Presbyterian Healthcare Services - The First 100 Years

Page 159

Chapter 10: Mrs. Van’s Family


and her collie, Fuzzy. Invariably, family groups with young children, either entering or exiting the hospital, would stop by the bronze statue. The visitor watched a half-dozen family groups stop in front of the statue during the forty-five minutes he waited for the executive. In each case, the youngest child in the group was the one who tugged on a parent’s hand, pointed, and dragged parents and siblings over to the statue. The stream of family groupings was a veritable snapshot of New Mexico culture: Anglos, Hispanics, Blacks, Native Americans, and South Asians. Mrs. Van and Fuzzy attracted just about every toddler and small child who passed by. And when the little ones approached the statue, it was with the same exuberance they approached a petting zoo. Little hands caressed the bronze hem of Mrs. Van’s dress and petted Fuzzy as if they had all known each other for years.

Below: Mrs. Van, portrait

Presbyterian Healthcare Services Photoarchive, photo by Ravini Studio

circa 1980s

Mrs. Van’s enduring legacy to Presbyterian people and patients is nicely summed up in the reaction of the children of twenty-first-century Albuquerque to her statue. During her more than sixty years of service, Mrs. Van established a record of compassion and connectedness to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and its people. Her kindness and her resolve to do whatever needed to be done to advance the institution’s purpose of improving the health of the people of New Mexico is as alive today as it was during the six decades she ministered to the community. Hundreds of Presbyterian people have first-hand memories of Mrs. Van, and thousands who never knew her have heard the stories of Mrs. Van from those who did. For the proof of Mrs. Van’s enduring fascination, you need go no further than the statue opposite the information desk at the main entrance of Presbyterian Hospital.

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