Presbyterian Healthcare Services - The First 100 Years

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Chapter 18: You’re Only as Good as Your Customers Say You Are

Above: Improvement is a recurring theme at Presbyterian’s Leadership Development Institute.

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n the eight years following Business Plan 2000, there was an increased concentration on understanding customers’ needs. Hinton reminded the organization that the journey would be difficult. “As we start to tease apart our systems and processes, we are likely to be disappointed because there are wide differences between how good we think we are and what our customers think. By placing our customers in the room with us as we analyze our processes and determine the steps that are valuable from their perspective, we will improve. For us, improvement will be a matter of conscious choice, and it will not be a short journey.”

“The Best Way to Get Better Faster” The Three Things set clear goals for Presbyterian—to achieve national excellence for patients and members in quality, patient safety, and

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