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Life of a Cheetah By: Joe Warren

An Enrichment Program Research Project April-May 2009

Table Of Contents • Predators and Prey • The Endangered Cheetah • Physical Characteristics • Interesting Facts

Predators and Prey There are more cheetah prey than there are predators. The most common prey are gazelles. Other prey include impalas, small antelopes, hare, lizards, and frogs. Two or more cheetahs can hunt young giraffes, buffalo, calves, and zebras. Most cheetah predators hunt the young. Only half the young survive from birth to three months. Predators are hyenas, vultures, dogs, and raptors. Adult predators are lions only if they have a chance. The biggest threat to cheetahs are humans.

The Endangered Cheetah

The cheetah is becoming endangered so we must help it quickly. It is becoming endangered because of its habitat. They live in southern and eastern Africa, but are fast disappearing. There are under 500 in Asia. Cheetahs live in places like dry grasslands, bush lands, woodlands, and savannas. Savannas are being used for farming to grow crops. Another reason the cheetah is endangered is because people are hunting them to make expensive coats out of their fur.

Physical Characteristics An adult cheetahs can weigh up to 77-143 lbs. It stands about 30 inches tall. It is 48-56 inches long. The cheetah can run up to 70 mph, making it the fastest animal on land. In 20 seconds, cheetahs can run 550 feet. You can tell the cheetahs apart from other cats by the black lines going down their eyes called “tear lines�.

Interesting Facts The scientific name for the cheetah is Acinonix jubatus. The name cheetah comes from a word in the Hindi language from northern India. The word Cita means spotted one. When predators come close, cheetahs stick up their fur to make them look larger. Cheetahs don’t growl they purr. Their purring can be heard from 20 feet away. The cheetah is a wonderful animal.


Macmillan, Dianne. Cheetahs. Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, 1997 Wood, Linda. Zoobooks Cheetahs. San Diego: Wildlife Education, Ltd., 1993

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