February 2011

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February 2011


Cover Picture: Rendy & Christine Delacruz Stephen Frazier Photo By: Joe Labell Ray Rojas Editor In Chief : Bob Johnson Editorial /Director/Designer: Laura Johnson Publication Interest: Aaron Fletcher Senior Writer: Michael Bell Photographers: Ray Rojas Mark Mason Contributing Column Writers: Tye Sheets Pierpont Prince Fontenot Sara Long



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Pose Down Magazine accepts photos from individual athletes with the understanding that each athlete own the rights to photos submitted…….

4 sets of all – 15, 12, 10, 8 reps Skull crushers superset with close grip presses

Blasting Arms with Tye Sheets Pierpont 42 years old 5’9 Contest history 2009 Central Texas Showdown (3rd in Open, 3rd in Masters)

Reverse grip pulldowns (behind the head on lat pulldown machine)

2009 Lackland Classic (6th in Masters) 2010 Lone Star Classic (4th in Masters) 2010 Central Texas Showdown (4th in Masters, 4th in Open) Next Competition – The Oklahoma Championships, June 11, 2011

V-bar cable press downs Single arm rope pulldowns

Cable Curls

Preacher curls

Alternating incline DB curls

Straight bar curls Tye Sheets Pierpont got serious about exercise and fitness after the birth of her daughter, Tatum, in 1995. Although she had previously never run farther than one mile, she completed her first 5-mile race, 10k and half marathon within six months after giving birth. The following year, she completed the New York Marathon. After years of competing in races of various distances as a member of Team Luke’s, she began lifting weights in 2004 and found her true passion. In 2007, she began training with Jesse Leyva and started making changes to her workouts and diet that would ultimately lead her to an overall change in her lifestyle and life. From 2004 to 2009, Tye served as an appointee of President George W. Bush at the General Services Administration. When the Bush Administration ended, she started a government affairs consulting firm with her old boss and friend, former Denton County Judge Scott Armey, and had more flexibility to focus on her workouts and diet. In October 2009, she competed in her first figure competition at the Central Texas Showdown. A month later, she took 6th out of 14 competitors at the Lackland Classic. During that time, she decided to dedicate her life and her career to helping others achieve healthier lifestyles through exercise. She obtained her personal training certification and began training at Jesse James Fit Personal Training with her trainer, Jesse James Leyva. She and her husband, Chip, reside in Flower Mound with her daughter, Tatum, and his sons, Parker and Griffin. Contact Tye - tye@jessejamesfit.com

Raw Vegan Power!! Who said it can’t be done?

By: Mary Luciano

There is a growing number of vegetarian, vegan and raw food athletes, from sprinters, marathons runners and Ironman contenders to body builders, hockey players, and the like. Regardless of the sport, we can find at least one vegan athlete among the bunch. What’s more, coaches are realizing the benefits of adding more raw foods to their athletes’ nutritional regime. Gone are the days when vegan athletes were seen as weaker than their meat eating competitors. Never-the-less, today we are still faced with skepticism in the minds of some of our athletes and coaches. For the past two years I have been on a quest to put the raw food diet to the test by entering fitness competitions while being on a mostly raw food program.

In my younger years I bought into the belief that you really needed meat to help grow muscle. All the sport nutrition books that I read and all the nutritionists I counseled with said the same thing, “your plate should consist of carbohydrates, vegetables, cooked grains, salads and fruits, healthy fats and oils, nuts and seeds, a protein source of lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish and lean red meat (on occasion)”. I continued through most of my competitive life thinking I was eating enough nutrient rich foods until, at one point, I faced more injuries than I could handle. I had to stop any intense exercising altogether and ended up in rehabilitation. I went from therapist to therapist for a better part of four years. Imagine an athlete being restricted to rehab exercises! It wasn’t fun. The lightest cardio motions aggravated my system and running was surely out of the question. After a while, these challenges all started to take a toll not only on my time but my bank account as well.

One weekend, after listening to a speaker at a health show, I learned about the raw food lifestyle. I heard more and more about eating raw and began to research the healing wonders of raw food. I couldn’t soak enough in and attended food demonstrations, workshops, and lectures from experts in the field who spoke in Toronto. Next came the crème-de-la-crème of raw food pursuits — Hippocrates Health Institute. In July 2004 I went to Hippocrates and participated in their three week Life Change Program. Lo and behold, I started to feel better. When I came home I continued as best as I could with the lifestyle I had adopted. I also decided to experiment to determine if my body was still okay with adding the odd not so healthy favorite food. My body quickly alerted me that this “moderation” tactic just would not work. I gradually began exercising regularly again while continuing to eat raw foods. With proper nutrition and the help of a Pilates teacher, and later a personal trainer, I finally returned to an intense exercise program.

Shortly thereafter, I decided to return to competitive sports. Instead of endurance sports, such as running, biking, adventure racing, and sprinting, I wanted to try something different. Since I was a teenager, I had always wanted to participate in a fitness show because I always admired the beautiful, tanned, muscular men and women who competed. Although weight training had always been a part of my fitness programs, I had to raise the intensity to a new level. My new eating regimen was a running joke between my trainer and I — while I persuaded him to drink my wheatgrass he tried to convince me to add a little bit of meat back into my diet. But I was committed to proving that I could do this. I am proud to say that on November 7th, 2009 I placed second at the IDFA’s (International Drug Free Association) show, in the Novice Figure, short division, one up from my last year’s finish, and as a raw vegan athlete to boot!

This year I entered my third competition with the Ontario Physique Association (OPA) and placed 4th in the Women’s Open Division and 3rd in the Women’s Master Division allowing me to compete at the Provincial level. At the Provincials I placed 5th in the Women’s Master Division which qualified me to compete at the CBBF (Canadian Body Building Federation) National Championships. My diet is anywhere from 80 to 100% raw with the exception of some steamed vegetables and whole grains. Wheatgrass, E3Live, Sunwarrior and Hemp Protein are my proteins of choice to help with muscle building along with lots of leafy greens and tons of sprouts. This year I turning 40 and maybe I’ll set my intention for a 1st place win. For now I dedicate these trophies to everyone on this journey of living foods because it is purely the best. So if anyone ever challenges you and says that it can’t be done; prove them wrong. Anything you set your mind on you can achieve. Best wishes to everyone! With gratitude, Mary Luciano Healthy Living Educator, Raw Food Enthusiast theHealthyLivingEducationCenter.blogspot. com mary@maryluciano.com

Oct 29, 2011


Frank W., Mayborn Civic & Convention Center 3303 N. 3rd St Temple, Texas 76501 Contact Information: www.CentralTexasShowdown.com www.smoothieds.com Email: ctshowdown@yahoo.com Bob or Laura Johnson 214-507-4187 or 214-668-3521 For tickets, sponsorship, Contest and Hotel information go to our website





While most of his peers have spent the last several years living the carefree life in high school and college - dating, partying, gaming and sometimes studying, 21-year old light heavyweight Uriah McGee has spent his time pursuing his passion for the sport of bodybuilding. The 2009 NPC Teen Nationals Championships winner was inspired while he was a Dallas Skyline football player by a video he saw of 8-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman. “I started bodybuilding at 16 because I wanted¬ to get bigger for football and I knew I wouldn’t get any taller. Every time I would search how to get bigger, it would take me to bodybuilding websites and articles, he said of his introduction to bodybuilding. “Eventually I saw Ronnie Coleman’s 800-pound dead lift and his 2005 Olympia routine and I was hooked from there. I was so amazed by how huge he was that I brought my whole family in the room to look at the videos. From that point on, I knew I wanted to get as huge as possible.” McGee began working with Dallas nutritionist and promoter, Prince Harrison, who McGee says first introduced him to the business side of the sport. In 2008, McGee competed in the teen division of the Heart of Texas Championships and walked away a winner. At the 2009 Lone Star Classic, he won the teen division, novice middleweight and novice overall. Later that year, he took top honors at the 2009 Teen Nationals in the middleweight division and was named overall winner. Just as with any elite athlete; with success, there must be sacrifice. However, for McGee, he doesn’t feel as if he’s missed out on anything. “I feel like reaching my goals is more important than partying. It will benefit me much more in the future,” he said.

In pursuit of his bodybuilding career goals, which include attempting to earn his pro card in 2013, McGee has chosen a job that gives him the flexibility to pursue his passion. As a security guard, he works long hours but the schedule allows him the extensive time he needs in the gym every day for his training. On weekends, he works 12-hour shifts, goes straight to the gym for 75 minutes of cardio, home to sleep for 3 hours and then straight back to the gym. After that, he prepares all his food for the following day. He says his boss even tries to ensure he works jobs that allow for him to consume the more than 6,000 calories he eats each day. “We were working security for the Super Bowl parking cashiers and my boss was radioing making sure I had eaten,” he laughs. In addition to the support he receives at work, McGee says his family is very supportive of his sport. Two of his uncles were professional wrestlers, so his family understands the dedication to strict training and diet to which he adheres.

“When I competed in the Teen Nationals in Pittsburgh, my mother helped me prepare and pack all the food I had to take with me,” he said. McGee says he enjoys working legs the most, but acknowledges that his chest has made the least progress. “But if your shoulders, back and legs are strong, he says “That’s what wins.” McGee hopes to claims those wins at the only two shows in which he’ll compete this year, the Oklahoma Championships in Tulsa and the NPC Jr. Nationals in Chicago – both in June. His dedication and sacrifice have brought him this far, but he realizes that the “destination” of earning a pro card or a Mr. Olympia title, isn’t what it’s all about. “The hardest part I would say is being patient with my progress, but I have enjoyed the journey.”


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Rendy and Christine DelaCruz are the owners of MetroFlex Gym Ft Worth Texas. The Delacruz’s are one of the nicest couples you will ever come across. Lets not confuse kindness with weakness! Rendy DelaCruz (AKA Mexican Hercules) started his athletic career as a MMA fighter, retired 32-0. Christine (AKA Rambo Barbie) served with the United States Army and worked as a Bedford TX Police Officer. Since Rendy’s retirement as a MMA fighter, he has competed in Bodybuilding, Strongman, Powerlifting and now along side Christine a new co-owner of Metro Flex Gym Ft Worth. Rendy started as a manager for the original Metro Flex in Arlington Texas. This was under the wing of Brian Dobson. Christine met Rendy after inquiring through Dobson for a personal trainer. Christine has prevailed through many different chanllenges of her own. The DelaCruz’s are positive, focused and as a team can beat most obstacles. When in Ft Worth Texas, visit both Rendy and Christine. The following pages will outline their history up to date.

Rendy DelaCruz History: Managed the original MetroFlex Gym in Arlington for 12 years Owner of new MetroFlex Gym-Ft Worth MMA ISSA certified Personal Trainer and Nutritionist Born July 22, 1980 in Vernon Texas Started weight training at the age of 10 years old, I was inspired by and was introduced to weight training by my older brother, Victor. Our idols back then were Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbo, Sergio Olivia, Bill Kazmier, and Jon Paul Sigmarson and of course Bruce Lee. Brian Dobson introduced to the sport of bodybuilding, power lifting and strong man when I was 15 years old. I was at the gym so much, Brian gave me a job there, that was the start of my awesome career in the fitness and strength industry. It gave me a chance to see for myself firsthand and get to know the very best in the world and learn from him (Brian) and all the old school bodybuilders and power lifters, their old school and underground training methods, various exercises, routines and nutrition strategies. It was a very great opportunity to be there all those years so I could learn from the best and be like a sponge absorbing all of their knowledge all these great men and women taught me with no hesitation. With all their help combined I did very well in every sport that I tried and continue to excell in to this day. You could say MetroFlex gym (Arlington) was my “Hardcore College” for hardcore training, conditioning and hard work to be the best that I can be. Now God has blessed me and my wife to the fullest by giving us the awesome opportunity to open another MetroFlex Gym in Fort Worth Texas! This gave us the opportunity to combine both of our dreams and visions of opening up a hardcore gym with our own style, but not steering away from the true meaning of what a hardcore gym should be and Brian’s original vision of a hardcore gym.

We started out 11,000 square feet of space, that is where we put the first part of the gym which had enough space to include and MMA School within the gym, a longtime dream of mine come true. We are the very first MetroFlex to combine both hardcore worlds together and I was glad to see that the other new Metro Flex’s followed our lead. But now we have evolved into an 18,000 sq ft training facility, giving us room to open a cardio room (3,000 sq ft), power dungeon (3500 sq ft) and huge space dedicated to strong man and power lifting training it’s like a hardcore gym within a hardcore gym, Flex Nutrition supplement shop, massage clinic, 20x20 octagon fight cage, a salon called HardCore Elegance (for eyelash extentions, contest makeup, pedicures, and specialty nails/manicures), and to be completed soon the first and only Texas Bodybuilding NPC/IFBB Hall of Fame (where people can come visit and see momentos of their favorite bodybuilders and learn about those who have worked in the background to make the TX NPC/IFBB what it is today). Website www.metroflexgym-ftw.com Facebook page MetroFlex Gym-Ft Worth (Bodybuilding): rcc 2000 (teen division) top5- 4th place, NPC total package (heavyweight division) in Oklahoma 1st.Place and overall winner, rcc (heavyweight division) 2004,2006and 2007 top5- 3rdplace, Europa show 2005 (men’s heavyweight division) top5 - 3rd place. (Powerlifting): msa raw powerlifting push and pull meet wild game feast 2004-2008 undefeated and 1st place in the super heavyweight division ended up setting a world record raw deadlift of 745lbs with a snatch deadlift!

Strongman): metroflex texas strongest man 2008 1st place in the men’s heavyweight division, rcc texas strongest man 2008 1st place in the men’s heavyweight division.( Where I tore my tricep and my tricep tendon off the bone in the first event which was the log press! But still continued on competing with pretty much one arm and with incredible pain to end up winning the strongman contest in true metroflex warrior style!! Some how and with the Lord’s help he was definitely there by my side on that day. Best gym lift’s= (bench press): (before torn tricep!) 550lbs for 3 rep’s, (deadlift): 785lbs for 2 rep’s -9deadlift’s off 18 inch box’s): 1.080 For 2 rep’s, (squat’s): 750lbs for 6 rep’s 2 inch’s below parallel ass to the floor baby! (Front squat) : 585lbs for 3 rep’s deep!!! (Log press): 325lbs for 3 rep’s (one arm press) 180lbs 3 rep’s in each arm (metroflex inch dumbell) thick handle 175lbs 3 rep’s in each hand. That’s just to name a few all raw no special gear!

Christine aka (rambo barbie) background: born in Baton Rouge,LA,-graduated from UTA with a BA in Sport and Exercise studies, AFAA Certified Trainer, served in the U.S.Army from 1990-1994, worked as a Police Officer for Bedford, TX , 8 1/2 year’s. Christine aka (rambo barbie) delacruz contest history: (figure):2008 europa supershow figure (a) class top 10 finisher,- 2008 heart of texas figure(a) 1st place!,2008 Texas State Championship’s Figure (a) top 10 finisher,-2009 rcc figure (a) top 10 finisher. Powerlifting: 2008 raw push and pull powerlifting wild game feast 1st place in the female police officer division deadlifting 250lbs at a bodyweight of 105lbs,-2010 Lonestar raw powerlifting meet 1st and overall best female lifter bench pressing 185lbs. Squated 256lbs and deadlifted 303lbs all raw at a bodyweight of 112lbs!!! And setting a world record total for her class and bodyweight!

Rambo Barbie: I was introduced to training and weight lifting when I was 15 on the track team in high school. This is when I realized exercise and physical activity was what I enjoyed most and loved to do. I continued exercising and lifting weights while serving in the U.S. Army for 4 years, often running after duty call or going to the gym on base to lift weights, I was usually the only female actually lifting weights at the gyms on base. After being released from the Army, I went to study and further my knowledge of exercise science at the University of Texas at Arlington. In 1999 I graduated from UT@Arlington with a BA in Exercise and Sports Studies. Shortly after graduation I hired on as a Police Officer for Bedford, TX where I worked for 6 years as a patrol officer and 2 1/2 years as a criminal investigator. In 2008 I decided I wanted to try to compete in a figure contest, in my search for a trainer to help me reach my goal I sent Brian Dobson an email requesting his help in finding a good trainer to prepare me to compete in the 2008 Europa Super Show. Brian responded and said he had the perfect trainer (Rendy DeLaCruz) in mind for me to help me reach my goal. A few days later I met with Rendy at MetroFlex Gym in Arlington and the rest is history....it was at this time I found the best gym I had ever been to and the type of gym I had been looking for to reach all physical and competitive goals and the only gym where I actually did make improvements enough to reach all my goals and even surpass them. Rendy and all this gave my dreams and vision to open up a an awesome hardcore training facility for people just like me and anyone who wants to train hard to reach their goals of opening up MetroFlex Gym-Ft Worth MMA.

Training Shoulders With Claudette Fresquez Dumbbell press, three rest-pause sets of 8 repetitions (should be failure)

Seat Side Laterals 3 sets of 10

Side lateral raises ( drop set ) three set of 10 repetitions then drop weight Seated rear raises three set of 12 repetitions

Reverse Pec Dec 3 sets of 10 and drop set

Barbell Upright Rows 3 sets of 8

I was born and raised in the city of El Paso, Texas. I am the oldest of six children and even as a child, I was competitive and ahead of the game. I was potty trained and walking before the age of one! My freshman year I competed in volleyball and basketball, but soon after found myself leaving sports behind for beauty pageant competitions. I graduated and enrolled at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) during that time I worked fulltime in order to save money to leave El Paso to explore new and bigger opportunities. I found love in 1991 and married my husband. Soon thereafter, I relocated to Atlanta, Georgia where I pursued and completed my Nursing degree. Being so far away from family, I spent most of my time working out when not studying. In 1994, I relocated to Flower Mound, Texas; a suburb north of Dallas and enrolled at Texas Women’s University to pursue a business degree and in 1996 gave birth to my son, Cross. In 2008, my marriage began to fall apart and I turned to exercise to deal with the pain. I found extreme comfort while at the gym; and came to realize that this comfort of mine was all my own and no one else’s. It was at that time that my path crossed with a woman that was currently training for competition. Her physique impressed me enough that I wanted to try what she was doing - Figure Competition. My competitive fire had been reignited! It was then that I teamed up with a personal trainer and in 2009 competed in my first ever figure competition- I was hooked! It was the ultimate high. This helped me realize that this was what I wanted to do. Not only did exercising have a positive impact in my own life but in my son’s as well. My son has been inspired to stay fit and make healthier choices and in turn it has helped build his strength for his game; he plays on a select travel ice hockey league. I am currently training to compete in my third competition; training under the guidance of Jeff Dwell. When I’m not training or competing I’m traveling the world as a Product clinical specialist for a global medical equipment manufacture and spending time with my son. 2009 Figure NPC Competitor – Red River ( placed top 10) 2010 Figure NPC Competitor – Ronnie Coleman Classic In preparation for 2011 Ronnie Coleman Classic


PD: How long have you been competing? 21 yrs Prince Fontenot: I have been competing for 21 years. PD: What got you started in this sport? PF: I got interested in bodybuilding by looking at Muscle and Fitness magazines. PD: Who were some of your early favorites? PF: Shawn Ray, Flex Wheeler, Vince Taylor and Ronnie Coleman, all of whom I have met and had some good laughs with. PD: What is the highlight of your competitive career? My defining moment would have to be winning the middleweight class at the 1997 Team Universe and representing Team USA at the world’s championships in Russia. PD: What are your plans are 2011? PF: I plan on winning my pro card at Masters Nationals and start writing a book with a training video series. PD: What improvements are you trying to make to your physique this offseason? PF: I working hard to bring up my legs and ensure I’m more conditioned than last year. PD: Who do you rely on to help you when it comes to anything related to your physique? PF: I rely on a couple of people. First is Miguel Rojas which is the owner of Pura Nutrition and Olympus Muscle and Fitness. The other person is my wife Debbie Fontenot. PD: What changes training wise when you switch from offseason to prep time? PF: I keep it pretty simple. During the off season I use heavier weight and a lot more eating. My precontest has more training with lighter weights and less eating. PD: How does your contest diet differ from your offseason diet? PF: The main thing is I eat more beef during off season and switch to more turkey come precontest.

PD: You are also an NPC judge and promoter. What made you decide to get more involved with the sport than just competing? PF: Being on the receiving end of a perceived bad call at a show. It made me want to see what the judges saw. Since then I see just how tough the judges job really is. As far as being a promoter, I was treated with a lot of disrespect from a particular promoter and wanted to ensure other competitors would never feel the same way I did. Either you’re part of the solution or part of the problem. PD: Very well said! You have been in the game a while, what advice would offer to some of the younger guys? PF: Take your time to let your body grow. Watch out for shortcuts. If something seems too good to be true chances are it is. PD: Being an NPC judge, how do you feel the direction of the sport is headed now that we are in the “post Ronnie era” and have some new young blood in the game? PF: I love Big Ron. I think the time of dominance by one particular guy has past. I don’t think anyone is going to do it like Ronnie did. It makes for more intrigue come Olympia time but if someone does have the stuff to get it done more power to them. PD: I think all the bodybuilding fans out there will agree 100% with you on that answer. Is there anyone you would like to thank in wrapping up this article? PF: I have to thank my wife Debbie Fontenot, Miguel Rojas, and all of the Pura and Olympus Team.


Dumbell Presses 4 sets of 15

Smith Machine Presses 4 sets of 12

Side Laterals 4 sets of 15

Dumbell Raises 4 sets of 15

Bent Over Dumbell Raises 4 sets of 15

Lee Pelmore a 26 year old NPC bodybuilder out of Lewisville, Tx. I currently manage a supplement store, Discount Sport Nutrition in Denton, Tx and I am also a personal trainer. I am 5’11� and 230lbs. in the offseason and compete at around 190lbs. I bodybuild because I enjoy improving myself not only physically but also mentally as well and I love the compettion.

Reverse Pec Dec 4 sets of 15-20


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