March 2010

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MARCH 2010


Cover page photo: Rosa-Marie Romero Photo By: Charles Lowthian Editor in Chief: Bob Johnson Editorial Director/Graphic Designer: Laura Johnson Publication Interest: Aaron Fletcher

Welcome to our March edition of Pose Down Mag Online. We kicked the month of March off with the Arnold Classic 2010. As always a great event to cover and be part of. This year the attendance level was an even greater amount from previous years. With an event this big, mark your calendar for next year, We will feature Aprils edition with this years coverage. Again, thank you to Jim Lorimer, Bob Lorimer, Mike Davies, Matt Lorz, Kathy Nagle, and Brent Lalonde, and everyone else at the Arnold for organizing such a great event.

Photography: Mark Mason Kevin Martin Wendy Martin Ray Rojas Contributing Writers: Angela Dillenberg Michael Bell Senior Writer Contributing Column Writers Sara Long - “Recipe Corner” Joe Leahy - Blue Collar Bodybuilding Steve Kuclo - “The Wolverine” Prince Fontenot- “Talking Candidly” Photos submitted by column writers/athletes monthly Rosa Marie Romero photos by Charles Lowthian- Future photos of Jennifer Norden by Mark Mason Pose Down Magazine accepts photos from individual athletes with the understanding that each athlete own the rights to photos submitted....... For advertising questions go to:

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Thinking Beyond The Basic Squat Many of the Herculean greats like Sergio, Arnold, and Franco built their leg workouts around the back squat, and for good reason. The squat is a proven movement that can build your legs up like crazy. These men were so familiar with this exercise, they could probably do them, with perfect form, in their sleep! Yet others like Gironda believed that these squats were good mostly for building up glutes and hips. As he once said, “Squats aren’t so much a leg exercise as they are a gluteus maximus movement. It’s best to substitute hack squats for standard squats or you’ll wind up with wide hips and a big ass!” If you already do the back squat or if you find that your quadriceps lag behind your glutes and you don’t need additional thickness in your hips, then this article is for you. Here, we’ll focus on two powerful variations on the squat, the hack squat and the sissy squat. By adding these super alternatives to your leg workout, you can turn your toothpicks into super hard tree trunks! Before we discuss specifics, a quick note on the topic of machines versus free weights. As you may have noticed, more and more newfangled machines are making their way into fitness clubs across the country. Some bodybuilders are championing the arrival of equipment like the hack squat machine and the vertical leg press, while other physique specialists are lamenting the passing of the barbell. Now we don’t want to open up that debate again as there’s been plenty already written about machines and whether they are novelties that will mass-produce boring physiques in an assembly-like fashion. It is our opinion that machines have their rightful place, as do free weights, and both can live in peace and harmony in the gym!

Can You Hack The Hack Squat? Georg Hackenschmidt, it is believed, invented the hack lift. A weightlifting pioneer from the early 1900s, some say the movement was named after him while others say it was named after the

German word for ankle (“hacke”), where the movement starts. Regardless of its origins, when it comes to the hack squat today, you now have options. First, let’s talk about the hack squat machine. Approach the hack squat machine and place your feet out comfortably in front of you with the tips of your shoes near the edge of the platform. With your back firmly against the pad and your shoulders locked into place, pull the levers to release the sled and hold on tight. Next, lower the weight slowly and, under complete control, take them deep. Sit in that bucket and feel the stretch in your quads. Now explode out of the hole forcefully and squeeze the quadriceps at the top. Some believe this machine focuses primarily on the lower quadriceps, and indirectly, the knees. So for those with knee problems, purists like Reeves, or those who like a little burn may want to opt for the barbell version. Start by holding the barbell behind you with your arms at your sides. Your grip should be as wide as your hips with your palms up (facing backward).

floor, or when the bar touches your ankles. Rise up slowly to the top, with your back straight. Keeping the back straight and flat throughout the entire movement is critical if you want to reap the benefits of this exercise. Done right, the lower portion of your front thigh just above the knee will get a good workout. Done well, you will long for the regular squat! So with the hack squat, pay strict attention to strict form.

This Squat Ain’t For Sissies Sissy? Don’t let the word fool you. The sissy squat has been in vogue since the early 60s, and many of today’s topline bodybuilders use this exercise to achieve a really cut-up look to their legs and for good reason. Few movements are more productive, more effective for isolating and building up the quadriceps than the sissy squat. Unlike other types of squats, the sissy squat in particular eliminates most of the involvement of the hamstrings and gluteus maximus, focusing most of the work (and the excruciating pain) on the front thighs. Gironda himself was a big

Do these squats right and you'll be crying like a sissy! Keep the bar against your upper thighs and glutes. With your head up and feet firmly planted on the floor, squat until your upper thighs are parallel to the

fan of the sissy squat and said this movement would make sissies out those who thought they were strong! (continued at



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To help celebrate Valentine’s Day last month, I had come up with a HEART healthy recipe that will keep you and your loved ones warm and cozy. This quick and easy Hearty Seafood Stew is a perfect balance of protein, complex carbohydrates, and heart healthy fat. It is filling enough to stand on it’s own as a meal, or pairs perfectly with a fresh salad. Many of the ingredients used in this recipe are on the top of the list of the best foods for cardiovascular health. These foods and nutrition benefits include: Fish/seafood: omega-3 fatty acids, folate, niacin Brown rice: B-complex vitamins, niacin, magnesium, fiber Carrots: Alpha-carotene, fiber Spinach: Lutein, B-vitamins, folate, magnesium, potassium, calcium, fiber Tomatoes: Beta- and Alpha-carotene, lycopene, lutein, vitamin C, potassium, folate, fiber Black Beans: B-vitamins, niacin, folate, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, soluble fiber Olive Oil: heart favorable mono and polyunsaturated fats


Hearty Seafood Stew By Sarah Long Ingredients: 2 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil 4 oz Fresh or Frozen Scallops 4 oz Fresh Crab Meat 8 oz cooked, deveined Jumbo Shrimp 1 can low sodium tomato soup 1 can white clam sauce 1 can no salt added diced tomatoes 1 can black beans (rinsed and drained) 1/2 cup cooked brown rice 2 cups sliced zucchini 1 celery stalk 1/2 cup diced carrots 1/2 cup finely chopped sweet onion

Preparation: 1. Pre-cook brown rice 2. Heat Olive oil in large, nonstick saucepan over medium heat. Add onion, garlic, and seafood and saute for 5 minutes. 3. Stir in canned ingredients and saute another 10-15 minutes over medium heat. Add all other ingredients and bring stew to a boil. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer stew for 30 minutes or until vegetables become tender. 4. Spoon into soup bowls and top with reduced-fat shredded cheese (optional). ENJOY! Makes 6 large bowls Nutritional Information: 1 large bowl 385 calories, 22g protein, 38g carbohdrates, 12g fat, 9g fiber

2 cups fresh spinach leaves 3 tsp minced garlic 1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped 2 tbsp black pepper 2 tbsp Italian Medley Mrs. Dash (or other Italian Seasoning Blend)

Posedown is very proud to feature Rosa-Marie Romero on this month’s cover. This is the first figure competitor that has earned this honor. We got a chance to visit with Rose 2 weeks before the Phoenix Pro where she placed 3rd and earned a qualifying spot at this year’s Olympia. As you will see, Rose is not only a tremendous athlete but also an awesome person. PD: So Rose, I have to ask the question no woman likes to hear. How old are you? RR: I am 34 years old Mike. PD: Wow! I was thinking late 20’s. How long have you been competing? RR: It’s been seven years since I first stepped on stage, but the last two years have been as an IFBB Pro. PD: You’re not from the U.S., exactly where are you from? RR: I was born and raised in the eastern suburbs of Sydney, Australia. PD: So how did you end up in this industry? RR: A very close friend of mine Steve Iacavone was competing at the 2003 NPFC/IFBB Australasia Championships and asked I come along for support. This was the first time I saw the Figure category and I was instantly hooked! I knew from that moment that I wanted to compete and I was determined to go all the way. I had my sights set on Olympia from day one. Now, here I am the highest ranked International Figure Pro in the USA and the number one Figure Pro in South Pacific. I like the sound of that! Tell me a little about living in Aust. Australia is very beautiful, hot and a real outdoors type of place. Lots’ of beaches where I’m from and people are really into the healthy living. It’s quite a multicultural country to be honest. The difficult part for me about living in Sydney is that I am so far away from the rest of the world, especially the States, so I have to travel at least 14 hours on a plane to get to a show! Those of you who have followed my competitive career will know that I have competed in 14 Pro Shows. That’s a lot of plane trips! PD: Are figure competitors looked up to there? RR: Yes they are. Figure is becoming extremely popular here now. I am really excited to be involved with the NPFC in Australia and am an official judge. We have two major shows here per year, Australasia & Nationals as well as the regional shows through out Australia. Huge line up’s and sell out events.




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PD: Who is your favorite bodybuilder or competitor of all time? RR: That would have to be Moe El Moussawi. He is a family man with two beautiful little girls, a successful business person and competitor. He has taught me how to balance personal with business and I have benefited greatly from this. Bodybuilding is a huge part of my life but so are my boys. Finding the balance is the key for success. PD: Who has been your biggest influence? RR: My two little boys Dylan & Jaime have been my main influence and I hope one day they will fully understand the importance of hard work and determination. We can achieve anything in this world. It’s those who follow their dreams and work hard that ultimately reach their goals. PD: What are your strong points? RR: Those who know me well will tell you I am strong-minded and a ‘go getter’. I am committed and passionate about what I do. I am also a perfectionist so stepping out on stage less than 110% ready will never be the case. It’s all or nothing when it comes to FITROSE! PD: I believe those are better qualities than having great body parts. You can’t teach passion and commitment. What are your weak points that you want to bring up? RR: That’s easy, wanting everything yesterday! Sometimes one has to learn to be patient. PD: In this sport patience is something hardly anyone has, but its great you can admit that. What kind of diet do you use and do you have to diet long for your contest prep? RR: It will normally take me about 8 weeks to get ready for a show however, I train all year round, never miss a day…I just love it! My diet consists of 8-10 meals per day. I do eat quite a lot of carbs but then again I train pretty hard so I need the carbs in order to train at my fullest potential. PD: That sounds pretty normal for a bodybuilder. I don’t hear too many figure competitors eating 8-10 meals a day. What does cardio look like for you in the offseason and prep time? RR: In the off-season I will normally do cardio for about 30 minutes five days peer week. During contest prep time, this will increase to two to three times per day depending on where I’m at weight wise and how far out from the show.


PD: Do you have a favorite body part to train or a favorite lift? RR: I love training legs! As hard as it is to get motivated to train them, once they are done, there really is no better feeling. It’s one of those areas you just can’t afford to neglect. As they say “Go hard or go home but always have fun!” PD: What are your favorite supplements? RR: I absolute love the entire range from Nutrigenix, especially their ‘Formula O’. You may have seen Nicole Wilkins on the bottle itself. This is the most amazing fat burner and the results speak for themselves. BCAA, Whey Protein, Antioxidants, Multi Vitamin, Arginine, Fish Oil, Vitamin E , L Carnitine & L Glutamine are all incorporated into my daily diet. PD: What are your plans for 2010? RR: 2010 is shaping up to be huge. I am now under the guidance of Rob & Shannon Dey and we have the year mapped out already. I will start off at the Phoenix Pro followed by the Arnold Classic Ms Figure International. You can also expect to see me compete close to home at the up coming New Zealand Pro. My goal is to obviously qualify for Olympia at one of these shows. Let’s see how it all goes but I am confident 2010 will be massive. I am the first Australian ever to grace the stage at AC Figure International. I hope to back this up at the 2010 Figure Olympia in Vegas. PD: What is your current job? RR: I work as a Long Haul Flight Attendant, Personal Trainer, TV Presenter & Actress, am an NPFC/IFBB Judge and let’s not forget mother of two! Definitely am busy but I wouldn’t have it any other way. PD: Wow! That’s a lot on your plate. What is something that people would find interesting about you that they don’t already know? RR: I am Spanish! Both my parents are Spanish however, I was born in Australia. I do speak fluent Spanish and am very passionate about my culture. I was also a professional Flamenco Dancer up until the age of 21 and ran my own Academy of Dance for many years. PD: After your career is over what do you plan on doing? RR: I hope to continue inspiring others to lead a healthy lifestyle and motivating women to reach high and pursue their goals and aspirations. I am currently working very close with Nutrigenix and hope to expand the company throughout South Pacific. PD: You are a very surprising woman alright. I want to thank you for your time and best of luck this year. Do you have a website where your fans can find out more of you? RR: Thank you for having me. My website is, please stop by check things out!


Hello iron warriors and welcome to this months column of Blue Collar Bodybuilding. Thanks as always for stopping by! I hope this months column finds you working hard at both your careers and your fitness goals. Keep reaching for the stars and never surrender no matter what the odds. Tough times never last but tough people do my friends. Over the past few months my column has touched on many issues. I have talked about leadership traits and how to stay positive and focused on your lives and careers in general. You now know that by applying leadership traits to your life you will become a more focused and driven person and your goals will seem within reach and closer than ever! Well my friends it is now time for me to put all I have written to the test. Yes, it is time for actions to speak louder than words. I am currently in full swing getting ready for my first National Level show the Mr. USA on July 30 and 31st in Las Vegas Nevada. The plane tickets have been purchased and the entry fee is in the mail. It is now time for me to apply all I have spoken so passionate about. In this months column I will go over in detail my current training program all in hopes that my style can help you achieve your goals as well. Here we go! Sit back and enjoy and welcome to the world of iron joe leahy! Nine years ago after being in a major prison disturbance I decided it was time to get serious with my diet and training. I had always trained but it was more for looks, I learned quickly that my training needed to be more intense and serious because it now has much more meaning. During the fight (prison disturbance) my mind was ready to act but my body wouldn’t move and this scared me. I got thrown to the ground and never even saw it coming. Today nine years later I know that I have given myself the best chance to not only help myself but the other staff I work with. This means a lot to me because the staff with whom I work are not only co-workers they are my close and best friends. Yes, there will always be someone tougher and stronger. Like I said I want to give myself the best chance I can and if muscle is a deterrent well I’m all for it. Also around this time my sisters children were born and I knew I wanted to be a fun upbeat uncle that could play and roll around on the fl oor with them. I must admit this is getting a little harder due to the fact I’m gaining so much muscle mass. Trust me this is a good problem to have! I like to train instinctively which means I train the body parts that feel the most rested and fresh on a particular day. For example, if my chest is a little sore on chest day but my arms feel good then I go ahead and train arms. Usually the sore body part is then recovered and I will go ahead and hit that part the next workout. I also don’t have set days off. Once again this is totally instinctive. If I sleep well and feel ready to go 100% in the gym well then I’ll rip it up. If I feel run down or tired I’ll just sleep in and recover. I feel this approach to training keeps me motivated and doesn’t cause burn out. I have been know to train everyday for two weeks. This would be over-training for some but it has worked for me so I’m sticking with it. Most of the time I train six days, one on and one day off with a training split which looks something like this: Legs on Monday, Chest on Tuesday, Back on Wednesday, Arms on Thursday, Shoulders on Friday then an off day and repeat. Repeating the cycle over and over again for years on end is the true key to success. I train one body part a day with calves and ABS trained three times a week. Calves and ABS are usually trained after chest, shoulders, or arm day. I do group bis/tris together on their own day as well as quads/hamstrings on another day. I sleep eight hours every night and make sure to get plenty of clean calories in my diet eating every two hours before and after training. I don’t believe in over-training I believe in under recuperating! Here is an example of my training exercises remember I believe in High Volume with little rest between sets approx. 45 seconds. I am a bodybuilder not a power lifter so the quick rest is good for cardio and an awesome pump. My style of training has also been called Blood Volume Training which means I am trying to get as much blood in the desired muscle as possible.

Blue Collar Bodybuilding with Joe Leahy

BLUE COLLAR CONTINUES WITH JOE LEAHY Here is an example of a typical week of workouts: Leg Day: Leg Extensions One-Leg Leg Presses Free weight squats Walking dumbbell lunges Hamstring Curls Stiff-Leg Dead-lifts Chest Day: Incline dumbbell presses Flat bench presses Flat bench dumbbell flyes Cable cross-overs Dips Standing calve raises Jack-knife ab floor crunches Back Day: Wide grip pull-downs Close-grip seated rows Bent-over Barbell rows One-arm dumbbell rows Deadlifts from floor up Wide-grip seated rows Arms day: Rope press-downs/Straight barbell curls V-Bar press-downs/Cable curls Skull crushers/Alternate dumbbell curls Close grip bench presses/Hammer Curls Dips/Machine one-arm preacher curls Calves and ab work on this day following arm training. *All arm exercises are superseted meaning I do one tri-cep exercise and one bi-cep exercise and that is one set. After both are complete then I rest approx 45. seconds then repeat. Shoulder Day: Standing behind the neck shoulder presses Upright rows Seated bent laterals Seated reverse pec-deck Standing side laterals Free-Motion front raises Calve and ab work

Off Day.

BLUE COLLAR CONTINUES WITH JOE LEAHY I use a pyramid approach to my training this helps me to warm up as well as get plenty of blood into the muscle for a awesome pump. For example my first set is usually 20 reps then more weight is added and my next set will consist of 12-15 reps. For the third set the weight is increased again and I will complete 8-10 reps and for the forth and final set more weight is added and I will strive for 6-8 reps. I also like to drop the weight and get a finishing set of 20 reps for a maximum pump. I like to keep my training fun and ever changing. Remember the gym time is your time so no cell phones or distractions allowed. Your have goals stick with them and don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve your desired look. Be serious in the gym for the best results. I look at my training as part of my job so my day begins in the gym. I do not talk and I have never felt the need to be polite when I train. It’s just me and my headphones at war with the iron and I would not have it any other way. I say hello to my friends but they know me and my goals so they are sure to stay out of my path of destruction. I would rather try and lead by example then by talking. Thanks for checking in this month and I hope this months column of Blue Collar Bodybuilding gives you a clear cut insight to my training style. The Mr. USA is a huge challange for me and I look forward to the battle. If I do my best I feel I am always a winner no matter what the outcome. Next month I will get into my nutrition plan and with the help of my new sponsor the sky will be the limit. Check out LGsciences for all your supplement needs. Special thanks to Scott Conroy of LG!! Till next month train hard and smart.

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When Mike Bell of called and asked me if I would like to write this months Champion Series Column , I answered without hesitation with a loud and thunderous, “Yes!” I responded so quickly because I knew, right at the moment he asked me, who I wanted to interview and give just due to. This months Champion is Sergeant Force Recon Marine Jacob Mathew Brannan. Jake is a true American hero. Jake is humble, quick to compliment others and lends a helping hand to anyone in need. Jake reminded me that Marines are not only the best combat fighters on the planet, they are also here to lend a helping hand to other country’s in need. He is proud of the work the Marines and other United States Armed Forces are doing in helping the Country of Haiti recover from the recent earthquake. Jake has always said, “A recon Marine can speak without saying a single word.” This statement goes to show that Jake Brannan is about action and not the chatter of today’s society. He is a man focused on the mission of being the best person he can be and he will not allow himself to accept failure. There is another side to Jake Brannan that the world needs to know about. Is it his Meritorious Combat Promotion he earned while fighting for our freedom in Iraq signed by a three star general? No that’s not it. What the world needs to know about Jake Brannan is that he is one fierce N.P.C competitor that is going become a household name someday. You heard it here first at! Actor Heath Ledger said in the movie The Dark Night, “this is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.” I firmly believe this is the kind of impact Jake Brannan will make at the National Level in the years to come.

Jake Brannan was born on January 13th, 1983 to his loving and supportive parents Denise Diederich and Steven Brannan. Jake was born at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, the State’s Capital of Michigan. Jake went on to graduate from Webberville High School in 2001. Jake stated that he knew he wanted to be a solider at the young age of thirteen and began his quest by doing sit ups, push ups, and running. Jake was so convinced he wanted to be a solider that he spent the night of his High School Graduation in a hotel room waiting to fly out the next day to Marine Corps Boot Camp. Just knowing men and women are out there like Jake makes me sleep better at night. While in the Marine Corps Jake saw his first bodybuilding show in Okinawa. Jake then decided to not only do calisthenics but hit the heavy iron. When Jake returned to Michigan he knew he had to focus his attention and bodybuilding became his outlet. In 2005 Jake entered his first show The Novice Michigan and placed third in the tough middleweight class. In 2006 Jake made his break threw by winning the Natural Northern Michigan Middleweight and Overall Titles at 169.8 shredded to the bone pounds. That night Jake also secured his first National Qualification. Being a very strategic man and falling back on his training as a Force Recon Marine Jake went into off-season mode to gain more size and definition. In 2009 Jake came back to the stage at the Grand Rapids Bodybuilding Championships to once again qualify for the National Level but now as a pealed to the bone light-heavyweight. Jake finished first runner up in a very close and controversial call. Not one to complain Jake was back in the gym formulating his game plan. The Michigan Bodybuilding Championship on May 8th, of this year is on his radar. His competitors have been warned. Jake’s stated that he trains five days a week and legs are his main focus. His training split looks like this Monday-Chest, Tuesday-Back, Wednesday-Arms, Thursday-Shoulders, Fridays are an off day to recover, Saturday-Legs, and Sundays-are spent in church recovering from his leg attack. Heavy training with lots of volume is his style keeping his rep range between 6 and 8. In terms of diet Jake is a low carb dieter who loves to eat animal fats. Sirloin and Delmonico steaks and hamburger are his favorite size builder proteins while whole eggs give him energy. If Jake does eat carbs he will have small servings of brown rice or sweet potato’s. You can clearly see from the pics that Jake Brannan is a force to be reckoned with but you will never hear this from him. Ronnie Coleman’s quote, “Yea Buddy” is what you are most likely to hear from Jake before a heavy set of leg presses. The men and women of the United States Armed Forces are on Jake’s mind and he is worried about there safety more than anything. Jake is a true American Hero and a future IFBB Professional. It was an honor to interview him and hear his life story. The family thanks Jacob Mathew Brannan for all of our freedom and we wish him and his brothers and sisters of the Armed Forces all the best. Until next month keep training hard and smart.








TRAINING LEGS WITH ZOA LINSEY Birthday: November 29th Height: 5’ 9 1/2” Weight: 195 (off-season), 180 (contest) Place of Birth: Vancouver, BC, Canada Family: 1 awesome husband and 2 crazy kittens! Current Home: Okinawa, Japan Occupation: Lifestyle Consultant & Personal Trainer Favorite Cheat Food: Low-fat Icecream & Granola, Fresh Berries, Steak Favorite Beverage: Water (always) & a little Sangria Favorite Diet Food: Baked Yams & Kashi Go-Lean Best Memory: Getting married, July 17th, 2005 & Winning Overall at North American’s Favorite Exercises: Squats, Rack Pulls and Shoulder Press Names of my Kittens: Knucklehead, Jimmy Hoffa Favorite Hobby: Training, baking and traveling. Favorite Music: Rock, Classical, New Age, Alternative Favorite Movies: suspense, mystery or animated, happy movies.

Leg Day Lessons: Don’t waste your time on machines if your body (i.e. back, hips) can handle compound movements and free weights. Maximize your time in the gym by gravitating towards the most difficult movements that give you the most results. Don’t focus on the weight, but focus on the muscle moving the weight. Alternate high and low rep training, but always push for muscular fatigue. Never sacrifice form or safety for a heavier weight. We are not powerlifters, we are bodybuilders. Our goal is to RE-SHAPE our body. There are 3 stages to a leg day ‘set’: (1) “wow, this is heavy…”; (2) “oh shoot, I don’t know if I can do any more”; (3) “my body is saying no but my mind is going to get a couple more”; (4) “my competition is doing 5 more, so can I, even if it kills me!”. At this point, you should be completely unaware of what is going on around you and feeling both determined and ferocious! Remember, if you only get to the 2nd stage you will never realize the full potential of your physique. Don’t waste your time doing squats and lunges if you don’t commit to going down deep in the movement. (Don’t sacrifice form for a ‘bragging weight’). Don’t allow your knee to lean inwards and don’t put your weight forward on your knee. Keep the hips pushing back with the glute and hamstring muscles like a ‘spring’, ready to engage and push you back up. Weight through the heels. Control your movements and make sure you are pushing ‘into’ the muscle that is doing the work. Remember, the only way to grow is to give your body a new challenge. Don’t be afraid to push! Zoa’s Sample Leg Day: Exercise 1: Sumo Squats w/BB Warm-up sets – 3-5 sets at a higher rep range, starting at 45# and going up to 315#. By the time I’m at 315# I should feel warmed up and ready to put in 100%. Work-sets – 4-5 sets starting at 315# and going up (if off-season). Last couple sets I may go down to 225# and rep it out. *Foot position is very wide, toes pointing out, knees following. Exercise 2: Front Squats w/BB Warm-up sets – 2-3 sets. By this time I should be plenty warmed up but I will do a couple sets to lead up to my maximum weight. Work sets – Usually about 3-4 sets from 135-225# at about 8-10 reps. *Foot position is narrower, toes out, Tom Platz style. Exercise 3: 1-Leg Leg Press Warm-up sets – 2-3 sets to work into my max weight. I’ll usually start with 100#/side and work up to about 300#/side for my work sets. Work sets – 3-4 sets at about 10-15 reps, depending on how I’m feeling at this point. *May do partial reps at a heavier weight to provide additional stimulus to the muscle. Exercise 4: Leg Extensions or Leg Curls or Straight Leg Deadlifts w/DB Warm-up sets – 2-3 sets to work into my max weight. I like to do 1-Leg Extensions/Curls so I’ll usually alternate these weekly. Work sets – 2-3 at a very heavy weight to finish things off. *May do double drop sets on my final exercise to make sure I have nothing left! Zoa’s Additional Recommendations for Great Glutes & Thighs: Smith Machine 1-Leg Lunges (Back Leg Elevated) DB 1-Leg Lunges (Back Leg Elevated) Box Squats Narrow Stance or Wide Stance 2-Leg Leg Press Hack Squat Narrow or Wide Stance

I grew up in a very conservative family but I remember very distinctly a couple things; being loved, and being pushed to be my best. Self-discipline, time management and a strong work ethic was part of my daily life. The focus was more on academic and musical excellence, not competitive sports. However by studying music, both classical piano and violin, I developed patience and the ability to set long-term goals. I am thankful for parents who gave me the foundation to achieve my goals and believe in myself. Thanks Mom & Dad! However when I was 17 the unthinkable occurred, my parents divorced. In retrospect, it was my traditional upbringing that made the situation and the aftershock that much more devastating. I didn’t know how to handle what had happened and my parents were going thru their own grief. I began to develop eating disorders ranging from anorexia, bulimia and obsessive and unhealthy exercise habits that spanned across the next ten years. Of course these remained a private affair as I pushed to excel in my education and career. I always attempted through this time to heal myself, however as I know now in retrospect, these things take time and perseverance. I dealt with my confusion by focusing on my achievements and became very successful in my school and career. I studied marketing and communications in university and then after graduating, began work in the corporate marketing world. I enjoyed this part of my life but at the same time was having more fun before and after work doing half-marathons, uphill/downhill road biking and mountain biking, weight training, trail-running as well as teaching spinning at the local fitness club. I felt in my heart there was more to what I wanted in life than what I was doing. It wasn’t until after competing in my first bodybuilding show in 2000, I realized I had finally found something that I had a passion for. Bodybuilding transformed my eating disorders into an athletic endeavor instead of an unhealthy, unrealistic body image issue. Bodybuilding fit me perfectly – I enjoyed being disciplined, setting long term goals and training hard. From the first show onwards, I realized that this sport fit me. The bonus was I found that I loved to compete and it woke up something inside of me that I didn’t know I had. Eventually I changed careers. By 2003 I was self-employed with my own business, Powergirl Fitness. My personal mission with my work with other individuals from the beginning was to help them empower and achieve their own personal best. To take a desire and turn it into action. To see dreams realized. To give people the truth about getting in shape and fitness. To live with integrity. To help people understand how to be emotionally and physically healthy and live a complete life. My personal philosophy for training my clients has only been enriched by the personal struggles and body image issues I have struggled with in my past. Every experience I have had, positive and negative has brought me to this place where I am able to encourage and motivate other people to step beyond their own self-perceived limitations. This is the perspective from which I encourage and support those around me in their journey and I’ve been so fortunate to meet so many great friends along the way. COMMON QUESTIONS: How long do you think you’ll keep on bodybuilding? I will compete as long as I enjoy it, however, bodybuilding is my lifestyle, that will be with me always. I love training and I love feeling healthy from eating the right foods. I like to feel like I’m maximizing what my physique is capable of being. What is the most you’ve ever benched? I don’t bench, too hard on shoulders and not the best exercise for chest development. What is the most you’ve ever squatted? Do I look like a powerlifter? (yes, that is the answer). But I have squatted 405 for reps. What is your goal in bodybuilding? To be one of the Top 5 bodybuilders in the world. Who is your training partner? My husband and I train together most days. What are your guiding principles in life? •Integrity •Passion •Loyalty •Gratitude FUTURE PLANS: Have a great marriage, be a great bodybuilder, be an inspiration to my clients and friends, have a successful business and enjoy the time I am given in my life.

THE FUTURE This month Posedown is happy to introduce the world to Jennifer Norden. While backstage at the Arnold Classic this past month the owner and editor and chief of Posedown Magazine spotted Jennifer and immediately knew he was looking at a future star. Now, you have to realize what was going on at this moment. The bikini division was about to go on stage so the room was full with some of the most beautiful women from around the world, so to say that one person stood out among all the rest is a testament to Jennifer’s beauty. This past weekend I got a chance to visit with her and get her background along with her future plans. Jennifer has always been into sports but this is her first time on an NPC stage. While in high school and college she was a cheer leader. After that she went on to be a Wildcats Dancer, Kentucky Thorough Babe, Lexington Horseman dancer, Lady Legend, and finally a NFL cheerleader for the Cincinnati Bengals. She says she got into this industry to see how fit she could get and to also find a new challenge in her life. Jennifer has a pretty standard workout schedule with a five day split and cardio for 35 minutes five to six times a week in the offseason and then adds in a second cardio session per day come contest time. She admits that her favorite body part to train is glutes and hamstrings, because that’s the body part she feels shows the most improvements over time. Another passion of hers is somewhat unusual. She says “One of my goals in life is to get my black belt in Shu Lin karate. My grandmother was a black belt and had her own karate school. She taught me fitness and discipline at a very young age.” With a 3rd place finish in the bikini division at the largest amateur show in the world to say she is a FUTURE star is an understatement. We look forward to seeing her on stage again soon.




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Hey Posedown! Just wanted to touch base with you guys for March! The year has kicked off with a bang with the biggest Arnold ever! It was great to see everyone and get ready for the upcoming season. As mentioned before I will be competing at the USA’s this year and starting to get into prep mode here. Since working with Art Atwood he has turned me in to a Iron eating monster at Metroflex Plano. Constantly switching up my training regimen but continue with the training twice a day has brought my body to a new level this year. I am sitting 285 and the leanest I have been at this weight. Training this way has been able to keep me leaner and really transform my body. To touch on the Arnold a little bit being such a huge success for everyone, I wanted to thank Universal/Animal for having me be part of such an awesome weekend. The Animal cage was the attraction everyone loved the most. With people constantly flooding the booth and cage non stop excitement the weekend was one to be remembered. We had many incredible feats of strength that the Animal athletes and people at the expo accomplished. Sam Byrd set a new Raw World record squat, I witness a 600 lb incline bench with ease, and I won the 405 squat off pounding out 30 reps. I’m looking forward to keeping everyone updated over the next several weeks about my training and USA prep. Thank you Posedown for backing me!

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