The Charity Pages Issue 8

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Charitable thoughts... There has been some encouraging news of late for those involved in the promotion of charitable legacies. In January it emerged that more solicitors than ever are mentioning the possibility of leaving a legacy when drawing up wills for their clients. That is reward for the likes of Remember A Charity, which has been campaigning for just such a result for a number of years. • The efforts of those promoting legacies has also borne fruit among the over 50s – more than ever of whom have indicated a willingness to leave a legacy. The number has leapt from 41% to 45% in just 12 months, according to research published by two leading marketing consultancies. The number in that age group open to the idea of residuary giving is even higher, at 79% – also 10% up on 12 months previously. Those who have already been active in giving to charity are also more likely to leave a legacy: three times more likely, in fact. That is according to research by Legacy Foresight. • Much has been anticipated recently regarding the reform of Inheritance Tax. The levy is widely regarded as

the most unfair of taxes and completely divorced from the realities of modern life. An All-Party Parliamentary Group has been looking into the idea of reform of the tax – or even its replacement. It has come up with a number of ideas for radical reform. They are only suggestions, but some kind of change is seen as likely. • It hardly needs saying that charities have not had the best of press recently. The activities of some in the sector led to the creation of the Fundraising Regulator. Unusually for such bodies, it has met with some success – although it is axiomatic that those who embrace the new rules are going to be the same people as obeyed the old ones. The regulator has now published guidance on reporting for charities. It follows a trawl through previous accounts which found many wanting. The committee that draws up the rules has also undergone its latest metamorphosis. • Finally, the Institute of Fundraising is celebrating the granting of a Royal Charter by HM The Queen. Those laudable people who spend their days finding the wherewithal for charities to do their work will soon be able to call themselves ‘chartered’. It is a well-earned honour.

In this issue...





More lawyers than ever raise the possibility of legacy giving


Legacy ‘consideration’ in over-50s leaps by 10%


Probate grant delays: FoI request reveals less than one in 10 hits target


Experts postulate overhaul of Inheritance Tax


In-memory donors more likely to leave legacies, research finds


Increase in intestate inheritance amount delayed, but welcome


Conference looks to update on legacy issues


Conference-goers find out the latest in legacy administration


Fundraising awards: entries are now open


Institute achieves grant of a Charter


Fundraising gathering puts legacies in the spotlight


Regulator issues guidance on reporting requirements


New SORP Committee reflects greater inclusion


Fundraising week culminates in major gathering

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TOOK MORE THAN T.L.C. Friends of the Animals is a practical and caring charity that works to alleviate the suffering of stray and unwanted animals. They specialise in ‘preventative’ work such as spays and neuters. The charity was founded by Helen Sinclair MBE, who was honoured for services to animal welfare in 2014. She explained: “Neutering is the only humane way to reduce the numbers of unwanted animals and it improves the lives of animals already here. We work hard to ensure the areas we cover are kept stray-free and that in turn has a hugely beneficial effect on the whole community.” The charity has negotiated much reduced ‘charity’ rates at a total of 38 veterinary practices in various parts of the country. They can also further subsidise those prices, making the cost of previously-unaffordable veterinary treatment attainable for those owners on even the lowest of incomes. Helen Sinclair continued: “Since the charity’s inception in 1990 we have done well over 38,000 spays or neuters, and are willing to help anyone genuinely struggling to finance the cost of this vitally-important surgery: as long as they can reach one of ‘our’ vets.” Veterinary treatment is their biggest outgoing and, dependent on funds, they also help with the cost of veterinary treatment for sick, injured and neglected animals – often finding they are an animal’s very last chance of life. They even operate a voluntary driving service that

transports owners and their animals to and from vets. Said Helen: “Our wonderful drivers give freely of their time; all we ask is for service users to cover the cost of the driver’s mileage.” They also help the public by loaning out equipment, such as carrying baskets and crates, free of charge. That eliminates the risks of transporting animals in cardboard boxes – which owners do all the time. They also check on owners who are struggling financially and help by donating items such as pet food and bedding. Helen explained: “We were moved to tears when we discovered one elderly, recentlywidowed man. He had no food in the house and was feeding his much loved dog on the 'Meals on Wheels' intended for him.” In addition, by utilising a network of capable foster homes, Friends of the Animals are able to provide a pet re-homing service. Foster carers look after mainly dogs and rabbits until a permanent home can be found. They also serve as a lifeline to the elderly and to people in hospital, or in short-term care in homes, as they provide a fostering service for their pets free of charge – usually for up to a month. Helen concluded: “We truly appreciate that people have many choices of charities to support, but no one appreciates it more, or tries harder than we do to get the very best possible from every penny donated. Thank you for your consideration.” 5

Do the wise thing – help protect owls [THE OWLS TRUST is a small charity doing a big job – and an

important one. At its headquarters, Bodafon Farm Park in Llandudno, it has one of the best collections of owls on display to the public in the UK, and it is entirely free to visit every day of the year. The trust became a registered charity in 2001, recognising that there was an urgent need for an organisation to rescue owls and birds of prey in North Wales. Its mission statement is “Saving the world, one owl at a time”. There are three main strands to the Owls Trust’s work. Trustee Pam Broughton explained: “Firstly, we provide rescue and rehabilitation for injured birds of prey. We nurse the wild birds back to health, and when they are ready we release them back into a suitable habitat.” They are often asked to step in to rescue ‘pet’ owls. Those birds are frequently distressed and in poor condition. Said Pam: “When we can, we give them a permanent home with us, where they can regain a good quality of life in more spacious and appropriate surroundings suitable to their species.” The trust’s second activity is to educate young people and older groups about our birds of prey, their place in the environment and

how their habitats can be maintained to protect the bio-diversity of our countryside. Each year the trust’s staff visit over 170 schools and institutions with their owls. Finally, they work with international partners to create and maintain breeding stocks of the world’s rarest owls. Pam declared: “When imperilled habitats can be restored and protected, we will then be able to enhance threatened populations or even reintroduce new groups.” The Owls Trust relies on public generosity and support to continue its work in the care and rehabilitation of owls: it receives no public funding. “So if you love owls as we do,” said Pam Broughton, “please consider remembering The Owls Trust in your will.” q

Research is key to a better life after brain injury


THE MISSION of Brain Research UK is to fund essential research to discover the causes, develop new treatments and improve the lives of those affected by neurological conditions. The charity’s current research focus is on areas where there is a realistic chance of making a difference to neurological patients within the short to medium term. This is where the need for charitable funding is most urgent. As a result they have three current research priorities – brain tumours, brain and spinal cord injury, and headache and facial pain. Brain Research UK receives no government funding and so relies exclusively on voluntary donations. For further information please visit q


More lawyers than ever raise the possibility of legacy giving [ THE CAMPAIGN TO increase the

numbers of solicitors and will-writers mentioning the option of legacy giving with clients making a will was given a preChristmas boost with the publication of research showing that the figure has risen to an all-time high. The tracking study was commissioned by umbrella organisation Remember A Charity and carried out by Future Thinking. It monitored the approach of solicitors and professional will-writers towards legacy giving and their attitudes towards working with charities. It revealed that 68% of solicitors and willwriters always or sometimes proactively raise the subject of legacy giving with clients – up from 58% in 2012. Almost one quarter occasionally raise the topic, while only 7% say they never do – down from more than twice that in 2012. On average, advisers report that 20% of the wills they deal with contain a charitable bequest, having risen steadily from 16% in 2012. A massive 85% of the legal firms in the study had assisted in administering estates that included a legacy. Rob Cope, director of Remember A Charity, commented: “Over the years, we’ve seen a marked change in the way that advisers are approaching gifts in wills with clients. Legacy giving is becoming more common across the client base, and there’s much less reticence when it comes to raising the topic of charitable giving. “Increasingly, advisers now see discussions about gifts in wills as part and parcel of offering a comprehensive service to clients. In most cases, clients will want to look after friends and family first – and that’s something we’d encourage. But a simple question – asking all will-writing clients if they’d like to consider leaving a donation, too – can make a huge difference

to the number of people that choose to give in this way, which is why working with advisers is such a key part of our strategy.” For the first time, the tracking study also explored the reasons for and barriers against opening up legacy-giving conversations with clients. Advisors that ‘always’ open up such conversations said they typically do so because it is part of their standard will-writing process, or because they want to alert clients to the tax breaks linked to writing a gift into their will. Any legacy gift to charity is currently exempt from Inheritance Tax (charged at 40%), and a lower rate of tax (36%) is applicable on estates where 10% or more is donated. The most common barrier for not always mentioning legacy giving is that clients

have already made clear their intentions, such as wanting their family and friends to be sole beneficiaries. Rob Cope added: “Clearly, there’s much further to go before legacy giving becomes a social norm, and every adviser feels comfortable and confident about raising the conversation with clients. We’ll be working more closely with the legal sector in the coming months to encourage greater consistency in the way that advisers approach gifts in wills with clients and to provide resources that help them do so.” Remember A Charity is now working with the legal sector to develop a new suite of materials that will help to bring greater consistency and demonstrate best practice for the way that advisors can reference charitable giving with clients. q

Re-homing is their mission [THE MISSION of Three Counties Dog Rescue is to accept, care

for and find homes for unwanted, lost and stray dogs and cats and to ensure their wellbeing afterwards. The charity was founded in 1972 and since then they have improved the lives of over 7,000 dogs and cats. Before rehoming, all animals are vet checked, neutered, vaccinated, microchipped and kept in suitable conditions. Rehabilitation costs are a major part of the charity’s annual expenditure of over £200,000. Healthy animals are never put down. As part of that non-destruction policy, several elderly dogs are kept in long term foster care. However, this means that the charity can incur large veterinary costs to maintain a dog’s health while they await a new permanent home. Every penny raised goes to improving the lives of dogs and cats. Three Counties Dog Rescue is run entirely by voluntary and unpaid helpers, who also meet their own expenses. q


How science can help restore the dawn chorus [DO YOU REMEMBER the dawn chorus? Spring mornings when the

cacophonous beauty of bird song wakened you early; the summer sky filled with swooping swallows and glorious skylarks; the evening air punctuated with thrush and nightingale song. Where have all the songbirds gone? Songbird numbers have crashed in only one generation. Woodland birds have halved and farmland birds have fared worse. But is this is all down to farming techniques and loss of habitat? Much has already been tried, but numbers of these beautiful birds are not getting any better. Birds are a good indicator as to how well our environment is coping with the stresses of modern life: if birds are not doing well then everything else is not doing well. What sort of world are we creating for future generations? SongBird Survival is funding new research to find out more about the problems our songbirds face and hopes to find ways to reverse the worrying decline in their numbers. The research is highlighting many areas of wildlife management we need to improve. But that is only the tip of the iceberg: there is so much more we need to learn. Georgina Bradley of SongBird Survival explained: “We need your help to continue our vital work to save songbirds. Your gift, either now or in your will, can make a world of difference to the wildlife legacy we leave to our children and grandchildren.” q • For more information email or visit

Aiming to bridge the gap for those with clefts [CLEFT is a charity focused on providing permanent, sustainable

ways to improve cleft care both in the UK and overseas. Its tagline ‘Bridging the Gap’ illustrates the three aims of physical joining, improving information and linking care across countries. A cleft is a congenital birth defect which happens in the womb when the component parts of the upper lip and the palate fail to join properly. There may be a cleft just of the lip, just of the palate, or both. They can be one-sided (unilateral) or double-sided (bilateral). It is known that one in 700 babies in the UK are born with a cleft. The figure is higher in Asia – particularly so in people from the Far East. It is estimated that 250,000 babies throughout the world are born each year with a cleft. A core principle of CLEFT is to invest in research projects that study the cause and treatment of clefts. When it comes to clefts, there is still so much that is unknown. The progression of knowledge and understanding of clefts is therefore a key component in improving the methods used by surgeons, speech therapists and other medical professionals, to treat and provide quality, long-term care for all those born with clefts, both in the UK and overseas. All donations and gifts in wills help to further that research. q


Legacy ‘consideration’ in over-50s leaps by 10% [

THE NUMBER OF people over the age of 50 who would consider leaving a legacy in their will leapt by 10% in the space of just 12 months from 2018 to 2019 – up from 41% to 45%. The figure emerged from joint research by two specialist charity marketing consultancies, Freestyle Marketing and Fastmap. The researchers interviewed over 15,000 people aged over 50 on their views on both will writing and legacies. The resultant report, Legacy Fundraising: The Only Constant is Change!, was published in February. The report identifies a steady shift in attitudes. “Once upon a time the idea of leaving a legacy was something unusual and unexpected, so uncommon that the concept needed to be explained. However, this is changing; with more deaths, more willmaking and a higher proportion of people leaving bequests.” The results do not show equal increases across the board, with some charities gaining greatly and others losing out. That is explained, says the report, by people making choices in response to more competitive approaches by charities. “More than ever charities need to access and use the available data to understand who else supporters are thinking of leaving a legacy to. Those who will be successful moving forwards will create legacy propositions that focus on their cause, their achievements and differentiating themselves from the competition.” Another area that has seen a similar increase is that of residuary giving. “In just one year the sector’s openness to residuary giving has increased by 10% and reached an impressive 79%. Ambitious charities should ask themselves whether they are helping their own supporters to understand this widely misunderstood area. Rest assured, their competitors will be planning to do so.”

The report also carries a number of reactions by charity leaders to the results of the research. Rob Cope, chief executive of Remember A Charity, says: “The good news is that more people are leaving a gift in their will than ever before, thanks to our sector-wide efforts to drive behaviour change. But competition for those gifts is greater than ever, with new charities entering the market and outpacing more established brands.” Rebecca Cooke, legacy marketing manager of the British Heart Foundation, perhaps summed up the atmosphere the report has captured: “It’s an exciting time to be a legacy fundraiser, and as the landscape changes, it’s essential that we understand the insights and listen to our supporters so that we can continue to meet their needs.” • Legacy Fundraising: The Only Constant is Change! was produced by Fastmap – managing director David Cole – and Freestyle Marketing, whose managing director is Allan Freeman. q

Helping the forgotten people of Zimbabwe [

ZANE: ZIMBABWE A NATIONAL EMERGENCY is a UK registered charity working to help the most destitute, vulnerable and impoverished people in Zimbabwe. It is the largest supplier of financial aid to elderly people in Zimbabwe who lost their life savings and pensions in the economic collapse and subsequent hyper-inflation. This includes over 600 frail veterans and their widows who fought for the Crown. ZANE assists with rent, medical bills and food – and, crucially, also provides comfort, advice and support. In addition, ZANE funds a clubfoot correction programme, successfully treating over over 3,800 children to date. It funds the provision of prosthetic limbs for victims of landmine explosions and assists people with hearing loss. ZANE also funds education programmes including the provision of pop-up classrooms in highdensity townships for children who would otherwise not receive an education. It runs creative therapy workshops for women living in extreme poverty who are victims of political violence and trauma. Zimbabwe remains in a state of crisis. The economy teeters on the brink of collapse. Fuel shortages are commonplace and with food prices escalating, ZANE’s aid is needed more than ever by the most destitute people in Zimbabwe. q • To find out more about the work of ZANE visit


Health and disability care for the world’s most vulnerable – without discrimination [HOPE HEALTH ACTION (HHA) have been working in Haiti to improve

maternal, infant and disability healthcare since 2007. Haiti has the worst rates of maternal mortality in the Western Hemisphere and has suffered numerous natural catastrophes in recent years, worsening the cycle of poverty that exists. HHA works to empower local groups to develop sustainable healthcare solutions. They partner closely with a hospital in the north of Haiti to ensure everyone in the region has access to quality healthcare without discrimination. HHA focuses on building the hospital’s capacity with recent projects including a new emergency department, a radiology facility and continual improvements to the solar, electric and water filtration systems. The charity also delivers community based projects to ensure the most marginalised have access to healthcare. The current priority in Haiti is to build new neonatal and maternity wards to tackle the huge need for better maternal and infant healthcare in the region. Since 2016, HHA has also been working in East Africa to provide aid and healthcare to South Sudanese refugees now living in Ugandan settlements. Working in one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises, HHA are focussing on providing emergency food aid, agricultural training and resources, and community based healthcare for the most vulnerable groups in the refugee settlements. HHA stands up for those who have been left behind. A gift in your will could ensure HHA can be there to care for the most vulnerable communities in the world for years to come. q • Contact the HHA team to find out more about their work and how to leave a legacy on or 020 8462 5256.

Giving sighthounds a second chance [FOREVER HOUNDS TRUST has been rescuing, caring for and

homing greyhounds, lurchers and other sighthounds for 23 years. These beautiful dogs find themselves in the charity’s care for many reasons, but they have one thing in common – they are in desperate need of help to find them a safe and happy home, having been neglected, abused, or finished their career as a racing greyhound. Forever Hounds Trust are proud to have homed over 10,000 of these marvellous dogs and they rely entirely on supporters, donations, trusts and, vitally, legacies to cover the substantial costs of every dog’s journey from rescue to loving family pet. The charity’s Susan Kerry Bedell says: “The demand for us to take in dogs continues to grow. By leaving a gift to Forever Hounds Trust in your Will, you are allowing us to rescue, treat and give more dogs a safe future. “Legacies provide shelter for dogs in our kennels and foster homes. Legacies provide emergency medical care and preventative treatments. Legacies keep our vans on the road to rescue dogs from desperate situations.” By remembering Forever Hounds Trust in your will, you are helping give more dogs a second chance at a happy life. q • For more information visit the website at, telephone 03000 125 125 or email

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Probate grant delays: FoI request reveals less than one in 10 hits target [

LESS THAN 10% of probate applications have been issued within the government’s target of 10 working days since delays began last spring, an investigation by the Law Society Gazette has revealed. The information emerged from a Freedom of Information request by the journal. According to The Gazette: “The Ministry of Justice disclosed that just 9% of grants of probate have been issued within 10 working days since April 2019, and the mean end-to-end time for grants issued in December was eight weeks, down from 10 weeks in the summer. Grants issued in December which were not stopped because of missing documents or errors took an average of five weeks to arrive, down from nine weeks in the summer.” The MoJ told The Gazette that applications from solicitors are now being dealt with within 10 working days, and have been since 27 January. It did not disclose how long personal applications currently take to travel through the probate system. Delays in probate grants have been reported since the spring

of last year, when a ‘software glitch’ coincided with a rush to secure probate grants before the introduction of the planned hike in fees – later delayed by the election and then scrapped by the Johnson administration. In the summer we carried a report from the Institute of Legacy Management that its members were waiting up to 12 weeks for grants of probate. It was anticipated then that the delays would be dealt with by the end of the summer. The delays caused by the ‘perfect storm’ also coincided with the implementation of a programme to close the 18 probate sub-registries around the country and their integration into the new national Courts & Tribunals Service Centres, as part of the MoJ’s £1bn modernisation programme. The first of the sub-registries, in Birmingham, was closed in August and the closure of all centres is planned for the end of April. According to the Law Society: “In a letter to stakeholders, the chief executive of HM Courts & Tribunals Service Susan Acland-Hood promised the closures would not set back probate applications.” q

Sending out an SOS for the owls [

ESTABLISHED IN 2001, the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary – known, appropriately, as S.O.S. – operates a comprehensive facility for the rescue, care and rehabilitation of owls across East Anglia. It also promotes the need for the conservation of endangered owl species throughout the UK and beyond with its Saving Britain's Owls initiative. The S.O.S. owl and raptor hospital at Stonham Aspal is unique in the region. It is specially equipped for the care and treatment of the many injured wild owls and other birds of prey that are brought there every year. The reasons for their being there include road traffic accidents, mishap, starvation, trauma, disease, poisoning and sometimes even shooting or trapping. Many of the birds can be given a recuperative, short-term pick-me-up before being re-released into the wild. Those that are more seriously injured but stand a chance of recovery are given medical aid and/or surgery, as determined by their vet. The birds are then allowed space and time to fully recuperate in one of the secluded recovery aviaries, before being carefully returned to the wild. S.O.S. also operates a wild owl nest box scheme, in conjunction with volunteers from the Thornham Owl Project. That includes building and locating long-lasting, environmentally-friendly nest boxes in appropriate locations, to replace the gradual erosion of natural nesting sites. It also involves the careful monitoring of nesting activity within the scheme, for the annual reporting of raptor population information to regulatory authorities. S.O.S. is funded purely by donation, and like many small charities faces an on-going, uphill struggle to survive. q

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Experts postulate overhaul of Inheritance Tax [

THERE IS WIDESPREAD anticipation that a major overhaul of Inheritance Tax (IHT) will be happening sooner rather than later. In the wake of a call for reform by the Office for Tax Simplification (OTS), the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Inheritance and Intergenerational Fairness has published its own report on suggested reforms. If adopted, its conclusions would replace the current array of IHT reliefs and exemptions, which contribute to frustration for families, as well as the perception that IHT is complex and unfair. The APPG says: “Having considered a number of options, many of which merit further exploration, the APPG suggests replacing the current inheritance tax regime (which combines a high flat-rate of 40% with an array of associated reliefs), with a flat-rate gift tax payable both on lifetime and death transfers. The APPG suggests a rate of 10% but accepts that policymakers should determine the appropriate rate as they have better access to the data necessary to determine the rate at which taxpayer behaviour changes.” The report proposes two possible reforms, with examples of how each would work. One advantage of a flat-rate gift tax, the report says, is that there would be less avoidance. It would also act as less of a disincentive for wealthy people to live in the UK. A less-heralded proposal is that the new tax would make no distinction between couples who are married or in civil partnerships, and those who co-habit without a formal footing.

The APPG acknowledges it is following in the footsteps of the OTS, stating: “The government itself started this process of examination in January 2018 when the previous Chancellor asked the Office for Tax Simplification to review the tax. The subsequent consultation generated OTS reports in November 2018 and July 2019 and garnered more responses than any other OTS review, demonstrating the strength of public feeling on this topic.” The report also recommends that the charity exemption should be retained, but that there be no reduced rates on the remaining estate on death if more than 10% is given away. Emily Deane TEP, technical counsel for the Society of Estate Practitioners, which acts as the secretariat for the APPG, commented:

“The IHT system is hugely complex and we are strongly supportive of reform. The APPG's report is a welcome addition to this debate as the government weighs its options.” However, the corporate partner of the Institute of Legacy Management, Charles Russell Speechlys, strikes a note of caution. Writing on the ILM blog page, he said: “It is worth emphasising at this stage that the APPG is an informal group of cross-party MPs and the report is no more than a summary of their views. “The government may well give consideration to the recommendations (as in the case of the recent ‘loan charge’ review) but the proposed changes are not (yet, at any rate) government policy.” The consensus among most professional observers is ‘watch this space!’ q

Help for those with failing sight


FAILING EYESIGHT is nothing short of a personal catastrophe. Do you have a family member, friend or neighbour who is gradually losing their sight? Reading, recognising friends and living skills are all affected as your sight is going – and it’s much harder if you live alone. The National Federation of the Blind of the UK (NFBUK) keeps its members in touch with general information, help and updates on what’s going on. The charity produces bi-monthly news magazines and circulars in audio, braille or electronically, which members can read independently. It also encourages blind and partially sighted people to play a fuller part in society. q • For further information contact NFBUK on 01924 291313, email or visit

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Dedicated to cancer prevention and survival

[A STAGGERING one in two of us will develop

cancer during our lives, yet we know that around 40% of cancer cases are preventable. For almost 30 years World Cancer Research Fund has been a pioneer in vital worldwide scientific research into the links between our lifestyles and cancer. Demonstrating that eating a healthy diet, being active each day and maintaining a healthy weight are, after not smoking the most important ways you can reduce your cancer risk and fight back after a cancer diagnosis. Founder, Marilyn Gentry, is passionate about cancer prevention and survival and said: “Almost all of us are affected one way or another, yet we are not powerless and our work couldn’t be more urgent. “Whilst we learn more about cancer prevention, there is still a huge gap in our knowledge about how diet, nutrition and physical activity affect cancer survival. We want to make this our next priority but we receive no government funding and so our cutting-edge research is only possible through the generosity of people like you.” Including a gift in your will to World Cancer Research Fund could be your special way of rewriting the future and making a memorable contribution to cancer prevention and survival in the years ahead.

Marilyn added: “Together we can rewrite the future, giving generations to come the power to prevent and survive cancer.” q • To find out more visit

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This sanctuary helps donkeys from Britain, Europe and beyond [ESTABLISHED IN 1990, NEDDI offers care and safety to donkeys –

and to a lesser degree, ponies – in Britain and Europe who have suffered neglect, cruelty or maltreatment or who are at risk of such treatment. In addition to rescuing such animals from undesirable situations, within the financial and practical constraints prevailing at the time, they work to try to change attitudes and to educate donkey owners into better practices. For example, since 2016 they have been assisting associates in Kenya to achieve those aims for the working animals there. Since its establishment in Cornwall, NEDDI has operated a sanctuary specifically for distressed donkeys. In 2001 the sanctuary moved to just the other side of the channel, where the resident donkeys enjoy more space and pasture than would otherwise have been possible. Its policy is to try to offer actual, hands-on help to the animals in need, and to restore them to the maximum possible degree of fitness. Once brought back to full health, new homes are sometimes sought for the fit animals. Where full health cannot be achieved a safe home is offered to the donkey for the duration of its life. NEDDI is a comparatively small organisation with limited resources, and relies heavily on support from animal-lovers. A bequest will enable more donkeys to be freed from pain and misery. q

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In-memory donors more likely to leave legacies, research finds [NEW RESEARCH has revealed that people who have given in

memory are three times more likely to make a legacy pledge. The research was carried out for the In-Memory Insight programme of the Legacy Foresight consortium. Benchmarking data from 22 member charities shows that supporters with a known in-memory connection are twice as likely to be legacy prospects compared to regular donors giving via direct debit or standing order.

Holidays help boost confidence of young cancer patients

It’s a great experience to meet other people who have been through similar experiences in such a positive and upbeat setting, away from hospitals and cancer centres.


THIS QUOTE FROM Kate sums up the value of the work undertaken by the Youth Cancer Trust. The organisation provides free therapeutic activity holidays for teenagers and young adults – those aged between 14 and 30 – from the UK and Ireland who are suffering from cancer. Cancer can tear a patient’s world apart, and at an age where everyone else seems to be moving on with their lives – with university, relationships and careers – the diagnosis of cancer can bring all of that to a halt. The Youth Cancer Trust helps reduce the sense of loneliness, which often accompanies long stays in hospital and time off school. Long term friendships are formed and families are given a much deserved break, knowing their child is having fun and being looked after. The charity receives no government funding and relies entirely on donations, such as those from legacies, to help support the needs of young cancer patients like Kate. q • For more information visit

Further to that, surveys covering 4,000 adults revealed that a high proportion of legacy donors (two in five) had at least one in-memory gift in their will and that three out of five in-memory legacies had been preceded by in-memory support of a charity. The In-Memory Insight report states: “The results confirm what we’ve long suspected; just how important remembrance is as a motivation for legacy giving. We hope that this evidence will help make the case for greater, more thoughtful investment in in-memory fundraising throughout the sector.” In-Memory Insight is an on-going programme to map, measure and research in-memory giving and fundraising. It works closely with a learning circle of over 50 leading charities who agree to pool their budgets, experiences and data to help build evidence and insight. q

Increase in intestate inheritance amount delayed, but welcome [

NEWS THAT SPOUSES or civil partners with children will be able to inherit £270,000 from intestate estates has been welcomed by the Law Society of England and Wales. Law Society president Simon Davis commented: “Under intestacy rules, if there are no children, the partner will inherit the entire estate. If there are children, partners will inherit all of the deceased’s personal property, the first £270,000 of the estate and half of the remaining estate – the other half will go to their children.” At least every five years, the government raises the amount partners can inherit in line with the consumer price index. In October 2014, the amount was set at £250,000 and an update was originally due last October. That was delayed until 6 February, when the increase to £270,000 took effect. “This increase is very welcome but many people are unaware that under intestacy laws, unmarried partners and close friends cannot inherit,” said Simon Davis. “Writing a legally valid will with the help of an expert solicitor ensures people’s estate is inherited exactly as they would choose and can prevent a whole raft of problems landing on loved ones when they are grieving.” q

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21 years rescuing animals at Willows! [

WILLOWS ANIMAL SANCTUARY is the largest ethically managed, equine, farm and domestic animal sanctuary in Scotland and will try to help any animal in distress. The charity operates a strict no kill policy and will only euthanise an animal on veterinary advice. They look after over 450 animals – including over 100 horses, ponies and donkeys, approximately 65 cats and dogs and many reptiles – as well as over 200 farm animals and birds. Willows are very dependent on donations, legacies and grants from benevolent organisations to keep the sanctuary running. Unlike larger charities they have no reserves of money and are always desperately short of funds. They specialise in helping elderly or more vulnerable animals that have already been refused help by well-known large national charities, but can only continue to help these needy animals with your support! q

Spirit’s story

SPIRIT CAME TO Willows in the summer of 2018. He was very dehydrated, emaciated and only weighed 1.9kg (above). He was suffering badly from a nasty upper respiratory infection known as feline calicivirus and was very close to death. Kate Robinson of Willows takes up the story: “As soon as he arrived we rushed him straight to our vets and he was placed on a drip. His owners were traced and they hadn’t seen Spirit for over three years as he had disappeared and the charity they homed him from refused to take him back. Even in his poor state, Spirit was showing great

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determination and made it very clear he wished to live. “There was no way we could turn our backs on him so we took him into the sanctuary. It wasn’t easy, but Spirit slowly gained weight and now weighs a super 4.5kg! He has had antiviral treatment to combat the calicivirus and is very content with his life at Willows. He is very frail, but leads a good quality of life and he gets lots of fuss from all the staff and volunteers.” The staff at Willows still keep a very careful watch over Spirit and he sees their vet on a weekly basis to make sure all is well. q

Ginger’s story

What will happen to me?

EX RACE HORSE Ginger had fallen into the wrong hands and was in an appalling state when he arrived at Willows. Emaciated, covered in lice and with very long feet, it took a lot of work and effort to get this boy back into good shape again. He is now recovered and living very happily with all his friends at Willows. q

DO YOU EVER wonder what happens to the cats that no one wants? Too many cats are left homeless, without food, proper shelter and love. This is what often happens to cats that have failed basic house training and then their owners just can’t cope with them anymore. The larger charities often don’t accept cats like these and without a loving home, there is very little hope for them. The founders of Willows identified this issue long ago and went on to set up the Cat Hotel – a special home where cats are free to roam the sanctuary’s 54 acres and where there’s always beds and food available. Willows specialises in helping cats that other charities turn down because of their lack of house training, health issues or age. It is one of the few places in the UK that offers a safe haven to these unhomeable cats. Every cat is neutered, vaccinated and wormed regularly and has constant access to food, medical care and a safe warm bed. Willows urgently need support so they can keep helping cats like these. q

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The dream continues to offer sanctuary to abandoned animals [

THE YEAR IS 1983 and it is the coldest winter for 20 years. Many stories about horses and ponies being abandoned by their owners on Rainham Marshes in Essex were hitting the headlines. Paula Clark, who was involved in raising money for a number of sanctuaries, was sitting at home in tears after reading the story of those poor horses. When her husband Ernie returned home from work, Paula showed him what was happening and they vowed to take action and help the animals that needed them. Some of the horses were already dead and others were starving when the couple got to the marshes. They weren’t having their basic needs met; they had no water or food. Paula and Ernie took tanks of water to them and bales of hay and feed. They even got a vet to examine some of them. No-one was looking after the horses’ basic needs – let alone enriching their lives. Paula and Ernie embarked on fulfilling their dream and the story of Hopefield Animal Sanctuary began. They began taking horses with the intention of fostering. They would bring them back to health and then find them nice homes. The first horse they fostered out was Pye. Soon after they heard that the fosterers were trying to sell him, so Ernie took them to court at a cost of £4,000. Ernie finally got Pye back in a terrible state, so both Paula and Ernie promised they would never rehome again – the animals had a home for life. As Paula and Ernie found fostering animals didn’t work out they decided to provide homes for life to their animals. One beneficiary is Juliette, a thoroughbred horse who arrived in a terrible condition.

Because of her home for life at Hopefield, and the daily care and attention she receives, she is now physically transformed. Paula and Ernie have both now sadly passed away. Since their passing the work has been taken over by new trustees and a dedicated team of staff and volunteers look after the resident animals, old and new. Many animals arrive in a terrible condition and are completely transformed by living at the sanctuary. The sanctuary has now been running for 35 years – it has over 50 regular volunteers, a huge amount of local and loyal support and over 20,000 followers on Facebook. CEO Dave Schlaich explained: “We have continued to rescue horses and farm animals, but have found that over the years the type of animals we are having to help has greatly changed, with people getting more and more into exotic species through the pet trade.” The sanctuary is now open the public from Friday to Monday each week. It has become a visitor attraction with a small tea room. All activities generate funds that go directly to the animals, making the future more secure. Said David: “You can support us by becoming a regular donor, visit us, sponsor an animal or leave us a legacy in your will, knowing that your donation goes towards providing a home for life for one of our animals.” q

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Conference looks to update on legacy issues


THE Annual Conference of the Institute of Legacy Management (ILM) will be taking place on 15 May at etcvenues, 155 Bishopsgate. As always, the event promises an entertaining and informative mix of news and opinion from the world of legacies. The event also offers unrivalled networking opportunities with legacy professionals from charities across the UK. Alongside legal updates from the headline sponsor Bates Wells, there will also be the ever-popular legacy update from Legacy Foresight, as well as an update from Ian Bond of the Law Society. A session from Solicitors for the Elderly will look at the growing problem of fraud, and a panel of experts will also look at those issues in more detail. Regular awards slot will be presented by Legacy Link, and a drinks reception after the conference will be hosted by partner Berrys. The ILM is also offering a special rate for new members who have joined since June 2019. The institute does caution that places are limited, so members should book without delay. q

Making surgery their legacy [

CHOOSING TO leave the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) a legacy in your will can have a direct impact on the future of surgery and on the patients it saves. Past legacies have enabled the charity to purchase essential equipment and support a range of projects in surgical education and research. One of those legacies has allowed the funding of multiple one-year research fellowships, all costing in the region of £65,000. The most recent fellowship awarded with this generous bequest was to a trauma and orthopaedic surgeon whose project is looking at using augmented reality (AR) gaming to optimise surgical performance. Delivering expert levels of surgery is a team skill, combining knowledge, technical and non-technical ability. Yet better understanding is needed about how together, the surgeon, their assistant and the scrub nurse acquire and integrate these skills. The developed augmented reality headsets allow multiple wearers to overlap 3D digital information onto the real world, tracking hands and surgical instruments. Using AR gamification, the project investigates how surgical teams learn, and if enhancing their abilities during simulated and real surgery can accelerate learning, deliver expert-level skill, and thus improve patient care. The number of excellent fellowship applications received has doubled since the scheme was introduced in 1993 and the RCS are unable to support 80% of applicants. They are always in need of more funding to enable projects that address the health challenges of modern society, supporting the development of pioneering ideas across the NHS. With each small success the RCS takes another step towards the next big breakthrough. q

Conference-goers find out the latest in legacy administration [

LAST DECEMBER professionals from all areas of legacy administration came together for the 2019 Excellence in Legacy Administration conference. Organised by Wilmington Charities and Smee & Ford, the conference was for charities, by charities. Those attending received the latest guidance and practical tactics from those leading the way in the profession. Designed for charities and legacy teams of all sizes and streamed for all levels of expertise, the event offered exclusive examples of how charities have dealt with the latest developments in the sector. Following its launch in 2018, ELA 2019 focused on the most fundamental topics in legacy admin, helping delegates to: • Understand new will-writing formats and their legal status • Recognise when to accept or refuse a legacy gift when ethics are • involved • Learn when it’s appropriate to have a lead charity – and how to • choose who leads • Manage unusual or complex lay executor requests effectively • Examine the impact of forecasting in the legacy profession Among the positive feedback was a testimonial from Helen Francis of Dorothy House Hospice, who said: “The diverse range of charities, causes, structures, which prompts ideas to try. Lots of good thoughts. Good to hear we all encounter the same problems, large and small charities collaborating here at the conference.” q

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Giving children the gift of growing up [WHEN 10-YEAR-OLD REBECCA was first diagnosed with cancer, her mother, Charlotte, was scared that she would lose her daughter. Rebecca had visited several healthcare workers in Ghana, being treated for both malaria and typhoid before eventually being diagnosed with cancer. They had to travel a long way to reach the hospital for treatment, which was expensive and put them under a great deal of financial pressure. However, thanks to the support of people just like you, Rebecca completed her treatment at the end of last year and is now cancer free. Charlotte is looking forward to returning home where her daughter, Rebecca, can go back to school and continue her childhood. In low-income countries survival rates for children with cancer can be as low as 10%. In high-income countries, like the UK, survival rates are over 80%. World Child Cancer believes that every child with cancer, wherever they live in the world, should have equal access to the best possible treatment and care. They work in 12 countries to improve diagnosis, access to treatment and quality of care for children with cancer, and their families. By leaving a gift in your will to World Child Cancer, you can ensure that more children just like Rebecca have the chance to grow up and fulfil their dreams. Your support will have a real and significant impact and give children with cancer all over the world the gift of growing up. q

Kidney Kids Scotland turns 20 in 2020

Legacies mean so much to our Kidney Kids


KIDNEY KIDS SCOTLAND, a very small charity with a huge heart, has for the last 20 years supported Scottish children with renal and urology conditions. The main aim of the charity has always been to enable these children to receive treatment as close to home as possible and minimise disruption to the family unit. In addition the charity helps hospitals all over Scotland, supplying them with much needed equipment and funding posts recognised as being essential. Chronic Kidney disease is a condition that has no cure and that children and their families must learn to live with. IMAGINE your child only being able to drink 400mls in one day. That’s less than two cartons of juice – a can of juice is 500mls. IMAGINE being a parent where you must be home before 8pm every single night to ensure your child gets their daily home dialysis. IMAGINE not being able to take your family abroad or too far away from the hospital because your child cannot go without their dialysis. This HAS to happen in hospital 3 or 4 times EVERY week. IMAGINE your child missing out on school education, social activities, family members’ birthday celebrations, a sibling’s sports day or a family wedding because you need to make sure they receive their life saving dialysis treatment. IMAGINE your child spending their birthday and/or Christmas Day in hospital and not being able to see their friends from week to week. q IMAGINE LIVING WITH KIDNEY DISEASE For more information about Kidney Kids Scotland please visit our website at, call 01324 555843 or email Kidney Kids Scotland can help in many ways

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Fundraising awards: entries are now open

Institute achieves grant of a Charter

[THE Institute of Fundraising has announced [

ENTRIES HAVE OPENED for the 2020 National Fundraising Awards, run by the Institute of Fundraising (IoF). Now in its landmark 30th year, the National Fundraising Awards are the only awards that recognise and reward fundraising excellence and best practice in the voluntary sector. The winners in the 15 categories will be announced at a glittering ceremony in London on 6 July – part of the IoF’s Fundraising Convention. Helen Maguire won the Rising Star award at last year’s awards. She explained what winning the award meant to her, and how winning has impacted her career: “It was such an amazing feeling to know that, after you had worked so hard for so long and achieved success, this had been recognised. “Working in a small charity it can feel quite isolated, so it was difficult to measure my success against the fundraising average. Winning the award made me realise that I had achieved a massive success which I can now confidently talk about with prospective charity clients.” Suzie Reed won Fundraiser of the Year. She told how it has impacted on how she views her work and team. “Winning the award felt like external validation for both myself and for East African Playgrounds – recognition for all the hard work, blood, sweat and tears that both myself and others had put into realising our ambitious growth strategy over the past few years. “When you are in the thick of it, it’s so easy to remember the things that didn’t work, beat yourself up for them, and almost take your successes for granted. The award has helped me to look proudly at what EAP has achieved through my hard work, as well as appreciating how lucky I am to have a great leadership team pushing me and putting their faith in my ability to achieve goals.” This year fundraisers were invited to take part in an application process to be a judge, to ensure the selection represented a wide range of fundraising disciplines and causes across the UK. Entries are open to all organisations, campaigns and individuals working within the UK. Submissions must be the made online by 5pm on 13 March. A shortlist will be announced on 20 April. The National Fundraising Awards website carries more information on the event, including the categories, general rules, criteria and how to apply. The awards are free to enter. q

that The Queen has approved an Order granting them a Royal Charter. The order was granted at a meeting of the Privy Council held on 12 February. The Royal Charter does not take legal effect until the Royal seal is attached, which is expected to happen within the next few months. It is a significant step for the institute and the fundraising community, embedding professional standards at the heart of the fundraising community and securing external recognition for the important role fundraisers play in today’s society – raising vital funds to make the world a better place. In a message to members, the IoF chief executive Peter Lewis said: “This is a huge achievement less than 37 years after a few volunteers met for the first time to form what is today the Institute of Fundraising. It demonstrates, through the Royal Charter, formal public recognition across the UK of fundraising as a profession, and of the specialist professional skills fundraisers bring to their work, making the world a better place. “On behalf of the staff team at the Institute I would like to congratulate our members and volunteers who have created the organisation we are today. Without your commitment to the profession, to professional standards, and to your own professional development the Institute would not be receiving this public recognition.” The institute said it hopes to start operating as the new Chartered Institute of Fundraising in April, once the Royal Charter takes effect, and plans to launch its new identity and website before the Fundraising Convention, its annual festival of fundraising. q

Saving lives one sniff at a time [

HYPO HOUNDS provide a viable health care alternative for children and their families by using their family pet – training their best friend to detect the subtle changes in the child’s blood sugar levels. The dogs are trained to alert sleeping parents when the child’s sugar levels drop dangerously low or rise too high. This not only impacts on the child but also on the family’s ability to function as a unit, with the registered carer becoming the dog. Hypo Hounds work is becoming nationally recognised and is literally saving the lives of children – one sniff at a time. q

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Heartbeat horses on the move

[IN 2019, following the retirement of managing trustee Colin

Cooper, some of the Heartbeat horses moved to a new home at Sink Farm in Woodbridge, Suffolk. Colin was very pleased to announce that the charity’s headquarters had moved to Hollesley where the current horses will live and be cared for alongside the wonderful Suffolk Punch horses. Sink Farm is the colony stud for the Suffolk Punch Trust charity, who continue their important and essential work in preserving this unique breed. q • For more information on either charity please contact Tracey Pettitt, stud manager or David Clarke, finance director, on 01394 775495. Heartbeat Homes for Horses, Sink Farm, St David’s Lane, Hollesley, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 3JR

Legacies – the gift of life [

ANIMAL CHARITY Wild Futures rescues and offers sanctuary to monkeys who have suffered abuse and neglect. They are dedicated to protecting primates and their habitats worldwide – primates are endangered due to climate change, habitat destruction and the bush-meat and pet trades. For some species, it is too late. The future of all that remains lies in our hands, so leaving a legacy to Wild Futures is the gift of life and a future for primates and our wonderful planet. Wild Futures’ holistic approach makes them unique – providing sanctuary to rescued

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monkeys, supporting projects overseas, campaigning for primate welfare, educating to protect primates worldwide and promoting a sustainability and ethical ethos. They receive no government funding, so the generosity of those that remember Wild Futures is essential to enable them to continue their work. A legacy can be the gift of a life worth living and a wild and safe future for all. q • For more information call 01503 262532, email or visit the webiste at

Fundraising gathering puts legacies in the spotlight [THIS SUMMER SEES the 30th annual Fundraising Convention of the

Institute of Fundraising, which each year sees thousands of fundraisers gather at The Barbican in London for the largest professional fundraising event in Europe. This year sees the Fundraising Convention’s 30th year and will reflect a new era for the event, ensuring that the sessions respond to the rapidly changing climate in which fundraisers at all levels are operating. According to the event organisers: “Bringing together technical sessions that help fundraisers hone their techniques, convention also plays a key role in providing inspiration to delegates on both organisational and personal levels, enabling them to bring back lessons that will impact on their professional development, their organisations and the causes that our sector works tirelessly to support.” The packed programme for the event will see speakers addressing the full spectrum of issues facing fundraising. In keeping with the conference’s focus on the changing face of fundraising, the programme starts with a look at Doing digital: getting started, learning more, going further by Harley Humphries, project development manager at the British Heart Foundation The legacy sector will be represented by a number of speakers. On the first day Stephen George, director of Good Leaders will address The power of legacy conversations – how to transform your legacy programme with great conversations, while freelance fundraising consultants Christine Reidy and Claire Routley will discuss Solicitation, stewardship and symbolic immortality – the power of the pledger society in legacy fundraising. Later that day Jenny Creighton and Douglas Flood from Mind join Richard Millar from Capacity Marketing for Charities to investigate Thinking national and acting local – legacy acquisition in a federated charity, Ligia Pena from Greenpeace International will speak on Legacy KPIs and dashboard: how to report without losing your mind and Meg Abdy from Legacy Foresight will discuss Baby boomer legacies: opportunities and challenges from around the world. The second day will also see legacies in the spotlight, with Charlie Booth from the Royal Marsden offering tips on Legacies from scratch, Rebecka Winell from the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund explaining Legacy fundraising in the UK and Sweden – things I have learned and want your organisation to know and Ashtar Selby from Mencap discussing Driving legacy action with digital.

On Tuesday afternoon, Roger Lawson and Richard Spencer from About Loyalty will explain How to harness loyalty to grow legacy giving and a round-table of Lindsey Burke from Solving Kids' Cancer, Michael Clark of St Nicholas Hospice Care and Victoria Friar from Save the Children UK will discuss The pledgers in the pyramid: why community fundraisers hold the key to vital legacy prospects. Information on the event is available on the Institute of Fundraising website at q

Supporting the maritime community [

SEAFARERS UK is a charity that has been providing vital support to the men and women who work at sea and are in need, and to those in maritime education or training, for over 100 years. The charity does this by giving grants to organisations and projects that make a real difference to people’s lives. Seafarers UK receives no government funding and is heavily dependent on public donations and legacies. Last year Seafarers UK was able to give £2.2m in funding to over 50 maritime welfare and youth charities. q • To support Seafarers UK or to find out more about their work, visit the website at or email

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Daring rescue mission saves dozens of animals


AT THE BEGINNING of 2019 the oldest zoo in Gaza – Rafah Zoo – attracted worldwide attention. It emerged that over 40 animals were suffering in terrible conditions, prompting over 150,000 people to demand immediate action. Fortunately, international animal charity FOUR PAWS were able to respond to that call. A 14-month-old lioness had been permanently mutilated. The lioness (above left) had endured excruciating pain as her claws were removed with garden shears, leaving her mutilated forever. To make matters worse, four newly-born lion cubs had frozen to death. There was no proper

nutrition, medical care or shelter, leaving the animals severely neglected. The zoo, in the Gaza Strip, had suffered frequent damage from bombings and other military action during the on-going conflict there. Some animals had even been killed by rocket fire, and many others had died from malnutrition and disease. The team at FOUR PAWS knew they had to act. In its largest ever rescue, and after several months of careful preparation and negotiations, the FOUR PAWS team entered Gaza. A total of 47 animals – including five lions, monkeys, wolves and foxes – were brought to safety.

The declawed lioness and many other animals were brought to the Al Ma’wa Sanctuary for Nature and Wildlife in Jordan – a partnership between the Princess Alia Foundation and FOUR PAWS. Two lions made the long journey to the five-acre FOUR PAWS LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary in South Africa (below): years of pain and neglect finally behind them. Gifts in wills can enable FOUR PAWS to continue their groundbreaking rescue missions and help animals worldwide. q • To receive your legacy information booklet please call Joanne Royston on 020 7922 7954 or email

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Charity carries on the work of its founder [

FOR OVER 30 YEARS the famous animal hospital known as Tiggywinkles has been working to rescue, treat and rehabilitate sick, injured and orphaned British wildlife. Over that time they have proved beyond doubt that most wild animal and bird casualties can be saved and returned to the wild. Although they specialise in hedgehogs – indeed, they derive their name from St Tiggywinkles, the name of their specialist hedgehog ward, inspired by the animal character created by Beatrix Potter – their wealth of expertise in the care of a wide range of species can now be passed on to others. In addition, their commitment to practical education plays a vital part in the conservation of wildlife. As an accredited centre, opportunities are available for students aged 16 and over to gain a City and Guildsapproved qualification via their Apprenticeship in Animal Care scheme. Tiggywinkles was founded by Les Stocker, who sadly passed away in July 2016. In a tribute, Les was described as ‘…a steadfast ambassador, achieving his goal to turn wildlife rehabilitation into a profession’. In another he was referred to as the ‘the spiritual heart of Britain’. He was awarded an MBE by The Queen and given the title Laureate in the 1990 International Rolex Awards for Enterprise, for his work in wildlife conservation and establishing Europe’s first wildlife teaching hospital. More recently, he gained the prestigious Honorary Associateship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. The charity is happy to commemorate all who generously remember the Wildlife Hospital Trust in their will by inscribing their name on a plaque in its Remembrance Garden. Gifts are also welcome in the form of a donation or by becoming a Friend of Tiggywinkles. q

If you Will, we will [LEGACIES MEAN SO much to the team at Last Chance

Animal Rescue. These wonderful gifts have helped them to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home so many abandoned, abused and unwanted dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, rabbits and guinea pigs who otherwise would have had no future. The charity understand the wishes of its kind benefactors who have considered them in their Wills. A spokesperson said: “We know they want their generous gift to us to be used directly to save lives, provide the very best of care and to find loving homes. “Legacies really do provide the gift of life and Last Chance Animal Rescue can now, after much planning and prudent use of funds, offer our life saving services to so many more needy pets. We are delighted to announce we now have a second rescue and re-homing centre in Kent, giving hope and a true A new friend for Alan last chance to so many. “Sadly we cannot thank those who have enabled this wonderful achievement but are extremely grateful to all those who are currently considering helping us now and in the future to continue our work.” q

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Regulator issues guidance on reporting requirements [TO PREPARE CHARITIES for the

reporting year ahead, the Fundraising Regulator has published new guidance to help charities comply fully with the fundraising reporting requirements in the Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016. Under the Act, registered charities which have their accounts audited – that is, where gross income is over £1m – are required to provide a statement on fundraising in their annual reports. The requirements are designed to reinforce responsibility and accountability for fundraising, and encourage charities to demonstrate their commitment to protecting donors and the public from poor fundraising practices. In a statement, the regulator said: “We publish our guidance following an analysis we undertook of 106 annual reports filed with the Charity Commission. We found that just 40% of charities included an adequate fundraising statement to meet the requirements in the Act. “To conduct the analysis, we randomly selected reports which represent a cross section of different size charities that spend more than £100,000 on fundraising. We reviewed each statement, evaluating strengths and weaknesses based on how well it met the criteria of the Act. “Although most charities recognised their registration with the Fundraising Regulator in the statement, our analysis found that more can be done to demonstrate how charities use standards in the Code of Fundraising Practice to guide their work.” Common issues that arose from the analysis included: • Limited detail about how fundraising • campaigns are run and managed,

Although most charities recognised their registration with the Fundraising Regulator in the statement, our analysis found that more can be done to demonstrate how charities use standards in the Code of Fundraising Practice to guide their work.

• including who carries out the work • Failure to demonstrate how the Code of • Fundraising Practice is used to guide • their work • A lack of thorough description about • fundraising carried out on behalf of the • organisation • Frequent omission of the number of • complaints received

• Limited explanation of how vulnerable • people are protected in the • organisations’ fundraising work. The chair of the Fundraising Regulator, Lord Toby Harris, said “Although our review has highlighted a low level of compliance with The Charities Act 2016 in terms of fundraising statements, we recognise that this is the first year of reporting in this manner. We are committed to working with charities, especially those with lower fundraising budgets, to promote better practice in reporting and the importance of providing a comprehensive statement.” To ensure that charities of all sizes and fundraising budgets can meet the Act’s requirements, the regulator’s guidance includes information on: • What the fundraising statement should • consist of • Examples of a fully compliant report • Expectations from the Charity • Commission • What charities can expect from auditors • and independent examiners The Charity Commission’s CC20 guidance asks that trustees make sure their charity’s fundraising meets the standards in the code, and complies with the law. Good reporting, and registration with the Fundraising Regulator, is a way to demonstrate that. Chief executive of the Fundraising Regulator, Gerald Oppenheim, added "This first year of reporting gives us valuable insight into common issues arising in charities’ fundraising statements. This is an important opportunity for the sector to come together to ensure that everyone is being held accountable to increase standards of reporting across the board.” q

Caring for chelonia [THE BRITISH CHELONIA GROUP publishes six newsletters

a year containing details of meetings, short articles, news items and veterinary notes. Their journal Testudo is published annually and contains original articles and reviews on all aspects of turtles, terrapins and tortoises – their biology, conservation, welfare, veterinary care and husbandry. The group also organises symposia. As well as the yearly appeals in aid of specific international causes in chelonia research and survival, the BCG assists other worthy causes in support of its aims with grants. They invite grant applications from organisations and individuals engaged on the work of chelonia conservation – such as zoos, universities, zoologists and students in this country and overseas. q

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New SORP Committee reflects greater inclusion

Rescue centre offers a lifeline to injured wildlife

[ A NEW COMMITTEE to oversee the rules for how charities

across the UK and Ireland report on their finances has been appointed. The committee is known as the SORP Committee – Statement of Recommended Practice. The SORP is the set of rules which governs charity financial reporting and accounting for charitable companies (which may be small) and larger charities with an income of £250,000 and more. The main purpose of the SORP Committee is to identify potential changes to the SORP and advise the charity regulators who make the SORP rules. The new committee includes organisations which work closely with charities and have a working knowledge of charity accounts, as well as greater membership from smaller charities. The move is part of an attempt to make the accounts of charities more user-friendly for the public, funders and others, and to make preparation easier for smaller charities. The previous committee had been in place for nearly five years and is being reformed following the SORP Governance Review. The intention is to improve the process and focus more on those reading and using charity accounts. As previously, membership of the SORP Committee is drawn from all jurisdictions preparing accounts under UK-Irish accounting rules – Generally Accepted Accounting Practice – which have a charity regulator – namely England and Wales, Scotland, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland Charity Commission Northern Ireland’s Myles McKeown, joint-chair of the SORP Committee, said: “The SORP has an important role to play in setting the accountancy standards for charities and, as highlighted by the recent governance review, it is vital the SORP develops in a way that meets modern expectations. “One key way to achieve this is to build a committee with as wide a representational viewpoint as possible, in particular from the individuals, groups and organisations which have practical experience of using the SORP.” Late last year a panel of representatives from the Charity Commission for England and Wales (CCEW), the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, alongside an observer member from the Charities Regulatory Authority, commenced interviews across the UK and Ireland to find potential new committee members. Following that assessment process, applicants from each of the target representative groups have been appointed. The appointments mean the new committee will have a maximum membership of 14, ensuring a strong mix of individuals and organisations with the skills and capabilities to take the SORP forward. Another joint-chair of the SORP Committee, CCEW’s Nigel Davies, added: “The recruitment campaign attracted high calibre candidates from across the board. We would like to thank everyone who took the time to apply – it really is heartening to see such interest in making charity financial reporting better.” q


HESSILHEAD WILDLIFE RESCUE TRUST is situated near Beith, in North Ayrshire. It was set up as a charity in 1986, although its founders Andy and Gay had been caring for injured and orphaned wildlife since 1970, when they rescued a fox cub from a gamekeeper and his dogs. As the number of casualties increased year on year, Andy and Gay needed financial and practical help. Once the trust was set up, new aviaries and enclosures were built. A membership scheme proved popular and many volunteers were recruited. The centre now occupies a 20-acre site, including woodland, marsh and open water. That gives a variety of release sites for its patients. Approximately 3,500 wildlife casualties are now treated each year, with the aim of returning them to the wild. Among the many hedgehogs, foxes and familiar garden birds there are deer, otters, badgers and seals. All have been rescued and are rehabilitated. In addition, swans are treated regularly, along with buzzards, peregrines, herons and sea birds. The centre operates a 24-hour rescue service and there are more than 60 enclosures and aviaries, a hedgehog hospital, a seal/swan unit and intensive care facility. It also offers training courses on the handling, care and treatment of wildlife casualties. Spring and summer are especially busy, with hundreds of nestling birds being hand reared. Care is taken to rear all youngsters with minimum human contact. That prevents wild birds and mammals becoming too used to people, so giving them a good chance of survival in the wild. Hessilhead is primarily a voluntary organisation. Its volunteers help in many ways: fundraising, building and maintenance, driving patients to the centre and daily cleaning and feeding. q

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Fundraising week culminates in major gathering [ONE OF THE highlights of the charity fundraising

year is the Third Sector Fundraising Week conference. Taking place on 20-21 May at ILEC in London, this year’s event has been described as ‘a conference to help you achieve sustainability in uncertain times’. According to the organisers, Third Sector: “At the heart of effective and engaging fundraising is a deep and genuine connection with your audience. By growing and strengthening your community of donors, trustees and staff, you boost your revenue streams and your impact on the wider world through your charity mission.” As with so many conferences and meetings involving the charitable sector, a major emphasis is the all-pervading influence of new technology. The programme describes it thus: “With the on-going rise of digital technology and the shift in audience expectations and demands, it has never been more important to reinforce the relationship you have with your supporters, both online and offline. To respond to the pressing demand for transformation and change, fundraisers and charity leaders must adopt innovative and creative approaches to fundraising campaigns.” The conference promises to be overflowing with inspiration, innovation and practical solutions to the fundraising challenges of today – from cause-led and supporter-first campaigns, to diversified revenue models and digital fundraising.

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The key themes are: • Exploring innovative ways of engaging with potential donors through • tools such as social media and dynamic email marketing to ‘stunts’ • and live events • Improving collaboration within internal and external networks to • strengthen fundraising efforts • Supporting volunteers to get them to be advocates for the cause • and help raise funds • Assessing the future of fundraising to ensure that you adapt and • employ the right staff, tell the right stories and use the right tools to • increase the effectiveness of your campaigns Further details, together with the full agenda and registration information, are available at q

The range of charities which depend on legacies to carry out their valuable work is a broad one. Those that are represented in this publication are listed below, grouped according to the area of activity in which they operate.




Friends of the Animals 4/5

Prostate Cancer Research Centre 1

The Owls Trust 6

Pain Relief Foundation 2

Three Counties Dog Rescue 7

Brain Research UK 6

SongBird Survival 8


Forever Hounds Trust 10

World Cancer Research Fund 13

The Suffolk Owl Sanctuary 11

Royal College of Surgeons 19

The New European Distressed Donkey Initiative Ltd 14

The National Brain Appeal 32

Willows Animal Sanctuary 16/17 Hopefield Animal Sanctuary 18 Heartbeat Home for Horses 22 Wild Futures 22


The Suffolk Punch Trust 23

Victim Support 14


Seafarers UK 23

Tiggywinkles 26

Nerve Tumours UK 28

Last Chance Animal Rescue 26 British Chelonia Group 27 Pet Rescue Welfare Association 28


Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue 29 Animals in Distress Field of Dreams 30

ZANE: Zimbabwe A National Emergency 9 Hope Health Action 10

CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE Youth Cancer Trust 15


World Child Cancer 20

Seeing Dogs 2

Kidney Kids Scotland 20

National Federation of the Blind of the United Kingdom 12

Hypo Hounds 21

31 31

32 32

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