November 2010

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With the year starting to wind down, 2011 competitors can take a breather for the time being however start planning next years events and train hard to be that next number one spot. Central Texas Showdown was a great success for its second year, we are happy to say that numbers doubled in both competitors and patrons. We look forward to next year! PHOTOS: ROCKSOLIDFITNESSPHOTOGRAPHY.COM

Chad Ray Martin Mike Bell

Photos and Story for Champions article by Ray Rojas Update article by Day Ray A Pro Bodybuilder’s Wife - Shina Lewis



All content included in this publication, including but not limited to, text, graphics and images, is, unless otherwise noted, copyrighted under United States law and protected by worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions. The compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement and assembly) of all content in this publication is the exclusive property of Pose Down Muscle and Figure Magazine LLC and protected by United States and international copyright laws. No use, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display or performance, of the content in this publication is permitted without Pose Down’s written permission. LIMITS OF LIABILITY This Publication is provided by Pose Down Muscle and Figure LLC on an “as is” basis. Pose Down makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the content written in articles and columns of the publication or the information, content or materials included in this publication. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Pose Down disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, interviews, photos, written content of articles and perspective views of its columnist.

Pose Down Magazine accepts photos from individual athletes with the understanding that each athlete own the rights to photos submitted…….

Chicken rice cakes Ready in 25 minutes • Makes 4 servings • 2 tbsp olive oil, divided • 2 cups chicken breasts, cooked and finely shredded • 1 cup sweet potatoes, cooked and mashed • 1 cup brown rice, cooked • 1 egg • 1/2 cup low-fat mozzarella cheese, shredded • 1 1/2 tsp fresh rosemary, chopped • Sea salt and pepper, to taste • 1 cup mushrooms, sliced • 1–2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 1. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. 2. In a bowl, mix together chicken, mashed sweet potatoes, rice, egg, cheese, rosemary, salt and pepper. Shape into 8 patties. 3. Cook until golden brown on both sides and heated through. Transfer to a plate and keep warm. 4. In the same skillet, heat remaining olive oil. Add mushrooms and cook until lightly browned. Add vinegar to skillet to coat mushrooms; cook 1 minute longer. Serve on top of chicken rice cakes. ENJOY ALONG WITH YOUR FAVORITE VEGETABLE OR SALAD FOR A COMPLETE AND TASTY MEAL EVERYONE WILL LOVE! NUTRIENTS PER SERVING: Calories: 410, Total Fats: 14 g, Saturated Fat: 3 g, Trans Fat: 0 g, Cholesterol: 110 mg, Sodium: 210 mg, Total Carbohydrates: 41 g, Dietary Fiber: 5 g, Sugars: 10 g, Protein: 31 g, Iron: 2 mg

THIS MONTHS CHAMPIONS SERIES WITH CHAD RAY MARTIN Chad Ray Martin has been in the bodybuilding game for quite some time and has a very impressive resume. Once known on the National level mainly for his incredible legs, Chad has overcome a couple of serious injuries and has filled out his upper body and it’s only a short time before he becomes a favorite at any pro qualifier he shows up at. We sat down with Chad 2 weeks out from Nationals to catch up with him. PD: I know you came back this year after a really serious injury to your arm, will explain exactly what you did? CRM: I was performing skull crushers on a flat bench with straight 45lb bar usually about 175lbs while in the offseason in late 2008 and it tore away clean at the joint there was some partial pain already previously and I just pushed it on and finished it off that day. After getting a MRI he determined that I needed to have laparoscopic surgery which I had performed in early 2009 and was placed in a mechanical arm for 2 months and then started rehabbing slowly afterwards till I was able to resume full training in January of 2010.. PD: Has your training changed any after coming back from your injury? CRM: I train with better form, range of motion and more focus on the muscle and contraction. I don’t put as much emphasis on how much weight is on the bar as I use to. PD: You have competed a lot this year, any particular reason? CRM: I started in July with a national qualifier at 214lbs and won it over all and then proceeded to the USA at 218lbs where I placed 9th, and then moved to the North Americans at 225lbs where I placed 5th and finally I am working towards the Nationals to finish of the year looking at weighing in at a updated 225lbs.. I am just now catching back up if not passing where I was when I got hurt. I am expecting next season I may be on stage at 235lbs.

PD: Wow, that’s interesting how you are growing into the shows. What have you tried to improve on for Nationals since the USA’s and North Americans? CRM: I really didn’t do any cardio maybe a session here or there, but now I am on a daily routine of it and it’s pulling me tighter harder with better overall look and appearance. PD: A diet with out much cardio, that’s not fair man! Lets talk about you diet for a second. Could you take me through your schedule since your first show which was the Branch Warren back in July? Have you taken a few days off from dieting here there or have been nonstop since you started prepping in the spring? CRM: With my first event I had extensive help from Dror Erez on everything and it especially helped to make use of carbohydrates. He got me down to a good condition and overall look with good symmetry. For the second show we did much of the same and came in looking good but with not enough fullness. Then on the 3rd show I started adding more fats to my diet when needed and I jumped in size and fullness all over but still lacked some condition in areas. Now I am taking all I have learned and using it to my best ability to pull myself tight and hard and maintain that overall fullness I need to present a powerful package on stage. My body is one that when it is full it creates an illusion of great size more so than it really is. This is just my structure. As far as my schedule goes I eat at 6am, 9am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm and 10pm. I train everyday at 530am and then back at 1130am in the gym. I have taken days where I just ate everything all day after the shows to one pick me up mentally and two to get my body back nourished and hydrated after the days of drying out. PD: What about your training? Have you had to change much of your training due to your long term dieting schedule? CRM: My training stays simple I use lots of free weights and basic exercises. I am used to doing 4 sets 10 reps on most everything and using about 16-20 sets per body part. Some days I feel tension on my tendons and my body all over so I try to cater my days to that to prevent any injury. I do pretty good at listening to my body for food and rest and its training needs. I don’t think you can just do same all time due to some days in your everyday life can vary. I do find when all is calm and stress free I just grow and look better very fast. The mind must focus on the task at hand, and it’s the most powerful tool in this sport. So I try to keep everything in order in life in general for great success in all areas. Currently everything is just great for me and I really don’t know what I am going to unlock as far as potential goes for this coming year. I am excited to have a long healthy growing season.

PD: I know when we talked a couple of years ago you were working hard on improving your back, do you feel you have brought up or is it still a “weak” body part in your mind? CRM: I have a long torso genetically and I have made improvements in my backs overall thickness and some of my problem is hitting my back shots properly on stage which is something I am working on. I think the rear double bicep is still my weakest pose but it is coming together. PD: If you don’t win your class at Nationals, when will we see you again? CRM: In reality I am not ready to be pro, I think I need one more solid good productive year on the national scene in order to be where I need to be. I will hit the stage at the Jr Nationals in 2011 and then the USA. Ideally, I would like to win the USA and then enter the Europa few weeks later than call it a year.. That would be a great goal for me. PD: You have been a long term MHP Athlete; tell us a little about that company and their products? CRM: MHP is a great company to be with I have had many years of experience with them and traveled to a lot of the top events working in the expo’s. I enjoy all of the MHP Staff and Athletes almost to a family aspect. We all get along great and support each other. MHP has a great product line which I use heavily in all my training needs. I take the A-Bomb and Activite and No-Bomb daily to support my needs when dieting. Another one I use just about every meal is Anadrox which helps get me in better condition for contest. MHP has a wide variety of products to fit all my needs for contest and offseason. I guess you could say I look no further then my own company to supply me with everything I need to diet and grow. PD: You were at the Olympia, what did you think of the results? CRM: Tough call here. I think anyone to promote and be a good ambassador for the sport deserves to win. So Jay and Phil were my picks and they got 1 and 2. I can’t complain either way because the physiques were two totally different physiques. Either way I think it’s great that Jay does a great job of being Mr. Olympia and representing the sport and he is genuinely a nice guy to top it off. He helped me in 2006 when I won the JR USA Title. PD: Chad, thanks a lot for visiting with us this close to Nationals, and good luck. Posedown wishes you all the best!


2010 Central Texas Showdown Men Overall 1. Joseph Cortez Middleweight 1. Steven Morin 2. Justin Fayas Lightweight 1. Joseph Cortez 2. Chris Russ Masters 50+ 1. Derek Carpenter 2. George Finlay 3. Howard Simms Masters 40+ 1. Bill Mosedale 2. Andrew Fuld Novice Overall 1. Chris Russ Novice Heavyweight 1. Jesse Gonzalez 2. Jonathon Bundrage 3. Robert Derby Novice Middleweight 1. James Justin Kirk 2. Charles Edward 3. Derek Carpenter 4. Tony Chao Novice Lightweight 1. Chris Russ 2. Anthony Bradford 3. Andrew Fuld



Open Fitness

Overall 1. Rachelle Stevens

Overall 1. Jayla McDermott

1. Jayla McDermott

Middleweight 1. Rachelle Stevens 2. Pilara Martin

Class A 1. Donna Giarratano 2. Lisa Gordon Jones 3. Lissa Julius 4. Jennifer Chlapek 5. Shannon O Shea

Lightweight 1. Mechele West Masters 1. Rachelle Stevens 2. Mechele West Novice Middleweight 1. Angela White 2. Anne Tankersley Teen 1. Alexandra Banaszek Wheelchair 1. Fallon Turner

Class B 1. Jayla McDermott 2. Yolanda Slaughter 3. Lisa Fuld 4. Tye Pierpont 5. Tarah Cambron 6. Bryne Sotman Masters 35+ 1. Yolanda Slaughter 2. Donna Giarratano 3. Lisa Fuld 4. Tye Pierpont 5. Lisa Gordon Jones 6. Tarah Cambron 7. Gwen Henson Masters 45+ 1. Lissa Julius 2. Lisa Gordon Jones 3. Bryne Sotman 4. Marcia Fry

Bikini Overall 1. Atunrase Morenike Class A 1. Raquel Moorhead 2. Shannon O Shea 3. Jennifer Chlapek Class B 1. Atunrase Morenike 2. Anna Pak 3. Leanne Tolbert 4. Amber Gregory 5. Shana Vega 6. Karin Traber 7. Dominique Rhymes 8. Shana Naqiruddin 9. Yolanda Anthony 10. Jessica Heidari 11. Dana Schaffner Masters 1. Raquel Moorhead 2. Karin Traber 3. Yolanda Anthony 4. Marcia Fry

Photos by:

Emcee Prince Fontenot

Nick Scott receives Athlete Of The Year


Pose Down’s Senior Writer Mike Bell receives Recognition Award for 2010


This months Future column showcases two beautiful young figure competitors who are really making a name for themselves in the industry. Shelly and Betsy Albetta hail from New Jersey and are both National level Figure competitors. I visited with them a few weeks ago to find out more about them. PD: Thanks ladies for taking the time to visit with Posedown. Just to get a little background on the both of you, tell us a little about you too as sisters. How old are you and how long have you been competing? SA: Thank you for extending this offer to us! We are going to be 28 in November. We have been competing for 5 years, the 2011 season will be year 6. BA: Having a twin in this industry is the BIGGEST blessing ever! We train, diet, and compete together. It’s a built in Best friend! PD: What got the two of you into the sport? Is it something that you decided to do together? SA: Actually our friend Deb Judy, who is a figure competitor veteran, inspired me to start competing. Back in college I met her at the gym, and her dedication, healthy lifestyle, and drive, really got me interested in learning more about the sport of figure. She then hooked us up with Mike Davies, and he has been our trainer ever since. BA: Like most other things in our lives, we do mostly everything together, so it was only natural for us to partake in this sport as a team! PD: That makes sense. Do you both have the same long term goals? What are they? SA: My goal is to improve year to year, I work hard to bring up my weak areas, and really strive to bring a better package to the stage every year. Would I like to turn pro? Someday, but it is not why I compete or what drives me. I do this for ME, to push myself to my limit, and really enjoy going through the process with my sister. We train together, diet together, and compete together. We are very fortunate to have each other. BA: I think most people in this sport have the same goals-- to improve year to year physique wise, and also to improve in your placings when it comes to the stage. The main goal that I always try to reach each season is to enjoy the journey along with the other things competing has to offer as well. I enjoy doing a few photo shoots, enjoy being in shape and spending time with other girls who are in the same boat--- there is way more to this sport than the stage itself! PD: You both are National level competitors, what do you feel each of you need to work on before take the next step to the pro level? SA: The feedback I’ve received is that I just need to be bigger everywhere. So every off-season I really focus on putting on quality muscle while retaining a low body fat level. We are naturally small girls, and we were not blessed with muscular genetics. So any muscle on my frame has been hard earned. Muscle maturity takes time, so I am patient and work hard day in and day out. Consistency is the key for us. Eventually, our physiques will be at a level where we will not have to add any more muscle, but we are not there yet. BA: Genetically, I was not gifted with muscle. I am naturally a smaller built, non-athletically-genetic person (for lack of a better term). I am happy with the muscle and shape I have built thus far for ME, but that procaliber physique is years away. That maturity comes with time, and perhaps in a few years I will have built the body that some at my age are genetically gifted with. With that said I am happy to just step on a national stage and place where I do. I am realistic in my goals and feel accomplished to look how I do now. Stage presence is KEY as well. That is just as important as how you look. This is something I am always trying to perfect as well!

PD: I have seen a lot of your pictures through your Facebook page and I must say the camera loves the two of you! Is fitness modeling something you both would like to get into one day? BA: Thanks!! Like I said previously, there is more to the sport than just the stage, and photo shoots are one thing I like to invest time/money into while in shape. They are fun, you get to reflect on the pictures forever, and if you are lucky, perhaps a magazine would publish you! Fitness modeling in itself is an entirely different beast then the shoots we do for ourselves, but I would feel honored if we did get an opportunity to be published! SA: Thank you! We do photo shoots for fun at this point. If the right opportunities came along, I would definitely entertain the idea of modeling. I always said if I ever stopped competing, fitness modeling would be something I would redirect my energies toward. PD: I give you my word ladies that Posedown Magazine will put you in our magazine anytime you feel the desire to send us some pictures. Let’s talk about for a minute. You both are very active on there and being a member myself of it for a while I have to say it’s not like any other website on the net. For the readers out there that don’t know about can you tell us a little about it and how you became such a big part of it? BA: We both are honored to be mods of such a great community of industry people. There is no place like it on the web where you can share ideas and relate to others in a positive community of competitors, photographers, trainers and other industry enthusiasts. I highly recommend anyone who is interested in the sport check out our board. Jason has really created a one-of-a-kind place and I love it! SA: I have been involved with Siouxcountry since its inception. It’s a great place for competitors to come together, share stories, and it is also a resource providing a great deal of knowledge on the industry. I have met so many great women through the site, many of which will be lifelong friends. PD: I agree with you Betsy, I have been a long time reader of the message boards and Jason has built the best board on the net for this industry! I understand that you are married Betsy, does your husband compete also? BA: LUCKILY my husband also competes, and I think it allows for a much happier household during prep time. We try to schedule shows near each other so that we are in competition-mode together, and also get to enjoy our down time together. Competing is a huge part of both of our lives, but keeping that balance allows our marriage to never suffer. PD: Shelly, what about you? Unless something has changed recently I don’t believe you are married but you do have a significant other. Is he a competitive bodybuilder? SA: Yes, my boyfriend, Nick Freglette, is also involved in the industry. He not only competes, but is also an NPC NJ judge, as well as the Northeast Sales manager for Gaspari Nutrition. It definitely helps that we both are involved in the industry, so we are able to support one another on and off season. PD: What about training? What does your training regimens look like? (i.e split, number of days of cardio off season, plyos, etc.) SA: Right now in the off season, we train 4x a week. We split up our legs, since they are a weakness for us, and do not train chest. Our workouts consist of varying exercises and reps, to keep the body guessing. Form is of utter importance, so we really focus on our technique to ensure we are getting the most out of every workout. BA: Overtraining in the off season is something we try to avoid, less is more when building and training heavy this time of year. We train with a split of every other day now, and the split is shoulders/tris, quads, back/bis, then hammies and glutes. PD: What’s next for the both of you? SA: Right now we are taking a nice long off season, and plan to hit the stage again sometimes in 2011. We are aiming for Team Universe to be our first show of the year, but that can always change. BA: Enjoying a LONG off season to grow and improve in some areas. Then back to the stage sometime in the middle of next year! We will probably only do 2 shows, since dieting for long lengths of time is not conducive for our bodies! PD: Ladies thank you for taking the time to visit with us, and I’m sure I speak for all the warm blooded American men out there, please keep doing those photo shoots and sharing your pictures. Good luck in 2011 and keep us posted!



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