Grinding Halt #6

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*:I"rr, ;i"l :i:,i:;""fl,i:r,f: iil:;fii # ill: '-iu"ff ;"I",',,;: j,iT:""fr f ;,ii:,,i:,iTt*tt*+*ll$"$"#;i:.#:i:nf the Captainrs .rrriti;r the


t-i-if *,1#+,n***a-iH'J+itftrl.'*1ru;ui*l*,Ii; ya, .\


,-- \' --

"editorial.serj_ously-for ny sake!


Firstlyr there isnrt nothing in ';erkshire. 0x, so there night not be a great ileal to do, plon.av such as the ;:j.S";ii:"":"f:",1_*:-u:::ll ?;il";i;;;;i;,,,Lor,."u" club. or the .ridse Rouse f.yr:,.;i-"0:;, in #":';I;rilrl;T;L";::rT.:ii" think' 1r onrv vsp tare irre t'ouhre ri""r*,"irl-rfi.;";"-;'i;; t"-i*j-ii.'ii" c,,""-"ii"ri"i! ilii-ii"r*", news _ it,s rnot' And whose farrlt is it? Their-s. no, r"v-iir"" _hav€ re at the Honday crub. to the;ridse ir.;;;,';id^i; ".""-irr"r-i.i" in their rror4lrlov'q, btrt have they always :i:::;;:l"iT:.down '

As far as the big nsse grorps go, weilr werve had a fev in recent rnonths, but J a€reer not ,:nantrr. But nhose faul.t is that? 0rrs. ff people tlontt support the Locel activities then it vi]1 iseen that no one is interested, so the big groi.ips uonrt cone. Chriet, the tlonday Club cooltln I t l€ven fill the Fritannla Tap rfntil recently. Things have j-nproved., ard they even have people foverspilling onto the street. Antt this is encouraging. It dernonstrates tha.t interest is there :antl it uill help to attract the bigger g].oups. lltre vay to enco ra6e then to cone hele is to ;shol' interest, not to rrite over-pessioistic reviews. tfter all uerve got the venues Bracknell Sports Centre, tihe flexagon; o! the llniveraity fo! e-xample. It's you. .

P.S. Sorry Iads, bi;t ue f eel it uas neeessary. And

just to

prove our point the


ever rortln


hile gig in Henley rnil the firet

i.n yonks by

rlhe only a CLAYSON AND THE ARGONNIITE tfele right. "" "=:.pETrrrt anyone rrhord seen Cl"Jo-lG;n F;; coul givewas@ Claysonrs band nirmbered. 12 - 2 guitars, keyboard.s, d.rums, saJ(, trurnpet, trombone, electric violinr and. J young ladies on baeking vocals, with Clayson hinself on lead voeals. It lrould be inrpossible for ne to d.escribe all of thenn though they ranged. frorn,.people looking like jazz musieiens to Cla.yson in nock crusader dress wj-th e cowboy inbetween. tv the prize being a doirbl-e- album of PoPular win. As Part of the show he held a raffle with to d'irector' Tragica-lly I failed themes or arr evening'watching tv with their nilbical a The stage show was excellent. Clayson charged around. the stage in what see frenzy although this seemed to be rehearsed or worked. out beforehand r rbut the effect uas surpsising, and I couldnf t but help be anused' by him. llost of the songs are based on historical eventsjn"t the s i cal con t ent-rrn-faEtunetfy didnft match up to the stage show. His songs ranged from hard m,.solid rock to singing,blues songs on a stool. Clayson eould easily attract people to his gigs with this sort of show, but r feer he would have difficulty in serling reclrds as the atmosphere couldntt possibly be captured. on vinyl. Ca on and the ar€onauts are a good fun band. well worth seeing, a3d wish them luck"



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..--:r'f ;:'4.riG

l:eet the DistractionE - Steve Perrln, gulta! & vocali. Itp l'1cholls, iass & vocale. llike .!.lnney, vocals. Adrlan lir.ight, guitat keyboards & vocal"s. Alec Sldebottonr dn$s & vocal.! for thelr catchy' straiSht. At last thls talented group are to galn a reputatlon fomerd pop. Shortly aftir the release of their oebut I,.P. iliobodyrs !erfec{', 1 v{ent up to london to see theD play, and beforehand held en i.nterview whloh was more of- a chatr Dl Irve cut out the lonc di.scussions on poiitics, Joy Division, t:eDace, TubervaSr Arny end telephone answering machlnes, and I thtnlt the residue nakes lnteresting reedlnc. G.ll. )L'hen dr-d you


Adrlan.)fie played our.f1rst live glg on the 14th of JuIy 1977, but ve'd been golng for a

bat Defore. G.Fl.)Ilon' long was it before you got your t'irst recorci out? A1ec. ) J e,nuary t -19 we re.corded it 1n Oct'ober t'l8.

i,;ike . ) That v,'as tne E. F . G.Fl. )Hovr preased were' you with,it? Adrlan.)At the time we were reaLly pleasec,






with it, but the more Y/e listened to it...... you v/as a bit of a rush job. I think itrs lt see, so Steve.rl'Je dld it in one night anC thinlrr well there wes a 10t more v/e aJ'ten'varC.s bacr you look arvrays 11ke rhat couldrve done vrlth it. edrlan.rPeople were alvJays saying we don't sound. like that any nore, but thatrs beceuse we havenrt back fron vrorking a.ll oay so lye'?e not completely knackered ltke we vrere when we did the }j.!. Also, of course, werve learnt to play our instruaents rather Detter the ive coutd then l G.l',. )\tihat aoout I Time Goes .tsy So Slor','r . it was on FactoTlo Steve.)'rhat was the second single G.H.)Yr'hy did you leave Factory? Adrian.)ff,"y didnrt have a lot of money to put uP. i;ike.)They ord offer us an album but by then werd already signed to .tsland. G.Ii. )vfhy Istano? I-it<e. )11erlr several conpanies fiad come to see uBr and theyrd a1l satd ttre'lJ let you know, but IsJand were tne on1y ones who actually ofrered us somethin8 solidt so we just grabDed


C.H..rlio regrers then? i,:lke.)Iio, werre real-ly nappy, getting on reatly wefl sith then. Adrian.) lYe were leal1y pleased about that 'Cos we hadart alone any Lonalon.91€s at that s.Eage and vre viere gettin! really pissed off wlth the general qtt1tude of the nuslc .business l-n london that youive got to 60 to then, €f,rd you'.ve 8ot lo send then tapes even the poxlest venue 1n j,ondon yourve got to send then atepe If you $ant to do a gig


i G.H.)How did you enjoy Coin8 the I,.!.'/ liike/f thlnl{ we all. enioyed lt.!e you under any Pressure floD l-slantl about how L':lke ) N o, none et al-l. Adrian.)Itrs not as l-f we were with !.!1.I.

to do Lt?

L'tke.rThere.s a brg (tifference betv.oen the E.::.I- file who pays the plper...r sort of arrl-tude ana ttke the Indr.e attitude where ltrs up to the Dand, but there agau the Indies arenr t bacr(lng you to the aa]Ie e*eDt . G.H.)so 1f it vagnrt fol financ]'al consrderat:.ons yourd prefer an Indle.

Adrian.)ln sone waysr yes, but of course tinanclarlyr no. t;r'ke.)i thlnk wervs got a t(lnal of confortable nLddle path w].th fsland. riarran.)l suppose Lf you can afr ord te be urth art'Intll€ then dor' but otherwlse you you stancl in line a maj or. AncI theyrre nevel epnna nake time' richt the for i; Sult waitins ,.


frrke.r?he -tdeal Fosrtlon Ytould De to be a ;uccessfuJ 6roup on an independent tqbel. G.fl.)How would you deflne l'our nuslc't Adrran.rI wou]gnrt rry, I canrt rearLy do that. i;$e leave thet to otlier people. Steve.)ltrs rike otowlng yortr nose ieal.ty, then two hours srttr-ng there LookLng at Lt and whatrE tiere - lf ather peopte want to PIsy wj-th our d-i-rty handkerch1efs thatrs.... fitke..)ft's vely dlffj.cult to say $jrat you ctoi because you n18ht wanl to change and if you start sayln€ roh.we.!e a sucn-and-such bandr then yourve EoIe or .tese tLed .vourselvea down to thet. o.H.) 1t ter0ptug to corner, part of tne aalket by puttlng e labe] on yourself so fan6 of that sotl of nuaac wj.ll' come and see you? own wey. titl,ke.)Yes, thatrs al1 very well-r 6ut l-trs much n1cer lo hale I't your rcos yourve put a your gigs of cone to one to enough iu6t narrow ALec.)I! soneoner8 get going you vtrth playLng aYray to not let tneyrre then yourseJf, on particura! label EUsac. of sort that except anJthing L:1ke.,Sone of us vrant to.Progress. Adrlan. Pop. -Thet I s l'/har it l-s ! fop I Iiike. )Popts such a broad rabeI..... AdTlan.J?op vrith an edge to itl .qlec.)ltrs-not broad enough for me. Ird take aonethl-ng that was neenl-n8l9ss ! t1ike.)l,ihe, we say thl-s, and a 1oI of other bands axe saylng :-t too - therers a lot of bands who iontt wanr to be labell-ed. ALec.)rerre not really pop - pop is stuff ll,ke Racey - pop - popular - stuff trnat Gells ,,

l :

re cord s . u.-rj. )Iiov/ y,,ouLd :/ou f eel'

I'f you became successfu]? Steve.)v,lealthy - .thatrs how weid feel!

i G.F-.r3i.rt you wouldnrt consider changing youl' styLe or approach Just for co:nnerclel success? Adrie_-r. )l;ot to sornethrng th6t 1'/as obr'roxlous to us - not sornething se didnrt want to do nlec.)l:ot just for the sake of it. Eteve.)tf solneone 11'e-s waving flvers under our rosesr-rr nlec.)Or saying we could have won0en end big carE..... ::1|e.j6o1d or i you sai.d money first - I wouldnrt do it as wil11n81y as ird (lo lt for wonen and bi8 carst but then you canrt.Gell whetrl !.lcc.)I wouldnrt want to.cnanee Ju6t to get 1n the charts, groups who are Just hired to get in the chart,s anJrway. l'le ['ouldnrt ]l-ke to be like some bought into the being things therl've been a ]ot of nl]rrours aoout let 1n the charts. charts - J.ike guber';ay ArnY.

G.}i.)Itwoulc8iveagroupviththerightpotentia1tnechancetobeheerd.. Electrlc' L:ike.)I car se; that frorn the facr that l?adro 'l wouldnit Pl"ay rAre 3riends one of the.reaaoDa that's play nothln8 else untll lt got 1n the charts ard then theyrd why I donrt like the radlo. j G.Fl.)Have you had nuch ai-rP1ay fo? Soys Cry? and bt people Iike Johr Peel' I:id 'Iensen, I' Head' t.:it<e. ) f noeiendently ' Adrlan.)vjerre gettinE quite a n-ame witlr that tot actuallyr and thatrs Setttng us a blt of a toJ.lowlng as well as the focaf crowd. l:ike.)l'ihenwefirststartettplayj-nggigsinloridontltwaslikehalftheaudl-enceuere journalists anc the other half were musieians.

i ;

Alex" )un:-versity stud.ent-s like llso o . .Yihat qg G.i-.) why Cid you choose to put uut a I,like.r!'JeLL Yrhen Yrerd done the album it anlrYray vre Ilentioned Phil Spector to the me about yhil Spectorr anJruay, he was decided to do tsoys Cr;tr just for a joke left over, so v/e did dozens of overCu sound, r and Island l'eally lrked it so G.H.f Yourve done a few R.A.R.8i8st must c?

il:-ke. )I;o r w€ play pseudo-intellectu Adrian. )t'iith en edge to it ! Llike.) vie donrt cos rlo-orl€ in the

and it v.'oulon t suit our sort' t


havenf t got strong political


' G.H.)tourve supporteo a lot of groupst Llembers cto you prefer to support at a ofi{ ?.

this mean? cover version as the sl-ngle't \ryas onl-y a bout thirtY minut es long , producer, and he stl'Ld t d.onr t tal.k to a total .rhil Spector freakr so we r cos vre he.d about f our ctays stud.Lo tLmq L ot everything built up a real wall of ,\ we usei it f or the single. !N\ do j'ot refL'ct politics in your . ,-




;; I


writes good. poriticat songst mean we \musicr but thar doesnrt o:rrd


1I ::1",11{ ?lrl at a smalJ. :1:,., oie haL"-1o:e or headline

HLke.llle prei'er a snarJ one, Dut ,vou ir&ve to So suppor?s so peopte cen drscover lou. ) Yout ve supporteo peopre tlxe ada.rn .tc tne tntz anct l.'ne !,sl}. - hov, v;erl drd you Eet on IJike. / v/ell we t ve t'ound tnat tne sort of ret't fretcl will "t.:.sten wnere&s the eDsolute outand*out puriJrs wsn,t gLve you e chance. A.T ti:is stage tJ].stractlonB were carl ed av/a,v to do their, and the l_ntervl thus came to an end" -..


THE DISTRACTIONS tu dLecove? tnat the supPort the way up to r,ondoni .!.ULHAM GRE}HOUND.

6foup ca&e f"o! 'Iyplcalty, I vren! arl punky who played a a conbor tloderar Jaizr ll,ght-we:"gnt neadug.....they factt r of the renenlscent at dl.fferer.t tline6 setr full, Jrrgrnal and :.nterestani ?-: zzerds and Stariets. Eventuarly tne Utsiract].on6 cane on, anrl ].nrtt-€j-ry uade l-1ttle Lmprqsslon on arl Eudtenc€ whLch, :.n the EraLn., nad. coDe tor a nj.8ht out rarhe? tnan specr.flcaJ-ly lo see lhe 8rouP. Cerla].nly none ot the. grouP naal nede lrUcn elIort to looli perlrcu1arly captlvatlng especlaily lead stnge! Ii]-re, viho wole sensxole sfroes, co-ordj-nated tr.e an(r triusere, tne -rattei dlspla.v:.rrg v,rnat can onrt be OegcriOeC as a dr.stxnct f1are. I ovrevef, as lhey opened tha 6et B,1th ']t Doesn't ..Bothe! [ler r nost peoPle coul-d nQt herp but oe rnpressed by therr musr.i Satndd a J,ot Eore €ut6 wLthout roBLng Lts enootn, truld Dsat. I'tost of .the Ber conbrsted of track6. fron the al bum or s1n81esr rthough tiere $ere e coupie I drd not uecogn:,g.e, s,nd aLthough I had to J.eave Defote .1!," ,"+.9f .I ' by the Dlqtractlon8. IZ:2, d1o nor get eway ].n tr.lre to prevbnl ny be1ne

ryMftMffi ]::over

I il






, .

i:f l



EaF'ce; lllci.l:res fl"st g16 ln ?eading f or yonks, ard also tteir f 1"st wlth nei'J dru.e.ner t(av. Draln, wbo., (I -s,uppose lrve €ot to Bay 1t, uaed to be in the [.9.r8. (Gosn I C.C.) "t I (who ? f.I.r.0f couiee, :'f yourve ever read Grr.ndlng l-alt beforer you cejr harally. providug llnc a o3lillant, out wlth l(ev.s drur as an)rthlng crpect !0e to de6crl5e tlelo qo:re suoetanclal backlng ,hart €ver - perhetis to the extent of belng a lltt1e over powe!j.!lg. Iiiwever f dldnrt enroy the set as nuch as I have alone ln the paet, partlcularl es Bdme old favourlt.96 wgre glven the elbor, 1n return for tess feoll.lar numbers. 'Jhls 1E perhaps eltllbutable to the tack of tlme they have had to rJlth l:evr ard theyrre srl1l one of the best gtoule to ber'seen around here, end dgserved th61r g!co!e. .l lndeetl, there wa6 aufflclent eupport to liralrant a second encore, but ve dldnrt t€t obe. ,


-t'2 Wt X0geillwy fLoW.: stan, s,r*, @tub.

l(}(ndgo1tc8netopasstbat11ookecupj.ntothesky'a3clhexeappeareclaoovene.... El a floD t And lt came down and hlt ne ln the eye.... I A tlplcal exa.Dple of the incossatd !-rnter-song banter of the voceL-frob. Sonet:.mes thl.s 1s 1neplredr sonetines Just pJ.ain . stuplal, but elther way 1t 18 part of the r'lob phenomenon. . Havlng experienced thls phenonenon a couple of tlrne6, I heve not oeen ove:F-impressed - , .i, ,., by the llobe - tne nuslc t',nostly orlElnel nunbers, but wltn a f ev', cover verslons, tends to vral.low 1a blataat nedlocrity, 'though sone songs coEe off, beite? than ottrersr':'thel! debut +ri rDead fopesr celtainly beihg one of, the'better ores. They adnlt the!0F ' selves that ttrty are I reall.y up to uate....a bandr, and c.tearly you a:.'e not suppoeed to tare thctrr toc ssiLousl.y a8 lhey cl"eafly ctontt take rnetlssJ.veg very aer'Lousl: ar-A'thuy,". certau-Ly nenaged to attract a few roya.r fens, ou! Lt nust be stressed Tnat' I' they are entertatners ratnlr rnanr rtrusrcr.ens. j,evertheress a good laughi nore.lun then ,.



eating ne.rrs , FL


HTlf lF JUst sDace to aulckry nenrLon The fine.- I saw the tarr:eno ol a vely 6000 E I ltYtE; .n'Cnerry6 v/rna :rar r-n vrnicrr i vras rentnded of earry .Boys 6tuff etc. but ""t t rcnorv nothLng aDoU? thls gloup excepl that -theyire very good - 1f. anyone knoYls ' atLl'tilng , .n^rrt tLa .rrrne"^" ott 1n toucn t l-4 -5.


l i ' i ,. , Iirs.t re4e:Xittz llatt,.,Dool, iffif.iliFixni1a',@.1d";te:the:'nedfp{rs5q.bu.{}ess:For'qdul.''

i:a:L6f,ou! irr ia r:i

*st1,1;i'i,'x1,a.}es".lT9!o|.o.?9us'3I4.+'Fe.w3'.!hey.4i'4nl'!"l l$';:WL|::.].l,.j.'+ec9ive-.nuctt'su3port,f'tho,r4:|t'tli'qy'.atI'east,l.

, ..H.33!il'3u'iin;iorll itirtti wfat *ffi, W..ffi:'t:$:fr:iilil";rTi:leirg:;-:i':;m::rll", {:: t}i{'tn.l:o:l 'r yai::":-.?{ ":" -.;!ffiiii-i*'ffil.ll"r,ulii.#:i:ii:#'ffilJi':' ffi :' ;a iro'lttr l'orth::, ' ii:i1]] #.flpgl' ;:ffiff:; ffi:3#ii:* Ii$r&iil - ' ' *""-" th" pack, asairi ':'::?Flitj,.:. .'+1.-'_. ' :a1t*rq$r'..I "r*ti""uu*"* iideetl, I think Pat Just sot the f '!:'..' 1 q.t





a{?, ,,,,.deseqye.d., ": ee

., -f'*dvv


'.:,.r,t. ,,; ',".1''':





do you,,expe,ct "i tr-Ta



Elru,s.\*; .fr,vr1,.r..ertzr.,l"ttsiL,.:


"ene:rgeti,c; -aiel'+aploer.i*rg" :.: i.-,ic?oup t?oup






antlttrey rrere ver^lr edse on then. rthe Kidz- JIext Docir l'.:tth; read siriger Epgited .yhst qa,4 only be despriberl ie a..public actroot type blazer, but this was loon reinovetl to teveal t6ots and b?acesi as the grorip-lsabt into their secontl nunber. lVo tood 6roups then, but this vas the Rejectsr -slp.V.._...., ._ i .:. -, r....." As each tlay eoes iv r's;!"iiO',rike tie Reiee{fpqs*4nd,S.eA"bf.ti.rg i1c}ure{ffeee or theq. they are aither cli,nbdng-. alL o{gr eac}r o,thl{,l oa'}nirl;'e ii!ly', pathdiic *i;dqs i o.r -. . . botl-r. lntl they seep.tq. ref.rre e to. lry anythine ejeri. rp.ia.9t1y {ifferent. tlhgp irle sali't{en:last they. were nost diqapnointing, -and the show nas parrgil -by doXdne cif tgchlical biocups; Ilut toniEht tlhe ReJects were incretlible. Each soiit seened to ta,ke ori d per diFbniiion,.rg.rtat parry rOi 0i 011 ,..,. -of the faxrotcites ,off .the Gr.eatest Hits albu$ wq19 glgVe.S' pl"s. {gtr. nevles," f,or. exanple, lhe Ie.! (or.ratl-ter- current by .tl1e tinel this eongs. orit), dipgle,l .rAfe You . rl'lare? -and Slippete,t, rfollCg. Carr; rI w..nna Ready to Ruekt, tiShi!!94t.,. tI'p Not. l I'oo-I t ?nil tbg.Randdesl ,r Bli!-zrieg T,op'.vEre -e,.,- Sterr , ..tlJhe:re tfte.Iefl. is labylonr ''adpp.n " ' ,r.:".8tr1, plgyeel in., q4ic\ ,lugcqps:i,gnt, the ,{rpnt ,n9.4. -., ^flt iy]g,, Xi9$q g$ }r,'bl, - le?rpt q.1-l bver rthq.rr:1aep,, yhr]"L,Yinq. rlqi learlr: ,visiblg.,h.elr1p4, hlp.,4?.+iie,iUICAq gFa.$t,ts..Af0d,*i!. . . t,FTr _hgu' .the BFJecJp l?r! t4p,. F-,tafie aad"ppn",bggo{iF : ";41sq.oone, "t,,fF,i.rllv?q;,6Jl.,cybI.,. ;g,y"f}.r.e"9.+i^fti{ ':' ,live'tlre Sqq\ney.Re,lcFrtP ,?r9 !34{ !o.,, }.qqt',.I JB.F"I, !f*-E} T.,,.p*l{ !.!eir 'I tltiiiC I .i,f,.. onlv..thev wculd- tnr Fooething,"diff brenf :-,indt fdr dnCel' Uritil 'th6n -: recortls, 'jl];ql*,k:,I';,;';1,, t#i.,i*s,tni{ah dil+



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TIrJt!$ffiffiW,Il id#t##lf ll


-lJU-r r":t's' p,e-rl-gf **rr l-fl

--li i":al{rl*uuffi . ,-r^^+ T j#?;;i';"-t-#-il:l*';'e"19;,:1": 6:;'ressae .r[$;; -lp*5jf*'3*fuHff,1r, HL' iorineilj;*111;r911;,xli,Hil;5'iffi ir, i j:i,!r


ffffiit,# Lr=-1

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,rJ,o.n;r,t lCf'fOW,:tI+€ nt



,l:i r,il

"liilli*.;_.,!i+*i:!.Ll.r,1r r S,..r,.,.1.'' tp.di;L "soo3 t o}nd uvqirr qo.spr; s':'i.'1,;'*, ,n$r'rsuolence.'-vrsreil "i:of .'rc,ourse g ,.ttu B.f)' i',o,{' "hp+,i irg'regSrt. e'61'{gtied i at:ithe'.f,lrb4t bfr. a.,€e,,a}rdr e:<pe.cIefl+ ,9fo.ui,Q..-,,,. .:...r ...t .::r i.-r,,- i:iri ,..,,,1 ,,iJ :




r:r :,;" ' ..


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*"n.I'',..rr*rrmIlllIl..,..|,.il.llltll lventually I''lngers took



lh: stage, "ra ori' ttrurcl:u"J'c to ' d,oo,.r. i,rry-ency'' en p'e,fsp b ct ;l:lT:":::'"v-oi'f";';il;-depracar,,nE ,"'iionoaj's. iieroes, i'{,*, ,aFJ t therr self-p.:rod.y


r xj,J-ij*

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,tbq:: di+ , T,,

e r pdvrcr and 'ene rgy,Aelavered vritu Ln:oscribablee'ehr'rone rsencir'rs , tls.. int,9,r aT' €Yen, ,the whore of the set w'as I ,s",i *a"""tt iater:alswoul-d setisfy' 'us s o. we ;ivrere". ,i'+Vet balanc6o "i-"ia eneorg ;"" .e.xcerJ,entrl iasl 'ict .more t r.renzl-eO state t'ra,',ift* prepar"e not ' ' r *nr"r'-i;"v ' ' '' '' . ..





lil |.i ll rl lil-

'411 j-n a1I, the v,,hoIe gig was an absolutel;.' indescribabry euphoric ''e Xoe ri end g'''C-ri d''16 unc:ouotedly the best giC I have been to this Jrear....1 have littl-e aouUt tliet' "f can :' : ,,.,:' ] ..': '. .' :l I .i:i1:' sal' the se:re for the Captain too ! '1. ::r





-- +

i ! i

cH: Hov did. you get the ldea tor Motorhead? IrIeII, I waa sacked fron Hawkwind and I f igured. I had to do sollething guick before people forgot about it, so f casre baek to Lond.on, fo::med. the first Motorhead. with Larry waIlis and Liisss. GH: Why was the tOn Parolet alb',ln not released? Philthy: Iecuaae Ill- didnrt like it. They onl.y relea.seal it yhen ve became popular, anrl rl,omberr nent No. 12. Ve oueal then a fev thousand pounds, and tlrey released it to get their noney back and cash in on I'lotorhead.r s succegs. GE: What about Stiff a')d rleavinr l{erer" idtlie: rn rJJ we recordeii tllhite Line Feverr arrd r],eavinr Herdr at peeble Feach in Uorthing, and there was a delay gettin5 the tape or sornetJnin5. . . . . Lenqr: Yeah, we financed. jt ourselves, arrd. they nourdnr t even. pay the €.140 to get the' tape. E: Their e-xcus e vas r'e Yere too late delivering the product. Ttre real reason rla.s stiff uas getting popular antl started putting out compilation albuns. They leasecl out our songs to French slgrdog reconis, so it voul<i be bought on inport, and both traeks appeared. on the tvo conpilation stiff albuns. They really rl""j * up. A:rd that box set - tbbrels i[rother rip off. Itlotorhead uere the only banil on Stif,f (lamneil? - ErS.) . Ilke, nell all our fans had to buy 10 fucking reeods to get our s:5gie. hre hope orjE' fans vait until such tine as rre ,,ive it avay nith Nerrsweei. Gfl: !/hat happened vith Chisnick? L! chiswick savetl us. rt vas April r77, and ue were 6oing to split, and do one last gig at tbe Marquee, allcl then playing at the noundhouse nith the Darnnett I asked ted CarroiL, becuase Jale Riviera was hastling us at the tine, if he was going to recoatil us for a llve albun' because ue yere Soing to spltt. ,But ue dida't have the nobile. I./e rent into the stu<lio to record two sitles for a singLe and eneded up with 11 backing tracks in tso dalrs r so they let uB al6 the rest of the albun. He na6 vea.y gooci to us, Ted Ca.rroll. In. fact rMotorheadr is still available on his lig xeat tebel. He saveil the Danneit as vell rcos no-one voukl touch the Da.nned when they refomeA. cE: i,lhat are the links betueen you and the Dawred ard the lronze/chiewick single id.ea? I.': Ue uere going to nale a sin€lle toeether, but it didnrt r,ork out because certain nenbels of both bantls uere velT tlrunk. There rae only ne anil al51 left in tihe enil. I playetl basd on r?aLl3oon Blitzr and ve had both drumers on a verglon of rover ttre tipr. lthe first ilalLroon Rlitzr uas Euch better than the one aotually released. ltrey ovirdubued €iuita!6 a;ntl replaceil rry vocals, Yhich ua€ Etrch better. therl nas neant to !e eeven of us iloing it' but in fact there were tvo. Ttrese tvo - Philthy antl ldaiie - ha,il to go. lhe Captain waa neant to be putting guitar do$n, but he vas breakingr toilet seatg aad vatching cricket. GH: tlhat Eankyinal al buns diil you play on? t: tr-Verything fron rDoreni i to tUarrior 0n The ldge of Tiner GH: Eor ili<l you get the name tPhilthy ininalr? P: triroD a girlfrientl I used to have. She discovered the philt\r bit. Ttre ani[a1 co[es fro! the ltuppets r Euppose. t rong tine a6o ry granny used to cail ue 'ryou philtt5r little aninalrr rcos I us etl to come in covereal in rrud. E: So knov you lnov Philtlry Aninal was narned by his grranny! GE: l'lho thought you to play tir,:ns? D. r uent to Leeris col-lege of rusic for about.two years, tlro nights a ueek, l eant to tead uuslc' and do nilitary drun rorlE. r sat in ry roon for abgut three years praticirg theo. l,ly technique ie however unique. GH: Eovrs the I'lotorheadbangers club going? 1)r I. Yeal' Paul Hatlven fron the a5ency dtoeB it one siste! and hj.s alad. .r.nd he aloes {:he. LennrSr:

_1 t


Dametl as

sell of


?aul: Itrs 45, tlpper .Acco@adation hoad, Lee<ts. llerire been going four DonthE, 82 Eenbership pe! yea?. GH: I{hat do you think of the cu.rrent Elrl revival?

L! 'tF

sone are €iood, sone are- rubbish_. Li](e arly other_revival like lron ltaialen - theyrre the best - then and Saxon.

15OO r1ppbers,

itrs just a.fa.shion..J .quite 7.

tr l.


think you nore suecessful at the tine of the new Yave explosion? L: Because there nust be a l-ink sonevhere. A lot of people have d.escribecl us as a cross between Heavy l"leta1 and Nen Wave, but l donrt really lrrow. l,lhen !*etre playing we dontt really ain for GH: l/lry do you

being anything.

I.: After the punk thing the only thing treft ltaa l'lotorhead.. Now we lve got all the olclies getting together ag:ainr like llriah Heep. t! In eix nonths tine al.I the papers flill say IIM la ilead, but verll still be tbere uith Motoa'nusic. Pa The next revivErl vill be the hippie revival. E! Thatrs alead arrd should not be reviveil GH! Do you have antrr plans fo! a new al-br:n? L: Yea}, thatrs uhat serre lehearsing for now. Werve wrLtten three tracks r antl re start recortling on l,lay 1lth. Werl1 iour in Septenber or October. GH: What about a live albun? n: Werve got this live lF, ard nzybe theye vil1 be a live albun after the next s t.. dio one. GE: What ebout politics - l,enqr used to vaer swastikas? L: l'l:at rdas just for a 1augh, ridiculous yrknow. Werre not intereetecl

in pol.itics. lf ve're erythinf ver!e outl?-ws r anarchists. P: ff ue flere in the wild west verd he outlaws - part of the Janes 6ang. f: Ttratls part of our inal'e. ltre punks did it as rrel.l - the Clash leally leant on it. Ttrererg so Darrlr factions in politicst but rtho cates. Werle playin6: Dirslc td enJoy. P: By the nay before ve play lnalard rre rDay Eo to Anerj-ca fir€t. cH! no you reckon your attit.,de to recorcling has changed since. the snall label/bariil revolutj-on, since the final solution attitude? I: N0 - we started on a snal] label. Chisnick ne snafl at the tine, anrl they put all their tDoney on us - they even had the Count Sishops round thele putting th€ir ovn records in sleeves. On a bi6 labe1 you get nore push, vhilst on a snall label you get nore attention. Thatrs all rea11y. cE: Con]-ng back to Philthyr s drun techni.que - why is it ao unique? E: tre Just hits then as hard as he can, thatrs all. lle rre really the best banil in the world?

L: Yeahr I nould think ue are! GE: llhy did Lemmy leave Havkwind.? L: I was saeked. so it seened a. €:CIod tine to leavets GH: Io you E?)* marry letters? L: Yeah - rna.inly from people rrho want to sleep with DeenC

their all

6eezars I

So there you have it - Motorheadl three totaLly connitted. nusieians meet Grinding Halt one week, and do Top of the Pops the next week. Is there a corulection? Fic Sleeve

ard I valked free

Ladbroke Grove and sunrived t


frotr net llotorhead






t' :

l.' I I ;'. --54.i.:

rroston oaged .iiat tiecords Ls eoout Io unleash rta prodtrctrs on en unsuspect-LrlE worrdr... or so says rne Fress rerease rhey sent rie a-r1 the $ay rrom P.L.). y,t-th it they sent tne u.s,of A. (Rinf t it gooc to De rnfruentrat'r qoet you you had one!7 whrch, v,'r-sIl drsc !,..1'. ftex:squere B ae Jl€t1ov,'vLnyr R};CORDS. oespl-tre the DJelent grmrnl-cxry r-s ou:-te Sooct r-T conprLses Tvio cuts eacn froE Tne cornEercLars ano llurnen sexuzu Response - uoth of wnot! e-le to have thelT deout l.?.t rereased soon on l-Et. Tne forner ere str.algntfolv' ard Deaty pop, the lattdr a deeper, nore _6ubstantt-eJ- souxding and uncollplacated. I tij"n! theyrte both pretty good - lrow aDout ser]dir ne thd l.P.s as wejl budCres?


of fsith. Wyffrns Seven tracks on one 12", 45 r.polllo has got

to be good innit? it shows that, contrary' to many eriticisns .l"eve11ed against them, Urisis do know vrhat they are doing they are using the I'reedom of their onn (?) Indie label, Ardkor, to produce good, cheap records to back up their tireless" ![he open].ng track is caIled r0n T.V. I .. it is a bit on the and. slow side, but then all th tracks here seem to lack the enerry 'The

-r ! il

+ ,.

I .;


perfo::mance. , vitality and venom instilled. in Crisis! live \ singing vocars too are a bit monotonous, and are somewhere imbetween rlau8hintr starts exeellent. an4 talking. Nevertheless, this song is r3ack ln the gradually. V up s1ow, iith echoing vocalo, anil s?eeals the gotl, uae of but the thank -ii velsion of the orig:ina1 of that U.S.S.R.r is aot a cover It starts at things. lookilg YaJr of unrona.ntic ,*r"-iiti" frighl-fgbt" reafietic.anal It ie, of coutse, stronglly tpolitical a on ;id it" Russian iationar-antiroxn pleyed -ut1,log:tir, norith organ. avay. Lfraiil I up agaln a'il builds out, fadeb il gir." a feeling of iestraineal 'Iies of fear, but iust ha:e<lly reneniscent vitU " u"rJ loog instrumentat., aatlfry. ana tuneful, g:ive of thr right nood nore antl in' cone vocals the "i"iie i" yJi "iiit to-ii,i"t ltt"-""' instrr:nental ' a.nil the guita':c enits | trtrrstrationr sta.:cts side two - deep 5roaning bass, the ilrun builds u! 'veak, up in power and builds but etarts off n.tirr* bursts ]ike gt- fr"". 'Red-3ricpdest fasier and again, as the vocalist yelle 'Re6 Srigadesr over "rr"rp to a deifening r (onnantlo nunber tuneful nogt (ana.da probably the """"""ido ie "pr"i into chaog. faster until it dissolves number classic their of 'Eolocaus{ gT"s: t? reach the heigbts ;;;,-.'f -lii -iu"i" i;nunu'ers, -in i".ilJ "o""fairly of other SToups''Tbei:i* "!w eooa, derivative r constantly reroeniscent "r"but ori paper. )'ook ;. bit si'rnplistic - r9ack in the O'S'S'R'/ You lyrics sound good in "orrt"*t, thei:e vay / nut I tlonr t think itrs gay'r" Crisis ,l";i-*"i ,rrri r"r / lo" t"l"vo" vant- tilnrowlive they vani t9 il9 aga are haviDg nhat are a brave outspoteu-U'-l- - th"y band' Nor to v' o""t*k"d''robler t


p E 3"'ia"tr" Effilidc'fiT"t[ THEtfli vith Conp}ex| by sore T}rroat - e ai.nPle, tuneful, but effective track. Suzzirg albu$

I opens bf sexual / phvsical inadequacy' nast poor - tyri-cs on_the subject h::nonrs-L€ altr, *ra cruae | ta"t a typitatly punllr/refuas uunba itrs IIp A Drainpip! The Membere come nea!, viiu-tt e:-r ofA is ercellent eoirail nunbers, tirn trre studio but conss acclosa :-""" poi;"rr"a 'it_jt-trit"gt"ut -quali.ty | vieusr is a gpo'lt | ^rtnowit nai'lers albr:m. 1tre Llg1tni-ng the for a live recortling, " sitle is |Law lnal Orderr by Lo ca'l gperato! vho tirst Ibe o" i""t outetanding not but "o"te". nelo<lious, bouacy number erlnsing reggae influences' aou.Dd. a lot like t.n.n. " playing rNext in Liner. After an incredible debut Einsla in il Edg" ori ,iiu "iif, ;il;Tr"-ki;


this i6 a lot trt" zue-r""r io h"tt 'goo. dowqhiu. (cT9* - attraiiive 9:c')l.b"t ;;;-il7-nr-cora, line' tvink-' loail bsen tt'nti"g out recintly-better thaa moet of tn" I Shaftsbu"';r Av€nue nubber' "tofl-ttt"irvs --Iilg or6an a,nil cLear p*;i;; voc-als nake this quite au outstaatli-ug throbbiag basJ; skiddtrg ilruns 'nd scrsechL'g euitars t but *itU by the.Q.T.s st'rte off ""ii vocars viricu-ttetract fron the tiSbtness of the backinS' l{o the effeet is epolleal ty-r""t thie track Lookiag p:cizesr of courser fo" So"""i'tg wLV I bought- this albun ' a'na altfrough Damned fare it ls rocking is-not typical r " It ltp thaa For llother Teena€g Drearr by the scboor Bullieg Like Smash nore io iact rt c:c')' i" riltiwrt"i u stlll, of course' "-"1"1"19". Chiswick want itren to releases in fact. Tbe Damred are anything else - the ,ort li i.p-ro"e (uere ne-go -"rr - r-r.)-th€ captain (sensible, stlrr the gT.eatest a"oo, ii iiri *rG"""" at-ifreir bcst, vtrictr erpf i'r uhy lt hasnrt not Callous) clownilg * "t"J-- ".t the Darsred heavy, chaoiic but eff€ctlv€ plating Plus boen re16ased. Never tir" ilJJi"t"=""ii"g - usual cbeerfuf apped'r"g best Devir s iolnicabr" ,ro""r".-iiiylL;-iq l"i the Paesions st thelr fo! the (anti-serisn) IyricB - quite catchy all- _ trhe nueic seens to etrgt'ojia";a ""ur"r'" g]:^Fl the EaDe. lbe Soul. 3oysr. rBei Rlsing Sunr is fairly average. antl _unassunin8, -}"!-il:hq gooa a ective and velXr eff angryl inpassionetl quir\r, r is Ice Age by the XarDera.S****+ -ercellent-lotnt-to .itd on. E.5.



others rry first jntroduction to this very versatile oerfo:mer lra,s via Shoestring; that pronpted us to do an inte:rvieu ,itn fru" (issue llo. ,) and now she has put out her firet alb.un. she has - She sF.ys she rrrites her songs about people she lanolts or rather sone she lmous that conclude acn only net, and, i"or this I



trange peoPl P. r o o fLris album shows her nusical progression fron the AP she released abo,-t a year a^ao, ancl like nost of her records it tales 6ome tine to g;et into. fft" lgrics are skil}fully written though s

difficult to relate to. However after reading the lyric to be fittlng eheet a corple d tines a cleare! picture begj-na tgqenerge. she dten seenE atenr t a1wa19 verT verea, so that the sentences tii"-ifi"" i"to the irus ic rather. than vice be can ltlels then. to act the lyrics rather than 81ngl ii;;;; anat Beconip.y ehe'ten4s hard on the vet' be concentrating seens to but sone-tj-Des Lt goes ioo fa,r.- Toyah bantl link with her vital "if""ti"", sormd and so occpssionilfy Loos"s theifeyar, ' vocal As I saial before the lyrics can be harA Tbe albun coEes to liie vith- the eerie wa tl-a frey/letauch/necrcmicon/AT9 1. th. ehorter, ii*i"il"or-;-itiitz^"i."o"frlurl" trt" t. along the Line her voice.becolea tllstorteil. i3-lPt it ;spr""i ttalkingr follbps. Sonevbere althouglr the chil'l1ke is effective ltttle .dtai"l, ttrctueing rchostE t ls eqain vertrr errle' the t llEics. rori-"aot """y the "oi'a" vocals donrt really correspondlto t5he .lhrmieg of Guanajuato | le nrirt up iyri." rri"ti"g botir at sch-izophenia and. parania.. teflious. aird doesntt rlally rnatch up t-o ttre othere, arid at- caa becorne a llttle citieg of spinionr he! Ctt iiti" track i-s last o1i siate one h wb:ich Toyahofients lyrtc' - nlllrebl,g grcy hsgbeEt 6ore to rrrite opport'nity Toralt:the rfij ;-8 Gives ln o4rgen" . tutlaing/lreat'te! needg a lentios JLtbue1 a e!}s -poken of uiss-willccct g contdbution ttrelnbana plryjlg . Pete! Bus1l sn lhere q: togetjlrer very t"td ,.f"ti".if ior-e-an """ ilruns too is Y€::v i-ElressiTe steve Bray'on antl. invaxultle otrrdcbution ffs 6;;;; group toget1er uitlio rcne Yery. !re'i'e the hslils r"g"" J."r e'en .ultan rn tle tasLg.orrna-.




;i;;;;'-th;-t""-fct'"'"ranois):conp1irrentstheothere,foraveryunlfietlsor:ndl overall'' - ;1,i!"r Tigerr glves Steve B::ay a cliance tb steal ffie ata6e rtdl Toyalt I te.'' -ttie ''t'dugh rYisionr up stan<lard. to brings lllie 44T: i3$ albun. ianrt one of tbe best tr""tr on rlsect"" nareLyan eerre"o"g trres royah Asaln !ith.-}Ii,:: !i11.Y Il5_:"*n i It, t:l::":-l'ter roveh-prav: r'n Ltrt Jn.rlove+:{:"t ;'il;""6 t$*t*td;; inseots--rrofunteersl-th",Ytt,:l (n9' not gou'-C'C')'-BY-":ht"-TT 1": PP |L to be ass,,lteal - env ,'acte6n.In ttre final eong nshen Toya.b takeso rr a "pp"rii"-e ;;;g-i; ieaily quite gopd, ani rel1 Eale lotre bi.ring a prostiiute . Its about the only song wher6 the lyrits are vivitl anil urra it-t"iig" ttre albLrn to a very effective enil ' oU"io"", either love or hate, and if you fall into l:_lt*LT;y; is the sort-of ba.nd youpiggr i bank antl PoP off to the local recor{ store' ]p| categira, at I do, get o:it yo:'r i i



flnL0CUE ::in:,r;"::?:T:: f:ffi':t tl:H'"!:l:il:,-ol;';J,1'f"*

privaleilge' to your yelTr ovn Gg yourre all about to have that T,he arouD recorded a rleno tape earlier this year, -an<t at that titae the,group. consiste'l ieid (tass) ana A. canble (arr:ns) ' ttrougtr lii"i"i""lt -i"v-Grit* r"i io""rs), Antlrew "r GanbL e ha€ nou- "rra a new dlumer is being put tbrough hiis paces. Ci€iwise theyr re . l,lr not ilolng a lotr thouglr the sit-iation could bhange 6oon' guita; is,neede'ltthe <i!no has 6 tra-ke, each vith a iloninaat bass lLne. Clearily another atl vell' urltten' '; are songs noment. The at $le to add to tbe sountl, wtrich l-s a bit ho1lou I'bis.could be.' his slngrtngi. in aggression arril convictLon ifrorgh ,Afi" seena to lack sone on-playinq Euch too gooit anil ie concentrating tape put a i out becule he 1s trarilg to pe.rfoara'nce live any in probfen uould diaappea.! tfti" tfrat feel but guita.r, and I cait t-help -as critlcisn. Ttre giritai . t'he euBic is fairly tasic, tfroogtr this sh-oukl not be taken rlon Past iE patiently. favourite plods on 1."" th! $ whlist rasps in the backgrounel, each perfor"ner. Ttre other son65 arer rcive . zelLonr. vhich seena to bring out the rNaiveter, I Rlooil lustt and rli,ar Eeroegr. g"r, r Cheap Dirfobuer, lrryr"yr-enou6h-salttrexpectthatwhentlrey-dostartplrvingafevllvettateergoan'l check then out, and 11. risil then -orr."luck entl look forcard to actually eeeing then play' even to Kingeton llount (rhere? - E'S ' ) +?i if we have to drag orr""ui"."

They say young days are


a 1ot of fun,

Wellr if they let us wer1l have Bome. '10


i I

thwbandtiiu 9a

know oy Knowt siouxsie and the .bansnees Degan rifer &s everyone austr ;tarted rife aa tne 100 Crub l-r tne lare stjuluner of t76. The rshowr waB totarly Bpontaneous, rhe group conststrng ur Srouxsre ttnen liuzre, steve, severrrr (then llavoc t ano, rne tanrfauous srd vrcrous. Trle onay rsongr tney arl rnew was tne.uords trayerr wnl-cn they oasned out 1'or so&e trme - rhe l-dea nad. oeen to play untrr tney were pooed offr out tlre aucll-enc kept qutetr ,io evenruarly ljuzie and tno lJnnsnees nad' to rbave the stage. via.s the whole tnLng a Solce then? SIOUXSIE, 1yeII, at was aII car:.ed oul as a 3 oke. . . I donr t lhrnlf anyone wlro wes rhere found rt very furu1v.., lfm surprrsed we werenri thrown off." - those wno were present descrrbed l-t lE v,,es no lnsta;.r5 success story ,,the ,,Ruootsn.. noise Itve heard J-n Iny rlfe. Tney met worst tro as varl_ousry srd at the pl_stors gigs -.aJ-l three were part of the nstots rnost devoted l'ans - tne tlronley contl-ngent. So vrnat was Sid rrke es a frj-end'r SI"UUXSI.U) Cute, funnY. . - . S?BVE) .:.VerY cnddteY. (!) ,. Do you tnink ne -Lrveci up to the reputerl.on tne press Save hrm ? sluuIsls) rjJe never reat.ty t t"* h].m then, he lvasn't really trke tnat wnbn we krrevr ni-rq - he was qu:-te.funnY woutd you say hrs iater oehavl-our v,'as out of cnaracrer Tnen'! ij'r'Ev.u) l\o , not rearly. . . not at all. u;nat aoout fiis death? ST5\rE)IJelr, }t v,'as atl Lnevl'te'ole really' slouxsl.ul He had al!'rays sard that he drcntt lvant lo l-ive past e certal-n eg ...I forget vlhat rt was llo!'Jo 't l.orv much vrere you nerped / encouraged DJt the lLsto.Ls to carry on tl:e way. They thought opened possr-bJ,e, all r-t Inade say the srouxgrE) liot really...rerrs of Lt ftrst. STbVE) At that rime tnere was no vunk scene. tie started, and rt v;asnrt cal}ef anythrngt rt was Just a lot of snal-I oands wltfl diff'erent vrays of expressing T.fiemselves. Later rt becarne just a fashron craze. Do you object to that ? t'IEVE) Nor not rei'-IlY. Are you strtt a funr oand '! 51C)U):SIE) fie are Siouxsre arrd the .tjansilees ! S?EV.u) I\:nr doesnr t ei{asr a:ly Elore r e . not tike rt was Why drd l-ou Put Tne LorC s lrayer on tne secot:d album ? STEVE) Yle1I, qurte srinPlY l-t fitted better on the ?qC. r-t Jj-ve rn the studio no mixtr:g. Did rt colf,e frour anlr' sort e" of rer:-gious sentinent ? none. SIOUXSfE) llo Later ;he band. Decane more organiseC they manageC to by borrorii-n3; the support band-- eouiptrent, clal-ml-ng to have lost their ovfiir l-:or';ever, they had 'diff icuf ty get';in5 a contract as the;' fel1 uncomfortably inbetvreen the categorres of main-strea::o Punk, and the more recent experirnental soundsthere Y,'as a Sanshees bootleg The result vras frustrating their flrst legitimate :"etease? of appea.rance the before vuell rHong iion5 Gard.enr. I{het does Sj-oxsie thrnk of the sin6;1e

bootreg,lters ? theyrre Sust leeches tr)'in3 to make e Siouxsio)iqot a lot quiclc buck. io sit it out, or look Tnere were onfy two alterrratives inclep^nCentl;''. recorf a out putting of means for a us I ct'nt understand for rverenrt labets Small S]()UXS|E) that. lilte snall to stay group vrantin,g any STUVU) .tsesides that, there werenrt many about then, the nrusic industrJ' wa: verJr difrere4t then. Rough Trade were only just starting then, and we coulonit afford to put our or,'rl out. .11.---

e, the .trenshees hr--d built up quite e f ollorving, a.nd e rsiEn the 3anslreesrcc::tpaign. J:'ventualry, Tvro j'ears af i,er riielr ulusual e::d ir:r,uspicious start, in the Sunmer of t'ltrt rolyaor finarly nanaged to reed the v,'rlting orJ the wal1s (groant - l;.S.) and sign up ti, I:ong Garien sped up tne charts, reachlng numoer seven, rnuch to the surprise of everyone except, perhaps, the group ther.rselvâ‚Źsr 'l'hat autumn, their first a-tbum, rThe Screanf was released, to much critlcal acclaim, and this wes followed early the folLowin; :/ear oy The Staircase lliystery)r oh or rtwentletn tbe flrp sl-de cr which was a cover version as a intended trlbute to of one Si.ouxsies I Century 8oyt, BoIan wrlter tliarc heroes, t-xs was about tine dorng it t ive for about 1+ years l arrd^ we f elt it li.eanv;hil

d Deen to record it.


Yre I

I aslred The Grou,ps second. e1bum, Join Handsr was releasei fate last year. cover the Steve eoout SlT.uVE) Llost of the songs on that albun'r ere about either death or . a relrgi.ous f our obsessLon. The originaS- itiea for the cover was going to be to hav chil{ren having their first communion, but then v're changed, it . Sanshees a 1t v,,as on the tour to promote that albun, that fate struck the tvro, teaving cruel bLow John L,tc} ay anC Ken4y J'iorrls vueJ-ked out on the other fllred by thern in the lurch. r,uckrly, the oreeclr.rvas very successfully now d.rumrner j;udgie prevlously in Slits and BrE In Japan, v',ho has rhe Cure. oft'icialty joined tl:e gloup, and Hobert Snrth from support group oeen have printed, nev/ Banshees albtm will the By the time this iras been be liat-eidoscope. to ca-lled released. J't 1s we did vras sTuv^g) It tvas a1l recorcied in three to f'our li,eeks, evEr.vthrng t!, recorded in a week c SIUUXSIE) I;hxing tal',es the most tjse. Is it much of a progression t'rom Join liand.s ? nother SIOUXSfE) (after a f,tusp-Shrful pause, well, rtrs jus Q Bansnees album really. out norr ? Are you satrsfied wrth what yourre turni4g better proud vrord. is a think I SluUXSrb) \l E-\ ere you pJ-aru:irrg a tour lo promote it'! SIOUXSIE ) ]IO ! Sf rVet 'rours. are borr-ng. . .vietl r ax Cepends fiow you do at. Tnrrty Ci \,,r'"'.!n a'row, going up notorrvays is borrngr but tourrng abroad, going

qi l*


it'rom ci.ty to crty rs qurte excrtJ-rrgo ;| you recently drd e grg at rhe Rarnoovr, ratsing X3IOOO for IDenf, alry wou.t.o you do anar" sort of thLrrg agaLn. flll,...nand:,capped xrds, STEVEI I,Jo r, I cos rt doesnr I reatty make money rhe onty re ason and could go

dr-d she llke her new ?ol.e ao e pop steJ ? EIOUXSIE) Somettmes, Dur the matn thang r.s rvhat werre doing, and tha'E na&es it worrlrwru.le. Are you trylng to l-ntluence people or ger a messaee accrogs? SIOUISI$) i{o, not rea-lIy - we wr]-!e Eoa86 Uhe lhl-ngs are anporra.nt to us, and Y.'9 hope

people leel the's Just lvha't! s l-nportant !o us. riner other groups do you Ilsten to S.IOUXSIE) lj"l-rLIons...Tne Cra.mPs !.P. Cure, Suicider and a grbup Y/ho supported us fror! Glasgovr carled. Artered Inages. there was one more thin6 1 vranted to as& her - vthat are her plans for tne -gerore 1 lift,

future ?...

SI"OIIXSIX) ItrrtLn6 fr.1!0s, I nope, all sorts of flLns - I ti-ke ST!;VE) I tnr.nk foarry on Itansheesr vJould be 6ood ! And Sor yourve got not onay Kalerdoscope To toor forrffard. To r weII....0" perhaps not ! cARnY olir -tsAllsllEEs t




nut Carr.- un 5ansnees



-b15 I


otherlrise knoun as D. Benford is a one nan g?oup ' hall-lng from BeaconsfieLtl. I{e EayB ir Eusic. A ", to avoid the usual cliched noderrris!0s associatecl $ith synth-olj-entated fr"-i"-lifri"g gooil. [hrobblng alrun! anit is reall-y Tecoldgl lnertial his orrn has been releaseil on I"hl j.nsistent playi.n8 lrltraiox nunber..f,ighly an the Normal" "ilgfl like but Rvni}ts sonnd unfrivolous and only â‚Ź1.r0 (hcl p+p) fron Inertial Recor4sr Transforfier Houser 2, Hil"Ltngilod

"!.ono""a"a, Rgq.$-,- t'1!ricl-g9r-






by F.S. & C.C.

- Iloliday fn'Ca-rnbodia (Ctt"rty Red). Piercing volleys of and. goooot Not as good, however, a,s rCaliforrria ilber Allesr, bi:t still

guitar, a drrim ro11 quite effective. DISTRACTIONS - noys Cry (fsfana). ]iot tbeir best by anlr neans and a bit too close to the original. Coulil tlo nith a bit nore guts. Still vorth a listen though. TIIF IRIEZE - Cel ebration/Cross 0ver (11 recorils). Space a€e tllpe intro, with sophisticated g ita! vork. Vocals a bit superfluoua. Closs over haa a nore pontlerous, with DnaD KFNIfEDYS

fails to gather nooentun COIISAT ANGIILS - Total War (fofyadr). IB this the same group that piod.irced. the excellent rRed Planetr sin61e, ue ask ourselves. This is r.reak r and lacking in a"ny sort of enerry rntl d.oes nothing nhatsoever for either of us. fffn fAfVS - !0$ Reduction (fotyaor). .After listening to the Consat .o;rgels this vas a realb;eath of fresh air. Vobaliet sounds a btt like an lnglish }ob Geldoff, but tl6hrt let that lut you off!'s.just as good: uhirling keyboards, and q'atck bursts of vocaLs that are really effective. Cru,SS - tLood.y RevoLutions/PolsoN GIRLS - ?ersons llnhxovn (Crass records ). lctually sountls something like rusic for a chang6. lJe could go on about the politics of this song but ne wonrt. As for the Poison Gir]s He h.-ve a sligbt tlisagreenent - E.S. says theyrre nothing, C.C. says they provide the slightly better side of this record. trLYS - Does Your I'iothe! Know (Parlophone). I know werve said it severaL times already, but once a4ain this is not their best. A ouick spurt oi Crums, end its into another typical, catb\i ?lyrs nuirber with lots of har:monies and a strong beat]r tune. ELOWFIS - 3a11ad of Misdeneanour (top aurat). Their tracks on the very first earcon rdere excellent, and this is another original, srnooth, bor:lcy nurnber fron this Scottistr conbo. FL S!-YEI - Rattio lolyo (Pop Records International ). the first single fron this local g?oup, and we hate to say this but it is uninspireil pop. tacking in orj.ginaLity, catc\mess antl pover that is to be fountl in the best of the rnoderzr pop groups. Most vhispereil vocals and


FALL - Fow I wrote Fla-stic l"lan (Rough Trade). one of their less vell inspi?eal songs, and nore reiititio,rs than rrsual.. ITp and down bea.t that p€rsists thror:ghout ?.nd can be rea.lly annoying.


- Not Ready (Panic lecords). orm their own label, and. vet? reninisant of T?Irs last offering, rlully ?or Your, but ha:der hitting antl better all round. Punctqr tune, clear, enotional vocals. ?robably what TBB would so;rnd. like if they wete sttll going. :-xpect an intervim next issue. DISCEARcE.I'Icfft I;CK (clay). Re.l punk stuff - e]eratic; buzzing, grating. 5 trecks for a quid ( though they all sound a bi.t stunilar). Lyrics are gpotl uhen theyrre lntelitgj.ble. SNATCS - Shopping tr'or Clothes (fetisfr). Slow, tlietortecl reggae - ot their best. BAXRASUD},S - Strroner fun (nU). Souncls like the nickies playing surf rn',sic - a bit pathetict tries d esperatly to be catchy but is just taclry. !.nil fina1Ly..... TEE D.AMND - Vhite Rabbit (Chiswick inport). Not, e-s Capta-in Sensible put its tabsoLute tlogshltr, but it is a blt of a ness - they do thei! bestr vhich is of course excellent, but rRabiilr on the flip sitte is try far the best of these tbree tra*. g.r. stlf'f'LITTI,E I'INGIRS - Back 't'o I'ront (chrysalis ). Not ae ponerful ae previous effortg' and at first sound.s veay uea.k, but after several listens Irn hooked.. SItr. do it once again. I vould however Like to see a biit nore ener€y in the next offeringr and hope that -this does not slgnal SICTOR 27


<.C. +l^^ begining L^-i-i-+tr^ path nd+}l taken +6L^n by l$r groups .F^1ih€ like IiL6 the th6 Clash nlr.h Riarr*o{a or of the ^a the' ^n Siouxsi€. FANX T0:- Siouxsie anil the Banshees, the listractlons r Shrint, l.lotorheailr Pinpointr rlost Jobnny r Speei, Qrricksllver, lvluaic narket, ;laxth Recolris r V.I.P.; Ittrixr John Peelr Rougb Trade, Snall Uonder, Revolutionr lavids Recordsr Tetter ladgesr Conpenddunr rat Recolals, Inertia, Cheap Dialogrie, antl anyone whose evet bought a copy of, G.E.

FVerybodyts down

in the centre of tGn, doing nothing 1r.

wrong werre

only hanging


Finpoint havenrt exactly set the world. ali6ht since the release of their first single, tRichmond on ,l.lbion record.s, which rras a Erossly underated. song that deserved better success. Ilowever Pinpoin now seem set to launch a fuII scale attack on a.n unsuspectinE vrorl-d, a.s ue found out when we spoke to ba.ssist, Dave, whilst the banil were their d,ebut albun at Martin Rushent I s studio in Streatly, nerks...o. been aB a bard? Holt ).ong has Plnpoint 6oing played a lot of €:igs, recoriled one single and our terve tine 18 nonthe. In tha.t tines. Since ue started theters been one chan8e of several. chairgeil line-uprs drurnne-r andl veiretchanging again. Ttre f irst one uas just the r,rr:ong sort of alrumner for r.rhat ue valrted. Werre now recordin5: arr albun.....a lot of people v111 probably be ilisappointed. uith it becuase.....1 hope itrs not going to sound at a.11 like purik. the 6tuff rrerve recortled sounds nore like Jackson I neets George Joe Miroda. vith ne sinein6i Eave you €:ot ar{r nore gi6;s };ined up at all? !JeJ.l, ve're going to flnish the albrur first, get it nixed and t€,ke care of that eide of it. Werre bringing out a couple of singles....therers no point in to ring un).ess youtve got sooe records out rcos otherwise no-one will know who you are. We coul-d play sorae in London, lj-ke the lilarquee, but ve couldnit go on a national tourr not in our own right. And itrs not worth doine it as a support rcos people just see you as a support band a.ll the tirne, which we dontt

I I ln





vart to

oi n+


did you choose Albion? They to see us down at our rdhearsal roon, vhich is pretty smailr then they to one of our gigs, which vas a rea11y good ni6"ht eld they signeal us. .i.nother reason why ue ianrt tour is noney - re owe .Albiontabout C7'OOo. i{er?e not going to get any money for yeajrs r even if ve have a hit, rcos werve 5ot to pay it back, so ve sha.ll be lnpoverished in ebout tvo time even if we get €otd recortls ard US sales....vhich ve wonrt. How did fRichmondr sell? It only sold about 5 or 51000 at the most, which is nothing. 1 was disappointed. that it sel1 better rcos we canrt go on unless we make enough money to pay,for{; costs, to:rtng and all that. }t the noment I eet €50 a week t

GH: Why





1. _t'

a_{ i:



L i.

off Albion to live orlr cH: Are yor: happy uith !.lbion?

D: Yeah...ve1l, I nean if somebody t"ives you f'lr000 over about 12 months rcos theyrve got f;ith in you' you canrt be urhapty u'ith then. Obviolsly ve've had

disagreernents, but thatrs only natr--raI. GS: Do you feel that they Five you enou6h pronotion? D: m$ aiatt't do enou6-! for the one sin51e we have ilone. If this albun doesnrt get pronoted e.nd the next 6j-ntJes donrt either then 1rerl1 have to really think about if verre uirh then or not irrespectiYe of how rnuch ftith theyrv€ shown in ua rcos yourve got to go a1l the way - getting interviews, putting ads in the gapers etc. GH: WilI the album be the sarne sort of style as the single? D: No. ldetre not Cloing to be an$ prrrtic,rlar style, werre just oursel-ves. f mean tafte the Ramones there are lots of people playing hear6r fast musier and you just - get sick of people trying to be the Ra.mones all the time. f really like the what t s the point of copy them? Yo., |ve got to find

trying your own to individual. styleo GH: Are you h"ppy with the way things are going a,t tle noment? D: Yeah, for the first tirne for a long time actuallf ....for the f irst time in 5 or 7 Inonths, rcos I really started hatin5l the musie business. We did a. tour with 999 ] months aFo which I didntt want to do - I havenlt wanted to do a 1ot of things we|ve done latelyr but things are better now. Rarnones

, but

14. J

lt the ilectric Ballrosrn with 999 ue u€re third on the bill with the Vibrr tors second, vho should never have be en on it. Theyrre not even the Vibr; tors a.n]rmore, and they ltere second on the bil1. Tf theyrre 5roing to do that we mi5ht a.s well call otrrselves the Sex Pistolsr havins been their tea boy. f mean only the drrunm€r was in the Vibrators before, and. hers not en origina.l member. inyway we got C50 on each nirht, betwecn the three of us. Some of the 'gig" we p,ot nothi,ng. We also toured with the Mernbers. We played the Corn l)rchange on that tour and Cot two 12, for it. GE: Has the line up changed since the single? D: No, except ve arercqe 6ro1lig to add a keyboard playet. Itle B in€:Le v25 5''pposetl to have a we alvays have a sax live, but it went baCk for four nixea, and saxaphone on it anything to do uith it. If you piss aroundl vith a song }ike want after two I didnrt you all the original feeling' and itrs jr'st not the geme. looee th&t too nuch only a threepiece yo, heve to ilo a lot of overalubs? .. cII: Do you find that being-verytoay useis overdubs. I?rere t s nothing you carl tlo about it if D:. It ioesn't worry ne, you vant to stay as a three peice - which I donrt. our neu nerabei will hopefully play

keyboarda, €uitzr arrd sax. ttid you start in the first place?. Di Me and .luturo, the guiterist, starteil rcos we wanted to c!€ate int.reEting nusic that wasnrt cliched, and that vas quite powerful and tlanceaible. All our lyrics e're z-bout to explain to soneone. Hopefully rnooda - things you go through that are very difficrlt about. a track today calletl rDxowning we ane on Werre what peopJ-e r:nderstantl sone In the lleb of lifer vhich is about being rea.l1y happy in a vierd vay...alnost as if yourre half rounil the bend, but youlre really enjoying it. like_vhen yourie on the tube ana all the people are going to voxkr sonetines it can really bring you dounr' but soEetines you cam just lau4h at it. Ttris songs about bei4g happy about j.t. I rneaa you carr'xorlx/ yourseLf sick .that soneone night drop a bomb on yo',: tonorron or you can Just think rell, ve can have a 6ooil tirne. rrf, ila you hsve nuch difficulty in finencing yourselves when you first startetl? D: yeah, we all had to €:et Jobs in the end. I'or a€es and ages ve went a1on6. thinking soneone vas goin6 to cone along and discover ue and Sive r s lots of rnoney and that never happen6d. i got a job as a leboratoa')r technition and I had to tal<e aspirins zrttl therr- Sive-,b1ood. f rag a sort of hurnan,;rrinea pig. ll'here was plently of pure alcohol around so I got vrecked. everytlaY. cH: Do you get boretl playing the sa.rae st:ff every tine.? see :rs they all want us to play rRichnondr D: yeah, but eveqrone does. llhen people eone e-nd. rcos uerle reaLly bored uith itr eral bow can flon now on rerre are not going to play it you play sonething that yo.:rre boretl wj-th? Theyrve got the tecorril at hone so tbey ca:'-l hear it arJr tine theY vant. cH! Uhy is ra:iin Rusheni proilucing you? D: t/e ditl our first alemos for hin erbout 8 rnonths before I Richmond I cax0e out. We hail a serious problen with mucicianship ie. we couldntt p1ay.very well, axl so they ilidnr t t,,ral out exactly wonderful, anrl then we recoraled with Vic CopperFnitb altl he told us we t have velTr fiood mricician ghip so we went €ivay and rehea.rsed" for about 6 months, end then we did the single ltith Yic l4aile. So , we thoi.ght we r d Eo back to liartin Rushont o :;H3 How yor; get to do the d.enos with hin in the first plece? D: We1l, hetd done a lot of stuff with the Stri:nglers and it was about the time that ue went in and did some stuff pnd they sggested hin as first prod.ucer, and then Martin said hetd. like to produce us again. Well l-etrs hope it works out better this time. Tlrings seem to be looking up for Pinpoint and f Look foruard. to hearing some of the nen style naterial hopefully itrs as good as the oId' althouEh I donrt GU3 Wtry

of some of their influences the-y mentioned to us - Michael Jackson for example!? Wef 11 just have to vait and s€€o like the


tnstr You choose Your leaclers artd' place Your their and Promises is their lies wash You down w,



There I s no nâ‚Źed. for rne to remind. you that the last few Shan s.d.ng1es, and the last albun yere sub-ste..ndard., axd of course they ha,ve been continually slagged off in the press. In keeping with the trends thls alburn was given bad reviews in most cases, but urdese:::ved.1f Bo o I I ve always l iked Sham. IVen during their recent sticlcy patch I stuck lrith them arrd ry loyalty has at last proved to be Justified, I cos this albun is aB good. as any other they


rus and rhythnic verse, in typical Sha.n sty).e. ad, and aII the old enthusiasm is revived.r &6 if theyrve c t rT'he another Zoor by eat track. rlord of the Fliesr seea Gamer is followecl there. , girls chorus siil.I a diffe Sham tryinE somethin6 lsiog in the baekground.' which is bit see Shan trying thing a bit different once in surprisingly effective, and itfs t"). Greet stuff! rGive A Dog a while (which is more than carr all that keen on it as a b-sicler /r Bone t is one of two traeks aI nd Out I energetic guitar and is fast but it works much better as an moving. rTe11 TLre Childrenr e1o 0n rspray lt On Ttre Wal1r , and. rDead. 0r lliver has and a tune that is hard. good emotion abo everything in it that is tThatrs acks on it - rSimonr and Lifer^a' to resist. Like the rPoor Cowr , but neither of the a predecessors. as Tt:ey lower [their g Et=61OpO uld a five sta,r Ip. Thatrs not erw]- I croE, cJ aA the general stand.ard of which us t s the faster of the two, rPoorl to say they I re rea.11y bad - tll(y t try sonething different Cor.l dragging on a bit. TheY' are epera. : - z,Eain Shan la].n winner. t Run Wi ld Run Free t cl-os es this time itf s echo type sound.s, ,the }p another rousing song plfrYprovy*6 a good. elfin<$-t:6t great lp. On the back of the sleevy' a"re thluorrrlsrA1l SONGS WTTTIXLIOR THE nlNlX']T 0F I'l{F NElt q$EnATroill. o...FAtrx"- F.A.NX, stAu{-poil A- qREIT LP. Sham sourrd



V{ P 0 Rt ;ilf*s1;,,i3ffi


*ffi in ry nind.' are

that this be at least slightly disappointing. .As it tirrns out the Vapors pletry ordinary. This is most certainly not a s tunning LP. there ale two' brilliant trackstnrnltg Japanlse I ard rNews -At Tenr (ty far, ancl all the rest are fair:Ly average, in var;rlng d.egaees. ispring Collectionr is one of the better nu.nbers. It opens vith vibrating guitar artd thunping tlrurn and turns into quite a catcl{r mrrnber. I lurning Japaneser vith that ftnilia.r piercing rj-ff ls followed by rCold l,la.rr, rhich ha"s a slorr build u,p' cuLoinating Ln what Ls really a bj.t of a aiul1 tune - soEe p?rts of it are gooil, othere boring. r,.melicar is faster antl a bit rnore exciting, though not verJr original - itrs one of those songs you think youive heard before, but canrt place. r.l'nericar runs cleverly into rTrains I - one of the nore appealing of the eleven tracks, but there_r s stil1 that vital sonething nlssinS. Ifhe applies to r?unkers I . tttJ Vrpor" rely heavily on catchy riffs anrt hook lines, snd ifi rany cases these siuply arenrt catchy enou6h, but vhen they tlo hit the nail squaxe on the hea<l they cone ug with a i classic - rNews .Lt Tenr, vhich opens the second side. On rSomehowr the Vapors teII the storXr of a 6irlfriend l eaving and hou tbey t{y ald persuade her *o stay - rtDonrt leave ne nov, IrlI rnake it up to you sone-howr'. rsixtJr Second lnterval r is slower than usualr but nevertheless effective. Ihe penultinate n;nbel iB rWaiting for ttre Weekendr and ie follorreal by rletter fron Hiror - nore oriental sounds frorn the Vapors. tfter aIl, this is 6aid you ralght be surprised to see that I have given this albuo as lEJrlr as four stars, but I have exagâ‚Ź:erated 4' criticisn as this seened to be the best uay of getting qf point across, so donrt be prrt off totally. Ihis is not a bad alburn' but it ia coul.d be better.

/rnd you get home from work 33e,:nd half past sixt Yourve been working real hard and you feel real sick And your d.innerf s in the oven a.nd, itt s all dried. upt rcos you messed' her up. And your Mun donrt like it



Still I cantt h'ear you You make no sense to me. '



i-t Vll 1Lr :i r.r.: VOID ? CA1JG}IT fli A VACUUI,: f CP.0 r-T Tu5 VOTC}S IT'S A t0O COi Vf llgH Y UU T}:AT ,TH HeTfS eAirrEr PAF.aN0l I fAARANOTD.,? .q}THTIiX ! P '\





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fioF,DS .. :L,IiYIl.G fttui",.i-tu

fl. A VaCUU uut '! 0't .PaF.iI,uID ? CAL.IGI?





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vrHAT A!,0UT YOUR Oi-'il srUSlC '!



















to str-c.f to some Da.sies I 1'0 I. just rike experlrnenr:-ng rt i 1 canrt lreep vrritinr stt.tff like Du Du Duu'a, rcos it vlonf T get r in the che.rts, rcos tbey lt'onrt ?Iay rt on the rac:-o youtve r,-A got to De carefu-L :"hr't You do. l_,OvE I' I T}{ER.UIS A J,OT CF IA-AJiU]A JII YOUF. RT]COPI]S ..... II veII, thatts me rt depends on what sort of sta.te frm l-n vrher I vrnte tnem. Sornetl-mes lrrn def rnitet;' on a suicldal levei rrn scared ot' everytnlnCr Irrn scared ot' oung. f xeep forget -ang about these reert]' fnEhtenr-nq thrnqs that happen to H€r rcos itrs rear 1ife, anc when rhings rike that happen in real ife youfre scared f cos. l/olt think - f thetrs irnpostibler. I


De u'a1k-rng; dolvn the \One thing thatrs hapnened a Iot is ItIl lstreet and I think - rr';hatf s t"ilrong?r. I wou.ldnrt be ar'/are jtflet sornething j-s wronq then IrlI start breathing e .bit /fast, and 8..' stonach tightens uFr f rJl get rea.11;,' hot flusi:es I and tooking at everybody, and. theytre like robots I catrrt see any point in thern or me ! 1t11 look atr my,bod.v r and hov really lj:nited I these clothes on it, and If lI think am. frm trying to l-ook for.some speee rcos ltm really scared it t s as if ev,fithing I s presse4 agei_nst fou o YU ! I L:AI,I I T SE.E AI'{Y !i.I,;AJ{ co=e l"io::'":t:--\ and felt so much around spl,ln r?ve anc into J-rr v v rny rnouth, {i cieling I vI IrlE *ho like you' expect *tLa* i$t-l! pain )'o1) coulOn't believe it bleck-out pein, then rtrllhurnan bod.rr rvj.ll tal:e only so much rcos of mlr oed and taughed eCfe the on ji::'' sat 'T Aftor tlat I "o ^-; 1 do, except kilr m;,'self , anc fi;;; *"."rritll"c "iu"-toscared of n s'ca'r'ed If of diingl and donrt.v,,ant to die lrrn d all 1 ""r, Ao iu k""P totitg riving !;E.P SKTNG }iYSilI,F ! WhY ri F-AT o=at well, like when I wes a kid, l-rke €verJ, other rid f v/es rol. r attracted to an inage you see sorilet:,ng orr-tr* terly, T just wes dragged 1n to the whole thlng of the glamour the glitter itmnil arl the farne and fortune (that rrve nevef,ranc iad -! ! !). rt just seerns such a great \ vrHrt' wa.v of e"tii"r_""i"n, , ?l fLnd. firn into anything thatrs fit<e a.rt. lrA lrA

',F P

YOtt Y/AllT FAL',,


1 just v;ant to do things, to maxe people feel Yourve got to really love it or





tvci-rlD Y0u c0l'sIIJE? L:t-.Ai'c1llG rcLrR r:UsIC !,CR L:O]:-'Ip.CI/.r, SUucESs,!

Tk'ere's one Thinfl.!'oufve got to oe careiur of - tne last troup I was ln Tne Seeret spllT up because tli€ mus]-c v,,as bee.ori:rnE so conmercrel . Your \re F,ot to f rnd out rf .\rou v,'ant to oe success ful . 1 mean, Jtd rove to be successfut, out I worrtdnrt be nappy Lr' f nad to iliryp on someoody e.r-ses band-r';r:,an just to tet rli.€rt: ThE;G ntt-ree s c rrle ay music as experine!'ltdl - I donr t vrant to categorise nyself . If other peol.le tiant'to do it for rre, e1rj.6htr but I jusl t', ant to experrnent e blt. So;:letines ltrs a lot. Soxnetlnes itrs ree-l tr.:shr but then 1 r'/onrt let lt out. .ttrs sonethl-n8. I want {;ot to De the }igllt sort of t:'ash! ItrB Fot to nake peoPle feel yiant thet. need rnorey for L to see otller pal'ts and L u-rany thin8s, to experlence so people lead. other life-styles plenet. what and see of the 19! !e4 SI1]r ilo these sorts of things vrith money. ii:-'-rmtn,Yl: both tines I at.rjr- Irm ToO ;l"tn"lr"il







l carrt even beiieve thai werre ativer ] think itrs so weird. I just carrt lrnagine how and why all thls should heve dt.rtec- off. T knor nothlng about nothing' or ai the least tbei-ers very little f do know atrout. ff I rhink I know about sonethi.tgrsure chances are I knov,r noihinS, but the?e again .il, might know a.Iot. Irm not even rcos 1f

L' J.rE here - I might as we}l be drea$ing, but a 1ot of the tirde fr1l forget l-t yourclrvel place vreild. If 1ri so get so envolved a3d keep ny ntnd occupied, but tbis nentionea the technotogy of today to.sone-one two-or-three hundred years agor youral heve Deen put away. 'lhe way evel'ything charges....itrs nad. And the salne rveyr sone seen like e ralry tale_a of the thines that are going to happen in the future nightperf ectfg_"9j]If t sgeln f years_ novr. but 1n two-or-three huncired !gg*t4gl|f that I s one of' mY big proDlemsr whY I I ve been looking f or s'omething to betieve i.n get depressed 1 dor':.rt betieve in anything. 1 just find it a1f so conf'usin5. Irve

gor lo feel lfm doing sonething 1 oelieve in.

you elrd r ves fj-ve years old. Ilor'nnally a kid that ager' r renernber vben r was in r.y bed donrt expect to wo*v ";';i ;;;;;-rlr'" ir.''t' :il: il:"^::-t::l to bed earlv' rcos r Deen put ?:""::':"lil-"?:;:1* il;"";Ti"-i"pp"""a'.but :;";:":1ffi:."i::;ii the covers on Ev body' and Trel-ght 'dewareofrhat """i--"fo*,fy ' ihe was iust a kld' and r i;"; ;;";;t-tlout" the covers rvere becouing lrd becone about ny heed on ,n" prii"r r end it used to bulld up heavy, anything could be zhai ao heavJr that r couldn. i-i"ir""" *1 "::g-1".::t11*ln'-3lu,T,1t"l3i uni1l a snelr Y.'ourd ."*i""iii"ilom"""a-it would so nuch rouch the cube' end 1'd reel 3"'I3in ,H;t: :.::i:i :ll'ln!"n;i'i--or-ir"'o""dre u"""l!" n"" to""nt o"q@ q,ith rt that rhe "r"rr And t'ftn' there wuuro

a oloke wou1d vJar.k past and say I hello t and e wornan warked. past, and. shero say Inor. And then thrs oagr orown, durt oojecr carle oown uver fie, and gave me st.t much pain that 1 couidnrt uelieve at. Aud ny num came rn and sn00k me. alrd. saJ-o l-t was a rtlgntmare.

I:-ke I €onr t like playrng tne sane songs over 'and over a1an'n t' want to get on and. do other stu.t'f . The na1f nead 01' nat-r oit ther was Two years Dack. rt vlJas good I"un for e o1r, out rt gets Dorl-ng after a wrri-Ie. You ctontt stl-crr wirn one thrng - the punks l(novr t]:at you Iuove ono Itrs pefsonaJ.ltres- that count, not alrpearalcbr t want to get rnto e real relatl-onsnlp vrrth someoody, t-rrespectrue of sex, wnere honesty Ls rnvolved. I thrrui 1BI must De an j.ncuraD.te romantlcl


t I'iellr ]T was r-t sa1rs :"n Ir Snol';s tnatr | s aoout rever.\ge rf sorneone used tro kicr snrt out of you l-n rne streer rhen ;vou I d rearly rvantr to qo theft sone oaJne-ge t ,so r.r you met the lc]"d Dy nl-mseJr sonewneret then yourd get nan. oonl,ng oovrn lo the wnole thl-ng, l,l-ke r].fe ]-s, to sone kt-os 1trll sound Dorlng..'Ihe onry people I rearly get oD sJ,th are orug add.i.cts. f, qarenrt roucn .the'stur't nysetf, J'.E eure ].t would gend ne crackers. Tneyr?e the oruy people wno reaily understand vrhar L'n on ebour. 7


The \Yhole rhr-n8 r-s r].ke the €8o I so wfien your ve gor conrrur of your ego rt doesnr t reatly marter. Thatrs wnet'keeps people goang, therr €goo A.tso I rrkc to demonstrate trow ndicutous and conf inrng the hurual oody as.

fun. I donrt &'ant ro convlnce anyone you I J-l never conv].nce everyone I'here are so nar\y luoTons on th:-s planet anJrvJay. I'm Sust got-ng ro oo. v,,hay I constder norrrlal. lf n noT gol-n8 to be too self isn about at , 'r cos o . . .I vrsited m_v num once J-rke it, and she was l-n iears to thr nk thar; .j"rd walked oo\l'n the srreet J-ike it, f Conrt want to ht:rt people. f like peop1. e, out there are some thirrgs I donr t vrant to to do. f donf t mind coni'otminEr bttt th el:e are sone things I dontt a5ree wi-th social coitdrtioning, the v/ay youf re condr tioned b"rl your parents and everyone, but you canrt btame them rcos they v,'ere condi ti-oned too. l'nat I s what Cu.Noitron is a bout. Youtre conned into it - I just rorant to be arvare of that. Tne chaxces are 1 knov; very 1itt1e, but T v;ant to do a Iot. l/

An]'wayr ltrs a^n,l,'lilayr


IIVE AT TTIE NOCK GARDEN. I,ONDO}I I found the nane of support group The Baloons curiously appropriate a thin la;'er over a Jot of gas! They trieC despera.tet;r nard. to be mysterious, and failef rniserably I thirk they vrould be best employed carrying on pla)'whj.cL has r"e.ertty found i.ts vray onto v1nyl 1n the torn I -lng the s1ow, thoughtful nusic of thelr debut single Jean yauls Wlfe - not re?lly lrorth bu;ring, but vorth a ouick ltsten{ or at- leaat worth c€dglng olf the group.if you Fet a chance (I did) ; Shrirk vles a big surprise - I had ex.Dected a 1ot nore novenenr, a lot xnore vloLent agre- | sgion, but shr: n]( stll"l rnanaged to fill the cramped ce1lar with a nystery aJId alienation $rhich ls aJnost unique to hin. fiost of .the set were nilnbers I did noi reco8nj:se (ihe Jied $e1fy ano 3ras. Srng, !l rrch of the Virgin SoldLers) end these seemed every bit as guod e6 valld or Vold and l-t Shows and other older mr,'nbers, though both Lecl(ed the cla?lty and precLsior of the vinyf versl-ons, and sounded Duch nore Iike ordinary rock-songs. AnJMay, S.nrj"nk was abso-l.utely great, ilespLte the poor quality of the dudience. If you ge! the chance to se-. hin tive, donrr lliss it ! l: Z_ a


T ffr;#fiffi"*:$ il;':;:;T""H::=,S":1":*';,:?:


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CLUB. ?, copy of the groups debut sr-ngte r,'nich is a tr:-n-te - A ";: ff" :"0}'i, xi:il,;ITIT:3H"' ano, rhe {" rEnuours, "lo ll, and Negus and to be f<.lurfr on the groups own J-aoel tl.iongrel iluslc. r. As their first slngle, this is very irnpressive, and captures vrell the liCht and catchS sound of their live perforrnance slov,', rythnie unassurning but cateh,v, All 3 ilacks are catchJr and ori.gineL bui coL-lr,ctlvely bave e distj.nctlve stl'le to then, thg rvay they.use a:i organ sourd ljke U.B4O in a pop song is the mosr attractive feature. In short, this ip pure unabp.shed Fopr and l thin* itrs absolutely blood;,' mar:vellous t MONDAY







TFL: 595ooz








JOHNSON I 8 llnton l',resf !'- OLns-ons' 1;hlro r-..1 oun 1s as ll)ll# Bs' ever Ot Dl-tt,rr.ess, {r.,tr1C eno solaO E reggee. lje reais hi6 poetry es the l'rx-rb'rtng oaat beil]nd nrm 1[ts rn v].1tr tr,e nood ot' F hri-wo:'ds. The openrrrg tr'*t5 r. sess cu.tture - a ruri bring, ro[.ling, rftlvy oeat oenrrc E ,Jonnsons deep, rneilow vor.ce. street 66. is anothef sl.ow nunr,ed uut ldss cu:r:bersone, and s probaoly the Destr concerns a typical l,.K.J. subiecr a police rald. heg5ae I'1-Fea track on the al buxr. Johnsons lnspared (eb)use of poetry rs/to oe betn at lts oest tn a Eda:aint conoalnnatt-on of the S.P.G. in partrcg[ar in trlnes sllch as rThe S.y.G. den e murde*t / i', e canrt -let den get no furdererr. This f rack 1s [ertai.nly Johnson et rceful best, with the catchyrpunchy reggae Jbeat fIov,'id3 al on5 snoothly and LINTON KWSI


track on lthel af bunr and Johnson coEes es ctose rere ag/he. ever wttl\to actuaity e1nglng to the m{odrpusr rnf'ectl-ous tune. SJ-de two lstal'ts wirh anoine! Dl.ttei' but note right-fealted nunber -\Ioer"n Is A Bitch.

wlth the tone of the poet/y. As for Lorra:Agaln thq DeLrir: 1s qurte a dbpartur{ t-rr style f or L..F.f.- e love song , a"Lbefi/a fmstratec love, bJ s sn1nes forth th dla: tT-Ta''q c app of the album, r:'ke a rfse./Arov;Lr.,. a!o]:Csi bt(bC frre. Ttre piece 1s r.nstll.ted wrfn tfrat specaally 'Eender z* clv:[:g que-1itJ' pose{sed.U}{ €11 gruff p-nd rebel-tious rockerf whpn they Let down theiy' euy'rd por a noment. Holever, lC36ec Sounds 1s p-nother heafy p[ece of regfae' a]rd l+a-dy intlo Tvro Sldes of Sllence - a confusec g like tr/}t ?,t?4 Sv,.ell-liaps nu:nb{.". Thus thc albrur snd dJ.sorgahrsed afl'afr i s very rnuch yHlight cones to an cnc,- S11 ln o'll, this al .hg-ve oef n expe ct eC, \*iyt {r -t'orces of Victor,r'l but lv;i\}- a. ftr'r 1lea.sant iiothing to quite natell-r=T-*--i surprises as "Tohrson tries out som{ net iiee.s. This aibrrm un{ii;e.[y to\rvin Jo]rnson an:' new fans, but it wil-l ke'ep happl'rt{ose f he alread.Ii has. Un/outrted}y at.hrrn for exiles and the victimised' ****=E..*



Iot the b--nefr.t of those wno have oill]kedr -l an Curtr-s is dead., and tharrs all trE aoLn6 to say about rt ! Thexk Goo for the integxr-tJr of the Snal-t laoelsr and. pra.:oe to t'actory for not ciemeanir-g us, thenselvesl and Joy Dr-vision, for not throl?ln6 love ii1l1 tear Us .[part onto this elbun with one of lrhoselittlj siickers rlncl-udes the :-it Sirrgler. Thls albun is sketcb$r and cloudy - not the clean, hard bleck eiid white ina€es of Unknoivn lJ-easures, but a hundred.shades of grey - not an undaunted statenent, but a s.'ries ot bold but sti1l tentative questions - Joy Division stil.l have noi cone to tems viith tbe "-*l wolld., and nolT never will. Atrocity Exhibition operrs the alburr I heavy and repetitios dTu! r'oIts drj-vi.n6 the sonA along, the vocals attracting your attention and opening your nind - a number more 1n the origineL Joy Divr-sion vei-rr , not too denanding, but getting the right atnosphere. lsolaiic has a sweeping rythn, a heavy Das€ notif, and the i{passj-oned vocal.s a.rld the catcny synthesiser doodrlngs oenaading your attention Passover i6 nuch less confortable, deep, noanj-ng and haunting vocal.s over repetitious oass and druns. lhe l)'rlcs are atl excellent, but seem to lease nea4ii,g out of context on the written pege. Colony 1s folcefu and powelful, ke:ping a steady aad uadaunted force, without having ro resort to speed to give a feeLi-ng of porer, tthough this is one of the faster nur.:bert e-,rd is ttre only track that niSht heire made a successful sinSle like l,ove r';il-l. A Leans To An nnd keeps up the I'ncredibly hlgh sta dard of thls slder and is ancther more tradj"tr.onai Joy ])j.vislon aLbr:!. Already lt is becdming cleer that .loy Divisr.on axe go1ng to do. justlce to that incredi6le first albun. J lles:'t And Sou1, the opening trac-k on side lvro, is again faet, but not so boJ.d o: the 'Eracks on side one, and is another unconfortable track, confrortinG things"$ore w! woula like to forget - Joy livision wil.J. offer you no ans\"ers., but they cae help you !ace.the nore rt'ightenlng aspects of our owb exlsterrces. TwentJ' t'our Hours - Dulids cont1nue1ll' up frorn e nournful lveLl, to a heavy and lowerful. cxescendo, then d:-es away agarn, p.l"vrays to return agau, l].ke a fear that we ca]l nevel lose, but wr-Il keep returning untir we nust face up to it or...'. Tne "fjterna} is slorv and mournfu-t throughout - captLvatt-r€ and hauntlng, ,ecades f1nal'ly Duj-lds ue 61ovrJ.y back up to wneTe we started agat! - but 1t offers no EoLutl-ons, norvnere ro nLde. 'ltlie wr-r-l- be the rast Joy DLvj-sLon at bum - r.t courd never be lhe serde a6ar-n. irnl-s ar bullr walJ- uot leave you rappy and J oyfur - l-r wLrl- leave you ,;:



llred exd l?ustrated ]r Jou alLovr, Lt to






you .ver, tne vay it tootc far! over. l-







^v CJ











CLl] B

A Fast frovd were on fir3t and gqve a typical .perform.rce - cot4etent' live1y anil very enJoyable. Not only do they provitle goorl entertairuo€nt, but theJr also have a few gootl tr,.be"i up their Bfeeves as well - rWhen the lonbs faLlr especially. ftts about tire sone of these sonfls found thei! way onto vinyl. fn the aeanti-lE verll Just have to be content

uith.thei! 1lve Bhow. Eovever, for ne, the Mighty StrJrpes stole the shor,t. I founcl then to be both captivating an<l exciting, nith their oirn apecial brand of regaaer not disiEilar to the PasslonB. [hey certainly deserved thei! encore and seeneii to ercite the audience more than the other two 6'!oups toni€'-ht - inagine people actually ilaacin5 at the lvlonday'Club - a rare eYent inileeil! for F1 Seven to have followeci the ltliehty It woultl have been viriuall,y-.inpossible -fact a8 headliners they uere tlhe least excitin8 of the in Strypes - antt they didnrt vati?-tion a;rd inaginationr but they are l:ooal a of lack songs shoved three band.s on. Their listen to me donrt support....but our enough to aleserve - go and found out for yourselves t An evening of good lntertainrnent - and I hope to cetch the Mighty Strypes again very SOOII




Musically Ze:rox a:"e pretty arrful really (either that or they suffer frorn La.rnentable lack of practise), but whln you go to z;zerdx Fig you donrt 6o for- the rausic (thoueh g" aie pretfir good - ihle Hate the ]4oai8 r for example), you go to have a sone of the "ot 5oodl tiner(unless you want to sulk in the corner - quite a few dicl). Zerox donrt care if the play the irong note and neither do their'audience' they just get up on stde:e and do their otrn thing, ;hich is what Punk i"s aUr aboirt innit? And if you tlonrt like it you knou khat you;an do. Itrs pointless tryin4 constructive criticisns icos evelyone has a gootl tine, and how ca.rr you criticise.that? ore iihportant theyrLl lrobably beat rne up3

I 1 i1


inyway, the p,ig. l,los t Zerox gigs are;''" sftaiiit ei - and this one was no different. Jnstruments lrere slrap?ed and they carried on €ven vhen the orgahisers had decirleil it was iine to call it a day, and their drura ki.t vas disasemblecl! Zerox ate loud.r untarled and dangerous - go and sle them at your own peril!


+ TH

ril' ,LILF_ Julienrrs filst gig - but ve4r proffe8sional for all I{or{pAY cLnB

Seize, Colin, lndy, Dave .!1d. polished cl ea"r sou]rd and a full ,sei of intblesting and original numbers in a that, sophislicated, but definitely purk style, plus aii'S.f.F. type sil1y encore - rI l/as Born Ilnder A l,londerinr Starr ! Certainly a very prornising and interesting debut. /fter arl obviously neryous sta.rt nhen they seenecl to ]oose all co-ordinationr tbey get better and better tovirrds the end as the vezlr gtrongly favourabl e audience reaction boosted their confid.ence, erld they started to nove about a bit noxe. Ttreir tecllnique appeared a bit iiinorthodox, but the effect rras sinply brilliant - rest assured that 6l.l Tuture Seize gigs vitL be wel-l d.oc.oented in G.H. As for hea.dliners The Saspects, I found then-a 1ittle dull in conparison - certainly not an o.rtstanding group, br.t one in a fairly stand.ard prmk nbuld, ind.eed the na.ue -Suspects coulil ontotrpoising- ancl unela:cming group. e.t. hardly be tess suita.t:.e as they *" Ttre



ei i


tape recordet - a vety unorthoilox arrangenen L, and suitably difficult to describet but 4r nenories are of I heav;r and svirling rhythrns, vqried antl interesting - certainly a vellr talenteil pair of musiciane. lltre St'rypee by comparison yel'e loose and freer s evelal figures vardering anonymously arountl :ntloubtedly_ ex.:ll?lt a everal aplarently doing nothing nuch of tbe tine, but the result is being filletl vith the roon soon yo: ilance, vant to a lopingr- lnooth ieggae beat thit rna*es decent for now is soneuhere groups we nee<l all local bodius - tvo nore ta.l. ebted. "r""iirr!' then to playt /:4


Well as sure a.s the sun shines in the skX, 0h little darlinr gorula d.o it or die. $i

Donrt be foob - donrt cry w9'lf 21.

Donrt be bitten twice

Urlte ta qc at: cnrnDilE HArf


My inage


olo Quicksilvc, 1r1 [he &rtts Centrg,


For your fashion




tfo four




avclapes pleasc (ygr cqD put all you tIKz tnsldc)






. 4 - Rutsr Curer lulo-dettest Radio Starsr Raincoatsl Vit;ratorst Stupid i'abies 20p GH No. 5 - Coclcney Rejectsr Slitsr TLre WalI, .Athletico Spizz t80t



+ 1|


ZOp and. postage.

The people responsible for this crap that yourve just wasted 20p on are: Captain Callousr Iiddie Snide ancl PiS I enoremt.



ii? ld FT




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