Borneo's Sipadan Islands

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Borneo's Sipadan Islands May be that the best ultimate solution for you scuba diving in Malaysia is on Sipadan Reef off the seacoast of Malaysian Borneo. There's a choice of several islands that you can visit during a visit to the reef - Mabul Island, Kapalai Tropical island, Layang Tropical isle and Lankayan Island - which means that there's a perfect island for every Borneo trip. Should you have been visiting the orangutans, trekking through the tropics and climbing Position Kinabalu, a few days on one of the Sipadan Islands will be a good way to round out of your Borneo trip. images All the Sipadan Islands will be truly tropical, relatively unspoilt and yet fairly easy to reach outstanding news for any tourists to Borneo. The hawaiian islands of Mabul, Kapalai and Layang lie just off of the coast of south-eastern Borneo and can all be accessible via Semporna. You will find that there are regular flights that travel and leisure from Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan to Tawau airport; from the airport you can then organize a transfer to Semporna to get a vessel transfer over to the islands. For your convenience some specialised travel companies can organize these flights, moves, accommodation and a diving package for yourself as part of your tour value. Lankayan Island is found separately from the above countries of Mabul, Kapalai and Layang Islands and is located of the north-eastern shore line of Borneo. This island can be accessible via Sandakan. Routes to Sandakan regularly run from the two Kuala Lumpur and Kota Kinabalu, and like with the other islands, specialist travel companies can prepare a total package to your island stay.

A large number of people think of Borneo as a place of adventure and action, however it can also be really laid back and the Sipadan Islands prove this very point. Stroll along the beaches, enjoy fruit cocktails, lie in a hammock and read a book or perhaps try diving. Should you be lucky you might possibly see a turtle! So , to balance out the Borneo trip with a few hard core relaxation after a week or so of action, the Sipadan Islands are a ideal solution.

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