Sept 2011 Pose Down Mag Online

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SEPT 2011





Cover Picture: Derek Poundstone Stephen Frazier Photo By: Derek Poundstone Ray Rojas Editor In Chief : Bob Johnson Editorial /Director/Designer: Laura Johnson Publication Interest: Aaron Fletcher Senior Writer: Michael Bell Some photos submitted for Ashley Bell by Alex Ardenti Photographers: Dan Ray Contributing Column Writers: Tye Sheets Pierpont Kay Simms Joe Leahy



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Pose Down Magazine accepts photos from individual athletes with the understanding that each athlete own the rights to photos submitted…….

Flat dumbell press- 2 warmup sets 3 working sets of 8-12 reps


machine chest press- 3 sets of 10-12 rep (3rd set is drop set)

Incline dumbell flies- 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Incline smith press- 3 sets of 6-10 reps

Pec deck- 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Kay’s Bio


Kay Simms, M.S., CSCS, HFI My Health Philosophy: Good health is a blessing not to be taken for granted. I love sharing my passion for fitness and wellness with others. The greatest reward I could ask for is seeing my clients succeed and change their lives. The combination of proper resistance training, cardiovascular training, and nutrition provide the formula for success!! Hard work is not an option, it is MANDATORY! I enjoy utilizing the science of my exercise physiology degree background to evaluate and address every client’s individual needs. My goal is to serve every client with energy, passion, and commitment every day to lead them to happier, healthier lives. Changing lives is what I do every day through fitness, nutrition, and mental training. Clients feel better as they work toward and achieve their goals. Whether improved body composition, daily functioning, or sports performance is the goal, I address all aspects training required to achieve it. Nutrition is a key aspect of reaching health/fitness goals. Whole, clean foods are the ticket to success. I myself must live a gluten-free/lactose-free diet; thus helping others identify unknown food allergies/intolerances has become a passion of mine raising quality of life for many and increasing awareness of keeping foods “back to basics” as much as possible. Experience in cardiac rehabilitation research and living a gluten/lactose-free diet enhances my ability to serve a more diverse clientele with compassion and care. Competitive collegiate tennis and figure competition experience provides a further level of performance training for those with competitive goals. Whatever the need, the client will be served 110%! Certifications/Education/Background: Certified NSCA- CSCS, ACSM- Health/Fitness Specialist 2 ½ years cardiac rehabilitation research-Baylor Hospital, Dallas- 8 published articles 4 years NCAA Division 1-AA tennis player Specialties include: Weight loss Special Populations-including heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia Nutrition-including gluten- and lactose free diets and other food intolerances/allergies Body sculpting Performance training Contact Info: Kay Simms, M.S., CSCS, HFI Professional Trainer/Director of Training 972-207-9800

Behold The Power Of The Walnut Ask fitness enthusiasts to list their go-to snacks and almonds are often at the top of their lists. After all, almonds are pack a nutrient-punch with vitamins and minerals, including copper and manganese, and provide good source of protein. Walnuts are often overlooked by many, but they deserve a good look and taste instead of being passed over. BENEFITS: • High in omega-3 essential fatty acids as ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). As an essential fatty acid, the body needs omega-3s but cannot produce it on its own. Thus, our bodies depend on our food choices to obtain omega 3s. • Omega-3s are great anti-inflammatory agents (great for post-workout recovery) and provide cardiovascular protection. • Walnuts are high in anti-inflammtory and antioxidance phytonutrients including tannins, phenolic acids, and flavonoids. Choosing walnuts as snacks or into recipes is a great way to provide the body with needed nutrients, along with delicious, decadent nutty flavor that the taste buds and body will love! Below are some great ways to incorporate more walnuts into your diet.

Cinnamon Roasted Walnuts Ingredients: Walnuts Cinnamon Cooking spray 1. Preheat oven to 325 deg. 2. Spread walnuts onto 9 x 13 in cookie sheet as a single layer 3. Spray with cooking spray and sprinkle with cinnamon 4. Roast in oven for 8 min then toss and spread back into single layer 5. Roast another 7-9 min or until walnuts appear roasted 6. Enjoy! 7. Note: Sprinkling vanilla protein powder and/or cocoa powder adds nice flavor as well!


Quick Broiled Chicken Breast with Honey-Mustard Sauce Prep and Cook Time: 30 minutes INGREDIENTS: • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts • 2+1 TBSP fresh lemon juice • 1 1/2 cups chicken broth • 2 1/2 TBS honey • 2 TBS Dijon mustard • 1/4 cup sliced dried apricots • 2 TBS coarsely chopped walnuts • 1 TBS chopped parsley • salt and pepper to taste Directions: Quick Broiled Chicken 1. Preheat the broiler on high and place an all stainless steel skillet (be sure the handle is also stainless steel) or cast iron pan about 6 inches from the heat for about 10 minutes to get it very hot. 2. While the pan is heating, rinse and pat the chicken dry and season with 2 TBS lemon juice, salt, and pepper. 3. Place the breast skin side up on the hot pan. It is not necessary to turn the breast because it is cooking on both sides at once. Depending on the size, it should be cooked in about 7 minutes. Begin preparing the sauce while the chicken is cooking. 4. The breast is done when it is moist, yet its liquid runs clear when pierced. The inside temperature needs to reach 165°F (74°C).

Honey-Mustard Sauce 1. For honey-mustard sauce, combine broth, 1TBS lemon juice, honey, and mustard in a small saucepan. Whisk together and bring to a boil on high heat. Once it comes to a boil, simmer for about 20 minutes. You want it to be reduced to a little less than half the volume you start with. This will thicken and intensify the flavor. 2. Add apricots and cook on high for another 5 minutes. When sauce is done, add chopped walnuts, parsley, salt, and pepper. Serve over cooked spinach or other cooked greens. Serves 4 minutes.

Growing up for a few years with older step-brothers who were bodybuilders and having a childhood neighbor who loved exercise Tom began his journey with his 5.5 lb. cement-filled plastic in hand. Tom spent hours from the ages of 9-14 lifting doing push ups and sit ups in front of pictures of Dorian Yates, Flex Wheeler, and Arnold taped to his wall; moving up from women’s plastic weights to a 100 lb. skinny bar weight set that his Dad bought. Then came off season football freshmen year in High School. Within 10 weeks of training Tom’s boyish but fit body was shot into a near man-child state having a very symmetrical shape and deep muscle bellies in his abdominals. Gaining 20 lbs in that short time let Tom know he had the genetics to take his body to the highest perceivable level. After attending college, and teaching for a couple of years, on his 25th birthday Tom made the decision to live for something different. “Within 10 years I will be a professional bodybuilder”, the mantra in his head had started. Getting his hands on any piece of video and magazine with a renewed spirit for bodybuilding Tom came across some Ronnie Coleman videos. Going to visit the original Metroflex soon there after and speaking with Mr. Brian Dobson Tom was invited to compete in the 2007 Ronnie Coleman Classic. Gaining a disappointing 10th place in Novice middleweights; Tom decided he would move to Texas and open up a training center of his own Ellipsis Fitness Centers of Texas.


With his heart and mind set on success the next two years were filled with fifth place in Novice and an open middle weight win at the Coleman; then crowed by an overall open win at Prince Harrison’s Heart of Texas 2008. Since 2008 with the help of his trainer and friend Shon Perez Tom has won his weight class in five more shows (three national qualifiers) and an overall open win in the 2011 Lonestar Classic. With a peak of third place in middle weights at JR USA in 2010. “Working with Prince has been a real opportunity for me and I’m glad he is such a generous and strong supporter of the sport of bodybuilding”, Tom added when asked how his relationship with Prince since his 2008 win has formed his career so far. Recently Tom has partnered up with Jason Rock and Vicki Nemo to open up Rock Fitness at the corner of Beltline Rd. and Plano Rd. in Richardson, TX. The clean and new facility will be a training center for those who want real results at an affordable price. Tom will be hosting bodybuilding clinics and will soon be getting figure, bikini, and bodybuilding teams ramped up in hopes of bringing a whole new level of competition out of Rock Fitness and Richardson, Texas.

Article Submission: Evert McIlwain A Download Nightmare - “Fit Over 50” A picture tells…..”several pounds”. Yes that’s how I started my journey which has led to “Fit Over 50 – Evert McIlwain” As I was downloading photos from my camera of the summer of 2006 I had the unfortunate realization that I had gone from a 25 year old 6 foot 145 pound slim man to a 200 + pound overweight 51 year old….and I didn’t like the “download”!! My competitive edge and determination led to the next challenge in my life. I was always tall and slim up until the age of 35. I seemed to be able to eat what ever I wanted which had no impact on my weight. Howeve this was secretly working against me. When I looked back at photos I couldn’t believe the changes that I was seeing....I asked myself “why didn’t I start sooner”? My story is not much different than many of those my age….we’re invincible when we are younger, eating and drinking whatever we want and never putting on weight. It slowly creeps up on us over the years, we become less active and “surprise”. Entering into a new health and fitness lifestyle at 51 has been journey. For me this new pathway has meant taking one day at a time, “falling off the wagon” and getting back on again. I tell my clients, friends and family that it takes determination and willpower to achieve your fitness goals and see results. The influence of the social media exposes us to commercials, magazines, supplement companies advertising radical body image change by using only one exercise equipment for 20 minutes 3 times a week, purchasing a meal plan or that protein shake that promises to give you more muslcle mass, all promising the “fountain of youth” and looking like the model image we are all desperatly seeking. For many of us we will never look like this or this may not be our goal. Being fit means more than njust how you look on the outside…it’s having a healthy heart, good cholesterol levels and improved mental well-being. At the age of 56 I have never felt healthier or looked better. This has giving me the gift of a more positive life balance. No one machine, supplement or meal plan alone will help you achieve an overall fit and healthy state, yet many of us are drawn to these promises . I see the same people at the gym day after day and there is little to no change in their physical appearance. Grant it they may feel better but for many, when they don’t see results, it becomes discouraging and they give up. I’ve learned that starting a fitness program as a “mature” adult has different challenges and requires different approaches, whether your planning to loose weight, become more fit or do the extreme as I did and enter fitness competitions.

Fitness over 50 has its Advantages!

There are some challenges and many more advanatages for those of us who have entered into a fitness lifestyle in our late 40’s and 50’s. Many of us are established in our careers, have less child care responsibility and are at a stage in our lives where we are able to create a worklife balance. Fitness advantages include : • Increased cardio respiratory capacity - the ability for the body to take in oxygen , deliver it to the cells and create energy for physical work - also referred to as arobic activity • Muscular capacity - muscular endurance, increased strength, increased basal and metabolic rate and overall posture • Flexibility-increased flexibility reduces risk of injury, increased range of motion, impproved body movement and posture • Body composition – some of the long term adaptions of improving body composition are reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, improved basil metabolic rate, improved bodily function and improved BMI TIPS FOR FITNESS OVER 50 See your Doctor first! • Men over 45 and women over 55 should have a medical exam before initially engaging in any fitness program. An experienced, professional trainer who is concerned about your well being and goals will have you complete a health questionnaire. These questions should provide information about your physical activity, cardiovascular risks and lifestyle. Be sure to seek out sound experienced nutritional advice. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring. There are endless healthy plans that will tantilize your taste buds. Experienced Personal Trainer • It is important to invest in a trainer who understands your fitness needs, goals and the challenges and opportunities for maximizing your” Fitness Over 50. • Choose a trainer who has experience working with a diverse group of individuals, ages, genders and fitness levels. Make sure you work with a trainer who has trained adults over 40 and 50 years of age. Don’t hire a trainer who only knows how to train bodybuilders similar to how he trains himself • It’s important that a trainer understand your personal needs. BEFORE


Education and Engage in a Healthier Food Choices and Nutrition Plan • I strongly believe as with others in the 80/20 factor. Your success is based on 20% of what you do in the gym and 80% is your diet or what you put in your mouth. • Familiarize yourself with Canada’s Food Guide. Remember that Canada’s Food Guide will not meet everyone’s dietary needs based on your current fitness levels, weight and other health needs. • Good nutrition plans should focus on portion size as well as healthy food choices. Learn to read ingredient lists and food labels accurately. For example ingredient lists are ordered in most to least by weight. Look for words that end in –ose, such as fructose to detect sugar sources. On food labels look for serving sizes, amount of saturated fat, calories from fat and the percentage of daily value in that serving size. • My rule of thumb – If man made it…don’t eat it. If nature made it …eat it. • Consume calories evenly throughout the day. If calories are consumed evenly throughout the day it will optimize alertness, energy and the caloric needs for basic metabolic maintenance and daily physical activity. • You should eat every 3-4 hours Surround yourself with Strong Support System • Another key to my success and “stick to it” is having a partner who supports my fitness goals. You need to surround yourself with people who believe in you so that you can achieve your goals and objectives. Workout Buddy • Keep yourself motivated by connecting and workout with a friend or with other’s at your local gym and workout together Personal Home Gym or Gym Membership • Gym memberships by “Baby Boomers” has greatly increased so hook up with them and you may be surprised that your goals and challenges are work together. These are our power years as “Baby Boomers’s”. The 50 is the new 30 so let’s take advantage of it. • If a local gym isn’t your thing there is a large selection of small portable equipment that will meet you home gym needs. For example, weights, kettle balls, swill balls, stretch bands, medicine balls etc. Take before and after photos • Before you begin a new journey on your fitness program take before pictures. Remember to take periodic photos as you progress through your program fitness .. Don’t worry, you don’t have to share them with others. Use these photos to motivate yourself and acknowledge your progress.

Follow me and I will teach you the arts and science to becoming “Fit Over 50 - Where Life Begins”. Evert is a Masters Fitness Model and fitness trainer. He began his successful fitness career ath the age of 51,never before entering a gym or working out. If you would like to work with Evert on your fitness goals check out his website at At 56 he knows the opportuities and rewards of being “Fit Over 50”.

Evert McIlwain Professional Biography Evert McIlwain has recently entered the international world of fitness with his strong desire to make a lasting impression for those who want to make a positive change to their health status. Evert has competed in various fitness competitions catapulting himself to achieve his Masters Professional Status in Fitness Modeling. He has also challenged himself to become a certified personal fitness trainer. Through his passion to achieve healthy living, Evert has been driven to set well being goals that have enabled him to transform his body and achieve professional and personal life balance Evert has a strong passion to live life to it s fullest and gives 150 percent to everything he does. Evert has the gift of being musically talented and has the flare of theatrics. He has one many awards for his magnificent vocal abilities and has been the recipient of several prestigious awards for leading and supporting roles in professional live theatre. Evert’s talents extend to the world of music, fitness modeling and he is available for print, commercial modeling, runway, theatre and film productions.





By Tye Sheets Pierpont

If you decide to speed through Naugatuck, Connecticut, you may get more than you bargained for when an officer on a motorcycle pulls you over. The imposing officer writing your ticket could be Officer Derek Poundstone, who at 6’1, 341 pounds, is one of the strongest men in the world. As a strongman competitor, he has consistently placed 1st or 2nd in national and international competitions over the last 5 years. And, at times, that makes his job as Officer Poundstone a little easier. “An advantage to being so large is I earn instant respect when dealing with both criminals or unhappy citizens, he said. “All and all my experience of being a pro strength athlete and a cop is very positive and the community in Naugatuck is very supportive.” Poundstone’s accomplishments and list of achievements are vast but include winning the Arnold Classic Strongman competition in 2009 and 2010 and placing second in the World’s Strongest Man competition in 2008 along with an American 20-23 year old weight class record 430 lb bench press in 2003 and a recent personal deadlift record of 910 lbs. After his 2010 Arnold victory, he proposed on stage in front of Schwarzenegger to his then-girlfriend, now-wife, Kristin Nelson Poundstone.

He claims that work ethic rather than inherent strength is the reason for his success. “As a younger version of me, I recall being pretty strong but I think my current level of strength is a byproduct of very good genetics and a work habit I inherited from my parents, he said. “But I think being stubborn also helps. My father always used to read weight lifting magazines so I loved to thumb through them. When I was 13, my brother got a weight bench for his 16th birthday. Using this bench, I began my love affair with iron.” Poundstone says he started watching strongman competitions in the late 90s and by the time he was 19, began powerlifting and competing locally in 2000. “It was then that I realized I could do well in Strongman.” His iron work is broken down as follows: Shoulders, traps, biceps and triceps, on Monday, squats and dead lifts plus posterior chain supplemental work (exercises involving hip extension) on Tuesday, off on Wednesday, chest and back on Thursday, accretive recovery on Friday and event day on Saturday. All that work requires quite a bit of nutrition, nearly 8,000 calories per day. “Eating can be very difficult with my job. I’ve turned to blending 2.5 lbs of boiled boneless skinless chicken breast with water in what is called by many the Poundstone Chicken Shake.”

He says he may someday return to his powerlifting roots as he has contemplated doing a full meet. He also said he has always enjoyed bodybuilding and often get questioned about participating in the sport. “You never know what the future will hold and I haven’t written off the idea. The amazing thing about stongman is it has allowed me to not be a one pony show. I have become extremely strong, very muscular and athletic, he said. “I have reached all of my career goals with the exception of winning the World’s Strongest Man.” In addition to seeking world records and titles and keeping law and order in Naugatuck, Poundstone will soon also become a business owner. He plans to open a gym in Waterbury, Connecticut on October 1. “It will focus on helping people achieve their maximum athletic potential. Although there will be plenty of heavy lifting on my custom-made equipment, we will reach everyone from soccer moms to corporate CEOs,” he said. But the strongman competitions are what keep him going. “I enjoy pressing overhead, no matter the object or the weight. Nothing better than holding something heavy over your head, 8 feet above the ground.”

Personal records - strongman Atlas Stone 252 kg {555 lb to 42”} Unofficial World Record Connecticut} 239 kg {525 lb to 48”} {Arnold’s Strongest Man, Columbus, Ohio} Louis Cyr Stone 241 kg {530 lb to 36”} World Record {Fortissimus - World Strength Challenge , Notre-Dame-Du-Rosaire, Quebec, Canada} Log Press 130 kg * 13 {286 lb - 75 sec time limit, Clean and Press each rep} World Record Callander Games, Scotland} Overhead Block Lift 145 kg {319 lb} World Record {Callander Games, Scotland} Circus Dumbbell {227 lb * 11 - 90 sec time limit, Clean and Press each rep} World Record {Arnold’s Strongest Man, Columbus, Ohio} Car Squat 360 kg * 12 reps {792 lb} {World’s Strongest Nation 2007, Ukraine} Tire Deadlift 363 kg {800 lb} {USA National Championship Qualifier, South Carolina, U.S.} Hummer Tire Deadlift {1015 lb} {Arnold’s Strongest Man, Columbus, Ohio} Timber Frame Carry {1000 lb - 11.59 sec on 36’ incline ramp} American Record {Arnold’s Strongest Man, Columbus, Ohio} Super Yoke 500 kg {1100 lb - 9.59 sec for 32’} {Arnold’s Strongest Man, Columbus, Ohio}

ASHLEY BELL Ashley “Bikini Bell” Bell Age: 26 Height: 5’3 During Competition: Weight: - 120lbs / Measurements - 34C-25-36 Normal Offseason Weight: 130lbs / Measurements 36C-26-37 Resides: Atlanta, Georgia Favorite Food: crablegs and red velvet cake Competition History: 2011 NPC Nationals TBD (show in November) 2011 NPC Team Universe 5th Place – Bikini C Class 2010 NPC Nationals 3rd Place – Bikini C Class 2010 Flex Magazine Model Search Open Class 2010 NPC USA 3rd Place – Bikini C Class 2010 NPC Team Universe 5th Place – Bikini C Class 2010 NPC Jr. Nationals 5th Place – Bikini C Class 2009 NPC Team Universe 3rd Place – Bikini C Class 2009 NPC Dexter Jackson Classic 1st Place – Bikini A Class 2009 NPC Southeastern Golds Gym Classic 1st Place – Bikini C Class and Over-All Winner At 26 years old, I just realized my life needed to be in bikini!! To all my friends I am known as “Bikini Bell!” Born and raised in Hawaii, I lived in a bikini before I could even walk and talk! I never imagined that I would grow up to be a swimsuit model and designer, let alone fitness being a part of my life! I’ve always dreamed of becoming a successful model and I pursued it for years. I knew without a plan I would never get anywhere with my career. About 3 years ago, I began training with IFBB pro Roc Shabazz

He created a successful solid plan that I could stick with. Within a few weeks at the gym, Roc and I talked about a new bikini division the NPC created. I was really enjoying the changes my body was making and other could see the difference, but competing was going to be a whole different beast….I knew the dieting and consistent training was going to be tough, I really wanted to see how far I could bring my physique. For my first show, I wanted my bikini to be picture perfect. I wanted it to stand out the most, so I created my first competition bikini. I put all my hard work and dedication into the suit. I also knew that if my suit stood out, I could generate new business for myself. During my very first show, I placed first in my class and was overwhelmed to grace the stage and couldn’t believe It when I won the “Bikini Over All” title in the suit I made for my very first show! In the past 2 years, I have competed in 7 NPC National shows and paced in the top 5 each time. I have consumed all of my focus on becoming a fitness model and swimsuit designer! My trainer has always helped me put together all of my dreams and goals and has always created a plan to reach them! Dreams of being in magazines, ads and developing my own swimsuit line are now becoming my reality! I had to make a lot of changes in my life in order to see a lot of changes. All of the temporary sacrifices I make now will always help me live a lifetime of happiness! I know this is just the beginning of what is yet to come as long as I’m consistent! I have learned a lot of self discipline, self control, and tons of self confidence just from training, dieting, competing. The best feeling I get is when I am able to motivate others to figure out a plan and mastering their peak performance. I think most women want to look good in a bikini at some point in their lives. But as Roc always says, ‘If it was easy, everyone would be doing it!” Thanks Roc!





ALICIA S. KING DOB – 07/20/1966 No stranger to fitness, ALICIA S. KING has been physically active most of her adult life. Her passion for fitness was fueled by training runs during her seven years in the U.S. Army. Once out of the military, her enthusiasm for running continued and was fueled by road races. Short distance races quickly gave way to her love for long distance running. Always one to be working towards a goal, Alicia was striving to be a member of the 50 States + DC Club. To date, Alicia has completed 5 marathons in 4 states and a ½ Iron Man: - San Diego Rock & Roll - Marine Corps - Atlanta Thanksgiving Day - Richmond Marathon - Atlanta ING - Eagleman ½ Ironman Over the years, Alicia has continued look for ways to improve her level of physical fitness and physique. In 2007, she decided to enter her first Figure competition – taking first place in the Novice category of the SNBF Atlanta. Though she went on to win her pro status with SNBF in 2008, Alicia decided to try her hand – and physique – against the best…the NPC. To give it her all, Alicia put running on the back burner and her physique into the hands of Atlanta trainer, IFBB Pro Roc Shabazz. Within a little more than 2 months of training with Roc, Alicia competed in her first NPC show, taking 1st place in the Open class.

Her stats since linking with Roc: - NPC 2009 Dexter Jackson Classic: 3rd Masters, 1st Open Med - NPC 2009 Coastal: 7th Open - NPC 2010 Atlantic: 2nd Open - NPC 2010 Charlotte Open: 3rd B Class, 2nd Masters - NPC 2010 Master’s Nationals: 3rd E Class 35+ - NPC 2010 North American: 3rd E Class 35+, 7th Open - NPC 2010 Nationals: 14th Open E Class - NPC 2011 Nationals: 4th E Class 35+, 4th E Class 45+ Alicia has placed well since moving over to the NPC, and will go for her pro card during the 2011 competition season. With her personal training certification and as a member of the RocStarzz, it is Alicia’s goal to be an example of fitness for women of all ages. Afterall, once Figure competitions are over, there’re still 46 states to run down!

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Changing your life starts with a great team! Our trainers are the best in the metroplex! Our trainers live & breathe ๏ฌ tness!


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Robert started training at the age of 14. He has always enjoyed being in the gym with his dad Robert Soto Jr. and his dad’s friend (Uncle C) Cesar Aragonez training and hanging out. He would workout where he could during the school year near his home in Dallas, Tx. During the summer his father would take him to Metroflex Gym in Arlington to train and focus on his goals of playing football. At the age of sixteen he entered his first powerlifting meet in June 2010 he received first place after pulling a 440 lb deadlift. He was so excited at how well he did that he decided to quit football and make powerlifting his sport of choice. Since there is no powerlifting team in his high school he’s been competing in MSA meets. In December 2010 at the Raw Power Push/Pull he competed in the Teen Division 198 lbs class in which he took 1st place with a 500 lbs deadlift. In February 2011 he got 1st place with a 515 lbs deadlift. He was very proud when he received a certificate for being a record holder in his weight class. He pulled the same weight for the King of the Iron Jungle meet in March 2011. He competed in the MSA Endurance Extravaganza at the Europa and got 1st place, he benched 210 lbs for 16 reps and 410 lbs deadlift for 12 reps. At the Crusher Push/Pull meet on August 27, 2011 he received 1st place with a 550 lbs deadlift in the 220 lbs weight class teen division. He now has plans to start Bodybuilding in January 2012.



Staying fit has always been an interest of mine, but now it is a top priority in my life, I literally and metaphorically live, digest, and breathe the sport of fitness. In 2011 I was introduced to the best trainer in the world Terrance.D.Williams who has studied the rationale of the successful founders of this sport. He also has real time knowledge of what it entails to be a fitness Athlete. Starting my training with Terrance was like turning a switch from dim to full power! Competitive fitness training is more demanding mentally than it is physically, like Arnold said “the mind controls the body” and I strongly agree. Competitive training has also been for me the missing component that aided in me finding my inner voice it is my self expression, my solitude. I am truly in love with the person that I see in the mirror even after giving birth to 5 lovely children. I understand completely that competition judges won’t be considering where I’ve came from while I’m standing on stage next to my competitors; with my score card on the table in front of them. So there for I FIGHT through super setting abdominal and core strengthening workouts, I POWER through walking lunges, I ENVISION my goals as a means to complete 4 sets of butt kicking wide stance hammer strength leg presses, and I just “Show off” and lose myself in the low cable rows and dead lifts because those are my favorite exercises. I know in my heart, which is the hardest working muscle in my body, that fitness is my gift from GOD. I’ve never felt more at home than I did at the Texas Shredder, the first fitness show I attended. I’m now starting to diet down, the only carbohydrates I take in are in my first meal of the day my other 5 are pretty much a high protein meat and vegetables, my weight tanning might lighting a bit , but my reps increase, cardio has to equal 7 plus hr a weak. I want to look as ripped as I can so that all of my muscular development I trained so hard for will shine above all on October 29th 2011 in the “NPC Central Texas Showdown” at the Mayborn Center in Temple Texas. Come out and show some support, I would love to see you their.

My name is Michael Moore. I am the Owner operator Midwest Iron. As a teenager I set and broke 67 APF state, national and world records. As an open class lifter I am an AAU World Champion Powerlifter in 4 events. Most recently competed in the Mid IL Bodybuilding show placing 11th and competed in the APC National Powerlifting Championships placing 1st.


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