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Hello Readers: The Central Texas Showdown was a complete success. Bob and I are planning next years ventures with a few surprise annoucements. Stay tuned to Pose Down once we finalize our plans. I have the distinct pleasure of revisting with a friend of mine in this issue Nancy Di Nino. Please read her updated news and ventures.



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Cover Picture: Trey Lowery Cover Page Photo Stephen by DanFrazier Ray Ray Rojas Editor In Chief : Bob Johnson Editorial /Director/Designer: Laura Johnson Publication Interest: Aaron Fletcher Photographers: Dan Ray James Allen Contributing Column Writers Jillian Reville Michael Bell Jack Duncan Ryan Ellison Pose Down Magazine accepts photos from individual athletes with the understanding that each athlete own the rights to photos submitted…….


Growing up I was the athlete- track, basketball, swimming, karate, soccer, you name it and I did it. I started reading more about bodybuilding in magazines in high school/college and fell in love with muscles and working out. Unfortunately, life somewhat accelerated with moving, planning a wedding, buying a house, finding a job, and going to law school that over 4 years passed without working out. I felt horrible, but knew there was still potential to compete- or at least get back into training like I used to. A friend of my husband’s (a former bodybuilder, Chris Meadows) introduced me to Brett Buckles and Camp Hero Fitness. It was time for a change and I was eager to chase my dreams. Brett is absolutely amazing and exactly what I needed in my life- he whipped me into shape and encouraged me to do my first show in less than 3 months of training (and I was in disbelief as I thought a year of training before a show)! Then, I competed again just 2 weeks later! There is no greater feeling than accomplishing a goal, for working hard and feeling rewarded. It’s also indescribable having so much support. I’ve competed in the Dorian Yates Classic and the Dallas Europa Supershow. I’m looking into a few more shows and training before eyeing a national show. The ultimate goal for next year will be to hopefully go pro in bikini. Other than that, we’ll just see where God takes me and all of us at Camp Hero. So thankful for even getting this far!

Jenny Spradlin

Champions this month Jordan Seales By: Mike Bell

PD: How old are you and how long have you been competing? JS: I turned 33 on Sept 26th and I started competing in the beginning of 2010. PD: Did you play sports in high school or college? JS: I played fast pitch softball from 10-18 (little league to travel teams). In jr high and high school I played volleyball for about 5 years, basketball for 1, track & field for 3 and soccer for 2 years. PD: So I guess we can say you have some raw athletic ability. What got you into the sport? JS: It was suggested from a friend who I met on Facebook thru the Crossfit community. I had consulted her after I had enough of CF. I wasn’t where I wanted to be with my body & didn’t think it would ever get there if I continued doing crossfit. So after 10 months of CF and the holidays I had ballooned up to 190lbs. I was really strong, but I looked more like a power lifter/ strong man type or at least that’s how I saw myself! So I took her advice and set a goal right away and gave myself approx 13 weeks to get ready for my first show. I have that many shows under my belt, so here’s my contest history: 2010, April 4th NPC Steve Stone NY Metropolitan *Figure* • 7th Place Open Class C 2010, November 20th NPC Ft Lauderdale Cup *Figure* • 5th Place Open Class D 2011, July 8th NPC Southern States *Figure* • 1st Place Masters 30 & Over • Overall Masters 30 & Over • 4th Open Class D 2011, September 3rd IFBB North American Championships *Women’s Physique* • 1st Place Open Class C • WON PRO CARD, *NEW* IFBB PRO 2012, April 28th Europa Show of Champions Pro Debut Women’s Physique • 15th Place

Champions this month By: Mike Bell

PD: What are your plans for the rest of this year? JS: I really wanted to do the Tampa Pro show in August, but due to stress in my personal life & an unforeseen family death, I have not been able to give all my focus to prep. So I’ve gained an extra month by shooting for the Sarasota Valenti Gold Cup in September. I think that will be it for 2012 contests. I’ve got so many trips planned and need to regroup for 2013! PD: What do you find to be the most difficult part of this sport? JS: For ME… Its food! I love it! If it were acceptable I would marry it and probably be divorced 5 times over… LOL I grew up in home where my mom cooked every night and she is a GREAT cook! So I can cook ok myself and I enjoy eating out and dining at steakhouses with my beau. There isn’t much I won’t eat, I’m not a picky eater… I’m a big girl who trains hard and has always got an appetite! I should be like 300 lbs though LOL PD: What are some of your favorite exercises in the gym? JS: I to train my back & shoulders! I love it all! Pull Downs, Rowing, Pull Ups, Push Ups…


PD: Do you work with anyone for your prep? JS: My awesome sponsor Prescription Nutrition is helping me with my diet & training. I figure they have a vested interest in me, so I’ve asked them to help me. PD: What have the judges told you need to work on in order to place a little higher? JS: At my last show, the Orlando Europa (end of April 2012), I was told my legs are too big and I need to be leaner. I’m not so sure my legs are too big? But I agree with coming in leaner & tighter. I’ve done a lot of prep on my own and the help of others here and there but I haven’t had much for consistency, so this is why Prescription Nutrition will be such a game changer for me. I’m really excited to see what we can get done together as a team! PD: Tell me a little about your sponsor Prescription Nutrition. I have personally tried their products and they are top notch! JS: Just recently I was picked up by Prescription Nutrition and I am excited because I also really like their products. They have lower prices because they don’t have all the packaging & advertising overhead some of these more expensive products have. They can bring you high-quality at an affordable price. With Prescription Nutrition it really is about the athlete or everyday person who wants to achieve better health & fitness. They are a newer company and I am a newer Pro so we can grow together, And that’s really exciting to me! PD: Is there anyone you would like to thank? JS: I would like to thank my Mom first! She has been to all my shows and really supports what I do. My good friend Scott J. he has been there from just about the beginning and has guided me thru prep, helped me plan my training, and has been so supportive all the way from Cali. After that my good friends Jason Wojo and Ifbb Pro Melody Spetko have been there for me in my times of need, usually the last week of show prep. I’ve been very lucky to have so many people around me that I can turn to. My boyfriend Jamie has been a saint this past year. He is there to pick me up when I get down and keeps me on my toes. He is one of my biggest fans and I appreciate all the things he has done for me, and there are just too many to mention! I feel very lucky to be competing with such wonderful, talented women in Women’s Physique! PD: Well on behalf of Posedown Magazine thank you for your time and we can’t wait to see you on stage next season!

Champions this month By: Mike Bell

For Contest Prep, Posing and MORE CALL BOB WITH SHRUGZ 972-822-7965 We want you to: “Keep Your Eye On The Prize”

IRON JOE LEAHY Perseverance-continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition: the action or condition or an instance of persevering : steadfastness! Welcome to Blue Collar Bodybuilding. I am a nine time class winner in the National Physique Committee and a five time Overall NPC Champion. I can tell you this all came at a cost and by always remembering one key word PERSEVERANCE! We all think we have it, but we must KNOW we have it. This key word is a must if one wants to achieve any worthily goal in a very tough competitive sport. As a matter of fact, without Persevering through many so called bad days one will never taste glory. What motivates you on the days your mind and body says I can’t do it? What motivates you when your injured and you must train around that body part and not surrender to having the mind set of a victim? What motivates you to train when your partner cancels, you missed meals, your elbow hurts, the gym is closing in 45 minutes, your girlfriend is mad, your funds are low or your mind simply says give it up man your genetics stink? Maybe you don’t have an answer and came to my column for help, well if that’s the case I am more than happy to share some ideas to help your stay steadfast and persevere through the bad times of our training journey. One of the best ways to stay positive is to always look at how far you have come in meeting your goal rather than to focus on how far you have to go. It takes a split second to become unmotivated, AVOID this at all costs. Be your own best friend. Say to yourself, “wow a year ago I could only do this!” Say to yourself, “man it’s been a full six months I’ve been focused!” Avoid negative self talk such as, “I should be bigger, stronger, more cut or defined.” This all comes in time but yourself talk will become your blue print to success or failure. You have to extend your own arm, bend it at the elbow while placing it on your shoulder, and every now and then pat yourself and say NICE WORK!!! This act of being ones best friend does not mean in anyway you’re less hardcore or weak. You must take action so you don’t become weak and simply quit.


IRON JOE LEAHY Another way to stay positive is learning to not be dependent on others. If they have an obligation in their life, it effects your plan of attack. Be your own coach, mentor, and guru.. What happens when your training partner isn’t around at 2 a.m. and you want to cheat on your pre-contest diet? Most competitors dig deep down and skip on the cake and persevere to the next day remaining steadfast on the goal. Use this same approach to finding a quality training partner. Life happens to us all and we all hate being stood up so don’t depend on others. Sure we need support and positive reinforcement and I strongly recommend a good partner but be able to complete the days tasks alone if need be. Use them as almost a treat. If they are they great if they can’t make it be respectful. Thanks so much for checking out Blue Collar Bodybuilding, come back next month and find the four other remaining methods you can use to remain steadfast and able to persevere in your training. Special thanks to BIG MIKE BELL and the Posedown Mag family for all your love and support over the years. Please check out our brand new House of Health, your home for health and fitness solutions on Facebook or at my personal website www.ironjoeleahy.com! Feel free to sign my guest book, it means a lot to hear from you. Also email me at ironjoeleahy@yahoo.com with any questions or concerns. Train hard and smart and until next time stay up!!!

By Ryan Ellison It’s hard to conceive how a competitor could appear out of nowhere and completely dominate two back to back competitions, not only in the teen division, but in the men’s physique and overall, as well as qualifying for nationals. If not for his strong athletic background these victories wouldn’t have been obtained. Growing up Cole was always active in sports such as baseball, basketball, and football. It wasn’t until later in his teens that he found a passion in motor cross. This sport initially is what lured him into weight lifting. Considering the hazardous toll motor cross can take on the body. Weightlifting proves to be an invaluable tool in preventing many injuries from broken bones to connective tissue tears. Following a tragic motor cross accident that left a friend of Cole’s dead on the track. Cole decided to leave motor cross and put one hundred percent of his effort into weight lifting. Which after watching his body begin to change became exceedingly appealing to him.


Cole had no real intentions of competing this year it was only after the pleas of his nutritionist and friends that pushed him to enter into his first competition. Physique which is the newest and most popular category was in his mind a good starting point and what suited him best. At the ripe age 19 Cole won his first competition in the teen division at the Ronnie Coleman Classic. Following his 1st place win Cole entered in the teen, men’s, and overall physique divisions to test out his talent at the Texas Shredder. Not only did he win teen he won men’s and the overall. This didn’t just happen to be a small show either this was a national qualifier which of course qualified him to go to nationals. Most competitors would usually take an offseason after making it to nationals, but that’s not Cole’s style. It’s just a testament to his dedication and positive  o  o o o

Ronnie Coleman 1st teen division Texas Shredder 1st teen division 1st D class 1st overall ( Qualified for nationals)

 NPC USA o 16th D class

Cole has plans to compete next summer after taking a long offseason to work more on size and muscle maturity something that is common with young athletes. Improvement in these areas would make him unstoppable and when he was asked he said “I need to look like a 20 something not a 19 year old”.

Considering the kind of theSheets progress By Tye Pierpont that he has made in one year Cole is a force to be reckoned with. He undoubtedly has a bright future ahead no matter if he decides to go further in the sport, but in life in general. He has a good head on his shoulders and that will get you far not matter what you want to achieve in life.

For Contest Prep, Posing and MORE CALL BOB WITH SHRUGZ 972-822-7965 We want you to: “Keep Your Eye On The Prize”


Texas is known in the bodybuilding industry for producing BIG pro bodybuilders, guys like Ronnie, Branch, Johnnie and more recently Steve Kuclo. We also have a few more up and comers that is vying for a spot in that same category. Tremayne Lowery has been working his way up the amateur ranks the last couple of years. Much like other Texas bodybuilders he’s a huge, strong dude. I sat down with him a few weeks ago and visited with him about his shoulder training! PD: Hey Trey, thanks for your time buddy. Let’s get a little bit of your background out of the way. How long have you been training seriously with competition in mind? TL: I began training seriously in January 2008 and did my first Show in 2009. PD: What got you into the sport in the first place? TL: That’s a funny story. When I got out of college I couldn’t find a job, so I began waiting tables at Chili’s. I got half off food, so I was eating Philly Cheesesteaks daily. One day my mom saw me and said “your one cheese burger away from being fat.” So I joined a hole in the wall gym and began training. Some local bodybuilders took me under their wing and I did my first show 6 months later. PD: What are your plans 2013? TL: My plans are to place top 5 at JR nationals and then do the North Americans later in the year.

TREMAYNE LOWERY PD: You’re a big dude, what’s your current weight and what did you weigh in at last your show? TL: I competed back in August at 240.6, and I’m currently around 275 at 5’10. PD: Give us a brief history of your competitions? TL: 2nd at the 2010 Ronnie Coleman Classic 1st in the Super Heavies 2011 Oklahoma State Championships 12th 2011 Jr. Nationals (I sucked down to the heavies which was a big mistake) 3rd at the 2012 Europa Dallas 2012 PD: What have the judges told you to work on to make that next step to a first call out national level bodybuilder? TL: They told to become a solid super heavy and to bring up my hamstrings. Tricky Jackson told me I had an awesome physique, I just need to super-size it.

PD: What kind of approach do you take when it comes to delt training? TL: I train really heavy, but I do a hybrid of Dorian Yates style, and Jay Cutler. I only do 1-2 sets but I do 6-8 different movements to hit the muscle from every angle. PD: I notice while doing the shoot with you that you don’t do dbell side laterals. Is there a reason for that? That’s a staple in most people’s delt routine: TL: I found heavy presses and cable flies work best for me. PD: Is delts something that has always been a strong point for you or have you had to work hard to bring them up to par with the rest of your upper body? TL: That is a funny question because if you look at them now, you would think so but I had to bust my ass to round them off and get better caps. PD: Do you put a lot of training into front delts or do you think all the heavy pressing you do for chest hits them well enough? TL: My training changes a lot, but mainly presses are my weapon of choice. PD: What are your thoughts on drop sets and super sets for shoulders? TL: I’m a straight set guy, but if ever I don’t get my all of my reps for that set, I will turn it into a drop set.


TREMAYNE LOWERY PD: Do you believe in changing up your delt training as you get closer to a show or do you keep heavy straight sets year round? TL: I never change my training because I’m in a prep, but 3 weeks out I lower the weight just to be safe. PD: What are some of your best lifts? TL: I’m a bodybuilder, but I do take pride in being strong, 500X4 flat bench, 700X3 Squats, 700 Deadlift. PD: Tell me about your training partner, he looks really young but has a very impressive physique? TL: His name is Teddie Pegues. He is very young, just turned 21. I have been training him going on a year now. I met him at 185 pounds. We did an eight week prep for his first show, but 4 weeks I bulked him up to 200, then dieted him back down to 185 and he took 2nd in the Heavyweight novice class at the Ronnie Coleman. He is without a doubt going to be a pro. He has amazing shape, genetics and a killer work ethic he is truly a pleasure to train with and Prep. PD: Is there anyone you would like to thank? TL: I would like to thank Posedown for this awesome opportunity, my family for putting up with me through the dieting. I also have to thank my two best friends Uriah McGee who is like my little brother, and Teddie for pushing me in the gym.




JILLIAN REVILLE UPDATE!!! Well, it’s been a long few months! Of course, as always I have some exciting news. I am not working with Fakhri Mubarak as my diet coach! Through this off season I came to a point where I was just eating anything I wanted. I had gained more weight than I had wanted, and I was not happy with how I was looking. I decided that I needed some help. Sure I had dieted myself for 2 years, and quite well I must add. HAHA. But I started to look forward to my prep for 2013 and realized that it was going to be a long season. Looking back on my 2012 season, the one thing I struggled with was holding my condition and diet from Orlando to New York. By the time I hit the NY stage I had been dieting for 7 months and I was tired. I didn’t have the knowledge needed to prolong my season more than the 5 month mark. To get to the NY Pro stage, I had basically pulled everything from my diet, even my protein was down pretty low. I was dragging ass in the gym and training was becoming very tough. I was worn down, and didn’t feel I had anyone to turn to.

I have known Fakhri since I first started competing in 2007. I respect him and his work ethic. The one thing that helped make my decision to work with Fakhri very easy was the fact that he was willing to listen to what I had to say about my dieting. He was open to working with me on my off season and 2013 season. When I say with me, I mean the fact that he is open to discuss the dieting process with me, and that he values my knowledge of my own body. Of course giving over the reins to someone else was not easy to swallow for me, but I am also not an idiot and know when to ask for help. I know that 2013 is going to be a big year for me, and for Women’s Physique. I hope that we will be added to the Olympia, and if we are, you better believe I will do everything I can to stand on that stage!!

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