PT-141, a possible treatment for sexual dysfunction

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PT-141, a possible treatment for sexual dysfunction -By

Authoritative source:PubChem

Introduction Peptide PT-141, also known as bremonotide, is a novel new medication that has attracted medical and scientific interest for its ability to treat sexual dysfunction in both men and women. This peptide has been extensively researched for its capacity to boost libido and excitement, making it a promising treatment option for patients suffering from low libido or other forms of sexual dysfunction. It is currently FDA-approved for the treatment of premenopausal women with acquired,

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global sexual hyposexuality condition (HSDD). So, can we conclude that PT-141 is the most effective peptide for sexual health? Is it equally safe and effective for men and women? Continue reading to find the most recent information on how PT-141 works, its benefits for men and women, and potential hazards.

How does PT–141(Bremelanotide) Work? PT-141(Bremelanotide) is a peptide hormone that has become popular for its ability to rapidly increase sexual desire and arousal in both men and women. It is a melanocortin-based drug that acts by activating certain brain receptors to produce different types of hormones that directly affect libido. PT-141 does not work like standard erectile dysfunction medications like Viagra; instead, it affects brain regions related with sexual excitement.The active element in PT-141 raises hormone levels such as norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. These hormones boost blood flow to the genitals, resulting in increased physical pleasure during intercourse. It also increases the sensitivity of nerve endings, which amplifies messages conveyed from the brain to the body. With the onset of middle age, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, and other poor sexual performance issues become a problem. PT-141 intends to assist anyone who is experiencing a decline in their sexual life.

What are the Benefits of Peptide PT–141(Bremelanotide)? Extensive clinical research has shown that PT-141 can help with a range of diseases, including erectile dysfunction, HSDD in premenopausal women, and even weight reduction. We have prepared the following benefits of the peptide PT141 based on research data: ❶ PT-141 and Male Erectile Dysfunction Researchers have shown that PT-141 has therapeutic efficacy in male individuals with erectile dysfunction, even when other therapies have failed.[11] In a 2004 trial, researchers gave PT-141 injections to both healthy men and men who had erectile dysfunction but were not responding to Viagra. In the healthy males, 1mg doses were adequate to

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cause erection, whereas 4mg or 6mg doses produced erection in the ED Viagra-non-responder group. All patients tolerated the medication well, leading the researchers to conclude that the peptide is a promising treatment for male sexual dysfunction. Intranasal delivery of PT-141 has also been proven to provide beneficial results in males with ED, this time in Viagra-responsive patients. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial discovered that nasally delivered PT-141 at doses greater than 7mg elicited an erectile response as soon as 30 minutes after treatment, with no known safety issues.[12] Similarly, a randomized, placebo-controlled research looked at the effects of intranasal PT-141 delivery in Viagra-non-responsive ED patients. Prior to intercourse, the PT-141 group was instructed to self-administer a 10mg PT-141 dose by nasal spray. In the end, males receiving PT-141 reported “significantly greater intercourse satisfaction” than those in the placebo group.[9] ❷ PT-141 and Female HSDD According to experts, roughly 10% of women in the United States have low libido or none at all. This lack of sex drive in women, known as hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD), has been related to hormonal abnormalities and aberrant levels of dopamine and serotonin. As a possible treatment for HSDD, PT-141, a melanocortin known to act on the excitatory circuit implicated in female sexual response, was found. Researchers assessed the safety and efficacy of PT-141 therapy in premenopausal women with HSDD in two identical 24-week phase 3 trials. The PT-141 patient group was told to self-administer a dosage of 1.75mg subcutaneously as needed. PT-141 therapy dramatically enhanced sexual desire and reduced HSDD-related distress in both studies, with very minor side effects recorded. The FDA approved injectable PT-141 as a therapy for HSDD in premenopausal women after the clinical research program (RECONNECT) was completed.[7] ❸ PT-141 and Better Mood As previously stated, PT-141 increases emotions of sexual desire, arousal, and satisfaction associated with sexual engagement. Researchers believe that these effects are achieved by activating the MC4R in the hypothalamus, resulting in an increase in dopamine. Because dopamine is linked to feelings of motivation and reward, researchers predict that PT-141 treatment could improve patients’ general mood, including increased optimism bias.[3]

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❹ PT-141 and Weight Loss The MC4R has been related to hunger management in addition to its involvement in modulating sexual desire. When activated, the receptor can enhance satiety or the sensation of being full. Two phase one clinical trials were conducted to assess the safety and efficacy of PT-141 therapy in obese female participants, with the goal of determining whether the peptide could reduce calorie consumption and body weight.[4] During the 16-day trial period, individuals received either once-daily, twice-daily, or thrice-daily PT-141 subcutaneous injectable treatment or placebo. After the two studies were completed, 90% of the women in the thrice-daily group had a greater reduction in body weight against placebo, and the twice-daily group had a “significantly greater reduction” in body weight compared to placebo. According to the researchers, PT-141′s action at the MC4R makes it a promising therapeutic agent in obese people.

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C. Earle Palatin Technologies, Inc., Cranbury, New Jersey, USA Songlong Jiao Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Design and Manufacture of Micro-Nano Biomedical Instruments, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, People’s Republic of China In no way does this doctor/scientist endorse or advocate the purchase, sale, or use of this product for any reason. has no affiliation or relationship, implied or otherwise, with this physician. The purpose of citing this doctor is to acknowledge, acknowledge and commend the exhaustive research and development work done by the scientists working on this peptide.

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