Medical Directory 2014

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March 2014 Northern Ohio Regional Medical and Health Directory

Local dentist’s xylitol toothpaste kills bacteria A drastic shift in thinking has begun for parents trying to keep their kids away from the dentist drill. Up until now, regular brushing and the use of fluoride was all parents could do to help protect their kids’ teeth from decay. Dr. Stephen Branam, a pediatric dentist based in Oregon, has developed a line of products designed to offer parents another weapon in the war against cavities. His company, Branam Oral Health, has produced an all-natural, xylitol-based toothpaste that has been shown in clinical studies to reduce by 72 percent the bacteria that can cause cavities, and lead to ear infections as well. Because toddlers are not brushing soon enough and with a toothpaste designed for them, 28 percent of all children ages 2-5 have tooth decay in their baby teeth. Tooth decay is the numberone fastest growing disease in children today, Dr. Branam notes. The CDC reports that: • 28 percent of children aged 2-5 experience decay in their baby teeth; • 50 percent of children have had tooth decay by age 11; • 68 percent of 19-year-olds have tooth decay in permanent teeth; Fluoride was once the go-to solution for parents; however, it is not safe for babies and toddlers to swallow, and is also simply designed to build up enamel, not kill bacteria. Xylitol, however, is proven safe for babies and toddlers to swallow and has been tested in long-term clinical studies confirmed by regulatory bodies worldwide. Although xylitol has been widely used in many other countries for decades, it is just recently showing up more in consumer products in the U.S. Because of its sweet taste and low glycemic index, xylitol was first approved as a food additive by the FDA in 1963. Over 35 other countries have case study after case study proving the

Dr. Stephen Branam with his line of anti-cavity products. (Press photo by Ken Grosjean) effectiveness of xylitol. It’s been approved for pharmaceutical and oral health care applications as well such as lozenges and chewing gum. Finland even implemented a national campaign to promote xylitol use specifically to reduce tooth decay in children. They discovered a 90 percent reduction in decay after the first year. Xylitol for kids was slow to be adapted in the US because of the choking hazards of chewing gum and hard candy products. However, xylitol toothpaste has recently begun to surface to offer a drastic change in thinking for parents. It takes the focus off of brushing with fluoride and cleaning to build a defense system to plaque and turns it to the actual reduction of the bacteria that eats away at kids’ teeth. Branam Oral Health recently

took the xylitol claims a step further and conducted a clinical study at the University of Toledo that proved their formulation of all-natural xylitol kids toothpaste and tooth gel reduced 72 percent of the cavity-causing bacteria. This is a claim no other toothpaste brand or company can make. The company’s distribution doubled overnight into national grocery chains like Ahold (Stop & Shop and Giant) and Whole Foods. Branam Oral Health also makes a patented pacifier that eliminates bacteria build up in babies and a xylitol gum for adults. For more information on Branam products and the effectiveness of xylitol, visit Check the ZIP code finder for a store location near you.

Health Tips

Did you know? Contrary to popular belief, acne is not the result of eating greasy foods. It is generally caused by hormones that stimulate glands in the skin to produce an excess of an oily secretion known as sebum, which helps shed old skin cells and keep the skin soft. When too much oil is produced,

the pores in the skin can become blocked and dirt, bacteria and cells may build up. This blockage forms a pimple. Acne tends to run in families and can be triggered by hormonal changes or stress. Research does not indicate that chocolate, nuts and greasy foods contribute to acne.

Supporting seniors The Area Office on Aging of Northwestern Ohio, Inc. offers local residents quality services, information and referrals to help seniors be as healthy and independent as possible. Visit for more information.

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