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Hello Readers: The Central Texas Showdown was a complete success. Bob and I are planning next years ventures with a few surprise annoucements. Stay tuned to Pose Down once we finalize our plans. I have the distinct pleasure of revisting with a friend of mine in this issue Nancy Di Nino. Please read her updated news and ventures.



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Cover Picture: Jason Steele Frazier Cover Page Photo Stephen by James Allen Ray Rojas Editor In Chief : Bob Johnson Editorial /Director/Designer: Laura Johnson Publication Interest: Aaron Fletcher Photographers: Dan Ray James Allen Contributing Column Writers Jillian Reville Michael Bell Jack Duncan Ryan Ellison Pose Down Magazine accepts photos from individual athletes with the understanding that each athlete own the rights to photos submitted…….


Photos by James Allen









By Tye Sheets Pierpont

For Contest Prep, Posing and MORE CALL BOB WITH SHRUGZ 972-822-7965 We want you to: “Keep Your Eye On The Prize”


W O H S 3 S 1 0 A 2 X , E 9 T 1 L R R A E U R TOB O T Y N E C OC ARK DAR M LEN CA

Jamie Bell began training in her teens back in High School in Ardmore Oklahoma. Being on the Pom Pom Squad and not as small as her other peers because of being somewhat overweight but inspired to get in shape & pursue her dream one day of being fit and someday doing competitions. After Jamie Bell Graduated High School now it was time for the transition to the big city as most would say in her hometown of Ardmore. Jamie, decided to go to college at the University of Central Oklahoma located in the suburb of Oklahoma City called Edmond, Ok. With her passion set in stone to get in shape Jamie went to school for her Kinesiology degree so that she could learn more about the human body and how to go about getting herself in shape like the girls in the magazines that she admired very much so. With not much luck with advice of other trainers, her hopes drew dim and eventually became not much of a priority. In 2010 Jamie co-worker came to work talking about how her trainer is awesome and is in muscle magazines, being invited by her co-worker Carrie Rachel to come with her to her gym and try it out. 6 months later and asked half a dozen times Jamie finally took her invite to the gym. Jamie walked in gym with her friend Carrie, skeptical but still optimistic about the results ahead was looking for. Their before her was really the guy from the Muscle Magazines Npc National Level Bodybuilder Darrell Terrell. Carrie introduced Jamie to Darrell Terrell and the girls went to workout & once workout was done Jamie thought to herself this is what she has been looking for in a trainer because he pushed her and was knowledgeable and Afterwards Jamie & Darrell discussed her ultimate goals for her getting in shape and this was the beginning to her Physique Perfection & Fitness Model journey.


Every time Jamie came back to the gym Jamie saw some of the best built women she has ever seen in real life being trained by Darrell, two of Darrell clients were mothers with kids & also competitors and getting ready for shows and just in awe from looking at Npc Figure Competitor Melissa Holman & Ifbb Fitness Pro Deana Martinez and just how awesome these ladies looked. During Jamie session with Darrell she asked, can I look like those girls? Darrell response was give yourself time from training hard, eating right and you can look & become anything you want. At the end of 2010 when Jamie really started to make a difference physically, Darrell set up my first photoshoot in Tulsa,Ok with Photographer Doug Jantz, to help build her confidence, Shanell Hulley (Darrell’s daughter) came along and did my Hair & Makeup for my shoot. 1 year later now its 2011, Jamie Went from 160lbs at 5’3 to stepping on stage at 115lbs at her first competitions the NPC BATTLE OF THE BODIES and placed 2nd place in Novice Figure at her first show. Now her dream was reality and more driven than ever to succeed. Jamie competed at her next show the 2011 NPC RED RIVER CLASSIC her first National Level Qualifier Show and placed 6th in a stacked group of Figure B Class of girls. In the beginning of 2012 Darrell approached Jamie about switching divisions and going into Bikini. It was quite the transition but when people seen Jamie on stage at Darrell Terrell Exquisite Fitness Fashion Show and her walk and attitude that’s when it became more reality. Immediately Jamie started trimming down getting more toned opposed to muscular like she was in Figure. Darrell had her read an article on Bodybuilding.com - SO YOU WANNA BE A FITNESS MODEL and said this year more phtotshoots need to be done and marketing yourself to become a Fitness Model. Since then Jamie competed at the 2012 Npc BRANCH WARREN CLASSIC placing 5th place as a first time bikini competitor in a Class B of 30+ athletes. She did the 2012 Europa Pro/ Am Supershow in Dallas,Tx and was called out in the last callout. Since that time Darrell and Jamie have started dating and best friends, many say they are a Perfect Fitness Couple bc of the support each gives to one another to be their best at all they do.


Jamie has continued working her butt off marketing herself for the past 5 months as a Fitness Model, She since has gotten her first magazine article as a Fitness Model in Glass Hat Magazine & sponsored athlete with ROC SUPPLEMENTS NUTRITION (FL) & PRO GRIPS-Uk (England) and become a Spokeswoman/Model for a UFC/ MMA clothing line called “Confrontational Clothing” athletic wear (New Jersey) . 2013 Is not far away and the sky is the limit for this very driven Fitness Model on the rise. Living the fitness lifestyle is to key, staying focused and believing in yourself is how dreams come true.

Born and raised in El Paso, Texas, Dan Cross traded big-city life for a much more rural existence when he moved with his mother at age 10 to Magnolia, Arkansas — that’s going from a 550,000plus-person town to a town barely breaking 10,000. It was an adjustment, but it proved a great foundation. “I grew up the all-American life in Arkansas,” Dan says. “Grew up a football star with the best friends and family anyone could ever ask for.” When Dan first had the idea put in his head to compete, he was in a gym training. When a fellow gym-goer approached him and asked him if he had ever competed in a bodybuilding show, Dan replied, “No sir, I haven’t.” The man told him that he could do very well and that there was a big show called the Ronnie Coleman Classic in about eight weeks. It was at that point that Dan decided he would do his first competition. Weighing in initially at 178, Dan found a sample diet to follow and cut down to 157 to compete in the lightweight division. Since starting his bodybuilding journey just two short years ago, Dan has competed in three shows: his first, the Ronnie Coleman Classic, then the Heart of Texas in 2011, and the Europa Super Show in 2012, going up a weight class each year. The bodybuilding inspirations that keep his focus on training hard and staying on track every day are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Phil Heath. Dan is currently a self-employed personal trainer at a gym in Southlake, Texas, by the name of Camp Hero Fitness. “I love my job and my clients,” Dan says. “I am truly blessed.” As much as he enjoys the job, it can be a tough balancing act to manage bodybuilding and his everyday schedule. “It isn’t exactly the easiest thing, scheduling work around bodybuilding, but you’ve got to make it happen if it’s something you want to do,” Dan says. “Pretty much anything to do with bodybuilding isn’t easy.” And it definitely hasn’t been easy for Dan. He had torn cartilage and tendons in both of his shoulders, keeping him from hitting delts. With the help of some physical therapy, he can finally hit them hard again, but this time he’ll keep his training smart.

Dan Cross: Aspiring IFBB Pro By Noah Williams

Dan Cross: Aspiring IFBB Pro By Noah Williams

When Dan trains, he prefers to keep bodybuilder style isolation work the main focus, but he isn’t averse to throwing in some powerlifting movements for the sake of getting stronger, which will almost always follow with size gains. Dan’s favorite body part to train is his chest. His favorite movement is just the old-school barbell bench press. Even though chest is his favorite, Dan’s quads are by far the strongest part of his physique in terms of development, which he attributes to his mother’s genes. “Thank you, Mom!” Dan says. In the next few years Dan is hoping to earn his pro card in bodybuilding. “If I set my mind on it and give 100 percent, I don’t see why I can’t.” That’s the kind of mentality that sets great bodybuilders apart from weekend warriors or your average gym rat. For Dan Cross, bodybuilding isn’t just about training hard to improve his physique and win contests. “Bodybuilding has taught me so much as a person. It’s simple. Bodybuilding is a hard 24-hour process 365 days a year. Not too many other sports are like that. Life is hard, but if you put forth the effort with the relentless attack on your goal, you will achieve it. Just like anything in life.”

Welcome to Blue Collar Bodybuilding where today we are going to discuss the dreaded word Injury. First, let’s look at what the words means: Damage or harm done to or suffered by a person or thing. This sure does not sound too appealing does it? Injuries are something as Blue Collar Bodybuilders must avoid at all costs as this is our passion and hobby. We all know we can lower the risk of injury by warming up, having a spotter, using less weights with a higher reps range. This is something we can do by dropping our ego’s at the door. Sure it’s fun to have a max bench or leg day but is it really worth the risk when you’re not a power lifer? Ok, so what do we do when we are injured? Do you take time off? Become depressed? Find another hobby? These are all normal feelings for sure. We may feel all of these emotions when out of the game but there is another thing to do; persevere and train other body parts which always need work that maybe under trained or trained in the past as an after thought. IFBB Pro Branch Warren even once said I always win a show after an injury. How is this possible? Where does this confidence come from? It’s possible and comes from by knowing you didn’t quit, can work around, improvise, adapt and over come. By doing this and working around injuries when you heal you won’t think, you will know you’re a champion. I myself have won two over all titles in the NPC after a full triceps tear and then a biceps tear, both major injuries. I knew I had it all well with-in me to make a game plan at these times and hit my cardio, hamstrings, glutes, and calves like never before. The result was much better and fuller legs on game day. You have to look at injuries as something to work around not something to quit over. So you may ask yourself, “Joe how do we do this?” When you look up injury in the dictionary its Antonym is the word ‘benefit.” What exactly is an Antonym? An Antonym is the exact opposite of a word and is usually in a good form. With this type of thinking all things can be used for your good including injuries so keep moving, training and rehabbing so you can get back to reaching your goals sooner than later. Always think of a negative situations Antonym even if you have to look it up, in the end it may even save your life and this is no joking matter to us Blue Collar guys who need the gym. I hope I gave your some ways and insight you may never knew on how to cope with injuries besides ice, rest and elevation which by the way is critical. Never train what hurts and always take a step back for a few steps forward. By doing this you will be in the game longer and be stronger both mentally and physically than ever!! Till next month Blue Collar Bodybuilders check me out at ironjoeleahy.com or on Facebook at Joe Leahy! Thanks so much and may all your dreams come true for you and more!

JILLIAN REVILLE As usual, I have had tons of things going on in my life. The biggest and most important thing is that I got MARRIED! Donny proposed Saturday, November 3rd, and we were married on Saturday, November 10th. It was a special day for us for many reasons; it was the 237th Birthday of the Marine Corps. Donny served as a Marine, now he will never forget our anniversary, my parents 40th anniversary was the next day November 11th, and of course it was a day we had both been dreaming of for a long time. We met when I was 17 year old, and I knew back then, that he was my soul mate. Our journey together has been a long one already, and fortunately we have a lifetime of wonderful adventure ahead of us! Next up, I finished my student teaching! My Masters in Education, and Secondary English is complete! It was a tough semester for me, as I had taught Kindergarten last year, so jumping to teaching English to 9thand 10th grades was a challenge. Par for the course, I completed this semester with an A for the 6 credits. I had an amazing time with these students. Though it was tough at times, it truly was a great experience, and as my Advisor said, “I was born to teach.” And last but certainly not least, IT’S ALSO PREP TIME BABY! The list is out! I have chosen the Orlando Europa for my first show. I placed 2nd at the Orlando Europa in April of 2012, and I absolutely loved doing this show.

The Europa crew is First Class all the way. They treat their amateur competitors as if they were Pros, It’s well run, well organized, and really just a good time! Next will of course be the NY Pro; another tough show, where I placed 12th at last year, so any step above that I will be happy with. After that, I have a few ideas, but we can save those updates for next time ;) I am meeting with Fakhari this week to discuss our plan of attack. I really can’t wait to start prep. It’s been a long off season and I am so ready to get back on stage. I’m hungry for success more than ever before. The big news in the land of the WPD is that we have been invited to the Olympia in 2013. The goal will be to qualify and stand on that stage along side so many other amazing competitors. To qualify for the Olympia and stand on that stage will be an honor and a dream come true. So, we shall see where the cards fall, and hopefully the stars will align for me and 2013 will be my best year to date. Make sure you check out my Facebook pages, IFBB Physique Pro JillyRev and IFBB Pro Jilly Jill and www.ironmagazineforums.comfor videos and more updates on my journey headed towards my goals in 2013!


Written By: Ryan Ellison

I was first introduced to Shannon Courtney via Facebook. She had commented on a post that I had also commented on. I noticed her profile picture and began looking her up on a few of the normal contest pic sites. The more I found on her the more intrigued I was and knew I had find out more about her. I honestly believe if female bodybuilding was as popular as it was 5-10 years ago Shannon Courtney would be the talk of the sport. She brings everything that female bodybuilding should be about to the stage. A great physique, beauty, sexiness, and she does a great job of promoting herself via the social media! If female bodybuilding is going to withstand this down period and make a comeback it has to do it with athletes like Shannon. I could not wait to visit with this rising star. PD: First of all thanks a lot for taking the time to visit with Posedown Mag. How old are you and how long have you been competing? SC: I am 21 years young, and I have competing for only two and a half years. PD: Where do you currently call home? SC: I live in Oakdale, California. PD: Did you play sports in high school or college? SC: Yes, I was a competitive long distance runner. I did cross country and track all 4yrs of high school and 2 yrs college. PD: What got you into the sport? SC: I was always getting injured while I was training for running and I had to take a season off. During that ‘rest’ time I spent a lot of time in the gym and my boyfriend, who is now my husband, was getting ready for a bodybuilding show. He mentioned I would be good at it so I thought why not and started dieting with him. PD: What are some of your recent shows, and how did you place? SC: Contra Costa 2012- Women’s Bodybuilding 1st USA’s 2012- Women’s Bodybuilding 3rd

PD: What was your weight at your first two shows and what do you think is a realistic weight for your next show? SC: I started at 118lbs stage weight (figure), then 125lbs a year Most may find it inconceivable to believe later that in a skinny thirteen yearI old grow up be to the physique division. thinkboy for would USAs 2013 I will become a top ranked super heavyweight nationalaround competitor. Asstage, well which as earn nickname 130lbs on willhimself keep methe in the light heavies class. “Black Beast” from his all out beast mode training style.

It all started with a scrawny 13 year old Harold asking his mother if he could join the football are your plans forto next year?This gave Harold the team. She explained to him that he was too smallPD: andWhat would get injured easily. SC: I plan on competing at the USAs in July again and hopeinspiration he needed to start lifting weights andfully for his birthday he got a DP weight set, and got right to grab that 1st place and earn my pro card. work. Even at a young age Harold had the Genetics to make large gains in a short period of time. These gains eventual lead him to participate in his HighPD: School football team. What do you find to be the most difficult part of this sport? I would have toinsay balancing Texas. life. I feel sometimes I get the Once Harold turned 16 he started training SC: at Hard Body’s Arlington, After observing stressed easier and tired more while I am dieting. Luckily I have radical changes to his physique, football quickly took a backseat to weight training. Even though foota great support team! ball wasn’t his main focus he continued to play for several more years and even played semi pro in the military


PD: Is there anyone specific you look up to in the sport, or has inspired you? SC: Yes, the women that inspire me would have to be Debi Laszewski and Anne Freitas. They are amazing in this sport,By: I loveJack their physiques! Duncan PD: I understand you have a little boy. Tell us a little bit about what it’s like trying to turn pro while having a small baby at home? SC: The only time it gets a little stressful is during prep, but no matter how hard it gets I love being a mom so it makes things seem easy. PD: You have an incredible lower body, you must be able to move some serious weight. What are some of your best lifts? SC: I can free weight squat 315lbs for 10 reps and 225lbs for 30reps. PD: WOW! I know a lot guys that would have a hard time doing that! Is legs something that you are genetically blessed with or have you had to work really hard to get them to where they are now? SC: I’ve always had larger legs then most, even as a runner. But I work incredibly hard on them. The only way they seem to respond is when I beat them up. PD: Do you work with anyone for your prep? Yes, I feel it is very important to use a coach. Having someone monitor you makes such a big difference. PD: Who do you work with and have you used that person since day 1? SC: I was working with IFBB Pro AD Cherry, but this coming season I will be working with Dr. Lisa Aukland which I am very excited about! PD: I have heard great things about the Dr. You will be in great hands! What you been told by the judges you need to work on in order to place a little higher? SC: I need little more size in my upper body too match my lower body. PD: How do you plan on going about adding that size? Are you training upper body a little differently or increasing your food? SC: I have switched up my training program so that I’m hitting everything twice a week. My food intake is a lot higher now. As I work with my new coach I’m sure she will be switching things up again. PD: When did you decide you wanted to take this sport as far as you could? SC: Honestly, the first show I did, I was hooked. I didn’t do well my first shows because I was too big, I was always in figure and physique, but that made me want to keep going and do better. I am a very competitive person and always strive to do my best.



Tye Sheets Pierpont





PD: Is there anyone you would like to thank? SC: My husband (Mike Courtney) and my mom; they are the biggest and best support team I could have. PD: Finally how can fans find you? Do you have a website or a facebook page they can follow on? SC: I just recently launched my website, www.shacourtney.com and I can also be reached at : https://www.facebook.com/ shannon.courtney.31 By: Jack Duncan Follow me on twitter: @shacourtneyx Follow me on instagram: @shacourtneyx PD: Thanks for spending some time with Posedown Mag and we will be checking in with you as the USA’s draw closer.



Inspired and Motivated

By: Ryan Ellison

To be a bikini competitor takes self-discipline, determination and an overwhelming amount of will power. Waking up early in the morning to train, going to bed late at night and making sure that you get all your meals in like clockwork is all part of the process. Easier said than done right? Most women especially in the 35+ master division, who decide to take on the grueling task of prepping for one of these competitions, can get bogged down by the hustle and bustle of their daily lives. It only seems right that a woman who possesses these qualities could consider herself a machine. It’s no wonder why people at the gym she works out at call her “Trina The Machina”. During her prep, she wakes at 4:00am to put her meals together and then head to the gym for round 1 of cardio. After cardio it’s time to head in to work. She is a special needs teacher for the Arlington, Texas school district teaching children with multiple disabilities. She uses specialized teaching techniques such as sign language. After work, she heads back to the gym for weight training and of course more cardio. From there she goes home to her husband, daughter and her autistic son. It’s astonishing how such a remarkable woman would rather not take any of the credit for herself. Trina would prefer to be the voice for special needs children, as well as women over 40. She also prefers to let her message overshadow her recent and future accomplishments. She got her feet wet with the Ronnie Coleman Classic, which is one of the biggest shows in Texas. She entered this competition as most newbie competitors do having no clue what to expect. With that being said, she just went on that stage and strutted her stuff better than any first timer. Even though she came in 10th place, there was nothing for her to be disappointed about since the majority of her competition had years of experience. After the show, she took 5 months to put a plan of action together and decided to take shot at The Central Texas Showdown. “Trina the Machina” spent the next 5 months looking over her critiques from the Ronnie and focusing on her weak points. Before see knew it is was October 19 - the day before show time. She felt more confident than she did competing in the last show. Trina told all the other contestants backstage how she was going to make it to the top 5. At the night show she was lined up with 5 other contestants, not realizing that she had in fact obtained her goal of making top 5. The judges started calling out the contestants number and places. She earned a well deserved 3rd place, and was overcome by the feeling that only comes from reaching a goal that has taken months of sweat, blood and tears.

Trina Before

Inspired and Motivated By: Ryan Ellison 2013 will be a big year for “Trina the Machina” as she has 4 NPC shows in which she plans to participate, starting with the Phil Heath, Ronnie Coleman Classic, Europa Super Show and making her comeback at the Central Texas Showdown to take her 1st place trophy. The plan in the offseason is to make some symmetrical improvements especially her lats and abs in order to get more of a v-tapered look, opposed to the slight boxy look she had last season. Every contestant always wants to come into next year’s show even more conditioned, and Trina is not different. Having well defined legs will earn you a lot of points with the judges. Her stage presence has been spot on. Trina is confident on stage, most likely as a product of years of theatre experience. Her main focus which drives her to compete and succeed is her son, as well as all special needs children and mothers. She wants to be prove that you can accomplish what you set your mind on. With all that sitting in the back of her mind, there’s no way she can lose. I expect a national qualification out of “Trina the Machina” in 2013.

Trina with her son

Trina today

Bob Johnson with Trina at Central Texas Showdown


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