oausecl a ten ninute pause in the nitlttle of the set, so they ha,t problensl but r think they tlid. the best they eouid. in the circumstances and they ca:rilA otr regardless. Colinrs voioe has become even more forceful, and there wa,s more movenent fron Jrrlian (though lndy still roots hinself to one spot and refuses to rnove). The gig la.ckeri the atnosphere of their debutt but apart fron that this was an even better per.f,o::nanceo f\do new numbers were included - tFailurer, which hits you irmed.iatelywilh its catchy, repetitive chorus, and the vely strong rltts A Caneerr. Also inclutled were.rWhyt (ttre forthcoming single - buy ttt), tGrovelands Roadf, and r0ut of Ord.err. 111 they really lack is confid"tre", which, when they f.i.ntl will be the flnal ingred.iant in the naking of a fine band. And so to the Suspects. llhe last tlme we s'aw them we were not very inpreBsett, but, although they are elearl-y not a verSr together banctr tonight was nr:ch better. They rely very heavlly on cover versions to fill their set, but they clo have a. few good originals up their sleeves as well. Theyrre a good band. to lratch and worth catching on the righ_t night if you get the chance. 2.

il$HdVfLAfiDS l-_ AG

J ltt - . .





?-^ 'l .lrr{*od 1o ?.lil1ted ' ffiHlffi.l"ir:'i.:!q:?;llt:"-lt"'i"ii';;]e,.ji""ri,,","r,i"hcontj.nues, n"

n*o '{tuy Not'r'



f *l:itii*:*'1, 3,ffi . l:::H";tl; t"il,t" :i;:ili,llt.i ";+ voice stralned r'ure*'vs cor.insin uorLnls lyrics Ln ryrlcs





derivatlveh"il' "rro"ili'iffi;ti;r-irt"-"*-ttettent' t I I



exsellent excellent melottles- shine througn'*J'ti"q"t'rrtt ' I thlnkr actually I prefer the rough'tenderness of


strar.ghtro:sard f,rhy, but both are

l.-t -Tou'itt-$:: ..- rather ldeai a recortl-sht at all futu -

Grovelairds Road


t-** -l**







NE''T.N .r .-


A really good Performance by the Passions at Reading Universl.ty Stuaentsf Unlon. The booze was cheapt the e4try fee ninimal, ancl yet the gig was atroclously t*ia:-y attended - ifte pLace was packed wlth studentst who ira6 probably never hearcl of the Passions before. that I expect^nost plop1e we're eittlng at home noanlng nake dld us who of thosg there was nothlng.lo do, whil.e the of gig, great courtesy a the effort were ireated, to

Passions. There rafr no support group, and the 8"oup eventualLy took'5-l ancl started thelr the stage as uialsuningly as possibLe, *ltt rDonrt TaIk to Mer, rl$an on llhe Tuber, rsnowt and' ""t excelLent roh No Itrs Youf. llhroughout the set they all the remalned fairly statlc and rere vLsuaLly unassurntngr but there was an alnosphere of lntlmacy about the whole occaslon: They ana the Passlons rere cndearLng and lrreslstabLe. rsoneone rlove rAbaenteet, Sneclaf,lt-+$ Songr, contlnued rith in"tchelor Boyst. t,T:,l.'i:S rRadlater, Br!.ck traIlt, Palavar - i ""rd adYenturous than sone of the"rl;,:;:l:i Aere quYE ..'.'r seemect more anrmbers Ettltuss new Ilulllue.f'l' fhe IIle nâ‚Ź'w catchx a,nd "t.::':; claeslcs frorn uLehael and xj.randa, but no lesg r$ar Songrl rQerm{':::i iunetuf . fhe f$p-strale of the nerr elng}e, rtrhy qraErs4v E ?r wtth ite the a,rrll-I'exratu cl'aeslc rrr.rl lle Fl1n-Starr, IIl9 fl-Im-uTar't a_gran$: a croacentlo-rlth up 1n unforgettafile tyrtcs, all bul1t r[he ug aLL ].eft thle $wlnmerr. flnali ln thelr ner einglc the neoesslty fulfllled had after they for norc, long -of an Inoor" rlth the excellent but lntyplcal elnglo rfiuntedtt rhich aonehot laoferl the hernonles of forner bassist CLaire Blilrc1l, but lea stl.U excellent - a reall'y grcat g18: ':,


td the more





A 1,


:|i"fi]i:l_ -





lfhoro are four Paesions - Bai,bra on. vocals anil gu*tarr Clive on gultarr RLchard on d:lrns amd aercomer Dave on basg. they are. notorioully dtfflcuLt to lntervlerr nanlr of the iatervlers I have read rith them gcem to have ended up aa confused narrations of pezrrerge moods antl violent ilisagreements. Ilorever rhen they cane to Readlng,-Unlversl,ty to play a gigr I dete:cnined not to let thls dlgoourage me from inte:rlewlng a group rhoee mugic trl regard rlth & great tteaL of resBeet. As lt was, I ras able to gteer then aray fron subJects lhlch' threatenedt to result ln lrgrlaents before they enrpted, antl by tllrectlrlg nost questlons at a speclfis Eember of the. group, ueually Barbra tbo seemotl to act-as the Sroups spokesroma,n, G .H. Hor, rhy and rhsa tlldt the Sroup etart ? B. Itfi eo Long ago that I can ha^rally remeabeto fG got together for a one-off gi.g a^nil ie all dnJoyeil 1t so nuch that re ilecldedl to carrSr oat G.H" Bow tlltt you nancSe to get B. tre1L, thlq boyfilena of a

the flret slngle out? frtendt of mlne ran a- smalL label aad they had tine Left over or sonethlng eordLd Llke that. trhy dtld Clalre (Bidwel-l, tbe origlnal bagsl'at) leave?

G.H. B. She

gome etudlo

got bored. f gather you once tlitl a,n audltlon for teapole l[udor.... D. yeahi reil they liketl the ray I lookeal, ht they tlidnft rant ne because I ca,nft read musicp although I nanagett to ptok trp thelr set Ln balf an hour it ras so easy! G.H. Tenpolle Tudor are velXf dLfferent to the P8sstons.... O. Yeehl antl lrn clead gLad Irm 1n the Passlona, althoWh lrn getting tdn quidl a seek l-esr Iess thaEr I ras gettlng before whea I tas on the dolel O.H. Some'of your lyrics are very po11tlca1.... C. Like whlch one in Partlcular? G.H. Why l[e?a? B. Oh, that onere pretty strong stuff, itrs not aL1 }1ke thatl G.H.What are your poLittcal ?iews? B. Itm a Soclalist FenLnlst. G.H. Do you thtnk musLcre the rlght ray to get poll.tical vi.ews accrosg? B. You have to do thlngs yOu enJoy in life donrt you?.......t G.H. How inportant are the Lyrics relative to the muslcr? B, Ird never really thought about th&tr... ---G.H. Well' someti-nes the muslc ends up as Just a vehicLe for the lyricsrooo R. Oh, itts a big nistake to Let that happen, yourTe got to keep a balance wetrb alwaYs conscious of that. B. Yeah, I see what you nean nowr theytrc of egual lmportance. I mean the lyrics are very inportant to me becauge lfn singing them. G H. rilho are Michael And Miranda? " B. W,e11, a lot of the songs on the [l. P. are abor,rt relat ionships right r so Ml-randa ls this sroman we met on tour who I s 6" real3-y powerful and. indepâ‚Źil-dent personallty, and Mlchael f's & guy who lives wlth a friend of ours, and he gets really jealous of evers-thing she does' G.H. YOurre Very ConSCl,oUS of w6meng POS-ition in societyr but do you think women want to *e more? B" f thfuik sorue women do, but theY dont' push because ltf s easier to do what soclety expeet s of f olrc They I ve 8ot to do somethtng themselves, you carx only do so nuch bY orgahising and cha;rglng the 3-awn theytve reallf got to rrbke up their mlnds to do it and not to Llsten to any criticislllr G.H. How do you see your own poslt$.on as & wonan in a rock'-group? Br I donrt think about it r f just see nyself as a member of a band. G.H. Do you find that people elryect cert 'F ain thlngs of You? G.H' Dave,


-8. TelJ-, there ras the thing where Polytlor wa^nted to call us Barbra anal the Passlons, but rhen they came to see us liver they aLl tlecitted agalnst it. G.H. flo\rltl you relcome commet':1a-1 succers? B. freIL, lt *orrld nafte LLfe a Lot easier, antt it woul-d give us a decent living w&geo 's:H. Sou]-d you go out of your ray to commerclallse your muslc for chart success? C. l{o, le rouldnrt deliberately wrl-te sonethtng which would get ln the charts., But te tlo keep lt ln mlnd whenr s&trrr wefre chosing what to put out as a single. '.R. G.'H. Vhy is the nel slngle (ttre Swi-nner) on Polyttor? D. Te1I, we got thrown off Fictlon. R. Itts all- for the best realIy, rcos Chrls Pany was a real pain ln the neck. C. Yerve Just cut out the mlddle man. G.H. What tllrection is the music noving in now? B, ftts uore posltive, rcos we feeL dlfferent now and we write about different things. He actually tleLiberately sat dowrr.antl decitled to change our song-writlng poLicy. ALL it ras - Lf you moan el,l the ti"ne everli'onerll just get depressed, but if yourre pos-itiver l-t ca,n actual,Ly cha^nge things and itfIl make you a much stronger person. G.H. Yhat do you think of tLe p osent music scene? D. ilot lfuch! R. Itts interestihg, ltrs more open than itts ever been I thilrk. C. I like the fact that thtrers no positiver definite fashion G.H. Fou3.d you like to be ln a category Like that? R. I rish re were, I think itrs very important. C. Itm not really conscious of being in a category or not. It really doesnrt wofFg o€o G.H. Tbat do you think of your own position in the nusic scene? C. I dunno, itrs tlifficult to teIl' D. A11 youfve got to go on is the music papersr and. one reek theytre slaggj"ng you, the next they say youtre brilliant. I just donrt pay a4r attention arly lnor€e R. I prefer the niee poppy things like Snash Hitr - all nice colour pictures and no bitchinessr GrH. Alrd no constnrctive criticistllr... B. I donft think the musie paperfs criticisms are exactly constrtrct ive I G.H. Do you get much violence at your gigs? you should say that ! . . . . , B. Funny C. John Peel cane dovm to our gig last nightt and we were saying ttute never get any trouble at our gigs. . .. tl R. Se get a3.1 sorts at our gigs - punks, skinheads, hells a^ngels, but this ras the first ti-ne werve evar had. any trouble. C. Anyray, it was the last nurnber so we just stopped. B. Itrs so stupid, itfs counlgp-productive - it never happens abroad., when werve done tours abroad werve for.rnd peopJ-e are p?epared to be violent only about demonstratLons over pol1tical things, and tbey get a 1ot more done that way. G.H' Sthat are your p1a^ns for the future? C. If we ean carry on playing gigs antl making records then frll be happy. R. I sant to be a household na-Ine ! B. f don I t want to keep doing it in the end. j ust f or the money so it just becomes a j ob. That t s whrt happened to Claire, she stopped enj oying our company and being in tle group, so she lef t. G.H. Yfhat do you want t o happen out sid.e the group? B. f want to.,s€e people"*,fppy" Jf F D. f want to,s$€ the faL& of Western Capitallsm! .

G.H. lTeJl r



you will all agree that was j{

a moST l-nI€r- t -esting and l revealing interviewr Many thanks,to the fassiorls, an eieellent ban{.^

E,i '


+ TIIE llNlHRCOvFmlffiN + FR}ttilrirNSrrp +,J.ItFr 4r pHq, clrysirg r4,Jrrryq, stN0gi]s.rr;R Three loca.l bands, all very d.ifferent end, a,ll very original . First on was Freud,ianslip. They fi,re veqr similar to the Reading group, The Runnersr except tha,t they have a fenale vocaList (Frances rshemood.) :.n aaartion io bass'(1"1" ttilteri) and druns (siff Anstee). llhe souncl lras a bit tinny throughout as the player stuck to the lower strings of his instn:mentr antl they werenrt quite as inventive as their Reading contenpories, but they uere certainly interestingr if only because they are so tlifferent. Titles includ.e rRemrants of her Headr, rtr'atLlityr, rUindow Womaurr. The Undercoveruen ltere more orthotloxr but none the less original . They have a fuller souncl, and ttreyrre better to watch as well-. They are: Gary Lrrca.s (arums); Dave Atkinson (vocals, guitar and the occasional ha^:monica); Siuron llanling (tass); nndy-lrtilIer (guitar) anct song titlee inelude rI'hxial Sexr, tfhe Man Who Shoutsr, rlJnfoldingt qncl r]xplot$ve ancl Highly


lJnstabLet. Ttre Diagran Brottrerg werer however, the stars of the evening. They Fra,ser, Lawrence, Sinon and Andy lia.gran ancl theyrre absolutely hiJ-arious. theytre llrries are so blootty rid.iculous itre not trle! Ttreyrve Just released a. three track single on their or^n li:.bel (see single reviews) and theyrre one of the rnost entertaining brncls lrve seen in a. long tjme. rrricksr is a velTr silfy song aboutr ftrnnily enoughr bricks. Ohter titles include rflen Tn r,,Ihite Coa.tsr, r1here Is No Showrirr and tI Didnrt Get Where I Am Today -y Peing A Right GittE Ttrey were the nost lively bantl on tonight, and they thoroughly d.eserrred. the encoru itey would have ha.d ha.d a,n an$ not blown!

F irn IP has jrist been released featuring four loca.1 Manchester bands. The groups fee.tured. on it are: Manchester Mekon, The Spurtz, The Liggers (i,:s featured on John peel), and the Sattrroom Renot:<tions (who dontt exist at the moment, bui-who are: John'iridet ($]rter/' voeals).; nave Pathetique (Xelrnoartts) and. Ian Systems (trass). Theytve also ha.d. a track release6 on the Manchester Collectors LT called tlntensely Hen':,a.idt) I dot tt know 'shat the I',p is like yet rcos I havenrt hea.rti it but iils available from Lr,'venlur€t 2t Carlton Road, I,rrnston, Manchester [qf1 1Ht for €,1 . POIIB{T HUMAN



These two,groups were in fact supporting the Pa.ssions, but rd.die has reviewed. their Reading IJniversity gig so I wonrt say anything about them expect tha,t T had hoped for better. An;nray, tr'oreign Press were first on. Their lei:,d. singter seems to frncy himself a,s a'bit of a,':rian Ferry. In all I found their perforrne4ce l-acking in ener..;r ind life - in fa.ct hrlf the E':eoup looked thoroughly disinterested. in the r'.'hole fhe Delmontes, however, r,Iere excelLent: In frct I thou ht they were ert least as good. a.s the heatlliners. They hrve an unusual line up of femele vocl 1ist, dnrmner r.nd keyboard- player ahd male bass end lead guitarists. Their mlrsic was morc interesting and fa.r more attrrctive than that of Foreign Press a.nd they were better to wii.tch a,s well. .A group wel-1 uorth looking out for; COPITIS OF THI] CTIT4 SINGLE RrJ\rI:WD ON'IrHl SINGLIiS PrrGTj;',Rl;l iVilLi,ItLTi FOR g1 (ttrlol,.-f+f) fnOf,t NIGIIL RIGLEY, ILLIMINTTI-rI R];CORDS, 1ST FL0OR SilTTT, 65t OXI'ORD sTR ln, UlI,iCIrrSirR.




The re-opening of the Fa,ctory and three nore 1oca1 l,?anchester l-.and.s to assess. Ttve already nentioned Foreign Press above. Iirst impressions cen often be, but in this case r d.onrt think they were. The sa,Ine comments therefore apply to this gig. Tlhe next grolrp on were Paris, rnd frm afraid. they r*erenrt much netier - a-verage sort of rock with little punch to it. There isnrt mirch else T can say rea.11y, theytre fr,irly


As you can

inaginet hy the tirae The Things





feeling just

Tllle. [trings, however, werenrt the a.nitdote f was looking for. .,.fteq obvious that they were going to be a.s blond e^nd uninventivd

preceecled. ,then.


little bit

f ed. trp.

onfy a fr:w numbers it ns the two groups that


So three vetXr averag:e g?oups tha.t look d.estinerd to p1a.y the pu b c j rcnit until they f inally fizzt-e out...the sooner the better. MoRE 0N [ll{ll LoC.N..L MANCH}5T] R SCENE N],XT ISt'jLj.r TNCLU}ING: THr: }I_,iGRxM BR0TIIIRS, )ISLOCITIoN ' DINCE, FRIC RSNDON /Nn LUDIIS.


You d.o whet you r re told never why Tgnore ;l11 thobe fools it'hey dont t$te.nd, we mir"ke our own rul€so You.


HansfffiTa" HCll uas absolut eIY

packedi the organisers had, severely under-estimated the

ractlon of t16


Eventually borever, the Qevlllos dld troupe on, looklng, #-u-sual of trashy poPrl -4+h e set oned fq-j




mey all Put a lot


as they uere on sf the and theJ.r hard work certainly pald off roups visually eEqltt Not only rere they ltvelyr but the nusle ra^g good. too. They, of course, refused to play any of the old Rezlllos hits, but managed to convlnce me for the flret ttne that their ner materlal ls every bi+ Es gco4 as the old. Iive thelr sound ls much strong€rr deeper


lnsistent. but Faye uas too exhausted to do an encore r fYealr Eugene led us all in a slng-song wlth and more

Yeah Yeah I I

A really rewarding eveningp entertainnert.


Llttle or no attentlon ras pald sbn the SaLnts spllt up, and their i$eforp met rl,th the same reception, hrt nevertheless, tlre Aussies are 'back together, rltbout:ALgy Wardr and without Ed. Kuepper, who wrote aLl thelr stuff rith Chrls BaLl-ey. Chrie, however seems to be able to wrLte fairly well- on hl-s own as this French inport 12I D.P. bears witness as all 5 tracks contained hereon are written by trln. Sinple Love is the opening traek, and it is instantly obvl,ous that the Saints are stickq -lng to their orlglnaL fo:muLa of good, catchy Rock mueic. The vocalg are smooth and ronantic but tough, the nuslc very derivatlve wlth really eLectric guitar ptaying which ceasec durLng the verse to leave soft background rhythm. (Dontt Send Me)Roses ls again. narked by excellent and catctry guLtar, J.t is again of a sl.ow tempo, but more abrasivet with a much softer chorus. Ulss'Wonderful is much more powerfuL a,ntl forceful, held together by a consta^nt bass line, with sudcten volleys of piercing guitar, very clean sound. the vocals a"re much rougher, sneering, but not Just coarse yelling, and the song is built around, a realJ.y" good chorus. Side two opens wlth On the Waterfront, anotber fast track, wlth reaLly excellent sax. The Last traot is CaLI tt Uttte, B very grltle a:rd nelodious nnmber, with very sensl.tivepLaying aad singlng, but an underlylng feellng of strength. thls--ls. a really great record, not really original, weII worth getting, {L1. and 1"-+f letrs ,hope Ihe Salnts are back for good nor, tcos theyrre -asbut goocr now as th-ey aiw?Vs u;€!€e



lllre Sktde ? ha.ted by sone, loved by oanyr f d,ont t ltnow what category you come in, bit I think theyrre one of the most exeiting band.s cuxrently ts be heanil and. I Juqted at the eharice of d.oing an intenriew with lead " ''



singer, Richarril Jo'bson, after Manchester Apollo gigr one of

their ttre , first of theirl just finished.r IIK tour. GHI You t ve complained. in the past tha t the audience is often hostile towarcls the neu numberâ‚Ź t and I noticed tonight that you

saved the ne-wer songs until halfuay ttrrough t}re set. l,Ia.s this to sort of builcl up exaitenent so that by that stage the autlience wouldnrt care so much? RJ: Yeah, theyrve always been hostilel but lte not Juet with the Sklcls, itts ttre sane for everlr bahd. We never bact the intention of waiting ntil the niddle of the set till ue playecl then. Werve had 12 nonthg to prepare for this tour and I months to prepare for the La.test al-br:n, antl the songs stand up on their own thtrs tiner I think, I mean rHurry 0n Soyst went clown enou:mously weLl. It went dor'm a.s well as tlnto the Vallqrr I thinkt and rWonen In l,linterr we.nt down well a,s well. f think theyrre stronger ttran anyhting $erve done befote. Itn mofe happy on stage than lrve evet been. I meanl Itn ectually enJoy&ng pl-aying on this tour. I ne.ver likect tourinqr but f tn enJoying ryse-Lf this tfurc. f Just dontt like all the hassle and the spitting. to stopped wrfting about trrsr rlowoooo GIIr You seem 'heartectly done it on rScared to Dancef and I done it Erite intensel-y on rDays fn half RJ: I I"luropar ancl I feLt Irtl gone as far a,s f oould trks it on tDa3rs In'ruroparr so I thouglrt is chiltlreno llherers Ifd a new outlook anct ttre bi:sic thene of rThe "bsolute Ganer not so nuch a.s tDays fr : uropar - tDays fn still qu-ite a lot of gtrievence involvedl but irtpopar was verl7 heavy lyrically and the r.'bsoLirte Garner is a. bit nore tongue in cheok.


GH: Sorne people used to say you glorified lroroooo nfl yo" rl"r'the natlonaf irulic pressr'de'11 theyrre tr..ite foolish people and wetve neve! ' ' been the:ir nost popular benO. f donrt get upset i,,};out tha.t. If T can mnke people enjoy themsel-ves, whioh ltn quite cepcble of rloing, thatrs a.ll that nrtters. Ttrey donrt nean anything. jintl ttreyrve nisinterqpreteil e lot of things werve dlone. r t itts fult1ty \now rcos werre'in their favour Dowo ver^lr paper {Irve rrs a or,rcking of rTlhe Lbsolute Gamet and we got a arackin6 live revieu of the Harmersnith alais, out first gig in lo.nonths - fron E'11 the Dapers. the NME have always lslikert us - theyive always dlsliked ne altJnilay, not t]re br:nd. lut werre oDe of their bands now. Itts sfllyr but I Just aborrt having'firn. I nean the Skid.s ere e frivolittrr, a. caprice - rememher tha,t word GH: ilhy were there so many line up chnnges? RJ: Well' rscared, to ilancer wae quite an innocent per5.od, becatrse I was only rntt 16$ rrrhen we reeorriled the n.lbum. -l.t 17 . 16 when ,;e reoorded tCha.rlesr ue had a. hit single r'rith rlnto The Ya11eyr. It all happened vâ‚Źir:1r E:l.okly antt it was Ertte innocent. rind then it startecl to get a bit hanler after ttrat and Ton, the first elruu..el, just ooirlclnlt tlo it any nore and he disappeared, and afte.r Inays In ''uropar the bass player didnrt reall'y Like vhat we were tloing &n1r Boleo We were tloing nore rhythns e.nd he wanted. a more sort of hard rock thlng. So he left antl ue sacketl the keyboaril! being too uglyt /,nd. Rusty T:gan just wasnrt goott o

enough Bo we sackeal him. GE: lflry ciitl you d.ecide to have keyboartls in the first place? didnrt want to &I: Secuase we thought it was our d.uty to move on. WerDays In Turopar. become stale and boring so we trietl keyboerds on rDays albun. classic .in i'uropar was a Anrt it worked I think. I think rThe but I think prod.uced /rbsolute Ganer than I think it was better albun. the last are on better the songs

: GH:


ror one harr or tlie sei. Y""::T:'j"ilt :::.""ffi: i:Il:::'r'lili?rtar player.

Itrs a. nice eomblnation I wouLcinrt play it if we had a keyboarcl with half the set with ne on guitar, building up to the ollsax. Ilowcome EilL Selson isntt proiluoing you e-nlrmore? Itts Just the ee,me as the keyboarrl.s, youfve got to note on all the litgr or yoi cou}tt becorne sta1e. A;d itrs adventure inntt? I mean, Itn only 19 a

renenbe!. Itrs good fun, working with tllfferent people. Relationshipe - thatrs uhat itts all about - thatrs what I'r*rlte about all the tine. But ue a.!e going to use 3i11 Nelson for the next singLe, T thlnk. We only decided. that this GEr Hory are Russel and. Mike fitting in? RJI Wellr JIou can see that for yourself .

Stuart g;oing to leave? &Il ile got involved rittr the hierarclry of the mrsic business e,nd he got depresseclr and clemoralLsatt antl herct had enougtr, but Irve got quite a strong relationehip with hinr and we gpoke about'it a,ntl we startecl aL1 over again. We got a neu management we werre very much happier. Anat I tftir* it showE on st;age. I neanr 1t'e even ditl things which we <liilnrt want to do'toniiEht, becuase people like it, b.t we nade the do it. Itrs not the sane when yoq get one of the audience to sing for you (tfV stars - a€€ gig rwiew). Ttratts the firet time werve done it llke that. \4e never intended to do it beforehand.. We never knor.r what welre golng to rlo for ericoresr eve!. Thatrs uhy we have to about it on stage. iincoles, I feeL, are spontaneous and should never be contrived. I meanr all those things I was tloing out theie witl the girl (waltzing) antl all tha,t, tha.t was just beaause, at the tine, it GE: Why was


tiitl that sorrnclecl a bit cor:ntry e.nd. westem.... RJ: On the albun that comes frpe with rThe .Absolute Gamef therars a track cal].etl rtrihning Afrloar, a, slow thingr but ne took the lyrics from thr.t ;nd we put it to a corurtrlr and vestetn ttrrpe thlng - Jrret for a laugh. GH: Eow did Ruesel and l{ike come to Join the bantl? RJ: Welll RrEsel sed. to be in a. bantl called the Zones, i:nil llikers a friend of Stuarts. Ilers on3-y 1t ae well, end Russelrs only 20 antt we Jrrst met up. GEc St ttre Eannerenith Palais gig you nentionecl earLier you told the nudience severa1 times, GHr ltrere was one song you

that ttthis iE a.rtrr.... RJ: Yeah' but I was saying it with E snile. Remenber that rcos Trve got this big thing pbout people who are so serious, and are rs intel1j.6'ent rnd could do enything I could with ry show but i do it in a. way that other people enjoy, "ithout gctting dnpressed. .Lnd ,roopl-e were leughing tonight.'ltre thing is wnrre goinq through an F.conomic elim,tp l..rhich is very depressingr anfl people are awale that it is r vcry cleprossing thing so why give it to then? Wo go on stege looking colorrrful, glrnryr cLressetl upr ','r-. do it vith a sni.]e, he;ve a larrgh antl people have a good tiure rntl it hSlps theur to forget. Escapism - thatrs what werre a.11 about. No;hing more serious, Irn not intercsted in that. GH: Most of yo r ltrrrics see-n frirly seriorrs.... R.I: No theyrre nott ]lot in rV eyes theyrre not. I tlonrt think theyrre serious at all . I use6 to be serioug. r$cared to l)rncer wa.s sr;tious r'v:d r,leyg fn uroper was a blt worse. lrut on tltre irbeolrrte Gamet Ifm Jusi javing e gig 1e:,11 the time. Jtrs not a.t cl1 seriorrs. f nean, tHappy to be With Your is one of the nost ironic songs ever lrritten. It goes ttwe nissed. t5e boat for l:one/ so soream ue can ciefyr?. llha.trs like out a nthen. \,/hen we sayItwe nissed the boat for honert it nqens wetre pa,ssin6 throrrgh.e rerlly bi-:d tine Just ndu, finanoially, everlrthing, but trscrt',im we can rlefyrr fhen it gpes |tastute r,re cou]-d not diett - ue keep on ggoing. We. came through the ska thing and the nod thing, i;rrt still attra,ct i,rud"iences {rnd. we still sel:!. record.s. to h,ve cha,nged. over the years - not so many punks

GH: Your fiud.iences seem ?*ny mofe. . .

I think tha,t I s t,ec, there a,ren I t as mfiny punks anJmlor€ r .;'nd. we t re not e.s he,rd core as they like. I mea.n they prefer somcthing like the iiK Subs or the Coekney :l€-:jects r-rhich is not whr"'t r,'€. sormd. like. I think wef ve got a, b,it more finesse than theytve gpt r rind" ne|re bettert ]]etter enterta.iners anc, €verTrthing. I tt mer'n theyrre jr:rst straisht ahead wha^m ba.ur and. we contrfist two things Fnd. we give you a la.irgh as well. Some the the songs we played toniglrt wetre quite seriousr bu"t I smiled aftenrard.s.


o .ra

put f Out 'of Tonnt on the new album? ft is over a, Year old afterall. RJr It d,oesnrt feal a. year oLd. We wrote , songs fof a single - f l\ta,squerad€t r t0 t 0f Townt and. t,linother lrnotion t and Virgin d ecid ed" to or; t then out as a d.Ouble single, and we said. 0K. rrit T think f0ut 0f Townr was stronger than rl'iasqilcraclcr aE we fblt tf wasnrt a.e fully produaed as it couLd beenr Fo ve recorclecl itr tuith no intention of putting it 6n the a1-bum, but it out so strong r.;e tlecid.eil to use it. Antl I tllnk ue rnade ttre right decision. iinct a lot of people clonrt listen to b-sldes a4Jniray. GEr lflry have yorr ohangert your im;:ge so drastically? RJs 3elause I think for tfre last year 4r clothes have been wearing rne and I never felt e,t all confortable in qr olothes, so I aleoided that Ird go for eonething frd feel rnore oonfortable ln - a snoother, tighter sort of ;.nd T fe'el more confortable. Btt frn it egain ifi"r lhi" tonr. I've already eot it plannetl. (IIe vouldn't te1l ;Cti; "fr""s" n-w inegE was going to he llke) i* rf,at the GE: Is the bancl etronger nou as a. unlt? R"It Yes, a while a€o ne were a.11 a bit pissed offl but no',,' l'rerre uuch stronger. GH: Eow ilo you get on wlth Virgin nor+? rd rather RJs Ue donrt heve nothing to dowith then, a.t all. We lct olrr m.nager deal vith hem. f be with sonebody else now, Irn ri,ther pisseil off with thcn. Ttratrs why is says l dovm 5 to go on the albgm. Werre reelly at odtls with the.n jr:st now. Theyrre not a good conrpany. [,hey were greAt at the sta,rt, brrt theyrre horrible now. Theyrre Jrlst the sarne a.s e:ry other bie oorparryr like FMI. GE: felthe afU,rn that comes free with rThe .rbsol.ute Gemer a hint of wha.t is to cone? RJg No. l,fe r,'ere down ih the corrntry re.hea,rsing, rnd a.s yor: knoul I play Sritar - not partlaularly well - but T. can play and I c: me up with odds and bits nntl lltiiert likers to play synthesizer and Rrrssel like to plry sometines rnd llike Likes to plry so we aff changed instmments and done alL sorts of strrnge things. Itrs .l j-ke noocl mlsic. We done one side for sort of lrte ni;'ht listrning, :nct.anoth,r sicte, "ith which you o:rn listen to when....lik< when yotirrc writing this up vorl cin h;ve it in the backgriuntt ancl yorr ,ionrt listen to it, thoitgh yorrtll i;e praar?r thlt itts there - moocl musio. lnd ihatre the whole pur?os^ of it. trs the sort of thinr Trd. listen to if I r.rcre writing a peom, or something, or working or: oor: of lry nf:rfs - T listen to n bit of classical music as weIl. J clonrt listen to th;;t rmrgh rock music. T like Siouxsie antl the -tanshees, Pl.gezinel ,Llhe .:ssociates liimpl.e lriinds, rnd a bit of clisco, t;c' it or not. GH: Wtrose itlea was the free alnum? \ ! tracksr rnother R,I: Virgin a.sked us to record r frec: sin'Ie, :iut ',rc said fi;ck i\tr r+erve f.totrcos j-t ir;t theyrre getting g6ms doelrrt mi'tter itl like clonrt ,:eople say they uright albqn. it for nothing, rnil neople in 'riti,in have ;'.lw;.ys ;:pprecrited things they get for nothing. GH: Has success affeoted you :in irny vay? RJ: f tlonrt think so, ,.nd. T think ioni,qht Droves it1 i'Iitlio-t o-ucstion. T got aocrrsed in the rmrsic press the other week of not c;, l;ut .i thinl: the.tfs rr;b;ish. i'le:rll tr-'Ik to people until kingdorn cone. very gi4 trerve done on';ltis tour therers i:een lords of peopLe 'backstage, 4rinklng a.]l our drink, cating i:11 orrr foori, and theyrve ft:'pt ris in there until Z.OO in the morning sornetines.rltrcirl.l trrlk to them ,nti1 theytre fed up. I nean r';hat ctoes ca.ring rooa6? I,{c care, ohviously. i'Je: mi.:ke pe'oplc smile. t' lot of whr't you read' in the gosslpoolunnsofthemusicpapersistnieinamlmner-t-'r:titsj;:slwritteninenasty llanner rcos they clonrt likc me. GHI Is there any pressure on you to llrite a. rer11y i;ig hit? RJ: l;ol not rea1ly, but f think it jus hasntt r,rorketl for us 1rte1y. r0ircus Gcrnesr shottld have been a top ten llite b'.,1 ig wasnrt. r' t,Iornrn Tn ',,linterr will h,e. T.hattll be releasedl eround Chrlsil[as tine with a. live tl,lasqr:era.clerr. rYankee Dollart a.nd. rTnto the Vai.leyr fron the Ha.rrnersmith PalBis emd its a dogble D..;ck single with r}lp,squeraderon the,back of Iuornen In llinterr. ind it cones in a specia,lly decorrtetl brg with a me,gnzine in it - a Ski6s nagazine which will cone out onc<r a month now. "[trs a comic strip sort of thing. Itrs Soing to be a eort of Christnns present r;nc[ it r'12 inch. Itrs not a h;4pe, itts the itr.not of l-ocse noney-or;.t mean, 'i.'e som"itttng for nothlng. and thatrs c?;ring surely?.I rccold. corp.,n3r r"nember.'/e dontt get any royrlties orrt of the free e,l-b:rms - and there about 5OrObO toples givt:n away. Tlha.trs ciring srrrely? fi3; tffi Ii:*:: fi:?l"T::;il;$"lltportugall but curt in pl.ces like lerlin r:nd M:mich about 1r0OO fololwers. Sone of then are here,l;onight. llheyrve tra.velled some 500 mllee to see us, which is gtea,tl saving up a.11 their p'bsatos to cone and see us. GH: Horl tlo you feeL about recorrls being hypeil ; extra ticks on the chart returrr fofns? RJ: Virgin arenrt big enou€h for_that. If rcircus Gamesr hrs been lryped it wouldt h'ave been No. f . ihatrs r.rhy see get iorrible things like Sheena I'ston in the oha,rts. We Just selI .for whatrs what and tfrat tfre tmth. I dont{ need to lie - everything else lrve to}d. you is the GHI Wtry din you

fuc$ing tnrth"



Skid.s werer as

w ,qffi

..tP0I,10 tIl':E }T TIHT IVIAN I,'nfortunetly Trffin't see either of the




usualr exce tent. They gave ub'"an eventful set which tfttituded tl"lelanchg{f.foltliersr'

a#Eii - rMasquerader, rlnto Ttre J[l).eyt, r1f]re-Sgr.i{ts Are Coningr ,cu&ffanee,,,yJnkee nol'ar' *,m^ri#V,#:#""i1;I;J:: ota

X.:ffi#iJt :l: 'ffi.*"H3;Tffi i;:,yiyry#dtffi ::i"::h:ix?;m:iml


Shra,rt Attr bj4}eat a girl frora the audi.e tancl waltzed the stage as usraffDuring one nr:a\$"fte piallett Lbout""ra Ebout (not verV weff),rd.-tfiFr. This vas ga1g..ffiy a ndbh rnore light hearted ehqr'tf1pn I've seen nss ghouqFr enjoiing pleying n$s eholtdfi as their tltey.lWe actua$y enjoliing V*fdA:.#',frtf" fact that f,}fey.'8dle then iben cive eivl V*f{e#flfe a long time o""ioilrnd#€6ff tit" bettep-for it. Ihe stdds havenrtasplayeti 'Tll'Statrsr {orsing Richard. j6 the lyrics. however, Dfused differenee iut t&fpfiyea it tonightiditbt, .il"taience ter'do it for him, which u,g$ a gogdlaugh for evelyone. i""tffi"rr-"-g;i;-r"rb"rldl' grgffy"io" if ,Mo"qu"fii, ./r" elightly alteretl as well - I'Holy" to the fr+ih Uanohestetl MffeheEterA,anfareg,.{n'1;!€ sky l{cnchester, }lanchestertl Jtve secn the Skicls a few tirnes now'

fiiatr'r"n',""tyfartheroostentertaining.Missthenatyourotmperi3'..<.<. tIJrE AT BRACKNELT, SpoRt€






At FraelmeLl there was only one support band, but at Mrnchesterr yef, another Coventry groupr 22J, vete supporting in atldition to the Sr.:inging Cats. As soon a.s they oane on there waa a nacl nrsh to the front; qrri.te unrrsual for e seconcl srrnport br.nd, especially a.s nost people alidntt e.ven l<nor* who they were. 'i'he fact tha.t they r,rere froro Coventrlr Beenect to be enough for most pcople: not for rne thorrgh. i,ftr:r a few nrrmbers evesJrbody else began to realloe that not eVr;r] group orrt of Cov+ntry is as good a.s the Specia}i, and when tlre bouncers went arorrrrd senrilng people lr sL to thcir sea.ts nobocly seemecl io otSect. 22J carried. on enyway. '!'heytre rnore of a mod band thnn rnything : nd uere Like most other €toupE of tlrat nature - blrntl,,1 ;rnd" uninspireit o lltre Swinging Ca.ts leatl singer preferred to hitle pr',hind the dmns for most of the set at Pra"clorell. Perhaps he didntt want to get to r:,ar to the scvr.'ral sieg hcilling skinhead.s at the front. }t the,',po11o the Cats hacl nore..roorn ind were less inhiblt"d, ..* it"y prr:nced around. the sterge confidently in fronlbf a re-ther diffr.''e,nt a;r,rdiencb.. Irm s:;"" ylr.,itre a1I ,l r ' heard their eingle so I won!,t neecl to clescribn their rmrsic. ff yor: like tho'sJnryle,tiren " .; you should enjo:,r sceing then pli:y 1ive. Tlhe Speclals lived rrp to e.xpectrrtiorDin ,,vcrxr way, r'ech one"lcaping about the stage and giving us a greot perforcurance. T'he 'l'ra.cknel,1 show was slightly nr rred. by the trehaviour of a numberofskins'whoby.uheend.oftheshowverere,i]]-}'be8iningtoi:ritateTerr1rHa11. Ilowevet the Specials the.nselves uere mr:gnificent, and .i loved the way Terry mr.nagecl the crovd. tt both gigs there wa.s the by now cir.stonery invrsion of the stage during rToo Mr:ch Too Youngr. lltris was short livec1 at I'lanchester, brrt as lrraclclell it 1: stecl right through bot}rencorega'rndthe1edLfewnumbersoftheset.IcIon|t1arowa'boutyoub,:twhenrpaysone ] quttt to see a. gToup f e.rpect to see then, :,r.d not n hrrndred. or so i,o=ot" aUlut on stager maklng fools of thenselves end. showing off to their na.tes. inlrway on both niifits the Qneclals were faultlese..A.ll the favourites vere there - the singles, plus rpea.rrle Caf,el (g"'"tJ.trrrics),l:h.1oyYo;lrse1fl,l}1onkeyIvlan',l])oT'1heDogl,|YoJrreWinderingl'Io*{;(al<.<. Mtnchester only - the thtrrct encore) and many Dor€o So, the two,nights were eq\ral the MancheEter show was fer nore enjoya.ble sinply beca:rse of the behaviour of the auclience.

::fi:,"i;"j""**l:,"x"il;"::,?"":l-l":{r:"i:ff-::*" lqqE RE@RDS

-*: _ *:i:.r,i3,"'fi,1 J:ly' l:: (it saye here) as iolntry Curious, T-tre .l,stronauts, Bob Green, The produkt, Ih-q Screwsr War 'ffort and Ttre Plague 1980 to name but a few. Flnet ? will be a ca"esette aLbunr by Software 'nrho cone from ?ottere lar. Fi-na.lly Trlast 8 i.s to be the dubut alb n by Itre stronauts, recorcled in Sontember, but as yet untitlecl. Ble^ets 112, ancl J were: Ttre J,stronauts FF, John:ry curious, and. The Protlukt respectlvely. ) -. R

B:::}ff ,l:



11. €'-\




ganest i trt" skide Thlrct ALbuB ls calLcat the Absolute Game - the Skiils are not f,anoue i;i'; ;"; r- trreytye nairage{l to get thfugs tn proportion nor! r0Lrcue I

Side One opens rith three trackg you aLready knor - the sllly but lnslstent ganesr, th; arohetypal Skitls number tout Of 'llolaf complete rlth ralls, yelJ.s a,nd fastrepeiteA slngle ctronrs llne and the preaent sl.ngIe, the slow, Jerky anthem of rGoodbye Clvilian'e The Chi-ldren Sar,tlhe Shane ls slow brrt energetlo rith a porertul chonrs. Thc nunber. fairly catchtrr catcny ur:.os Skide lluBoer. enctho typlcal faj.rl'y Souan In Slater, enatb.! lasi; tract is l souan 8r.r5rar Happy To Be 0n and l{urry excellent atnoapherlc the porezfully ttth Tvo opens $ide tith You ls faster, rtth-great tlnrms behtntl <lart!.ag gultar antt ls good daace muelco The Devl1i Decade Ls agaln s1ow, but really orLglna., with those echoed chonrsr glvlng'lt depth.oneDecree1ssporatll.or1thrazor-sberpgu1tararrilporrnd1ngtlnne'aadArena ls again sLowbut nenoribLe. So. rea1ly the Sklds have. Lost sone of theLr ponposLty but Llttle of thelr serloueness and are trylng a few ner ldeas in gome'slower lese lnstantly appeallng nr.ubersr but there Ls more to oome yet - a free L.P' rhere ile can see the Skl<ls at essentialsn The free L.?. starts wlth lr Inclttent In Algiers and GrlevaJlcer both of whlch a:ne vetXr eLectronic, verXr experl,menta-l antl very self-lnduLgent. llhe title trackr ttrcngth Joy is sonewhat sinlIar, but at least they are trlflng sonethLng new anrd adventr ' Through Filnlng Africa ls more lLke ilood tusicr and ends slde oneo -urouso lLde two ie slmliar - lots of experl-nenting ana lne seeds of some gootl ltteas coning to light - I hope that this albun does not hlnt at the way thc Sklds are golngr but I a.n are doilrg gtia to see soneone who Ls not a^fretd to trly sonething ner, the Sktds****(il rthough lDhrough greater rloy. exteas on St:rength to a ' on both these al.buns,





i !

nessage lrto your subconcloug. dnrn Requlen opens the albun, a haunting tuzz continuous throughout, with el'ow regular screans passionete and eteadify t5rolbing bass throughout, a,nd on top of aL1 this, the and groans rLl,c!, are so un:ique a"rd utforgettable. f,ike-Requ1en, I an sure you aL1 khow lardance atreaay, but bere it rt"" been siored down, and sounds alLfferentr'cllsjointed .lot bass the hoarser, a tbe voeals aot sucb a straiiatforrard rocker as on the elngte, eyen beavl,er anrd-nore donina,nt, but the chortts Ls aot eo foreefirl.'Tomorrors Torldt once agaln, I an fanlltar rlth already, this tipe from a bootleg single of the Capital better Radlo sessLoa they dld sone ago - 1t sounds vely nuch the- samer but wlth a short a beeps dark. Synthes5'ser a^nd regular vgry beatr dnrn froduction - etot-mgalc and nonotonously alongr ELoodiotff at regglar intervals, a,nd tie bass pLods steadily gtart up, the song novlrg dnuns gultar lntro buzzlng a wtth -Bport opens the entl Lt becones more avrd torards march. tbe on arnlr aa onrartl like uniefeatingly i"""if" "31I ireo"tic. tlhJ.c por"*oI and stiming lnetnrnental brings side one to an ond. The Ualt buLlds gradually up fron nothlng Lnto a forceful and faet porerhouse of a nunber. Coupllca{ions ie sloter, qulrky, anqw dance ruetc, slth a curlous}y attractLve but no ture - vey iuneful. anil neLottlcr-not as the others, more restrainedr dlstorted wlth and denentedp bttazLttgs slow track, very Loag lese poreitut. s.0.36 ls a anit tortured vocaLg a,nd heavy thunderlng dnrms a steady pace behlntl. Prinltive Le nore gtralgbtfonard - achlng basg, walling aad roaring gultar ln a continous t.zztns ral1 of solnd, all he],tt together wlth a tteht and Lnpenetrable rVthm. llhe 1,.P. cnag suddenlyr learlng you breethless a,nct dreLnsd - thls ls more tha^n a'n albunr lt ls a conplcte lange of anotl'one and experiences. my only conplaint is that Lt * noving, exci{firg, grLpptng and porer:firl p1' r of nus1c, ts soneihat shortr-Ut ltrfs ts st111. very fulfllltng - 8n &wo-lnsplringr thought -prov-oklng and abeolutely stuanlng debut a'lbun t-


(:_? ',

in hell Ilear ry storlp sad to tell of a tedndge mutant raised. madma,nr s song the in ne a'lL wrong qr brains Join w ninils inpa'irecl

11 .



It was a lot of hassle gettint this i-nternlew ,- I was chased by bouncers who wouldntt let


me take in, and

ny cassette iecorder

Ktllirrg Joke themsel-

-Y€l uere moodyr dlfflcult t susplei.ous, perverse, cond,escending and llluslve. G.H" How did you form Kl1ltne Joke? Paul. We put &n advert in the pepGrsr G.H. Who ras there to start rith? Jaz It[e and hin (faul) then Geordie, and then Youth

csrne r

G.H. Tfhy dld you want to fsrn a group? Paul Bored om ! J az' T{hy does anyone rant to form a group!? G.H. Dtd you have any al-rs's apart from naking EusLc? loads, Sut I rm not telltrre you about thent

Jaz yeah, G.E; Are you reachlng

your obJeetives? Fe hevenrt got there yet but uefre etiil. rorklng on G.H. You fecl youtre golng the right ray rthougha?







l,pant fron the odd e!iestep.

G.H. Are you gettlng accrosa the thlagg you rant to'get accross? Paul Thlngs are certainly startlng to look up, yeahl Peop1e are turning up, peopLe are coning to sec us , people are da,nc-

-ing to us. G.H. a,re people taklng you serioue}y onougb rthough? Jaz You dontt have to take 1t serlously - ltrc the KllLlng G.H. What are you trylng to achieve ? Jaz


- you take lt as it

trI€&rrs r


G.H. In what dlrectl.oa? Paul N0 I Wetve all gotindiv+gual notives for doin€ thls, totally differ€$t r G .H. Contradictory? ;Paul Not necessarily. Jaz Not at all ! G .H. Hos i-rnportant are the lyrlcs I parrl They?re as tmportant as you want to laake them. G.H. How important are they to you? Geo. Pau1


depends on how we feel

Theyrre i-mportant to us when we wrlte thent

but someti-nes it just gets like part of the old routine. Jaz Theytre just & way of yelling basicallyr a way of gettine ascross an emotion. I donf t r€slltr thtnk about them any lro're r It I s as much the way you sing as what words you us€ G "H. What do you write about ? You. Shrtrv€r happens basically. Jaz About experienc€sr about f ears, about srhat I s going wrong. I can see lt and I dontt like it. It I s about reality, or our vision of re&lity. About survival. G.H, How far do you just use the music as a vehiele for the Iyrics? 14"


Paul I dsnrt think the. Lyrics nean that mueh -' sono peopLo EaJr listen to them, but they aintt gonna change nothing:r

G.H. Vhat woul-d you like to change lf you had the

csgFr$t gosn soRsr FEARS. porer? Jtz trrd Iltc to hrvc'tha Poler I You. Tbat tsulil bo c ehan6c.. I l. C.E. il1y are you being go dLfftoult? Do you obJeet to dolng lntervLers? paul Xhirc lsnrt an aifut lot to talk aborrt. [efre a bantl that pLays nuste. What we pJ.ay Ls rhat rc rant to cxPrese. canrt you us6 youB. tnagLnatlon? Why do re 'have to telL you? f,hy Jaz Paul Oui. fyrfes &re opci tn-a f6t of interpretatloac. Se used to try to crplain then to poopli, but if yburre reaIly lnterested yourLJ. work lt out for yourself. Jap It doesart reaLly natter !f your lmpreeeLoa Lsart the one re intended, ae Long as lt hrg gone effect, provofes some reactj.on - nale your orn pcrsonal l.nterpretatlonat you! Jrou doaft need ue-to tel} you - re oantt say rhat Ltrs Soing to nean to you ltl to lntezpret up to Ltls and PauL ;erve tri.tten lt, you obJeet to ilotng thls l.atenler? G 'H. Uhy tto You. f,e itontt Llke lt rcos lt tlever come6 out the wa,f, ru€ ar€o Paul you caatt e:rpect to understaad ug ln a coupl-c of hours, the only way roul-d be to spcnt a fer days rltb us, rcoe rhat I saJf nor is because Irm ln a pertieular noodr a^nd uerYt got lots of ttlfferent noods, lote of them. G.H Eor pLeased ere you rLth the ner aLbun? ' Geo. Itro bloody nbblsb3 Paul Geo. J a,z

Itrg brllliantt teI1, I clonrt Llke lt. persoaally I have ny tloubta - sometLmes I like but there are a lot of thtngs absut lt rhlch really af,lxof tr€r

ttl.rection cart you see your muslc movtng in? (General laughter) Dornrarttst ' rtil lt happens Jaz Eor do I knor? Ilow do you think lrn supposed to knor? You donrt knor

G.H. lYhat Oeo

do you? G.H. Alrlght..,.vh&t ray do you SIl, to see lt novlng in? You. Hhicbever rey retre happlest yrknow?l ?au1 Aacl I want to gee nore people ooning to gee us' Jsz I va.nt to see eyeryone Lecontng nore evil- a,nd nasty and

slck....lik€ what everythlng ls. G.H. Is that how you see the worlil then? tel1 you sornethlng rthough, IrLl tell you what part of the Jaz Yeah....o...Ir11 rthongh problen is - re1181onr


G.H. Why reLigion? 8az f belleve ln the

.H. Jaz Paul G


Jaz G.Hr 3az

facts, not thet load. of supersticious bloody.....



$NII:,'" NN;:;u'

QL 15,

about knorlng that, and l1vlag rith a,yr atareness of l-t. G.H. S"hat La tbe kllllng Joke? You. Usc your lnaginatLont PauL ltre evezlrthtngt 0.I1, Ihat ilo you thtnk of the present nuslo scenet PauI I thlnk Ltfe hontble! Irve uever been so bo:red ia al1 ny llfe! Geo. Itre all novelty ban<lsl Paul Itte not even that; alJ. the noveltyrs rorn out! Jaz Itrs dlsgustLng - itrs the worst. Itfg the rorst thatts ever happened - Ird prefen 1972 to thls.t PauL I thlnk itrs pretty nuch 1972 - Punk night as rell never have happenedt G.H. What do you think of all the sects? Your fhey canrt oategorlse ua - they canrt htde us away ln a neat little plgeon-holet Paul ft doesnrt rea1Ly natter t6 us aLl that .nuch. G.II. Hor rould you feel lf a lot of bands started copyLng you? Jaz There are alrearly e Lot of bands trying to coglr us. G.H.lYhat groups do you llke at the nonent?



?au1 Arlam And The Antso Jaz I used to Llke them - I donft ar\y nore - it was aLright until ZeroxMachine, s:lnce that ltrs al.1 been a load of shlte! G.H. Shat do you thlnk of ttre otherrnew punkr bands? Geo. Like who? G.H, Crass ?! Jaz disgusting! Should be gassed! You. I know rhat theytre trylng to do, I synpathise with then. Jaz I reckon theyrre a rlght Load of rrro- they take aLl the money they can - you

sftll. have to pay to get in donrt you? ?au} 'JheLr attltutlets fine, but as far as lrn concsr.ned, itts just not real! Geo.-Uallkc I know what they want to nake reaLity, and it work. Jaz Crass antl aL1 that, setl-L take anythlng r+ can get - that goes rithout saylng, ltts hunan nature! G.H. Does that meaJr youtd becone a pop balld.... Jaz We want to play the music we like! You, If you couLb SLt away wlth playing the muglc you llked, like we &o, and make a lot of money out of lt, wouldnrt you? G.H. Yourre naking a Iot of noney then are you?... 3aul. ...N0! G.H. You would conslder then? Jaz Not at all - therefs no compromi.slng with us! G.H. Tiloulci you like to be a fashionable group? Jaz If people like ne beearne hlp, it would bO great! Itd love to be a popstart G.H. 'lllhy do you do so few glge? PauL Too nuch hard work! Geo. Too much noney! You. You nean too much Los* of money! ! Jaz Yeahr too nueh hard work, too much loss be an event, not aD ever$-week thing! G.H. Isnrt that a pretty rock-star attitude? Jaz F**K OFF! PauL


Itrs not a rockstar attltude, itts the attitude of

wants eonethlng to happen. lVhere can ycu G.H. Do you pbefer gtgglng or recording?


money, and

alsor a gigrs

supposed to

anyone whors bored and who



BnrI .rhen *a get tired of reeording, re liiqe ,to do a gig! Eno- th.o th:treg w:lth gt-gg:Lag:!e, cwrrnytiao.y6u-play

yorr get a.dl,ffor,errt

varies a Lot.

srd:Lcnoc -:it

O.H. IIov mueb doeg that ef,fect you? You. l' hel.l of a lott Jaz If thc audlence ig there ue when we go on, tben somethlngrs golng If theyrre not lt d.oesntt natter to uB..e G.B. Couldnrt you trry to get then onto you:r slale? IvIy

brotherts famous hets alr.rays on TV

The girls go


erazy but



they t re not era,%y on me

for thy ghorlil rc? trez te canrt be botbcrcdl Paul Ubatre the poLnt J.a tryins to get througb to peoplc? C.H. If yorr donrt na,kc aoc' eott of rnrFreaaion Jrou rontt get "fart Your

ls 1111 nake an J.npreaaloa, cven lf Ltrs,utter nrbblahl letre sut therc to enJoy oureetrvcg as re1l you tnorl Parl f,e do lt teos te ealoy tt..r.s-@otlneserrrvorlf rarelyt f,e rant to get out therc and heve firn too, rcos letre-bqred, aad lf re get up tlere and te fcel. lLke re caa have fun, Geo. You.


they aan bave firn. By the rsilr in ca6o

anJr of you ar6 iaterested, I dlgcovereil that lbuth Gonea frm Readlng t4nayr ratch out, reog Xl.Illng Jote cor0d rell prpgve to'be one of Ercltlag stuff eh!? tbe laost Lnoortant groups st.nce tho-Sax PLgto1s. LtUGff l'|I IOttR PERIL./L- 1


si'rg'lei Roe PLanet came out, I tfrowbt lt res brill.lant the last couplc of aipgles eeemed rea,k Ln conparisoa, tnrt tonlght I tas convl-n-ced of theil. brllliance. tbe sound.ras clear and per:fect. I mlsscd gone of their sbt rtrile dolng a Kllllng Joke intcnler, but I cane dora ia to see an excellq -ent rendLtlon of the slngte Independence i)ay, tblcb ra'r'"horbv6r,.rot even the besl number. they pl.ayed, suggesttng tbat thelr dshrt L.P. mlght Dc rortb getting af,ter aII. lrtlvay, the Consats xatre absolutely coavl-nelng and eonpelllnt. rerc'ne-t on - slnce I Lest sar then, rhen they rerc stl.Ll ca11ed Kleener, they have.added a fljth menber, and the i nusle has oha^nged to & more rocking and eubetantial sound, the adilLtLoa of sax. being nost effectl'vc. The most outetardbeing Die ilatroson, the flip slile of their uer slng1e lplltr poss-lng.number in the set Lt anong the mcet catch;r, rthougfr Spllt stood outr. nakes because whlstllng the -ibly along rith a couple of others suggesting they have a realth of good ner material behind the-m. I srrns on sootr a^fter and played a set full of prlnitive trLbal rAthna, prlnaeval sound,s and trrsh5r funk. fbls started off as belng guitc i.nterestlrg, but goon becane tedLous. Their strlctl.y-tlmcd set eoon came to an end, horeverr and the roadles dasbed oa to get thelr equlpnent off aad the next groups gtuff oR as quickly as posslble. .f,s f ar Eune you are alL arare, Kl1ling Joke are one of the nost vl-taI, Ihey lauuched fascinatlng alrd erclting groups to encrge for a Long tlme. -}:L riui=] t"::tt"r: i]ifi : i *. ! behiad his{*r guddenly ilarted Jaz from and keyboards very unlnsplredly, lllKE like a man poaessed,=;i:rltb angcr get didnrt fose I rllyffL ""a "*frti."l "oa-il" until Uardaace cnded the set as a4r of ttrat Lncredl.ble pace, fenour and energyr exploslvelt as it hail begun, Kllllne Joke heving played, f believe, ell of thelr increttible detnrt albun in the lntervenlng period. I{eedloes to say, they f'trlly tteservtheir .encorer.-the first of. the evcnlngn bga.dlinera. The Pr ft K fn (litdl-} by comparlsonp ierc theroforc, very dlsappotntins great ener3Jr and a ileal of retghte ![hey ras antl Llttle douad fLlled out stoilgy, Just totally lacked the clean, attractive si.nplLclty rhich makes their most recent slngler-_ Dlrl You See Her? so catchgr. I dldatt bother to stay for more tha,n a couple of song""Et a,n{

1illPU K[$le';:





fhere are bo manJr conpilatlon albuns out-and coning out bt tEe nonehf! 'th'at, although I reallse I ought to'support such ventures, there ls so nuoh nore product on rhich te can rely" that Ldeals go out of, tire rindor - a.nd yet here is an ldea frou Hatchbox Clesslcs tbat puts Ldealisn sithin the pocket of everlronâ‚Ź - a,n'eight-track, aeven-lnch 33 R.P'I. for tbe price of a sLngLe - anil lf they can do itr so can other peopLe ! $ldc one starte ulth a fast a,nd lnsistent pop tune, buililrng up in pouer, and tlropping off again continuousl, a reall.y catc\y cbonrs - this is Saybe Itte Different by the Spive. Ihe Pedestdans contrlbutioar Salk It Le uuch, but neilfiln-paced. She Kno?s by tr. Buider ls more frivoloue stuff, verlr stnplc tune but effective voca"ls.

rith Prophetlc JuetLce - vertr heany, solid and simple backl-ng Sre}l faps nt a Eore coaventl.onal- nonent. a Bleak by Veldt 1g sonerbat amateur attempt at nysteriousnegs, uith armost lnaudLble vocalE over raLl5,ng sSmthse Frd steady beat - could be a lot better wl-th more production not aval'}ab}e on tbe obvlously l{rn{ted budget avellable. Alco by fhe Toolbox lflurderers l.g a,rrlatlvely lnsplred hrnk thrash - bitl4grangry and victous, rttbout beconing a. pathetic charlcature oiF t77. Sltttng In A Disco ls clow ard qirky, a bit like a fusion of fhe FLorers and The Plra^nlrdsr So NLee by Tbe Llnps Ls fast but not agressiveand ends a brll.ll.ant elhe - brl.Lliant not .so much for its muaicr,(*hich is the sort of stuff you can hear all over the placel reflectlag the dlffereat ireads and cunents rithin the or the very $*ls lQt +t? jL'o'1rav.e rrusl c n + &port


sLde one behind dronlng vocale, LLke t{p



qfu e


How, af ter onlY two studio both the t Subs att+ albums ,'think theY can iust; i .r.F.

'L. P ' :lfy rel,easing a }tve Lously I wlth nothing but PrevJ.ously avilabl-e tracks tracks is beYond me ! avj.lable 1"P' even trrl'* :; ;;;-"1"u-' on this rr^r. ^1 ..,f their othgr

-",l3l# Srltel'i"-g"j"jt

ii""ite'i"Sea gulte a fewr t

vitality ""d the dulI and r*\

stuf f '

ehfng to hit you is the riberr&-colour viillil r whicht onouslY-and the PIaYing






should be nat nace and New york State fotice are trust untnspired repetitions of what theyrepetetive this slow never liked I the familiar bass intro, to lYarhead iit", th"r, "or"s II-..M.dirge,butth1sis,Ith1nk,actua1iybetterthanbefore!Sideolouo""f, e excellent attacking guitar of ?ublic SerrrantI -itir " bt.;" "t p S1detwo1sverymuchthe""'"-ffii"a*:l-:i-:":T1:'':,*t,:l*:*}Ti-i:;-*:::;: to give varue ro*o""v with 2o tracks l?::"!t-iXiT:i"::lii'i]l;:;ltil.t;3'i#1,:?:'":: t+".i.,:t..1 .n the !.?. a^nd another 4 on 3l""riii'""i"rli'"i,)".i" i,L; -ii;,r ,".te"u,"l1lt, art With """* r uo6s---- ,, I : .ii:,tdown ?tlT"t;il fiflE(t !O rtwr il!"ffi3l*ixll ,, -hill Fo-EA;tEraduallv with only a few exceptions side ;*:::Eli-t"31l''1i""*t"ir'":*itl:"fi relephone Numbers, organised-t"t;"i l;:i:::, reenige, Kilrer and Blacr(mail' ar1 or tr course, ffiil:"ru;"iTlil"i*"'"iil'il"irri"r;"n sroup evidentlv getting *o"" ""d-;ffi

ffi:":"1"#;il#::#; :#i;"i"iffii{ ;;F*





@!ffis",3l,o,,",repetetiv"}$]i*Flii:;":T*;"i"ll"l'lli"li" *li*"'lni:'i.;: *a "'""ev i"to i'li"ii""" l3t'::;: iF F ::: line uP has, since la$sr fngs coNrArNs FRE$

p. rt I s verlr good of n.pffi E.


yol You




'r'H!; DSRK.

The albust opens with trlnola Gay, r*hich I aln b the nore atmosPheric and less frivolous

are all +i lrr

f arriliar

witn t



and this is followed


pJ"tea bass line whica is nagging and insistgntt the usua.L to a eerie but not sbrained whisper. This gives uav to reduced being ilic.J ;;;;; oi ti" vocats fare, suggesting that Enola lfi;;; ma-i"""t, is again slower than ord. Orchestral ]vtanoeuvresative of their current style. Gav. thoush an excellent and,qol erc, and. Here. again then is aâ‚Źroup who are changing their style, they a,re becoming more serious learnt have they first L"P. appeal of their instant same the not of although ttris albun is to give the same qualitie_s CIf d,istinctive and orj.ginal s tyl e ! g_--_-*,""J1"p*f,9**r"_9',,,S*Bed l less pop'py c

more atmosPberic sou4(1.

ectronlc rhYthnt I though with the recentlY ad.d,ed. The keyboard,s a^re as distinctive as d.nrmmeg $,ving an ad.d,ed d.epth and. &l-rnension to the sound. get noticed. ever, but without having to resort to a catchy and pointless repetition to eTeep pit. I{ore traditional nSr like something SfAe twq.opens with echoes o v crrriousl su:itable in thiJr a.nd, repetetive. but effec 0 .M. I. T. D. orgaB sound's - 68' sil slow context. -"ffiut is ich I The Next comes a sover version of, B-iJl-cheek VOC&lSr A bit to dnrm rolls and twee keYboate4q asd. Jov Div@ suspect! curiously -familiar ffins ca reallY ir, but sound emotional ,ta-1",*& Pron:Lse is agarn a deeper more fulfilLine still very flnIl go and. ahew but 1 tanlow ends the albun vi Statues ends side


tivating vocals

have renarlced elsewhere on the outstan*lng are lro exception, but they donf t g:ive away a ARTIFACT no less 3 ldtratr s ar:r artifact I hear


dictiotffElr' HeIl llttle


ones r

if this

th:ingr s

Dretensious and self'-j.ndult{ent noisee.

The Dead. Kenhedys d.onr t need rmrch introducing - f tm sure you all know them anway so rfll get straight on with

that Manchester was the most intelllgent so fa.r on the tour. . . . Jello rliafra: What T meant by that was that everSn^rhere wetve plr,yed wef ve ha,d. these bozos giving us hitler salutes when tre GHt Tonight you sa,id aud"i.ence

is kinal of rCalifornia. ITber lllesr uith a vengea.nce. He has the sane kintl of appea). to an earlier generation that Jerry l-trown does to the ex-hippie,s - ttre 25-10 year ol.cls. GH: How have you with the nazi ealutes? JB: I think wervc: got through to most tha.t wette an i'nii fa.scist bancl. I nean if you put a sr.ra.stika on one.side of your shirt and an ana.rchist strnnbol on another yourre fooLLnr noone You see a. 1ot of that in LA. they think theytre airocking their parents by wearing then but their pa.rents are ni zis anyway ' 1ot of the time - members of the John Tirch soeiefir or the KIu Khrx Klan. flo whors foolinr ruho? GH: lJow tlitl the gf,oup start? JR: f novecl to San Francisco encl J wanted to stcrt a hnncl and f answered en ad in a. lecorcl store - rtguitarist wa.nts to start prrnk banctr - that was Ray ancl Klals answered. the a.d a couple of nonths lrter. Then we got orrrselves a gign hut we diclnrt hpve a dnunmer. Inyuay we nenaged to Eet one rrd a second ,.5:ritrristl who has since Left. Our first gig was on Reagan

Jrrly 19th,



.r nejor contr::ct? JR: 0n1y if they i:s complete ar.<l total artistic control - we record the elbums our wayt mix the a.Lbr:ps, design the slr-'eves , nd the itls rcos otherwise if r,re solcl orrt ancl rmecketl or.rr misic for a lot of rnoney T for one corlLdntt look myself in the milror. I value sel.f respect r; heIl of'e lot more thar T vr lur rnoney. GH: How tlo you get on vith Cherry lted? J!: Ii'or the nost prrt th:'.ngs ere fine l::;t werve had our ups and dormg. They usetl tlre wrong slceve for rFolid:-y In Cambocliar ;'nr1 they didnrt send us i' test pressing of the albun brfore they put it orrt r^'hich is why yorr donrt hnar nl)ch b:ss Suitrr. So when we gtt to London r,r€ r€-il.Stered the aLbun so the nelter copiee going to be kixed in the propet way'.."'here you can henr all the intruur€nta. r't it will still be just as hot...hopefullyt GH: 1,lhy did yorr chooEe Cherry Red in the, firet p].a.ce? Jri: They were the only 1abe1 in the lhole world who were '* to give us enough noney so that r';e could e.fford to recorcl an llbum. Like r're r.renrt exa.ctly wallovring in wealth ourselves, and 3ast, who dltl a daurr good job on rOr,fiforrria. /'1lesrl.antl lrve got the highest respect for then, couldnrt a,fford to recornil an of naterial, and as bf now werve got t o albune worth of nr.,terial. So we didnrt want to do an F{P or.anything like ttratr we wanted to iecord it a.11 nou so rve clitlnrt wind up like the Sllts or Subway Sect who alitlnrt eben record the first stage of their e.xistance. I still lie awake at nlght wontlering uhat that first S:.bway Sect alburn, the one tha.t never got releasecl, sountls 1ike. ItrE got to be 6geatt lJe figrrre that r,re ought to give people the benefit of knowing a3.1 the tllfferent stages of the bands existance rcos I think theytre all legitirnate tuneg. If'we do another albun itr11 probebly he a bit different, r bit nore inticate Like rltrolitlay Jn Cambodiarr' as opposed to rFortrard To Deathr. GE: lJlrioh is nore inportant - stlcceas hele or in lnerica? JB: ftrs harrl to eay, I never really thought ebout that before. It uouldl be kintl of nlce to get off the grountl l.n 3mr,r1oa, sinply becarrEe no other brnd. of our filrpe has been abl.e to tto that - the record oonpanies are nctually nctively ega.inst our kind. of ba,nd. And you Look i.round at e. lot of good i'hglish bands end they hE,venrt got albuns releasecl in Anerioa r,nd itrs kinil of a. sic$ Joke th;'t werre the first bend of oirr klntl thatrs been able to tour ove! here. lltrere are lots nore where ue. calne fronr but sone of the treet oneg have split up rcos they never realLy go'; the attention they tleselretl so they thrar in the towel . So it would be kintl of nice to kick dotn the tloor ln Anerloa for the genration of gerage br',ndE over there ruhich has been Just as powerful in Arnerioa Ls lt has been here. lllhere are Just as nerqr bend.s a-ntl Just as ruch veriet;r but nobody gets to hear ttren e*oept on a vetTr unclergrorurd larel, llke 1 or 2r00O people"'rho buy their hone nade singles. GH: How popular are you in Anerica? J3: l{erre kintl of a.t t}re top of the botton in a wayl arlong ulth X antl some of the other ltegt band.s. We heve a vetlr underground cuLt followln5l but people in the ni.ddl,e of j,merica hrve probably never hearil ue - they donrt have the chanceo Our albrm hasn I t been releasetl ln -Anerica - no-one rrll1 plck it up antl put it outt GH: iilorrl.d. yorr


GHI How do llritish erid.iences coqpare to

American eud.iences?

JI: It depends on the city. Tkrere I s only a really big following it d.elnends. [treyrre kind little less eivil to i.n half . i,Je, were told. to very thankful for.

I'Ianohegter for the most part. I think American audienoes are a ttre bantl - theyrre into trling to unplug guitars antl rip the nic cordE exBeot a lot of fights ove! he!e' but therers been very fewe uhich lrrn GE: Woultl you like a hit sing3.e? JBI I tnfr* it woukl be totally fuoking hilariouE lf ruc got a hit single, seeeinr ag :uhere we 6one from and vhat we sound Like. If that kind of music beceme a. hit single I woul-d be overJoyed. l1Sere uas a timel even in Arneriaal rihere bantls like that could get hit singles Iike-tire lJth Eloor llevators had a nctionel hit antl the Pserrds, who you nay o! rnay not have hea:rd of - this ua.s back tn t65/67' uhen the ratllo stittions in An.rica were gti1l into pf"yftg local bantlg. lltrere ar:e a Lot of r.'dto stations in AmerLce but theyrre all nlilclle of tfrjr.r"A. firey night have a token new ware hor:r evertrr_week. .ui, for-exaupler therer'e a ohain of aboul 6O of then in nejor cities thatts o'rrned \r a oorloration in /'tla,nta. '.rho pioks 2O songn for tlren to play, gJ.ven then 8 trr:cke of the song, so they canrt play ;lrygolng else, even lf they want to. Tt seena to ne to be a i:eal sick misuse of lihe power

of like

of the med.ia.

ve1l received ove! here try the nusic pregsoooor ploye<l our hande thorrgh - the nore they say punk is dead enil push bozo lnto right Iihey JB: Uanie-lfle Judls Priest then the more people &re going to respect ds for stlcking to our GE: Your Ir? uaSnlt verlr gulr9


GHc Do.-bad

revieue botheS


werre b|d. whereas people like Judas Priestr who are fB: l" bltr but if people are ping to say realLi boringr erl good then fuck rene lrm honourecl to get a bad review fron them. It uoultl be norge to get a. gootl review. GE: '!rlha.t <lo you thlnk of the lritish rusic pres's in general? JB: I thtnk itre press over herel wen though a. lot of people put then downl i.,le a. lot better gran the press in J,nerica, where you Just have one niitionil nagazine which is nore into Frank Sina.tras nr,mely no3,iing Stone. You tlonrt herve lny werkly Dr,tfspapels - t'leloil Maker iE ra.dioal conpareil io Rolllng Stone. There are no ; thi t are re.d. nr:tLonuiile that are willlng to trlp ancl trrrn irp loce1 bi ncts r:nd ptrsh them so I respect the publioi tJ.ons for


Gfir Do you think youtve a chrnoe of nr-king it in the" etr tes? JB: 0n a ou!.t teveL yeah. T think the longer uc stick to our grrns the bi6;ger crrlt following wer will hevee 'ihich f rd r;-ther hrve than l:e l.ike sone rock st;r clown or someithing whoseyou. trer:te4 like a blt of d.ogshit entl is gone in a year 1,ter. C\rlt follo',"ing stick witlr people like Captain I'eefhea.rt, whorve, renlined unique, cr n clvays fintl sonebody to put out their rusic because they have r.r cult follor.ring thet sust: ins then and cries for nore. GEt Do you know wha,t the next single will be? rln-sightf which uill lrr or:t by the tine Jl: ltriL be tKi1l lllhe ?oorrwith a nc,w song crlled fToo i)rr:nk To Puckf . T donrt knor'r the b-side you publ.ieh this. lthe, hopcfirlly, Ittll he J|let


lot of opposition to tha,t.... kintl of thrive on opposition frorn 9Cf/" of the peoplr' are comforta.ble t

GH: There \.-'i11 be a,



who surround. uE.

GH: Would you moving here perman{intly?

JBI If Ronald Reagan gets elected Preiddnt we might be over here withi a weekt Trd. hp*ve {o get pnst the ir&igrr"tion nuthorities thorigh. ftrey searched. my Firms for need.le marks and. mad.e me t;''ke off ny boots so they collld. look between nry toes for pills when I cane lnto Hea,ttrrow - everTrthing but put t], torch litTht up rTry F rs e GHt l,lhat happenetl to the o1d dn:ruter'! JBI ltrs tlre eane one, hers Just changed his nesre. fhe with Ray valinm - he got sick of being offered vaLiult so he chenged it wel-l a fanzine changed it and it stuck. Gff: tlhat tlo you think of groups like the Clesh who have turned down their mrsic to be more aoce+table to the .l'merlcan mr rket? I donrt l-iste.n to them much now. J3: I thlnk the.yrve wimpect out.tve gone on to other b;-''nds. I hope theylre hr,ppy, trut f JR: One thing I would like to say3 Irve got flir E.t the moment a;d usua,lly on thls tour people heve been wauting for autogfuryhs olrtside. I apologise to them tonigtrt - ma.ybe next time, but I d.o hrve rfiy hel:lth to tfiintc of ! ZO.

HeIl ts



fS NOT DEAD! that was the messa6:e that rang put loud, and clear here fonight as a paoked aud"ienoe of harrl'core Punks pogoed. the night auay tA the sound. of IIK Decay and the Dead Kennedys. IiK liecay were sur?rised. by the generostff of tbe aud ience a.s much as anybody and. they d elivered. a lively set which got the cutrrd rnoving from the start. Eet andbher group


he leapt in antl the aorrnl refirsetl to return hin to the etage untlL he nas eventually helpe4 back). SeveraL unrecorrietl nrrmbers were played - rHaLloweenrr rFiring Squadr anil tlhe pmJected next slngle - rToo Drunk To tr'uckr, antl most of thelr debut alhm uas dtere as wel}. il"lts Lynoh I'tre tantordr, rWhel You Get Dra.ftedr, rTiva Lae Vegasr antl rI fill Chtlalrenr to narne but a fev. [?rey piled nunbers of each other one after anot]rerr.sinllar to-the RanoneBl though not- quite eo intense (ttrere was long pauEe when a guitar etrlng broke)r but oonseguently the set r,ras only about l0 ninutee longr antl that inel ,tled tlre 2 encotee (there woultl have been nore harl Jello not been suffering fron fl.u - that preventett hin from. singing rKilt llhe Poorr for some reaaon or other), but tluring thoee !O ninutes they erpentled so nuch energr you couklnrt really expeat ary nore ancl we were all happy ulth uhat we got. when








The Speotres rernincletl ne of the Plra.tee - fat old rnen ln sill.y clothes (welLl pelhape not quite that barl). Gl.en MatLock hr..s certa.inly changeil eince his days ag a Sex PLEtol. ltheir smsic was sta.ndard rock that had Llttle to inspire antl by the end of their E6t I think nost of the aurlience hrtl Jist becone pl.;ne bgred.wlth then. ltretrr (lid plry the old Rlch Kids nunbe!, r3urning Sounclsr which helped to liven up their set a but the inrpotment wasnrt ver"lr slgnificane even then. Not a very gpo start to the evening then. Ttre RanonEsl howsver, are still pilling nunber on top of number ln ttreLr old unique style ttrat is harrl to rival. They were increclible. I obnriously canrt renenber,all the songa ttrey playefl as there \rere Eo ner5r, but nost of the oltl favor:riteE were ttrete (no ner.eongs surprisingLy) - tCime Gime Shook llreatnentr, r3litz]cieg Soprr r0retin Eopf , rSuzy Is A Headbangerr I rsheen Is A Prmk Rockerr and of course ttre femoud Gairba Gabba Eey plaaa,rtl rar Pil&qadt. Joeyl as usual, movetl littler except when.he puehetl the nike aray and pullerl lt back in eharp burste as he al.ways d.oeg. llhe thrca$r A}IOT'IITA Y}:AR ATMOST lnfection ttrat had causetl the tour to be canoelleil ln the su4er had tTPr i.ND WI{I,T I.IERE Y0IIR obvlo':sly not coarpletely clearetl up, aE hiE volce tsur:ded oroaly at tines, but they going tlesplte Lt.Dee Dee etlll pusheil hts head FAV0ITRISFS? YFS, rTtS aritl forwa,rde and rountl antl rountl antl ocoasslonally Jurpe baokwa.rtle T:IIE VOTE IN TI},IE TO GRINDING HALT RNADENIS about ln frentLc brrrstsl Johnny anrt ltlarlsy were also their usus,l gelYesr Irn surprised that tlrey ha"qenrt been heavlly critieleeil for not novlng POLES FIIN TM? A WA.STE on W the nusic prese. Perhaps it cound be tlratl even they-r ha:re to l OF TIME? TES, YOIIIIIE qrrITE) RIGHT, Br:T ITIS adntt that th,e Ranoneg are in a. olags :of ttreLr .orm antl a,Dy PlogleegLon in iryuslcal styLe would alnoet certainlg be ttetrlnentat to theL'r ruglo.' GOOI trTIN INNIT? /,}M 0F c0trx56 II' Illltt HELP ltrls iE nhat the Ra.mones do best, anit I hope they oontl.nue to do- lt ITS KNOW WIIA.T YOU WANT for a lot longer yet. TLre Ranonee now given ne tuo of the beet glgs.eo SFM fa:l thig year - few groups heve so uuoh ebergy ln thelr meLo. TO TN MTFFNNZTNE They reaLJ.y are unbeatable nhen it oonee to ttrefir llve ehory. Core /rND llH{IS Hf,:tP US T0

back soon boyst





UECff$ELV 171

, Tm BUTTS C$$rnE,

utr AI,BU!8, UK 12nerr1







r&u[sjgsElcllAxoF/nr9urEu.(nAI,IcIoUsprreooEhpngo'fcctraclporcr{rrl'Requl.enelorer' tottt ausolutclv brllliant' ;;-e-$;ite, cqtchvt.l99s frlvolous than Kleenex sturf ' Liii8gi;-SiJ,$, in6uiiiwilnrurl-Fltvt qor'Ig,ii'sir iprnicl.slor rlth rqallv spltar rorkl one of srcron z?, rnrr'liivr t dve r-prc quc e i E;-fr'Te t t e@ ratrock rldes asern. soye'ls shadorv iiin-ipic,inns,-otr rm ngt=prrrri:Frpii,Err.)_Glen good pop song 1s evident' and slnlster, but, especiblfy oi-ttre 3-81de llatlocket ear for a plercias volLevs of eharp orm-pinrr--c4ifixg tornrut Vory uacharactertstLo -

ryg$n€, gu1tar,nottrretGffiro9".pop.sou1aofbefore,tnrtser1ousandatnospherlc. vocels over frivolous nolses' BAsElrBNI 5, srr,rigr.iiue-irsirrnltDistorteat, repetLtlous llnc' memorablq -clonra quTT€ effiitffiarg11qj estLnatlon r,rrrTnqsrTFmrril{ilq.i.e. (y),q}"*" Babr.ce go up enornousrv ln nv r1thfourtracksofchaotl'c,relffi,guirkynug1c-nuchexper1'nentat1on'onJ.ycones the beat Le porer:ful enouSh to.keep 1t-nov1n8. off rell rhen p6n'i-*og ls! re rnorr trcrret) r itrgte of nclodlous eLuple nusic fron a .E'L!$EIE, wny sadly unaer-estlmated local group. of fresb air 1n - not ss U.K. SIrBS, rrnri-in,prnii_inryt iine-up ehange Lets e breathcrtchy rather than Just ao!'syr really beat, heavy a" ueroref-EffiTiir rlth great irrurnprng bubbl-e-eun rock' twec produoe.slnsle'of por.ty rlrxtuRE, qrmJooililpi-(cnilvsrr,rs) lerrrs Agreat,:.nnoc@geound.Ith1rkl.t|strrl.tettrrgarrtlpathet19!l1thc puRpr,E linARTs, fy rrFErq:A JI.0sAw-(saFARr) p're pop Bong, but not as studlerlLy tree as ret' bit a but stllL above - succeedg where the othFgaffs - good Ueltt catchy chonre,nood muslc, lacks life' ind introverted Pu3jlt tnn EcHo ANp THE BUNliYlrFN, llglgtd 3T:u"v x-s DrscItARGE, -r,rFDrs + .i?... t.F (cnouctto tAtxrs!) sLor punk' a hollor parotty rith little toreccom"nartffiPisto1sr1t}ra1].thefnrstratigns?c,kedout. and flashes of gui-tar and that TIil IIONOCHROME SE"I, !&g$w, (orrprsc).Troptcal boagos very darcastlc. one of their best. ie satin snooth voice - Eosnds very soptrtsitcatle -porerr*l ryt}rn a,ad aeedle-sharp guitaro THE pnoFrssroilAr,s, o\E TUo Tr{di iviicini !""T but nore porerftB sottld. Drean, Another ae Juel powerful and r.m;r;-6iiT;I-;-catchy at their best - not (rslAI{D} Distractlons winxqrp. nnn THE DrsrRActrors, somqnl$g=ron cx.rxo BLBrEs,

PoPr B!_tot dlsPoaable. ffi-rffioyourn, soundl Llke the 0rr1y ones, but lacks the vou-(BRrilcil'Housn) i;ri-neuptagE wAsrED but not LaekinS in gute. Gffilc;bleTeffitlc Unfelllng *ytln rlth occassional tvlnkles of suttar

irosnCrno) -{ggELE, moro'oirii,rime 6A--verv mellow vocalgr nore Psychetlella ? IHB rmsrDENTs, c6wnnct+!=srualil.(pnn) 8-traeks of


and tusioLnted troises

wtth si1Lv

nurser}-rhfne,,@tonesancltenpos,a11-g9xJ.f,r1vo1ous.D1cposab1ebutfrrn. tlnm$ and inee$sltlve TIrE RAT AND Tlm ltHAr,E, sHEEr,s_ o![-FrRE (lTwTN?) fnunprne-aad bashing guitarbeh1ndfi;r"1igo"[ffi;ca11etApartfromH.l[.guitarso].oa1malresaBob

- no mean achievenentt good but not verv intU-vldual nusipal very pjRRy-[;dGrg+ THE TEA sET, +.JaE (wlr,oos) pactaglng - rlth more songb of thLs standard wacky style, memorabfi:ffi:-t#6;A6Fantt gon$-writing taLents justlce cot*a do well, but dontt really tto thelr with great rocker, heavilv styre ggLt, o*ucruc wirn lliEme (_ctiitysmrs) cen x back ln gultar work' ;61-t on sE e .Toneor excellent po+y STYRSNE, .g@_IN_!,S (UA)-Another oope-back. Eno:mous change in style - connercial donrt andl souLful pop tune, poly sounils Llke a crosE betweeirn8oyatr a^ncl Tlna charlss - ]ou tlo I I I t Neither good Dadt? or knor Lf thati s rattles snoothly but trregurarly along like an express omror ,rurcu, giuE goi (postcARD) perret lnpersonatlon than the wastetl Youth singer! I traln. voca1i.sfro- better peter dleadpolating' ATHLETICO SPIZZ 80, .94I8!JAEE (eaU) Too sLow and lmnenorabLe, iory origina]' stvLe own their pop ln IHE Rpvrr,los, EilfEny-El-gT9F'Frtlorsc) Typicar qulrkv it sounds than de]-icate uore lfiE pAssroxs, mJlJ-SFmfFdlioon) liry ana atnospherlc means' F-e;b[T neverttrelss not weak by a:ty pop son8r but rHE DASNED. ErsEoRy oF T1m__[gruD icnr3T{rcr) very uncharacteristice ,a good fi=ffifiilr@e.IBe]-1eveontheBS1tte1smuchmore1l.keit'butI ettll araLt ttretr new album wlth much trepldatlon iytan

song almost llstenabLe

TE4BDEQI_ q, dHen r oRSA{ (uERcuRY) lfiuch more lofty a.nd straishtforward than ffi;;irJj-rsf.Theyseemtobemorecorrfidentofwhattheylre -coftnf,ol doing not, and a lot-more -(n9rrrap9-tgg-)--pfgfiltent' and gicidfu 12rr) Ltnorphero ls s-Ior' haunted iitnoiprdniisii;;;65t ggE-EEglsror, more in TIIE

r I

Conirol nas beea remixed Sauntlng, wlti. Crertitt .go"i";d Saets f,ost irre ,cr6ierr sty!.e and. sounds t_otall_y cliffereiit.


b g.l tlaa atln I c,&

:i L;l



this is a delightful album, fu1l of all that is good about the Piranhas - catchy, humoutnts tunes that are sinply i;llforgetable. ftrs not a perfect altrunr and r canrt help but feel they shoulct heve nacle it earlier, though the time is certainly ri&t Just'nov for these lovable rnan eaters fron the south coast, with one top 10 hit under their belts antl no tloiibt several nore to foLlou. I'Iany of their olil stage favourites aie inoluded. here (what happenedl to rVirginityr though?). If youtr_e a_Ire{r fanj.liar wittr these numbere you wonrt need r.* io teiL-yol, that there ere gome real cl'assics amongst theu - lc"ttitt ieatln I'pt for example, .,...'hioh Li"ts off the a1bun, rf anal Donrt Uant lS Botlyr which is to be found leter on siale 2.-rneaten ijpr prgbably t-e1t lhrp the Piranhas have ever don-e, and. are likely to do for tha,t metter.isItie typilaltlre a-rf 9f thell songs in ttrat naJces you laugh about sonettring whleh yo" trro"ght yourd. never of laugh about at all. fn faat I think theae gu.y.s coultt nrke you r""gh orui yo.." nost serious problene, fron acne to vd and pregnant girlfrlends.. llhey hrve tha.t s6rt of that is lacking in so manlr gronpe tod'ay. This albun does, however, hlve its low points""t,i.iity rsixaphoner is o weak nr:mbe:c - a love song that sorrnds like rnosi other love songs rvritten in the lest "ith".r decade, ani!' r0offeer is by far the worst - an empW, tranqrril , song ttret has ltttle to attrect vour attention. /nway thbt stilL leaves os wittr 11 stJnners, so this album tPleasurer ratlng. """iry-uurrrl'ii"if"t"" is a chaming Iittle ditty soft, but not ueak i:nd very appealing. rno your is har<Ierr but not loosing any of the oha:m of- ttt* former nunber, and rlove O!.mesr ie hilarlous. !,nd. of cotrrse yorr all larow rTom llarkr. 0n to giiie 2 antl rTensiont ls another st; ge flver folLowed by the more recbnt rFi6riling l{hile }abylon R;:.ttrlsr1 rGreen Donrt Suit }Ier (very serious - forthe which ls all about having nothing to tlo - rrf rn always getting "..a-;s"rltfiirrgr, ;;;;-p"opf" Jea.lous of tfre lfrid" a.lways wondering to rysori r,rtqr clonrt r do rsm 1i'r - a ttrpic|ll slice of pirenhas !9/rin llhe final nunber ie rFinal Stra,lrr - once i.gein amrrsing, cr-tchy-rrnd totally r:nforgetible.hunour. rhe Piranhas have had a hard time of it in the last'yee.r or so ;n<i they tlroroighly deserve everTr bit of success thatre^coning their wery. If yoi: r{Tr(.e, then yo.r1l ir.,y tfris atbun lf yo.r. havenrt alread.y - wontt you?



streetr is the openerr a powerful , b',rt poppy mrnber with jcrlcy rhyt5rns ancl sfirtterecl vooals on the chortrs. Ttreg without-i' scconds:pelrso its rGenera,le anil Ma'Jorsr, soundl'ing as good a,s e'ver. rliving Ttrror;gh rinother cubar the hit single, has an erratlc rhythn, but fl'owing vocaLg. ftrs not of the best numbirs, i:iri stili o-r".oiuu1'e-tune. nore tracke on sicle one! rlove;t Fi.rst sightr, iRoeke.t trlon ir nottler.and flloTlhere are three fn Our l'"nFr'-llhe first of these ie anottrer i*"ti tune, eith e repetitive chor*s. TheLangqage penultinate munber begins powerfirlly, quitens clowr a. tit ror'the verse, but lifts itself agaln for the ohonrE - throbbing guitrr throughout. t/hen the finrl nrrmbc;r begins yorr be forgiven for thtnklng tha.t itrs golng to be a fRress fn ?ocketr rip off, hr;t pllu= amight serconds the sinilarltes between these songs clr:ickIy dieappear. so i;,r we heve sixf,ew eongs, a.l1 startrrecl wlth that unnlstaka.bre brantl of xrc style pop, i,ui r can only feel aisalpointment. lrhie oertainLy ienrt their beet e-lbrrn - none of the trr-oks are attrictive rGenerals eingle, anil lt'laJorst or previouq efforts. Sti11, perhrpe side 2lri11 1er4 to en ""-irr" inprovement..... tTowets eone

of Londonr, is, in fact, better, *iti, sonetines soft nnd eodetines angaT vocalg. rPapcl and rront starts with sone t"".trJp d.mrmingl rrri"rr severa.l occassions throughout the eongr_followecl by spurts of guitir. r*rrningi',{itir "iop"-ro't"i"i"--i" oiiiri;;,;"xi;;,";;'"1;;""' sane sort of stantlard - PoPPfr rnd. appealing, but not so nuch es pievious leleaEes. rsgt Rock (rs corng To Help l-le), is iir!'t""i tirck on-ihu a.lbun - another arr:tic nunber but wittr e. smoothet and eofter chorrrs' Ttre Last is orso-ihe longest over 5 minutes. ca.lle6 rllbaverE^rn Nl]rllont it has eone usefnl dnxrning, t"t siiii-ao.""ii";";"; As antalbun this isnrt beil. Ae an xrc album Ii i". r-had certeinry hopedto lift the albu'. for more t5an thls, antl r EhaLL be looking for an irprovement on the tt".ri otrrerri""-irrr" will probrbly be tlre LeEt XTC albun I br1v. "fro"t, 2t"

llhe worltlre a cesspit rotting auay No potnt taLklng revolutl.on


thtngp get worser wety tlay there li no aglet theters no eolution

rORE SII{GIES T REVIETED 3Y E.S. & C.C. VICTII{ - Th€ $eenage (Illuninatetl Reaords). An explosive begining that breaks into an energetic rJf eo:t oi stott, but it Eound.e verXr fresh and not at all dated.. Not bad at all . The ^-b"". b-side contains a.nother tro useful numbelg.

live t}ris is"q-t!".trrnenotver7catc}5r'infactl't|s teiritte. f,tve tfrey are gteat, but they have faileil to capture the appeal of their live Ehon On fegOntl. pronising (nuefe). tracks folloving their Another m Revolt 4 In 'IIfi ASTRONAUTS - Pra.nkEters tletmt. ft starts quite rlifferently ttrough tlue to the addttion ofl yee yourve guessed itl UY! tg" tnirls€ emthesizere. rYorir:g Ma.nfE llorldr has tro parts - the firrt slow and boring, rModerationile ?oring't are popgl Other tracks nrnber. attractlver an tnto spee6 rfp to turn it tve tlere Talkirrgr a,ntl tBig ?ent - all very good songa. A nost uorthwhile P. souF oI,Mr BFST FRITNDS ARF CANAIIANS - Feelii'rg sheeplehr/speaking clock (rugle). Yet more -IotJr tracks ver.5r sinilar and I donrt lcrow whiah is whleh, but on ls thick and "yotfr""ir"""t taolcy, fire ottrer has eofte attractlve vooals, and is much better. DATA - Fallout (letl.aphon Recor"ds). Thrcbbing noLses sta,:ct things off ae component of the uusLc ls then added. A bouncSr, beaty song uith olear vooalE. Tery IHE PSYCrEDEEIC rURS - m. JOIIES (CBS) Slor but rlth a good rhrthn. A good but not outatantllng tune fm a rellabIe but not tro[pr ilOIOnHEAD - ACE OF SPADES (BROIIZE) Heavy, porerful and raucoue' thel.r best slngLe for a long t!-ue, truli Xotorhead at thetr best. [IlB BOLLOOK BROIEERS r l[]lE BUI{KER (tcDoI{ALD & tYl)oil) A group of total unknovna (?!?!) produce a 12n of hrzzlng eynthesleers and dronlng vocals - pretty 8'v3?48€o , lsrylE STIFF 5 TRACK SAltPr,ER TF,ATURTNG THE FQU,ATOF, . fiImR. DIR1Itr IOOK!. ANf TROIIBLI].-F1vC tracks for f,1.15 canrt be bad can it? Wellt yes it aan &-r@soneJuetp1ainboring.Ttteuorstpa.cka5rStiffhaveyet




}le Are ALI Aninats (Constnct Recond.E). .nfter seeing then

i*: ,,i


put out.

ROCKPILEPOLECATS.LIVE^!DUIIDEBUNIYERSIIY.6 gupport group lhe Polscatg rere accurately decrlbetl by the N.l[.E. ag a rockabllly banil rbo doitt need brothel.-creepers a^nd the lfatchbox gound to nake 1t. they rocked really there terb only tro oover yerslone, one a^n Eddie Cochran nunber ln tnre hard tonlght. rPlsiols -tyfe. After the Sll I had a chat rlth ihe band. They are a young {-plece rith lar.ked poat-purl tendeaclea. They say thet-r neln fear 1g be14g categori.eed rlth the revlvallat rockabllly - they aay they hate Xatchbox, and theyrre nllee better than the Stray Ceta. In the meantlne, iherete been lnterest from several labels, so there coul.d be a contract on lte ray. fe expected au evening of boozere uuslc rlth Rockplle, and the nlddle-aged old mea certalnly gare us that. Ihey chWged through a conpetent set off Dave Ednunds laet fgg albunsl all the hf,ta sounded good of course, but 1t raa ao Nick Lotetego].6oarggr'a5a].1-butdisregarded.Afterthreeencore8'thebandc1oeedr1th rI Eear You Knocttngrr the deflnltive Dave Ednunds tracko Unfortunately the rest sounded {go standard pub-rock rlth a blt of Status Quo boogle. Terdl.ct - forget Rockplle, tdenbcr f,ick Lgqe a;1d donrt bother rl"th the net stuff. lI,OSTr aIOHIINY SPEED. JOHIT COOPER CT,ANKE DURUITI COLUIIT ?AUI,INE XITRRAI


F1rston'erePau1ineturrayandtheIavl.s1b1e01rI.soThegorrndraegood,a1thorrghthe crcLtencnt of a Penetratlon glg ras alsentr 'nd there tas a aotable leck of tenstratloa Eolgeo Paullnc ras drarfed by tbe backlng group, but caae accross aa ve! attraatl,ve. llhc audlcaae seened coatent Just to ata^nd and lieten to tracks fron the ner al.bun, of tblob the cl.ngLc fDrean Scquencer, rSyapathtrrr and rScreanlng ln Tbe illghtt rere tbe aost outstandlng. Paullne Left the atage a,fter a relatively short aet, ared thelr encore rr.r r repotttloD of a eorg they hail alreadXr played. [hc audl.eace aLl ranted J.CJ. br,rt flrgt there ras a eet by Via1 Rplllyr afa lhe DurnrttL Coluna. Ha playcd aoveral gutter lnst:nrnentaler accopanled by backlag tapee. Although be rac clca,rly rcy17 tal.ented, I fouad lt a1l. rather polatlesa. l't 1art, rf.C.C. took the stagc, to the eound of nagglve applauae. Thle ras bis flrgt g1g rlth a bacllng bard, rbose turgid mreic tended to drora hta poetrT but ac the gct oontJ.nueil, he sta,rted to butlil up a bctter rapport rlth the audl.ence; telllng a fel ,$ue Jolear ud play{ng Ffl. .f bts olaralca, netrimEl go dota batter than al1 tlhe not{ctuff. 0vera11 }t ma tatlcr illoappoi.nttne - ell rounded poll.ehad, but aoae tcrc really dynrnlc, esf, lt real i! faat Vtal Rettly rbo provl,dcit thc best noncats of tbe evedng.'@ fFE EyD_ 24.




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